13 THE. MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1909. SAYS TUX BURDEN IS BT.VEHY UMIT Charles K. Henry Declares It Time for Every Citizen to Give Heed. WILL KEEP INVESTORS OUT Clamor for Fre Bridges, Parka Boulevards and What-"ot Grows Serkms for Property-Owners. Says Reaction Is Certain. PORTLAND, Feb. 8. (To the Editor.) The editorial article published In The Oregonlan today under the heading-. "The Non-Taxpayer's Interest," Is worthy of the best thought and attention of every citizen of Portland, taxpayers or other wise. The ground Is covered thoroughly In the article, and it is hinh time for ' every person in the . City of PorUand that has the welfare of the city at heart, to pay attention to this question of exces sive taxation. The first question asked by an Investor, manufacturer or Jobber coming to locate in this city, is: "What are your rates of taxation and Insurance rates 7" Port land is being "soaked" to the uttermost limit. The demand for more f-ee bridges, free ferries, a bridge across the Columbia River, parks in every local ity, boulevards, more official positions and Increased salaries. Is certain to check and stop the splendid growth that we are Betting. This city Is doing more than any other city In the United States. In New York City people crossing In vehicles on either the Brooklyn or Williamsburg bridce have to pay toll. In Pittsburg, with its enormous population, even persons on foot have to pay toll, and in St. Louis, with a population of over 750,000, pedes trians, as well as vehicles, have to pay toll to cross their bridges, while the City of Portland, struggling to upbuild, is now supplying four free bridges and three free ferries, and yet there Is a "howl" for more free bridges, one at Hancock street, one at the foot of Rus sell street, one In South Portland and another at Oswego. Who Is paying for all this, if not the taxpayers? Let us see. The taxes this year on the quarter block that I bought in Aueruat, on Fourth and Oak streets, are $22fi0. a fortune to pay out as taxes on an unimproved quarter block. This Is an increase of J38.40 over the taxes of last year. Can anybody point out In what way this property has benefited over last year to the extent of over $50 a month? It la ridiculous. The writer has Induced as many fami lies to locate here and as many invest ors to Invest here as perhaps any other possible agency In the City of Portland, and is leaving for California with a view of inducing others to invest in our city, and to secure the location of other in dustries here. In fact, two are expected to locate here this Spring. One of the largest houses In the United States, with large houses In New York. Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis, will locate here, If I can bring it about. What kind of an argument will these non-taxpayers furnish nie to Induce those concerns to locate here, with taxes be ing raised from 80 to DO per cent in a single year? If we are to have a big city, and are to give labor and employ Vient to the great throng of people that we are hoping to have here, we must have factories. Jobbers and wholesalers here, and In order to Induce them to come, we must have reasonable taxes and reasonable rates of Insurance, or else they will not come here, as you very aptly stated. 'A day of reckoning Is coming for the non-taxpayer." A high tax levy will surely increase rents and the laugh will not be altogether on their side, as it nems to be at present. They may think it is very easy to order new high bridges costing millions, and parks to every little addition that has nerve enough to clamor for them, and boulevards that contem plate the taking of such expensive prop erty as the Holbrook and Charlton prop erty, on the heights, reaching on down and taking Judge Bronaugh's and his mother's fine homes and similar proper ties of that kind for driveways. They think it Is easy to sell bonds for these, but people- who have struggled for a lifetime to accumulate a little property are getting tired of paying for these things. Let us see how this works. The prop erty that I bought on Fourth and Oak streets, for $126,000, Is assessed at $113,000. being over 90 per cent of its actual selling price; while the Ainslie mill property, for which It Is stated in this evening's Telegram. 