) ... THFMORXIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1909. 17 STRONG AT 8 GENTS More Export Business Done in the Hop Market. HARRY BO LAM THE BUYER firm Ilorst' Acents Also Said to Tie Operating Kcs Hold Vp In Spite or Brttrr Rrcrlpts. Grain Trade I. IJ-fht. T. hop market ! firmly established n an S-eent basis for the best grade of hop. rmjalrtig onnM In the .tat.. Thl prlr-s -rss paid )MtmiT by Harry Polam. of the Lml. Horn Company, for th Bal'a lot of 233 bale, at Balem. It wii also -Jd thst Ralph Wli:iimi had paid 8 cents for hops otjier tlian tha Fisher lot. reported yesterday. WllllamC total purchase, being placed at 400 bales. Thert were rumora current In tha market that Clem Hortrt'l .--. were asratn operating In this state. Whll. tha market la firm, tha only von r la that tt la not Eisner. Tha California, F-tetern and foreign narkMi ara making alnuieea, bat It la with dtrrk-ultr that price, can ba lifted a half cent at a time In thla maiket. Considering tha ateady demand and tha rery small supply remaining. It la atranre that Oregon prices ara not now at a 10-eent level. There are not to exceed 9000 be lea untold in the stale, practically a clean-up, and that buying must be dona yet for f ebrnary. March and April shipment, la aim oat a cer tainty. renewal of business with Eastern consumers can also be looked for at any time now. aa tt la known that many brewers are low. OFFERINGS OF OK A IX ARE LIGHT. All Prlcea Hold Finn, Prvrlowafy Quoted. Cfferlajre of grain are so limited that even at the high prices cow quoted but little baelr.eaw can be done. There were ao cbarwre. In" the local situation yesterday and former prices were quoted ill anmnd. The foreign marke'.a were firm. May wheat options at Llrerpnol advancing; Nd In tha course of the dsy. The Chicago market alto cloaed with a gala. B'.d and asked prlcea were posted at tha Board of TraJe aa fallows: WHEAT. EM. AsKetl. Jjiinrr .w Feoruiry P -87 OATS. J mtiary Ft.ruary l.BS I l.lTVi 1 TO BARI.F,r. JtrtiaT t.STH 1.40 February I..IV3 l.il'i Ke-.-ii:- In cam were reported by the Men-harits txr-ha- at follows.: n-:t Barley Flour Oafa Hay Jan. M-Ct 14 3 1J j.n. 2. I .. 1 .. II J m. in 8 . . 8 . . 8 J,n 1-7 2" .. T 2 Ji.i. I . I'ual last week 11 5 11 e 3 is ia I'.U'inC NORTIIWKST TRADE ACTIVE. ttemand for Lumber Is Heller and Output Is Increasing;. NEW TORK, Jan. -9. Bradrtreefa tomor row a ill sa : Trade la rather quiet thla week, excep tions belrg a few points In the West, hnuth ncjft and Faclfls Northwest, where more la r-forted doing by wholesalers and Jobbers. Line, showing; e-'feelaliy quiet conditions are 'rn and eterl. Lumber waits the eesson. but derr.an! la better la the ra-iac Northwest, a rare the output Is Increasing. BuiineM failures In the United fitatea fnr the week ertllr.a January 2 were 311, against fc'7 Ia- week. Zi In the like week of IP". t!l In 1W'7. 223 In HK-S and 2.18 In 19-. Cclla-i failures for the aame period num ber 42. comrared with sO last , week sn4 4s In the same period last year. Wheat ilncludlng flour) esporta from tha I'tittM States and Cana.ia for the week end Irg January 21 aitrfregat. .4-40,S3 bushels, asarnat 3oi.21 Inst week and 4.3:S.2'4 this week last year. For the 31 weeks ending January 2S the e-ipor'e. are 128.U30.79 .bush--!. asalnst Hn.'W.rl In the correj-pondtr.g rr!od la-t year. Corn exports for the week are l.tf6S,2S9 bt shsle. sitslrst 7.07S last week ani 1.84T.-V-7 in I1el. For the 31 weeks endlnir January ; corn exports are 1&,65.4CS buThels, asalnst ri.n7.7TII last year. M.ITIIERX PROD1TE ARRIVES f LOWLY :-inces Are Searre and Continue 8. I'leuty of Alipra Now. Two cars oi orar.gea and ana of sweet po :.v.os arrived yesterday and two cars of ri:iinwor and one of celery are due today. 1'roduce Is cornlnc In so slowly that tha r-srket kfr about aa firm as It was duHng tKe cold weather. Oranses continue to be tre firmest feature ,.r the fruit market. The preoent irply Is email and will continue eo for some time r corn. Only two cars of ranees are kr.-wn to be In tram.lt. Arples are very plen t f it on the street arid there ara soma signs er weakness In the market. TV-tro buying Is etlil active In the countrr. l.uyerw for the California market paying up to 2ti cen'.a for fancy steek. Onlon hold ah.ut steady. KrCFTPTS Or K;C. ARB IVCRKASINO. Itemand I- "till r.ood. Erea at the High Price. Ifeeipts of eirirs yesterday were the Irge.t of any day since the recent cold w-ather. They had no effect on the market, however, as the demand waa strong, even at the extremely hUh prices, but should a similar quantity come In again today, Talues would probably be weakened. In ad dition to 4' or 30 cases of Oregon eggs re ceived yestcrrtsy. there was a large ship ment of ovr 100 cases from California besides express shipments of Eastern eggs from Kansas and Seattle. Oregon eggs sold cn the street at to 53 cents and Eastern an.l California egss at 60 cents. Fnultry receipts were cot aa heavy as UJiml and everything cleaned up at good prices. The firmness previously noted In the chese market continued, and butter waa. cn the whole, steady. Southrrn Rica FooL a Southern atlvlcvs state that "the meeting of the