Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 05, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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French China Dinner Sets with
green and gold border, 10G
pieces, $220.00 val- CI CC fin
ue, special at OlwJiUU
English China Dinner Sets with
gold and blue border, 137
pieces, worth C7R flfl
103.00, at 01 JiUU
English Royal Worcester Ware,
117 meces. worth siou.uu, ai
the special low
price, per set. .
S1 10.00
50-Piece Dinner Sets $4. 75
The Clearance Sale makes extraordinarily low prices on first
class Chinaware, and no true economist can afford to overlook
the savins presented. These Dinner Sets are decorated semi-
porcelain, German china, French or English ware.
Blue China Porcelain Dinner
Sets, of 50 pieces, reg. OA "7C
price $6.32, special. . . .01 1 V
White and Gold Semi-Porcelain
Dinner Sets, 50 pieces, PC Afl
$7.20 values, special. . .0ui4U
Blue Semi-Porcelain Dinner
Sets, 100 pieces, reg. PQ Qfl
$12.40 value, at UJiUU
White and Gold Dinner Sets of
100 pieces, reg.' Pin Ofl
$14.40 value, at OIUiUU
Decorated Syracuse China
Dinner Sets, 100 pieces,
$16.50 value, at the PQ QC
low price of, 6et...00iZJ
German China Dinner Sets,
in green and pink decora
tions, 99 pieces, CIO flfl
$22.00 value, for .OlAiUU
German China Dinner Sets,
99 pieces $22.00 value, at the
Clearance Sale QIC flfl
price of ........ 0 I OiUU
French China Sets, white
and gold decorations. 112
SS?Sf? S67.00
Special One-Half Price Sale
on Libbey Cut-Glass in Rock
Crystal Ware.
Women's Handkerchiefs, in
very sheer linen or cambric ;
plain hems; regularly 20c each;
special for Friday 101-n
selling at only I L iU
Women's Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, with hemstitched
and scalloped edges; fine Swiss
or linen, regularly 35c
each, special for only. .
Ostrich Plumes
Are Reduced !3
These graceful, fluffy and rich
est of all millinery decorations,
are in black or white the most
staple and called-for colors
and this reduction affects
everything from 6-in. tips to
the sweeping 18-inch plumes.
Nearly two hundred in this ex
traordinary offer.i w
priced at
Big assortment of Flowers and
fancy Feathers . for trimming
Winter or Spring l f
hats at 4L,eSS
Flouncings and corset cover
embroideries, 17-in. wide; fine
Swiss or cambric; large assort
ment of designs; regu
larly $1.25 yd.; choice.
Emb. Remrits
Edge Insertions, headings and
allovers, Swiss, batiste or cam
bric materials;' hundreds of
short pieces of exquisite dainty
embroideries at phenomenally
low prices. Take advantage.
Yard Wide Taffeta 98c Yd.
A monster sale on splendid, yard-wide, black Taffeta Silks; hun
dreds of yards in the most reliable weaves and an absolutely fast
black, lustrous finish. Heavy weight for underskirts, etc., or the
lighter weight, chiffon finish, for dressy garments. The Qflp
reonlar S1.25 irrade. on snecial sale for Friday only at dull
- O : t ? a
$1.50 grade PI IQ
special at. . j) 1 1 1 w
Fancy Silks In
large assortment ;
regularly $1.50 the
yard, spe- PI IQ
cial at only.O 1 1 1 J
$1.75 grade PI lit)
special at. . V I
Fancy Silks Large
assortment ; regu
larly worth $1.25
the yard, at QQA
only OUli
$2.00 grade PI HQ
special at. ..Q I iuU
Fancy Silks Large
assortment ; r e g u
lar price $1.00 the
yard ; on sale 01 p
at onlv 0 I U
Colored Dress Goods at 79c
Oids, Wortman&ICing s Clearance Sale
Lmts Just Two ' Days More
All Portland
Should Attend
This Great
d Frid(
Only two days remain of Port
land's most stupendous bargain
event in the selling of high
grade dress fabrics. Broken
lines in many sorts; weaves
suitable for tailor suits, shirt
waist suits, skirts, waists, chil
dren's dresses, and many pat
terns very desirable for new
Spring suits. Regular values
up to $2.00 tho yard; 7Qn
your choice for only fob
Every color to choose from.
Regular $1.00 grade, Q4 -
special, the yard OIL
$1.25 quality, special, yd. 98
$1.50 quality, special. .1.21
$1.75 quality, 'special. .$1.30
$2.00 quality, special. .$1.51
Women's 40c Hose 27c
By all means, shop in the Knit Goods Aisle
Friday, for here you will find bargains unusual.
