Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 03, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Tennessee Murder Case Nears
Its Close, Defendants Re
serving Brief Rights.
AVas Endeavoring to Arrange Settle
ment When News of Carmack's
Death Came to Him
by Phone.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 2. The
defense rested its case in chief today
in the trial of Colonel I. B. Cooper,
Kohin J. Cooper and John I). Sharpe!
charged with having murdered ex-Senator
JJ. W. Carmack. Attorney Ander
son, of the defense, said that should
the state cross-examine any of the de
fenses witnesses not heretofore put on
the stand, the defense would reserve
the right to introduce new witnesses on
any new issues that might develop
Attorney-General McCarn then secured
an-adjournment to Thursday.
The defense called Adjutant-General
Tulley Brown. He said he visited
Judge j. c. Bradford's office the after
noon of the tragedy at Bradford"s re
quest to keep a note Cooper had writ
ten from being sent to Senator Car
mack. Brown Stopped Xote.
"Whom did you find there when you
"Bradford and Colonel Cooper."
"What was its result?"
"Colonel Cooper agreed not to send
the note."
"Anything else?"
"Mr. Bradford was to send some one
to see Senator Carmack and adjust the
trouble. I went out to look for Colonel
Cooper. I found him in Robin's office.
The Governor wanted to see him in 25
minutes. Colonel Cooper waited until
that time to go to the mansion. Robin
wanted to go with his father, but the
Colonel objected.
"We were talking when the phone
rang. Bradford answered it. I saw
his face grow whit and he said: 'My
God!' He said Senator Carmack had
hot Robin and Robin had killed Sena
tor Carmack."
Bradford In Corroboration.
Judge J. C. Bradford told of his rela
tionship to Co'onel Cooper they mar
ried sisters and his relations with
Robin. He related the circumstances
preceding the shooting, corroborating
Adjutant-General Browne.
Judge Bradford denied that he ever
wrote a detailed statement of the trag
edy and sent it out to friends. He did
prepare a brief, or synopsis, of the de
fense's theory of the tragedy for coun
sel for the dense. Ho was excused.
After luncheon the state and defense
agreed upon a statement of facts as to
the plat in the vicinity of the crime,
distances and measurements.
W. M. Setter took the stand to tes
tify as an expert on firearms.
General Garner, for the state, handed
him Senator Carmack's revolver for ex
amination. The witness experimented
and said:
"The cylinder can be turned only by
pulling the trigger."
This slightly contradicted the testi
mony of S. J. Benning yesterday, who
swore he saw Senator Carmack testing
his revolver a few minutes before the
tragedy by twirling the cylinder with
his finger.
tCon-tlnued From First Page.)
termedtate Interior points; held that this
scheme of rate-making has been forced
by water competition between the At
lantic and Pacific coasts, and that the
maintenance of the lower rate to a more
distant coast point is not of necessity a
violation of the third or the fourth sec
tion, since water competition creates a
dissimilarity of circumstances and con
ditions between the interior and the
Second Water competition may justify
a difference In carload minimums and In
the right of combining different commo
dities at the carload rate, as well as in
the rate itself; but carriers should be
prepared to justify such preference.
Third In determining what are rea
sonable rates between two points,
neither that railroad which can afford
to handle traffic at the lowest rate nor
that whose necessities might Justify the
highest rate should be exclusively con
sidered. Rates must be established
with reference to the whole situation.
Cannot Cut Road's Capital.
Fourth Certificates Issued against the
ore lands formerly owned by the Great
Northern Railway Company cannot be
properly considered In determining what
are roasonable earnings for that com
pany at the present day.
Fifth The Great Northern Railway
Company has in the past distributed Its
stock issues among Its stockholders at
par from time to time, although the mar
ket value of the stock was often above
par. Without expressing any opinion
upon the legality or propriety of this
practice, it Is held that this fact, at this
time, can have no bearing upon earnings
to which that company is entitled.
Sixth Neither can the capital stock of
the Great Northern Railway Company be
reduced for the purpose of determining
what its fair earnings should be, by that
amount of stock which was originally
Issued without consideration.
