11 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1909. N1NI SINGS WHY INTO HEARTS "La Boheme" Wins Enthusi astic Plaudits as Pre sented at Heilig. "MIMI" TOUCHES AUDIENCE Bol Is Pathetically and Oowrtno lngly Portrayed Cast Entirely Altered Prom Previous XigbC Engagement Ends Tonight. CAST Or TA BOHEMK." Mlml Enfr Farrabini Musette Glana Rudolfs; Gerardl Orailanl Marcello. ........ Alexandre Modestl Schaunard Pompeo Elena Collin r ....Olovanl Martina Benolt . Natal Cervi AldndDio Natal Cerrl pV ARTHUR A- OREBVH. Poor Ulml; trail angel of the Latin Quarter, most sympathetic and most unhappy of g-risettes sang her plUf ul way across, our hearts again at tho Heilig and dying, left us with the haunting mel ody of her aria In our ears as we left the theater, after the never-to-bo-forgotten death scene In that bare little garret where Rudolpho. Marcello, Schaunard and Colllne lived their little hour of greatness. " The second performance of the Lam bar dl Opera Company Justified the ex pectations and predictions of those of us who, having heard once, were convinced that in '"La Boheme" this splendid group of Italians would do something fine and high and worthy. With one exception, the principals were entirely changed from the opening night and tho altered cast acquitted Itself bril liantly. Ferrablnl Creates Sensation. Three of them remain with us, deeply Impressed on the memory. Ferrablnl, a great soprano, essayed the role of Iliml and did little short of create a sensation. Her conception of the part does not fol low slavishly the traditions; In fact, she Is a new illml to those of us who have followed the Puccini opera these several years. Physically, she differs In that he Is a big woman, whereas we are wont to thing of iliml as a dainty, ethereal little beauty of the garrets and cafes. She is less the clinging vine, the helpless toy of misfortune, the crushed violet. Fer rabinl's Mlml la a woman who sometimes commands, who sometimes orders things as she would have them, almost flag rantly coquettish In the cafe scene, but In the end, coming back from her brief fling at luxury to the frjends and the lover who loved her best, contrite, help less, stricken and dying. Graztanl's ActingfWln. Ferrablnl is a remarkably good actress and her voice exquisitely fine. Her tones are vibrant with feeling, eloquent, at all times voicing the soul of music She ful filled every promise that had been made for her. The Rudolpho of Gerardl 'Grazianl was a consummate work, viewed as a piece of operatic acting. Never at any time did he sacrifice the performing of a role to the vocal requirements as do so many grand opera artists. In the big third act duet with ill ml he answered the final query as to his ability as an actor and his cry of hopeless anguish as he falls across her death-bed as the last curtain slowly descends quickened his audience almost to sobs. Modestl was admirably cast as Marello. Ills rich baritone voice and his clever pantomime, his keen un derstanding of the part and his likable personality made him a big figure in the foreground of this really remarkable per formance. Portland Claims Lft Boheme. It is interesting to remember that "La Boheme" was first performed in Portland In by the Del Conte Opera Company, months before it was originally produced at the Metropolitan In Now York. If everyone hereabouts with a taste for good muf io did not love It for itself, a certain sense of possession should make "La Boheme" very dear to local hearts. Last night's audience filled every nook end Cranny of the theater. It was a dis tinguished assemblage, well worthy the occasion. This afternoon Verdi's familiar I1 Trovatore" will be sung and tonight the engagement closes with "RJgoletto." LaBohemeRendering Best Seen Here BT JOSEPH M. QUENTIX. AGAIN It was grand opera, every hit of It, the star attraction being Gla como Puccini's "La Boheme," or as it Is known In Eugllsh. "The Bohemians." One pleasant attraction of the Lambardl Opera Company is Its alluring quality, principally because new principals are Introduced at each performance. Thus: Last night's soloists were different alto gether from those of the