Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE 31015X1X0 OREGOXIAX.
" " ,., - '" I I II M I II I . I II II I III I I 1 1
- XT" FOB RENT. , BtSIXESS CHAXCKS. . Kmvtx, rH.vrv , ....... ,w.x-- ,
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
FRONT room with board for two gentle
men. 3S9 Taylor at.
$20 Choice front room and board, good home
cooking. 691 Everett.
HETNT5 APARTMENTS. 14th aad Columbia,
easy walking distance, new, brick build
Ing. in 2. 3, 4-room family apartments;
private bath and reception hail. steam
heat, hot water, elevator, fres .phone, jan
itor service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnlahea ready for housekeep
ing; some unfurnished ; rent reasonable.
IONIAN' COURT Elegant 4-rnnm residence
apartments, each bavin private vestibule
and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water,
and ranges, refrigerators, window shades
and screens, telephone and janitor service.
Apply janitor. Jth and Couch.
NEW, attractive f and It-room apartments,
all modern ennvenienrt-s. exclusive neigh
borhood, walking distance. The St. Clair.
713 Wayne Ft., one block south of Wash
ington and 21st.
Richardson Apartments, 14th and Market;
for nurses and business women ; every
convenience; must he seen to be appre
ciated. Phone Main IM'IO A 3603.
FOR RENT A completely and elegantly
furnished 4-room apartment : tteam heat,
rent very reasonable to responsible pa: ty ;
references exchanged. Ti-.e Moredaunt,
ISth and Everett. I hone Main S.jTS.
BEAUTIFUL 4-room furnished apartment In
swell house, close in, every convenience.
Including janitor service; piano. J. C.
Struble, 432 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, all out
side rooms, gas range. Ice chests and free
phone; new 3-story brick building. The
Morton, Kins and Washington sts.
JEFFERSON I AN Nicely furnished 2 and
3-room suite for housekeeping, strictly
modern; ltiih and Jefferson.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartments. 1 1 th and Columbia
Marlborough. 21st and Flanders; 6-roora
apartment; every convenience. Main 7516.
503-500 Abington bldg.
fi rooms, steam-heated ; hot water; jan
tor; new and modern. GG8 Kearney;
5 rooms, nice and cozy, 2S6 18th. near
Jefferson, $18.
FOR RENT It-room new, upper flat, 2
bathrooms- 150 North 24th. Inquire 05 7th
st. Phone A Wil 1.
MODERN 4 and 7-room flat, reasonable; near
2T.d and Washington. Call morning and
evening. Main fcb8.
FOUR-ROOM flat, completely furnished:
piano; centrally located. West Side; reat
$;',5. B23 Marshall st
MODERN flat, six rooms. 760 Irving. In
quire Mitchell, grocer, corner 23d and
NEW up-to-date 6-room upper flat, choice lo
cation. 748 Hoyt. near 23d t. ; rent $37.50-.
C. H. Korell. 251 Washington st.
NTCH modem 5-room upper flats, 741 and
743X4 North rup. near 23d ftp. ; rent $7 each.
C. II. Korell. 251 Washington.
FIVE-ROOM flat, new and modern, very close
In on E, Burnslde st. Russell & Blyth,
Commonwealth bldg.
MODERN fiats. 192 and 194 ife McMlllen
St.. 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. Apply
1X8 McMillen st
ft-ROOM flat, modern; $12.50 per month.
Archer Place. Tabor 644.
MODER-M 5-rooim flat, newly tinted, 2ff2'4
Margin, f ront ing river; $22.50 per month.
MODERN 5-room upper corner flat, large
rooms, pood light and view. 22f) Knott st.
NEWLY, modern and ft and 7-rrom flats, 3o9
30914 llth N. Phone Main 3R70.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshal: sts.
Newly furnished , for housekeeping, in
cluding gas ra n ges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up ; best In city for money ; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take or
IGth-st. cars north. Ret off at Marshall st.
Washington, cor. 2oth Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranpps, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
ALL nicely furnished, west ride river,
water included, 6-room cottage. $35; front
of cottage. 3 roms, $ 1 5; 4-room new
lower 11 at, $10. 737 Chamber Commerce.
THE NORDIC A Newly furnished apart
ments for housekeeping, st rict ! v modern,
on Grand ave., 1 blcck soutn of Morrison.
East 3418.
ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill 2 and 3
room furnished suites (gas range, hot and
cold water, steam heat, baths). M. 4067.
THE MILKER, 35U Morrlnon. cor. Park.
t nrurnisnea apartments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water in each suite.
UNFURNISHED 2 and 3-room bay window
suites in beautifully centrally located
apartment-house. 305 Jefferson, cor. 6th.
THE MILNER. 350 H Morrison, cor. Park.
Furnished apaxtments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water In each suite.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
one large housekeeping room. 41:6 Alder.
487 Taylor, near 14th. two rooms, front
suite, upper floor; furnace heat. $1650.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
SUITE of rooms for light housekeeping. 255
13th st. v
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
strictly modern. 014 Jefferson st.
Housekeeping Rooms tn I'rivate Family.
ENTIRE lower floor, 3 large, light, nicely
furnished rooms, bath, jtfts. fireplace, pan
try, sink, hot and cold water, st-ael range,
gas plate, yard and basement. 233 E.
6th st., near Salmon.
ONE or two furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, one or two women, employ
through the day. Phone Tabor S20.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
electric lights, bath, furnace heat, yard
20i N. 10th st. Phone A 5408
FOR RENT 2 nice large furnished rooms,
housekeeping; 2 la-dies or man and wife;
no children; gas. and bath. 331 Oak.
NEAT room, suitable for one person, kitch
en privileges, modern residence. 028
Morrison st.
TWO large connecting rooms, ground floor,
very desirable location, bath, gas, phone,
heat, walking distance. 407 Holladay ave.
FRONT of cottage, 2 well furnished house
keeping rooms. $15; 4-room new lower
ilat, $16. 737 Chamber Commerce.
FOUR light furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, ard. $15 month. ".l2 Front.
TWO furnished housekeeping; rooms, mod
ern. Phone Main I0(7. 140 North 16th.
ONE or two nice rooms. Phone, bath, gas.
419 Sell wood St. E. 4:t08.
THB east half of new modern double house.
53 K. MadiFtm st. (Hawthorne Park), 7
rooms; rent $.;o.
$25 MODERN It-room house, large yard,
fruit, on carline, first-class condition. 413
Buchanan bldg.
WILL rent furnished house to parties will
ing to board two people For particulars
call Room 523. Lumber Exchange.
NEW. modern 5-ronm cot lege, walking dis
tance, yard, $17. Phones East 1007
Main 75o7.
6-ROOM house In Punnyslde, clow to car
full lot, sewer, etc.. only $18. Vanduyn &
Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
A MODERN, 5-room cottage at $12 month
for rent. 201 East 10th. Pacific telephone
East 300.
MODERN 8-room houfe, 771 Hovt st. near
2yd. AppJy (Jti2 Johnson.