Louisiana Itlce Farmers' Associa tion at Crowley. La., on January S, at which there were upwards of 130 leading rice farmers In attendance. Indorsed the action of the Texas Illce Farmers" Asso ciation, on the holding of Japan rice for a minimum of $3.:i per barrel of grinding, and fading low-gratloa, and tha subscrib ing of Japan rice for the selling organisa tion of a package rice. To make the plan more feasable and substantial the associa tions were united umler tha title of the TVxas-Loutslana Kice Farmers' Association, and a full list of members were appointed on the committee to subscribe Japan rice, and February S made the general concen tration day. They want the selling agency made a success, and have given plenty of t'me for the work." ( of re and -ug:ir. NEW YORK, J-n. . Coffee rloeed a ihanged to r't 5 points l'vrver. Fairs were re ported ef lU.ofiO hag. Including March at I arvgttr. May at .vrV 10c. July at f3c. September -at S S036.S5O ana December at S 7v. Spot, quiet. No. 7 Rio. 7'te: No. 4 Santos Mild. dull. Cordova. ',3 Sugar Raw. quiet. Fair' refining. 3.1 ic; centrifugal, test, 3.67c: m rl.isf es sugar. J92r. Keflned. steady. Crushed, 6.35c; pow dered. 4.7fc; sranulated, 4.0oc. (irsln and Pmduc at New York. NEW TORK. Jan. 23 Flour Receipts, lfc-2 barrels: exports. 2t'-2 barrels. Steady, with poor demand. Rye flour, steady. Wheat F.ecelpts. 2H.40O boehels; exports. !2.5"0 busheia Fpot. firm. No. 2 red. $t.'5;S'Qfl.'y'' elevstor and $1.10N f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Dulmh. 1.1S f. o. b. -a-loat; No. 2 bard Winter. 11.15 f. o. b. afloat. Ignoring bear news today, tha v.heat market, under the guidance of bull leaders, acted generally firm and closed ,c net higher. Part of the late buying was due to Hessian fly reports from Missouri. Way closed at tl.HU and July at 11. Wis. Hops, hides and wool Steady. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes teriay were as follows: Clearlnr?. Balance Portland ' -1 -' P-ttle l.f-21.272 Ta..m M74.MU Spokane bl2oi I.1...IV4 :. 1 1 S 11 0.1".' J PORTLAN f MABKJTl Groceries. Dried Fruit. Ktc DRIED FRUITS Apples. Ho per lb.: reachea, 7'46Sc; prunes. Italians. SUiyCc; prunea. French. 4 0 0c; currants, unwashed, esses. 94c: curranta. washed, cases. 10c; figs, white fancy, 50-lb. boxes, t'c, dates, 71 9 7u.c lohrtlE ilocha. 2428c; Java, ordinary. 17lMc; Costa Klca, fancy. lS820e; good, li:l-: onilnary. Uitjl'c pr pound RICE Southern Japan. 4Sc; head, iM9 To. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $2 per doxsn; 2-pound talis, 12.S; 1-pound tats $2 10: Ala-oka pink. 1-pound tails, 93c; red. 1-pound tails, (1.43; aockeyea, 1-pound tails. f2 NUTS Walnuts, 12 013c per pound by sack; Braxll nuts. 16s; filberts, ISc; pecans. 7c; almonds. 13'dl4c: chestnuts. Itailan 11c; peanuts, raw, 6tfc; plneuuts, lu Ic; hickory nuts, Ik-, cocoanuta, Dc per doxen. Kl'HAR Granulated. (.1 9S: ex'ra C. 3 45; golden C. (3 So: fruit and berry sugar. (.Y93; plsln bag. j 70: beet granulated. (3 7 ii cubes (barrels), ("liiS; powdered (barrel), (4.20. Terms: On remlttancea within 13 days, deduct ic per pound; If later than 13 days and within 20 days, deduct c per potind. Mapie sugar. 13tfiyc per pound. SALT Granulated. (13 per ton. (1.90 per bale; half ground, lOOe, (7.50 per ton; 50a. (h per ton. I1EANS Small white. SHc; large white, IV; Lima. Se; pink, )c; bayou, 4c; alexlcan red. 4 T c. i drain. lour. Feed. Etc BARLEY Producers" prices: Feed. (28 per ton. WI1KAT Track prices: Blucstem. 11.07 fjl-0i: club. t'u9"c; life. S.'c; red Rus sian s'c: 40-ftlil. 9ic: Valley. 9c. KHHU Patents. 46. 2i per barrel: strsights. $4 :o; exports. J3 ; Valley. 13; sack graham. 4.fc1; whole wheal, J4 5. (lAia 'roduv-ers iCltes: No. 1 white, 134 ner ton. MILI.STIFFS nran. (2rt2.S( per ton; middlings. t-3: rho-te. H'.-wjoO. chop. 204i; rolled barley. S2:1ir:n. HAT Timothy. Willamette Vnlley. llT1! per ton: Eastern Oregon. (171S; clover. 112913. allalfa. iK n Ul grain hay. Hi: ST 13. Vegetables and bruit. FREPH FRUITS Apples, J1927G box; Ppanieh malaga grapes, ii per barrel; per simmons. 11 (f l.-. pfiT4Tfir.. Kiiiinr Drlce. S11.25 per hundred: sweet potatoes. 2'-c per pound. IKiirl'ML Kill lis fUanitcs. uavejs, s fit per box; Japinese. Uc per box; lemons. UUl: grape fruit. (4.23 ;t 4.75 per box; ba natias. iijoSc per pounti: pineapples. In. .5 3--3 ter tloxen; tuxiserinos. J1.73 per box. ONIONS Oregon, buying prloe, 32 per hundred. HOOT VEGETABLES Turnips. J1.2S per sack; carrots, f 1 . 23 ; parsnips. $1.73; beets. (1.75: horseradish, 8tluc per pound. VHOhiTAUI.iiS Artichok"s. 31fl.25 doz.; cabtagc. 3c lb.; cauliflower. 12 per crate: celery. $4.60 p-r crate; cucumbers. (I.73S2 2. box; lettuce, (1.21.75 per box; pareiey. 30c doxen; peas. 20o lb.; radishes. SOc per doi-.cn; spinach, 2o por lb.; sprouts. lOe per lb ; squash, 2hkc por lb.; tumatoes, 11.732.25. Ylalry and Country Frodnce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 37c; fancy outside creamery. 33336c per lb.; storo. lti ts 1:0c. tt;f;s Oregon ranch, &035c per dozen; California and Eastern. 50c. POULTRY Herri. 134il3'ie lb: Spring, large 1L'U.'u13c; small. lS 'u20c: mixed. 