Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 27, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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    eier dS Frank's Saturday Shopping Bulletin
Store Open to 9:30 Tonight
$1.50 Books 50c "Laven
der and Old Lace" 'Rosalind
at the Gate," "The Devir
Gqod Books, Formerly at
$ 1 .50 Now 50c Satan Sand
erson, and 6 Cy. Courtship
Store Open to 9:30 Tonight
All Merchandise Purchased on Your Account Today, WiUAppear on YourMarch Bill
Today's Sale of Women's
nit Underwear
35c Values 25c
Women's fine ribbed, high neck,
long sleeve, Spring weight cot
ton Vests, 35c values, 25c
all sizes, garment
35c Values 25c
Women's ribbed, cotton, lace
trimmed Umbrella Pants, all
sizes, 3oc values; spe- 25c
cial sale price, only...
50c Values 29c
Women's Swiss ribbed, low
neck, no sleeve, with fancy
yoke; 50c values; spe- 29c
cial in this sale at....
Sale of Embroidery
Values to $2 at 59c Strip
In 4'2 and 5-Yard Strips
Today only in center aisle. 5000 yards of cambric,
nainsook and swiss Embroidery in strips of 4lo and
5 yards each, from 3 to 12 inches wide. CQr
Values to $2.00 for, per strip, only
One of those great lace sales at Meier & Frank's.
Tailored Shirtwaists
$ 1 .75-S2 Waists at $ 1 .43
Today in our Waist Section, second floor, we offer
a new line in a sale on cotton tailored Shirt Waists
in white lawn, Indian Head linen, percale and cham
bray; made plain, with side plait and pocket, or
made with small or wide tucks; colors are white,
fancy stripes nd black and white t 1 AQ
checks. Values to $2 for, each S
Taffeta Ribbon 17c
10,000 Yards in the Sale
One of those desirable Ribbon sales that appeal to
the economical buyer and at the same time secure
the best values in ribbon. A special lot of 5-inch
all silk taffeta and satin Ribbon', in a full line of
staple colors; regular 35c values. Special "t 7f
Saturday at the surprisingly low price, yd.
Lowe's Toilet Water
Regular 75c Values 59c
Today Only at This Price
Lowe.'s famous Violet Toilet Water. It is richly
perfumed and keeps the skin in a healthy condi
tion. It sells without advertising. Give it CQ
a trial. Regular 75c size, special today only,
$ 1 Handbags at
A great Satur
day sale in
Bags for wom
en, center aisle
table. A value
not often of
fered. Do not
fail to secure
one of these
Handbags i n
good quality
leather lined, riveted,
with coin purse; comes
ck, brown and tan; values
.00. Special for OQ.
ay only at.
Soda Fountain in the Base
ment. Light Lunches served.
Tea, Coffee and Sandwiches.
Great Rjichin
50,000 Yds, to Select From
Special All Day Saturday 50,000 yards of choice Neck Ruching in
black, white and a full range of colors; regular 25c and 35c 1 y
values. Special price for Saturday, per yard, only
1 000 Yds, Veilings
Values up to 65c at 22c
For today only we offer at our Veling Section a
special lot of 1000 yards of ladies' fancy Veiling
in black, brown, white, green, navy, in the
fine and dotted meshes; values to 65c, yd.
Table Covers $1.85
300 Only in Today's Sale
Table Covers, double faced mercerized tapestry,
heavy fringe all around; red, green and red and
green; 2 yards square ; regular $2.50 T 1 OC
quality. While they last they go at,ea. M
Department on the Third Floor. Take elevator.
1 5c Whisk Brooms 9c
2000 Brooms in this Saturday Spl.
We expect to dispose of every one of these Whisk Brooms today.
Sale starts at 8 A. M., and, considering the value, we will have no
task in disposing of the 20 gross of our regular line of 15c Whisk
Brooms. Note the quality of the straw. We offer this excep- Q
tional value in brooms today only. Come and get them for....
