Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Tonight's the Night, White
Temple's the Place, and
"Booze" the Subject.
In Methodist Association He
Takes Dr. Wilson to Task
for Recent Marriage.
! i ''' " '!
i ' . -
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Vote to Hold Xo More Meetings Till
Cline's Term Expires Protest
Against Young for Postmas
ter Is Also Discussed.
As a result of a sensational factional
clash between ministers the Methodist
Ministerial Association yesterday, by a
vote of 18 to 5. adjourned until March 19,
the date upon which the term of the
president. Rev. C. B. Cllne, D. D.. and
the other officers, will expire. It is said
that the anion was taken to administer
a severe r.-buke to Dr. Cllne for certain
actions, involving hi expression on the
Portland, postmastcrshlp in particular.
Dr. Cline. however, voted for adjourn
ment. Five Important papers by members of
the organization, scheduled on the pro
gramme, are thus eliminated because of
the long intermission between sessions.
However this flsht over long adjourn
ni"nt was mild In comparison to state
ments made on the floor by Dr. Cline.
which reflected in the most serious man
ner upon Dr. Clarence True Wilson, pas
tor of Centenary Church; Dr. Benjamin
P. Young, pastor of First Church, and
Dr. W. B. Hollingshead, district superin
tendent. After the motion to adjourn until March
I? was declared carried by Vice-President
William R. Jeffrey, Jr., who was
called to the chair by Dr. Cline. the
latter made some remarks which created
nothing short of a sensation. While ho
did not mention names, the circumstances
cannot be mistaken, and it is known and
openly admitted that he referred to the
recent marriage of Dr. Wilson to Mrs.
Arthur P. Tifft, a divorced woman, which
was performed by Dr. Young, and at
which Dr. Hollingshead was present.
Dr. Cline said that he met a friend
nar the Commercial block recently, and
the friend asked him if the Methodist
Church had abandoned ail of its laws on
marriage and divorce.
Says Marriage Outside Pale.
All who were present immediately rec
ognized the point Dr. Cline was trying to
make, and It is said there were cries for
order; but Dr. Cline continued, and de
clared that, in his opinion, a "recent
marriage" In this city was absolutely out
side the law of the church: also tliat he
held the officiating minister and the dis
trict superintendent, who witnessed it,
- equally guilty, or similar words. The
cession was executive, and the members
were extremely reticent, so that the ex
act words used by Dr. Cline and others
were not obtainable.
District Superintendent Holllngshead.
when asked regarding the affair, said
that he did not feel at liberty to tell
about it. btit when inquiry was made re
garding the marriage of Dr. Wilson, Dr.
Hollingshead said without hesitation tUit
It was clearly within the discipline, and
could not be questioned. He also said that
the incident was not in connection with
the ministerial meeting, and that he did
not regard it as the sentiment of any
save the man who uttered it.
"As to the law of the church." said
Zr. Hollingshead. "it Is clear and plain,
unmistakable, that an Innocent party to
a divorce shall not be made to suffer,
and the marriage referred to was such
an one."
Dr. Clarence True Wilson declined to
make any statement, and Dr. Benjamin
Young is at Salem. He was not even
present at the meeting yesterday morn
ing. Dr. Cllne said:
"Being personally Involved. I must
ask that I be excused from making any
statement; if anything is to be pub
lished, let some one else tell it."
Feeling of Long-standing.
There has been 111 feeling between
Dr. Wilson and Dr. Cline, it is said, for
some time. Several weeks ago there
appeared in The Oregon lan a most
scathing, sarcastic letter signed "J. F.
Clark." which criticised Dn Wilson se
verely for past utterances and acts. At
a subsequent meeting of the Ministerial
Association Dr. Wilson accused Dr.
Cline of writing the letter, and it was
eventually admitted that this was cor
rect. There was still another affair which
caused considerable feeling among the
Methodist ministers. It related to the
Portland postmastership. A teleprram
was sent to senator Pulton, at Wash
ington, admittedly by Dr. Cllne. The
difference of versions came in as to
whether he said that 100 Methodist
preachers protested against the appoint
ment of John C. Young, or whether he
merely represented himself In protest
ing. A committee was named to inves
tigate, but two weeks ago, at the reg
ular weekly meeting. Dr. Cline volun
tarily produced a letter from Senator
Pulton, .which said that Dr. Cline did
not assume to represent any one but
himself, and that Senator Fulton was
surprised to learn that it had been pub
lished in The Oregonlan's Washington
dispatches that Dr. Cline had assumed
to represent the entire organization.
