FELL -UNDER SPELL Then Beautiful Woman Doped Him, Runs Tale. CALLS HER MODERN CIRCE Parld C. Cobbles, Jr., Alleges Mrs. Josfle Fisher Chloroformed Him to Get $135 After Going race With ITini. Mrs. Jessie Cameron Fisher. 21 years old, -with a svelte fijru.ro and a beautiful face, now behind the bars of the City Jail under the charge of having chloroformed an alleged victim In order to rob him of $156, Is looked upon by the police as a modern Circe. David . Cobble, Jr., her alloped dute. who caused her arrest, at tributes to her the charms of a Cleopatra and the flendlshncss of a Borgia. The story he to'.d the District Attorney yesterday, which, however, is denied by the woman, was filled with the echoes of a merry pace. Wine, women and song, said Cobble, had been hte bent, with Mrs. Fisher as the particular woman. He also alleged an attempt to render him Insen sible for purposes of robbery, -which al most resulted in his death. Cobble is a photographer, who came to this citv two weekH ago. He put up at the Knickerbocker Hotel. 004 Sixth street. Here, so his story runs, he met Mrs. Kisher. youthful, vivacious, attractive. She was married, she faid. but Mr. Kisher was out of town and 6he lived at the hotel on the money he sent her. Cobble became infatuated with the woman; nei ther of them deny this. Wine suppers, theater parties, automobilo rides at nijfht and other things were suggested by Cob ble and accepted. Evan midnight visits to Mrs. Fisher's room found a part on the programme, she admitted to the prosecuting officers. On February 17 Cobble and Mrs. Fisher went to the theater, he said, afterwards dining at a hotel grill. Then they went to ClaremoiU Tavern In an automobile. A day or so before Cobble had moved from the Hotel Knickerbocker to the Hotel rhllip. cor ner of Fourth and Bumside streets. Some time during the evening, he says, he purchased a special bottle of wine she wanted, and while his back was turned she drugged it. He says he does not remember distinctly what hap pened after their return from Clare mont Tavern, but he accuses her of taking him to his room In the Philip and chloroforming him. The next afternoon Cobble was found lying on his bed with a towel over his face which had been saturated with chloroform. People in the hotel could not open the door and notified the po lice, who broke in. Cobble was still alive and was taken to the hospital. He remained In a crjtical condition for a short time but rallied and on his re lease told his story to the authorities. He said that he had recently come here from the Fast and was looking for work when he met Mrs. Fisher, fell under her spell, and engaged in a round of revelry In which he dissipated his money and Is now left practically with out means. He says that the woman found he had got to the end of his string- and fearing that he might spend that had tried to get all he had left. In the woman's room at the Hotel Knickerbocker was found Cobble's empty pocketbook and two leather suit cases containing his papers and some of his efTects. She admitted their pres ence there, but said that they had been left there by Cobble himself. On the strength of Cobble's story a formal com plaint was Issued from the District At torney's office last night. The police arrested the woman on the charge of vagrancy, under which she will be beld until Judge Van Zante Issues a warrant on the other charge. "All of my relations with Cobble were Innocent. Believe It or not as you will." said she, after her arrival at the police station. "I don't want to bring my peo- , pie Into this affair, so I will not tell where I came from. I have been In Portland four months. If Cobble says I doped his wine, he lies. He bought me a bottle of Vlrglna Dare wine because I asked him for It, but he himself poured it out, not I. He was a chloro form fiend. He told me so. I did not go to his room on the night he says I was there and the attempt on his life was made by himself. "He called me up on the phone during the forenoon of the day on which he was found almost dead. I went over to see him. He had been taking some of the drug then. I accused him of It and he admitted It. He wanted me to run away with him to San Francisco, to Baker City, to Seattle, anywhere. I refused and he threatened then that he would kill himself. He wrote out a win and called In the chambermaid to wit ness It. She refused and the hotel pro prietor also refused." Mrs". Fisher, the police say. Is not known In the underworld of Portland. The officials of the District Attorney's office regard her as an accomplished ad venturess. She says she Is the Inno cent victim of circumstances. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 23. Maximum tempera ture, 48 degrees; minimum. -40.6 degrees. lliver reading at 8 A. M , 9.2 feet; change in last 24 hour, f:ill 12 feet. Total rainfall. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M-, .13 inch: total since Sep tember 1. HiOS. 27.23 inches; normal. 30.63 inches: deficiency, 3.42 Inches. Total un alne February 22, 6 minutes; possible. 10 hour 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. 