Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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Potato Shipping Business
Again Under Way.
Bayers Afraid of a Inaction In the
San Francisco Market Shipping
Wheat by HH to Mexico.
Active Produce Trade.
With the of rail trafrie to Cali
fornia, potato buying In this elate was re
sumed ye.terday afternoon. The movement
may not become active, however, as there 1.
some fear that the shlppplng business may be
overdone temporarily. Buyers have paid
from $1,232 to 1.35 for choice atock. but
are not inclined to go over this figure until
there Is a further elevation of values In San
Francisco. Private wires jeeterday quoted
that market easier under the presesure. of
offerings of Oregon stock.
The Interruption of traffic by the wash
outs may give an opportunity to work off
some of the supply at San Francisco, but as
there were 30 cars this elde of the elide -terday.
these are likely to reach the South
ern market about the same time and may
prevent any recovery in prices for a while.
The onion .hipping business, with Califor
nia has also been affected by the railroad
trouble, but the arm position of the growers
has kept price, up.
Wheat Will Go From This City by Way of
El rao.
' A shipment of 10.CM burtifls of wheat will
bs made by rail from th:s city to Mexico
rla El Paso. This is In the nature of a
trial shipment and If It work, out satisfac
torily more will go the same way. Grain
men of El Paso, who have heretofore had
control of the Mexican business, are putting
up a fight to retain the trade and may pre
vent further water shipments from being
mads from this port.
The local market was moderately active
yesterday at very Arm prices. Bluesteni was
quoted up to $1.11 and sales of fancy lots are
reported at higher figure.. Oats were strong,
but lower prices were offered for barlejl
Ths Merchsnts Exchange reports foreign
wheat shipments for the week as follows:
Argentine shipments. B.112.0O0 bushels; la-t
week. 4.4&O.00O bushe's: lust year. 4,704.000
bushels. Australia. 1.00.uu0 bushels: last
week. 3.040.000 bushels; lat year. 720,uh
bushels. India shipments. Sooo busheto; last
week, none; last year, none.
Bid and asked prices were posted at the
Board of Trade as follows:
..$ .
. . 1 w
$ .!
.. Y '-mil ' ... ren.irtpd b V the Mer-
v ....... --
chants Exchange as fo i.,,:
. . . 4.1
17 .. 1
4 18
10 1 in
' .. 114
3S 6 64
1 ..
F-b. 2
Feb. 3
Feb. 4 22
Total last week 6'
In Spits of Slow Bnlnes' Growers Are Firm
There Is very little Inquiry for hops low.
This Is not unusual at this time of year, but
thero Is a prospect of a better movement
later In the month. Notwithstanding the
dull condition of ths market, holders maintain
a Arm position.
Of operations la New York State the Water
Tllle Times of January 29 says:
This has beea the busiest week of the sea
son In the local hop market, over 3fC bales
having changed hands during the ln few
oays. The hops sold are not choice, but evi
dently answer the purposes for which they
are bought, at any rate they are meeting
with a ready sale where early In the season
they attracted ni attention whatever. The
prices paid for these bops are 10. 104 and 11
It cannot be denied that there is a good,
healthy demand for hops and it is necessary
to cover considerable territory before the re
quired amount of hops can be picked up, and
this difficulty Is dally decreasing.
Sound Inquires for Eggs, but Does Not
Offer Enough.
With the hens getting ready to lav again,
receipts of poultry from the country are
diminishing, and under a good demand
prices are becoming stiffer. Hens sold
at 13Vj14 cents yesterday, and half a
cent more was paid for fancy coops. Droll
er, brought as high a. 20 cents and 21
cents was quoted on the best ducks.
There was a good movement In egg.
and ths market was about steady. Ths
general quotation was 40 cents, with a few
houses holding at 421, cents. There was
soma Inquiry from the Sound, tut lower
prices sen offered, and no business re
sulted. Thers were no changes In butter or
cheese. "Both lines were active.
Fresh Produce Is Scarce,
X few ears of California produce that
were on this aide of the railroad ob
struction came In yesterday. They con
tained celery, cabbage and oranges. Aside
from these articles and some caul'flower,
the market Is very poorly supplied with
southern produce. Apples are the most
plentiful article In the fruit line, and move
fairly well. Ths street Is almost bare
of sweet potatoes.
Bank Clearings.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday rre ss follows.
Clearings Ftclanees.
Seattle -Tacoma
$ nr.7 :tJn $ ti. r.71
1..-.-H.77I so:t 7.12
7IHI.4H7 4'-r.31
l.l'.'i.MUO 132.4U7
Groceries. Dried Fruits. Etc.
DRIED FRVITS Apples. Hc per lb.;
peaches. 7Wttc: prunes. Italians. 34yu4o:
vrunes. French. 4ij6c; currants, unwashed,
cases. Slic: currants, washed, cases. 10c;
figs, white fancy, io-lb. boxea, 8'ac; dates.
7W S7V.C-
CuFFEE Mocha. 24 J23c; Java, ordinary.
I7g20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18320c; good,
loeiSc; ordinary. 12oli)c per pound.
SALMON Columbia River, t-po-jnd talis.
$2 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.93; 1-pound
fiats $110: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. u:c:
red. I-pound tails. $1.45; sockeye. 1-pound
tells. S2
RICE Southern Japan. i.c: head, 60
7CNUTS Walnuts. 12413o per pound by
sack; Brazil nuts. 10c; Alberts, 13c; pecans.
7c; almonds. 1314c: chestnuts, Italian.
11c; peanuts, raw. 64ec: pinenuls. loitf
12c: hickory nuts, 10c; cocoauuis. i)c pr
SUGAR Granulated. $5 9.1: extra C. $5 43;
golden C. $3 33; fruit and berry sugar. $5 03;
plain bag. $3 73: beet granulated. $5 73;
cubes (barrel.). tt.Zi; powdered (barrel).
