Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Attributes Indictment to En
mity of Roosevelt and
Oklahoma Governor Given Ovation
on Arrival at Mnskoge Makes
Speech Declaring He. AVlll
Prove His Innocence.
? ; MTTSKOGFTE, Okla.. Ffb. 5. Governor
; Charles N. tlaslceU waa given an ovation
" -hm today when he arrived from the
i ' State Cfcpitol at Gilthrle to make his ap-'-
"pearanee in the Federal Court and sign a
i 'bond under the Indictment returned by
":the grand Jury changing him and other
prominent Oklahomana with conspiracy to
-defraud the Government and the Creek
i ' More than 1000 persons were at the sta
tion with a brass band and the appear
ance of the Governor waa the signal for
long and loud cheering. The Governor
end his wife were conducted to a flag
decorated automobile and other cars were
filled with.promlnent local citiaens. With
the band leading the way and playing
' ,"Hall to the Chief." and hundreds of clt
; -liens bringing up the rear on foot, the
Governor was escorted to a specially
- reserved suite of rooms at the Turner
Hotel. When the hotel was reached, the
crowd clamored for a speech. The Oov-
- emor responded from his automobile.
In his speech Mr. Haskell took a new
departure In offering an explanation of
; his indictment He declared he had ln
. curred the enmity of the corporations, of
; President Roosevelt and of the Govern
: ment at Washington by championing the
- cause of labor and by preventing the in
sertion of a clause in the Oklahoma con
atltutlon hostile to labor In case of strikes
In the matter of Injunctions. He thanked
lils old friends and neighbors for the ex
. pression of confidence in his Innocence of
' the crime charged and declared he would
1 establish his Innocence.
: Later the Governor signed his bond.
which already bore the signatures of
. hundreds of Muskogee citizens. He held
- an Informal reception, shaking hands with
'. hundreds of persona No date has been
; set for the trial.
" Judge Campbell, of the United States
- Circuit Court, has set Saturday. Febru
ary 13. as the day for the men Indicted In
the town lot fraud cases to appear and
plead to the Indictments.
According to the programme of the
Government as outlined by District At
torney W. J. Gregg, the trial of Gov
ernor Haskell will probably take place
at Tulsa, next April.
Both the Government and the attorneys
for the Governor are anxioua for a
. speedy trial.
Cannot Pass BUI Compelling Kqnip
nient on Passenger Boats.
WASHINGTON". Feb. 6. President
Roosevelt today received a report from
a commission appointed to revise and
codify the laws applying to safety of
life at sea. Ic Is known to contain a
number of important recommenda
tions, among them the enactment of a
law compelling the placing of wireless
Instruments on all large steam and sall
tntf vesttls.
Representative Burke was not suc
cessful today In having reported to
the House his bill requiring passenger
vessels to be equipped with wireless
The subcommittee this afternoon re
drafted the Burke bill, but retained the
provision limiting Its application to ocean
vessels. . Under the bill as agreed to. the
captain and owner of a vessel are held
criminally responsible for clearing with
out a wireless equipment.
Trainmen Differ as to Worth of
Watson Surety Appliance Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Representa
tives of organized labor disagreed today
at a hearing before the House committee
on Interstate and foreign commerce for
the consideration of the Watson bill,
which empowers the Interstate Com
merce Commission to enforce certain
safety appliance requirements for rail
roads and other common carriers. M. N.
Goss. representing the conductors' or-
panizatlon; II. B. Terham. of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, and F. C. Haw
Icy. of Buffalo, president of the Switch
men's Union, urged favorable action on
the bill, while H. O. Fuller, who repre
sented the engineers and firemen and
trainmen, opposed the bill.' F. W.
Braier. an official of the New York Cen
tral Railroad, also opposed the bill. E.
G. Buckland, of the New York, New
Haven A Hartford Railroad, said the
Watson bill is defective.
Conferees Allow Appropriation, but
Reduce Sum Allowed Wilson.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. When Mr.
Taft becomes President, he will ride
in an automobile furnished by the
Government. That question was set
tled today by the adoption of the re
port of the conferees on the urgent de
ficiency bill, which carries an item of
$12,000 for the "purchase, care and
maintenance of automobiles for the use
of the President."
The appropriation of $500,000 to en
able the Secretary of Agriculture to
continue his campaign against the foot
and mouth disease, which was also in
-dispute, waa reduced to $150,000 and
Measure Is In Accordance With Sug
gestions From Commission.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5.-A bill In ac
cordance with suggestions contained In
the report of the Interstate Commerce
Commission on Increases In railroad
rates will be Introduced tomorrow by
Representative Needham, of California.
