1909. 15 FEBRUARY 26, VERY FEW HOPS LEFT Less Than 6000 Bales in Ore gon Growers' Hands. ALL WILL BE NEEDED Contracting Operations Ar Beinj; Carried on by Slate Dealers. Grain Markets Are Quiet. Advance in Eggs. The supply of Orr.n hop is runninfif low. The liwt f un-old l"t vas checked up yesterday and showed but 50.". bales left in jrowers hand. As probably half of this quantity cannot be touched anywhere near the present price, but will be carried Jnto the new crop. It leaves but a very small stock for the trade to work upon. The supply held by dealers is unknown, but there la little doubt that it is much smaller than fcas been th-iupht. That all the available hnps will be takrn up long before the peason ends i regarded as a certainty. In view of the interest now being: shown by Katern brwens. thipmema to date from the Coast have been heavy, but exports from New York to Kurope have ben Iars;e. The indifreren-- of the brewers early in the eaion. principally because of their heavy holdings of 1907 hr permitted much of the present crop to pas on out of the country and now mmt of them, or their supply agents', are likely to find themelvew hrt of hops at a time when they nred thm mor. Tlierein lies one of the points of strength in .the market. Opera t tons against, the future are bring conducted actively by most of the dealers of the state, but the volume of contracting is restricted to a "considerable decree, as ran: of the growers) who were disposed to sell ahead have already done so. Of those who have imt, romw are waiting for more favorable bids and others arc In sections where desirable quality is uncertain. McNeflf Bros, yesterday closed contracts for 86.00O pounds around Dallas at 10 cents for one year. The apot market wu quiet locally. A Fa!em report was that CarmichScl had pur chased two lots at Gervats at 8 cenUi, 62 bales from N. W. Nelson and another lot of 37 bales. LOCAL GRAIN MARKET IS NOT ACTIVE Price Firmly Maintained at the Prer1ou Levels. The local grain markets were not active yesterday, but they were all very stronjr. Wheat was quoted at the former prices. There was some local demand, but very little Inquiry from California. Local buy ins; of oats and barley was sufficient to keep prices up to the previous level. Bid and asked ptices were posted at the Board of Trade as follows: WHEAT. PId. Asked. February $1 03 $1.05 March 1.04 l.Ori February March 1.75 $1 S" 1.77'i 1.82 U BARLEY. February ; 1 40 1.4IU March 1.41 - 1.42 Receipts, In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as fnll.iws: Wheat Barley Flmir Oats Hav Feb. 2. 21, 22... 97 10 2.1 2 I f Feb. ?$ . . 5 2 Feb 24 i 4 11 5 s Total last week. 242 17 M 19 66 LARGE CONSrMPTION OF K.iS. Liberal Buying iive? the larket Additional firmness. Egs; receipts were liberal yesterday, hut tlie buying, both on local and shipping ac count, was rood. Low prices have stim ulated 'consumption at all points and pre vented any surplus accumulating:. Sales, were made during the day at 22 !j and 23 cents, and several firms held at 24 cents, though the movement at the latter figure was not active. Poultry cleaned up well at very firm prices. The large buyers were again in evidence, having kept off the market for seeral days. Their absence had no effect on values, as the buying by the small re tailers was sufficient to hold the market steady, so when the large market men came in yesterday they had to pay the price. The butter market was active and quoted firm at the old quotations. BANANAS WILL BK HIGHER. Advance at Gulf Port- Will Can Iiaie in Pri'T! Here. With th arrival of thro-? c.rj of bananas next Monday prices will be advanced 1z cent per pound, owing to a rise in price by the United Fruit Company at loading ports on the Gulf. The street is now en tirely bare of bananas and has been for some time past. Two cars of oranges and one car of San Francisco cabbage were received yesterday. Trade was fairly good and prices throughout were generally firm. Tha onton and potato markets are quiet and unchanged. I' ma t i Ha Wheat Crop Cleaned V p.' PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 25. (Special. ) Umatilla County's 1JS wheat crop Is prac tically cleaned up by the purchase oh the part of Kerr, GIfford & Co. of the 2000 bush el held by J. Gross, at Adamv. It Is eaid tha price paid for this was 01'i cent per bushel, which Is the highest price paid here this season. Most of the wheat was bold be fore the highest price mark was reached. Bank C Iraringf. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: CIph rings. Balances. Portland $1.1 17.124 $:ts.o4 Seattle 1,527. 14.252 Tacoma t41.'.7 54.510 bpokane l.lo.;03 251,24 1 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc F ARLEY Producers prices : Feed, $25 25 -V) per ton. WHEAT Track pTices: Kluestem, $1.16 31.1; club. $1.04; red Russian, $11.01; Valley. $1.03. FLOCK Patems. $5.45 per barrel; straights. $4.45: exports, $4; Valley. $5.20: graham 4Us, $4 SO; whole wheat, quarters, $5o5. OATS Producers trices: No. I white. $36 per ton. MILLSTL'FFS Bran. $26ff2,50 per ton; middlings. $33; shorts. $2b30; chop. $20525; rolled barley. $29(9-10. HAT Timothy, Willamette Valley. $1310 fr ton: Eastern Oregon. $lfi'51S: c!o-er. $12 013: alfalfa, $14ffI5; gn'.n hay. $1314; cheat. $13.a0614.S0; vetch. $13.5014.50. Vegetablem and rnlL FRE5H FRUITS Apples. 75cr$2.75 box. POTATOES Buying price. $1.25 per hun dred; sweet potatoes. 25;C per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 per sack; carrots. $1.25: parsnips. $1.50; beets, $150; horseradish. 