Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 23, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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. . - I tns CAT K FARMS. I I . I ! . . I rnl.hnl ltniiml.
FOR KtIR RE AX fctWAiei. ! av j.-v 1 - - - . -
Look t that beautiful block In
Bounded by Blandena. Ouinf. Montana
and Maryland ve. It lies a UtUa aboje
trade: streets are all graded: cement
euro and nil on Blandena; water mam
passes property: lew.rj will be put In at
0:1. e. Street liy. Co. holds franchise on
Marvland ave. The outlook from the
property la line, and the outlook tor sharp
advance in value. Is atlU better. .,
Jfa on the market for a limited time"
at a rare bargain by exclusive amenta.
71 Couch B.dg. 1" rourth at.
A dainty little place that will Imo It
self admirably to "homey." "comfy fur
niture; thoroughly artistic; very modern
and complete; a typical bungalow of 5
rooms and bath; In a word, it a Just Uie
lime you would build yourself, you-wno Rood taste. A low. broad fireplace,
built-in bookcase, window seat and buffet,
learned celling, two bedrooms, hne bath.
Dutch kitchen, electric light fixtures
throughout in keeping everything pleas
ai.t and Inviting. The price Is very reas
Minblf. only $:i2.X. $: cah. balance lib
eral pavmcata. Choice corner lot in a
to ,d district; more minute details cheer
fully furnished by phone.
210-211 Corbett Bldg.. Main 11TT; A 8635.
28.", today will buy you a select home sits
H6xl". adjoining boat Improved property
on Hawthorne; new macadamized street;
location In every respect an Ideal site for
best -equipped home or flats.
m:.0 u-roiim plastered cottage In good
condition; full lot; near Union are.; cash,
or terms.
$2VO0 Home In Highland, corner, 100X
10l'; snap; cash or terms.
$25oo 8-room house, fine barn. S lota.
In heart of Lents; terms.
$22i Lot near Alberta St.; cash.
T23 Cham, of Com. and Alberta and 27th Bt.
Will sell loo lots. W est Portland Park, at
$4t per lot to those wLo can Interest
West PorCar.d Turk lies Just outside 6
milo circle on city map. Wee tame
distance as Montavllla. one-naif ml.a closer University Park and three miles
clowr at. John.
Thcje lots will eeil at from $100 to SloO
when we a.ivcrtlse and send out agents.
THE LE!:-BuWl'LKit CO.
Entire Second Floor Pantag.s Theater.
Fourth and fiiarit.
FINEST dairy farm In Oregon; 260 acres,
half in cultivation; near Weodburn; sta
tion on place; tine deep black soil, no
cravel: two line creeks through place; all
leel land, good drainage; no waste or wet
land: lull acres of line timber, 7-room
house, barn. 2 hophousos, sidetrack In to
f irm. With wareuouse; one mile to college
and hish scl.ool. one mile to church and
creamerv; $i;3 per acre: terms 4 years,
C per rent; will sell half of this farm.
Tiit; cr.ossi.EY company,
70s and 709 Corbett BIdg.
. . i
$5500, an,l worth every dollar of It;
strictly modern. S rooms, large living
room with broad fireplace, library, beauti
fully paneled dlning-roo.n, handsufne
l.uilt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, pleasant
bedrooms, front. rear and upper porches,
full eement-tloored basement, laundry
trays, wood lift, cement walks, choice lot,
line location. Kollauav Park Addn. H. W.
l.em.-ke, 210-2U. Corbett bldg. Alain 11.7;
A 2035.
FINE flat site, on 11th St.. bet. Washington
and .Stark. East Side, $2000.
Choice lot. Se'.lwood, 4O0.
liargain Corner lot. View Park. $600.
One excellent 8-room house cheap.
One 9-room. fine location.
riM 6-room, new: worth seeing.
Irvington and Hollaclay Addition.
East 896. C 1033.
NICE home on the Willamette River: one
block' to electric line. 26 minutes' ride to
oonter of city; 6 rooms, large porch, mod
ern bathroom, three full lota: beautiful
view of river and mountains, all modern
conveniences, eleotrlo light, sewer, city
water, abundance of fruit of every kind;
$3000. $1100 cash, balance 6 per cent.
7l8 and 709 Corbett Blag.
$2550 An elegant, modern, fl-roora bunga
low, extra large rooms, paneled dining
room, with beam celling, large hall, front
and back porch, cement basement, double
walls and dour, fail lot; this Is an ele
gact place and was built for a home:
J moo cash, balance terms; would take
cheap lot as part of first payment. A. A.
Hoover. 813 Gerllnser bids.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, half block of level
ground, commanding unobstructed view of
the entire city, rivers and mountains: will
mil ail or part: a building alt here cannot
be surpassed In view, price or ease of ac
cess. R. F. BRYAN.
605 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1903, A 1227.
20 acres on electric line, close to city:
best of soil; no rock: lies level: running
water; road two sides; Ideal for subdi
viding. Don't delar if you want a snap. Easy
terms on part.
513 Chamber of Commerce.
BEST bargain !n cltv; 2 lots. 6-room Alberta
bungalow. 10:14 East 2'ith St. North.
6AWMILLS FOR SALE We have 2 rplen
dld saw mill bargains: -one 23. oil) capacity,
2.30'i.OuO feet timber going with mill and
5.000.000 more under contract at $1; close
to railroad; price, .7."00.
Another 5u.00 capacity, 23.000.000 feet
timber and finest facilities for milling.
Actually the best buy In the state; price,
617 Board of Trade, Portland.
Pacific Coast timber, water powers located
and examined, taxes paid for non-repl-rients
timber lands cru.sed and accurate
ctiinaTes furnl-hed. Room M7 Board of
Trade bldg. Phone Mam SEP".
If votj want pine or tir timber tn large
or small tractu, I want to figure with
you. I have come very attractive buys in
tracts frota lvt acres to 30,000 acres,
ranging from 30 cents to $2 per thousand.
