THE MOKXIXG (IK KfiriVT A"V. TTTTTTJSTk A IT "T TTOTT 1 a mnn . . . ' II 1 ESTLERS MEET AT CLUB TONIGHT First Tournament to Be Given by Multnomah Prom ises Well. PULLMAN SENDS FINE TEAM Grapplcrs From Washington State Collejsre Will Strive Hard to Win Matches Krom Ijocal Ath letes In Various Classes. TVrentlln fans of Portland will be fur nished -with a treat at tlie gymnasium of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club toniRht. for the wrestlers from the Wash ington ' State College at Pullman are slated to grapple with the representatives of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. The first event is scheduled for 8:30 o'clock, and the Amateur Athletic Union's wrestling rules are to govern the match. Tonight's programme means the first all-wrestling tournament ever put on by the club in Portland, and from the class of contestants listed at the seven dif ferent weights, the indications are that a sjilendid series of bouts will be given. The Washington State College Is an In stitution on the lines of the Oregon Ag ricultural College, and like the Corvallis institution. It has always rated high in athletic circles. The grapplcrs from Pull man, while they are just taking up the game, are first-class amateur exponents of the catch-as-catch-can style. All are exceedingly clever at this branch of sport. Another feature of tonight's bout is that ladies will he admitted. This is In line with the custom established by the cltih at the match between Kdear Frank and Johnny Haley several weeks ago. nht-n it was evident that the fair sex en joyed the opportunity by being in attend ance In good numbers. There Is nothing loniiectcd with an amateur wrestling match that can give offense to any one, and on this account the club has seen fit tn sanction the attendance of women at the bouts. Probably the feature event on tonight's programme can be announced now. for Kdgar K. Frank, the Multnomah Club's champion 125-pound gra'ppler. has agreed to meet Ned Cheeley. the Washington Slate College team's Impounder. Chee ley was ono of the star football players of the Washington eleven last season, and has developed into a wrestler of note. Kinnk has been anxious to meet him. and Is all the more so, now that Virgil Venablcs, the Seattle Athletic Club's champion welterweight, has turned pro fessional. Frank Is unquestionably the greatest amateur at his weight in this or any other section of the country, and in order to give Ruddy Hughes a chance at the Pullman lL'5-pnunder. Frank de cided to take on the middleweight entrv of the visiting team. Taiil Rader. Multnomah's giant football guard, will defend the honors of the club at the heavyweight division. He is matched to meet Hunter, of Washington State College. Hunter weighs over 200 pounds, and Rader is likewise no light weight. This- match should prove one of the most Interesting of the programme, for Hunter defeated a good man at the recent meet at Spokane In which the Spokane Amateur Athletic Club figured s Washington State's rival for the wrest ling honors. Kd C. Johnson, who is to represent Multnomah in the light heavyweight di vision. Is .slated to meet a very good wrestler named Ferguson, who weighs 175 pounds. Ferguson enjoys an excellent reputation as a grapplor, and th Wash ington boys are banking on him to prove one of the point winners for their team. Knicheck, the Washington entry at 126 pounds. Is by no means a poor wrestler, ire is slated to meet Buddy Hughes, and the little Multnomah man. who scored the i.ub's only victory against Spokane, expects to win another victory, though lie does not underrate his opponent In the least. This match promises to display a great deal of class, and Instructor O'Con nell is hanking on Hughes to show much mora than in his past matches.' Dr. Tuttle. Multnomah's clever welter weight. Is slated to meet a Washington Mate College grappler named Jenne. The visitor is but little known here, for he is a new man at the game. Despite this Ir. Tuttle will not take any chances, for Jenne may be a much better wrestler than he Is touted. Mose and Mills are. the Multnomah entries at 135 and 115 pounds respectively. Each is pitted against a hard man. according to the ad mirers of the Washington "farmers." but ran be depended upon to give a good ac count of themselves. he might pick: up some easy money be- lore ne goes ranching. The men will wrestle for a side bet of J150. BEHQ WHIi WRESTLE ROLLER Pat for Match of Big Fellows Is Fixed for April 2. Arrangements have been practically completed whereby John Berg, the srrappler known as Young Hacken echmidt. -will meet Dr. B. F. Roller, of Seattle, in Portland on the night of April 2. Last night Berg- was notified that Roller was anxious to meet him before going East and had named April 