ll 13 , THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAy, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1909. -'; " T., .JZ ! RFIP WAVTED-SULE ! SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. NEW TODAY, f FOR SALE REAL KSTATE, 1 FOB SALE REAL ESTAT&. FOR SALE-F.AR.tS. FOR SALE. 1 l" M,ltoWu, Holladay's Addition The nr. BEST place In Portland to bur. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and HOST DKSIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER po and see the many CHOICE resi dences under conatructlon and the ton provementa going on. TI13 Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. DWELLING HOUSES of every kind designed and built to order. AM the money furnished, which may bo paid back in small monthly Installment JOHN LOCKIIART, Financial Agent, 610-611 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 493. . . 1 MONEY TO LOAN $5,000, $10,000. $15,000. $30,000. At Per Cent On First-Class Mortgages. GODDARD WIEDBICK, 110 Second St. Choice Apartment Site CLBOO Xear 13th and "Washington. 66x100. This lot is desirable, both in size and location, for modern apartments. Terms. SEE THE SPAXTOX CO., 270 Stark Sireet. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre sto-k ranch. $10 per acre, all fonred. all tillable, substantial Improve ments, In DoiiRliis County; or will ex change for Portland property 'or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKMO A DEEHHG. 1'hoae Main 34... 24H Stark St. Store for Rent No. 135 Tenth street, near Alder; size about 18x70 feet. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 229 Stark Street. SIGHTLY LOT S750 Situated on East 10th St., Brook lyn Heights, close in and excep tionally well located near carline. Terms if desired. SEE THE SPAXTOS CO, 270 Stark Street. Portland Heights C450O Southeast corner 17th and Spring 100x100, 1 block from car line. Sightly and well located. Terms. SEE TUB 8PAXTOS CO, 270 Stark Street. Wanted Real Estate firm to retail 1000 acres irrigated land from Portland office. Plenty of gravity water and land 200 feet above sea level. J- 634. Oregonian. A SNAP 130-acre farm. 90 icm in culti vation: good barn and house, running water. mile from station. O. V. P. line runa through place; price $K3 per acre, terms (riven. Inquire K. N. Foster. Eagle Creek. Or. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids;. Phones, Main 8371, A 4013. DO TOtJ WISH TO BUT A ROUBT Then seo HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. & Co. M. 3319. 30 Hamilton be. Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablngton bids;. Beck. William O.. 3!2 Failing bid. Blrrell. A H. Co.. 202-1 McKay bids;. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict, 5o2 McKay bill. M. 84. Chapln Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Cock. B. S. sV Co.. 3o3 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. A Co.. Board of Trade bids. Goddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d St. Jennlnre Co.. Main 168. 20 Oregonian. Lee. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bids. Parrleh. "Welkins & Co., 230 Aider st. Richardson. A. B.. ill Com. Club bids. Echalk Geo. D., 204 Stark t. Main or A SOS. Sharkey. J. P. Co.. 122 Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estat Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) Waidel W. O.. 3o9 Lumber Exchanse bids. White. P. F.. 227 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HAWTHORNE AVE AND 44TH SNAP. Brand new 7 - room modern residence, for quick sule $20: terms easy. Lind A Co.. room 329 Lumber Exchange bldg. BARGAIN NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. Broom cottage, with modern conveni ences, terms easy. Lind A Co.. room 329. Lumber Exchanse bldg. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg 1 BUY and sell all kinds of real estate and timber lands. List your property with me and get resulta Claude E. Hicks, DOS Corbett bldg. 10ox20O. on Woodstock ridge, overlooking en tire city- smail house, chicken-house and yard, bearing orchard; $1000. Call 410 Fall ing bldg. WITHIN" WALKING DISTANCE. 6-room modern new residence, close to Steel bridge; a bargain at 13000. Lind Co., 329 Lumber Exchange. RIPLEY TRACT. OREGON CITT CARLINH . 2l to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land. C. W. Rlsley. owner; P. O.. Mll waukle. Phone Oak Grove. Red 12. AT SACRIFICE. Second German M. E Church and parsonage, cor. Rodney and Stanton call at S18 btanton. Pbone Wood !an 10B4. NOB HILL apartment or flat site; the very best in the district; only a few left. Walling A Goodwin. 243 Stark. $roo BUYS lots In College Addition, close to Maeg:y Junction: terms easy. Williams Investment Co.. 621 Corbett bldg. 5oO BUYS my cozy home on Enst Madison and 2th eta., carpels Included. Owner, B 2301. CHOICE 5 and in-acre tracts for sale; easy t-Tms: no Irrigation North Bank Nut 4s Fruit Land Co.. 338 Chamber of Com. ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. Acreage for lldO. E. K. Merkuam. room 209 Commercial block. NICE home, good location, one block from best rarltne on East Side, $4800; no agents. Fhone Tabor 1008. S ACRES In building sites to suit: this Is h:rh and sightly, on S-foot street and good carline. eay terma Call at 410 Falling bldg. I HAVE; a few lots near Ktlllngsworth and Paiton avenues that I will sell on terms frwn $40 up. 410 Falling bldg. Hni-sK and lot for sale cheap If taken at once. Phone Tabor 1574. CRiK'ERT store for sale, stock nearly new, good reasons for selling. East 15V fc.!AON doing rVr-e business, good location, price $S00- X 664. Oregonian. BUILDTNfJ HOfSES TO BELL? That's Your Business. SELLING LOTS OX WHICH TO BUILD, That's Our Business. And while we can show you a great variety In the way of locations and prices, we wish to call your attention to AN' . ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE PROPOSI TION IN PATTONS ADDITION. A full block lying three feet above grade, streets graded all around and ce ment walk on one side; Bull Run water In; sewer one block away and to be ex tended on two sides of property. Ry. Co. holds franchise on street passing prop erty. Price. Including all improvements. JfiOOO. On TERMS of 10 PER CENT DIS COUNT FOR CASH. If this looks good to YOU come and SEE I S. DON'T TELEPHONE. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Through sickness of owner we are in structed to offer for sale one of, the best farms in Oregon, 300 acres, fenced and cross-fenced. 1 l. miles from R. R. town. 30 acres in cultivation, over 100 of this row in growing crops, good buildings, family orchard. R. F. D. and phone, good grain, dairy, stock, nut or fruit land; ad mirably situated for subdivision, 310,000 cash, balance on long time at 6 per cent. We also have a large list of walnut and fruit lands from $20 per acre up; also timber, lands, farms, business chances. WALNUT CITY REALTY CO., 218 Board of Trade Bldg. $3600 Desirable, spacious, sightly home site, two blocks from East Morrison car. con sisting of one and half acres, fruit and berries, small barn: easy terms. $1900 Good, substantial nearly new B room bout, pigeon-house and runs; H acre, on car line, near MHwaukle. $1680 Cottage. 5 rooms, and 8 full lots, betweeen Shaver and Mason, near Union; lots alone worth price asked. HEADQUARTERS FOR EAST SIDE BUILDING LOTS. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce and 2Ttb and Alberta. . - I IRVINGTON LOT. East front on 22d St.. between TILLAMOOK AND THOMPSON. On carline, asphalt street, all Improve ments In and paid for and at $2K. IT'S THE BfcT BUY IN 1KVIXGTON. If you want It, you'll have to get it BEFORE NEXT FRIDAY. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bid. 109 Fourth St. HOMES AND HOME SITES. $30cxj New. mode-.-n 5-room bungalow, near the Albina Hish School, 3400 cash. t26."0 Fine 6-room bungalow, lot 100X 100, on Mt. Scott carline, $.".O0 cash. $2750 Good 5-room modern cottage on Rodney ave., walking distance. S1430 cash. si, -no Quarter block on Francis ave. and E. 31st st.. $1000 cash. , . ,s-,o Corner lot in City View Park, fine view of the river. These and many others. A. A. HOOVER, 3111 Gerllnger bldg. AejGOOD a-room house, ne'.v and modern, close to Sellwoods new city park: $30o0. terms. Lot wi:h 6-room house, near Catholic church' and school; S2.V.0. V, caeh. AT WICHITA. 2 acres, small fruit and berries, 2-story bouse; $1650. J'JoO cash, balance 6 per cent. Also 6 acres. 5-room bungalow, barn 16x 80. H4 acres cleared; near proposed new school. O. W. P. LAND CO.. Waiting-room. 1st and Alder ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are tho largest owners and planters In Oregon. We have the only nla.ited tracts on the market. Our properties are in the walnut coustry. Yamhill. 3-acre tracte, planted. $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sta. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow on . improved street, hlph and sluhtly corner lot. large front and side porch. Dutrn kitchen, beamed ceiling and panel dining room, built-in buffet: complete plumbing and sewer connections: two blocks from Sunnvslde: worth $.1000, but can be had for S20r.o; .""00 down. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO. E. S7th and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1147. $47r, TEN DAYS ONLY $4750. 75x100 corner in Piedmont, 6-room modern house, full cementbasement, fur nace, stationary tubs, -Treplace. china closet, pantrv. window seats, 2 bay win dows. 2 toilets, linen closet, large attic; could make 2 rooms; large porch, roses, lawn, fruit trees, etc.; terms if desired. Address L 6.14. Oregonian. IDEAL FLAT SITES. Near East End of Steel bridge. rOxliHi, n.-,o; Crosby and Cherry. cash. HOxl0, S4250; 4 cash, fii'xloo, $4750; corner, "i cash. GOxloO. $4O0i: E. 1st and Holladay. 66 2-3x100. 130 front foot. Holladay ave. CON KLIN BROS., 302 Rothchild Bldg. WEST SIDE FLATS. Are paying 13i jer cent net on amount necessary to invest; four 5-room flats; furnace- fireplaces, paneled and beamed dining-rooms, new. modern, between Washing ton and Glisan. eaot of 23d; no phone in' formation. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. - A CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres 7-room new modern house, good well and windmill, barn. 4 acres in fruit, very close to 5c car line; also 2 acres with 6-room house. For partlcn:ars see LIND & CO.. Room 329. Lumber Exchange bldr. NEW modern 7-room house on East ISth st 1 block from carline. full basement, lot 50x100 a beautiful home, everything first-class and up to date; price S400. half cash, terms on balance, srpencer & Co.. 102 Second st. EAST SIDE BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms on one floor; large lot: ce ment basement, furnace, laundry. Improved street sewer, 2 blocks to car: close in. easy 'term. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Elegant comer. 50x100, on Kmerson and Maryland, one block from KUllngsvvorth : if taken at once, big bargain. S 631. Ore gonian. ELEGANT PIEDMONT BARGAIN' 9-room. modern residence, hardwood floors, real snap at $"000. easy terms. I.lnd & Co.. room 329 Lumber Exchange bldg. $1250 will buy a good lot on 'Fast 2Sth St.. near the car barns, school, etc.; will soon be business property. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. NEW modern 6-room bungalow on East 21st St., 1 block from carline, full base ment, lot 50x100, price $2G00: $700 cash, balance $20 per month: same as paying rent. Spencer Co., 102 Second st. $3600. a-room modern house on Gentenbein St., two blocks from U. car: easy terms. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. ACRES of land on Mount Hood carline, good house, bam, small orchard, fine lo cation for chicken ranch. Mrs. M. C Calvin. GreSham. Or. R F. D No. 2. t-ROOM house and 80x100 lot at Kern Park: on &c carline: some fruit tres; $450. Sl'S cash, balance $10 per month. Smith Wagoner Co., Chamber Commerce. SACRIFICE 2 Council Crest lots. $425 each; this is $200" cheaper than adjoining lots are selling for. Purse, 81 Chamber of Com merce. FIVE-DAY SNAP 0 acres on Oregon City carline, near Oak Grove: $46uU, terms. Humason A Jeffery. 