10c per pound. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $3 492.75 per box; lemons. $34; grape fruit. $4 .2o S 4.75 per box; bananas. 5 4 4r 6c per pound ; pineapples, $2.75 3.25 per Cozen; tangerines $1.75 per dox. ONIONS Oregon, buyics; price, $2 per hundred. VEGETABLES Artichokes. $101.25 dos ; ncparague, 15o per pound; beans, 20c; cab' bare, S fl 3c per pound; cauliflower. 12 per crat; celery. $4.50 per craie; cucumbers. $1.75 to S-.-5 dozen; lettuce, hot house. $1 f$ I 75 per box; lettuce, head. 85c per dozen; pjriiev, 3'V dozen ; peas, iac lb.; radishes, :toc pr dozen; spinach. 2c por lb.; s profits, HV per lb.; squash, I'c per lb; tomatoes. Dairy and Country Frodace. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 36c; fan y oi.tsi'lo errs irti'. ?i : ; st. .re, !.j'c. iLiutiei fat prices average 1 cents ier pcuuJ under rtjjuiar butter prices.) . K,;,;s (krenn ranh. ir: i 2c per doa POULTRY Hem, l;tlr; broilrrs, -L'l! -ac; frvers lS-tf.:; ;oout. old. lixlc; young, n'iili'c; ducks. zOtyizv; geese. i0o; turkeys. IS u vc. ' CiiKKriK Fancy cream twins. 1 & 16 -c ptr li.; f'lil cream triplets. 1$ 'a-16 Is c; full cream, YJun(r America. 17) 17 lie. V K A I- K t ra. J ' I Oo per pound ; ordi nary. 7 Si hc : heavy, tc PORK Fancy, 9c per lb.; largo 5Sc. Groceries. Dried Frr.it k. Etc. DIUED FliUITS Apples, 8Hc Pr lb.; pearhes. 7Lk6c; pnir.es. ltal'ana. 5'o!c; prunes. French. 4?lc; currants, unwashed, cases, Otjc; currauL, washea. cases. 10c; Acs. wltlttt fancy, iO-lb. box. 6:c, dates, ' iAL,ioN Columbia r.Iver. t-pound tails. JU cr dozen; 2 -pound tails. $i'J5: 1-pound P.ai-t, i- 10. Ala-ka .p.nk, 1-pound ia!i. 5i red. 1-pound talis, $1-15; fcokeyes. 1-pound ta;. $J CFFSE Mocha. 24 ifc; Java, ordinary. 17u-(if Costa Una, fmiy, lSS20c; fMi ;Ct !-. ordinary. u, ult.: per pound RICK Southern Japan. 4c; head. Olic Tc I NUTS Walnuts. 12 li 13: par pound by 1 fack; Praia nuts, I.-: Ulberts. 15"; pecans, i 7c aliaoiids. i:io He: chestnuts, ltalmu, i 11c; piMiui, raw. fiiibo; p.nenuts, Irrfitf j lie: hickjry nuts, luc; cocojauta. 3Uc per ; dozen. Sl'-JAR tlranulMed, ?0.7o; extra C. ? i -; goM'-u '. S. Iruit ami terry sus.ir, ' - i plain La it. $5.05: beet gr.uiulated. J.. ..... cubes ' barr.-W. ti-15; p''d.red ( bJtrrcil). I f. Term?: On remiiiaiicts witmn lo I days, citf'i-i-t Pr p"ii'd; T later :haa 1ft ' days an.i !:Mr ;;o days, deduct He per J ponrrj Map. suffiir. ifKs- per pound HALT Granulated. $13 ner ton. tl m) per j rie; half ground, luos. $i.50 per ton; 5us, $.S per tc-n. LriAN-S.nall white. 6c; large white. I Uii.ia. 5c; pink, 3e; bayou. 4c; Mex- lean red, ic j Hop., Wool, llirlen, lAc. H"P lUi' i contracts. 10 '-i lO' per pound ; I 1:m. crop, 7 'j Sc; l'Jxit crop. Hut J CIOj. lu. pc-r pound; Valley, li'filtic. MuHAUt 'hoire. Jlc per pound. lry hldt-s. .No. 1. I'i'-jI.c pound; dry kh. No. 1, 14(;15o pound; dry calf skin, it s ti iSt: pouiid; salt.-d hides, heavy, 3'ilOc; ifpht ana cows, ay'-c; saltod jaif skin. limine pound; tctven. 1-.: U ss. I I .N. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to $1.-5; i)a'lKur, J5ii5c; bea.-, $r.Ji; btavur, js.;,!'-! cat, Aiiii. -ouar. pr- frt head and claws. $::il'j; tishcr. dark, $7.50 ?i 11; pale. 5 l.i0'.j T; fox. cio&S. ! to f."; f".. Krv. ' to hue. fox. rjd, $J.Jj to M: f"x. siUcr, ?35 to $10i; lynx. $lu i;.; marten, dark. $s i li'; mink, 7ocfti$4.5y; niuskrat. lrt .j 1 5c; otter. 7; raccoon. 45c tii?c; sea ot'er. as to sizo; skunks, 50j 75;; t-ivet at, l'-t 15c; wolf. $- ti 11; c jic, 70c 'i 1.1U ; wolxrine, dark. $: nj 5; wil i rin, pale. S-?j."n. LASCARA BAKK. Small lots, i&fySfec; Old in cat lots, selling at Vi (tl be. Fro visions, BACON" Fancy. pvi pound; standard. ISc; choice, lie; h.ua:un. 16 jHOt'; strips, lie. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry sail, 12c; sniuked, lilt ; short clear backs, heavy, dry salted, 12c; smoked. l;c; Oregon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked. 14a 11 AM is 10 to 1J lbs., H'ac 14 to io lbs He; la to 20 lbs.. 14c; nanis, skinned. 14c; picnics, it'nc; cottage rod, 11c; shoul tiera. 11c : uoi.eu hania, 2Uhc; bo t led picnics. 1 7c. LAtiD Kettle rendorad: Tiarces. 13 He; tubs. 13 c; 50s. lc; 20s. I'Zic, 10s, 14 U c; 6s, 14 c; Us, 14 hc. cjt"Uard pure: Tierces, 12jj; tuba, Uc; itfls, 12c; 20s, 12 vie; lus, i - 4 c; 5s, 13 -,c; a. 13 c. Coin p.iunJ: Tierws. 8c; tubs, sc; 5os. t'nc; 2os. Nvic; 5s. Mc. SM I-tJ li-ff tor cues. earb. 70c; dried beer sets. 10c; Uilcd beef out side's, 15c; dried beef lus idea. 18c; dried beef knurkles. 18j. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet, $13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; piys tongues. $1 30. MESS MEATS Beef, specials. $11 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel; pork. $21 per barrel; brisket, $23 per barrel; fl. P. beef tongues. $20; pi snouta. $12.50; pig ears. $12.60. oiis. COAL OIL. Pearl and astral oil, cases. lic rx;r gallon; water whuu. iron barrels, 11c; eocene uiid extia. star, cmsos 21 Vs i iiJ lit l.t oil, ta;ej, -oj ; it on barrel, 16:. eiale, OASOLINE Union and Red Crown, bar rels, 15c; cases, 22 M:c; motor, barrels, 1 lie; cases, 23 ic; 86 degrees, barrels, $uc; cases, 37 c; engine distillate, barrel. c; cases, 16c. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrel lots. 65c; In casts. 71c; bo 1 kid. barrel lota, 67c; In cases. 