previous night; and last night's will be different from those who sing this afternoon and to night. Of course "La Boheme" has beeneung before in this city, but surely It never received a more artistic rendering than last night, brightened as it was by the arrival at last of the Lambardl Bcenery, which had been delayed in shipment. In theatrical parlance "La Boheme" Is known as the "garret" opera, because the story Is somber and also because the soloists have no opportunity to wear fine clothes, two of the actual scenes being In a garret. It Is well to1 bear In mind that the time pictured In the opera Is about the year 1S30. and the place the City of Paris and that the orchestration is of the most modern, with every phrase colored with exquisite melody. In some respects it reminds one of "CamlHe." especially when the frail beauty of Mlml channs Rudolphe? the poet and dreamer Mlml.' "with the hot. impetuous blood of youth eourslr.g through her veins, giving a rosy 'hue to her clear complexion that had the velvety bloom of the camelia." Minrl, the grisette, lived again. And so did her Rudolphe. poet; Marcello, the optimistic artist; Schaunard, the eccen tric musician; Colline, the philosopher, and Musette, the coquette. Ester Ferrablnl. lyric soprano, was the Mlml. She Is a splendidly developed woman, so dashing that I wondered how she was to fade away In the last act, as the coughing, tubercular grisette. But she did it. Her voice is flexible, very expressive and pleasant to the ear. Her first appearance in this country was with the Leoncavallo orchestra, about three years ago. Her other operas are "La Tosca," "Faust," "Fedora" and "Iris." She san op to high C In altlsslmo In the i first act last night, along with the tenor, Gerardl Grazianl, the Rudolfo. Grazianl has a clear lyrlo voice. Is a fine actor, and. In addition to being a Paris favorite, he was chosen for the Rudolfo in the all-star cast at Trieste, three years ago. His other operas are "Faust," "Rigoletto." "Lucia" and "La Tosca." The Marcello was Angelo Antolo, bari tone, who, by the way, makes an ideal Tonlo In "II Pagllaccl," His voice ls smooth, of a liquid beauty. It was a pity that the score didn't permit of OIo vanl Martlno, the young basso profundo, singing more than ha did, for he has a voice of trumpet strength. He has hu mor, too, as was evidenced by his sor rowful wall when he pathetically sang fareweft to his coat. He Is said to make a good Mephlstofoles In "Faust." Natalo Cervl made a good buffo basso. All the singers received warm applause and en cores. The cleverest man In the company is Aglde Jaechla, the orchestral director. He has true Italian fire and musical idealism. He keeps his fine orchestra well in hand, often getting artistic color ing with muted trumpets and harp ef fects. The remainder of the soloists appear today, and then a red letter event will be over all too soon. TALK ABOUT ITER Society Out in Added Brilliance INVARIABLY the opening; night of grand opera brings out the most beautifully-gowned audience of the sea son, but "La Boheme" proved the ex ception, for It considerably eclipsed in splendor the Initial performance of the Lambardl company, "Lucia." Many dinners were given prior to the opera and many more supper parties followed than on the previous night. Some specially handsome gowns and Jewels were worn. A number of the ater parties were given, among the largest being one with Mrt and Mrs. J. Frank Watson, who, as hosts, enter tained for two brides-elect. Miss Effie Houghton and Miss Leslie Knapp. Among a few In the audience last evening were: Mr. and Mr-. C. E. S. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCraken, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Craken, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart, Mr. and Mrs. James Hart. W. D. Wheel wright, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. James Honeyman, Dr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Miss Gussie Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Simon, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Plagemann, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Laldlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes ley Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Wolfe, Miss Helen Rosenfeldt, Rabbi .Jonah B. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blyth. Alfred Smith, Henry Teal, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Buffum. Mrs. Surah Forbes. Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. William Warrens, Major and Mrs. James Canby, Ashley Vantlne, John D. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Katz, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ames, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Watson, Miss Effie Houghton, Miss Claire Houghton, Miss Lisa Wood. Car roll Hurlburt, Raymond Wilcox, Charles Holbrook, Marion Dolph, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hoge, Miss Jane Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William Mac Master, Mr. and Mrs. George K. Went worth, Jr.; Miss Kathleen Burns, Miss Frances Lewis. Miss Carrie Flanders, Dr. and MrB. Holt C. Wi'son, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kollock, Dr. and Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie, Miss Inez Barrett, Mrs. John M. Garln, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Frtedlander, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mears, Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, Miss Constance Piper, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Linthlcum, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Williams, Miss Muriel Will lams, F. E. Lewis, Antolne Labbe, Miss Frances Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dom J. Zan. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Shevlin. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard, Mrs. A. L. Maxwell, the Misses Ruby, Marlon and Frances Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flanders, Mr. and James McL Wood. Mr. and Mrs. L Samuol, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Coursen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel, Dr. and Mrs. A. Tilzer, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fried, Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Trommald, Mr. and Mrs. William Deltz, General and Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, K, K. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Boyer, Mrs. Henry Berger. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wessinger, Miss MUla Wessinger, C. H. Fox, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Fenton. Richard Cox. T. Scott Brooke, Mrs. M. Fallenius, Miss Fallenlus, H. W. Gammie, N. Goodman, Miss Kathleen Lawler, Mrs. Rose Cour sen Reed, Miss Vida Reed, Miss Delta Watson. Miss Agnese Watt, Mrs. Nettie Greer-Taylor. Mr. Louis P. Bruce, Sam uel Blssinger, Dr. George AInslle, Dr. George F. Wilson, H. C. Stickney, Miss Alice Juston, Mrs. Virginia Sponcer Wire, Miss Clara Freedner, Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Miss Gladys Felt, A. A. Bailey, J. B. Holbrook, F. E. Harlow, Miss Lelahn Neilson, L Koghland. Rich ard Koehler, Walter Smith, Herman Smith, Captain and Mrs. William Bid die. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vorhies, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kohn, Miss Florence Kohn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop. George Taylor, Miss Henrietta Falling, Miss May Oppenhelmer. W. J. Patterson, Mrs. H. W. Scott, Miss Judith Scott, Miss Alice Benson. Miss Faith Powell, Dr. R. C. Tenny, Dr. Ellis. Miss Blanche Day, H. J. Allstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holman, Mt and Mrs. George D. Schalk. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, E. A. Hartman. Mrs. J. O. Hare. Simon Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sladen, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Keating. Mrs. Eugene Shelby. Miss Emma Shelby, Dr. Leon ard. Mr. and Mrs. Julius LIppitt, W. F. Morton, Mrs. H. J. Mansfield, Miss Ger trude E. Preston. M. S. Sladen. J. K. Parker, Mrs. R. M. Ross. Tom Robertson, George Warren, Miss Edith Darling, W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Dekum. Mr. and Mrs. John Eben Toung, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tarpley. Dr. E. C. Day, Judge Thomas O'Day, Miss Josephine Yates, of Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Josse lyn. Miss Foulkes, F. W. Goodrich. Frank 8. Glover, Miss Harriet George, Miss Lulle Hall. R- J. Gordon, W. L. