TITE MORNING OltEGONTAN, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1909. PORTLAND. OKECO.H. Entered 9-i Portland. Oregon. Poetolfloe as 6oonu.-C'las Matter. (subscription Hjur Inysrlmbly la AdTaoe By MaiL Daily. Sunday Included, on rar I! " Dally. Sunday Included, six montha.... fit Dally, Sunday Included, three montha. ..I. jjS Dally, Sunday Included, on mo&Ui..,. - Dally, without Sunday, on year J 00 Dally, without Sunday, alx months I IS Daily, without Sunday, three montha.. Dally, without Sunday, one monJi . Weekly, one year. ....... Sunday, one year... 150 Sunday and Weekly, one year .0 By Carrier.) Pally. Sunday Included, ona year Dally. Sunday Included, one month-.. . .75 J low to Hemit Send poatofDc money arder, express order or peraonai check on your local bank, staraaa coin or ourrency are at the aender rlak. Olre poatoftlce ad dress In full. Including county and state. foatase Bate 10 to 14 pages. 1 cent: 1 to 2t pages, can la; to 44 pages, oenta; 44 to 4tl pages, 4 cents. Foreign postage double ratea . taatern iiaalneaa Office The 8. C. Beck with Special Agency New York, rooma 4S 40 Tribune building. Chicago, rooma 110-111 Tribune building. rOBTXAXD, 8ATCT-DAY. FEB. 6. 1909. A COXSTITmONAI. COXTEXTIOJf. By a heavy majority on Thursday the House passed Bonebrake's bill to submit to tha electors of the state a proposal for a convention to frame a constitution for the state. Probably It -will also pass the Senate and be come a law. There Is reason to believe that the people now are ready to vote for a constitutional convention. The old constitution of 60 years has been prac tically abandoned. What Is left of It Is wholly at the mercy of a Blngle Initiative statute, that may be carried ly a plurality vote In any election. While It Is not probable a conven tion would restore fully the old con stitution, some features of wich would no longer be deemed suitable to new conditions of the country, it pretty certainly would endeavor to make a settlement of many things that now are In chaos or welter. Especially It would restore, as The Oregon ian be lieves, certain checks and restrictions of the old system, removal of which has proved to be a continual source of uncertainty, disturbance and even disorder. In the -business and politics of the state. Since the formation of the old con stitution there has been great and radical change of the general condi tions of the country; enormous exten sion of the- use of corporations in business affairs, with revolutionary changes In nearly all departments of Industry, business and labor. ' Neces sary adjustments to the new relations growing out of these changes might be facilitated by enunciation of care fully considered constitutional enact ments, establishing In the light of the new experience clearer and more defi nite principles of definition and adju dication of constantly recurring ques tions unknown to the makers of the fundamental law In the earlier time. It could be settled, too, whether after our experience of past years the people desire to retain the features brought Into prominence under tne method established by initiative and referendum, virtual abolition of the legislative or representative system, and power of nullification of what re mains of the constitution at a single election by a plurality vote. This sub ject would be one of those of greatest Importance in the deliberations of a constitutional convention, and In the consideration of Its work by the people. Then It would be settled decisively by the whole electorate, whether they wished to retain the system or not. It may be supposed that our devo tees of the system will not be dis posed to distrust the system bo far as to object to the constitutional con vention. For we all understand them to be in favor of government by the people; and if the constitutional con vention shall be refused, through their Influence on the Legislature, why then they have themselves provided the Initiative as a form of appeal or remedj-; and these good people can have no possible right or power to refuse their own medicine. Then let us have the constitutional convention. Its labors will be ardu ous; possibly they will be of long con tinuance. But the people ere to gov-1 tru; they certainly will know what they want; and if they want a con stitutional convention they certainly ought to have it. Moreover; they must have it, and they will have it. The bill for a constitutional conven tion Is but a measure put up to the people for their acceptance or rejec tion. In conformity with the system that ic based on the rule of the peo ple, K ought to pass th Senate . It ha passed the House. And the Gov ernor, we know, 1s In favor of the rule of the people. There will bnt we think, a constitutional convention: but when the proposition shall be sub mitted to the people, with whom every decision rests, we shall ascertain whether a constitutional convention is wanted or not. CIJOWT1I OF A GREAT IXDCSTR.T. Livestock men from east, west, north and south of Portland gathered In this city this week at the meeting of the Oregon Pure-Bred Livestock Association. The large attendance and great interest displayed in the sub ject Is pleasing evidence of the prog ress that the industry Is making In this state. The livestock Industry 13 not a new one in Oregon. The size of the herds which In the past have grazed on the vast plains' and In the well watered and sheltered valleys of the state, made the state famous more than a generation ago. But Oregon Is now producing a different kind of livestock from that which in the early days of the Industry brought wealth and prestige to the state. The bunch grass cayuse has gradually developed Into a larger, handsomer animal, pos sessing all of the staying qualities of the original Oregon horse and many