$6 20. Terms: On remrttance. within 1
days, deduct ,c per pound; If later than 14
dav. and within 30 days, deduct Kc per
pound. Maple sugar. 1.3'iflSc per pound
g ALT Granulated. 1S per ton. $1.80 per
hale: half ground. 100s. $7.30 per ton; 60s.
VfcfANSPmall white. Oc; large white.
5c: Llma.f.V.c; pink. 3c, bayou. 4c; Mex
ican red. .51c,
Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc, '
BARLEY Producers prices: Feed, 27.50
C "S per ton " ,
WHEAT-track price.: Bluestem, JLIOO
1.11; clul.. 07c ? tl; red Russian. 0'.Hc.
turkey red. 98c-(u 1. k....
FLOUR Patent.. 15 2S per brrel
straights. $4.20: export.. 43 90; Valle. J.
V-sack graham. J4.60: whole wheat. 4 8o.
OATH Producers- prices; No. 1 wnite.
$"4 50 i 35 per ton. .
MILLSTl'FFS liran. J2flff26.SC P -ton.
mW.iar.Ks. shorts. 2i!.u30; chop. -.
rolled barT-y. 2a ? SO .,can
HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley, m 17
per ton; Eastern Oregon. f'''
clover. I12S14; alfalfa. 1416; grain hay.
Vegetables and rrult.
Spanish malaga grape. S per barrel, per-
si 10 1.33 per
Simmons, $11. 2a. . ...
POTATOES Huylng price. $1.10'9 13u per
hundred; sweet potatoes. 2c per P"n- ,
TROPICAL FitflTb Ortnge.e navels. $3
62 75 per box; lemons. 3'4; grape fruit.
4:54.73 rmr box: bananas. oSiaisf per
pound; pilK-apples. 2.7S(3.-5 per dozen,
tangerines. 1 75 per box.
UNION'S Oregon, buying price, sz per
hUS VCK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.25 per
sack: carrots, 1; parsnips, $1.50; beets.
$1.30; horseradish. 10c per pound.
VEGET KLilri Articiiokea. 11.25 doz.;
cabbage. 3'.i3!4c lb.; cauliflower. $2 per
crate: celery. S4.50 por crate; cucumbers.
J1.75W2 23 noun: lettuce. 1.24jl i5 per
box: parsley. 3uo dozen; peas. 15o lb.,
radishes. Suo per dozen; spinach. -C per
lb.; sprouts. 10c per lb.: .yuash. Zhio per
lb.; tomatoes, $1.752.25.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery, extras, 34c;
fancy outside creamery, 3234o per 10.;
'"EGG&Jregon ranch, 40 3 42HC per dox-
'"l'Ol'LTRY Hens, 13'.iffl4c lb.; Spring,
large. 13 13i.c; small, lii) 20c: mixed. 13
ti KlV.-c; ducks. 20S21c; geese. 10v; turkeys,
"cHKSSE Fancy cream twin.. 15HO180
per lb.; full cream triplet.. 13.i61Gc; full
cream. Young America, loft O 17c.
VEAL Extra, logioijc per pound; ordi
nary. 7⪼ heavy. 6c.
PORK Fancy. 38 14c per lb.; largo, $9
' Provisions.
BACON Fancy, 21c por pound: standard.
lSc; choice, 17o; English, ISfetflSc; .trips,
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry .alt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear
back., heavy, dry suited, 12c: smoked. 13c;
Oreuon exports, dry salt, 13c; smoked, 14a
H AMS 10 to 13 lbs. 14 he: 1 to 16 lbs..
14c; IS to 20 lbs., 14c; naras, skinned,
14c; picnics, c; cottage roll. 11c; shoul
der 11c; boiled bam. lKla'uSolsc; boiled
PkLRI Kettle rendered: Tlsrces. 13 4e;
tubs. 13c: 60s. :3c; JfO. 13',c; joa,
14c- 6s. 14Hc; 3s, 14MiC tl"dard pure:
Tierces, 121ic; tubs, llc; 09s. 12c; 20s,
l";c- 10s 13'ic; lis, llc; 3s. 13c. Com
pound": Tierces. 8c; tubs. 84c; 60.. IHc;
jos. 8e; 6s, STiC.
SMOKED BKEF Beef torgues, each,
TOc- dried beef sets. 18o; dried beef out
side'.. I; dried beef lnsides. 18c; dried
beef knuckles. ISc.
PICKLED GOOD3 Barrels: Pigs" feet.
$13; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb trips,
$12: pigs' totiKues. $10 30.
MESS MEATS Beef, specials. $11 per
bairel; plate. $14 per barrel: family, $14
per barrel; pork, $21 per barrel; brlskot. $25
per barrel; . P. beef tongues, $20; pig
snouts. $12.50; pig earx, $12.50.
COAL OIL Pearl and astral oil, cases,
18c per gallon; water white. Iron barrels,
lie'; eocene and extra star, case. 21; head
liht oil. cases, oci ,ron baiiels, Ibc: aiaiua,
ca 28o. .
GASOLINE Union and Red Crown, bar
rels. li',c; cases. 22 he; motor, barrels,
lty.c; cases.- 23 he: 86 degrees, barrels,
30c; cases. 37hc; engine distillate, barrels,
Jc; cases. 16c.
LINSEED OIL Raw, barrel lots. S5c: In
crises. 71c; boikd. barrel- lots, 67c; In cases.
OIL MEAL Ton lots. $3..
Hons. Wool. Hides. Etc
HOPS 10S. 8c per pound; 1907, 3 9
Sc; 1906. llVc.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best. 10
3 14c per pound, according to shrinkage;
Vailev. 13'jlrthc.
MollAIR Choice, 20&21C per pound.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 164jlc pound;
d'y kip. No 1, 14 V 15c pound: dry calf
skin KhljlSc pound; suited hide., heavy.
Inl'oc; light and cow.. .9hc; salted calf
skin. KSjlsc pound: green, lc less.
FURS No 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to
1 23; badger. 23j50c; bear, $520; beaver,
$8 50'85u; cat, wild. eocl; cougar, por
ted head and claws. $:K(jl0; fisher, dark.