Owing to more or less of a factional
line-up that is said to exist among the
ministers of the denominational organi
zations, it is said that the meetings of
the association have not been very largely
attended and not very evangelistic for
some time. During a recent sermon, a
Methodltt minister, who is a member of
the association, told his congregation that
"if any one should get a touch of religion
and shout 'Amen' right hard In the min
isterial meeting, he would be arrested for
waking the dead." He added. "And I am
not telling any secret, either."
Dr. Cline Retains Leverage.
The meeting adjourned yesterday morn
ing, and will not meet until March 29.
when Dr. Cline's term as president will
expire, and at which time new officers
will be elected. As president. Dr. Cllne
will have the naming of the committee on
nominations, which gives him consider
able leverfge. if he should see fit to wield
it. Dr. Cllne succeeded Dr. T. B. Ford
as president. Dr. Ford was pastor of the
Sunnyside Church, and was known to
have a few brethren who did not lavish
any particular amount of devotion upon
him. Some say that Dr. Cline fell heir
to a little of the ill-feeling alleged to
have existed against Dr. Ford.
The official programme of the associa
tion will probably carry over into the
next six months' sessions, when the fol
lowing papers, now on the schedule, will
verv likely be reaa: reoruary io. v. .
Jeffrey. Jr.. 'The New Course of Study";
February 22. Harold Oberg. "George Wash
ington": March 8, C. L. Hamilton, "Reli
gions of Authority vs. Religions of the
Spirit": March 15, F. U Young. "Country
Charges vs. City Appointments"; March
j j. w. McDougall, "The Church and
Organized Labor."
Red Cross Shoes reduced at Rosenthal's.
r s i
f f x 1 1 & t I '
it" " V t
ft. s ; . :. . '5 ; v. fc
t - 4 f -
t .-i.
Forest Tract in Tillamook
County Brings $1,075,000.
CARRIES 1,000,000,000 FEET
Land Adjoins Tract In "Washington
County Sold Recently and
Same Interests Are the
Another big Umber deal came to light
yesterday. A tract of 13,480 acres of
timber lands in Tillamook County, ad
Joining the Simpson tract in Washing
ton County, an account of the sale of
which was printed in The Sunday Ore
gonian, has been secured by the same
Interests that bought the Simpson tract
and is said to have secured the Import
ant Schrader tract as well. The amount
Involved is about $1,076.X in this latest
This sale is of combined tracts in the
Wilson River district and is estimated to
contain at least l,0...0no.ono feet of logs.
There are several individuals and firms
mentioned In connection with the deal,
two expert lumbermen, T. J. Leonard and
J. E. Page, having worked in con
Junction with Wr. C. Slattery in getting
the several owners to sign over the
property into one company's control.
That was finally accomplished, however,
and then the firm of Stine & Belcher
entered into the transaction and were
given a ten days' option on the whole
combined tract. That option expired last
Saturday, hut before banking hours had
elapsed the sum of $10,000 in gold coin
was deposited with the bank in Portland
where the contract had been placed in
escrow, and the bargain was thereby
bound. Both members of the firm of
Stlne & Belcher are at present in Chi
cago, so that a verification of their con
nection with the deal could not be se
cured yesterday. From Information re
ceived from a reliable source, however,
there is no doubt entertained that the
firm Is handling the property.
It is reported by those supposed to be
In a position to know the facts the Wil
son River tracts cost Mr. Slattery about
$.S0.000, which, if borne out by more
positive Information, shows a gain of
over $200,000 In the deal.
This tract Is considered the largest
body of standing timber handled in one
deal In many months in this1 part of the
state, and with the two tracts referred
to In The Sunday Oregonlan, secured by
the same capitalists, makes an invest
ment of considerably over $2,500,000. That
Eastern capital is interested in the big
transaction is believed by all who have,
any information on the subject, but un
til the absent members of the firm of
Stine & Belcher return it is unlikely that
names will be divulged.