additional points of merit that have wonderfully lncreaeetl his value. The picturesque longhorn steer has been supplanted by an animal that will turn out twice as much beef on the same rations as were needed to bring a longhorn Into marketable shape. This substitution of high-class stock for the ordinary output that first called attention to Oregon's live stock possibilities began. many years ago, but It Is within' the past five years that the greatest strides have been made toward bringing the stand ard up to perfection. The Lewis and Clark fair brought many h!gh-lass stockmen to this city from all over the United States, and the pure wa ter, fine climate and abundance of rich feed attracted their attention to such an extent that many of them have located In the state permanently. Increasing interest shown In the pro duction of high-grade stock was to a considerable extent responsible for the location at Portland of the mammoth Swift packing plant, and from that source alone there will be an ever Increasing demand for all of the 'cat tle, hogs and sheep that can be pro duced In the entire territory tributary to this city. The small farmer in the Willamette Valley has already learned that his land Is too valuable for the growing of wheat, and the stockmen east of the Cascade Mountains have learned that It does not pay to produce the old type of range steer when a high- grade animal which will sell for dou ble the amount of money can be pro duced at the same cost. Diversified farming and fruitgrowing are work lng wonders in Improving the finan cial condition of our people, but the possibilities for the livestock business, conducted on the lines laid down by the Oregon Pure-Bred Livestock Asso ciation, are even more alluring. The Industry promises eventually to be come the greatest wealth producer In the Pacific Northwest. THE MOVEMENT IS HALTED, Secretary Elihu Roo. upon his-elec tion to the Senate by the Legislature of New Tork a few days ago, made a speech which contafned this pas sage: I am opposed to the direct election of Senators, as I am opposed to the Initia tive and referendum, because these things are based on the Idea that the people cannot elect Legislatures whom they trust. They proceed upon the Idea of abandoning the attempt to elect trustworthy and com petent state Legislatures. But If you aban don that attempt. If you begin to legls- liit. or to amend constitutions upon that theory, what becomes of ail tne otner tui powers of the state Legislatures In main taining the system of local self-government under tha Constitution? Question certainly Is, If you can't elect trustworthy and competent mem bers of the state Legislature, why not abolish the state Legislature? Why not abandon ' all effort to Bus tain representative government? There is a difference between the Initiative and the referendum. The former is negation of representative government. The latter Is a method of appealing to thevpeople upon the merits of measures passed by their representatives; or submitted by their representatives, which is a very dif ferent thing. Every constitution, of every state is a referendum meas ure. So was the Constitution of the United States, which was submltted- to the states for their adoption or rejection. . Proper discrimination, therefore, must be made between the principle or policy of Jhe Initiative and the ref erendum. They have no necessary nor even proper relation, toward each other. What Secretary Root has said on the general subject has obtained very general attention throughout the United States. There Is reason to be lieve that the policy of "direct legis lation" has been checked, largely by the example of Oregon, as well as that of "election" of Senators of the United States by direct vote of the people. In the Southern states the vote on Senator Is simply a method of ascertaining which one of the candi dates of a single party is the strong est. In no state. South or North, ex cept Oregon, la the "Statement One" folly imitated. Nor will it ever be. Its adoption In Oregon is what makes all the rest of the states call "Oregon "the fool of the family." THE WELSH CASE. The enlightened decision of the United States Circuit Court In the case of Welsh against the Barber Asphalt Company In no sense sustains the prin ciple of automatic compensation for in jured workmen. According to that principle each industry ought to bear the expense of all the Injuries which it occasions. The postulate Is laid down that when a man's working power has been impaired or destroyed by an accident somebody has to sup port him. Unless the industry In which he was wounded assumes the burden, either his family must, or, if they fall, then society at large must. Now neither his family nor society. It is argued, is in any sense e-esponslble for his disablement, while the industry in which he labored and received his In Jury Is responsible. Therefore the burden of his support should fall there, and If his family are left in want the burden of their support should also fall on the Industry which occasioned the calamity. " Siiited briefly, the principle of auto matic compensation holds that each branch of Industry ought to bear its own burdens as well as reap its own profits. On the other side, it Is point ed out that the incidence of the com pensation could only fall temporarily upon any particular Industry. The price of Its product would presently rise sufficiently to meet the new ex pense and it would thus be trans ferred to the consumer. Still It is in sisted that automatic compensation would be equitable because even thus those who benefit by the industry In question would be compelled to bear its cost to society. Our present pur pose Is not to weigh these arguments pro and con, but simply to recall them In order to show clearly