Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1909, Image 1

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Citadel of Sin Stormed
as Never Before.
Baseball Preacher Pitches Into
Evil of Every Degree.
Great Crowd Hears Eihorter Grill
Booze," Cards and Theaters
With Slang, Eloquence and
Unique Oral" Gymnastics.
Wlwir th nnnnni of cholarhlp Jecre
one thin, and the Word of God decree an
other, the concensus of arolarahlp caa so
plumb to hell, for all I care. .
Moet church member live a cider, milk
and Tlnesar eort of life. I deeplee a mug
wump. I despise a fellow vbo will carry
water for both gangs, with erverr tissue,
vein and artery In mv bodv.
If you came ogling around my wife, your,
old carcass would aay for lead, and they
could tan your old hide lor chair bottoms,
T' 11 tell vmi that.
Some people will go to a dirty, good-for-nothing,
stinking card party :o carry home
a glass dish. All theee card-playing, the-
ater-gmng. gnmhllng. smoking, ciiwing,
snlttlr.g. nlD-flODDlng. molly-coddling churrQ
members aren't worth three whoopa outside
of hell.
Tou will never keep America from rotting
tnto hell without a touch of the old-time
Judas bought a ticket to hell with AO
piorve "f silver; and be didn't buy a round
trip either.
Hell la so full of church member that
their feet will stick out of the windows.
One of these cigarette-smoking, damning
little roues the: never worked a day in
h!n life, goes strutting around the street
with his hat on the back of hi head like
a fried egg. with his varsity pants rolled
up, ar.d thry have cloth enough In the seat
to make four pair of breeches this little
ettnking son of a millionaire goe strutting
round the street with a pistol In his hip
pocket; I! It exploded It would blow bl
brain out.
Oh, Cod. I am in an awful hole. If you
erer helped a man In your life, help me
get mat oaii; ana you haven t got mucn
lime to make up your mind, either.
Of all carrion and rot, the most Jack
asd asinine, rot I ever saw or heard of.
Is christian Science. It la neither Christian
nor scientific.
Many a man will whine and whittle to
God when he thinks the old undertaker Is
coming to measure his carcass, in order to
tell how long to dig tha grave.
""Bill" Sunday beggars description. As
a revivalist lie does things to the Kng
liah language which no man ever dared
before. A dictionary In a storm, a the
saurus struck by lightning, and a, head
on collision between the two could never
produce such verbal fireworks as did
Sunday's sermon, exhortation, address,
lecture, harangue or war-dance at the
White Temple last night
Adjective piled on adjective, simile
heaped on simile, synonym laid over syn
onym, pathos, bathos, vituperation, in
vective, alliteration. Ulceration, and
other and sundry oral gymnastics occu
pied the platform, to the amusement,
horror. Interest, disgust, pleasure and
general astonishment of an audience
that banked the edifice to the doors and
out on the sidewalks and around the
Sunday Absolutely Unique.
There was never anything like it in
Portland before. There will never be
anything like again, possibly. There was
a "once-ness" about It, to coin a word,
indescribably unique. "Like Adam's rec
ollection of his fall."
With a clatter and crash of resound
ing vocabulary the famous exhorter
charged the cohorts of the Devil until
the welkin rang; also most of the door
bells In the neighborhood. He was a
veritable "wild-cat" engine of vitupera
tive epithet, tearing down the spiritual
grade at a thousand miles an hour, and
emitting sparks, smoke and general con
fusion at every revolution of the oratori
cal drive-wheels in his system.
Whole Band In One.
If the Dcmosthenean definition of ora
tory, viz., "energy." Is correct, then Sun
day has It bigger than an "Injun." Such
mortal energy was never seen before in
a Portland pulpit. It had the roll of the
drum, the peal of the bugle, the shrilling
of the fife, tha shouts of the embattled,
and the din of conflict in it.
By closing jour eyes you could hear
the crackle of musketry, the swish of
"minle" bullets, the shriek of shell, the
cries of the wounded, the roar of can
non and brass bands playing in the dis
tance. "Lord, is it I?" cried the preacher.