12 Wl3c: ducks, 18U-0C. geese, lOo; turkeys, litr 19c. .lH:E?n Fancy cream twins, ISHGIfle por lb.: full cr"airi triplets. ISSCIGc; full cream. Young America, itl417c. ,VEAT. Extra. lOis llo per pound; ordi nary. 7'3i8c: heavy. 5c PORK. Fancy. SJIHe per lb.; large, (9 (Vjc Provlslons. BACON Fancy. 21c per pound: standard. 1c; choice, 17c; English, 13Vsuloc; strips, lie. rjRT SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry sslt. 12c; smoked, l.lc; short clear backs, heavy, dry salted. 12c; smoked. 13c; Oiegon exports, dry salt. 1:1c; smoked. 14c UAM3 lu to 13 lbs.. 14Vjc: 14 to lt lbs.. 14c; Is to 30 Iba. 14c; nams. skinned, 14c; picnics. 3'jc; cottage roll. 11c; shoul ders. 11c; boi.td bams. 19i-20sc; boiled pu-nics. 17c. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 13He; tubs. 13"c; 5os. 13c: XOs. 13;,c; 10s, 14K,c; 6a 14c; 3s. n 4c. Sta-uiard pure: Tierces. 12'?c: tubs. 12"c; bSs, 1240; 20s, 12 He; ls. 13',c; is. 1:1 Sc; 3s. 13Vjc. Com pound: TleroJ. 8c; tubs. (ic; 60s, (be; 2u. SHc; 6s. 8Tc- SMi'KED PKI1F Eeef tongues. each. 70c; dried beef sets. 16c:" dried beef out sldes. 13c; dried beef lualdes. lsc; dried beef knuckles. lc. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet. (13; regular tr,pe. (10: honeycomb trips, (12: piss tongues. (10.30. JIEtS MEATS I-eef. specials. (11 per bairel: plate. (14 por barrel: family. (14 per barrel; pork. (21 per barrel; brisket. (25 per barrel; S P. beef tongues. (20; pig snouts. (12 30; pig ears. (12 CO. Oils. COAL Oil. Pearl and astral oil. cases. lHc pr gallon: water white. Iron . barrels. 11c; eocene and extra star, cases 21; head tight oil. cat:s. I'ov; irou bairvis, lac: elalne, UJ s. I' V. GAS' "LINE Union and Red Crown, bar rels. 15 l-c; casa. 22 He; motor, barrels, H4c: i-:ses. :31i: decrees, barrels, pic; cases, 37',ic; engine distillate, barrels, SO; ran--. 16c. I.INSKED OIL Raw. barrel lots. 5c; In cases, 71c; bollod, barrel lots, 67c; in cases, 73a. v OIL MEAL Ton tote. (.17. Mom, Wool. Hides. Flo. HOPS IvOS. 6ySc per pound; 1(07, ig 3c: iso. rji'jt. wool. Kasnrn Oregon, average best. 10 14c per pound, according to shrinkage; V a! lev. 1 r. 'j 1 H c. iloIIAIR Choice. 20l21c per pound. llll'ES Dry hides. No. 1. 16'ulie pound; dry kip. No 1, Hifloc pound; tlry calf skin. 1. ti ISc pounJ: salted hides, "heavy, li l'oc; ifght and cows. ly&'iC; salted calf skin, 14-lo pound: green, lc less. FURS no. 1 skins: Angora goat. (1 to (1 23: badger. 25 0 30c; bear. (3 20; beAver, (6 DOS 8.50; cat. wild. 0cul; cougar, per fect head and clnws, (:lu10: Qsher. darU. (7.3all: pale. $4.0o7: fox. cross. (3 to (3- fox. grav. Ouc to SOc; fox. red. (2 23 to (4; fox. silver. (35 to (100; iynx. (lujy 15: marten, dnrk. (St,12; mink. 73ctf(4 30; muikrat, 10ul5c; otter. (7; raccoon. 45c9 6uc; sea otter, (lf2.5'i. ns to slxo; skunks, 60i 7.".c; civet cat. 101."c: wolf. (2i3; coyote. 70ci(l.li; woiverlue. dark. (Jt3; aolverlne, pale. $2 2.50. CASCARA BARK Small lota. 4HSS4C: old In carlots. selling at ItjSSc. IlrieJ Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. The market for evaporated apples is quiet, but steatly. Fnr.cy are quoted at biiHUc, choice at 7"-if7-c. prime at 6t'i7c, common to fair at Ku'lt.o. Prunee are a little more active on spot, with the larire sizes relatively Ilrm. new crop California fruit ranging up to 4o-5l being quoted at 4,'y7a4c aud Oregons 6'i-iti9c for 4o-"H-e to 20-ous. Apricou are firm, with choice quoted at pu., .t.i,c and extra choice at eHtilOc and fun.y at 114 13c. Peeehes are in a moderate Jobbing demand, but the tone of the market It? easy, as sup plies are large. Choice. OVaac; extra choice, 7 u. '.i v. : fancy, 8 Vi loc. Hal-ins are said to he a little firmer on the CobM. Loose Muscatel are quoted at 4's f.Se choice to fancy seeded at &'c, seed-le-s'at 30,63! and London layers at (".50 l.0. Dairy Produce In the Eaeit. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. On the Produce Ex rharge today the butter market was stesdy Creameries, 22fi2Sc; dairies, 21 W 25c. Keg Strong at mark, - cases Included, 81 r0 112c; firsts, 34c: prime firsts, IWic Cheese Firm. 14'iiHic. Wool at Kt. Louis. PT. I.OUIK. Jan Wool Unchanged. Territory and V'-st.?rn mediums. 17'i2:.'c; One mediums. 154 17c; fine, K'jllc. GAINS POORLY HELO Short Covering Leads to Rally in Stock Market. TRADE ON THE WHOLE SLOW Abundance of Moner Has Xo Stimu Jntlntf Effect on tlio Pemand for Securities Bonds Are Irregular. NEW TORK. Jan. !S. The narrow pro fessional dimensions of the current stock market were demonstrated in the limita tion of the price movement. The ahort In terest built up In tha course of yesterday's sharp decline and Its moderate -extension early today waa sufficient to bring about a rally before the day was over, which waa, however, poorly held. The character of the market was not greatly changed. The abundance of money, however, aeems without stimulating effect on the demand for securities and the mar ket falls Into a semi-sta-rnant condi tion after tha needs of tha shorts are sup plied. Varloua degrees of dissatisfaction were felt and reflected in the modification of values over the recommendation of tha Sonate Judiciary committee at Waahlng ton against proposed changes