2 as the date of the bout. Berg Im mediately wired the Seattle physician that the date Is acceptable and the final negotiations are now being eon ducted. Both men are in the heavyweight division and the weight question will not form any part of their articles. The match will be straight catch-as-catch-can style, pin falls only to count, and best two out of three falls to de cide the victor. Just where the match will take place has not yet been de cided, but most likely will be staged at one of the Portland theaters, for the promoters of this match desire to accommodate all who purchase tickets by seeing to it that they receive the scat corresponding to their coupons. The match between Dr. Roller and John Berg should prove & wrestling rated highly among the wrestling fans of the country. VEX ABIES TO QUIT AMATEURS Seattle. Wrestler Turns Professional Before Retirlne. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 17.-Virgll enables, the crack 135-pound wrestler of the Seattle Athletic Club, has decided to quit the amateur ranks, and will meet Milton llannden In Bcllingham. March . In a professional match. Venables" desertion from the amateur ranks means a severe blow to the Seattle Athletic Club. Venables intends to purchase a dairy ranch near Custer, in Whatcom Countv, this state, and he declares his match with Harmden Is his last appearance on the mat. He declares that inasmuch as he will not wrestle any more, he thought Duplicate of Santa. Anita Track. SAN DIEGO. Cal., March 17. That the much-talked-of racetrack at Tla Juana. Mexico. 16 miles south of this city, is to be built seems certain from informa tion received from an authoritative source today. A 330-acre tract has been secured by the horsemen Interested In the scheme, and the second installment of the purchase rice paid. The men back of the venture are conducting op erations under the name of the Tla Juana Jockey Club, and the plant is to be a duplicate of that at Santa Anita Park. Ball Pass for Taft. CHICAGO, March 17. President B. B. Johnson, of the American League, has placed his O. K. on a design for annual WASHKCTOS STATE COLLEGE ATHLETE WHO WRESTLES HERE TONIGHT. it Vi ' !;: jj i - j:: i Y ! ' I 7 I f'v Sx j:: IS k-yf? - A t I -f'M 1 - "I i f;4 I . 1 1 I ! v jv . t Srjl par ; t ? X . t it A 't t Ned Cheeley. I 4 passes for President Taft and Vice-President Sherman. Both are baseball enthusi asts and have been frequent visitors at major league games in trie past. CDBBETT BEADY TO FIGHT WILL PUT CP $1000 AS FORFEIT AT ONCE. DUTCH GET REVENGE Ready to Take On Johnson Any where in World and Will Eight Jeffries aa AVell. WHEELING, W. Vs., March 17. -James J. Corbett Issued tonight a challenge for a fight with either Jeffries or Jack John son. He said: "I am tired of seeing this fellow John son going around with his chest out. and nobody seems inclined to fight him- so I take the right .nat any man has and hereby challenge james J. Jeffries and Jack Johnson to box me any number of rounds or to a finish in any club in the world. "I will forward from Indianapolis to morrow a check for J1000 to Al Smith, the well-known stakeholder, at the Gilsev House in New York, as a guarantee of my good faith." Sox No. 2 Defeat Vernon. LOS ANGELES. March 17. Chicago White Sox team No. 2 defeteaVernfn today 12 to 5 In the first game of a two weeks' series. Summary: R. H. E. Tt ij T-i Chicago ...13 u HVenion l6 i Pha7macT"ir1In;rTt " armacj, m Morrison, bet. 4th and 6th. a . English pumps at Bn..i,.v. McCredie's Irish Beaten by Score of 4 to 1. TRAINING MATCH LIVELY Squad Again Divided for Practice Games Pitclier Garret Reports in Fine Condition and Is ' Set at His Work. SAN LUIS OBISPO. March 17. (Spe cial.) The Portland Coast League base ball team celebrated St. Patrick's Day with, a game between Its Irish and Dutch members. Last, year the Irish won three games against the Dutch, but the latter were revenged today, winning by a score of 4 to 1. Beaton and Harkness pitched for the Dutch and Willlt and Carter were In the box for the Irish. Remarkable speed was shown and Olson made a pretty double play, second .to first. There wasn't enough of the team to go around so Manager McCredie played Roy Andrews, a local banker, in center field for the Irish, and Sherman, a mem ber of the Merchants team, at second. The Dutch opened , the encounter and Olson was safe on Oarrett's boot and stole second. With two down, Olson scored on Captain Johnson's single. Ifi the third inning Olson was safe again on oarrett s boot and scored when Sherman hit for two cushions. In the fifth Gari baldi went to first on Ort's fumble and while the Irish were getting rid of Olson, who had singled, Sherman was safe. Then Garibaldi and Sherman pulled off a double steal. Garibaldi caught Carson on a long