Sparry Approves Findings of Court-Martial on Com mander of Georgia. DISMISSAL IS POSSIBLE Intoxication at Tangier Iteccption May Blight Career for Life. Kline to Command Georgia on Voyage Home. GIBRALTAR, FeK . Captain Ed ward Qualtrough, of the battleship Georgia, haa been suspended for six months, wlta a loss of ten numbers, af ter having been found guilty by a rourt-martlal on charge of Intoxication at Tangier during a reception given there by the American Minister, Samuel R. Gummere. GIBRALTAR. Feb. 5. The findings of the court-martial that heard the evi dence against Captain Edward F. Qual trough, of the battleship Georgia, on a rharge of Intoxication at Tangier during a reception, were approved by Rear Admiral S perry and forwarded to Wash-. lnton. The findings were not made public "re. but it Is stated with certainty that Captain Qualthough was not acquitted, it Is believed, on the contrary, that the tlrdings are of so grave a nature that he .-ill not bo restored to duty. The rumor is abroad In the fleet tonight that, should the findings be approved by the Navy Department at Washington, Captain Cjualtrough will be disgraced and prob ably dismissed from the service. It was learned tonight that Lieutenant Commander G. W. Kline will be in com mand of the Georgia for the voyage home from this port. Among the officers of the fleet much sympathy Is expressed for Captain Qual-trough. WASHINGTON'. Feb. 5. A hearing on the wool schedule of the tariff bill will be held before the House committee on ways and means next Wednesday. The members of the sub-committee are meeting daily, and In the course of their deliberations have found that further In formation on the wool schedule Is de sirable. The members of the mountain states are strongly opposed to a reduction In the duty on wool, while those from the eastern section of the country are un derstood to favor substantial reductions. If not the placing of the raw material on the free list. COAST ARTILLEKT DOES WEDli Makes 50 Per Cent of Hit at Night Practice. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. In -teats made at Fort Caswell, N. C, February 1 and 2, of the new system of fire control for rapid-fire guns, the coast artillery corps made an average of 50 per cent of lilts in night firing at a moving target at ranges of from 1700 to 3n0O yards. The projectiles were provided with lighted tracers and the target, which was 10x24 feet, was illuminated by search-lights. The tests were conducted by a three-Inch gun battery. Pittsburg Crowds Shout for Blood of Negroes Held in City Jail. WOMAN FIRES AT LOOTERS COMPANY OWES $4,400,468 Elevator Concern Indorsed Notes for Plllsbnry-Waehbnrn Mills. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 5 Henry F. Ihniglas. receiver of the Minneapolis & Northern Elevator Company, In the Fed eral Court has filed a report with the receivers of the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company, showing the claims fleainst the former company up to date. The total debts contracted through the Indorng and making of promissory notes for the benefit of the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company (Limited) has placed tlie Minneapolis Elevator Company in d-bt to the amount of 14,400,468. Stephenson Five Votes Shy. MADISON. Wis.. - Feb. S. Senator Stephenson filled of election again to- W1I1 Stop One Graft. WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. When the public building and grounds bill Is re ported to the House in a few days, it will contain a clause which will prohibit a continuation of the alleged practice of the Treasury Department In purchasing ground for public buildings and permit ting the former owners to retain the title to the buldlngs and collect the in come therefrom. TO REFUND. STOLEN FUNDS Hawley Would Reimburse Oregon City's Postmaster. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 5. Representative Hawley recently favorably reported from the com mittee on claims a bill to pay B. R. Green, ex-postmaster at Oregon City, KXU. which amount he forfeited to the Government on account of the theft of moneys from the postoffice safe. When Green was postmaster It had been his custom to keep postal moneys In a local bank, believing them safer there than In the small safe In his own office. Later he was ordered by a postoffice Inspector to withdraw the funds from the bank and transfer them to his office safe. A few days after the transfer was made the safe was robbed and the shortage was charged up to the postmaster. Most of the loss has already been reimbursed him, but the M covered by the bill rep resents key deposit funds, wnich were kept separate from other postal receipts. Earlier In the session