THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, CR. K.-i -J ;-; P. . rl'. ECBOMAN PLAN MODERN RESTAURANT : COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS inland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan. Free Bus WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. BL:i fSS most modern and up-to-date Hotel in ine rtonnweau k Local and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms !5rS.S'l with private bath, en suite and single. Large ana moo ii. H - oS J ernly equipped sample-rooms. Pp----ijv-" Vum meet, all trains. Rate. S1.0O ud ' FRANK A. CLARK, Manager. Centrally Lawtexl m irfPUJljHHjJ J. F. DA VIES, President m rm . .; r?. 1 .-r--, .-n T f Vomm Dtatanre PtoM 1st aim y Roost St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND. OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Aider CALUMET HOTEL . , J a sj? n f r, C K l.-.U4(.- - ; flee teTj.. . MODERN THE CORNELIUS "The House of "Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient HoteL Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $ L50 and np. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bus meets all trains. mm j3J C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor OUTLAWS TAKEN BY RUSE IDAHO HORSE THIEVES CAT TTRED AFTER HARD CHASE. Lone Farmer Heads Of r Desperadoes While Posse Comes Vp ' From Rear. 6ALT LAKE CITT. Feb. 22. Special to the Herald from Twin Falls, Idaho, says: An excltlna; chase after a (rang: of horse thieves, in which the whole coun tryside west ot Three Creeks. Owyhee County participated, has resulted In the capture of Frank "Walsh. Jesse Coates and Ollie Tennell and the recov ery of 23 horses alleged to have been stolen from the Western Shoshone In dian reservation February 15. The men and horse3 were met on the trail by C. G. Winters, of Elko County. Nev. Winters was not permitted to approach them. He hurried home, secured a rifle and followed the suspects alone, leav ing his wife to arouse the settlers. Mrs. Winters soon recruited a strona; posse, which found no difficulty in trailing: the fugitives through the snow. Winters, in the meantime, had cir cled the three men. and, aB they entered a canyon with their stock, he held them in check by firing: In front of them. The ruse worked so well that the posse, comina; up from the rear, had the muzzles of their guns in the faces of the fugitives before the latter could fire a defensive shot. Sullenly enough, the prisoners gave up their heavy armament and aub mltted to arrest. They reached Twin Falla today in the custody of Winters and two Ueputy Sheriffs. Crushed Dead by Log. BELLINGHAM. Wash., ' Feb. :2. (Special.) Frederick F. Lane, a forty niner who came north from California and settled in Northwest Washington in 18RU. for years Sheriff of Whatcom County In territorial days, was found crushed to death by a rolling log In a little clearing at hie home on Lumml Island last evening. He was S3 years of age, and a resident of the county for 40 years. In 1864 Lane married an Indian woman, and leaves ten children. DAILY M t.TYXi KOI TK , I C AL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 12 Maximum temper ature, 4!i dosreei; minimum temperature, derree. Itlvrr resiling at A. M.. 10 o feot; chance In last S4 hours, 0.9 toot. m k a no r A RT : ks FOR Till KISW Ud fOMMKRIIAL TRAVELERS. Special rates made to famillee and sin gle gentlemen. The management will be pleel at all tlmM to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish bath es tablishment In the hoteL H. T. BOflXRS. Manager. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. In Ihe heart of the business and shopping diatrict. The Modern fan Tmdddtat T-Trvrr?T Seventh apd Washington Rates $l.00.$l0-$2.C3l C O. DAVIS, Sec. and Treas. A Strictly Firat-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Distance- Pn tn Every Room. Free 'Bus Meets Ail Trains, Amerleaa. day and on. 'European, sioe oar .nd ler month, single room and board. JIB to $4S aeeordlng room. For two. 175 to $119. Board wltbcut room $80 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Beautiful Grill Room American Rates to FsmlUet and European On Bna Meet. All Train. Sample Suites, with Baths, (or Travel In Mea COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES N. K. CLARKE, Manager. Total rainfall, trace; total rainfall elnce September 1, 1008, 27.10 Inches; normal rain fall alnce September 1, 1WS, 30.45 Inchea: deficiency, 3.34 Inches. Total sunshine. 8 minutes; possible aunshlne. 10 hours. 