in the Sher man anti-trust law and with the announce ment of the coming oral examination of slock exchsnge officials by tns House com mittee to Investigate charges. The Impres sion was conveyed that reform will be at tempted through this ccwimlttee'i recom mendations of some features of stock mar ket procedure which may. prove embarrass ing to speculative operatlona. Leeember net earnings of railroads show gratifying Improvement In earnlnga over those of the depressed period In the pre ceding year. The principal Item of the monthly money market settlement now due will be the addition to trust company reserves for Feb ruary 1. A slightly firmer ton In the call money market today may have been due to preparation for thia. Money has flowed to New York In large volume from the In terior again this week, but withdrawal of Government deposits and exports of gold have made the Subtreasury a gainer from the banks on the week's exchanges. For eign exchange continues to move toward the point of gold -exports to London, but no steps looking to a modification of that were taken today. The price of gold de clined In London, but dlacounta there wre llrai. Bonds were Irregular. Total aales, par value, $5,694,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Amal Copper .... 4i. lovs 74&, 74 'i Am Cur 4c Foun. l.soo 4) 40, 4Ui do preferred lH'S Am Cotton Oil... 1,W. W 61 61 W Am Hd At IA pf. loo 41 4U! 40Vi Am Ice Securi.. lw 22 22 21 Am Litueed Oil 14-L Am Locomotive... 1.UU0 66't 66 uo preferred .- Ho Am Smelt Ret 2.7wl 84Vh:'Lj M do preferred ... WO lo2 lols 1"19 Am riiiair Kef., l.loo 12 1IH 1IU Am Tobacco pf.. 2oll I"4 2 2 Aai Woolen 1W IbH I's's I'S Anaconda Min Co. 2.tiol 43 44 44-Yj Alehi-ion 6.DUO 1 &, o preferred .. ltl Atl Coast Line 108 lialt & Ohio 40.100 Ill's lllta HI a, do preferred ..... 03 Brook Hap Trun. 23. loo -i 6''',, B014 Canadian Pacitlc. l""0 172;, 171's 171!, Central leather.. 8.5O0 31 30 30 do preferred ... 1 0 1'2 lo2 lol Vt CcntraJ of N J H27 Cl.es & Ohio 21.P0 63 624 C2"4 Chicago Gt West, l.doo 7'j 7 7 Chicago & N W.. 3o 170 176 175 C. M & St Taul.. 8,.!'H 1411S4 14ST4 14!ll, ". ". C it St I... 7.S'0 lUS'-i oS Wi, Colo Fuel A Iron. 4. (ton 40S 3l"4 31' l, Colo : Southern.. 4.5o) fiS HI V K'j do l?t preferred. SuO h!s til SI do I'd ieferred. Ho 7a 79 77 Consolidated Gas.. 2.W 121 V, 121 121 Corn Products ... l.VXt If1-, 184 I8T4 Del Hudson... SOO 175 175 175 D & Jl Grando... 12..V) 4.1',4 . 42'i 42"4 do preferred ... W 2li Sis bib Distillers' Securi.. l.o") 37"4 37i, S7(s Erie S.2O0 3'4 30 3K do let preferred. 5o0 4fi 4514 454 do 2d preferred. Io0 SS-T4 35 "-4 S5 General Klectrlc. 3oO 154 164 I6314 Gt Northern pf... 4.3r) 1424 1414 142 C,t Nonhern Ore.. 4i0 724 "14 72 Illinois Central .. 2.2"l 145'., 144 14 Interb orr.tigh Met. 1.200 lo"-! 15 IB do freferred ... .l"iO 414 40'4 4o4 Int Paper 11 do prererred ... 200 n.'a no's o-i'-s Int Pump Iowa central . K f Southern. 3f tj 3i " o.l 30. 2' 30 i.O'- -11 o--4 -e.'ii do preferred1 ... l,fi" 72'4 71 12 Iuls ft Nashville 1214 121 121 "4 Si Inn St L H-0 6SI4 6fl'4 6 SI, SI P t 8 S M. Poo 143 142i 142'4 National Lead ... 2!eO 7S-S 77-i 7S N Y Central 10.700 ISO 127'i 12714 N T Ont & West. .4o0 4i 471; 47 Norfolk Vest. 6.2ort 01 W out, North American... l.tH 81 ' Ro'4 Northern Pacific. 2o) is9i JMi l.isn Pclnc Mall 32W 31 30'4 T'er.tisylvania 7.2O0 l::2 132H 132 People's Gas 1.1.000 ll'f'4 107!, l' r. C C Pt L... 1.2W P2"-i P2 tli Pres.ied Steel Car l.nfn 41" 41 41 Sr Steel Spring.. 200 47' 47'4 41 Iteaillng M Sirt 1S3, 132 333 Republic Keel ... Boo 25 244 244 do preferred ... "0 M 85 V4 M Ro.k Iflnnd Co.. 4,'kiO 2154 14 . 24 do preferred ... d.ono (S3 . HI fi'14 ct I. S K 2 pf. 4oO 40 St, 30 St L Southwestern 22-4 do pre-erred ... IOO 62 61 '4 62 Sloes-Sheffield 1f 77 77 77 Souihern Pacific. r-O.Roo HSU llRt, 11H .lo prcferrrd ... SOO 121 121 t, 12H, Southern Hallway. l.f'O 2,." 2.M, 2.'-i do preferred ... 2 elite ls Tcnn Copper ... B.400 441". 41 41 Texa ft Pacific l.loO 34 34Vi Sti; Tol --'t I. ft West. 1 441, 47 471, do preferred ... :1 ;. R-4 Union Pacific 7I."0 17S 17rt 17T4 do preferred ... lOO .H4 85 V U S Rubber 3K 31 . fll 31 do 1st preferred. li:T4 P P'2"4 V S Sice! 67.31 62', 32 62 do preferred ... S2.000 114 1134 113 T'tah Copper .... 2." H -41'. Va-Caro Chemical. 400 4i 4tl4 414 Vdo preferred HI ahash 60O 11- m-4 11H do preferred ... 7.H0O 49' 4S14 4ti .eetlnKhouse Flee 7f) 0 SO T!U IV extern Unlcn ... 10 6Si; 1H flH Wheel si I, Erie. ino 10 104 1014 Wlst-ors'ln Central. 2.10 3S 3a Am Tel A Tel RoO 125'S 1254 125-4 Total sales for the dny. 633.800 sharsa. BON Da NEW TOHK. Jan. 20. Closlnr quotations: U S ref. 2s reg.lOStalN" T C O SHs... P4 do coupon. ... 102V4 INorth Pacific Rs. 75 U. S. 3s reg I00iNorth Paclllc 4S.103'4, do coupon. .. .loo1- South Pacific 4s. ftl s U P 4 reg.llL3 Union Pacific 4s. 103 do coupon. .. .120 ".'Wlscon Cent 4s. 93 "4 Atchison ailt 4s. US' 'Japanese 4s 81 D & P. G 4S. . PS-el Jloney Exchange, Eto. NEW TOP.K, Jan. 2. Prime mercantile paper. 3tnfo4 per cent. Sterling exchange strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at t4.K50S 94.8515 for co-day bills and at I4.S770 for demand. Commercial bills. $4. 