Women's ribbed wool Hose, fast black, extra
fine quality, regular 40e value, on sale 07p
Friday for the exceedingly low price of. ..10
INFANTS' HOSE, in heavy or fine ribbed,
splendid qualitj', cashmere ; sizes 412 to 6 ; reg
ularly worth to 40c the pair ; on special 1 n n
sale Friday for the low price of only... lUu
Children's Underwear Only 27c
Children's Drawers, fleece-lined, in size 07p
4 only; regular 50c value at only Lib
Children's Gray Wool and Cot- II Women's Corset Covers, an odd
ton Union Suits, Oneita style ; line low neck, sleeveless ; sizes
size 2 only ; regular 65c 07p 4, 5 and 6 ; regular 50c 07fl
value at only U b value; on sale for only. . . . LI b
Boys' Wool and Cotton Drawers, sizes 26 and 34; at Jlc
Bleached Muslin at 7c Yard
Ten Thousand Yards of
fine, soft finish bleached
Muslin, full yard wide
and regularly worth 10c
the yard; special for
Friday only at, yard
Imported Wool Waistings
in handsome plaids,
stripes, checks, etc., reg
ular 75c, 85c and 90c val
ues; special Friday,
the yard, only
Table Linens in Short
Lengths, hundreds of
pieces, in endless assort
ment. Also all soiled pat
tern Tablecloths very
radically reduced for sale.
The Linen Aisle Alive With Clearance Sale Bargains
Reg. 15c Talcum
Powder 8c a Can
Fountain Pen Ink
Friday at 7c Bottle
Art Pieces wthot at $1.19
See the display of these artistic pieces in the
Fifth-street window. ' Hand - embroidered
Centerpieces, Scarfs, Cushion Slips, Pin
Cushions, Handbags and Aprons; also Cen
terpieces and Scarfs in velour or leather. A
gigantic clearance of hundreds of odd lots
and broken lines, containing values a
up to $5.00 Choice Friday at only, 1 1 1 w
LOT 2 Values from $5.50 0 0 Q Q
to $10.00, Friday's price is VLlOj
Valentines for Everybody
This store is Portland's headquarters for artistic or humorous Val
entines. Remember ypur friends at small cost. Send them a Valen
tine Postal, comic valentine, ' or, if you wish, something decidedly
beautiful. You will find Portland's best assortment here.
Children's Nightgowns
Extraordinary low prices prevail for Friday in the Muslinwear
Section, second floor. In addition to the half-price sale on
mussed xmderwear, including every wanted garment from which
vou may choose at half the regular price, we offer a superb
special on children's outing flannel Nightgowns, in striped out
ing flannel, made with yoke and finished with braids and fancy
stitching. We also offer all of our children's flannel Petticoats,
'made with scalloped hem and stitched in colors; sizes 1 to
14 years. Both petticoats and gowns at only '
WOMEN'S KNEE PETTICOATS In outing or wool flannel,
white or fancy striped effects; also women's knit petticoats in
solid colors or with fancy border. Any short petticoat, u
Friday at the great reduction of '
Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder,
t& regular 15c can, special at 8
Wisdom's Violet Cream, for soft
ening hands, etc., 50o bot, 25
Pinaud's Roman Face Powder,
the regular 25c package, for 15
25c Sheffield's Tooth Paste 15?
25c Whisk Brooms, special 17
50c Coke's Dandruff Cure at 33
55c Pond's Extract Soap for 17
3-5c packets Toilet Paper at 10
15c Linen Writing Tablet for 7J
20c Pack Playing Cards for 15
Plain White Commercial Envel
opes, 25 in package", best quality,
regular price 10c the package;
special for Friday only 6
Including embroidered ;
Dutch Collars, fancy
lace or silk collars, em-!
broidered collar and
cuff sets, Persian belt-
iner. etc.; val
ues to $1, at.
Fancy Dresden R i b
bons, Persian and nov
elty effects, 5 to
inches wide; good qual
ity 6ilk; regular values
to $1.00 the ARr
j f - - -
Best Quality Fountain Pen Ink,
regular price 10c the bottle; spe
cial Friday only, per bottle 7
Stenographers' Notebooks, for
ink or pencil, special, each. .5
Pyrography Supplies and burnt
' wood, this week ai Fourth Les3
24-inch Hair Rolls, special. .25
Card Nickel Safety Pins for 5
Dozen Pearl Buttons for only 5
Cube Pins, assorted, each for 5?
10c Box Wire Hair Pins for 5
1 15c Box Celluloid Hair Pins 9?
IworppriAH Skirt Braids, all col-
fors, 5-yard pieces, 15c value 9J
White Nainsook Covered Dress
Shields, size 3, 20c values, per
pair, at low price of only 14
Children's Suits at 39c
CHILDREN'S TUDOR SUITS Made of heavy denim or galatea
cloth ; splendid for play and around the house wear. Well made,
good qualities, sizes 2 to 7 years; regular values to 65c. qq
Friday's price, the exceptionally small sum of only dull
WOMEN'S APRONS Of white lawn, well made, daintily 07
finished with pockets and straps; 40c value, special only. Lib
CHILDREN'S BONNETS Of Bengaline silk, especially suit
able for the present season's wear; white or colors, as follows:
$1.25 values, Friday at OQp $2.75 values, Friday, at QQn
the low price only Z3u the low price only Uuu
$2.00 values, Friday at'QQp $3.50 values, Friday PI IQ
the low price only OOu the low price only Qlilu
Hand Bags 69c
brown or novelty effects; splendid quality PQ
leather, reg. $1.25 each; special Friday only. UUlf
ly beautiful designs, good assortment; regu-
lar values 75c to $7.50. Friday '
Remember the special price sale on all
Men's Nightshirts and Pajamas, in outing
flannel, sateen, twills or cambric; plain or
fancy trimmed, all reduced.