73c. OIL MEAL Ton M $37. POKTLANO LIVESTOCK 31 ARRET. Price ( urrrnt Lorully on t attle, Sheep and liog. I.iv.'st'ck receipts were again liberal yes terday, hut the market h-'!d firm under a very good d'-ma nd. V.est grade of cows advanced and (ttber sto'k was quoted "at last prices. The receipts for the day were 215 rattle. 222 sheep. hogs and 17 hordes. The following were representative sales, with average weight and prices: Six cows. MHO pounds. $::.75; 2 calves. 200 pounds, 45 cows. mo pounds. $4.35; 2S t'-rs, 1150 pounds. ;C5.2't; 2 1 sheep and l:;nil's. loii pnmu's. $5.50; :-5 hoKs. 210 pounds, ?7-25, M hog's. 2'o pounds, $7 25; 8 cMvi'S. no pounds. $U; so steers, half fat, 1 iv pnund. .- 75 : Iambs. :)5 pounds, $'. 75; :5 hops. 'J .it notind:;, $7 25; 4!t sU-ers. 1.".o pounr.-. $5.50; 2 cow?. lOuti pounds, $; T t w 1 1 . pounds. $ 1 25; 1!! heep and la ml).1. $t.25 : 1 it; hogs, UH pounds, $7 25 : 11: Moris. 11. 'Hi pour.d.-. $5.::f; 2 cows. 1030 pouiuls. .?1.25; 2 r ows, H50 vminds. ? I. The current rnnge of prices in the loral market was a follows: CATTISH flest steers, $5.25 5 50; med ium. $4 50i5; common. $n.50'.i.4; rows, best. $'ni.::.i; mdiuni, ?'!.25 r,i 3.75 ; calves. $ 1 "i il. SUKr.P He st wethers. !; medium, $5 o 5.5' ; mixed, sheep. $..."iil 5.25; ewes, $5 5 50; lambs. '-' 'I 75. Him;s Iest. 7i 7 25, medium. $f25gt fi.75 L!iMrrn Livrsloek I'rice. SOUTH nMAII . Feb. 25. Cattle Re ceipt1. 2hv m;t.rket. -htedy. Western si-.TS. $.';.5o-.i5.:o: Tcxa? steers, 5. 10; r;rge rows and heifers. $2,75?',4.7o: canners. $2r 't; stoi kers and feeders. $'15.25; calves, $!.25fi7.25: hull and stass. $.".' 5. Hot? Receipt. 7rt"0; market. 57 10c high er Heavif s. $o.25virt.45: mixed. $6.256.30; light. $i;iti.40; pigs. $4.755.75; bulk of wales, $o.i Sheei Becolptrf. 7"ft: market. 0Jrl5e higher. fic ir lings, $ti-fr 65; werheis, $5(j 5.10; ewes, $-U5; lambs. $d.5i'S7.5o. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 25 Cattle Receipts 4'ifHi; market, strong. Native steers. $5.10 6.75: native cows and he if era. $2.25-7i.. stockers and feeders, $-'t. COfto. 25: bulls. $3'?i' 4.75; calves', $47.5o; Western eteers, $4,753 6 4; Weetern cows. $o'o 5 25. Hugs Receipts, v(HK market. 10c higher. Bulk of ales. $t.lui6.r; heavies. $6.4' 8 o'; packers and butchers, $0.256.50; light. $iG..15: pigs. $4$ A. 73. yi.eep Kejeipts. 10.000; market, steady to lOc higher. Muttons. $4.75f.75; Jambs, $0."0ft 7.55: range wethers, $4-a7; fed ewes. $:tl7S.:. CHICAGO, Feb. 25. Cattle Receipts, esti mated, 55'K; market, uteauy. $4.57; beeves, $4.8'.V5.4; Texan Ktyri. $4. 10.. 60; West ern steers. $:i.45-ft3.3; lockers and feeders, $ 1 . iH i 'n 5 . 05 ; calves. $ t i H . 5 . Hogs Receipts, estimated, 18.(ft0: market, stror.g. I0o higher. Liaht. $. l.Vn tf..V; mixed. $.2"iiti.7o; heavy. $6.3oVi.70: rough. $6.3u 45; god to choice heavy, $ri.45iti.70; pig, ?5.2.''0.1t; bulk Of sales. $S.4t''tri.yk. Sheep Recripts. es' iniated, 14.hh; market, steady. Native " $3 25,'a5.70; Wertern, S-'-i.r-O ff5.i; yearlings. $ti,( 7. 15: Iambs, native, $5.757.75; Western. $5.750.80. KUNtern I1 ninff Stocks. BOSTON. Feb. 25 Adventure . .$ 7.50 Allouez 4O.50 Amalgamated ti-25 Ariz Com .... 0.75 Atlantic .... 15.50 Futte Coal. . . 21. 50 Cal A Ar:a. .. WMM Cal & Hecla. 62.00 Centennial . . ;i0.oo Copper Range 71. oo pfclv West... 0.50 Franklin l.I.oo fireene Can. . t.50 losing quotations: jMass Mining .00 10.50 00.00 .20 li.02Vj 4S.(M) l::o.oo 2i'..50 80. 0O 1X75 .T.25 :.0.25 07.23 'Mohaw k . .Mont C & 'Nevada . . C. joid Dominion. JOseeola Parrot jOuincy 'Shannon 'r S Mining. . . iT S OH North Butte. . Isie Royaie. . a0.ts7H NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Closing quotations: Alice 200 jLlttle Chief .... 10 Brunswick Con. H 'Mexican 6S Com Tun Stock. 27 (Ontario 400 do bonds JS lOpnir 125 C C & Va Istandard ..... .140 Horn Silver 05 jYellow Jacket... 40 Leadville Con. 4 i New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Cotton Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands. 8.05c; mid-Gulf, 9.110. Salens. 5U bales. Cottoa futures closed steady. February, 9 27c; March. .2c: April. -20c; May, June, July and Auguet. 9.27c; September. 9.21c; Oc tober. 9.23c; November and December, 9.19c; January. 9.10c. RALLY AT All END Violent Reaction in the Stock Market. BREAK IN PRICES GENERAL Coppers Load in tlie Slump With Heavy Selling of Amalgamated for .Foreign Ae rount. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. There was an ab rupt cnflliifr today of the strong rally in storks' which developed yesterday. The re action reached a violence In some quarters that paralleled the demoralized breaks of Tuesday, and in the stocks most affected carried them to lower prices than were touched on the previous break. Speculative opinion. In consequence, was much unset tled again and great confusion was shown in the currents of the market. The special point of weakness was tha caliper group of industrials. Shutting down of copper mines to limit production, a com ing market for copper similar to that Inaug urated in the steel market and damaging carmpetltion were some of the features. For eign markets seamed notably impressed by tho rumors in consequcneo of the known weakness of the statistical position in the copper trade. Heavy selling for foreign account of Amalgamated Copper was a main factor in breaking Its price. In the railroad group Reading proved especially vulnerable. This stock was ad vanced week after week on the strength of predictions that the Supreme Court would hold the commodities clause of the Hepburn law invalid. Now. when the -oe!ief has gained currency that the Supremo Court may approve this law. Reading cannot be exempted from any unfavorable effect by assertions that it Is not a party to the suit. The condition of the steel trade remains a source of uneasiness to the sp-jculative element. The determination of the princi pal interest in the trade to make. Its prices effective in securing business showed that the ultimate basis of the settlement remains to bo defined. After the decline in stocks was decisively arrested prices fluctuated uncertainly for the rest of the day. . Honds were irregular.' Total sales, par value, it. SOU, 000. United Slates bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK. QUOTATIOXS. Closi rig- Sales. High. Anial Copper 45.61JO To Am Car & Foun. 4,!Mi 4 Low. titiVs 4u; ricl 6HV4 107 52 a 22 12'. a soy HUI'a 7 )!, 101 V-j 127';a 81 27 1J loo1,-.. 