Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 17, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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1 ff
Dealers Buying Up All
Hops Offered.
fctHum Crailos Tlint Recently Were
Valued at Five Cents Now Bring
Scten and One-Hair New
York ,Markct Higher.
BuvlriB on an artlve and ceneral scale.
eonsidorln the qunntttv available. Is attain
eported In the hop market. In the ra3-.
ten days a total of about l-OO bales have
pasjed out of ftrourers hands. This leaves
the unsold stock of 100$ hops In the state,
acordinc to statistics complied yesterday.
TJOO bales. Of the preceding year's
crop. 4i0 haies ore left and there are 2.VH1
tales of tOflrt hops left In first hands. A
year airo there were about 60.000 bales of
all growths left In the state.
Amons the new deals reported yesterday.
were the purchase of the Mnley Mix lot
f 170 bales at Independence by H. I... Hart
at 7H cents; the I-ope Sins lot of 2-J9 bales
at Salem, bought by Charles Llveslcy at a
l.rlce raid to bo around 7 '4 cents; the O I..
Ileh lot of SI bales and the H. Wena-er
lot of -Vi bales, at Ftlverton. boufiht by
William Brown & Co. at " cents, and the
Ixulse Pose lot of 31 bales at PlierwooB.
rurchased by J. J. Metzler at 7'i cents.
Fome of theso lots are only medium, and
when It Is considered that but a short time
apo they were valued at a nlcltel. the ten
dency of the market can be readily seen.
The demand for contracts Is even greater
than that for spot roods. Ten cents Is the
ruling price for the 100!) crop, end at this
flcure It Is estimated that fully .TO00 bales
have been signed up In the past ten days.
Commenting on the advance in New York
hops, the Journal of Commerce of February
11 raid:
There Is considerable activity In th.tnte
market where higher prices are being
asked. In addition to the sale of 03 bales
t 12 Uc. cars, reported yesterday, the same
ruyer. who' Is a large local dealer, bought
the John Cross lot of lio bales, described as
prime, at a similar rricc. taking al.o a
quantity of poorer hops at from Infinite.
A bid of 13c, cars, has been made for the
Fcott Williams lot and also for the Ilvcr
more lot. The Cody lot of OS bales Is held
at lr.c. It Is understood that y-onic of the
bic dealers are uncovered on states and the
market Is rising "
Details have been received of the meeting
of Kentish hopgrowers at Tonbrldge. Kng.,
on Fel ruary 3 when a demand for relief
legislation was again made. Herbert Fitn
mons. a large hop grower. presMed. and a
resolution was passed unanimously to the
effect that the meeting deplored the wide
spread ruin In the hop districts owing to
the present unexampled depression In the
hop Industry, and urged the government to
re-Introduce an Improved hops bill early
next 'session and to carry the same Into law
before the harvesting of the 1000 crop.
The resolution embodied a declaration that
It Is absolutely necessary that the bill shall
prohibit the use of all substitutes for hop's
and chemical preservatives, whl.'h displace
hops In the manufacture, brewing and pres
ervation of beer, and at the same time
secure that all foreign hops landed at ports
In the United Kingdom ahall be subject
to all the restrictions and penalties of the
English marking act.
Harry Taylor urged Kentish growers to
renewed exertion In their defence. A vital
necessity for the industry. If it was to re
cover Its prosperity, he said, was the 4s
ou'y. It was suggested that a public "meet
ing should be held In every village, to be
followed by a mass meeting at some lend
ing town In the country. It was under
stood that this suggestion will shortly be
carried out.
Club Wheat Urine and lied Rus
sian 9! Cents.
Three hundred tons of club wheat were
sold at the Merchants' Exchange yesterday
at $10- and 100 tons of Red Russian
broticht 91 cents. There have been no saies
of bluestem here lately on which ft base
values, but buyers say they cannot pay
over $1.10 to $1.12, while holders, of course,
ask much more. Some fancy prices have
been paid for small lots of bluestem in the
Interior by millers who were short, as for
instance a recent small transaction on the
basis of 51. IS. but in general this figuro
Is regarded as excessiw.
Bid and aske.1 prices were quoted at the
Hoard of Trade as follows;
Bid. AskeJ
February $ .l"i ? .1"
March . . .
1 70
February I "1 1.41 'j
March 1.40 1.4:1
Receipts in cars were roported by the
Merchants' Kxchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
February 13-14.. 70 lo lr. 4 24
February 15.... 4S 2 5 8 6
Total last week. 214 2S 44 50 31
George Burtt Is Willing to Bark His State
nirntfl with Money.
A letter by J. H. Grande, a California po
tato and onion buyer, was printed In a
local paper recently In which Grande stated
that a combination had been formed by
rival potato and onion dealers to manlDu
law the market for their own benefit, men
tionlna; George L. Burtt. of San Francisco,
as the prime mover In the affair. Mr.
Burtt. who Is now In the Bay City, sends
word that he will deposit anywhere from
jrt00 to JjOOO, If Grande does the same,
the monvy of the loser to go to charity, if
Grande can substantiate any of the charges
of a plot or combine which he makes in
his letter.
That the recent slump In the San Fran
cisco onion market was due to tho pressure
of supplies was shown by the advance there
yesterday, the market going up to J2.25
because of the working o.T of the surplus.
With the Improvement at San Francisco the
tone of the market here was also better.
Four cars cf association onions were sold
during the "day at S'J to be shipped South.
The potato market was quiet but steady
at last prices.
Bat Even with Slilppine Builness the Price
Decline Meaiiilv.
But for cutside orders the decline In eftg
prices would be so swift that bedrock
would be reached In a f.-w days. Receipts
are larger than ever before known at this
time of year. The shipping demand Is
g.Kid. but not sufficient to lake all that
cime In. and the price is consequently sag
f;B. steadily. Most of the local retailors
are now getting eggs direct from the coun
try. The few sales made on the street yes
terday were reported at 25 and 26 cents.