This bill will differ from the Fulton bill
In the Senate in that It wll provide that
the Interstate Commerce Commission
may, at Its discretion, when a protest
against a proposed Increase In rates has
been filed. Issue an order continuing the
old rates until a final decision has been
rendered by the Commission.
Filipinos Ask Xew Opening Date.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. The Senate
committee on Philippines today ap
proved a bill authorizing the Philippine
Legislature to fix a day for convening
Its sessslon. The organic act provided
that the session should begin the first
Monday in February, which la the hot
test and most disagreeable season In the
Hone Committee to Buy Collection
In House of Death.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. The House
committee on public buildings and
gfounds today agreed to a favorable re
port on the Rndenberg bill to' purchase
the Oldroyd collection of Lincoln relics,
now located In the house In Washington
in which Lincoln died. The bill also pro
vides for the purchase of property ad
Joining the house In order that the house
In which Lincoln died may be made fire
Senate Committee Will Visit Various
Military Stations.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. Military posts
and other features of the Army organiza
tion are to be Investigated by the Senate
committee on military affairs, according
to a resolution reported by the commit
tee and adopted by the Senate today.
The committee will visit military posts
and call witnesses In pursuing Its in
vestigations. . Northwest Affairs t Capital.
ington. Feb. 5. Oregon rural routes
ordered established April 1:
Hood River, Wasco County, route .
serving 210 families; Weston, Umatil
la County, route 2, serving 103 fami
lies. The Controller of the Currency has
approved the conversion of the Doug
las County Bank, of Roseburg. Or.. Into
the Douglas National Bank of Rose
burr, with S50.000 capital.
The United States National Bank of
Portland has been approved as reserve
agent for the First National Bank of
North Bend. Or.
Two Judicial Nominations.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. The President
today nominated Alexander IJndsay. ' Jr.,
to "be second Judge of the Circuit Court
of the First Circuit of the territory of
Hawaii, and Arthur A. Wilder to be
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
of the territory of Hawaii.
Higher Pay Favored.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Favorable ac
tion on the bill providing an Increased
allowance of from $2 to $3 per day for
expenses and subsistence of deputy mar
shala while away from their regular
places of duty Is recommended by the
House committee on the Judiciary.
Time Used on Private Bills.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. The House
today devoted Itself to bills on the pri
vate calendar.
Panic Follows Blaze, Which Is One
of Scries at Battle Creek.
Boy's Heroic Deed.
BATTLE CREEK. Mich.. Feb. 6.
There Is a widespread belief that the
fire early today In the Haskell Memor
ial Home, an orphanage, which result
ed In the death of three of the 57 chil
dren, was caused by an Incendiary.
Following a recent schism In the Ad
venttst Church, a number of the build
ings of the denomination here have
been damaged by fires which have been
generally charged to incendiaries.
The orphanage was originally a
Seventh Day Adventlst Institution,
but latterly had been privately sup
ported. The missing:
Lena McPherney, 14 years old.
Cecil Quoter.t. aged 13 years.
George Goodnow, aged 8.
In the panic that ensued when the chil
dren were awakened by the first alarm
several little children Jumped from a
third-story window, but It is not thought
that any of them were fatally hurt,
though Ruth Roff. 12 years old, was seri
ously Injured In the back. James Arm
strong, 12 years old, made a hero of him
self by standing on a shed under the
window upon which the girls had to
jump, directing them how to make their
fall as easy as possible, and actually
catching two of the smaller girls in his
Mrs. R. 8. Owen, who with her hus
band was In charge of the Institution,
fought her way down the main stair
way while It was a mass of flames, car
rying a 6 weeks' old babe la her arms,
and with two small children clinging to
her skirts.
The fire started in the north wing, and
spread rapidly through the entire struc
ture. The property loss will be about
Accepts for Calhoun Juror Talesman
Who Has Many Opinions.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 6. A tenth
Juror was temporarily passed today In
the trial of Patrick Calhoun, and the ac
ceptance of another was held In abey
ance pending a decision by Judge W. P.
Lawlor, to be rendered tomorrow. John
Scollard, a retail shoe dealer, admitted a
sympathy In favor of the president of
the United Railroads, confessed a reluc
tance to accept testimony of the bribe
taking Supervisors and did not approve
of extending what he termed extensive
Immunity to criminals. Very much to
the surprise of every person In the court
room Assistant District Attorney Heney,
first ascertaining that the Juror pro
fessed his willingness to try the case
Impartially as far as his prejudices would
permit, accepted him.
