Till: MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1909. 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. COXKLIN BROS. 407 Wells-Fargo Bids. VEPNON Mulern. new 5-room bungalow; Tun concrete basement, large attic; new and modern; finished first-class in every particular; patent magnofttn floor in bathroom; cony den. etc; half block to car. $25uo: $5uO cash, balance snail monthly payments. ,. SUNNYSIDE Large East Side corner lot and new modern .".-room bungalow: nane.ed dining-room, large. old-fashioned fireplace, built-in buffet and china cloaet; special pattern mission light ing fixtures; a. thoroughly complete, desirable place; built to sell for $310: price for a few days. $200, on easy terms. ROSE CITY PARK $1100. only i-art cash, takes 2 lots (cornfD right on Sandy road. A snap for some oae. We also build houses on monthly payments. Investigate our same-as-rent plan of owning your own home. Houses and lots for sale In all parts of the city. CONKLIS EROS. KIT Wells-Fargo Bldg. Phones Main 2S59; A 1717. NOB HILL HOME. $7750 New and modern 9-room house, cncrete basement, furnace and three tire places; this is one of the most compkue hoir.es In the Nob Hill district and is lo cated on a fractional corner lot. 24th St.. south of Marshall. It is a bargain and you have got to hurry. JAMES J. FLTNN. , Si: Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. $4000 grocery on a principal street, doing 2.-.W monthly cash business; will trade for Improved Valley farm. 2 cash grocery for improved Albtna property. $" lot for rooming-house. $1MX equity in 5-room bungalow. block, for confectionery, hotel or rooming house. .ij-room transient houeei best corner, valued $2700. for residence or farm. GOLDSCHMIDT-S AGENCY. 253 Washington. EXCHANGE. 3 acres at Troutdale. 8-roora house, water piped in house, 1KJ; 4 acre, o ronm modern house. $150. Will trade either or both for house and lot in Port- acres at Logan. 14 In cultivation, bearing orchard, house, barn and chicken house; $j.".co. Will trade for house and lot in Portland. O. W. P. LAND CO.. Waiting Room. First and Alder. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For land or Improved city real estate, an o!d estab lished manu'acturlng business paying $10. 0(m net profits a year. Former owner s III health gives us the opportunity to dis pose of this fine business; experience un necessary; will bear closest Investigation. Perclval-Porter Co.. agents, Des Moines, Iowa. FOR SALE or 'trade for house and lot In Portland. 10 acre all In miscellaneous fruit, 1 mile west of Fisher or 7 miles east of Vancouver. Price $4000, $2000 cash, terms on balance. Inquire, Owner. G. S. Allen, Fisher, Wash., Van. R. R. No. 1. A WELL-IMPROVED farm of 13" acres In the valley, south of Portland a few miles, close to town; will take as part payment 'good Portlund hime; give particulars and price; land worth $S7 per acre. E 702, Oregonlan. Al'TOMOBILE TO EXCHANGE. 5-passenger car In excellent condition. Just thoroughly overhauled; wII exchange for farm or suburban acreage. Call or address C. P. Wells, 231 Worcester bldg. WANTED Hardware business in exchange for a highly improved farm few miles south of -Oregon City; all level valley land; consideration about $14,000. A 709, Oregonian. OF COUR8EI CERTAINLY! If Ton want to buy. sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to 8tevenson Taylor, room' S10 ar-d 311 Buchanan bids. 5 RESIDENCES Fargo. N. D.. and 50 acres of good land, fight at the loi of Streeter. N. D. ; exchange for Portland property. Ad dress L D. -Worden. Ocean Park, Wash. . , - TRANSFER company, doing large business; will sll or trade for property, values equal; good opfsortur.siy for right man or 13 men. 1 1 687. Oregon urn. WANTED Dairy ranch; have 10 acres, or chard, fl-room house, barn. li mile to station- $4000; to trade. 326 Washing ton St.. room 417 Angeles. 82 ACRES of land, highly Improved, near Albany, to exchange for farm In Eastern Oregon cr Idaho; mnat .be in a Swedish neighborhood. B 709. Oregonlan. $l.vo In H. P. 7-passenger automobile, fullv equipped and in One condition., to trade for real estate. F 61.'., Oregonian, 160 ACRES timber In Columbia County, yel low llr for . city property. K 701, Ore gonlan. WILL trade for wnat you nave, Gua Smith, Sol Buchanan bldg., TOL'P.TNG car or runabout for real estate or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE residence equity, Boise. Idaho. for unimproved realty. AF 04b, oregonian. WILT, sell or trade automobile for-real es tate. 201 Gerlinger bldg.. .WANTED Telephone bonde for good real state. 1019 Board of Trade. . WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHINQ O? VALCE- 1011) BOARD OF. TRADE. IF you have anything to . trade, call SIS Board of Trade. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Small far'm near Portland or Improved acreage near caxline. not to ex ceed $:;oo In alue; will turn In 2 good lots In Chicago as part payment, value S(M1; will pay tl-'HI to $1500 Jo cash and arrange about balance. If any. Our client will be In town for about a week. Call or write, giving full v-urtleulars, Kauff mann Sc Moore. C25 Lumber Exchange. WANT -to buy corner 50x100 on West Side, between 5th and 12th and between Yam hill and Harrison, 10th St. preferred, at . reasonable price. See Williams, 621 Cor- 'bett bldg. phone Main- 8143. HAVE customer for strictly modern home. East Side; will pay. $500 down. $50 monthly. Phone M eft.. Palmer, '617 Oregonian bldg. - WANTED Fractional lot on West . Side, suitable for flats; corner preferred ; must be a bargnin and will 'deal with owners only. A 706. Oregonian.. fi OR 6 -room modern sottage In Alblna; list m:s wwr wiii iiiorniou b iveauy e Ritslness Exchange. 312 McKay bide. Main C v T u WELL-FURNISH ED ll-oom house, full of roomers, to exchange for. good .building lot; no agents. B 1811. or, R 687, Orego nlan. ." ' WANTED Lot for resldencer' -corner pre ferred, between E. Taylor and Couch, west of 20th. Phone East 2372 before noon. VACANT LOT in Mount Tabor: list this week with Thornton's Realty & Business Exchange. 