-A . 11 ArSKMXXH. SEATS SELLING lairM Italian Grand Opera Co. HEILIG THEATER Phones: Jlaln 1 and A 1122. Mon., Feb. 1 "LUCIA." TMe.. Feb. 2 "LA BOHEME." Wed. Mat. "IL TROVATORE." W ed. NlKht "RIGOLETTO. ' PRICES MATI.XEB and XIGHTl Lower floor $2 50 and $2.00 Balcony 2.u0. 11.50. $1.00 nailery, reserved, 4 rows $1.00 Boxes $3.00 and $2.00 HEILIG THEATER February 4, 5 and 6 Matinee Saturday. E. H. SOTH ERN Thursdav XI slit and Saturday Mat. J.OKD Dl'SDREARV, . Friday Xiftht RICIIEMEC Saturday Night HAMLET. Price.". Both Evening and Matinee, fi.oo, l--o, fl.OW. 7Kc, ftOe. SEAT SALE S EXT TIESDAT. Empire Theater Co. fine. 1-cssee. Geo. I Jtak.-r. Gen Unacr. Matinee today, 8:1; tonight. Famous hnker Sto. k Company In "A Navajo's Love." Evening prices 25e. .V"-; Matinee!". If. 23o. Next week, "The lloaoe of a Thousand Candle. BAKER THEATER phones Main 2. A 5360. Oregon Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. George L. Faker. General Manager. Vatlr and Tonight Ist Two Times. THE UfTTKXANt AND THE COWBOY t-'ronr Play. Exceilrnt cast, lavish Scenic FiTe. t. Bargain Mat. Wednesday. 23c any seat. Saturday Mat. 25c. .Vie. Kvctimg prices 25c. .Vic, 75c. Opening tomorrow matinee Sun Frunrleco Opera Co. MAIN' A 1020. Matinee Sundays and Holiday. 15-25-50: NiGH.S V . THEATER 15-25-50-75C We of J ana, 17 23- Helen f.rnntle:r. I'ar-rcll-Tuylor Co.; Pick Croiln-; .Mile. Be-fe hlfrn; lon T. Kocrf; Soptile Ie Wolf; H-K-trr fe JbJrT; OrrhesLrii; lift urea. PANTAGES THEATER AdviocH Vaudeville, Star of All N'jtion. Marjorie Lake and Her Dancing Girls and Boys In a spect ncul.ir murtrnj extrnvp canra. B-xteen people. In the cast, wli h special cenery and beautiful electrlril eflta Matinee 1uJi-, I."-. Two bbowi at -Vljcht, 15 and -5c. THE GRAND-VauJeviiledeLai. ANOTHHK BIG BILL. Baker Troupe WORLD'S GREATEST CYCLISTS Henry and Alloa Carver. Watson A Little. Lea Theodora. Musical Brandons Fred Baner. Amndaacope, STAR Tea Cent VaevIe HEADED BY Cheater Corbett. Mahoney Boys. J arris Martin. Sml Lata Br. Illustrated Sons. Marweope. Gladys Van Lata of tr!RY MCK. I llcport on Town-Lot Frauds Xear. MUSKOGEE. Okla.. Jan. 29. The Fed eral grand Jury, now In session here, Is expected to make a partial report In the town lot fraud rases tomorrow afternoon. TKiny several New York and Ohio wit- rt.., were exarp inrl. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS t'Aal Ausra.:o. Wyoming and Washington Coal delivered promptly In any quan tity. Phone us your order. Star Coal Co. 4 2d st. Phones Main 1013. A 1384. Haa Mnnfl-Pfl Mantl. tha mantla on tea markst. Barretts. Mor r.on. Botn phones. our own conservatories. Marti a c Forbes. Zil Washington C vtn pnooaa. Electric Fixtures Si "h'.' 'o" prices are rlgnt. Ail work; auarantaed. 'sstrs Kecirlc Works, at Bum strssc 1ift Knives. Forks and aU ailrar iUIi0 wars replated as sood as asw. urriuc flatmc '.Vorka, ltfth and Aldsr. Mala 2.-;5. A 2i7J. O Mailer Kaubrar. 327 Wash IUB lr.ton street. Fbust Mala 23s. Free delivery. A saiAwa OX lO-reax-oid Ibaia nedk J-ort. 1.50 fnnl Kemmerer eoa'i. tha beat Wya tOal m:nit coal; elves mora heat and lass s-h Churcitley Bros., lota and Maraball ata PUonss Main 831. A 3JZL Yrtnl 5"' cords first-class 4-foot fir II OOU woo'1. (s PT cord delivered. 1-hotM Main 4t35. Kaxia Creek Fuel Com pany. 4u4 Corbett Bltls. -.! Rlrhmond and Wallsend Australian. I Out independent Co.l A lea Company, cpposlta City Llorary. Both phones UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS VWEn? ARE ItKI-n AT THIS OFFICK I-'i.'i-t Til'v FOLLOWING AXSWKK rHK.'KS AM MAY HAD TV I'RK- SFNTIMJ VOl Tt CHECK AT THE OltE iloMAS O'l-'t'l' 1-2: A ijg. r,i;. r.:;T. R7r. r.so. ss ssa. 596, t:;. eoi, M B MS. .".;0. XrttS. 