Seventh In determining what will be
reasonable rates for the future, the Com
mission may properly consider that under
the rates In effect a large surplus has
been accumulated In the past, but It
should not make rates for the purpose
of distributing that surplus to the public.
Klghth The Importance of the question
whether a railway shall be allowed to
earn a return upon the" unearned Incre
ment represented in the value of Its
right of way la illustrated by the facts
in this case, but is not discussed or de
cided. Ninth Upon an examination of the his
tory of these properties, the cost of re
producing them at the present time,
original cost of construction, present cap
italization and manner In which that
capitalization has been made; It is held
that the earnings of both the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific In recent
years have been excessive.
Tenth The only duty of the Commis
sion in this case Is to establish reason
able rates from Eastern points of origin
to Spokane, and in so' doing it can only
act upon those rates specifically called
to its attention, although It must have
In mind the effect upon the revenues' of
these companies of resulting reductions
upon other commodities and at other
points than Spokane.
Eleventh The rates attacked are class
rates from St. Paul and Chicago to Spo
kane nd commodity rates upon 34 enu
merated articles. Class rates are estab
lished from St.' Paul to Spokane, which
are 1 2-3 per cent less than those now
In effect, and class rates from Chicago to
opoxane are made higher than those
from St. Paul by certain named arbi
trages. Twelfth In the case of afl commodi
ties except five, the present rate from
Chicago to Seattle is established as a
reasonable local rate from St. Paul to
Spokane. Upon five articles, somewhat
higher rates are fixed. Rates on these
commodities from Chicago to Spokane
are made 16 2-3 per cent above those from
St. Paul. Neither class nor commodity
rates are named from points east of
The order will become effective May 1.
WILIj cavse many changes
Uvdsion Will Affect Hates in Whole
Coast Territory:
ST. PAUL. Minn.. March 2. Wide
spread, changes will result from the de
cision of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission in the Spokane rate case, accord
ing to St. Paul railway officials. They
say the order will necessitate changes In
class rates to a great many points in Ore
gon. Washington and possibly Montana.
"There is a fixed relation between the
rates from Eastern points to correspond
ing territory served by each of the trans
continental lines." said an official to
night, "and therefore It would follow that
class rates would be reduced to points
similarly situated on the Union Pacific,
Santa Fe and Southern Pacific lines and
the ultimate effect of such changes will
be a widespread adjustment of the rates
In the whole territory west of Chicago
and south of the international boundary."
Hails Rate Decision as Great Event
in History.
SPOKANE. March 2. The Spokane
Merchants' Association is planning for
a great public celebration in honor of
the freight rate decision announced by
the Interstate Commerce Commission to
day. The decision, which comes after
a campaign that has been waged for
17 years by the shippers of this city,
is expected to add a vast territory to
Spokane's jobbing field and is declared
by President A. W. Doland of the Mer
chants' Association, to be "one of the
greatest things that has ever happened
in the history of Spokane."
About 200 Greet Guests and Learn
of People and Customs of
Little-Known Land.
At a banquet last night in the Port
land Commercial Club In honor of Rev.
Ernest F. Hall, Professor H. B. Hurl
burt. Dr. O, R. Avison, and Dr. Horace
E. Underwood, members of the party of
Corean Missionaries who are in Portland
this week, the status of the missionary
enterprise in that country was present
ed and the need of the assistance of
the American people In raising the relig
ious and social standard there was urged.
In four addresses of exceptional force,
eloquence and wide knowledge of the
subject, the character of this little-known
people was communicated.
Rev. Ernest F. Hall spoke on "An Ameri
can's Estimate of the Corean." in which
many of the superficial estimates of the
Corean made by travelers were disprov
ed. In his address on "An American Ed
ucator In Corea." Professor H. B. Hurl
burt gave a deeply interesting study of
the Corean. The speaker said the Cor
ean. unlike the Japanese, Is little inter
ested in the commercial side of the Amer
ican genius, but that his interest in the
religious doctrine which through Amer
ican educators, ministers and physicians
has worked such transformations In his
country has developed a strong idealistic
strain in his character. Dr. O. R. Avison
told of his experiences as a pioneer phys
ician in Corea. and the change that has
been , wrought in the life of the people
by the introduction of medical science.
