lift ID BLONDE HAIRS -OH AM Also Beer-Stains Found After Wights of Revelry in the Lemp Residence. DIVORCE TRIAL CONTINUES Mrs. Lemp Nonplusses Brewer's At torneys by Her Direct Replies on Cross-Kxanilnatlon nt Pivorce Hearing. ST. LOUIS. Feb. . Testimony of the most sensational variety was Introduced In the Lemp divorce hearing today, and the courtroom was crowded by people who gathered to hear the details of the latest scandal in high life. Extra ballffs were required to keep ord-er in the court room, and throughout the day a large number of morbidly curious waited in the corridors for a chnnce to gain admittance to the trial. Mrs. Lernp was again under cross-examination, but her husband's attorneys were unable to shake her testimony. Frequently the directness of her replies nonplussed the attorneys for IV. J. Lemp, Jr. The court overruled the attempts to question Mrs. Lemp regarding certain photographs of the couple's son, said to hare been taken by Mr. Lemp, and the cross-examination ended. On re-direct examination, Mrs. Lemp was questioned further regarding the al tered assault upon her by her husband, to which she testified yesterday. 8he testified that she had not divulged the true cause of her Injuries at that time, concealing them even from her father because she was "ashamed of It." Mrs. Lemp was questioned especially about the ante-nuptial agreement regard Ing the religious education of her chil dren, which she claimed to have signed without knowing of Its contents. Follorwlng her on the stand came B. L. Johnson, formerly chauffeur for Lemp, who told of various midnight rides which Lemp took, a number of women being mentioned as being present on these expeditions. All standing room was taken when employes of the Lemp family told on the witness stand of visits of women to the Lemp home while Mrs. Lemp was ab sent. Mrs. Lena Corey, a laundress, told of Mr. Lemp having moved out the furni ture during Mrs. Lemp's absence. She told of quarrels about putting the plants In the house. Mr. Lemp, Mrs. Corey testified, said with an oath: "I'll show her who Is boss." Mrs. Corey testified that she found combings of a woman's hair In Mr. Lemp's bathroom. Sometimes the hair was light and sometimes dark. She found a woman's cuff button there and, when Mr. Lemp asked her about It, she gave It to him. He said he was glad that Mrs. Corey found it One afternoon Mrs. Corey saw a woman In the bathroom. At another time five or six persons were singing and drinking In the house. Some of them were women. They broke glasses and spilled beer on a rug and threw chewing gum all around. These things. Mrs. Corey testified, took place when Mrs. Lemp was out of the city. The deposition of Gus Schmidt, clerk of a hotel at Palm Beach, Fla.. stated that, while Mrs. Lemp and her son were at the hotel, a detective was there and asked for a room adjoining Mrs. Lemp's and It was given to him. CHINESE ASK JUSTICE (Continued From Flrt Page.) privileged classes of this country. Such a discrimination is very apparent from the fact that the Department of Com merce and Labor, governed by the poli cy of your administration. Imposes upon the citizens of Chinese descent domi ciled Chinese merchants, their families, the privileged classes of Chinese under the treaty, every conceivable embarrass ment which Is In no way suffered by the Japanese. . "We appeal to you, Mr. President, to right the wrongs suffered by the Chi nese of Reno, state of Nevada, whose property, without any due process of law, was destroyed and the occupants turned out in the street, homeless and destitute. "We ask of you to enter a strong pro test against the present school laws of California, which discriminate against Chinese children, whether citizens or aliens; and we respectfully ask you to assist us In taking these laws Into, the courts to test their constitutionality, as you have stated you will do regarding any law which may become such affect ing Japanese children. Inspectors Violate Law. "It Is a well-known fact that Inspectors of Immigration throughout the United States, where the Chinese are concerned, are violating every letter of the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Chinese are arrested, searched and their papers, the only means by which they may be Identified, and save the humiliation of arrest and deporta tion, confiscated. Is there no remedy for preventing these people from such flagrant Injustice?" The memorial cites various alleged abuses that