VOL. XLIX. XO. 15,058. rORTLAXD, OREGON, .WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1909. r It ICE FIVE CENTS. HATE DECISION IS IN COAST'S FAVOR COSGROVE RAPIDLY lunNFCT RFHAINS STRFNfVru i llUllLG I QUEER DISHES FOR HUNTERS' BANQUET CANADIAN CI,UB HAS ANNUAL. FEED. SHIP SUBSIDY BILL BEATEN IF. HOUSE SAYS IRISH GIRLS ARE MADE SLAVES TUFT MOVES INTO THE WHITE HOUSE I IL. UMIi 1U W I IIUI1VI I II FOILS DEEP GRIME WASHINGTON EXECUTIVE GOES HOME SOON. SKNSATIONALi SEQCEIi TO G IN GLES MVSTERY. P HYSCMN V Water Traffic Rules, Says Commission. GIVES SPOKANE REDUCTIONS Present Rates and Earnings of Roads Too High. POSITION IS UNCHANGED Unanimous Opinion of Interstate Board Is Railroads Can Law fully Adjust Rates to Com petition by Ocean. WASHINGTON. March 2. By the unanimous decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission the present sys tem of lower terminal rates to Pacific Coast points than are charged to in terior points, though the latter may be rearer the point of shipment, is sus tained as Just and lawful under the Hepburn rate law. The contention of the Pacific Coast ports and the trans continental railroads Is upheld in Its entirety. Comfort is give:.' Spokane in the shape of a general reduction of class rates from Chicago and St. Paul and in 29 of the specified 34 commodity rates- against which complaint was made. In the five other commodity rates against which complaint is made. Increases are made. But this does not change the relative position of Spokane as an interior point and the Coast cities as points enjoying water competition. Under the decision the railroads are free to follow up the reduction in the Spokane rates ordered by the Commission by making a pro portionate reduction in the rates to Coast ' terminals. Should they fall to make such a reduction, they would be exposed to the danger of losing a larj,e volume of their traffic to their ocean competitors. Two Points Involved. . The two points In the complaint filed ' by the City of Spokane against the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern and the Union Pacific railroads were: First, that the rates from Eastern points to Spokane were higher than to Seattle, a more distant point. Second, that the rates to Spokane were inherently unreasonable. On the first point defendants maintain ed that water competition compelled them to charge the rates In effect to Seattle and that therefore they might, charge a higher rate to Spokane without violating , the long-and-short-haul provision or x without discriminating against Spokane under the law. Recognizes Water Competition. The Commission sustains the claim of the defendants in this respect and holds that the rates to Spokane, although hlgh ' er than to Seattle, are not unlawful. 1 On the second point the Commission sustains the claim of the petitioner and j holds that the rates from Eastern points j to Spokane are unjust and unreasonable. It reduces class rates from St. Paul to Spokane 16 2-8 per cent, and makes sub ' stantially the same reduction from Chi cago to Spokane. Rates east of Chicago are not dealt with. The decision, if applied in principle to all commodities and to all Interior points, must work a revolution In rates from Eastern points of origin to all interior transcontinental territory and in that view It is one of the most far-reaching decisions ever rendered by the Commis sion. , The case has been under considera tion for about a year and a half. For many months the commission has been (endeavoring to settle the intricate points Involved, but not until a few (days ago was an agreement possible. .'The unanimous opinion of the commis sion was prepared by Commissioner Prouty. i It is pointed out that nearly all com modities to the Pacific Coast move under commodity rates, and these were the principal subject of complaint upon the part of Spokane. Rates from all points on the Missouri River to Seattle , are the samc,while rates from the ; same points to -Spokane usually are 1 considered higher than to Seattle, and they increase as the points of origin lie farther east. Cut In Spokane Rales. As Illustrative of this condition, tho complaint referred to 32 articles. The decision says that the commission can fix the rates only upon the articles enumerated. The cut in rates ordered Is horizontal and amounts, in some Instances, to 90 per cent; In other cases to only 6 or S per cent. In the hearing the cost of reproduc ing the properties of the Great North ern and Northern Pacific, their finan cial history, their present capitallza i tion, and their earnings in recent years were fully considered. Coast Rates Held Legal. The commission's findings in brief follow: First The system of transcontinental rates now In force applies lower trans nnrtallon charges.