C. J. Mccracken, S04 McKay bldg.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle,
S2K Chamber of Commerce,
Headquarters for logging propositions;
timber lantia. farm lands and business
chances. 521-323 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland. Or. phone M 8330. A f3S0.
TWO relinquishments cheap. 16,000,000 feet,
nice, clean timber in big bunch of good
timber; 6 mllea from R. R. and town;
good road to claims; soil excellent for
fruit. 270 6th St.
WILL sell vellow pine timber claim. Union
county. Oregon, at great sacrifice to party
rrtadv to make prompt cash purchase.
Owner. J 70S, Oregonlan.
X00 ACHES fine orchard land, near railroad
and electric line; tinibr enough to pay
double purchase price. Call room 07
p.othchild bldg.
HAVE some small tr&ots of timber for sals
cheao: fir, cedar and pine. A. E.
Mathews. 209 Couch bldg.
20 CLAIMS yeltow p'ne timber situated In
Grant county. Oregon; 220 per claim.
Box 21T. John Day. Or.
"WE are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A
Stampher. SS1-S2 Lumber Exchange bldg
FOR BALE Timber land la Lincoln Co.,
Oregon; will sell reasonable. J. L. Keith,
Kalamazoo. Mich., rout 4.
FIR, epruce and plae bought and sold tn
large or small tracts. Moore dk Thomasv sll
Kothchlld bldg.
TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relliwiulahmants,
CO-ACRES choice potato land for rent; rtrer
and rail transportation. M. E. Lee, room
44 Corbett bldg.
SO ACRES very choice melon land for rant,
M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT One section good wheat for 4
rent. AF 647. Oregonlan.
U ACRE on Tabor Heights, ralue 2O0O, to
trade for timber claim; give location.
A B 640. Oregonian.
TIMBER lands wanted.
304 McKay bldg.
C. J. McCrackao,
WANTED Timber. What have, yoa in
large tract. D 688, Oregonlan.
One of the best farms In the county, lo
cated on main couniy road, with telephone
and R. F. D. also 2 cream routes; fine
house and barn and everything new; all
stock and Implements, good young team,
harness, wagon, top and open buggy, har
row. 2 plows, roller, seed drill, hayrake.
mower, cultivator and other farm ma
chinery and small tools, new cream sep
arator, dairy utensils, 4 cowa, 2 heifer
calves, brood sow with litter of pigs, lot
of chickens, etc.; price, (0300; will take
city property in exchange.
005 Corbett Bldg. -
50 -acre orchard lis miles from Salem,
all In high state of cultivation. 10- acres
In walnuts 4 veare old, 6 acres of cherries
Just commencing to bear, balance good
variety of apples and mixed fruits; new
plastered cottage; good barn and chicken
house, all fenced; the orchard Is young
and kept up right; we will trade for a
7-room house In Portland.
40 ACRES, 4ii miles from Mosier, 11 acres
In cultivation, best of orchard soli, good
water, bearing orchard of about 3d0 trees,
young orchard of about 135 trees; fruit
assorted and of the best quality; good
3-room house, bam and outbuildings: cow
and some farming Implements; price.
$4600; will take city property up to half
the value, balance cash or mortgage.
Kauffman & Moore, 323 Lumber Exchange.
Improved' city real estate, an old estab
lished manufacturing business paying $10,
000 net profits a year. Former owner's 111
health gives us the opportunity to dis
pose of this fine business: experience un
necessary: will bear cloest Investigation.
Percival-Porter Co., agents, Des Moines,
FOR PALE or exchange, on Oregon electrle
carllne, O R acres, 8 miles from Jefferson
street depot. 4 blocks north of Metzger
station; good 8-room house, barn and
other outbuildings. 7 acres uniier cultiva
tion, balance pasture; price $.M00; want
good Improved farm worth $7000 to $8000,
jay difference. F. C. Aldrlch. Hillsdale,
route 2-
HAVE a fine 160-acre dnlry ranch close to
Portland for sale or exchange for farm
or cltv property anywhew between Sac
ramento and Tulare City; coast preferred:
this ranch Is highly improved andvwell
stocked; price and terms are good.
420 Swetland Bldg.
86 ACRES, highly improved farm; 12 miles
.).. ...1 - .-,.Al!nnt ur homA nn It.
everything In fine shaoe to move onto;
mortgage $2O0. to run 3 years; my equity
for tuoo. Adjoining land silling for 2U0
per acre. Would accept Portland prop
erty for part. If you want a farm, see
this. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce.
10 ACRES, about 12 miles out. mile to
R. R. station; all cleared and In culti
vation: good 6-room.. plastered house,
barn and outbulldlnge; good well; price
$4500; will exchange for house and lot in
Portland. See KauCCmann & Moore, 325
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE or trade for house and lot In
Portland. 10 acres ail In miscellaneous
fruit, 1 mile west of Fisher or 7 miles
east of Vancouver. Price $4000. $2000 cash,
terms on balance. Inquire. Owner. G. 8.
Alien. Fisher. Wash.. Van. R. R. No. 1.
WELL furnished 11 -room house, full of
roouera, m MuinjiBo . " e. "" "
lot; no agenta B 1S11 or R 687. Orego
nlan. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If yoa want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Stevenson Taylor,
rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
B RESIDENCES Fargo. N. D., and 660 acres
of good land, right at the town of Streeter
N. D. ; excliange for Portland property. Ad
dress L D. Worden, Ocean Park. Wash.
TRANSFER company, doing large business1:
will sell or trade for property, values equal;
good opportunity for right man or two men.
D 687, Oregonian.
WANTED 'Dairy ranch; have 10 acres, or
chard. 5-room house, barn, mile to sta
tion; $4000; to trade. 326H Washing
ton St., room 417 Angeles.
$1500 40 H. P. 7-passenger automobile,
fullv equipped and In line condition, to
trade for real estate. F 615, Oregonlan.
WOULD trade $4600 equity In house and
lot for rooming-house at right price.
S12 Board of Trade.
WILL trade for wnat you hava Gus Smith,
301 Buchanan bldg.
TOURING car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan.