are charged to the United States Immigration officials. "It Is a well-known fact," It states, "that under your Administration the Immigration Inspectors treat the Chinese en route to the East from San Francisco as If they were escaping criminals." It Is pointed out that domiciled Chi nese, applying lur auiiiisaiou in me uuiteu States, are held incommunicado while their right to enter Is Investigated; that Chinese homes are invaded by immigra tion Inspectors without fear of repri mand: that Chinese are dragged from their hearths, confined In prisons, without bail, denied the advice of counsel and even refused the right to consult their own medical advisers. Blames Departments. Other alleged abuses are described and the memorial suggests that of course the immigration officials are merely obeying departmental rules and regula tions. President Roosevelt is asked to recom mend to Congress the enactment of laws eliminating from Jurisprudence the "per nicious doctrine laid down by the Su preme Court of the United States versus Ju Toy. MS United States 2o3." . The memorial concludes as follows: "The cause and effect, which prompts our call to you. lies near your band. Knowing your sense of Justice to all people of whatever nation, class or con dition, we confidently appeal to you, Mr. President, to right the rrongs suffered by native-born citizens and the subjects of the Great Kmpire, which since our existence as a nation has ever been a tlrm and good friend of this great Nation. "The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, by Ng Mom. secretary; O. P. Stidger, general counsel. " BAY STATE ENTERS PROTEST Massachusets Board or Trade Depre cates Agitation in California. BOSTON. Mass., Feb. 9. Resolutions condemning the action against the Jap anese in California were taken by the executive council of the Massachusetts 'Board of Trade at a meeting here today. The resolutions: "The Massachusetts State Board of Trade strongly deprecates the constant agitation in California against the Jap anese, and expresses a fear that Its con tinuance will seriously affect the ami cable relations between Japan and the United States. "It gladly Joins with merchants and manufacturers and other trade and commercial organizations In the United States In an effort to Impress upon the people of California tne unwisdom In persistent agitation against the people of a nation that has shown Its titie to the respect of the world at large, mnd one that has proven itself to be a great factor in the civilization and progressive Influence of the world, and whose trade Is of Importance In this country." NEVADA DELAYS JAP ACTION Anti-AIien Bill Is Laid on Table Indefinitely. CARSON. Xev., Feb. 9. The Giffen anti-alien law, which was alined to pre vent Japanese and Chinese from holding lanos or acting as corporation directors, came up for reading In the Senate today. The bill had been reported unfavorably bv the Judiciary committee of the Senate. Upon motion of Senator Boyd the bill was laid upon the table. There was no comment on the measure and the vote was unanimous. Several of the Senators are talking of taking the bill from the table In order to press It to a vote, and there Beems to be an unanimous Impression that in such case the bill will not pass. TAKAIIIRA HAS BAD COLD Japanese Ambassador Thinks He Cannot Speak on Lincoln Day. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Ambassador Takahira. of Japan, who was Invited to speak at a Lincoln-day celebration at Peoria. 111., and expected to attend. has a.-'ked to be excused from the en gagement on the ground that he Is suf fering from a cold. Representative Graff, of the Peoria district, is in Congress and today called at the White House to ask the President to intercede with the Am bassador and urge him to go to Peoria. The President paid he would be glad to aid if he could do so. FURIOUS BLIZZARDS RAGE (Continued From First page.) noon to 1 above at midnight. The wind blew at a fearful rate. Indications from all points are that an unusually cold wave will follow the blizzard. The storm is now invad ing Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. COLORADO AGAIN SNOWED IN Passes Impassable, Railroads Are Blocked by Slides, Towns Cut Off. DENVER, Feb. 9. The storm which has raged throughout the state for the last 24 hours is one of the worst ever experienced In Colorado. Never before have the railroads of the state been so blockaded by snow and slides. The passes through