that the de cision in the Welsh case pertains to another subject. That decision merely limits the application of the legal the ory of the "assumption of risk." In employments which are known to be hazardous the law has long held that the employe when he took his Job as sumed the risk of Injury which accom panied it. and, if he were maimed or lost his life In the ordinary course of his work, no damages could be col lected. To mitigate the hardship of this as sumption statutes were enacted In many states, Oregon being one of them, which required employers to safeguard dangerous machinery, frogs In switching yards, and the like. In some cases these statutes were obeyed and In ,many cases they were not. When they were not obeyed and an employe was Injured, a new compli cation arose. Of course theemployer was HajAe criminally for breach of the law, but was he also liable In dam ages to the Injured employe? Had there been no statute requiring the dangerous contrivance to be safe guarded, the courts would have as sumed that the employe contracted to run all the risk himself. Did he still so contract when the statute had been enacted and the employer had not obeyed It? Up to the time of Judge Taffs great decision In the Narramore case the courts almost unanimously held that the employe did assume the risk of his Job, his employer's breach of the law being one of those risks, and that if he were Injured by un afeguarded machinery he could re cover no damages. Judge Taft held, however, in the Narramore case, stemming the Inhu man tide of legal technicalities, that the employe did not assume the risk which his employer's breach of the law entailed. - Being injured by dan gerous contrivances which his em ployer left unprotected In disobedience to the statute, the workman could re cover damages. Nobody has yet been able to estimate, the ultimate service of this decision to humanity, because until recently the courts In the greater number of cases have disregarded It. Setting aside the unanswerable argu ments of Judge Taft, they preferred to follow the ancient precedents which smacked rankly of barbarism. In the Narramore case, a' workman in a switching yard was caught In an un protected frog and wounded. Under the statute the frog ought to have been guarded. Did he assume the risk or not? Judge Taft held that he did not, and the essence of his reasoning was that the employer's breach of the law was a risk which public policy for bade the workman to assume. Jn cases where the statute did not com mand appliances to be safeguarded Judge Taft made no alteration in the The case of Welsh against the As phalt Company fell clearly under the rule In the Narramore case. Welsh was Injured by machinery which under the law his employer should have safe guarded and did not The lower Fed eral Court held that in spite of his em ployer's breach of the law the work man had assumed the risk. This was in fiat contradiction to Judge Taffs ruling in the Narramore case. Welsh's representative appealed to the United States Circuit Court, with the result that the lower tribunal Is reversed, the Narramore case is accepted as the law by the Federal Court, as it already has been by the State Supreme Court, and there will be a new trial and a chance for compensation. BAITERS OF THE JAPANESE. The uproar in some of our Pacific States about the Japanese is dis creditable to their Intelligence. It Is the work of men on the hunt for votes among the least Intelligent members of our electorate. It Is not formid able at all, and -has but small sup port; but it annoys the people and the government of Japan, who don't understand its motive or realize how little countenance It has among the mass of the people of the United States. It Is not probable that there, ever will be any considerable Immigration of Japanese into the United States, for it is the policy of Japan to check the migration of its people, and our country holds out no Inducements for their coming. But the few who are here are very useful workers, and there Is room for a greater number. But it would not be good policy to Invite them, or to admit them In great numbers, because of the collisions that would take place between them and the sort of people among us who hate them because of their willing ness, skill- and fidelity In labor. Men and women who can't or won't cook, or wash, or cultivate the gardens, or do other work In a steady and proper manner, hate tha Japanese, because they can and will. The school question Is unimportant. A few Japanese, Chinese, Filipino or African children attending the pub lic schools is ( nothing to roar about. It is witnessed in almost every one of our cities. Where the children of the colored or brown races are very nu merous it is proper to arrange sepa rate schools. But why Is It that chil dren of all races will play together in the streets, and nothing said, but social equality becomes a ' bugbear when they go to the same primary school for Instruction?, Are there not colored children at this moment In nearly every one of the public schools of Portland? And does this make social equality? There is not social equality, even among the white chil dren. The sensitiveness of the Japanese Is. the serious thing, for they are a Spirited people, and the world knows that they can both work and fight. If, however, these howlers against Ja pan and the Japanese stood alone, if our Pacific States only were concerned and had to fight their own .battles, we should see a very different spirit here. All these now valiant, men would be exceedingly obsequious to Japan, for Japan could maul these states to a Jelly in four months, and probably would do it. OCB INLAND EMTTRE GCESTS. ' More than 200 residents of Spo kane and surrounding territory will reach Portland this morning en route to