"Ixard. Is it I?" It was a question he
often asked himself during the sermon.
It was the text, supposedly, but it had
about as much to do with the sermon as
a rabbit. He drifted from a bitter de
nunciation of society women to a story
of his boyhood, and switched from the
recital of a humming-bird over a flower
bed to a roast of theater-goers and card
players. funiiay did not preach his celebrated
sermon on "Booze," but he unllmbered
the shot and shell of his verbal batteries
against the rum-shop occasionally during
the address.
Keeps Busy Every Minute.
He was all over tha stage at once. He
waa praying and pleading and denounc
ing and threatening and hammering away
ft rat at one evil and then at another,
until the perspiration rolled from his
forehead and made him mop his
dampened brow.
His audience glowed and shivered and
laughed and gasped at bis untamed and
(Coadudel m Faca.ADLl
San Francisco Clubfollc Summoned
to Testify as Result of Raid
In Chinatown.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8l Convinced
that "for ways that are dark and tricks
that are vain," the peculiarities of Bret
Harte's immortal. "Heathen Chinee" are
as nothing compared to the wiles of Ah
Sam, a local Chinese, 300 representatives
of San Francisco's clubdom, both men
and women, thronged Judge Deasy's de
partment of the Police Court today in
answer to subpenas served at the re
quest of the aforesaid Mongolian. Lead
ers from every exclusive club were pres
ent. Ah Sam is a clubman himself. He
'directs as president, tlie affairs of the
Asiatic Club, in the Chinese quarter.
Some nights ago the police raided the
Asiatic Club and took Ah Sam to Jail
on a charge of gambling. He contends
that his treaty rights have been in
fringed; that f bridge, checkers, domlnos
or any other games are played in clubs
frequented by white men and women it
is fitting that he and hjs friends should
be allowed to play poker.
To support this contention Ah Sam
caused to be issued an edict summoning
officers and members of the California,
Bohemian, Sbrosls, Pacific Union, Olym
pic, Union League and a dozen other
clubs to come into court and tell of the
amusements and pastimes most popular
in their respective organizations; and he
hopes to prove that games of chance
are played In the various clubs.
Judge Deasy relieved the tension by
ordering the witnesses to return to their
homes and directing that each club men
tioned should send a single representa
tive, -who Is an expert on gambling,"
to court at the time of the hearing of
Ah Sam's case.
Houston Citizens Tire of Waiting for
Trial and Hang Black.
HOUSTON', Miss.. Ft. 9. Roby Baskin,
murderer of Rev. IV. T. Hudson, was
lynched by a mob here this afternon.
A crowd of over 300 determined citizens
took the negro from the Jail and hanged
him to a tree. Not a shot was fired,
and the whole proceeding was conducted
Sheriff Deone. of Okolona arrived Just
as the negro breathed his last, and made
strong protest that he bad not been
treated right. Leaders of the mob said
they' had not been given a speedy trial
of the negro as promised, and that they
could not be blamed for taking things
into tbelr own hands.
Earthquake Precedes Eruption of
Mexican Volcano.
MEXICO CITY. Feb. 9. Another earth
quake is reported in the vicinity of Co-
lima today. A violent eruption of the
volcano followed. A ridge of lava a
mile long is streaming down one side of
the volcano.
NAPLES, Feb. 9. The Instruments in
the olwervatory at Valle dl Pompeii reg
istered a very strong earthquake today
at an estimated distance of 1400 miles.
Kansas Solons Would Stop Sale of
Drug-Store Booie.
TOPEIvA. Kan,. Feb. 9. The Senate
Judiciary committee presented a bill to
day which provides for the discontinu
ance of ail druggists' permits, forbids
the keeping of liquor at clubs and places
of amusement, putting the ban against
the sale for any purpose whatsoever. It
is the most drastic prohibition measure
ever introduced in the Kansas Legisla
Natives of Mexico Think Volcano Is
Slowly Forming.
