Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Last Week of Clearance Sales Goods Reduced in All Departments Now Is the Time to Buy for Your Needs of Coming Months
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Demonstration of Mme. Yale's
Beauty Preparations
Sale Picture Frames
Lipman-Wolf e's Annual Clearance Sales
Joshua Craig" By Rob'tChamners $1.18
Values to $1.60, Annual
Choice of 1000 Picture Frames,
iquare nd oval, in all sires, values
up i.o 11.50. Black, brown. Flemish.
Kilt. etc. Greatest values given in
any Bale.
Men's Negligee Shirts
Values to $1.50, Annual KQ
Clearance Vi't
M-n's Shirts In the season's best
pattern, alamiard makes, but only
size-- 14. 14 ard li. Great values
for men who wear these sizes.
Cashmere Finish Hosiery
Regular 20c value,
Annual Clearance .
Men's Cashmere Finish Hosiery,
black only, gray heel and toe.
Lace Curtain Samples
Values to $5.00 each. fi8r
Annual Clearance ... -CJl
300 Imported Jianufacturers' Cur
tain SampleH In hand-made Arabian
and BatienberK. Irish Point. Swiss
Point. Novelty and Brussels Net ef
fects: Letter part of curtains gelling
regulurlv frr.m 12.50 to 5.00 each;
thevre full width. 1 to 1 a yards
long. All shaJes and white.
Embroidered Hosiery
Values to 60c pair. Annual OO
Clearance JJ
Women's fine finality IJsle Hosiery,
embroidered In colors, extra qualities,
an extraordinary value.
Children's Hosiery
Values to 25c pair. Annual C.
Clearance O
Children's and Misses' Black Cot
ton Stockings, lxl ribbed, double
heels and t'es. seamless foot, all
Best Fancy Silks
Regular $1.35 to $1.50 yd. QC.
Annual Clearance JJl
Balance of our stock of high-class
Fancv Silks, all this season's styles
and colors. They'll not last all day.
Sale of Umbrellas
Sheet Music Clearance.
Regular 25c and $30c value, C
Annual Clearance '
Hundreds of big hits only a few
weeks or months old, all In good con
dition. Men's Underwear
Values $1.00 to $1.50, . 7Ckr
Annual Clearance
Regular price $3.00,
Annual Clearance . .
Women's and Men's Silk and Gloria
fmbrellas. In black and- colors; large
assortment of handles.
Union Silk Umbrellas
Regular $2.50 values, " CO
Annual Clearance Y1'"0
Women's and Men's Black Union
Pllk L'mbr?llas, with horn, wood and
silver-trimmed handles.
Persian Lawn Waists
Values to $2.00, Annual
About 100 fine dainty Persian Lawn
and Mull White Lingerie Waists, all
High-Grade Coats
Values to $30.00, fljl A QK
Annual Clearance Y1'J
Coats that are exact reproductions
of Parisian models. The materials
re broadcloths, cheviots, smart
tweeds and fancy mixtures. The col
ors are blue, brown, navy, black, red.
leather, olive, green and fancy gray
mixtures. Some plain tailored, most-'
ly oatin-braid trimmed; some satin
lined and some unllned.
Men's Natural Merino Underwear,
part wool, derby ribbed or flat. Extra
good vulue.
Flowers for Millinery "
Values to $1.25, Annual "JQ
Clearance Oil
All colors In dainty June
Ruses, with foliage, large Cup Roses
with foliage. Tea Roses and separate
Superb Ostrich Plumes
Values to $8.00, Annual dJO (ZQ
Clearance pJ.JiJ
lirge, fine Blin k and White Ostrich
Plumes, best selected stock, plucked
from the wild African male birds.
Sale of Opera Coats
$27.50 to $45.00 values Cfcl 7 fJC
Annual Clearance .. V1 'OJ
Opera Coats made of finest Im
ported broadcloth. In cream, pale
blue, champagne, white. Copenhagen
and gray, all lined with louisine. taf
feta and satin. Trimmed with satin
and novelty braids.