844 4.S4s. Par silver 61V4C. Mexican dollars 44o. Government bonds, ateady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Money on call. 14 1j3 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid. 14 per cent; offered st 2 per cent. Time loans, dull and heavy; CO davs. 2WS-4 per cent: 80 daya, 24'2V4 por ctnt; six months. 3 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. i. Silver bars 51 c. Mexican dollars 46 Ufl. Drafts Sight. Se; telegraph. 100. Sterling 60 days. $4.854; sight, $4.874. LONDON, Jan. 2.-i-ConauU, allver, bank rate, 3 per cent. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 28. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund shows: Avnilable cash balance $14.435.1 Gold coin and bullion 2.3i)8.4CS Gold certificates 27,874.400 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep anil Hogs. Receipts of cattle were small sgaln yes terday and good prices, according to ths quality of the offering-s were reillxed. Tha shex-p market was also firm, as a result of tiie limited supply and the good demand. Hogs, however, came In more pleutltully and weakened. 7 cents being the top price quoted. The neceipts for the day were 1. 6 cattle. 117 sheep and 675 hogs. The latest representative sales reported were: 12 steers, averaga lt'90 pounds. $i; 10 steers, averaue 97 pounds, S4.75; 8 cows, average 110J poundg, $4; 195 hogs, average 190 pounds, 7-The current range of prlcea waa as fol lows: ., CATTLE Best steers. 85S8.25: medium, $4:594.50; cows, best. $4; medium. $3.-5 63 7:.: calves. $4.50-25.50. SHEEP Best wethers, $5.!6g5.50; mlxeq sheep. $3.60165.25; ewes. $4.50fe4.76; lambs. $5.50Hr5.7i. HOGS Best. $7; medium. $6.25' Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 29 Cattle Recjlpts 1000. Market steady. Native steers. $4.80 46.65: cows and heifers. $2.20(85.75; stock ers and feeders. $3.50(6 5.75; bulls, $3.2a( (; calves. $3.50 6.60. ..,. Hogs Receipts 7000. Market 610o higher. Heavies $6 .20 WB SS : packers and butchers. $6(8 6.30; light. $5 50'j6.10; pl?3. $4.25415.40. Pl.eep Receipts 4000. Market steady. Lambs, $6.60a 7.50; muttons. $4. SO S 5.50. CHICAGO Jan. 29. Cattle Receipts 2000. Market steady. Peeves. $44f7.l'5; atockers and feeders. $3.20416.40; cows and heifers, $1.85 6 5.60. HoKS Receipts 21.000. Market Be to 100 higher. Light. 5.556.05; mixed. 15.8a -a 6 66- heavy. J5.401i6.55; rough. $5 90(36.05; good to choice heavy. $6.05 f 6. ; pigs, $4 655.60; bulk of sales. $6.10 6 40. Sheep Receipts 5000. Market strong. ALfiSKft DEIMHO M EGES ADTS TO THE TTRJTVESS OF THE SEATTLE IARKET. Car of Blnestom AVhfflt Selrs at $1.08 1-2 Hay Prices Firmer. Oversupply of Potatoes. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 20. (Special.) What la said to be the record price for bluestern wheat was established here today, when a car sold to a local miller at $1.084. Another cr of poorer grade was sold at $1.07. Millers are looking for wheat, but holders are keeping their grain under oover. Hay prices are stiffer. The potato markot is overstocked and weak. Several large local warehousea are full of Eastern Washington stock. The demaiKl for egrs Is Increasing and an order for 100 cases of fr"sh was placed to day for shipment to Valdox. Under lislit receipts the market held steady. There is also some Inquiry from Portland, but sup plies are too limited here to permit of any thing but a few small express shipments. Prit-es ranged from 45 to 47 cents on fresh today. One hundred cares of California eggs are due on tomorrow's boat. QUOTATIONS AT BAX FRANCISCO. Price Paid, for Produce In the Bny City Markets. PAN" FRANCISCO. Jan. 29. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar ket today: . . allllstuffs Bran. $23.5030; middlings, $33. 50 a 3.0.50. Vegetables Garlic. 8t?10c: green peas. 336c; string beans. Hi 15c; asparagus, lii'tc; tomatoes, $lft1.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 36c creamery seconds, 34c; fancy dairy, 2Sc; pickled, nominal. Cheese New. 1 2 u ijf 1 ."c ; Young America, 15-16Hc; Eastern. 17c. Kggs Store. 38Vic; fancy ranch. 41c; EaMorn. nominal. Poultry Roosters, old. $4 4.50; young, t"8; broilers, small. $3.50'a4.50: broilers, large, $4) 4.50; fryers, fii'n H: hens, $JWti; ducks, old. $45: young, $6J,8. Wool Spring, Humboldt and Mendocino. 16frl9c: Mountain. 4-8hic; Nevada, UHo Hay Wheat. $lf'fi 23; wheat and oats, $180 22: alfalfa. $15 18.50; stock, $13(i 16: straw, per balo, GU&'Soc. Potatoes Early Rose, nominal: Oregon Burbanks. nominal; sweets. JJ l.oOi 1-75. Fruits Apples, choice, $1.25; common, flOo: bananas, 75c4t2.r0; limes, $4ii!.V. lemons, choice, $3; common, $1: oranges, Dan li, $1.2iif3; pineapples. $1.5032.50. Receipts Flour, 320 Backs; wheat, 2035 centals: oats, 360 centals; beans. 43 sacks; corn, 60 centals: potatoes, 4fe90 sacks; bran, 760 sacks; middlings 55 sacks; hay, ii50 tons; wool, 62 bales; hides. 205. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Jan. 20. Closing quotations: Adventure . .$ 8.00 IMont C ft C. . .20 Allouez 34. 00 'Nevada 17.12 Vi Amalgamated 74.H7-4'Olu Dominion .-ni.io Ari. Com... 34.25 Oseaol 12S. 00 Atlantic 14.50 Butte coal... 23.00 Cal & Ariz. . .101.00 Cal A Hecia.B33.oo Centennial .. 