the Rocky Mountains are nearly all blocked and traffic over the Denver &. Rio Grande and Colorado Mid land Is almost suspended. i: Poncha, Cumbres and Marshall passes are blocked with snow and Tennessee Pass was kept open with difficulty. Mar shall Pass has not been closed before in many years. Thirteen snowslides are re ported between Durango and Sllverton, The Colorado & Southern Georgetown loop line Is closed. Rio Grande eastbound train No. 6, which Is 60 hours late and which narrowly missed a rockslide at the Utah line two days ago. is again blocked at Shoshone, the slide at Shoshone de scending but two minutes before the ar rival of the train. Glenwood Springs reports two slides. one of which struck a stage, but injurel none of the passengers. Lake City has been without a train for two days and Is running out of fuel. No trains are expected there for three days. Breckenrldge Is cut off from railroad communication and the mercury has not risen above 30 degrees below zero all day. The Colorado Midland tracks are blocked by- a larger slide at Sellar. At Tellurlde a slide in the Smuggler- Union mine burled four mules from a passing packtraln on top of the mine blacksmith shop, but no lives were lost. Ouray reports that the Camp Bird mine has closed some of Its workings in order to keep the men from localities where slides are sure to occur.- FORCE OP STORM IS BROKEN Cold 'Wave Moves Northeast, and Northwest Grows) Warmer. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. Lower tem peratures are recorded throughout the middle Mississippi Valley, the middle Atlantic states and New England, as a result of the rapid movement eastward of the Western storm, and it will be followed by rains and high winds. Reports Indicate that the force of the cold wave In the Northwest has been broken. The present storm will continue northeastward, followed by clearing and warmer weather. TRAINS ' MEET HEAVY DRIFTS South Dakota Hidden Under Curtain of Whirling White. WATERTOWN, S. D., Feb. . A blind ing snow, driven by a 60-mlIe gale, has tied up all trains In and about Water town today. The Northwestern passenger train for St. Paul, leaving here at S o'clock last night. Is stuck In a drift between Bala ton and Tyler, Minn. All other trains have been annulled. Eight-Foot Drift In Streets. ALBERT LEA, Minn.. Feb. 9. A heavy northwest snow storm prevailed all last night and today. -Trains are delayed and all kinds of traffic is practically aban doned. Drifts are eight feet high in the streets. LADIES' SPRING SUITS. Manufacturer's sample line, E9 suits In all, and no two exactly alike, secured for 65 cents on the dollar. As you all know, a sample garment is the acme of per fection in style and nnisn. Come quick for first choice. You save from $5 to $15 on your purchase, besides having an exclusive style all to yourself. McAUen McDonnell. the store noted for good goods. Today, Wednesday, Is positively the last day for discount on West Side gas bills.. Read "Gas Tips." Webfoot Oil Blacking (a shoe greasel, softens leather, wentherproofs shoes. OPPOSE- PARK GRAB Many Societies Join Against Hetch Hetchy Scheme.' SENATE TO GIVE HEARING Flooding of Valley and Closing of Yosemite Land to Visitors -Strenuously Condemned by Many Clubs. WASHINGTON", Feb. 9. Representa tives of several well-known National organizations are here to appear tomor row before the Senate committee on public lands In opposition to the Joint Perkins-Smith resolution authorizing San Francisco to exchange land outside the -Hetch-Hetchy Valley, in Yosemite Park, for lands inside the valley for a source of water supply. Alden Sampson will appear for the 'Sierra Club; J. H. McFarland. president of the American Civic Association, for tha body; Henry E. Gregory, of New York, for the American Scenic and His toric Preservation Society; Edmund A. Whitman, of Cambridge, Mass., for the Appalachian Mountain Society; Miss Harriet Monroe, for several associations In Chicago, and Robert Underwood Johnson, editor of the Century Maga zine, will speak. "Mr. Whitman, a Boston lawyer," said Mr. Johnson tonight, "will present an argument tending to show that it was a usurpation of authority on the part of Secretary Garfield to make the grant. Mr. McFarland will deal with the value of natural beauty and with the exclusion of the public from the water shed In order to keep the water supply free from pollution. "The other speakers will combat the Idea that it is necessary for San Fran cisco