Sale of Cloth Coats
Values to $20.00,
Annual Clearance .
Women's Velvet Coats In n a v y,
black and brown, satin lined, with
satin and Persian trimmings; also
loose and semi-fitting cloth coats In
black, tan. navy, brown, red, etc., and
black satin ooats. braid trimmed,
si tin lined, rich and stylish.
Sale Women's Suits
Values to $25.00, OlO QC
Annual Clearance piO.C7J
Every style Is exactly right and
up-to-date, medium and three-quarter
li-ngth coats In semi-fitting effects;
the colors, are garnet, navy, brown,
smoke, green, olive and black, some
plain tailored, but mostly In the
favored braid-trimmed styles; satin
and taffeta lined.
Tailored Suits
Regular $30.00, Annual 1 y gg
Women's Tailored Suits in every
fashionable color and every up-to-date
style feature for midwinter
wear. .Made of broadcloths and fancy
serses. In ultra semi-fitting, long
coat styles.
Sale Women's Coats
Values to $10.00, Annual J?C
Clearance ,
Smart tweeds, fancy mlxtnres, etc.,
only in this season's latest styles.
Sale Women's Coats
Values to $15.00, Annual d7 QO
Clearance Y'30
All of this season's styles, all ma
terials, long coats, wide choice.
Sale of Petticoats
Regular $3.00, Annual 1 7Q
Clearance Y1 '
These are famous "Heatherbloom"
Taffeta Petticoats, each bearing the
"Heatherbloom" label. They are bet
t r than ordinary silk." wear, twice as
long and cost half as much, do not
crack und are washable. Four dis
tinct styles. In black, with deep
tucked and shirred flounce.
Silk Petticoats
Regular $8.00 values,
Annual Clearance....
The fine taffeta silk in these petti
coats would of Itself cost you more at
retail than the clearance price of
tli:0 hon 11 1 1 fi! 1 riiHtlinff' nillc skirts.
I They come In black and nearly all
colors. the nounces are neatly ana
attractively made. In every way
these are very good petticoats, and
have sold them previously at JS.0O.
Knitted Coat Sweaters
Regular $4.00, Annual
Sale Crepon Waists
Greatly reduced, Annual CI QO
Clearance p 1 . 57 O
A new fabric that is washable and
yet different from any wash fabric
dJ not have to be ironed; pleated
front, strictly tailored, trimmed with
clusters of pearl buttons, laundered
collar, and it's the best real waist
bargain offered by any store.
Popeline Waists
Greatly reduced for
Annual Clearance. . .
They are made of new material
which makes them resemble an $8.00
or 110.00 taffeta waist. They will
wear twice as. long and cost about
half as much four times better.
They are washable, durable and ex
tremely stylish. Colors navy blue,
Seville brown, garnet and black.
Women's Net Waists
Regular $5.00 value,
Annual Clearance...
Women's Knitted Coat Sweaters. In
the now popular varsity style red,
white and gray in fancy stitches.
Box Stationery
Regular 25c value, Annual I f
Odds and ends in good quality Linen
Fabric Box Stationery, letter size, un
ruled, with popular shape envelopes
to match, comes In .white, blue, gray,
Extra fine quality Net Waists, with
beautiful lace trimmings.
Sale Foreign Bags '
Values to $10.00, (!p AQ
Annual Clearance p4-.tO
An assortment of the finest Foreign
Bags In the latest novelty shapes,
with the best Kilt and oxidized fit
tings; interlined and sewed.
Sale Women's Waists
Values to $8.50, Annual 50 QC
Clearance u?4i.575J
White and Ecru Net Waists, trimmed
with Val. lacea. Cluny Insertion, Per
sian Embroidery and silk; also fancy
yokes made of heavy embroidered
medallions. Included are many fine
quality hand-embroidered Lawn and
Muli Lingerie Waists., with fancy
vnkes of Cluny and Filet Insertion;
finished with hand-embroidery and
fine tucks.