6,000 was refused, was as sessed at but JC8.700, or about 40 per cent of its value. As another illustration, the property of Mrs. B. C Hasten, on the south side of Overton, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, for which she is asking 100.000, Is assessed at $29,500. or less than 33 1-3 per cent; and a half block in the same virlnity owned by Beno A Ball Is. on Twelfth street, for which they aro asking; about $200,000, Is as sessed at J33..T0. - "Why should not these people be made to pay taxes In propor tion to the prices property-owners have to pay for property tn the center of the city? Taxation should be uniform and fair. Every person In the City of Portland should carefully Inspect their tax state ment, and receipts now, and see how they have Increased in the last year, and bethink that If they have the right to Increase from 30 to 50 per cent for one year, what Is to prevent them from In creasing them In the next year In like manner? How can wo expect to sell property and Induce the location of new factories, new Industries and new busi ness. If they may be subjected to im mense Increase in taxes? Insurance rates are altogether too high here. The Pacific Coast Insurance Union has been arbitrary and high-handed, and targe concerns like Marshall-Wells & Co.. Pacific Paper Company, and others are endeavoring to, avoid paying those ex cessive rates by insuring in the Manufac turers" Mutual, which requlro sprinkling icy Ft em, and necessitates the building of high and expensive water tanks that are disfiguring our city in order that they may escape from the grasp of the Pa cific Coast Insurance Union rates. The Taxpayers' League of this city should be upheld and aided In their efforts to reduce taxes In this city. We have enough bridges, ferries and enough public utilities if they are put into a higher state of efficiency. Taxes must be reduced or the city will be set back. CHARLES K. HENRY. ASK .CONGRESS FOR ROAD Pacific County Waxes Pes per a to and Makes a Last Appeal. OREGONIAN NPTWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Feb. 8. Pacific County, Wash ington, has enlisted the services . of ; Congressman Jones to obtain for It lipermlsslonv of -Congress to open- a -road THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OB. MODF.BH RENTAL KAk'T COST ONH MILUOX POIXAM. - ! HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modem Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. 'i a , J 1 J fJ?-3 ri en " nm v mt ill I ill it'll ert. all Centrally Located ,., JM, Dsstsne Fsm R 9 nwns. J. F. DAV1ES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Aldsr CALUMET HOTEL j- t-f. i.'- w' '-v' : i ri. .... ' -r t. r r. a ; . SS6; esc a :j S B i u K. . w 1 tA t am. .M fe ass as ssm i 1 --.r----iSJ r- " t'W MODERN ,iif AfJtS'!JJ i5JT -1-1-4.-1 ! IIS KiSp.3! C. "W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor through the Fort Columbia Military Reservation. This flgrht dates buck, to territorial days; and the road now de sired was in fact established In 1855 by an act of the County Commissioners. Nine years later the road was closed by the Government, which Included It In the land needed for the military reser vation. Since then all attempts to have the route of travel reopened have failed, and now an appeal is being made for Congressional permission as a last resort. Agree on TTrgent Deficiency. WASHINGTON. Fob. 8. In the House today the conference report on the ur gent deficiency appropriation bill . was agreed to without debate. The bill goes to the President. The report finally dis posed of the item of J12.000 for automo biles for the White House by authorizing the necessary appropriation. ChiMrrrt's Fhno rodncd at Rosenthal's. is Cod Liver Oil, purified, re fined and partly digested any one can take it The leading medical authorities agree that Cod Liver Oil is the best help in fighting Consumption, be cause it produces flesh and strength faster than anything else. AIX DBTJOOI8TS Send th! . four cents for postage, men-' tionlng this paper, and we -will nd you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." SCOTT A BOWNE, 409 Pearl SU New York HEADQT7ARTEBS . FOR TOURISTS nssl COMMEBflAL TttAVKI.KRH. Special rate md to families and sin gle teaUmift. The niTTir will be lee4 at all mee o show rooms an give prtoee. A jnod ern Turkish bftth es tablishment in thm hotel. U. O. BOWEB& HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and "Washington Sts. In the heart of the business and shopping district. The most modern and np-to-date hotel in the Northwest. Local and long-distance phones in every room. Roomi with nrivate bath, en suite and single. Large and mod- ' nwnTa wvnma a mt' lTf TT T MTTSTH amuit.