XEW house, 5 rooms and bath. No. 69 East
iWLn su -. Apply loz liin st. Main 0278-
(22.50 6 rooms: gat, bath wash tray base
ment, yard. 845 Front. Main K323.
S-'-I 5-room cottaRe. 475 E. Darfi. J. J.
Oerier, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
MODERN 5-room cot tans, walking distance.
Marshall St.. near IStli.
J15 HOUSE, 6 rooms, bath and gas. 7.V
Oregon st. Apply 7,"4.
MODEKN 5-room house. o!oe In. $20; on
East 8th. near Alder. Inquire 12( E. fcth.
JllODEBN 5-room cottace. 2th and Clln
f ton. Main 8245, A 5118.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need NEW
BUY AT NO-RESNT prices; the savins;
will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half; colect rent on balance.
"rand ave. and B. Stark. Phone Eust 2020.
STRICTLY modern nouse. baths, large at
tic, cement basement, furnace, two fire
places, laundry tups, gas and electricity:
near Washington High School. Inquire
room 301 Oekum bldg.
FOR RENT S-room modern house, lot IDOx !
l.'tT I'hiclran Krt.i ... . n w.t ... .. .4
lHrge garden, lortl Hawthorne affe., corner
'-'th. Phone A :ir20 or Tabor SOU.
6-ROOM house, strictly modern, good loca
tion. 1 block from Wavt-i ly-Woodstock
car. 543 East 17th St. A 545.
FnrniHhed HooMt.
NEW. modern 8-room house, completely fur
nished, fruit trees and roses, very desir-
able location. 721 Hawthorne ave.
FOR RENT A handsomely furnished 8
room home on Overton St., near 22d ; fam-
ily with children need not apply. Phone
A 3703.
1B2 CHAPMAN, corner Taylor, 4-room flat,
tile bath, all new carpets, newly fur
nished. Call after 10 A. M.. tno.
$15 5-ROOM modern house, furnished. 61
7th. near Caruthers. Key, Haverstlo Sc
Galleger, 343 Wash. Main 4529.
MODERN, six-room, furnished house for
six months or. year; rent $50 per month.
Phone A 12S8. .
$-3 5-ROOM, modern cottage, completely
furnished. Main 64 17. 572 Mill st.
FURNISHED cottage. 5 rooms, gas and
bath. O.'tO Washington. Main 3273.
ICEt,Y furnished modern flat, upstairs. 847
Montgomery st.
Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale.
Only few blocks from City Hall for
rent. 25; furniture for sale for $rt0O, In
cluding Kruger piano, almost new, and
everything else all extra good furniture
and good as new.
Also nice 6-room. 2-story house. 3 blocks
from City Hall, extra well furnished and
clean as a new ribbon; all goes for $45i,
rent only $25: 4 rooms rented for $43.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
32(IH Washington su. Rooms 201-202.
FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room modern
house, all new. within 2H blocks of
Steel bridge: price $00 if taken at once;
rent $20. Answer K 773. Oregonlan.
NEW furniture of 5-room house, cheap;
rent cheap: opposite Luckel, King & Cake
Soap Co.. 843 Hood st.
NICELY furnished 7-room modern flat- 3
rooms rented: brings $7 over rem; bar
gain. 27314 Columbia M. U954
FURNITURE modern 5-room flat, bargain
If taken at once. 311 H 5th st.
l-HOOM house, rooms all full, must sell.
$400 cash. 22: 0th St.
18x50 corner Iflth and Washington; also 2
adjoining stores. 36x50; modern fronts;
also store-room 10th St.. near Wash
ington. 35x50. Entire upstairs. 50x5. In
ono room; reasonable rent. E. J. Daly
222 Failing bldg.
ALL of the premises now occupied by the
Independent Furniture Co., location a very
favorable one for most anv business;
right next door to the new market build
ing. Immediate possession. Low rent and
long lease. Apply on premises, 104-loti
1st st.
FOR RENT Half a store, with space In
basement; excellent stand for photo sup
plies, stationery, or will rent desk room
with storitge privilege In basement. Ad
rly 325 Morrison St. v
FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three
story brick, on Grand avenue, one block
south of Morrison st. Kates reasonable
Further particulars at Hartman &
MORRISON-ST. store, bet. 1st and 2d sts ;
also store on 2d a.. near Morrison; best
location in cit5-. Dammoler Investment Co.
31 i Board of Trade bldg.
STORE rooms for barber shop and shoe store
new building: plate glass front; reasonable
rent. Archer Place. Tabor 644
STOREROOM at Or. Grand ave.; good cor
ner room. For terms apply Weldon Darl
ing, Phone C 1640
TWO-STORY brick. 25x100. Front, bet.
lamhlll and Taylor. 1 S3 Madison.
NEW brick store, tine basement, close In.
Reasonable. Main, 7157; East 4390.
6TORF.ROOM. 25x70. good location on 1st
St.. for rent. Inquire at 211 1st st.
FOR RENT" Part of store, SSS'WaThing
lon; suitable for ladies' goods.
TWO floors. 2SX100 each, new brick Fifth
and Couch. S 735, Oregonian.
THREE offices. Washlngton-st. frontage en
suite or single. 303 Swetland uldg Bth
and Washington.
GROUND floor office room. Including both
telephones, reasonable rent. 0 Fifth fit.,
near Stark.
DESK room or office space, most reasonable,
convenient. 228 Stark. Main 5338.
ONE or ; two rons, on 4th floor of Washlng
ton bldg. Inquire room 40.
FOR RENT a few offices In Couch .bldg"
Apply Room 501.
ROOMING-HOUSES See my list before
buying Mrs. Koontz. 243 Stark st.
FOR SALE Sawmill and logging equip
ment In nrst-class condition, ready for
immediate operation; commanding mon
opoly of local market. Apply at F. S &
Co., East 8th and Yamhill su. '
FREE Information furnished as to the stand
ing of all mining and other Incorporations
throughout the United States. Call or write
to the Portland Information Bureau room
8. 3G2 Washington st.
.A',GET, actloI on all mining and
Industrial stocks and bonds through head
quarters at Catterlln A Co.. suite 3. Cham
ber of Commerce. We buy. sell or trade
Call or write.
FOR SALE Transfer and ll.r. ....
,,"..Cli;SS, J1"?"' wagons and harness';
doing A-l business, long lease, cheap rent
fine location; will sell all or part. AB
700. Oregonlan.
PARTNEIi wanted, one that Is steady and
industrious can step into one of the Wt
paying businesses la city: $375 required
tor particulars call :n -my agent at lo2
Second st.
ONE of the best ice cream and cdn-
sold this week; I also have a good little
V5r Jl-or?, Bultable fr man Ind wife.
