Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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O ' " .
- . " 1 . nwrii m-miium IJBT'1' K "7.
m aVWV thia mimlnff. It was OC
cupied by E. N. Reislnger. Mr. and Mrs.
Reisinger had barely time to escape from
the building with their lives. Their loss
Local Optionists Keep Out All
r: Material Amendments
H Proposed.
J! i-cctkm 18 Termed Insult to Medical
Profession Plaster Falls In Se
crct Caucus-Koom, but the
Kavesdropper Escapes.
Or-TMI'IA. Wash.. Feb. 5. (Special.)
After another entire day spent In de
bating proposed changes In the McMas
ter local option bill, the House adjourned
late this afternoon until Monday, with
the bill still subject to amendment.
Without a. suspension of the rules a vote
on final passage cannot now be reached
befonp Tuesday, and the friends of the
blil. although in the majority, do not now
muster the necessary two-thirds to sus
pend the rules. The complete bill has
been read, but the House adjourned with
out reading the title, and the Speaker
ruled that it Is still on second reading.
As the bill now stands., it has been
amended only in a few particulars. Iart
or the work of last night was done over
Hfc-aln today under a ruling by the
Speaker that all the proceedings taken
after the spectators Joined in the vote
on a motion to lay an amendment on
the table last night had been irregular.
The ruling that the vote to lay on the
table was void loft another motion sus
pended in the air. and all subsequent
proceedings on other matters were
Doctors Fight Section 18.
This ruling set the consideration back
from the ISth to the fourth section, and
the opponents of the bill refused to Join
In a suspension of the rules to avoid re
reading the lengthy sections read last
night. The voting of last night's action,
however, enabled the supporters of the
bill to get their forces together and re-
" store section IS of the bill stricken,
which the local option people claim pre
vents Irresponsible physicians from dis
pensing liquor to persons whose only ail
ment is a thirst.
This section was bitterly fought by Dr.
Ghent, a Representative from King
County, who declared It an insult to the
medical profession. He said he had re
ceived telegrams from 1S7 physicians In
the state protesting against that section
of the bill.
The Mil as It now stands has been
amended In but few particulars. Brew
eries are permitted to operate in dry
territory, but cannot sell in dry territory.
Beach of Mason secured the adoption
of an amendment late this afternoon
eliminating druggists from a section
which allows them to purchase liquor for
medicinal purposes In dry territory to the
amount of five gallons. Beach Is a
druggist and his purpose was to amend
so that druggists may buy , in larger
Plaster Falls In Caucus Room.
After adjournment It was discovered
" that the amendment will really have the
effect of limiting the druggists to one
gallon, which Is the limitation on ordi
nary individuals shlrptng In original
packages for private use. This section
will probably be changed again Monday.
The local option majority of the House,
which ha been caucusing frequently In a
room on the fourth floor of the Capitol,
was startled today Just as a secret cau
cus adjourned by the falling of plaster
knocked down by a person In the attic,
supposed to be eavesdropping. The Sher
iff was telephoned for, but the eaves
dropper escaped.
In response to a charge from the "wet"
side of the House, which was aware of
these caucuses, that a signed agreement
existed embracing a majority of the
House. Jackson of King, a local option
leader made a specific denial.
The local option majority, however,
worked almost as a unit .on every ques
tion and opposed every amendment un
less It was seconded by McMaster. the
author of the bill.
Cornell Fruit Expert Pays $21,000
for C70 Acres.
CORVALLIS. On. Feb. 6. (Special.)
The most important real estate deal
consummated In Benton County In re
cent months was closed here last night,
when Sam Wyatt signed papers trans
ferrins 270 acres of a 320-acre ranch
to W. S. Brown, of Portville, X. T., and
- W. W. Chipman. of Warsaw, Ind. This
tract lies two miles west of Corvallls,
was bought for orchard purposes, and
cost the purchasers $21,000. Mr. Brown
Is a Cornell graduate horticulturist and
purchased this ground after a careful
examination of soils and general condi
tions in the various famed fruit sec
tions of Oregon and Washington. He
asserts that certain varieties ot apples
grown in Benton County have a finer
flavor than the same varieties grown
elsewhere, and are as excellent In qual
ity. Blze and general appearance.
t- 'The Wyatt ranch Is one of the best
In Benton County. The land is gently
rolling and the north line of the tract
Is paralleled by the Corvallls & Eastern
To Observe Lincoln Day.
7' VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 5. (Spe
cial.) The centennial anniversary of the
birthday of Abraham Lincoln will be
"celebrated In Vancouver by a public
mass meeting on the evening of Thurs
day. February 11. President Ira iI.
: Swartx. of the Vancouver Commercial
"Club, this afternoon appointed the fol
lowing committee on arrangements: Mrs.
H. C. Phillips. Mrs. A. A. Pompe, Rev.
II. S. Templeton, W. C. Springer and
W. E. Tates.
Each Side Must Pay Costs.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 5. (Spe
cial.) A peculiar case has just been
settled in the Justice Court before Judge
- E. M. Scanlon. the Jury assessing half
"the costs of the suit to the defendant and
Ihalf to the plaintiff, neither party to the
"wit winning his case. The total costs
' were J62. The suit started over a dis
puted contract. James Oreen suing John
Shepard. and Shepard putting In a
counter claim.
Vancouver Gets Tabernncle.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 6. (Spe
icial.) Final arrangements have been
made for the erection of a tabernacle to
hold 1000 people. In which special re
vival meetings will be held, the Method
ist. Presbyterian. Christian and Baptist
Churches uniting.
Chchalis Dwelling Burns.
. CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 5. (Special.)
L. J, Maley's dwelling was destroyed by
Is about 0. with J00 Insurance. iik
building was Insured for S50. Mr. Maley
lives In Portland.
Eugene Council Still Carrying On
Fight With City orrictal.
EUGENE. Or., Feb. 5 (Special.) The
dispute over the office of City Treasurer
c c.pnn la utill in an unsettled con
dition. Following the action of the Coun
cil In dismissing Treasurer Keisner tor
nonperformance of duty In refusing to
honor warrants drawn on him for right-of-way
for the power lines for the pump
ing plant. Judge Harris, last week, sus
tained the demurrer of the deposed
Treasurer on tie ground tnat he had
not been given sufficient netice.
Treasurer Relsner still continued to
refuse to pay the warrants, whereupon
the Council gave him notice that if he
persisted he would be removed and set
last night at 7:30 as the time for giving
him a hearing. After considerable argu
ment by the attorneys on both sides, the
Council adopted a resolution deposing
the Treasurer and appointing J. J. Walton
as successor. Conditions are now as they
were when the Treasurer was first re
moved, and It remains to be seen what
action will be taken.
Logging Road to Continue Exten
sions From Montesano.
MONTESANO. Wash., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) Railroad operations In and around
Montesano are becoming active. Charles
demons, who operates several large log
ging camps across the Cliehalls River
from thia city. Is preparing to construct
five miles of railroad, an extension of
his present road (about ten miles) Into
the heavy timber. He will employ 200
It Is also stated on authority that con
tractors will begin within a week on the
harbor extension of the Union Pacilic
and that one contracting firm of
Caughren. Winters, Smith & CO., oT Spo
kane, will employ 600 men.
Engineers have been at work in Mon
tesano for the past week establishing
grades and running the line from the
river to a point west of town, where con
nections are to be made with the Cliehalls
County Logging & Timber Company's
road. A Joint bridge is to be built by
the railroad and the county.,
A.'C. Blggerstaff Accused of Killing
Employer Near Welser.
EAKER CITT. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.)
Sheriff Ed Rand, of Baker County, and
Sheriff S. J. Courdin. of Washington
Countv, Idaho, arrived In the city today
from Coppertield with A. C. BiggerstafT.
who Is wanted at Welser on the chargo
of murder.
The crime for which the prisoner Is be
ing taken back to Welser was committed
about two months ago near Council. Blg
gerstaff had been employed by a man
named Moore, who was about 60 years old.
When it came time to settle for the work
performed by the prisoner, there "was a
disagreement as to the amount of money
due and Blggerstaff. It is alleged, beat
his employer over the head with a club.
The assailant then got away and has
Just been apprehended.
Elkhorn Company Secures System at
Baker City. ,
BAKER CITY, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
The Baker Light & Power Company,
after a remarkable business career, in
which some small fortunes were made,
has ceased to exist and Its property has
all been absorbed by a new corporation
known as . the Elkhorn Light & Power
Company, articles for the Incorporation
of which were filed today.
The Incorporators of the new concern
are F. A. Harmon, L. Summery and John
L. Rand and its capital stock Is $10,000.
divided Into 100 shares, with a par
value of J100. each. The new company
mav also manufacture and sell gas. The
principal office of the new company Is
Baker City. The Elkhorn Company also
owns lighting plants In Union, Cove and
La Grande.