The demand for poultry was brisk and
the best hens sold at 16 cents. Receipts
were rather light.
The butter market Is quoted Arm by
-the city creameries and buying Is so active
that some of them ai2 unablo to till all
their orders. The cheese market is also
Worms In Gulf Country Interrupt the Move
ment. There is going to bo a shortage of
bananas in Portland when the present stocks
are exhausted. Tncre are no bananas on
the way and none will arrive for two weeks.
The Interruption to shipments is due to
storms in the C.ulf country. Receipts of
oranges will also be lessened. becaus6 of
rains In California.
The vegetable market was fairly well sup
plied with all varieties yesterday. Busi
ness was good.
There Is no complaint on the part or
Jobbers or retailers of short count in pacK-
r-.iifoi-iia ve-.-ctables. as business is
done on the average basis, in fact, under
count insures the arrival oi me yw-v-
better condition as a rule.
Decline in Sugar Trices.
There was a decline of 20 cents a hundred
on all grades of sugar at all points on the
Coast yesterday. The decline followed a
similar drop in the Kast a few days ago.
The Coast markets have been above a parity
with the East for some time, which made
prices here sensitive to any changes on the
Atlantic seaboard.
Bunk Clearings.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday were as follows.
earincs. Balances.
Taconia ......
..Jl.1Hi-'3 i:'.iTS
.. 1,M!7,7: 10S.-SO
iioi.:::;s -r.:.f.
.. l.uiU.o:3 lb7.01o
Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc.
PARLEY Producers' prices: Feed, $27.50
45 21 per ton
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. $1,12 9
$1.14; club, Sllu 1.02'.,; red Russian, I'Uc;
iLULK' Patents. J5.43 per barrel;
straights. 4.4i; exports. $4: VnS'ey. - -0.
v-sack graham. 4 60 ; whole wheat. 4.8j.
OA r.s producers' prices; No. 1 wnlta,
S34..'0fr35 per ton.
M1L.LSTLKFS bian. $2nE28.50 P" to.
rnidditags. $33; short.-, $2iUoU; chop. 2uf2i;
rolled barley. $2'J S .10.
HY Timothy. Willamette alley. $1315
n,r ton: Kustern Oreccn. JICSIS; clover. $1.
Jfil.-l; nlfalla. $14'jl5: grnin hay. $1JJ.14;
cheat. $13.:.0S".4.5: vetch, JlH.So-u 14.50.
Groceries. Dried Fruits. Etc.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 8c per lb.;
peaches. 7'. 68c; prunes. Italians. 5V4c.
trunes. French. 4SsCo; currants, unwashed,
cases. 9ic: currants, washed, cases. 10c.
n". wh'.fu faucy. iU-lb. boxes, tike, dates.
' COFFEE Mocha. 242Sc; Java, ordinary.
I7j''i),- costa Rica, fincy. lSW20c: good.
ICS isc; ordinary. lliiu iUe per pound
RICE Southern Japan, 4&c; head. 6!,eB
"SALMON Columbia River, 1 -pound tails.
$2 per dozen: 2-pound tails. $2ui: !-pound
flats. $2.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. a.c:
red. 1-pound tails. $1.43; socUeyes. 1-pound
"nUTS Walnuts. 1213e per pound by
sack: Prmil nuts. 18c; Ull.erti. 15c; pecans.
7c: almonds. 13fll4c: chestnuts. Ita.lan.
He; peanuts, raw. 54, S tic; plnenuls, low
12c; hickory nuts, loc; cocoacuis. 90c per
dozen. .,-
SI 'GAR Granulated, $0.73; extra C. $:
golden C. $.-1.1.1; fruit and berry sugar, J-j.i-j:
Plain bag. $1..1.1; beet granulated. $.i...i.
rubes ll.arrel). 0.1.V. p..,vdvred IbarrellK
$8- Terms: On remittances within i
oavs. dciui.: per p.ui.d; it later than 14
c.(vs and within 30 day, deduct hie per
pound llsplo sucar. 1.1'itlSr per pound.
SALT Granulated. $13 oer ton. Jil.UO oer
bale: half ground. 100s. $7.50 per Ion; 80s.
$8 per ton.
BEANS Small white. 6c; large white,
5c; Lima. 5 'Ac; pluk. Sc; bayou. 4c; Mex
ican red. 5 Vic.
Vegetables and rrult.
FI'.ESil FRUITS Apples. 7."crS2."S box.
POTATOES Buying price, $1 23i 1.30 per
hundred; sweet potatots. 2Vc per pound.
TKO.'iCAL Fltl ITS Oranges, navels. $3
Jj 2.7.1 per box; lemons. $3J4; grape fruit.
4 :. 'i 4.75 per box; bananas, a-oaiic per
pound: pineapples. ?2. 76 U '-25 per dozen;
tangerines il.V5 per oox.
UNIONS. Oregon, buying price. $2 per
SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.2a per
sack: carrots. 51; parsnips. SI. 50; beets.
SI r.e: horseradish, 10c per pound.
VEGETABLES Artichokes. SK91.25 dox. :
cabi.age. 2"-i3Uc lb.; cauliflower, $2 per
crate, celery. 4.o0 por crate; cucumbers.
$1.7.Vtf -.-' dozen: b'ttuce. Il.50 jl.75 per
box; parsley. 3'c dizen; peas. 15c lo.;
radishes, 20o per dozen; spinach. 2c per
lb.; sprouts. 10c per lb.: squash. !jSC pr
lb.; tomatoes. (1.752.25.
Dairy and Country Produce.
F.FTTEK City creamery. extras. 34o;
fanty outride crea:ner. :;2::4o per lb.;
store, lBii'Juc. i Butter fat prices average
I1- cent per pound unuer regular butter
prices, y
i-.G;s Oregon ranch. 2.1 2'lc per dozen.
lulXTUV liens. l.Vul'ic; broilers. 22'c;
frvers. b .iJOc; roosteia, old, 11 i 1 He ;. young.