Southern California. It is needless to say they will be given a cordial greeting during their brief stay here.' There are still a considerable number of Portlanders who can easily remem ber when It would have been a difficult matter for Spokane and the surround ing territory to muster up 200 people for an excursion to California without almost depopulating the Inland Em pire. They can also remember at a more recent date when the population would have stood a drain tf 200 peo ple without creating comment, but the matter of funds suffllcent to buy so many tickets to California would have been an unsolvable problem. Even in those old days.when some of these excursionists who will honor us with a visit today were doing yeo man duty In laying the foundation for the present greatness of Spokane and the rich country of which she Is the center, the business and social rela tions of Portland and the Inland Em pire metropolis were most cordial, and have so continued to this day. The building of the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern, especially the lat ter, brought Spokane Into closer com munication with the Puget Sound cities than with Portland, but this ad vantage was insufficient to offset the prestige of existing pleasant relations. Spokane and the Spokane country have continued to do business with Portland. That these long-established pleasant relations will be much more noticeable in the future than In the past Is as sured by the great Improvement In the transportation facilities between the two cities and to all parts of the coun try from which Spokane and Port land alike draw their support. The newly-completed North Bank road will bring Spokane hours nearer Portland than ever before, and will afford all of the Intermediate territory much better transportation facilities than are en Joyed by any other portion of the Pa cific Northwest. This excursion of representative citi zens of the great Inland Empire Is something more than a pleasure jaunt, for, unconsciously and to a degree un intentionally, they are advertising to the world that the land which they call home Is wonderfully rich in re sources and opportunities, and that a competence can be secured there with greater ease than anywhere else in tne Western world. The glad hand Is out to the Inland Empire excursionists. Portland hopes they will enjoy their brief visit with us, and that on their return they will tarry longer and more carefully look over the fine city which they have materially aided in building. ' The water at Salem is abominable; it Is not fit to drink; 1t Is from the corrals and cowsheds of the coun try; but if you take a bottle .of min eral water to the Capitol, the Argus eyes of all anti-liquor cranks of the state are upon you. The very ap pearance of a bottle, no matter what's in it, is damnation. So you can drink the vile stuff, the wash of the farms and barnyards, or go thirsty. Bottled water, or beer, would be a relief; but every howling fanatic, should you pour anything from a bottle, would exclaim against the sacrilege in the Capitol or the state! Men who can't control their own families, and who even themselves drink in secret when they can, are in this business, as if it were the one and only concern of their lives. They are sneaking everywhere through the corridors and rooms; and a bottle of White Rock would fall un der their ban, the same as a bottle of Old Hermitage. Meantime there Is no water at Salem that anybody, can drink, without offense to his nose or palate, or danger of poison. " Argentine wheat shipments this week reached the enormous total of 6,112,000 bushels. These shipments, with 1,960,000 bushels from Australia, brought the total from these two countries up to more than 8,000,000 bushels, a figure bo far above the weekly requirements of the United Kingdom, toward which most of it la directed, that It Is small wonder the foreign market is sluggish in respond ing to the strength in the United States. In this age of steam, however, grain crops are rushed to market so rapidly that the season is soon over and the size of the weekly shipments from the southern country will not increase the available supply that can be Bpared for export. The only ef fect these big shipments will have will be to get the wheat to the consumer much more rapidly than ever before, The racetrack gamblers' clutch on California's throat has been loos ened; the passage of the anti-betting bill is a long step forward toward de cency and morality in the Golden State. A man named Wolfe made the principal speech favoring the gam biers when the bill was up for final passage, and in his effort to stay the tide against them, said: "They will continue to race in Canada, Mexico and every other state where gambling on speed contests Is permitted." All of which is agreeable to the people of this country. If the entire race track gambling contingent will follow the game to Canada, Mexico or Jerl cho, their departure will be hailed with delight, mixed perhaps with pity for the Mexicans and Canadians on whom their presence may be inflicted There is a Job in the bill for a Board of Pardons, now before the Legislature. This Is sufficiently ap parent from the activity of Ferdinand Reed and other promoters in its be half. It Is another scheme to create more officeholders. "Operators" like Reed, who have no visible means of support, work at all these Jobs with a monkey-like, quadrumanous activ ity. Even the secretaryship of the board, with its opportunities, would be something to .him. The record of 60 years shows that the Governor of Oregon Is an all-sufficient pardon board. There is no need of relieving the Governor of his duties. He, as well as the rest of the officials, never Is overworked. County Commissioners Barnes and Lightner would make admirable