Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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S-lirnlnhcd K4oro.
Now Opi. :uSh Third Ft.
Has every modern Improvement. Thor
oughly renovated and under new manage
ment; meant heal; hot and cold water In
every room ; private bath"; elevator: spe
clal rate to good, permanent roomer.
THE BARTON, !3th and Alder: new
aiemerit; newly renovated throughout; ,0
outside rooms: iteam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
rrnnlng water. $22 .".0 to $: elegant
public parlor: phones and baths free.
THE EITKINfiMAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences: spe-lal rates to perma
nent truest. A. H. IT:icht. proprietor.
Washington and ITtli. lirst--la?s furnished
rooms. sli'.F or en suite; all modern ran
vemences: f.i weekly up. A 2",47. Main 5o47
Furnished Rooms la Private Family.
LARGE front alcove room, sultablo for a
couple or two g-.-ntlemen ; also single room
or suite, all newiv furnished; modern con
veniences; fine location; wa.klng dis
tance. L 816, Oregonlan
LARGE, comfortable room, suitable for two
pe,iIa or couple with ehll-1: also smaller
room. ne-r earllr.e.,. 2'A Eaat
a at., corner iayior. .sit- iw.
NFWLT furnished rooms. Nob Hill, large,
b-tcht and cheerful: modern; bath and
telephone; reasonable. 263 13th, near
w.r.AVT front room, nlano and isrenport,
all modern conveniences; rent reajnabl to
right party. 37o'4 13th st. i cone -nam
ONE nicely furnished room, suitable for 1
or 2 gentlemen, central'y located; rent
reasonable, i'hone Main 6102. 27 N. 11th.
NICELY furnished room In private family
for i ntlemaa. walking distance, i'hone
C 1&70.
NEWLY furnished rooms, private family,
bath, furnace heat, electric light walking
tllstance. I'hone A BIOS. VjO N. lth St.
SPECIAL rates men; furnished rooms, six
minutes' walk Fostofflre. $'i month; bath,
heat. 2P2 loth, near Jefferson.
WELL furnished front room, raa. bath, fur
nace heat. I'hone Main 421.4. 684 Hoyt
NEWLY furalrhcd room, modern conven
iences. Ap"t J. Marlborough. 21st. Flanderm.
LARGE, furnished front room with closet
sat. bath svr.d heat. 2 N. lflth St.
J'LEAPANT south room, all conveniences;
wa.klng distance Sol luth.
NICELY furnished room. Nob Hill, with or
without board. 0t9 Couch. A 3376.
NICELY furnished front bednom. food lo
cation. $9 per month. 266 .2th.
Room With Hoard.
Modern In every resjiect: steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellDoy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne avea-
is.5 10th st., cor. Morrison; fine large
rooms, thoroughly steam-heated, lowest
rates: best place In tho city for a home.
THE CI..AY, corner 2d and Clay, comfort
ably furnished rooms with board for 1 or
2 gentlemen. $3 and 3.60 per week; Just
like home.
yOl'NG man, if you want first-class room
and board, all conveniences, good home
cooking. $H.o0 and 10 rer week, call at
the Aster House, 7th and Madison.
ltRTLANl Women's Union, 20th year;
rooms with board, use of sewlng-roora
and library; Women s Exchange. Mrs
Blla Rawllncs. Supt, 610 Flanders St.
THE LINDELL. 2'19 Market Nicely fur
nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat,
electric lights, baths, phones. $0 weekly.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THE MORRISON. (133 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern, new management: board
optional: best table board; prices moderate
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without
eboard- free phone, bath and furnace heat;
rent reasonable. 115 12th and Wash.
l;iK)MS. single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 432 Morrison, cor. 13th.
ROOMS aad board; hot aad cold water. The
dark." 225 11th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
$1S Room, breakfast, dinner, plain wash
ing, 2 ladles or man and wife; free use of
F'rictlv .rivate modern home, 75 East
2Sth N. East 1608.
LARGE, newly furnished front 1cot room.
board for S or 3 people; modern con
veniences: home cooking; walking dis
tance. 456 th at,
NICELY furnished room with board. 5 SO
per week, suitable for 2 young men or
man and wife. 13 E- 6th N.
NEATLY furnished rooms with or without
board, ail modern conveniences, reason
able, fine location. E 45L Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished room with board, suitable
for two gentlemen,, with family of young
people; good borne. Main 3-53. 403 12th.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, with board
for two, small private family, fine home,
all conveniences. 212 11th st.
NICELY fnrnLhed room, with or without
board; free phone, bath and furaaoe hat
S70 13th et Main BT.
ROOMS with board, modern, close In. home
cooking. 89 E. Sth at. X. East T22.
1H 10TH. large, handsome front room,
with board, suitable for two.
ROOM and board for two: $.1.5 a weeki sal
conveniences. 653 "Wawhlngion M.
LARGE front room and heard. $5 week,
bath, phone. 423 7th. A 21116.
$20 ROOM and board. 6J1 Everett.
Apart men ta.
HEINTJ APARTMENT?. Hth aad Columbia.
ay walking distance, new. brick buhd
Inga. In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments;
private bath and reception hall, steam
hfat, hot water, elevutor, free phone. Jan
itor service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnished ready for houejeketp
ing; some unfuruuined; rent reasonable.
THE WESTMINSTER apartments, 8th and
Madison 4-room elegant unfurnished
apartment, with private bath, hot and
cold water, steam beat, free phone, ele
vator and Janitor servl.-e.
Washington. Just b.-lng completed; only
2 left; 3 rooms, wsll beds and all mod
ern conveniences, $27.50.
THREE and 4-room apartments. 421 West
Park; new and modern. Inquire 56 Hail
CoLfMB-IAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartment. 11th and ("olumhli.
CENTRALLY located, modern, steam-heated
f at cf live r'mji to rent reasonable. The
Ames Mercar'.l: Agcr-y. 43 Svvctind bidg.
Phone M. 5tfS or A lli2S.
NEW unfurnished flat, S rooms. East 15th
and i-ik. tirrplaoo. furnace, bath; no
dark rooms; re.ts.nable rent. Rotigera-llart-Gibson.