14 " i 1.1c; uucks. ;i22c; geese. 10c; turkujs.
la '1 -'"c
CHEESE Fancy cream twhis. l'llfi'ic
per lb.; full cream triplets, lii'-iltic; fuil
cieam. Young America. 17,!il71,c.
VEAL Extr.i. i-vr pound; ordi
nary. 7j8e: heavy. 5c
PORK Fancy. Ky'.'VjO per lb.; large, S3
IIACON Fancy. 21c per pound: standard.
16c; cuolce. 17c; English, iifeuloc; strip.
DRT SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear
backs, heavy, dry salted, 12c: smoked. 13c:
Oregon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked. 14a
11 Ail S 10 to 1 lbs., 14 aCl 14 to 16 10a..
14c: la to 20 lbs., 14c; nams. skinned,
14c; picnics, vc; cottage roll, lie; shuul
cerd. 11c; bulicu hi.nis. lV.jif2ob-'. boiled
picnics. 17c.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. Uc;
tubs. 134ic: 50s. 13i,c; zOs. 13;jC; 10s.
14c: 6s, 14?sc; 3s. 14i-c. Stdard pure:
Tierces. 12fec; tubs. lHo; l0s, 12c; 30s.
l""Bc; 10s. i3'4c; as, 13-sc: Ss. laVjc. Com
pound: Tlerues. 8c; tubs. SVo; 60s. SVjc:
20s. Sc; as. a-.e.
SMOKED li.EF Beef tongues. each,
70c; dried beef acts. 16c; dtled beef out
stde's. 10c; dried beef lnsldes. 18c; dried
beef knuekles. 1SV-.
PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet.
$13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe,
$12: pigs' tongues. $1U.50.
MESS MEATS Beef, specials. $11 per
batrei: plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14
per barrel; pork, $21 per barrel; brisket. $23
per barrel; 8. P. beef tongues. $20; pic
snouts. $12 54; pig ears, $12.50.
COAL OIL Pearl and astral oil. cases.
18 He per gallon; water white, iron barrels.
11c: eocene and extra star, cases 21H: head
light vii, cases. 2oc; Hon barrels, lec. elalne, a. 2sc.
GASOLINE Union and Red Crown, bar
rels. 15 He; cases, 22 He; motor, barrels.
ltHc; cases. 23 He; Sii degrees, barrels.
30c; cases. 37 He; engine distillate, barneia,
Be; cases, llic-
LINSEED OILi Raw, barrel lots, 6Bc; In
cases, 71c; boll-ad. barrel lots. 67c t In case.
CIL MEAL Ton lole. $37.
EaHtern M
ining Stocks.
BOSTON. Feb. 10.
Adventure . .$ 8.75
Aib'ttea 44.00
Amalgamated 7il.2.1
Arix "om. . . ::i.oo
Atlanti" .... 17.7.1
lUitte Coal. . . 24 "a
ChI & Ariz. . . lni.t
Cal & Ileela.tiJ0.O0
Centeliniiil .. i:i''1
Cot:er Range
Dale Wot... lo.l0
Franklin 15.23
Granby 101 in
Greene Cnn.. lo.:2'
Isle Roya'io. . .12.7.1
Mass Mining. .1.50
Michigan ... 11.00
Closing quotations:
Mohawk .... U4.50
Mont C & C. . .11
. . IS. .10
.old nomln
i iseeola . . .
kjulnoy ...
siiannon ..
Trinity . . .
. .11.7.1
. l:;.i iHj
. 15 37 H
1 nittd Copper l.i.i.i
V. S. Mining.
'I tali 41. .10
victoria 5o
tWinnna 5.21
Wolverine ...140.00
iNorth Butte. . 73.73
NEW YORK. Feb. lii.-
?loslng quotations:
Alice 20
Brunswick Con.
Com Tun stock 2
do bonds 1
C C & Va 4
Little Chief 10
Mexican 70
(Ontario 4'"
.iiphir .12o
Standard ..1.10
Horn Silver. ... 70
Leadvllle Con... 4V
Yellow Jacket... 42
Dairy Produce la the Eawt.
CHICAGO, Feb. 16 Butter Steady.
Creameries, 22fi2Sc; dairies, 21&20C
Kgge Steady; at mark, caees Included, 21
29c: firsts. 21K-; prime flrnis. Sir.
Cheese Steady. Bailies, lai-.riflc; twins,
14H615e: Young America. li 10 ' 4 c.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16. Butter I'niettled
H and Uiwor. Creamery specials. 3o4r30Hc lof-
fl ial 3oc: extras, 2&ij2"Hc: thlpis to ftrste.
22't2S; held common to special, 22'fj2ic:
procers eemmon to special, lsa2Sc; Western
factory firsts. 21i21Hc; Western Imitation
creamery firsts.- 2itte.
'heese Firm, unch-nged.
Eggs Firm. Western flrste. 34c; seonds,
. . ,
1 11
Rising Movement in Stocks Is
Soon Checked.
I.arge Supply of Xew Issue9 Gives
the Kontl Market u Heavy
Tone Cut in Steel
Prices Expected.
NEW YORK, Feb. 16. The stock market
today proved Itself unready to follow the ad
vances of yesterday and thus disappointed the
hopes of the speculators. The later hours
of the session today 8$ur conditions as etag
cant as at any time last week.
The London market led the way. As the
'foreign situation was largely Influential in
shaping speculative sentiment yesterday In
New York, the contrary movement there to
day was of important sympathetic effect. The
reduction in, the original discount rate of the
lmrfriul Bank of Germany confirmed the
impre6lon of the downward course of inter
est rates abroad and the promise of a poten
tial source of demand for Investment which
grows out of accumulations in banking re
ecrves. The indication thus given of the course
of the money markets was confirmed in a
convincing way by the news that the trust
companies in New York were sending out
notices to depositors of the Interest paid on
deposits. The rate of interest paid by these
Institutions on different classes of ocposita ranged from 3 to 4 per cent and has
served as a potent factor to draw deposits
from all over the country.