226 Stark et, M. 1189. A 3t14. (.ROOM house on corner, lot 50x100, 100 feet from Alberta st. Call 10S9 E. 171b, Alberta car. BARGAIN week coming next; 8 lots $1260 : 2 $1325, $760 each. Phone E. 806. C 1993. Dolen A Herdroan. FINE lots, four blocks south of W. W. car line. 33d sc.; $1200. 3y owner. Pbone Tabor 1395. BEAUTIFUL little home, close te good car on very easy payments, must sell; seo owner. 410 Falling bldg. $4200 WILL buy house and lot close lfl. lot alone worth 3IOOO; owner leaving city. 320 Swetland bldg. A VERY choice, new 8 -room home, Irvlng ton. 60x100. come and see it. Phone E. 8".i. C 1993. Dolen A Herdman. FOR SALE By owner, handsomest bunga low In Irvlngton. Call and see it. 4S2 E. 23d st. North. $1300 CASH buys lot on East Madison near 2th. If taken now, worth $1So0. Owner N 633. Oregonian. WE have a swell 7-room house' close In: lot 100x100. for $2700. 721 Board of Trade. BEAUTIFUL M ANDY LANE Lots In this choice tract are selling cheaper than in any other tract; $5.00 down, $5.00 per month; sidewalks Bull Run water: it Ilea at the end of the Hawthorne-avenue car line; you can alwavs get a seat on these cars. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 14 Chamber of Commerce. A Cowperthwalt, Agent. ELEGANT, large house, nice grounds and surroundings. East Ash, near 20th St., more than full lot. $5000: $500 to $1000 cash, balance terms or $4800 all or half W." L. MORGAN, R. A. PRESTON, 322 Falling Bldg. $1600 A beautiful 60x100 lot in Irvlngton; improvements all In and paid for; arc light on corner nice elevation; $660 cash. bal. time at 6 per cent; you can walk home for euprer In 30 minutes, cars or no cars. C. F. Pfluger Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sis. WE BUILD HOMES. We have fitst-class modern factltles for building homes upon terms within the reach of ail. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. BEARING ORCHARD. 14 acres. 5 miles east Vancouver, 1 mile of Columbia River and station on R R. ; trees and land in good condition; must raise some cash; worth $3500; will take $2700. Owner, E 631. Oregonian. B 1451. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We are designers and builders of mod era homes on leasonable terms: archi tectural work and general contracting. MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO.. 824 Chamber of Commerce. BAST BURNSIDE- DISTRICT. We have several high-grade homes In the swell East Burnslde district for sale, rang ing about $5f 00 In price. H. P. PALMER, 21S Commercial Club Bids- I WANT MONEY. So $1330 takes new modern 4-room bungalow, porcelain bath, toilet, sink, electric lights, dry basement, city water, lot 40x104: Woodlawn car; terms. Owner. L 631, Oregonian. 4-ROOM cottage, not modern, two lots, lo cated on Mt. Tabor carline; will sell on small payment down, balance like rent, or will exchange for outside property. Turner, 416-17 Rothchild bldg $13 000 Corner lot. 2 modern houses, room for another house, best residence district on 2 carlines. near Portland Academy; good income; fine site for apartment house. S 632, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME, on Schuyler St.. bet. 19th and 21st; lot 75x100, 6-room house wi.K ..n cement basement. 2 fireplaces ail modern improvements, $7300. Phone Main 142. WALKING DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. Fractional lot very cheap": owner leav ing city; must sell at sacrifice. Call this morning Room 3. over Merchants Na tional Bank. HAVE lot 50x100. with 6-room house, A-1 property in good, location, price $3600, half cash: 110x80, on Canby, near Alns worth, with 5-room house, all modern, $3150. Call 413 Buchanan bldgj 6-ROOM modern house at Creston, lot 60x 100; price $1800; easy terms. 6 rooms, close in, on the East Side, ce ment walks, nice yard, lots of flowers and fruit, $3500., Young. 613 Gerllnger bldg. 13700 Nice, new 6-room house and 76x100 corner lot on Pippin St.. on St. John csur Ilne; all modern conveniences: Vt casi. C. " F. Pfluger & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ets. $4750. Hawthorne quarter facing south and east, on E. 14th. H. P. PALMER. 219 Commercial Club Bldg. NEAR ALBERTA STREET. Two cheap lots; must be sold at sac rifice; 27th and Alberta sts. Phone Woodlawn 2260. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE for Valley or Portland property. 530-acre Eastern Oregon wheat ranch, watered by creek. Aleo have one lot and fraotlonal lot. Fair Grounds Add. to, Seattle. ., Also 70 acres Polk County, foothill land, some timber. AlfO 2 lots in Peninsula Add. to Portland. What have von to offer for any of above? C M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. ROOD RIVER ORCHARD. 10 acres. 6 miles out, on tho Mt. Hood R R., 14 mile from the station, .near school, church and stores; H is In full bearing, balance planted to 2-year-old trees, all commercial varieties; value $S000. exchange for Portland property or telephone bonds. Address N 634, Orego nian. GROCERY store In good location, doing good business, $2"00, 6 good vacant lots, worth $2uoo and 40 acres of good land. $500, all to exchange for an Improved farm. 340 Chamber of Commerce, FIRST-CLASS Bix-room modern cottage, Spo kane Wash., to trade for Portland prop erty or land along North Bank Railroad. W C. Wilkes. 11th and Hoyt. Phone M. 8611. WILL exchange 7 acres on electric carline. close in. well improved, for modern home on East Side, close In; some cash re quired. H. W. Garland as Co., 191 4th St. OF COURSE I CERTAINLY! If yon want to buy, sell or trado business or properly, follow the crowd to 6tevenon A Taylor, rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bids- FOR SALE or exchange for good timber claim In Western Oregon the best ladles' furnishing Btore In Central Minnesota; invoice about $6300. Y 551. Oregonian.