DESIRABLE residence equity, Boise. Idaho,
for unimproved realty. AF 648, Oregonlan.
WANTED at once We hawe a customer for
a strictly modern 6 to 8-room residence
north of Hawthorne ave., east of 12th
st.; must be worth the money; owners
" y' F. M. CRAWFORD & CO.,
420 Swetland Bldg.
WANTED Acre or fraction, small house,
near car; telephone service; $30 down, $16
per month. F 643, Oregonlan.
I WANT from the owner a clean business
property worth about $20,000; description
and price In first letter. M 61MJ. Oregonian.
HOUSE and full lot, or lot; must be bargain.
A 704. Oregonian.
FROM 1 to 5 acres, near electrlo car, 8 miles
out. quick service, land 30 per cent
cheaper than adjoining prices and lies
high and sightly. In good locality that Is
growing rapidly.
Also 40 acres, suburban, to exchange
for timber land or city property.
816 Chamber of Commerce.
FORTY acres uncleared garden land to
lease for clearing. Four miles S. W. Port
land Courthouse. Box 101 R D No. 2,
Hillsdale, Or. -
WHEAT LAND We have a few homestead
locations in Umatilla County for Immediate
filing ' 6 to 8 miles from the main line of
railroad. Romig & Abbott, 15-18 La
ps yet te bldg.
lW-acre farm: BO acres In cultivation;
good barn and house, running water; H
mile from station; O. W. P. line runs
through place; price $.S5 per acre, terms.
Inquire E. N. Foster, Eagle Creek, Or.
860 acres good land lh Harney County,
3 per acre, worth $6.
A few good homesteads In Harney
Countv: will not last long.
ATLAS LAND CO., 420 Lumber Exchange.
$80 AN acre for 120 acres of fine apple
land, five miles back from Lyle: will sell
40 acres If one so desires; adjoins fine
bearing orchard.
247 Stark Street.
CHOICE 10-acre tracts, high state of culti
vation, on county road, favorably located
for chickens or small fruit; at R. R. sta
tion H cash, balance 1 and 2 years. 221
Falling bldg.
OWNER must sell 160 aores. partly Im
proved ranch, in two miles Columbia River;
show you piace and make price right. AF
1Xi0. Oregonian.
SPECIAL river bottom 17 acres. 7 culti
vated; house, barn, good pasture. 8 acres
orchard, springs, 413O0. Marlon Co.; S261,a
Washington St., rosjm 417 Angeles.
$4500 Good 20-acre place, new buildings,
stock, etc., near Gresham; part good city
Jroperty, balance time. Seward, Tabor
11 H ACRES, on Willamette River; acres
7-vear-old apple orchard. See owner, 407
Rothchlld bldg. .
FOR SALE Fine dairy farm, well im
proved, on river, at a bargain; terms;
no agents. 601 Fenton bldg.
FARMS, large and small; terms to suit
Surchaser and our prices are always right.
M Kerr & Co., 208 Stark St.. room 10.
FOR SALE 160 acres good farming land
with house and barn tn Alberta. Canada.
Address G 663, Oregonlan.
BEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying: lands shows free.
Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or.
18 ACRES at Bell station. Esfacada car line,
$4o0 per acre. C. W. Schald.
FARMS and acreage. Room 8, 221Vi Morri
son, near 1st.
. . - ZZZ , :
11 acres. 2 miles from courthouse In
Vancouver, Wash., in famous "Fruit Val
ley." close to car shops; all under culti
vation and part in full-bearing English
walnuts; assorted fruits of all kinds in
full bearing: 9-roora 2-story modern house,
with basement, furnace heat, water piped
through house, barn and fruit dryer; good
barn and fine fruit dryer; buildings all
on brick foundation, nicely painted and
In best of repair; fine lawn; close to
achool: R. F. D. and telephone In house;
in select neighborhood. This Is one of
the finest suburban homes In the county.
Buildings alone would cost $10,000. .ropa
this year will pay 10 per cent on price
asked, viz., $15,000. Terms on part at u
per cent.
Write for list of tracts from 5 acres Tip,
Citizens' National Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Wash.
B acnes of finest soil for fruit, es
pecially English walnuts; good deep soil;
fine spring on highest point of land; 30
acres cleared, balance In oak pasture;
place la fenced, has 6-room house, barn
and outbuildings; 60 bearing assorted fruit
treee; 6 miles from McMlnnvllle on excel
lent road; church and school close byi
very good community; price only $2100,
half cash; a snap. .
$25 Lumber Exohange.
800 ACRES .
Good land. 180 plow rand, 180 at
pasture land, good heavy timber on the
pasture land, running water house, barn.
16 miles south and east of Portland; a
ran a t S35 acre: time or some city prop
erty taken for part payment. Add
D 699. Oregonlan.
244 ACRES, whole or part; easily watered;
78 miles above Dallas'; capital frtrlt, berry
or alfalfa land: 8 weeks earlier thaa Hood
River; steamboat at your door; oh O. R.
gc N R R., North Bark road across river;
easy terms. Address owner, 729 Clackamas
ave., Portland, Or.
80-ACR3 farm, choioeat part Linn County,
suitable walnut culture, dairying or any
kind of fruit, good buildings, young or
chard, every acre clear and level, school
and church 1 mile; $."000 or Portland
property. What haye you to trade? Own
er, J. O. Wilson. Corvallls, Or.
A BARGAIN 10 acres fruit land five miles
west Albany; $300 takes It. Room 406,
the Dekum.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
60 HEAD of farm horses and mares, weigh
ing from 1000 to 1800 pounds; ages from
8 to 10 years; some well-matched teams;
4 head of good brood mares; a few nice
single drivers: one good saddle horse;
prices from $35 up. We also handle all
kinds of new and second-hand harness.
Come and look tills lot over. You will
find our prices right.
11th and Jefforson.