29.75 Copper Range 74.00 Daly West... 0.75 Franklin 142.00 Granby 100.00 Greene Can..l0r00 Isle Hoyate. . 23. Tn Mass Mlnlng.e54.0i) 1 Parrot IQuincy ., Shannon iTamarock 2i!.50 S'j.oo 14.2.) 77.110 14. 874 lu-tilted Copper 1.1. 00 U. .-n Mining. 141. 00 U. S. Oil 2!25 lUtah 40.25 Victoria 4.50 Winona ..-. 5. 00 IWolverlne ...143.00 Michigan ... uw 1 . NEW YORK. Jan. 2. Closing quotations: Alice 225 juittle Chief 10 Brunswick Con.103 JMexicnn SO Com Tun stock. 30 Ontario 400 do bonds 22 phir 173 CCA Va 80 istandard 150 Horn Silver.... 70 yeliow Jacket... 80 Leadville Con... 5 I New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Cotton Spot closed quiet, 15 points lower. Mid-uplands, .8oc; mid-Gulf. 10.16c. Sales 4500 bales. STOCKS ARE DEPLETED EARLY AND GEXEBAL RESUJIP TIOX INEVITABLE, Distributers of Merchandise Antici pate it Steady IJeturn to Nor mal Conditions. NF,W YORK, Jan. 20 R. G Dun A Co.'P weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Fonie irregularity continues In Individual and mercnntilo activity. A fundamental factor of strength is the daily multiplying evidence that stocks are so depleted aa to render a large and general resumption of the Nation's industries Inevitable and meas urably nearer as conlldence I9 restored. There aro numerous reports of enlarged industrial jtrtfvlty at widely scattered points throughout he West aud South and distrib utors of merchandise In all lines anticipate slow but steady return to the normal volume of transactions. Uncertainty regarding the ultimate tend ency of prices of llnlshed Iron and steel restricts Improvement In the general trade. The hide market is quiet, tanners being reluctant to pay the present high prices. Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Bradstreet's Clearings Report for the week ending ary 2H shows nn aggregate of $2,S5H,2: as against $2.2j'.l.lU13.00o last week, $2.280.4110,000 in the corresponding last year. 1 Pc lank , and week t Inc. 32.0 It)..-. New York $1.77(1.917.000 Chicago 241l.H24.OoO Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Plttshurg Fan Francisco ... Kansas City .... Baltimore Cincinnati ........ Minneapolis New Orleans .... Cleveland Detroit Louisville ........ Los Angeles ..... Omaha Milwaukee Seattle Kt. Paul r Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Fort Worth Providence Portland. Or Albany Richmond ....... Washington. I. C Pookane. Wash . . Salt Iike City .. Columbus . St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Taroma Savannah Helena 152.0 '8.000 177.07O.OOO G4.353.il00 4 l.37(!.m0 31,050,0(10 43.54 2. 000 20.U7'.l.OOO 28.8!U,0t H 1 5,953.000 10, 817.0(10 13.0R4.fMI0 ll.7Hii.0O0 14.1!'.",O"0 U. 651. OOO 12.4ii2.iioO 1.(I22.I'00 8.011,01(0 0.637.0(10 7.170.000 8.72ij.0i)0 9.723,0(10 14.454 O00 6.786.000 5. 246. 01 10 4.514.0O0 7.473.O00 5.972. OOO . o;l. 000 5.HH4.IMI0 5.145.O00 5.:;:'.o,ooo -,.404.000 M.8.-.4,0Ot 4.271.0O0 4 sml.ooo 870,000 13.11 12.3 12.0 1.0 0.7 83.3 11.1 10.9 14.0 9.3 3.8 3.8 '29. 3 27.7 12.9 10.0 2S.9 1.8 14 3 23.9 72.9 70.7 4 17.7 0.3 18.1 27.9 44.0 51.7 I'li.S 7.6 32.0 Ml. I 20 7 lo0 37.0 I FIHM AT THE -CLOSE Wheat Active at Chicago in Spite of Poor Wire Service. LAST PRICES SHOW GAINS Early in the Day the Tone Is Weak Because of the Unusually Liber al Shipments From Argen tina and Australia. CHICAGO, Jan. M. Although business on the Board of Trade was greatly handi capped by the crippled wire service, trade In the wheat pit at times displayed consid erable activity. A weak tone was mani fested at the start because of extremely lib eral shipments of wheat thla week from Argentina and Australia, the movement from the former country being 4.490.00H bushels, which was considerably more than had been estimated yesterday, while Aus tralia exported 8.040.000 bushels. The close was firm with May at $1.07 ! 1.07 H, no July at 97Hc. Rain and snow In tha corn belt caused moderate advancea In -the prices of corn. In the early session sentiment became somewhat bearish. The market closed about ateady with both May and July at 2c. The feature of trade in oats was the luoderate purchase of the May delivery by cash Interests. At the close May was 53o and July 4fi9e. An advance of lOo in live hogs inspired considerable demand for provisions which caused a firm tone during the entire day. At the close prices were 2-4j(?20c higher compared with the previous close. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. -High. Low. Close. May $1.07t4, $1.03 $1.07 $1.07 July 97", .B8" .97"4 .97 Sept. H -95 .94 ", .44 CORN. May $ .634 July . (IS .63 .627, .6274 Sept. ". 63 H .63 .624, .62:, OATS. Mav $:H .62'4 .".14 .52 July 46- .46t .46 .464 IScpt 39i .39'J .394 .395, MES3 PORK. Jan 17.17 17.32'4 17.05 17.04 May 17.22V4 17.22V, 17.17V4 17.22V4 July 17.25 17.25 17. $0 17.25 LARD. Jan 68 .5 ' t $ .5 May 9S34 9.82'4 9.80 9 80 July 9.90 9.82i. 9. jo 9 92H SHORT RIB9. Jan 3.S5 S.874 t 5 .87-4j May S.97H 9.02 14 S.97-4 9.02 14 July 9.15 9. 17V4 9.15 9.17V, Cusli quotations were aa follows: Flour Firm. Wheat No. t Spring. $1.06-11.10! No. 1 red. $1.07(3 1.07. Corn No. 2, 60"Af64o; No. 1 yellow, 604 61 14 c. Oats No. 3 white, 48"45IO. I've No. 2. 