to Invade beautiful Yosemite Park, a source of Just pride to all true Ameri cans, to secure water. They will cite the authority of engineers to prove that there are abundant sources of water for the city. As the Garfield grant implies the flooding of the valley by the erection of a dam 150 feet high, we will make vigorous protest against the destruction of the natural beauty of the valley. "From present Indications, we are en couraged to believe that neither the Sen ate nor the House will pass the resolu tion. Protests against It have come In from 'ail over the country." "UuriroiwiBteT" Matinee Today. The regular bargain matinee will be given of "The Burgomaster" at the Baker to day, and this will be one of the greatest bargains ever offered. Ruth White and Harry HermFen and other well-known fav orites are still with the caM and the entire production is a superior one. "The Jap" Sensation. Howard Russell's play, "The Jap," which the Baker Stock Company Is offering this week for the first time on any Ftage at the Bungalow, has proved a sensation of no un certain caliber. Not only our own people, but hundreds of Japanese are witnessing It nightly. AT THE V A CTETTT,UB THEATERS. Bar-pain Vaudeville at Star. Vaudeville Is shown at bargain prices at the Star Theater, where seven acta are shown for the price of two streetcar rides. The Fowlers, the equilibrists from Europe, are the headliners and they have appeared In some of the finest theaters in the land. Five performances dally. Circus Fonles at Orpheum. One ot the most pleasing arts for trie children that has ever appeared In Port land is TschernofTs pony, dog and pigeon circus, which la making life so happy for the little ones at the matinees at the Orpheum each day. "Hans." the musical pony. Is truly a revelation la animal train ing. Grand's Great Know. Lions, a stage covered with them, are at the Grand this week. This is positively one of the greatest vaudeville entertainments that has been offered to a Portland audience at any time. In addition there are many other strong cards. Earthquake Picture Shown. The blograph Is presenting the following earthquake scenes at Pantagea Theater this week: Survivors searching the ruins of the American Consulate for the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Cheney; Russian sailors and Ital ian soldiera recovering the bodies of the dead, and other views. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Corinne Tomorrow Night. The attraction at the Hellig Theater. Fourteenth and "Washington streets, for three nights, beginning tomorrow (Thurs day) with a special matinee Saturday after noon, will be the charming singing come dienne, corinne. and her excellent company, who will be seen In the brilliant musical play, "Lola From Berlin." Thla merry offer ing Includes several well-known people, has a beauty chorus that will cause comment and Is filled with tuneful melodies. Seals are cow selling at theater. ( The Wolf Next fin n day. Eugene Walter, who wrote "Paid In Full," wJilch recently appeared at the Hellig Theater, will have his latest miccem, "The Wolf." a tale of the Canadian woods, told at the above theater for four nights, begin ning next Sunday, February 14. with a spe cial matinee Wednesday. Included in the excellent cast of players will be found a great Portland favorite, Andrew Robson. This will prove one of the season's greatest dramatic treats. CONDENSED NEWS BY WIRE Los Angeles Edward A. Post, of Ore gon, suffered Injuries which will prove fatal when he was run down by a trolley car Tuesday night. Chicago Mrs. Ruth May Swift-EVeraz. who was left a fortune of 5.0u0.i0u by her father, the late Gustavus Swift, was grant ed a divorce from her husband. Ernest H. Eversx, by judge Gibbons Tuesday. Greenville, Tex. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Missouri, Kansas & Texaa Railroad creosotlnip plant. located four miles from Greenviie early Tuesday. The loss is estimated a between $130,000 and 200.000. Pittsburg Young Corbett, of New York, ex-lightweight champion of the world, fought six rounds with Mull Bowser, of Pittsburg. Tuesday night. No decision was given, but Corbett had decidedly the bet ter of it. Washington The Union Jack of the bat tleship Maine, which was sunk In the har bor of Havana, was recetyi at the Navy Department Tuesday from Captain J. C Fremont, commanding the United States ship Mississippi. It will be added to the collection In the museum at Washington Navy-Yard. San Franclaco Mrs. Annette Hartsell, a fan Franc t sco milliner. Is suing John A. Murphy, travling salesman for Edson, Keith Co., wholesale milliners of Chi cago, for 923.000 damages fior false im prisonment In 1000. She says the pub licity resuiling from her arrest ruined her business. Murphy charged that Mrs. Hart zell secured a bill of goods under false pre tenses, but the case was dismissed. Washington The Controller of the Cur rency Tuesday announced that the Coal Belt National Bank, of Benton. 