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hall, Captain Lyons, V. S. A.. Dr. and Mrs. Byron E. Miller, T. H.' McAllls, Captain Lansing, U. S. A.. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Page, Miss Mary Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sladen. Miss Josephine Schnell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bates. Carl H. Williams, E. D. Allen, Loring K. Adams, Mrs. Richard Adams. George W. Baldwin, M. F. Brady. Miss E. Bradley, F. R. Bingley and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooklngham. Clinton Funeral Sunday. Funeral services for the late Richlird Clinton, pioneer theatrical manager and past exalted ruler of the order of Elks tn Portland, will probably be held on Sun day. Arrangements are not entirely com pleted owing to the absence from the city of Mrs. Clinton. A telegram from his widow was received yesterday at the Bike lodge, under the auspices of which order he will be burled. Mrs. Clinton was In Toledo, O., yesterday en route for Portland, expecting to arrive here Sunday morning. Unless her arrival is delayed the funeral will be held Sun day from the Elks Temple and the In terment will be made In Rivervlew Cem etery. Steel ships are more easily penetrated by rama, rocks, etc, than were the old wooden, bottom. Charter Board Discusses Al ternate Propositions. ACTION' IS POSTPONED Ev-Senator Oearln Presents Tenta tive Report to Get Question Be fore Board Will Be Put Cp to Voters to Decide. The entire session of the charter com mission, held last night, with Judge Henry E. McGinn, presiding, was taken up In the consideration of the alternate propositions that will be submitted to the people on the question of the water sup ply. John M. Oearln outlined the Issues and when his report was offered, ex plained that the work had been hurriedly done and was tentatively offered, in or der to get the matter before the com mission. The meeting was attended by a num ber of residents of the East Side. Whit ney L. Boise, speaking In behalf of the East Side Push Clubs, urged that the provision relating to the Installation of water meters be left out of the alternate propositions. Mr. Boise cited several In stances where the meters are now in use and showed that If Installed all over the city it would mean a great reduction in the Income received from consumers. Mr. Boise said that before the meter was placed in his home he paid about $3 a month for water and thought it was Just Last month, with a meter in use, his bill was only 40 cents. He gave the names of several people whose water rents had been reduced. Upon this show ing and from statements made by mem bers of the commission the .question of meters will not be put to a vote. The efforts of another speaker to have free water submitted as a third proposi tion was not considered. What the speaker had to say on the "matter was given a respectful hearing. Frederick V. Holman spoke against the suggestion. After long and) deliberate considera tion of the two original propositions, upon motion of Mr. Gearln, the entire matter was referred back to the com mittee and will come up before the com mission for final consideration Thursday afternoon. With the exceptions of dressing the two questions up it is not believed there will be any changes of importance. The alternate propositions, as far as they relate to cost of mains, are as fol lows: First All water mains laid or con structed In the city of Portland shall be laid, constructed, assessed and paid for In the manner herein provided for the laying, construction, assessment and payment for sowers and drains. The provisions of this charter with respect to bonding- of assess ments for local Improvements shall apply to all assessments agatnBt abutting prop erty or property within an assessment dis trict for the cost of sewers and. water mains Second All water mains, including