Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 24, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    BEST bargain In clrv; 2 lots, 6-room Alberts,
bungalow. 10.14 East 20th St. North.
S4nnO mrnr-rv nn nr nr ftrwt. doing
$2.',o month,y cash business; wlU trade lor
Improved Valley farm.
$2o00 caen grocery for Improved Alain
$'" Jot for rooming-house.
$1 equity la 6-room bur.gmJo-w, 4
hlok. for confectionery, hotel or rooming
house. .'t.'i-roorri transient house est comer,
Valued $-700. for residence or farm.
253 Washington.
improved city real estate, an old estab
lished manufacturing business paying $10.
m net prof.ts a. year. Former owner's 111
hc.ilth g:vea us the opportunity to dis
pose of this f:n business; experience un-li-tessury:
will bear closest investigation.
Percival-Porter Co., agent. Dei Moines.
FOH HALE or exchange, on Orfron electrlo
carline. 9.56 acres, b milce from Jefferson
street depot. 4 blocks north of Metzger
station; good 6-room house, barn and
otlier outbuilding". 7 acres under cultiva
tion, balanee pasture; price M00; want
liwd Improved farm worth $7000 to $SOOO,
pay didorirotix F. C. Aldnch. Hillsdale,
route 2.
HAVE a fine l0-acre dairy ranch close to
Portland for sale or exchange for farm
or city property anywhere between Sac
ramento and Tulare City: coast preferred;
this ranch Is highly Improved and well
atocked; price and terms are good.
420 Swetland Bids;.
86 ACRES, highly improved farm; 12 miles
from Portland; excellent new home on It.
everything In fine shase to move onto;
mortcate $20, to run 3 years; my equity
for $.;o'0. Adjoining land s'-lllng for $200
per acre. Wouid accept Portland prop
erty for part. If you want a farm, set
this. Call 013 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR FA LB or trade for house and lot In
Portland. 10 acres all In miscellaneous
fruit, 1 mile west of Fisher or 7 mllea
east of Vancouver. Price $4000. $2000 cash,
terms on balance. Inquire, Owner. G. S.
Allen. Fisher. Wash, Van. R. K.-NQ. 1.
WANTED $1000 stock of groceries for 120-a-re
fruit land In White tsUmoa district,
valued $3,Vi; would trade or sell part of
It. GoldBChmldls Agency. 253H Wash
6-p.-issenger car In excellent condition.
Just thoroughly overhauled, will exchange
f.-r farm or suburban acreage. Call or
address C. P. Wells. 231 Worcester bldg.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Etevenson Taylor,
rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan oldg.
B RESIDENCES Fargo. N. D.. and 60 acres
of good land. right at the town of S-.reeter.
N D. ; exchange for Portland property. Ad
dress I. D. Hurden, Ocean Park. Warn.
TRANSFER company, doing large business;
will sell or for property, values equal;
good opportunity for right man or two men.
I) 687, oregonian.
WANTED Dairy ranch; have 10 acres, or
chard, 5-mom house, barn, mile to sta
tion; $4'oo; to trade. 32d'A Washing
ton at-, room 417 Angeles.
jtfvoo- 10 H. P. 7-passenger automobile,
fullv equipped and In fine condition, to
trade for real estate. F 615, Oregonlan.
TWO houses and lots to trade for acreage
on 6o cerl'ne. Call at 1018 Board of
Trade. Main 6066.
BWF1LL rooming-house: rent $25; Income
fk; trade for lot or equity. Main BUS.
WILL trade for what you have. Qua Smith,
801 Buchanan bldg.
TOURING car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds Address N 423, Oregonian.
IESLRABLE residence equity. Boise, Idaho,
for unimproved realty. AF 048, Oregonlan.
EXCHANGE 14 acres rich garden land In
Chehalls, Wash. 918 Board of Trade bldg.
WILL, sell or trade automobile for real es
tate. 201 Gerllnger bldg.
EQI'ITT In house In Sunnyslde for vacant
lota Y 609, Oregonlan.
IF you have anything to trade, call 312
Board of Trade.
ONE of our customers writes to us from the
"Want to buy a home of about rooms
In Portland, want something modern and
close to business center, thought of pay
ing about MuOO, half cash. Be on the
lockout for something reasonable, will bs
in Portland about middle of March."
If you have a home to oiTor at about
the above price please call or write, we
want to be able to offer our customer
lust what he wants as soon as he arrives.
7oS and 7u9 Corbett Bldg.
WANTED at once We have a customer for
a strictly modern 6 to 8-room residence
north of Hawthorne ave.. east of 12th
st.; must be worth the money: owners
420 Swetland Bldg.
I WANT to buy from owner 6-room house
In good location, not too far out: must
have furnace and all modern conven
iences; no old house considered; give lo
cation and description as well as lowest
price; I have $700 cash, pay balance on
mortgage three years at 6 per cent. Apply
AD 601, Oregonlan.
WELL-FURNISH ED 11-roora bouse, full of
roomers, to exchange for good building
Iik: no agents. B 1S1 or K 6S7, Orego-
W ANTED Corner lot or hi block between
Hawthorn and Ankeny sts.. west of E.
25th, Call Main S147. Palmer A Co.,
room 617, Oregonian.
CASH for small home within 2 blocks of
Alberta St.; give full description; owners
only. AC C47. Oregonlan.
6-ROOM modern house, $.100 down and $25
per month; give location and price; no
agents. AF G4o, Oregonlan.
I WANT to buy a house and lot for cash
on the East Side; state location and
price. F 649. Oregonlan.
I WILL buy a home in Portland: state best
terms, price and location. AB 643. Ore
gonlan. 2.., Want property bargains: owners
only need apply. S 716, Oregonlan.
HOUSE and full lot, or lot; must be bargain.
A 704, Oregoniun.