Concerning the projected railroad line
that is to enter the timber lands of both
the Washington and Tillamook County
tracts, it is learned that the right-of-way
has been secured from Portland to
Tillamook Bay and that It is the inten
tion of the Midland to ultimately build
the road between those points.
Belcher and Stlne in Chicago Clos
ing Negotiations.
CHICAGO. Feb. 8. (Special.) F. S.
Belcher and W. F. Stine, of Portland,
who are in Chicago, negotiating for the
sale of a tract of timberland in Tilla
mook and Washington Counties, said that
the deal had not yet been consummated,
and deemed it wise for the interests of
all concerned to give out no information
tonight, regarding the deal and who the
probable purchasers are. Messrs. Stlne
and Belcher have been in Chicago several
days, negotiating for the sale of the land.
"The deal has not been consummated
as yet," said Mr. Belcher, "but we hope
to complete negotiations tomorrow. Pend
ing the closing of the deal, we do not
care to say anything about any phase of
it. However, if we close the deal to
morrow we will be glad to make a
"Are the Swifts o any Eastern capital
ists interested with you In this deal?"
"I refuse to answer that question, one
way or the other. I will not answer any
questions until the deal has been. put
through. Come and see me tomorrow."
J. P .Lynda Presents Counter-Claim
(or $1871.
Trouble between brothers Is respon
sible for some rather unenviable
charges by one brother against the
filpd vesterdav
in the State Circuit Court. J. F. Lynds,
presents a counter claim of $1871
against E. A. Lynds, who lately sued
for $169S. And he takes occasion to
set out in detail oi an nuegea piaii on
..f rr tl F- A T.vnHs familv to
get the financial scalp of J. F. Lynds.
Not only is it a falling out between
brothers but between plumbers, for the
two have been operating in that lu
crative field of endeavor since 1906.
,i i . v. , . . I w, c lino nrnsnftrpd. so J. F.
Lynds says in his answer, but the am
bitions Of the Hi. A. bvnas lamuy ima
grown Devona douuuo. j uc cmci mis
fortune came, it is alleged, when Miss
. . -i .. ...rhtBp ,i f Mr. a T.vnds.
uunu. J j 'i" ' . --- .
was put in as bookkeeper at $40 a
J. F. Lynds alleges tnat tne young
woman has got the books in an awful
i .n ihst d rtrficit of S5000 is now
shown notwithstanding the fact that
the company is in gooa unni;ii
u. frthor alleges that she has
been Induced by her father and mother
to falsify the books. One instance is
related of all profit on the plumbing
of eight houses being withheld from
entry and nothing snown -jwpi
actual cost of materials and work.
Portland Members Give Banquet In
Honor of Distinguished
An important and most interesting
event In Mystic Shrine circles was held
last night at the Portland Hotel. Edwin
I. Alderman, imperial potentate. Ancient
Arabian Nobles of Mystic Shrine, the im
perial sovereign of 129.750 Masons of the
two great rites, of the United States, ac
companied by E. A. Osborn, assistant
chief rabban of 3 Kahir Temple, arrived
in Portland and was banqueted and enter
tained bv the local Shrincre.
Mr. Alderman Is making a visit to the
Coast to meet the Shriners of the various
cities and states. He was met by J. G.
Mack, past illustrious potentate of Al
Kader Temple, and chairman of the com
mittee on reception; D. W. Taylor, past
Illustrious DOtentate of Al Kader Temple;
W. H. Galvani. illustrious chief rabban of
4 :
Edwin I. Alderman, Imperial
Potentate Nobles of - Myatlc
Al Kader Temple: Archie Thurlow, Illus
trious chief rabban; W. C. Bristol, Illus
trious high priest and prophet; B. G.
Whitehouse. illustrious recorder; D. G.
Tomasini. Illustrious Oriental guide; Hen
ry Beckwith. illustrious first ceremonial
master; George W. Stapleton, illustrious
second ceremonial master, and the follow
ing illustrious nobles accompanying them
and of the receiving party: E. G. Jones,
R. A. Miller. William Davis, captain of
the Arab patrol; Wr. H. Raymond; W. B.