Sale of Hat Pins
Values to $3.00, Annual
Hatpins in exquisite foreign nov
elties, comprising a large variety of
very choice pins.
Black Shoe Polish
Regular 25c value,
Annual Clearance
Black Combination Shoe Polish in
large carton, best quality.
Sale of Jewelry
Greatly reduced for
Annual Clearance...
. Sale of all odds and ends in Hat
pins. Barrettes. Brooch Pins. Buckles,
Bead Necklaces, Shirtwaist Studs,
etc. '
Hair Ornaments
Values to 50c, Annual 1 '1 C
Clearance ,
Good quality Back Combs. Bar
rettes. Hair Roll Retainers and Stray
Lock Holders, in shell or amber.
. Horn Hair Pins
Regular 25c value, Annual 11
Clearance J. X
Best quality Horn Hairpins, medi
um size, straight or crimped, shell or
amber, comes half dozen in a box.
Post Card Albums
Regular 25c value, Annual 1 2 P
Kane Post Card Albums, just the
thing for souvenir postals, holding
one card to page, green Interior with
fancy pictured covers.
Sale of Stationery
Greatly reduced for 7
Annual Clearance
Odds and ends In the best quality
stationery, such as Pineapple Linen,
Victoria Lawn. Irish Linen Bond,
Eaton Hurlburts, etc. quire paper or
Battenberg Doilies
Regular 50c value, P
Annual Clearance J
12-Inch Battenberg Dollies, the best
values we have ever sold for 50c.
Wash Silk Mouslines
Regular 60c yard,
Annual Clearance
2000 yards of Silk Mouslines in the
most desirable and wanted colors,
tvash Goods Dept.
Linen Suiting
Regular 60c yard, Kn
Annual Clearance. JJ
Linen Suiting In blue, pink. nile.
brown, corn and lavender. Spring
season's styles.
Boys' Sweaters
Values to $2.25, Annual QQr
Clearance 57UC
Sale of Boys' Pure Worsted Sweat
ers. V-shape or roll neck, white and
navy, 3ome slightly soiled.
Sale Boys Waists
Greatly reduced for Qr
Annual Clearance 07V
50 dozen Bovs' Waists in madras
or percale, celebrated "P u r i t a n"
Waist. Perfect in fit and style: good
line of patterns. All sizes.
1 -Clasp Mocha Gloves
Regular $1.50 pair,
Annual Clearance...
"Dame Fashion" proclaims Mocha
Gloves the proper glove style for
ladles for early Spring wear. Extra
grade one-clasp Ladies' Mocha Gloves
in gray, tan and brown.
Sale of Veils
Regular $1.00 rvalue, O 7
Annual Clearance
Several hundred Novelty Mesh Veils,
in 1-yard lengths, with chenille
dots, all staple shades In the line.
Initial Handkerchiefs
Greatly reduced for 1
Annual Clearance. . . v
Odds and ends in Ladles' Fine
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, several
styles of initials.
Embroidery Remnants
Greatly Reduced for Annual Clear
ance. Several hundred Embroidery Rem
nants from our big embroidery events,
marked at prices to close out quickly.
Must be seen to be appreciated. Will
not last long at the marked selling
prices, as quantity is somewhat lim
ited. Infants' Bonnets
Values to $1.50, Annual 2C
Clearance J
Odd lines of Infants' and Children's
Bonnets in cream or colored, trimmed
with embroidery, beading and tucks.
Poke bonnets and French close-fitting
. Valenciennes Lace
Values to $1,25 piece, 4.T
Annual Clearance x
Several thousand pieces "12 yards
in a piece" of Italian. German and
Filet Valenciennes Lace with inser
tion to match. Sold by the piece only.
New Neck Ruching
Greatly Reduced for Annual Clear
ance. Just received a complete assortment
of ail the latest styles in Lisse and
Net Ruching effect; also box assort
ments In all the prevailing colors and
seasonable shade combinations.
Ladies' Underwear
Values 'to $1.00, Annual CQ
Clearance 057C
Ladies' Cambric and l.oni? Cloth
Corset Covers and Drawers trimmed
in lace embroidery, insertion and
cluster tucks with beading and rib
bon. .