- from points of orlpln upon the Missouri River and- east to Pa cific Coast cities than are applied to in- 4 (Concluded, on Page Dr. Sawyer Much Pleased With Im provement of Distinguished Pa tient at Paso Kobles. PASO ROBLES HOT SPRINGS, CaL, March 2. (Special.) Although still a guest of Paso Robles Hot Springs, Governor s. G. Cosgrove, or Washing ton, Is rapidly improving in health, and according to Dr. Frank W. Saw yer, the director of the hotel and springs, the indications are that the Governor's condition will In a few days be as good as It was when he left for Washington to take the oath of of fice. The past few days he has been able to be about the verandas and grounds of the hotel and about the premises in a chair; and he is able to walk more each day. The trip to Washington was very se vere on him, and the many delays caused by washouts along the l'ne of the railroad made the trip very tire some to him. There Is np doubt, states Dr. Sawyer, that this improvement will continue, and when the weather Is warm In the state of Washington that he will be abje to return and take up his duties as chief executive. On last Thursday evening, during the visit of the Alaska-Tukon-Paclfic excursion of 140 people, the Governor was about the lobby meeting many of his old-time friends. ARMED YACHT FOR COCOS Treasure-Seekers Fear Attack From Robber9 on Return From Quest. LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 2. (Spe cial.) Tomorrow afternoon the yacht Ra mona will clear from San Pedro with a party of twelve persons to go in search of burled treasure on Cocos Island. The party Is headed by Major W. A. Desbor ough, of this city. A wealthy Eastern man who Is passing the Winter in Pasa dena. Is backing the expedition, but Des borough refuses to make his name public. A supply of arms and ammunition has been provided the party, as an attempt to rob the yacht Is feared in case the quest Is successful, and Desborough has purchased engines and hydraulic appar atus for washing away the forty feet of earth which now covers the location of the cave, caused by a landslide some time in the century or. more since the millions were buried, according to le gend. Desborough owns the chart and descrip tion of the spot where the treasure Is said to be burled. MULKEY FOR CONGRESS Jackson County Prosecutor Wants Place llawley Fills. SALEM, Or., March 2. (Special.) District Attorney Mulkey, of' Jackson and Josephine Counties, Is an avowed candidate for Congressman from this district to succeed Congressman W. C. Hawley. The report of his candidacy was circulated here today and the re port has been confirmed. Mulkey was for a number of years Recorder of Polk County, served four years as State Senator from Polk County, held a position in the Mon mouth Normal, was later president of Ashland Normal, and-at the last elec tion was elected District Attorney in Jackson and Josephine Counties. It is understood that he will make an active campaign for the nomina tion. CASTRO TO BE ARRESTED If Returns to Venezuela, Tried for Plot to Kill Gomez. CARACAS, Monday, March 1, via Willemstad, March 2. Should Ciprla no Castro, ex-President of this Re public, attempt to return to this coun try, he will face the possibility of ar rest, he having been Indicted in the Federal Court on the charge of con spiracy to efTect the assassination of Juan Vicente Gomez, the present Pres ident. In consequence of this contingency, the repor that Castro purposes to em bark at Bordeaux March 28 for La Guayra has been received here with much Interest. It is feared that Cas tro's presence In Venezuela would re sult In dangerous demonstrations against him. MINISTER SAVES CROSS Though 111 ad Weak, He Dashes Into Burning Church to Rescue. PHILADELPHIA, March 2While fire men were being overcome by smoke from the flames which destroyed the In terior of the chapel of St. Luke's Pro testant Episcopal Church here today, the rectof, the Rev. David -M. Steele, who is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, dashed Into the edifice and .rescued the cross and altar ornaments. Ten firemen were overcome. A' new pipe or gan valued at $10,000 was destroyed. PASTOR KILLS DRUNKARD Congregational Minister Shoots a Liiqubr-Crazed Valet, TEMPLE. N. H., March 2. While craz ed with drink George L. Marcott, a valet In the employ of Brigadier General James Miller. U. S. A., retired, ran amuck to day and after shooting at several vil lagers, was shot and killed by Rev. Har vey Eastman, pastor of the Congregation al Church. Plot Hung on Miner's Debauch and Death. DOCTOR TURNS DOWN FORTUNE Woman Used as Decoy Grows Dangerously III. DETECTIVES HEAR SCHEME Two Men Gain Power of Attorney and Then Plan to Have Victim Drink Himself to Death With Wife of One. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. The in tegrity of a physician. Dr. Joseph L. Howard, today probably saved the life of James Goodwin, a miner 60 years of age, and foiled one of the most unique murder and robbery plots In the annals of the police of this city. As the re sult of Dr. Howard's refusal to become a party to the plot, even when a small fortune had been offered him. Sydney J. Danby, formerly of the Danby In vestment Company; James O'Loane, his partner, and Mrs. O'Loane, are now In Jail, and the miner Goodwin Is on the road to recovery. Goodwin Is estimated to be worth at least 125,000, most of his property con sisting of Nevada mining stocks. The three under arrest plotted to obtain control of this, and to that end intro duced the aged "miner to Mrs. O'Loane. With him he was started on a pro longed debauch, and while he was in a semi-drunken condition, power of at torney was secured from him. He was then plied with more liquor, it being the plan of the conspirators to allow him literally to drink himself to death. Decoy Taken III. The men concerned In the plot bargain ed better than they had expected, how ever, and Mrs. O'Loane soon showed that she was in danger of dying first. Alarirf ed at this state of affairs, the two men called In Dr. Howard, whom they knew slightly through his having formerly ren dered them professional services. He found Mrs. O'Loane In a critical condition, but by heroic treatment brought her back to recovery. The plotters then told the physician that in an adjoining room In the lodging house where they had Mrs. O'Loane was another victim, whom they wanted him to see, permit to die. and then furnish a death certificate. They offered him for this service one-third of the proceeds of their scheme. Dr. Howard pretended to fall in with their plans, and made an appointment with them at his hotel, when final arrangements would be made. Before meeting the men Dr. Howard Concluded on Page 2.) LOOK OUT FOR FREE SPEECH HE CAN REMOVE Broiled Whale, Roast Monkey and Oilier Unusual Dainties Grace Festive Board. NEW YORK, March 2. Broiled Pa cific whale, grilled blubber from Nootka, roast Amazon monkey, baked Winnipeg porcupine and boa constrictor cutlets were among the more Imposing features of the annual dinner of the Canadian Camp at the Hotel Astor tonight. These delicacies came at the end of the menu, the diners appetites being whetted earlier In the feast by ordinary viands., such as martlndale, one-eyed trout, mountain lamb (with horns), Newfoundland rab bit pie, spitted Vancouver pigeons and African sorbet a la White. Colonel C. J. (Buffalo) Jones was the guest of honor and the principal speaker. His address, which the toastmaster de scribed In advance as a "challenge to nature fakers and mollycoddles," was illustrated with stereoptlcon pictures. Not the least Interesting part of the discourse were Imitations by "Buffalo" Jones, of the cries of the coyote, bear, mountain lion, buffalo and other animals of the plains, enabling any of the diners, the speaker said, "to recognize these speci mens easily by ear, whenever they chanced to get within' speaking distance." 'CORPSE' RETURNS TO WIFE William Conley Was In Desert, Not In IIU Grave. IXS ANGELES, March 2. A remark able story of wrong Identification was revealed today when William Conley, of Salt Luke, whose body supposedly was identified when it was washed ashore at Venice three weeks ago, returned here from the desert where he had been em ployed and effected a happy and tearful reconciliation with his mourning "widow." Conley had not seen a newspaper In months until recently when he picked up one and saw a notice of his deth and the identification by his wife and son. He hastened to thia city and a brief search located Mrs. Conley. METEOR HITS NEAR DAYTON Palo u.-e Farmer Sees Heavenly Body Which Strikes In Barnyard. SPOKANE. Wash., March 2. (Spe cial.) Falling with a terrible velocity, a meteorite, the first one ever kt!own to have fallen In this section of the country, struck the rim rocks on the E. S. Kennoyer ranch, three miles east of Dayton, last night. Only small fragments of the meteorite have been found, but rt. was evidently a large one. AVALANCHE BURIES TROOP Thirty-one Austrian Soldiers Meet Death Near Innsbruck. INNSBRUCK. Austria, March 2. A detachment of six officers and 25 men of the Austrian army was overwhelmed I by an avalanche near La Franne today. Troops have been sent to the scene of the disaster. All trains have been stopped at Brenner Pass. MMPKSr? ,P gsfg Majority of Three Set tles Fate Again. SCHEME TO LOOT TREASURY Clark Denounces Open Lobby ing Among Members. GREAT RALLY OP FORCES One Member Carried From Hospital to Vote Thirty Republicans Contribute to Iefeat, Four Democrats Aid Bill. WASHINGTON'. March 2-The ship subsidy bill, passed previously by the Senate, was defeated In the House today by the narrow margin of three, the vote being 172 to 175. The opponents of the measure cheered wildly. The feeling In the House was strained as the hour of voting approached. The attendance was probably the largest of the session. Every one recognized that the vote would be close. Goldfogle or New York, who was operated on yesterday in a hospital, was carried on the floor in a chair to vote against the bill. Provisions or Bill. An understanding was reached whereby four and a half hours would be devoted to the bill and at the end of that time a