Ames, of Malaikah Temple, of Los An
geles: J. M. Raymond, of Abdallah Tem
ple. Kansas; George Van Voorhis, of Is
lam Temple, San Francisco, and others.
The receiving caravan traveled to the
depot in the horseless camel, and be
sieged the O. R. & N. train, some 14
hours late, at 9 o'clock Sunday night.
Imperial Potentate Alderman will re
main at the Hotel Portland all day to
day, where a general reception will be
held, so that all resident and visiting no
bles will have an opportunity of meeting
the great dignitary, and In appropriate
manner pay their respects and make their
The Imperial potentate does nt like
display, nor too much ceremony. All he
wishes is to meet the Shriners, and of
course the Shriners desire greatly to meet
him. It Is written! BIsmillah! Selah!
Barbers Especially Invited to Hear
Speaker Who Precedes Baseball
Evangelist Arrangements
lor Overflow Meetings.
Today's the day. tonight's the night.
The Sunday aggregation "hit the Iron
trail" yesterday, , ana the advance
guard, consisting of the redoubtable
Mel" Trotter. Mrs. Trotter, Miss fliuir-
house and Miss Miller, will come in this
morning from Spokane. Mr. Sunday
arrives in the evening.
Already the air is tremulous with
premonitory temblor rumblings, and
the final crash will materialize wnen
Bill" comes. He will flash athwart
the Oregon'an skies with the coruscat
ing brilliance of a ttfrice-luridescent
comet, newly broke from the astro
nomical reservation, and the "Siss,
Boom, Ah" of his glittering sctival
flights will seem like so many oaring
rockets to the dazzled multitude, or
the aurora borealis phantasmagoria ob
servable when a fireworks shop catches
"Bill" Is here, or on the way, and
with "the goods." He has selected the
time, the hour and the topic. 'ine
time is tonight; the hour is the hour of
seven-forty-five in the shank of the
evening; the topic angels and ministers
of grace defend us selected lor tne oc
casion is "Booze." Some' exhorters
might employ a more polite term, but
not "Billy" Sunday. If "a spade is a
spade," then "booze" Is "booze." So
take notice, the subject or spnaay s
rip-snorting, devil-defying, pitch-forking,
and altogether cantankerous ad
dress tonight is "Booze."
Picture it. think of It, dissolute man.
Lave In It. drii.k of It, then. If you can.
come and hear "Bill" flash his oratori
cal "slants" across the gospel "home
plate" and strike out Bacchus and his
bunch. Not all the minlous or jonn
Barleycorn, rooting like mad in the
"bleachers" can save the "rummies"
when "Bill" is in the "box." One after
another they come up only to be
"fanned out" by the "unerring skill ot
the old-time ballplayer. When "Bill"
comes into a community the saloon
keepers usually put their shutters up
and go away until he leaves. For if
there .is anything that "Bill" uses his
spiritual "lamps" for, and that arouses
all his latent power of "coaching," it's
battling against "booze.'
Lecture Great Hit in Spokane.
"Booze," the very word arouses all
the husky fighting spirit in "Bill," and
he goes -after the demon rum like one
possessed. Up at Spokane he had a
meeting not long ago at the tabernacle
built for him in that city, and he deliv
ered this same address. There were
10,000 people present, and they do say
that "Bill" fairly "out-Heroded Herod"
in his matchless maze of vituperative
verbiage against the baleful booze.
He began, dressed as usuaL' But
after about half an hour of pyrotech
nical oratory he proceeded to take off
his coat, to the cheers of the enrap
tured multitude. A little further along.
warming up to his wore, ana wua m
"score" all in his favor, he shed his
vest, to renewed applause on the part
of the frenzied audience. Still more
wrought up by his subject "Bill" next
peeled off his larboard cuff, following
that burst of eloquence with the re
moval of his right ditto. By this time
his hearers were in a state of almost
uncontrollable excitement. Then "Bill"
snatched away his collar and tie. and,
to complete his fighting attire, he
yanked off his left "gallus" and went
after the devil until the people in Spo
kane yelled themselves hoarse with ap
proval. "Bill" don't believe in giving Satan
any chance for his "glass alley." No
temporizing with "Bill." He hates
liquor, and the way he sails into it, and
the sale of It, and the drinking and
manufacture of it, is something to
throw cold chills Into the traffic and
everyone of Its supporters. At Spokane
600 men came forward at the invitation
to declare themselves for a better life,
and it was "fiilly" Sunday's Napoleonic
onslaught against the whisky camps
that brought about the local option
movement In Washington today.