Cambric Night Gowns
Values to $1.00, Annual
Clearance ' OiJy
Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns In
Slipover style, high and V-shape neck,
with long and short sleeves, trimmed
In embroidery, lace beading and rib
bon. Ladies' Cambric Skirts
Values to $1.50, Annual QO.
Clearance 57
Ladles' Cambric Skirts with deep
flounce of lawn trimmed with em
broidery, lace and cluster tucks, dust
Children' Dresses
Values to $7.00,
Annual Clearance....
All our Children's Colored Lawn
and Cashmere Dresses in French and
plaited effects, sizes 2 to 6 years
$7.00 values for $3.50, 11.00 values
special for 50c.
fill VIC W . c jI -
ftSS ,, W:
Sale of Kimonos
Values to $1.50,
Annual Clearance
Ladies' Long and Short Klmonos
made of fancy flannelette in bolted
or loose styles trimmed in bands and
scalloped edges.
"All-Wool Taffeta
Regular 60c yard,
Annual Clearance
38-inch New French Taffeta, In ajl
colors, including black and cream.
. New Spring Suiting
Regular 65c yard, 47f
Annual Clearance
40-inch New Shepherd Checks in all
colors, new tailor stripes and gray
Novelty Suiting
Values to $2.00 and $2.50, QO.
Annual Clearance 57 Ol
All our remaining high-class Nov
elty Dress Goods In self colors, stripe,
side-bordered and shadow weaves, all
Sale of Rug Samples
Regular $3.50 value, OQ
Annual Clearance p X .Oi?
1000 Axmlnster and Wilton Rug
Samples, bound and ready for use. in
handsome Oriental and floral designs,
full rug size, 27x54 inches, best quality.
was ordered. 139 to 111. The Fitzgerald
motion was lost and the bill passed.
Joins Issue With Senate on Ap
propriation for White
House Cars.
Increase of $500,000 Reconsid
ered Wrangle About Price of
Powder Automatic Rifles
Ordered ' for Army.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. The House
locked horns today with the Senate on
the question of automobiles for the White
House and refused to accept an amend
ment to the urgency deficiency biU strik
ing out the appropriation of 112,000 for
that purpose. The bill was sent to con
ference. The hopes of the army for sufficient
money to continue its experiments in
aeronautics were blasted when the House
reconsidered its action of last week and
by a vote of almost two to one withdrew
the Increase of J500.000 then made.
The army appropriation bill was passd
and consideration of the agricultural bill
immediately begun. Larrinaga, delegate
from Porto Rico, advocated a duty on
other than Porto Rican coffee entering
the United States.
Loss Money for Airships.
The increased appropriation for aero
nautics was stricken out by 60 to SO on
a rising vote. On roll-call the appropria
tion was defeated. 90 to 161. Thi3 re
duces the appropriation to the original
sum of $250,000.
- - An appropriation of $200,000 was made
fi.x the purchase of automatic rifles.
AvJong wrangle ensued over an amend
ment Iby Fitzgerald (N. T.) limiting the
price Vf powder, except for small arms,
to 64 dents per pound. The chair tuled
the amendment out of order.
Fitzgerald Loses Battle.
The provisions restricting the general
staff cordis to officers above the grade
of major (and limiting the detail for such
service to four years also were ruled out.
An unexpected motion by Fitzgerald to
recommit the bill with instructions to
the committee to report it back with an
amendment fixing the price of powder
at 64 cents caused Hull to move the pre
vious question. By a rising vote of 144
to 123 the previous question was ordered,
but Fitzgerald waa able to force a roll
call. On roll-call the previous question
Negro Port Collector Backed by
Republicans in Senate.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. For the first
time in several years absolute party
lines were drawn in the Senate when,
on yesterday, an executive session was
ordered to consider the nomination of
Dr. W. D. Crura to be Collector of Cus
toms at Charleston, S. C.