We have one 8-acre tract on the Oregon
City carline, not far from station, high
and sightly, perfect state of cultivation,
SO minutes' car ride; spring water; the
most beautiful suburban location adjacent
to Portland; $550 per acre, ensy terms.
610-511-512 6wetland Building.
FROM 1 to 6 acres, near electric car. 8 miles
out. quick service, land SO per cent
cheaper than adjoining prices and lies
high and sightly. In good locality that Is
growing rapidly.
AJo 40 acres, suburban, to exchange
for timber land or city property.
810 Chamber of Commerce.
FORTY acres uncleared garden land to
lease for clearing. Four miles 3. W. Port
land Courthouse. Box 101 R D No. 3,
Hillsdale, Or.
WOULD like to buy from 10 to 40 acres m
the Willamette Valley at a reasonable
price and on reasonable terms; might pay
cash If proposition Is exceptionally good;
no agents. Address AD 609, Oregonlan.
hi ACRE on Tabor Heights, value S200A to
trade for timber claim; give location.
A E 640. Oregonlan.
TIMBER lands wanted. & J. McCrmckan.
so4 McKay bldg.
FARMS, large and small; term to suit
purchaser and our prices are always right.
J. m. Kerr tc Co.. 268 Stark St.. room 10.
BEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms befcre buying; lands shown free.
Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or.
900 160 acres of land within miles of
streetcar- 4-room bouse, orchard. Howard -Behnke
Co.. 619 Swetland bldg.
16 ACRES at Bell station. Bstacada
(400 per acre. C W. Schuld.
car line.
40-acre farm on electric line, towns on
all sides; milk route, telephone, K. F.
D. and all conveniences; all in culti
vation; running water; line house and
barn; all nice and kjvel with about 20
acres of bottom land and J acres of
genuine beaver dam; family orchard; all
stuck and implements consisting of 2
dozen chickens, tine big team. 4 lirst-class
dairy cows, 2 calves, double and single
harness, wagon, buggy and cart, barn full
of tine cloer hay, plenty of oat3, wbeat
and potatoes, all kinds of farming im
plements such as plows, cultivators, disc
plow, mower, rake, binder, seeder, drills,
harrows, etc.; everything In first-class
Shape, and the best bargain In Wash
ington County. This Is a snap and must
be taken at once; offered on forced sale,
otherwise it would be held at S6500; It
Is now offered for S5S00; easy terms.
.RALPH ACK-LE1". 606 Corbett Bldg.
27 ACRES of choice land, all sot out to a
good variety of English walnuts, 3 yean
otd and growing nicely; deep rich soli up
the Valley, hb mile from station and boat
landing; price ;louO.
lb acreev the best land, 4 miles from
good town up the Valley; 10 acres In cul
tivation, balance timber; good house and
barn, nice family orchard; creek on place;
price 1.K.
13 acres, all choice land, close to good
town up the Valley; 6-room house, barn
and otcer outbuildings; fine creek, good
family orchard; splendid location; price
2-J acres SO miles up the Valley, near
town; 12 acres In cultivation, 4 acres of
beaver-dam land; good family orchard, 88
wa'nut trees, plenty of nerrlee; price $3500.
17o acres, all good land; 85 aores In cul
tivation; nice creek. Price $40 per aore.
40 acres of red hill land, the choicest
walnut and fruit laad In Oregon, all In
cultivation; near the famous Dundee wal
nut farm: price $00 per acre.
W. H. LANG. 34o Chamber of Commsrot.
BO acres 6 miles from Fonest Grove on
main road, with K. F. D., telephone,
milk and cream route past the door; 65
acres in cultivation; 14 acres In tine tim
ber; 10 acres In pasture slashed and
seeded to grass; all good land and lies
line with perfect drainage; two living
streams of water on the place; fine house
and barn and large orchard with variety
of all kinds of fruits and berries; with
the place goes all the farming imple
ments worth over $1000 and 3 head of
good horses, 4 flno dairy cows, and every
thing ready to step on and go to making
money. The place will easily pay for
Itself. It is a sacrifice sale. Price $000
on verv easy terms of $1600 down.
RALPH ACKLEV, 60S Corbett Bldg.
A beautiful tract of land? There are
78 acres in this tract, G6 acres In culti
vation, balance fine second growth tim
ber and pasturo land: good atroam of
water and two good wells; a good 6-room
house antl small cottage, brick root-house,
barn and hog-house; family orchard and
200 young walnuts; 1 horse, 8 cows, brood
sow, 1 binder, 1 mower and rake, 1 shoe
drill. 1 heavy and 1 light wagon, 1 set
work harness, 1 buggy and harness, 1
riding plow and 1 walking plow, harrow
and 2 cultivators, fanning mill and
chickens: 1 mile from good town. 33 miles
from Portland; rail and river transporta
tion; $7600; h cash, balance long time at
6 per cent.
416-417 Rothchlld Bldg.
87 acres of fine farm land, S3 aores
In cultivation, 6 acres In timber; a good
g-room plastered house, wood-house, brick
root-house, good barn and two large
chicken-houses; a good family orchard;
2 miles from a prosperous Yamhill Coui.
ty town; hi mile from boatlandlng and 33
miles from Portland; all the stock, farm
ing machinery and everything necessary
to carry on the farm with; good county
road on two sides; It's a bargain at $000;
$5000 cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent.
416-417 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or.
324 seres, all lying together; Polk Co., 4
Tnlles from Monmouth; 170 cultivated, bal
ance rolilng pasture ami timber (oak), fine
spring, fenced and crow-fenced, good new
8-room house, barns, orchard, etc.; this
land, lies beautifully and Is a great bar
gain at price; come look at photographs.
Boom TAi" Lumber Exchange h!2g.,
2d and Stark sts.
244 ACRES, whole or part: easily watered;
76 miles above Dallas; capital fruit, berry
or aifala land; 8 weeks earlier thaa Hood
P.lver: steamboats at your door; on O. R.