lat erals' and mains for reinforcement hereafter laid or constructed, shall be paid for out of the water rates and not otherwise, and the Council shall have authority to estab lish and regulate by ordinance such rates so as to provide not only for the payment, construction and laying of such mains, lat erals and reinforcements, but also to estab lish a sinking fund for the retrement of all bonds Issued for the purpose of ac quiring a water system or laying or con structing pipe lines, mains, laterals and distributing mains within tho city of Port land, and to regulate the manner of Its investment. WILL SHOW COLLEGE SITE Vancouver Commercial Club Hopes to Capture Lutheran School. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) The committee of the Vancouver Commercial Club, consisting of Judgo J. A. Munday, J. C. Wyatt, Pearl Elwell, Dr. H. S. Goddard, ex-Mayor E. M. Greeen and Pat Lavey, who are to act as escort for the committee of the English Lutheran conference of ttie Pacific synod, which latter committee will visit Vancouver tomorrow, met this after noon in the office of Colonel Munday and completed arrangements for the recep tion and entertainment of the visitors. The synod committee is composed of Dr. E. G. Lund, of Seattle; Rev. M. E. Boulton. of The Dalies, Or.; Mr. Tvete, of Seattle, and W. S. T. Derr, of Van couver. They are coming here with a view to selecting a site for the new col lege and seminary which the church will establish on the Coast Dr. Panton Very III. Dr. A. C. Panton, recognized as one of the most able physicians and sur geons in Portland, Is dangerously 111 from septicemia, a form of blood-poisoning, at his home, on Terrace road, Portland Heights. Dr. Panton became ill last Wednesday night, when he acci dentally received a slight abrasion on his neck from which an Infection de veloped. He remained at home Thurs day, but, feeling much .better on Fri day, made some professional visits at the hospitals. Saturday, however, he became much worse and since that time he has been confined to his home under the care of a trained nurse. Dr. Panton was reported to bo in a better condi tion last night than at any time since last Saturday, and members of his fam ily said that his rapid recovery was now being looked forward to. AT THE HOTELS. Hotel Portland G. R. 1 Langtree, New York; H. Sehtfrman, Chicago; N. A. Rauso hoff. New York; V.'. A. 6eale, Seattle; J. W. Pulton, Helena; B. A. Adams and wife, Helena; N. Bangs. Spokane; E. J. A. Gardi ner San Francisco; Mrs. C R. Roy and daughter, Medford: B. M. Levlnger and wife. 8tn Francisco; F. W. Roebllng. Jr., Trenton: H. Gaytes. San Francisco; P. E. Lacey, J. Power, Sioux Falls; R. H. Hank enson and wife. E. C. Holllilay and wife, Minneapolis; Mrs. W. D. Fullerton, Boltl; Irene Smith, New York; W. E. Wood, Omaha; I. Goldman, New York; M. A. Fox, Springfield : A. F. Stone, Seattle; I M. Rlngwolt, San Francisco; F. H. Ray, New York: T. H. Purriy, Chicago; H. K. Dent, Seattle- W. J. White, Lewiston; P. K, Ahern, Seattle; R. J. McCracken, New York; G. W. Kiger, Tillamook j C. R. Brown. Toronto: H. J. Boyd, Chicago; J. L. Howard and wife, Chicago; C. Remschel. Seattle; W H. Ne-whnll, H. C. Sharp. Chicago; W. A Elliott, New York; W. W. Powell. Tacoma- I. D. Chapman and wife, Spokane: J Rica, Washington; A. B. Wood, Cottage Grove- J. H. -Smith. Fairbanks; E. H. Hugh'. San Francisco: G. Goldberg, New York; U Reiss, San Francisco; W. Cool. Ienver; Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Aberdeen; F L Murdoffv. Dr. R. V. Dolbey, Vancouver- Mr. H. Howell. Philadelphia; C. H Davis, Saginaw; M. H. Kelley. J. F. Klllorln. Duiuta; B. Rosenfeld, San Fran cisco. The Oregon J. D. Hull and wife. Colfax: H F Bonsteele, Caldwell; J. Sheldon and wife. 