-ivuuut train.. Rate. 1MO W. S-.VKTT.AJtn. Manasrer. Modern ImproTs N Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Pail Matechaa & Sons, Prop. Rates 51.00-$10-$2-CQl C O. DAVIS, Sec and Trees. A Strictlr First-CIass and Modern Hotel Containing 1 70 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lonsr Distance Phones In Every Room. Im 'Bo Meets All Trains. Rates American. 1X00 saw day . Bates European. 100 per day and up. par month, single room and board, $4o to $ according to room. For two. $75 to $110. Board without room (80 par month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTOIf ST. Beautiful Grill Room American Bales o Families and Enropeaa On Boi Meets All Trains fcamsle Suites, with Baths, for Trayellnsj Ilea COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANMOORE Portland's sew hotel. 47B Waaalnatoa. eoraer lth OPIP. lietll Theates. Fiunpaan plan 1X and Vaw Bus meets all trains. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor Hotel Moore Clataop Beaea, Sea side, Os. Open all yesr. For Infor mation apply at The Danmoore. THE CORNELIUS The House of "Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient HoteL Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and np. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bns meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. PAGRAR What would afford you more pleas ure in your home than music and story and song. Musio gives to. the home life an atmosphere which nothing else can supply. Your children will be better, brighter, happier If they sing and play. Mother and father will likewise be hap pier. Musio indeed has charms power to drive "dull care away." We suggest a piano or a player piano. A new piano will find Its way to your noma it you will bring us but 110 cash; a player Dlsno If you will bring us S25 cash. Why should you be without music dur ing 1909? This Is a personal Invitation for you to call to see and hear our pianos. STKIXWAY AND OTHER PIANOS. Sherman, Clay & Co. Opposlto Poatofflce. Wit W 4 ' Pianos DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEPOHT. POKTLAJTD, Feb. 8. Maximum tempera ture, 46.8 degrees: minimum, 85.8 decrees. River rending at 8 A. M., 7.1 teet; change in last a hours, .8 foot. Total mtnfall (5 P. M. to S P. M.). .01 inch; total since Sep tember 1. 1908, 23.08 inches; normal, 27.49 Inches; deficiency, 4.4S inches. Total sun chine February 1, 4 hours. 42 minutes; possi ble, 10 hours. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 6 P. M., 2&.S3 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. . Observations taken at B P. U., Paclflo time, February 8: Wind STATIONS. Baker City...... Bismarck. ..... Boise Kureka. ......... Helena. . Kamloops. ...... orth Head. . . . . Pocatello Portland Red Bluff ,. Hosebu rs . w 8pokane. ........ Tacoma Tatooah Island Walla Walla.... Blaine fileklyou -.. Tono pah ........ . Kallspell 841 T. I 4SE 1 0.O8fl8IN IClear bnow 36 T. W BO T. I 6 S -410.011 4INE Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear 20.io! ICnln Pt. cloudy 42'0.22 24! so Rain ;Snow SO 0.64 4 W 4710.01 7B Rain 4RiO.OnlOI3 40.02l 4;SB 82 T. J 4 S Pt. otoody Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Clear Clear 4 O.0OI14SW 48(0.06:28 8 0.06i2S 8 T 4jS 0.O0I 4iSB 44 0.001 4iSB 84 X. I 4 1 2S0.001 4M 160. 00 411 Snow W INW Pt. oloufly Pt. cloudy T. Traoe. WEATHER INDICATIONS. A new disturbance has made its appear ance over Western British Columbia and the danger of a cold wave In Eastern Washing ton. Eastern Oregon and Northern Idaho has passed, as it does not now appear as If any more cold air would drain Into this district from the severe cold wave now being felt in Montana and the Cakotas, The barometer Is rising rapidly over Southern Idaho, Ne vada and Utah and in Southern Idaho it will be much colder for a short period. Light rain has fallen at scattered places in West ern Oregon and Western Washington and moderately heavy snow has fallen la Boutn eatsern Idaho. The indications ara for light rain or snow at scattered plaoes In this district Tuesday, with lower temperatures In Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight, Feb. Portland and vicinity Rata; southerly winds. . . Oregon and Washington Rain west, light rain or snow east portion; easterly winds, in creasing along the coast. Idaho Snow; colder south portion. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Street November 1. 1908. Daily or bun day. Per Line. One time Suna ad two consecutive times J came sd three consecutive times. 