WHY buy a second-Band vehicle when we
can sell yon a new vehicle at about the
seme price as you would pay for an old
one; we are located ouLalde of the high-rent
district and own our own building, therefore
can make the price; driving wagons, bug
gies, delivery wagons and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
822 Hawthorne ave.
On Tuesday. Feb. 23. 1!)09. 10 A M.. there
will be sold at .auction HO head of horses
ranging In weight from 1060 to 1500, and
from 4 to 12 years of age. Hawthorne
Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. Terms cash
or approved security at 8 per cent. J. T.
Wilson, auctioneer.
30. HEAD of horses and mares, weigh from
POO to 1400 pounds; are all sound and well
broken: suitable for any purpose; also
wagons, bugcles, harness, saddles of all
kinds. Red Front Sale and Exchange Sta
bles. 15th, off Washington- st.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagons to rent by month or
year; we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day, week or month.
Phones East 72, B V.K59, ' Hawthorne
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE or lease, the oelebrated standard-bred
trotting stallion, register No.
40111; name, Lexington Comet. For par
ticulars Phone East 3629. 14 E. 7th North.
C. F-. Frey.
JX'ST arrived, carload of horses. Including
4 draft spans from 2S00 to 3200 lbs. per
span, each from B to T years old; also
have some livery horsea 606 Alblna ave.
Take L car.
FOR PALE! One bay team, geldings, 0 and
6; 8670 pounds; 1 pair grays, 6 and 7,
8250 pounds; Just In and sound every way.
E. R Frank. 486 Goldsmith.
FOR SALE S-sprlng wagor., suitable for
expreaslng and peddling, good condition,
cheap. Call Sunday morning, 460 East
Stephens St., corner 9th.
$123 buvs team, weighs 23.10 pounds; good
new harness, collars, all complete. 2a N.
15th st.
10 LARGE work horses, nil young and
strong; weight 34'0 to 1700 lbs; at Co
lumbia Stables. 302 Front st.
HORSES, buggies, harness for sale or rent.
Special rates tor business purposes. 182 E.
84th St. B 1130. Tabor 1112.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2SJ4 Montgomery.
HUBERT & HALL. 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
FOR SALE 16 good buggies and lot of plows.
Itiqulre J. T. Wilson. 178 2d.
HORSES of all kinds for sale at the O.
R. C. Stable. 14th and Yamhill st,
FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madl-eon-st.
stable. ;K3H. near bridge.
HEAVY valley horses. W. D. Combs, 104
Russell st. Phone East 878.
SPECIAL attention to boarding of horsea
1S2 E. 34th st. B 1130. Tabor 1112.
HORSES and mares for sale. Roso City Sta
bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 33O0.
BEST harness at lowest, prices at Keller
Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st.
BARGAINS In second-hand atitos. These
cars have been traded In on Pierce-Arrows
and Cadillacs and must be sold at once.
Two 1907 Model G Franklins, tops and
glass fronts. SS00 and $1000. One 1907
Cadillac Model O, top newly painted and
overhauled. $1100. 1!09 80 H. P. Stod-dard-Dayton.
absolutely new, list price
$2400; will take $2200. One single cylin
der Cadillac, with cape top, good condi
tion. $4.".0.
7th and Couch Sts.
$1200 40-H.-P-. 7-passnger car. fully
equipped and In good order: will demon
strate. W. G. Hartman & Co., 48 2d st.
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up, for sale or
trade. W. G- Hartman & Co., 46 2d st.
AUTOMOBILE wanted for some Portland
Country Club stock. RC 643. Oregonlan.
Dogs, Birds. Etc.
CANARY birds, singers and females cheap.
645 Market street; Portland Heights car.
Phone Main C273 before 3 o'clock.
SWELL diamond ring, -karat, cheap.
Confectionery stand, $200 cash : will trade
for diamond. Owner, J 709, Oregonlan.
HIGH-GRADE violin and mandolin for
sale or exchange. What have you? Will
sell very reasonable. AF 632, Oregonlan.
BLACK-TOP tent, size 24x48, best quality,
10-foot sidewalls, for sale cheap. Par
tlelilars, Newman, 21)3 P.urnslde.
FOR SALE A 3-horse-power Wagner elec
tric motor as good as new. 115 Third St..
' near Washington.
Film service that wins. Bteroptlcons,
slides, supplies. 1654 4th St.
FOR SALE 10 fresh milch rows. Address
W. W. McBride, Rldgefield. Wash.
FOR SALE Two good mlloh cowa 11ST B.
Sherman st. corner 40th.
FOR PALPI Good office desk, table and
chairs. 616 Rothchlld bldg.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay. $10 per ton.
Phone East 742
6 COWS, some fresh; big milkers. Deer
Island Station, Astoria train. Keelan.
FOR SALE cheap, a drop-head eewlng ma
chine, almost new. 607 East Oak st.
FOR SALE Heavy oak roll top dosk and
chair; bargain. F 646, Oregonian.
DON'T forget furniture auction.
$ 232 1st st 10 A, M.
Edison's and rower's motion picture
machines; dissolving stereoptlcons. cal
cium and gas outfits, new films. 3000 sub
jects: guaranteed r.o repeaters; largest
cuvers of new films In United States;
elides to ordar and stocked. We teach you
214-216 wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland.
803-317 Rothchlld bldg.. is still looking
for more business; will rent films and
tongs as reasonable as any house on the
Coast, and carries all supplies for moving
picture theatera
For sale, first-class houee. low price to
quick buyer; Eastern Oregon. For par
ticulars, write Frank Neugebauer. room 16.
7i E. Alder, Walla Walla, Wash.
We have a few slightly used machines
that will be .sold very cheap. Call and
see them at White Sewing Machine Store.
H D Jones, 420 Washington, cor. 11th st.
NF.W and slightly used automobiles In flrst
chTss condltlonf from 5100 to $1500; for
bargains see us. Portland Auto Commis
sion House, 634-36 Airier.
Main 4453 AUTOMOBILE ROW A 44,r..
OFFICE desks and chairs which were
slightly damaged In shipping; If you are
In need of one It will pay you. to investi
gate: they are being sold at a big dis
count at Rubensteln's, 175 Front St.