With the prevailing low rates for money
and the additional reserve requirements up
to 13 pr cent of deposits, which was im
posed on tho trust companies on February 1,
they find thems-elvee unable to use these
funds on terme that will reimburse them t
such high ratea to tho depositors.
The supply of new issues of bonds con
tinues very large. The market had under
discussion today a $50,000,000 Austrian loan,
an Irieh land-purchase loan, a New York City
$10,000,000 corporate utock issue and a com
ing Hurlington bond issue of probably $20, or upwards Whether, owing to
these large piospectlve requirements or from
nuie sni;atliy with the tone of the market,
the bond division today was inclined to droop.
The heaviness of the Erie issues had wms
influence on this result. Tho falsing of the
year's Interest on the Texas Sc Pacific set id
incomes was another unfavorable influence
on the bond market.
The insistent rumors' of a coming cut in
steel priics leu to a thorough canvass of
the authorities in the ttaoe. The reported
iHreMS of the president of the American
Smnirinir Refining Company militated
against that stock and with some sympathetic
t-liiL-t eli-ewhere.
Boons were heavy. Total sales, par value.
$.10o,i::. Culled States i. regular, de
clined ij and the coupons advanced Vi I'er
cent on call today.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Amal Corner 21,2oO . 70;, 7.1 ib
Am Car & Foun. 3.700 61 Vi 50s M
do preferred ... 100 111 ill u'-'T
Am Cotton Oil.. l.Doo 52 62 62
Am Hd ii Lt pf. 40 41, 41 41 H
Am lee Mccurl.. 3,100 23 H 22 22-),
Am Linseed' Oil.. 100 14 14 14
Am locomotive... 1,400 otl's Hi
do preferred u- ,
Am Smelt Ar Ref 1D.4-10 St i
do preferred ... 1.1W nn-tt ivt'to
Am Sugar Kef... 3W 133 1JJH
Am Tobacco pf 01
Am Woolen 200 29 2SH 2-iH
Anaconda ilin Co Cim 4.1 4.1 14 4aH
At-hlson 13.700 102 100'i lOlj,
do nreferred ... 3o0 101 K'1 11 Vi
At! Coast Line... 1.7UO 121H 12oVi 120H
Halt & Ohio 10.3O0 IU' iw i"e
do prefened .. H. H.114 .
Prook Itap Tran. 7.3oO 72'S. ! 'l7s
Canadian Pacific.. 174"4 173,, 1.4
Central leather.. 300 31 31-V 81'i
do preferred ... 300 102!, 102 l'i2i.
Central of N J 22 1
t'hws & Ohio l,3(0 lieVi '.
Chicago Gt West. 600 H V s
Chicago N W.. 400 170 170 179
C, M ft .St Paul.. 16.500 14SVi 14i?s 14.
C. C, C & St L. . 8.WI0 71H 75 li-Hi
Co'o Fuel & Iron l.loo 4"H 4o
Colo & Southern.. 2'" t',(i t: tl
io in preferred. -oo B4 e.i -
dj 2d preftrred
Consolidated Gas.. 1.7(i0 122)4 12.'H 12-')s
Corn Produete ... 1.200 lll'S. 10 1
Del i Hudson 10O 170', 17H 17
V & 11 Grande... 3.7i) 47U 4S 4(1
do iireforred ... i,-"i ki "'.
Pistllli rs' Sccurl.. 60O 3. H d" Js
Erie 12h ic-h, .10-i ai
do 1st preferred. 1.40O 4oH 'i4 ' a
do 2d preferred. Hi 10 3o 37 38H
General Electric. "( lfl. l.'nH !'
Gt Northern pf... 4.50" 144", 143 143 54
Gt Northern Ore.. ICO 72 72 il-.
Illinois Central ... -.'.400 mv1 i"i io'i
Iutei borough Met. 1.4"0 1 15 's 1-T
do preferred ... 'o'ti '''Vi
Int Paper 200 11 11 H "
do preferred ,
Int Pump UiiO 3a 3!) Jo;s
Iowa Central .... i' Ji'.a ' '
K. C. Southern... l.KOO 42-1. 42-1i 4214
do preferred ... 40l 72 72H 21
Louis & Nashville 5XI 12S I2S 128H
Minn & St L 2.000 6K!4 514 56
M St P & S S M. (S-IO 142 142 142
Missouri pacttlc. a.i'wr ix'-s i-- i-a
Mo. Kan & Texas 2,000 43Vj 4JVS -i
do preferred it
National Lead ... 1.200 SOU,
N Y Central 8.500 12!) 127 12S"i
N Y Ont & West. 60O 477s 47" 4,
Norfolk & West.. 2.H0 1 k' 0's
North American.. 8.0 81 81W, 81
Northern Pacllic. 10.000 141 140 140
Paclllc Mail 2 32'i S2H S2
Pennsylvania .00 132 132H 13214
People's Gms 3.700 113 1124 H2;4
P C C & St L... 2K1 P2 1H 81
Pressed Steel Car 1.0 42 42 41
Pullman Pal Car. 300 171H 17114 170
Ry Steel Spring n s
Beading 64.W0 133 '4 132 13314
Republic Steel ... 300 24H 24 23
dod preferred ... loo Mia 8514 85
Rock Wand Co.. 000 25 24 24
do preferred ... 2.700 64 64 64 Vj
Ft L & S F 2 pf 40
St L Southwestern 200 24 23 2314
do preferred 6314
Sloss-Sheffleld 800 79 18 S!i
Southern Pacific. . 12.0"" 11 119 119
do preferred ... 800 122Vt 121 121
Southern Railway. 2.400 2014 2S - 214
do preferred ... 1.000 4H 61 64
Tenn Copper .... 300 40 4014 4014
Texas & Pacific. 8.0000 35 35H 5
Tol St L & West. 3.O00 4014 49 481-1
do preferred ... wo ios Tiw-i o
Union Pacific .... 57.5O0 181 180 18114
do preferred ... 4O0 9.1 0514 95 V.
