THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1909. The Great Annual Clearance Sale Ends Saturday-Wool Dress Goods, Short Lengths at Half Price, Today Only-Take Advantage Victor Talking Machines-Lowest Prices on Easy Terms. 1000 English Talking Machine f i Largest Showing of Valen tines at All Prices Women's Knit Underwear Values to 85c at 49c 100 Women's Tailored Suits Regular Values Up to $45.00 for $17.85 W I I Among the many great Annual Clearance bargains we have just reduced this lot of about 100 Women's and Misses' Latest Style Suits in about 20 or 30 individual styles, embracing every fashionable color and every up-to-date style feature for mid winter wear. Made of broadcloths and fancy serges, in the ultra semi-fitting, long-coat styles. It will pay you to come early this morning to get your selection of d1 7 QC values up to $45 at the price of .-...P .0J Reg. $25.00 Suits $13.95 These regular $25.00 and $22.50 Suits at $13.95 are better than the many sales advertised as "values to $40.00." Every style is exactly right and up to date medium and.three-quarter-length coats in semi-fitting effects. The colors are garnet, navy, brown, smoke, green, olive and black. Some plain tailored, but mostly in the favored braid-trimmed styles. Satin and taffeta lined. Regular $22.50 - $25.00 j13 g5 $60-85 Tail'd Suits $34.65 $90-125 Tail'd Suits 43.95 This is our Annual Clearance of highest quality Women's! Tailor-Made Suits. Every garment is new this season the best styles, and having an exclusiveness that no moderately priced garment can approach. . A rare opportunity to buy a su perb, striking tailored gown at less than cost of materials alone. All are made of finest quality imported chiffon broadcloths, in brown, black, navy, smoke, olive, wistaria, and catawba. All are lined with silk and satin. Many are trimmed with hand made ornaments and buttons of exclusive design. Every suit is fancy trimmed some very elaborately, others in a more restrained and moderate manner. Some are extreme Directoire styles. All are suits of such marked individuality that they will create a sensation among women who discuss style. Ribbon Clearance 19c 1400 yards 5-inch Taffeta Ribbon, Moire, Satin, Mousline, etc. All colors, all extra good qualities just the kind you want for millinery, belt, neck or sash purposes. Worth Ql 35c a yard. The entire assortment at only Hous'hold Needs 4c Twisted Candles, all colors, eacn...2 Cc Twisted Candles, all colors, eaeh...3 30c Paraffine Candles, per dozen 21 C1 50c-75c Scissors, 6-8-ineli length, ea..23 35c La Chic Haif Nets, all shades. .19 3."ic Net Shopping Bags, each.. 18 25c-3oc Rush Shopping Bags, each. .16 25c box Horn Hairpins, shell or amber 25c package of Gold Dust 17 10c can Scouring Powder. .8 15c package Pcarline . .'.8 10c box Electro-Silicon, silver polish. ;.8 25c bottle "3-in-l" Machine 0il...l7 10c bottle Sperm Machine Oil.. 3 Engraved Cards PLATES Such values as were never offered be fore by any Portland establishment values that we have never before of fered, and probably never will again,. We employ the most skillful design ers and engravers, the immense vol ume of our business enabling us to em ploy . workmen at higher wages than exclusive engravers. $2.00 Engraved Script Cards at 93c 100 Visiting Cards and Copper Plate, choice of four styles of fancy script, on best vel lum stock, any size; regular price QO .everywhere $2, our sale price. ... . Engraved French Script Card $1.39 100 French Script Visiting Cards and Cop per Plate, engraved on best vellum stock. Regular . price everywhere fc" $3.25 or more, our sale price r f $3.50 Old Eng. EngrVd Cards $1.89 100-solid Old English Visiting Cards and Copper Plate, on best vellum (PI OQ cards, regular $3.50. and more." piOU 100 Visiting Card From Plate 59c 100 Visiting Cards, printed from your plate on best vellum cards, any size, $L CQ value, for only Special Prices on All Other Engraved Cards. Styles of AHWai sts atC earancer rices All With New -Spring Style Long Sleeves These waists are mostly the new Spring styles, which are already arriving including such novel styles as the Crepon Waists, which do not have to be ironed; the Popeline Waists, which take the place of taffeta waists and wear three times as long. All with long sleeves. ; $10 Net and Fancy Waists $2.95 A clearance lot of white and ecru Net Waists, trimmed with val. lace, cluny insertion, Persian embroidery and silk; also fancy yokes, made of heavy embroidered medallions. Included are many fine quality hand embroidered lawn and mull lingerie waists with fancy yokes (PO QC of cluny and. filet insertion; values to $10.00; on sale at...... V"'-' Finest Dress Waists at Half Price All fine hand-embroidered and novelty Dress Waists lingerie, net and silk; some allover eluny. waists, with Irish crochet trimmings; values $10.00 to $37.50, on sale for the low price of . 2 New Crepon and Popeline Waists A special purchase of new Crepon "Waists that do not have to be ironed at all. A new fabric that is washable and yet different from any wash fabric. Pleated front, strictly tailored, trimmed with clusters of pearl buttons, laundred collar and it's the . QO The new Popeline Tailored Waists for Spring of 1909 are going to be the -&&iiMt' hit of the season. They are made of a new material which makes them resemble our $10.00 taffela waist. They will wear twice .as long and cost half as much four times better. They are washable, JO on durable and extremely stylish; colors, na.vy blue, Seville brown, garnet, black; Clearance price. .Y.OO $3.75Fancy WhiteMull Waists $2.97 White mull Waists with fancy panels of heavy baby Irish' fronts, fine pin tucking and rows of insertion, with new long sleeves; regular $3.75 ffo Ck7 values'; special at this low price PL.7 Regular $5.00 Coat Sweaters $2.95 Women's Knitted Coat Sweaters, in plain and fancy weave, with double and single-breasted fronts, roil collars; three distinct styles, in red, white and navy; regular $5 value Regular $2.50 Mull Waists at $1.49 The new White Mull Waists with fine tucked front and back with new, long sleeves with fancy point at hand; regular $2.50 value. Clear- j AQ ance Sale price, only. r $4.50 Tailor-Made Waists at $2.98 The new white, linen tailor-made and striped madras Waists with laundered collar and cuffs, pleated front; a very stylish waist for Spring (PO QQ wear; regular $4.50 value; Clearance pfSU 85c, 19-Inch Colored Taffeta Silks, 63c Yard 4000 yards of good, dependable Taffetas, in all colors, including black, white and cream, 19 inches wide, sold regularly at other stores for 85c a yard. Annual Clearance sale price on Friday, yard. . . . $1.'50 Alarm Clocks at $1.19 63c bMasa Ano Women's Sample Stockings Values to $1.00 Pr., 29c ther one of our famous 29c sales of women's mported sample hosiery, about 2000 pairs, hard- two pairs alike, values all the way up to $1.00 This hosiery is offered in 37 new colors, well as black and white. Plain gauze, all lace, lace boot, plain lisle, hand-embroidered styles, etc. It will pay you to be here at eight o clock this morning. Take your choice, per pair only "Owl" Cut-Rate Drug Store Lipman-Wolfe's famous "Owl" Cut-Rate Drugstore brought low drug prices to Oregon. We still undersell all the drugstores. These prices are very special tor fnday: Two-nuart white rubber Fountain Syrtnpre. with KQn 3 hard rubber tubes. reg value $1; Owl Cut Rate..'