8-FOOT revolving display table, $18 J 24
foot office rail, 2-lnch Iron pipe size, with
2 swinging doors and standards, $15
Natlonal Cash Register Co.. 70 Sd St.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery a Ptg. Co..
203 2d st.
LOGGING donkey, Bhi by 11, good as new,
with lines and all the rigging, by G. K.
Howltt. 14 80th St., Montavilla. Phone
Tabor e23-
FOR SALE Cheap, 8-norsepower Induction
motor. The D. M- Averill Co., 102 5th at.
N-, Portland, Or.
FOR SALE (Best dry - and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover 813
Water st. Phono Main 7451; A 8445.
PREPARING to pot on large tract. West
Side. Sales forces will bo limited to 20
red-blooded salesmen. Can use few more
If you have BACKBONE! we will make a
SALESMAN of you. Largest commleslon
and best contract In city.
Pantages Theater Bldg.
L. O. Thompson, Sales Manager.
WANTED Competent mechanic for super
intendent manufacturing establishment
making specialties: must be able to pro
duce results and have enough initiative
ability to superintend the establishment;
to the right man permanent position and
good wages; position open about MarchL
Address Y 621, Oregonlan.
ONE of the larger hotels wants a chief
clerk; must have experience and be able
to superintend the bookkeeping and act
as office manager; state experience and
salary expected. Address AC 541, Ore
gonlan. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates "last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions. .
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert inatructos: tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohrer System of Colleges. 83
N. 4th at., Portland, Or.
AUTOMOBILING, plumbing, electricity,
bricklaying and plastering taught by ac
tual work in shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
free. Coyne National Trade School, 230
8th St., ean Francisco.
WANTED One young man to learn running
picture maohlne. and business; must come
well recommended, and have $35 to in
vest: $ weeks time; good wages, demand,
when competent. Apply 6U6 Swetland
WANTED Man and wife who wish to get
Into established poultry business, with
thorough, practical poultry man; yard
near city; chanco of a lifetime; about
$1000 needed. 243 Stark St.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1524.
Help free to employers.
INDUSTRIOUS MAN. willing to travel, got
contracts, put up paper ahead of great
attraction; experienoe not necessary; $100
cash required: salary $25 per week. Ap
ply 606 Swetland bldg. '
WANTED Solicitors to demonstrate and
take orders for brushes and dustlesa wax
lne on commission. Portland Brush &
Waxlne Co., 470 East 11th st. Apply after
6 P. M. .
Thoroughly experienced and reliable,
first-class linen salesman, none other need
WANTED Good all-around shoemaker and
cobbler, In town of 600 population; no
competition. Address W. A. - Mahoney,
Fossil, Or.
EXPERIENCED solialtor and clerk In gro
cery; one speaking Swedish preferred.
Shaughnossy & Townsend. Archer Place.
Phone Tabor 644.
WANTED 5 men to learn automobile driv
ing and repairing, day and evening classes.
Portland Auto Commission House. 534-536
Alder St. Phones A and Main 4455.
PHYSICIAN wanted, registered In Oregon,
as assistant In advertising ofrice; state
salary expected. Address Box N 6SS,
Oregonlan. ,
YOUNG men for railway mall olerks to pre
pare for examination soon: about $70 a
month to Btart. Call o- write for free par
ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.
WANTED Honest, sober young man with
$200 cash as partner to show property
and work In the office; am tired of hired
help. 326 Washington St., room 414.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel
egraphy; permanent positions when com
petent. Oregon College, 83 5th St., fifth
SALESMAN who thoroughly understands
fi'ing system; murt be Al. Call bet. 10
and 12. Loose Card Book Company, 66
6th St.
WANTED Advertising solicitor: cash com
missions advanced; steady position for
right man. Bonvllle's Western Monthly.
424 Maxquam bldg.
WANTED Railway mall clerks. $800 first
year; examination Portland. May 15.
Preparation free. Write Immediately,
Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y.
FINE opening for bright, energetlo young
man; services and small capital re
quired. Call 826H Washington st.. room
MORE men of right stamp for Nome dis
trict, good pay, work on ditch, free trans
portation; must have $100. 615 Board of
WANTED 8 well-dressed men; salary, $20
per week. Call between 8 and U A. M.
and 4 and 5 P. M. 400 Oregonlan bldg.
WANTED Man to learn motion-picture ma
chine business, first-class salary when
competent; must Invest $30. 2S3 Burnslde.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers
and 6tonographers. Commercial Abstract
Co., 4O7-8-0 Commercial Club bldg.
MAN with $50 take Interest In paying busi
ness. Call from 4 until 8 P. M. . Roso
City Hotel, room 12.
CARPENTERS wanted: . 2 experienced
men only. Apply o'clock Tuesday morn
ing. 3oS Fenton bldg.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
BOY wanted, 17 to 19. to learn machinist
trade. Call at office Terminal Roundhouse,
3d and Gllsan, bet. 4:30 and 6:30 P. M.
PRINTER. $18. Washington, near Portland;
steady position. Newspaper Brokerage,
Goodnough bldg.
MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb
ing, bricklaying, plastering, $2o required.
Pacific Trade School. 416 Arcade, Seattle.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 5004.
WANTED A man that knows how to raise
melons. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
WANTED '10 men to work on farm. Apply
Tom Worly. ISO 3d N-, betw. 1 and 8 P.M.
BOY about 18, to work at bottling. Apply
91-93 Front.
2 YOUNG men can make $15 to $20 week;
Inside work. Room 14, 823 Washington.
YOUNG man wanted for downtown soliciting;
good money. Irvine, 260 6th.
TWO prospectors knowing Southern Oregon
want good stake. A, C 689, Oregonlan,
WANTED Machine- steel tool sharpener,
$100: blacksmith, email logging camp,
$3.75: rigging rustlers, $3.75; bridge car
penter, $3; 5 machine drillers. East, $3.o0;
15 tunnel muckers, $2.25; 8 tie-makers,
long Job In good timber, 12 cts. per tie;
man and wife, farm, own boss, $40 and
found; farm hands. $30 and found; ele
vator boy, hotel, $20 and found; other
Jobs, etc.
