Credit Purchases Made Today Go on February Account Last Day of the Demonstration of "Nemo" Corsets byMrs, A. L. Craig The Meier (S? Frank Store Saturday Shoppie Open Saturdays 8A.M.-9:30P.M. g Bulletin Great Clearance Sale fferk i Mes$LOOTiesat33c Men's Reefers Half Price Men's 25cHosiery at 1 8c Great Saturday sale of men's fine Neck wear, including French fold four-in-hands, bat ties, band bows, etc., in all the pret tiest silks and colorings; come in checks, stripes, plaids, polka dots, etc., and a great variety to select from. Regular values up to $1.00 each buy all you want of them during the sale at, special, e a. Half-price sale of men's Reefers, Mufflers and Dress Protectors, at one-half the regu lar selling price. Come in black, white, pear! gray and fancies; all t lie best styles; regular values up to $.".0), ty Prf on sale at this reduction.",' I Men's Wool and Cashmere Hose, at (he phcnomenaTlv low price of 18c the pair. They come in black, gray, vicuna, natural and black, with natural feet; all sizes; the best reguiar '2oc and 3."c values; 1 S?p buy all you want of them at, pair. l You should take advantage of these sales. Men's $1.50 Underwear $1.29 Men's $ 1 .50 Gloves 89c Pair ipy's Coat Sweaters at $ 1 . 1 9 Great Clearance Sale of Dr. Huff's Sanitary German Wool Underwear, light weight, all sizes in shirts and drawers; best $1.30 values, on sale at. special, garment. .1.29 Men's worsted Form-Fitting Underwear, in blue, gray and pink; all sizes in 7Qn shirts and drawers; regular $1.00 values, on sale at this special price, garment. "f 500 pairs men's Dress Gloves, in best shades of tan. all sizes; $1.30 values. pair..89 300 pairs of grav and brown Mocha Gloves, silk-lined and iinlined; all sizes; OQm the best regular $1.50 values buy all you want of them at this price, the pair. Special lot of, boys' Coat Sweaters in plain oxford and oxford trimmed CI 1Q in navy and cardinal; also cardinal trimmed in navy blue; $1.30 values. V Clearance Sale of Sheet Music Morning Cv. Dixie Darling. Stung. Monterey. Northern Lights. Doll Rags. Cannon Ball, Sweet fickles, Long Ago, Night and Day. Honey Time, Won't You Let Me 1 A Put My Arms Around You? and many others, on sale at this low price, copy. Rainbow. Jungle Town. Are You Sincere T School Days, Moon Won't Tell, Dreaming, Awatening of Birds, lone, My Own (new Kastern hit) lyid many others. copy.. 17? Hearts and Flowers. Mandy I.ane, Rose Leaves, While You Are Mine, 1 Q Worm, Red Wing, Diablo, and many others, on ftfle at this low price, copy. Clearance Sale Silk Petticoats Reg. $?.5Q Petticoats $5.25 GrjtJaarClearance ofouren tire stock of women's high-grade silk petticoats of the best style and qual ity Made of silks and satins of su perior grade, plain, deep or medium flounces, j-uffles,tucking andaccor dion plaiting, niching trirnmedor strictly tailored Plain colorings, Dresdens, plaids and brocadesA wonderful assortment of styles, col orings and combinations in all quali tiesOur entire stock at exceptionally low prices For sale on Second Floor 1 1 Regular II Regular Regular $ 7. Resular $ 8. Regular $10. Regular $12. Regular $14. Regular $1(5. Regular $18. Regular $20. Regular $22. Regular $28. $10.00 Petticoats, each, $21.45 Regular $40.00 Petticoats, each, $27.45 Regular 30 Petticoats for, 30 Petticoats for, 00 Petticoats for, .50 Petticoats for, 00 Petticoats for, 00 Petlicoats for, 00 Petticoats for. 00 Petticoats for. 00 Petticoats for, 110 Petticoats for, $30.00 Petticoats, $00.00 Petticoats, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, each, S 5.25 S 6.95 S 7.95 S 9.85 S10.S5 SI 2.25 $13.25 S14.S5 $16.45 $20.85 $35.50 $44.25 A Sale of 2000 Pairs of Women's Fancy Hosiery 75c Values at 29c Pair A great Saturday clean-up of Women's Fancv Hosierv 2000 . oairs in various stvles and grades Plaids, checks, polka dots, stripes, plain black and colors All the best designs, colorings and combina tion Styles to please every fancy All sizes Values jn the lot up to 75c a pair Buyall you want of them at this low price of 29 cents the pair wt Great Special Clearance Sale Bargainsjn womej. missjchndren.'s Hosiery of all grades Best values in the city Supply your personal and family needs at