101 114a do preferred Am Cotton Oil.. Am Hd & Lt pf. Am Ice Securi.. Am Linked Uii.. Am T.nri.mol ive. . . 4.71 51 K ,'.3'.-. 37 3.'.!i Sl;h. 12 12b 1.0011 no u do iirettriej ... "J.l-hl 11 1 1 Alii Sni-it Kef. S.:!mi nri-fcrreri l.l'-O 102-S lol Am S-igar Kef... TW 1-U 1-Os Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen ftO" " Anaconda Min Co. O.uno 41 Atchison 134.H0O 10lVi f4 do preferred ... 3O0 H'J 101 v, a.I l.trif l.OOO 116 114 Bait & Ohio 3.2O0 l'.Ki lOoii Ho do preferred jf- Prnok Kau Tran. 33,ouO, 714 9 Canadian 'rac.liic. 2.('o0 l9;i HW'.i 19 Central Leather.. 200 29 2U HSi do preferred lot Central of N J Ches & Ohio 24.0O0 Chicago IH West. l.S'10 f'hicnir.t X- X W.. 2u0 60 !, 3't ti 61 ",i '61, 174 HI;. 73 31 61 hi 80 Vi J74'4 174!, C. M. & St I'aul.. 13.MO 142-4 141 C, t. , O A- Bl tj. l.loo 73 701i .TO l 80i.i Colo Fuel & Iron.. Colo A: Southern., no 1st preferred, do 2 1 preferred. Consolidated Gas.. Corn l'roducts . . . t)ol & Hudll 1 Jir K Grande ... 5,0i0 41 HI z 6"0 2.4o0 700 311, HI Vi 814 is 124fe 123i4 123-?i 17V, 17 17V. !( Hoi,. 1U 170 2.000 42 V. 41 1H do preferred ... 51,3ito P.Mtti:cr Securl.. !, 85 44 41 84 33 i 2ii' 1 Va 31 la 15J 138'i Btl'.j 138 1H. 3'a 10 Vi 51 33 33 vs 211 41 Krie d-i 1 preterred. d 2d preferre!. Oc:.eral Kie trie .. Gt Northern pf... Ut Northern Ore.. Illinois Central . . Interborough Met. . do pref rred . . . lnt Paper do preferred lnt Pump Iowa Central K C Southern ,!) 0tH l,8"0 130 'j 7 137V4 tiVs 13SV 14Vi 3S 10 501; 33 Va IHio 1. ri l:!U 3.KKI 14 4.0C0 4fl' 3oO Aixl 1,100 81 "0 2..V-0 I.1J0O 10 vi 51 84 27 i 3! (H!l 126 3SV4 120V-J 38 Vs 18 la 127. 54 136 Vi OrtVa 37) do preferred Louis & Nashville 6,000 Minn St Loui. M. St P & S S M. Jli.ouri Pacific. 3.300 67 39 Vi Mo. Kan A Texas 8.40O 36 "iiv. 121 Va 43 Vs 85 78 134 do preferred . . . National Lead ... N Y Central . N Y. Ont & West. Norfolk & West. North American.. Northern Pacific. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania .. People's Oas .... P C C & St I Pressed Steel Car K.SO0 73 '3 8.tVHI 123 Vi 122 43 Vs 86 78 136 33 1284 HOVi 87 32 Hi!) 41 121 18 2,500 44 3,300 81: Vi 4 '0 78 14 O.SoO 13ttV !.2H 34 3 6.20.) 12.SH 127 2.800 111 la 110 1.2iX Pullman Pal t ar Rv Steel Spring. . flo Readlnc 144. loo Republic- Steel ... 2.000 do preferred ... "no '41" llOVi lR'a 1.9 2Hi 4i;-i U's 7o 21 60 Rock Is, and Co.. do preferred ... St I. S F 2 pf. St L Southwestern do preferred . . . 2,ro 3. 100 21 59i, 3U 2o 115 UHli 22;4 i 36 V4 31 45 65 Vi 174 05 2S SlnsR-Sheftlel.l . . . Southern Pacific 6iv 70 '4 70 S8,2fi0 IIB'4 115 do preferred . . . Southern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper . Texas & Pacific.. Tol. St L West. 300 11811, 110 (.500 -31, 22 ' 8V4 304 173 600. BP, l.00 37lf !,40 31 Va 200 do preferred Union Pacllic ...133,700 175j do preferred U S Rubber do let preferred. 700 101 U S Steel 176, KI0 43 do preferred ... 10,100 li 100 10014 42 42 10774 80 421, 11.1 16Vi 421, 75 64 V, '41 Vi 127 Vi 109 39t4 4214 1121, 16 42T4 74 Ml, 0 , 42 12S !i rtah Cipper l.rHO 40V Va-Caro Chemical. 6"0 43 do preferred "W abash 100 115 1,200 16 do preferred ,5"0 "Westlnghoute F.lec 700 Western Union ;.. 200 Wheel L Erie Wisconsin Central. 4.3;ft 43 7 64 43 Am Tel & Tel.... 1,900 12SVi Total sales for the day, 971,700 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Feb. 2j Closing quotations: U S ref 2s reg..ll IX Y C Q 3Vis.. 02 do coupon. ... lot iNorth Pacific 3s. 74 U S 3s reg 100:North Pacific 4s. 103 do coupon. ... 101 ISouth Pacific 4s. 31 U S new 4s reg. 119 Cnlon Pacific 4S.103H do coupon. ... 120 IWiscon Cent 4s. 931-2 Atchison adj 4s. 04 Vi Japanese 4s S3Vi D fe R G 4s 97 I Stock, at London. LONDON. Feb. 25. Consols for money. S4; do for account, St. Anaconda .... 8.00 Atchison ....103.00 do pref 104.00 Bait & Ohio. 10S.30 r?m Pac 109.75 ( lies & Ohio. 65.50 N Y Central. Nor A West. .1 126.30 87.50 S4.00 44.25 65.50 8.50 62 50 23.12V4 63 00 11S.50 175.50 96.00 43.62V4 110.75 17.00 44.00 05.75 68.23 Xlnt & West!! Pennsylvania , Rand Mines.. Reading Southern Ry. . do pref So Pacific... Union Pacific. Chi Gt West. . 7.2." C. M & St P..145..V0 De Beers ... 12.1214 Den & Rio G. 42 25 do pref 85.00 Erie 27.00 do 1st pf . . 43.00 do 2d pf.. 33.00 Grand Trunk. IS. 25 dp pref U S Steel do pref Wabash Illinois Cent.142.50 L & N 120.50 do pref. Spanish 4s..., Wo. K & T. . 37 S7V4lAmal Cop. Money, Exchange, Etc. LONDON. Feb. 25. Bar allver. steady at 23 5-16d per ounce. Money. 2V4'63. per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills 19 2442 per cent; for three month bills, 2JJ2V4 per cent. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Money on call, easy at 12 per cent; ruling rate and of fered at 2 per cent: closing bid, 1 per cent. Time loans, easier; 60 day, 24 per cent; 90 days. 2 per cent; -six months. 