-'' Two-quart white rubber Water Bottle, extra good RQ Nickel Alarm Clocks, with tattoo alarm, good timekeeper, $1.50 value ; $1 1 Q clearance .' P 1 1 17 $1.25 Alarm Clocks Now 87c good $1.25 loud 87c $2.19 quality, regular $1.00 value? Owl Cut Rate. New Rubber Gloves. In all sizes: extra quality 9Qi -..KHo..' vdIma 11 nnlr Owl ('lit Rata & V. Marvel Whirlintr Spray Ladles' Syringe, extra Kood quullty; reg. prU-e S3: Owl Cut Rate. Continuous Medical Spray and . Toilet Atomizer, very strong and sprays perfectly; regular 75c value; AQ Cut Rate -xvw Shower Bath Hand Sprays, ready for use. with metal end t.) attach to tub faucet; regular $1.25 value; cut QQp Rate GouTand's Oriental Face Cream, the great beau- Q"3i tlfler; regular $1.50 bottle; Owl Cut Rate 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, transparent; 1 1 regular 18c; Owl Cut Rate Afc Sanltol Face Cream, gives and preserves A satin skin, keeps hands soft, supple and white; regular 25c; 1 Qn owl Cut Rate '. .A"w Nickel Alarm Clocks, with alarm, accurate timekeeper, value, clearance ......... .'. $5.00 Silver Purses at $2.98 German Silver Purses and. Card Cases combined, either plain or fancy style, with chain handle; purses lined with light blue, pink or gray silk; $4.50-$5.00 flJO QQ value,-1 clearance price yffxfO Reg. 35c Shawl Straps Now 1 9c Best quality Shawl Strap, two straps, 43 inches long, with solid leather han- j Q die, regular 35c value, olearance. . . . Regular 50c Cuff Links at 29c Plain or Fancy Pearl Cuff Links, one piece pearl, assorted patterns, regular OQ 50c per pair, clearance price. $2.95 50c Wash Laces at 19c New designs in dainty, washable English and Platte Valen ciennes Laces, Edges and Insertions to match widths to 5 inches. An exceptional' chance to buy regular 50c iq laces to supply your Spring and Summer needs, yard. . . All Muslin Underwear is Reduced The exceptional and dainty beauty of the many hundreds of patterns of Nainsook and Cam bric Underwear attracts particular women to Lipman-Wolfe's. We have more individual pat terns than any other Portland store. Every garment is reduced. Sue. $1.10. .'sic'." $14.40 $11.25 Gowns. 6c, 51.45 to Chemise. 49c. 59c, Combina'tlon Chemise, 85c, Q 35 $1.10. $1.45 to 7 , Combination Drawers and C orsej. Covers, 1.10, 1.4. t.05 to 87.6a Drawers, if.c. 29c. 59c, C 10.20 85c, $1.10. $1.45 to " Corset Covers, 29c, 59c. ffg 0 85c. $1.10 to Z Skirts. S5c. $1.10. $1.39. $36 00 $1.98, $2.98 to Vj French Hand-made Embroidered Chemise, with scalloped edges and eyelets, ribbon and embroid- QO. ered front: values to $1.50... -''7 Ladies' White Petticoats. with deep ruffles, cluster tucks, feather stitchlni?. embroidery, tucks, lace and Insertion; values toJCI 1Q . $1.65; special price. Ladies' Hand-made and Hand-em broidered French Chemise, extra fine quality material, in scalloped edpes and eyelets, with ribbon and embroidered front; vals. ttl QQ to $l.0o; extra special A.tC7 Ladies' Extra Quality Cambric Drawers, trimmed In embroidery, lace and insertion, with hemstitch ing and tuck;;; values to 85c; CQn special Ladies Fine Quality Cambric Draers, regulation umbrella styles, with lace, insertion and embroidery trimmings, with clus ter tucks: values to $1.25; special sale price JJW Fine Nainsook and Cambric Corset Covers, with lace edgings, em broidery and Insertion beading, wirn rlbnou, exceptional 85c CQi valuesi tor. JS7- $1.10 Ladies' Nainsook and Cambric Gowns. in high circular and V-sliape neck, with puff, flowing and long sleeves, trimmed in fine lace, Insertion, embroidery, band ings and rlbhon; values to f ; special . . Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed in dainty laces, insertion, beading and ribbons; values QC to $1.J5, for OJL Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, with lace, embroidery. Insertion and ribbon trimmings; circular neck; values to $I.ia; special sale price .Ladies Combination Drawers and Corset Covers, embroidery or lace and insertion trimmings. with heading or riobon; to $1.10 10,000 Yards Wash Goods Reduced Most extraordinary Wash Goods bargains offered by any Portland store for many months. In addition to several thousand yards of short pieces and odd patterns from our own stocks, we include hundreds of pieces new from the manutacturer REG. 20c MADRAS, 12ic YD. 27-inch Madras in the fresh, new Spring pat terns black and white and blue and white stripes and dots. Regular 20c "0fof value; Friday Bargain Day...... Arnold's Kimono Cloth, Famous for Its Beauty of Pattern and Excellent Value. Regularly 20c a Yard. Friday Bargain Dag 15c LINENE SUITING, 10c YARD Linene Suiting for women's and children s wear, very desirable, tan color, with stripes and dots "in blue, black, and brown. 