8 min utes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at II P. M-. dO.26 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WBATHBH. Observations taken at 6 P. M-, Faclflo time, February K t wlnd n 1 1! s i STATIONS. i - o 3 a o S 2. . St" 5 ? : I a Baker City BWmarck . . Boise Kureka . . . Kamloops. ....... North Head..... Pocatello. ....... Portland ......... Kert Bluff Koseburg Sacramento. . . . . , Spokane. ........ Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla 8 0 0O 4 B Pt cloudy ICloudy Cloudy Cloudy 'Cloudy cloudys ("lear Icioudy 'Clear fcioudy rRalnlnff iRalnlne pt cloudy 2f 0 O) 4i 0.0(1 SO 0.0O 4 NW 6 N 8 NW S4 0 Of 4' W 4a;0.14!SS SB S2 O.OO 10 W 4it O.OO 6 S ss'n.onliniv 4S0.0O! 4'K 64 O.OO 4 NW 41' W 44 0.CKSI 4 W 4O0.14l36'K 44 0.00! 4'S WEATHER CONDITION'S. The barometer continues moderately hltrn over this district, but la beginning- to fall slowly along- the Washington coast. Light rains have fallen in Western Washington, but fair -weather prevails over the rest of the district. It Is slightly warmer In West em Oregon and Northern California, and slightly cooler in all sections of Washing ton. The Indications are for occasional light rains Tueadny In Western Oregon, while the rain will he general over Western Washington. Fair weather will prevail over the rest of the district. Temperature changes will be slight. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; southeasterly winds. Oregon Occasional light rains west, fair east portion: southeasterly winds. Washington Rain west, fair east portion; southeasterly winds. Idaho Fair. FRANK MONTGOMERY. Local Forecaster. ArjCTION BALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, 152 Park St.; furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker A Son. Auctioneers. At Long's livery stable, cor. East 6th and Hawthorne sts., 10 A. M.. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At 234 1st t. Furniture sale by the $ Auction Co., at 10 A. M. sharp. DIED. SIMON T)led. in Pan Francisco, Cel., Feb ruary 18, Slgmund II., dearly beloved hus7 band of Pauline t-lmon and loving father of Madame Joseph Berrlnger, Mrs.. Ida Myers. Ir. Orace Simon and the late George W. Simon. HERRICK In this city. February 22. at IS" Union avenue. North, at the residence of her granddaughter. Mrs. Harry Pldcsl. Anna Jane Herrli-k. aged 70 years and 22 days. The remains are at Flnley's Chapel. THE 3IOBXIXG OltEUOMAJf, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY - 11 AMUSEMENT iu-i.iw - II i i I SEAT SALE TODAY. HEILIG 14th and Wash. Phones Main 1 and A 1122. The Bl Musical Comedy Success, "A Stubborn Cinderella" 3 NIGHTS BEGINNING NEXT THURSDAY. Special Saturday. Homer Mason and Brilliant Cost. 75 PEOPLE 73. Prices, both Evening and Matinee Lower floor. $1.60; Balcony. Sl.00. i3o; GUery (entire), BOc. Boxes, 110.00. Empire Theater Co., Inc., lessee. Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Mgr. Tonight, all week. Mallnee Sat. Baker Stock Company In the screaming farce, "My Friend From India." Evenings. 25c 85c. BOc; mats., loc. 2Bc. Next week "The College Widow." BAKER THEATER Phooes Main 2. A &360. Oregon Theater Co., Inc., Lessee. Geo. L Baker, Gen. Mgr. Extraordinary Success Second and Last Week of ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM In the Celebrated Irl?h Play. "SHACN RirCE Bargain Mat. Wed.. 25c any seat. Bat. Mat., 25c. 50c. Evenings, 25c, 50c, 76a Next week Paul Gllmore. Ex. (Sundays and Holidays. a. a sux-u. -it rt 15-25-SOc & t ! v. v e - H.GHI8 THEATER 15-?5-M-75C reir of Feb. St "A Modern Pocahontas Kitnbanxal Troupe; Six Little Girls and a Teddy Bear; Laura Hudson in "The eud; Hibbert Si Warren; Nonettej G. Herbert Mitchell; Orchestra; Pictures. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Naflona Special and extraordinary engagement of the well-known legitimate stars. MELBOntXE MAt'DOWELL and 1hVtiINIA DRKW TKESCOTT In the dramatic hit of the year, "The Man of the People." Matinees dally, 13c; two shows at night, 15c and 25c. GRAND Week of Feb. 22 ANOTHER BIG BILL. HOWARD Tift BS- DELL CO. PRESENTING TWO MEN AND A BOTTLE. Carroll & Cooke Frank Mayne & Co. Thelma Wheeler W. C. Goodull Co. Harry McDnffee Grandaseope CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 1901. iisULr or ttundax Fr Lino. One time 12 8am e ad two consecutive times S'o bame ad three conecutive tlmee HOe bauie ad aix or even conswutlve time efltt hLx words count ma one line on caah atl TertUcments, and no ad counted for lees than two line. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-tlmo rate applies. Ihe above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" aud all other c la -MUti ca ll uun excepting the following Bitualious anted. Male. .Situations AY anted. Female. fror Kent, Koomi, jfrlvate Families. Kooms and Hoard, l'rivate families. Housekeeplns; Kooms, Private families. The rate on the above claMaihca Lions Is 1 cents a line each inertion. (Space In tbe "New Today columns Is figured by measure only 1 Hues to the Inch. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonian will accept advertisements (excepting "Situa tions Wanted" and fersouar) for publi cation In classified columns over the tele phone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Immediately and payment la expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent error, bat The Oregonian will not be re sponsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephones; Alain 30 0, A 60LI&. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gonian will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a detinite number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittauce will be forwarded promptly. In case box office address Is required, use regular form given, and count tills as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be given for all paid-in-advance advertising. The Orejronlan will not undertake to correct errors or refund money unless this receipt Is returned. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS f1 An I Australian, Wyoming; and Washington VUttf coal delivered promptly In any quan tity. Pbons us your order. Star Coal Co., 40 2d t. phones Main 1018, A 1984. d a a MnnflASi 1 Mantis, sso. tas mantis on the market. Barretts. 410 lior riaKm. Botb phones. aPlnrlaf Cut Flowsrs always fresh from - iUllB- our own conservatories. Marti a tt Forbes, 847 Washington st. Both phonss. Electric Flxtnres "Y prices are right. All work guaranteed, western Elscino Works, 01 Slxtn street. 'Plnffno Knives. Forks and all Sllver A IttUUjS ware replated as good as new. Oregon hinting -works, lath and Alder, alala 25I1. A 2575. I- It'lna O'Mallay A Meuberrer, 827 Wash- II 111 w ington street. Phoo. Main 33l4 Pre. delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Zngle nook Port, 1160. mtns- coal: slves more heat and 1ms ash. Churchley Bros., 13th and Mars ball sts. Phones Main 831. A .931. "li- n .1 . 5000 cords first-class 4 -foot fir tfUUU wood, 15 per cord delivered. Phone Main 4436. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany. 403 Corbett Bldg. "Vial Richmond and Wallsend Australian, vuai independent Coal A Ice Company, opposite City Library. Both phones MKFTI 'Q NOTICES. IVA NHOH LODGE. NO. 1, K. OP P., will celebrate the 4Mh anniversary of the order In Its hall, 11th and Alder sts., Feb. 23. with a stag social and smoker. All Knights In the city axe invited. E. M. LANCE. K. R. & rVANHOB LODOE, NO. 1, K. OF P. Regular meeting tonight in Pythian Temple, 11th and Alder sts. visiting Knights In vited. WILLIAM HEY, C. C. E. M. LANCE, K. of R. and S. THE HOMESTEADERS will give a mili tary whist In their hall. Savoy bldg. Grand sve. and E-. Burnslde St., Wednesday evening, Feb. 24. Refreshments and prises. Admis sion Inc. Friends Invited. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F. A A. M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) evening at 7:"0 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. Visitors are cordially in vited. By order of the W. M. W. M. DE LIN, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDER T, . NO. 1. K OF L Officers and mem bers are requested to meet In their hall. Masonic Temple, this Tues day, Fcbrusry 23, at 12:30 P. M., for the purpose of conducting the funeral of our late Frater II. W. Riley. Large attendance Is desired, and members of the Drill Corps are specially requested to be present, all in full uniform. T. G. TOMASINI. Eminent Commander. A. A A. 6. RITE. MULTNO MAH COITNCIL OF KADOSH NO. 1 Regular meeting in Me morial Ball, Scottish Rite Ca thedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order EM. COMMANDER. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. 64, O E, g. Regular communication this (Tuesday) evening, 8 o'clock sharp. Colonial social. Order W. M. ELIZABETH SILKNITTER. Sec. APBCTUS CIRCLE, NO. 273. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT, will give a whist party Friday evening. February 28. In the W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th st. Admission, loo. Refreshments and dancing-. . II ill II I II i s si ., 1 fh 5v . S IH a. - if n CLAYTON In this city, February 21, at the family residence, 232 Stout St., B. F. Clayton, aged 62 years, T months and .4 days. The funeral services will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at 11 A. M. today (Tuesday), February 23. Friends Invited. an Jose (Cal.) papers please copy. DCRKIN Funeral of the late John J. Dur kln will be held from Dunning, McEntee A Ollbauith's chapel Wednesday, February 24. at T:45 A. M.. thence to Cathedral. 13th and Davis sts.. where services will be held at 8 A. M. Friends Invited. In terment. Mount Calvary cemetery. RILEY The funeral of H. W. Riley will be ht-ld from the residence, No. 32S Park St., Portland. Or., on Tuesday, the 23d Inst, at 1-30 P. M. Dr. Luther R. Dyott will con duct the services at the house and the Knights Templars at the grave in Rlver- MALW. in mis cny. rcuiuwj o. 'r East Eleventh street. Mary Maler. aned . . . . t i... 1 .M. iQ . years. j no luucmi . . .. .... - - held at Flnley's Chapel at 1 P. M., Wed nesday, February 24. Friends Invited; in terment Greenwood Cemetery. ELATER Funeral services of the late John Slater will be held at Dunning. McEntee A Gilbaugh's chapel today (Tuesday) at '9 A.' M. Friends invited. Interment will take place at Orchards, Wash. Dunnlns. McKnre & (llbaugh. Funeral Directors. 7tli aud I'lue. Phone Main 43.. Lady asslstunt. Office of County Coroner. BDWAKD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Dlreet. ere, t 3d at. Lady assistant, fhooe al ml. 3 I. FTNLKY p.O Sd and Madt.on, Lady attendant. Phone Mais A la. , tXLI.ER-BYRrtE CO.. Funeral Dlrae. ars. til KiuselL East 10 SI. Lady assistant. F. I A leer. DXTSUVSa. CsdVrtaser. 41 East Ledr asstaat- rboae East ft. McENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undertakers! lady assistant. 408 Alder. M S1S3. NEW TODAY. . 60-tlOO CORNER ST. CLAIR AND WAYNE. Finest family hotel or apartment-hous location in the city; $15,000. part cash. W. L. MORGAN. R. A. PRESTON, 323 Failing Bldg. C.EORCE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones. Main S3T1, A 4013 160-ACRE ranch, on county road, small river runs through place, small orchard, some timber. $7 per acre. Address J. C. Dixon. Elk City, Or. WALLA WALLA 160-ACRE WHEAT FARM NEAR WALLA WALLA Every acre producing, and the best j-ielding land in the country. ONLY $50 AN ACRE AND EASY TERMS Can be made an ideal alfalfa stand at very little additional cost. Write or call. THOMSON & MACLEOD 610 Swetland building. WE HAVE 20 ACRES Fruit and Garden Land 5c fare from Oregon City, 1000 as sorted berry bushes, 100 8-year-old fruit trees, 60 old trees, assorted; 8 room house, phone, all fenced, two barns, good roads, graded school, good land, south slope. Glad to show It. Price $5500 OREGON HOMES CO. 221 Morrison, near First. INVESTORS ATTENTION THE BEST HIg-h-gTad subdivision proposition ever offered in Portland. Surrounded on ell sides by hlgh-gTade property. PLATTED AND RECORDED. Close in. Every lot within two blocks of carllne. Will sell at a price that will insure a profit of 100 per cent. Can ar range good terms. C. B. LUCAS 408 CORBETT BLDG. RIVERFRONT On the Columbia, 8 blocks from ferry landing, 353 feet on river and R. R. trackage. Bound to double in value. $35,000 Humason & Jef f ery A 3814. 226 Stark St. M1189. Washington Street 72 feet frontage near King st., only $6000 cash, $14,000 on time. RUSSELL & BLYTH, Commonwealth Bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY 460 ACRES, 440 in cultivation. Im provements; adjoins R. R. town. Fine for subdividing. Price $50 per acre. Terms. E. D. MOWERY S COMPANY KOSEDUKG, PRECOX. WHY BUY A READY - ni'II.T RESIDHJfCE, when you may have a better one for less money built after your own design? Terms to Snlt. JOJTX LOCK HART, 610 - 611 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 493. SUBURBAN HOME 8 ACRES IX FRUIT. . Beautiful ride along the 'Wniamette- FURSH, 818 CHAMBER COMMERCE. Quarter block close to Second and Burnside 554S.OOO Income $4200 per annum; can be In creased. $20,000 cash, balance mortgage 6 per cent. LOEWEJffOJf BROS, 105 Sherlock. Bids. READ THIS. 480 acres in the Umpqua Valley on R. R, $25 per acre; 200 acres of this Is finest ap ple land In Oregon; terms if desired. Other small tracts. It won't cost you any thing to come and see us. W. L. MORGAN, R. A. PRESTON, 322 Failing Bldg. FOR. SALE Nine-roomed, nicely fur nished house, within block of car, on full 50 by 100 lot. Adapted for & home, roomers or bourders. A bargain at $4000. A. E. BORTHWICK, 316 Cham ber of Commerce. 