vote should be taken. The principal feature of the bill Is that American mall ships of 18 knots or over and of rot less than 5000 gross tons shall be paid 4.60 per nautical mile outward bound on routes of 4000 miles or upward to South America, the Philippines, Asia and Aus tralia. Overstreet. in charge of the bill, ex plained It and he was followed by Landis. who made an earnest plea for the pass age or the bill. Moon of Tennessee led the opposition. Infernal Fraud, Says Moon. "It is an Infernal fraud designed to plunder the treasury," he- declared. Speaking of the provision for the training of American boys and answering the plea of patriotism advanced by Landis. he said it was but a blind to hide the giving or the people's money to corporations or ship-owners. The climax came when Clark, the minority leader, declared that a lobby had been carried on right on the floor of the House In favor of the bill. "It js an- outrage to a civilized coun try." he declared, "this thing of coax, lng men, of buttonholing men, and I undertake to say that when Mr. Moon denounced this bill as an infernal fraud he used language that he was Justified in using." The debate against the bill was- closed (Continued on lae 3.) IT TOMORROW. Attorney Declares Canadians Make Business of Selling Girls to Lives of Shame. CHICAGO. March 2. (Special.) Pat rick H. O'Donnell. attorney for Ella Gin gles. the victim of the Wellington Hotel mystery, today declared that he would bring before the United States Government- evidence of white slave plots by which Irish girls are brought to Canada and sold Into peonage in the Dominion and in this country. Mr. O'Donnell has Just returned from Belleville. Ontario, where he was look ing up Miss Gingies' past life, and de clared that his Inquiries there clear up her character and establish the truth of many of her claims. "I found that hundreds of girls are taken to Canada every year by a certain immigration agency on promU-e of em ployment at good wages," said Mr. O'Donnell. "They are trapped Into white slavery and many ot them are sent to the I'nited States. I shall lay the evidence I have gathered In the hand., of District Attorney Sims. I shall also attempt to stir up a feeeling among the Chicago Irish on this matter. Hundreds ot Irish girls are trapped into peonage every year." NO SMOKING, SO QUIT CLUB Dozen Walla Walla Young Men Object lo V. M. C. A. Rules. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. March (Special.) Incensed at what they believe to be a curtallim-nt or their rlehts. 12 young men who have been rooming at the V. M. C. A. building ror the past several months today rented a private resldenceT furnished the house and will live there. The rupture came because of the pro posed rule against smoking I nthe rooms of the building, although some of those wiio moved do not smoke, but left out of sympathy with the others. Smoking has been permissible In this institution since (t was opened, but Sec retary Robert Carey, in showing visitors through the building, was not favorably Impressed with the continual haxe that rung In the rooms, hence his order ban ishing this practice. The young men have formed a club and stated their Intention of having nothing further to do with the Institution In the future. NINE DIE IN TENEMENT Blaze In New York Proves Small Slzoil Holocaust. NEW YORK. March 3. At least nine persons met death early today In a fire which swept through a crowded four story brlcta tenement at 374 Seventh ave nue, near Thirty-ieeond street. Nine bodies had been recovered at dawn and It is expected the death list will grow. 8everal children are missing. The flames were started in the base ment and swept rapidly up the stair way, cutting off the escape of terror stricken tenants, all of whom were Italians. Many or them tried to Jump from the windows. The iHilice and fire men made several spectacular rescues, while a crowd, which surrounded the burning building, cheered their efTorts. Among the 'dead are a man and a woman and two children, but as there was great confusion around the scene of the fire and a number of bodies were badly charred, early identification was out of the question. SPECIAL SESSION LIKELY Members Give Governor liensou Pledge lo Hold to One Bill. SALEM. Or., March 2. (Special.) That a special session of the legisla ture will be held looks much more probable today than It did yesterday. A number ot tlie members or the Legis lature were in communicntlon with Governor Benson today, and most of them Informed him that It called to gether for the purpose ot passing the derectlve appropriation bill they will undertake nothing else. It is almost certain that a special session will be called, but not until Benson feels assured that general legislation will. not be attempted. COUNCIL DEPOSES MAYOR Kali-kpell Executive nt legislature Too Long for City Solons. KALISPEI.L. Mont.. March 2. Mayor James Herbert was officially deposed by the city council last night and Alderman B. Jones