abig saving at Clearance Sale prices. Women's $5 Shoes at $3.85 Pair ffW Vt k 1 1 i $15.00-$35.00 Values At .Half Price A great Saturday Half-price Sale of our entire stock of men's topcoats in black, tan, gray and fancy materials Silk or Italian serge lined Un finished worsteds, black thibets, silk mixed worsteds, coverts, etc. Every garment of the best style and the product of the leading New York and Rochester manufacturers Hand tai- Copyrtffct. lm. 1t L. IDLED, BROS. CO. . lored coats 3 6 inches long Medium weight andjuitable for Spring wear For Saturday only we offer first choice from our entire stock, $15 to $35 values, at half regular prices Take advantage Men's Clothing Dept. 2d Floor $15.00 values $ 7.50 $25.00 values $12.50 $20.00 values $10.00 $35.00 values $ 1 7.50 6-9:30 Specials Tonight 1 000 PAIRS CURTAINS $1.19 Tonight. 6 to 9:30, 1000 pairs ruffled Swiss Curtains, extra good quality, plain hemstitched nifties; 3 yards Ion?, 30 inches wide; great values at. .$1.19 $2.00 COUCH COVERS 98c Tonight, 6 to 9:.'!0, 500 Couch Covers, Oriental designs, best colorings and com binations; 3 yards long, 60 ins. QQ wide; regular $-.00 values, each.' MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS AT 33c For tonight, from 6 to 9:30, special lot of men's Flannelette Nightshirts, good pat terns, all sizes; regular 75c vat- 'I'f ues. on sale at this low price, ea. SAT. BASEMENT BARGAINS For tonight, on sale from 6 to 9:30: Regular 1.3c Gas Lighters, each.. 10? 1000 boxes of Wax Tapers for, ea..4t? 1000 bottles of good Furniture Polish, on sale at this special price, ea..26? RIBBON REMNANTS AT HALF For tonight, from 6 to 9:30, great clean up of Ribbon Remnants, in all grades, colorings and widths; f Dpj.a wonderful values, for...3 NECK RUCHINGS 6 c EACH 6 to 9:30 tonight, 10,000 neck lengths of Ruching. large assortment of styles and colorings; great special value (Lg at this low price per neck length. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR 12c Tonight, from 6 to 9:30. women's fleece lined Undervcsls and Pants, good Win ter weight; exceptional value at 1 Of this very low price, the garment. IN THE DRUG DEPARTMENT 2000 cakes of Fairy. Soap, for the bath or toilet; great special value Qf buy all you want at, dozen cakes. . 1000 pairs of Scissors, line steel-I.iid, every pair guaranteed 50c values. .23? A Men's Fine Top Goats Misses' - Child's Apparel S 6.00 Dresses $-2 .48 Ea. 4.50-$ 1 5 Dresses Half Special lot of misses' and children's Wash Dresses in ginghams, percales and lawn materials; blue, pink, tan, fancv checks, dots and plaids; made in princess and Rus sian "styles; some trimmed with braid and fancy buttons; ages 6 to 13 years; the best regular $6.00 G O Aft values, on sale at this special low price, each. Great half-price sale of misses' and children's White Dresses in lawns, linens and poplin materials; made up in sailor, Buster Brown, Russian and jumper stylesfull pleared skirts; ages 6 to 18 years; regu- lj Dpipp lar $4.50 to $15.00 values, on sale at... I Our entire stock of misses' and children's apparel on sale at special low clearance prices. On the Second Floor. Our entire stock of infants' wear on sale at greatly re duced prices. Let us show you. See them on 2d Floor. Our entire stock of women's, misses' and children's Un dermuslins on sale at low clearance prices. See them. Sale of $25 Raincoats $8.85 Women's rubberized Raincoats in satin, silk and alpaca; loose, semi-fitting and empire styles; come plain and trimmed; best colors; regular values up G?Q to $25, on sale at the unusually low price Don't fail to take advantage. 35c Silk Taffeta Ribbon 1 7c Yard 25c Tailored Collars 1 2c Ea. 5000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, full five inches wide, assorted colors; the J f -best "regular 35c values buv all vou want of it at this low price, the yard. H000 women's Linen Kmbroid'ered Collars, pretty patterns, all sizes: 2o vnls., ca..I? .100 dozen women's Handkerchiefs, great clean-up of all broken lines; hem- 1 Qc stitched, lace-trimmed, scalloped, initial and embroidered; 20c values, at, each. vv Misses' and Children's Sweaters $2.75 Values at $ 1 . 