MEXICO CITY, Feb. . The famous
Dos Eocas Oil well, which for months
shot a column of flames and smoke into
the air for hundreds of feet, has been
converted into a geyser and fears are
entertained that eventually the well will
become an active volcano. Boiling waters
were hurled up today at a rapid rate
and a large quantity of volcanic stone
was erupted.
Brave Men Meet Death in Effort to
Save Imprisoned Laborers.
YUZOOKA. Russia, Feb. 9. An explo
sion occurred in the Catherine mine here
today, and it was quickly followed by
fire. One hundred and twenty-five min
ers are Imprisoned In the mine. An en
gineer and three workmen who attempt
ed to rescue the victims have been
Miners Scramble From Mine After
Slight Explosion.
ZEIGLER. 111.. Feb. 9. Two miners
were drowned in a wild scramble for
safety In the Letter coal mine here to
day, U others escaping without injuries.
The panic was caused by a slight ex
plosion in the workings, which did com
paratively litUe damage.
Chinese Say President
Favors Japs.
New Complication Sprung in
California Situation.
In Long Memorial, Leading Oriental
Association Declares Celes
tials Are Treated Worse
Than' Fugitives.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9.-In a tele
graphic communication addressed to
President Roosevelt, and sent today by
the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent As
sociation, better known as the Chinese
Six Companies, the attention of the Pres
ident Is called to certain instances where
in 1t is affirmed the executive depart
ment sought for the Japanese residents
of California many rights and privileges
that the Chinese have long been denied.
Its text In part follows:
"Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, President of
the United States, Washington, D. C:
Praise for Jap Action.
"In view of the commendable and Just
efforts recently made by you on behalf
of the Japanese, in regard to certain laws
lately proposed and at the present time
partially adopted by , the Legislature of
California now convened at Sacramento,
we, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
Association, representing the whole of
the Chinese people of the United States,
feel Justified in respectfully calling your
attention to certain conditions pertaining
to the Chinese, both citizens and aliens.
In this country, which are In direct and
flagrant conflict with the sentiment ex
pressed by you both lately and hereto
fore, relative to the Japanese.
"We also feel it our duty toward those
whom we represent respectfully to pro
pound to you certain questions which are
of the most vital Interest to the Chinese
residents of the United States, and an
swers to which we respectfully but earn
estly request. These things we do with
all due regard to the dignity of the exec
utive department of the United States,
and also in the belief that you, having so
unqualifiedly expressed your views in
favor of the Japanese, cannot fall to
render the same Justice to the Chinese
when . the facts have been laid before
you. '
Charge Discrimination.
"We beg leave to refer you, Mr. Presi
dent, to the fact that there Is a discrimi
nation in favor of Japanese aliens as
against Chinese citizens, residents and
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Then Priests and Legislators Plunge
Into Fray and Audience
DUBLIN, Feb. 9. The national con
vention of the United Irish League,
which was opened today under the
presidency of John Redmond, was the
scene of an outbreak that resembled
the proverbial "Donnybrook Fair."
William O'Brien spoke in opposition to
the land bill of the Chief Secretary
for Ireland, and Mr. Redmond favored
the measure.
During ' the controversy Eugene
Crean, member of Parliament from
Cork, rushed to the platform, appar
ently with the intention of attacking
Mr. Redmond. He was suppressed and
hustled away, however. Then for a
few moments the platform became a
seething- mass of angry disputants.
Priests and legislators pushed Into
the fray and tugged at one another's
collars, while the rest of the audience
yelled, cheered and shouted encourage
ment to the disputants. Ten minutes or
more elapsed before Mr. Redmond was
able to quell the pandemonium.
Resolutions offered by the followers
of Mr. Redmond In favor of home rule
and Secretary Blrrell's land bill, and
expressing confidence in Mr. Redmond's
leadership, were carried by overwhelm
ing majorities.
Three Postal Clerks Accused of Lob
bying Get Short Shrift.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. Postmaster.