All the Republicans on the floor
voted to close the doors, while the
Democrats voted to proceed with legis
lative business. Wnen the case was
called up Senator Tillman asked that
it go over until today. In -resuming
the fignt party lmes again will be
Senator Tillman objected to consid
eration yesterday in order that lie
might obtain protests from business
organizations in South Carolina against
the continuation of Dr. Crum in Ihe
customs service.
Republican Senators are understood
to have lined up for Crum in order that
Mr. Taft may be relieved of the em
barrassment of inheriting a dispute
with tho Senate. Many of the Demo
crats believe that if they can prevent
the confirmation of the negro collector
at the present session. Mr. Taft would
not send his nomination to the Senate.
Inmate 'of Poorfarm Kiilled
While Entering House.
Senute Fixes Day to Decide About
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. An agreement
was reached In the Senate today to vote
February 23 on the Aldrlch substitute bill
for the appointment of a court of inquiry
to determine the qualifications for re
enlistment of the discharged soldiers of
the Twenty-fifth Infantry.
.The Senate today passed a House bill
which Is intended to prevent the impor
tation of opium into the United States
except for medical purposes.
Senate Approves Extra Judge.
lngton, Feb. 2. The Senate judiciary com
mittee favorably reported the bill pre
viously passed by the House creating an
additional Judge and Judiciary district
in Alaska.
President Arbiter on Opium.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. The importa
tion of opium into the United States ex
cept for medicinal purposes is prohibited
by a House bill passed by the Senate to
day. The bill will become a law when
signed by the President.
Red Men Purchase Sanitarium.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Feb. 2. The lo
cal lodge of the Improved Order of Red
Men has purchased the Burlington Hotel,
which Is to be rebuilt and made a Na
tional sanitarium for the members of
the order in America.
The largest quantity of ostrich feathers
ever sold In Ixndon at once wai.the 105.000
pounds disposed of at a recent auction sale.
Harris Trunk Co. for suit cases.
Coroner's Jury Refuses Ho Hold
Hamilton for Shooting Dan
Flynn at ChehaBis
Institution. .
CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. 2.--Speclal.)
Four1 members of the Corortr's Jury In
the investigation Into the killing of
Daniel Flynn at the Lewis .County Poor
Farm, three miles southeast of Chehalis,
last night, this afternoon signed a ver
dict in effect that the acA. of Nathan
Hamilton was Justifiable anl that the de
ceased came to his death - from a shot
un wound Inflicted at khe hands of
Hamilton while Flynn. was committing
an unlawful act. Two jurors would not
agree as to tho Justification. The four
Jurors were R. H. Hurley, S. F. Town
send, Fred Allen and Dan W. Bush, the
other two being J. F. Ga.ea and Robert
James. '
Acting on the opinion of the four Jurors
and his own Judgment. County Attorney
Buxton directed Sheriff njrquhart to re
lease the young prisoner, and he re
turned home to his work at the Poor
Farm. '
About 11 o'clock Surylay night Flynn
returned to the Poor Farm from Che
halis, went to the room) of Mrs. Dunston,
the matron, and demanded admittance.
Under threats that he would break In the
door and kill her, Mus. Dunston finally
opened the door, later taking the gun
away from the man. After long partying
ehe was finally enablfU to get rid of him,
and called help. Flynn was ordered
away from the Poor J 'arm Monday, never
to return.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dunston and
Hamilton came to town and notified
Sheriff Urquhart. IF.amllton wanted the
man prosecuted, but. Mrs. Dunston, wish
ing to avoid publ'jflty, agreed that If
Flynn would leav the country, she
would be satisfied. . This Flynn promised
to do, after being reprimanded severely
by the Sheriff, who ordered the man to
get out of the coun ty and never return.
Flynn later went t.o the Loughrans sa
loon and spent th; day drinking, during
which he made tha-eata that there waa a
party at the Poor- Farm whom he
promised "to g'rt."
Last night abowt 8:30 after the lnmaies
had retired, Flynn stealthily approached
the Poor Farm building. He removed
his shoes and stole through a side en
trance to the dining-room. Hardly had
he got inside wnen the shot was fired.