Smallpox, which was formerly prevalent
almost continuously, has been nearly en
tirely eliminated. It has also accom
plished much In dissipating the popular
superstitions. Dr. Horace E. Underwood
made an eloquent plea for the continued
help of America In the work of bringing
Corea to the position among the Nations
which she Is entitled to occupy.
The banquet was attended by two hun
dred representative business, profession
al and church men. The following gen
tlemen occupied places at the speakers'
table: Robert Livingstone, Judge Wolver
ton. Dr. Sharp, Samuel Connell, Ed
ward Cookingham, R. B. Miller. John M.
Scott, Alfred Tucker. E. G. Meyer, C. S.
Jackson, J. Whitcomb Brougher, D. D.,
S. Ban. Dr. G. M. Wells, R. L. Sabln.
Bishop Scadding. British Consul James
Laldlaw. Japanese Consul Y. Numano, J.
W. Ganong, ti. R. Spencer. J. R. Wilson
D. D., Judge Bronaugh, William M. Ladd.
rr. J. R. Wetherbee, J. F. Carroll.
Dr. Hiram Foulkes. H. M. Crooks, H. C.
Campbell and W. Dunckley.
CContlnued From First Page. )
communicated the details of the plot to
the Chief of Police, and as a result de
tectives were hidden in his office when
the men called. They waited until they
had heard sufficient of the plot to sat
isfy them that a heinous crime was con
templated, and then they came out from
hiding and arrested the two men.
Goodwin told the detectives that he was
convinced that a plot had been formed to
make way with him In order to secure his
property. The officers have recovered
the power of attorney given by Goodwin
to O'Loane, enabling him to sign checks
for the miner, to make loans on his prop
erties at Rebel Creek. Nev., and Silver
City, Idaho, to transact all other busi
ness for him and naming O'Loane and
Danby his sole executors In case of his
One loan for J125 Is said by the police
to have been obtained on the power of
attorney. Detectives are looking for
stock In a gold mining company owned
by Goodwin and valued at $25,000. Good
win asserts that some of his checks have
been raised but, as yet, has made no
formal accusation.
Mrs. Edith O'Loane, wife of one of the
alleged conspirators,, says she knew
nothing of any plot and was innocent of
any wrong intention. She was excluded
from the room, she asserts, when the
power of attorney was signed.
.Notwithstanding her protestations of
Innocence. Mrs. O'Loane was placed un
der arrest this afternoon, the detectives
being convinced that she has not told
all she knows of the affair.
The two men asked the landlady of
the house where they lived. Miss Esther
Gode, for a key to .the old miner's room
on Saturday, saying they wanted to Inrk
j him In. She refused to do so until her
suspicions were allayed by the statement
that they feared he might wander away
while under the Influence of liquor.
Goodwin said this afternoon that he
first met O'Loane In Nevada, about five
years ago. when he was prosepctlng.
Later he saw him In Reno, where he
ran a saloon. He met him recently in
this city. Danby was introduced to
Goodwin by O'Loane
Portland Agents for the
Famous Royal Worcester
Olds. Wortman $zKin
New Trimmings
The woman who cares for ar
tiscally decorated gowns will
revel in the assortment shown
for this season. A wealth of
tasteful ideas are offered, and
fashion's most favored conceits
are shown here.
New Embroideries
Exquisitely dainty, fresh and
attractive are the embroideries
shown here in immense assort
ment. Skirt flouncinrs. baby
flouneings, allovers, edges and
insertions, and flouncing sets
are among the latest arrivals.
The New Hosiery
; .
Fancy boot effects, polka-dots,
fancy designs or plain blacks;
also the correct shades in solid
colors for wear with tailored
suits or evening costumes.