80e bame ad six or seven consecutive times .060 Six words count ss one line on caab ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement is not run consecutive times the one-time rate l''?he'above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other cusssidca tlons excepting the fullowlogl eUtuatiuus Wanteo., Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Kent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private F'amlllee. Housekeeping Rooms, Private families. I he rate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. On charge or boos advertisements tne charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each. line. Space In the "New Today" columns Is figured by measure only 1 lines to the Ut5LEPHON'K ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonlan will accept advertisements (excepting "Situa tions Wanted" and "Personal") for publi cation in classified columns over the tele phone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed Immediately and payment is expected promptly, tare will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan will not be re sponsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephones! Main 1070, A 60BS. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS p i Australian, Wyoming and Washington 1UH1 coal delivered promptly In any quan tity. Phone us your order. Star Coal Co, 40 2d st. Phones Main 1618. A 1984. mii- Lasto Mantis. Me. the U8S maniieS equal ot the best 330 mantis on the market. Barretts. 410 Mor rison. Both phones. riiA..i Cut Flowers always fresh from XlUrial our own conservatorlea Martia sc Forbes, 847 Washington st. Both phonsa Electric Fixture- Bfw"hn1u.lp 'o" urlces are right. All work: suaranteed. Western Electric Works, 61 Sixth strseu I1 of tn cr' Knives. Forks and all eilver X la I 111 g wars replaced as good as nsw. Oregon plating Works. 16th and Alder. Mais 2575. A Z37. O' Mailer ICsuberger. 827 Wash mU.0 mgton street. Phone Main 2394. Free delivery. A gallon ot 10-year-old Ingle nook Port, 1.5a Kemmerer eoal. the best Wro 1Oal mlng coal; gives more beat and less ssh Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sta Phones Main 831. A 8831. j ; w.-J oOOO cords first-class 4-foot fir tVOOU wood, (5 per cord delivered. Phone Main 443S. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany. 40S v;orDett -. Richmond and Wallsend Australian. lO&l Independent Coal Ice Company, opposits City Library. Both phones MEETING NOTICES. MASK BALL, to be given by Arbutus 'Cir cle, No. 273. W. O. W.. Friday evening. Feb ruary 12, 1909. in W. O. W. Temple. 128 Eleventh street. First-class music; many prizes. Admission, genu 60c, ladles 25c. IVANHOE LODGE, NO. t, K. OF P Regular meeting tonight in Pythian Temple, 11th and Alder sts. Visiting Knights In vited WILLIAM HEY, C. C. E. M. LANCE, KoR- and S. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1, I. O O. F Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening, Feb 7:80 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Temple. TatHfu-nhal degree. Visitors welcome. Patnarcnai ueB R SUARON scribe. A. A. B. RITE) Meeting tonight; social only. By order Vea. Master. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 54. O. E. S. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Order W. M. ELIZABETH SILKNITTER, Secretary. THE IMPERIAL POTEN TATE. Edwin I. Alderman, arrived hre last evening, and will remain In the city during the day, leaving for Tacoma this evening. Nobles of Al Kader Temple and visiting nobles are invited to report to the reception com mittee at any hours during the day or evening at the tioiei rri t'1" pose of meeting the Irnperlal Potentate. By ordor of ILL. POTENTATE. FUNERAL NOTICES. REED The funeral services of the late Fred W. Reed will be held at Holman's chapel 3d and Salmon sts., at 2 P. M. to day (Tuesday). Friends Invited. Inter ment River View Cemetery- PETERSON The funeral services of Maude Peterson, beloved daughter of Mr. and MrB p J. Peterson, will be held at Hol man's chapel, 8d and Salmon sts., at 1 P M. todav (Tuesday). Friends invited. Tn.A-mAn piv., view Cemetery. BELKNAP The funeral services of the late David Jtieianap win u. "D1 " cbapel, 3d and Salmon sts.. at 8 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends Invited. In terment River View Cemetery. ZELTNER The funeral services of Ferdi nand Zeltner will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends . invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Dnnnlng, McEniee Gtlbongh, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLHAK CO.. Funeral DIreeU era. 820 Sd st. Lady assistant. Phone Al 607. J P. FTNI.EY SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Mala . A IS. -, -r. .... r, " - art. S7S RusselL East 1088. Lady assistant. F. 8. D TINNING. Cadertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Pboas East aM. McENTEE-EBICSON CO. TJndertakerS lady assistant. 