76c. Hurley Good feeding, 60-461"4o; fair to choice malting, 613j04c. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern. $1.60. Timothy seed Prime, $3.854j'3.90. Short ribs Sides (loose!. $S.50 jj 8.87 M . Pork Mess, per barrel, $17.25 & 17.37 Vi- Lard Per 100 pounds, $9.65. Skies Short, clear (boxed), $8.87 9.12 V. Receipts. Shipments. Plour, barrels 19.200 18.600 Wheat, bushels 10.600 24,500 Corn, bushels 272,000 $46,700 Oats, bushels 242.100 219.100 Rve. bushels 1.000 9.800 Barley, bushels 84,000 63.800 Grain at Ban Francisco. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Wheat Firm. Barley Weak. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.701.TS; milling. $1.72 V4 B 1-75. Uarloy Feed, $1.87 Vi 1.40; brewing, $1.45 fi'l-47-A. Oats Red, $1.70M0; white, $1.5$1.90; black. $2.262.60. Cull board sales Wheat May. $1.75. Barley May, $1.351.38; December, $1.16VI&1.16. Corn Large yellow, $1.65(81.70. European Grain Market. LONDON, Jan. 59. Cargoes, ateady - but quiet. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, at 87s 9d; California, prompt shipment, at 88S 6d. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 29. Wheat May closed yesterday, 7s 7"4d; opened today, 7s 7'4d; oloBed today, 7s 7"4d. 0rn May closed yesterday, Bs 44"; opened today, 5s 4d; closed today, 5s 4d. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Jan. 29. Wheat Milling, blue stem, $1.05. Export, bluestern, 95a; club, 90o; red. 8S0. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Jan. 28. The London tin. market was about 2 lower, with apot at fll'4 61 and futures at 128 2s 6d. The local market was weak and lower, with epot at 27.25627.45c. Copper lower at f53 6m for spot and 150 2 8d for futures In the London market. The local market waa weak and nominal, with Luke quoted at 13.87V4!6'14.12i4c. electroly tic at 13.37'-i6,13.e2Vio and casting at 12.60 13.50c. Iad, unchanged" at 13 8s M in London, Locally it remained dull at 4.16f4.20c, Spelter, unchanged, at 21 12a od In Lon don and at 5.o6i(-5.10c locally. Iron was uncharged at 48s 4V6d for Cleve land warrants tn the London market. Locally no change waa reported. No. 1 foundry Northern. $17i-17.TR: No. 2, $10.73317.25; No. 1 Southern soft. $17. 25-3-1 7. 75. GIVES DEFENSE OF RULING Interstate ' Commerce Commission Says It Was Misunderstood. OREGON1AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan. 29. In its annual report the Interstate Commerce Commission devotes considerable space to a discus sion of Its regulations, adopted following the decision In the case of the Cosmo politan Shipping: Company vs. the Hamburg-American Packet Company, involving the question of publication of tariffs applying on traffic exported to or imported from noncontiguous foreign countries. These regulations were con siderably discussed and much condemned at the time, and the Commission, In de fending them, says: "These tariffs must show the rates, faxes and charges of the inland carriers subject to the act for such transporta tion to the port and from the port In the- United States, and that such rates, fares and charges be so stated as to be available for all persons who desire to use them. It was provided that, as a matter of convenience to the public, such tariffs might show through rates to or from the foreign points, but that If so prepared they should also show the in land rate or fare of the carrier subject to the act. "Representations were made to the Commission that transcontinental rail carriers reaching our Pacific coast porta were, on account of the long rail haul, at a disadvantage In competition with other carriers serving Atlantic ports and transporting Asiatic traffic via the Suez Canal route. ' They therefore requested modification of t"he requirements as to notice of changes In rates, and were given permission to make changes in their rates applicable to such import and export traffic to or from our Pacific coast ports upon notice of three days of reduction in rates and of ten days as to advances in rates. Subsequently, by supplemental order, the same permission was extended to carriers subject to the act reaching Pacific coast ports in Brit ish Columbia. "The rail carriers In the United States ordinarily known as the transcontinental linos withdrew, effective November 1, 130S, all their through import and export !i i I THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000.00 ' OFFICERS J. C. AINSW0RTH, President. R. W. SCHMEER. Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President A. M. WRIGHT. Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS Lumbermens National Bank Capital Corner Second and Stark HIGH-GRADE MUNICIPAL AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct from contractor and save broker's commission. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. 