Call 41 Board of Trade bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE with 80 roams, doing
a bus.ness of $500 to $700 per month -iraf.
a?-e,i,pUt ca'h and balance iS land
b-iugfdn'dkW5, LUmb"
THE only hotel In the thriving town
Banks. Or., doing a good bufines? now
and will double Inside It 6 montns F?Z
$2,400.- Real estate of ail Address
W. O Galaway. Banks. O:
POOLROOM, billiard hall and cigar stand
we have some ideal buys in tl-is line In
or out of city; prices right; 2 that cannot
be beat for the money. Ralnos & Co
721 Board of Trade.
PARTY or parties with JS0O0 or $10 000 -to
join the advertiser and develop several
thousand 'acres in a proven oil district
strictest investigation courted. Address
O 773, Oregonian.
WE can lorate you In paying business, be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney &
Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg
Main 44S6.
CORNER saloon and lodging-house for sale,
front depot; good condition. Call N. e!
cor.4th and Burnslde. between 3 and 6
WANTED Partners In several good paying
businesses. Call at office or phone Main
8l74. Canadian Employment Co.. 21 N
2d St.. Portland. Or.
FJR SALE r-Coos County, butcher shop,
handling 30 beeves per month; well
equipped. $1000. Address' K 735. Ore
gonlan. $1500 INVESTMENT will pay $40 month
rental. Bennett & Wells. . Stewart Sta
tion. Ml. Scott line. Phone. Tabor 660.
BARBER shop for sale, 171 First st., cheap.
PARTNER wanted Have two manufactur
Ing propositions, one requires 4?u n.i tvTl
other only ,300; if one doV. o? suil
?u mono, is secured. Call
513 Chamber Commerce.
21 rooms In nice rart of citv and beau
tifully furnished, ci.aring I4 nmnthlv.
i-year lease, price $2Mj"; cash $2i)iH, bal
ance easy t-rms.
,:ll'r"""" f"r ""'". well furnished, cash
$-Hf0. balance easv terms We have o
and 10-roonr furnished houses that are
very reasonable buys.
Snap Restaurant for $1400 on Wash-
fo-' ,nat clear $150 monthly.
$1 .0 takes a paying, cigar and confec
tionery stand on 3d st.
Business chances of all kinds are han
d.ed by us. so call on us and see what we
nuve for you. It costs nothing to investi
617 Board of Trade. cor. tth and Oak.
Phone Main 4t75.
05 SWETI.ANr RT.nfi M11V
Hotel 54 rooms. 5-vear !eas; $15( rent;
brick: clears $:loi) month: bargain.
Hotel 65 rooms; long lease; rent $200;
great money-maker.
Iodging and apartment-house. on
Washington at.; brick. 24 rooms: rent
$75; a little gm.
O rooms, 2 blocks from Portland Hotel;
reasonable rent: very cheap.
Grocery store at invoice; about $1000;
S living-rooms; store and fixtures for
rent; only 20 month ;. snap.
705 Swetland Bldg.
FOR SALE or trad for realty: A $35,000
wholesale and retail business In the citv.
on account of letlring; this is a chnnce
of a lifetime to get into harness with
all the trade you can handle to start
with. Address O 7S5. Oregonian.
Your choice of the best buys In city,
any location desired. 44 rooms on ith st..
$2100, hair cash: 25 rooms on 6th st
J17'0, half cash: 11 rooms on Mh st.,
$750, low rent; must be seen to be ap
preciated. Call early. Raines & Co. 721
Board of Trade.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1805) furnishes free' information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufactur
ing lines, city or county.
416 Abington Bldg.
STATE and county rights for sale. Call
at our office and see working demon
211 Fourth St.
Call right now, nek for Mr. Lavev. at
Jacobs-Stlne Co.'j ofrice, first floor Acheson
bldg., opposite Meier-Frank.
REAL estate man wants sober, reliable
man as partner, to stay In on"i e and
show property; experl'-nce not necess-vrv;
will show a salary of $150 per month
Particulars Room 315 Lumber Exchange
bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.
FOR SALE or trade for realtv: A $3500
wholesale and retail business "in th city
on account of retiring; this is a chance
of a lifetime to gel into harness with
all the trade you can handle to start
with. Address O 75, Oregonian.
CIGAR and confectionery store, clearing
$125 per month over all expenses; one of
the best locations in the city. Call Room
315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark
FACTORY in Its entirely for sale; motor,
planer, edger. combination, band, lathe,
etc.. all complete, material and equip
ment: owner retiring. Call 452 Hoyt and
see plant and owner.
SERIOUS ILLNESS calls me East at once;
my interest In well-established real estato
office, centrally located and doing good
business, almost your own price For ln
tervlew. D 70S, Oregonian.
10 NICELY furnlsl-.e.l housekeeping rooms;
close in; these must be seen to be appre
ciated; spring cleaning all done: low price
for quick deal; no agents. G 7G9. Oiv-go-nian.
WJ? navo exceptional commission hay.
flour, grain, business thoroughly estab
lished: grand opportunity for energ.Mic.
huslnnss man. The it issloy Company.
i8 and 7oi Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE Saloon suitable for wholesale and
retail busineu; selling on account of sli-k-nees;
low rent, good location. Address
Lock Box 10O2, Tacoma, Wash.
HOTEL Laboring man's place, cloarlng
$125 per month; full all the time;' will
sell on terms. Particulars Room 315 ,um-
her Exchange bids.. 2d and Stark sts.
PARTNER wanted In good pa Ing saloon busi
ness; $575 capital and references required
For particulars call at 421 7th st. No trli
lers need apply.
FOR SALE Restaurant In the best of lo
calities, new. hJindy. all first-class, good
stock; $!KI0 handles It. mean business,
lease. A E 60O. Oregonian.
FOR SALE One of the best grocery stores
In the city at invoice; stock and fixtures
about $3000. For particulars call Wood
lawn 144 5.
FOR SALE Grocery and lunch counter,
good corner location, doing a cash busi
ness, close in, on West Side. Phone owner.
Main 700S.
A PARTNERSHIP in Incorporated manu
facturing business that pajs 40 per cent
dividends: $.1000 cash; will bear close In
vestigation. 311 Stearns bldg.
WANTED Neat young man to show prop
erty and work in the office; can make
over $100 per month: $200 required. 32I1U
Washington St., room 414.
A LIVE man can get half Interest In an old
established real estate office that will pay
big dividends on a small Investment '72
Stark St.
fcNAP Confectionery, ice cream, cigar, to
bacco, notion and stationery store- best
location, low rent. Owner. 670 Williams
FINE location for shoe store and general re
pairing; nothing of the kind in locality
rent reasr.nahle; flue chance to make money
Archer Place. Tabor 644.
SALOON Partner wanted, owner tired "of
hired help; must be sober and steady
doing a good business; cheap rent lease
Inqulre 415 North 19th st.
MEAT market, doing business $4000 per
month: price $150o. rent $45 per month
must be sold at once 311 lumber Ex
change bldg.
WANTED Partner with a little money to
go on the road at once with something that
gets the money. G 767. Oregonian.
8-ROOM flat; rent $20; paid for th. month:
and furniture for sale cheat, if taken a
once. P. M.. HiQi Front and Morrison.