sub jects for Jury duty. So little attention have they paid to newspaper stories, rumors and current gossip, that nei ther of them is aware that there has been any controversy between the Sheriff and the County Court. Such profound Ignorance of what has been going on around them finds a parallel only in the case of the man who was unable to recall that he had ever heard of Adam and Innocently asked what his other name was. The article on the, "Painful Inci dent" in Wisconsin, reprinted from the New York Times, Is worth .notice. When reading It please don't forget how Bourne got his "direct nomina tion" in Oregon. Cake was but a feeble Imitator, but he "done his est." Chamberlain made no effort whatever In the primary. It wasn't necessary. The vote he got was mere ly an expression of disgust with the whole system. Somebody reported that Governor Hughes, of New Tork, wJien called on late one night by a friend on busi ness, was found . reading Epictetus. Tim Barnes, of the Seventeenth ward, seeing the story In the news papers, exclaimed: "Who the devil Is Epictetus? And what business has he to be butting In?" The New Tork Sun confesses that It can't answer. An Oakland, Or., woman whose hus band Is under arrest for polygamy has forgiven him. That Is like woman. But she says she will let the law take its course and appear against him. That, too, is like woman. "Whiskey," said Johnson on the scaffold at Salem, "Is to blame for the murder of Perdue by me." Un doubtedly; but they couldn't hang the wrlskey, and they hanged Johnson, who drank the whiskey. Possibly Japan has no money and possibly it would not go to war. So California thinks, evidently.- Tet we think Japan might be willing to un dertake the Job of licking California on a contingent fee. All American warships are putting on the war paint. Our excellent Presir dent remembers the days when he was Acting Secretary of the Navy. Astoria and Tatoosh are In the misty past on the rainfall record. Dunsmuir, in California, had seven Inches In twenty-four hours recently. The young mati who is not buying a few acres of apple land in Oregon Is missing an opportAiity that will bear fruit. Billy Sunday, evangelist, is coming for one day only. That's long enough to save Portland. A PAINFUL INClbENT. It Illustrates the Perils of Direct . Nomination. New Tork Times. An Insult of considerable magnitude has been put upon the people of Wisconsin by Senator La Follette, who Is the truest, the most active and about the noisiest of all the professional friends of the people. In the State of Wisconsin they hold pri maries for the direct nomination by , the people of United States Senators. 6ena tor Stephenson was nominated at the Re publican primaries, and that ought to have settled it. The people had command ed their Legislature to elect Mr. Stephen son. But when It came to the voting at Madison there was opposition. 'The lower house was obedient to the popular man date; In the Senate a considerable number of Republican did not vote for Stephen son, and now tfle voting in Joint session is blocked by a resolution to Investigate the campaign expenditures of Mr. Stephenson In the campaign that preced- k ed the primaries. Curiously enough, Mr. La .toilette, whose good angel -air. ate phenson has been, expending money in advancing the fortune of the lion-hearted champion of the people against the cor porations, and expending it in sums suf ficient, as most men would say, to earn Mr. La Follette's lasting gratitude, now turns against him and assails him as a malefactor of great wealth. But the per sonal question between La Follette and Stephenson Is negl !sible when we consider the graver question Involved. The direct primary for the nomination of. all sorts of officers Is, as everybody knows, the noblest and most beneficent Invention of man. Mr. La Follette has told the people of Wisconsin probably more than a million times that the direct primary gives expression to the real voice pof the people. It relegates the bosses into Innocuous desuetude. It baffles the aspiring manipulator, it abolishes corrup tion. Trusting to the assurances of Mr. La Follette, Wisconsin enacted a direct primary law and has now had experience of it. The people voted for Stephenson. The Legislature declines to elect Ste phenson, and La Follette opposes his elec tion. This is rebellion. A more revolt ing instance of Inconsistency and Ingrati tude has never come under our notice. Why does La Follette oppose Stephenson? Incredible as It may seem, he and his fol lowing charge, in effect, that Stephenson bribed the people to vote for him. The other candidates for the Senate spent their small change, only trifling sums like $11,000 and 30,00u. Against Stephenson they make the monstrous accusation that he spent all the way from $10",000 up to $250,000. Once before, when La Follette's candidate for the Legislature and for the Speaker was defeated at the primaries In his district, the Senator charged that the "interests" had toy the shameless use of money got the other man nominated. It Is a painful Incident. If these things can toe in La Follette's own state, what are direct nominations coming to? We have the disposition, certainly, but we can scarcely find the words of condolence ade quate to express our sorrow that Gov ernor Hughes and the advocates of direct nominations In this state should at this solemn moment be confronted with the horrible example of Wisconsin. It Is a bad matter, take It either way. If La Follette can prevent the election in the Legislature of a candidate named by the people, then any boss In any state may defeat the popular will. If on the other hand Stephenson did. In fact, corrupt and poison the very source of political power, all the fine preaching In favor of direct nominations must ba blotted