- FOR SALE or exchange; lease on inside property, paying $10,000 net profit. Ad dress A 630, . Oregonian. WILL trade for real estate a good 6-pas-senger automobile. For particulars ad dress G 629. Oregonian. WILL trade for wtiat you have. Gus Smith, 801 Buchanan bldg. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonian. 10 ACRES irrigated fruit land for city or suburban property. 450 Magnolia St. FOR city vacant, equity 8-room dwelling Boise. Idaho. AC 481. Oregonian.. WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 1019 BOARD OF TRADE. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have customers for desirable residence; properties ranging in price from $3000 to 80000. Owners of such properties will do well to see ua. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. INC. Lumber Exchange bldg. WE HAVE parties ready to Invest In amounts from $10,000 to $160,000 In Income-bearing property which also has a prospective in crease In value. We wish to bear from owners only. Murphy & Caswell, 230 Stark st. WANTED For cash. West Side lot 50x100, not to exceed $1800; also East Side resi dence property ranging in price from $2oi0 to 4iXX. Only bargains considered. J 631. Oregonian. WANTED To buy corner lot between Sulli van's Gulch and East Madison st., west of SOth; must be cheap' for cash. Phone East SOU. WANTED A strictly modern home, good neighborhood, well located on carline; will pay cash to owner only. AB 595, Ore gonian. 8 TO 10 ACRES improved or partially so, within 50 miles of Portland on R. R. and easy terms; give particulars and price. Y 656. Oregonlau. WANTED Cheap land in tracts of 5000 to 20,000 acres: no agents. Alnsworth Smith, Buchanan bldg., Portland. WANT to buy Fidelity Copper stock. A. K. Bentley. 522 Board of Trade bldg. HAVE customer for suburban home. 406 Couch bldg. WANT to buy Portland Home Phone bonds. A. K. Bentley. 622 Board of Trade bldg. WANT to buy a relinquishment in SI lets, K 62S. Oregonian ACREAGE. INSIDE ACRE TRACTS. 4 acres, facing line macadamized street, ' water on two sides, all clear, fine soil, can be bought for $1100 per acre FOR CASH: land adjoining been platted and sold : this is $3oo to $400 per acre under market. DONALD MACLEOD. 809 Concord Bldg., Second and Stark. 15 ACRES, easy driving distance from Port land and one-half mile from station, on Salem Electric road; level land; 11 acres under cultivation, balance easily cultivated; good barn, 36x40, new 7-room house, good water; Improvements worth $1600; soli can't be beat: must be sold soon; price $4000, terms. See owner at 102 Second at. FINE DAIRY RANCH, level, 130 acres in cultivation, 29 in timber, 5 onion land, close to Portland. Railroad, electric road building, running water; nice 10-room house, large barn, good outbuildings, 19 good cows. 7 calves. 4 horses. 10 hogs, registered hull; at least $2500 worth of stock and farm implements; line location, school, rural route, telephone line by place; price $13,500; only $4000 cash, bal ance 10 years 5 per cent; would exchange for Inside property. Particulars of, owner. 305 3d st. Phone Main 4418. WHAT f 100 acres 4 miles northwest of Forest Grove, on good road, phone lire and milk route It, miles from United Railway sur vey; land adapted to any kind of farming, especially fruit and vineyard; over 4000 cords of wood, old growth; house, barn. 8 acres slashed, 50 acres Inclosed with woven wire fence; only $30 per acre, terms to Ult' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. 120 ACRIfS, all in cultivation, house, barn, family orchard, rolling hill land, en tirely surrounded by small, prosperous fruit farms worth $600 an acre, on good roads, K mile to school, church across the road. telephone connection with Salem 6 miles away.. Price $15,000; part cash, balance at 6 per cent, or will sell it in 40-acre tracts at $125 an acre; guar anteed as represented. Palmer, 617 Ore gonian bldg. ' GONG to Alaska, will sell 160-acre farm In Harney Valley for $1200; all under 2-wire fence, good house, barn, cow-shed, corall, hay corall, henhouse, hog pasture, good well in front of kitchen door; 40 acres cleared; if place does not suit will pay 8 per cent Interest at end of three years for use of money. Call 374 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE) Some of the finest farms In the Valley, also acreage one mile from Salem carline at $60 per acre, in tracts of from 10 to 100 acres; there Is no better land In Oregon than that surrounding Hubbard, Or. I am also In a position to make some rood farm loans. Write or call -on me. C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, Or. 88 ACRES for sale,' 1 mile from Beaverton. 7 miles from Portland, close to electrio line, 28 acres cleared, gome garden land, balance easily cleared; small house, barn and orchard; good well water; would trade for Portland property and some cash: terms, price $9300. I. E. Berst, Beaverton, Or. A 100-ACRE farm -of finest land In state, all level and located mile from R. R. station, on milk and mall route and close to school and church. 5 miles from Forest Grove, to exchange for Improved Portland property. For particulars write to Forest Grove Real Estate Company, Forest Grove. Or. RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres. 8.000.000 green, 3.000.000 dead timber, tributary to Nehalem River. 40 acres easily cleared, near county road; best of fruit land; house 14x20. Other improvements: tim ber in this section sells at "$1 per M. E 459, Oregonian. WHEAT RANCH. We have one of the best wheat farms in Morrow County, 5 miles from lone; 6-room houee, barn, granary, etc. ; can be handled with small payment down. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. POULTRY ranch, fully equipped, 4 large Incubators. Cyphers, 11 brooders, poultry houses; accommodates 600 layers and 3t00 broilers: horse burgy, wagon, equipment; $375 cash; berries will pay double the rent. O 631, Oregonian. HOMESTEADS in the great wheat belt of Eastern Oregon, positively the best propo sition to be homesteaded In Oregon; many who located last year are now growing wheat. Call early. 