31S McKay bldg. Main R878. WANTED House and lot within walking riismnce on East Side; must be hargam; deal with owners only. A 707, Oregonian WANT small Heal home, choicest locality, cheap for cash. K, 70.1, Oregonlan. WANTED TTMBEg LA-SOS. ' '. " FOR Immediate offering.' -we want choice tracts of British Columbia timber, large or small, that are attractive and will - bear Investigation. Amen. -an Timber CO.. 714 Marquain bldg.. Portland. Or. . . . ACRE on Tahr Heights, value $2000. to trade for timber claiin; give .location. ' A B tUO. Orcsoniau. . ..V TIlrBER !an5 wanted,' f. t. McCracKea. - 304 McKay bid. - FARMS WANTED. "WANT "50 to 159-acre fasm; must be 1m- - proved, -with stock and Implements lnclud- at a reasonable price; state terms ani aii neeessary Information; no agents - need apply. , H 688. Oregonian. FOB SALE FARMS. 40-ACRE DAIRY FARM. NEAR FOREST GROVE. 40-acro farm on electric line; towns on all skies; milk route, telephone. R. F. D. and all conveniences; all In culti vation; running water; line house and barn; ill nice and level with about 20 acres of bottom land and 3 acres of genuine beavenlam; family orchard; all stock and implements consisting of 2 doien chickens, tine big team. 4 ttrst-class dairy cows. 2 calves, double and single harness, wagon, buggy and cart, barn full of tine clover hay, plenty of oats, wheat and potatoes, all kinds of farming im plements such as plows, cultivators, disc plow, mower, rake, binder, seeder, drills, narrows, etc.; everything in first-class shape, and the best bargain in Wash ington County. This is a snap and must be taken at once; offered on forced sale, otherwise it would be held at $0500; it Is now offered for $5J0; easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY. 005 Corbett Bldg. DO YOU WANT A HOME AND A beautiful tract of land? There are 76 acres In this tract, 56 acres in culti vation, balance line second growth tim ber and pasture land; good stream of water and two good wells; a good 6-room house and small cottage, brick root-house, barn and hog-house; family orchard and 200 young walnuts; 1 horse, 3 cows, brood sow. 1 biuder. 1 mower and rake. 1 shoe drill. 1 heavy and 1 light wagon. 1 set work harness. 1 buggy and harness. 1 riding plow and 1 walking plow, harrow and 2 cultivators, fanning mill and chlckons: 1 mile from good town, 33 miles from Portland; rail and river transporta tion; 37600; cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. GEO. W. TURNER. 416-417 Rothchild Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM CHEAP. 10 acres 6 mites from Forest Grove on main road, with R. F. D., telephone, milk and cream route iStst the door; 0j acres in cultivation; 14 acres in tine tim ber; 10 acres in pasture slashed and ' seeded to grans; all good land and lies tine with perfect drainage; two living streams of water on the place; tine house and barn an! large orchard with variety of all kinds of fruits and berries; with the place goes all the farming imple ments worth over $1000 and 3 head of good horses. 4 tine dairy cows, and every thing ready to step on and go to making money. The place will easily pay for Itself: It Is a sacrifice sale; price $6000 on very easy terms of $1500 down. RALPH ACKLEY, 005 Corbett Bldg. H t KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. 120 acres 5 miles back of Lyle. on good county road, adjoins good bearing orch ard; 30 per acre If taken at once; owner needs money. Also .40 acres 4 miles from Lyle for $35 per acre. Land in this vicinity selling for 350 per acre. MANCHESTER & WILSON, 247 Stark St. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 87 acres of fine farm land, 82 acres In cultivation. 5 acres In timber; a good S-room plastered house, wood-house, brick root-house, good barn and two large chickon-houses; a good family orchard; 2 miles from a prosperous Yamhill Coun ty town; mile from boatlanding and 32 miles from Portland: all th stock, farm ing machinery and everything necessary to carry on the farm with; good county road on two sides; It's a bargain at 38000: $5000 cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent. 416-417 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Or. FARMS. 40ir 67'i acres near Boring. 35 acres in crop: house, tarn, orchard, some tim ber; 3100 per acre. 71 a.c-re walnut land, all In cultivation good educational district. 1 mile from large school; J-.J per acre. s nrt io-aore tracts at Boring. Barton Deep Creek, Juno and other points on the illio; gooQ terms. O. W. P. LAND CO.. Waiting Room. First and Alder. 10OO ACRES or the best land In Yamhill Countv: 3iM acres In cultivation; Ill-roam house. 3 large barns, a water power that Is worth half the price asked for the proptrty; Is 5 miles from railroad; this is one of the best stock and dairy rancnes n the county; price 320 per acre, 3ooou cash, balance time. W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. H jl Kr,7, cole or iiuri, cuniijr "m- . it . , 76 miles above Dallas; capital fruit, berry or alfalfa land: 3 weeks earlier than Hood . i . ,i ... r r ttlver; sieaiiimiJ i juui uuui . v. ... & N. R. R., North Bank road across river; easy terms. Address owner, 728 Clackamas ave., Portland, Or. CHEAP LAND. B0 acres good land In Harney County, St nr acre. ..worth 36. A few good homesteads In Harney Countv: will not last long. ATLAS LAND CO., 420 laimber Exchange. A SNAP. 130-aere farm; fM acres In cultivation; good barn aud house, running water; hi mile from station; O. W. P. line runs through place; price $85 per acre, .terms. Inquire E. N. Foster, Eagle Creek, Or. CHOICE 10-acre tracts, high Mate of culti vation, on county road, favorably located " for chickens or small fruit; at R. R. sta tion in cafh. balance 1 and 2 years. 221 Failing bldg. SPECIAL river bottom 17 acres. 7 culti vated: house, barn, good pasture. 