14 2d St..
TWO 5-ronm new. fl-st-class. modem, unfur
r'...ed t'.a:a. East 27th and Clinton; 2 car; rent $15. J. H. lnihoft. Phone
Ejs; 513a.
THE ROOSEVELT t. Kearney, near 21st
.Vrooni. Eteaui-h-aleil. rt-nt reasonable.
W. L. Morkan. 322 railing bidg.
NEW 6-room mort rn flat: electricity, gas.
snades. 2 tollr's. bath. e:c. ; cor. East Dih
and Lincoln. I'ar'.l. ulars 47 Hawthorne.
5-ROOM modern, corner, lower flat, almost
new. large rootns. nelv tinted: rent rea
sonable. 22" Knott. Call 235 Knott.
j-jr, Very riestrahle outride 4-room flat,
"select - neighborhood, llryn Mawr. 1S5 E.
13th. cor. E. Yamhill.
Nr'W. modern 5-room fist for rent at 624
E. Btark. Inquire at 62'i
4-P.OOM lower fat. furnace, fireplace, large
bathroom, pleasant yard. 361 West Park.
THOROUGHLY modern 4-room fiat, private
entrance. ti711s Mississippi ave., $12.
KR RENT. E!at. 4't Yamhill et. Call at
Dr. Brown's; 4o7 Yamhi'il St., near 10th.
7-ROOM flat: fireplace, porch and all mod
ern conveniences. Inquire 2;s 1'ark.
JIK 14 14TH and Columbia. 6 rooms, modern.
$25; see It. Key 230 14th.
LOWER fiat. 6 rooms, flreplare. furnace,
porub, yard. Nob H;.l. Main 4220.
Housekcrtilng Rooma.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall t.
Newlv lurnlshed for housekeeping. In
cluding ras ranees, electric lights, hot
water baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $14 per month
up: single housekeeping rooma $2 80 week
up: best la cur xor moucj. '
t.mce from Union Depot. Take or
. ... . i. . . r - u.nhall at.
ttim-st. i .i.; iwi in. a3
....... ,,.r-T . v- n a PiRTMRN'Ta 631Vj
Washington, cor. 2oth Nicely furnished
houaek-eplnc rooms: gas ranges, hot
water, free nam. ire pnuuv, uum .. -nit
a suites from $12 up.
O.VEONTA. 1ST 17th, near Yamhill. 2 and
3-room furnished suites (gas range, hot
and cold water), heat, phones and bath.
cT-i-ec v. v n i. nd ona single houl
i v.-olrnr room: bath, free phones; cheap
, ... , - . , vfoin r?nna
rent. 1
rr- ia i.- Tri I XI 1 1
Nice, clean houseke-plng ro,",:,-b"-tn
and free phone. as titn si. o-,.
HOI-SEKEEPINO rooms. Isrts. airy rooms,
souh front, a or 3-room suites. 429 Sal-
moa st.
LARGE light, nicely furnished houeekeep
Ins su'lt'-s. single rooms. $2 up: free phone,
iater. .".03 Hi Alder.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms :
phone. ba;X ilghta and laundry; $16. 4M
Wejt Park.
WAYVWOOD 1C North 18th. nicely fur
nished housekeeping rooms, running water,
furnace heat, walking distance.
wire oiK-np-wT newly furnished apart
ments. " Washington and Trinity, near
THE ELM 9 Furnished S and 3-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. liU 14th st.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th. furnished
housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
lionsekeeplns; Rooms tn Private Family.
FOR RENT 2 housekeeping suites, nloelr
furnlsted: eteam heat, elecrrlo light, raa
range, water, all conveniences for house
keeping, bt. James xioiei, 7s
2 NEWLY furnished rooms for housekeeping-
sink, bath, running water In kitchen;
private family 405 1st., flat K-
TWO furnished housekeeping Tooms; modern
convenience. 140 N. 10th St. Phone Main
ISO 13TH Two pleasant, convenient rooms,
$17, completely furnished; new carpets
and walls; gas range, phone, bath; adults.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, con
nected; gas range, phone, bath, link,
laundry. 165 N. 16th.
FOR RENT Suite of 2 nicely furnished
rooms, suitable for housekeeping. Inquire
646 H Eaat Burnalde, near gth at.
e -mrwm ftniiMhia for coudIs. reasonable and
close in; free bath, phone and llghta. Phone
Main 6815. Call B4 Montgomery.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, fur
nace heat. gas. bath, phone, laundry;
walking distance. 1SS N. 16th t.
2 AND 4 beautiful furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern; rent reasonable. 416
412 10TH 2 large housekeeping rooms, first
floor, accommodate four people, $18; 2,
second floor, $16; clean and modern.
482 7TH 3 rooms In cottage furnished for
housekeeping, $12 month.
294 JEFFERSON Two front rooma fur
nished for housekeeping.
$18 r0 Two neat light housekeeping rooms
and alcove, adults only. Phone A 2940.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooma. close In. Phone B 2157.
MODERN housekeeping rooms, $70 7th at.
Inqure 336 Montgomery.
X VERY nice modern housekeeping rooms.
403 24 et.
135 14TH FT., for housekeeping-; front sJoore
room, with kitchen.
S21 E. Main street, a rooms, strictly
modern, new and delightful, $25.
7M E. Yamhill at.. 8 rooms, $20.
Ill E. Tenth St., next to Stark 11
rooms, $20.
is E. 37th st., S rooms. $12.
412 Second st., 6-room flat, $32.50.
Rent a furnished house, ail except bed
ding. 5 rooms, furnished In elegant style,
413 E. Ninth st-, 2il.
233 'i Hall St., 3-room furnished Oat, $20
248 Alder street.
WHEN YOU MOVE yon always need SOME
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the saving
iwlll exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half: collect rent on balance.,
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2"-2.
MODERN house of 7 rooms, with lot 50x100
at reasonable rent to a desirable tenant;
location E. 80th, near Hawthorne ave.
This means good car service. Apply to
J. Kraemer, 80 Fifth St.
$2 Five-room lower flat, 22 23d et, be
tween Northrup and Overton sts. F. V.