272 Stark St. 5 ACRES, cultivated; 4-room house and outbuildings; small .orchard, good well water; 2. miles southeast Milwaukle; price, $200(5. E. Coleman, Milwaukie, Or. 20-ACRE fruit farm in Hood River district, 2-vear-oM apple orchard, 87 trees, only .32500; who gets this bargain? 320 Swet land bldg. . FARMER Look! Homestead relinquish ment, 100 acres good tillable land. 3 creeks, close in. Inquire 11 64 E. 18th St. N. FOR SALE Dairy ranch of 16 cows. 2 horses. 3 wagons. 50 chickens, milk route and ail other furniture. H 628, Oregonian. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or. A LARGE list of fine farms In Yamhill County, from 20 acres to'1000. W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. $800 FOR homestead relinquishment. 3 in cubators, chickens and cow and calf, household furniture. M 627, Oregonian. FARMS, large and small; terms to suit purchaser and our prices are always right. J. M. Kerr A Co., 268 Stark St., room 10. 10 ACRES good cultivated land, ,8 miles from Vancouver, 8-room house, barn. Munson. Box 74, Orchards, "Wash. FOR information about Rogue River Valley orchard tracts, address Benson Investment Co.. Medford, Or. DAIRY ranch, 187 acres, uvles Island. 211 Couch bldg. 15 ACRES at Bell station. Estacada car line, $4K per acre. C. W. Schuld. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE OREGON TIMBER & CRUISINQ CO. Pacific Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main SIKVT. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO. Headquarters for logging propositions; timber lands, farm lands and business chances. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Phone M 8550. A 65S0. HAVE' cash buyers for timber claims. Will buy large number If located close to gether. C. C. Shay. 407 Rothchild bldg FIR, spruce and pine bought and sold In large or small tracts. Moore & Thomas, 9 Commercial Club bldg. HAVE some small tracts of timber for sale cheap; fir, cedar and pine. A. E. Mathews, 200 Couch bldg. "WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 827 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. AM READY to buy 100 to 600 million feet timber anywhere In the state. K 627, Oregonian. WANT one well timbered homested relin quishment in Slletx; money ready. AB 500, Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. C, J. VcCracken, 804 McKay bldg. FOR REST FARMS. WHEAT FARM FOR RENT. 1300 acnes good wheat land in Eastern Oregon, for rent on shares; only 2 miles to warehouse; fair buildings and plenty of water; land easily plowed and can be har vested with a combined harvester. 305 Gerllnger bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED FARMS. WANTED TO RENT Dairy or grain ranch, furnished. Box 31. Toledo, Or. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 50 acres creek bottom, 30 acres bench, 3 creeks. Inquire 1164 E. 18th st. N. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week or month. Phones East 72, ' B 1369, Hawthorne stables. 4'JO Hawthorne ave. FINE span of match black 5-year-old Shire mares for sale, weight 310O lbs., kind and gentle every way. P, L. Kennedy, Wood burn, Or. HORSES of all kinds for sale at the O. R. C. Stable, 14th and Yamhill st. HORSES, mares, tigs and harness of all klnds for sale. 294 Montgomery. 1 HUBERT A HALL. 880 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, veuicies; tow rates on ousiness rigs. 1 FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madl-son-st. stable, 185 Vi. near bridge. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles, 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. HAND-MADE grocery wagon; good as new. C. J. Bush. East 8287. PUST arrived with a car of 22 head of horses from Kllburn County range; in weight from 1100 to 1550; among theoe are two mares In" foal, weight 2900. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. CHEAP, nice standard-bred driving or fam ily horse, also cheap 1200-lb. delivery or farm horse, 838 East 28th St., Woodstock car to Kenilworth Curve. 2 SPAN good work horses, four large mares with foal Freedman Bros., 489 Overton, between 13th and 14th. Take S. car. FOR SALE 1 6-year-old driving mare. 1 mare weighing 1150. 1 cheap farm horse 1200. Phone East 4804. C 1477. WANTED To rent team, harness and wagon; will buy if suitable. R 609. Oregonian. WANTED Milch cows, state price and par ticulars in letter. R 589, Oregonian. AatomobDes. FOR SALE A 6-passenger auto, recently overhauled and put in first-class condi tion; nw tires and carbureters; price $700. V. V. Jones. 148 6th St. AUTOMOBILE for sale, 4-cylinder, 12 horsepower Franklin runabout in first class condition, cheap. 4S1 Tillamook st. AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up. for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d St. Pianos. FOR SALE) One Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new, cost new $400; will sell $200; piano is in golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1676. Miscellaneous. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion ploture machines; dissolving stereoptlcons. cal cium and gas outfits, new films. 3000 sub jects; guaranteed no repeaters; largest buyers of new films In United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 214-216 -Wells-Fargo Bldg., Portland. DO. you want a nearly new piano, organ, hall safe, Victor safe, restaurant outfit. National cash register, or new goods in the line of fancy and Btaple groceries, dry goods, or a fine rubber-tire driving buggy. We are closing out an Immense stock at 173-175 2d St.. cor. Yamhill. Sales every day. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. A BARGAIN in three-horse motor, small printing press, type, cases, drying racks and anything in the line of post cards, souvenirs or goods manufactured by us; also two tents. The D. M. Averill Com pany. 102 Fifth st. North. PACIFIC FILM CO.. 303-317 Rothchild bldg.. Is still looking for more business: will rent films and songs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies lor moving picture theaters. 