3 acres orchard, springs. SI. KM. Marion Co.. 32614 Washington tel., roam 417 Angeles. FARMS, large and small: terms to suit purchaser and our prices are always right. J. M. Kerr & Co.. liUS Stark St.. room 10. SEND for our llsi of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmsted Land Co., Salem. Or. IS ACRES at Bell station. Estacada car line, $400 per acre. C. W. SchuiC 160 ACRES Irrigated land In Southern Idaho, a snap. L 707. Oregonlan. FARMS and acreage. Room 8, 251'A Morri son, near 1st. ACREAGE. FROM 1 to 5 acres, near electric car, 8 miles out. quick service, land 30 per cent cheaper than adjoining prices and lies high and sightly. In good locality that is growing rapidly. Also 40 acres, suburban, to exchange for timber land or city property. A. E. BORTH WICK, 316 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 20 acres In Willow Flat, the fruit dis trict. IVi mile to R. R.. near county and Mount Hood stage road; 8 acres clear: 200 Spltsenberg 3 years old. 90 walnut trees; must be sold, and a snap at $3000. GOLDSCHMIDT3 AGENCY'. 253 V4 Washington, Cor. 3d. FORTY acres uncleared garden land to - lease for clearing. Four-miles S. W. Port land Courthouse. Box 101 R D No. 2, Hillsdale. Or. 't- FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE OREGON TIMBER & CRUISING CO. PacJflc Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-resl-. dents timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room M7 Board of " Trade bldg. Phone Main 8667. TO INVESTORS. ' If You want pine or fir timber In large or small tracts, I want to figure with you. 1 have some very attractive buys in tracts from UK acres to 50.000 acres. . Tanging from oO cents to $2 per thousand. C J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y A CO., Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. OREGON TIMBER REALTY CO. Headquarters for logging propositions; . timber lands, farm lands and business ' chances. - 021-525 Chamber of Commerce. ' Portland, Or. Phone M 8550. A 6580. 4000 ACRES flue orchard land, near railroad and electric line; timber enough to pay Couble purchase price. Call room 4o7 Rothchild bldg. 20 CLAIMS yellow pine timber situated In Grant County. Oregon; $2200 per claim. Box 217. John Day, Or. ! 1 WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprl&es of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher, 5ol-H2 Lumber Exchange bldg FOR SALE 40.ooo.000 fine yellow flr: logs to Lewis River; cheap. A. E. Mathews. 2V.t Conch bldg. FOR SALE Timber land In Lincoln Co., Oregon: will sell reasonable. J. L. Keith. . Kalamazoo. Mich., route 4, TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD rellaqulshments. - r-T WORCESTER BLOCK. 6,000.000 feet fir timber wlta, land, $1000 cash. B 719, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles ajitl Harness. WHY buy a socond-hand vehicle when we can sell you a new Vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one; we are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons and farm wagons. R. M. WADE &CO., 322 Hawthorne Ave. $175 BUYS team, weight 2650 lbs., are good workers anywhere; $140 buys black horse. ' weight 150 lbs.; $125 buys sorrel horse, weight 1420 lbs.; $140 buys team, weight 2350 lbs., sound and good pullers; lo head mares, all sizes and prices. Call 26 I. 15th at. TEAM, weight 2400 lbs.. good workeis. price $120; small team, weight' 1000 lbs. each, price $1)0. Call stable 13th. cor. ' Stark, opu. Brewery. Also big 2S00-1D. team, little sore, price $2U0. 30 HEAD of horses and mares, weigh from (Kio to 1400 pounds; are all sound and well broken: suitable for any purpose; also wagons, buggies, harness, saddles of all kinds. Red Front Sale and Exchange Sta bles. 15th, oft Washington st. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gocseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business nurpoies, day, week or month. Phones East 72, B 13fi, Hawthorne stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One bay team, geldings, 5 and a- 3O70 pounds: 1 pair grays, 6 and i. 3250 pounds; Just In and sound every way. K. R. Frank. 436 Goldsmith. CHEAP TEAM, weight about 2700. lbs.; will take driving team or horse in exchange: no horse traders wanted. 830 East 26th at.; Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. SNAP $150 buys pair nice young mares ind harness; are little sore in front from . street 'work; well matched and gentle. Mr. Freck. owner, 20 N. 13:h St. FOR SALE 3-spring wagor.. suitable for expressing and poddling. good condition, cheap. Call Sunday morning, 4S0 East Stephens St.. corner Oth. 10 LARGE work horses, all young and strong; weight 14O0 to 1700 lbs; at Co lumbia Stables. 30 Front st. TEAM of horses cheap or will, exchange - for d-jlivery horse. 809 East 28th st. W. W. car to Francis ave. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL, 3S0 Front, buy, sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business ri.gs. FOR SALE 15 rood buggies and lot of plows. Inquire J. T. Wilson, 172 2d HORSES of all kinds for sale at the O. R. C. Stable, 14th and Yamhill st. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madl-son-st. stable. 165. near bridge- BLACK -horse, weight 1350, cheap. 309 Sherman st. HORSES, buggies, harness for sale or rent. Special rates for business purposes. 182 E. 34th St. B 1130. Tabor 1112 x SPECIAL attention to boarding of horses. 1S2 E. S4th st. B 1130. Tabor 1112. EORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. BEST harness at lowest prices at Keller Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st. Automobiles. WE HAVE a brand new 1009 Stoddard Dayton 35 H. P. touring car. with top. magneto and full equipment; regular price . $2450; our price $2200 to first buyer. Cen tral Auto Livery Co., 17th and Alder sts. f-20a 40-H.-P., 7-passenger car, fully equipped ajid in good order; will demon strate. W. G. Hartman & Co., 4 2d st. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up, for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 40 2d st. Miscellaneous. MOVING PICTURES Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereopticons. cal cium and gas outfits, new films. 3000 suo Jects; guaranteed no repeaters; largest buvers of new films In United States; elides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland. PACIFIC FILM CO., 303-317 Rothchild bldg., is still looking for more business; will rent films and songs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies for movlng plcture theaters. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER For sale, first-class houe, low price to quick buyer: Eastern Oregon. For par ticulars, write Frank Neugebauer, room IS, 74 E. Alder. Walla Walla. Wash. SEWING MACHINES. We have a few slightly used machines that will be sold very cheap. Call and see them at White Sewing Machine Store. II. D-. Jones, 420 Washington, cor. 11th St. NEW and slightly used automobiles In first class condition, from $100 to $1500: for bargains see us. Portland Auto 'Commis sion House, 534-3H Alder. Main 4455 AUTOMOBILE ROW A 4455. I HAVE several diamond rings from Vjk to lMk, all perfect etones; In order to raise cash quickly, will sell at a great bargain. Address N 700, Oregonlan. 8-FOOT revolving display table. $15; 24 foot office rail. 2-lnch iron pipe size, with 2 swinging doors - and standards, (13. National Cash Register Co.. 70 3d st. LEAVING city, have fine large Champion $.15 guitar and $3.50 canvas case at $15. Call at :126V4 Washington St.. room 307. Main ,8830; A 3200. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $0. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.. 203 2d sL FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451: A 5443. BLACK-TOP tent, size 24x48, best quality, 10-foot sidewalls, for sale cheap. Par ticulars. Newman, 2il3 Burnslde. STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EXCHANGE Fiim service that wins. Steropticons. slides, supplies 105 M 4th st. FOR SALE 10 fresh milch cows. Address W. W. McErlde, Ridgeneld, Wash. FOR SALE Baled clover hay. $10 per ton. Phone East 742. FOR SALE Chickens, chicken wire, lawn mower, garden tools 1001 Hawthorne ave. 6 COWS, some fresh; big milkers. Deer Island Station, Astoria train. Kcelan. HALL safe, weight about 1200 pounds; $40. 2Sk Union ave. N. . FOR SALE 19-foot gasoline launch; cheap. S 714, Oregonlan. OAK dresser, book case. Indian baskets, dsmtisl'a outfit. 410 Dekum bldg. DON'T forget furniture auction. $ 232 1st St.. 10 A. M. 8 H. P. launch and houseboat, cheap If taken soon. Y 613, Oregonian. FRESH milch cow for sale at 250 Front St. HELP WANTED MALE, AGENTS wanted In every county In the States of Oregon. Washington. $5 to $15 per day. exclusive territory; machine every farmer wants. Y 6JT, Oregonlan. MAN with $50 take Interest In paying busi ness. Roso City Hotel, 6th and Flan ders, rooin 12, from 3 to 7 P. M. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract ..Co., 407-8-9 Commercial club bldg. MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb ing, bricklaying, plastering, $25 required. Pacific Trade School, 410 Arcade, Seattle. WANTED Boy or older man to help the Janitor: call between 9 and 10 A. M. Helns Apartments. 14th and Columbia. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 256 Burnslde Street Phone Main 5604. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. WANTED Experienced solicitors, guaran teed salary of $15 per week, to solicit business men. Call 84 West Park St. WANTED One first-class pants presser. Room 17 Breoden bldg., 3d and Wash. WANTED A first-class architectural draughtsman. M 707. Oregonlan. FOUR upholsterers wanted; day work. 1509 Western ave.. Seattle, Wash. RES AW MAN for box factory, $2.50: city. Tne Acme Employment, 2 75 Bur.iside. YOUNG man to drive a delivery wagon and work about store, call at 1U4 f. otn st. WANTED A helper for the kitchen at Winters Hostaurant. 230 1st st. WANTED 10 young men for extra work. Call Bungalow Theater IS A. AL. HELP WANTED MALE. IS there a good manager who wants a Job? We want a man full of ginger and hust ling red blood a worker, who will go to It every minute of tho day. a young man. 30 to 35, good address, full of initiative, capable of handling men and building up a sales, force; prefer a man who is now earning $2W or better, one who is a suc cess, but Is ambitious enough to want more and is worth rnorc. Write fully about yourself if you want the place. We have no time to deal with curiosity eeek ers. Address AC 548. Oregonlan office. WE want a man full of ginger and hustling red blood, a worker, who will go to it every minute of the day. a young man. 80 to 33. good address, full of Initiative, capable of handling men and building up a sales force; prefer a man who is now earninfs $200 or better, one who Is a suc cess, but Is ambitious enough to want more and is worth more; write fully about yourself it you want the place; we have no time to deal with curiosity seek er. Address The Jacobs-Stlne Company. 14S Fifth st., Portland. Or. PREPARING to put on large tract. West Side. Sales forces will be limited to 20 red-blooded salesmen. Can use s few more "lf you have BACKBONE we will make a SALESMAN of you. Largest commission and best contract in city. , APPLY THE LEE-BOWDLBR COMPANY. Pantages Theater Bldg. L. O. Thompson, Soles Manager. WANTED A thoroughly competent and ex perienced credit man by a large whde saie house Jn Seattle; applicant must be thoroughly posted on credit work ana capable of assuming confidential position, rone others need apply: salary $200 and over; replies treated strictly confidential, reference required. Address B iOO. Ore gonian " WANTED Blacksmith for wagon and ma chine shon, $3.50: three farm hands for Eastern Oregon. $33; ono at $30; planer feeder, $2.25; others too numerous to men tion here. We have a large list of new work coming in every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main. Office, 12 N. Second st. WANTED Two first-class traveling sales men for caey-selling line3; must be well educated, of good address, capable of earn ing good money in commercial lines; meady position to right parties; in answering give references and experience; don't want men out of portions without good reasons. Ad dress J 712, Oregonlan. WANTED Competent mechanic for super intendent manufacturing establishment making specialties; must be able to pro duce results and have enough initiative ability to superintend the establishment; to the right man permanent position and good wages: position open about March L Address Y 021, Oregonlan. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last 5'ear: men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions, graduates earn from $15 to $2j weekly: expert Instructor: tools free; write for catalogue. Mchler System of Colleges, 3j N. 4th st, Portland. Or. WANTED We want salesman with an es tablished trado in Oregon and Washing ton to handle our line of "Sunflower pants and wool blankets; factory has been established for 10 years: line will be ready in 30 days. Western Woolen Mill Co., Topeka, Kan. A : T M :':;!.! N' :, plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by ac- tual work In shops and buildings; ad vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues free. Coyne National Trade School. 230 8th St., San Francisco WANTED Man and wife who -wish to get into established poultry business, with thorough, practical poultry man; yard near city; chance of a lifetime; about $1000 needed. 243 Stark St. YOUNG men. over 18 years old. to learn automobile driving and repairing, day and evening classes. Portland Auto Commis sion House, 17th and Alder. Phones Main 4453. A 4455. C. R. HANSEN. JR., Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. INDUSTRIOUS MAN. willing to travel, get conu-acts. put up paper ahead of great attraction; experience not necessary; $100 cash required; salary $25 per week. Ap ply 606 Swetland bldg. THREE SALESMEN WANTED $7.) per month and commission with expenses while traveling; must invest $500; new and prosperous corporation. Y 619, Ore gonian. WANTED Solicitors to demonstrate and take orders for brushes and dustless wax Ine on commission. Portland Brush & Waxinn Co., 470 East 11th st. Apply after 6 P. M. EDUCATED. well-dressed salesman to handle high-class guaranteed stock of local manufacturing company; liberal commission. S 718. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED solicitor and clerk In gro cery; one speaking Swedish preferred. Shaughnessy & Townsend, Archer Place. Phone Tabor 644. PHYSICIAN wanted, registered in Oregon, as assistant In advertising oftice: state salary expected. Address Box N CSS, Oregonian. YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre pare for examination soon; about $70 a month to start. Call o- write for free par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED Honest, sober young man with $200 cash as partner to show property and work in the office; am tired of hired help. 326 Washington St., room 414. WANTED Young men to learn railroad telegraphy;- permanent positions when com petent. Oregon College. S3 6th St.. fifth floor. WANTED Honest man who has $200 to invest in the motion picture theatre busi ness; business will make $5 to $10 dally. Particulars Newman. 293 Burnslde. SALESMAN who thoroughly understands fl'lng system; must be Al. Call bet. 10 and 12. Loose Card Book Company, 66 6th St. WANTED Advertising solicitor; cash com missions advanced; steady position for right man. Bonville's Western Monthly, 424 Marquam bldg. WAGONMAKER wanted for rough work and help blacksmith; must be strong; single man preferred. Neagle Broa., Pendleton, Or. YOUNG MAN between 18 and 20 years for ofiice assistant; must be of neat appear ance and live with parents. Address E 7U5, Oregonlan. MORE men of right stamp for Nome dis trict, good pay. work on ditch, free trans portation; must have $100. 615 Board of Trado. OPPORTUNITY and opening for Indus trious man with $100: steady position, traveling: good chance to see the country. Apply 006 swetland bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, $8C0 first year; examination Portland. May 15. Preparation free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute Rochester. N. Y. FINE opening for bright, energetic young man; services and small capital re quired. Call 326 Washington st.. room 4o0. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family; German, Swedish or Danish preferred. 362 East 30th St. Telephone Tabor 5S3. . GOOD girl for cooking and general house work; small family; good wages. Apply at 770 Overton st. SHIRTMAKERS, thoroughly experienced; to competent people, steady employment. Jacobs Shirt Co.. 291 Stark. WANTED Experienced girls to make shirts ana overalls. iio iwa ... partment. 75 First st. EXPERIENCED girl for light housekeeping in small family. Call at 480 East loth, North. A LADY acquainted can make $26 per week at home helping me sell real estate. G 713. Oregonian, COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. 610 Spring st., Portland Heights. FIRST-CLASS pants operators and finishers. Room 17 Breoden bldg., Sd and "Wash. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 739 Kearaey st. WANTED Girl to assist In housework; no cooking. Call 574 Hoyt. LADY COOK. camp, about 10 men. 29 X. 2d. Main 7159. WANTED -Girl for general housework; good home. 329 17th a- WANTED At once, experienced waitress, Sargent Hotel, Grand and Hawthorne ave. GIRL for general housework, small family. 522 Tillamook at- Call forenoons. . GIRL to assist housework, small family. 69S East Couch, comer 20 th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED First-class cook In private fam ily on ranch at Hood River; only those who can furnish references for efficiency and who have been six months or up wards in same family need apply. 697 Flanders. A 4309 - 1 KITCHEN helper, country. $25. '2 waitresses, country, $30. 2 waitresses, country. $25. 2 chambermaids. $20 and $25. Cooks, hous'.-girls and others. 326 WASHINGTON ST.. ROOM 307. FITTERS FOR SUITS AND COATS. Good positions for thoroughly experi enced and first-class fitters; now other need apply. OLDS. WORTMAN Sc KING. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Good girl for cooking and gen- , , 1- . O nH.il.c ..nnil WRL-C'L Apply at Japanese Consulate, Washing ton Diag. GIRL or woman for general housework country, grown pegpic, pci niaiu. Call 471 Jefferson St., Thursday and Frl- aay. MRS. HOWE'S, LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8S30 or A 3206. t a r-r itt r- M t'T.OV M F!T t'O.. Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1002, A 20t4. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 "Washington st,, cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. . . . ...... . .. . ii 1 - v.nr. ran get good home by being help in family Of tWO. iS- IUU. uieaiPit:wi. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over- shirts. AodIv standard Factory ro. i. Grand ave. and East Taylor st. HEAD waitress. $J5; 2 waitresses. $30; out or city. Hansen i.buim. --aw. " Washington st. . WOMAN experienced in making cross-stitch ... . , i m .,n n ro ,11 on initials anu emuiuiuci .....v-e,. - shirts. Jacobs Shirt Co.. 291 Stark. I WILL pay you for your spare time: will not interfere wnn Ple'..cl"'"""",V;1 liberal remuneration. S 718. Oregonlan WANTED Experienced law stenographer state phone number and salary. Y 62. Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 009 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. wx-T17ninin(imnn or ladv of good ad dn. in nke a line of specialties on the roaO; do not answer this unless you come with good references and $20 to ray for outfit. 007 CUmmerdal bldg. cor 2d and Washington. SALARY OR COMMISSION. ciLitn. male nr female. call C01. Chemical Co.. 423 Hawthorne ave.; good proposition, BOY and girl wanted to strip tobacco Schiller Cigar Factory, cor. 6th and Flan ders. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. eil Swellano. niag. Jr-noue jnain -so, FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per month to thinners, muimsuu. SITl'ATIOX WANT ED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. 6 DAYS TRIAL I am willing to take all . . ii, 1, m, nna v.nlr vvltn- tne risn; win wuim. .n out cnarge; ii you uuliod w "--i , -----work for very moderate salary; desirw position as assistant, unuei a bookkeeper; nave .mm thoroughly at home evenings but have had no practical experience, hence this offer; am young man of good habits and will lurni8U oest oi rcieicuw - gonian. PERMANENT position by competent book keeper and ofllce man; number years' ex perience in fliiiuiMiiuiiai o"-; - - -. ate; Al reference regard to ability ana character, e 2-l, uregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office manager. 8 years' expe-ience, age 40. .wants connection with . . a r r.nc n.Mn. good nouse; racicm-co. ai www, -"Ionian. ' POSITION Young man. 4 years' experience in bookkeeping, auamng ana omcw woin, best references, moderate salary. B W. Gorsuch. 251 7th st. Main 6231. BOOKKEEPER time, not entirely occupied, will write up. audit, open or close set books spare time, uay or evenings, jjiuu-rate- terms. C 6S8. Oregonian. BY energetic young man with good record as an assistant bookkeeper or any kind of office work; can also use typewriter, jiu dress R 6SS, Oregonlan. -vrtTTNri -man. exnerlenced. with best of ref erences, desires position as bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper. none woou. mo. YOUNG MAN. -21 years of age. wants work of any kind, clerical position preierreu, best of references. Phone Tabor 1097. WOULD keep small eet of books at odd hours. Write O 70, oregonlan. , Miscellaneous POSITION wanted as foreman and mana hv Tirnctical farmer, understands ir rigatlon and feeding stock for market- D 689, oregonian. FIRST-CLASS planerman or stickertnan -wishes position: o years experience. Phone East 1007. GOOD Japanese boy wishes situation fore noon, Job any kind work; speak English well. 272 Davis st. M. Morimoto. JAPANESE first-class cook, wants situa tion in private family, has pood refer ences. Address C 042, Oregonlan. JAPANESE waiter with experience wants position at ooaraing-nouse or iiotei la iuo evening. H 706. Oregonian. YOTTNfJ married man would like position: experienced In groceries; references. N 706. Oregonlan. DRAFTING solicited, topographical and me chanical: expert work. E. L. Williams, 1765 Druid st. 131 NORTH 6th st. Main 2244, A 3401 Practical male nurse wishes position; best of references. MARRIED man would like to take charge of a farm on shares or salary. Y 611, Ore gonlan. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as schoolboy In small family. Shlrakawa, S7 N. 6th St., city. EXPERIENCED rodman and chainman wants steady work, railroad or timber cruising. W. J. Adams. 448 Taylor st- YOUNG man wishes position In carpenter shop, with view of learning trade; have tools. 628 E. 18th St. , GOOD Japanese laborers want '.sawmill or shovel work, cutting wood. u oiu, ure gonlan. TAILOR wants steady work; experienced. G 712, Oregonlan- X GOOD Japanese boy wants to work la a small family. Y 623, Oregonlan. YOUNG man not afraid to work, wants any kind of inside work. AD 692. Oregonian. YOUNG married man, good education, wants work of any kind. A. E. 642, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as a schoolboy. Y 608. Oregonian. TWO experienced house carpenters want work, day or contract. L 705, Oregonlan. I AM still cleaning house. Please call me evenings. Augustus Thompson. Main 5509. HOUSECLEAN1NG by day or hour; city reference. Main 3903. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady from the East, accurate, good penman, wants position, cashier, asst. bookkeeper, clerical work; reference or bonds. Phone Main 4039. BY a stenographer with some experience; reasonable wages. Phone A 6446. EXPERIENCED cashier wants position, any hours. L 693, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Main. FAMILY sewing by the day; prices reason able; good work. N 693, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by day or at home. Main 7P39: A 8166. WANTED Convalescent to care for in my private home. AE 648, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. I TRAINED NURSE, middle-age. will care for infant! Phone Woodlawn 707. Housekeepers. WANTED By respectable middle-aged woman, position as housekeeper. Address Y 616, Oregonlan. WIDOW 35 desires housekeeping situation. Call 171 West Park, room 2. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position to aasist with general housework In a pri vate family of adults; no washing: refer ences. N 707, Oregonian. WANTED A place for girl of 13 years to help with housework and go to school. Call phone A 129. between 6 and 7 P. M. JAPANESE young woman wouid like work in small family in city. Call 228 Burn side. Main 2075. AN experienced girl wants housework by the day. 292 Larrabee St. Phone East 5371. TWO girls wish housework in good homes where there are no children. Call 208 17th st., near Taylor st. SWEDISH GIRL (does not speak English), wants place in small family; no children. 350 East Alder. SWEDISH GIRL would like position in a private family. D 709, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl would like housework, small family, wages $30. 