1 Q Friday Bargain Day...... 9c 35c APPLIQUE SWISS, 15c YD. Reg. 3oc Applique Swiss, assorted colors, short pieces. Friday Bargain Day "I C clearance JC 60c LINEN SUITINGS, 25c YD. Reg. 50c-60c . Linen Suitings, in blue, pink and lavender. Friday Bargain Day 25c price, yard $8 Silk Petticoats $4.79 The fine taffeta silk in these petticoats would of itself cost you more at retail than the clearance price of these beautiful rustling silk skirts. They come in black and nearly all colors. The flounces are neatly and at- H tractively made, in every way tnese are very good petti-A 'y Q I coats, and have sold them previously for $8, clearance 4pTc L $10.00 Foreign Bags $2.48 ea. An assortment of the finest Foreign Bags in the latest novelty shapes, with the i best gilt and oxidized fittings; interlined and sewed. v First Spring Hats $4.95 Each A distinct change in fashion is heralded by these first Spring Hats, with their fresh, attractive beauty. New Ready-to-Wear Style in Black and all colon; wide variety All are variation's of the turban effect, made of horsehair braid, straw braids and chiffon. Trimmed in a variety of QC styles; regular $b50 to $8.50; on sale at only P4T.J 75c-$L25 Fancy and Plain Veiling for 43c $1; 75c Neckwearat 37c For Friday's special we offer values to $1.25 in Fancy and Plain Tuxedo Mesh Veils, in large and small chenille dot effects, in most every shade ; also Chiffon Veils in plain and fancy effects, in the standard 18-inch width, clearance fO price v tOC New and Dainty Neckwear in all this season's newest designs, values to $1.00-75c, clear- q j uit ance price. .ding or ribbon; values 10 $1.50 Kid Gloves, 98c Pair The best intrinsic value offered by any Portland store for many a day 1450 pairs real French Kid Gloves just arrived by fast express import ed direct from France via S. S. Ma jestic. No lambskin gloves in the lot, such as other stores use to meet our competition. All sizes in black, tans, browns, grays, etc. Finest $1.50 values.' Every pair fitted at counter. Price for Friday Bargain Day 98c Annual Clearance of Room-Size Rugs ( Beautiful patterns in Oriental, floral and conventional de signs. Patterns considered, the prices are the best ever given by a Portland establishment. M f'W'i- trf-f- VRMt'IA yjitJj $65.00 Wilton Rugs at . $49.65 $50.00 Wilton Rugs at . . $35.00 Axminster Rugs at $32.50 Axmlaster Rugs at . $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs at $30.00 Wilton Rugs at $3745 $23.85 $2285 $24.85 $19.45 Embroideries, Vals. to 75c Yd., 17c Laces, Values to $2.25 Yd., at 57c Another of Lipman-Wolfe's Famous Big Embroid' ery Sales Many Thousands of Yards of Swiss, . Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries All New, Fresh, Up-to-Date Goods. Values to 75c a Yard. For Friday Only at the 17c Exceptionally Low Price per Yard . This final clearance sale of Laces at 57c affords a golden opportunity to se cure some new, up-to-date Laces in Allovers, Bands, Galloons, Edgings, In- "SSy sertions and Festoon Effects at a price far below the regular actual cost. woman who wants a real lace bargain O C Skirt Sale Vals. to dn QC $10.00 Qt tpOcyjJ Sat $6.87 These extraordinary values the biggest and best given within a year by any Portland store include a large selection of very fine Dress Skirts made of voiles, panamas, cheviots, etc., in all colors. Values to $10 at $3.95 Values to $15 at $6.87