Mr. Hawley se cured passage through the House of a bill to pay Green tS6. Thla also is refund, being the amount deposited by him In the local Land Office for a mineral sur vey, which was never made. That money can only be recovered by act of Con gress. A deaf-mute haa ben accused by hla wife of swearing at her In alg-n language. Better Class Blacks Call Mass Meet ing to Take Measures to Stop Disturbances In Herron Hill District. PITTSBURG, Pa., Feb. 8. Increased excitement over the recent negro out breaks In this city occurred tonight, when the news became general that at Unlontown. a few miles beyond the city limits. Mrs. Anna Davis, of Lynn Sta tion, had shot and fatally wounded James Donahue, aa he, together with an other white man and three negroes, at tempted to force an entrance into her home. Race feeling in the city is at fever heat and serious trouble Is expected should any mors overt acts occur and stir popular feeling Into an outbreak. To- bring Justice to the perpetrators of the many recent attacks on white women and girls In the Herron Hill dis trict of thla city, and to take steps to prevent a recurrence of the crimes, the better element of the negroes has issued a call for a general mass meeting to be held next Tuesday night. Negro Insults Girl. The first serious trouble growing out of the police crusade against negroes, who have terrorized the Herron Hill district, was narrowly avert ed last night when John Moulton, a negro 39 years old, was arrested in the East End district on a charge that he had an noyed a white girl and had accosted her with "good evening, sweetheart, ain't you going to klas me?" While the negro was being taken to the police station a brother of the girl at tempted to get him away from the officers. The young man struck at the negro and threatened to shoot him. A large crowd gathered and for a time It was believed the negro would receive rough treatment; but the officers succeeded In protecting him. Crowd Outside Jail. After the negro had been locked in a cell the crowd kept up a demonstration In the street. In the meantime 25 additional of ficers were hurried to the district to pre vent an outbreak against other negroes. Moulton was- given a hearing today and sentenced to six months in the work house, the maximum sentence. Today two negroes attempted to as sault Miss Blanche Smith and Miss Rose Sesock, residing In a nearby suburb. The screams of the girls frightened the ne groes and they escaped. Several hours BUTTE, Mont., Feb. 5. A Miles City dispatch says that authoratlye an nouncement of the proposed construction of the Tongue River Railroad was made today by Chief Engineer Robb. who has received Information that in a few days contracts will be awarded for the con struction of the line the entire distance, about 155 miles. Officially the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul has nothing to do with the Tongue River Road, but inter ests connected with the former are said to be behind the project. The road will connect Sheridan, Wyo., and Miles City and will form a connec tion between the Colorado & Southern and the Burlington on the south and the St. Paul and Northern Pacific In Montana. SHAW TALKS ON SUBSIDIES Says Aid to Rivers and Harbors Comes In Same Category. NEW YORK, Feb 5. fihlp subsidies were urged and defended by Islie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury, in a speech at the last session of the Merchant Marine Congress at the Metro politan temple tonight. Mr. Shaw took the position that the building of the Panama Canal. Irriga tion of the western lands, improvements of rivers and harbors and land grants to railroads were really subsidies. Mr. Shaw also declared that in case of war with Japan the Navy could not be coaled or provided with supplies because there are not enough merchant ships, under the American flag. SETTLE WAR INDEMNITY Turkey - Proposes to Get Out of Debt to Russia. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 5. At a Cab inet council today it was decided to make a counter-proposal to Russia's plan, an nounced February 1, for & settlement of the Turko-Bulgarian difficulty. This pro posal would include a provision for im mediate liquidation of the whole war in demnity still due to Russia. This Indem nity amounts to Jl,600,000 a year, which, in accordance with the Berlin treaty of 1878, Turkey Is to pay Russia for 100 years. Light Cargo on Minnesota. SEATTLE. Feb. 5. The American steamer Minnesota arrived from the Orient at noon with a light cargo of tea and a small passenger list. Including several returning missionaries. The ves sel had a good passage from Yokohama, excepting the last two days, when she encountered a strong southerly gale. The steamer St. Croix, purchased by Schubach & xiamllton. of Seattle, for the Pacific trade, left Newport News for Seattle today. The steamer A. G. Lindsay left for Grays Harbor this afternoon to idergo extensive repairs. The Department of Agriculture estimates that the ravages of field mice and rats en tail a direct lots of S20.000.000 annually. Trunk and bag sale. Harris Trunk Co. P0WPI1L The finest, most tasteful and wholesome biscuit, cake and pas try are made with Royal Bak ing Powder, and not otherwise. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar 30 BOND SYSTEM IS RETAINED CHARTER COMMISSION WILL HAKE IfO CHAXGE. Board Decides to Omit All Reference toaMunicipal Lighting Plant in Report. Members of the Charter Revision Com mission again held two sessions yester day and apparently nothing can prevent the proposed amendments from being submitted to the Council at its regular meeting on next Wednesday. The labors of the Commission now consist chiefly in correcting the amendments and strik ing out entirely some of the new fea tures to which opposition has arisen. One of the important sectionsetricken out yesterday was that providing for an automatic bonding system. After a great deal of discussison at last night's meeting the Commlssison deemed It best to retain the 6ystem as It stands In the old charter, with amendments providing that 'taxpayers delinquent in payment of street assessment, shall after a stipu lated time be forced to pay 12 per cent penalty Interest. A limit of time is given them In which to notify the city of their Intention to refuse to pay the assessment. The proposed amendments to section 109 and 110, which provided for a municipal lighting plant In case the Council should deem such a thing necessary, was also stricken out. The Commission was of the opinion that the proper way to settle this question was to let the people vote upon it. The Commission also settled the ques tion of salaries for the Auditor, City Treasurer and the secretary of the civil service. On a motion it was voted that the salary of the Auditor be Increased to $3600, that of the City Treasurer to J3000. The secretary of the Civil Service Commission Is to receive not less than J100 a month.- Proofreading consumed the greater part of both meetings and that portion of the proposed charter that has been corrected will be sent to the printer this morning. There will be another meeting tonight. About two more meetings will conclude the labors of the Commission. The facts of the new charter will be in the hands of the Council, whose duty It will be to decide whether It shall go be fore the people to be voted upon. APPOINTMENT IS HELD UP Democratic Senators Filibuster Against Xegro Collector. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Another long session over the nomination of W. D. Crum, the negro Collector of Customs at Charleston, S. C, who was reappointed by President Roosevelt, was held by the Senate today, and no vote was reached. Democratic members made it clear that they did not Intend that the appointment should be voted on the present session. Among the Republicans who spoke were Smith of Michigan, Dixon and Beverldge. HELD FOR PORTLAND THEFT D. II. "WILLIAMS UNDER ARREST AT BISBEE, ARIZ. Court-Martial for Civilians. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 5. The trial began here today before a mili tary court of nine civilians and four teen soldiers charged with attempt ing to organize a revolt of the St. Pe tersburg garrison in 1907. Heilborn to Locate Here. ASTORIA. Feb. 5. (Special.) Otto F. Heilborn, who has been assistant post master at the local office for over ten years, has tendered his resignation to take effect on February 20 and will en gage in business In Portland. Accused of Embezzling $1400 "While Secretary of Leatherworkers' Union Here. BISBEQ Ariz., Feb. 5. (Special.) D. H. Williams, who was arrested here yes terday on complaint of Sheriff Stevens, of Portland, Or., and who jumped J15"0 bail and crossed Into Mexico, has been recaptured on American soil. Williams was salesman for the Mason Carriage Company of Lowell, a suburb of Bisbee, when arrested. Four years ago Williams, as secretary and treasurer of the International United Brotherhood of Leatherworkers, at Port land, is alleged to have embezzled JU00. He was pursued into Canada and located at London, Ontario. He got wind of the pursuit and fled to Globe, Arizona. Here, as bartender In a saloon, he stola his employer's money and lied to the hills. He was captured a week later, made restitution of the money and the case was not prosecuted. He came 1o Bisbee and worked two months in Hughes' harness shop. He then went to the Mason Company, at