out of the bright lexicon of youth and hope. We have been told that the direct primary was, the one thing needed to prevent any old moneybags of a lumberman from grabbing a Senatorshlp. Stephenson is the richest man in Wisconsin. That Is against him. But If he actually, by the corrupt use of money. Influenced the free born electors of that state, then the case looks black for the people. Anyhow, the dreadful example of Wisconsin is a pretty formidable obstacle in the pathway of Governor Hughes' bill. LOOMING AND BLOOMING TAXES. The Prluclpal Source of the Excess la Ilii;h Vnluatlon of Property. Oregon Observer (Grants Pass). The State of Oregon appears to have gone wild on taxes. City taxes are up, county taxes are up, state taxes are up, and the end is not by any means In sight. There Is a regular assault upon the Legislature for Increased salaries for county officials, rubbish commissioners and so forth, more judges, more trash helpers at twice the salaries they are worth, new appropriations for all sorts of things, and greatly increased old ap propriations. Additional taxes looming up In every direction. One principal cause of the attack upon the purses of the people Is the un duly high assessment authorized by state law three times too high. Another chief cause Is the high artificial value of prop erty resulting from the t'boom." Of lesser account Is the loss of revenue to a num ber of counties by the passing of the local option law. The worst feature of the whole business Is, that charges will be Incurred now that It will be next to Im possible to get relieved of a little later, when the state becomes sane again and fictitious values have worked their own connection. In regard to Josephine County, It seems to be the general belief that the Board of Equalization exceeded its pow ers when It added 60 per cent to the as sessment. It is not likely, however, that anyone will care to Incur the cost of bringing, the matter before the courts, and the Increased tax will no doubt be paid, but not without "squealing." Ia It a New Story New York Evening Post. A "new" story about Napoleon Is necessarily suspect: the probability is that it is simply so old that it has been forgotten. However, here Is one that M. Arthur Chuquet prints in L'Opinlon as never before published. It relates to Napoleon and Blucher. The Emperor received the general at the Castle of Finkensteln, whllo he was preparing for the slega of Danzig. He drew him to a window in an upper story and paid him compliments on his military gifts, and Blucher, going away aeiisni ed. described the interview to his aide- de-camp. "What a chance you missed!" exclaimed "the latter. You might have changed the whole course of history," "How?" "Why, you might have thrown him out of the window!" "Confound it!" replied Blucher. "So I might! If only 1 had thought of It. Hia Vocation Settled. From Life. Parke I don't know what I am ever aolng to" do with that boy of mine. He Is careless and absolutely reckless of consequences, and doesn't seem to care for any one. Lane Good! You can make an auto chauffeur out of hlml . IMPRESSIONS OF A FREE LANCE. J. Henneeey Murphy. I decline to accept Representative McDon ald's Interpretations of the Constitution of the United States and of the State or Ore gon, until I hear from Joe Malley. Some 'of those legislators look to me like a coop of roosters on the way to the stew-pot. When Mayor Lane Is not promoting reform he's tiring reformers. No sir; T. T. Geer is not out of it. he s Just crotwed his legs and Is figuring how to get into it. ... Well, there's one Democrat left, anyway, George Thomas. tt' not ex.ictlv a eanare deal to tax a homely man J5000 for swiping a wife's affec tions and to let a good-looking man pack her olt free gratis. It'r said the wind feast on the lower floor of the State House has disturbed the equili brium of the scales of Justice on the roof. Jonathan ha etlrrred up the rams all right and their horned fronts are yearning for his classic rear. The only fault I've got with Ben Tillman's oratorical osrne Is that It measures out four yards ot emchaels to one Inch, of meaning. A REMARKABLE PROPHECY. Satirical Sketch. Printed It Septem ber, Forecasted ret Events. (Shortly after Mr. Harrlman returned to New York from his Oregon vacation last Summer, the New Tork Journal of Com merce printed a satirical sketch on "Edward H. Harrlman Commander-in-Chief, of Amer ican Railroads.'- In view of the numerous railroads Mr. Harrlman has picked up sinoe then, the sketch has proven to be so won derfully prophetic that the following por tion of It Is reproduced:) The wizard had divested himself of his overcoat and was surveying a map Just compiled for htm by a corps of experts a map portraying the Harrlman plans for 1908-1909. There was no exchange of cour tesies when the secretary entered. "Send for Morgan, Hill, Gould, Vander bllt. Rockefeller, McCrea, Ripley, Hara han, Underwood. Have Kruttschnitt on hand." - "Yes, sir." At H:C a subordinate appeared and an nounced that Mr. Harrlman had over looked the Panama Canal and it would take him perhaps half an hour to clinch control of It. The gentlemen were at lib erty to take 46 minutes' recess for lunch. "Sit down," grunted Mr. Harrlman, as they all stood at attention on entering his presence. Some notably Messrs. Gould, Vanderbllt and Harahan hesitated to show such familiarity. Without further ado, Mr. Harrlman began: "I have drawn up my programme for the next 12 months. I am not at all satisfied with the way things have been running. I find I shall be obliged to take over a good many, more roads. . "The Erie, Mr. Morgan, has been fright fully bungled. You may consider yourself relieved of any further responsibility. Mr. Vanderbllt. I am sorry you are the only one of the family on