- ' t KELP WANTED MALE, f SITUATION'S WASTED MALE. REAL ESTATE DEALER,. FOB gALlA. F.TAT- J FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB BALE-FARMS. J.Zl .-, WANTED High-grade. perienced Bookkeeper, snd Clerk- Andrew F. V. A Co. 34. 3349. 30 Hamilton be- Baker. Al'red A.. 1'6 AbltM-ton bldg. Peck. William G.. 312 Falling bidg. Birrell. A. H. Co.. 282-2 McKiy bldg. Real estate, imniran-e. mortgage loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict. 6o2 McKay bllg. M. MB. Chapln Hfrlow, 32 Chamber of Commerce. Cj. k B. P. A Co., 5"3 Corbett bldg. Crowley Co.. 7oS-0 CorbU bid. M. .7835. Fields. C E. A Co.. Board of Trad bids. Godiard. H. TV., Main and A 1713. 110 2d at. Jennlng Co.. Main 163. 208 Oregonlan. Leo. M. E.. room 411 Corbet t bide Wall Von Borstel. 104 2d at. 392 Burnslce Parrlsh. Watklns Co.. 230 Alder at. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bid. Fcha'lr. Geo.-D.. 204 Stark at. Main or A 392. Sharker. J. P. Co.. 122H Sixth st. Swensson. A. F. Co.. 253H Washlngtoa St. Tr Oregcn Real Estate Co., Grand aye. and Multnomah st. (Holiaday Addition.) Waddel. W. O.. Sf9 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F., 227H Washington at. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. BI"V a home In which every detail marks the taste. Ingenuity and individuality of an artist. Don't show this brand new 7 room furnace-heated house to your wife unices you wish to Invest; wide veranda, inviting reception hall, restful living-room, with fireplace, sunny dining-room, cabinet K.tor.en; overy room in niv uvu r. - - fu'1 basement. largo attic, full lot, lighted with gas end electricity: good East Side neighborhood: $.V o If Bold at once; easy term on a part of price. JIWfMAX & PARTRIDGE. 4iS Commercial Cluh Bldg. Phone Main W2. IF von are Interested in real estate you can Hot do without our new sectional map. 23 ni. es of Portland's surrouedlngs: it gives t'.wji.hli. r?tij;e!t and section numnera. " K. nnd electric line, etc.; price 60 cents. postpaid. .-end stamps. THU CROSS LEY COMPANY, -08 and 709 Corbett Bldg. TVIT h.r. f , T1 -H,- tT'.lCt on 11. R.. Within 45 minutes of Portland that we can sell at about one-half what It la worth: no bet ter location can be had for suburban home than this: It will pay you to loos mis hp. verv sightly, overlooking the Columbia River and Portland. 607 Commercial bldg , -cor. 2d and Wash. TABOR HEIGHTS. The north 50 feet of lota and 10, b'.ock L, TABOR HEIGHTS. 6"x200 feet. Easy terms. BY S. L N. GILMAN, Both phones. 411 Wash, at. WS BUILD HOMES. We have first-class modern faelltlea for building home upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN" LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. BEARING ORCHARD. 14 acres, 5 miles east anconver, 1 mile of Columbia River and station on R. R. ; trees and land In good condition; must raise some cash; worth $3600; will take S2750. owner, E 631, Oregonlan. 3 1451. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We are designers and builders' of mod em homes on reasonable term: archi tectural work and general contracting. MOivRIS-EJIERY CONSTRUCTION CO.. 624 Chamber of Commerce. T-ROOM strictly modern house, almost new. full cement basement, wash trays, piped for furnace, pas nrut electric light, lot 60 by !. on East 22d. In walking distance, 1 Mock to car, $i7O0; $1200 rah. Kauff lnann A Moore, 820 Lumber Exchange. YOUNG man. are you going to get married T Whit vm need first If a home: here la a chance: New. modern 4-room bungalow, all complete: price $14uo. eay terms. J as. C Logan, 3201J Wawh. at., room 415. $3750. 6-room modern home. East Ankeny, near i4th; large, well-arranged rooms: $2w cash, bal. time. S. Raxworthy, 69T Mar shall. Phone 2456. UENl'ISa bargain on sightly quarter block on Faet Pine .t. : price 12100. or will sell the corner for $1200; must be eold this week. '. J. Owen A Co., Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. N'oK HILl. a specialty: we have on hand the boat bargain. In this part of the city; It you Se.,!re to buy, sell or trade for property In this choice locality. It will pay yon to call on us. 320 Swetland bldg. A SN"P '- acn-s. good location, on Oregon !- cail.nc; perfectly level, all clear, un der hUh stste ft cultivation; 25 minutes out: It s a bars.'ln; $.".76 per acre; Tery lib eral terms. Apply 169 SI et. Ci:KS, close to Halem electric at Tigard vIUm: best of soil; adjoining land Selling et $200 per acre and even more; l.t.V, SMi cash. KaulTnwjin & Moore, o25 Lum ber Exchange. 6-KOOM house and lot 33 1-3x100 on East Mh at.; full basement: this 1 walking dis tance from business district: price 342O0, $I c:.sii. balance 7 per cent. SPENCER & CO.. lo2 Second at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine quarter block corner 21st St.: all Improvement In and paid for: price $80no. It .e.d terms. Brubaker A Benedict, 602 Mc Kay bide. SACRIFICE SALE. Owner leaving tnc state. t30OO new 7 room modern house, for $."H. Hawthorne and 4!;h sts. Llnd A Co., room 32 Lum ber Exchange HAWTHORNE AVE. Choice looxjuo corner, Hawthorne and a-'th; business or apartment alte. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. EY OWNER. 8-room house, furnished, hard wood iloors. bcht finish, walla tinted, lrv Ir.Kton Addition. Broadway, near 21st; terms. Address P. O. Box 40. A 2785. PIEDMONT. Choice comer. looxlOO, 250 ft. from K1I1 lr.Ksworth: S.V: g.xd terms. Brubaker A Ker.edlet. 62 McKay bldg. V . HOl'PEd for sale In alt parts of the city; acrer.ee close in and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44SC,, Klnner A Stampher. 531-.12 Lumber Exchange bldg. t--?.fnt FtR a nearly new 6-room house, lot Jlxloo. near O. R. A N. car shops; J450 rali, balance $ir. per month, including interest. Inquire fr Minnesota ave. $2"''H Bl'YS a good 8-room hottse, lot BOX loo on Minnesota ave.: ".50 cash, balance 2t per month. Inquire at 508 Minnesota ave. 8 !.OTi ntf.tr Ivanhon station all cleared. ver- p'clitly coner. flMKi; ::00 cash, bal-c-.ce mor.rlily. Kauffmann A Moore, 323 Lumber Echan;;e. p-jT,",: N.at r-room moiiem cottage, good r- iirhborhcid. alklnir distance. East Side; SM.. v?f. tal:i:ice terms. A. A. Hoover, :;lll Cer.ir.eer bldg. I Jtl'Y and sell all kinds of real estate and timber ian Is. IJst your properly with me and get resulta Clauda E. Hicks. iiuS Corbett bAs- ll.'xoO. on Wootistock rite, overlooking en tire cty: small liouee. chicken-hou--e and yard, bearing orchard; $U0. Call 410 Fall ing b'.d. WITHIN -WALKING DISTANCE, f.