windup and stole home, scoring the rec ord run, and while the mix was still boil ing hot Sherman scored. This and two neat double plays by Olson to Farrals was the offering of the Dutch. The only time the Irish were really dangerous web in the second inning. Mc Credie rapped out a triple and scored when Graney hit to right for three sta tions. The next two men fell before Harkness' fire and the Irish died with out a gurgle. Jess Garrett reported this morning and Manager McCredie was siurely glad to see the Texan. Jess has been coaching the John Tarleton, Stevensville, Texas, and barring a slight cold, is ready for war. He has picked up 15 pounds during the Winter and looks stronger than he did last season. Garrett says lie .will weigh 1W pounds this season and be in pitch ing condition. Score by innings: Dutch 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 04 5 0 Irish 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 10 3 SEATTLE IS TO ENTER MEET Will Send Team to Track Events Here April 3. SEATTLE. Wash., March 17. Spe cial.) The Seattle Athletic Club will send a track team to Portland to compete in the Pacific Northwest Association meet there on April 3. This decision has been arrived at by the Board of Directors, and accordingly Superintendent Inglis and Physical Director Thomas G. McDonald will send out a call for the athletes to Start work next week. Just at the present time track ath letics are somewhat lagging at the home of the Blue Diamond, but with a meet ac tually In prospect, the speedy and strong men will be shaken out of Winter quar ters and limber up in a hurry. Most of the training will be done on the State University track and campus. The prospects, as a whole, however, are not very bright and the club enthusiasts will have to dig up a-lot of dark horses hitherto unknown men, to make much of a showing against Multnomah. MEDFORD IS DISAPPOINTED Albright Sends Substitute to Wrestle, but Attendance Is Only 15. MEDFORD, Or., March 17. (Special.) Con Albright, of Rochester, was evi dently too weary to make his trip to Med ford in order to wrestle with Louis Wat ters, of this city. He sent in his place J. Swanson, of Colorado. Not over 15 showed up at the Opera-House tonight, and consequently the match was declared off. Boxing Matches Legalized. ST. PAUL, March 17. A bill was passed in the house today allowing the Councils of St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth to permit boxing matches. Webfoot oil blacking (a shoe grease), softens leather, weatherproofs shoes. Tn each 223 lunar months there are eclipses of the moon and 41 of the Bun. DO YOU WANT A PIANO? BUY NOW. 190S STYLES BEING CLOSED OUT. Some Pianos WitH Marred VarnisH Work Several Used Pianos Every piano to be sold by Saturday night. -Uon t feel you cannot afford a piano now. At tiiese prices anybody can buy a piano. AntiseUN good condition, small size, $90. Four 190S styles, brand new, in oak cases, $175 each. Pianola, mahogany case, good as new, $95. Six $425 1908 styles of a standard New York make go for $270 each. Beautiful art Hardman, case slightly dam aged, $340. J i Costliest Weser Bros., beautiful case, $195. Knabe, rosewood case, good as new. A won derful bargain at $295. Every piano is absolutely guaranteed. Terms or cash. Cor. 5th and Oak. PARTICULAR AND SHREWD INVESTORS ARE THE QUICKEST TO APPRECIATE THE REAL VALUE OF ALAMEDA PARK Who's onir MeisAiboir? Are You Satisfied With the Neighborhood in Which You Are -Living-? Or Are You Looking- for a Better Horne Site in a High Class Restricted Neighborhood? Adjoins Irvington It Lies in the Center of One of Portland's Most Exclusive Residence Districts and Is Sur rounded by Beautiful Homes. A Magnificent View Is En joyed in All Directions. 1M Can't Get llit or Out of iMameoa ir ara: Without Passing; Down Well Paved Streets or by Beautiful Residences, and the Improvements and Restrictions in Alameda Park Will Be in Keeping With the Rest of the Neighborhood. For Speculation Alameda Park property offers the best buy in Portland today. Restricted land in this neighborhood is limited, with the popula tion growing around it rapidly. This com bination of circumstances will make im proved land in this neighborhood command fancy prices within a very short time. For Homes And it is the dream of every husband and wife to enjoy a perfect home in fine sur roundings, with physical comfort and the mental assurance that his neighborhood is restricted and that his home may not be im paired by the construction of a poor dwell ing in his neighborhood. Alameda Property Is Purchaseable by Install ment Payments Covering- a Period of Not Quite Four Years. Price's Very Reasonable ALAMEDA PARK IN OUR AUTOS ALAMEDA Entree 3040a st. Suite 322 Corbett Building, CO. " Fifth and Morrison