Thirteen talesmen were examined dur
ing the day, leaving IS citizens of the
eighth panel to await interrogation. A
ninth venire of 75 men waa ordered re
turned next Monday.
President Dias Sends Troops to Aid
Provincial Candidate.
EL. PASO. Tex., Feb. 5. According to
dispatches received by the Times, It is
openly predicted In Mexico City that the
gubernatorial campaign In the State of
Morales will result in bloodshed.
These reports say that' President Dias
has sent government troops to Cuerne
vaca to support the gubernatorial candi
dacy' of hie favorite, Colonel Pablo Es
cando. New York Roman Catholic prletts In this
cltv have Interested themslves to uch an
ext'nt in the case of Thomas McAtee, th
younr man from Mahony Plain, Pa., who
was acquitted this week of the char- of
burglary preferred by Edward J. Reardon,
s former county detectlv, that they have
dee'ded to hold a meeting hero to further
vindicate McAtee. and to dlnruM what
te p. It any. shall be taken againit
Government Puts Malheur
Project Up to Settlers.
Reclamation Service to Finish Proj
ect If Water Users Will Agree
to Sell Surplus Land
When Completed.
ington. Feb.. 6. After consultation with
officials of the Reclamation Service, Rep
resentative Ellis has written to settlers
under the proposed Malheur Irrigation
project. Informing them that the Gov
ernment will gladly take up and build
that project if they themselves will
promptly get together and Induce all
landowners. Including the Wagon Road
Company, to Join the Water Users' Asso
ciation in agreeing to sell their surplus
lands when the water is ready for de
livery and flle application for water
right's for all Irrigable lands. The project
Is attractive .to the Government en
gineers, more so than many others un
der consideration, but It la up to the peo
ple themselves to say whether or not It
shall be built now or later.
Klamath Project Payments Declared
Too Heavy.
ington, Feb. 5 R. S. Smith, of Klamath
Falls, representing the Water ' Users'
Association on the Klamath irrigating
project. Is here In conference with the
reclamation service and the Secretary
of the Interior, In the hope of securing a
modification of the order Imposing a
charge for water right. Water rights at
Klamath have been .fixed at $30 per acre,
divided Into 10 equal payments of $3 each.
Smith wants the department to mako
the first payment $1 or $1.25 per acre and
gradually Increase the amount so that the
last payment will bring the total to $30.
He says settlers will have difficulty In
paying S3 per acre the first year, but
when development Is well under way will
be able to make mirth larger payments.
Smith Is also asking the. department to
walv the maintenance charge of T5 cents
per acre. He contends there Is no pro
vision in the reclamation act authorizing
the Imposing of this charge. He has not
yet received an opinion of the department
on his requests. ,
To Reimburse Postmaster,
ington, Feb. 6. Representative Hawler
secured passage through the House his
bill to pay S. R. Green $306, being the
amount of postal money stolen from the
postofflce safe at Oregon City when he
was postmaster, which amount he had
to pay the (government.
Discharge of Man Causes Riot
Among Three Nationalities.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 6. Angered because
one of their number had been dismissed
when he became disorderly, 400 Hungar
ian, Italian and Bulgarian laborers, who
are laying a gaspipe line near Alexandria,
clashed today and In the general melee
several revolver Bhots were Ijred.
One of the Italians was shot In the leg,
but not seriously Injured. AH work was
Btopped for the day.
A liUle later today about 200 Bulgar
ians and Hungarians appeared at the
Camp Hill County Bank in Alexandria
and excitedly demanded Immediate pay
ment of wages. The bank officials, being
without authority, refused payment.
Carnegie Institution to Build Spe
cially Equipped Ship.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Great progress
has marked the researches carried on in
almost every field by the Carnegie In
stitution of Washington during the year
Just closed, according to the seventh
year-book of that Institution Issued today.
Plans for a specially designed ship to
be called the Carnegie, to be built In
Brooklyn and to be used for magnetic
survey work In the Atlantic Ocean have
been completed. A temporary observa
tory for measuring positions of the fixed
stars of the Southern hemisphere Is being
built at San Luis, Argentina.
Chicago Thief Loots Jewelry-Store
Window and Escapes.
CHICAGO, Feb. 6. A bold daylight
robbery In the city's most crowded re
tall street was successfully perpetrat
ed by a lone robber today. The thief
hurled a brick through the window of
the Jackson Jewelry Company on State
street and, reaching through the shat
tered pane, secured $4000 worth of
watches, rings and diamonds, with
which he escapod.