-rooni modern new residence, close to Fteel brldt-e: a baricaln at ilitWO. Llnd A Co.. 3-U Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN 20 acres level land on electrlo line at Garden Home; f ne ror subdivision; running water. JH"00. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. RISI.EY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINB '2't to 5 acres, all in cultivation, best of land. C. W. Rlsley. owner; P. O.. MU waukle. Phone Oak Grove, Red 11 YOTt will have to hurry If you want this uj-to-data West Side home In paved dis trict for or.ly $400o. Logan, S2t!j Wash, rt.. room 415. AT .SACRIFICE. Second German M. E. 'hurcii and pirsrmage. cor. Rodney and Hiat.ton. call at 218 Stanton. Phone Wood lawn 10J4. i EQL'ITY In houne and lot on Mt. Scott lire to sell or trade for anything jou have. 3o Swetland bl'jg. S ACRES In building site to suit: thla la hlfth and sightly, on 80-foot street and good carlme, euiy terms. Call at 410 Falling bldg. FINE o-room house. Garfield ave Highland, full lot. $J750. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. A FFTW davs only, comer on Lovejoy St., fVysi. Ay.sworth-Epton Co., 7l Chamber of Lommtuf. " UK'i41 No humrjug; 6-roxm modern cot I t 4'xl."o: tine locality; only flTSO. E.u't i:i5. B 14.17. 1S00 2 lots, 60x100 each, on carline. S2d ard vllnton. Mala 1743. Stowell A Rogers, 110 2d t- 9 CHOICE) lots in Evalyu. Osetonloa. Address J& 640. SMALL FARMS. 20 ACRES All In cultivation, house and barn. 10 acres In strawberries, 4 acres In cherries, within 2 miles of cen ter of city, fine tract for platting. Price $1500 per acre; easy terms. 10 ACRES All In cultivation. 5 ac s In choice small fruit: no buildings, with in 3 H miles from center of city, fine tract for platting. Price 11000 per acre; very easy terms. 10 ACRES All In cultivation, fine aoll, on 60-ft street, within 4 miles of cen ter of city. Price $700 per acre; easy terms. ACRES All In cultivation, lies beau tifully, on comer of two 60-ft. streets, 1 acre In raspberries, within 3 'j miles from center of city. Price 11000 per acre; a cash. 2 ACRES Very choice land, all In raspberries, on 60-ft St., within Shi miles from center or city, price saoo per acre; !4 cash. 2 ACRES Very choice land, lies high and sightly, all In Magoon straw berries, lies on 60-ft. street, 5c fare; can make living on this tract. Price $800 per acre; 4 cash. S ACRES Within 2 miles from city limits; In cultivation. young or chard and small .fruit; small house, barn and chicken-house. Price $1900: easy terms. This Is a very cheap piace. JORDAN A GARBADE. 232 Washington St. WASHINGTON STREET. Corner J16.000. ST-NNYSlnH HOMES. Nice 6-room cottage on East Alder, near BSth St.. CORNER LOT MODERN COTTAGE. 5 -room, J2T700, East Main St. 6-room bungalow. East Alder, near 33th, only :ls10; worth more. PORTLAND TRl'-ST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. GOOD BUY IN VACANT IXTS. .15x100. Gllsan St.; high and sightly; only (3500. Quarter hlocX In Woodstock. 3 blocks from car, (500, easy terms. Fine lot. Beauvolr Heights, only $350. Here Is a bargain: Half block In Wood stock, only 650. PORTLAND TRT'ST COMPANY OF OREGON". S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. With over hi acre of land, under per fect cultivation, right on Oregon City car line, near station. 25 minutes out; 5 rooms, bath and pantry; spring water pll-ed in house; beautiful large fireplace, beamed celling In living-room and dining-room; Teranda. 8x30 feet; for quick eale, J23SO; suitable terms. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 610-611-612 Swetland Building. SOUTH PORTLAND. $ieo0 Lot 85x100. on Glbbs st.. near Corbett. fine place to build a home; $1000 cash. $4500 Swell 7-room house on Corbett. near Glbbs. modern In every way; half cash. $53O0 Very swell. 7-room house, strict ly modern, corner Corbett st. J. W. GRUSSL 205 Wash, near 8d room T. UNIVERSITY PARK. 100x100. corner of Haven and Syracuse, only $1050. 8 lots corner Newman and Vanderbilt, one block from car. $1100. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. OWNER of one of the finest Portland homes tas gone to fruit farming; beautiful home, new. modern, very large rooms. 6 bed rooms, extra fine larpe fireplace, corner, close In; walking distance: can arranpte terms. Phone East or B ISM. Don't phone unleee you are In market for fine, large, modern home. ACREAGE. For $2000 you can get a warranty deed to S acres of the finest land at JENNINGS LODGE on the Oregon City carllue. Terms can be arranged. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 610-611-612 Swetland Building. SEE HENKFES ADDITION If you want the best home site. We recom mend Menefee because we believe that 2'ou get the blRgest value for your money. Let us prove this to you. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ELEGANT, large house, nice grounds and surroundings. East Ash. near 20th St.. more than full lot. S5O00; $500 to $1000 cash, balance terms or $4S00 all or half W."hL. MORGAN. R. A. PRESTON. 322 Falling Bldg. HOLLADAY BUNGALOW. Owner of beautiful large bungalow com pelled to move to Chicago, will sell his bungalow for quick pos&esssion; Tery fine stone abutments, porch, fireplace, furnace, double floors, built-in wrinkles; price $4i50. Both phones 812d. $15,000, or will take small Portland prop erty IOr 1U acres gOOU tlllllnicu irvuu, . room house, good barn, chicken-house. 30 bearing fruit trees; also cream separator r.nd farm implements; on mail route. M mile from store and school; good terms. Orchard, Wash., route 1. Box 74. FOR SALE A fine modern 6-room house. full cement basement ana cement warn, on 2 carltnea fine location. $2750; $200 down, balance to suit. Call East Side In vestment Co., 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. A CHOICE suburban home of 9 acres; 0- room modern nouae, nne Darn, imn, con venient to car; price very low for quick sale. W. O. WADDEL. 