was elected to fill the vacancy. The' Mayor had ben absent from office beyond the statutory limit without leave of absence. He Is In Helena, represent ing Flathead county in the lower House of the Legislature. COLD CHAPEL HURTS POPE Reason of Pontiffs Illness Given by Ills Physician. CHICAGO. March 5. A special to the Dally News from Rome says: Dr. Petachl says that the Pope's iilness Is the result of early rising and saying mass In a cold private chapel. Neither the doctor nor the Pope's attendants can persuade him to change his habits. His present Illness Is not serious. Roosevelt's Guest for Few Days. OCTOGENARIAN AUNT ON HAND Miss Torrey Is Inspiration to. Incoming Executive. VICTORIOUS IN GOLF GAME Prejildeiit-eleet Tries Out New Auto and Ijraves Secret Service Men Far Behind on tho Muddy Itoad. WASHINGTON. March I. As the guests or President and Mrs. Roose velt, President-elect and Mrs. Taft will begin their occupancy of the While House tomorrow night, going there for dinner and remaining. After the inauguration there will be a reunion ot the various members of the Taft family at the White House. Miss Helen, Robert and Charlie, the three children or the President-elect, arrived tonight. Miss Itelia Torrey, 82 years old. of Mllliury. Mass.. the only representative of the Taft family ot the last generation, is here. She is a sister ot Mr. Taft's niotler. and has lived with his parents since boyhood. There is a strong affection between the In coming President and Ms maiden aunt. Aunt an I upiratKn. Her life has been an inspiration to him in a number of speeches he has delivered lo young women students, particularly In his advice to them not to consider marriage the only object to -be attained. Mr. Taft has stated that the lovea bleness ot character developed by se-ir-sacrlllcing unmarried women has shown that there mfcv be much in a single life. Mr. Taft enjoyed a golf game on the Chevy Chase course today. He defeat ed hundily his opponent. General Clar ence It. Kd wards, and remarked with some regret that he believed he would be unable to get away fur a (anie to morrow. Dodges Secret Service Men. Returning from the course In his new automobile, Mr. Taft somewhat en Joyed the experience of leaving behind in tlie mud a member of his secret serv ice guard, who had undertaken to make the trip on a motor cycle. , The Oregon delegation in Congress called on Mr. Tart today with refer ence to a Kederul judgeship. Atter dinner today Mr. Taft called at the residence of Thomas K. Wahli, who is entertaining a large public parly for the Inauguration. He was proudly wearing tlie watch and chain presented him last night by V.ntinued on Puge 4 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TEPTKUDA VP Maximum temperature. 33 (ifKre'S; minimum, -i TOL)AVS-aln, Southeasterly winds. J'ort ign. Sensational evidence in SackvlUe contest at Madrid. Page 4. . National. Interstate rummlspinn d-t -ides Spokane rat tasc in favor of Coast cities, but reduces Spotjt ne rat es. l'ase 1. Taft mo es inti Wnito Houo Roos elfs guest, rase I. Ship subtddy bill defeated In House, rage 1. Southern Senator nliluu-r against penal code. Page 3. Fulton at;ain foil effort to have Young con firmed. Page 5. Sparry resign as Admiral and ?chroeder succeeds him. Page .V IHjoicM ic. pre k men win fight in court for eight-hour da v. I'npp t. Ex-SupervtRor Coffey sentenced for receiv ing hnhe. Page X Long wort h ha quarrel with Jerome Rona 1 arte abort his w lie's bridge playing ln Ke 5. Cofcrove fast recovering at Paso Robles. Pa g e 1 . Iefene eltute In Cooper trial. Page 2. plot to K-t f from miner lolled by doctor, who betrays it. Paie I. port la ml doe tor vict imixed by gang of prize-fight swindler, page 7. Ella ;:n;;le said to be one of many Irish ;lrl an lil into slavery. I'age 1. Expedition start to find CWos Island treas ure, i'age 1. Lnfq-Je banquet of Canadian Club in New York. Page I. porta. Wrestlers aciiised of "fakinp can make--den la la before grand Jury. Pag 7. White Sox begin praetiee in Califorria. Pane 7. PaUc Northwest. Wets win gnal victory in House at Olyna- pla. completely r-'uung lry. Page . Harriman vt :ns ontcM with Hill to eontrol liarihaldi Phps. south of Antorla. i'ave O. NordMrom conf to brutal murder at Til'.amu.ok. Page . Commercial nnd Marine. ranker proposes to sell tanned goods di rect to retailer. Page l.V , Two-cent advance in w heat at Chicago. I'age 10. profexsional operations in stovk market. Page 13. Over n.'MMMioo feet of lumber cleared for California ports. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Construction of Oechute mad held up for time by Government, rap 11. W. D. Kenton concludes eloquent plea for railroad in ' land-grant care. Page 10. Two girls refuse to marry after license Is bouKht. rage 8. John Carlisle shoots divorced ife and kills himself. Pago 14. Streetesr company proposes to build its ova bridge. I'age 10. patrolman Newell charged with heating man up after stealing his wife. Page 4.