No. 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED Salesman for 'building auppllea
Good commission. 44 2d st.
GIRLS 16 years and over to work In factory.
Apply at once, Ames, Harris. Neville Cck.
6th and Davis.
WANTED Ladles of good reputation to
demonstrate and sell xalneral water and
mineral salts; also good housekeeper who
would like a good, pleasant, permanent
home, well provided. Apply at Imperial
Hotel, room 806. between 11 and 12 and
4 to 8 P. M.
SALESLADIES wanted 8 hustlers to sell
to offices and stores only; must be of
good appearance, good talkers, and de
termined; $5 to $10 can be made dally
If you are a saleswoman; steady position
to right parties. Call up IL, phone Main
848 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstalra
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers
WANTED Fl rut-class experienced sales
lady for exclusive millinery: must be
stylish and havo some following: none
other need apply. F 644. Oregonlan.
LARGE business firm desires a woman not
under 30 who is trustworthy and ener
getic; experience not necessary. A (C 631,
WANTED A smart, experienced waitress
for first-ciass hotel In Central Oregon:
wages, $20 and board and lodging; fares
paid. F 642, Oregonlan.
326 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main SS36 or A 32ilG.
WANTED Girl for housework, small fam
ily, plain cook. Apply 695 East Couch,
cor. 20th st.
Ladies' Department. 203 Morrison st
Phones Main 1062. A 2004.
WANTED Strong, steady wrman for
kitchen and general housework; hours 8
X. II. to 2 P. M. AB -640. Oregonlan.
WANTED A competent girl for cooking
and general housework; family of two.
781 LoveJoy st. Phone Main 8700.
843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2G92.
WANTED ?lrl to enter training school for
nurses Grays Harbor Hospital, Aberdeen.
GOOD girl for cooking and general house
work: small family; good wages. Apply
at 770 Overton st.
WANTED A competent girl for second
work; must be able to do plain eewlng
and mending. Apply 772-.MarshaIl at.
WANTED Good cook, reference required:
small family, good wages. Call 722 Park
ave., cor. St. Clair, Kings Heights.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shlrts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
A GIRL or woman to care for child morn
ings. Call between 2 and 5. 832, Larra
bee at.
WANTED Housekeeper for well-to-do wid
ower, $25 month. Pioneer Employment
Co.. 16 North 2d.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
family three adults. 1096 Thurman St.;
. take W car on Morrison going West.
WANTED Good, steady girl, one that un
derstands cooking and housework; no
other need apply. 101 E. 17th st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 60 9 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED One waitress and one pantry
flrl; country hotel; wages. $20, room and
oard. Inquire Room 1. 205 Morrison st.
WANTED Lunch counter girl for country;
$20, room and board. . Room 1, 205 Mor
rison St.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
four adults. 500 Taylor at.
WANTED Woman to assist li! tailor re
pair work. 231 Alder st.
GIRL to assist with general housework;
washing given out. 777 Irving st.
PRACTICAL nurse wanted. Apply fore
noon, 169 North 23d Bt. Phone Mais 2932.
WANTED Milliner apprentices. Frakea, 409
Washington, ask for Mrs. Fields.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 605 Hoyt.
WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Port
land Ptg. House Co., 38S Taylor Bt.
AN experienced girl for general housework.
Tabor 107 or M 695, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 381 10th st.
Solicitor, male or female, call Col.
Chemical Co., 423 Hawthorne ave.j good
AMATEURS WANTED take part In lodge
drama; evening rehearsals. F 640, Ore
gonlan. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers
now. 62 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4S71
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per
month to beginners, 452 Morrison.
SHORTHAND, typewriting taught 1y ex
pert, $5 per month. 209 14th. M. 3893.
Bookkeepers nritl Clerks.
PERMANENT position by competent book
keeper and office man; number years' ex
perience In Minneapolis; strictly temper
ate; Al reference regard to ability and
character. F 024, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER time, not entirely occupied.'
will write up, audit, open or close set
books spare time, clay or evenings. Mod
erate terms. C 68S. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted as foreman and mana
ger by practical farmer, understands ir
rigation and feeding stook for market.
D 6S9. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as window trimmer and
card writer or assistant trimmer and
enrd writer. Good references, samples card
work. Box 283. Walla Walla.
WANTED Position as manager hotel, cafe
or cafeteria, by man and wife; 13 years'
experience. Address Ed R. Bailey, 2008
Buven ave., Seattle.
COMMERCIAL artist wants steady position;
good on 'color work designing and let
tering: best Chicago references. S 711,
WANTED Housecleanlng. Augustus Thomp
son, 3;5 Couch st. Phone Main 6569. Call
JAPANESE first-class cook, wants situa
tion in private family, has good refer
ences. Address C 542, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bellboy or elevator work by
young Japanese, speaks English. M 677,
YOUNG Japanese boy wants' position as
schoolboy in small family. Shirakawa, 87
N. 6th St., city.
YOUNG man wishes position in carpenter
shop, with view of learning trade; have
tools. 62S E. 18th St.
JAPANESE Housecleanlng Co., cleaning by
the hour. Taka. B 2075.
EXPERIENCED milker, American, wants a
"good place. J 7C9. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants work evenings; can
letter or copy. K 687, Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man, good education, wants
work of any kind. A. fi. 642. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants position as butler or
cook. Good references. T Y 810 Burnslde.
YOUNG man, aged 26, good character, wants
steady employment. 8 704, Oregonlan.
GERMAN stenographer, typewriter, expe
rienced, also dictation English, French.
Russian, Italian, bookkeeping, banking,
wishes position. S 6U0. Oregonlan.