309 Lumber Exchange. MODERN 7-room house and lot 50xlCO, on Alblna ave.: full basement, street improve ments all in: price $4200, $1000 caeh, bal ance 7 per cent. SPENCER A CO., 102 Second at. 1RVING.TON Lot 60x100. modern fl-roora house, built by "days- worK. an tno im provements. $7000: $2000 rash, balance to suit purchaser. Atlaa Land Co.. 420 Lum ber Exchange. NEAT little cottage on 105x100 lot. close to best canine; eiectno ngnia. etc.; lot fectly level and set to flowers and trees; terms If desired. 24S Alder. 10 to 12; Prueher. WANTED Investor or contractor with $10.- 000 to talte hair interest in ou encico residence lots and construct houses: best car service, sightly location: reforences with letter. R 508. Oregonlan. IRVTNGTON HOME, on Schuyler St., bet. j'.Hh ana zisi: ioi i.iii'w, u-ruom n.u- with full rtmertt basement, 2 flreplaoe and all modern Improvements, $7:100. Phone Main 142. 50x100. East Main st., near 17th; south front; cement sldewalKS, macauam atreei, sewer, gas; price very low for quick sale. See owner, 309 Lumber Exchange. $l!no CASH will buy corner 100x100 In I'leomoni . oinrni n"i "J u--1"""'. -selling for $2250. John B- Easter. Ger llneer bldg. $15 MM) 30x100 and an up-to-dnte flat build lr.g. nicely situated on 1:1th St.; Income $130 per month. Terms. v . o. vtauuei. 300 Lumber Exchange. $42.M) 50x100 on clay st., near 14th: fine location for apartments or flats; nothing as cheap in this vicinity: terms. W. O Waddel. 809 Lumber bxcuange. TWO booses, good lota, one $550. one $600. near school ana cur. tx.i "-. 1 ' ' west of school. Lents. Or. N 622. Ore gonlan. NEW 6-room house nd comer lot. Talus about sjovu. m r.ti w i-. ...--..v. a good small farm. Owners only. K 626. oregonian. FOR S M.E or trade, new 6-room modern . i v.-. V. ,otlet. sink, closets- Slf.O puhkbk'.i ..... . - . - cash, balance like rent. 612 Couch bldg. BLOCK, good location. East Side: track age; , O1 syiauon-.iJiwu i no Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE By owner, handsomest bunga low in itTinjwu. i ... . 23d st. Nortn. H75 70 CASH Double corner and Inside lot, JVaverlelgh Heights Add. Arthaud, Im perial Hotel. UNION AVENUE MUST SELL AT SAC RIFICE LOT NEAR SELLWOOD. $10o0. PART CASH. 20 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. NICE HOME. 7 rooms, modern, near car, fine neighborhood, a bargain. 6Sxl0O lot; $'500. terms. 209 Commercial block. STRICTLY modern 6-room house. $2750; small payment. balance $25 monthly. Phone Wooulawn 1700. CHOICE 6 and 10-acr tracts for sale; easy terms; no irrigation. North Bank Nut A Fruit Land Co., 838 Chamber of Com. LARGS rooms, full lot. Piedmont. $3760. I f irtm xwiH-oY, i&a ;bud. ct. A $50,000. To settle estate the following Is offered at above figure: Flour mill complete. In cluding 8d acres land, perpetual water right, warehouses for grain, Ice houses. 100,000-ton capacity, and two beautiful homes, all complete: 15 per cent guaran teed on investment- Near Portland. Terms. $14,000. Stage route. Including S livery barns, horses, hotel, waRons, mall contracts, etc Terms. Wonderful opportunity for live man. ' 305 Wells Fargo Bldg., Portland. A 3237. Main 5641. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owner and planters In Oregon. We have the only nlaated tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill, o-acre tract, planted. $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC.. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ACREAGE ON OP.EGON CITY CARLINE. We have one 3-acre tract on the Ore gon City carline. hlph and sightly; per fect state of cultivation; 30 minutes car ride; spring water: the most beautiful suburban location adjacent to Portland; $550 per acre; easy terms. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Building. ONE" cottage, $4000, ft rooms, V cash: one cottage, $3500, 6 rooms, 1-3 cash. bal. 3( per month, and a number of choice two story rosiaences: one lot, best part lrvlng tort, $1250: one 60-ft., choice location. $!-J: two very wlect lots. $13K each. Office l.'th and Halsey. llroadway-lrvington car. Ph. E 896. C 1093. Dolen A Herdroan. 6-ROOM modern house, 1004 Thurman St.. Willamette Heights, gas. electric lights, furnace with hot water coll. gas hot water heater, gas range, window shades, full basement, stationery tubs, porcelain bath and lavatory; linoleum on bath, kitchen and pantry, $4.".00: must be seen to bo appreciated ; lovely view. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. I HAVE a few lots near KlUIngsworth and Patton avenues that I will eell on. terms from $4i0 up. 410 Falling bldg. GOOD BUYS In East Side business prop erty. 432 Chamber of Commerce. M 2018. WASTED REAL ESTATE. NOTICE On and after date shall enter o active llet only such desirable realty (city, suburban, farm), quoted at right price for exclusive exile. H. T. ABSTEIN, Realty. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Immediately. 25 to TOO acres land in Willamette Valley, suitable for walnuts; would consider bearing orchard; owners only. GODDAP.D ft WIEDRICK. 110 Second. WE have customers for desirable residence; properties ranging In price from $3000 to $0000. Owners of such properties will do well to see us. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. INC. Lumber Exchange bldg. FARMERS ATTENTION. Eastern buyers for Willamette Valley forma, send full description, price, etc.. If you want to sell, we have the buyers. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 021 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. HAVE customer, wants farm worth up to $5000, easy to reach, within 100 miles of Portland; something that will bear in vestigation and worth the monery. F. M. Crawford A Co., 420 Swetland bldg. CUSTOMER wants Income property not over $5000; will pay cash: must show at least 7 per cent net on Investment. F. M. Crawford A Co., 420 Swetland bldg. WANTED To buy corner lot between Sulli van's Gulch and East Madison St., west of Soth; must be cheap for cash. Phono East 60O. HAVE $25,000 or any part to Invest In city property netting 7 per cent. M 617, Ore gonlan. WANTED Cheap land In tracts of 5000 to 20,000 acres; no agents. Ainsworth Smith. Buchanan bldg.. Portland. WANTED 2 to 10 acres. Improved or un improved; must be good value and close to Portland. J 623. Oregonlan. AM READY to buy 100 to 600 million feet timber anywhere In the state. K 627, Oregonlan. WILL BUY 6 to 7-room house; give price and location: or will Invest In any kind of bargain. R 511S. Oregonlan. WANTED Exclusive sale&hlp of property to be platted In lots or acreage; equipped agency. C G25, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot or fraction north of Wash, west of ISth. Main or A 1U78. WANTED New 6-room house, E. Ankeny ,,.11. J... V.l. nv. A IOT.1 or nuiiKuuj. j ...I.. ...... .. v. . . $1200 Good Vernon property for building purpose; no agents. R 587. Oregonian. WANT to buy a relinquishment In Slletx, K 02K, oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. I have 80 acres in Crow Wing County, Minnesota, on county road. 12 miles north of Brainard. Minn., the coming iron coun try. I will sell for $10OO or trade for acreage in Oregon. R. T. Green, 618 Wor cester bldg. . 