General Meyer served notice today that
he would allow three postal employes ten
days in which to defend themselves on
the allegations of lobbying before Con
gress In the Interest of legislation affect
ing postal employes. The accused are
Frank T. Rogers, of Chicago, president
of the United Association of Postal
Clerks; W. E. Kelly, of Brooklyn, presi
dent of the National Association of Let
ter-Carriers, and E. H. Roberts, of this
city, representing the Railway Postal
In the case of Kelly and Rogers, the
Postmaster-General has canceled their
leaves of absence and ordered them to
return "immediately" to their work. The
Postmaster-General's action was taken
after several conferences with President
Roosevelt. "
Direct Election of Senators Voted
Down by Legislature.
HELENA, Mont., Feb. 9. The Senate
today, by a Btrict party vote, killed the
House primary election bill, which Is
patterned after the Oregon law and
which relates solely to the election of
United States Senators.
Murdered In Legation.
SANTIAGO, Chile, Feb. 9. The reoprt
of the examining physicians declares
that Chancellor Bieckert, whose body
was found in the ruins of the burned
German legation, was murdered.
An examination of the body showed
the Chancellor received a dagger wound
In the region of the heart. Investiga
tion showed 25,000 pesos had been stolen
from the safe In the legation.
. . - - - -------- - - - - - -
Cheaper Than Locks
Say Some Senators.
Cost $400,000,000 to Finish
' Locks, Says Kittredge.
Sorry He Was Won Over From Nic
aragna Route Teller Says En
gineers Don't Know What They
Have Undertaken to Do.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 The Senate
discussed today the type of canal that
should bo constructed at Panama.
Kittredge, chairman of the committee
on Inter-oceanic canals, precipitated
the debate by presenting: an adverse
report on the Hopkins bill, authoriz
ing the Secretary of the Treasury to
issue bonds to the extent of $300
000.000 for the construction of the
canal. Reading a statement of the
expenditures of the canal to date, he
declared that the completion of the
lock canal would cost $400,000,000 and
insisted that a great mistake had been
made in not adhering to the plan for
the building of a sea-level waterway.
which, he said, would be cheaper than
the lock canal.
Foraker and Teller both Joined Kit
tredge in declaring that a sea-level
canal should be constructed and Kit
tredge said it was not too late to
abandon the lock project
Cost Far Above Estimate.
Kittredge said the canal committee
disapproved of the proposed issue of
bonds and he read a statement show
ing that expenditures on account of
the canal to date have been $177,964,
468. He said that, while he engineers
on the canal zone had originally
placed the cost of a lock canal at
$139,000,000, they had now Increased
their estimates to $400,000,000, whereas
it had been estimated that a sea-level
canal could have been built for $247,
000,000. Kittredge said the lock canal
had not progressed so far that it
would not now be possible to adopt
the sea-level type.
Teller thought a sea-level canal
could be constructed more cheaply
than a lock canal and would be far
less dangerous in Its construction.
Kittredge said a minority of the con
sulting engineers had pledged their
professional reputations that the cost
of the lock type of canal, exclusive of
sanitation and expenses of zone gov
eminent, would not exceed $139,000,
000. Kittredge said he believed the
experience of the American engineers
(Concluded on Paa;e 4.)
No Confirmation of lieport That Bat
tleshlp Georgia Rammed Sis
ter Leviathan.
LONDON, Feb. 9. According to dis
patches received by a news agency her
from Gibraltar, reports are current
there that collision had occurred be
tween the Georgia and another battle--ship
of the United States Atlantic fleet,
which sailed from tnat port on Sunday
morning on its homeward voyage,
Nothing is known officially of such an
occurrence, and little credence Is given
to the report. Wireless dispatches re
ceived at Funchal, Madeira, from th
Connecticut yesterday reported all well
with the fleet, which was then in lati
tude 64:32 north, longitude 15:16 west,
or about 600 miles west of Gibraltar.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Late tonight
no word has reached the Navy Depart ment
to confirm the reported collision
between the battleship Georgia and an
other battleship of the Atlantic battle ship
fleet. Secretary Newberry stated
that means of communication are such
that the department would surely havii
been advised of such a mishap had ia
Crazed Man, Posing as Detective,
Tries to Kill Police Officers.
Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning a
man believed to be insane carried on a
running pistol duel with Sergeants
Kienlen and Keller through several
blocks of the North End, and was finally
cornered in a doorway, at Second and
Ankeny streets, and taken to the police
station. There he gave several names,
repeating that of N. K. Parsons most
The duel started In front of the
Strayers Mission, at Fourth and Couch
streets, where the man had entered a few
minutes previously, and telling A. C.
Bernard, the night clerk, that he was a
plainclothes man, had commenced to
search the hobos lying on the floor. Ber
nard telephoned for the police, and
Kienlen and Keller hurried around, to be
met at the door by the man, who snapped
his pistol several times in Keller's face.
The gun failed to go off, whereupon the
man- started to run, firing repeatedly be
hind him.
Kienlen and Keller joined in the shoot
ing, and were later aasisted by Patrol
men Epps and Madden. In all about
three dozen shots were flred. but as the
men were running, none of the bullets
took effect. The firing created a panic
along Couch, Fourth, Burnslde and Sec
ond streets, on which the men ran.
Shortly after the police captured
Richard Singh, a Hindu, believed to be
an accomplice of the man, after a des
perate chase in the course of which the
fugitive Jumped through two or three
windows and broke down a door.
City Physician Ziegler declares Par
sons is only feigning insanity.
President Jordan, of Leiand Stan
ford, Has New Idea for "Frats."
PALO ALTO, Cal., Feb. 9. That each
fraternity chapter house at the university
be presided over by a house mother. Is
the rule suggested for adoption by the
fraternities by President David Starr
Jordan, of Stanford University, In the
campaign he has inaugurated to raise the
scholarship of the members of the se
cret societies. The Innovation in secret
circles Is suggested in a letter to the
various organizations Just sent out by
Dr. Jordan.
The letter calls attention to the poor
scholarship of fraternity men In general
and urges the adoptiqn of a series of
rules by the fraternities to overcome this
eviL The societies at the university are
asked to state their views ' on a rule
which limits their field for securing new
members to men who have passed the ex
amination of the college at the end of at
least one-half term's work.
White Girl Shot, Beaten to Pulp and
Left for Dead.
PITTSBURG, Feb. 9. Unconscious,
shot through the hip and arm and her
body a. mass of bruises, was the condi
tion of Flora Ellsworth. 22 years old, a
victim of a cruel assault, when found
late last night at Shamrock. 40 miles
east of here.
'A rigid Investigation, which lasted all
night has disclosed no clew to the
Identity of her assailant.
The young women is employed as a
domestic. The authorities are hopeful
that the girl may be able to give ma
terial information concerning tho identity
of the assailant should she regain con
Los Angeles Youth Desperate Be
cause of Lack of Funds.
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9. After 16 min
utes of prayer George C. Henderson, a
young man, ended his life by drinking
poison in a rooming-house at 213 South
Main street, early today. . The lifeless
body was found by the , proprietor, A.
Sickness and the fact that he was al
most without funds are believed to have
prompted the deed. Henderson spent all
but 15 cents of a cash balance of 76 cents
for the poison and for a room.
All East of Rockies Lies
Lake Vessels Fight for Lives
Against Icebergs.
From Canadian Boundary South
ward Whole East Is Choked With
Snow and Chilled by Biting
Gale Cold Wave to Follow.
CHICAGO, Feb. 9. (Special.) Fierce
blizzards, the worst of the season, are
ravaging the entire country from North
Dakota to Cuba, southeast, and from
the Canadian line to the northern bound
ary of Texas, southwest. In the North
west and Middle West the storm Is ac
companied by sleet and snow, with
rapidly lowering temperature and a gale
of approximately 46 miles an hour. In
the Southern states and over the Gulf
of Mexico a furious hurricane Is spread
ing devastation, heavy rains following to
complete tlie destruction.