1909. t TOnAT. I TODAY. 1 FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. Quarter Block 13th and Flanders rhe lowest priced piece of property on Thirteenth street. Trackage. Terms. H. W. Lemcke 210-211 Corbett Bldg. Main 1177. A263$. COTTAGE CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE FOR $500 Cash Modern 6-room cottage, with 2 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, recep tion hall, fine porcelain bath, nice living-room and dining-room with open ing, nice kitchen with pantry, porce lain sink, etc.; large front and rear porches with lights; good cement base ment and large attic in house; nice lawns and shrubbery, and in a good neighborhood; lot 50x100 feet, within 3 blocks of the best carllne in the city. Price $2400; $500 down and $25 per month. RALPH ACKLEY 60S Corbettt Bide;. Can buy at a VERY LOW PRICK my beautiful home, N. E. corner E. Ankeny and E. 18th sts.; house has 10 rooms, 2 bathrooms. Inside finely finished: lot 50 by 100; adjoining lot can be had at less than market value. House can be seen between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Call and see the place, and If it suits you. price will suit. No detail given over the phone. W.T.BRANCH 661 B. ANKBNT STREET Dirt Cheap (And Cheap Dirt) A fine lot, 93x182 feet, In Paradise Farm Addition (Facing E. Morrison St.) An ideal residence site, and a snap at $2650 THOMSON 6 MACLEOD 610 Swetland Building. MUST SELL 7-room, strictly modern residence, near Ladd tract. 1 block from Clinton street car. Nice, large rooms, full ce ment basement with wash trays; piped for furnace; gas and electricity; every thing first-class. Lot 50x100. Will sac rifice for $3700; $1200 cash, balance at 7 per cent. A good opportunity to pur chase a nice home. Kaufimann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. 3 -Story Corner Business Property Second and Market $16,500 Leased for 2 year at Rood rental 1 BOOO easn, Dai. per cent. Fall Particulars PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY COS, 820 Board of Trade Bldg. 2-Bargains-2 80x100 lot on Hoyt St., near 22d- Fine location for flats. Only one block from two cars. $8600 Cash 60x100 on Kearney, near 23d at. Beautiful residence lot, $5700 HUMASON & JEFFERY M. 1180. 226 Stark St, A 3S14. Twelfth and Main APARTMENTS, FLATS. LODGE OR CHURCH SITE. S8xlOO $11,500, few days only. J. W. GRUSSI 265 Washington, Near 3d. Room 7. A Good Investment $50,000 New brick on full lot. North 8d street; annual Income $4350; terms $20,000 cash. SF.OURITY INVESTMENT CO., Main 6933. 817 Worcester Block. MORTGAGE LOANS I OTrrst rate and terms to suit; spe cial rate, and favorable terms on large loans on business properties Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO- 203 McKay Bid., 3d A Star it. L Washington Street If you are In the market for property on this popular street you will make a mistake if you fail to see the fine lots we are offering at attractive prices. Buy now and make the advance sure to fol low. Delays are expensive. VANDTJTN & WlAiTON, 515 Chamber Commerce! Vfe MILE WATER FRONT Portland Harbor at $40 per front foot. Nothing like It again. Rustle if you want it. ROOM B, LUMBER EXCHANGE. MONEY WILL BE r I n LOANED 5V2 la Larce Amount on Business Property EDWARD E. G O V D E Y, Corbett Bulldlna;. YOU For Rent MARCH FIRST Storeroom 42x100 (21,000 Square Feet) Four floors and basement; steam heat, electric elevator, sprinkler sys tem; nightwtchman. Apply PACIFIC PAPER CO. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of interest. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 Stark Street, near Second. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. AndTews. F. V. A Co. M. 3040. 30 Hamilton be;. Baker, Alfred A.. 115 Ablngton bld. Beck. William Q.. 312 Faillne bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co.. 202-S McKay bldg. Real estats. Insurance, mortgage loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict, 402 McKay biig. M. 649. Chapln A Herlow, 8S2 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 6. & Co.. B03 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bids;. Ooddard, H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d st. Jennings A Co., Main 168. 206 Oregonian. Lee, H. E.. room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh, Wat kins & Co., 280 Alder at. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk. Geo. D., 294 Stark st. Mala or A 391. Sharkey. J. P. A Co.. 122H Sixth St. The Oregon Real Rotate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah et. (Holladay Addition.) Waddel, W. O.. S08 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F., 227'i Washington st .TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Large East Side corner lot and new, modern, 0-rnom bungiilow; panoleu dining-room, large, old-fitshtoned lire place; built-in buffet and china closet; special pattern mission lighting fixtures; a thoroughly complete, desirable place; built to sail for 310; prica for a few days $'JS0O. on easv terms. ConlUln liros.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. M 2S5U; A 1i4T. HOLLADAY ADDITION. On E. 7th. hi bluck from Broadway, new 8-room house; attic unfinished: space for three more rooms; cement basement; full plumbing; electric and gas light; beautiful lawn; r0 rose bushes. $JS00; $2on cash, balance 7 per cent, two years. "PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. 80 Board ot Trade Bldg I HAVE some beauttful lots In the best resi dence section of Portland for sale lor 000 on easy payments; ail Improvements, Including gas. water, cement sidewalks and curbs and hard-surface streets are included In this price. Can you beat It? I want to sell quickly and will gladly show these lots, which adjoin Irvlngtoa. Address DP 041, Oregonian. BARGAIN An elesant fc-room dwelling can be had at a bargain; all modern conven iences, cement basement, laundry tubs, combination lighting fixtures, large recep tion hall and attic; best location on East Side for a home; located northeast corner East Ankenv and 7"ast 20th sts. W. L. Page. 2l4 Falling bldg. ONE IRVINGTON CORNER. 100x100. can be purchased J1000 less than neighboring cornerj. Have one BOxlOO, east frontage, choicest in Irvington, that is also below market price. Those must ba sold Immediately. Owner. G 70S. Ora egonlan. $1600 Good 5-room cottage, 20 minutes out, on 2 carlines. street Improved and paid; line lawn, dozens of choice roses. 6 fruit trees and berries, woodshed and chicken house; has good plumbing, bath nnd toi let; plastered and tinted walls; ?(W0-cash. $300 at $20 monthly. $700 mortgage at 7 per cent. A. A. Hoover, 313 Gerlinger bldg. LOTS In one of Portland's finest residence districts; $2000 building restrictions; ex clusively for residences; lots $700, corner lots $950. 10 per cent cash, balance $10 per month. THE CROSSLEY CUMPANY. 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. NOB HILL. 50x100, modern 8-room house, large cement basement, with laundry trays, fine furnace, four chambers; plenty of closet room, two toilets: price, $8500. ZIMMERMAN, 421 Board of Trade Bldg. OWN YOUR OWN HOME, We are designers and builders of modern homes on reasonable terms; architectural work and general contractors. H. C. MOIUUS & CO, 403 Corbett bldg. APARTMENT SITR $62.10 Corner on Fifth St.: easy walk ing distance to P. O: This Is a snap and well worth $7000, and can't be had for lesB when contract expires. Vanduyn A Walton, 815 Chamber of Commerce. 2 1-S ACRES, fine soil, running; wator; Ideal . for chicken business; great bargain at $100; only $200 cash required, long time on balance: less than 18 minutes' car ride; B-cent fare. M. E. Lee, room 411 Cor bett bldg. SWELL HOME. GIBBS STREET. New, modern, 7-room house, corner lot, S1580O; half cash: house has gas and elec tricity full basement, furnace, strictly modern. J. W. Orussi, 205 Washington, ne&r 8d. Room 7. FOR SALE By owner, 100x100, with 5 room modern cottage, shades and fixtures complete, close to car. restricted district. $2100, half cash, balance 7 per cent. Phone Tabor 1407. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. BOxlOO. between two nice houses, on East 63d ir.O feet south of Clinton st., facing east, 00; easy terms. J. W. Grussi, 2t3 Washington, near 3d. Room 7. NEW. modern, 8-room house, select neigh borhood; fruit, roses, garden; i(KxlO0 cor ner worth $".500; take $4500 this week; terms; owner, no agents. F 043. Ore gonian. 22MI for a new six-room cottage: modern; 15-minute ride; fsOO will cinch this. $63O0 for 8-room residence; 10-mlnute ride. No. 614 Couch bldg. BARGAIN of an acre, beautifully lo cated, good soil, handy to carllne, only 18 minutes' car ride; price, $(100. on easy terms M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. 16TII ST. EAST Modern 6 and 7-room houses; one block from car; new and up to date; houses in other localities also. 6ee owner, 307 Failing bldg. QUARTER block. 