vn... V,.vm.-XO. 16 ' rOETLAXD, OREGrR! FEBRUARY 5,1009. PRICE 1'IYK CEXTS. EX-SENATOR CLARK SERIOUSLY INJURED ANTI-BETTING BILL CABINET IS SPLIT ON NAVAL POLICY SENATE SHARP VETOES ANXIOUS TO KILL iTI-JAP ILLINOIS SOLON TO BECOME LAW CASE IS. LABOR TILT BILL MOXTAXAX FALLS WHILE OX CUXARDER. 1VOMAX RAVES AT DOOR OF HALli OF REPRESENTATIVES. " BRITISH RADICAL. MIXISTKRS MAY BE FORCED OUT. HON OREGON HAS SCHOOL RAILROADED Rabid Action by Cali fornia Legislature. ROOSEVELT AGAIN PROTESTS Says Bill Most Offensive of All Against Japs. OTHER BILLS VOTED DOWN House Provides Separate School, but President Says Bill Is I'nooo stltutlonai -Battle on Re- - -consideration Sure. SACRAMENTO. Feb. 1-WHh the de feat tn the Lower House today of John Bon's two bills prohibiting aliens from being members of boards of directors and restricting; them in residence districts at the option of Loards of Supervisors, fol lowed by the unexpected passage of a third bill segregating Japanese school children In separate schools along with Chinese, Oreans and other Asiatics, re garded as the most offensive measure of all. President Roosevelt again has taken a hand In the anti-Japanese legislation l.i the State Legislature, which for the last week has drawn international atten tion to California. Hardly had the Mil passed before Gov ernor Gillett received the following mes age from the President: "Your kind letter just received. What is the rumor that the California Legislature has pass?d a bill excluding the Japanese children from the public schools? This Is th most offensive bill of all, and In my Judgment is clearly unconstitu tional and we should at once have to test It tn the courts. Can it be stopped In the Legislature or by veto?" The Governor at once sent a reply, the nature of which he declines at this time to make public and requested of the Presi dent an Immediate answer. Pending the receipt ot another telegram from the President, the Governor declined tonight to discuss the action of the Assembly to day. Classes Japs With Mongolians. The bill passed today, which was one of three anti-Japanese measures intro duced by Grove I Johnson, places the Japanese in the same classification with other Asiatics and inserts the word "Jap anese" in the present state statute pro viding for the segregation in separate schools of "Mongolian" children. By this action the lower House of the (California Legislature has taken the step which the Board of Education of San Francisco In tended to take two years ago, but which was dropped after the Board and the then Mayor. Eugene E. Schmitz, were called to Washington and had several long conferences with the President. At that time it was contended by the Japanese that they were not "Mongol ians." they resenting the efforts to place them in the same class with the Chinese. Coreans and other Asiatic races, and the question was also raised whether, under the state statute, segregation of Japanese could be enforced in the absence of spe cific mention of the word Japanese." Upon the return from Washington, the San Francisco School Board at that time contented itself with the adoption of a rule limiting the age of pupils that would be permitted to attend the public schools, one'of the principal objections to the Jap anese being that adults were attending the primary grades and associating with white children of tender years. Will light to Reconsider. Unexpected and a surprise was the passage of the Japanese school segre gation bill. After the defeat yester day of Drew's anti-alien land bill, which was taken generally to fore shadow the rejection of all the meas ures aimed at the Japanese, followed by the defeat today of two more anti Japanec bills, the result of the vote on the school segregation question was entirely unlooked for. Immediately upon learning of the Assembly's action, the Governor called into consultation Speaker Philip Stan ton and the llepubllcan leaders of both houses of the legislature. The latter expressed the hope of still being able to defeat the measure in the Assembly jpon reconsideration, and it was with Hi!.; in view that Ieds of Los Angeles, after roll-call, changed his vote from no to yes and gave notice that tomorrow he would give notice to reconsider the vote crt 48 to 25 by which the bill was passed. It will require 41 votes to carry Leeds'-motion. In the event that is adopted it is freely predicted to- Lht that one of the fiercest battles waged In the California Leglsla- Iwill resul from the effort to kill bill. Tie Vote on Segregation. The Assembly debated all day the three anti-Japanese bills. The first one taken up. preventing aliens from being uiembere of boards of directors, was Dcaten easily, the vote standing 54 to IS. The next providing for the segrega tion In residential districts of all un desirable aliens, ended In a tie vote 37 to ST the measure being defeated by being four votes short of a majority. Johnson of Sacramento, its author. (Concluded on Pace 6 Asqnlth, Grey and JIaldane Want Six More Dreadnaughts