duty. My investment In New York Central has not fulfilled ex pectations. However, I have decided to Increase It considerably considerably, you understand ? so that you, too, may go to Europe next Summer if you have a mind to. I shall henceforth manage the Centra: Mr. Kruttschnitt, look after the neces sary rearrangement of traffic. Mr. Gould, you see where your astuteness has landed you. i Stick to polo. I find I can use the Wabash, Wheeling & Lake Erie and the Western Maryland. Also (Mr. uouiu gasped) the Missouri Pacific, St. Louis & Iron Mountain system Mr. Harahan, you shall have charge of this section, so that I can run clear from Chicago to the Gulf. Presently I may have to take over the Western Union so as to be able to have prompt communication over my various systems. However, you can retain it for the present." Mr. Gould expressed grate ful thanks. It had been noticed that Mr. Hill was fidgeting uneasily In his chair. "Mr. Hill," began Mr. Harrlman, looking very severe, "you have sorely tried my pa tience. You have dared to compete with me. All right, sir; all right. Mr. Morgan, you will please cease your banking rela tions with Mr. Hill and, Mr. Schiff, you, of course, know where I stand. I have also built a 1500-mile extension to the St. Paul, which hereafter will keep you in your place. Mr. Rockefeller, have the last tie laid by New Year's Eve. Atchi son and Baltimore & Ohio will be more closely looked after by me in future,, for I find their earnings are very unsatisfac tory. Northwestern is doing fairly well; I am to leave it as at present. Now, Mr. McCrea, you will be glad to learn that I have not included the Pennsylvania in my list. I Intend to wait until you have fin ished your extensions or until they finish you; I have doubts on this point. The Pennsylvania and the Lackawanna will probably receive my attention next year." TRUE TO THE HIGHEST AND BEST. Opinion of the United States bjr an Eminently Competent Observer. Chicago Inter Ocean. The first thing that struck me upon ar riving I might even say almost before dis embarking was the universal and profound admiration shown fora man who has con secrated his whole life not to the creation of wealth, but to perfecting the education or his country President Eliot. In Europe I know of no Instance of such great popular admiration for a man who haB devoted hla whole life to directing a powerful Institu tion of learning. This Is an extract from a recent ar ticle by Professor Guglielmo Ferrero, the greatest living Italian historian, who Is now In the United States. It Is the expression of an eminently compe tent observer of a man far enough removed from our Interests to be free of the suspicion of bias. Those Americans who see material Ism rampant In their country, who fall to find a widespread sentiment of re verence for the good, the beautiful, the true; whose favorite diversion is to point out the infinite abysses of cor ruption Into which the Nation and Its people are supposed to have fallen those Americans should read and re alize the significance of this prompt and spontaneous utterance by our em inent visitor. Professor Ferrero came to the United States under no implied commitment to dlgulse or temper his opinion. He came to see what there was to see and to treat the material, no doubt, in the scientific spirit which animates the study of the modern historian. And what was the first thing that struck him? Was it that crass materialism was triumphant In this country? Was It that corruption was rampant? Was It that the things of the spirit were spurned? No! What struck him was the fact that here, in the country whose symbol to many Europeans is often the dollar mark, the admiration for intellectual capacity and high character, manifest ing themselves In a noble life devoted to the public service, was capable of reaching a point beyond anything with which a European was familiar; that the prevailing sentiment of the people. In a word, was still true to the high est and the best. He seized and expressed an essen tial fact of American society a fact which no one who looks below the surface with an Intelligent eye will jSispute. Amid the triumphs of Indus trialism the society has preserved a regard for what Is more than material success; It still sets up A mnrk of everlasting light Amid the howling senses' eBb and flow no matter what may be said to the contrary. ' Jonathan's Regard for Deserving Poor. Eugene Guard. We have received a copy of Senator Bourne's speech advocating a higher salary for the President and Vice-President of the United States and Speak er of the House. Jonathan's efforts In behalf of these poorly-paid servants of the people are certainly appreciated by his constituents, few of whom would give up their lucrative jobs to serve as President for the beprgardly pittance of $50,000 a year. The Senator Is evi dently not much of a public speaker and it is fitine that his only effort In that direction should be an appeal for the deserving poor who are always with us and generally In official positions. Invertebrate Politics. Bend Bulletin. How disgusting and how rather sickening a scene was presented by those Statement No. 1 Legislators who cast their votes for Chamberlain under protest. Their action in the Legisla ture indicates .that they " signed the Statement in order to secure their election and then when the anti-Statement men got after them they easily succumbed to the opposition's crafty game and cast their votes as the anti Statement forces dictated under pro test. How absolutely back-boneless some mortals are. Baby Fools Voltage From Third Rail, Trenton, N. J., Dispatch. A 2-year-old child was found at Atlan tic City, N. J., sitting on a third rail of an electric road carrying several thous and volts, but the little one was not