& N. R. R., North Bank road across river;
easy terms. Address owner, 729 Clackamas
ave., Porlland, Or.
80-ACRE farm, choicest part Linn County,
sultnble walnut culture, dairying or any
kind of fruit, good buildings, young or
chard, every acre clear and loveL school
and church 1 mile; $."oi0 or Portland
property. What have you to trade? Own
er, J. O. Wilson. Corvallis. Or.
130-acre farm; Go acres In cultivation;
good barn and house, running water; hi
mile from station; O. W. P. line runs
through place; price $-S5 per acre, terms.
Inquire E. N. Foster, Eagle Creek. Or.
$30 AN acre for 120 acres of fine apple
land, five miles back from Lyle; will sell
40 acres If one so desires; adjoins line
bearing orchard.
247 Stark Street.
CHOICE 10-acre tracts, high Mate of culti
vation, on county road, favorably located
for chickens or small fruit; at R- R. sta
tion H caeh. balance 1 and 2 years. 221
Falling bldg.
BPECIAL river bottom 17 acres. 7 culti
vated; house, barn, good pasture. 3 acres
orchard, springs, sioOO. Marlon Co., S2G1.?
Washington St., room 417 Angeles.
FARMS and acreage. Room 8, 221 hi Morri
son, near 1st.
Pacific Coast timber, water powers located
and examined, taxes paid for non-residents,
timber lands cruised and accurate
et-timatea furnished. Room IU7 Board of
Trade bldg. Phone Main 8667.
If you want pine or fir timber In large
or small tracts, I want to figure with
you. 1 have some very attractive buys in
tracts from l'VO acres to 60.000 acres,
ranging from (" cents to $2 per thousand.
C. J. McCracken, S04 McKay bldg.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.
829 cliamber f Commerce,
Headquarters for logging propositions;
timber lands, farm lands and business
chances. &21-S25 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland. Or. Phone M 60C0. A 5 SO.
TWO relinquishments cheap; 16.000,000 feet
nice, clean timber in big bunch of good
timber; 6 miles from R. R. and town;
good road to claims; soil excellent for
fruit. 270 6th.
WILL sell yellow pine timber claim, Union
county, Oregon, at great sacrifice to party
ready to make prompt cash purchase.
Owner, J 70S, Oregonlan.
4000 ACRES fine orchard land, near railroad
and electric line; timber enough to pay
double purchase price. Call room 407
Rothchlld bldg.
20 CLAIMS yellow pine timber situated Jn
Grant County, Oregon; $2200 per claim.
Box 217, John Day. Or.
WlU are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney fe
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg
FOR SALE 40,000,000 fine yellow fir; logs
to Lewis River; cheap. A. E. Mathews,
209 Couch bldg.
FIR, spruce and pine bought and sold In
large or small tracts. Moore & Thomas, 611
Rothchlld bldg.
FOR PALR Timber land In Lincoln Co.,
Oregon: will sell reasonable. J. L. Keith,
Kalamazoo. Mich., route 4.
TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
HORSES, buggies, harness for sale or rent.
Special rates for business purposes. 182 B.
84th St. B 1130. Tabor 1112.
SPECIAL attention to boarding of horses.
1S2 E. 84th st. B 1130. Tabor 1112.
KORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta
bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 33O0.
BEST harness at lowest prices at Keller
Harness Co, 49 N. 6th st.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can sell you a new vehicle at about the
same price as you would pay for an old
one; we are located outside of the high-rent
dUtrict and own our own building, therefore
can make the price; driving wagons, bug
gies, delivery wagons and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
, 322 Hawthorne ave.
$175 BUYS team, we'.pht 2R50 lbs., are good
workers anywhere; $140 buys black horse,
weight ISoO lbs.; $120 buys sorrel horse,
weife-ht 1420 lbs.; $10 buy team, weight
23SO lbs. sound and good pullers; 10 head
mares, all sizes and prices. Call 26 N.
15th st.
SO HEAD of horses and mares, weigh from
poo to 1400 pounds; are all sound and well
broken; suitable for any purpose; also
wagons, buggies, harness, saddles of a.l
kinds, r.ed Front Sale and Exchange Sta
bles, 16th, off Washington st.
FOR SLE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagons to rent by month or
year; we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day, week or month.
Phones East 72. B !89. Hawthorne
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. .
JUST arrived, carload of horses. Including
4 draft spans from 2800 to 3200 lbs. per
span, each from 6 to 7 years old: also
have some livery horses. S0o Alblna ave.
Take L car.
FOR SALE One bay team, geldings, B and
6; 8070 pounds; 1 pair grays, 6 and 7,
8250 pounds; Just In and sound every way.
E. R- Frank. 436 Goldj.-mith.
SNAP $160 buys pair nice young mares and
harness; are little sore In front from street
work; well matched and gentle. Mr. Frock,
owner, 18 N. IBth at.
CARLOAD of mares from 1100 to 1600 lbs.,
all young and good workers; 6 combination
horses, from lOuO to 1100. 294 Montgom
ery st.
FOR SALE 3-sprlng wago&, suitable for
expressing and peddling, good condition,
cheap. Call Sunday morning, 480 East
Stephens St., corner 9tn.
10 LARGE work horses, all young and
strong; weight 1400 to 1700 lbs; at Co
lumbia Stables. 802 Front st.
$200 BUTS big team of work horses and
new harness. Can te seen at Park and
Mill sts.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2114 Montgomery.
HUBERT A HALL. 80 Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
FOR SALE 1C good buggies and lot of plows.
Inquire J. T. Wilson. 172 2d.
$2C BUYS good, gentle pony; rides and drlveSi
suitable for lady or children. 355 Mill st.
HORSES of all kinds for sale at the O.