Hamilton did Jic't go on the stand today,
but from rep ated conversation with
others the shooj.inj was admitted to have
been done by him. It was brought out
that Hamilton feared Flynn, and from
evidence submitted it was apparent that
the former concluded to take no chances.
The fact that Flynn was technically a
burglar was admitted by the county.
Nothing further as to Flynn's Identity
developed. Papers found on his person
indicated that he had worked at Ros
lyn. Wash. Also the addresses of Den
nis Flynn, Chlcopee, and Frontenac, Kan.,
were found among his effects, rfe had a
whisky, flask which was nearly empty,
tobacco, $3.10 in money and some medi
cine in his pocket. He was about 36
years old, and so far as known unmar
ried. The remains will be buried at
county expense unless claimed by relatives.
Huntington Election Results.
HUNTINGTON. Or., Feb. 2. (Special.)
At the city election held in this city
today the following ticket was elected:
Mayor, A. C. Degel; Treasurer. A. W.
Sutherland: Recorder, J. W. Insenhoffer;
Marshal. C. W. Kelsey; Councilmen, C.
A. Northey, F. M. Beck and J. E. Paul.
Make Postal Appointments.
ington. Feb. 2. Llenella Downing was
appointed postmaster at Blaine, Or., to
day. Benjamin H. Tooze was appointed
regular and Albert R. Tooze substitute
rural carrier, route 2, at Sherwood, Or.
Rosenthal's great snoe sale Is on
Valuable Item
for Men
Health and strength hitherto
unknown will be felt surging in
rich, red blood through the ar
teries and veins and life's great
est ambitions may be realized as
never before, if the following
special treatment Is followed by
thoso men, and women, too, who
. are stricken with that most
dreaded of ail afflictions, nerv
ous exhaustion, accompanied with
such symptoms as extreme nerv
ousness, insomnia, cold extremi
ties, melancholia, headaches, con
stipation and dyspepsia, kidney
trouble, dreadful dreams of dire
ful disasters, timidity" in ventur
ing and a general Inability to
act naturally at all times as
other people do. Lack of poise
and equilibrium In men is a con
stant source of embarrassment
even when the public least sus
pects it. For the benefit of
those wno want a restoration to
full, bounding health and all the
happiness accompanying It. the
following home treatment Is
given. It contains no opiates or
liablt-formlng drugs whatever.,
Mix it at home and no one will be
the wiser as to your affliction.
Ti'.e treatment Is simple, thor
ough and correct. Leading drug
gists supply the main tinctures,
extracts and esences In one
ounce bottles, ready to mix. Get
throe ounces syrup sarsaparilla
compound, mix with one ounce
compound fluid balmwort, and,'
stan.l two hours. Add one ounce
compound essence cardlol. and
one ounce tincture cadomene
compound (not cardamom). Shake
well and take a teaspoonful after ;
each meal and one at bedtime.
The Ingredients are used for
various prescriptions.
Ot Sew Members 16 Are for Life,
64 Seniors, 20 Juniors and
Six Are Intermediate.
The board of directors of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club last night held
Its last regular meeting before the an
nual meeting and election of officers
scheduled for next Tuesday night. At
this meeting practically all the business
transacted comprised the election to
membership in the club of 109 applicants,
all of whom were voted on favorably by
the board.
Of these applicants, 16 were for life
memberships. 64 for senior memberships,
20 Juniors, six Intermediates, two com
mercial memberships and one temporary
membership. The names of the newly
elected candidates are as follows:
Life Members Judie Robert G. Morrow.
Dr. M. L. Holbrook. James 1. Hart. J. W.
P. McFall. James Hlslop' Arthur O. Jones.
Dr. Ban ford Whltlnit, Felix Frledlander.
Charles A. Rice. R. P Knight. E. B. Miller.
F. H. Ransom. T. H. Edwards. Walter G.
MofTctt. Henry Wagrnor and Edgar J. Daly.