1 5 Each In the Cloak Department, Second Floor, a great special Saturday sale of misses' and j.:u i- -li i rvota V-ahnno'il neck and Dockets; red. gray G: 1 If and white; large pearl buttons; regular $2.7o values, at this low price, ea Great Clearance Sale Laces & Embroideries Great Clearance Sale Neckwear & Ribbons Great Clearance Sale Gloves & 'Kerchiefs Great Clearance Sale Women's Underw'r I QQO Men's Fine Hats $2.50- $3 Values AtTSLOO Each Great Saturday Ckan-upf broken lines of EsDerby and Soft Hats All good jnodels. Blackjownjuu gray All sizes -Hats sell; ingTegularly at $2.50 and $3.00 each -Your choice while they last for today at the phe nallylo pjicqf$ 100 T 1 ff each Come early, your pick at 4 VV Saturday Grocery Specials String Beans, 20c value, at. the tin..l3 Kxtra Cove Oysters, special, 2 tins..25tf Western Sugar Corn, new crop, 3 tins 25-Tender, Sweet Peas, 20c value tin. ,14 Tellv in tumblers Strawberry, Raspberry and Currant, on sale at, special, ea..lO Imperial "Worcester Sauce, quart bottles, on sale at this special price, bottle.. 60 Malta Vita the ideal breakfast food buy all you want of it at this low price, pkg.iltf All lines of Groceries and Provisions sold here at the lowest prices. Tn the Big Base ment store. Phone orders will he promptly and carefully filled. A tilOl. or Kxclmnge 4. . - - - - 1 I I "Our Family" by Ger man Dramatic Society. T-'IK reoricanlzeJ German Dramatic I Society jcave Its second perform ance at the Lyric Theater la-t night In the presence or a representative compose,! largely of German Americans, although there was a .con siderable number of students from the. 1 1 11. School and other local educa tional Institutions present. The piny was a comedy In four acts .ulled 'Our Family," belnn the work or Stlnde and Engles. w.-11-known German playwrights. It was dirtlcult for one who does not know German to under stand, vet the actinic of the cast was of xuch a "superior order that the mere ob server coul.l not but be Interested In the lines and situations as they enact ed them. , , "Our Family" has a well-defined plot r-r no little Interest. The motir or the Plar Is laid on the lines or caste, the torr dealing; with a younc; officer, clon of a noble family, who falls In love with and marries a Rlrl of the ballet, much to the disgust of his mother, who resents what she is pleased to believe a mesalliance. JJoon after his marrlas;e the youns; husband Is called away with his regi ment to help suppress the Boxer out break In China. loiter he Is reported dead, and In the meantime the wife be Mm,i a mother, he mother-in-law of fering? to care ror the child. The young mother proudly reruses to consider this, her Intention being; to ro back on the stage. She Is burdened not only with the child, but with the responsibility or caring; for her old father, who is given to drink and speculation, .the prospect being- gloomy enough. At this Juncture the young officer returns, his death having been falsely reported, and sets everything right. The climax is reached when the offi cer's mother, softened by the return of her son and by the devotion shown by his young wife, relents and accepts her as a worthy daughter-in-law. The play ends happily and everybody leaves well satisfied with the denoue ment. Oscar llahn. leading man and stage manager, displays much ability and is an actor of unusual talent, while Mar gerete Moor, in the leading feminine role, leaves little to be desired. The performance last night greatly pleased the large audience that was present. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Offered to you in our sultroom today. Net waists, new lot lust In rrom J1.R to H.M. Suits rrom JT-0 P- First-class tniloress to fit: you. Alterations free. McAlien A McDonnell. 