5iT. '-T5. 5S3. B8'.. 3 ST. .v.n i;ii. gi:;. en. eifl. 47 4-,3. 4:,",. 4t",J. 4;7, 57B, CM, 0!t, 5-.'. O, tjt'.i, ot'. IV-C.ol. .'.. r..-S. i 1. 6S7. BSS. 509. 801. t . OK.. 0i". V I4J 4il. 4". 4fil. 44. 4i7. .100. S... S.0, 57-. S7 . IT. r.Il. S'.?. 5&i. 0"J, "03. 614. j'., .vui .-,7i .'.74. :. '7. 4.-0, .'. :.3. 574, 599, 602. W4, M 1' ai.. o'. J -.''X .-....(. ."I. S7 575. 585. 50O.-593. 6O0, (.'. h'. O""- P -.o- -vi Ra. sio, 5i, aoo. M ,-.tij. ".-.7J .Tl! 5Si. 5"1, 5S7. JUi 5!S. X-'-VSl.'.-.. T. 9.t,'5-x 597. OT. is 2. 57i 57J. BTd. 1. 60J. 603. COil. J- -. -v.. -7 .7- 57 3 sel S7. 59. 591. Sin. OO. T r,7.j. .;.. m, ii7. 5S2, JSO. 5iS. 604. t . 5-". 5."-. W 17 4. 4). .-J- Z.,-1' s',,,';'. 51.1. 514. 5!. 52". 5r!0. K.H. .U iio i."-2. i04. 055. 5.'.o. 5'j. 5il, 55, Sil, iS7. 339. 557. AR-IK 42X 4.-1. 45. 441. 442. 57V If atve ar-swera are nut ca.lert ror wltn In sfv "lavs same will be tletroyd. NEW TODAY. MUST SELL New 3-room houso; lot Bxl00; south front- water at house: Williams ave.. 3 r.l--k' fruni earl'ne. Irtre t0. Terms, J3i0 cash. bal. 110 per month, 6 per cent. KATMOXn A Alblna and Killlnsavtorth. THEATRE DO TOO WISH TO BUY A HOilBt Than sea HARTMAN A THOMPSON, rTiainltar of Comraarssk . . . XEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition The one BEST ptac In Portland to bur. GFCK.RAPHICA CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property oi the city. SEEIXO 19 BEI.TKYINfJ BETTER jro and ee the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and th Im provement going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. A'D MULTNOMAH ST. Union Avenue Lot . $3000 500 by 100, between AVeiJler and Halsey; good fruit trees on rear of lot. At this price it is the greatest bargain in that vicinity. CHAPIN & HE LOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Yamhill Fruit Land 500 acres. 400 ready to plant, balance ratterins; oak Krubs; soli dep and rich ; fine creok. many springs, bounded by two Kood roads, 3 miles from town, adjoins bftr orchard. This Is positively a bargain; 1 45 per acre; good terms. Geo. E. Waggoner 923 Board of Trade. ' WANTED MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE WEST SIDE MuFt ho In district west of Park St. and south of Northrup. Will pay o000 to IS000. J 6U6. Oregonian. SHERIFF'S foreclosure sale. February 1. 1 A. M.. elegant Xnb Hill residence. No. ISO 2lst st. A snap. Particulars of W. P. Ward, attorney. 210 Alisky bids;. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. Co. M. S349. 30 Hamilton hi. Baker. Alfred A.. 115 Ablnirtnn blf.f. Beck. William C... 312 Falllrr b;1r. Blrreil, A. H. Co.. 20J-3 McKay bldft. Real state, insurance. mortitaKo loans, etc. Brubaker A Benedict, 6u2 McKay bllg. il. 649. Chapln Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Cook B. S. & Co.. 53 Crbctt bldr. Crcealey Co.. 7o- Corbett bld. M. 7860. F1e!cs. C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bids;. Goddard. H. W.. Main and A 174S. 110 2d at. Jennlnra A Co.. Main IBS. 206 Oreror.lan. Lea. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bids. Mall Yon Borstel. 104 2d at. 392 B. BurBelde Parr I eh. Watklns Co.. 230 Alder st. Ttlchardaon. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bid. Schalk. Geo. D.. 2fi4 Stark st. Main or A 391. Sharker. J. P. Co.. 122H Sixth st. Fwensson. A F. At Co.. 25CH WashlnKtoa at. The Orearon Keal Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah at. (Hoiladay Addition.) Waddel. W. O.. 9 Lumber Exchanaa bid-. White. B. F.. 227U, Waahlnnton St. FOR PALE REAL ESTATE. OXF eottace. $40ro, rooms, 4 cash: one cottaxe. .T500. 