685 Thurman sc. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as horsekeeerer, head waltreea or stewardess: experienced; refer ence; in or outof city. J 714. Oregonian. BY university graduate, as private teacher, manager or any congenial work of short hours. E 700. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day work. Phone A SOUS. LACE CURTAINS washed and starched 40c a pair. Phone Main 659S, A 4092. - EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry or house cleaning by tho day. Main 6575. YOUNG GIRL wants work for room and board: West Side. Telephone A 4279. WORK wanted by day. Main 1C2 or A 4202 WANTED AGENTS. WANTED One man in every locality in United States to advertise and introduce our goods, tacking tip show-cards; com mission or salary; $90 monthly and ex penses. We lay out your work. Experience unnecessary. Write EMPIRE MEDICINE COMPANY. London. Ontario. Canada. WE' want the services of several wide awake, honest and Intelligent solicitors; to such we can assure not less Ihau $50.00 per week and Bteady employment for a long time. Collins Wireless Telephone, H. M. Abbott manager, 16 Lafayette bldg. WANTED TO RENT. FOR SIX months, modern furnished cottage or house. Portland Heights; will furnish linen and silver; best care taken; refer ence; no children. O 706. Oregonlan. JAPANESE gentleman wants board and room in respectable family or good hotel. Address Japanese consulate, Washing ton bldg. WANTED To rent by March 15, houseboat, furnished preferred, close In; state loca tion and rent in first letter. Address A 6US, Oregonian. WANTED Rent 6 or 7-room house, modern, close in, good neighborhood; no children. Mrs. J. E. Fait, Cornelius Hotel. WANTED 2 nice clean unfurnished house keeping rooms in nice location; must be cheap. Phone Main 3420. WANTED By traveling man. nicely fur nished room. Y 620. Oregonian. 4 OR 6-ROOM cottage or lower flat; cheap rent. O 708, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping roome near Ladd School. S 712. Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage on Richmond carllne. J 713, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anything else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. . A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d st. North, rhone Main 9272. IMPORTANT. Call me up before selling your furniture or anything else you have; it will pay you. Main 840S. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furnl ture. East 9S8. B 2311. WILL exchange a nice furnished or unfur nished room for papering or tinting. 233 E. 6th St., near Salmon. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone East 6204. 368 Hawthorne, ave. FOR RENT. Rooms. FOR RENT 2d and 3d floors (51 rooms en suite) or -entire, or building; centrally lo cated on Washington st. Inquire at Rod gers. Hart, Gibson Co., 146 2d St., city. Furnished Rooms. THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch. Rooms $2 per week and up, single or en suite; large parlor, piano, billiard and pool-rooms free to guests; dining-room in connection; excellent meals 25 cents; board by the month $1S; meal tickets, per week,1 $4.50 punched as used. JUST opened, the Irving, 312 Oak, cor. 6th; yoiir choice of 30 large absolutely new and elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat, electric lights, running water, etc.; these rooms are exceptionally nice, fur nished in genuine mahogany and quarter sawed oak; rates $4 up week, $1 up day. THE BARTON, I3th and Alder; new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights, etc.: rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22.50 to $:i0; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. "I.V THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free buss. Free baths. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up: steam heat; hot and cold water; free baths and phone; transients 50c. 75c antl SI ,er day; open all night: office and reading-room ground floor. 4SS-492 Wash. ONLY $1.50 PER WEEK For nicely furnished rooms downtown. The Marquam. Oth and Alder. NICELY furnished, comfortable, light rooms, $1 to $5 week; heat, bath, free phone. No. 2 14th St.. N.. near Washing ton. ' HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2C47. Main 5U47 HOTEL KENY'ON. ISth and Washington Modern rooms, single nnd en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacirie 496. THE BUCKINGHAM, Y'amhlil St. opp. Port land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor. - $10 Bright, warm, newly furnished room in cozy, modern flat; gentlemen only. 351 6th St. Phones Main 9334. A 37C2. $10 EACH Two nice front rooms, connect ed, nicely furnished, nice hocne. 391 10th. Walking distance. Main 0030. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner Oth. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. MONARCH HOTEL Neatly furnished rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable rates. 365 Stark, cor. Park. 334 YAMHILL ST. Elegant rms; warm, modern; Spring rates. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5: also transient rooms. 313 Morrison. THE ANGELES. 6th and Jefferson, modern rooms and apartments; both phones. THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50o to $1 day, $2 to 34 week. THE BRAE-SIDB. 426 Alder Modern con veniences; centrally located.; reasonable. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family L VDY can have nicely furnished room, easy walltir.g distance, all convenances; very reasonable; might board. Thone Last 26SS. URGE, pleasant room, with or without breakfast, tor two or more gentlemen, line location; modern. K 70b. Oregonlan. NICELY" furnished front room for gentle man: East Side. In private family; walk ing distance. Phono East 4i0i. B 19.15. VERY desirable room for gentleman, house, modern, private family, choice location. SSS Salmon St.. bet. West Park and 10th, BEAUT1FUL. large, light rooms for sleep ing; modern, lol 12Ui. cor, stark. I NICIiLY furnished room, walking distance, ST per month, i none jjaia joio. t- FRONT room private family, no other roomers; walking distance. Main 9003. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every resjie-.