2 VERY handsome, well-broke saddle and harness horses, gentle enough for the most timid person to ride or drive; guaranteed In every way: price very reasonable. Kraemer, N. Y. Stables, 505 Alder, cor. 16th. FOR SALE- New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collcnder Co.. 49 3d st. SEWING MACHINES. We have a few slightly used machines that will be sold very cheap. Call and see them at White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 203 2d st. FOR SALE. Two 10x12 lnesing engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO. ' 72-74 First Street. SELL CHEAP Cook stove, bed complete, chiffonier, and kitchen chairs. Phone Main 5000. STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EXCHANGE Film service that wins. Steroptlcons, slides, supplies. 165 14 4th st FOR ALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water et. Phone Main 7451. DROP-HEAD White sewing machine; will sell very cheap. 716 East Ankeny. SISCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 406 Couch bldg. BOTTLING plant for sale. Apply L. W. Wynkoop. 248 Ash st., city. FOR SALE Cheap, a complete chest of car penter's tools. 2114 4th st FOR SALE Second-hand Dayton scale. Hochfeld Bros., 213 Morrison t. AINSWORTH'S assayer's bead scales, very - reasonable. 207 Alder st. FORCED SALE Scotch Collie pup, 8 months old, pedigree furnished. 270 Washington. TYPEWRITER, A-l. your own price, or will rent. H 405, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. AUTOMOBILING. plumbing, electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by ac tual work In shops and buildings; ad vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues free. Coyne National Trade School, 230 Sth St., San Francisco. MAN to represent us in a nearby city." one in position to move his place of residence; wagon equipment and splendid induce ments to secure trade,, furnished free; state reference and experience. Grand - Union Tea Company. 473 Washington st. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of tne season; $18 weekly and free transportation: Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddan, 502 Swetland bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Bright young man, willing to learn operating moving-picture machine and business: must come well recommended and have $35 to Invest. Apply 606 Swetland bldg. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1528. Help free to employers. WANTED Millwright, wood turner, sash and door man, lath mlllmen, etc. Large list of new work every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 12 N. 2d St. Both phones. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $S00; March examina tions; candidates prepared free; write im mediately for schedule. Franklin Insti tute. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man in lumber office to assist on ' books and for general work; one with experience preferred; salary $50 per month. Address J C2S, Oregonian. YOUNG men for railway mail clerks to pre pare for examination soon; about $70 a month to start. Call o- write for free par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED Young man to travel, $75 month and expenses; $150 cash required; ex perience not necessary; must be a worker. M 630. Oregonian. . . a : GOOD musical acts and comedy sketches wanted. Stevens Moving Picture Ex change, 1654 4th st. BRIGHT boy in office of wholesale house; must write fair hand; state experience, if any. D 633, Cyegonian. DENTIST, good operator,, salary according to ability. Dr. A. F. Campbell, - North Yakima. Wash. WANTED Ambitious men for big paying positions: experience not necessary. Inter state Realty Co.. Swetland bldg. MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb ing, bricklaying, plastering; $25 required. Pacific Trade School, 416 Arcade, Seattle. WANTED millwright: give references. Chehalis Rlvor Lumber Co., Centralia, Wash. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 236 Bumside Street. Phone Main 5094. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. EXPERIENCED ladles' tailors, steady work, good wages. 429 Washington st. J. K. Stern. OFFICE BOY for law office. Address in own handwriting P. O. drawer 767 city. WANTED First-class meat cutter. Penne's Cash Market, 230 Alder st. FEW STOCK salesmen, gooa. clean, niga- class prujwiuva. wicbuhiou. WANTED Young man to learn painting and yovw-iioii6"'i. v-. ... .... HIGH-CLASS salesmen, salary $22.60 per week. Inquire 620 Swetland bldg. WANTED Experienced real estate man to work on commission. N 627. Oregonian. WANTED A registered pharmacist. Tabor 65$. Phone BOYS WANTED Wide-awake, active little hustlers from 7 to 15 years old. in all parts of the city, especially the suburban districts, for light work around home after school; gwod cash returns from the start, all having equal show for valuable prizes in addition. Now on exhibition. Better see J. C. Havely, Jr., 168 Fifth st., opposite P. O. W ANTED High-grade, experienced sales- men for ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 and upward made by some of our men last year; this is choice property and sells fast. HARTMAN- & THOMPSON, BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce. A COMPETENT married man to take charge of a fruit ranch in Hood River; must have experience in apple and straw berry culture and understand irrigation: permanent position for the right man: tell your age, number in family and where you have worked. Address Box 613, Hood River. Or. WANTED Doctor or druggist to buy drug store on monthly payments; small pay ment down; the only drugstore; good cor ner; cheap rent; rooms connected: town of 700 people; two good colleges and rich country; fine opening for either. Call or address Drugstore. Mount Angel, Or. WANTED at once, party to take M Inter est and manage the best light manufac turing plant in city; only business of Its kind here; $160 per month salary guar anteed; $T50 cash required. For infor mation call 872 Washington St.. room 5. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks: help to secure positions, graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohier System of Colleges, 33 N. 4th St., Portland, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season: $18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddan, 662 Swetland bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Young lady stenographer, one experienced in billing preferred; state ex perience, references and salary expected; Jve phone number. N 631. Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 8484 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2602. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth ohlld bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. S20hi Washington St., Room 307. Main SSS6 or A 3266. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison st Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework: two in family. Apply 781 Lovejoy St. Phone Main 3760. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs t-,1 Oi00. WANTED Good girl for general housework, no washing, wages $30 per month. Call 801 West 10th St., Vancouver, Wash. GIRL 18 or 17 attending Bast Side High Schcol to assist with housework for good home. Phone B 5040 mornings. WANTED Good soubrette. sister teams and specialty acts. Stevens' Moving Picture Exchange. 165 4th. WANTED A competent girl for .second work, must be willing and quick. Apply mornings. 635 Everett. , WANTED Competent girl for general housework; Danish preferred; good wages. Apply 822 Johnson St. WANTED Two waitresses for camp boarding-house; wages $30. Room 1. 205 Morrison st. WANTED Girl to work In confectionery storo. Call 118 3d St., between 2 and 4 P. M. GIRL for general housework. 6S5 Tillamook. Phone East 6583. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 267 No. S2d, cor. Northrup. WANTED A girl who understands cooking: 2 In family. Apply 352 Clifton, cor. Park. WANTED Lady cashier for movlnc-ploture house, Portland. Call up Main 8647. PHONE Main 5558, ladies wanted to take orders for Mount Angel Magazine. WANTED A competent cook. Apply at 443, 20th st., corner carter. EXPERIENCED dining-room girl at The Marlyn, 653 Washington et. GOOD halrweaver and 'general assistant. Portland Beauty Bazaar, 409 Morrison. WANTED A competent cook. Apply at 443 2oth st Portland Heights. SHIRTMAKBRB wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co., 291 Stark st. YOUNG girl to take care of children. 698 Everett st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. GOOD. BRIGHT, industrious salesmen and saleswomen demonstrators, district mgrs.. a clean, high-class proposition and a big money-maker, which none but the Intel lectual can appreciate; none but absolute ly the best need apply. 000 Marquam bldg SEVERAL clean-cut, experienced solicitors or demonstrators for grocery trade; either sex. 220 Marquam bldg. AGENTS to sell photo coupons. Room 210 Merchants Trust bldg.. 326 Wash. st. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. 612 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4871 SO MEN, 6 women, 4 girls at Heilig Theater at 12 o'clock. FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per month to beginners, 452 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and office man with seven years' experience wants position; city ref ' erences. R 603. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman wants . position traveling. Eastern Oregon, salary or ex penses and commission. A G31, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer with newspaper experience, seeks re-engagement. Y 550, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man for office or shipping clerk. F. W., P. O. Box 46. . Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN, experienced typewriter wants employment during part of day. O 632, Oregonian. STRUCTURAL draftsman and designer with four years' experience In steel and concrete wishes work at once. Answer to J 633. Oregonian. YOUNG man. age 18. wants position any kind of work; small wages; good reference. Apply 167 Front St. EXPERIENCED teamster, age 26. wants steady employment, city. E C3S, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter and all-around butcher wishes position; state wages. It 697, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman, sober and reliable. A-l references. L 623, Oregonian. WANTED Pos'ition as woodturner. can work on other machines. G 626, Oregon ian. MARRIED man wants work In country, ex perienced In stock and general farming. Address 167B Hodge St. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. L 632, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Chinese cook, hotel, res taurant, boarding-house or family. Phone A 3S66. SALOON porter, understands cooking, can give references, wishes work at once. Y 553, Oregonian. MILL foreman, sawyer, planerman and gas engineer. Philip Moak, S69 Savler, city. GOOD Jaoanese laborers want millyard or shovel work, or grubbing. O 630. Oregonian. COMPETENT salesman wants commission line for Eastern Oregon. J 632. Oregonian. HONEST and energetic young man wants position, small salary. E 63U, Oregonian. JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job. 149 Couch St., city. S. Ozaha- A 4353, STRONG young Bulgarian wishes to work on farm. K 634, Oregonian. A YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants a po sition. J 634, Oregonian. A O. CUTLER, painting, papcrhanglng and tinting: prices rlclit. pnone .Main M'i'.i. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady wishes steady position In sn. eral office work; 14 months' experience and can give best of references. Address H 620, Oresonian. ' GOOD position by competent, experienced stenographer with knowledge bookkeep ing and general office work. Address P. O Box 23H. (";:y. . t YOUNG lady wants position as cashier, as sistant' bokkee;.er or collector: experienced: references. Ail 516, Oregonian. WAN'TKD Position as stenographer, mostly typewriting: can give references. Address. 