6 rooms. 1-3 raeh. bal. ..0 per month, and a number of ch.Mce two st.iry resiaences: one l"t, best part Irvlns; ton. JI2."pO: one 60-ft., choice location. Ilt)0: two vry select lots. $13"i ea-h. OtTlce and Halsey. Broadway-Irvtnston care. fa. 8iU, C lpt3. Iolen & Herdman. OWN YOl'R OWN HOME. We are designers and builders of rnoa ern homes on leasonable terms: archi tectural work and in-n-ral cntractln. MORKIS-E.MBnY CONSTRUCTION CO.. 5O0 CASH, balance to suit, tnkes a fine two-story 7-room frame dwelling, three blocks from car; strictly modern. This is a snap. . See salesman American iruat Co.. 20 Chamber of Commerce bids;. X BARGAIN New, modern. 4 room house with basement, electric light fixtures, por celain bath; lot 60x100; 3 blocks from car; JID0 down and balance to suit- Inquire 10 McKay bldg. ',,-,! Beautiful, modern, 6-room bungalow. "lOoxlOO lot. good barn, roses and shade trees, one block from carllne; terms. $ji'0 down, balance 20 monthly. A. A. Hoover. 313 Gerltnger bldg. AM forming syndicate to handle biggest platting proposition ever pulled on in Portland. Investigate quickly. AE 577, Oregonian. 43 ROOMS, brick building; gas. steam heat, everything nrst-class condition; house alwavs full: sacrificed at $22oO If taken at once. 420 Lumber Exchange. AT SACRIFICE. Second German M. E. Church and parsonage, cor. Ilodney ana Ptanton. Call at 318 Stanton, Phone Wood lawn 10U4. HOCSES for sale In all parts of the city: acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington, phone Main 44S(1, Kinney Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. joo 72 E. Salmon, near 2.'ld, good 6-room ' house, full c-mcnt basement, lot 40x11:3. first-class location; owner; terms; walk ing distance. RI I.EY TRACT. OREOOX CITY CARLINB 2 i, to 5 acres, all in cultivation, best of land. C. W. Rl.-ley. owner; P. O.. Mll waukle Phone Oak Grove. Red 12. IRVINOTON. Peautlful quarter block. X. W. eor. 22d and Schuyler, phone Cashier. Exchange 41. .-. KOIt a 50x100 lot on the West Side, water, gas and sewer mains laid, near 2 etrct'car lins; easy terms. J. P. Kennedy. 29 Marquam bios. J1400 CASH buys double corner. Wavcrlelsh Heights Add., one block from W.-W. car Una Arthaud. Imperial Hotel. 6-ROOM modern home with csrpets, shades, sr-reens. flxturea included; A5OU0. corner. Phone owner. H 23t-l. - RE1NHART tracts: beautiful hslf and one arre tracts, on Oregon City carllne. Phone blk. 3. Oak Grove. QUARTER block and house, N. W. cor. 10th and Mill sts. E. H. Hablgliorst. 2US Fail ing bldg. Phones Main 2122 and A 2122. FOK SVLE P.v owr.er. handsomest bunga low In Irvlngton. Call and see it- 462 E. 2::d st. Norili. CHOICE Vernon, east front lot. for sale. S-aherg. Main 7012. A 3206. Phona mornings at lo. evenings. 7. 14on WILL buy a house and lot In walking distance; West Side; house cost 64000. S0 bwetland bldg. MUST sell today amall house. Vernon, one Mock from cj.r. Kckman. 30th and Al berta. I'lione Woodlawn 12.S3. LTfl "rxl.S, 20 minutes out: 5 blocks from car- good location; easy terms; very cheap. Palmer. 61T Oregonian bldg. 3 M)TS on Killlngsworth nve., 50x100 each, price $1000 each, or S2SO0 for S. Spencer st Co.. 102 Second street. CHOICE 6 and 10-acra tracts for sale: easy terma; no Irrigation North Bank Nut as Fruit Land Co.. 338 Chamber of Com. MUST sell lot. Central Alblna, 200 less than It Is worth: terms to suit- Miller. 4.0 Worcester bidg. NOB Hll.L lot. 60X122. S4000. Owner. 43J Chamber of Commerce. B-ro-m house. 621 E 11th South; J1500; terms. Owner. 