BEST suburban real estate" office In Portland
including building; going away, must -ei
quick; worth $2o month. Woodlawn 1283
It Interested In promising gold-si! ver-copper
mine Investment, write for prospectus Si
son Expl. & Mng. Co.. Sisson. Cal.
$250 CASH, balance easy terms, will get a
good restaurant on Washington st 27-'
Stark st.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 125 Abington.
HAVE established moving picture theater
near Portland. $:!50 for half interest. Call
Immediately 203 Burnslde.
PRC,,0TEK' wlth money and equipment.
w"I..i,na,noe a good Invention. Promoter.
G 35. Oregonian.
MEAT market for sale: first-class location
doing a cash business of $40 to $100 per
day. Call 312 Russell st.
BAKERY, delicatessen, clearing $154) per
momh. nnest proposition In town. 402
W ashington.
FOR SALE 1O0O shares of Comstock Golden
Gate mining stock at 2" cents per share.
Address AB !2, Oregonian.
PARTNER In business deal which will
make about $300 In 2 weeks on Inv-st-ment
of $125. Room 4. 392', 6th st
DENTAL office for sale or rent. Best town
Southern Oregon; rent for very little
Must leave. K 7G6, Oregonlan
2rER-lno business rardr: 100. 50c. Rosa
City Printery. 1J2Vi 3d st.. near Taylor.
A SNAP $550 buys a neat little cigar stand:
long lease and good business. 272 Stark st.
CORNER saloon near terminal var:s. cheap
on account sickness. Phone Main 0J2l.
ADVERTISE In Bonvllle's Western Month
ly; reaches every hotel in 15 states.
FOR RENT Hotel bulldini
quire 204 Macleay bldg.
90 rooms. In-
BA"BE,'.l,,f:HOP for "a,e- "od trade: baths.
-a!l Alison Barber Supply Co.
SALOON In good hotel. $1200; half cash.
Inquire 91-93 Front St.
IA.IRY Pr"P",l"n. eall on Santiam"d
to. Pantages Theater bldg.. 4th st.
SALOON' In good hoteU $1200; half cash,
inquire 91-93 Front st.
SWELL transient rooming-house- h.ilf -n.h
balance eaty term. 172 Stark st.
i-OR SAI.K Bakery and con fc.-t lonerv ;
good location. cheap rent: long lense;
paying business: good opening f.r lunch
room anil ice cream p.irlor; large store,
will! living rooms: without doubt the b st
buy in the city: line shop, good own: on
account other business wi'sell che-ip;
terms on part. Address 7iS. Ore
gonlan. WATER -POWER electric plant and flour
mill lighting two growing towns; light
plant is paying lo per c-nt on our price.
$15.t"m. part down; $1 profit on each bar
rel of flour ground; power and income nn
be greatly Increased: good reason for Bell
ini:. Address Consolidated Electric Co..
John Day. Or.
ROOMING-HOUSES, good furniture. 12 -rnm
house; make offer: fine furniture 11
room hnue. $7."iO; well furnished "-roon.
house, StiiHi. half rash ; new f urn i lure
romm lower flat, :;."iu; b-u tranplnt houne
in city. :tl rooms, a bargain thi week.
Many others, all j-rlce-u Mr. Koontz,
243 Stark et.
N" epiahliMhert runlt bunlne paving a sal
ary i f 1 pr ni'int h. b 1 I s lire
profit!.; man with $ir.'o can It urnl oirtinaiy
ahil'.ty can hnndle thi: lutie.t ay. h-mrn
Khort ; yoti'U have io hurry to R.t this;
will ntiin.1 thorough investigation. Par
ticular 2011 Commonwealth 1.1.1k.
FOR SAKE I'lone in. building anrt equip
ment for butcher shop, now rented for
on. year; will sell on easy pavmeuis. ur
w i' tra-le U In on first pa vment tin a
rood home on the East tule. rinse in.
Lincoln Investment Co.. room 301, 2S6
Washington st.
HOW Is this for a store? General mer
chandise. In country town, not far from
Portland; will sII at Invoice, about $3000;
guarantee net profit over $175 r-or month;
account "t death In family want to ko
away. Particulars. Lincoln Investment
Co.. room 301, Washington st.
HAVE contracts that will pay 15.oiM net
proilt in lt days and desire good, respon
sible party with some money to Join me ;
highfst bank referenced will be submit
ted nt Interview; on ice man preferred.
X 70V Oregonian.
PLANING MILL, light manufacturing, do
ing good business. machinery in fine
shape; the right man will make $400 or
more per month; less than i.l(tno buys
it; would accv-pt good real estate. Call
613 Chamber Commerce.
For an Idea) bargain, for little monev.
we ha v.. it ; line location, low rent, long
lease, good business ; have sevoral lo pit k
from. See us Mono ay.
HAINES & CO.. 7:1 Board of Trade.
Partner for an old established business ;
will guarantee a salary of per month
and give a thorough trla.1 l.efore you in
st a rent. Call Room 31." Lumber Ex
change bldg. 2d and Stalk sts.
LtEADI .NG hotel in prosperous valley town ;
has all the best trade, and doing tine
huslnes ; low rent with good lease ; will
bear rigid Investigation; only $?ku0;
would accept good real estate In Port
land. Call & 1 3 Chamber Commerce.
IF YOU wish to sell your business llat It
with W. H. Ouilley & Co.. 311 Stearns
bfdg., cor. 6th and Morrison.
THE man and child who took the pug
do it from Second and Morrison on tSuntfy
morning are known; kindly brine fame
back t Hcrond and Morrison and avoid
all trouble.
LOST Ladies (told watch and fob, mono
gram o. A. J." Phone Ex -4; after 6
o'clock C 1S04; liberal reward.
FOUND Where hatr mattresses are reno
vated, returned injnn day. 228 Front
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger
FOUND Place where special attention !
given rfmodelinc of hats bv up-to-date
trimmers. English Corrert Millinery. 331
Morruum St.. Murguam bldg.
LOST Monogram watch fob. bet. Salmon
and Washington .r on Council Crest car.
Return 1H." 3d st. He ward
LOST On Hase Un road, lady's alligator
skin purse containing tl .,r. and two keya.
34 E. Burnslde st. Reward.
Money to Loan.
308 FA 1 LINO B L DO.
402 Rothchild Bids., cor. 4th and Wash.
The recognized hank of th wage-earner.
A clerk, lokkteper. machinist, engineer
or ernnioye can obtain money of us on his
note without security.
15 return to us , $ 4.00 a Mo.
..u return to uj. $ (j ot) a Mo.
00 return to us (13.3.1 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc
MONEY sold on installment plan; confiden
tial; n security but jour salary; best
stem for railroad, streetcar employes,
mechanics and others.
Buchanan Bldg., 2 SO Washington St.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
er upon their own names without secur
ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; of
fices in (U principal cities; rave yourself
money by geuing my terms first.
TOLMAN, 31 7 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
W'E pay the h Ighest cash price for Title
Guarantee & Trust accounts, Oregon Trust
and German American cert ill cat es ; also
Home Telephone bonds. Call at once, as
we will only buy a limited amount, cohn
Bros.. ISO 1st st.