408 Alder. M 183. AtJCTIOS SALES TODAX. At the ( store, 232 1st st Sale A. M. sharp. . Ford, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House. WS2 Park St.: furniture, carpets, eta Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. At Wilson's salesrooms, corner Second and TamhUL at 10 A. M-l grooerles. etc J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At Oilman's auction rooms, til Washing ton St., at 10 o'clock A. M. S. U N. Oil man, auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG 14th and Wash. PHONES t Main 1128. LAST TIME TONIGHT S E. H. Sothem IN THE ROMANTIC DRAMA RICHELIEU Prices $2. L50. $1. T60, 50c REMEMBER EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT. SEAT SALE TODAY HBILIO THEATER 3 NIGHTS 5SSSS5S5? Feb. 11, 12, 13 SPECIAL PRICE) MATINEE SATURDAY CHARMING SINGING COMEDIENNB CORINNE IN THE MUSICAL PLAY "LOLA FROM BERLIN" EXCELLENT CAST CATCHY MUSIC DTMfTC. EVENING, $1.50. $1. 75c. 60c riUtU. MATINEE, SI. 76C 00c. 25c. Sensation of the senson, Baker Stock Co. in By Howard RusselL First time on i any stage. Evening prices. 23c. 35c 50c. Mats.. 15c7 25C Next week "In the Bishop's Car riage." . BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360. Or. Theater Co. (Inc.), Lessee. Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Mgr. Tonight, all week, bargain matiuee Wednes day, regular matinee Saturday. HarrT W P. Cullen presents Ruth White, Barry Hermaen and a great company in "THE BURGOMASTER. More Gorgeous Than Ever. Night prices. 25-50-75C-S1. Mat a. 23-flOc Next Attraction "Kerry Qo. 1 OUAtU J f sSAJU u vuu v 15-25-500 KIGHIS THEATEE 15-25-50-750 Week ox rToruary o x i., . n Co. Jwan Schrraoff's Cirrus, May Holey, Royal Italian tjuttrtet, Goldsmith X Hoppe, Buranl & Nevaro, Mack & Marcus, Orpheum Pictures and Orchestra. PANT AGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Nations. The Piccolo Midgets Four Comedy Singers and Acrobats, verit able Tom Thumbs in stature. First Time In Portland, the Original Genuine Italian Earthquake Pictures THE GRAND Vaudeville De Luxe Another Big Bin. Harry Deaves Co. Kirsten Marietta Troupe. Newhon" Phelps. Art Adnlr. I lurry MoDuffee. Grandnsoupe. LUKEIfS PERFORMING 7 LIONS 7 THE STAR Polite Vaudeville A Bill of Hits. Emerson A Summers. Mclntlre Sisters. . ( alien & Smith. Joe Edmonds, lllnstrated Song. Stara scone. The Fowlers WORLD'S GREAT EST F.QUrLIBRlSTS NEW TODAY. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Half block on East Side, be tween two tracks; finest half block on East Side for ware house purposes. Commercial Investment Company 217-218-219 Lumber Ex change Building. A 2279; Main 2279. TWO VERY CHEAP HOMES THAT $1000 WILL HANDLE 82750 Modern, larpe, 6-room resi v j.T.. vast sido residence dis trict; lot 60x1011; street improvements I in; just norm oi snaver ntur n.ei ujr 01. 81800 Modern, 6-room home, spe cially well built, larsre attic and base ment, tul size lot, fruit and flowers; pood residence district; Sellwood car- line- ..... I have a number of attractive bar gains in nice homes. FRANK CLUGSTON 331 Lumber Exchange. WEST SIDE Your choice of those new. modern, six-room houses, N. W. cor. 27th and Savior sts.. near Forestry Park; gaa electricity, fireplaces, furnaces, full cement basements. . Price J4250; $400 down,'40 per month. FIDKLITT TRUST COMPANY (Owner) 801 Board of Trade Bids. Phone Mnin 445. . Store for Rent No. 186 Tenth street near Alder; size about 18x70 feet. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 22D Stark Street. A SNAP 180-acre farm for sale. 90 acres in cultivation, jrood house and barns, run ning; water, 'A mile from station, O. VT. o iin. yiitv3 through nlace. Price S85 per acre. Terms, inquire E. N. FOSTER, Battle Creek, Or. DO TOO WISH TO BUY A. HOMBt Then see HARTMANi & THOMPSON. , Chamber ot -Commflxoa. v SEW TODAY. QUICK RETURNS Orchards and Vineyards Bearing in Four Years Almonds, apricots, peaches and grapes without irrigation. Tha peculiar soil, unlimited sunshine and freedom from frosts make this a certainty at Investigate this. Our claims are all proven. For booklet and information see b. s. cook: & co. 503 Corbett Building. Snap in Residence Property We have a new 10-room dwelling; cement basement, steam heating plant and all modern conveniences. Cor ner East Seventh and Has salo. Must be sold this week. Price $9250. Part cash. McCARGER, BATES 6 LIVELY 315 Failing Building. Portland Improvement. Portland General Electric Co. Oregon Water Power & Ry. Co. Portland Railway Co. Astoria Electric Co. Tacoma Gas Light Co. Portland Gas Co. Portland Home Telephone Co., with stock bonus. Netting 5 to 7 per cent. BOUGHT AND SOLD . J. W. CRUTHERS & CO. Investment Securities, . Board of Trade Building. Over 8 Net On an investment of only $7000. 