R. C. Stable, 14th and Yamhill st.
BLACK horse, weight 1350, cheap. 80
Sherman St.
FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madl-eon-st.
stable. 185H. near bridge.
BARGAINS In second-hand sutos. These
cars have been traded in on Pierce-Arrows
and Cadillacs and must be sold at once.
Two l!i07 Model G Franklins, tops and
glass fronts, $S00 and $1000. One 11W7.
Cadillac Model G, top newly painted and
overhauled, $1100. 1H09 SO H. P. Stod-dard-Davton.
absolutely now. list prico
$2400; will take $2200. One single cylin
der Cadillac, with cape top. good condi
tion, $4.V.
7th and Couch Sts.
(1200 40-H.-P., 7-pn?senger car, fully
equipped and In go $J order: will demon
strate. W. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d st,
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up, for sale or
trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d St.
2 LOCOMOTIVES. 16x24. 4S tons.
1 clamsholl bucltet. 1 yard.
39 3-yard dump cars.
22 1 M--yard dump cars.
1 clicrete mixer.
1 12-horsepower gasoline engine.
1 6'..jxl2 donkey engine.
1 8'ixlO donkey engine, swing gear,
1 6Vixl0 donkey engine. "
2 pile-drivers.
1 3o-horsepower traction engine.
1 grader and elevating wagon loader.
Pneumatic power riveting machines.
1 12-horsepower centrifugal pump'.
300 slip scrapers.
61 wheel ecrapers.
13 li-yard dump wagons.
Other miscellaneous tools.
419 Falling Bldg.
Edison's and Power's motion picture
machines; dissolving stereoptlcons, cal
cium and gns outfits, new fllins, 3000 sub
jects; guaranteed no repecters; largest
buvere of new films In United States;
slides to order and stocked. We teach you
to operate.
214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland.
803-817 Kotiiehild bldg., is still looking
for more business; will rent films and
songs as reasonable as any house on the
Coast, and carries all supplies for movlng
plcture theaters. .
For sale, flrst-clafS houee, low price to
quick buyer; Kastern Oregon. For par
ticulars, write Frank Neugobauer, room 15,
Ihi E. Alder, Walla Walla, Wash.
We nave a few siitthtly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
se them at White Sewing Machine Store.
H. D. Jones, 420 Washington, cor. 11th st.
NF.W and slightly used automobiles in first
class condition, from $100 to $1500; for
bnrgalns see us. Portland Auto Commis
sion House, B84-36 Alder.
Main 44u5 AUTOMOIilLS ROW A 4455.
OFFICE desks and chairs which were
sllghtlv damaged In shipping; if you are
In need of one it will pay you to lnvestl-
gate; they are being told at a big dis
count at Rubenstein's, 173 Front st.
CHOICE fresh cows, Jerseys, Guernseys and
Durhams, sold on trial; would trade for
fat cattle. Brown house opposite Ockley
Green. St, John car.
8-FOOT revolving display table. $15; 24
foot office rail. 2-inch iron pipe size, with
2 swinging doors and standards, $15.
National Cash Register Co., 70 3d st
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, easy payments: rentals, $3
rer month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co..
203 2d st.
FOR SALE Best Iry 4-ft. fir and oak -wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813
Water st Phone Main 74G1 : A 5445.
BLACK-TOP tent, size 24x43, best quality,
10-foot sldewalls. for sale cneap. Par
ticulars, Newman, 2'.3 Burnslde.
Film service that wins. Steropticons,
slides, supplies. 165 hi 4th st
FINE large Dlebold safe, 2 ft 6 la. by 6 ft
2 In., with steel vault 247 Stark st
FINE large Hall safe 8 ft. S In. by 6 ft 2 la-,
with steel vault 247 Stark st.
FOR SALE 10 fresh milch cows. Address
W. W. McBrlde, RldgeSeld. Wash.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay, $10 per ton.
Phone East 742.
6 COWS, some fres-h; big milkers. Deer
Island Station, Astoria train. Keelan.
HEAVY oak roll-top desk and office chairs,
sacrifice. AD 65, Oregonlan.
FRESH milch cow for sale, U. 8. barn.
Front st.. near Madison.
HALL safe, weight about 1200 pounds; $40.
2&i Union ave. N.
FOR SALE 19-foot gasoline launch; cheap.
S 714, Oregonlan.
S H. P. launch and houseboat cheap If
taken soon. Y 613, Oregonlan.
AGENTS wanted In every county In the
States of Oregon. Washington. $3 to $15
per dav, exclusive territory; machine
every farmer wants. Y 617, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man for porter In whole
sale Arm. Apply- In writing. Address
AB 649, care of Oregonlan.
For Men 2.18 Burnslde Street
Phone Main 5604.
TENOR Sight reader for male quartet;
side money; state voice range. AD 606,
FARM" HAND, clean young man that can
milk; good wages. Call 22t Morrison.
TWO prospectors knowing Southern Oregon
want good stake. A. C. C39, Oregonlan.
WANTED Photo and portrait agents; swell
new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
EDGER. city, $3; also farm hand, $22. The
Acme Employment, 276 Buraslde.
IS there a good manager who wants a Job t
We want a man full of ginger and hust
ling red olood a worker, who will go to
it every minute of the day. a young man.
80 to 35. good address, full of Initiative,
capable of handling men and building up
a sales force; prefer a man who is now
earning $200 or better, one who Is a suc
cess, but Is ambitious enough to want
more and is worth taore. Write fully
about yourself If you want the place, we
have no time to deal with curiosity seek
ers. Address AC 648, Oregonlan office.
WANTED All-around sawmill man to
tally, grade and superintend some lor
small mill. $65 month and board; 4 aw
mlll laborers. $2; rigging f"n,Ber' J2 lZi
4 more tie-makers, long Job, 12 eta. per
tie: bridge carpenter, $3; others.