U S Rubber 100 31 H 31 '4 81 H
do 1st preferred. 200 10314 103 K'3H
U S Steel 49.810 53 62 6214
do preferred ... i i U'1. .
Utah Cooper 6" 44 43 '4 43
Va-Caro Chemical. 9c0 4ti 46V4 4tti,
do preferred 114 J4
Wabash 90. .0 !! 19 19-4
do preferred ... 20.100 504 49'4 5.1
Westlnghouse Blec 300 S2'j 82'4 82
Western 1'nlon ... 10 67 6. 61
Wheel & L Erie 9'i
Wisconsin Central. 1.800 4274 42H 4214
Am Tel & Tel.... 1.0O0 129 129 129H
Total sales for the day, 471.900 shares.
NEW YORK. Feb. 10. Closing quotations:
U P. ref. 2s reg.101 IN Y C G 341... H3
'do coupon .... IOI H 'North Pacific 3s. 74 Ji
U S. 3s reg. ... loo4 'North Pacific 4s.l03H
do coupon. ... 1O0 'South Pacific 4s. 01 H
V S new 4s reg.119 IL'nion Pacific 4s. 104
do coupon .... 120 Iwiscon Cent 44 94
Atehlsfin adj 4s. .1.1 Ijapaneso 4s 8114
D & R G 4s. .. . 98 I
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Feb. 16. Consojs for
MH: do for account. 84 11-16.
Anaconda ... 0.37 Vj N. T. Central
Atchison 104.1214iNorflk Wes
do pref ... .104.23 I do pref
Bait & Ohio. 112. 37Vi!Ont & West..
Can Pacific. .17S.12V4 Pennsylvania.
Chcs & Ohio. Cn.S'i 'Rand Mines..
Chi Grt West 7.73 iReadlng
f i s pi.-i2.nn 'southern Ry. .
40. 1 2
127.H2 14
51.S" .
De Beers. . .
D & R G. . .
do pref...
do l5t pf.
do 2d of.
l'j.ju 1 to pret
4S.30 South Pacific.
fil.SO lUnion Pacific.
32 2Vi do pref
40. Oil; U. S. iteel...
38. SO I do pref
Grand Trunk in. 00
111 Central. . .147.00
do pref
L & N 132.50 Spanish 4. .
Mo. K T.. 44.3714lAmal Copper
Money. Exchange, Etc
NEW TORS, Feb. 16. Money oa call.
steady at 2?l2Vi per cent: ruling rate, 2 per
cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 21i
per cent. Time loans, dull and steady; 60
days. 21462 per cent: 00 days. 2S3 per
cent; six months. 33y per cent. Prime
mercantile paper. 3Hff4 per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at 84.840034.83 for 60
dav bills and at $4.87 for demand. Commer
cial bills. $4.854.85T4-
Bar silver. 51 lie. ,
Mexican dollars. 44c.
Government bonus. irregular; railroad
bonds, heavy.
LONDON. Feb. 16. Uar silver, steady at
23d per ounce.
Money, ltj2 per eenL
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills Is 214 0 2 per eent; for three
months' bills, 214 I' cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Silver bars.
61 lie.
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Drafts Sight. 15c; telegraph, 17?c.
Sterling on London. 00 days. $4.85; s.ght,
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. The statement
Of the Treasury balances In tho general fund
exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve
Available cash balance. 17.i''.' .in'-T.
Gold coin and bullion JjJ 4-;J' I'1
Gold certificates 2i,b01,3o0
German Discount Kate Itetluced.
BERLIN". Feb. 16. The rate of discount of
the Imperial Bank of Germany was reduced
today from 4 to 814 per cent. This is the
Bret change In the rate since June IS, 19uS.
when lt was lowered from 414 to 4 per cent.
Bullion for Bank of England.
LONDON, Feb. 16. Bullion amounting to
135.000 was taken into the Bank of England
on balance today.
Gold for Argentina.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16. The National Bank
of Commerce today engaged $300,000 In gold
for Buenos Ayres.
Steady Decline in Uc Egg Market.
Butter Is WcHk Wheat Quo
tations Unchanged.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 16. (Special.
Cutting of prices on pui .. ..,
today. One house cut the price - to
and althougli this price was not met by all
the houses on the street this afternoon, four
Arms reduced prices during the day. i-ome
. j ... if lti nrlee cutting
dealers uouui boiuU-.j r -
is Justified, owing to the lateness of the
"Fresh ckss dropped to '30 cents every
where todav. Tomorrow's price was set
this evening at 28 cents. Keceipts were
heavy Dealers are now anxious to Ret the
market down to rock bottom as quickly as
possible , .
The. last car 01 nanar.aa uue ....
days arrived this afternoon. The fruit was
very green. .
The first car oi Hood River apples brought
here last week has been sold out. Another
car is due tomorrow.
Wheat was unchanged. Holders are ask
ing $1 20 for blue.em. but millers will not
pav that price.
Butter is very weak. Dealers here are
looking for Portland creamery men to take
some action this week.
Prices Paid for Produce In tile Bay Clt
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. The' follow
ing prices wero quoted in the produce mar
kepotatoes Oregon Burbanks. Jl.505jl.75;
sweets. $1. ZO'J 1.75
Onions 3.l'o per cental.
Mlllstuffs Bran. 2S.3030; middlings.
$33.500 33.30.