Trotter Invites Barbers to Listen.
. "Mel" Trotter will speak at 12
o'clock today in the main auditorium,
or the Y. M. C. A., Fourth and Yam
hill, to men only. ' Issues a spe
cial invitation to the barbers, "one of
whom he was which" in the old days.
And now "Mel" can lather a sinner, rub
it in, strop the theological razor, give him
a close shave, wax his mustache, apply
the witch hazel, powder and other
ungents, shampoo him, brush his
hair and shout "next!" with any ex
horter who ever switched trades.
There will be a meeting at the White
Temple at 3 P. M. for both men and
"Mel" is figuring on giving an ex
clusive talk to men at the noon-day
meeting, and the way he will go after
the pharlsees and hypocrites will be "a
caution to snakes." "Mel" Is a hard
hitter of the Ketchel type, and he
"bores in" like "battling Nelson when
he squares off against the devil.
Come and hear alel" touch up the
"short-weight" artists and the shoddy
manufacturers. There won't be any
quarter given to the ones to whom it
is coming.
Preparations are now being made to
open up the churches adjacent to the
White Temple, In the event of big
crowds and have Mrs. Sunday, "Mel"
Trotter, Miss Muirhouse and Miss Miller
address the crowds until Mr. Sunday
can appear to address the "overflows."
In this way It is hoped that everyone
will have an opportunity to hear "Billy"
Sunday in his first, fiercest and possi
bly last appearance In the Rose City
for many years. At all of the meetings
a free-will offering will be arranged
for, merely to defray the expenses of
Mr.' Sunday and his 'devoted band of
adherents in their trip to Portland.
Those who wish to contribute will thus
be able to afford themselves that
natural gratification.
Tonight's the night; today's, the day.
One continual round of fireworks.
I "Mel" Trotter at noon, "Mel" Trotter at
S o'clock, Sunaay In the evening, and
possibly Mrs. Sunday, Miss Muirhouse,
Miss Miller and Trotter in the evening,
at different churches, holding the
throng until "Bill" arrives.
"Bills" in History.
English and American history con
ins many "Bills." The "Bill" of
The Streetcars Were Crowded to Their
Utmost ; Conductors Were Never so
Busy, All Day Long. There Never Was
Such a Perfect Demonstration of Popu
larity in the City of Portland. If This Great
Crowd Is Interested You Ought to Be.
Our Only Office Is at End of Rose
Rights. "Bill" Shakespeare T3U1
Gladstone, "Bill" Marcy, "Bill Sher
man Silver "Bill" Morrison, the DlnK
Zy Bill, "Bill" Bryart. "Bill" Tan and
other more or less talked-about tbMb
in their day. But how their luster
fades when compared to the cloud-compelling
fame of the nonpareil Bill
Sunday. Other "Bills" may have Uiejr
admirers struggle to pla them In
halls of fame, but "Bill Sunday ai
ready has a half dozen halls of fame
built especially for him """'of
America. It was said of one of
mvthology's famous heathen deities
"Great is Diana of the Ephesians. But
how much more truly can It be uttered,
and with even more startling "fn'"
cance "great is 'Bill' Sunday of the
Criticism of Billy Sunday for His
Noisy Methods.
In an informal discussion yesterday
morning of the methods of "Billy" Sun
day and other evangelists by mmisters
of the Evangelical-United Brethren Min
isterial Association. It was the consensus
of opinion that such methods do not ac
con?plish permanent results; that the ac
companying excitement
nf the regular work of the church are
nurtful. On the contrary, the methods
employed by Rev. George Soltau, who
Pen holding meetings in Portland for
some time, were approved, because of
thpevqUNtn8hupp mentioned the Mills
meeting held in Portland several years
T Which swept the city with excite
ment and yet in the clean-up, said Rev.