242 Stark st. GOOD IfYS In East Side business prop erty. 4S2 Chamber of Commerce. M 11018. (.ACRE tract carllne. close In; S1150. Owner. All Hawthorne ave. CHEAP lot 6xl00 and. -room ho us a. 1775. teat 21st, fUE MORNING Olv FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. T6. Inrestefl NTOW . In a lot wa have on BROADWAY Will return yon HAXDBOHB PROFIT In the near future. COLUMBIA TKUST COMPANY, 7U Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth, Be ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are tha - largest owners and planters In Oregon. We have the only plaated tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Ysmhlll. 3-acre trarte. planted, 1100 cash. $16 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., ' Lumber Exchange blug., 2d and Stark its. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. In absolutely the most arlstocratlo resi dential district In the city: we are offer ing for a few days only the finest avail able liomeslte in that district at the ri diculously low price of $3000; this home site contains more than 4 full lots, only 1 block from car and city reservoir and the view Is mai'nlfilcent. Call and Let Us Show You. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. T14 Couch Bldg. 1U9 Fourth St. FOR SALE S-room house, basement, 6 rooms furnished, nice sowing machine, new rnnge, new carpets, 2 cords of wood; this house Is for a large family, or up stairs can be rented for $15 per month; within walking distance on West Side, nice view: the best buy ever offered: must b- sold at once; price $2200, $5O0 cash, balance to suit; property all clear. West ern Oregon Trust Co.. 14 Chamber or Commerce. APARTMENT-HOUSE sites or 'buys to hold." If you are looking for olther, we have two close In, south of Morri son street, full 50xl00-foot lots, one at $11,500 and one at $14,000. We con sider these lots cheap and they will surely advance rapidly. See us for par- tlCUlIARRISH. WATKIXS & CO.. 250 Alder St. cir.no NICE r-room house and 60x100 cor ner not on Waverly-Rlchmond carllne, close in: shrubbery bearing fruit trees; $.VK cash, balance long time at 6 per Cent" C. K. PFLUEOER CO. Room 14 Mulkey Bldg. Second and Morrison Streeta "NIFTY" HOME. Near Hawthorne ave.. i large rooms, corner lot 50x100, large fireplace In lly-lng-room. paneled dining-room, built-in bulTot. china closet. Dutch kitchen, tinted walls, fine electric fixtures In. only $2..o. $.-i0 cash. Conkiln Bros., 302 Rotbchild bldg. WE BUILD HOMES. We have first-cla.s modern faciitles for building home upon terms within tha reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN' LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. $10O0. ISOxlOO choice building site, right off Hawthorne ave.. center of building ac tivity line homes; only lot In tho block for the price. Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bidg. THIS will save you rent. Think It over. Corner 8Sxluo improved with new 4-room bungalow, porcelain bath, modern plumb ing; short walk to Woodlawn car. all for 1.'.0. on easy terms. D. Coupland. o2u TV ash. St., room 415. Main 7utU EAST END OF STEEL BRIDGE. To close an estate we must sell corner lOOxlllO facing east, with two cottages thereon: Income $30 per month; only $2000 cash required, balance 6 per cent. Conkiln Bros.. o2 Rothchlld bldg. NEW. modern. 7-room house on E. 18th st. North, full basement, lot 50xlo0. every thing up to date, a beautiful home, price $tooo, half cash: terms on balance. Spen cer & Co.. 102 Second street. FOR SALE 2 good lots on E. Lincoln St., between 47th and 48th St., 1 block from carllne: $195 each; small payment down, balance $lo per month; must be sold this week. Call 249 E. 3fith St. BUNGALOW. In Sunnyslde. B large rooms, on one floor, largo lot. coment basement, furnace well built, new. Improved street; $3too. X5IH) down." Conkiln Bros., 302 Rothchlld bldg. QUARTER block. 