30.04 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M., Pacific time. February 23: Wind m STATIONS. 5 - - o 5 f o I If f f 1 a Baker City.... Bismarck Bo:se. ......... Eureka Helena. ....... Kamloop North Head... Pocatello Portland Ke.l Bluff Hoseburg Sacramento. . .. Salt Lake San Francisco. Spokane Taeoma 4: o.oo! 2' o.oo io 4ti O.OO 0 r.-io.o"! 4 3C u. On! 4 40 o.oo 12 4 0.0 14 SE cloudy NWjdear SE Jcioudy S 'Cloudy W 'cloudy NE ,Pt cloudy SE Cloudy .-B -Pt cloudy E Rain SB Cloudv NE 'Cloudy SE 'Cloudy NW Pt cloudy E Pt cloudy K Cloudv SW Cloudy 32 0.00 48 0.0:' 54 tl.'io .". 1 O.OO o.oo 0.0't O.tml 42 O.OO' 52' T. I T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate low barometer area overlies e no-lhwestern portion of Washington and Southwestern British Columbia, while a high pressure area of considerable strength is central over Nevada and Utah. Light rains have been general over Western Washing ton Northwestern Oregon and along the Sou-hern Oregon coast. Hair weather pre vai's In all other sections reporting. IJght fr'-sts were general this morning througnout the val'evs of California and as far south as Ix Angeles. Higher temperatures pre vail throughout the dlftrlot. and It Is now warmer than the aeiisonal average In all sections rerortlng. . . The indication ar for rain Wednesday f , 1 VCW TODAY. . I xs- I I I A.1 1. r. - - - i I ' I l i i i - ix i HEILIG THEATER 14th and Wash. Phones Main 1 and A 1122. S NIGHTS, BEGINNING TOMORROW Matinee Saturday The Big Musical comedy Success "A STUBBORN CINDEKEIXA" Homer Mason and Brilliant Compeny Both Evening and Matinee, $1.50 to 60c. Empire Theater Co., Inc. lessee. Geo. Baker. Gen. Mgr. Tonlgflt. all week. Matinee Sat. Baker Stock Company In the screaming farce. "My friend From India." Evenings. 25c. 35c. ROci mats.. 15c. 23c. Next ,wee "The College Widow." BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360. Oregon Theater Co., Inc., Lessee. Geo. I Baker, Gen. Mgr. Extraordinary Success Secnd and I.tiat Week of AKTHIR CINNINOILVU In the Celebrated Irish Play. "SlUCN KIICK Bargain Mat. Wed., 25c any seat. . Sat. Mat., 23c. 50c Evenings. 25c, 50c, 15c Next week Paul Gilmore. MAIN S. A 1020. Matinees Ex. Sunday and Holiday. 15-25-5CC AMY NIGHTS THEATER 15-'S-5W5r. Week of Feb. 22 "A Modern Pocahontas ;" Kitnl.anr.ul Troupe; Mx Little ObI ami a Teddy Bear: Laura Hudson in "The teuu, Hlbbert Warren; Nonette; G. Herbert Mitchell; Orchestra; Picture. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Star of AH Nation. Special and extraordinary engagement of the well-known legitimate stars. MKI.IUK KM: MACDOWKU. and V11U.1MA IIKMV TRKSCOTT In the dramatic hit of the year. "The Man of the People." Matinee dally, 15c; two how at night, 13c and 25c. GRAND Week of Feb. 22 ANOTHER HOWARD TRIES II1XL & CO. . PRESENTING BIG BILL. Carroll Cooke Frank Mayne at Co. Thi-lma Wheeler W. C. (ioodnll ft Co. Harry MoInffee firandascopc TWO MEN ANI ititTTi.y. A west of the Cascade Mountains and occa sional light showers over the remainder of the district except in Southeastern Idaho, where it will continue lair. Temperature change will be slight. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain, aoutherly winds. , Oregon and Washington Rain west, oc casional light rain east portions; southerly winds. Idaho Occasional light rains north ana r,,.T Ii .ccst TinrtloTts. fnlr po'lthenst portion. ' MEETING NOTICES. MEMBERS OF FIPKLITY LODGE. NO. 4. A. O. I. V. You will please lake notice that the members of Crescent Lodge No. lo. and of Portland Lodge, No. 27. A. O. U- W.. will pay our lodge a fraternal visit this evening. February 21. bringing with them several features of entertainment aside from that of the social fraternal relations. It is rerv much desired that there shall be a large attendance of our members to them selves enjoy this occasion and assist in makir. it one of special enjoyment to all lres?:it. Not only are the members of Kldeh:y Ledge urged to be present but all member of the order will find a fraternal welccina analta tltem. Attest: J. M. DIXON. M. W. J. H. ZANE. Recorder. WASHINGTON COfTIOIL, NO. 3. R. AND S. M. Stated assembly this t Wednesday) evening. 7:30. East 8th and Burnslde. Work. Visi tors cordially Invited. Order the 111. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Recorder. HAWTHORNS LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30, Masonic Temple. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. K. MlLLEftt. Secretary. arbi;ti:s circle, no. 273. women OK WOODCRAFT, will give a whist party Friday evening. February 2. In the W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th st. Admission, 15c Refreshment and dancing. CALEDONIAN Cl.l'B Monthly social and dance. Drew Hall, 1!2 Second t.. Saturday evening. Feb. 27. Attractive programme, Auld Scotch songa and dance. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Third degree. Visitors alway welcome. R. OSVOLD, Sec ACCTION PALES TODAY. By the Portland Auction Co., 211 First St., n rfiarn furniture, rajizcs. camels draperies and kitchen utensils. At Wilson' auction room, corner 2d and Tamhlll ta.. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MARRIED. BEARD-M AGOON At the First Congrega tional Church. Park and Madison street, city, on Tuesday. February 23. Stephen M. Beard and Mrs. Dolly Magoon, Rev. Luther R. Dyott officiating. DIED. JOHNSON In this city. February 2S, Joha Henry Johnson, aged 41 ye&ra, 8 months, 4 days. PUGII II. Pugh, at the home of his daugh ter. Mr. J. C. Johnson, of Scappoovo, Or. Interment at Scappoose, Or. ITXEBAL NOTICES. KAI.K In this city, Feb. 21, Albert Kalk. aged 51 vears, 1 month and 1 day. Be loved husband of Mrs. Albert Kalk, of luul Clinton st. Funeral will take place from F. S. Dunnlng's parlors,. East Alder and East 6th sts., Thursday, Feb. 2-"i. at 2 P. M. Friends especially invited. Inter ment in Multnomah Cemetery. HERRICK" The funeral services of Anna Jane Herrlck will be held at the chapel of J. P. Flnley & gon today (Wednesday), at 2:3o P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. BAINES In thto city. February 23. at the f.imlly residence, 440 Ent 11th st. North, Margaret Balnes, aged 1 year. 6 month, 7 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. E. Balne. Funeral service private. KLEMME At the residence of her sleter, Mrs. H. Schnuile, on the Columbia Slough road. Lena Klemme. aged 22 years. Re mains at Floley' parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. AB EN BROTH Carl Abenfiroth, Sr., Feb. 23. aged S7 years; born May 23. 1842. at Berlin. Germany. Funeral from Turn Halle, 4tli and Yamhill, Thursday at 2 p. M. Frlenda invited. WOODRUFF The funeral service of Thomas H. W'oodruff will be held at the Portland Crematorium today at 2 P. M. Dntmlng, McKnxc ft tillbavugb. Fnneral Directors, 7th and Pine. Pbone Mala 43. Lady aMilstant. Office of Coonty Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funarml Dtraot r. 120 Id at. Laaly aaeUtaiat. Vhona al ftol. I r. F1NI.KY MIS. Sit and Madlaoi ImAf attendant, pboaa Mala S. A 15BB. ZELLCK-BVRNFI CO.. Funeral Dli ra. Hi humU. Eui 108. Lad aaalslaas. F. I Alarr. DCNNIIG. fJaoVrtaker. 41 Lady aaalstaau rua MeENTKE-EKlCSON CO. Undertaker! lady aaaUtaat. 408 Alder. U 61S3. STEW TODAY. Auction Sale Extraordinary Tomorrow. 10 A. M.. at 305 Eleventh, cor. Columbia, HAND -CARVED FUR NITURE. For particulars see last Sun day's paper. PORTLAND AUCTION' CO. FOR SAI.K Nine-roomed, nicely fur nished house, within block of car, on full r.O by 100 lot. Adapted for a home, roomers or boarders. A barg-ain at S4000. A. F.. IIIIIITHWICK, 31B Cham ber of Commerce. 1. 1 v n i ii Mnii i ,, ii w a i , L. THE 3IOKXING OREGOyiAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1909. 11 ' I ? TT1TT 11Tr -T J FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. TWO DAYS 13th and Flanders Quarter Block BELOW MARKET PRICE Option expires at noon of the 26th and cannot be renewed H..W. LEMCKE 210-211 Corbett Bldg. Main 1177. A 2635. BUY APPLE LAND 10 acres, all under cultivation; 7 acres In commercial orchard, 2 acres In full bearlnK orchard; soil is A-l and land lies well. Positively one or the best buys In the HOOD RIVER-MOSIER Valleys. One mile from town of Mosler. $800 CASH will handle this, and the place will pay the balance. You can't afford to miss seeing- this. Devlin & Firebaugh S wetland Rids;. Portland. ILR.B.A T. Co. Bids. Hood River. 8-Room Bungalow $2800 SoOO CASH. Thia henntiftil hunsralow is located on a very attractive corner lot In a swell neighborhood and Kooa car service, nan 4 bedroomB, nice larpe clothes closets, reception hall, fine porcelain bath and wash bowl, nice linen closets, sewlng room, elaborate china closets, nice larRO kitchen and pantry with porcelain sink and back, livlnft-room and dining-room with opening; elegant electric, fras and combination fixtures, beautiful drop litrht; large front and rear porches with liKhts; cement walks and steps and cement basement with stationary tubs, otc. House is nearly new and located on 'corner lot 50x100 ft.; has very neat little barn on back lot. RALPH ACKLEY, 005 Corbett Bids;. THURSDAY, 10 A. M. Horses, Harness, Wagons, Etc. Butter-Nut Bread Co. Corner .Second and Colombia Sts. Havinp received INSTRUCTIONS from R. L. SARIN, receiver for the BUTTER NUT l'.RKAD CO.. in BANKRUPTCY, I will on Thursdav next at 10 A. M., at the corner of SECOND AND COLUM BIA Ms., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash: 11 HORSES, 10 WAfSONS, HARNESS and STABLE OUTFIT. ALL THE HORSES ARB CITY BROKE, and the wagons are good delivery wapons, nearly new and hand made; cost from $260 to 360 each. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. R. L. SAB1N, Receiver. NOTICE Prices on all Sunset Beach lot will be advanced from to r0 per cent, taking effect March 1st. Present prices S30 each, and up warda G0DDARD S WIEDRICR 110 Second, St. 8000 Acres Timber Land All In one body, on large stream, easily logged. For full particulars as to CRCISE AND LOCATION Call On JOHN B. EASTER GERL1NGEK BUILDING. FOR LEASE 50x100 on 2d and Salmon sts. See us. Humasoh & Jef f ery M11S9 226 Stark St. A 8814 WATER FRONT, close to Portland; excel lent mill alte; $11,000 will handle It. POWER & POWERS, 717 Board of Trade. 