Sale of Children's Hose
Today Only at 1 5c Per Pair
50 pairs of children's black cashmere and cotton Hose, with double
knee, heel and toe, medium weights, broken lines; values 1 Cj
are up to 25e per pair. Special low price of, per pair x
Lindsay Lights 54c
The celebrated Lindsay lights, complete with Lind
say burner, best Lindsay mantle and imported
globe; our regular ma value, special, com- CLA
iricic .1 uui uuoiun-ii. v - - - -1
Lindsay Mantles 1 0c
A genuine Lindsay mantle, on special sale in
our basement. Buy all you want Sat- i r
urday only at the low price of, each. .. A vC
Boys' Bluchers at
For today only in onr big Shoe Section we offer a line of boys' kan
caro grain Bluchers, wide toes, with tips. This shoe will stand
hard wear: strong soles, heavy sewed scams; all sizes (tl
1 to 51 '. For Saturday only we place them on sale, pair, V
Men's $4 Shoes for $2.95
A great saving today in men's patent colt and glazed kid Bluchers,
stvlish swing lasts, medium soles, light extension edges; (tO QK
a special finish shoe; all sizes, 5 to 11, A to E widths. . V"
5000 Yds. of Linoleum
65c Values at 39c Yard
5000 vards of Linoleum of good quality, neat patterns, reg- OQ-
ular 65e value. On special sale now at, per pard
10 cents a yard extra for laying. An excellent opportunity to secure
a Linoleum for your bathroom, kitchen, etc., at about '2 reg. price.
Sheet Music Hits at Cut Prices
Morning Cy, Tropical Moon, Doll Rags, Pork and Beans, Siablo I CfWWT
UC Opy Rag, Moon Won't Tell, Cozy Flat, Cannon Ball, Honeytime, X-fVJJJT
George Anna Two-Step, Fans and Glances (new), Goodby, Soldier Boy, Night and Day, Bugler March.
1 eT fwK.r Jungle Town, While You Are Mine, Rainbow, School Days, Zulu 1 PrtTW
1 JC VOpY Love, Merry Widow, Normandie' Waltz, Long Ago, Sweet v'vr'Jr
Pickles, Stung, Love's Dream Waltz, Dixie Darlings, Awakening of Birds.
1f- I Wish I Had a Girl, My Marguerite, Hearts and Flowers, Q fnTV
ZC V-Opy Glow Worm, Mandy Lane, Dill Pickles, Hang Out the Front 'V
Door Key, Rose Leaves, Red Wing, Dreaming, Are You Sincere? lone, My Own.
Curtain Stretchers 95c
Great Savings Today
1000 "No Piece" Curtain Stretchers, made from select basswood, with
1-incb frame 6x12 fret, non-detachable center brace, with QCp
non-rusting brass pins 2 inches apart. Regular $1.50 quality,
ale Rubber Goods
Our line of rubber goods at these exceptionally low prices, consist
ing of combination syringes and water bottles, fountain syringes and
water bottles, are offered at the extremely low prices quoted below:
Eagle Water Bottles, 2-quart, regular 75c; special today only. . .G30
Eagle Water Bottles, 3-quart, regular 85o; special today only... 730
Homestead Water Bottles, 2-quart, regular $1; special today S90
Fairy Fountain Syringes, 2-quart, regular $1.35; special today.. 9S0
Fairy Fountain Syringes, 3-qt., regular $1.50; special today. .$1.19
Eagle Fountain Syringes, 2-qt., regular 65c; special today 590
Eagle Fountain Syringes, 3-qt., regular 75c; special today 630
Combination Syringe, 3-qt., regular $1.00; special today 790
Regular $3.25 Cable Net
Curtains at $2.45 the Pair
This sale begins at 8 o'clock sharp. An early call
is solicited, as number is limited. $3.25 Cable Net
Curtains, white or ecru, 50 inches wide, 3 yards
long, plain centers, with narrow or wide CO A C
borders. In this special sale, per pair. . pdJ
A Great Sale of "Navajo
Pattern" Rugs for Today
Imitation Navajo Rugs, all wool, made on the same
principle as the genuine Navajo, in true Indian col
orings. Effect is just as pleasing as the real Navajo.