7.3111; pale. $190 7; fox, cross. $3
to IS- fox. gray. 8oc to 80c; fox. red. $2.21
to $4- fox. .liver. $35 to $100; iynx. $10f
13; marten, dirk. $stfl2; mink. 73c $4 50;
muskral. 10al3c; otter. $7; raccoon. 4jC
BOc; sea otter, $1 9 2.50, as to size; skunks.
50fi75c: civet cat. 1015c; wolf, $23;
coyote. 70c4($1.10; wolverine, asm, $3a;
wolverine, pale. $2250.
CASCARA BARK Small lot.. 445o;
old In 'carlots. selling at 1&Sc
Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
Testerdays receipts of livestock were the
lightest i.f the week and the market was
correspondingly quiet- The demand was
good for the better grades of stock, and
prices for such were firm but a good I art
of the recent offerings have been of In
ferior grade, which are not so easy to
move. Late representative sales were: 23
steers. 997 lbs.. $4: 4 cows. 1000 lbs.. $3:
cows and calves. 1U0 lbs.. $3.15: 20
lambs. 73 lbs.. (I30; 29 steers. 1138 lbs.,
$4.85; 1 cow. 1120 lbs., $4.2j; 7 cows. 1210
lbs.. $3 75; IS steers. I034 lb. . $4.50: 1
bull. lm lbs.. $2 5(1; 13.'i hogs, 222 lbs.,
$173; 27 cows, loot) lbs, $4.20.
In the livestock merket hog values art
depressed bv the surplus of low-grade stock,
but there is a good demand for good qual
ity, prime cattle and sheen ars also in
aellve demand. Receipts yesterday were
223 cattle, 6S0 sheep. 158 hog. and 20
The current range of price, was as fol
lows: CATTLE Best steers. $rfj5 2.V. medium,
$ 4.23 'h 4 .hi; common. $3 50414: cows, best,
$4; medium. $3.251 3 75; calves. $4Si .
SHEKP Best wethers, $5.253.30; mixed
sheep. S3 5ui5.2S; ewes, $4 30 u 4 73; lambs.
$3. 50? 3. 75.
HOGS llest. $7; medium. $6.2538.73.
Eastern Livestock Prices.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 5. Cattle
reipts. 2"J0; market, steady.
market, steady. Native steers.
$45 fu i 0; najive cows and heifers, $2.2-5
5.75: stoi-kers and feeders, $3. 40ft 5.50;
bulls. $3.23 ff 4.73; calves. $3.50 9 0.50; West
ern steers. $4.5036.25; Western cows, $3
Ilogs Receipts, 7000; market, steady to
stron g. Hulk of sales. $5. V) u' R.30; heavy.
$! :i:tfrt 5U; packers and butchers. $630.45;
light. 5.0 '.i J.2U; pigs. $4.50 ft 5.50.
Sheep Receipts. 24100;- market, steady.
Muttons, $4 25 15.23: lambs, $nir7.25; range
wethers. $4ii125; fed ewes, $3'u'5.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 6. Cattle Re
ceipts. tu0: mark'-t, active, 10rjyi,-c higher.
Native steers, $4.25 u 6.25 ; cows and heifers,
$3 a 5; Western steers, $3.255.50; Texas
steers. $'tj3.10: range coas and heifers,
$2 75 54 75; stockers and feeders. $305.25;
dives. $.in-7.
Hogs Receipts. 3O00; market, 10c higher.
Heavy. f't 2f'g 6.35; mixed. $ij 100.20:
light. $! 6.25; pigs. $4.S0'o 5.30; bulk of
sales. t'y(ti 6.25.
,heei Receipts. 1000; market, steady.
Yearllng-i. $66 00; wethers. 34.
ewes. $4ff4.75: lambs. $6 Soft 7 40.
CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Cattle Receipts, esti
mate.!, I.'-oO; -market, stea.'y. Iloeves. $4.10
4r6 i; T-xas steers. $4.2-tiS: Western ste.'rs,
$:l.9ofif.5o; tf..-kers and feeders. $4-2i:5:
cows and heifers, $l.&Oij3.5u; calves. $5.5tJ
''Hogs Receipts-, esttmsted. 24.00A; market,
stea.1v shade hseher: liKht. $5. 851 -35 ; mixed.
$r-i6.52'-: heavy. $fii6.Sn; rcruch. $H..9
6 2'l; good to chol -e heavy, ii 20fi6 571, ; $4.7,V(i5.73; bulk of sales. $6 25JJ6.40.
.heep Heceipte. estimated, 5"": market,
weal:. Nntlve. $3.25'"3.r,0; Western. $3,251?
5.6-,: yearlings, t $.1.9 n7: lambs, native, $3.5o
417.65; Western'. $5.5o7.15.
Eastern Mining Stocks.
BOSTON. Feb. 3 Closing quotations:
Adventure . .$ 8.75 LYIohawh 63
Allouez 40.50 Mont C C. .
Amalgamated 73. 12 hl Nevada ft
Aris 'om. 34.30 !oid Dominion 51
Atlantic .... 15.25 lOsceola '. 13
Butte Coal... 24 00 jParrot t27
Cal a: Ariz. . .105.00 shannon IS
Cat Hecla.030.oo Tamarack ... M
Centennial .. 32.50 ITrinitv 13
Copper Range 74 00 irnlted Copper 13
Ia!v west... 9.50 t: 8 Mining... 41
Franklin 16 37 Si Utah 40
C.ranby 100 00 Victoria ..... 4
Greene Can.. 10 50 Iwlnona 5
Isle Rovale.. 21 T h Wolverine ...145
Vass Mining. 3 00 North Butte.. 74
Michigan ... 10.73 I
NEW YORK. Feb. 0. Closing quotations:
(Little Chief 10
Hrunswlrk Con.
Com Tun stock.
do bonds
C & Va
TTorn Silver. . . .
Lead villa Con..