On improved city property or for building
purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re
payment privilege; money advanced, as
oui.uing progresses. im Equitable, 2d
and Stark sts.
Plenty of money to loan at 6 and 7 per
cent on real estate security.
Boom 6. 263 Washington street, cor. 3d.
$500,000 on Improved city or farm property,
building or small loans at lowest rates;
large loans a specialty. J. H. McRlnzle
Co., S14-J0-1G Gerlinger bldg.
MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, type
writers, real estate, mortgages, horses,
watches, diamonds and Jewelry ; lowest
rates. E. Pierce, 31G All. sky bldg.
EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 Abington bldg.
Money on installment plan.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest for lone or short
time. A & M. Delovage, jewelers. 2tJ
Washington st.
$100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to
suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
. M. G. Griffin, 2tJti Sta.rk. oj. p. Cham, of C.
WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title
Guarantee, Oregon Trust tank. Accounts.
Lewis tit Co., 201 Washington st.
LOANS on real etttate and all kinds of per
sonal security. W- A. Hat ha ay. room 10
Washington bldg. Main 302.
$200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck!
312 Failing bldg.
IMMEDIATE loan from $5 to $5000 oo .all
securities. B. 1. lckrson 6c Co., room &.
Washington bldg. Phone Main 40&S.
ANY part of $30,000 to loan at A to 7 pr
cent interest. 305 Gerllnicer bldg.
MONEY at ft and 7 per cent in amounts to
suit. S. S. Gillespie, 2ol Fenton bidg.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate
mortgages. H Miley. room 409 Gerlinger.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contract. W. H. Nunn, 441 Sherlock bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chateL
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekuzn bids;.
State funds loaned, per cent. V. E. Thom
as, state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 c. C.
$lloti. $13uO, $1,104),. on real estate C ruber
t-24 Board of Trade bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
Wm. MacMaster, 302 Worcester blk.
MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per
cent. Frary fc Selts 132 6th st.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx A. Bloch, 74 3d su
MONEY to loan, mora gages purchased EL
L- Devereaux. 204-5 Fenton bldg. M. 63.
$5hm or MORE to loan at 7 per cent. R.
Hofer. 20 Oak st.
LOANS or real, personal, chattel nr rvlif.r.
al security, c w. .PaUett, au Fvntoa bldg. J
Money to lx-un.
Money loaned quickly nd privately on
real, personal and chattal. diamonds and
jewelry, warehouse receipts, furniture and.
pionofi. and all valuable collaterals.
This company is organized for the pur-
fiose of providing rruilv money at t he
owes: cost. You can arranto to repay
, in monthly or wkly easy paymenta All
bu?lnes strictly conlldentiai.
C 11 or phoi.e Main 2US4.
Room 12 HamUtou Bldg.. 131 1 bird St.
Installment Iohiis on oianos. furniture.
warehouse receipts, horses, insurance pol- i
iclee. salaries and all kinds of securities.
NEW EitA LOA.V & MTU. CO., 1
410 Abington Bldg. I
WE can secure tor you good, first mortgage
7 per cent loans without charge; sums of
$"00 and up rd desired. Sir. ng a: Co.,
financial iKfiili. (X).". Con.ord bldg.
$S(oo WANTED on nrst-cla.-s Went. Side
property from private party for i yur.
I'hoite Main 11 10.
l'ropoala In v it ed.
Annex. St-att ie. Wash . March lo, lyr.i
aied proposal, in triplicate, indorsed on
cover "Proposals for Alaska Trans-porta-tion"
and addressed "wutarterniaster. U.
S. A., Seattl-. Washington." will he re
ceived here until 11 o'i lock A- M . Satur
day. April in. i:iO;t, ar.d then cpt-ned. f-r
t ra nsport at ion of 1 crn merit (lawi'iiK'-rs
and supplies between Seattle and Ta
coma. Was:un:ton, and Ketchikan, Hnd
I V. Wrngel. PetT.Hhui K, Cordova Fort
V m. Jl. Seward, ska way. Juneau. 'Sitka.
Valdes. Fort Ltsruni. Seward. St. Michael.
Norne, Fort lav;s und points on r4ie Yukon
River in Alaska, lit both direction, be
tween points on the Yukon and 'l anana
Rivers and between Nome and St. Michael,
A laska. In both d ;re tiuns : aihu for light
erait at M. Michael Nome and Fort
Davis. Alatka. Right la rser cd to re
ject or accept any or nil proposals or
parts thereof. Detailed Information as to
service required, with necessary blanks,
will be furnished upon application to
Major W. s. Wood, viartennaster, U. S.
A.. .Seattle, Washington.
Or.. March 1. IflOi. Proposals will be re
ceived bv I. E. Rose, iltv Recorder at
Myrtle Point, Or., for $22 .On", A per cent
bonds for waterworks, up to and includ
ing April 2.. at 7:30 P. M., when bids will
be opened by Recorder at Cit y Hall.
Bonds to be dated Mv 1, 1 !; maturity,
.; years, optional atier 10 years. Paya
ble at maturity or optional after 2n wars
in gold coin of the United States of Amer
ica, with interest ttiereon in like gold
coin. pHjahle seml-anntiallv. Bonds snail
hf "(.iiiixin" and of $1000 denominatb.n.
and shall have stamped, printed or en
graved thereon. Water w orks Honds Se
ries B." A certlrted cheek for $.Mni, pava
ble to I. E- Rose. City Recorder, fhad ac
company all bids, checks to be promptly
returned with bids not accepted I E
Rose, City Recorder. Myrtle point. Oregon
M bwIlaneoua.
To be sold at private sale to the high
est bidder for cash on or before March
the Pith. l'o.:
2 roll-top desks, carpets. offlre chairs,
office furniture, 2 Underwood t pewriiers,
stands and chairs, tiff tee supplies.
Ieat her. wood, celluloid and aluminum
novelties, sample trays, cases, trunks and
travel ing men's supplies.
S waon umbrcllfis.
Inquire of R. M. l?ates. 71 5th st
WM. C. JiENBOW, Receiver.
NOT I K is herrby given that the annual
meeting of tho stock holders of the Ore
gon California Railroad Company will
be held at the office of the company
in the el Is-Fargo bldg.. Tuesday. April
13. 199. at the hour of 11 o'clock A M
for the election of a board of directors
and the transaction of such other, busi
ness as may properly eotno before the
meeting. W. W. Cotton, Sec
Architeis. contractors, engineers, get pacific
Builder A Engineer. loJ2 Hoard of Trade
monials from patrons for 20 years, cured
hy herbal baths aid tens front barks,
buds, roots and hloonis. a-a used bv In
dians and unknown by hines. They -move
the cause producing rhnnlr nervous
H'ld private diseases. blool Stolsons In
men urd women, invigorate tlie repro
ductive organs and restore vim and vigor
h 1 id ppsh ; free treatment to t he need y
Wednesday from I m l. Rooms free to
pat lent. Dr. Wheat ly-liowtt. xn. 401-s
nncouver ave. Take U car to Hancock.