No. 26 N. 2d St
WANTED By the greatest publishing
' house in America, the services of a re
fined, educated young man of good ap
pearance, for steady work In the local
sales department; $20.00 a week and
bonua Call 318 Flledner bldg. after 9.0O
A. M. any day this week. The Review of
Reviews, J. O'Connor, manager sales dept
WANTED Two first-class traveling sales
men for easy-selling lines; must be well
educated, of good address, capable of earn
ing good money In commercial lines; steady
position to rlfflit parties; in answering give
references and experience; don't want men
out of positions without good reasons. Ad
dress J 712, Oregonlan.
WANTED 8 cracker-lack mining stock
salesmen to sell stock In the best adver
tised and best Indorsed mining proposition
In Oregon. (Tho North Santiam District
Gold Creek. Freeland and Electrlo Mines).
Absolutely reliable lnvestmente. The men
who raise the money are entitled to big
pay. Call 605 McKay bldg. Phone A 2213.
WANTED Competent mechanlo for super
intendent manufacturing establishment
making specialties; must be able to pro
duce results and nave enough Initiative
ability to superintend the establishment;
to the right man permanent position and
good wages; position open about March L
Address Y 621, Oregonlan. '
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and womon to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions,
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor: tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 3u
N. 4th st, Portland. Or.
WANTED We want salesman with an es
tablished trade In OTegon and Washing
ton to handle our line of 'Sunflower'
pants and wool blankets; factory has been
established for 10 years; line will be
ready In 30 days. Western Woolen Mill
Co.. Topelta, Kan.
AUTOilOBILINO, plumbing, electricity,
bricklaying and plastering taught by ac
tual work In shops and, buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
free. Coyne National Trade School. 230
8th St., San Francisco.
WANTED Man and wife who wish to get
Into established poultry business, vflth
thorough, practical poultry man; yard
near city: chance of a lifetime; about
$1000 needed. 243 Stark st.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers.
INDUSTRIOUS MAN, willing to travel, get
contracts, put up paper ahead of great
attraction; experience not necessary; $100
cash required; salary $26 per week. Ap
ply 606 Swetland bldg.
month and commission with expenses
while traveling; must Invest $500; new
and prosperous corporation. Y 619, Ore
gonlan. BY a large realty firm, a first-class sales
man to take charge of city department;
mus't have thorough knowledge of city and
acquaintance with, values. H 709, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Solicitors to demonstrate and
take orders for brushes and dustless Tax
ing on commission. Portland Brush &
Waxine Co., 470 East 11th st Apply after
6 P. M.
Thoroughly experienced and reliable,
first-class linen salesman, none other need
WANTED Married man of temperate hab
its, as clerk In country store; a little ex
perience necessary: also able to take care
of horse. AD 600, Oregonlan.
EDUCATED, well-dressed salesman to
handle high-class guaranteed stock of
local manufacturing company; liberal
commission. S 718. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED solicitor and clerk In gro
cery: one speaking Swedish preferred.
Shaughnessy & Townsend, Archer Place.
Phone Tabor 644.
PHYSICIAN wanted, registered In Oregon,
as assistant In advertising office : state
salary expected. Address Box N 6S8,
WANTED Salesman: I want a salesman
that Is well acquainted with the city trade;
good opening for a hustler. Call H.,
Main 1770.
YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre
pare for examination soon; about $70 a
month fo start. Call o- write for free par
ticulars Pacific States School, McKay bldg.
WANTED Honest sober young man with
$200 cash as partner to show property
and work In the office; am tired of hired
help, 3264 Washington st., room 414.
CAN use 2 more A-l real estate salesmen;
advertising prospects end general expenses
furnished; well-established and responsible
firm. Call 407 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel
egraphy; permanent positions when com
petent Oregon College, 83 6th st, fifth
SALESMAN who thoroughly understands
fl'lng system: murt be Al. Call bet 10
and 12- Loose Card Book Company, 66
0th st
WANTED Advertising solicitor; cash com
missions advanced: steady position for
right man. Bonvllle's Western Monthly,
424 Marquam biug.
WAGONMAKER wanted for rough work and
help blacksmith; must be strong; single
man preferred. Neagle Bros., Pendleton,
WANTED Railway mall clerks, $800 first
year; examination Portland, May 15.
Preparation free. Write immediately.
Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y.
FINE opening for bright energetlo young
man; services and small capital re
quired. Call &29hi Washington St., room
MORE men of right stamp for Nome dis
trict, good pay, work on ditch, free trans
portation; must have $100. 615 Board of
OPPORTUNITY and opening for Indus
trious man with $100; steady position,
traveling; good chance to see the country.
Apply ood Swetland bldg.
WANTED Man to learn motton-plcture ma
chine business, first-class salary when
competent: must invest $110. 293 Burnslde.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co., 407-8-9 Commercial Club bldg.
MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb
ing, bricklaying, plastering, $23 required.
Paclflo Trade School. 416 Arcade, Seattle.
WANTED Experienced flaw stenographer;
state phone number and salary. Y 022,
II North 2d st Both Phones.
2 YOUNG men can make $15 to $20 week;
Inside work. Room 14, 823 hi Washington,
WANTED One first-class pants presser.
Room 17 Breoden bldg. Sd and Wash.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
small family; German, Swedish or Danish
preferred. 362 East 30th st. Telephone
Tabor 5S8.
FIRST-CLASS pants operators and finishers.
Room 17 Breedea bldg.. 3d and Wash.
GIRL - for general housework. 223 North
21st st.
WANTED Milliner apprentices. Frakea, 409
Washington, ask for Mrs. Fields.
COAT "FINISHERS wanted by the Columbia
Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark.
WANTED Good manicurist Perkins Hotel
barber shop.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
829. 17th st JefTerson car.
GIRL to assist in second work and care of
child. 822 Johnson st
COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day
work. Phone A 3698.