Sole Agents for
Ladies' Home Journal
Gowns and Chemise
to $12.50
There are only a limited number of these garments- so
those who wish to buy at the bargain price had best' act
promptly, uowns, chemise and drawers, some slio-htlv Cv
soiled and mussed from display, but otherwise in perfect
condition. Fine materials, daintily fashioned and elabo- )
rately trimmed with tucks, laces and embroidery. Good
choice i uiuereui styies, ana, minn you, the values run to as
niii as .-n.ou. lour choice of this lot while they
last, at, the garment "
Gingham Petticoats $1.00-$1.75
Underskirts of best quality gingham, in checked or striped
patterns, and a variety of colorings.. Also in solid gray or
blue, with embroidered edge. Very good underskirts for
RprniEr wear; unusually good values at from O-l ir
si.oo to olia
PETTICOATS, of fancy lawn, in pink, blue or tan. with
net flounce, finished with bias bands; a special Q nr
value at, each gliDO
Stylish footwear
That Does Not Cost Much
Shoes Worth to $5. 00 at $3. 19
Every customer who has inspected our line of Spring
and Summer shoes has warmly complimented us on the ex
cellence of the styles and the superiority of the values.
We are prepared to cater to the shoe wants of the most
fastidious shoppers. A stock carefully and critically
chosen for its value and style worthiness, and the season's
best shoe models on our shelves in goodly assortment of
sizes and widths. With this decidedly pleasing condition,
hacked by a corps of thoroughly competent and conscien
cious salesmen and shoe-fitters, we are prepared to do, and
hope to do, the banner shoe business of Portland and of
our.history the coming season.
Latest Neckwear
Dutch collars with jabots to
match; lace jabots, hand-embroidered
neckpieces, and all
the latest fancies of fashion are
well represented in our Neck
wear Department.
From the modestly priced
cambric 'kerchief, costing 10c,
to the very elaborate affairs of
hand-wrought lace, the hand
kerchief stock represents the.
last detail complete. This im
portant adjunct to any woman's
toilet may cost you what you
New Dress Ne t s
Plain, colors, tucked effects,
stripes, two-tone and combina-"
tions of tucks and lace bands are
among the wanted things for
Spring in dress and waist nets.
J Women s shoes another drastic reduction to
0" y Tf effect the final clearance. To make room for
tjie Sprjng stock daily crowding upon us in our
Dig ana ever-growing shoe dept. we offer
nearly all high shoes and twenty-five different lines of women's
Oxfords, with light or heavy soles; button or lace style; come
in tan, patent or plain leathers; regular values up to $5.00 the PQ 1 Q
pair; all sizes and widths; choice for Wednesday, the pair...0Ji I U
i im
See the Spring Suits
Some Clever Coats for Spring
AThousand New Style Waists
There's a wider choice of shades shown in this
Spring's smart suits than for many seasons past. The soft
hues, such as wistaria, taupe and other rich, mellow-toned
shades, are decidedly in favor. Then, too, the lines in this
Spring's are so different from last season, so graceful
anrl oHvonfiVa Ilin4 . T tj l 1 .
iuu owiovuic, i,ixa., it u uue buumu miss looKing over trie
H new arrivals, whether they wish to buy or not.
There are severely plain tailored models or cleverly
decorated affairs, and the latter models are suitable for
either street or reception wear.
The late models in coats have many admirers among
Portland's smart folk, new styles with a dash and differ
ence that entitle them to highest praise.
Every day sees the waist stock increase in selection,
and we enthusiastically declare that styles were never so
beautiful or values so great as now. Look over these new
beauty bodices.
lan Spring and Summer Sewing Prepare Now
Don t delay. You can t afford it. Don't put off your Summer sewincr a moment lonwr than i u'ooaoo-i- fr- ..,.- . i...