111., has been closed, by order of the directors and that Georre C Ball haa been appointed re ceiver. The Coal Belt National Bank's em barrassment Is said to date from the defal cation a few years ago of R. A. Young blood, former president of the bank, and Amusements What the Freas Acute Bay. j NEW ARRIVALS IN SPRING SUITS AND MILLINERY. Inspection Invited. Broken lines and odds and ends left over from the Clearance Sale at ridiculously low out To appreciate the following specials you must see the merchandise, judge for REMARKABLE BARGAIN OFFERINGS. RADICAL REDUCTIONS THROUGHOUT All SECTIONS OF THE STORE . ........ . i JNUTJii we positively will not carry any oi mis mercnanuise uvei, an i wio 6w : J . urday evening, February 13th. Economical women, take advantage of this extraordinary bargain-week off enngs. Great - Bargains in Silver field Furs Odds and ends in Ladies' j m. 1 j i at reaucuons ai less man Coyote who is now serving a term in prison for bis crime. New York Concealing a revolver in her muff. Martha Erlchsen watted for several hours under the New York Central Railroad viaduct at Park avenue and One Hundred Twenty-eighth street early Tuesday and aa Ernest Schwaneimm, a grocer, was crossing the street, fired three shots at him inflicting dangerous and perhaps fatal wounds. She then swallowed poison with probably fatal results. KNOCKOUT WINS BATTLE Frank Mantel! Beats Denver Jjad in TwelfLlt Round. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Feb. 9. With a right cross to the point of the chin. Frank JIantell, the Providence middleweight, put Rube Smith, of Denver, to sleep be fore the Buffalo Athletic Club tonight In the twelfth round of the hardest and fautest battle ever seen In this city. Smith had gone to his knees for a mo ment from a stiff left, but was up quick ly. They wrestled to the ropes and as both Btepped back Mantell shot over his right and lifted Smith off his feet. Rube gamely tried to rise, but fell back had to be carried to his corner. Dallas AVlna In Iowa. MALVERN, Iowa., Feb. 9. (Special.) The Oregons outclassed the Malvern team In basketball tonight, score 40 to 9. The local team had no show against the strong team work of the Oregons. Pebo was the star for the Oregons, making 10 field baskets. Marriage Ureiuea. BEED-BLACKHALL Floyd B. Reed, Corbett. Or.. S2: Maud Blackhall, 18. QOFF-L.USTED B. J. God, city. 28; OllTe Lusted. 21. HASETOX-HANSON Italia I Haseton, Eugene. Or., 23; Marie Hanion, 21. HICKETHIER-BROWN' William Hlcke thler. city. 21: Leona Brown. 18. BILTEN-6TRUCKMEIN V. R. BUyen, city, 24; Freda Struckmein. 22. Weddlnc and vlxltlng cards. W. O. Smith Co.. Washington old.. 4tn and Waib. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dr. Horn, the optician, 3d floor Swet land blug.. guarantees satisfaction or money refunded. No fancy prices. Shoes at factory cost. Rosenthal's. AT TTIE HOTELS. The Portland G. D. Sieson and wife, Lo Antrelrs; L. T. Haywood. Los Angeles; F. Frendenthal. San Francisco: S. T. Ferh heimer. O. B. H-alt, Cincinnati; C. W. Arm en. Kan Francisco; E. B. Clapp, Berkeley; X. J. KiernlfT. San Francisco; J. P. Lucas. Xew York; F. L. DuBray, Lanslns: C. Nichols. New Tork; W. C. Bennett, Chicago; G. K. Porter. Hartford ; W. N. . Young-, F. W. Armstrong, San Francisco: R. J. Van Voorhien. Sacramento; W. D. Keystone, San Francisco: W. F. Davis and wife. San Francisco- C. S. Shanklin, Chicago: W. R. Har per Seattle; R. C. Rutler, Spokane; W. J. Grayson. San Francisco; Mrs. E. S. Col lins, Ostrander; W. S. Stltt, Chicago: A. McKay. Benlcia; R. J. Leeds. San Fran cisco; E. J. Alderman. Cedar Rapids; J. R. Cochran and wife. New York; A. J. Heine man San Francisco; A. J. Clark. Cleve land: B. Rosenthal. A. V. Anderson, William O Haenson. Omaha; Dr. T. C. Campbell and wife. Castle Rock; J. A. M. Lindsay and wife. New York J. I. Gcrson. H. C. Knos. Philadelphia; A. R. Crosby, Tacoma; M H Cowan. Chicago: J. W. Watzek, Davenport; George W. Warren and wife. Davenport; C. H. Davis, Jr., E. J. Braeg, George W. Haion. S. G. Brlttor. city; T. W. Waldergrant, San Francisco; H. B. Dula mey, Marshall; L. CurtlB, New York; George Palmer, G. M. Byckett. La Grande; L. S. Allen Denver; W. H. White and wife, Boyne City; C. E. Young. W. H. Granger, New York; F. Nana. St. Louis: E. F. Maas, Seattle: T. M. McHale. Chicago; Leo J. Mayberg, Mrs. J. L. Raeder, San Fran cisco; E. C. Bvford. Kansas City; L. O. Maver, Cincinnati; F. C. Hogan. Spokane; J. Schwarg. Chicago; A. H. Kelly. R. L. Durham, Nelson; J.