3 i Mexican 73
27 1 mtario 400
19 Ophtr 143
62 (standard 155
70 Yellow Jacket... 63
Responsible for Increased Ac
. tivity in Stock Market.
Among Unfavorable Factors of Day
Are Rumors of Harriman's 111
llcalth Anti-Japanese Agita
tion Not Liked on Exchange.
NEW YORK, Feb. B. Short periods of
animation In the dealings In stocks today
brought the total sale, to something above
the recent average. The stirring of activity
was caused by one or two occurences to
which an unfavorable Interpretation was
given from the standpoint of holders of se
curities. The character of the market,
however, was not radically changed from
the neglected stats that has prevailed all
Apparently the professional element had
stretched their resources to ths limit on
the buying side of the market and, finding
no following to help them, turned to the
selling side for a turn. To expedite the
downward movement they professed ap
prehension over ths news of the projected
vacation by E. H. Harrlman, accompanied
by the intimations of an attack of rheuma
tism. So much has been made as a specu
lative force of Mr. Harriman's supposed
plans and projected activities that any
serious deterioration In his health would
be a serious consequence to the existing
fabric of market values. The slight effect
produced by today's rumors seems to be re
assuring, therefore, as to the physical con
dition of the Union Pacific system.
The weakness of Union Pacific was trans
ferred to Denver & Rio Grande causing a
reaction In that stock, the recent strength
of which has been due to supposition of a
part' by Mr. Harrlman In a far-reaching
project for recasting the Gould system.
Another point of special weaknes. was
Reading, in which there had been persistent
selling for several days. The stock owe.
Its high prices to the confident assumption
that the commodities clause of the Hepburn
law will be declared Invalid In the test
cass brought In the Supreme Court. Recent
decisions of tbe Supreme Court have been
so far away from speculators' predictions
that a feeling of uneasiness has grown up
against speculative holdings In Reading.
Stress la laid al.o on the necessity of a
new agreement this Spring between the
anthracite carriers and the miners in their
employ over rates of wages, which offer,
the possibility of a strike.
The keeping alive of the antl-Japanesa
agitation in California and the sensational
altention given to It are not liked In spec
ulative circles, where the possibility of a
sudden untoward circumstance Is kept In
An Influence was the Initiation of divi
dends on Brooklyn Rapid Transit with the
declaration of a 1 per cent dividend for
the quarter. Brooklyn Transit dividend
prospects have been a perennial subject for
speculation for over ten years, during which
the stock rose at one time as high as 13
without any actual dividend being forth
coming. With the taking! of this subject
out of the realms of conjecture there is a
considerable element in the speculation that
will find Itself almost without occupation.
The narrow-movement on the announcement
Indicated the quieting effect of certainty In
contrast to doubt.
The known movements of money for the
week show pretty even offsets between the
receipts by express from the Interior and
the subtreasury operations and the with
drawal of gold for export. The final with
drawals of trust companies on Monday to
meet the February 1 reserve requirements
may remain to be reflected in the bank
statement. Tho money -market maintained
Its firmer tone.
Reports were current of furthsv large
bond Issues in prospect. The amount of
absorption In the bond market in the last
few weeks is by no means adequately
measured by the amount of new Issues sub
scribed to during that time, or by the
volume of sales at the stock exchange, as
large amounts left over In the hands of
underwriters of older Issues hava been di
gested during ths same period.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $7,844,000. United States 2s regis
tered declined i4. the coupons H and the
4s registered H per cent on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Amal Copper 21.200 75V4 74S4 74
Am Car & Foun. 7,400 51 6OV4. ,WS
do preferred ... zOO 111 110 llo4
Am Cotton Oil.. 4k) 62 61 h 61 'A
Am Hd & Lt pf. 800 40 40 40
Am Ice Securl . . "'n
Am Linseed Oil.. WO 15 14'4 J4-
Am Locomotive... 800 6t 634 Co
Am ErnllTRet: ' 6.806 Mi 84 85
do preferred ... 1.000 1U2? 102 102
Am ISugar Kef ..... 1
Am Tobacco pf.. 200 01 - Dl 91
Am Woolen 600 8 27 2
Anaconda Min Co. 1.000 454 44j 43
Atchison 1.100 99 8 "O-s
do preferred ... loo 101 4 101 ? 101
10 Coast Line... loo I09HV4 109 J09
Bait & Ohio?!.... 1.8O0 108 55 107 10j
BrtokPtop'eTran: 68.500 "ii ?1
fanaoian Pacific. 60O 173 173 173
Central Leather... 31 304, 3o'
do preferred ... 200 101 lol 1;'1
Central of N J..
Ches & Ohio 40.000 67 64 60
Chicago Gt West. 1,9K) 7 . 7
Chicago & N W.. loo 177 l.TU 1..
C M St Paul.. 3.600 143 144 145
C c C & St L 70
Colo" Fuel & Iron. 200 39 39 S4
Colo & Southern.. 2"l 64 i U3
do 1st preferred. 2o M 82 M
Consolidated Gas.. 7,oo0 ll.s 116 11
Corn Products ... 1,500 19 lh?t
Pel Hudson ''5,,
D&R Grande... 42.O00 48 46 47
do preferred ... 5.XOO ho 84 Wi
Distillers' Securt.. 37 3 37
do 1st' preferred. 100 43 45 45
do 2d preferred '"4
General Electric 102
Gt Northern pf... I.o0 141 141 141
Gt Northern fre.. 1,400 71 i)4 70
Illinois Cenernl .. 4"0 141 141 341
InterboTough Met. I, 15j 13
do preferred ... 3.3O0 414 41 41
Int Paper 300 11 11 liy4
do preferred M
Int Pump .i ..... s
Tows. Central .... 2O0 80 80 so
K. C Southern .. 23. WO 43 41 42
do preferred ... 2.200 72 71 .2
Louis A Naehvlllo. . 300 12.1 122-S 123
Minn & St L S"0 65 63 55
M. Pt P 8 8 M. 8"0 142 141 141
Missouri Pacific. 58.M0 73 .3 iS
Mo. Kan Texas 27,800 43 42 42
do preferred ... 2"0 75 74 74
NatlorTal Iad ... 77 77 7,
N Y Central 2.7o0 127 126 126
N Y. Ont & West. 700 4.S" 47 4.