Hill Road Secures Title to Large
Area on Grays Bay.
CATIILAMET, Wash., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) The Northern Pacific Railway
Company has completed the purchase
of all the tldelands on Grays Bay and
the last deed In the purchase was filed
for record In the office of the Clerk of
Wahkiakum County at Cathlamet, yes
terday. Children's shoes at factory cost. Best
makes at Rosenthal's.
Harris Trunk Co. Last week of sale.
The Fight Is On
Every moment of your life when
you are at homo or abroad,
awake or asleep j
Between the poison germs that are in air,
food and water, everywhere in fact,
and the billions of your invisible friends,
the little soldier-corpuscles in your blood.
If these little soldiers are kept strong
and healthy by taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla, you need have no fear of dis
ease. Begin neing it at once if you are
at all nnder the weather, or have
troubles of the blood, stomach, liver
and kidneya. Get it of your druggist.
i - - . - i
Sensational Specials For After Six In the Shoe Department
Selling is bound to be
and on all of these that remain until six o'clock, the prices are still further reaucea. re
member that we offer you still greater bargains to make up for the smaller assortments.
All Shoes on sale today at
$3.95, marked down for this evening's selling
All Shoes on sale today at the special price of
$3.49, marked down for this evening's selling
The lot on sale today at
entire lot after 6 o'clock
Vtleo.lnf , pot-cf-rda.
comic valentine, inexpen
sive and very artistic val
entines, very low price.
HaX ...
And the Last Day of the Olds,
Wortmah & King Clearance
65c Play Suits for 39c
$1.25 values today at the OQp
low price of only Z Ju
$2.00 values today at the C0n
low price of only OOu
Children's Outing Flannel
Nightgowns and Flannel Petti
coats today, all at reduction of
effects, trimmed or strictly plain. Regular values, $5.00 to $15.00.
Reeular $5.00 OH CO
Coats, for gZiJU Coats, for OtJiUU
Everything in the suit department reduced. Suits, coats, separate skirts, afternoon and evening costumes,
sweaters, raincoats, silk petticoats, opera coats. All at clearance sale prices today for the last time.
Neck Ruches 7c Each
A stirring, strikingly good special in the
Neckwear aisle. Ruchings of a very pop-
ular width, white
lengths, cut ready to
that sell regularly for
the yard offered at
low price for today's selling
only. While the lot lasts at
Women's Umbrellas,
regularly $1.85 each,
on sale at the ffl OQ
special price of .r
Women's Umbrellas,
regularly $2.50 each,
on sale at the C 1 QQ
special price P I 0 0
Hind's Honey and Al
mond Cream, splendid
for chapped face and
hands, or after shav
ing; regular 50c 07i
bottle, today, spl. u,u
Talcum Powder in oval
cans, regular price 15c
the can; special Cn
price, only, can...."
Pin and 'a Imported
French Toilet Soaps
Lilac, rose, lily, carna
tion or violet scented;
round cake; the IQp
reg. 25c value...
Witch Hazel, full pint
bottle; regular Oflf
35o value, for...uu
busy all day on the lots
the special price of QQ 1 Q
UUi I u
$1.49 positively none of which may be returned or exchanged choice of thefll flfj
at the exceptionally low price of only, per pair : W I lUU
oliii istfsi Mny'i 'r7 an ftrT"- r T ' t -
T3 3TI o V 7?
Tudor Suits, to wear around the house and
for play times. Wash easily, made of good
grade material, heavy denim or galatea
cloth ; sizes are from 2 to 6 years. They are
cunning, clever, good-wearing little suits,
that you can afford to let the child rough it
. in. Regularly worth to 65c per suit. QQ
At the special low price today, only. Uuli
heavy denim or galatea cloth; splendid for
play and around the house wear. "Well
made, good qualities, sizes 2 to 7 QQa
years; regular values to 65c. Price. OvJll
WOMEN'S APRONS Of white lawn, well
' made, daintily finished with pockets Q7
and straps; 40c value, special only. Zlu
silk, especially suitable for the present sea
son's wear; white or colors, as follows:
$2.75 values today at the OQp
low price of only 03 U
$3.50 values today
the low price oi
Half Price
Coats lh Price
Regular $6.00 0t fifl Regular
Coats, for
or colors, in neck
use. Grades
25c and 35c
a surprisingly
'' H i ; B W
The Shoe Clearance Ends
Today Biaiepf Bargain Glory
Our Footwear Shops have always been
the most popular of any in Portland
with those who are fastidious as to the
comfort and quality of their shoes. Perfect-fitting
and superior quality have
brought us the custom of those with
whom prices are secondary considera
tions. In this sale, the same qualities
and the same careful attention to fit
ting combine with prices extraordinarily low to make this
sale the most important in Portland's history.