Held for Murdering Man He Shoved
Onto Moving Saw.
MONTESANO. Wash., Feb. 5. (Special.)
Moras Scheffin, accused of murdering
Albert Gossland, at Oakville, last Satur
day, by shoving him onto a revolving saw,
was arraigned In the Superior Court here
yesterday morning. The court appointed
J. A. Hutcheson to defend Scheffin.
In his remarks to the court, Scheffin
said the people of Oakville were hayseeds
and lost their nerve at 'the sight of a
little blood, which prompted them to
accuse him of pushing Gossland on the
Bert A. Xorthrup Plaintiff in Suit
Dating From Election Race.
SEATTLE, Feb. 6. Bert A. North
rup Is piaintiff In an action filed
In the Superior Court today against John
W. Corson, a well-known Alaska lawyer
and politician, asking Judgment for J15,
as owner of various promissory notes.
It is said the suit grows out of Corson's
race last Summer for Congress from
Alaska, In which he was defeated by
James Wlckersham.
Antitoxin Free to All Patients.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 6.
(Special.) The State Board of Health,
through Dr. P. Frank, of this city, has
announced that it will furnish antitoxin
free and throughout the state, so that it
may be within the reach of all persons
who are not able to pay tor the expensive
treatment. The Board has entered a con
tract with a New York concern to furnish
the needed supply for the coming year.
Cases Set in Supreme Court.
SALEM, Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.) The
Supreme Court has set the following
cases for hearing: February 16, Martin
vs. White: Johnson vs. Crook County;
February 17, Crasby vs. Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company; Galvln
vs. Brown and McCabe; February 18,
Dryden vs. Pelton-Armstrong; Hughes vs.
Stockman's House Burns.
HARRIS BURG. Or., Feb. 5. (Special.)
The residence of J. C. Sabln, a promi
nent Galloway stock man. was destroyed
by fire early this morning. None of the
occupants were awake at the time and It
Is supposed the fire originated from an
exploding lamp. Practically all tf the
contents on the lower floors were saved..
Angered at Bowerman, He
Says He Could Make Sen
ate Members Blush.
Lively ltow When Salary Bills Are
Passed Over Governor's .Veto.
President 1 Denies He In
tended Any Insult.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 6.
(Special.) Salary bill vetoes were
the occasion for another spirited tilt
in the Senate today, with Miller of Linn
and Hart of Baker exchanging uncom
plimentary remarks' and Bingham of
Lane demanding unsuccessfully that
Miller apologize for remarks reflecting
upon the Senate. Presideut Bowerman
was the unintentional cause of the
whole trouble, but the fact that the
storm had an Innocent origin did not
lessen Its fury.
The controversy arose over the Gov
ernor's veto of House bill 111, raising
the salary of the County Superintend
ent of Sherman County from $500 to
$1000. As this bill related to a county
In his district. President Bowerman
called Senator Coffey to the chair and
took the floor for his bill. In the course
of his remarks Bowerman said that he
could not understand why a certain
Senator was always scheming to get
more money for the common schools
yet always opposed bills to raise tta
standard of the schools by providing re
spectable salaries for the School Super
intendents. No one saw anything ob
jectionable In these remarks except
Miller, who did not like the word
"scheming." His voice trembling with
excitement. Miller arose and began:
"I wish to take exceptions to the
statement by the President of this Sen
ate that I have been 'scheming' for
school funds, or for any other legisla
tion, atd I want to say right here that
if there is to be any talk about schem
ing, I can tell some things about schem
ing that they won't be glad to hear. I
have seen some of the scheming that
has been going on in the Senate, and
if that is what they want discussed, I
can tell them so much about it that
they'll be devilish glad to quit. It is
true that I have advocated liberal ex
penditures for the publ.ic schools, and I
shall continue to do so. For my con
duct here I am responsible only to the
people of my county, and when the
President of this Senate takes a fling at
me because of the course I pursue, I
want him to understand that I'll not be
Imposed upon. I'll open up and tell a
few things that will make somebody
Astonished but not disconcerted by
this onslaught. President Bowerman
rose and quietly disclaimed any Inten
tion of reflecting upon Senator Miller,
and said: "So far as I am concerned,
Senator Miller has my unqualified per
mission to tell anything he wishes on
the floor of the Senate or any other
Senator Hart declared that Miller s
remarks were uncalled for. and said
that if Miller knows anything regard
ing the work of the Senate that should
make anybody blush. It Is his duty to
tell it. "Unless he is willing to do so
he has no right to cast aspersions as he
has done." Speaking of Miller's atti
tude upon the salary bill vetoes. Hart
said that it looked like "a tendency to
bend the knee that thrift might follow
Senator Bingham demanded that Mil
ler either tell what he knows to justify
his Insinuations or offer an apology to
the Senate. He took a shot at the Sen
ator from Linn by recalling the fact
that Miller, though a member of the
Board of Regents of the University of
Oregon, voted two years ago to sustain
the Governor's veto of the university
appropriation bill.