160 FEET frontage, on carline, 15 minutes from center of city, street work done, property above grade, 2-story house on one lot; owner wants wheat land In East ern Oregon. F. M. Crawford A Co., 420 Swetland bldg. FIRST-CLASS six-room modem cottage, Spo kane, Wash., to trade for Portland prop erty or land along North Bank Railroad. W. C. Wilkes. 11th and Hoyt. Phone M. 8611. FOR SALE or exchange for suburban prop erty, 160-acre homestead relinquishment in Jackson County, good buildings, ideal fruit or stock ranch; plenty free range. R 503, Oregonlan. 21 ACRES, improved, 8 miles from Court house, truck farm and dairy; want some Improved property In St. John, some un improved, some cash. F. M. Crawford A Co., 420 Swetland bldg. MY lftO-ACRE desert claim In fruit belt of Southern Idaho, close to county seat and railroad; what have you to exchange. N 63. Oregonian. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If yon want to buy. sell or trado business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson A lay lor, rooms 810 and 811 Buchanan bldg. WANT to trade first-class Eastern Ore gon wheat land for Portland property. Call eoa Corbett bldg. Phone Mam 3834, A 440.1. IF YOU want to buy. sell or exchange any thing see Kauffmann A Moore, 325 Lum ber Exchange. WILL trade for wnat you have. Gus Smith. 801 Buchanan bldg. TOURING enr or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonlan. FOR city vacant, equity 8-room dwelling Boise. Idaho. AC 48L Oregonian. 0000 SHARES mining stock to trade for printing office. Thresher. Echo. Or. WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 101B BOARD OF TRADE. WANT to trade agreement. 7 per cent In terest, for desirable lot. A 2369. ACREAGE. INSIDE ACHE TRACT.-. 4 acres, facing fine macadamized street, water on two sides, all clear, fine soil, can be bought for $1100 per acre FOR CASH; land adjoining been platted and old; this is $300 to $400 per aero under market. DONALD MACLEOD. 80S Concord Bldg., Second and Stark. FOR SALE S5 acres, 10 minutes' ride from p. O.; lots In this tract sell for $2000. Soe owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. M 2018. FARMS WANTED. WANTED To rent a farm. 160 acres or more, must have fair outbuildings, prefer dairy, had experience 27 years In East. Address A. Y.. St. John, Or. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted ft J. VoCrsckeo, to IttcKajr bide- FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM CHEAP AND ON EASY TERMS. 163 acres 6 miles from a large town on the coast; good gravel road run past the plaoe; 120 acres of bottom and tideland, all diked In: 60 acres can be plowed, bal ance pasture: the other S3 acres Is bench land In pasture; 2 barns 6.1x80 feet and 80x 40. with ehed; good 10-room houe. 8 acres in orchard, over 300 trees, with all kinds of fruit; 85 good dairy cows, 4 horses, 60 chicken. 3 calves, 1 bull. good farm wagon. 2-aeated surrey, new, buggy, hay tedder, mower, rake, 2 plows, 1 harrow. 1 roller, 1 scraper. cultivator, rope and hay carrier complete, horse-power wood saw. elder mill and press, 3000 feet of good wire cable and a lot of small tools and Implements; 1 milk route complete, with delivery wagon. 50 cane, 200 bottles and all complete, which pass $250 per month; price $15,000. terms of $3000 down, balance 8 years at 8 per cent. This Is beautifully located on a nne ntaing uu near the coast, where the grass Is always green. Can bo Irrigated at any time of yeRALPH ACKLET, 305 Corbett Bldg. CAV T.OOTf AT TUTS ONE. 87 acres of fine farm land, 82 acres In high stato of cultivation. 5 acres In tim ber and pasture; a good S-room plastered house, good woodhouse. good brick root hn t-ood hum and 2 large chlcken- houses. A good family orchard. 2 miles from a prosperous yamniii county iowu, and 32 miles from Portland; hi mile to boatlandlng; personal property aa roi- W.' 5 horses 7 COWS. 1 heifer. 1 Calf. 1 full-blood Poland China boar. 4 good brood sows, 20 pigs. 70 chickens, o tur kevs. 1 wagon. 1 mower-and rake, 1 cul tlv'ator, 1 drag, 1 harrow, 1 plow. 1 cream separator, 16 tons or nay, pnone anu stock In Mutual Exchange Co.; all house hold iroods. excent betiding and clothes; price for all, $8000; JuOUO cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent. GEO. W. TURNER. 416-17 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland. Or. FINEST DAIRY FARM IN OREGON. tSTeur Woorilmrn: station on the place; one mile to creamery; ail fine, level, deer, black soil: finest of running water year through; largest part can be Irrigated. id or lul acres, about half in cultivation. balance line timber; cultivated part fenced .with woven wire fence; one mile to Mount Angol College and high school; sidetrack In to farm, valuable buildings; largest part of cultivated land Is In crop now; $70 per acre; most liberal terms; if you are looking for an Ideal dairy farm, don't mis seeing this; there Is not a secona one in all Oretron to compare witn the above. We gladly take you out to Judge for your self. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 708 Corbett Bldg. 40-ACRE Improved farm, good house and burn, 3 acres mixed fruit in full bearing. 13 acres alfalfa, balance line fruit land and all under irrigation with private per petual water rights; 2 miles from station on North Bank Railroad and 3 hours from Portland: a snap at $2SO0. part caan Palmer. 617 Oregonlan bldg. ONE of the best farms In the state for the money, in good old Yamhill, near town and railroad, 110 acres, 70 In cultivation, balance easily cleared; fair buildings; soil will grow anything from walnuts to onions; team horses and Implements all go for $SS00; terms. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres. 8.000,000 green. 