- T. Barnes and wife, M. McMackepzie and wife. Salem: E. A. Bendul. Fall River; M. Haas. J. R. Keys, Cincinnati; George F. King. Eureka: W. W. Baker and wife. Miss M. Baker. Miss Drun keller, J. P. Arthur, Walla Walla; J. H. LOT 1 25 NOVELTY SUITS, regular prices $60.00, $65.00 to $75.00, only S27.S5 LOT 3 16 LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Regular prices $30 and $35, Grand S 15 LADIES' LONG WOOL COATS, REGULAR PRICES, $15 and $17.50 S4.9S 20 LADIES' COLORED BROADCLOTH COATS, REGULAR Qfi PRICES $25.00 AND $30.00, FOR ONLY lJ mZ 25 LADIES' CLOTH AND VOILE SKIRTS, REGULAR $12.50 AND $15.00VALUES, vuu EXTRAORDINARY SALE CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS-ONLY 19c A splendid assortment of Cnildren's Hats and Caps, suitable for school wear ; regular prices $1J50, fjS.OO, $2.50, to $4.50. We close out the balance of about 35 hats in the lot, your choice only 19 Fur Neckpieces, Coats,' Stoles, i - i T rn i Trn TVTT A TkTrTI nail price, i a&ij AuvAiAt, ao luwc We Pay the Highest Prices for Raw Furs at All Times. Send for Price List Johnson. A. Feldenhelmer, San Francisco; E. A. Laver and wife, Mrs. R. D. Merrill, New York: F. A. Lee and wif-3. San Fran cisco; E. G. Shaw and wife. B. Crawford. Walla Walla; L. T. Bushnell, Seattle; J. B. Fearon. New York: W. R. Phillips. Van couver; R. B. Burnett and wife, W. D. Davis. Fort Worth; J. J. McKenna-, Phila delphia; R. C. Lange and wife. Miss Lily Lange, Mrs. T. W. Trumble, Chehalis; Miss Gardner. Chicago; M. G. Norden. New York; O. A. Berger. O. H. Wood, Seattle. The Oregon F. H. Miller and wife. Cen tralia; F. A. Reichert. J. B. Prixley and wife. Sacramento; F. S. Smith, L. J. Little, Hood River; A. C. Emmons. R. r. Hill, cltv; J. H. Jagy and wife. Vancouver; J. M. Charthers, Tacuma; H E Stephens, Seattle; W. P. Reed. C. M. Blanchard. Gardiner; Max Wolf, New York; Howard L. SchaBer. Spokane; Melvln E. Trotter and wife. Grand Rapids; Billy Sunday, wife xind four children, Fred Fisher and wife. Chi cago; Miss Frances Miller, Chicago; Rev. George T. Stevens, Spokane; P. L. Long, Enterprise: Harold Dean. Baker City; J. E. Austin. Seattle; Meyer F. Kothchild. Chi cago; John E. Howard, city; F. M. Baum, P. E Fisher, Edward F. Slegenthaier. Se attle: A. W. Peabody, Seattle; W. H. Eccles, Hood River; K. L. Bernard. New York; J. G. Lewis. Eugene; E. C. Burlin game. Frank Buchet, G. A. Bodger, Walla Walla: A. W. Reed. South Bend; C. M. Blanchard, Chicago; F. L. Evans. Astoria; Y S. Ho, J. Sherman and wife. San Fran cisco; William B. Hubbard and baby, Bellingham; W. A. Fannon and wife, Apple ton: William L. Tansill. Bellingham; V. S. Enelling. Lakevlew; Miss Pearl TJglow. South Bend: D. S Tory. Port Townsend; S. B. Nelson. Pullnan; F. F. Brown and wife, Minneapolis; W. J. Langdon, Sumner; W. A. Bricker, Chehalis; R. A. Cowden, Sllverton; R. J. Wilcox. Goidendale; J. P. Lopan, John McCallum. Krag Valley; G. F. Judd, Astoria; H. E. Sunday, R. G. Hezer, Chicago; A. E Wilzln and wife. Seattle; W. Vt Elliott, cltv; F. L. Huston. Vancou ver; Marie A. Barnett, Wasco; E. N. Smith, Eugene; H. M. aioreley. Spokane; A. John son, Seattle: J. H. Sommervllle. Napavlne; Dan McCush. Bellingham; J. L. O'Brien. A. F. Elliott. Seattle: S. L. Bronn, Ashland; W. O. Ptnger. Seattle. The Perkins F. C. Smith, Fresno; R. S. Kantner. 