-t; steam neat, electric lights, hot and cold water la every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. WALKING dlstanse. "617 Kearney, cor. 19th. eletantlv furnished apartments, suitable for married couple with a child: with board: first-class table; all modern con veniences; beautiful grounds; also swell f ui-nislieil room for gentleman, with break fast and (tinner, $30 per month. PORTLAND Women's Union, 2flth year: rooms with board, uo of sewing-room and library; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Rawlings. Stipt.. 510 Flanders St. THE CLAY. cor. 2d and Clay, rooms with board for one or two gentlemen. $5 and S.Y50 per week; conifortablo and home like. LARGE, nicely furnished for two, $24 a month: ail conveniences. 053 Wash. St., between 2oth and Ella. TUB LIN DELL. 2'tO Market Nicely fur nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat, electric lights, baths, phones. $0 weekly. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son, fine lan;e rooms, lowest rates, be.it place in city for a home. THE MAP.LYN, Washington and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and cold -water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THE MORRISON", 533 Morrison St., family hotel, modern, new management: board optional; best table board ; prices moderate THE OZARK, 225 11th Light, airy rooms, with board, hot and cold water. FIRST-CLASS rooms, table board. 30 North. 17th. Phones A 2595, Main 4t'2L ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. THE FERNS Rooms, board and home cook ing; reasonable. 150 11th. Rooms With Board in Private Family. WOULD like two or three rellned boarders; large, light room l"r married couple; hath, phone, bent: choice location near White Temple: home cooking; rates rea sonable. 442 Jefferson st, ROOM and board, strictly private family; mnlern conveniences; referenced exchanged- suitable for two; reasonable. Main 321-2. 284 (i Park. ROOMS, with or without board, private family, including bath, phone, heat and laundry. 2!5 Lincoln; walking distance. TWO nicely furnished rooms. I suitable for 2 gentlemen; good board; $5 per week. 350 East Alder st. GOOD rooms, with or without board; con veniences. Inquire 201 Tenth, corner Tay lor. $18 Large room, breakfast and dinner, plain washing, strictly private, modern home for two. 75 E. 2Sth North. E. 1096. WNTEI" Two gontlemen. good room, good bonrri. terms reasonable. 308. 6th. st. M 3544. ROOMS with board, modern, close in; home cooking. SD East 8th st. North. East 722. ROOM with board, home cooklnr- 829 Sixth. Phono A 3G22. LARGE front room suitable for 2 people, with board; 2 closets. 446 3d st ROOM and board for gentleman; walking distance. CS4 Hoyt. Main 4204. ROOM and board, suitable for i; modern, sunny home. Phone E. 6749. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th aart Columbia, easy walking distance, new. brick build ings. In 2, 3, 4-room family apartments; private bath and reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service, maximum of convenience, completely furnished ready for houeekeep lng; some unfurnished; rent reasonable. THE ROOSEVELT, 60S Kearney Splendid new 5-room steam-heated apartment; all modern conveniences; arranged so that one or two rooms can be sub-rented If desired: very reasonable rent. W.t L. Morgan. 322 Failing bldg. FOR RENT Extra well furnished 8-room apartment, steam heat, hot and cold water- phone service; walking distance. Adults. 409 East Burnslde. Phone East 222. DEL-MAR Extra well-furnished 8-room apartment; steam heat, hot and cold water- phono service; walking distance. Adults. 409 East Burnside. East 2.S22. MORTON Apartments. Washington and King sts.; walking dL-tance; 3-story brick build ing. 3 and 4-rooin modern apartments. In quire at building. JEFFERSONIAN Nicely iyrnlshed 2 end. ;l-room suites for housekeeping, strictly modern: no children. ltith and Jefferson. JEKFERSONIAN Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room suites for housekeeping, strictly modern; no children. 10th and Jefferson. COIX'MBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. Marlborough. 21st and Flanders; 6-room apartment; every convenience. Main 7616. Flats. CENTRALLY located, modern, steam-heated flat cf five rcomst to rent reasonable. The Ames Mercantile Agency. 403 Swetland bldg. Phone M. SUSS or A 1928. 8-ROOM flat, 2d story, strictly modern, cor ner Ot fclOUl aCU Oilimvii nm., ...... $37.50. 340 Chamber of Commerce. FLAT FOR RENT Gas range, ice box, gas globes, etc., for sale at a bargain. Call at 302 '-i Park st. MODERN flats, 192 and 194 McMlllen st.. 3 bloc ks north of .Steel bridge. Apply 1S8 McMillcn st. $25 Extra desirable 4-room flat, fireplace, range, refrigerator. 185 East loth, cor. Yamhill. UP-TO-DATE FLAT 13 minutes' walk to city center; 5 rooms- and open-air room; rent $22.50. Phono Main 7157. LOWER flat 6 rooms; fireplace, furnace, porch, yard; Nob Hill. Main 4220. MODERN 4-room upper flat and yard, $16. 7S0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. 3ROOM modern flat, all conveniences. In quire 225 Market. Phone Main 516.- MODERN 5-room flat, newly tinted. 294 Margin, fronting river; $22.50 per month. MODERN 4-room flats, bath, iras, electrlo light. Phone Woodlawn 32. 5-ROOM flat, wnlklng distance, West Side. Taggart. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, steam heat, phone, hath free. The Newcastle, 3d and Harrison. TWO-ROOM suite, furnished; gas range, hot and cold water, steam heat; single rooms. 201 14th, cor. Taylor. $1.50 WEEK up. large, clean furnished housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland. 3SS JEFFERSON ST., 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas, phone; no children; references. WAYNE WOOD 10!) North 1th. nicely fur nirhed housekeeping rooms. running water, furnace heat, walking distance. $124 rooms furnished for .housekeeping. Havers-tie & Galege.r, 343 Washington et. THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments; heat, phones.' bath. 191 14th st. MODERN 3-room fiat, 13 West Park, near Morrison. Call after 10 A. M. THE SANGERT Furnished apartments. Washington and Trinity, near 19th. T13 WASHINGTON st 6-room furnished flat.