27x54. ..$2.7536x60. ..$4.7548x72. ..$7.50
$5.00 Bed Sets $3.95
$6.50 Bed Sets $5.20
Ruffled Net Bed Sets, either white or ecru, with Battenberg, motifs
and edges Secure one of these dainty sets for your bedroom now.
$5 00 quality, each $3.95 $6.50 quality, each $5.20
i i
I - I - trick man. I lty In Nicaragua, the State Department
Pi-nrn rrm III niinilirnn iouna, ana o - h hp(.n advanced to cmei aispaicner.
nlLLllLfl TCflnfl I hi RIICIIIILCC lm carpenter, who says she owes assistant superintendent in December. been auvanceu be gent tQ Amapaa on.the west coast
III I III I Inm 111 II ill 11 ill! him $48, which he wants, may have to 1905- vbtjiI Vessels Ordered South. to watch developments and report on the
i oiiuaiiuii.
Temporary Advance Is Thought Best
Means or Completing Pay
ment for Furniture.
Whether or not the constitution shall
be amended to enable the management
to Increase the monthly dues for a. lim
ited time Is the principal question to be
discussed tonight at a Bpecial meeting of
members of the Portland Commercial
Club. An inert ase of $1.50 in the monthly
dues is deemed advisable In order to liqui
date the Indebtedness against the club
for Its furnishings. The Indebtedness in
question amounts to about KS2.000. and the
management believes tha.t the increase in
the lues together with the revenue
earned by the club will wipe out all In
debtedness In a year's time. The club
finances are in excellent condition and the
impression that the proposed action would
Indicate otherwise is entirely erroneous.
In speaking jf the proposed change yes
terday. Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, president
of the club said:
"Since the Commercial Club has occu
pied Us new quarters at Fifth and Oak
st-eets. it has been conducted on a finan
cial plan that shows & decided profit. At
the Lime the new club building was fur
nished it was necessary for the manage
ment to Incur some indebtedness for fur
nishings. This Indebtedness was carried
by :3 members of the club, who tempo
rarily ioaned their credit for the purpose;
several merchants also interested in see
ing the club a success -were willing to
carrv It for a year, without interest, to
the extent of J9CO0.
' "Tnls amount will soon become due and
the present management is anxious to
liquidate this entire indebtedness within
a year. The present dues are $2.30 a
month which is only one-half the amount
of dues charged by similar organizations
throughout the country. At present th9
club has a monthly profit averaging from
JlW to With an Increase in the
dues of $1.50 a month, the organization
would have a monthly Income together
with the profit on management, of about
jridOO a month, which will at the end of
the year nearly. If not entirely, liquidate
the outstanding Indebtedness.
- "It is s well known fact that no club
dining-room is run with profit, on account
of the fixed charge being nign ana tne
service having to be maintained though
really serving but one large meal each
day. In spite of this fact, however, the
Portland Commercial Club has been man
aged during the first six months with
practically no loss. It is believed, more
over, that under the present management
the coming year will show a uniform
monthly profit in the dining-room.
"Many who opposed raising the dues a
year ago now favor the policy. So far
ks the Board of Governors Is able to
ascertain there is practically no opposi
tion to this method of raising the neces
sary lunds to liquidate the indebtedness."
Xorth Albina Push Club Takes Steps
Toward Erection of Building.
. T. C. Shaw, H. G. Parsons, D. Baugh
man; J. H. Nolta and S. I Osburn,
committee for the North Albina Push
Club, appointed to investigate the feas
ibility of erecting a clubhouse on Kll
llngsworth avenue, held a meeting
Thursday night and selected a lot on
Kllllngsworth avenue and Borthwlck
street. It was the sense of the com
mittee that a two-story building should
be erected on the lot 100x30 feet, which
should be used for both business and
club purposes. The committee favors
the formation of a Joint stock com
pany, and will probably so recommend
in its report to the push club next
Monday night.