Andrews & Co., Hamilton bidg., 131 8d si
Phone Main 3349 or A 8320.
$17. MODERN 5-room cottage, gas. bath,
window shades, basement, etc. walking
distance. 436 Ross corner Dupont st, 309
Btark. Main 514.
GOOD 6-room house with large yard. 64
Borthwlck et.: real $16. Wakefield, Fries
A Co., 229 btark.
TWO 6-room houses remodeled. 697 Everett,
bet. 2 1st and 22d. Sheeny Bros. Main
A NEAT, modern 5-room cottage: electricity,
furnace and porcelain bath; large grounds;
rent $20. Apply room 301, The Dekum.
$16 6-room modem house. Grand ave. ant
Hkldmore: good car service; look this up.
215 Board of Trade.
T-ROOM house with bath. $75 Madison, near
Chapman, suitable for 2 families; rent
$20. Apply 12 1st.
5 ROOMS, coxy, close In. $15. Inquire 483
E. 7th t
NEW house 8 rooms' aad bath, 71 15. 19th at.
North. Apply 132 6th t. Main 6278.
6-ROOM cottage. $22, gas and bath. Inquire
444 11th st.
FOR RENT New, modern 6-room honse.
Apply 344 Scllwood St.
$2730 6-ioom house, modern conveniences.
view; rent jiiiriu'ies
sin G-rorm house. 761 Grand ave. N. J. J.
Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
8-ROOM house; bath; $1 per month. B.
1st and Schuyler, f none r-aac
FOR RENT Cottage, 6 rooms and bath. 127
14th. near Washington st-
7-ROOM modern housa. corner East 1st
and Wasco. Phone East 2446.
MODERN 6-room houfe. Belmont. Bear E.
15th. Inquire 161 E. 16th.
Furnished Houses.
AN up-to-date 7-room house for rent, fur
nished swell, will rent very reasonable to
riKht party. Apply 2J4 Broadway at.
Main nnss
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room modern
b'tise, every convenience, piano, respon
slMe parties. 602 Marshall St.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern flat, 8
rooms; gas and electricity, bath, " piano.
phone. Inquire outi lita et.
WEI.L furnished, modern, 6-room flat, flre
plaoo. eto. 28 N. 16th at.; key 555 Mor
rlsur st.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, partly
furnished. 2 Mocks from Morrison car.
Inquire 173 East 17th st.
FURNISHED house. 8 rooms. Union avenue.
Upper Alblna. 853 11th. A 1636.
-ROOM well furnished cottage for rent.
Call Woodlawn 327. 608 Gantenbeln.
1RVINGTON home, modern, 6 rooms, fur
n.'hed. 4.15 East 8th st. North.
NEWLY furnished lower flat, with piano, on
river bank. 32S Margin st. i
$25 FOR a new 5-room furnished house, 29th
and t. Pine. Phone East 2409.
Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sal.
FURNITURE of -room fiat; must be sold
at once at a bargain. 401 10th St., Hat B.
Call from 10 to 4.
FINS furniture 10-room houee, lease, rooms
all rented, fine home for someone. Phone
Jt. SM3.
H'H'SEH'iLl) furniture of 2 rooma" for sale.
$.V. 6H 4:h st.."elde entrance.
FOR SALE Furniture for 8 rooms rea
sonable. 31 E. 3d St.
COM PLHTK furnishings of 6-room house.
I'hone East 4713,
Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale.
SNAP You will have to hurry If you want
It, tho furniture of the ewelleet 4-room flat
In the city and only 4 'blocks of Hotel Port
land; everything oomplete; $415; have a
Room 801. 26 Wash. st.
THREE nicely furnished modern 6-room
Tats. $3SS6. elegantly furnished. 8-room up-
fier flat, $110: One furniture housekeep
ng rooms, $j0, part cash; splendid furni
ture 24 housekeeping rooms $!2o0. PaIJ
cash: best tran-vlent house in city, $35w,
Mra. Koontz. 243 Stark et.
Swell quartered oak furniture and Axmln
ster rugs In -6-room modern fiat, close
Wash, at.: everything ready to go to house
keeping; will sell on easy terms: price $-190.
Call Lincoln Investment Co.. room 301, 2&6
Waah. st.
T-ROOM modern cottase. rent 822. furni
ture 3 months In use. Income at present
$47.00. A snap, with or without piano.
509 3d St.
FOR SALE 6-room. well-furnished flat,
close In. reasonable rent, on Washington
street good location for doctor or den
tlst. O 630. Oregonlan.
ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room cottage: a
great bargain: cottage for rent. Inquire
Mr. Ryan. 20u Couch bidg.
FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale, good
location for rooming-house; party must go
East. 83 10th St., near Stark.
NEWLY furnished 6-room flat; exceptional
bargain; parties leaving city. 850 Colum
bia at.
FOR RENT Storeroom 10S Union ave.; 4
storerooms In new 8-story brick building
on Grand avenue, one block south of
Morrison st. For particulars Inquire of
Hartman tc Thompson
WHOLESALE district. Fifth st.. two floor;
long lease. B 611. Oregonlan-
choice offices for rent. Will arrange rooms
to suit permanent tenants. Prospective
v tenants are referred to room 201 for In
spection of offices.
FOR RENT Part of a store, a very desir
able stand, suitable for stationery, drug
gist, photo supplies, etc. Phone Main 6335,
or 323 Morrison at.
PRIVATE office. 9x9 feet, carpeted; both
phones; office attendance: with or without
stenographic work; reasonable. 222 Fail
ing bidg.
DESIRABLE suites, slngl offices and desk
room, centrally located. Raleigh bidg.,
Washington, cor. 6th.
GROUND floor office room, including both
telephones, reasonable rent. 90 Fifth Bt.,
near Stark.
A SUITE of three rooma McAlpln. 120
Seventh at.
FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bidg.
Apply Room 601.
. nulla.
LODGE halls and office for rent. Drew
bidg., 162 Second st.