3d and Morrison. Be your own landlord, by having Gregory build your home upon .terms about equal to your present monthly rent. See tomorrow's papers. BATTAIN IS GREAT TENOR Singer Heralded by Crit ics as Fqual of Caruso. For three nights commencing Monday. February 1. the Heihg offers to. its patrons- the Lamhardl Grand Op?ra Com pany of Milan. Italy, in a repertoire of opri-as. a different cast ror each opera, with a complete scenic production, a symphony orchestra or 30 excellent musi cians, a chorus or 40 and 17 of the most distinguished celebratles of the Italian lyric stage. Of the principals, one bright and par ticular star Is the lyric tenor. Kugenio Battaln. whom the San Francisco critics declnred to be the equal of Caruso, another Mine. Cecilia Tamantl Zavaskt. coloratura soprano was hearlded far and wide as the successor to Tettrazlni. and Alessandro Modest!, baritone whom we will hfar in "Rlgoletto" Wednesday night, one of the papers fcays Is better than any baritone on the New York stage today. 80 we are to hear grand opera that is grand opTa and on a sumptuous scale. Seats are now selling at the theater. .I.ofjger Wants Damages. As soon as the Van Auker case was de cided yesterday morning, a Jury before Judge Wolverton began hearing the testi mony in a damage suit brought by (.'. H. Callender. a logger, who Is suing the old Oregon Mill Company. The suit Is based Shoes at factory cost. Rosenthal's. upon an alleged violation or a logging contract, and Callender Is seeking to re cover JM.Oin). G. Clyde Fulton, of Astoria, is the attorney for Callender. and Corwin Shank, of Seattle, is appearing for the mill company. MEN'S SUITS $9.85. Instead of 15. $18. $20 and J25. Broken lines these. ' Every size present in some style or other. Substantial and service able, every one. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Third and Stark.. Wet foot Oil Blacking keeps feet dry. Makes shoes lart. All dealers. Two weeks' reduction sale of trunks and bags. Harris Trunk Co.. fith & Alder. WB ARB PAYING For good fat. dressed produce as follows (it must arrive in aweet. fresh condition): Veal, up to 130 pounds, ?c. Veal, large, 6c to Sc. Pork, any size, 8c. Chickens, 14c. Turkeys, 22c. Ducks, 20c. Geese. 12'4c to 15c. IJve Chickens. 12! ic. Live Ducks, 12'c and 15c. We do not charge commission and we pay you promptly. We want all kinds of livestock, cattle, calves, sheep. Iambs and hogs. FRANK I SMITH MEAT CO., "Fighting the Beef Trust," Portland, Oregon. . , 1 tt.-I a 1 TTT 1 J r T i 1 . , cinrmose vou try a roast of Smith's choice Willamette vai ey veai louay. c uavo u 01 irenu, seieciea stock-plenty to last JJSW 1?.TS n'u sS SsXlow.1 You S RSVJ't? m 3r7. but it will be better both for you and for us if you come early. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. -GuIEBEEF " tpiivi rm liississii'i'i ukmk. 226 4I.DEB ST. BKTWKKX URST . AS'IOKI. 12TII. If KT. IIOM and OH II IlltCI l (See That Smath's iXanie "ver tne "- ASTORI A, .".3 T4.YI.Oll ST. IMONTOW N ,. There are markets 'on'botsides of us on Alder street but they are not ours. We sell meat far cheaper than they mere ie """r'a " , ; , Annr and thfin vou 11 cet in the ncht nlace. do. Be sure smitn s name a ui " 1 fi-7 I That famous Sausage that everybody ioin veal Outlets... " - " iM. ol,f Sinn'lll's Bhsohltelv ttih Vnal rtlntc UIIV. aiwi.t - dean and fresh Pig Pork Nau- Rppf lo Boil. Rppf to stew 5cM-7 Beef to Braise 5S6-7C Pigs' Hocks 8 Pot Roast Beef 8 Breasts of Veal 8MO Vea! Stew 8?-10J Necks of Vca! 8?-10 Shoulder Roasts Pig Pork, cud rut , JOd Shoulder Roast Veal 1C Shoulders of Lamb 9 Shoulders of Mutton 10? Hamburg Steak 10e? Round Steak 10 Bolopia Sausage 10 Blood Sausage Liver Sausage 10 Head Cheese 10 Fresh Leaf Lard 12' IJrv Salt Pork 13'-2 mi I'O sa!re 12' L- Veal Sausage 12'2 Frankfurt Sausage Belter cuts of Shoulder Roast Veal 12' Shoulder Veal -Cutlets 12', Shoulder Roast Lauib I21i Shoulder Roast Mutton 12'A Sirloin Steak 12Va Tenderloin Steak 12' '2 F'ork Choj)S 12'-k-15 Roast Pork 10-12' .Orf-l 5 Porterhouse Sleak 12!2-1I Rib Roasts of Pig Pork 15 Loin Roasts of Piir Pork 15 Prime Rib Ro!M lionst Bpef....15f Rib Chops of Pig Pork 15 Loin Chops of Pig Pork lot Veal lot 15 Rib Veal Cutlets 15 Legs of Lamb 1D Legs of Mutton 1 Loin Lamb Chops 15t? Mutton Loin Chops 15( Rib Lamb Chops 15? Rib Mutton Chops 15 Smith's Sugar-Cured Hams 15? Half a Ham, same price 15? Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon 16 and 17! Smith's pure kettle-rendered Lard, 5-pound pail (o Fresh Eggs, per dozen 50? Smith's Willamette Brand of Crenin- erv Butter, per roll 75 Fresh Dressed Ducks, per lb...20 Fresh Dressed Chickens. 15-lSy Fresh Rogue River Salmon, per pound .121'