and ' Force Crisis. LONDON. .Feb. 4. (Special.) Several of the leading London newspapers this morning oubilsh the news of the crisis in the British Cabinet. The Daily Chronicle, while predicting that the Cabinet itself will not fall to pieces, says that rumors of impending resigna tions affect the portfolios held by David Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Winston Spencer Churchill, president of the Board of Trade; Lord Morley. Secretary of State for India, and John Burns, president of the Local Government Board. The Daily Mail announces that the struggle In the cabinet is extremely stubborn and may at any moment result in an open rupture. The Dally Graphic tells the story of the quarrel and adds: "The question of strengthening the navy may be determined by balancing the political forces within the Liberal party rather than by an Impartial ex amination of the internal situation." All thl3 trouble Is due to the desire of Premier Asquith, Foreign Secretary Grey and War Secretary Haldane, urged by the admiralty, to build six new Dreadnoughts to cost 12.000.000 ($60, 000.000). These men deliberately planned to compel the Radicals In the Cabinet to accept this programme or get out. MAY BE FOR ST. PAUL LINE McKenna Says Possible AVestern Ex tension Bought Terminals. CHICAGO, Feb. 4. (Special.) H W. McKenna, vice-president of the Chicago, Milwaukee & 9t. Paul Railway, when asked about the purchase of a tract of land in the Portland terminal district, said that if the St. Paul had purchased any land in Portland it was news to him. "Would you tynow about it If the St. Paul had made this purchaser' Mr. Mc Kenna was asked. "I am connected with the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul Company," said Mr. McKenna. "If the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul had purchased the land, I would know about it. However, a deal of this, kind might have been made by the Chicago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rail way, which now Is maintained independ ently, and I would know nothing of the transaction." President Earling. of the St. Paul, is out of the city and it was not until late "td nlght that Mr. McKenna could be reached. LEWIS-WALKER ROW IS OFF Mineworkers Throw Dispute Out of Convention. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 4. The dlsrute between Thomas L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, and John H. Walker, president of the Illinois district, was thrown out of the convention today, after having divided the delegates into camps striving against one another, giv ing rise to charges of corruption and be trayal of the organization into hands of mineowneres. and dragging the conven tion into a third week, at an extra ex pense of nearly J20.0OO to the National union. HITCH IN NEGOTIATIONS Venezuela Rejects Terms of Settle ment Buchanan Offers. CARACAS. Saturday, Jan. 23. It is learned today that the protocol drawn up by W. I. Buchanan, the United States Special Commissioner sent here to settle outstanding disputes between the United States and Venezuela, had been found unsatisfactory to Venezuela, and would not be signed in its present form. The hitch had occurred over the case of the New York & Bermudez Asphalt Company. LOEB FOR PORT COLLECTOR President's "Young Friend" Slated for Continued Honors. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Friends of William Loeb. Jr., secretary to the Presi dent, made the statement today that he is to become collector of the port of New York at the beginning of the next Administration. Mr. Loeb, it Is stated, is to become the confidential political adviser of the next President on New York matters. THREE CHILDREN MISSING Fire In Adventlst Home Causes Death and Panic. BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Feb. 6. The Haskell home, a Seventh-Day Adventlst organization, was burned easily this morning. There were 37 children in the building at the time, and of these three are missing. Seven girls jumped from a third-story window And one was In jured. BLOCK STATEHOOD BILL Opposition in Senate Cost Measure Passage This Session. WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. Congressional leaders have informed President Roose velt that there is little chance of state hood for New Mexico and Arizona going through at this session. Opposition in the Senate is given as the reason. Salary Bills Are Slain in Hot Debate. HART TAKES JAB AT ABRAHAM Quotes Cooper in Defense of His Dignity. PARRISH BILL IS KILLED Governor's Veto of Increased Salary for Grant County's Democratic Shcrifr Sustained by a Vote of 19 to 11. STATE CAPTOL, Salem. Feb. (Spe cialsSeveral salary-grabbing bills met their Waterloo In the Senate th!s after noon and apparently many bills of that nature will fail to pass the Senate over the Governor's veto. Three bills were killed by the Senate by a vote of 19 to 11. 