HAVE 13 acres fruit farm Inside city limits
with new 8-rooin house, modern, large
barn, all klnda outbuildings. 1000 chevy
trees, 7 acres raspherries. all kinds small
fruit, all bearing; prettiest fruit farm
and suburban home near Council Bluffs;
price $OOU; mortgage $3000. wants trade
for stock groceries, dry goods or shoes in
or near Portland. H. F Knudsen. Ben
nett ave.. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
PARTY with satas agency contract, Oregon,
Washington and Western Idaho. Covering
a good line, showing fine profits, wishes
man for partner with experience as travel
ing salesman, to assist and handle the
outside part of the business; very little
capital required. Call or address 615
Couch bidg.
SNAP 56 furnished rooms. dining-room
and kitchen furnished, bar with gocd
stock on hand, doing good business, long
lease, good rent; will sell business for $S00
cash; reason for selling, must go to
Alaska. 374 Hawthorne ave. Phone East
GOOD business openings worth investigation:
Mount Angel. Or., wants general store,
frrocery, hardware, laundry; splendid open
ng; 700 people, two big colleges, rich,
thickly-settled country; full Information
at drugstore. Mount Angol. Or.
WANTED Party to take H Interest in R.
R. land office; must be experienced In land
business; this Is one of the best openlnse
in the city and will stand full investiga
tion; refereaee must be furnished; about
$3000 requited. N 628. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Sawmill; will cut 10.000 to
15.000 feet per day; $1600.
New, modern 6-room houe on Mount
Pcott line, Anabe) Station, $3000. W. S.
Mark well, owner, 932 East 12th st. North
WANTED Party to start a first-class coun
try store at a rww town on the United
Railways line; also a good location for
small hotel. Smith-Wagoner Co., Cham
ber Commerce.
NEWSPAPER for sale, established 10 years
in Eastern Oregon; Republican; $5000
proposition; one-half down, security on
plant for balance. Address Y 532, Ore
gonlan. ,
A 6NA1 Hotel for sale on account of sick
ness in live Valley town doing nice busi
ness; $2S00, terms. Inquire 209 Common
wealth bidg., Portland. Or
Telephone and otber bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 125 Ablngton.
WANT to buy rooming-houses: if your price
is right. The Williams Investment Co.,
621 Corbett bidg.
SALOON for sale cheap if taken at once.
Inquire at N. P. Brewing Co.. cor. lota
and Upshur at.
GROCERY, down town, will sell at Invoice,
about $3000; another for $760. See these.
Young. 612 Gerllnger bidg.
WANTED A stick of boots and shoes.
clothing, or general merchandise ror spot
cash. Address D 630. oregonlan.
TRANSFER and storage, large established
business, $4000; a line opportunity. Call
417 Board of Trade.
TWO practical patents, $1000 each; rare
chance, goo a investment, au 4Vd. orego
nlan. FINE grocery and market: sell at Invoice,
Mg cash Dusiness; win pay to invesugate.
N 62L Oregonlan.
X CIGAR and confectionery store at a rock-
bottom price; must be sold, as owner la
leaving the city. 272 Stark at
FOR SALE) a restaurant at a price that will
certainly eell It Do not mis seeing It
272 Stark st
RESTAURANT at a price you can buy and
mnke some money. 71 Boara or urade. A
062. Main 4061.
For sale or trade. Call at once, 1019
Board of Trade.
Good location and business; must eell at
once. Call at 1019 Board of Trade.
FOil SALE by owner, boarding-house at 8S2
Sandy Road; 4K rooms, all tun. fries, avooo,
terms. Phone Bast 10S5.
- I
WANTED Young man with few hundred
dollars to buy state rights to baadle good
seller. 3261!? Washington st., room 414.
BUYERS wanting a small rooming-house
can learn of a bargain by calling in per
son at 135 14th st
SALOON Partner wanted; owner tired de
pending on hired help; pays big; little
. money required. Call 24SV4 Stark at.
WANTED Party to buy half interest in
good uatent, a pocket level and plumb
bob. N 632, Oregonlan. v
9-ROOM house, close In, clearing $90 per
month. If you want a homelike place
see this. 432 Chamber of Commerce.
LADY wants reliable business man to back
her In good raying business, strictly con
fidential. O 633, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 10'H) shares Fidelity Copper
stock at 25 cents; bargain. R. W. Lang,
311 Stark st.
SALOON, with lease; sell cheap account
sickness. Call 417 Board of Trade.
SATjOON and 6 furnished rooms for aal'
335 Seventh, corner Flanders.
FOR SALE O. K. coffee House, 251 Burn
side st Call forenoons.
FOR RENT Hotel building, 90 rooma In
quire 204 Macleay bldg .
GROCERY for sale, very cheap. 334 3d st,
cor. Market.
GROCERY store for ale. 641 1st St. Phone
Main 4S7. A 5410.
BARBER shop for sale. 2 chairs, good lo
cation with lease. 14tb and Glisan ata.
WANTED A man of ability V take charge
aa business manager of an established
manufacturing concern. Incorporated un
der the laws of Oregon; a good chance
for an energetic business man to become
Interested in a very profitable business,
must Invest aome money which will be
used to add another line to the business
and to be used under his 6wn supervision.
Call at 44 2d St., bet. 2 and 4 P. M.
made more money at the St. Louis Exposi
tion than any other kind of proposition,
and they'll do the same at Seattle this year:
we want several live men riht away to place
machines; you can Bell or operate them and
take the profits; we have a proposition for
you. either way you choose. Adurees sales
Manager Mills Novelty Co., 3C Mill bidg.,
Chicago. (References. Dun. Braflatreets.)
16 rooma on West Park St.. $1000.
13 rooms on Columbia st., $60.
12 rooms on 6th St., $900.
9 rooms on Taylor at, $650.
( rooms on 15th St.. $550.
YOUNG. 612 Gerllnger Bidg.
ONE of the best butcher shops and packing
planta In Lane County. 125 miles from
Portland, In town of 2500 population, good
railroad, logging and mining trade, up-to-date
new machinery, will sell cheap; trade
or take In partner. Address owner, G 6.3.