50x100 and two good houses, on Madison street, Kings Heights. Easy terms. HUMASON & JEFFERY 226 Stark Street. Main 1189. A 3814. 100 Per Cent Platting Proposition In city limits, all clear, ready for platting:; car service, iikuc, tuy wtioi. For particulars see Brown, room 117, 326 Washington street. TIGARDVILLE X uprsn J1350 $575-cash. The cheap est acreage offered by at least 39 per acre. Call for particulars. KADFFMAlJN & MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. DWELLING HOUSES of every kind designed and built to ordor. All the money furnished, which may be paid back in small monthly Installments. JOHN LiOCKHART, Financial Agent. 010-611 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 41)3. MORTGAGE LOANS lowest ratea and terms to unit) spe cial rate and favorable terms on large loans on business properties. Fundi Lronned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bide, Sd A Stark. $500 Cash Will give you a beautiful home of your own on Tillamook street in Rose City Park. The balance of the cost can be paid as rent. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE 8 LOTS FOR 1400 Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of interest. LOUIS SALOMOX, 233 Stark Street, near Second. (iEORCIE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Brancb.ee.) Worcester Bids. Phones. Mala 8371, A 4018. Goodnoe Hills GOLD BODS REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. Co. M. S3 4 9. so Hamilton b. Baker, Alfred A., 113 Ablnirton bll. ; Beck. William G D12 Fallln bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 20 3-1 McKay bldir. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loan, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 602 McKay bllf. M. 049. Cnspin ft Harlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 603 Corbett bids. Field. C. E. A Co.. Board of Trade bids. Ooddsrd, H. W.. ktaia and A 1T48. 110 Id at. Jeanlsss & Co.. Main 168. 06 Orevonlan. Lee, H. B.. room 411 Corbett bide. Parrtah, Watkins A Co.. Z90 Alder at. Riehardsoa, A. B.. 21 Com. Club bid. I Schalk. Geo. D., 29 Btark rt. Main or A 893. ' Sharkey. J. P. Sc Co.. 122H Sixth at. The Oregon Keal Estate Co., Grand ave. sad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) Waddel, W. O., S1 Lumber Ex?hanse btdf. Wnlte. B. F.. Washington at. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATB. J750 10-room modern house: stone foun dation and wall: nearly hnlf block of ground, overlooking Willamette River: nice lawn. I87S0 Beautiful home, bft residonoe eeo tlon Willamette Heinhts. $7500 Beautiful home, best residence seo tlon in IrvluRton. $0800 Nice home. 7 rooms, lot 78x100. tn nice residence section, in Irvlnfcton. $1760 6-room house on Corbett et.. South Portland, 2 blocks from car. $2500 Good '7-room house and bam. ana one-half acne cultivated ground. Just beyond Ladd tract, on Montavllus carlino. $2780 Good house and one acre culti vated ground, lots of fruit trees, on 111. Scott carllna $3000 One of the prettiest building sites) at Rlverdale, consisting of 10 lota $$850 16 acres njar Tlgardvllle, new 7-room house and baru. about 11 acres un der cultivation, and 4 acres finest marketable oak timber. MUIU'HY & CASWELL, 230 Stark su NBAR WOODBURN. ON SOUTH EitN PACIFIC R. K. It. R. STATION ON TUB FLACS. $50 TO $80 PBR ACRE. . ALL OR PARTLY IN CULTIVATION. YOUR CHOICE OF 2So ACHES FINEST OF PEEP BLACK SOIL. NO STONE NO URAVBL. LAND IS ALL LEVEL. FINE TIMBER ON EACH TRACT RUNNING WATER THB WIIOLD NE MILS TO COLLEGE AND SCHOOL. ONE MILE TO CREAMERY. Select your ten or twenty-acre tract now while you have your choice. Eaalest or terma Don't buy before you have seen th"' THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 70S-70U Corbett Bldg- WAGE-EARNERS, ATTENTION. $10 cash and $10 per month buys splendid half acre, convenient to trolley and school; water mains in front of each tract; remember the price, $600; $10 cash and $10 per month. "Every man can be a thinker. If n will only think HOW to think." CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Lumber Exchange Bldg., 102 Si 2d St., Main Entrance. $3600 Desirable, spacious, sightly home site: two blocks from East Morrison cor, consisting of one and half acres; fruit and berries; small barn; easy terms. jl900-Good, substantial, nearly new s room house, pigeon-house and runs; H acre, on carllne. near Milwaukie. 