8 per cent. J ,. -J . 1. I per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at f4.852.r?4.8535 for 60-day bills and at 4.8745 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.85fff4.S5. Br silver. 50c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, eteady; railroad bonds, irregular. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23. Silver bars, 60c. Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts Sight. 12ic; telegraph, 15c. Sterling on London, 60 days. 4.S5; sight, 4.8814. ' rvollv TreAsurr Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances snows. Available cash balance ,..?137.89!.ll Gold coin and bullion 38.032.289 Gold certificates 34,659.400 Discount Rate Unchanged. LONDON. Feb. 25. The rate of discount of the Bank of England remained unchanged today at 3 per cent. - POULTRY SHORT IN NORTH SHIPMENTS WU.Xj BE BROUGHT FJtOM MIDDLE WEST. Higlicr Prices Quoted in the Egg Market at Seattle Greater Activity in Flour. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 25. tSpecial.) Asparagus is In better supply and lower on Western avenue, the beet selling as low an 14 cents today. Vet and cloudy wealther In Eastern Washington is causing a shortage of spinach. Oats were shoved up to to at retail today. The supply here is low and the quality of the oats offered is below the standard. Millers report greater activity In flour, with more orders for shipment to the Orient coming in. March shipments from Seattlo will be hfavy. Kggs were steady to firm today at 25 to 26 cents. Dealers wired to Portland for poul try today, but say Fiipplies there are limited. Arrangements are helr.K made to resume ehipments of live poultry from the Middle West as soon as the weather permits. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FHANCISCO. Trice Paid (or Produce in the Bay City Markets. SAN" FRANCISCO. Feb. 25. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, ll.io; sweets, 1.35'a 1.60. Onioni K1.7SW2 per cental. Millstuffs Bran. J2S.5ocy30: middlings. I33.50S 35.50. Vegetables Garlic 8fflc, green peas. lo'nl.V; string beans. I".!t20e; asparagus, 10 15c; tomatoes. $1.512.25: egg plant, 25?r35c. Butter Fancy creamery, 37c; creamery seconds. 34c; fancy dairy, 30Vc; dairy sec onds, 28 Vac. Cheese New, 14tf?l.rc; Young America. 16S16Vic: Eastern, 17c. Kgzs Store. 21c; fancy ranch, 22c; East ern, nominal. Poultry Roosters, old. $4 'if 3; young, $7 9; broilers, small. I4.50ri; broilers, large, f 3.5" l 6.50; fryers. S6.GC n 7.58 ; lMns. $5(j8; ducks! old f4.50f; 5.50: young. $S(ft S. yyco Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino. 16 10c; Mountain. 5SVi:c; Nevada. 914c. Hay Wheat. $2Jfe5; wheut and oats, 21 to 24: alfalfa. $15.ll; stock. 14(&16; straw, per bale, 6075c. Fruits Apples, choice, $1 .50; common 60c; bananas. 75cg$3: limes. 6.507; lemons, cr.oice, 3; common. $1; oranges, $1.5c?j3; pineapples. $1.5O!&2.50. Receipts Flour. 6500 quarter sacks; wheat. 825 centals: barley, 8200 centals: oats. 50 centals; beans. 565 sacks: corn, 600 centals; potatoes, 2420 sacks: bran. 30 sacks; hay, 440 tons; wool, 187 bales; hides, 3380. Pried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Feb. 25. A little more busi ness is said to be doing in the market for evaporated apples, but there has been no material improvement. Fancy are quoted at 8V4gfl!4c, choice at 7V47-c. prime at 6!itfi'7c and common to fair at 5V4c. Prunes are moderately active, with quota tions ranging from 3 to 7V4c for new crop California fruit up to 40-dOs. and from 6 to flc for Oregon. 40 50s to 20-30S. Apricots arc comparatively scarce and prices are firmly held, with choice at 9Vi 94c, extra choice at 010c and fancy at ll'.i I3c. Peaches are said to be showing a 'stronger tone on the Coast, but no improvement was reported In the local spot market, choice being quoted at SVidrtc. extra choice at 6ir 714c and fancy at 7i8VAe. Raisins are quiet, with loose Muscatel quoted at 4S5c, choice to fancy seeded at 4iff6v;c. seedless at 3'fi5V4c and London layers at 1.331.50. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. The English tin market was about 10a higher today, with spot quoted at 130 and futures at 131 10s The local market was dull and .unchanged at 28.50'n 28.75c. Copper advanced to 56 13s 9d for spot and 37 lis 3d for futures In tha London market, but showed no Improvement locally, with the tone dull. Lake was quoted at 12.75 13c, electrolytic at 12.37Vt,iSi12.62V4c and cast ing at 12.25J1 12.50c. It is reported that of fers of 13c for April shipments of electroly tic are being refused by some producers. Lead advanmcd to 13 lis 3d in the Lon don market. The local market, however, was dull and a little lower at 3.02ViS 3.7i-c. Spelter was ur.chanetl at 21 15s In London, and at 4.75ffr4.SOc In the local market. f Iron was a shade lower In the English market, but locally was unchanged. Dairy Produce in the East. vftt vornr TTh t. Plutter Rarelv steady. Creamcric.1, specials, 31c (official 31c); creameries, held common to special, 4j29c. Cheese Firm, unchanged. jjggs Firm. Western firsts, 234c; sec onds. 23623V4C CHICAGO, Feb. 25. Butter Steady. Creameries, 22-62830: dairies, 2125c. Eggs Firm; at mark, cases Included, 214 j523c; firsts. 23't.c; prime firsts, 244c. Cheese Strong. Daisies, 15UiS'16c; twins, HHtffloc.; Young Americas, 1631614c. ' Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Coffee Futures closed steady, net 5 points lower to 10 points higher. Sales. 