WANTED Reliable man, hustler, good ap
pearance, with business acpuaintance.
capable handling legitimate business
chances; want man prepared take part
nership and make good; best location.
Address, with referenoea, L. 630, Orego
nlan. '
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufactur
ing lines, city or county. ,
- 403-4-5 Swetland Bidg.
14 rooms, rent $56, price $ao0: first
class, modern, close-In location, modern
furniture and good rooms; always full;
will not last long. We have others.
H. W. GARLAND & CO., 191 4th St.
that can furnish good references, to keep
plain accounts; owner will guarantee busi
ness will pay $500 monthly over and above
ell expensea For particulars call room
623 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED At once, party to take In
terest and manage the best light manu
facturing plant in city; only business of
its kind here; $150 per month salary
guaranteed; $750 cash required. For in
formation call 372 Washington st, room 6.
WANTED Blacksmith to establish shop in
Hood River Valley; store, school, church
and thickly settled and prosperous com
munity; should be wagon-maker also; good
opening for right party. Address H. Conna
wav. Hood River. Or., R. F. D. No. 1.
LIGHT manufacturing business: want a
partner to look after hired help and do
the banking; will pay 6 dally; small in
vestment required. For particulars call
room 623 Lumber Exchange.
LUNCH COUNTER First-class, down-town
location; rent cheap, and Kiase; every
thing nrst-class; no cheap meals; price
$tf00; dally receipts $25 to $40
H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 'h St.
YOU CAN GET action on all mining and
Industrial stocks and bonds through head
quarters at Catterlin & Co.. suite 3. Cham
ber of Commerce. We buy, sell or trade
Call or write. -
Rooming-house for sale at a sacrifice FOR
CASH: about 50 rooms; a big money
maker 809 Concord Bidg.. 2d and btark.
Wants practical man as partner, will
pay $123 salary pet" month and expense
besides profits. Particulars 023 Lumber
Exchange bidg.
W ILL sell $1000 to $5000 worth of stock In an
Industrial proposition of merit: salaried po
sition to capable party who can Invest
$2W)0 or more. M 62S. Oregonlan.
DO YOU want a splendid paying grocery
with meat market, or a grocery doing a
cash business and big trade? We have
them. 272 Stark st
PARTNER wanted to work In store; owner
will guarantee active man a good saiary.
also profits: email capital required. Par
ticulars 248 Stark st.
WANTED A good money-making grocery
store, with or without the premises; has
to stand the closest Investigation- F.
Fuchs. 221 Morrison st
A GOOD restaurant at 103 N. 3d St.; cost
over $500 to furnish; will sell for balance
due. $176.50. if taken at once. Cohn Bros.
Furniture Co., ISO 1st.
WB HAVE one of the best buy la a small
rooming-house in the city; others equally
as good but larger. See us If In the
market for one. 272 Stark st.
A REAL estate man who has a fine business
In farm properties wants a man to take
a half interest and look more closely to
the city deals. 272 Stark st
PARTNER wanted: must be eteady, sober
man. satisfied with $18 to $25 a week; ex
perience not necessary; $300 required. Par
ticulars 248H Stark St.
WE can locate you In paying business, be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bidg.
Main 4486.
WILL sell my bakery on account going
East; doing nice business; town 1600
Inhabitants. Henry Oppenlauder, Silver
ton, Or.
CONFECTIONERY, ' Ice cream and luncheon,
established paying business, well located,
lease; a fine -buy. Call 417 Board of
WE have a number of rooming-houses In all
parts of city and all prices; good buys, lit
tle money, good location. - See us at 721
Board of Trade.
DRESSMAKER doing fine business, leaving
Oregon, will sell for less than cost of
fixtures, swell store, easy rent. Call after
' 6. 403 Jefferson.
SWELL littlo restaurant, 6th st, fine loca
tion; also lunch counter chop house; either
will be sold today for 1-3 value. Call 308
MANUFACTURING Partner wanted; duties
easily learned; paya $125 month salary,
also proiita; f2000 required. Call 24eV
Stark st
FOR SALE The Best paying grocery In
South Portland; reason for selling, other
business; will bear closest Investigation;
no agents. S 630, Oregonlan.
2S ROOMS can be had on Morrison st. for
$1000; rent $75; lease 2i4 years. 721 Board
of Trade.
ROOMING-HOUSE of 21 rooma at great bar
gain; owner mUft go East; price $050.
32(114 Washington' St., room 414.
Money to Loan.
TELEPHONE bonds taken in exchange for
furniture., carpets and ranges at a discount
for a few days. Cohn Bros. Furniture Co.,
ISO 1st st
TO LOAN $SC0 on good city or farm real
estate at 7 per cent interest. C. F.
J'fluger. room 14 Mulkey bidg., 2d and
Morrison sts.
MONEY to loan In large and small sums at
6 to 8 per cent on improved real estate.
607 Commercial Bidg.
MONEY to loan at 6 end 7 per cent on East
and West Side business and residence prop
erty. Mall ib Von Borstel, 104 2d et.
SEVERAL hundred dollars to loan In small
amounts; some chattels. Smith-Wagoner
Co., Chamber Commerce. . . ,
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest for long or short
time. A A M. Delovage. Jewelers, 269
Washington at.
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per
sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10
Washington bidg. Main 302.
$200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty,
building loans, lowest rates, w. G. Beck.
312 Falling .bidg.
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to
suit. 0 to 7 per cent on 'improved realty.
M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C.
WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title
Guarantee. Oregon Trust bank accounta.
Lewis c Co.. 251 Washington st
MONEY to loan on Improved property.
110 2d.
ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 to T per
cent Interest. 305 Gerllnger bidg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bidg.
State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C.
MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E.
L Devereaux, 204-5 Fenton bidg. M. 63.
MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per
cent. Frary A Seiu. 132 Sth at
Money to Loan.
Money loaned quickly and privately on
real, personal and chattels, diamonds ana
Jewelry, warehouse receipts, furniture ana
pianos, and all valuable collaterals
This company is organized for the pur
pose of providing ready money at tne
lowest cost. You can arrange to repay
in monthly or weekly easy payment. All
business strictly confidential.
Call or phone Main 20S4.