Lowell, where he has been a respected employe for three years. Bisbee men have been In communication, -with J. M. Davis, present secretary of the Leatherworkers' Union at Portland, since October. A picture of Williams was sent to Portland and the net drawn closer until his arrest. Williams has a wife, and boy of three years. Algiers. Feb. 1. Arrived Steamer Bank fleld, from Portland. Or., etc., via Monte video and St. Vincent. C. V. Damp, Chill, Changing Weather "Weakens the Kidneys Changeable weather, exposure, grippe, colds and chills cause most of the kidney trouble that is so common in Winter and Spring. That is what causes those spells of lame back, backache, shooting pains, tired feelings, dizzi ness, nervousness, fits of irritability and "blues." The kidneys are clogged with impurities, set back in their great work of filtering the blood, congested, irritated or inflamed. Poisonous uric acid is collecting' where it should not and setting up disturbances and pain. Cure the weakened kidneys set them working right again. No need to experi ment. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, which have proved their merit in thousands of cases. EVERY PICTURE. TELLS A STORY. HU' Mr. HUMP" .1 Backache Gives You Warning of Treacher ous Kidney Ills Backache is likely to be the first sign noticed of kidney disorders that have been coming on for months. Kidney diseases start mysteriously and make silent, rapid headway. The advanced stages dropsy, diabetes, gravel and Bright's disease are usually fatal. The best time to cure kidney disease is in the beginning. Notice the first stab ot pain in the back, the first irregularity of the urine. Then give the weakened kidneys prompt help. Neglect may mean a serious illness. Doan's Kidney Pills strengthen weak kidneys, cure bad backs, clear and regulate the urine and restore natural kidney action. They relieve quickly and cure permanently. PORTLAND TESTIMONY PROVES THAT DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS PORTLAND PROOF PORTLAND PROOF John fiotcher, of 2S7 North Nine- Mrs. T. J. O'Brien, of 60 East 9th St, teenth street, Portland, Oregon, says: rth Portland Oregon, says: "Time . . ,, , . - lnrlo , ' f has not changed my opinion of Doan's "Since the early part of 1903, when I Kidney Pills. I gave this remedy my pave a testimonial recommending Doan's indorsement in 1903 and am glad to re Kidney Pills, I have had some further peat my recommendation of it. A mem occasions to use the remedy and have be" of mv family found great relief always found it of great value in reliev- rough using Doan's Xidney Pills and , . . T. . ., . since then, several of my neighbors have ing kidney complaint. It never fails to tried them equaliy good results. We help me, and I therefore am pleased to are always glad to tell about the merits recommend it on every occasion." of the remedy." "Stabbed in the Back" Have you ever had one of those sudden twinges? Have you ever had one of those "cricks" in the back? Does your back ache with a dull, heavy, draggy throb? Is it hard to straighten up after stooping? Hard to get up from a chair, or turn in bed? Is the urine dark-colored? Passages too frequent, scanty or scalding? Your k'idneys need attention, (jet a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that has cured thousands. PORTLAND PEOPLE TELL HOW DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE BAD BACKS PORTLAND PROOF Mrs. J. O. Stearns, living at 1641 Base Line road, Portland, Or., says: "I have known of Doan's Kidney Pills for a number of years and have recommend ed them highly at every opportunity. I know that this remedy acts up to the representations made for it and I ad vise everyone suffering from backache or kidney trouble to test its merit. Doan's Kidney Pills promptly relieved me of this complaint and banished vari ous other difficulties arising from a dis ordered condition of my kidneys." PORTLAND PROOF J. C. Buckler. E. Ninth Street. Port land, Or., says: "In my estimation there Is no remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills In curing kidney disorders. There -.vas. a ;onstant soreness across the small of my back and stooping or lifting would cause sharp twinges In that part of my body. I tried one remedy after another but with out result. When Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention I procured a supply and was benefited by them from the first. I continued their use and they hoon completely removed the pain from mv back and corrected the action of the kidney secretions, which had been some what Irregular." AT ALL DRUGSTORES SO CENTS A BOX FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y, Solo Proprietors 1L L ifBKB'1 jdlffWatl 5 L