100x100, 2 blocks from carline. for $500; single lots. r.OxlOO, for $275: 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent a month. C. B. Lucas. 40S Corbett bldg. ROSE) CITY PARK. Tws lots, line elovation and east front age: -will sell one or both; ask for terms. K 123, Oregonian. 4000 ACRES line orchard land, near railroad and electric line; timber enough to pay double purchase price. Call room 407 Rothchlld bldg. $400 CASH will put you 1n possession of 8 acres, 25 minutes from city; 5 acres Improved. B. C. Hurlbert, 201 Gerlinger bldg., owner. NICE FURNISHED HOME AT BIG BAR GAIN. All ready to move into: good location on carllne. phnne owner. Eellwood 257. IRVINGTON I.OT. Fine location, near carllne; a bargain for cash or terms. K 123, Oregonian. COUNCIL CREST. My Council Crest lots cheap; see ma. 718 Chamber of Commerce. CIGAR, fruit and confectionery store for sale .or would trade for real estate; no agents. Call 548 Washington. 6IGHTLY East Taylor lot, west of 20th, $1500. Owner. 437 Marguerite ave. FOR SALE By owner, handsomest bunga low In Irvington. Call and see it. 482 S. 23d st. North. BEST bargain on Nob Hill, large 12-room house on Gllsan st.. lot BOxlOO. $0000. Particulars at 309 Falling bldg. DO YOU -want 4 lots for business purposes on Russell st-T If so. phone A 2!)sn. TWO lots, Broadway Addition, $100 down. Main 6S3S. CALL C 1073 If you wish to buy a nne lot In Irvington. LOT and good 9-room house on Portland Heights; lot 100x100. Phone A 2980. IF looking for a nice lot at a bargain in Rose City Park, phone C 1073. . 11 rlRV FARM. Near Woodburn. On Southern 1'aclnc R. R. li. R. station on the place. $0 to $S0 per acre. All or partly In cultivation. Your choice of 20 acres. Finest of deep black soil. No stone or gravel. All Ievl land. Fine timber on each tract. Running water the year through. One mile to college and school. One mile to creamery. Select vour 10 or 20-acro tract now while you have your choice; easiest ol terms: do not buy before you have seen this. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 70S and 709 Corbett llldg FOR SALE A HOMU! And ono that Ib a home In every sensi of the word; large living and dining-room, lire pi nee, 3 cheerful bedrooms, furnaci-. combination Ilxtures. full front veranda, choi.-e sightly lot (55x1 j:0; this residence is complete in every minute detail, is per fect in appointment and exceptionally reasonable at $5v.sW: terms ran be ar ranged. H. W. Lemcke. 210-2.11 Cor bett bldg. Main 1377: A 203.1. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are tho largest ownere and planters in Oregon. We have the only nlasted tracts on tho market. Our properties art in the walnut country. Yamhill, G-acr tracta, planted. $1 ca.-;h, $15 per month, CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark its. " ' cheap ixvrs. 8 lots, corner, verv sightly, close to car, about 15 minutes' ride; $1000, $300 cash. OOxlno corner, in Waverleigh Heights, on Tibhotts st. ; $l;:no. $750 cash, balancs monthlv at ! per cent; a snap. 5Oxll0 on East 11th, near Mason; $550, $:um cash. 100x100. facing Ladd tract; old houas, rented; $2000. KA1.FFMANN ft MOORE, 3V5 Lumber Exchange. $400 CASH, balance small monthly pay ments; strictly modern '-ottago of 5 rooms nnd bath; heamud ceilings, paneled dining-room. 2 bedrooms, bath, tiled and en ameled in white; full fr-'iit veranda, large basement, woodlift, laundry trays, every thing complete; price only $2550. H. W. v Lemcke, 210-211 Corbett bldg. Main 1177; A 2(135. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6 rooms and den, modern and up to date, splendid neighborhood, paved streets, everything is lirst-class and Is a bargain at $4000; will sell for $:'.750; $050 cash and balance llko paying rent. P. LUCAS. 4l)S Corbett lildg. $9000 Fine quarter block 100x100 foot, with 7-room house, near east end of Sloe! bridge; a real bargain; terms. $7000 Good o-room house with 40x100 feet, nicely located in northwest part oi city; line buy. PAKKIS1I. WATKINS A CO., iiO Alder St. SNAP ON PENINSULA. 27 lots In district where values vanclng rapidly, at satrllko price, crs must sell. R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1003. A 1227. ire sd a own- A RARE BARGAIN. House, chicken-house, barn, 100x100 close to carline, inside city limits: on ac count of death of parents, will sell at eacrllice. A , HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON We have a few lots left In this choicest residence section, and can deliver them at low prices. Improvement! all paid for. They He nice and sightly and arc equal to the choicest In that ad dition. C. F. PMuger i- Co.. room 14 Mul kev bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. SUNNYSIDE. S3750. 