In replying. Miller said that he is
"asking no courtesies from the Presi
dent of the Senate nor from the "great
I am" from Lane County, who thinks
he has a right to take bills away from
one committee and send them to an
other of which he Is chairman."
Others took part In the debate, but
referred only incidentally to the dlscus
pion between Bowerman, Miller and
There were three of the vetoed bills
and they all passed over the Gover
nor's veto by practically the same vote
In each instance. The bills passed over
the veto were:
House bill 59, to Increase the salary
of the School Superintendent of Mor
row County from $S00 to $1200. was
passed over the Governor's veto, Abra
ham, Kellaher. Miller of Linn. Norton.
Selling, Sinnott and Wood voting "no."
House bill 69, to raise the salary of
the School Superintendent of Yamhill
County from $900 to $1200. was passed
over the Governor's veto, Abraham,
Ke'laher, Miller of Linn. Norton, Sell
ing. Sinnott and Smith of Umatilla vot
ing "no."
House bill 111. to raise the salary of
the School Superintendent of Sherman
County from $500 to $1000, was passed
over the Governor's veto, Kellaher, Mil
ler of Linn, Norton, Selling and Smith
of Umatilla voting "no."
Bills Rushed Through House.
It took the House just three min
utes today to pass over Governor
Chamberlain's veto three salary-grabbing
bills which had been disapproved
for the reason that the increased sal
aries went into effect during the In
cumbent's term In each Instance. Only
three Representatives voted to sus
tain the Governor's veto.
The first bill to be disposed of was
that increasing the salary of the School
Superintendent of Polk County, from
$S00 to $1200 per annum. When the
veito message had been read. Corrigan,
author of the bill, spoke In favor of
Its passage regardless of the Governor's
"The members of the delegation
from Yamhill County are united for
thlB bill," said Mr. Corrigan, "and we
are perfectly willing to be held re
sponsible to the peopre of our county
for its passage."
The other two salary bills also af
fected the compensation of school su
perintendents with increases as fol
lows: Morrow, $800 to $1200; Sher
man, $500 to $1000. Both bills passed
over the veto with only two or three
negative votes.
Salem to Improve Parks.
SALEM. Or., Feb. 5. The city Is
making plans through its Park Board for
many improvements on Wilson Park
which fronts the State Capitol grounds
and" extends a number of blocks.
Fear Contagion at Centralla.
CENTRA LI A. Wash., Feb. 5. (Spe
cial.) Several cases of scarlet fever have
broken out on lower Tower avenue and
In the southern parf of the city. All
, ". ; .
Going Some
Yesterday we advertised a spe
cial sale on men's extra trousers.
Yesterday we sold 163 pairs.
$4, $5 and $6 values at
166-170 Third Street.
have been quarantined and the health
officer states that unless other cases de
velop the schools will not close. A fam
ily in the north part of the city has been
exposed to smallpox by a visitor who
came directly from a severe case near
Gate City. He left town before the au
thorities could apprehend him.
Grays Harbor Hears Wonderful
Plan oT Peace Between Rivals.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. 5. (Special.)
Among the rumors circulated In the
Grays Harbor country is one that the
Northern Pacilic, Union Pacific, North
Bank and St. Paul roads have entered
into a traffic arrangement to take care
of the Grays Harbor trade. The plan
said to be agreed upon will save the
roads, which are ail said to be destined
for this section, several hundred thou
sands of dollars that must be paid for
right-of-way property if It is decided
to come in separately.
By the traffic arrangement terminals
would be arranged for the four roads
near Cosmopolis and the Northern Pa
cilic would double its tracks on both sides
of the Chehalis River in order to be a
feeder .for the others. The St. Paul,
under tne new arrangement, will go Into
the Straits of Fuca country and take
care of the lumber trade of that section
with the Northern Pacific, which is al
ready pointed that way.