WOMEN'S SHOES Hundreds of pairs,
none worth less than $3.00 and worth up
to $6.00. Every sort of style, every kind
of leather so varied an assortment that
detailed description is impossible; but, if
you have a shoe need, and especially if it
is in a small size or narrow width, come
and look. Plenty of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
shoes in this lot. Your choice of OI QQ
the lot for onlv, per pair 01 imO
Sample and broken lines odds and ends,
including every pair of odd Slippers in
our stock, no matter what the former
price. For values to $6.00, in Q1 QQ
this saje at only $1.49 and OlidO
offered below at sach
z -
All Shoes on sale today at
marked down ior tms evening s semu wm ww
All Shoes on sale today at the special price 01 u - n u
$1.98, marked down for this evening's selling) I it U
Child's Underw'r 27c
Our tremendous assortment in Children's Under
wear of better than ordinary qualities at much less
than ordinary prices. The
following list at only . . . .
Sizes 5, 6, 7 and 8; regular -50c values, nf- b&T!
cotton, fleece-lined, 60c val., 4-6 yrs.
Gray or white, wool and cotton,
18, ZZ, zo ana ju; reg. vais.
linarl civa d. nnlv- rpfrnlnr fiOc.
l J 1 I V V 4 J 13 1 W ' J " .
TON UNION SUITS Oneita style, nyp
size 2 only; regular 65e values, only. Lib
Sizes 26 and 34; regular 65c values, ny
on sale at the low price of only, each. Zl U
WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS An odd line, low neck, Q7p
sleeveless, sizes 4, 5 and 6; regular 50c values, for only. Zl U
WOMEN'S RIBBED WOOL HOSE Fast black, extra 7p
fine quality, regular 40c value, on sale for only, pair. Lib
Every Child's Coat
to 14 years. Made
long or short, medium fitting or loose box
$7.50 0J 7C Reg'l'r $12.00
On TF Reff'l'r $12.00 OP
m.p c e
UJiIU Coats, for gUiUU Joats, ior
Men's 35c Hose 21c
50 dozen men's cashmere hose, in
all sizes, fine quality and fast black.
RegulaFprice 35c the pair, on sale today
IrTthe Men 's Section, while they n
last at the extremely low price of A CT
Low clearance sale prices on men's shirts,
men's underwear, neckties, all men's
godds. Stop in and let us show them.
WOMEN'S SHOES A very complete as
sortment of high-grade footwear from
which any reasonable want may
nearly all sizes; $3.50, $4.00 and QQ 1Q
$5.00 grades, at low price, only. Owl I 3
MEN'S SHOES In nearly all sizes; val
ues up to $4.00; your choice at QQ OQ
only, per pair, the low price of .OZiuJ
ALL ODDS AND ENDS of our Men's $4,
$5 and $6 grades, in the Clear- QQ
ance Sale at, per pair, $1.98 to.OOi iw
solid colors and tan specialties. The finest
shoes we carry; all sizes and widths;
priced for today at the low price QO QC
of only, per pair OOiuJ
tremendous bargains, I
i i r 1
the special price 01 um
Celluloid novelties, lace val.
entlnea and bnnd-pnlnted ef.
fectsi goodly assortment.
27c Garment
sizes HTn
xo uw. . u v.-
TTloppp- (T7 Mr ".
val... Zl U Yi-
C - -
in 'our entire, stock, sizes 6
of plain or fancy materials,
Regl'r $15.00
Suede Kid or Monarch,
in two-clasp style, all
sizes, $2 grade,
for, the pair.,
Women's 2-Clasp Kid
Gloves, regular "7 Op
$1.00 value, pair. . '"3"
Hair Nets, in all colors,
mnde of real hair, large
size ; regular 25c 1 7p
values, for, each. Iw
24-In. Hair Rolls, net
covered, in all Cp
shades, 35c value.
Lace Pins, white or col
ored heads, worth 5c
the card; 2 dozen, Cn
two cards, for. .... u
25c Side Combs, 17p
assorted, the pr.
Basswood Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes
For burning; ICp
20c value, for...
be filled ;