Vegetables Garlic Sffiuc; green peas.
lO&lZtac: string beans. Io5f20c; aspar
agus, llMull'.-C; loiiim-ut-o, f. 'j
Butter Fancy creamery, 3uc; creamery
seconds. 3.1c; fancy dairy, 30 Wc; dairy sec
onds. H8V..C.
Cheese New. 1214 14140; Young Amer
ica, lli ti lH'.-jc; Eastern. 17c.
EKgSPtore. 251tc; fancy ranch, .loc;
Eastern, nominal.
Poultry Roosters, old. $45; young, 57 4J1
broilers -small. $405; broilers, large,
3G6; fryers. Ju4f7; hens. $S&D; ducks,
old. ?4&r: young. dSS.
Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino.
I611 lUc; Mountain. 5:iSlbc; Nevada, U(tj!14c.
Hay Wheat, $19fa;23; wheat and oala.
$1S'22; alfalfa. l-"l''l stock. 13ij(
IB; straw, per bale. S083c.
Fruits Apples. choice. II 50; common
60c; bananas. 75cif3; limes, t;.f.0'.i.
lemon.", cool. e. $3. common, el; oranges.
1.5Mi3: pineiippies. $1.5l.2.n0.
Receipts Flour, 5530 sacks; wheat, l-'-a
centals; barley. SSiiO centals: beans ..s..
sacks: eorn. 100 sacks; potatoes. 36'JO,
bran." 35 sacks', hay.- 160 tons; wool, 10
bales; hides, 2670. '
Prices on All Lines Rule Very Firm
at Boston Pulled Wool Sit
uation Active.
BOSTON. Feb. 16. Local woolgrowers are
eagerly looking to tha new clip to supply
their cleaned-out bins. Local sales of old
stock are light. The pulled wool situation
continues active. Prices on all lines rule
very firm. The leading domestic quotations
range as follows:
Texas Fine 12 months old. 2627c; fine,
6 to 8 months, 53 55c; fine Fall. 4S50c.
California' Northern, 6862c; middle
county, 5052e; Fall free, 4S45c.
Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staple, 62f6Sc;
-Eastern.. No. 1 clothing, 55&.57c; valley,
No. 1, 48 50c.
Territory Fine staple. 62 60c; fine me
dium staple. 60S 62c; fine clothing. 58 60c;
fine medium clothing, 5567c; half-blood,
6063c; three-eighths blood. 535Cc; quarter-blood,
50ft52c. .
Fulled Extras. 60l8 62o; fine A. 6i60c; A
supers, 50'a 65c. -
Wool at St. Louis.
AT LOUIS. Feb. 16. Wool, Nominal. Ter
ritory and Western mediums. 17a21c; fine
mediums, 15ft'17c; fine. 1214c.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16 There was a sharp
advice in the London tin market spot
?hVin" at 13o Ss Id and futures at U..2
The focal market was quiet but firm at
'Copper was about 5s higher in London
wlthPsPpot quoted at 58 12s d and t mures
at 50 10s. The tocai iu'' "
UnLea3gwas dull and unchanged here and
"defter was lower at 21 Ss In London.
Locally soeulr was dull at 4.85S 4.00c.
The locaf iron market was dull with prices
practically unchanged.
Coffee and Sugar.
nfw YORK. Feb. 16. Coffee futures
ins.ii steadv net five points lower to few
nolits higher. Sales 40.000 bags. Including
March and April at O.SOc: May 6.45ry SOc;
JuW :??": September o.KSft 0.00c ; October
BSsWluoc: December. S.Wc; January. 50
fo3l5c. Spot coffee steady. No. T Rio. Sc.
No i Santos. SHr: mild coffee steady.
S-jgar Raw. steady. Fair refining, J.lle;
centrifugal. 06 test. 3.61c; molasses sugar
5 Mc Refined, steady. Crushed. 5.2oc;
powdered. 4.65c; granulated. 4.5oe.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Cotton future
closed very steady. ' February. 8 30c; March,
9 56c: April and May, 9.55c; Jur.o and July,
954c; August. 9.47c; September. 9.39cr Oc
tober,' 9.40c; November and December,. 9.353c;
January. 9.34c. Spot closed quiet. 5 points
higher. Mid-uplands, 9.85c; middling Gulf.
10.100. J'o sale.
Send Wheat Up in Spite of Ad
verse Reports.
May Option at Chicago Closes at
$1.14 1-4 Lower Market at
Liverpool Favorable Weather
for Crop in This Country.
CHICAGO. Feb. 16. The slump In wheat
prices at the start was due tq a declln-s
of lid to 4d In the price of wheat at Liver
pool and to the favorable weather condi
tions In this country for the Fall-sown crop,
heavy snows being reported over a large
section. Including the Ohio River Valley.
There was considerable selling for short ac
count In the opening transactions, and
Initial quotations were unchanged to sl20
below yesterday's close. During the first
hour trade was quiet and prices held fairly
steady at the decline. Demand by the
big holders finally brought out numerous
buying orders from the smaller shorts,
which caused a strong rally and the mar
ket closed at prices near the best mark
of the day. Final quotations on May wore
$1.11 ti ft 1.1414 and on July Jl.OOli.
Decreased offerings of corn from the coun
try, owing to unfavorable weather con
ditions, had a bullish effect on the corn
market. At the close, prices were c to
c above the previous close, with May at
65 ft tiSc and July 65c.
Oats for May delivery sold here today
at 53T4C. the highest prioa for the season.
The market was strong all day. chiefly be
cause of the unfavorable weather for the
movement, which materially curtailed re
ceipts. At the clopo prices were 14c to s
VjC higher, compared with yesterday's final
quotations, with May at 5353Tic and
July 48!i4Sc.
Provisions were a trifle weak early In the
day, owing to a slack demand, but during
the last half of tho day a firmer tone de
veloped, due to some extent to the strength
of coarse grains. At the close prices were
5c to ll-'VjC higher than the previous close.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Onen. High. Low. Close.