22.750 bags. Including March at 6.95g7c, April at 6.90c; May at 6.90 6.&5C July at 6.506.55c. August at 6.15c, September at 6.05c, October and January at 8.80c. Spot, firm. No. 7 Rio. 8jc: No. 4 Santos, 9c. Mild, steady. Cordova, 994 U 13c. Sugar Raw. firm. Fair refining, 3.2314c; centlrifugal, 96 test. 3.73V4C; molasses sugar. 2.0Slc. Refined, steadyl Crushed, 5.35c; powdered, 4.75c; granulated, 4.65c. & Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 25. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 1822c; fine medium, 15glSc; flr.e. 12W14c. Marriage licenses. ROSEN-SCHNKIDERMAN Nathan Rosen, 21 city: Dino Schneluerman, 19. city. STRIBICH-SCHIFFER John Stribich, 53. Forest Orove; Clara C. Schiffer, 46, city. GARDINER-GORE J. A. W. Gardiner, 27. city; Cecil C. Gore. 25, city. WISER-RICHWALD William J. Wiser, 21. city: Minnie Rlchwald, over 18, city. SLAUGHTER-BOST Robert W. Slaughter, over 21. Lents: Cora B. Boat, .20. city. OLSON-BLOMGREN Victor Olson, 28, St. John: Ellen Blomgren, over 18, city. DEMENT-BELLOWS Clyde O. Dement, 23. citv; Nellie Bellows, over 18. city. PBTERSON-SCHEER Thomas Peteraon, 42 citv; Mrs. JesFie Scheer, 36. city. CAMERON-GER1N Daniel W. Cameron, 24, city; Josephine M. Gerin, 25, city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. G. Smith ft Co.. Washington bids.. 4t0 and Wain. Articles of Incorporation. TROIJTDALE LUMBER COMPANY Incor porators, J. Frank Davenport. J. N. Bramhall and John Elmer Evans; capital, 120,000. MULTNOMAH LUMBER COMPANY In corporators J. J. Gebhart, W. A, Pllkay and C. H. Peterson; capital, 5000. NEW JUL! RECORD Sales Made at $1,041-2 in the Chicago Pit. MAY WHEAT ALSO STRONG - j Market Bullishly Affected by Esti mates of Lighter Shipments From Argentina Crop Damage Reports. CHICAGO, Feb. 25. Wheat for July deliv ery touched a new high record for the sea son when It sold here today at fl.04 1.04 V per bushel, overtopping by US' He the previous record established on Decem ber 4. The July delivery again occupied the center of the stage, and demand for that option was brisk throughout the entire day. Crop damage reports were received telling of injury tq the Fall sown crop In Mis souri and Kansas by Hessian fly and "Win ter killing." The market was also bullishly affected by an estimate of the shipments from Aregentlna for the week, which pre dicted a shortage of nearly 2.000.000 bush els, compared with the previous week. This factor, however, was partially offset by a moderate decline in tiie price of wheat at Liverpool. During the day the July de livery ranged between $1.03 and $1.04H 9p 1.044 and closed at 11.04 !i j1.04?,, and May closed at 1.16. Corn was weak at the start, but a Btrong tone soom developed, which was maintained. At the close prices were 4&c to 94Vc higher than yesterday's close. May being at 6tVc to G6 In sj 6 V c and July at 63c. Oats were firm all day. At the close prices were Vifc'ftc higher than yesterday's final quotations. May closed at 544S&4"ic and July at 494g40c. Provisions were firm. The market closed firm, with prices up 2 Sf 5c to 10c, compared with the previous close. The leading futures ranged as follows: Open. High. Low. Close. ' WHEAT. May 1.15T4 SI. 164 115V4 MH Julv 1.03 U 1.04 Vj 1.03 1.04 Sept 38 .9S .97T4 .985s CORN. May. July. Sept. .65--S4 66 U .6514 .6614 .65 1 .65 -65Va .65 .SbH OATS. May 55 .54 V, .54 14 July 49 i .494 .49a, Sept 457 .40, .4V .54 "4 .494 40 V MESS PORK. May 17.10 17.1714 17.0714 17.15 July 17.15 17.22V '17.13 17.22V4 LARD. May 2721s 9.73 8 70 9.75 July 9.85 9.87V4 9.8214 9.87V4 SHORT RIBS. Mav 8 97i 9.00 8.95 9.00 Jui'v .12V4 .15 91-M4 915 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2, 77c. Barley Feed or mixing, 6465Vic; fair to choice malting, 6S 66c. Flax Seed No. 1 Southwestern, I.62V2: No. 1 Northwestern. 1.72Vj. Timothy Seed t3.',b. Clover J9.00. Mess pork Per barrel $16. 80 & 16.90. Lard Per 100 lbs., S9.5714. Short rib sides, loose. $8.25S8.75. Short clear sides, boxed. $8.87 V4 4? 9.1 2 14. Total clearances of wheat and flour w-ere equal to 237.000 bushels. Primary n?celpts were 363.000 bushels, compared with 331.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 46 cars; corn, 348 cars; oats, 165 cars; hogs, "''ArHcles Receipts. Shipments. Flnj; CbSrrsl. "!" Wheat, bushels 46.800 ,?(? Corn, bushels 5SH?S ? '? J Oats, bushels 290.400 171,800 Rve. bushels 3,000 Barley, bushels 91.5O0 23,o00 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Flour Receipts, 2--.U4; exports, 7000; firmer with a fair In quiry Minnesota patents. $3.50rtii5.S5: Win ter straights. 5. 154 5. 33; Minn, bakers, 4.Jj t4.i;0: Kansas straights. $5. 10 w 5.30. Wheat Receipts. 61.200; exports. 13.651. Fpot firm: No. 2 red. 1.23 elevator; No. 2 red $1.24c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 1.24c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, SI. 22 f. o. b. afloat. The upward movement in wheat made further progress, resulting in a new high mark for all months. Besides bull support, the market was affected by strong continental cables, prospects for smaller Argentine shipments and reports of light farm reserves in Kan sas, commission houses were also large buyers of July on less favorable Southwest crop news. July closed 114c higher, and May 14 c higher than esterday. May closed 11.2078 : July, $1.1214. Hops and hides Quiet. Wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 25. Wheat, strong; barley, firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. S1.80 1.82V4 per cental: milling. $1.87141.92V4 per cental. Barley Feed. S1.408 1.424 ' per cental; brewing. J1.43iifil.46ti per cental. Oats Red, SI .72Vs?l-SO per cental; white, ft. 85 1.95 per cental; black, nominal. Call board eales: Wheat May. $1.90 per cental. Barley May, $1.40 per cental; December, $1.2 per cental asked. Corn Large yellow. $1.8591.70 per cental. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Feb. 25. Cargoes firm and ac tive. Walla Walla, prompt shipment. 3d higher at 39s 3d; California, prompt ship ment, 6d higher, at 40s. Cargo Walla Walla wheat, about due, sold at 39s Td. English country markets 6d dearer; French country markets quiet. j LIVERPOOL Feb. 25. Wheat March, 8s ld; May, 8s'7Vid; July, 8s 2Vid. Weather, cloudy. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Feb. 25. Wheat Firmer. Mill ing bluestem, $1.16. All export grades ad vanced 1 to 2 cents. Bluestem, $l.lo; club, $1X5; red, $1.01. Flaxseed ' at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 23. Flax closed at $1.68-i. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Oregon, Realty & Trust Co. to Ber- tine n. x-t uu 1, - block "B," Smith Add $ C E Fields and wife to L. N. Au "mack, W. 4 of lot 45 Hazelwood. T S McDaniel and wife to J. G. Fleishman, lots 8, 9, Rockwood Park ;'','." V ",' 'i ' Adam J. Mlshler and wife to L. L. Cribble, lot 6. block 5, Queen Ann TitleGiiarantee' Trust Co. to Maude Alexander, lots 29, 30, blook 20. Berkeley ''.',' . ".' Maude Alexander to F. W. King, lots 29 30, block 20. Berkeley M. A. Schrelber ot al. to P. A. Mar quam. Jr.. lots 45, 46, block 8. First Electric Add .. U S G Evans et al. to same, lots 9, 'l0,' 11. block 20, Willamette Add.. David Goodsell et al., adm., to Mer chants Savings & Trust Co., lot 5, Sec. 21. T 1 N R. 1 E., contain ing 8.66 acres Frank G. Rosenberry and wife to G. G. Brcald. lots 3, 4, block 41, Woodstock John R. Pearl and wife to M. Flor ence McDonnell, lot 3, block 10, West Piedmont Add F W. Torsler and wife to Robert W Hodgklnson, lot 7, block 6. Tiiton s Add Oscar H. Walker and wife to D. Freedman. lots in Good Morning, Fairfield and Peninsula No. 2 Adds. Delle C. Kellogg and wife to G. A. L. Winters, lots 3 to 6, block 4, Edendalo Charles Townsend to Emma Strain, lota 1, 2, block 4, Maegly Highland R. P. Plews and wife to V. A. Spear, 2,500 2,500 1,600 250 200 1 20 125 3.000 10 2,100 1,275 600 1 3,200 LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL CORNER SECOND AND STARK STS. DOWNING -HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 189S 8RQKRS STOCKS --BONDS--GRAIN Bought and sold for eanb and m margin. Private wires Rooms 201 to 204, Ccuch Building niTI T ITI4IP Knhanres the Value of Abutting Troperty more than any a X nV other Pavement. ripcT C-it T"c4- Durable, freedom from Noie or Rumble, BEa 1 by tvery I est no ut anA it Kiu n(lt CraCk. It fraves V.car and for the Horse. I ne 1 nxpwyer. The Truckman, EVERYONE PLEASED Jj srM,w. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 14KCK Bfll.m.Xi. lots 3, 4, block 52, Sunnyside George McDonald to V. A. Speer. lot 3. block 32. Sunnyside Albert DeLashmutt et al to I. P. Dautotr et al., lot 4, block 4. Mayor Gates Add J. A. Bradt and wife to W. J. Sav age. Tracts 14. IS, Lamargent Heights : Thomas Glnder and wife to W. J. Savage, lot IS. Lamargent Heights Minnie Ralph to George T. Poteet, lot 3, block 4. Lincoln Tark Add.. Ed C. Allen et al. to Edwinna A. Gilbert, lots 7, 8, block 23, M. Pat ton's Add P. O. Breslln et al. to Chnrlcs'A. Myers, lots 14. 15. It!, block 13. East Portland HeUhts Frauk W Wood and wife to James S Bruce et al., W. :,5 feet of lot 6. block 8. Klne:'s Second Add Eastern Inv. Co., Ltd., to Zacharinh '. Bean, lots IS. 10, 20, block 23. Portsmouth Julia M. Hughes to Fred Teuscher. lot 6. block 12, Bertha J. E. Durham and wife to same, lot 8. block 19, Bertha Chester C. Hughes et a I. to same - undlvlded i of lot 6, block ,12. Bertha Julia M. Hughes, guardian, to same, undivided & of lot 11. block 12, Bertha Will H. Barber and wife to Fred Nel son et al., lot ,", block 11, Lincoln Park Annex ; . . Ole J. Tvede and wife to Minnie Kut ler. lots 6, 7. block 1, Brainard. . . . Metropolitan Land Co. to Gust J. Olson, lnt 4. block 5, Nut Grove...-. Gust J. Olson and wife to Harry J. Coulter, lot 4. block 5, Nut Grove.. Wlnfred C Edwards and wife to Julius E. Temple, lot 20, block 3, Albion Add Charles A. Johnson and wife to Alice M. Sprague. lots 13. 15. block 12. Highland Park John W. Lehman and wife to P. J. Boedefeid. lot 25. block 2. amended Plat of Highland Moore Inv. Co. to A. L. Hershey. lot 9. block 70, Vernon Van W. Anderson et al. to W. A. Gllderman. lot 8, block 2. Country Club Add A. L. Maney and wife to .1. H. and Maud Fietz, lots 7, 8, block 82, Car ter's Add T. M. Word (Sheriff! to Simon Har ris 5 acres In Sec. 30. T. 1 N., R 2 F. Alex Johnson and wife to Susqn I. Zander, west 55 feet of lots 9, 10, block 33, Albina Electric Lnnd Company to William L. Mast, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, block .".o. Portsmouth R. Rohinr-on and wife to L. B. Zie mer. lot 7. block 18. Ladil's Add Cassius C. Moore et ai. to William B. Dalton undivided half of lots- 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, Mock 3, Albion Add Same to Hattie Salomon, undivided 1.230 1 TOO 10 10 2.500 6,500 1.650 4.300 1 1 100 150 50 1.500 515 500 S00 400 10 3O0 500 10 5,500 5 350 765 6,000 half of lots 1 to 5. block 3. Albion Add. 10 1 1 2,000 2,200 4000 3,000 23 600 345 Simon Hfirris and wife to Aibertu H. Met calf. 6 acres in Sec. 30, T 1 N., R. 2 E Samuel J. Johnson and wife to Mabel C. Brignam, land beirlnnini? on north erly line of Hawthorne Terntre. 