100 by 100, near east end of Steel bridge, partly improved, presen". Income $o0 monthly: price $:moo; terms. Parrlsh. Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. I BUY and sell all kinds of real estate and timber lands. List your property with me and get results. Claude & Hicks, COS Corbett bldg $10,000 WILL handle close-in flats paying 9 per cent net. 432 Chamber of Com merce. M 2018. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE OREGON TIMBER A CRCISINO CO. Pacific Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trado bldg. Phone Main 8667 OREGON TIMBER A REALTY CO. Headquarters for legging propositions; timber lands, farm lands and business chances, 521-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Phono M 1)550. A 5580. TIMIiER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES 1). LACEY At CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattta. t2 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Ijo YOU wlsn to Invest in rtinber lands where you can double your money In short time; we have the property; no agents. Curry Abstract-Realty Co.. Gold Beach, Or. MUST HAVE MONEY. Will sell my claim of ".Ooo.OOO feet In township 9. Siletz. for $4750 cash; no agents. D 03. Oregonian. HAVE cash buyers for timber claims. Will tuv large number If located close to gether. C. C. Shay. 407 Rothchlld bidg HAVE some small tracts of timber for sale cheap. Fir. cedar and pine. A. E. Mat hews. 2U9 Couch bldg. FIR spruce and pine 'bought and sold In largo or small tracts. Moore & Thomas, tf Commercial Club bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all klnda Kinney A Btaropher. 631-52 Lumbar Exchange bldg. TWO timber claim barsalns. Call quick, best Investment in Oregon. 243 Stark. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCIt FOR SALE FARMS. GET A HOME 1M "SUNNY STANI3LAL3 CALIFORNIA. Alfalfa land In Modesto-Turlock Irriga tion district, the most productive section In California; adapted to alfalfa, fruit, etc.: tracts to suit; terms liberal, im proved and unimproved; 3 miles wets of Modesto, county scat, a growing town. 450O Inhabitants; 3 hours ride from San Fran cisco. Correspondence solicited. J. P. Nash. 90 Bacon bidg. Oakland. Cai. 5-ACRK RANCH, 'i mile from Felida Store, all fenced and cross-fenced. 1i-ruom house, new bam. a chicken-bouses, apple house. hoghouse, granary, well and i-pring on place; all seeded to clover and vetclu call or address J. A. Ferrlne. Felida. Wash.. R. F. D. No. 3. rILINQUISHMENT 160 acres, 8.000.000 green 3 OOO.'MlO dead' timber, tributary to Nehalem River. At) acres easily cleared, near county road: best of fruit land; house 14x20. Other Improvements: tim ber In this section sells at $1 par M. E 459, Oregonian. IRRIGATED .lands cheap now at Orland. Cal ; higiilv civilized region; fine roads, bridges, schools, colleges; rich valley land, all cultivated; sunny, healthful cli mate: farmers- paradise. W. W. Payne. J210 Williams ave ISO ACRES near Portland at $100 an acre. 25 acres cleared: there Is $10,000 worth of good timber on this place. Can sell for $15u an acre In eight months. Sea owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown frae. Olmsted Land Co., Salem. Or. 16 ACRES at Bell station. Kstaeada car line, 64O0 per acre. C. W. Bchuld. FARMS WANTED. I WANT land In const counties, $1.75 to $3 per acre cash: have for sale or exchange mMSlc store. Courtney, ss North 3d st. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. SMALL farm, suitable for hay. po'atoesj prefer stock furnished. B 446. Oregon- GONIAN, SATURDAY, TO EXCHAXOK. i TO TRADE) FOR ATJT O M OB IL1B. - .( Aor Av.ne.3. aiu An a.d.--M Close to county road, 16 miles from .''railroad, in Yamhill County. 40 acres . level land, 15 acres in grass, balance Is all good land; about 20 acres of creek bot ' torn: this Is a good sheep or cattle ranch and is worth more money; will take an automobile up to $1000; this Is a snap end tha owner Is anxious for an automo . bile. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Curbett Bidg. TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT. acres, near electric line, on county road, all set to grapes, strawberries and English walnuts; nice little bungalow with collar, fireplace and furnished with kitchen range, sewing machine, etc.; all imple ments, including plow, cultivator, horse, wagon, about a dozen chickens and some ducks; this is a beautiful little country home out near Mllwaukle; price $3300 on easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Bldg- TO LEASE lt 2. block 155 E. Portland. S. K. cor. E. 7th and E. Davis sts.. for 'term of years. . 10-acre tracts, no gravel, $-00 per aCr" ,T. L. WELLS A CO.. 806 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 2 RESIDENCES. Burfalo, N. Y-. to exchange for Portland property; one $sono. strictly modern, beautiful residence section: other $2500; both well rented and In good condi- "gODDARD A WTEDRICK, 110 Second FIRST-CLASS six-room modern cottage. Spot, kane, Wash., to trade foj Portland prop erty or Und along North Bank Railroad. W. C. Wilkes. 11th and Hoyt. Phone M. 8611. FIVE-PASSENGER Buick touring car for sale; or will trade for cltv property or a -reage. Call 211 Hamilton bldg.. city. Phones Main 3349. A 1703 OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trado business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor, rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER in Lane County. ICO acres, choice, for 6 to 6-room modern cottage or bunga low, guaranteed cruise. Waliing & Good win. 243 Stark. WE have to exchange for rooming- hone., $1000 Telephono bonds. 4oO certlflcai. deposit crregon Savings, house and lot. value $130(1. 420 Lumber Exchange. FOR EXCHANGE Notion store In one of the business centers of the East Side for liouse and lot or lots to $1500; no agents. D 005, Oregonian. HAVE you a nice house and lot in Port land, about $5000, to exchange for timber claim? C 600. Oregonian. WILL TRADE fine timber claim for house and lot or acreage. Palmer. 617 Orego nian bldg. WILL trade for wnat you have. Qua Smith, 801 Buchanan bldg. TOURING car or runabout for real estata or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonian. WILL exchange beautiful $400 piano for telephone bonds. Main 6641. 6000 SJIARES mining stock to trade for printing office. Thresher, Echo. Or. A BILLIARD and pool parlor, value $2000: central location. Y 529, Oregonian. WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 101!" BOARD OF TRADE. WANTED KEAL SIAIK. WANTED From owners only, strictly mod ern 5-room cottage or bungalow, in sewer district; Bull Run water, electric lights; one or more lots. Not more than $;'0l0. Have $1200 cash. A. A. Hoover. 