C lla; J.
hlR GROVE sanatorium; strictly a woman's
hospital, where patients tan get the best
care at reasonable ratca and anv phy
sician they choose. City office, lmpondero
Itsurapy Co.. specialists for men and worn
en. room fi 08 Merchants Trust bldg..
3'ti Washington su 1 'hones Main 7T4 3.
A ft . ; sanatorium. Tabor si 9. I r. lsa
belle Mackic.
The great rheumatic rinedy and uni
versal Idood j uritier ; will cure everv
form of rheumatism and tainted blood
without injuring diK etio:t ; it will relieve
your suffering quickly. Try it. Woodard
& Clarke and Skidmore Drug Co.
Dltseases of men, women and cMldren
treated and cured. We make a specialty
of surgery and diseases of women; ma
ternity cae? given special att iaun; j e,
ear. now and throat department. Raleigh
blug., cor. ith auu tahiimtn sta
LA PETITE, graduate of Pacific Hospital,
Los Angeles. Full lino of Kctric treat
ments, baths and massage; positive ru
sults In menial healing. 401-2-3 Columbia
bldg., W. Park and Washington. Main 201 1.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable akin
Bpecialiist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; hairdi easing, manicur
ing and dermatolcgy taught; largest stock
of hair goods in the West at cut prices.
Parlors. Grand Leader, oth and Alder.
MEN Why suffer from disease peculiar to
your aex, nervous conditions, sain or eye
troubles, acute or chronic? 1 treat by
modern methods, electricity, massage, os
teopathy, medicine when needed, couti
Ctnual. Dr. Vcse, 32t'a Washington t.
6V EDISH " trained nurse. Helstngfons gradu
ate, cures rheumatism. stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing;
stk-am, sweat and tub baths; both atxea. T
Katrt 11th St.. one door from Ea.T Ankeny
car. Phone KaM 2oo, Home B lo3.
LADIES Ask your druggies for Chlchesners
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known
as the besr, safest. Reliable. Take ao other.
Chichester Diamond Rrand Pi. la are sold
by druggists everywhere.
IR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton
Root 1'iUs, sure remedy for delayed pe
riods; $2 per box or 8 boxes for $." T J.
Pierce. 310 AHky bldg.. 203 Morrison.
DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women;
all irregularities corrected, drugless eyHviu,
no exposure. Call or write 310 Alky bWg.'
1'ortiand, or.
DRESS suite for rent, sli size. $i.&o month
keeps yur cio'.he cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u Stark.
DR. A. AUSPLUND diseases of women and
surgery. 50 5 -.".00 Com moiiw ealth bldg., OtU
and Ankeny sts. phone Main 4047.
UNDER new munagemunt. nice, clean
ro.iis. Miss oNeii. manager, 10o--s
Front, near Morrison
MRS. S. B. SKIP, mental scientist, teacher
of psyebometry, 3oj Aitsky bldg. Meetlugs
Wednesday night at a; 10 to 4 dally.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
Dr. Ketch urn, graduate; advice fiee. 170
3d at. Main bTTO.
Mme. Courtwrlght. kln and scalp treatments.
facial d-format ion corrected, plaatlc eur
gery, 22i Filodner bldg. M. &V42. A 2ooy.
LOST powers restored ty Or. T-orens Nerve
Tonic Tablets. 25c boat Kyeirs Phar
macy. 2itf MotTl-on su. bet. 4tL. and 5ih.
BALM OF FIGS for alt female disease. 0G0
Glisan st. Muln 1215. Agents w anted.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D Hill. 33o FUedner bide M 347X
HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut
hair. Portland Baxaar. 40tf Morrison
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single
people; circular 10c 229 1st it
Accordion 1'laJtlng.
MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cord Ion an d knife pleating and pink tag.
Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditir-K. Investigating and Systematizing.
24 W orccster B.ock. Phots Maaa OOu;.
AMjeri ami Ansljt.
Wet. a & Proebaiei. mining vitgir.eers, chem
ists and asavers 204 Washington u
PA U l. HAlilrX. aswi er and analyst. Gold
dust boufc-ui. 2u Alder st.
ana ore-temlng work. let Morrison sc.
b22 Y orevster blug.. 3d and Oak. M. dttbO.
Attorneys at Uw.
H. H. IU UDELL, tty-at-law. 7?5 Chamber
Of Commerce. Main 47o4. A U31.
S. T. JEFFREYS. 2"S Fenton fcldg.. 15 -eirs
practice in uiegon, tt jeais Alaska.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to k"-y-wi- i:ourd of Trade b;g.
CLARENCE H. GILPERT. 2" 5-2"7 Chamber
of Coinm re. Muln 7471. A 4.".44.
Bicycle mud letric Repairing.
ELAM-SH A VV lit cycle, gusodne engine and
electrical repu.riiK. Hill b-tat k St.
t arpet Weaving.
Rl'GS ms le from old carpets: a io colonial
rag rufc woven. Nouawej: iiug Wora.
1 I'iiiod ae. Liut 15 o.
C ItimpoUy.
WM. ES TELLE antl I'iOMie Deveny. the only
ieni :flo ch iropod't in tne city. Parlota
3t-2 Gerlinger b.rtR.. S. . cor. 2d and
Aluer. Phone M ain l&ot.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp Mrs.
I tun ton. Tilford block. Room 2V4. lota
antl Morrtsxu.
WE are after ur scalp; let us take care
of your feeu Foot auid Scalp Remedy Co..
229 tth st.
Chiropody and le,il?urir.g. Mrs. M. D. 1P.1I,
roai 30 Fiiedner b.d. Phone Main S47X
CHI Iti loD ano mamcurit.g ; term rra
aonabtc. 5S.1 Wahmgt.n t. A
4 arpet C leaning.
J. Hunter A Co., mat treat s and feathers ren
ovated, caxpeta r.lU;ei. etc. M. 214. A 44i5.
Collect luna.
WE collect everywhere; g-nerai law. Inter
state Adju.vtnit.-nt Co.. G-rlnncer btdg.
( ommUion Merc hunts.
TATLi.R. YOUNG & CO.. .hip brokers, com
mtion mi-rclisLnts. She; lo. k. b.ilg.. Port. and.
1 Iraniiig and Dyeing.
AUGUST A. LAM HURT Cleaner and der;
ladies' and gents' clot lung, etc-. oul
fit t-clus w 01 k sollt-Red. 4!! Columbia,
at. I'fioite Main loOU
LADIES and genta' clothes cleaned, pressed
and repalrei; gnrments called for. 474
WuHhlngton t. Main 1.M2.
SUN 1SOON 11L1K' STOKE removed to 70
0th. bet. Oak and Pine. Low price
PROF WAL WILLsoN'S dancing school so.
ctal and stage dancing lesun, 25c.
ash. st.. Det. v. I'arn and loth sis.
Both phonea Main 707. A 57.1
lHt eel Ives.