Room 12 Hamilton Bidg.. 131 Third St
402 Rothchlld Bidg.. cor. 4th and Waah.
The recognized bank of the wage-earner.
A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer
or employe can obtain money of us on his
note without security.
$15 return to us.., $ 4 00 a Mo.
$30 return to us 8.00 a Mo.
$50 return to us $13.35 a Mo.
Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; business confidential.
Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 return to us.. ..$20.00 $10.00 S5.O0
$50 return to us.... 13.35 6.65 8.25
$30 return to us 8.00 4.00 2.00
$15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1.00
2oB McKAY' Bidg., cor. Sd and Stark Sta.
Installment Joans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses, Insurance pol
icies, salaries and all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland Bidg.
On Improved city property or for building
purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re
payment privileges; money advanced as
building progresses. The Equitable, Zd
and stark sta
MONEY sold on installment plan: confiden
tial; no security but your salary; best
system for railroad, streetcar employes,
mechanic and others.
Buchanan Bidg., 2SU4 Washington St.
NOTICE to Title Guarantee & Trust Bank
claim holders: We pay almost par for ac
counts In any amount to $20,000 for a few
days parties living out of town can send
books or certificates through any bank.
Cohn Bros., 1S0-1S2 1st st
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without secur
ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; of
fices In 66 principal cities; save yourself
money by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange Bidg.
Plenty of money to loan at 0 and 7
per cent on real estate security.
Room 8, 265 Washington street cor. 3d.
LOANS made quickly and privately on
mortgages, pianos and furniture, ware
house receipts, purchase contracts, dia
monds and Jewelry. E. Pleroe, 316 Allsky
TO LOAN $2500 on Inside city real estate
or close-in farm, at 7 per cent Interest. C.
F. Pfluger.a Co., room 14 Mulkey bidg., 2d
and Morrison sts.
$500,000 on improved city or farm property,
building or small loans at lowest rates;
large loans a specialty. J. H. McKinzie
Co., 514-15-16 Gerllnger bidg.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st.
$5000 AND upward to loan. Logan, 326 ft
Washington St., room 415.
$2000 $12'i0, $400. 7 per cent; no commission.
Ward. 210 Allsky. '
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater
al security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bidg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
Tho Loan Co., 410 Dekum bidg.
Irftnp wanted.
"WANTED $30,000 for gilt-edged platting
proposition; quick returns.
820t Wash, et, room 417,
HAVE partv who wishes to borrow $15,000;
good Interest and good real estate security.
Apply A. K. Bentley, 622 Board of Trade
WANTED $3000, 3 or 6 years, 6 per cent,
West Side residence security; no agent L
626, Oregonlan.
HAVE party that wants loan of $400 on
propertv worth $1600 for 2 or 6 years.
Smith-Wagoner Co., Chamber Commerce.
WANTED To borrow $250 on Peninsula
property. Address S 626, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE $1250 first mortgage; farm.
Call or write 226 Falling bidg.
STOLEN 2 dogs, 1 deep tan, tail deeper
tan, cross between hound and pointer,
name Bob; other brownish red, white
chest. Inner front paws black, outside
white, cross between hound and pointer,
name Colonel; license paid on them but
collar stripped; reward for Information.
Address Box 3S6, Woodburn, Or.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Between 5th and Alder and 12th and
Y'amhill, lady's gold watch. Elgin move
ment. Finder please return to Grand Lead
er, millinery department.
LOST Lady's back comb, amber, gold
mounted, end tooth broken; lost on Mor
rison or Yamhill between 10th and 14th.
Main 4100, A 5777; reward.
LOST Gold locket and chain, "R. M. H."
on back, set In front with three stones;
man and lady's picture Inside; leave at
Oregonlan office.
LOST Small coin purse containing money
and a diamond ring. bet. 5th and Colum
bia and the Public Library. Finder please
phone Tabor 1356; reward.
LOST Between Helllg Theater and 14th
and Clav, old-fashioned brooch; heir
loom; finder return to Baron Shoe Store;
LOST Brown leather bag. with purse In
side, containing some money and receipts.
Liberal reward. Phone A 1724.
LOST A very large grey Maltese cat;
suitable reward for return to 435 Alder
st. John Duloth.
STRAYED or stolen, a black angora cat
with white breast and feet; liberal re
ward for return to 733 Wasco st.
LOgT Purse containing $1.76 and a medal:
initials inside E. W. . G. Retura to E. W.
Garband. 293 1st St.
LOST Black lynx collarette on Alder St.,
between 4th and loth sts.; finder return
to Baker Theater; reward.
LOST Brown neck fur on Morris st or
East 1st ana nonauay. x-nonq v juxo.
LOST Gold necklace, flower, set with dia
mond. Return to 713 Dekum: reward.
DRESS suits for rent all sizes, $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but
tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls
and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3o
MRS. S. B. SEIP. Mental Scientist Teaches
Psychometry, the insight and power of
the soul. 10 A. M. to B P. M. Wednesday
open meetings at o r. m , vi nuany
Mme. counwrigiiw .v.a,
ments, facial deformation corrected, plas
tic surgery. 225 Fllednor bidg.. M 0042
A 2009.
DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe
riods $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5 T. J.
Pierce, 810 Allsky bidg., 265 Morrison.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on
Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 1704
3d st. Main 8770.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. B60
Glisan B L. auuu
HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut
hair. Portland Bazaar, 409 Morrison
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single
people; circular 10c 22914 1st st
Alfalfa Nutrient makes thin people plump
and preserves youth". Room 17 Hamilton bg.
Hudson's Satin Cream demonstration free. R.
207. 286 Wash. Manicuring, facial massage.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
,r inn Q-,k CM4.ia. kM. VY 1171
JkirS. JU X. Ill H'l J X' Milu.k wtWB. ui w,w.
Diseases of women and chi'dren. ner
vous and chronic diseases of children a
specialty; no charge for consultation.
Room 10. Grand Theater bidg.. Washing
ton and Park at. Main 3U2-8. A 600 1.