July Sept.
..?1.13 $1.14 Vi $1.1314 $1-1414
.. ,09T 1.00 1.00 Vi
. .95 li .96 .95 H -36
65 .64 i .64Ti
64-'- .65 .54-1,
.... .64 14 -641s -64(4
T,3 .53
4Sl4 .48
.40 .4t
.40 Vi
.63 tt
16.90 17.03
lt.OSVs 17.15
.. .. 9.65 9.70
9.77 '2 .S
9.77 li
9. 85
S.K7Vi S.95 S.S71-
... 9.05 9 10
Cash quotations were as lollows.
r Flour Firm.
JarleyFeed' or mixing. 62 63c; fair to
choice malting. 63 14 ft 63c.
Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, Jl.oo; .No.
1 Northwestern, 1.65.
Timothy seed $3.75.
pork Mess, per barrel. $16.80 16.85.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $9.5212.
Short ribs Sides ( loose 1, S.2o S -8.80. -Sides
Short, clear (boxed). $8.8714
9.12 1-.
Grain statistics: ,
Total clearances of wheat and flour ;ero
equal to 1)4.00(1 bushels. Primary receipts
were 366.000 bushels compared with 3.t).uuu
bushels the corresponding day a year ago.
The world's visible supply.- as shown by
Bradstreefs. Increased 2.600.000 bushel..
F.stimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
16 cars; corn, IS cars; oats, bl cars, hogs,
35.000 n-eacl.
Receipts. Shipments.
. .. 23.500 18.700
. .. S3.60O 64.700
...316.200 10S.400
...231.600 172.700
, .. 3.000 2,000
...127,500 15,300
Flour, barrel;
Wheat, bushels
Corn, bushels
Oats, bushels
Rye. bushels
Barley, bushels
Change In Available Supplies.
NEW YORK. Feb. It!. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Kradstreet show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with prev-
Wheat, United States east
Hockies. decreased
. . .l.POS.000
Canada, increased . . . . -
Total United States ami un u-
creased '.' ' '
A creased"' a".d . - - - - "-"-T.'. . . 4.400.000
Total American and European sup-
ply increased .J.UiJ.kuu
Corn United States and Canada de-
Oats, United States and Canada
Grain and Produce at New York.
New York, Fob. 10 Flour Receipts 18 -33S
barrels. Exports, 237U barrels. Quiet but
f'rwliea't Receipts, 37,200 bushels: experts
"4 NM bushels. Spot firm; No. 2 red. $jl.l
nominal f ob. afloat: No. 1 Northern Du
luth. SI. 23 f o b. afloat; No. 2 hard W In
ter si "1 V4 f.o.b. afloat. Although nervous
and Irregular all day. wheat continued to
reflect bull control and the May position
at times showed decided strength. The
Julv contract was also strong here and the
whole market Closed strong. 5bWc net
his""' May closed 1.174. July closed
Hops Steady.
Hides Quiet.
Wool and petroleum, steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Wheat-
Barley Steady.
Spot quotations -
Wheat Shipping. $1.77 14 1-80 ;
Barley Feed, $1.38 1-42H;
$1.43 1. 4614.
nt Red. $1.72 14 1-80; white.
1.92 14 ; black, nominal.
Call board sales
Wheat May. $1.8214.
prinecmnber. $1.231.26; May
Corn Largo yellow. 11.6501.70.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. Feb. 10 Cargoes quiet. - but
.teaai; buyers reserved. Walla V aila.
prompt shipment. 3H 6d; California, prompt
shipment, 3Ss.
Englk-h country markets, quiet; French
country markets, steady.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 16. Wheat March, 7
Ki5i,d; May. 7s d: July. 7e l,0Vid. Weather,
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Feb. 16. Wheat Milling, blue
stem, $1.16; export, bluestem, J1.10; club, si;
red, 9Sc.
Flaxseed at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 16. Flax closed
Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
There were small receipts of livestock yes
terday and the market, as a result, was
quiet and the undertone was very firm
because of the strong demand. About the
strongest feature of the market is hogs, as
packers' supplies are running low. The
total receipts for the day were 125 cattle.
The current range of prices in the local
market was as follows:
CATTLE Best steers, $5 5.35; medium.
$4 25ft 4.50: common, $3.50ft4; cows, best,
J44 25; medium. $3.253.75: calves, 46.
SHEEP Best wethers, $5.50 6; mixed,
sheep. S3.50&5.25; ewes, $3a'3.50; lambs.
S6-'fi 6.75.
HOGS Best, $6.757; medium, $6.25
6.50. .
Eastern Livestock Prices.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 16. Cattle 'Receipts
J. C. AINSW0RTH. President. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier.
R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct from contractor
and save broker's commission.
7000; market, steady. ".'.VVoir c. so
ft 80: native cows and he fers $04 0 .
Blockers and feeders, S'l.-iOt -.2-; builf.
5 OS? calves? $3.507.23: Western, eteers. 4
&6.40; western cows, $-..,.. ;i -.-
Hogs Receipts, nuoo; market. 5c hlshe -
jA- mk. .t.dy.
Muttons. $4.30.0; lambs. ty20 .
range wethers. fiT. fed ewes, (i5..U-
PHTTAGO Feb 16- Cattle Receipts, os
ti.eaAat0,4o0 ;" nfarket steady Beeves
s i 'to 17 7 10 Texas steers. $!... rg . w t-i
S .te"'l?.l..5.15: .tochers amlfeedcrj.
3 40r3 50; cows and heifers, 1.90!tjJ lo.
"Hoi-Veceipts. estimated at an OOOj mar
ket! steady, a shade higher - Light -
0.35; mixed. .15&6.t(J; heavy, '..aoyiK.o.
roush. $ good to choice hay.
B4flfi-70: pigs. S.20 ..: hulk ot
$.40(S6.00. ,. nnn.