3.000.000 dead timber, tributary to Nehalem River, 40 acres easily cleared, near county road; best of fruit land; house 14x20. Other improvements: tim ber In this section sells at $1 per M E 450, Oregonlan. 160 ACRES near Portland at $100 an acre, 25 acnes cleared; there Is $10,000 worth of good timber on this place. Can sell for flf0 an acre In eight months. See owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. BNAP 274 acres, 1144 miles east of Court house, fine roads, large barn, small house, nica spring, elegant land, no rock or gravel; only $3000, some terms. 209 Commercial block. WHEAT farm, 480 acres, all In wheat; price $15,000; crop will almost pay for it; might trade It for city property. Call 248ij Stark st. 6 ACRES, cultivated; 4-room house and outbuildings; small orchard, good well water; 2h miles southeast Milwaukie; price, $2000. E. Coleman, Milwaukie, Or. BEND for our list, of Willamette Valley farms befcre buying: lands shown free. Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or. FARMS, large and small: terms to suit purchaser and our prices are always right. J. M. Kerr A Co.. 2US Stark St.. room 10. 10 ACRES near Lents, cheap. Address K 625, Oregonian. 16 ACRES at Bell station, Estacada car line, $400 per acre. C. W. Schuld. IOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE OREGON TIMBER A CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trado bldg. Phone Main 8667. OREGON TIMBER A REALTY CO. Headquarters for legging propositions; timber lands, farm lands end business chances. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Phone M 8550. A $580. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. fc2U Chamber of Commerce, Portland. HAVE cash buyers for timber claim's. Will buy large number If located close to gether, a C. Shay. 407 Rothchild bldg. fir. suruce and pine bought and sold in large or small tracts. Moore A Thomas, 9 Commercial Club bldg. HAVE some small tracts of timber for sale cheap; fir, cedar and pine. A. E. Mathews, 209 Couch bldg. GOOD homestead relinquishment, 30 miles out, good roads; Investigate at once. H 621, Oregonian. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Btampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. It HEAD draft horses. 6 to 8 years. 1300 to 1500 for sale. Several well-matched teams. Phone J. W. Connell, Pacltlo Status. Main 875. Hillsboro, Or., or take Oregon Electrlo or S. P. and stop at Hillsboro and see some good horses. SNAP $125 buys team, weight 2400 lbs., are sound and good workers; owner needs money: must sell: can be seen at 28 N. loth st. T. Dayton, owner. Good grad ing or ranch team. BNAP $125 buys team, weight 2400 lbs., are sound and good workers; owner needs money: must sell; can be seen at 23 X. 15th st. T. Dayton owner; good grad ing or ranch team. A FINE, gentle, combination horse, a lady's basket phaeton almost new, har ness, to be sold very reasonable. Apply Kramers M. J. Stable, 605 Alder St., cor. 15th. $100 BUYS express rig. down, balance monthly payments, brown horse, weighs 1200 lbs., good top wagon and harness. Red . Front Stables. 14th off Washington. ONE 5-year-old horse weighing 1550 lbs., perfectly sound, without blemishes; ono span well-matched blacks, 6 and 6 years old. "Phone East 4S04, C 1477. $100 BUYS express rig. hi down, balance monthly payments;, brown horse, weighs 1-U0 lbs., good top wagon and harness. Red Front Stables, 14th off Washington. NEW double express truck with top, all complete; also good second-hand single express wagon with top: can be seen at 26 N. 15th. Main 1125 WANTED Young team for boss, about 2300 lbs.. 16 hands; must be sound. New Scott Hotel. 7th and Ankeny sts. PAIR of bay horses, N jears old. weight 2710 lbs., with heavy harness and wood wagon; must sell at once. :;55 Mill st. 2 SPAN good work horses, four lai'te mares with foal. Freedman Bros., 4bD Overton, between 13th and 14th. Take S. car. HORSES, mares, rtgs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HAND-MADE grocery wagon; good as new. C. J. Bush. East 8287. 165 BUYS roan horse 8 years old and good worker, single or double. Call 26 N. loth. HUBERT A HALL. 3S0 Front, buy, sell, rent horses, vehicles, low rates on bueiness rigs. WANTED Milch cows, state price and par ticulars In letter. R 3S9. Oregonlan. BAY saddle pony cheap. Inquire at An derson Bros. Stables, 241 Jefferson Bt. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madl-eon-et. stable, 185 hi. near bridge. HORSES and mares for saia. Rose City Sta fcles. Uth astd Jefferson. If- 8800. I I FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with gooeonec furniture wagons to rent by month or . year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purpose, day, week or month. Phone East 72, B 1SS8. Hawthorn stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. LESSONS in riding, saddle horses suitable for ladles, ponies for children, escort fur nished, for sale or hire. Stevenson. 26 N. 15th st. Pfcone Main 1125 TWO cheap farm horses weighing 2400 lbs. ore 5-vear-old driving mare. Phone East 4S04. C 1477. Automobile. SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. 1907 model, 7-passenger Pierce Great Arrow for sale by owner; 30 horsepower; fully equipped; top and side curtains, gas lamps, Bosch magneto, odometer, fine ex tra inner tubes, new tires; car has Just been thoroughly overhauled and Is In per fect shape; a bargain at $2250 cash. Write or call on C. F. Gilbert. Hotel Danmoore. Portland. FOR SALE 1808 Reo roadster in first-class condition; been run only 800 miles; dem onstration given. A 60H. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up. for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman A Co.. 48 2d St. $700 AUTOMOBILE quick sale, $233 cash. 220 Toui-ny bldg. Main 3753. Pianos FOR SALE One Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new. cost new $400; will sell $200; piano Is In golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1676. i Miscellaneous. 2 LOCOMOTIVES. 16x24, 46 tons. 1 clamshell bucket. 1 yard'. 10 1-yard dirhip cars. 22 lMi-yard dump cars. 1 concrete mixer. 1 12-horse power gasoline engine. 1 0'.ixl2 donkey eiiKlne. 1 8x10 donkey engine, swing gear. 1 6-4XIO donkey engine. - 2 pile-drivers. 1 30-horse power traction engine. 1 grader and elevating wagon loader. Pneumatic power riveting machines. 