T 1 - 1 A A 1 ! 1 ' ' ....... ... . . V . . ...... T , .... IK' 11 1.-, IIU. Ill 31 I 1 J I I
e to-be working on Summer frocks
g silks and dress
and preferred
reliable, most
. w ll vuniiucic onjt-iv ui wctau irutHia la iif re. unci i r prp ia a Knowmrr i.nniTenitAiivniA onti.-Ffn... , n i; : . i x-
. - : . ' ii.n.niii.,i,c DI1L1.-.1 1 iiiu, in me iiucm .i mc .ncw rprin
"n m. oircuHuii .m xuuinuu s siirewuesL uuvers. una in mis section ne n-mi as tii u-m, nu-u c...,.. 1 .i;..i.. p e i
. , T . .... . , - , . . . . . ' j " v - iiin-iwi. .i, a .iin-v idi i,L i lavuini jHiirics
tones is oeing maae. in addition to the fabrics and their low prices, we tiavo fnr th ItHiI 1 1 j i . . 1 1 1 - .1 1-11-1... ll.n .n.?.i.. . ! 1
sewinc machine ever koIi! fnr iha mnnor . Tf m rllo 'pmn.. r. i.-: t j -i . , .i , ... . .
le nanrl lift, machine rf lh mmhtir irnn .o.r d. e r . i r A , . ... ' J V J U. 1 1 1 1 I II
rice is only OUiUU I I
Claire Curtiss Out on Ten
Years' Probation.
Oregon Girls 'Who lyed Ciay and
Festive Iife In Hay City Are
Leniently IKaIt With by
Probation Officers.
OAKLAND, Cal.. March 2. (Special.)
Claire Curtiss. aged 19 years, was placed
on probation today for ten years, after
she had entered a plea of guilty to a
charge of grand larceny. Marie Strong,
who is alleged to have been the Curtiss
girl's companion In crime, pleaded guilty
and her case was referred to Probation
Officer Ruess ' for investigation. Miss
Strong was represented In court by her
brother. Harold Strong, an attorney of
Portland. Or.
Probation Officer Ruess in reporting on
the Curtiss case, said she was "more to
bo pitied than to be condemned." The
girl's father is a contractor ' at Cor
valls. Or., her grandfather was former
ly a Judge, and she has an aunt who is
an instructor in an agricultural college.
Ruess said his investigation showed the
girl had been wild from youth, her par
ents evidently not being able to con
trol her. During the last two years she
had learned to smoke and drink. She
left her home Intent upon living a gay
and easy life. The climax came when she
robbed a man of a $300 diamond ring and
$;5 in money after he had dined with
Ruess said relatives of the girl in this
city had offered her a good home, and
that she seemed touched by their kind
ness and has expressed a strong desire to
be worthy of their trust in her. He pur
posely refrained from telling of the girl's
life since ahe left home, saying: "No
good probation work can be done except
following full confessions of life habits
and because of double standard of morals
generally recognized, and the unfairness
of society toward women in this matter,
it is practically impossible to get girls or
women to tell the truth, unless they know
their confidence will be held sacred."
Kugene K. De Grandpre l'ound
Beaten In I-Vont of Resorti
Through the finding of Eugene F. de
Grandpre. agent of the North Pacific
Steamship Company, lying bruised and
bleeding in front 'of 92 Eleventh street at
an early hour this morning, the exist
ence of an alleged disorderly house was
made known to the police.
De Orandpre was taken Into the Nor
tonla Hotel, close by, where a vicious
wound In his head was sewed up, and his
other bruises attended to. While serious
ly hurt. Dr. Kqul. who bound up his
wounds, says he will recover. De Orand
pre was found by an employe of the Nor
tonia. .who carried him into the hotel
and telephoned the, police. His home is
at 625 Broadway.
Although nearly Insensible. De Grand
pre managed to tell that he had been at
tacked while passing the place by two
men. one of whom had hit him with a
brick. Whpn he fell, he says both ran
away. Officer Stanton was sent to the
place, and In his search for evidence,
rang the bell of the house at No. 92
Kleventh street. Here he was met at the
door V.y a woman who talked very fast
and after saying that she ran a "perfect
ly respectable place and that everyone In
it was respectable," banged the door In
the officer's face.