317 BECK BUILDING. PORTLAND. OR. rates via the Pacific ports and applied to the Inland carriage of export and import traffic through those ports the domestic rates applicable on traffic to and from the ports proper. The Canadian Pacific Railway, in connection with a large number of carriers in the United States with lines ea?t of the Mississippi River, published and filed proportional class and commodity inland rates appli cable to Vancouver, British Columbia, on-traffic destined to Oriental ports, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand, which proportional rates are much lower than the domestic rates applying on traffic destined to Vancouver proper. These tariffs, as permitted by the Com mission's rule and for the Information of shippers, show through rates to foreign ports in connection with certain named steamship lines. "This rule of the Commission was free ly commented upon In the newspapers, but almost without exception from an entirely erroneous standpoint and a total misunderstanding or misconception as to what the rule required. No opinion was expressed by the Commission that the inland portion of export and import rates might not reasonably and properly be less than the domestic rates to the ports. The order simply required the carriers to conform to the plain requirements of the law and- to publish, in the manner prescribed by law. whatever rates they Eaw fit to establish on this traffic." SIZE OF WOMEN'S FEET Manufacturers Propoee to Abandon Deceitful Code Signs. New York Herald. There will be a rise in the size ot women's feet If the shoe men have their way. No more will milady bo able to squeeze her No. 7 pedal extremities into a No. 2. no matter how willing she may be to stand the pain of the squeeze. The shoo men otherwise the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association have decided, 1n the altruistic fashion common, to tradesmen, that such things shall not be. In other - words, all the girls will have to take a shoe of their sixe. Until the session of the association In the Hotel Astor it was not generally known that most of the shoe dealers have a code system in the marking of women's ehoes by which a cu.tomer of that sex may flutter into a store, sit down on the leather-covered bench and sweetly remark to the man In charge: "I think a No. Al will about do." and then be threatened by convulsions while the oblltrlng salesman sqiiopz"! or tries Bonds Stocks Securities For Sale by T. S. McCrath Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OR. $250,000.00 to squeeze the same on to a well, what's the use? "It's Just vanity," said the shoe man who Introduced the measure, "and ought to bo stopped. It enables a dealer lo substitute one size for another in wlllni to a customer. It is a form of deception that Is obviously unfair and unneces sary." t N VE5TM ENfOMRANY BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. Read our advertisement Sunday. It will tell you how to do it. TRAVELERS GTJID1&. s CUNARD- f CKUINES I Via AZORES. HADEIfiV GIBRAlTMt, I ITALY. t" and Egypt CStt ibe miWniiii in L-nrfotti and Corofocubie Ocma Tr-m-1 by it Crcat SKM om Carmanla." Jao. 21. Mar. 4 -CaronU.-rch.lS TIE CGXA89 STEAKSElf CO., Ltd. If.-r York. BfUm. 0-tfao, Mb.....-11-t Ptatfedcna- M. IjMta. hi TrimoU. ftamburg-Slmcriccm. Iindon rrl irnmbure Kftls.AuK .Viet. Feb. t Patricia Feb. J4 GrarWutdurse. Feb-13 A nuirlka rT. 2 w r-r V v It A TAtrr JVfadrtrii and 1 1 JLt I Gibraltar S S. HAMRITRCI. TfFeb. IB, 11 March 23. S. 8 MOI.TKE. 5Jn. 2S. "llApr. 21. H. B. DEDTSllHLASD, JIF.b. 0. S. 8. Batavla.. April 1.1. rail Aiorea Madeira. JCSlbrsltar. trail. Madolra. Cadiz. Olbrallar, Malaga. Algiers. Uriina and then continues ORIENT rruine. A limited number of room, available to -talJjAHBl,Iw.AMER,CAj, USE. 180 Pow-U St.. San Fran.M-.--o and Ixxsal . R. R. Aaent. in Portland. NEW SERVICE TO NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA. Dellebtful South hea Tour, for B-).t and Pleaaur. New Zealand, the world's wonderland, is now ut Its best. Geysers, Hot Lakes and other thermal wonders. surpassing tn. Yellowstone. The favorlt. S. S. Mariposa sails from San Franclxco for Tahiti t t ruary 2, March lo. April 10. eto., connecting with Union Lin. for Wellington. New Zealand. The Only Passenfcer Line From Unlte-1 Stair, to New Zvulnud. Only S2U0 tlrst-class to Weliinirton ana bark. To Tahiti and return, flrst-clas-, $125, 2S-day trip For Itineraries, write Oceanic Line. 673 Market street. San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO ft PORTLAND 81 8. CO. Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing. From Alnsworth dock, Portland, 4 1. hi. : NS. Senator, Feb. 5, 19, etc. SS. Kose lily, Feb. la, 2, etc. From. ,omUarrt-st.. rian Francisco, 11 A. M.: NS. Ko-e City, Feb. 6, 20, etc. SS. Senator, Feb. 13, 27, etc.. J. W. Ransom, lloek Afcent. Main 26H Ainswortli L)ock. M. J. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St Phone Main 40J. A 1402. NorlliPacin; S.3. Cj'jl SteamM; Eoanoka and Geo. W. Elder Sail fur Eureka, San .Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Tkird St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. LI. Young, Agent. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday at 8 P. M. from Alnsworth dock, for North Bend, Marsb field and Coo. Bay point.. Freight r.celv.4 till 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Pvseng.r fare, first-class. $10: second-class 7. in cluding berth and meals. Inqulr. city tteket office. Third and Washington street, or Alnsworth dock. Pbone Main 26S. 7, J