Norfolk & West. &000 92 9. '
North American.. 3O0 81 80 81
Northern Pacific. 4,0.K 1.17 137 137
Pacific Ma-il 3"0 32 82 32
FennVvlv?nT. S.S'O 132 131 131H
People's Gas .... 12.HO U'9 107 103
P C C & St L. . 1.4o0 81 90 91
Pressed Steel Car . 5O0 a2 42 42
Pullman Pal Car 200 171 in 170
Ry Steel Soring.. 100 47 4, 46
Sending 79.SJ0 131 129 13..,
Republic Steel ... 200 24 24 24
RoPI.Un?dCo"-4:2oO "25 U 23
do preferred ... 13.100 64 3tf 64
Pt L & S F 2 pf. 7O0 89 89
St L Southwestern 2.0 23 23 2.3
do preferred ... 5"0 62 52 62
81o-Pheffield .... 1.000 7. ...1 76
Sitherh Pacific. 12.7"0 118 117 11.
do preferred ... 200 121 121 121
Southern Railway. 1.400 25 3 2o
do preferred ... 1.400 63 62 62 -i
Tenn Copper .... 1.H 39 39 39
Texas & Pacific. S2.1O0 37 85 87
Tol St L & West 300 47 ,4. 4.
do preferred ... 2"0 9 W
Union Pacifto 4S.3.X. 177 lT5t 17,51
do rrre'erred ... 4.V0 95 95 84
US tTuhbeV .... 3O0 RltJ 31 31
do 1st preferred. 600 10? JOI'A 1J1
U S 'Steel 28.2 62 62 52
do prefsrind ... 8.. 113 11S4 HS4
Utah Copper .... 1.W0 44 43 43
Va-Caro Chemical. 1.700 46 46lJ 45
waba?hr',er."d..::: "400 -an -a a"4
do preferred. ... 7.000 49 47 48
Westinghouse 'Eleo 79
Western Union ... 100 6.8 68 J.
Wheel A L Erie.. 900 10 JO 10
Wisconsin Central. 5.800 42 42
Am Tel A Tel.... 800 127 127 127
Total sales for the day. 623.500 shares.
NEW YORK. Feb. 5. Closing quotations:
U. S ref. 2s reg.102 ID & R Q 4s 9S
do coupon 102 N Y C G 3s... 93i
L" 3s reg. . . .100 'North Pacific 3s. 73
do' coupon. ... 100 North Pacific 4s.lo.(
V. S. old 4a reg 110South Pacific 4s. 91
ll-nion Pacific 4s. 102
IWiscon Cent 4s.. 04
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Feb. 5. Consols for
83 1-10: do for account, 83 13-16.
Anaconda ... 9.25
Atchison ....102.23
do pref . . . . 103.75
Bait & Ohio. 110.75
Can Pacific. .177.75
r-h.i & Ohio. 67.00
N. Y. Central. 130.0O
Norflk & Wei 93.25
do pref, 9.1. .Ml
Ont & West.. 49.00
'Pennsylvania. 07.37
Hand Mine... 8.00
rut rirt west 7. rti1 Reading
no. 1 .1
C. M. & S. P.149.O0 Southern Ry.
De Beer..... 11.50
An nref 6.1.30
D & R G 4M.75
do pref. . . . 8(1.50
Erie 31.37
do 1st pf.. 47.00
do 2d pf . . 36.50
Grand Trunk 18 75
III Central. . .14325
South Pacific. 12.1.50
Union Pacific. 181. 25
do prer..... a.oo
U S Steel 53.73
do pref 117.37
Wabash 19.00
do uref Wl.00
L N 1
Qonnlsh 4s.... 94.73
MO K T. '. 4437 ;Amal Copper. 76.75
Money Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Feb. 5. Prime mercantile
paper, 8 4 per cent. . .,
Sterling exchange steady at a decline
with actual business In bankers bills at
$4.8485(g 4.8505 for 60 days and at $4.84
4.8 4.
Bar silver. 52c.
Mexican dollars. 44e.
Government bonds, weak; railroad bonds,
lrrMoneay' on call steady. 2(?2 per cent:
ruling rate. 21i per cent; closing bid 1
per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Tlm loans
dull and firm: 60 days 2 3 3 per cent;
90 days. 23 per cent; six months, 3
&3 per cent.
LONDON, Feb. 5. Bar silver steady. 24d
per ounce.
Money. 13 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2 7-16 per cent; three
months- bills, 2 6-16 a 2 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 5. Silver bars.
Mexican dollars. 45o.
Drafts, sight, 7c; telegraph. 10c.
Sterling, 60 days, $4.Si; sight, $4.87.
Daily Treasury Statement,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve shows:
Available cash, balance $150,999,493
Gold com and bullion A-A'SIn
Gold certificates 24.6.8,540
Declare Prices Recently Paid Are
Fictitious Apple Market Firm
er Eggs Sell Better.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Fob. 5. (Special.)
All milling wheat quotations have been
withdrawn by Seattle millers. The millers
claim there Is no market and that the
prices recently paid are fictitious and that
millers are not Justified In paying tho quo
tations asked by growers.
The apple market Is very firm In spite
of heavier receipts of fruit from Eastern
Washington and the Increasing demand for
oranges. Many varieties that have hereto
fore been weak are stiffening.
Local egg receipts were heavy enough
todav to meet all requirements. This la
tho 'first time In a year that tho local
supply has been adequate. The demand
for egg. Is much Improved, although prices
are not changed. Eastern stocks are cleaned
up and there axo only a few scattering lots
of Oregon and California egg. offering.
Prices) Paid for Frodnre In tho Bar City
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 5. The follow
ing prices were quoted In ths produce mar
ket today:
Onions $2ff2.40.