Martin Blood Knocked Down by
Streetcar at Salem.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 5. (Special.) Martin
Blood, an aged one-armed man who ar
rived here today from Kansas for a visit
with relatives, had a. remarkably narrow
escape from death by being struck by a
street car.
Blood's life was saved by the quitk
action of Harry Watson, motorman, who
dropped the fender and caught the old
man, who was rolled some distance, but
not seriously injured.
Many Journeymen Invade Contract
Field In Spokane.
SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 5. (Special.)
Because members of the Painters & Dec
orators' Union are taking work on con
tract, thereby Invading the field of the
master painters, the association of the
latter has locked out the journeymen,
about 100 In number. An advance of
wages from $4.50 to $5 a day is said to
have been demanded, but this many
union men deny.
Dynamite Kills Two Men.
MISSOULA, Mont., Feb. 5. General
Foreman James Donaldson was killed
and a laborer named W. M. Eissner
fatally injured by an explosion of dy
namite at the rock quarry of the Lower
Yellowstone irrigation works this
morning. A Are had been started to
thaw out 15 sticks of dynamite when
one of the men called Donaldson's at
tention to the fact that some of the
dynamite was burning. The latter ran
to the spot and was bending over the
dynamite when an explosion occurred.
Eissner was running to help Donaldson
and was only a few feet away. Don
aldson was unmarried and had a
brother living at Edgewood, 111.
1 Case Thrown Out of Court.
MONTESANO, Wash., Feb. 5. (Spe
cial.) The case of Mrs. Emma Wilkie vs.
the Chehalis County Logging & Timber
Company for $25,000 for the death of her
husband and for $5000 personal damages
was thrown out of court this week. Mr.
Wilkie was killed In a runaway accident
18 months ago and Mrs. Wilkie injured.
Mrs. Wilkie alleged the runaway was
caused by merchandise piled along the
railroad track of the logging company.
t'nion Depot Ready March 1.
LEWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) The new union passenger stat
tion which Is to accommodate the
Northern Pacific and O. R. & N. roads,
will be ready for use March 1, the date
set for the beginning of the joint op
eration of the new Riparla-Lewiston
and Lewlston-Grangevllle lines.
Dr. Peacock Out of Danger.
ASTORIA. Feb. 6. (Special.) The con
dition of Dr. Fred Peacock, the. Cathla
met physician, who was shot and danger
ously wounded, on last Friday, by Mrs.
A. Longtaine continues to improve, and
he is now considered practically out of
danger. ,4'jJiiJ
Tweedy Out on Bail.
SALEM, Or.', Feb. 6. (Special.) Will
lam A. Tweedy, the lodging-house owner,
was bound over to the grand Jury today
on a charge of contributing to the de
linquency of a minor and released on
$1000 bonds. ;
Attend Rosenthal's great shoe sale.
nutshell when you buy "rolled
oats" or "crushed oats," rolled
out flat and dried: if you boiled
M t 1 A 1
them all
wouldn't be
Oatmeal is only fit to eat when it has been steam
O cooked by the H-O process-a patented process
-which dextrinizes the starch in the oats, and gives
you a rich, nourishing, easily digested oatmeal, ready
for the table after ten minutes' bo.hng. A whole-
some, delicious DreaKmM.
Johnson Admits Crime as He
Steps Under Gallows.
Standing in Shadow of Death, Mur
derer Gives Witnesses Advice
and Then Shows Fear
of Agony.
SALEM. Or., Feb. 6. (Special.) "I
killed the man for his money. I've said
all along, during the trial and during my
time in prison, that I killed him in self
defense, but I killed him for his money."
So declares 'Walter Montgomery John
son on the gallows in the Oregon State
Penitentiary this afternoon two minutes
before he was hanged.
"I got up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morn
ing, took my rifle, went around the
cabin, pulled up the window, and as he
lay there sleeping I shot him through
the head. I robbed him. I pray if the
Almighty God can ever help anyone that
he will help me now." '.
He made these statements to Sheriff
H. G. Hancock, of Hillsboro. whom he
called to the scaffold after he had first
told of the influences leading up to -his
Blames Whisky for Crime.