19t)9;H. C. Loeb. Chicago: R. J. Clark, 1909; F. W. Sumner, Everett; Edward Ball, The Dalles: Hugh Scott. Hood River; G. W. Evre. Salem: C. E. Lyon's. 1909; G. W. Bradbury. Garrett Aang-e, Walla Walla; F. C. Wallace, city; C. J. Hanison and wife. Chehalis; M. E. Wiley and wife. Osk Point; C. W. Bowers and wife, Marcellus; J. E. Henkle and wife. Philomath: J. N. Camp bell, Hood River; William Foley, city; M. E. Wller, city; George H. Wilcox, Hills boro; W. S. Hale, Seattle; Mrs. Grace Lewis. Kansas City; R. R. Rogers. Detroit; H. R. Persage. Chicago; H. M. Walker and wife. Twin Falls; Robert Jones. S3. Argo; R. J. Gamble and wife. Gl-enwood; A. A. Cor nell, Saginaw; T. IT. Armstrong. Abelene; George Gurnsey, Indianapolis; J. H. Blank ley, Seattle; B. M. Ramsey, O. B. Bunch, Pleasantvllle: M. W. Kellogg. Iva: Henry A. Gaaez. Berkeley; L. R. Haieltine and family, Mrs. E. H. Ahern, Pittsburg; H. L. Lively, 1909; E. R. Frank, city: C. R. Pitts, Vancouver; E. C. Johnson. C. R. Wag ner, city; Phil Klndler. Chicago: R. H. Nor ton, Seattle: J. Kansen. Seattle; Robert Stewart, Dr. J. W. Johnson. San Fran cisco: F. A Clark and wife. Vancouver; C. Dencker, San Francisco; Horace Lilly, Mc Minnviilo: Charles B. Partridge, Newark; H T Prince, Dundee; G. W. Briggs, Indi anapolis; N. Whealdon. The Dallese; Wil liam S. Crane. Manstigue: R. L. Dunham, city; X. W. Bethel, The Dalles; L. C. Nel son and wife, Minat; W. S. Sherman, As toria; W. A. Fannon and wife, Greinport; John Lamont and wife, Skamokawa. The Imperial A. W. Campbell. R. Scun non and wife, city: A. N. Sheeny. Winlock: R. M. Gaston, Astoria; W. M. Hower and wife. Vancouver; B. F. Scott, city; J. O. Hooker.- Wateivllle; B. A. Churchill and wife. Stayton: J. H. Raley. W. L. Thomp son, Pendleton: M. A. Kees and wife, olty; W. J. Chapman, Seattle; Miss R. Kellogg, Bellingham; W. T. Shaw. Pullman; G. Hendricks and wife. Seattle; V. C. Brown, Eugene; H. L. Benson. Klamath .Falls; J. W Seavey and. wife, C. G. Cornelius and wlfa, Eugene; L. L. Jones, Klamath Falls; Mrs. M. B. Hill, Vancouver; Mr. Davenport and wife, Albany; H. Walker, Vernon: R. L. Dingman, city: W. M. Boots, Monmouth; Mrs. A. Bonebrake. Goidendale; A. H. pfege, Eugene; J. C. Robinson and wife, Woodbum ; D. J. Cooper, Miss M. Nappinger, The Dalles: C. E. Kindt, Klnton: R. E. L. Shore. Seattle; E. Cochran, Monmouth; W E. Barker, Eugene; Mrs. Van Valza, Springfield : O. J. Wilson, Salem; W. L. Bice Independence; W. K. Parker, Mc Mimiville: C. K. Spaulding, Salem; E. J. Murphy and wife, Pendleton. St. Charlese V. N. Varlel, Bruler CowJes, city; Andy Olson, Mrs. Anna Fauske, All Rabson. St. Helens: Charles E. Mills, Wood burn; Forest E. Mills. Aurora; A. Paulsen, The Dalles; F. K. Austen, Yacolt: Miss Erlcksen, city; C. M. Peck. Syracuse; C. E. Allen, city; Joseph Schmand, Toledo; R. M. Gaston, Astoria; Fred Grosscup, S. Y. Evans. James Humphrey, George X. Mack. Eugene; Will B. Purdy. Xewberg; P. Heitel, Vancouver: F. H. Kaylor, Salem; F. HoucbeD, Cathlamet; John Ickler, Gresham; Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts. for $12.85 ale of Ladies5 Coats osSTS:EEGULAE 32.98 ON LADIES' FURNISHINGS AT PRICES TO MOVE THEM QUICKIY si . n fVi a oVinTTO etc., at prices never before offered to the Portland public, A ft T t t-Vn-a 4et amnio TITTIA VP.t. t.O WfiflT J UrS. Mrs. A. B. Root. Ostrander; Frank Pea body. San Francisco; O. 3. Bpeohe. Spo kane; Charles Walters, city; El Bockfy. Bay Center; Fred Milen. The Dalles. J. v . Huntington, Mrs. J. W. Huntington. Miss E. F. Huntington. Carlton; C. H. Curtis and wife. R. N. Curtis, city: George W. fry. W. O. Frv. Aurora; C. F. Lansing, Salem. Mrs. D. Moriarlty. Stevenson; A. I.maux. Corbett; C. H. Maupin, 6. Lindley. Lebanon. A. Kevser. The Dalles; A. J. Gilbert New berg; W. H. Klepper, Fresno; S. W. Mayers. Stevenson; W. H. Kinney . Rlckreall; Ida Miller. Gresham; N. J. Walter. Shelton, J. F. West, Timber Valley; J. H. Cocker ham. McMinnvllle: A. B. Root, Ostrander, T. W. Marshall, city: W. H. Erwln. Snoho mish; S. Fltzpatrlck. Tacolt; forest s. Miller. Hubbard; Sam Owen. Salem; Dan DuBols. Frank DuBols, Woodburn; W. J. Kinnard, M. Z. Burton, city; John lcin. Scappoose. The Cornelius McDonald Potts. J. W. Stone, city; C. S. Lawton and wife, L. M. Donald. Eugene: W. G. Ganong Chicago W F. Ehrlngler. Cleveland; E. Hlrsn. Hlrsh. Salem; Lou Mayer. Cincinnati; L. A Field and wife. Grand Rapids; Neil Walker. Seattle: H. C. Atwell, Forest Orove; L. A. Carlisle. A. L. Sackett. city: H. M. Day. Des Moines; W. C. Earle. Chicago W W Alllngham, Chicago; Gaorge . Johnston. Drefus; D. E. Stefrt. Minneapolis. The Nortonla Henry Copenhagen, Au burn. Wash; J. K. Baker. Los Angeles; William Kelly and wife, Rainier; Mr. and Mrs. James Canby. Miss Maud Canny. Master James CanDy, nanninji, u. v-.. - Holtzer, B. R. Davidson. Chicago; W. D. ; Burke. Seattle. Wash. ; Paul Haynes, Olym- , pla; Robert Rutledge and family. Mil- j waukee. Wis.: Mrs. G. Ellwood. Clatskanle; I James L Wilcox and wife. Seattle: Mrs. , R. D. Kelly and son, city; James Dudlej, ( Seattle. j The Danmoore E. T. Apgar, East