MlUstufts Bran. $28.5030; middlings.
$33. 60S 35.50.
Vegetables Garlic, 8 5 9c: green peas,
510c; string beans, logilSo; asparagus,
12f&'20c; tomatoes, Sl,'ol.75.
Butter Fancy creamery, 34c; creamery
seconds, 32 c; fancy dairy, 2Sc; pickled,
(jheese New, 1213c; Young Amer
ica. 1616c; Eastern. 17c.
Eggs Store, 42c; fancy ranch, 43c; East
ern, nominal.
Poultry Roosters, old. $45: young, J7
9; broilers small. $4S5; broilers, large,
$56: fryers, $0Sj7; hens, $59; ducks,
old. $4&5; young. $6(3S.
Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino,
1619c; Mountain. 5&8c; Nevada. 94fl4c.
Hay Wheat. $1923; wheat and oats,
$184122; alfalfa. sir.SlS; stock, $12
16; straw, per bale, 5085c.
Potatoes Early Rose, nominal; Oregon
Burbanks. $1.754i2; BWects, $1.301.75.
Fruita Apples, choice, $1 .40; common
60c; bananas, 75c(&$2.50; limes, $45;
lemons, choice, $3; common, $1; oranges,
$1.60Sf3; pineapples. $1.50S2.50.
Receipts Flour. 6162 sack.; -wheat, 885
oentals: barley, 3200 centals; oats, 450 cen
tals; beans, 425 sacks: corn, 50 centals; po
tatoes, 10,780 sacks; bran. 100 sacks; hay,
670 tons; wool, 2 bales; hides. 2205.
V- Bank Clearing.
NEW YORK. Feb. 6. BradstreePs Bank
Clearings Report for the week ended Feb
ruary 4 shows an aggregate of $3,212.
6i8 000. as against $2,809,760,000 last week
and $2,858,826,000 In the corresponding
week last year. Tho following Is a list
Ol Ufl ckie.
do coupon. . . .128
Atchison adj 4s. U5
Per Cent
$2,034,443,000 48.7
, 27 1.02.. '00 23!)
17 2, 220, OltO 2S.7
139,255.000 10.8
05.711 000 9.0
42.103,000 5.8
34.450.O0U 6.8
, 41.042.000
21.161,000 21.0
27.40ti.0oo 15.5
14.4OU.00O 26 5
21.r.77,000 S.2
1S.077.UOO 2S.8
, J2,t5s,00 7.2
...... 15. -170. 000 27.8
12.4S5,oon 48.3
11.742.U00 11.2
11.7:iil..HXI T5.0
S 0O9.0.M) 23.9
g 2i:!.0o0 4.S
7. 907.000 1S2
, 8.455,000 14.4
, 7,HO4,O0 10.8
13..'S,100 83.9
7.492.O00 15
5.743.000 J6.3
4.8W0.0OO 8.1
...... 7. 923, 01 K) 2S.1
C... 6.10S.0OO 17.8
7.143.000 49.8
, 4, 910.OOO 22.9
...... 0,403,000 7.2
6.416.0O0 19.2
6,265,000 88.5
, 6.479.0.M) 9.6
4,812.000 85.8
5.297,000 33.9
3.378.000 3.0
3.075.00O 3.3
4.4OS.0OO 12.2
3.S4C.0O0 63.2
2.638,000 8 5
2.815.000 4 0
2.009.000 23.3
8.179,000 34.1
l,l6.00.) 14 9
2.120,000 4.2
2.153. OOO S4
. . 2.230,000 9.4
i 2.045.OOO 4.8
28.755 000 12.7
, 15.388 000 2.T
New York .....
Boston .........
Philadelphia ...
rt. Louis
San Francisco . .
Kansas City ....
Minneapolis- ....
New Orleans ...
Los Angeles . . .
St. Paul
Denver . -
Indianapolis ....
Fort Worth ....
Providence ......
Portland. Or. . .
Washington, D.
Spokane, Wash.
St. Joseph ....
Memphis ......
Tacoma . .... ... .
Savannah ......
Toledo. O.
Nashville ......
Des Moines . . .
New Haven ...
Grand Rapids .
Birmingham ...
C.....V (Mttf . . . .
Springfield, Mass.
Galveston . . .
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 3. The market for
evaporated apples ruled quiet with fancy
quoted at 89c: choice, 77c;
prime, 67c; common to fair, 6Gc.
Prunes are quiet with quotations- ranging
from 4 to 7c for the new-crop Cali
fornia fruit up to 40-SOs, while Oregon, are
quoted at 69c on sizes ranging from
40-308 to 20-:;os.
Apricots are firm with choice quoted at
99c; extra choice, 94l0c; fancy,
ii ftjpiac.
Peaches are quiet with chotce quoted at
4i7c; extra choice. 7 il 8c; fancy. 8
S 10c , .
Raisins continue more or less unsettled
with loose muscatels at 45c; choice to
fancy seeded, 3ff6c; seedless, 45c;
London layers. $1.5001.60.
London Wool Sales.
LONDON. Feb. 6. The wool auction
sales today were continued with offering,
of 13.089 bales. There was strong compe
tition between home and continental buy
ers for merinos at hardening rates. Vic
toria scmired realized Is 6d and greasy Is
6d. Crossbreds were firm and suitable par
cels were taken for America. The sales
will close tomorrow.
Hops in London.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 5 Hops In London,
Pacific Coast, steady. I2ra 2 16s.
Flaxseed at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 5. Flax closed
Immense Shipments From Ar
gentina and Australia.
General Selling Inspired by the
Bearish Statistics! American Ex
ports Not as Large as Expected.
Corn and Oats Are Steady.
CHICAGO. Feb. S. Traders in the wheat
pit were confronted at the opening of the
session by a wealth of bearish influences,
principal among which were tlw statistics
relating to the heavy shipments of wheat
the last week from Argentina and Aus
tralia. Cables were also easy and the move
ment in the Northwest was fairly liberal.