22 on Investment. Lot and theater on main street of thriving- and rapidly growing town of 7000 pop. in Washing ton; 2 railroads; rented at $100 per month, with lease for 34 years. Price, $5500, half cash. This proposition will stand fullest investigation. Kauff man & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. $6500 IF SOLD BY THE OWNER BEFORE MARCH 1. A large, modern, 8-room dwelling, nearly new; 60 choice roses and other shrubbery; location exceptional; sur roundings guaranteed; 4 blocks from East Side High School. A snap. Call at the premises. 178 El 14th St. GEORGE BLAtK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bide. Fbonea. Main 6371, A 4013. For Rent MARCH FIRST Storeroom 42x100 (21,000 Square Feet) Four floors and basement; steam heat, electric elevator, sprinkler sys tem; nightwAtchman. Apply PACIFIC PAPER CO.' WEST SIDE A BEAUTIFUL- HOUSE ON EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Tour choice of those new, modern, six-room houses, N. W. cor. 2th and Savler sts., near Forestry Park; gas. electricity, fireplaces, .furnaces, full cement basements. Price $42o0; $400 down, $40 per month. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (Owner) 001 Board of Trade Bids;. Phone Main 443. 8-tITORT corner business property. Second and Market. $1.500; leased for S years at -ood rental; $9000 cash, balano per cent; full particulars PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. 820 Board of Trade Bulldlntr. WE BUILD ARTISTIC HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS LET US BUILD ONE FOR YOU. WHY NOT? Butterworth Stevenson Co., Inc. Designers and Builders of Artistic Homes. 35 Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch, $10 per acre, all fenced, all tillable, substantial Improve ments, in Douglas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKSON A DEERING, Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St. DOUGLAS COUNTY 460 ACRES, 440 in cultivation, im provements; adjoins R. R. town. Fine for subdividing. Price $50 per acre. Terms. E.D.M0WERY 8 COMPANY KOStlilltG, OREGON. WHY BUY A READY-BUILT RESIDENCE, when you may have a better one for less money built after your own design? Terma to Salt. JOHN LOCK HART, 610 All Chamber of Commerce. Phono Main 403. Quarter block close to Second and Burnside $45,000 Income $4200 per annum; can be in creased. $20,000 cash, balance mortgage 6 per cent. LOEWEXSOJf BROS, 105 Sherlock; Bids;. Twelfth and Main APARTMENTS, FLATS, LODGE OR CHURCH SITE. 58xlOO $11,500, few days only. J. W. GRUSSI MS Waahlnsrton, Near 3d. Room T. SOxlOO SNAP On Hoyt st., near two carllnes. Best apartment site in Nob Hill locality. Don't wait. Cheap at fJSOOO. HUMASON & JEFFERY A 3814 228 Stark St. M 1180 A Good Investment $50,000 New brick on full lot North Id street; annual income $4850; terms $20,000 cash. 6ECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Main 6933. 817 Worcester Block. 24 Fine Large Lots Near carline, in best part of the PENINSULA For immediate sale at a gTeat bar gain. Now is your ohance. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second Street. KINK INVESTMENT IN ACREAGE Close to Carline on the Peninsula. Come In if Interested. BRONG - STEELE CO, 110 Second St. $34,000 S. A Wt L- 114k .Alltll 14 flH cn Tl UAaTtrOeT UlUbn, A A. lit, jvswat.i wa. Best buy in warehoua district. Terms. fjau main UNION AVENUE fa.iaa &ai 13rfi I wfi v nnlpn. did site for store and flats, $4000 half casn. Kauffman & Moore 325 Lumber Exchanaje. MONEY WILL BE P- 1 U rtf LOANED Dl2 In Large Amonnta on Bnslneaa Property E 1) n A n u " v u mu m t Corbett Bnlldlns;. DO YOU WISH TO BUY A HOMES? Then 8e . HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerca Looking for a Home? We Have It. Fine Homes in All Localities. NOB HII.L 85.000 to SSO.OOO. IHVINGTOX, $2,000 to SIO.OOO. OTHER LOCALITIES, SIOOO to $5000 If Interested Call and See Us. Are Sure to Pleaso. Humason 6 Jeffery M 11S0 226 Stark St. A 3S1 1 BARGAINS 100x100, corner, wholesale district, $33,000. . , 60x100, on 11th St.. near Davis. See our sign, then see us; $12,500. 100x100, Union ave., good rent; now have Rood proposition to offer on this; $12,000. 150x100, on Grand -avenue; like the diamond, it speaks for itself; $12,500. These are bargains for the bargain hunter. ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade III lr. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. Half block on lVth st. nour terminal yards; has small buildings brlnslng some revenue; JG4,m0.0O. CORNER LOT 80x100 corner of 6th and Madison sts. ; income from present Improvements $lLto per year; this property promises good returns. $26,u00.o0. Call and make inquiries for residence jn-operty. Real estate department MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO... 247 Washington Street. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, K. V. & Co. M.. 834K. 30 Hamilton bs. BaXer, Alfred A., 115 Abington bids. Beck. William G., 312 Failing bldg. Blrrell, A. H. Co.. 20 2-3 Mcliay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. BrubaJter & Benedict, 5o2 McKay bllg. M. 648. Chapln & Heriow, 332 Chamber of Commerc. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 603 Corbett bids. Field. C. E. at Co.. Board of Trade bid. Goddard. H. W.. Mala and A 1T4K 110 2d t Jennings & Co.. Main ICS. 200 Oregon lan. Lee. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bids. Parrlh. Watkin ft Co.. 250 Alder t. Rlchardeoa. A B.. 221 Com. Club bid. Schalk. Geo. D., 204 Stark st. Main or A 39X Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122 V, Sixth t. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Orand ava. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addltlo. Waddel, W. O.. 309 Lumber Exf-hanla bldg. White. B. F.. 227V, Washington at. FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. $28.10 today will buy you a select home site 96x100. adjoining best improved property on Hawthorne; new macadamized street; location in every f espect an ideal site lor best-equipped home or flats. jlj.jO G-room plastered cottage in gooa condition; full lot; near Union ave.; cash or terms. ,,,, S21KI0 Homa in Highland, corner. 100X 100; snap; cash or terms. ?2.'lM) 8-room house, fine bam. 3 lots. In heart of Lents; terms. $1'25 Lot near Alberta St.; cash. JOHN B MATTHEWS, 722 Cham, of Com. anil Alberta and 27th St. FOR .TUB WIDB-AWAKPX Will sell 100 lots. West rnrtland Tark. at $40 per lot to those who can Interest friends. . . , 3 c West Portland Park lies Just outside fl mlle circle on cily :n;ip. Weet Sido. Samo distance as Montavllla. one-half mile closer than University Park and three miles closer than St. John. These lots will sell at from $100 to JloO when wa advert ise and send out agents. THE LliK-BOWIH.Kii CO. Entire ' Second Kloor Pantage Theater. Fourth and Stark. BWKLL RKSIDENCK. $5500, and worth every dollar of it; strictly modern, 8 rooms, lare living room with bmad fireplace, library, beauti fully paneled dining-room. handsome built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, pleasant bedrooms, front, rear and upper porches, full cement-floored basement. laundry trays, wood lift, cement walks, choice lot. fine location. Holladay lark Addn. ii W. Lemeke. 210-211 Corbett bldg. Main 1177; A 2C;t5. FINE flat site, on 11th St.. bet. Washington and Stark. East Side. I'JOOO. Choice lot. Sellwood, 4O0 Bargain Coiner lot. View Park, IS00. One excellent 8-room house cheap. One 9-room, fine location. Oim 8-room, new; worth seeing. Irvington and Holladay Addition. DOLEX HBItDMAN. East 836. C 1393. (2550 An elegant, modem, 5-room bunga low, extra large rooms, paneled dining room, with beam ceiling, large hall, front and back porch, cement basement, double wall and iloor, full lot; this is an ele- fant place and was built for a home: 1000 cash, balance terms; would taRo cheap lot as part of first payment. A. A. Hoover, 313 Oerlinger bldg. FORCED SALE. 20 acre on electric line, close to city; best of soil; no rock; lies level; running water; road two aldos; ideal for subdi viding. Don't delay if you want a snap. .asy terms on part. VANDUTN A WALTON, 015 Chamber of Commerce. MO SNAP. 5-room oottage, furnished, lot 50x104; street Improvements In, fruit and berriea, garden, lawn and flowers; for quick sale S2100; excellent terms. THORNTON'S RK A-L.TY & BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 812 McKay Bldg. Tj4cr now hunealow Where can you equal this coxy 4 rooms and bath, toilet, sink, bot water tank, -plate rackj Dutch kitchen, eletrlcity. dry basement, etc : sightly location, short walk to Wood lawn car; only S140O; on easy terms. Jaa. C. Logan, 3261 Wash, at., room 415. A GOOD BUY. $5250.00 This is ten acres of well Im proved land; on car line, with good house, two barna, chicken house, family orchard; all ready to go on to; let me show you this place. I have to sell it. 00 1 Com mercial bids., cor. Second and W ash. A SNAP. 20 acre fine fruit land; no gravel; near Vancouver and close to railroad station and river; non-resident; must sell at re duced' price of $1500, H cash, balnnce easy. Vanduyn & Walton, 015 Chamber of Commerce. - t HAVE 2 lots In Swinton that I must sell; I bought them on terms and the regular price was $700: I have the benefit of 10 ner cent off of this price. $tM0 is my price; I have paid 73 on the lots and will as sign my contract for $43. Answer AD 5S3, Oregonian. NEW 8-ROOM HOME'. IRVINGTON. 1 block from car modern in every par ticular, polished floors, built-in china closets, furnace, tubs, etc.; only $6500; terms. The William Investment Co., 621 Corbett bldg. , 3850 Nob Hill district 50x100. half cash; act quick. P. O. Box 347, city. I A BEAUTIFUL HOME. Situate on west slope of Mt. Tabor, strictly modern residence of 7 rooms, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, lot 100 by 100; magnificent view; price only $550 GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. NOB HILL. Fractional corner, east face, in bent residence section on 25th St.; permanent etreet Improvement in and paid; $4500. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. FINE LOT on Ainaworth ave., $500. Good lot on East Glisan, near 40th, $350. Fine lot on Portsmouth ave.. $000. Handsome corner looxlOo, on Boulavard, Piedmont. $1650. W. W. PAYNE. Woodlawn 1118. AN" ACRE home site near new Mt. Tabor Park and 10 minutes' walk from Haw thorne car now will be closer; XIOoO if taken at once, terms. B. S. Cook & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE By owner handsomest bunga low In Irvington. Call and sea It. 482 E. 23d t- North. MERLOW. 