7-room modern house. full cement basement. 50x105 corner lot; $-100 cash, balance 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. SJ0 Board of Trade Dldg. A SNAP. 20 acres fine fruit land; no gravel: near Vancouver and close to railroad station nnd river; non-resident; must sell at re duced price of $1500. t; cash, balance easy. Vanduyn & Walton, 015 Chamber of Commerce. r s cottage, home, 4 rooms, thoroughly modern, and four sightTy lots In Monta vlila for $1700;. responsible party may pay 'as he likes; for mechanic or man us ing team the llnnst proposition In city. A N. scnrli-, agent, M-V carllne. Villa ave. and 77th St. FINE LOT en Alnsworth ave., $500. Good lot on East Glisan, near 4lth, $350. Fine lot on Portsmouth ave., $600. Handsome corner luOxlOO. on Boulevard, Piedmont, $l(!5o. W. W. PAYNE. Woodlawn 1118. $32110. Modern 7-room house on Grant St., bet. 4th and 6th sts.; half cash, balance 0 per omt. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 820 Board of Trade Bldg. SUNNYSIDE HOME. 7-room modern house; cement basement: cor. lot 50x106: beautiful home. $3750; $2250 cash, balance 0 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 820 Board of Trade Bldg. BROADWAY LOT $650: cement sidewalk, water and gas; this Is a cli.ap buy. ' PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., S20 Board of Trade Hldg. . INVESTIGATE THIS. Beautiful 0-room home, containing every modern convenience; best location and neighborhood In South Portland. See owner on premises. 155 Grover st. NEW, modern residence In Ladd Addition, strictly modern and up to date, newly furnished throughout ; owner compelled to sell- very easy t--rrns to right party. See owner at 410 Failing bldg. EIGHT line lots and a thoroughly modern little cottage in Montavllla. for $2250; pay $200 down and $20 a month. Mr. Davll (Reed-French Piano Co., Oth and Burn side), forenoons only. WHY PAY RENT? We design and build modern homes on reasonable terms. A. C. EMERY & CO.. INC., Main 3501. 24 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Ilrse business block, centrally located, stores and rooms all occupied and under long lease-, paying over 8 per cent on price asked. Address H 7(5, Oregonian. I BUY and sell all kinds of real estate and timber lands. List your property with me and get results Claud. E. Hicks, 608 Corbett bldg. UNION ave.; full lot, cement sidewalk, sew er, basemont dug; business location, bar gain; flsoo. Highland Realty Co., 1061 Union ave. ELEGANT lot on 6th St., 60x100, walking distance on the Wist Side for $251(0; worth $.1500; owner leaving city. AE 590, Oregonian. FOR SALE Nice cottage, modem, near Thurman St.. on the West side, on two carlines as well, for $:ir,Mi, Just the prlc of lot. AE 692, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK Cholco Improved lot. half block from car, east frontage, 2-ft. grade- terms; below market price; best buv In tract. F li47. Oregonian. 100x100 TWO blocks from carllne; nice lit tle cottage and nice variety of fruit -trees; onlv $1600; a snap. 320 Swetland bldg.. 6th" and Washington. SNAPS Two corners on Union avs. In busl 'noss district. Highland Realty Co., 1061 Union ave. MODERN. rooms, full basement, furnace, front and bark stairs, sleeping porch; Fast Taylor St. Phone B 2311. East 888. BEAUTIFUL little home, close to good car, on very easy payments; must veil. Se owner, 41() Falling bldg. $2200 NEW bungalow; $200 cash, $20 monthly. 44th, near Hawthorne; Tabor 1788. , COMPELLED to sell It lots on the St. John carllne. Close In. Price $175 pel lot. Easy terms. Call 201 Gerlinger bldg. INVF.STOKS Go to the Owners' Realty .As sociation: buy direct of owners and sav commissions. 205 A Kington bldg. FOR SALE Two Ann lots In Irvington: must b sold In one week. R 62. Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOT. near Stnnton St., re-rftrict-jd district; price much lower than adjacent property. AC 621. Oregonian. IRVINGTON lot to he sold much lower than adjoining property; Blrso corner 100x100. al , a bargain. Owner, S ss:i, Oregonian. CHOICE 5 and 10-acre tract for sale; easj terms; no Irrigation North Bank Nut a Fruit Land Co., 338 Chamber of Com. NICE home, Bolmont St., fl-room, cheap: terms to suit purchaser. Phone E. 86. C 11)93. Dolcn & Hcrdman.