These Influences had a bearish efTect during
the .early part of the day, but were offset
to some extent by the continued excellent
demand for cash wheat here. Trade was
nervous within a narrow range the first half
of the day. but the market developed con
siderable weakness lata In the session,
owing to selling inspired by the poor show
ing of the Bradstreet's statement of ex
ports from this country for the week. Tho
total movement from the United States and
Canada was reported at 1.813.000 bushels
compared with 4,750,000 bushels this time
a year ago. Trie close was easy, with May
$1.09; July, 88 o.
Mild, wet weather In the corn belt was
the chief factor In tho corn market and
Induced sufficient buying by shorts to hold
prices firm throughout tho entire day. The
market closed steady, with prices a shade
to lc higher than tho previous close, final
quotations on May being 6363o and
July 63 c.
Oats were quiet and steady, prices
fluctuating within a narrow range. At the
close prices were unchanged to a shade
lower compared with yesterday's final quo
tations. May closed at 62o and July at
Although trade In provisions was dull,
the market displayed moderate firmness
owing to -smaller receipts of live hogs than
had been expected. Prices, however, made
only slight gains, the net advances at tho
close being 2c to 7c.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
... .94
H. 95
,.. 9.65 9.67 9.65 9.67
.. 9.75 9.80 9.75 9.80
... 8.87 8.90 8.87
. .. 9.07 9.07 9.05
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Rye No. 2. 76c.
Barley Feed. 6162o; fair to
malting, 62(&64c.
Flax seed No. 1. $1.51; No. 1
western, $1.61.
Clover Contract grades, $9.20.
Pork Mess, rr barrel, $16.8717.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $9.60.
Short ribs Sides (loose). $8.37 Iff 8.75.
Sldos Short, clear (boxed), 8.759.
Total clearances wheat and flour were
equal to 182.000 bushels. Exports for the
week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal
to 1.813,000 bushels. Primary receipts were
463 000 bushels, compared with 4o0.000
bushels the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
13 cars; corn, 216 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs.
19,000 head.
Flour, barrels 27,500
Wheat, bushels 19,200
Corn, bushels 197,300
Oats, bushels 146,200
Rye, bushels 4,000
Barley, bushels. .. $3,000
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Flour Receipts,
11,600 barrels.: exports, 6900 barrels. Steady
with fair demand. Winter straights. $4.80
4.90; Kansas City straights.' $4.80 4.90.
Wheat Receipts, 6000 bushels; spot Ir
regular; No. 2 red, $1.121.12 elevator;
No. 2 red. $1.13 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North
ern Duluth. $1.21 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2
hard Winter, $1.17 f. o. b. afloat. While
there was fair steadiness In the early mar
ket today on support from the bulls, prices
broke sharply after midday under small
weekly clearances, a bearish Modern Miller
report and closed c to c net lower. May
closed $1.12; July. $1.05 1.06, closed
Hops Steady.
Hides Easy.
Wool Steady.
Petroleum Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb- 6. Wheat
Barley Firm.
Soot quotations
Wheat Shipping, $1.72 1.75; milling.
'1Baraie1y Feed. $1.87 1.41 ; brewing,
'1Oats Red.' $1.701.80 white, $1.2
1.92; blciir, numinal.
BarDectmoTr, $1.17; May. $1.J9
Large yellow. $1-65 1.70.
European Grain Slarkets.
LONDON, Feb 5. Cargoes, firm; Walla
Walla, prompt ' shipment, at 37s 9d; Cali
fornia, prompt shipment, 38. 6d.
English country markets Brm; French
country markets steady.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 5. .Wheat. March. 7s
Bd; May. 7 8d; July, 7s 9d- Weather
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Feb. 6. Wheat Milling blue
stem, $L10; exports, bluestem, 87c; club,
92c; red, 90c.
Metal Markers.
NEW YORK. Feb. 6. The London tin
market was lower, with spot quoted at 126
2s 6d and futures at 126 7s 6d. Tbe local
market was dull, with spot quoted at
Copper declined to 58 2s 6d for spot and
59 2s 6d for futures in the London mar
ket Locally the market was dull and un
changed with lake quoted at 13.62
13.72: electrolytic, 13.2313.37c and
casting at 13.25c.
Lead was lower at 12 18s 4d in the Lon
don market. The local market was also
lower and dull at 4.05(8 4 10c. .,,,.
Spelter declined to 21 3s 6d In London.
Locally the market was dull and easier at
Yronwas lower at 48s d for Cleveland
warrants In tho London market. Locally
no change was reported. No. 1 foundry.
J17&17.76; No. 2. $16.7217.26; No. 1
Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $17.25
Dairy Produce In tbe East.
CHICAGO. Feb. 6. Butter Steady;
creameries. 22&28c; dairies. 21 (if 25c.
Eggs -Weak at mark, cases Included. 20
29c; firsts. 29c; prime firsts. 30c.
Cnecse Strong; daisies, 15c; twins.
14c; Young Americas, J6c; long horns,
NEW YORK Feb. 6. Butter Firm and
Cheese -Firm; state full cream specials,
16-51 16c.
Eggs Weak and lower; Western firsts,
81c; seconds, 805j.80c.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 5. Tho cotton futures
market opened steady at a decline of one
point on March and closed very steady at
a net advance of six to eight points. Spot
closed quiet-, five points higher. Middling
uplands. 9.83c; middling Gulf, 10.10c. Sales.
4000 bales.
CofTeo and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Feb. 5. The market for cof
fee futures closed net 6 points lower to 10
points higher. Sales were reported of 21,
000 bags. Including March, .156.20c; May. June, 6.20c; July, 6.106.15c;
October. 5.65c. . Spot steady; Rio No. 7,
' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,009.00
J. C. AINSW0ETH, President. E. "W. SCHMEEE. CashieT.
E. LEA BAENES, Vice-President.
A. M. WEIGHT. Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
National jBaiiJk
Corner Second and Stark
We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct from contractor
and save broker's commission.
7c; Santos No. 4. 8c; mild dull; Cor
dova, 912c.