'Montreal; W. E. Slump', Omaha; Fred T Merrill and wife, city: Mrs. T. C. Boy Ian. New York; F. C. Gillespie. Portland; E. F. Younger, city: Y. D. Hensell, Eugene; It. W. Uhlfeider. New York: M. Welhelm. Monroe; H. S. Prying and wife, city; Al bert Maydwell. San Francisco; Gorman' S. Johnson, Seattle; George Blanchard. kag way; H. C. Harris, San Francisco; S. Stll son, Spokane: 8. Mendelsohn, Chicago; F. C. RuppeU San FarlicUco; Daniel MoCush, J. X O'Brien, Seattle; J. H. Dickey. New t Axmr-rfm ' CALIrED TO tOUFY YOU MAT YOUJE WOT MIME. KfiSOJEX US Jfuc 1 OTE the smile on the tenant's face and the look of contempt on the landlord's. GREGORY has emancipated him from the bondage nf rent. GREGORY will do the same for you. See GREGORY HEIGHTS at once. Satisfy yourself it is the place for you. Select your lot, agree upon the terms of payment, either prepare your own plans or select one of GREGORY'S and your home will be started at once. Your monthly payments will be about the same as your present rent. Every street graded; cement walks throughout; Bull Run water; no building re strictions. The best streetcar service in Portland. High elevation; pure air; perpetual view of the snow-capped mountains. East Ankeny and Rose City Park cars run every 10 and 15 minutes, all day long, making the trip out to GREGORY HEIGHTS, via the new line, in twenty minutes OUR ONLY OFFICE IS AT GREGORY HEIGHTS INVESTMENT COMPANY TAKE CAR ANY TIME OF DAY AT THIRD AND YAMHILL York: Mrs. S. E. Galoway. Seattle; B. C. Atwater. Spokane; W. Pollock. Albany; C. C Kinsey. San Francisco: B. C. Day, New Orleans; Mrs. Donald Russell, Jack sonville; R. M. Wllon. Gold Hill; G. W. Miller. Son Francisco; Mrs. Fonstermaker. Seattle; G. Balcom, Seattle; Paul Sterling and wife. Coqullle; Birdie McDaniel, Grace McDanlel. Baker City; B. J. Jarrelle, Chicago- James N. Moore. Boston; W. W. Wat son, city; Mias R. M. Shirer. Mlsa F. Mc Issac, Kent; C. N. Robinson and wife. H. A -Robinson, Minneapolis; Charlea Hubert Jones, Cincinnati; J. M. Peebles, M D.. Robert Sudell. Battle Creek: F. Q. Weil. Albany; W. Ben Stevens. Albany; Charles Gerking and wife. Athens; I. F Rebmen. Eugene: W. B. King. Baker City: F. W. Settlemlre. Woodburn; Will A. Curlias. Se attle; Dan J. Fry. Salem: O. W Tell, Echo- W. J. ' Wasson. Centralia; Abner Brown, Seattle; A. E. Porter. Woodburn; W G Steel, Portland; Miss James A- Mil ler, Belllngham; A. F. Elliott. San Francisco- W H. Harrington, Nebraska; E. Stanton. St. Paul; Miss Lucas. Chicago; L. C C. Lawsen. Seattle; W. H. Mason. Klamath Falls; George W. Dormau. 6t. PauL . The Perkins F. W. Summer. Everett: c. A Tonneson. Tacoma; William Jaraway and family, F. H. Stanton, Hood River; S. A Miller, Milton; William Bolles, city; P. b: Kantnes, Seattle: Martin J. Blatter jr. New York; Mrs. B. Tomkln. W. M. Hard wlck. San Francisco; Abe Strausse. New York; M. Frost and wife. Rainier; Dr. W. A. Vincent. Belle Plalne; Joseph Collns and wife. Corbett; C. K. Marshall and wife. Hood River; B. J. Jarrette, Chicago; J. Hanklns. R. C Barnett, M. F. Webster. Elgin; Thomas E. Atkins, Vancouver; C. E. Gonty, Elma; George A. Bettes. San Fran cisco: L. C. Taylor, Spokane; Alf Enea, Perydale; Ed Conkelman. Grand Rapid.; Harry Holmes, city; Mrs. F. Smith. C. R. Pettis. R. T. Coiner, Vancouver; William T. Kearns, Albany; A. Schlead. Topeka, Kan.; George Croner. Eugene; H H. Morlta, Troutdale; H. G. Wells, city; J. G. DeVose. Centralia: Mrs. L. B. Swckman. Edgerton; W D. 61ap. city; John Schechter, Denver; M V. Webb, Seattle; R. Morris Hohmer, Hoqulam; J. A. Hyde. George W. Kunner. Seattle; F. K Sutton. Victoria. B. C; F. La Wall, Tacoma; J. R. Dodge, A. Fumess and wife, Elma; J. Jones, city; W. H. Lee, Wasco: George 8. Beattv, Fort Stevens; John Hatser, Vancouver; W. H. Burghardt, Salem; John Peterson, city; Joseph G. Hunter, Salt Lake: N. T. Jollffe. Seattle; A H. Gold. L. G Peterson, Redwood: F. R. Malloy, Hood River; F. B. Van Cleave, Elma; G. L. Buland. Castle Rock; Eugene Zlezel. Chicago. The Imperial W. W. Bailey. Brownsville- E. E. Porter, Grass Valley: J. D. Smith. Lebanon; A. W. Silsby. Ashland: Mrs H. F. Bagley. Hlllsboro; William Greenberg, Seattle; James A." Greene. Phil adelphia; Peter Durham and wife. Astoria; L. D. Chapman and wife, Spokane: Mrs G. H Tracey. Jr.. city; George E. Davis. OUm pla: George A. Drum, city; O. Wilson. St. Louis; J D. Carey, TJ. S. A,: O. Katsky. Minneapolis; W. H. Lucks. Canby; C. F. McEwen. Washington; G. W. Burrow. Rldgefield; J. A. Mellquist, The Dalles; W. A. Bader, San Francisco; John