Snnpp "here was little to show for it.
"For my own church. DO cards were
turned over to me." he said. STgned with
thrnames of people who sa.d they wanted
to live a Christian life, and not one came
into the church. I understand this was
the general experience of other city pas-
t,'3' Bt)eaklng of the Chapman meetings.
Rev H C Shaffer said there were no
results commensurate with the big sum
of money that was raised and paid out
for the staff of evangelists that swept
the city. , , , ,,
"The United Brethern Church, con
tinued Mr. Shaffer, "is now doing its
own evangelistic work. It employs its
own ministers anS pays them through
the Home Mission Society, with excellent
Rev F. Beni, of the First German
Church, declared, that the results ob
For 10 days only, we will sell lots in GREGORY HEIGHTS
for ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS and up, payable $5.00 in cash
and $2.50 a month. "We will build a house for you as low as
$10.00 a month. Remember, you will live in the best residence
section of the city, have the best streetcar service, Bull Run
water and live one mile within the city limits. It's a propo
sition that cannot be- duplicated in any city in the United
States. Get busy. Ten days only.
tained by the traveling evangelists, who
employ the usual methods, are a big
crowd and a big collection, which he
said are usually the objects aimed at.
"Billy Sunday criticises the pastors of
churches." said Rev. Mr. Shaffer, "and
that causes a lack of confidence in the
pastors." Nearly all present spoke in
formally, and all favored a more quiet
method of reaching the masses.
Held in Bonds of $1500 on Charge
of Using Malls to Defraud.
Meyer Well was bound over by
United States Commissioner Marsh
yesterday morning to answer to a
charge of using the mails wrongfully
with the intent to procure goods from
a Chicago firm, while he was a resi
dent of New Mexico. Bail was reduced
from $2000 to $1500. J. F. Boothe,
Weil's attorney, will present a habeas
corpus petition to Judge Wolverton
Cures Any Cough in Hve Hours.
Here is given the most effective
cough prescription known to the med
ical world. It is a mild laxative, too,
and this is what a body needs when
suffering with cough and cold on the
lungs. A cough or cold indicates poi
sons in the system, causing Inflam
mation and congestion. Nearly all
cough syrups relieve, but make the
trouble worse by their constipating ef
fects. This prescription not only re
lieves quickly, but it cures any cough
that is curable: Get one-half ounce
fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce com
pound essence cardiol and three
ounces syrup white p.ine compound.
Mix in- a bottle. Take for acute cough
or bronchitis twenty drops every half
hour for four hours. Then one-half
to one teaspoonful three or four times
daily. Give children less according to
age. A few hours' treatment will cure
and heal the throat and lungs of aU
but consumptives. Cut this out and
give it to some friend who may need
it to be saved from an early death by
City Park Line
this morning, praying for Well's re
lease on the ground that no case was
made out against him before the Com
missioner. Mr. Boothe says the evidence adduced
showed that the brokerage firm which
ordered the goods in question had au
thority to order, and had carried on a
considerable correspondence with the
Chicago firm relative to the goods be
fore any legal action was taken. Mr.
Boothe takes the position that the pres
ent proceedings are in the nature of
an attempt to force collection of a
possible civil claim by instituting crim
inal proceedings, and says he is con
fident of his client's release.
Save money at Rosenthal's shoe sale.
A Skin of Beauty is a Jay Forever
B move Tn. Pimply
Freckles, Moth Patch
Rub, mad Skin DlneMti,
and every Ditrrms
on beauty, and de
nes detection. It
has stood the tt
of 60 years, and
is eo harmless we
taste it to be lure it
fa properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of alruUai
name. Dr. h. A.
Bare eald to
lady of the baut
ton patient):
"As you ladies
will use them,
T recommend
Uoaraufi's ('r;m' as the least narmrui
Am premiums.'1 1-r sale by all drawls tod Fancy
cKods Dealers in tr.c United States, Canada and lurop.
faiT.HQPUNS, Prep., 37 Gr?at Jones Street, KewTor
It Insures an enjoyable, invig
orating bath ; makes every pore
respond, removes dead skin.
starts the circulation and leaves
a glow equal to a Turkish bath.