The general plan and purpose are
to form a local commercial club mod
eled after the Portland Commercial
Club and to put up a building in which
will be placed club quarters, prob
ably on the second floor. The cost of
the ground and buildings It is proposed
to erect will be between $15,000 and
$20,000. The project is meeting with
strong support among the large prop
erty owners and residents.
Dr. Horn, the optician, Jd floor Swet
land -blag., guarantees satisfaction or
money refunded. No fancy prices.
Revolts at Cold Steel.
"Tour only hope." said three doc
tors to Mrs. M. E. Klsher. Detroit.
Mich., suffering from severe rectal
trouble, lies in an op'eratlon." "Then I
used Dr. King's New Life Pills." she
writes, "till wholly cured." They pre
vent Appendicitis, cure Constipation,
Headache. 25c at all druggists.
Explains When Arrested He Also
Took Load of Oats So He Might
Have Ready Money.
Chris Booth, who stole a team of
horses, wagon and load of oats from F.
E. McEldowney, manager of the Ladd
ranch, near Sellwood, was captured in
Holbrook yesterday morning by Sheriff
Stevens and Deputy Bulger, and brought
to Portland on the same train with Claud
V. Wells, the alleged robber of the East
Side Bank. Both men are now In the
County Jail. Booth has confessed. He
was formerly employed at the ranch.
Booth explained that he Intended to go
to work in a mill at Rainier, hauling
lumber, and that he needed the team for
this purpose. He said that he went to
the farm last Wednesday, Intending to
take the team, but saw McEldowney
walklng about with a lantern, and de
cided to put It off a day. .
Thursday night he went to the Ladd
barn, oiled the wagon, loaded on 10 sacks
of oats, and drove away. It took him
two hours, he said, to load the oats and
bitch the horses. He was sleeping sound
ly at a Holbrook farmhouse when he was
awakened by the Sheriffs flashlight and
looked into the muzzle of a drawn re
volver. He sold the oats at Scappoose for $10.
A resident of Linnton Innocently offered
him $700 for the team, sead to be worth
$2000, and paid $20 to bind the bargain,
and to get the horses shod. Booth seemed
to be much disappointed that he could
not fulfil his promise to deliver the team.
Xo Trace of Woman Who Rejected
Suitor Says Owes Him $48.
Efforts of a deputy constable to in
terrupt the honeymoon of Mrs. J. R.
Johnson, lately Grace E. Woodard, have
thus far failed. Trains have been
watched and hotels visited, but the
bride and her husband are not to be
found, and so William Frank, the Sa
lem carpenter, who says she owes
him $48, which he wants, may have to
get along without the money.
The officers have been told that the.
bride has already left the city and is
now at Hood River with her husband.
She is said to have left a few hours
before the suit was filed in the Jus
tice Court Thursday afternoon. Frank
alleges that she borrowed money in
small sums almost every day last De
cember, promising to return the loans
on demand. At that time Frank be
lieved he was to be the happy bride
groom, but it seems the -woman changed
her mind. -
1D87- Trior! a chief dlsDatcher in 1898 and
assistant superintendent in December,
By Mr. Morris' retirement from the
Southern Pacific company C. W. Mar
tyn. chief dispatcher at Roseburg, has
been promoted to assistant superln-
Xaval Vessels Ordered South.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Because of
reports of uneasiness in Central America
grow!np--out of important military activ-
Budapest, with 6531, has the third larest
univpr-flty Htii'l-nt pnpnlntinn.
G. C. Morris, Southern Pacific Vet
eran, Becomes Superintendent.