Orange, N. J.: Frank McDougal. city: Mrs. Gordon, , R A. Caples. city: Mrs. E. L. Finch. Spo- ; kane; H. T. De Witt, Hood River; C. B. : Van Otta and wife. Kallspell, Mont. ; B. L. Barry and wife. Dayton; W. R. Blind, Vic toria. B. C; W. T. Stephens. Seaside: J. Connors. J. R. Canfleld. city; E. C. Brock , Hood River; Bone-Brock-De Witt Co., Hood River; J. A. Padden. W. C. Newnle. Vic- , torla. " ; Walk To Your Meals Like A Man Eat What You Will and Learn to En joy Food and to Digest It. HERB'S THE SECRET, FREE. Make up your mind after reading: this tiiat you will let the next meal hold no terrors for you. You can enjoy it. Tou can digest !t. All that is needed is to give nature the juices she lacks, to give the stomach a chance to remove the terrible irritating 'acids, alkalies and gases which turn food and nourishment into gas and de composition; When a system is run down and de pleted it needs building up. Ashes won't rekindle a fire and wrong digestive fluids will not take proper Juices from food no matter how good the food is. Is this common sense? Men spend years and even life experimenting on the human system, what it lacks in disease and what it needs in perfec tion. This knowledge is known to every ohyslcian or should be. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are compressed natural vegetable and fruit essences which when mixed with the saliva of the mouth go into the stomach capable of digesting a full meal and they digest It to the uttermost shred. Then such a meal does a man rood and it gives to him the means to overcome stomach troubles. Forty thousand phy sicians use these tablets and charge you for writing a testimonial of their merit which they call a prescription, i Any druggist in America or Canada ' will sell you a box for 50c. Think of it. , Every druggist carries them. Here's common sense again. Don't this teU i you there is merit? Go to your drujr- i gist today, buy a packago and w i!lc : up to your meals knowing tnoi ihuy ! will not cause you pain. rf;nd us your ! name and address and we will send you : a trial package by mill fr-.'e. Address . F. A. Stuart Co., I 0 Stuart UUs., Mar shall. Mich. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Send for Fur Catalogue. Mailed Free. prices irr order -to close them yourself. NOTE THtbJu LOT 2 20 HIGH-GRADE TAILORED SUITS Regular prices $40 and $45 19.75 LOT 4- 20 TAILORED SUITS and DRESSES Regular $25.00 values, only. .S5.85 rrnnria mi let. VP fifVIrl T"l V Sa.t j - " Muskrats: Mine. Yale's Hair Tonic FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Antiseptic and Hygienic A Hair Invigrtor Just what Its nam Implies. It supplies nourishment, ths elements of growth, which when absorbed by the hair, strengthens and beautifies It In ths same way thst sap glorifies ths foliage of a tree. Kven where the follicles are seemingly dead. If ths scalp Is massaged dally with Mns. Tale's Hair Tonic a vigorous growth will be produced. It has honestly earned its title of "ths great hair grower." It stimulates ths most stunted growth and makes the hair magnificently healthy and beautiful. By its use .women can provide themselves wttn a trailing man tle of hall1 woman's natural raiment, her birthright. . Mme, Yale's Hair Tonlo is prised equally by men and women, particularly when ths hair begins to weaken or fads. Cares baldness, graynees, splitting of ths hair, dandruff and all diseases of the hair, scalp and beard. On application usually stops hair falling. A nursery requisite; no mother should neglect to use it for hsr boys and girls; when ths hair Is made strong In childhood it re mains proof against disease and retains Its vigor and youthfulness throughout life. , . Mme. Tale's Hair Tonic is a colorless, fragrant, delightful hair dressing ; neither sticky, gritty, nor greasy; makes the hair soft, fluffy and glossy. Contains no artificial coloring; would not soil the whitest hair; restores original color by invigorating the scalp and re-establishing normal circulation and proper dis tribution of the live coloring matter. Beautiful hair redeems ths plainest countenance, and anyone can secure it by using Mm. Tale's Hslr Tonlo. Now in three sizes. Our special pries $1.00 size 79c. .50 size 39c. .25 size 21c. Wa will give you free a copy of Mme. Tale's 88-page book on Beauty and Physical Culture. If you live out of town, writs us and ws will mall you a copy. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Owl Cut-Rate Drug Dept