313 Gtr linger blug.. second and Alder. WANTED Small suburban place In desir able neighborhood, not over 30 minutes out, for home. Don't reply unless price Is reasonable. State price and terms. Owners only. AC 474, Oregoniajq. WANTED 7 or 8-room house In or near Irvington: cost not over $4500; $500 to $10OO cash, balance on terms: give full particulars In first letter; must be mod em. AD 539 Oregonian. WANT a modern 6-room residence about $2500: will pay 8300 cash and monthly payments. Call Friday and Saturday at 613 Chamber of Commerce WANTED At once. 5 to 6-room house, one or two lots, near U or L car. under $.1000; real bargains only. D 814, Orego nian. WANTED for cash lot within 4 blocks of Hawthorne ave. bet. 2-Sth and 4.'.d sts. T. R Phillips, SOS McKay bldg. Main 74ST. WANTED Best and closest in modern 6 or 6-room bumralow $.1'irf cash buye. F. FUCHM, 221 is Morrison st. MODERN 6 or 7-room houso for cash from owner; mu:t be west of 5th and south of Gllsan. L 601. Oresonian. WANTED Cheap land In tracts of 5000 to 20.000 acres: no agents. Alnsworth Smith, Buchanan bldg.. Portland. MODERN 6 or 7-room house, East Side, close in; must be a bargain; owners only. O 462, Oregonian. WANTED Low-prlred lot up to $500; must be good buy. Address B 618, Oregonian. MODERN bungalow, 4 or 5 rooms, close In, easy payments. N 609, Oregonian. WANT 5, 6-room bungalow, about $2T)00; good carllne: terms. AB 57tl. Oregonian. WANTED Few acres near Portlnnd and to station, cheap. K 600, Oregonian. ACREAGE. ACREAGE SNAPS 21H acres, 20 In cultivation, balance partly cleared. Fine soil, adapted to fruit, poultry or gardening: 6 miles from Court house. ZX of a mile from electric cc.r. Surrounding land sold at $325 nnd $o.V an acre uncleared. Will sacrifice at $0500. Also a 5-acre tract uncleared, same soli and location, $1375. See owner, ut0 Mc Kay bldg. No asenta CONTROLLING- lnte-est In 10 acres platted Into lots nnd dedicated: finely located; best buy In the city. palmer. 617 Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE 35 acres, 20 minutes' ride from P. O.; lots in this tract sell for $2000. See owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. M 201S. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE want desirable stumpage In British Columbia, Washington. Oregon or Cali fornia, in tracts of 50,000,000 to 390.000. tMO feet, particularly a good tract of cedar immediately available and some good claims l hat can be bunched for in vestment. Owners tiiat want to sell will find it to their advantage to call on op address American Timber Co.. 714 Mar quam bldg., Portland, or. TIMBER lands wanted. Cm. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldr FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent A teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposec, day, week or month. 1'hone East 72, B 1309. Hawthorn slaolea, 420 Hawthorne ave. ONE SPAN of well-matched Jet black horses, 6 and 6 years old. weighing 2.1O0 lbs. two cheap farm horses, phone East 4S04. 226 Ituusell st. WANTED at once, ten teams, weighing 2600 or more; $5 a day. Phone Tabor 3132 befors 10:30 Saturday. F. B. Coughlan. 15 HEAD of horses and 1 team of mules, young, for sale at Fulton feed barns. Ful ton. Or. ONE 6-year-old draft horse weighing 1550 lbs., perfectly sound, without blemishes. Phone East 4S04. 220 Russell St. FINE TEAM draft horses 4 years old, weight 81r0. sound nnd without blemlah. Fortland Seed Co., 180 Front st. WE have a few good horses left from 900 to 15oo lbs., all broke, on sale at Brunzel's Sale Stables, 505 Alblna ave. 2 SPAN good work horses, four large mares with foal. Freedman Bros., 4S9 Overton, between 13th and 14th. Taks S. car. HORSES, narea. rigs and aarnesa of all kinds for sals. 194 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL. SS0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles, lew rates on buelnees rigs. WANTED To buy several good horses, all sizes. 