WIDOW with two children wishes position,
housekeeper, widower or bachelor. In
country; small wages. A F 644, , Ore
gonian. LADY with experience wishes office work:
ran operate typewriter; references. Main
YOUNG lady wishes position as clerk; good
references; can speak German and En
glish. Phone A S906.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position
In office. AF 64, Oregonlan.
PLAIN and fancy sewing in all Its branches;
shirtwaists, skirts, suits, evening gowns;
reasonable prices, prompt deliveries; all
work guaranteed. Mrs. Carey, Sargent
PLAIN sewing by the day, reasonable. Phone
Main 7360.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 6th and Main.
A LADY wishes plain sewing at 207 4th st.
A RESPECTABLE middle-aged widow, neat,
economical and first-class housekeeper,
would like to keep house for widower.
Phone East 4844.
A POSITION as housekeeper and good cools,
with reference. Call 414 Everett st.
WIDOW 85 desires situation as house
keeper. Call 171 West Park, room 2.
PROFESSIONAL nurse, extended experi
ence, any kind nursing; maternity spe
cialty. Call Main 9574.
NORWEGIAN trained nurse will take any
case, city or country. Phone A 3391. 52
Sheridan st.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants work by day or
week. Phone Main 1523.
JAPANESE young woman would like work
In small famllv In city. Call 228 Burn
slde. Main 2076.
GERMAN lady would like to oook for house
parties and social gatherinas. Phone E.
WASHING, housework or lace curtains,
cleaning, day work;- 25c per hour. Mar
garet Dasho. 771 E. 21st.
PLACE as second girl or chambermaid;
East Side preferred. Phone East 1118.
GIRL wants general housework with small
family. Call 147 N. 12th st.
LADY wants work by the hour, washing
and oleanlng. Phone Main 1053.
GERMAN lady would like housework by the
.hour. Phone Main 5297.
YOUNG woman wants housework by the
day or hour. Phono East 1547.
PLACE to tage- care of children during the
day. AE 636. Oregonlan.
WANTED Day work by a woman from
East. Main 459S.
A OOOD woman goes out washing mornings.
Main 2186.
WANTED One man In every locality In
United States to advertise and Introduce
our goods, tacking up show-cards; com
mlBslon or salary; $H0 monthly and ex
penses. We lay out your work. Experience
unnecessary. Write
London, Ontario. Canada
LADIES to sell hosiery; guaranteed for six
months; for men, women and children;
well-known make; easy sellers; write to
day for territory and attractive terms.
Viking Hosiery Mills. 633 Market st..
Philadelphia. Pa.
MODERN, sunny furnished house or flat.
4 or 6 rooms; yard; best of care given;
by March 1; must be easy walking .dis
tance to Washington and 3d. A F 642,
MOTHER and daughter want 8 unfurnished
housekeeping rooms with refined family;
close in. West Side; gas, bath. A. E. 643,
WANTED TO RENT by March 15, house
boat, close in; state location and rent In
first letter. Address A 698, Oregonlan.
8-ROOM modern house. $300 down and $25
per month; give location and price; no
agents. AF 645, Oregonlan.
5-ROOM furnished or unfurnished house,
for young couple; must be reasonable and
modern. AF 646. Oregonlan.
4 OR 6-room furnished fiat. West Side;
three adults; reference given; state
terms. 20S 17th. Main 7923.
WANTED 3 furnished housekeeping rooms
In a modern apartment house, West Side.
AB 016. Oregonian.
"WANTED By traveling man, nicely fur
nished room. Y 620. Oregonlan.
BY March 1. 5-room house, walking dis
tance; reasonable. J 711, Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent modern house, six to
eight rooms. H 6S3, Oregonlan.
THE $ AUCTION CO., lnrgest auction house
In the city, turns everything Into $s and
cts. We are in the general auction busi
ness and hold sales at our salesrooms,
232 1st St.. or anywhere else. We buy
or sell on commission. Phones: Home A
2327. Main 6374.
And anything else you have to aelL
Main 5055. A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and
siloes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED good-sized saddle horse, broken
to drive; young, sound and gentle; also
good-sized gentle riding pony. F. A.
Insley. Administration bldg.. Fair Grounds.
I WANT several hundred dollars' worth of
second-hand furniture for rooming-houses;
get dealers' prices, then call up Main 6374
or B 2327 and I'll give you more.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 2311.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1007.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture.
Phone Fast 5204. SC.S Hawthorne ave.
Famished Rooms.
ONE elegantly furnished room; hot and cold
running water, heat, bath, phone, elec
tric light; walking distance; price $17.
The Mercedes. 20th and Washington.
NICELY furnished, comfortable, light
rooms, $1 to $3 week; heat, bath, free
phone. No. 2-14th St., N.. near Washing
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, Main 5047
HOTEL KEN YON, ISth and Washington
Modem rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping: .running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 4U6.
THE BUCKINGHAM, Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; nil mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Praeht, proprietor.
$10 Bright, warm, newly furnished room
in cozy, modern flat: gentlemen only. 351
6th St. Phones Main 9334, A 3702.
TWO nice front rooms, connected, nicely
furnished, nice home. 2B1 10th. Walking
distance. Main 6030.
MONARCH HOTEL Neatly furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable
rates. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
Elegant rma; warm, modern; Spring rates.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $3;
also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
THE ANGELES. 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern con
veniences; centrally located; reasonable.
NEWLY furnished rooms,
bath. 855 Salmon.
furnace, heat.
19th and Couch.
' Rooms $3 lsr week and up. single or en
suite; large parlor, piano, billiard and
pool-rooms free to guests; dining-room m
connection; excellent meals 2. cents; board
bv the month $1S; meal tickets, per week,
$4.60 punched aa .used.
JUST opened, the Irving. S12 Oak. cor. 6th:
vour choice of 30 large absolutely new
and elegantly furnished rooms;" steam
heat, electric lights, running. watr, etc.; .
these rooms are exceptionally nice, fur
nished In genuine mahogany and quarter
sawed oak: rates $4 up week, $1 up day.
THE BARTON', 13th nnd Alder; new man-B-.-cment:
newly rennyued throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lgnts.
etc.: rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $:; elegant
public parlor: phones nnd baths free.