1 , MERLOW. ASK PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts. MERLOW. MERLOW. MERLOW. ASK PORTLAND TRUST CO. OP OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts. FOR SALE Large East Hide corner lot and new, modern, 5-roora bungalow; paneled dining-room. large, old-rashioned lire place; built-in buffet and china closet; special pattern mission . lighting fixtures; a thoroughly complete, desirable place; built to sell for 53100; price for a few tiavs $-800. on easy terms. Conklln Bros., 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. M 2S.V.I; A 1747. 6-ROOM cottage on East 33th, Ju.t off Haw thorne, in excellent location; iarge basement and lot, street Improved, fixtures in. houee tinted; fine fireplace. This house is about one year old and not large enough for owner. Will be sold If taken at once for X.'iuOO; ?."1K cash. KAST S1DU INVESTMENT CO. 37th and Hawthorne. Open Suniiay. FOR SALE HOME! And one that is a home in every sense of the word; large living and dining-room, fireplace. 3 cheerful bedrooms, furnace, combination fixtures, full front veranda, choice sightly lot. (05x10.1) ; Ihls residence is complete in every minute detail, is per fect in appointment and exceptionally reasonable at $o'iOO; terms can be ar ranged. H. W. Lemcke. 210-211 Corbett bldg. Main 1177; A 2635. BARGAIN An elegant 8-room dwelling can be had at a bargain: all modern conven iences, cement basement, laundry tubs, combination lighting ilxtures. large recep tion hall and attic; best location on East Side for a home; located northeast corner East Ankeny and East 20th sts. W. L. Page. 204 Failing bldg. jlrtoo Good 5-room cottage. 20 minutes out, on 2 carllnes. street improved and paid; tine lawn, dozens of choice roses. 6 fruit trees and berries, woodshed and chicken house; has good piuir.binir. hath and toi let: plas:ered ami tinted walls; Si',00 cash. S:illO at monthly, $700 mortgage at 7 per cent. A. A. Hoover, 3!:! Gerlinger bldg. $120 A LUX CASH. For a bunch of line lots, all clear, water, fine soil, ground adjoining platted and sold 2 vears airo for $17" to :.00 per lot. 300 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark.,. I HAVE some fine lots for sale which will beat Irvington, and which will positively raise io icr c"tit In a few days; prices range from $il(lo up; terms 10 per cent down and per cent per month. AD 6U.", Oregonian. TWO FINE CORNERS, tooxlis, one block from Hawthorne ave., with north and east frontage, $1,V.0; '-j cash. SSxHH three blocks from Hawthorne ave., with south and west frontage. JllioO; 'a co.?li. EAST SI1H0 INVESTMENT CO. East 37th and Hawthorne. APARTMENT SITE. !2r.0 Corner on Fifth St.; easv walk ing distance to P. O. This is a snap and well worth J70O0, and can't bo had for less when contract expires. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACHES, easy driving distance from Port land; II acre unrier cultivation, 4 acres timber nnd pasture: all fenced; good new 7-rxm house, good barn and well; tlr.e poll: price ?4"00. Terma. SPENCER & CO., 102 Second st. A BARGAIN. $1000.00 will buy SO acres of land two miles from electric line; :!( acres of good -timber, and 5o acres of it will ba good farm land when cleared. 007 Commercial bldg.. cor. Second and Washington. HAWTHORNE PARK Walking distance. 2 modern 6-rooin' Hats, exceptionally fine, one year old, 2 blocks north of l.add tract; fire Inwsrrnent. genuine bargain; full lot; JTr.OO cash. The Crossley Company. 7'S and 703 Corbett bldg. Sl'LENDlD apartment site, on carline. cor ner lot. easy walking distance; a bargain at $0250. DABNEY : DABNEY. 412 Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. 17 LOTS, cement walks, enrblntr. streets graded, city water; thin side Montavtlia; $210 ejieh, ea-y terms; 20 buildings' con tracted in this tract; price will advance. 320 Kwetland bMg., 5th and Wash. AT OVERLOf iK Facing river. fine view, new G-room house, nicely arranged, all modern convenienocs, full lot. S400D; $1000 cash, balance like rent. The Crossley Company. 70S and 709 Corbett bldg. 8H ACRES. 40 minutes out, station at place; small house and barn, well, spring; all in cultivation; price only $1200. DABNEY & DAHNEY. 412 Commercial Blk., 2d anil Washington. BROADWAY LOT. $6."0 Cement sidewalk, water and gas; this is a cheap buy. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. S2o Board of Trade Building. FOR SALE By owner. 100x100, with 5 room modern cottage, shades and fixture complete, close to car, restricted district, $2100, half cash, balance 7 per cent. Phono Tabor 1407. LOT ON GIBBS STREET, $1000. 35x100 on Gibbs, near Corbett st.; a fine lot to build on. $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. J. W. Grussi, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. $3700 Nice, new 6-room house and 75x100 corner lot on Pippin St.. on St. John ctir llne; all modern conveniences; Vi casi. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison frts. NEW, modern, -8-room house, select neigh borhood; fruit, roses, garden: 100x100 cor ner worth $5500; take $4500 this week; terms; owner, no agents. F 643, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Best Improved vacant quarter block. Holladay addition, southeast corner E. 0th and Multnomah sts. SGOOO. McCargar, Bates & Lively. Failing bldg. THREE lots on Mt. Scott line for $500 cash; adjoining lots $2OO-$4O0 a piece. Addrees Owner. 1S7 17th, or phono Main 40U7. bet. 12 and 1 o'clock. LOOK HERE Will sell 1 or ft acres on new Linton electric. West Side, cheaper than you pay for 50-foot lots. Phone Woodlawn 123. 2 ACRES on Powell Valley road: level, fine soli, all under cultivation; price ?24o0, terms. SPENCER & CO., 102 Second st. IRVINGTON 2 fine lots noar Knott st. for home or investment; $1000 each; im proved district; terms. Jas. C. Logan, 32iiH Washington at., room 415. HOPE) CITY PARK. Two lots, fine elevation and east front age; will sell one or both; ask for terma K 123, Oregonian. 40O0 ACRES fine orchard land, near railroad and electric line; timber enough to pay double purchase price. Call room 407 Rothchild bldg. COTTAGE SOUTH PORTLAND, $500 5-room cottage on Curry at., $1600; $500 cash, balance easy terms. J. W. Grussi, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. $400 CAHH will put you in possession of 8 acres, 25 minutes from city; ft acres improved. E. C. Hurlbert, 201 Gerlinger bldg., owner. ROSE CITY PARK Choice improved lot, half block from car, east frontage, 2-ft. grade; terms; below market price; best buy in tract. F 647, Oregonian. WANTED Parties who can lnwaat $10 to 51000 In real estate; 50 per cent increase in !)0 days. Call immediately. 519 Bwet- land bldg. $2400 WILL buy modern 6-room dwelling, located on E. 44th St., near Hawthorne car; onlv $440 cash required: lot 45x(l. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. FOR SALEA choice residence property for sale cheap at Forest drove, half block from carline. Address Lock Box 005, For est Grove, Or. I MUST raise $3000 at once and will sacrifice 18 beautiful lot at Falrvlew for $1150 cash. 526 Lumber Exchange. $2200 NEW bungalow; $200 cash, $20 monthly. 44th, near Hawthorne; Tabor 1708. BEST bargain on Nob Hill, large U-room house on Gilsan st.. lot 50x100. $0000. Particulars at 309 Falling bldg. IRVINGTON LOT. Fine location, near carline; a bargain for cash or. terms. K 123, Oregonian. MODERN. 9 rooms, full basement, furnace, front and back stairs, sleeping porch; East Taylor st. Phone B 2311, East 088. is pur 2980. on Russell st. ? If so. phone A LOT and good 0-room house on Portland Heights; lot 100x100. Phone A 2980. IF looking for a nice lot at a barfain In Rose City Park, phone C 1073. TUR VIT.W T1HCT RIDDELL HEIGHTS. Located at Lents, on Mt. Scott line. Is row open for the selection of lots. One of tho nicest tracts for a home in that section. Nice shade trees on many of the lots. Two blocks from school; waler mains laid. Prices very cheap consider ing; location and size of lots Only .oo to $225 per lot, with easy monthly pn mems ad low as $3.00 down una :t.oo per month. cume early anil mako your se lection, as they will' only last a short ""WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO, 14 Chamber of Commerce. A. Cow perth wait, agent. A FINE bungalow home for someone. Our client has a line bungaiow. just nlcoiy started on East Taylor st., in very f:i e location on finely improved t'l.. connected with sewer, near good carline., faces north, 43x100 foot lot, llrcplace. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceiling, paneled din Inn-room, large porches and closets. You may have house finished to suit yourself; woodwork fin ished to suit; Just like building your own home. Owner must have city; $2750; $5o0 ca.ah balance left to you. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO. S7th and Hawthorne. Open Sunday. REMOVAL NOTICE. DIETZ-Ml'ELLKK COMPANY WILL Move FROM THEIR PUEM-INT QUAR TERS IN THE COUUETI' ltLDti. TO ROOMS 315 TO 317 AlilNUTON BLDG. ON MARCH 1ST. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are tho largest owners- and planter In Oregon. We hava the only niajted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill, fl-acra tracts, piantcd. $loo cash. $15 per moalh. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., Lumber Exchange bidg.. 2d aau Stark at. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. With over '-z acre of laud, under perfect cultivation, right on Oregon City carline; near station. L'5 minutes cut; 5 rooms, bath and pantry: spring water piped lit house, beautiful large tireplace, beamed cei.mg In living-room and dining-room; veranda !lx.".u feet. For quick sale, S23oO; suitable terms. DEVLIN FIK.EHAUC.IT. 510-511-512 Swetland Building. . ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Call at our oOTce and see our list of them; wo have a choice variety In all parts of the city to suit everybody's tas'o and purse. We have inspected ewry one. of those we are otVering and cannot afford to handle properties loo high In price or otherwise undesirable. Tho Crossley Com pany, 70S and Toit Corbett bldg. $:;oo DOWN. $15 monthly, buys beautiful home below original cost; 5. fine plas tered rooms, hill. pantry, bathroom, enamel bath. pink, patent toilet, well electric lighted with neat fixtures, base ment, concrete foundation; graded up 5 ox UK) lot in lawn and garden; exquisite view; this week, only $lli50. Portland Homes Co.. 20t Morrison sr. $400 CASH, balance small monthly pay ments; strictly modern cottage of 5 rooms and bath; beamed ceilings, paneled dln-liig-room. 2 bedrooms, bath, tiled and en ameled lu white; full front veranda, large basement, woodllft. laundry trays, every thing complete; price only $2o.ro. H. . Lemcke, 210-211 Corbett bldg. Main lln; A 2635. IF you are Interested In real estate you can not do without our new sectional map 15 miles of Portland's surroundings; it gives townshll. ranges and section numbers. R. R. and electric lines., etc.; price 50 cents, postpaid. Send stamps. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. 9000 Finn quarter block 100x100 feet, with 7-room house, near east end of Steel bridge; a real bargain; terms. J700O Good li-room house with 40X100 feet, nicely located In northwest part of city; line iuiy. 1'ARRISH. WATKTNS & CO., 2j0 Alder St. GOOD INVESTMENT. Good 5-room cottage In the center of Funnysldo; good renting property; only S'71)0 PORTLAND TRUST CO. OP" OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts. TIVU nntMna home. 4 TOOIUS, thoroughly modern, and rotir signn o.ia m - villa for $1700; responsible rrty may pay as he likns; for mechanic or man us ing team the finest pro! ltion tn city. A. N. Searle, agent, ave. and 77th st. M-V carline, Villa FOR $1000. OO Two 5-room modern bouse on K. Batn Ft cannot he duplicated for tho money; one block from carline; onn-tlilrd cash, balance on time; will sell one or both. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. $2 50. 27TH AND CLINTON STS. New modern 7-room corner honse; t:.V0O cash, balanco 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. 820 Board of Trade Building. A. NO. 1 INVESTMENT. IO ncres near R R. station, and only B0 minutes from Portland; n.i bettor land anywhere than this: will double in vaiua In a short time. 607 Commercial bldg., cor. Second and Washington LOTS In Irvington at prices ranging from $500 to $1500 each, cash payments from f.-O to $500 and monthly raymenta from $20 to $25 per month. SPENCER & CO., 102 Second mt. SUNN YS IDE COTTAGE, $050. Nearlv new 6-room cottage on S5th st, near Belmont. $2250; $050 cash, $20 per month. J. W. Grussi. 205 Washington, near 3d, room 7. INVESTIGATE THIS. Beautiful 6-room home, containing every modern convenience; best location and neighborhood in South Portland. See owner on premises, 155 Orover st. NEW mouern residence in Ladd Addition, strictly modern and up to date, newly furnished throughout; owner compelled to sell- very tasy terms to right party. Sen owner at 410 Failing bldg. El'JHT fino lots and a thoroughly modern l ttle cottage in Montavllla for $2250; pay $200 down and $2U a month. Mr. Davis (Heed-French Piano Co., 6th and Burn side), forenoons only. WHY PAY RENT? We design and build modern home on reasonable terms. A. C. EM FRY ft CO.. INC.. Main 3501. 824 chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE Ixt at Ea-st 14th and Surmaa sts 4 blocks from Alberta carline: wl,l sell' contract. Call Main 4070 before 11 A. M. ALMEDA PARK lots sell for $650 up; we have one across tho street for 1240 cash. See the point? Jas. C. Logan, 828 Vj Wash. St., room 415. MODERN 7-room house on Grant at. bot. 4th and Cth; half cash, balnnce 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. 82 Board of Trade Building. ii ACRES, close In on Salem electric, all In clover, ideal place for a Summer home. 412 Commercial Blk., 2d atid Washington. I BUY and sell all kinds of real estate and timber lands. List your properly with me and get results Claudu K. Hick. 508 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Fractional lot and 7-room cottage. 703 Everett, between 21st and '2nd. price $4501); see owner. McCargar, Bates it Lively, Falling bldg. BEAUTIFUL little home, cluro to good car. on Very easy payments; uiuefc sell. De owner, 410 Falling bldg. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owner and save commissions. 205 Abingtoa biiig. FOR SALE. Two fine lota in Irvington; must be old in one week. R 662, Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOT, near Stanton st. re stricted district; price much lower than adjacent property. AC 62fi. Oregonlam CHOICE 6 and 10-acre tracts for sale: easy terms; no irrigation. tonn ijsana ftoi m Fruit Land Co.. 338 Chamber of Com. WILL take phone bonds as payment for home In Sunnyalde. Fine proposition. Call today. 1019 Board of Trade. NICE homo. Belmont St., 6-room, cheap: term to suit purchaser. Phone E. 806, C 1093. Dolen & Herdman. NOTE THIS 6 lots. East Side. $575. pay ments; worth double. 8 IS Hoard ot Trado bldg. CALL c 1073 If you wish to buy a fine lot In Irvington. HOMESTEADS. WHY" pay a high price for a farm when Uncle Sam la willing to give you one? Let tie show you a One homestead proposition near Portland for only $150. 626 Lumber Exchange. .1 )