Sugar Raw. weak. Fair refining, 3.14c;
centrifugal 96 test. S.64c; molasses sugar.
2.89c; refined quiet.
Wool at St. Louts.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 6. Wrool Unchanged;
territory and Western mediums. 174j21c;
fine mediums, -1517c; fine. 1214c .
English Mall Wins, but Crowds
Quinn and Forfeits Victory.
OAKLAND, Cal., Feb. 5. English
Mall played from 50 to 1 to 25 to 1,
won the two-year-old race at Emery
ville today, but was disqualified for
fouling and placed last. The colt in
terfered with Warfare and others and
then crowded Judge Quinn to the in
side fence, winning from that young
ster by a neck.
Scoville made a claim of foul. John
Millen, owner of English Mail, stood
to win thousands of dollars. It was
one of the best played "good things" of
the season. Fine weather prevailed
and the track was rapidly drying out.
Futurity course, selling Plausible won,
Constania second. Agnolo third; time,
'T'hree and a half furlongs, selling Judge
Quinn won. Warfare second, Sainotto 4thlrd;
time, 0:44 4-3. .
Futurity course, selling Dargin won,
Basil second, St Avon third; time, 1:15 4-3.
Mile and 20 yards, selling Dollien Dol
lars won, Mattie Mack second. Dainty Belle
third; time. 1:40 2-5.
Futurity course, selling Steel won, Toa
Box second. Platoon third: time, 1:15 1-u.
Six furlongs, purse Deseomnets won,
Yakima Belle second, David Warflcld third;
time, 1:17 4-5.
Canadian Northern Will Cross but
One Mountain Kange.
CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Official details of
the plans of the Canadian Northern
road to extend its line from Edmonton
to the Pacific Coast at Vancouver, are
given out. The direction which will be
taken by the new line is southwest and
the distance as the crow files Is about
460 miles. The company will, however,
have to build nearly V50 miles of road.
The survey takes the road through
British Columbia by way of Yellow
Head Pass, down' North Thompson
River to a Junction with the Fraser
River, thence to New Westminster and
on to Vancouver. The Canadian North
ern will be the only transcontinental
line which will have to cross but one
mountain range. The highest elevation
reached will be about 3700 feet. All
other transcontinental lines have three
ranges to cross, and the elevations
reached run as high as 8000 feet.
Owing to the easy pass which the
Canadian Northern has to negotiate,
the operating problem will be a com
paratively easy one. The company will
also have the benefit of cheap coal, ex
tensive fields having been purchased in
British Columbia.
Local Option Campaign in Windy
City Falls Down.
CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Chicago will be
a wet town for another year at least.
The movement by the "drys" to have
the people vote at the April eleccion
on the question of excluding saloons
from the city under the local option
law has fallen down. They started out
to obtain the necessary 100.000 peti
tioners to place the question on the
ballot but got lesst than 50,000. The
feature of the movement has been re
ported to the no license committee,
which has decided to make another
effort next year. It has authorized the
organization of a committee of 100,
each member of which shall pledge to
subscribe $20 and obtain 1000" signa
tures to the petition.
Gomez Has Dropped Arnauto.
HAVANA, Feb. 5. The reports which
were in circulation here yesterday to the
effect that Ricardo Arnauto, former ed
itor of El Reeon ren trad o, has been ap
pointed chief of the public order service
In the Department of Government were)
positively denied today by President
Gomez. President Gomez, it is said,
yielded to Vice-President Zayas" wishes
ami enve tho ofTlop tn Jose T'earte.
For Sale by
T. S. McGrath
Lumber Exchange
. Jiamburg-Jrmencaii.
Ltinanu 1 K. l mi.ui k
Kais.Aug.Vict. Feb. U Patricia Feb. 20
GrarWaldersoa Feb. 13Amerika ret. 27
t Tn f vr via Azores Madeira and
i 1 I (iibraltar
S S. HAMKCRO. HFeb. 16, 1i March 23.
S S SIOLTKE. Jun. 28, 'liApr. 27.
S. S. liatavia, April 13.
Calls Azores. JMadelra. flaibraltar.
SCalls Madeira. Cadiz. Gibraltar, Malaga.
Algiers. Genoa and then continues ORIENT
cruise. A limited number of rooms available
160 Powell St.. San Francisco and Local
R. R. Agents In Portland.
Delightful South Wea Tours for Rest and
New Zealand, the world's wonderland, w
now at Us buat. Geysers. Hot Lakes and
other thermal wonders, surpassing tne
Yellowstone. The favorite S. S. Mariposa
sails from San Francisco for Tahiti Feb
ruary 2, March 10, April 10. etc.. connecting
with Union Line for Wellington. New
Zealand. , ,
The Only Passenger Line From Enllea
States to New Zealand.
Only $200 first-class to Wellington ana
back To Tahiti and return, flrst-class. flli.
"S-day trip For Itineraries, write Oceanlo
Line. 673 Market street. San Francisco.
Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing.
From Ainswurth dock, Portland. 4 P. M.:
SS. Senator, Feb. 5, 10, etc.
SS. K.i.e 4 11, Feb. 12. 26. etc.
From Lombnrd-st.. San Francisco, 11 A. M. t
SS. Rose City. Feb. 6, 20, etc.
bS. Senator, Feb. 13, 27, etc.
J V. Ransom. Dock Agent
Main 208 Alnsworth Dock.
M J. KOCI1E, City Ticket Agent, 142 3d St.
Phone Main 40.-, A 1402.
NorthPaciric 5.5. Cd'j. SteaniM?
Roanoia and Geo. W. Elder
Sail lor Eureka, San Francisco arid
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M,
1314. H. Younjr, Agent.
The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port
land Wednesday, 8. 1 M.. February 10. from
Ainswortb dock, for North Bend, Marsh
field and Coos Bay points. Freight received
till 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger
fare, first-class. $10; second-class. 17. In
cluding be-th and meals Inquire city ticket
office. Third and Washington streets, ox
Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 268.