50 feet westerly from east line of block 110, drover's Add Harry H. Brigham and wife to Oscar B. Ballon, same as above Phil E. Sprague and wife to L'nlnn Furniture Manufacturing Company, lots 37, 38. 39, 40, block 177, Uni versity Park ; A. H.- Sandytrom and wife to same, lot 9, block 11. Maegly Highland... William Osborn and wile to William Vaughn, lots 14, 15, block 2, To basco Add J. E. Werlein to Victor Land Com pany, lot 15. block 78. Bellwond.... Ladd Estate Company to Charles L. Doty, lot 3. block 7. filumauer's Add Evelvn Fisher to Peter Kreu'Ier et al. lots 1, 2, block 2, Cherlre Add.. Lents W. F. Prler and wife to Mrs. Ellis P. Galligan. south 50 feet of north 100 feet of lets 1. 2, East Paradise Springs. William Mackintosh and wife to Peter Marsden. lots 13. 16, block "B," Wil lamette Helshts Add Moore Inveetment Company to F. W. March, lot 13, block 32. Vernon Buffalo Pltte Company to George W. Evans, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 47, East Portland George W. C. Evans and wife to Se curity Savings &. Trust Company, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 47, East Port land Ellis Q. Hughes and wife to Harri etts Hamilton. 40x100 feet In block 64, Waverly B. M. Lombard and wife .to D. B. Cooley et al.. lots 3, 4, block 10. Broadway Add Sunnyside Land & Improvement Com pany to Emma J. Eggen, lot "N," excepting south 22 feet In Sunny side J. H. Beckley and wife to F. S. Fields, lot 7. block 47. Irvington Frank E. Hart and wife to Roder ick Mackenzie, 80x100 rods begin ning at N. W. corner of S. W. Vi of Sec. --23, T. 1 N.. R. 1 E Firland Company to J. E. Maher, lot 14, block 10. Firland Herbert Gordon and wife to O. F. Ford, east half of lots 1, 2, block 23, Haneon'd Second Add B. M. Lombard and wife to Claude G. Hendrlx. lot 1. block 24. Kailway Add to Montavllla J. D. HIbbs and wife to H. G. Fred erick, lot 16. block 2. Rochelle Sylvester P. Reeder to Joseph Nash, lot 27, Firland Place John C. Shillock and wife to Martjen A Blfers. trustee, lots 6, 6. block 2, Fairfield Cord Sengstage. et al. -to Minnie L. Sahlstrom lot 7, and easterly 4 feet of lot 6. block 6. Pleasant View Add A. -S. Foster and wife to Minnie L. Sahlstrom. lot 7 and ea.-t 4 feet of lot 6, block 6. Pleasant View Add. . William D. Swain and wife to Joshua B. Wilson, lots 1, 2, 3, subdivision of lots 1, 9. 10. block 2. Third Electric Add Charles M. Hemphill and wife to Ore gon Realty & Trust Company, part of lot 2. Tract "B," Smith's Add... Frederick I. Marshall and wife to John A. Bell, lot 3, block 3. Archer Place Allen McDonnell and wife to Myra S. Gaylord, lots 7. 8, block 16, John Irving's First Add Lone Fir Cemetery Company to G. C. Litchfield, lot 91, block 37, said Cemetery Portland Realty & Trust Company to E. L. Graham, lots 11, 12. block 6, Laurel wood Park Delta Building Company to Oscar B. Ballou, land beginning on north erly line of Hawihorne Terrace ... L. L. Matlock to E. A. Vaughn, lots 1. 2, block 27. Wheeler's Add Ldd Estate Company to Metta G. Wolff. lot 15. block 21, Ladd'e Add. Bernard Brenken and wife to Lucius . Whiting et al., lot 12, block 3, Evans' Add. . 3,500 450 10 700 1,400 900 1,000 1 175 4,600 100 3,800 10 1.4-3 l.soo 1,620 1,6C0 $250,000 Tear on Vehicles L. L. Welch and wife to T. W. Mar shall et al., lot 15. Eowr.es' Add... s Total $SS,278 LAWTERS' ABSTRACT TRUST CO. Room 6. Board of Trade ulda Abstracts a specialty. Have your abstracts made by fhe Title A True r"o 7 r-hninber of Commerce EvesioFS Your money properly placed can earn large returns in the Pacific Northwest and be perfectly safe Get Particulars T. S. McGrath Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OR. PORTLAND HOME TELEPHONE BONDS We Offer Subject to Sale $25,000.00 With 100 per cent stock bonus. Price 73 Flat Phono orders not considered. J. W. Cnithers & Co. 710 Board of Trade RIdg. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CANADIAN PACIFIC Less Than Four Days at Sea WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL QUEBEC AND LiVERPOOL Two dar on the beautiful St. Lawrence River and the shortest ocean route to Eu- 'Nothini; better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. 1 .'irt-rlas U0; second 30. oae class CUAM tiny ticket agent, or write for sailings. rates nud nookiet. V. K. Johnson. F. A., 142 3d st., rortland. Or 1 NorthPacMc S.5. Cj'j. SteamiM? 1 koaaostd and Geo. W. tide: -ali Eureka, ixaa iraucuco and Los Angeles direct every Tuursds at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 3314. H. Young, Agent. SAN i'KANCISCO it rOBlLAM) 8. 8. CO. Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing. From Alnaworth dock. Portland. 4 P. M.: MS. Hose t it.v, 1 eb. 2fl. Mar. 12, etc. fS. Senator, Mur. 5, 19, etc. From Lombard-st., San Francisco. 11 A. lf.t Senator. . 27. Mur. 13, etc. bS. Uoi-e ity. Mur. 6. SO. etc. J. W. Ransom. Dock Ayent. Main 2t8 Alnsworth Dock. 35 M. 3. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St. Fhone Alain is.-, a nui COOS BAY LINE i-t ...nmr RRPAKWATEII leaves Port- 1 lnnd verv WedtieMluy. 8 P. M., from Ain- ! worth dock, tor North Bend, Marahfleld and Cimjs Bay points Freight received till 4 P. xt rtn dav of salllnir. Passenger fare, flrit- cla5s. $10; second-class. $7. including berth end meals. Inquire city ticket office. Ihird and Washington street, or Ainsworth dock. Phone Main 2US.