20 votes being necessary to pass a bill over the veto. One bill, providing for an increase in the salary of the School Superintendent in Polk County, was passed, but with not a vote to spare. The fight in the Senate over the votes was the fiercest that has occurred this session and personalities were handed across the hall without restraint. Newspaper Lie, He Intimates. Senator Abraham read a newspaper report of resolutions adopted by a wool growers' association In Baker County condemning the passage of salary bills to show that Senator Hart was not rep resenting the views of the people of his county. Senator Bailey asserted that many such things are manufactured in news paper offices and that notwithstanding it was printed in the paper, it was Just a9 likely not to be authentic. Senator Hart, replying to Abraham, said that the latter illustrates the old saying that a lltt learning is a dan gerous thing. "So far as Senator Abra ham's reflection upon me Is concerned," said Senator Hart, I need only quote Cowper to express my feelings: 'A moral, decent, well-bred man,' will not offend me, and no other can." So I say to the Senator from Douglas that he cannot offend me and no other Senator will. When any man undertakes to tell me how I should act upon any measure that comes before me, he commits an act of discourtesy which no decent -man would do." After these personalities had been ex- ( Concluded on Pago 8.) LITTLE OUTER TWIST Demands Admission to Cut Out Heart of Lee 0XeilI Brown at Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 4. (Spe cial.) A woman, dashing in appear ance, created a sensational scene at the door of the Hall of Representa tives Just before the ballot on United States Senator was completed today. In a highly agitated state of mind she demanded admission. "I want to see Lee O'Neil Browne," she cried hysterically. "I want to cut his heart out. He can't fool me, as he has fooled other women. "I'll kill him." The doorkeepers, assisted by mem bers of the House, with di- iculty re strained the woman. Browne got word of her presence and sent out a friend in an attempt to pacify the woman, but she was a veritable cyclone. Cry ing and weeping, she fought those who detained her. With difficulty she was led from the door and sent down the elevator and out of the State House. The woman, it develops, created a stir at the St. Nicholas Hotel yesterday afternoon. She tried to gain admit tance to Representative Browne's room and at that time is said to have had a revolver. She threatened to shoot the statesman. Friends of the minority leader, among them Representative Cermak, of Chicago, got Mr.-Browne out of the room and succeeded in quieting the woman. PUT CHECK ON SMELTERS Colorado Bill Requires Agreement on Price of Ore. i DENVER. Feb. 4. A bill was intro duced today in the Legislature providing for the appointment of an Ores Commis sion which shall have powers over the smelters similar to those of the Inter state Commerce Commission over rail roads. The bill provides for the return of ores to the vendor in case the net price be not mutually agreed upon, and provides that, should the ore have been mixed with other ores so that it is impossible to return iti the smelting company shall be liable fori twice the value of the ore. The bill provides penalties for rebating or any discrimination in the purchase or treatment of ores. The commission is to consist of three members, one of whom shall be the State Assayer. TIDE 'TAKES OUT RAILROAD Passengers at Seaside Forced to Transfer at Warrenton. ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 4. (Special.) A washout occurred this afternoon on the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad tracks near Warrenton, as a result of the high tide flowing through the breaks in the dikes. The Portland train from Seaside was unable to reach Astoria this even ing, and It was necessary to transfer passengers and mail. A DICKENS OF A SITUATION OFFICEHOLDER PLEASES SIR, I Employer Is Liable for Personal Injury. DAMAGE SUIT GIVEN STANDING Taft Decision Is Precedent for Appellate Court. . BARBER COMPANY LOSES Welsh Estate Granted New Trial by Ruling at San Francisco That Will Result In Protect ing Workmen. Reiteration of the famous Narra more decision, which laid down .a. new rule of law relating to the assumption of risk by workmen assigned to haz ardous tasks, and which marked the beginning of Judge William H. Taft's rise to the Presidency, is embodied in the decision on an Oregon case in the United States Court of Appeals, hand ed down yesterday forenoon at San Francisco, in reversal of findings pre sented by the United . States Circuit Court for the District of Oregon,' last September. The decision directs a new trial at Portland of the damage suit of Welsh against the Barber Asphalt Company, and it is regarded as another important victory for the American workingman as It will have a direct influence hereafter in compelling fac tory and mill operators to install ev ery possible safeguard in places where workmen are exposed to any element of danger. Taft Ruling Is Precedent. The decision Is further regarded as