Diseases of men. women and children
treated and cured; maternity cases given
special attention: all private and wasting
diseases promptly cured, and their errects
permanently removed from tho sysiem
Ralaigh bidg., cor. 6th and Washington si.
RHEUMATISM, nervous debility, cough,
wakefulness, stomach and kidney trou
bles, skin and scalp diseases, weakness
In young or old men promptly cued
without drugs; charges moderute. Dr. T.
Pierce, 316 Allsky bidg.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; halrdresslng, manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest stock
of hair goods In the West at cut prices.
Parlors, Grand Leader, 5th and Alder.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Heislngfor gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing;
steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7
Eat 11th St. one door from East Ankeny
car. Phone East 260. Home B lsu8.
DR. A. AUSPLUND, Just returned from
Europe, makes a specialty of surgery and
diseases of women. Office rooms 5-6-7
Winchester House. 8d and Burnslde t.
Phone Main 4047.
MEN Why suffer from disease peculiar to
your sex, nervou conditions, skin or eye
troubles, acute or chronic? I treat by
modern methods, electricity, massage, os
teopathy, medicine when needed, confi
dential. Dr. Vose, 326 Washington at.
MADAM A. A. LUCKEY cures chronic die
eases. Full line of electric treatments,
baths and massage; positive results In men
tal healing. 401-2 and 3 Columbia bidg.,
W. Park and Washington ts. Main 2011.
LADIES Ask your druggists for Chichester's
Diamond Brand Pills. For 23 years known
as the best safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chichester's Diamond llrand pill are sold
fcy druggists everywhere.
DESIRABLE ocmpany found for lonely peo
ple, either sex; 600 to select from; photos
on file; meetings arranged, use of par
lors; membership' $2; register 10c. Port
land Introducing Bureau. 316 Allsky bidg.
Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective;
work reasonable, guaranteed. T 4S1. Cro
gonian. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorns' Nerve
Tonio Tablets, 25c box. Kyssell's Phar
macy. 2ol Morrison st. bet. 4th and 0th.
Proposals Invited.
NOTICE of bids for the construction of a
Court-house and Jail for Twin Falls
County, State of Idaho.
To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is
hereby given, that the Board of County
Commissioners of Twin Falls County, State
of Idaho, does hereby advertise for sealed
proposals or bids, for the construction of
a court-house and Jail building at Twin
Falls, Idaho, in conformity with the plans
and specifications prepared by C. Harvey
Smith. Architect, Twin Falls, Idaho, which
plans and specifications are now on file
In the office of the Clerk of said Board.
The cost of such building Is limited to.
and shall not exceed, the sum of one hun
dred and twenty-five thousand dollars
($123,000). The said Board of Commis
sioners hereby reserve the right to reject
any and all bids, but the contract shall be
let to the lowest responsible bidder, un
less all bids are rejected.
The persom or persons receiving the con
tract for the construction of said build
lnps must give a good and sufficient
surety bond in the sum of fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000), conditioned upon the
faithful performance of the contract, ao
cordlng to the plans and specifications on
file In the Clerk's office.
All bids shall be filed with the Clerk of
the Board of County Commissioners, at
his office In Twin Falls, prior to Monday.
March 1". 1909, at 2 o'clock In the after
noon, at which time all bids will be
opened and considered by the Board.
No bid will bo considered unless accom
panied by a certified check, payable to tne
Clerk of the Board of County Commission
ers for lo per cent of the amount bid.
and such check shall be held by Twin
Falls County until contract Is entered into
and bond furnished.
In case of failure of the successful bid
der to enter Into contract and furnish
bonds, such check shall be forfeited to the
county. .
By order of the Board of County Com
missioners of Twin Falls county. State of
Ida"" H. T. WEST.
Clerk of the Board of County Commis
sioners, Twin Fal,B, luano.
x'OTirw nir TlOND SALE.
c 1 nN,nn,ai, u-iir he received by
the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon of
the 15th day of February. 1909. for the
purchase of $40,000 m Pr vumo ui "cs""
tiable 6 per cent registered bonds of
School District No. (.City of Eugene),
of Lane County. Oregon. These bonds
are due absolutely In 20 years, but may
be paid at the option of the district
after 10 years, interest payable semi
annually, and principal and Interest pay
able in the city of Eugene, Oregon, or
at a place in the city of New York to be
deslirnatea Dy tne purciitmci.
check for 2 per cent of the amount bid
for, payable to my order, should accom
pany each bid.
County Treasurer, Eugene. Lane County. Or
sr & 1 .1.-1 hlrii will he received until 4 P. M.
February 1L 1901), at the office of The Port
of Portland. City Hall, tor me luhui,.s.
One cast steel anchor for Dredge Colum
bia; repairs to condenser for steamer
Wenona; food supplies for the months of
March, April and May. Specifications and
plans for all of the above can be had upon
application at the office. The Port of
Portland reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. John P. Doyle. Clerk of the
Notice Is hereby given that my wife, Alice
Robertson, has voluntarily left my bed and
board, and all persons are notified not to
give her credit on my account. 1 will not
be responsible for any obligations incurred
by her from and after thl date. Ray K.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get
Facinlc Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board
of Trade.
T L P Is earnestly requested to communl
'cate with his mother, Boxiey Heath. Kent
Accordion Flailing.
MISS O. GOULD, 3S5 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife pleating and pinking.
Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing.
8''4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6067.
Asaayers and Analyst.
Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem
ists and a,ssa.vers. 204'. Washington st.
PAUL BAU.MEL aaeayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder Bt.
and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st.
622 Worcester bidg., 3d and Oak. M. 6080.
Attorney at Law.
H H. RIDDELL, atty-at-law, 733 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 4764. A 8531.
S. T. JEFFREYS, 208 Fenton bidg., 16 years'
practice in Oregon, 8 year Alaska.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
oft ices to 900-913 Board of Trade bidg.
Bicycle and JSlectrlo Repairing.
E LAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoltne engine and
electrical repairing. 326 Stark st
WM ES TELLE and Flossie Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodist In the city. Parlor
302 Gerllnger bidg., S. W. cor. 2d and
Alder. Phone Main 130L
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 3S0 Flledner bidg. Phone Main 3473.