THE THIRL Detective Service Co. We are
specially equlid with cxprienced men.
2't humbr of Commerce blog. M. U.iti
A 2433. 1. L. C louse, uianager.
DrrtHniH aers.
Agency "Lo I'arislen."
"Le e'lilc."" "Neucste Blousen.1
fc Motiels and I'ait.ijis.
Room 41 Fleldner bldg.. loth and Wash
The von Gilmann School for
Occupies the premises known as the Ori
ental buiMlng. and -.liens the patronage
of thosv wl;o wuii to cultivate horm'tnun
shlp In any of Its branches. Teiepliouej
A 41i5. Pacific Main 1&W4.
LAt'R'S Preparatory Sschoo. of Pharmacy.
14S 2d St., 1 uri.nnJ. or.
ced Morn.
IHNSHAW 6c ZIGLER, hay. grain, feed, ce
ment, sh Ing lee, H4 oraad ave. E. 42. .
DR. E. W. HAG YARD. graduate Ontario
Veterinary College; office fc-M"-.uon b.a-.
IVth and Wash. Main lo77; Uoo. Main l.
llamesa and Kaddlery.
R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny
at. Phone Main 242.
Jnnk, Hide and Pelts.
L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of bides, pelt a.
wo.d. tuiw, taliow. old ruboers, iutu aad
stacks. a 12 Front at.
1 -cut hcr nd Findings.
CHAS. L. MA STICK A CO., 74 Front, leather
of every descrip;lon, taps, mfre. findings.
tabllshed 1KS 1M Front St.
HASTV M E & S E .N G E R CO.. 12H 5th. Main
53. A 2153. Johnnie on the spot.
ICE machine. Complete Installations. Ann
irotig Machinery Co., Spokane. Waao.
SPECIAL price or. all goods, sheet music,
larj-s, injrtrumeuUi, music maps. musio
ro(i, one-fourth off ou all fdios and
methods; sa.e will lart ail thla month.
H. Anderson Music Co., l&o Third st.
ACCOM PLISlf El musician takes beginners
and partly advanced pupils. 25 cents. Mam
5? oil.
PIANO LESSONS Modern methods; terms
$5 per mo. 20 J 14ih. Main iiVJ.i,
EM1L THIELHORN. violin teacher. pupil
of Sevcik A 410O. Pine 3;;4. Main
M. C. Smith, teacher ot piano. 452 Salmo
st. Main 7340. Btrginnent a tpecuUt.
Neuroroj. ljta.
DR. H. W. FREEZE anralghtena cross -eyes
without operatica or pain, tits glasses and
trtut ner.ous .iist-aCx 2-4 Maruam bldii
Onteopathlc Physicians.
4.5-10- 1 I lekilin biug..
Third and ashington sts.
Phone, Main ii-J, res., E. 1023.
DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. 21.-5-0 Tllrord bldg.
luth and Morrison. 1'hone A 4 lo3, M. 7a5o
I'uluts, oils and Olusa.
RASMUSSF.X CO.. Jobbers paints. nvn.
giJ" ari and doora Cor. 2 J and Taylor.
Patent and pension Attorneys.
R, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; infringement cane. oo4 Dekum,
J. J. HIRSHE1MER. pension at.d uimi
torne . rbuoit 2o-21 Labbe blug.
Paintlus and paperhauging.
PAINTING, paperhangmg. kau mining etc
done on short notice, liuo Deoraui-a Co."
&47Waab. Ma.n 7 k Wo A 3114 "
Portland. Office 4c2-a-4 V ar....i.P k';Lu
W A R R EN Con tr uc t lo n Co. , st r t pa v in g
stucsa,ks and 314 Lumber kjJ
lublic Stenogrwuhere,
DOCIA V. WILLITS. 5-U Swetland bldg
tth and W1u.i1. 1 bone Main 31-i.
Rubber Stamp.
ALSO trade checks and all goods, p j
C. Co.. 231 btark st. liuia phuiiwa l4o7.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. K 2d st. Safes
s.t factory price. Second-hand safest
DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Heboid safesx
60 ed e4, Baigaln In 2a -hand safea.
rhow t use. Bank and More fixtures.
THB Lt'TKB MFG. CO.. branch Grand
Kaploai Showcase Co., tUh acd Hoyt. K.
Lutke. Mgr.
THE James I. Marshal: M:c. Cc. enowcasee,
cabinets. toe and cft:ce fixtures). vk
Coucb st. Main 27tli.
STOV ES connected and repaired.
1110. 014 Front
Ths largest s!R.:-maaers In ths Nortb
wem, 5th and Everett .. Phone Private
Kxchange 55. Horn a 1155.
Turkish Bathe.
TURKISH baths. SoO Oregonlan tolC.g. ; : ad las
day a. men n!ghts. Main H:t. A 2S3&.
Storage and irantfer.
C. O. I'ICK. Trsnsfer ar.J Storage Co., cfT'ce
and WRini.viinui tour-story brick ware
house, separate iron rooiri and fireprvuf
vaut for a.uabs N. W. cor. 2-i nl
I'lne ets. Plant s and furniture niuei jni
pakei for shipping. Mala M$. A lia,
General . trar.sfrrritig and su rai;; safe,
piano and fjrnnuie moved and arked for
I.ipnient. 2i Oak St.. be;. K:vDl and lax.
Teit Mi.n 547 or A 47.
Furnltu;e un-i plar.w tr.v.r.g a it; ec laity,
4042 I'd ft. I'hone A ll4. Ma.n lb-S.
T pewrltcrm.
W K ARB The grl.:i.e for the largevt type
riler concern on C.-t: iuvr.-t
a.. ual.os, ail pri i i pe m i-t :er
r.x. I tngi. 27 lj W..:r.(tlyfc at.
SPECIAL, ptlces; ah .psk-s rented. so'.I. re
paiied. 1. D. C. Co.. .i l StarK. M.jn 14o7.
rlerinsry "ollege.
Bu!N-t:n San Frar -:s. o Ve.-rlnary C now
refcdy ; n.alleu. Dr. C. K.n. S.H Mixkei.
Wood and oal.
Wool. C AI.
We se;i ki 1.1. mc.AM KE and de'.lv-r
prompt: a:t 01 for fu I. any
i n q ; a s: a Kr 1:.- 1 were i i:; any g nam t .
l'. t iinuiii f.r. ..ak an i a.-i : a.eo
e, vin.i grow ; h and 01 !ir c :.esp r ki ao.
Si.i t wo. .j , ut 1,, a ry i4.g n,;;; tna has
Sever l-. n uni.T-s iikisi.
Kn..:s ror lu-i.i.e vt: Centra: la Pot-lat.-h
c u'.. 1'1'vIl. s. E.u-t 2 tt I ti
Y ESTERN LlV.i.Ki; .v Fl Ki. CVU ANY.
27 E..-t Moi r;s n t:rt.
DRY OAK. ai ier nn 1 fir at Standard Wood
. E. t 2 i : ; . u 1 .