GIRL to assist with housework. 164 16th
t North.
GIRLS 10 years and over to work in factory.
Apply at once, Ames, Harris. Neville Co.,
5th and Davis.
WANTED A lady stenographer, not under
20 years, with good office experience in
commercial lines, who is neat, rapid, ac
curate and wants a permanent position;
salary $4S, with advances If satief actory
one familiar with implement and machinery
business preferred; give experience and ref
erences. Address D 706, Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class coat hands for alter
ation room, permanent position. The
Bartholomew Co., 892 Washington.
Good positions for thoroughly experi
enced and first-class fitters; none other
need apply.
848 Washington st, cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
XjAROHS business firm desires a woman not
under 80 who Is trustworthy" and ener-
Setlc; experience not necessary. A C 581,
826 hi Washington St., Room 807.
Main 8S38 or A 8266.
Ladles' Department HOShi, Morrison st.
Phones Main 1062. A 2004.
843 Washington st, cor. 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2692,
WANTED Girl to enter training school for
nurses. Grays Harbor Hospital, Aberdeen,
Wash. "
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st
I WILL pay you for your spare time; will
not Interfere with present employment;
liberal remuneration. S 718. Oregonlan.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
GOOD girl for cooking and general house
work; small family; good wages. Apply
at 770 Overton st
COMTETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. 610 Spring St. Portland
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
four adults. 500 Taylor st.
GIRL to assist with general housework;
washing given out. 777 Irving st
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply 739 Kearney st.
PRACTICAL nurse wanted. Apply fore
noon, 169 North 23d st. Phone Mala 2932.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 881 10th st
SECOND GIRL, 777 Flanders st M 2C2S,
A 262
WANTED Good girl for general housework;
good wages. Call forenoons, 184 N. 18th.
Solicitor, male or female, call CoL
Chemical Co., 423 Hawthorne ave.; good
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers
now. 62 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4871
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per
month to beginners. 4.12 Morrison.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
PERMANENT position by competent book
keeper and office man: number years' ex
perience In Minneapolis; strictly temper
ate; Al reference regard to ability ana
character. F 624, Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER and office manager, 8 years'
experience, age 40, wants connection with
good house; references. AD 596, Orego
nlan. POSITION Young man. 4 years experience
in bookkeeping, auditing and office work,
best references, moderate salary. Is. W.
Gorsuch. 251 7th st. Main 62.31.
BOOKKEEPER time, not entirely occupied,
will write up, audit, open or close set
books spare time, day or evenings. Mod
erate terms. C GSS, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN. 21 years of age, wants work
of any kind, clerical position preferred,
best of references. Phone Tabor 1007.
YOUNG married man wants position as
buyer or assistant with Western house
handling vehicles, wagons, hardware, etc.;
16 years' experience in manufacturing:
good salesman; knows how to order to
obtain best results. Address Manufacturer,
AE 641, Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted as foreman and mana
ger by practical farmer, understands ir
rigation and feeding stock for market
l 689, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants to do cooking and
housework; speaks English well, H .707,
WANTED Housecleanlng. Augustus Thomp
son, 885 Couch st. Phone Main 6569. Call
JAPANESE first-class cook, wants situa
V tlon in private family, has good refer
ences. Address C 642, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted, gentleman of artlstlo
training, as cierK wuum uo finowcaru
writing and decorating. Y 614, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE waiter with experience wants
position at boarding-house or hotel In the
evening. H 706,- Oregonlan.
131 H NORTH 0th st. Main 2244, A 8401
Practical male nuie wishes position; best
of references.
BAKER Good, all-around man wants work
in or out of town; would like to buy out
ehop in country town. S 716, Oregonlan.
MARRIED man would like to take charge
of a farm on shares or salary. Y 61L Ore
gonlan. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as
schoolboy in small family. Shlrakawa, 87
N. 6th St., city.
YOUNG man wishes position In carpenter
shop, with view of learning trade; have
toois. 528 E. 18th st
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes po
sition In family. - 121 N. 16th. Main 9861.
A GOOD Japanese boy wants to work la a
small family. Y 623. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants work evenings; can
letter or copy. K 687, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man not afraid to Work, wants any
kind of Inside work. AD 692. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted by practical die and tool
maker, experienced. Y 610, Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man, good education, wants
work of any kind. A, E. 642, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as a
schoolboy. Y 608, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes place;
Speaks good English. K 704. Oregonlan.
HOUSCLEANING by day or hour; city
reference. Main 8903.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady from the East, aoeurate, good
penman, wants position, cashier, asst
bookkeeper, clerical work; reference or
bonds. Phone Main 4039.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position
in office. AF 649. Oregonlan.
BY a stenographer with some experience;
reasonable wages. none a wo.
EXPERIENCED cashier wants position, any
hours. L 693, Oregonlan.
PLAIN and fancy sewing in all its branches;
shirtwaists, skirts, suits, evening gowns:
reasonable prices, prompt deliveries; all
work guaranteed- Mrs. Carey, Sargent
PLAIN sewing by the day, reasonable. Phone
Main 7360.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 ath and Main.
FAMILY sewing by the day: prices reason
able; good work. N 693, Oregonlan.
WIDOW with two children wishes position,
housekeeper,- widower or bachelor, in
country; small wages. A F 044, Ore
gonlan. WANTED By respectable middle-aged
woman, position as housekeeper. Address
Y 616, Oregonlan.
HOUSEKEEPER Place by refined widow
from East in gentleman's homo; a home
more than wages. Address 167 Beech et.
A POSITION as housekeeper and good cook,
with reference. Call 414 Everett st
PROFESSIONAL nurse, long experience, all
kinds nursing; maternity a specialty. Main
REFINED, capable girl wishes position in
family of 2 or 3 adults. West Side pre
ferred. Phone mornings. Phone B 149S;
wages $5 per week.