Roadd Give Up; Vessels Missing.
Profiting by the bitter experience of
two weeks ago, railway managers In
Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas and
Iowa are refusing to send out trains.
On the Great Lakes crippled vessels
are limping into port, but many great
freighters are still unaccounted for and
are fighting for their lives among ice
bergs and waves that are rolling 25
feet high.
Close Schools; Stop Traffic.
Special dispatches from Iowa, Minne
sota, Wisconsin and Michigan cities say
the schools have been closed and street
car and other traffic abandoned. Wire
service is badly crippled in all direc
tions. Trains are reported stalled In great
snowbanks In South Dakota, and Salt
Lake reports all Utah trains badly de
layed and some unaccounted for. Cutting
sleet and snow, driven by a tempest
traveling 30 miles an hour, is spreading
over ail of Nebraska and half of Mis
souri is under a pall of snow, with ex
tremely cold weather.
Cold AVave AV1II Follow.
In Chicago the temperature fell from
46 above zero at 2 o'clock in the after-
(Concluded on Page A )
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 4
degrees; minimum, 38 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds.
Anti-Jap resolution urorm only Ave favor
able votes In Oregon Senate. Page 7.
House pfl-sses bill prohibiting game on Me
morial day. Page 6.
Multnomah delegation agrees to ask for
additional Circuit Judge. Page 7.
Appropriation of $;t(H,0fK asked for Ore
gon Agricultural College, Page 7.
Pardon Board 1b opposed at Salera. Page 8.
Senate at Olympla pannes bill forbidding
ante-election promises. Page 12.
France and f-crmany sign agreement on
Morocco. Page 7.
Irish Nationalists Convention develops Into
riot. Page 1.
King Edward and Emperor William pledge
friendship at Berlin banquet. Page 5.
Roosevelt recommends measures to Improve
country life. Page 2.
Chinese of California protect to Roosevelt
against favors to Japs while they are
treated as criminals. Page 1.
Senators condemn lock canal and favor sea-
level type. Page 1.
Amusing encounter in Senate between Lodge
and Smith, page 3.
Rumored collision between two battleship!
of fleet. Page 1.
United protest against Hetch-Hetchy water
scheme. Page 4.
Recall election for Mayor of Los Angeles as
sured. Pago 3.
Pan Francisco society women and club
women testify at hearing of Chinese
gamblers, page 1.
Boston millionaire accused of drugging man
and wife and stealing wife, page 2.
Monarch sawmill to supply Swift with elec
tric current and fuel. Page 2.
Great storm In Middle West stops communi
cation. Page 1.
Mrs. Lemp tells more family secrets under
cross-examination. Page 4.
Many prominent men Indicted for Oklahoma
land frauds. Page 3.
Cincinnati men testify that Harrlman
merger kills competition. Page 3.
Pacific Northwest.
Inland grain farmers combine to shut out
middleman. Page li
State Board of Equalization takes testimony
from County Assessors: tax valuations
badly tangled. Page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
"Billy" Sunday takes great crowd by
storm at White Temple. Page 1.
Multnomah Club elects directors and votes
to enlarge grounds. Page 11.
Railroads of state to receive sharp rebuke
for not building. Page 10.
Fire damages P. R-. L. & Power Co.'s car
shops to extent of $15,000. Page 10.
Wills takes steps to revoke North End
saloon licenses. Pago 16.
F. V. Holman will tile minority report
opposing new charter. Page 11.
Huge boulders shown in court In street Im
provement case. Page 16.
Citizens petition Legislature to provide home
for Historical Society. Page 9,
Commercial and Marine.
Wool buvers making contracts freely.
Page 17.
Stock market quiet and price changes few.
Page 17.
Wheat prices hold their own at Chicago.
Page 17.
Captain W. J. Gray arrives In Portland from
San Francisco and offers tugs to Uie
Port of Portland. Page 16.