F. Ohlen, Nina: A C. McDougal. Pendleton; A. W. Fenton. Tenlno; L. M. Baker, H. O. Mahon. Eugene; A. F. Smith. Oregon City; R. Mc Mecholas and wife, Glendale; John Beaton. Baldwin, Kan.; E. C. Atwater. Spokane; J O. Reeder. Barton; W. C. Montgomery, St. Paul; G. W Sparks. Roseburg; D. w. Weyant, Otto J. Wilson. Salem; Mra F. Fleetwood, Kelso; K. Gerner. Salem; Mrs. E M. Young, Independence: F. M. Ceacerv city; H. P Whitman. Pendleton; Leila Spencer, Haiel Dunahoe. Monmouth; A. B. Tea-k. Jordan; M. C. Pogue, Salem; R. S. Schmidt, Gresham: Mrs. A. Fleischhauer, Stevens: E. E. Allen, Walla Walla; E. P. Ash, Stevenson; W C Brownell, Umatilla: F C. Broslus. Hood River; J. A. Haines, Denagure; Al Bolton. Seattle; J. F. Dob bin, Union; A. F. Benion, wife and mother, Dallas' Benton Bowers. Adhland; Will G. Steel, city; J. B. Nicholson, Grand Rapids, Mich.; B. S. Felld. San Francisco. St. Charles Lynn Simpson, Wasco: D. Han Ion. Seattle; H. Olsen, Underwood; C L. Phillip. The Dalles; Frank Kerr, city; Lyman Drake. Houlton; Adre A. Harrl man. city; Robert Enlow, Vancouver: E. J. Walter, city; W. O. Taylor, C. V. Aver ill. Lebanon; C L. Weaver and wife. Henry Snipel, The Dalles; D. L. Davis. Barton; G E. Bowerman and family. Hood River; William Jaenecke.' A. Yahran, Lado; H. W. Kopp and wife. Spring-water; O. A. Wells, Molalla: William M. White. Slletz; A. L. Copeland. L. F. Sprout, Vancouver; A. C. Suthmayd. Deer Park; N. Miller. Wood burn; A. B. Root and wife, Ostrander; Neat Castery. city; Roy Ogle. McMinnvllle; L. J. Nicholson, Mount Angel; J. W. Wljson, Rainier; May Zellinger. The Dalles; tf. Enstrum, Hood River; C. C. Lewis. Fellda; G O Mayneld, Crow Valley; F. B. Cook. ci'ty;'c M Guy. Troutdale; Roy Nordyke, Lexington: M. G. Tilford. Estacada; J. D. Knight, city; J. F. Brown and wife, J. M. Brown, Gaston: M. C. Walk Ins. Clem; Blaine Kerr, Springfield; S. W. Meyers, W H. Robertson, Stevenson; B. Hlern, The Dalles; J. Iskler, Gresham; B. L. Cannon, city: Mr. and Mrs. Wamelsdorf. Castle Rock: O. H. Harris and wife. Lexlngion; W. T. Marshall, city; A. C. H. Wawner, Lenta. The Cornelius P. M. Earl, J. J. Halfer, Kansas City; Mrs. Giblle, Pendleton: O. A. Elliott, Tacoma: J. H. McNIchols and wife, Sand Point, Idaho; H. B. Whlteman, Elyrla, O ; J. E. Talt, The Dalles; W. H. Dawson. Mrs. Everett and daughter, Seattle; S. Waters and wife, C. W. Ramsey, Golden dale; D. S. Rabb, Salem; Mra W. F. Lewis, city; C. C. Currln and wife, St. John; W. J. Kerr, W. A. Jensen. Corvallls; . K. Lord, Seattle; John D. Clark. Jackson, Mich, The Norton!" P. Severson, B. Kenardon, Mrs. M. J. Klopp. Minneapolis; H. VV. Rogers, San Francisco: Mrs. S. H. Friendly, Fufrene: J C. Lambert. New York; E. W. Harrlgan, Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Allen, Seattle: H. K. Delmas, Loa Angeles; P. A. Henderson, Albany. N. Y. ; Mrs. K. W. Dllllon, city; G. N. Wells, New Orleans: Y. H. Casey, Denver; Mr. and Mrs. Cooney, New York: F. O. Fnnls, Phllnderphla. G)C fQbl ok I I ArVn i .t Mrs. -MbUp ia-t went into the""ii-?t deal in ooa-4atth. .iT'UmnUed with the law. J .Clr noia I when -J Hh air 4, . It l know X ant Jt two. y ana uJ w that vise u .t fOOl- PR. STORY WILL 'EXP Bchool Inspertor -to-Appes Board fc-sj" ?u. Dr I- Gtorr. ose of Inspectors e'mployjd by th i...- k.M Hie BdMfl o I ,V,ents to- e P77. offlo.' their chlldr p rouu i -iuoe from sawtfo .1 ..if., at. the oftl BOt t at .- 4cm' t tin lnck this peremptor baa r-Bwn tor W Itch. . lo ,J rr. f4 at Miser Lane - eaiier , i ffT- to de- C.tntsv morning.- mm. ... 1 i 17 vimself from th. onareo Vt he was a"" 5S !T, ad'enl. that S&.'' ... thK u.d 1 .. .r to h. tn orow- v.n. Health. effect vhen t With break rltlnc Still. tro ws. th O'1 , A. I IINS A ."Rifii efore tn. F ' I Intt l i 4 .1 valt W I t I Health at uarY. M " V to 'clack tnis 1 totali , l I peremptory I the i ril -at once l j j. a . .. is r. i i m the m 9 ' n 7 IfW Wx vr MLTS of bus. Fot when past n tag. , Hew that Jann th Soap U Soap la soa p ft " .in - -i -j. 7Y IT f'oR I T C i For Sale by SOAP LAKE SALTS REMEDY COMPANY SOAP LAKE, WASH. SEATTLE, WASH. PORTLAND, OR. Address Portland Office, 270 Stark Street