Senlors Charles a. Townsend. Arthur D.
Hav. G. F. Ellers. TV. C. Detweller. Ray
Masterson. R. L. Scott, B. O. Sawyer. W.
Pinson. Arthur J. Gram. A. J. Bollons,
Radford K. Shawcross. Vernon R. Dennis.
Wilbur G. lluckle. John II. Stephenson,
P. L. Rhankland, John J. King:. W. B.
HolllnKSWorth. Sr., Wynn Wynn, K. E. Vin
son. A J. Metzser. J. C. Barry. Fred
Btschoff. M. McLaren Gordon. Arthur P.
Tirft. Frederick A. Kiehle, Alexander Mc
Laren. L. E. Cable. GeorRe Carroll, Joseph
K Malioney. William C. Peterson. Fred J.
Er.Rel, James D. Murray, V. Vincent Jones,
John II. McKenzle, F. Weaver. Maynard
Redmond. William H. Barnett. V'llllam A.
Carter, H." J Martin, Carl S. Wernicke,
J. A. Mattlsoh. A. H. Devers. Jr., Von A.
Guv, M. I.. Gordon. H. F Daly. Raymond
Hale, Howard Carroll. Dr. C. A. Proud
foot. Joseph Jacobberger. . Ira B. Griffith,
C. B. Smith, Walter Yerian, Ralph R.
Thatcher. W. J. Mitchell. Mir.ot Davis. W.
S. Brown. Dr. T. C. McCIIntock. Harold D.
Chamberlain. Lawrence Chambers. H. W.
Relchert and Kenneth Mackenzie.
Intermediates Robert f. McClure. Jonas
Johnson. Will Gelsler. Joseph Campbell,
Clarence Prehn and Ernest Hecker.
.Tunlors Francis Jacohberger. Early F.
Bruns. Norton Smithson. William Towey.
Ho.vard Blampied. Edward Blampled.
Bruce Hoyt, George Hartman. Arthur B.
McLanchlan. Clarence Brcddle, William Er
fyle Williams, W. B. Hollh.gsworth, Jr.,
John Kenneth Bradley. Sydney Crumm. Ste
phen W. Matthleu, Ray Andrews. Fred W.
Hummel. Edward Julien, Arthur W. Reldel,
Roderick Lee Bradley.
Commercial A. J. Preston and George A.
Temporary Percy Morgan.
Has Fine Mountain Lion.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) J. A. Webber has been exhibiting
today ' a mountain lion which he shot
near Stevenson, Wash., on a recent hunt
ing trip, from which he has just returned.
The lion measures seven feet six Inches
from tip to tip, and weighs If) pounds.
The foremost phy
sicians and oculists
of London, Paris,
Vienna and Berlin
declare the Thomp
son method of flight
testing the Kreat,Jt
discovery made in.
Optometry in thm
twentieth Century.
One charge covers
the entire cost of
leading hospitals and examination, glasses
eye clinics of Europe, and frames.
Second Floor Corbett Bldg.. Fifth and
Nine years in Port-
lnnd. two years in
I.aieI Asu ynr uneU( V"
'hl-eliM-fr'a IlmsrUrmiidAr
I'llls la Red and Hold irslllcV
boio. sealed with Blue Ribbon. V J
Take tber. Bur f Tear
rar!t. AskforCIII.t'IIES-TERfll
art st.
Tetn know. as Best, Sifest,AlwvsRel!bl
We Stay Until Feb. 15th
Our five-year lease expired January 1st Our 30-day notice to vacate expired
February 1st But as we were unable1 to secure a suitable store, se have
made arrangements to stay in our present quarters until February 15th. Posi
tively, we must move on the 15th of this month, leaving less than two weeks
in which to dispose of the balance of our immense stock of the world's best
On many styles. It's worth your while. Several "Returned Rentals," ."Ex
changed" and Slightly Used Pianos at about one-half their actual values.
But you must act quickly only few days more. . Not necessary to pay all cash.
Corner Morrison and West Park Streets