1 12-horse power centrifugal pump. 100 slip scrapers. 61 wheel scrapers. 13 l-yard dump wagons. Other miscellaneous tools. WILLAMETTE CONSTRUCTION CO., 419 Failing Bldg. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereoptlcons. cal cium and gas outfits, new films, 3000 sub jects; guaranteed no repeaters; largest buyers of new films In United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. , LAEMMLE FILM' SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland. DO you want a nearly new piano, organ, hall safe, Victor safe, restaurant outfit. National cash register, or new goods In the line of fancy and staple groceries, dry goods, or a fine rubber-tire driving buggy. We are closing out an immense stock at 173-175 2d St.. cor. Yamhill. Sales every day. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. A" BARGAIN In three-horse motor, small printing press type, cases, drying racks and anything In the line of post cards, souvenirs or goods manufactured by ue; also two tents. The D. M. Averlil Company, 102 Fifth st. North. PACIFIC FILM CO.. $08-317 Rothchild bldg.. Is still looking for more business; will rent films and songs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies for moving picture theaters. SEWING MACHINES. We have a fow slightly used machines that will be sold very cheap. Call and see them at White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington. FOR SAL3 New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Coilender, 49 3d st. EDISON phonograph outfit. $33. Standard machine. 120 records and cabinet, cost $S5. Call or phone Wednesday P. II. 207 6th St. M 7966. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 203 2d sL $100 Absolutely the only tie pin like it in Portland; artistic English stick pin for a swell dresser. Address R 5S5. Oregonlan. ABOUT 500 feet chicken wire fencing and a few farming Implements for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 1212. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market ' prices. Hoover. Sis Water at. Phone Main 745L FURNITURE for sale; going East; will sell all or part cheap. Call 855 Hall st. 6ISCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 406 Couch bldg. TYPEWRITER. A-l. your own prlce,"or will rent. H 405. Oregonlan. , 1 MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, alldea films for rent. 165 hi 4th st. A GOOD hotel steel range for sale. 65 Rus sell st HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Sawmill superintendent or fore man, night run; must be competent man. Address, giving reference and experlenoe; AB 5S8, Oregonlan. BRIGHT young man to make himself use ful and willing to learn general broker age business; small capital required. See me personally at 608 Swetland bldg. EXPERIENCED man to work on small ranch 20 miles from Portland: married man preferred; small house furnished; state wagea AB 697. Oregonlan. WANTED Porter for liquor store; must have references from last employer. Call Thursday morning, Brunn A Co., 1st and Alder. WANTED Dental operator, Spokane Ad vertising office, good salary to right man. Inquire 816 Dekum bldg." STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 25i. Burnside Street. Phone Main 6694. A MAN to contract for clearing land; want ing distance from Portland. .Room 29, Hamilton bldg. C 1193. Main 8349. $3, $10 DAY soliciting subscriptions Cathollo and German magazines. 003 Goodnough bldg. WANTED Sober, honest young man with little moncv: have three good business openings. 326 H Washington at., room 414. OFFICE man, 20 to 25, with kaowledge bookkeeping: state ago, experience, refer ences, phone number. AC 499. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class ladles' tailor; must be gOOd C"tl-l"'.c!, .w - - -.. fit. N 601, Oregonian. CARPENTER wanted to build large refrig erator. Inquire North Portland Restaurant, 91 North Sixth street. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 3" North 2d St. Both Phonea HOUSE-to-house canvassers wanted on East 'side- salarv and commission. Call be tween 8 anil 9. 543 Union ave. N. WANTED Helper on cutting table of shirts and overalls mat Knows someinuis about cutting. D 632, Oregonian. MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb ing, bricklaying, plastering; $23 required. Pacific Trade School, 413 Arcade, Seattle. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require thorough - ly experienced elevator runner. Apply to Supt.. with references. WANTED A first-class sawyer. Cnehalis River Lumber Co.. Centralis. Wash. WANTED Farmhand on email farm In city limit. Apply 617 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Bov, 14 or 15. $20 per month. Allen's Press-Clipping Bureau, 109 2d st. FEW STOCK salesmen, good, clean, high class properties. N 024. Oregonlan. FW1ST-CLASS coat maker and bushelman at once. Crown Tailors. 4th and Stark. WANTED A good canvasser; nothing to sell; a money-maker. E- 687, Oregonlan. WANTED Photo and portrait agents; swell new offer. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. STRONG boy to make himself useful around office and run errands. Phone Main 8647. MAN to cut cordwood. near Portland. Ap ply 339 Sherlock bldg. WANTED An apprentice feeder on platen press. Chester Kurran, 147 Third. JANITOR to clean office. $3 per month. Ap ply 90 5th st. . GOOD quick money for agents; best deal In city. 615 Beck bldg. - Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win Depot. P. Loraii. 148 4th. Main WOO. WANTED High-grade, experienced sales men for ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 and upward made by some of our men last year; this is choice property and sell fast. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce. IN A short time we will have good paying routes open in every part of the city; it will take about $50 to get started and then you can earn a nice income and be Independent. FUle your application at once. Must be over 16 years of age. Clti; Circulation Dept.. Oregonlan. ' 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates las: year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, si N. 4th St., Portland. Or. WANTED at once, party to take hi Inter est and manage the best light manufac turing plant in city; only business of Its kind here; $150 per month salary guar anteed; $750 earn required. For Infor mation call 872 Washington St.. room 0. AUTOMOPLING. plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by actual work in shops and buildings; advanced scholars earn wages; catalnpue free. Coyne National Trade School. 