T 1 i A N S A " IS A :K.Ki.Al. HAN KIN i
rortand. Orega.
No lnte-.t fai on a .-c mints.
Stuithrrn Pacillc.
Leaving Trt : nd
Ro.eburg r.isMi;i;fr
! r n -e ;r v '.is.-eng r. . .
Cslltornla Express
San ( s ik-i.v.i Express
West SI -!
Corvall la Pa.enrr.
Sheridan Passer ger
For : t t ; o - .( - -.i r. c-r .
Forest Grove lassenger. . . .
I'firest ;r e 1.1 i,4; r
Arriving por t iand
Oregon i;x;.is
Cot lace tir.'vc laenger ..
HiT"l ui ) I 'a ssen ge r .......
port ia mi Kxprt !a
W est Side -Corva
(lis p-issenger ........
Sheridan pasS'iiKr
Fr'St throve I'ssnK-r. . . .
Forest ; rove I 'a.en g er . . . .
For ;rove Vas-n'Cger . . .
4:1- p. m.
7 : 4." p. in.
1 nu
1 7:20 a nv.
4:10 p. m.
S ." O ;l TTU
1 :O0 p. m..
5 .40 p nx.
7:U a. m.
, 1 1 : " O a m.
5 . ;o p. m.
1 1 . 15 p m.
I 20 p. m.
io:;h a. m.
! s m a. jn.
I I :Mt a. m.r
4 p m.
Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.
Lea v :ng por I land
I - eni 1 e oil 1 iSSiiij; er ..........
rhi ago-port land Special
Spokane Fly r
Kan 18 City & Chicago Express
-Arriving IV 'l t.tlid-
Spokane Flyer v
"hi. K::n ty a: Port 'and Ex.
t : 1 r a. m.
00 1
00 I
Chb-ago- Port.tnd Special 1 S:."Op. m.
penoi'-ton l'a-sn t er . ' r.:4."p .n.
Northern Pacific.
Taeoina and S'-attle Express....
North Coast A- ct:icago Limited.! 2
a. m
p. m
p. m
a. m.
P tn
. p. nu
Overland Exi ro?.
Arriving port land
North I.lrultt-d.
I'ort land Express
iverlar.d Express
Astoria A Columbia Kiver.
Leaving Portland
Astoria t;id Seaside Express...
Rainier I.oal ...........I
Am or i;t, I'usvnger
Ra:nier Local
Arriving port land
Rainier x: Ical
Seaside At Portland pajseni;er. . .
Ra uiler and portiand t.i.-a! . . .
Seaside v Portland Expreis. . .
S 00 a. m.
l:l'i p. m.
fitoo p, m
11 :2d p. tu.
fl .OS a. m.
1 2 : 1 p. m.
5:10 p. m.
i!0 00 p. m-
Cmnadian 1'aclUc tiallway Co.
Leaving port l ind
C. P. It- t!iort Line, via Spokatje 7:0Op. m.
X Sett i .11.4J p. IU
Arriving i'..rtl.i:id I
C. P. R Short Line, via Spokane 9:00 a.m.
Via Sean.e... '- 1 00 a. m.
JLli EltON-lKLLl MAllO.N.
Southern l'aiRlc.
Leaving Port land
Da. las j af-vincvr 7:40 a- ra.
Dallas 1 uciiger . 4:15 p. lil.
Arrlvli.n 1 01 Hand
Dallas piLKseng r 10:15a. ra.
Iail;s passenger 5:7tOp. m.
Spokane, Portland St beat tie ICaitway.
Leaving l'ortland
Inland Empire Express 9:15 A. M
For l tiK.ut.-i, su 'aui. Oniaha, Kan.xs
City. t 1-ouls. Ul.l Waiiu, l'ixsco.
Itooleveit. Uranddallcs. Ooldclola.o. lute
Saimou. Steveusou, Wucouvcr aud intcriue
iliate points.
.North AJaufc I-Imlted B:40 P. M
r or ciik . t-- l'aui. ou. an. Kansas
Cil. fct- Lou:s, Spokane. Siraue, hUi
v 1 1 ."e" L' nd. las o, Roosc vc i,
dalles. 'na baaaaou, bivcuou and Vxu
ou er.
Arriving l'ortland
North bank Unulii 7:30 A. M.
Froai Cm- St. 1'aal, Ui.uha. Kau4
Cit . St- LoU.s. Spokane. tprauc. Klx
VI lie". l.ind. l'USco, KuOsCVcit. uraiiiu-
dale's. WlUte ba.uiou. sttvcu.uu and a.u
couver. .
inland Empire Express 6::5 P. M.
t 10111 W a. .a. l'asi'o, i.oukavaii,
traliuua.ilt:s, vJoiUeuUa.e. White oanuou.
Mcoiin, Vaucouvr und literuitli;e
poi 1. is
Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co.
Leaving Portland for Sakm and Int. Sta
tloiii -ou. lLwtf A- M. . :Ov. i. 4.
to .4 i. M.. Lumica foi Xuaiaua and
aalem ! L A. M- I-ocal lor v iauvii,
aoid lut- aiaUoi-e :0 u A. M.
LvHvlug i'oriland for Forest Urove and
Int. tuuoiii I .uu. A M.; l.j.
4-1. 5:- A-
Arriving l'ortland from Salem and Int.
Sta lions 6 l-5 A. M.; 1:1a. S.4v, t.ww.
s.-O. IO-41 IV M. Luuilca from ieui a.nd
t'JiuuUQ 4 - 4i 1'- M. locai 1 : 011& V i.sou
viiio ud lbt. btatioi.s A. M.
Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and
Int btations l.oi A. AL. ; U.l.
b.U). 7:20 P. M.
Pwrtland KUwa, Llgnt A l'ow er Umpu
tan Leave.
Ticket Of Uc aud Waiting Room.
1- Iisl and Alder tiela.
' CAnb I.LAV L.
Oregon Cit 4. A. M., and every 50
mkuuua to a-uu mclootug P. M... tUeii 1.
H 1. ; lastL car uioluighc
Oieabam aud ittiri u.coiate po.nts C i
7 .4i. .. 4i, A. 51.. l.4i. 3.4!
J:4J. 4:4i. 4.4j, 6:4. .:45. li l p. j.
Fair view aud Trouidaio 1 .ii. 7:4, S-4&
:4i. l.4i A M... 1-:-. J.4i. 1:4a. 4:.
fc:4J. 4i P- M.
For Vancouver
Ticket of boo and waiting-room Second and
Wasnmg Lou sii-cia
A. ai. -;lj-. u.bO. 7:25. t;00. S:5a. :lft.
9:i,j. io.5. 11 lo. 11:&0. .
IV M. 12 :3.. 1 :10. 1 ;5. 5:3 0. 2:10. f :f 9
4:10. fr-10. 6 :5 0, 7 :C j, 7 .40. i;2i.
10:3&. ll:4i.
tn Third Mor.rliv in Every Month the last
Cur I .eaves at p. M.
Ta!.y except Sunday. 4aaly except