S. S. Beck, who lives next door, on
North Fleventh street, was attracted by
the commotion and volunteered the infor
mation that he was going to make com
plaint against the place today as a dis
orderly house. Beck says sounds of rev
elry, curses, cries and other Indications
of an orgy can be heard at all hours of
the night.
Questions Answered
4f . .
Kln years In
Portland. S
years In the
leading eye
clynica of
QW"hy do school children with
good sight require glasses?
A Mainly to rest the eyes. The
eye does not obtal n Its
growth until the child is about
the age of twelve. The arrowing
eye Is taxed beyond Its strength;
the proper glasses rest and pre
serve 'he eyes.
QWhy do children
A By squinting or frowning the
muscle In the eye is relieved
of strain: this is nature's way.
Study glasses relieve this strain,
and thus prevent squint.
QWhy do children have eye
4 An e'e headache Is a reflex
pain caused by straining the
eyes; the pain may be over the
eyes or through the temples.
The remedy for eye headaches is
relief glasses to be worn while
studying. Our charge covers the
entire cost of examination,
glasses, frames.
Second Floor Corbett Building
. Ftftn and Morrison ,
Nineteen Out of 2 1 Tow nuliips in
Spokane County Kill Saloons.
SPOKANE. Wash.. March 2 (Special.)
Nineteen townships out of 21 so far re
ported In -Spokane County today, voted
out saloons by margins averaging from
three to one, to six to one. Two, Colbert
and Denlmn, were carried by the "cH."
Korty-seven townships held their llrst
election under the law passed at the last
general election, choj-e their first town
ship officers and organ is'.d to take charge
of their own affairs.
Not a disturbance was recorded, nor a
contest followed announcement of the
results. By fnr the most interesting
question settled was that of the sale of
liquor, and In many Instances a f-anjpalgn
for or against has been carried on for
weeks. The result of the general wave
favoring local option or prohibition was
I marked. Opportunity turned out one of
the largest votes ever recorded In the
preMnrt. and the result was overwhelm
ingly for dry townn. In Greenacres town
ship, a lively fight was waged for the
seat of government. Liberty Iikc unsuc
cessfully contesting the right of Green-acres.
In Oh! Castle. Forsythe came to tho
I'nlted States and went West to nutke
his fortune. He succeeded after years of
toll, and sent for his sweetheart .who ar
rived today.
Irish Maid Walts Quarter Century
for Man of Her t'lrolce.
NEW YORK. March 2. The niarriase
license bureau saw the culmination of a
romance today when a license was grunt -eii
to Ambrose Korsythe. rJ. a stoi-kralser
of Pierre. 8. n.. and Miss Fannie Hen
thorne, 42. of Old Castle. Ireland. Near
ly twenty-five years ago Mr. Korsythe
and Miss Henthorne were sweethearts
1-hIIh Into Tub or Water While Play-
Inc Near It.
JU(T:.l. Nev.. March 2. An 1 S- (
months-old hahy of Mrs. Vojvooich.
who conducts a boarding-house here. !
while playing; around a tub full of J
boiling water, lost Its balance, falling!
Into the tub and beln ; literally boiled ,
to death. The mother was attracted
by Its cries too late to save the child.',
Senator Kimx I!iisii.
IIAKKlSlU'Ri;. Ph.. Match 2 Ti;,
restpnation of Piiihci.i'-r Knox as Sena
tor from Pennsylvania, was received
niKlit by Governor Stuart, it takes effect
March 4. On March If.. Georpe T. Oliver
will be elected to foio-e-ed Mr Knox.
Greatest Sacrifice Clearance Sale of
Mens Shoes Ever Held in Portland
To make space for Spring Goods we offer our present
stock every pair of which was custom made at
genuine sacrifice values. Everything has the regular selling
price stamped upon the sole so that the reduction will be
plainly in evidence.
Protzman-Campbell Shoe Co.
Between Morrison and Alder Opposite Meier & Frank's