Nicely furnished rooms, J2 rer week
up; steam heat; hot and cold water; free
bnths and phone: transients 60o, 75o and
$1 per day; open all night; office and
reading-room ground floor. 4S8-492 Wash.
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde
Everything brand new. homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free buea
Free baths.
For nicely furnished rooms downtown.
The Marquam, 6th and Alder.
FOR RENT 2d and 8d floors (81- rooms an
suite) or entire, or building; centrally lo
cated on "Washington St. Inquire at Rod
gers, Hart, Gibson Co.. 146 2d st.. cltjN
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, balh; 30c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
Furnished Rooms In rrlvnte Family.
SWELL front rooms, single or en suite; fur
nace heat: everything new and clean;
five minutes' walk from l'ostoffice. 263
13th. near Madison. Phone Main 4169.
NICELY furnished front room for gentle
man : East iildo. In private family; walk
ing distance. Phone East 4705, B 1983.
$3.50 Fashionable district, large newly fur
nished; phone, heat, bath, close In. 824
Flanders bt.
2 PLEASANT, furnished front rooms; centralis-
located; breakfast If deslied; termi
reasonable. 210 14th st.
SPECIAL rates, men; furnished rooms, six
minutes' walk postnfilce; $tl. $10 month;
bath, heat Included. i2 10th.
ONE or two rooms with use of kitchen, for
1 or 2 young ladles, employed. A 2004.
NICELY furnished room; walking distance,
$7 per month. 4211 6th. Phone Main 3670.
THE ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
202 12TH Nice furnished rooms, running
water, furnace heat.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 28 N.
ltith st.
FRONT room, private family; bath, gas and
furnace heat. 427 Main, bet. 11th and 12th.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respo. t; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
WALKING distance, 617 Kearney, oor. ISth,
elegantly furnished apartments, suitable
for married couple with a child; with
board, llrst-class table; all modern con
veniences; beautiful grounds.
THE CLAY. cor. 2d and Clay, rooms with
board for one or two gentlemen. $5 and
$5.50 per week; coJmfortable and home
like. FIRST-CLASS room aad board $5.60 and $
per week; all convenience; table board
$4 per week; good home cooking. Aster
House. Seventh and Madison. ,
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room
and library; Women's Exchange, Mrs.
Ella Raw lings, Supt., 610 Flanders St.
THE LINDELL. 269 Market Nloely fur
nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat,
electric lights, baths, phones. $6 weekly.
THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri
son, fine large rooms, lowest rates, best
place In city for a home.
THE MARLTN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern, now management; board
optional: best table board ; prices moderate
THE OZARK, 225 11th Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
ROOMS, single and en sutte, modem con
veniences. 4.12 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Rooms With Hoard In Private Family.
WOULD like two or three refined boarders;
large, light room for married couple;
bath, phone, heal; choice location near
White Temple: home cooking; rates rea
sonable. 442 Jefferson st.
TO RENT Large, light room, suitable for
two gentlemen; breakfast If desired, 426
Weidlcr st.
$1S Large room, breakfast and dinner.
filnln washing, strictly private, modern
lume for two. 75 E. 2Sth North, B. 1696.
LARGE room with bonrd for two gentle
men, home cooking. 254 12th st.
ROOM and board for gentleman; walking
distance. 5S4 Hoyt. Main 4294.
LARGE nnd well furnished for two; all
conveniences; reasonable. 653 Wash. St.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th asd Columbia,
easy walking distance, new. brick build
ing. In 2. 3, 4-room family apartments:
private bath and reception hall, steam
' heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnished ready for housekeep
ing; some unfurnished; rent reusinable.
THE ROOSEVELT, 608 Kearney Splendid
new 5-room steam-heated apartment; all
modern conveniences; arranged so that
ono or two rooms can be sub-rented If
desired; very reasonable rent. W. L.
Morgan. 322 Failing bldg.
DEL-MAR Extra well-furnished 8-room
apartment; steam heat, hot and cold wa
ter; phone service: walking distance.
Adult.4. 409 East Burnside. East 222.
BUEI.L apartments. 14th and Salmon; fur
nished four-room apartment; all con
veniences; elevator.
JEFFERSON I AN Nicely furnished 2 and
3-room suites for housekeeping, strictly
modern; no children, ltlth and Jefferson.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartments. nth and Columbia.
Marlborough, 21st and Flanders; 6-room
apartment; every convenience. Main 7516.
CENTRALLY located, modern, steam-heated
flat of live rooms to rent reasonable. The
Ames Mercantile Agency. 403 Swetland bldg.
Phono M. i'.CiS or A 102S.
MODERN flats, 192 and 194 McMlllen
St.. 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. Apply
1SS McMlllen st.
$25 Extra desirable 4-room flat, fireplace, -range,
refrigerator. 1S5 East 15th, cor.
5-ROOM new. firt-rlass. modern flats, East
27th and Clinton: 2 carlines, $13. J. H.
lmhoff. Phono East 5ioti.
MODERN 4-room Mats, bath, gas, elecirla
light, furnished or unfurnished. Phone
Wooulawn S112.
LOWER flat 0 rooms; fireplace, furnace,
porch, yard: Nob Hill. Main 422ft
6-ROOM flat. 407 16th St.; also 6-room house.
Call Kelly, the Morrison.
3-ROOM modern flat, nil conveniences. In
quire 223 Market. Phone Main 516.
NICE 6-rcoin flat, close In, re:isonable rent;
no children. Inquire 23u Hall st.
5-ROOM flat, walking distance. West Side.
Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce.
Housekeeping Room.
$12 I rooms furnished for .housekeeping.
Havoratic & Galegor, 343 -Washington et.
FIRST floor, furnished complete for house
keeping. 149 13th St., near Morrison.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. l;l 14th st.
461 E. MORRISON ST. Newly furnished
suite and single room, reasonable.
THE 8ANGERT Furnished apartments,
Washington and Trinity, near 19th.