DR NELSON treats my corns; never hurts;
prices reasonable. 250 Alder. M. 7366.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs.
Dunton, Iris partments, 362 3d. M. 7714.
ECONOMY Foot & Scalp Remedy CO.. 231
6th t. Phone Main 7748.
Carpat Weaving.
RUGS made from old carpets; aleo colonial
rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Work,
lf,3 Union ave. East 85S0. B 1280. f
Carpet denning.
J. Hunter A Co., mattresses and feather ren
ovated, carpets refitted, etc. M. 214, A 4415.
WE collect everywhere; general law. Inter
. state Adjustment Co., Gerllnger bidg.
Commission Merchant.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchant. 8herlock bidg., Portland.
Contractor and Builders.
P. W. BENNETT carpenter, contractor, eop
and yard.
a. 479 Williams ave. Phone ti 0.02.
JAPANESE carpenter. M. Mateuo, 105 N.
Park st. Phone Home -A 3O30.
SUN SOON HLTE STORE removed to 76
6th. bet Oak and Pine. Low price sale.
RINGLER Dancing Academy. Murlark Hall,
Rlnglor Hall; Portland best school; in
struction daily.
SHORTHAND, t5"pewrltlng taught by ex
pert, $5 per month. 209 14th. M. 3S93.
LAl'irs Preparatory School of Pharmacy,
148 2d st, Portland. Or.
MISS CALL, tutoring, grammar and high
school. East 2700. 5S9 East Burnslde.
Feed Stores.
HINSHAW & ZIGLER. hay. grain, feed, ce
ment, shingles. 94 Grand ave. E. 482.
DR. E. W. HAG YARD, graduate Ontarl
Veterinary College; office Exposition bidg.,
19th and Wash. Main 1077; Resc. Main 1224.
Harness and Saddlery.
R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny
Bt. Phone Main 2402.
Junk. Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, funs, tallow, old rubbers, metala aad
sacks. 312 Front fit '
Leather and Findings.
CHAS. L. MASTTCK & CO.. 74 Front leathes
of "every description, taps, mfrs. findings.
tabllshed 1858. 1S9 Front st
, Messengers.
HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 5th. Main
63, A 2163. Johnnie on the spot.
ICE machines'. Complete installations. Arm
strong Machinery Co., Spokane. Wash.
SPECIAL prices on all goods, sheet muslo,
harps, Instruments, muslo maps, muslo
rolls; one-fourth off on all folios and
methods: sale will last all this raoath.
H. Anderson Music Co., 190 Third st.
PAUL F. KIPSINER, violinist and instruc
tor; muslo furnished for balls, reeeptlous,
etc. 218 Tilford bidg., loth and Morrison.
G. BERTRAM, 15 Russel bidg., violin re
pairing: instruments bought and sold.
monthly. 809 Stearns bidg. Main 8744.
EM1L THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil
of Sevcik A 4160. Pine 334. Main 8015.
M. C. Smith, teacher of piano, 452 Salmo
st Main 7340. Beginner & specialty.
DR. H. W, FREEZE straightens cross-eye
without operation or pain, fits glasses and
treats nervous diseases. 224 Marquam bldn.
Osteopntliic Physicians.
413-16-17 Dokutn blrtg..
Third and Washington uts.
Phone, office. Main 340. res., E. 102S.
DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, 205-6 Tilford bidg.,
10th und Morrison. Phone A 4103, M. 7350.
Paints, Oils and Gins.
RASMUSPEN & CO., Jobbers, paints sVlls;
glasH. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and TaTrorr'
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents: Infringement case. 604 Dekum.
J. J. HIRSHEIMBR, pension nnd patent at
torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bidg.
Portland. Office 402-3-4 Worcester block.
WARRBN Construction Co., street paving,
sidewalks and crossing. 314 Lumber Kx.
Pulntinir and IDperbanglng.
PAINTING, paperhanglng, kalsomlnlng. eto.,
done on short notice. Howse Decorating Co.,
647 Wash. Main 78li A 8114.
Puhlio Stenographers.
DOCIA V. WILLITS, 809 Swetland bidg..
6th and Waah. Phone Main 3118.
Hoofing, Cornices and Skylights.
P. J. McMahon. E. M. Sharkey. M. 8243.
Rubber Stumps.
ALSO trade checks and all office rood. P. D. ,
C. Co., 2.11 Stark st. Both phones 1107.
THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safe.
DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Dlebold safe.
66 3d t. Bargains in 2iI-hRn-l safes. ,
Show Case, Bank and Store Fixtures.
THE LLTKB MFG. CO., branch Grand
Haplcls Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R.
Lutke, Mgr.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, etore and office fixture. 28
Couch st. Main 2763.
The largest sign-makers in the North
west, 5th and Everett ts. Phone Private
Exchange 55, Home A 1153.
STOVES connected and repaired.
1110. 271 1st.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK, Transfer and Storace Co., office
and commodious four-story brick ware
house, separate iron rooms and fireproof
vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and
Pine ts. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Main 506. A 1906.
General transferring and storage; safes,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 2"0 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st.,
Telephone Main 547 or A 2247.
Furniture and piano movli'tr a specialty.
40-42 2d st. Phone A 194. XlSia IfllS.
Front st. . Phone Main 62, A 1162.
TurklKh Bath.
TURKISH baths, 300 Oregonlan bldg.j ladle
days, men nights. Main 1U3S, A 1938.
WE ARB the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast; Investigate;
all makes, all prices. The Typewriter
Exchange. 2S7& Washington. St.
SPECIAL prices; all makes rented, sold. To
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407.
Veterinary College.
Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College now
ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keane, ISIS Market.
Wood and ( mil.
successor to Portland Fuel Company. Rest
old-growth cordwood Fl.'T.L MKASURi-:.
Prompt delivery. 2S7 East Morrison et.
Phone East 26. B. 1026.
prompt delivery. Phono A 2247, Mala 647.
DRY OAK, alder and fir at Standard Wood
Co. Eaat 2315, B 1CS5.
Portland, Oregon.
No interest paid on aocouataw
; ; ' " ' '