WANTED A place for girl of 13 years to
help with housework and go to school.
Call phone A 12S9. between 6 and 7 P. M.
JAPANESE young woman wouid like work
In small family In city. Call 228 Burn
slde. Main 207S.
CAPABLE woman 84, wants second work,
or nurse; references. L 692, Oregonlan.
BY university graduate, poshioa as private
teacher, manager or ar.y congenial work
of short hours. AD 697, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as housekeeeper, head
waitress1 or stewardess; experienced; refer
ence; in or out of city. J 714, Oregonlan.
FOR day work call for Christine Peterson,
Y. W. C. A, ,
WORK wanted by day. Main 102 or A 4202.
WE want the services of several wide
awake, honest and intelligent solicitors;
to such we can assure not less than $50.00
per week and steady employment for a
long time. Collins Wireless Telephone,
H. M. Abbott manager. 16 Lafayette bldg.
MAN of no bad habits wants board and
room In private family; homelike place,
In walking distance of postofflce. H 708,
4 OR 5-room, modern flat, or cottage, must
be In walking distance and reasonable
rent, for permanent tenant 2 adults. Call
Home B 1580.
WANTED By March 1, 4 or 6-room cottage
or flat, with or without fumlshlncs, near
11th and Washington sts. AD 698, Ore
gonlan. WANTED To rent, 8 to 12-room houee with
all modern conveniences, In bejt West Side
residence' district. S 717, Oregonlan. .
WANTED By traveling man, nicely fur
nished room. Y 620, Oregonlan.
6-ROOM cottage on Richmond carline. J 713,
BY March 1, 5-room house, walking dis
tance; reasonable. J 711, Oregonlan.
T-ROOM 'modern house on the East Fide
by March 1. Address AC 549. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent modern house, six to
eight rooms. H 6S3. Oregonlan.
THE $ AUCTION CO., largest auction house
In the city, turns everything into $s and
cts. We axe in the general auction busi
ness and hold sales at our salesrooms,
232 1st St., or anywhere else. We buy
or sell on commission. Phones: Home A
2327. Main 0374.
And anything else you have to sell.
PORTLAKD auction- CO..
Main 6653. A 4121.
WANTED Men's coat-ofr clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTT1D A good, speedy launch, 24 to 23
feet In length; must be In good condition
and on reasonable terma Y 612, Orego
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 231L
WANTED Two or three dogs suitable for
ranch. Call Grotto saloon, between 3 and
4- Ask for Tom.
WILL exchange a nice furnished or unfur
nished room for papering or tinting. 233
E. 6th St., near Salmon.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 101J7.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture.
Phone East 5204. 3'.S Hawthorne ave.
FOR RENT 2d and 8d floors (! rooms en
suite) or entire, or building; centrally lo
cated on Washington at. Inquire at Rod'
gers. JIart, Gibson Co., 146 2d st, city.
Furnished Rooms.
19th and Couch.
Rooms $2 per week and up. single or en
suite; large parlor, piano, billiard and
pool-rooms free to guests; dining-room in
connection; excellent meals 25 cents; board
by the month J18; moal tickets, per week,
$4.50 punched as used.
JUST opened, the Irving, S13 Oak. cor. 6th;
your choice of 30 large absolutely new
and elegantly furnished rooms; steam
heat, electric lights, running water, etc.;
these rooms are exceptionally nice, fur
nished in genuine mahogany and quarter
sawed oak; rates $4 up week. $1 up day.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free buss.
Free baths.
For nicely fumi6hed rooms downtown.
The Marquam. 6th and Alder.
ONE elegantly furnished room; hot Rnd cold
running water, heat, bath, phone, elec
trlo light; walking distance; price $17.
The Mercedes. 20lh and Washington.
NICELY furnished, comfortable, light
rooms, $1 to $5 week; heat, bath, free
phone. No. 2 14th St., N., near Washing
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 247, Main 5047
HOTEL KEN YON. 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping: running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacillc 4J6.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor.
TWO nice front rooms, connected, nicely
furnlfihod, nice home. 291 10th. Walking
distance. Main 6030.
$10 Bright, warm, newly furnished room
In cozy, modern flat; gentlemen only. 851
6th at Phones Main 9334. A 3702.
MONARCH HOTEL Neatly furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable
rates. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 73
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
Elegant rms; warm, modern; Spring rates.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5;
also transient rooms. 343 hi Morrison.
THE ANGELES. 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, bath: 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern con
veniences; centrally located; reasonable.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
MARCH 1 Steam-heated room, -new flat;
kitchen privileges; lady; walking distance.
Main 882C.
262 12TH Nice furnished rooms, running
water, furnace heat
ELEGANTLY furnished steam-heated room;
private entrance and bath, use of partors,
walking distance; (2.50 per week. 4H1
Harrison, fiat O.
NICELY furnished front room for gentle
man; East fide. In private family; walk
ing distance, phono East 4i0.. B 1990.
Noat, clean room, bath, phone, $5. 110
N. 17th, cor. Kearney.
$3 .no Fashionable district large newly fur
nished; phone, heat bath, close In. 624
Flanders tt
SPECIAL rntes, men; furnished rooms, six
minutes' walk postofflce- $6, $10 month;
bath, heat Included. gn2 loth.
VERY neslraMe room for gentleman, housa,
modern, private family, choice loration.
5sS Salmon St., bet. West Park and 10th.
NICELY furnished rooms to rent, close la;
modern conveniences. 190 West Park,
near' Yamhill St.
ONE or two rooms with use of kitchen, for
1 or 2 young ladles, employed. A 2094.
FRONT room private family, no other
roomers; walking distance. Main 9002.