Sheep Receipts. estimated at 11.000.
market, strong. Natives. .10 ffl ... . . .
ems. $:S.50'S5.S0; yearlings rt.U6 .1.
lambs, natives. 3.75&5.85; Westerns.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 10. Cattle Re
ceipts. .-..100; market. lul.-c lower.
ern steers. $:).50T5.40: range cows and
heifers. 2.7.-S 4.M: eanners f 00 . J .
stockers and feeders, i !! : calves.
$3tT, bulls and stags. $2. i.idi'4. u.
''Hogsi.Kecelpts. 12.000; market. 10c lower
and steady. Heavy. $i',.2o 'ii ;'..4.. ; mixed.
6 20ffl6.30: light. $i',nrii.:ii; pigs, !j-i-.
bulk of sales. $fl.l0fi.:is.
Sheep Receipts. ll.r.oO: market. lO-irgOc
lower. Yearlings. $6-5 6.71; wethers o
5.25; ewes. $1Q 4.8.-.; lambs. Jli.jUji i.oG.
Dried Fruit at New Vork.
KEW YORK, Feb. 16. No material
change was reported In the market for
dried fruits today, and beyond a slight Im
provement In tho demand for California
prunes, business remains generally Quiet-
Attorney Makes Tlca Against North
Shore Boom Company.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Feb. 16. f Special.')
Attorney W. W. Cotton, of Portland,
today urged the State Supreme Court to
declare that the North Shore Boom &
Driving Company had committed con
tempt of the Superior Court of Pacific
County in a case wherein the latter court
has recently held the company was not
In contempt.
This novel procedure is the latest move
in bitter litigation that has been pending
for years between the Ntcomen Boom
Company and the North Shore Boom
Company. The Nicomen Company filed
a boom plat and began booming opera
tions, charging the maximum price and
making big profits, lt Is alleged. The
North Shore Company was organized and
established a boom within limits of the
Nicomen plat, but on a portion of the
river unused by the Nicomen Company.
Suit to enjoin the North Shore was
brought, but denied In the lower court.
The case was appealed to Supreme
Court and here reversed.
The Supreme Court held that the law
providing that after a year's abandon
ment, property covered by a boom plat
was vacated, did not apply in this case,
because the Nicomen Company had never
used the property and no abandonment
could occur until after use.
On the Supreme Court decision the
lower court granted an injunction. The
North Shore-Company filed a stay bond
and took an appeal t the Federal Su
preme Court, where the case was ar
gued a few days ago. The Nicomen
Company claimed the North Shore Com
pany was In contempt because the latter
company has been operating its boom
regularly pending all the litigation. The
lower court held there was no contempt,
and an appeal was taken again tb the Su
preme Court and this appeal was today
argued and taken under advisement.
The North Shore Company is said to
be making about J40.000 a year out of
the boom rights, which the Nicomen
Company thinks should come to its
pocket, hence the bitterness of the litiga
Vancouver Woman, Divorced and
Kemarried, Sues First Husband.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Feb. 18. (Spe
cial.) Oklary J. Loudon, wife of J. Lou
don, and formerly wife of John Martin,
has filed suit in the Supreme Court ask
ing that her former husband be ordered
-by the court to help support her five
minor children, thpugh she Is now the
married -wife of another man and has four
children by her second marriage.
6he was divorced from John Martin on
June ! 1W-. and the custody of the
five children which were horn to that
union were giv.n .to her. but no provi
sion was m;uio at that time by the court
for their care and support.
Since th! djvoreo was granted Miirtln
has had bequeathed to him ten acres in
Fruit Valley, and in consequence the
plaintiff in tho suit begs the court to
compel her former husband to help sup
port his five children.
Tugboat Man Drowned.
' RAYMOND, Wash., Feb. IS. (Special.)
Emll Hohl, a German, S years old, was
drowned In the Smith Fork opposite tho
Willapa Lumber Company's dock, last
night. Bohl was employed as fireman
on the tug Queen. The river is being
dragged for his body. He came here
from New York and has no relatives In
this vieinitv.
For Sale by
T. S. McGrath
Lumber Exchange
k The steamer BKKAKWATEIt leaves Port
land everv WetineMia.v, x l trom Ains
worth dock. lor Nonli Itend, Miiriditleld and
t oon IJav points. Freight rerelved till -I 1.
M on day of snlliiiK. Parsenger fare, nrst
elass. $10: second-class, fi. Including berth
and meals. lmiu:re city ticket office. Third
and Washington streets, or Alnsworth dock,
l'hone Main HOS.
NorthPaclfl: S.3. Gj'j. Steini!ii?
oaooit9 and Geo. Vv. tide;
bail lor Kureka, aa Francisco arid
Los Ange'les direct every 'i'liursdaj
at 8 P. M. Ticket ofSce 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M.
314. H. Young, Agent.
Less Than Four Days at Sea
Two duys on tiie beautiful St. Lawrence
River and the shortest ocean route to Eu
rope. Nothing better, on tho Atlantic than our
Empresses. Wireless on all stenmers.
Mrtt-rlnss $90; second $50. on class
cabin $-15.
Ak any ticket agent, or write for sailings,
rates ami booklet.
y. K, JolmMn. p. A.. 142 3d si., Portland, Or
Only direct BLeamcr, and daylight sailing.
From Ainaworth dock. Tortland. 4 P. M.:
SS. Senator, Feb. VJ, Mar. 5, etc.
hS. Hose it.v, I"rb. 2(i. Mar. 12, tc.
From Lombard-st.. San Francisco. 11 A. M-t
SS. Ke City. Feb. 20, Mar. C, tc.
SS. Senator, Feb. 27, Mar. 13, etc.
J. W. Hansom, Dock Agent.
Main 268 Ainsworth Dock.
M. J. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 Id St.
Phona Main 4Uj, A 1402.