606 N. Commercial St., Salem. Or. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping, desires permanent po sition. Woodlawn 14G3. OFFICE position, young lady; can use type, writer; moderate salary. E 463, Ore gonian. - SITUATION wanted as cashier, 1 years' experience; can give references. J 020. Oregonian. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles, 242 Sth and Main. FIRST-CLASS dresmaklr.g at home or b the day. E 4011, B 1307. GOOD seamstrees would like sewins to de at home. Phone B 2137. Nurses. REFINED young lady wants position at nurse and companion to elderly lady; . good home, rath-er than wages; good ref erences. M 6:5 2, Oregonian. EXPER2J3NCED practical nurse wants care of cluld; references. Phone East 6344, mornings. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED New England woman wishes position as housekeeper for wid ower. A E 515. Oregonian. WIDOW with 3 small children wishes po sition as housekeeper. A 69. Oregonian. Domestics. HOUSEWORK privnte family, no washing, by young wlfo with 2 months'-old baby, good cook; city references. Room 12. Y. W. C. A. EXPERIENCED second girl or genera housework; good references and good wages. 5S0 Hoyt, bet. ISth and 19th. JAPANESE girl wants to do housework In small family. D 627. Oregonian. FIK&T-CLASS pastry cook wishes position, hotel preferred. R 607, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi tion In hotel, rhone Main 6776. Mlsceluineous REFINED, competent lady wishes position as traveling or home companion to lady of means, or as nursery governess; refer ences exchanged. Box 516 Healdsbursa Cal. COMPETENT young woman wants clerical position in Insurance ofTice; underwriting understood: experienced; no stenography. AB 517, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants work, chamber work or day. Room 47, B 1618, E. 3013. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 40o pair. Phones, Main 559S. A 4092. JAPANESE girl wants position to do house work and cook. 315 Couch. FANCY laundry work done at home. M 844. 0i5 Johnson st. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED First-class man in every town in Oregon to sell "Diozo;" cheapest and most perfect disinfectant known: $5 to $10 a rtav easily rn.ido. Dlozo Disinfectant Co., 620 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. AGENTS for "Mendarlp," It sews, It rivets, combination hatchet, 8 tools in 1. Foote Co., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To lease a large bouse with grounds in a retired location, from 2 to 8 miles out Of the city; must be from one-quarter to one-half mile from the carline; small farm would do. Address "House," care fit. Helen's Hall, Portland. WIDOWER wants 8 nice modern rooms for Himself and two children, girl 18, boy 12; efined family. Also first-class board for the children. O 62d, Oregonian. WANTED Room, furnished for light house keeping, by lady who is employed during the day. Phone Main 8145. WANTED To rent first-class cottage, fam llv of two, on West Side. Address Alder M"arketJ WANTED 40 unfurnished rooms, strictly modern, by responsible party; thoroughly respectable. . Afc 6S8. Oregonian. WANTED To lease large room suitable for Chinese night school, near Chinatown. M 633. Oregonian. WANTED To rent strictly modern house, 8 to 10 rooms, possession on or before March 15. It 095. Oregonian. BOARD and room by man and 2 children, ages 5 and 9. E G39, Oregonian. WANTED MLSCELLANEOCS. WE PAY TOP PRICE3 FOR FURNITURE And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 5655. A 4121. WANTED TO BUY' 8 roll-top or fiat desks, typewriter desk. other nrsl-class office equipment; must be in good condition and good grade ma terial, li 62S, Oregonlaa. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and snoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d fit. North. Phone Main 11-7. DONKEY engine, we want to rent a heavy yarder with lino and. rigging with or without engineer. Cull or address Sunset Lumber Co., 20 McKay bldg. Portland. WANTED Creamery location by practical creamery man. F. E. Allen, care W. W. Eaton, R. F. D. 1. Hood Rlvor. Or. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. Last 9SS. B 2311. WANTED $2000 worth of second-hand fur niture, nil kinds. 2U3 N. 16th st. Phone Main 8418. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1017. WANTED A good-sized tent; state size and price. L 027, Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, phone East 5204. S0.S Hawthorne ave. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE LARRABEE. 227 I.arrabee. near Holladay. Attractive, newly furnished, thoroughly modern rooms, handsome brick building, electricity, steam lieat. hot and cold water; call-bells, bath; walking dis tance; 75c day, $2.50 week, up. East 849. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde. "IN THE HEART OK THE CITY." Everything brand new. homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free buss. Free baths. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished moms, 2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold wato.r, free baths und phone; translcnls 50c, 75c and $1 per day; open all night; office and reading-room ground floor. 4SS-492 Wasti. HOTEL KENYON. ISth and. Washington Modem rooms, slntrle and eu suite; also housekeeping: running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable, l'aetiic 416. NICELY furnished, comfortable. light rooms, $1 to $5 week; heat. bath, free phone. No. 2 14th st. N-. near Wash. THE ESTKS Good rooms, rcasonnble; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE BRAE-SIDE. 428 Alder Modern con veniences; centrally located: reasonable. HOTEL ROSETMOND, 07 3d St., cor. Pine, newly furnished. H. Levins, prop. ATTRACTIVE room for gentleman In mod ern apartment, central. 3i0 Clay. THIS EMVOOl) Newly furnished -t to $5; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. THE ANGELES, nth end Jefferson, modern rooms and a.partmonts; both phones. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.