Kid Gloves at $1.19
GLOVES In brown, mode, white or black;
two-clasp style. $2.00 quality, at 01 IQ
the low price of only, per pair Oil I J
Good size assortment, regular $1.00 70 p
value, at low price of, per pair, only. I OU
$12.50 Waists at $2.39
Covert Coats Wr at $3.98
A startling double special Friday in Portland's largest
and best Suit Salons. A whirlwind clean-up of two
lots that offers the greatest bargainizing Portland's
shrewd shoppers have heard of for many a day, viz:
Womenyery smartjfaistsn lace. The silks
come in taffeta or messaline finish and in black or colors,
all good styles with long sleeves, plain or tucked. Rich
lace waists or stylish net waists in tucked ef- f O O Q
fTclsTValues in this lot to $12.50-Friday p4OZ7
WOMEN'S COVERT JACKETS Light colors, jaunty
short models, strictly tailored effects; broken lines, but
very good materials and worth to $25.00 df O QO
elTch, a Great Special for Friday only at pOZ70
V'.- -
$6 Blankets $4.25
A mill clean-up of heavy vicuna brown Wool Blan
kets! They came to us at a special low price, because
of slight imperfections in dyeing, but the quality is
all there, and the wear is unimpaired. Reg- yj r
ularly $6.00 the pair, at the special price of. .OtiZu
HEAVY MACKINAW ROBES Just the thing for
automobiling, or can be used for bedding, nil nn
portieres or couch throws. Special at, each..OJiUU
fancy striped border, silk-bound ends, reg- nq nr
ular $5.0q values; Friday's price, per pair. '.OJiUJ.
Pretty Laces 48c Dozen
A remarkable Friday 's special in ourLace
Department on an assorted lot of Valen
ciennes and Imitation Torchon, in edges or
insertions. Wide choice of designs; very
effective trimmings for many purposes.
Regular values to $1.25 the dozen RQn
yards, at the special for Friday, onlytUU
We've Shoe Bargains Still Greater
Friday and Saturday are the last days of a shoe sale never equalled in Portland
in point of values and assortment. Before your opportunity is gone, see that
you are well shod at these small prices. Shoe department, Main Floor, Sixth of.
WOMEN'S SHOES Hundreds of pairs,
none worth less than $3.00 and worth up
to $6.00. Every sort of style, every kind
of leather so varied an assortment that
detailed description is impossible ; but. if
you have 'a shoe need, and. especially if it
is in a small size or narrow width, come
and look. Plenty of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
shoes in this lot. Your choice of PI QQ
the lot for only, per pair U 1 130
Sample and broken lines odds and ends,
including every pair of odd Slippers in
our stock, no matter what the former
price. For values to $6.00, in PI QQ
this sale at only S1.49 and..,. .OliSO
wniVTRN'S SHOES A verv complete as
sortment of high-grade footwear from
whHch any reasonable want may be filled ;
nearly all sizes; $3.50, $4.00 and PQ 1 Q
$5.00 grades, at low price, only.. Owl 13
MEN'S SHOES In nearly all sizes; val
ues up to $4.00; your choice at PO HQ
only, per pair, the low price of..0i3tf
ALL ODDS AND ENDS of our lien's $4,
$5 and $6 grades, in the Clear- PO Q
ance Sale at, per pair, 51.98 to. .pwiT J
solid colors and tan specialties. The finest
shoes we carry; all sizes and widths;
priced for Friday at the low
price of only, per pair. .........
A Good Umbrella for Only $1.29
Interesting specials on either Men's or Women's Umbrellas for Fri
day's selling. Good quality covers, strong frames, steel rods and
neat handles in large assortment. No need to be without protection
from the rain when this sort of shower shields sell for so little.
Women's Umbrellas, reg- Women's Umbrellas, reg- Women's Umbrellas, reg-
ularly $1.8d
at the speci
ularly $1.85 each, PI HQ ularly $2.50 each, PI QQ ularly $3.00 eacn, vn in
:ial giiJ at the special VUliuU ai me speciiu v-i
Men's Umbrellas, splend
I-j JVf x Forty-five-inch Dress Nets, in ecru, navy; green, frameSt crook handles, in
LJreSS IVeiS Whjte or black. A lot containing regular "7Qp natural wood, horn,QO QQ
values to $1.50 the yard; special, Friday, only, per yard I UU etc.; $3.00 values. . .OIbUU
We Are Portland Agents for Ladies9 Home Journal Patterns
QUARTERLY STYLEBOOK JUST RECEIVED. The greatest fashion guide to be had in Amer
ica. Better than the high-priced foreign fashion books, and more practical styles for Ameri
can women. 20c for the book and 15-cent pattern free. Net cost of book UU