"Whisky has led me to this crime. If
It had not been for whisky. I would
never have done what I did. I drank so
much and so long it took my mind away,
and I pray to God that from this day
on none of you will ever touch a drop
of whisky again."
Just before the drop fell he shouted to
Sheriff Stevens, of Portland. "Forgive
H Beglstered
S V. S. Pat. Offlca
The Truth in a
ere's the truth about
- nt-HInnrv oatmeal in a
day tney
got that want more H-O
, I' i mil" "
I'd t
me, Sheriff, I lied to you." Sheriff Ste
vens, with Sheriff Hancock, a few mo
ments before Johnson was led into the
execution chamber, had again asked
Johnson for a full confession, but the
murderer, grasping at a straw and hold
ing out still some small hope of a stay
of execution, claimed that . he shot in
self-defense, and that Elmer Purdue,
the murdered man, had his gun half out
when the shooting took place.
Collapses on Stairs.
At 12:30 o'clock Johnson was almost
carried down the long stairs from the
hospital ward, where he had been In
carcerated during the last few weeks of
his Imprisonment. At the foot of the
stairs he was met by Superintendent
James, who asked if he wished to hear
the death warrant read. Johnson gulped
at 'first, unable to speak, when finally
he said, "I don't care."
Rev. W. H. Selleck, who accompanied
the man, finally waived the reading for
the prisoner, and Johnson was led into
the execution chamber, where there was
assembled the largest crowd that has
ever witnessed an execution In the p-nl-tentiary-
Many legislators were present.
As he stepped to the foot of the stairs
Johnson regained his nerve and walked
firmly to the scaffold. When asked if
he had anything to say he recited in a
clear, unbroken voice, the reason for
his committing the crime. Spying Sheriff
Hancock in the crowd, he called him to
the scaffold and then made a full con
fession of the brutal murder.
At exactly 12:33 o'clock the drop fell.
A second befose the drop Johnson shout
ed. "Be sure and break my neck," and
then he fell. His neck was broken In
stantly. His body scarcely quivered, and
in exactly 15 minutes after the drop
Johnson was pronounced dead. His body
will be taken to Cornelius, Or., for in
terment. Several times he repeated his warning
concerning whisky before the. execution,
and almost his last words were: "Every
one be careful what you do."
The crime for which Johnson was con
victed on December 14. 1908, at Hills
boro, Washington County, was the mur
der of Elmer Purdue. Purdue was taken
by Johnson to a lonely cabin about 20
miles northeast of Hillsboro and about
six miles northeast of Buxton. The un
derstanding was that Johnson would pro
vide Purdue with a claim. According to
Johnson's confession he arose early In
the morning, secured his rifle and shot
the sleeping man, robbing him of about
carries t
Sold, every
r. . j
.Sr.- ,
Wanted on Like Charges in Five
Counties in Oregon, Idaho
and Washington.
COLFAX, Wash., Feb. B. Sheriff Car
ter, of Whitman County, surrendered W.
R. Clemens, of Moscow, Idaho, to Sheriff
Haviland, of Walla Walla, today.
Clemens is wanted by the prosecutors of
five counties on a charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses in the al
leged horse-buying conspiracy that lias
covered parts of three states, Washing
ton. Idaho and Oregon. The county prose
cutors in Whitman, Columbia, Spukann,
Walla Walla and Lincoln counties, of
Washington, have combined in breaking
up the gang of alleged wholesale swin
dlers, as it is reported they were preparing
to escape to Texas
Clemens gave cash bond for $1M0 tj ap
pear In Superior Court at Colfax, Siarch
10. This bond was attached by several
of the Whitman County stockmen.
J. A. Woods, of Walla Walla, who filed
information against Clemens, sold $W0
worth of pure-bred Hereford cattle which
had been brought to Washington from
Missouri. Investigation discloses, alleges
Wood, that tlio quartet consisting of
George Sheldon, Major Ferris, George
Lamb and J. M. Lamb, of Lowe, blaho,
received letters of credit from banks of
Idaho. After getting these letters they
put their property out of their nam."s.
counted to use these letters.
Clemens, it Is charged, acted as sales
man and demanded cash commissions
after obtaining fancy prices for the stock
men, who received notes due next Juii.
Several stockmen of Whitman County are
ready to file charges against Clemens.
Train Conies In Covered With Snow.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) The logging train from the Wey
erhaeuser camps near Yacolt came in
this morning covered with snow. The
trainmen said there was several Inches
of snow at Ynrolt.