PLEASANT front room, close in: heat fur
nished; gentlemen only. Phone A 4317.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In everjt respect: steam beat
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator and bellboy servloe,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
WALKING distance, 617 Kearney, oor. lth,
elegantly furnished apartments, suitable
for married couple with a child; with
board, lirst-class table: all modern con
veniences; beautiful grounds.
THE CLAY. cor. 2d and Clay, rooms with
board for one or two gentlemen, $5 and
$5.50 per week; comfortable and home
like. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year;
rooms .with board, use of sewing-room
and library: Women's Exchange, Mrs.
Ella Railings, Supt, 610 Flanders St.
THE LINI-'ELL, 269 Market Nicely fur
nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat,
electric Ushts, baths, phones. $0 weekly.
THE COLONIAL Corner loth and Morri
son, fine large rooms, lowest rates, best
piace in city for a home.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board; prices moderate
THE OZARK, 225 11th Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
FIRST-CLASS rooms, table board. 80 North
17th. Phones A 2595, Main 41I2L
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE FERNS Rooms, board and home cook
ing; reasonable. 150 11th,
Rooms tilth Hoard In Private Family.
WOULD like two or three refined boarders;
large, light room for married couple;
bath, phone, heat; choice location near
White Temple; home cooking; rates rea
eonable. 442 Jefferson st
ROOM and board, strictly rrivate family;
m.Vlern conveniences; reference" exr
changed; suitable for two; reasonable.
Main 3202. 2S4t4 Park.
GOOD rooms, with or without board; con
veniences. Inquire 201 Tenth, corner Tay-
CLEA.V comfortable room, board, quiet
family, fond music, reading; references.
Main 6415.
$18 I,arge room, breakfast and dinner,
plnln washing, strictly private, modern
home for two. 75 E. 28th North. E. 1696.
LARGE room with board for two gentle
men, home cooking. 254 12th St.
F.OOMiS with board, modem, close in; home
cooking. Sl East 8th st. North. East 722.
ROOM and board for gentleman; walking
distance. 584 Hoyt. Main 42114. '
LARGE and well furnished for two; all
conveniences; reasonable. 653 Wash, st
ROOM and board, suitable for S; modrn,
sunny home. Phone B. 6749.
HKINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
easy walking distance, new, brick build
ing. In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments:
private bath and reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jaa
itor service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnished ready for housekeep
ing; some unfurnished; rent reasonable.
THE ROOSEVELT, 6H8 Kearney Splendid
new 6-room steam-heated apartment; all
modern conveniences; arranged so that
one or two rooms can bs sub-rented 1C
desired; very reasonable rent W. L.
Morgan. 322 Failing bldg.
FOR RENT Extra well furnished 8-room
apartment, steam heat hot and cold
water: phone service; walking distance.
Adults. 409 hi East Burnslde. Phone East
DEL-MAR Extra well-furnished 8-room
apartment; steam heat, hot and cold water-
phone service; walking distance.
Adults. 40914 East Burnslde. East 2S22.
MORTON Apartments. Washington and King
sts.; walking distance; 3-story brick build
ing. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. In
quire at building.
JEFFERSONIAN Nicely furnished 2 and
3-room suites for housekeeping, strictly
modern; no children. 16th and Jefferson.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbia.
Marlborough, 21st and Flanders; 6-rooin
apartment; every convenience. Main 7016.
CENTRALLY located, modern, steam-heated
f!at of five rooms to rent reasonable. The
Ames Mercantile Agency, 403 Swetland bldg.
Phone M. 59SS or A 1928.
8-ROOM flat, 2d story, otrlctly modern, cor
ner of Stout and Salmon sts.. King Hill,
$37.50. 340 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN Hats, 192 Vi and 194 H McMiUen
st, 3 blocks north of iteel bridge. Apply
1SS Mc-Millen st.
$25 Extra desirable 4-room flat fireplace,
range, refrigerator. 185 East 15th, cor.
6-P.OOM new, flrpt-ctass, modern flats. East
27th and Clinton: 2 carllnes, $15. J. H.
Imhoff. Phone East 5130.
LOWER flat 6 rooms; fireplace, furnace,
porch, yard; Nob Hill. Main 4220.
6-ROOM flat. 407 Kith st.; also 6-room house.
Call Kelly! the Morrison.
3-ROOM modern fiat, all conveniences. In
quire 225 .Market. Phone Main 616.
MODERN 5-room flat, newly tinted. 294
IHargin. fronting river; $22.30 per month.
MODERN 4-room flats, bath, iras, electrla
liht. Phone Woodlawn 832.
6-ROOM flat, walking distnnce. West Side.
Tapnart. 416 Chamber of Commerce.
Housekeeping Room.
WELL-Fl.'R.N'ISHED housekeeping rooms, t
$S to $10 month; 3 for $12 to $15; front
of cottage $15; flat 7; sleeping rooms
$1.25 wv-ok: west side river. 737 Cham
ber Commerce.
THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished
housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water,
electric liKhts, gas raiiKe. tree baths ami
phone. 10th or W. carline, cor. 27th and
'i'hurman. Phone A 4174.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, steam
hoat, phone, bath free. The Newcastle,
3d and Harrison.
TWO-ROOM suite, furnished; gas range,
hot and cold water, steam heat; single
rooms. 201 14th, cor. Taylor.
888 JEFFERSON ST., 3 nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, bath, gas, phone; no
children; references.
WAY N E WOOD 1011 North 18th, nicely fur
nished housekeeping rooms. running
water, furnace heat walking distance.
SMALL unfurnished hounekeeplng suite. 109
North ISth.
NICE, newly furnished tW'-room housekeep
ing suite. The Barton. 455 Alder.
$12 4 rooms furnished for .housekeeping.
Haverstic & Gaieger, 343' Washington at,
THE ELMS Furnished 2 snd 3-room apart
ments; heat phones, bath. 191 14th st
THE SANGERT Furnished apartments,
Washington and Trinity, near 19th.