30 8th et.. San Francisco. "VY H want high-class solicitors with some knowledge of piano keyboard. Something entirely new. Virgin territory. Big Eastern company Plenty opportunities for advancement. Get In on ground floor. Call 9 to 12. 601 Columbia bldg. TWO GOOD SOLICITOR8 for biggest maga zine combination offer or tne season; io weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necesaary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddaa. 502 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. C. R. HANSEN", JR.. Employment Office 5ien's DepartmemL 28 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com Toeooement salary SS0O: March examina tlons; candidates prepared free; write Im mediately for schedule. Franklin Insti tute. Rochester, . x. WANTED Young man, over 21, to make nimseir useiui ano. loam Kouim u. age business; pmall capital required. In quire day or evening, 6 to 8, S2Hhi Wash ington St., Room 417. wivTRh Man to learn to operate moving picture machines, $25 to $35 per week salary. Seattle School of operators, 20.;- 204 Crary bldg., union St., cor. am Seattle. YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre pare for examination soon: about $70 a month to start. Call or write for f rce .par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED A young man to aBSIst coffeo roasting plant with a view of learning tha Dusiness. Apply u. -, . . - - Ankeny. MrLLWTtlGHT who can head saw If neces sary $4; close in. Pioneer Employment Co., 10 North 2d. STENOGRAPHER wanted for light office work; give address ana pnone numoer. E 624. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOK and helper, $00, country hotel; cook, small oamo. $30: German governess. $30; 2 second girls. $25; restaurant waitress (out of city), $1 day; kltcnen ncipei, chambermaids, waitress and house girls. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3434 Wash. St. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation: Al refer ences or bond necessary. Cnll after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddan. 602 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Orl WANTED Young lady to stay with young married lady at nights for her board and room; mav work out In day time If de sired. Call H. Mattock, 405 Union ave., cor. E. Lincoln. WANTED An industrious high school or business college girl to work for board and room; If requirements are met would pay Bmall wages. 6S7 Tillamook, cor. 20th. East 2717. WANTED An experienced lady bookkeeper ard stenographer, no higher than $45 per month. Andrew Kan & Co., 240 Washing ton st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43H Waanington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2892. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED A conscientious woman over 23 to take charge of office and direct em ployes. A 024, Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. . WANTED Young girls to work In ruchlng factory, nice, clean work: pay while learn ing. 248 Ash St., room A. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 0264 Washington St., Room 807. Main 8838 or A 8268. GIRL for general housework, good wages and good room. Phone C 20S5, or call 6S3 Broadway. GIRLS, 16 years and over, to wrork In fac tory. Apply at once. Ames. Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis st. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department. 2054 Morrison St Phones Main 1002. A 2064. EXPERIENCE unnecessary: large commis sions earned soliciting subscriptions. Mount Angel Magazine, Goodnough bldg. AN excellent housekeeper, widow woman with children preferred. AC 406. Orego nian. LIPMAN, WOLFB A CO. require saleswomen for suits, fancy goods, etc.; good position for people of more than ordinary ability. WANTED Experienced coat finishers. Co lumbia Woolen Mills Co., Tth and Stark streets. HOUSEKEEPER, family of two. near city. Phone between 41 and 12 this A. M., East 1618. B 18S&. PRACTICE girl, stenographer, typewriter; op portunity for office practice; no salary; c;lve phone number. AB 585, Oregonlan. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 848 U Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstair. Phone Main 2692. YOUNG lady stenographer may have office practice, until she gets position. E 634, Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework. 104 East 13th St.. near Alder. Phone B 1612. WANTED Young girl to assist in light housework. Apply 501 Jefferson st WANTED A girl who understands cooking, 2 In family. Apply 352 Clifton, cor. Park. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; good wages. 670 Hoyt st. GIPL for general housework and assist with cooking. 321 6th et.. corner Clay. WANTED Girl or mlddle-nged woman for - general housework. 447 10th st. THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6 weeks; terms ruiusiiiauio. WANTED First-class sleeve-maker and ap prentices. . 506 Marquam bidg. EXPERIENCED cook wanted. Apply 49 21st North, GIRL for general houwnwork to go to As toria; wages $30. Main S112. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Remington ma chine used. L 621. Oregonlan. HELP wanted at restaurant. $75 N. 19th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. GOOD. BRIGHT, industrious salesmen and saleswomen demonstrators, district mgrs. : a clean, high-class proposition and a big money-maker, which none but the intel lectual can aptireciate; none but absolute ly the best need apply. OoO Marquam bldg 6KVERAL clean-cut, experienced solicitors or demonstrators for grocery trade; either sex. 220 Marquam bldg. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers sow. 612 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4871. AGENTS to sell photo coupons. Room 210 Merchants Trust bldg., 8281. Wash, st. LESSONS IN SHORTHAND and type writing. 269 14th st. Phone Main 8S93. FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per month to beginners. 452 Morrison. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 par month to beginners. 