establishing that Judge Taft's famous ruling is set down as a precedent in such cases and that in the future the employer will be liable for damages as well as for criminal proceedings If he fails properly to box In dangerous mechanism 6r ' equip machinery with every facility for its proper control. It also again emphasizes Judge Taft's high regard for the rights of the la boring classes. For previous to his paving the way, courts had held from time Immemorial that a workman go ing to a place of danger in the per formance of duties required of him as sumed the risk and "peril of the un dertaking. Even after laws had been passed requiring certain safeguards for all machinery, the courts held that the employers were liable criminally but Concluded on Page 5 ) WANT SOME MORE." Xo Bones Broken, but Victim of Ac cident Must Walk on Crutches for a Time. LONIJOX, Feb. 4. (Special.) As a result of a bad fall on the last eastward trip of the Lucania, ex-Senator William A. Clark, of Montana, is now on crutches. The third day out Mr. Clark was thrown heavily down the companionway, owing to a sudden pitch of the ship. He was assisted to the cabin and attended by the ship's surgeon. No bones were broken, but the ten dons of his right leg. were severely strained. Arriving in London, he ,was carried into the Hotel Ritz, where two eminent surgeons wer consulted. They ordered . the use of crutches for some days." BRYAN HOPEFUL FOR 1912 Xebraskan Thinks II Foresees Dem ocratic Victory. TAMPA. Fla.. Feb. 4. Speaking to an Immense crowd at the racetrack today, W. J. Bryan said he brought to t,he Democrats of the South a message of good cheer and declared there is a steadily increasing sentiment that makes for the growth of the Democratic party in the United States. He predicted the masses would demand their rights of the aristocratic classes. Mr. Bryan said the President had taken to himself all the authority of a czar In the manipulation of his high office. Ho declared prospects were brighter than ever for Democratic victory In 1912. Mr. Bryan was the guest tonight at a banquet given in his honor by the State Midwinter Fair Association and spoke on "The Future of the Democracy." Mr. Bryan reviewed the recent sentence of Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison to Jail on contempt charges, and declared these leaders of organized labor were entitled to the sym pathy of the entire people. THOMAS LOWRY DEAD AT 66 President Tnited Street Rail-ways of St. Paul and Minneapolis. ' MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 4. Thomas Lowry, president of the Twin City Rap id Transit Company, and of the Min neapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway, died Ht his home here, today. He had suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs for several years. He was 66 years old. Mr. Lowry was born in Logan County, Illinois, and after completing the pub lic school course attended Lombard University at Galesburg. In 1S67 he was admitted to the Minnesota bar, before which he practiced for several years. Later he purchased and united the street railway systems of St. Paul and Minneapolis, forming the present holding company. He was married in 1870 to Miss Beatrice M. Goodrioh, of Minneapolis. . , SEEKS RECOVERY OF SCRIP E. R. Pen-in Wants John A. Benson to Make Restitution on Deals. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 4. Suit for the recovery of $87,000 from John A. Benson was filed today in the United States Circuit Court by Dr. E. R. Per rin; the complaint declaring that Per rin was induced by Benson to turn over $36,000 worth of Government land scrip, and that as a result of the lat ter's handing of the land deals in which the two men were Jointly interested, both were indicted for land frauds, found guilty and sentenced to a year in Jail and $1000 fine each. The value of the scrip is stated to have increased to $87,000. and the complaint alleges that any benefits from the money were received by Benson alone. DISPENSATION ALL RIGHT Texas Masons Had Xo Right to Ob ject to Taft's Election. CINCINNATI, O., Feb. 4. W. B. Melish. past-master of the Masons, said today the adoption of the resolution by the Masonic Chapter of Wortham, Tex., con demning the action of the Grand Master of Ohio in granting a special dispensa tion permitting President-elect Taft to become a Mason at sight is "unprecedent ed and inexcusable." The grand master's action was abso lutely regular, he said, and In accordance with Masonic precedent. ' He said the Wortham Chapter, In adopting the res olution, is either an irregular chapter or it is violating the tenets of Masonry and that .the grand high priest can bo asked to discipline it. FAIRBANKS BUYS RANCH Takes Partner's Interest in Orange Orchard for Son. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Feb. 4. Vice-President Fairbanks, .through his son, Fred, today concluded the purchase from the Drew Company, of San Ber nardino, of its half interest in the Drew and Fairbanks ranch of 225 acres, near Casa Lorn a. The ranch was set to grapes and oranges years ago by Mr. Fairbanks and the late H. L. Drew. The deal today was made on a bsis of $120,000 for the ranch. It is the intention of the Vice President to plant 100 acres now in era pes to oranges. Fred Fairbanks will have charge of the ranch ana the Vice-President will spend hie Winters there. Passes Legislature by Big Majority. BOOMING IS MADE FELONY Governor Will Approve Mea sure at His Leisure. SIMILAR TO HUGHES. LAW Opponents Make Last Dcs-pairln;; Plea on Ground It Will Kill Horseracing Will Xot Af fect Present Season. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 4. Racing in the State of California received a vital, blow when the Senate today, by a vote of 33 to 7, passed the Walker-Otis anti-racetrack gambling hill, which pro hibits poolselling. bookmaking or gam bling on horse races. The bill having already passed the Assembly, it will now go to the Governor for his signature, after which it will become a law. Governor GiUott has signified his in tention to sign the measure if passed, but it is believed that he will not take this action until 30 days shall have elapsed. As the bill permits pool dealers and bookmakers 60 dayR in which to close up their affairs, the present season of racing at the, Emeryville and Santa Anita courses will not be disturbed. Belting M,ado Felony. The Walker-Otis gambling bill is .In ferred to as "the Hughes law of Cali fornia" in this section, inasmuch as it follows closely the text of the Hughes bill, which was passed by the last Leg islature in the State of New Tork. Vio lation of the measure Is made a fel ony, the punishment for which Is Im prisonment in the state penitentiary and a heavy fine. The Senate galleries were parked this afternoon when Walker, sponsor of the billpresented the measuro for considera tion. He explained that it would not prevent horse-racing nr.d would not In jure the business of the state one Iota. It was agreed by the proponents of the bill that there should be no debate on (Concluded en Pago 4.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TODAY'S Rain; brisk southerly winds. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 44 degrees; minimum temperature. 41. S. Anti-Japanese Legislation. California House passes separate school bill after rejecting two other bills. Page 1. Roosevelt declares separate school bill un constitutional and will test it in court. Page 1. Nevada Snate will smother resolution. Page 6. Senator Newlands opposes action In Nevada Pace Legislatures. Salarv grab vetoes sustained by Senate after heated debate. Page 1. Normal school wrangle looms at Salem. Page 8. Bill to abolish compulsory pilotage passes House. Page 9. Joint committees named to Inspect state Institutions. Page 9. Treasurer Hastings makes heated reply to accusations in House at Boise; fist fight narrowly averted. Page 7. Local option bill debated all day and far Into night at Olympla. Page 7. House passes bill for election on constitu tional convention. Page 9. Bill introduced proposing carte blanche for printing bill of State Fair Association. i'agu . Foreign. Northland denies charges in Stirling divorce case, but admits attachment for Mrs. Stirring. Page 5. ' British Cabinet on verge of split on naval policy. Page 1. National. Pacific squadron to he painted war-color; war munitions shipped to Philippines. Page 6. Muskogee stands by Haskell and others In dicted for fraud. Page 4. Great traget practice by Navy. Page 4. Qualtrough found guilty of drunkenness. Page 4. Politics. Ambassndor Von Bernstorff speaks on American relations with Germany. Page 5. Brian predicts Democratic victory In 101X rage 5 Domestic. Tehama Bf '.11 under water, many cattle drowned, railroad traffic stopped, rage S California legislature passes anti-betting bill and it will become law. Page 1. Woman hvsterlcally demands admission to Illinois House to kill member. Page 1. fi ports. Northwestern Baseball (League magnate will meet here tomorrow. Page Id. Eddie Kelly throws up sponge to Attall in seventh round. Page 5 l'aciflc Northwest. Fortland student suspended at Vniversltj for hazing; five others retained on pro bation. Page 7. Mabel Young Warner, twice. tried on forgery charge, files another will In celebrated "Weston, case. Page 4. Walter .Tohnson to be hanged today for murder of Elmer Perdue. Page 7. -Commercial and Marine. Closing up of the big Horst hop deal. Page 17. Bonds in better demand than stocks. Page Wheat makes further gain at Chicago. Page 17. British steamship Craydon chartered for lumber cargo. Page 16. Portland and Vicinity. Decision on appea.1 of damage suite fixes responsibility on employer. Page 1. Twelve students graduated from East Sida High School. Page 1. Drunken logger killed by intoxicated saloon keeper in North Knd. Page 11. County may sue Clerk Fields for feea col lected. Page 3 2. Oregon breeders meet In annual convention. Page 12. Harriman officials announce that steel bridge will ba rebuilt soon. Tage 16. i