G. C. Morris, assistant superintendent
of the Southern Pacific lines in Ore
gon, has tendered his resignation, ef
fective March 1, and will accept the
position of general superintendent of
the United Railways on that date.
Mr. Morris was born in Washington
County, Ohio, August 10, 1864, and re
moved with his parents to Oregon in
the Winter of 1870. In 1884 he entered
the employ of the Oregon & Califor
nia Railroad Company as relief oper
ator at Albany. He was appointed dis
patcher and transferred to Portland In
We Will Pay as Follows:
Dressed Pork, any size 8e
Dressed Veal, under 130 lbs 9c
Dressed Veal, large 7c to 8V4e
Dressed Hens and Springs 17c
Dressed Turkeys SOc
Dressed Ducks ...18c
Live Hens and Springs 15c
Live Turkeys 17c
Live Ducks 15c
Eggs, market price.
We will send check the next day. We
do not charge commission. All ship
ments must be of good quality and
reach us in the right shape.
Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
"Fightlne the Beef Trust."
Twelfth Street, Between Bond and Commercial.
253 Taylor Street (Uniontown).
but avoid them and see that Smith's name and
226 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets.
512 Williams Avenue. 791 Mississippi Avenue.
362. East Morrison Street,
mv. t toto marVito ar around abont us on Alder Street,
"Fiehtinz the Beef Trust" are over the door, and then you'll get in the right place,
Sirloin Koast Beef, lb 10
Sirloin Steak, lb 10
Prime Rib Roast Beef, rolled, bone
less lotf
Prime Rib Roast Beef per
pound 10-12V
Other Roasts of Beef 8-10?
Hamburg Steak, fresh every
hour IOC
Round Steak - Z
Tenderloin Steak IZV2C
Porterhouse Steak 12-15
Beef to Boil 5MS7
Smith's masterful Veal Sausage,
made with veal cutlets, milk, eggs
and seasonings, per pound. . .L2ji?
Loin of Veal
Breasts of Veal 8S10
Veal Stew 8-10
Shanks of Veal
Shoulder Roast Veal IOC
Better cuts of Shoulder Roast
Veal.. 12
Loin Veal Cutlets 15
Rib Veal Cutlets 1ZV20
Best Rib Veal Cutlets 15
Shoulder Veal Cutlets IZVzC
Necks of Veal..
Pigs' Feet
Pigs' Hocks S
Pigs' Feet, pickled 10
Shoulder Roast Pig Pork, end
cuts 10
Fresh Leaf Lard.: 12'
Dry Salt Pork..V
Pickled Pork .12Vz?
Shoulder Pork Chops 12 !'
The fancy cuts of Shoulder Roast
Pork for 12Vt
Smith's absolutely pure Pig Pork Sau
sage, fresh every hour 12V-
Rib Roasts of Pig Pork 15
Loin Roasts of Pig Pork 15
Rib Chops of Pig Pork 15
Loin Chops of Pig Pork 15
Shoulder of Lamb 10
Legs of Lamb . . .' : 15
Lamb Chops 15
Frankfurt Sausage 12V2
Bologna Sausage 10
Liver Sausage 10
Head Cheese 10
Blood. Sausage 10
Smith's Sugar-Cured Hams 15i
Half a Ham 15
Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast
Bacon 16-17!-2
Smith's absolutely pure kettle - ren
dered Lard, 5-Ib. pail 65
The fish you get at a Smith market
is absolutely fresh.
Columbia River Smelt 5
Salmon 12
Eastern Oysters, can 650
Fresh dressed Oregon Chickens, per
Herring, 3 lbs. for
Red Snapper
Tom Cod
Razor Clams, 2 dozen for.
Hardshell Clams, per lb...
Olympia Oysters, pint.
pound . . . .
You must
come early if you want
BUTTER AND EGGS The tiptop quality of fresh Creamery Butter, no cold-storage 'stock ; i
750 per roll. Very good Butter, 600 per rolI Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, 250
t is absolutely
per dozen.
fresh, Ji