4.12 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and office man. wholesale business experience, desires position. R bad. Orajton n. YOUNG man wants position; fair penman, accurate In figures; some knowledge or tookkeeptog. phone Main 6443. F. I. Moore. YOUNG MAN of 21 with several experience in office wishes position; best of references. K 629. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young man for offic or shipping clerk. F. W.. P. O. Box 48. Miscellaneous. yOUNG man, 3 years' experlenoe In drug business, desires position; any office po sition acceptable; good references. AC 493, Oregonlan. DETECTIVE work. Eastern gentleman em ployed 14 years by one city; reference given. Address box 26u6. Station A, city. JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation ta a family; speaks English; good referenoe. O 624. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED teamster, age 26, wants steady employment, city. E 63S, Orogo nlan. GENERAL blacltsmlth, no horseshoeing. Address A. Flag. Hotel Columbia, 'an- couver. Wash. MAX -Just arrived from Scotland wants po sition in stable or to do milking. E 633. ( .'regonlan. STRONG, sober young man wants work; hnndv with tools, blacksmithlng, etc. Frank Ebert. 630 3d st. GERMAN, age 2. would lllie position as porter; has experience. Call Ijouls Corak, Main 5658. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter r.nd all-around butcher wishes position; state wages. 1: 697, Orefcwnian. HONEST and energetic yonne man warn position, small sa'ary. E s:;ii. Oresonlan. BLACKSMITH wnnts work In logging camp; not horseshoeing. M 014. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED .lapanejo cook wishes po sition 'In family. G Orcnonlaa. JAPANESE hoy wants a position as school boy. R 592, Oregonlan. JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job. 249 Couch st., city. S. Ozaha. A 4358. Al G.' GAS or gasoline engineer, erecting lerating. R ."S. Oreonlan. op, GENERAL housework by day. Job or hour. Thompson, Main o.'-tlf SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady wants position as cashier, assistant bookkeeper or collector: experi enced. References. I. 022. Oreyenian YOUNG LADY stenogrp. pher wishes position with reliable firm; willing to leave city. R 504. Oregonian. EXriCRT stenographer and office clerk want.1 poscltlon: 9 years' experience; good refer ences. B 629. Oregonian. OFFICE position, youne; lady; can uBe type writer: moderate salary. E 465, Ore gonian. Dreesmancrm. DRESSMAKING and plain sewliig by the day. Experienced, phone Tabor 483. PLAIN sewing and dresnaking neatly dona at moderate prices. Phono A 1724. FIRST-CLASS t-essmaking at ioweat prices. Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. FIRST-CLASS dresmaklnn at home or by the day. E 4011. B 1307. GOOD seamstrees would like sewing to do at home. Phone B 2157. Housekeepers A POSITION as housekeeeper by widow with a 12-year-old daughter. M 624, Oregonlaa. WIDOW with 8 small children wishes po sition as housekeeper. A 629, Oregonlan. Nurses. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes more en- ; gagements; maternity a specialty; 15 years . experience: no objection to little house work. Woodlawn 1835. Domestics. FIRST-CLASS colored girl wishes position as chambermaid in rooming-aouse. jvin . .6187. FINNISH girl wants general homaeworlc Bad cooking. 814 N. 20tb st. Miscellaneous REFINED, competent lady wishes position ea traveling or home companion to lady ! of means, or as nursery governess; refer- ences exchanged. Box 616 Healdsburg, Cal. EXPERIENCED colored woman, with ref erences, wants work by day or week. M. 4179. LADY wants day work. B 2277, or B. 858. Ask for room 8. LACE curtains washed and stretched 40e pair. Phone Main 539S A 4o:2. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 41) cent a pair. A 2i7l, Main 602S. ' WANTF.r -AGENTS WANTED First-class man In every town in Oregon to sell "Dlozo;" cheapost and most perfect disinfectant known; S3 to 110 a day easily made. Dlozo Disinfectant Co., 823 hi Washington St., Portland. Or. $35 A WEEK all year, hustling agents, workers: every wife buys; Andrews can vassed 105 homes, sold 101; no experience. Toledo Cooker Co.. Toledo. O. $35 A WEEK all year, hustling agents, workers; every wife buys. Andrews can vassed 105 homes, sold lol; no experience. Toledo Cooker Co., Toledo, O. AGENTS for "Mendarlp." It sews. It rivets, combination hatchet. 8 tools la 1. Foota Co., I,os Ancreles. Cal. WANTED TO RENT. LADY music teacher desires board and room, central location. Weft Side. In ex change for vocal lessons. G 602, Orego nian. YOUNG man, good habits, best reference, wants neat room and board with centrii East Side private family. S 624. Ore gonian. WANTED 7 or 8-room house, south of Washington to Clay and east of Park. Phone A 411ft BY March 1, East Side, 2 rooms and board In quiet house by single man; state price. AC 49S, care Oregonlan. WANTED 30 to 40 rooms, strictly modern, by responsible party: thoroughly respect able. AE 688, Oregonian. WANTED To rent strictly modern house, 8 to 10 rooms, possession on or before March 15. R 595. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes room and board with private family. East Side, close In. near Morrison street car. R 599, Oregonian. BOARD and room by man and 2 children, ages 6 and 9. E 639, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6655. A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings: highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." oi $d st. North. Phone Main 9272. FORD AUCTION CO. pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 9S8. B 231L WANTED K2000 worth of second-hand fur- " .'. o.-.rl V ill.V. . I'll... nituro, nil minis, .v. a.- .ui.ii o.. a Main 8418. UPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1007. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furnltuMv. Phone .ast oo. aos iiawiuonie avw. FOB RENT. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington aad 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Main 6647. HOTEL ROSEMOND, 67 hi 8d St.. cor. Pine, newly furnished. H. Levins, prop. THE BRAESIDE, 426 Alder Modern con veniences: centrally toc-atco; letwuiiawiu. ATTRACTIVE room for gentleman In mod ern apartment, central. 31i0 Clay. THE ELWOOll Newly furnished. (1 to $ 5 1 also transient rooms. 843 Morrison. THE ANGELES, 6th and Jefferson, modem rooms And apartments; both, phones. 4