1030 Cottage, 5 rooms, and 8 run lots between Shaver and Mason, near Union; lots alone worth price asked. HEADQUARTERS FOR EAST SIDE) BUILDING LOTS. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce and 27tn ana Alberta ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and planters in Oregon. We have the only Wasted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut coustry, Yamhill. B-acro tracts, planted. $IvO cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO., INC. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ARB YOU IN THB MARKET FOR A HOME? ' We have a few very desirable horns properties for sole, properties that our ex pert has thoroughly inspected. Outline your requirements to us ana we will endeavor to furnish the house you want. We will save you money CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO-. Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stars: sts. T-ROOM, almost new house In walking dis tance on 22d south ot Ladd tract. 1 block from car. Full basement witlj " trays, piped for furnace, gas and electric. Reduced for quick sale from - $3700. $1200 cash. Kauffmann & Moore, B25 Lumber Exchange. FROM OWNER LOT 50x100 In South St. John Addition, and only two blocks from car; Ideal and healthful residence district: the lot number is l., block No. 6; go out and Investigate this and make me an offer. Address D 84j, Oregonlan. T 1-S ACRES on O. W. P. carllne; 6 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, running water, station on land: Weal chicken ranch; lo cated 2 miles went of Gresham. Modern 6-room house, nice lot; street im- PlModern bungnlow. full lot: bnndy to car. O. M. SMITH, 416 Com. Club Illdg. SNAPS. Nice B-Toom modern cottage. But OI1 san $2500, terms. -' . Fine 8-room new, modern house ana rur nlture; all goes (or JWK.n. terms. DUBOIS 4 CltOCKEl f Washington Bldg., room 3. WHAT A SNAP. rr0. corner lot in Piedmont P 1CO0 buys 130 feet frontage Last Ztl St." near school; will trade for roomlng- hOUS6GOLDSCHMIDT-S AGENCY. 23314 Washington st. VERY sightly corner, consisting of 8 lots In Ideal View Addition, close to car at Ivanhoe Station. W.-W carllne. Lotl cleared. fine pine trees Price $1000. .W0 cash, balance monthly. A snap. KauiT mann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We are designers and builders of modern homes on reasonable terms; architectural work and general contractors H. C. MORRIS & CO., 403 Corbett bldg. ONE of the most desirable homos Inlr vington Is for sale. The price Is $8500. This Is for someone who wants a homo and has the money to pay for It. C. J. Owen & Co.. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. 3000 FINE new 5-room bungalow, near the Thompson School; cement baaement, gas and electricity, full lot with 16-foot allov sower in, street graded: $400 cash, balance monthly. A. A .Hoover, 813 Ger llngcr bldg. HAVE buyer for lot 100x100. north of Washington and west of 8th st.; will pay cash; must be a bargain. Bartlett Realty Co., 612 Commercial bldg., 2d and Washington sts. $350 CASH will buy a modern 5-room $18.10 house in West Piedmont, within half block two carllnes. SCOTT & M'DOUOALL, 432 Chamber ot Commerce. FOR SALE Fine lot 60x100 In Irvlngton, East front, Hancock St., beautiful neigh borhood; price 12oO. Call Main S917 If you want a bargalm SACRIFICE GOING EAST. $2700 cash. $2800 terms, my 6-room modern Alberta Bungalow, 2 lots. 1034 East 20th North. 6-ROOM cottage on carllne, full lot, built 1 year, $iauo, sou oou, . "u.... 15 6th St. North. BARGAIN week coming next; 3 lots 890, C 1003. Dolen & Herdman. BEAUTIFUL homes on Mount Scott car- line, $250 down on acn, uaiaiitu anu $20 par month. Spencer & Co.. 102 2d st. WEST SIDE 7-room houpe, lot 50x100; price fJUV, CMUi , room 414. BEST bargain on East Side, S blocks from car, only ctov, ---- - bicig. J2300 New bungalow, $300 cash, $20month- iy. 44tn. near iiitu .cm. ..wo. BUSINESS lot on Alberta rarllne, near lruh; a bargain, v " " -" HOUSH and lot for sale oheap U takes at, once. Shone Tabor lota.