injured. HAJUUMAN AND N. Y. CENTRAL. itni the Wall-Street Wlmard Ban the, Vanderbllt Rallroadat Richmond (Va.) Special to New York Times. B. H. Harrlman. head of the Union and Southern Pacific Railroad systems, who was elected to the board of directors of the New York Central In New York to day, spent exactly 20 minutes In Rich mond today. He has been In Aiken, 8. C. spending 10 days recuperating from a slight ainess. He says be is not 111, however, and that he is ready to get back. Into the harness as soon as he gets to New York. "Mr. Harrlman. It has been reported that your election as a member of the board of directors of the New York Cen tral Railroad portends the passing of the Vanderbilts in the affairs of that road, and that In the future you will be In con trol?" was asked of Mr. Harrlman as soon as ills car stopped In. the station. "Who told you that?" Who are youT and what do you want, and how did you get In here?" Mr. Harrlman replied In a half angry tone. "It's a fact then that you do oontrol the New York Central?" said the report er. "I am not discussing anything tonight, and I want o get back to New York un disturbed." said Mr. Harrlman, puffing at his cigar.. "But you know that Interest attaches to your election to this directorate and an expression of opinion from you would be most acceptable." the reporter said. "Well. I am not going to discuss the Vanderbilts, the New York Central nor anything else. You should have known this when you came. You shouldn't have come at alL "I have been South for my health. True, I have looked over few roads, but I have been attending to no business. I was 'over the Central of Georgia, but I simply made suggestions. So far &s the New York Central Is concerned, I can say this: I was elected to the board of directors. I am going to serve In that capacity and look after my interests. The Vanderbilts and anybody else can look after theirs. I won't talk about my con trol. That's my business, and I am not in the talking humor tonight." "Does your election mean that you are going to take active chargo of tha work ings of the road?" "It seems that you. want to bs lawyer, court and everything else. Isn't It enough that I am a director? I am certainly not responsible for the manner In which the Vanderbilts look after their Interests. I am looking after my own. "Young man, if I had been in New York they would have known better than to ask me these questions. When you get as old as I am you will know better. I simply can't talk. Of course, you are perfectly welcome to take what Infer ences you will, but remember that I have not told you anything about tlio control of the New York Central. I have been, sick. "Do you know, I don't even know whom I succeed on that board? But I am going to look after the New York Central all right, only I can't be expected to look after the family affairs of everybody. Just say that I won't say anything, and that I had a good time and that I am going to work again." The Interview ended with Harrlman still smoking his cigar and several clerks reading loir, type-written, legal-looking documents to him. Mnrconl, the Real Hero. Louisville Courier-Journal. As mankind reads the story of the dis aster to the steamer Republic, peruses the stirring narratives of the passengers, pictures the anxiety on the hundreds of faces, Imagines the Florida standing by to give help to the distressed steamer, the Baltic, the Gresham and the other good ships hurrying to the sinking vessel, the long, trying, perilous process of trans ferring the passengers and crew from the Republic to the Florida and again from the Florida to the Baltic as mankind does this and feels the thrill of the epi sode there looms over the whole Inci dent ono name and one figure, the name and figure of a young Italian: .Marconi! Pntent Device to Foretell Quakes. City of Mexico Dispatch. , Luis L. Naverro, a student In the Na ational College of Mines In this city, has applied to the Government for a pat ent on an Instrument which, he declares. will foretell earthquake shocks with the same certainty that a barometer 'gives warning of a coming storm. The young Inventor declares that It will tell with un erring accuracy at least six hours pre viously of a pending shock In a given region. The Instrument has the appear ance of a small dynamo, a bell affixed to which, and connected with a ground wire, causes a circuit breakage, which sounds the alarm bell. "Ghost" Knocked Out by a Brick. Baltimore News. Someone In Princeton, N. J., hit a ghost With a brick and knocked him out. These be parlous times for psychic folk, and we of earthly flesh are also constantly up against it by rail and sea. No Mednl for Hcrolo Congress. New York Post. The Carnegie hero medals are again awarded, but there was not one for a Hou9 of Representatives ' that took Its life In Its hands. Grovrlln' A Ion sr. Atlanta Constitution. He's firowlin' low. An' he's growlin' high Ef he prays for rain An' they send htm dry; From the wo id to the winders of the sky, lie's growl'.a night an' mornln'l When it's .-Summer sweet An tho worl' sings so, He growis kaze the weather Ain't slitiKln' snow; An' he's gruwlln' low. He's growlin' night an' mornln'l The worl' runs right. An' the worl' runs wrong. But he nuver changes His growlin' song; An' he'll growl till the last . day cornel along He's growlin' night an mornln'l Mr. Dooley IN THE Sunday Oregonian TOMORROW After an absence of three years, Finley Peter Dunne, whose conversations with Mr. Hennessy have made the English - speaking world laugh, has come back to hi3 first love the newspaper. In The Sunday Oregonian tomorrow he will have a characteristic letter on "Our Retiring President," in which he indulges in his well-known satire. "Mr. Dooley" will con tribute regularly to The Sun day Oregonian.