380 Front a. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madlson st. stable. 185H. near bridge. HORSES and mar's for sale, Ross City flta- felea. 11th sad Jefferson, at 8300, JANUARY 30, 1909.. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE Horses and wagons; we have on hand 40 head ranging In weight from 8X to 1700. ail good work horses. Call at 420 Hawthorne and Inspect them; there are also 10 farm wagons, 0 furniture wagons, 2u delivery wagons, 3 bakery wagons. 3 aad- aies uiu .u ow. v... . thorne avo. x BEST express outfit In city; team well matched 2400 lbs.; sound, true and young; must be sold next few days. AB 66S, Oregqnian. I HAVE 30 head of work horses and mules to sell, weighing from 1200 to 1600 !bs.. at Montavllla. 41 both St. North. G. K. Howltt. Automobile. SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. 1907 model, 7-passenger Pierce Great Arrow for sale by owner: SO horsepower; fully equipped; top and side curtains, gas lamps, Bosch magneto, odometer, fine ex tra inner tubes, new tires; car has Just been thoroughly overhauled and is In per fect shape; a bargain at $2250 cash. Write or call on C. F. Gilbert, Hotel Danmoore, Portland. FOR SALE 1908 Reo roadster In first-class condition; been run only 800 miles; dem onstration given. A 609. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up. for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co.. 46 2d st- WANTED 7-passenger White steamer In good order. AE 5S4. Oregonian. Plnnos FOR PALE Ono Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new, cost new $400; will sell $200; piano Is in golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1676. , LUDWIG piano In golden oak, a beautiful Instrument for less than halt Its cost; also oak china closet, oval sides. 10 Wash ington bldg. OWNER leaving citv will sell highest grade colonial style Ludwlg Piano for $250, terms if necessary. Phone Sellwood 1211. or call 5S5 Spokane ave., Sellwood. GEO. STUCK planolo piano. $75 worth music, cost $:(10, goods as new; will sell for $550. 150 N. lth st. PIANO Wanted to store piano for use of same. Phone M. 6378. MiMcellaneo us- MO VI NO PIiiTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving etereoptlcons, cal cium and gaj outfits, new films, 3000 eub- iects: guaranteed no repeaters; largest uvers of new films in United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE By City of Ashland, flouring mill machinery of Ashland Flouring Mill, complete in place In the mill. Machinery in good condition, serviceable and oper ated up to time mill stopped. City wishes to dismantle mill and clear grounds for park. Address M. F. Eggieston. City Re corder, Ashland. Or. FOR SALE 2 dozen fine Plymouth Rock hens, $9 per dozen; also one roll of poultry netting, 6 feet high and 150 feet leng, one roil 3 feet high and 150 feet long, used a short time, and a lot of lumber; a bargain at (14. Phone Tabor 1235. A BARGAIN in three-horse motor, small printing press type, cases, drying racks and anything in the line of post cards, eouvenlr3 or goods monuractured by uo; also two tentsi Tho D. M. Averill Company, 102 Fifth St. North. PACIFIC FILM CO.. SOS-317 Rothchlld bidg.. is still looking for moro business; will rent films and songs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies for moving picture theaiera FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard end pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures: cheap pricea lirunswlck-Balk-irCollonder. 49 3d st, FOR SALE One automatic card printing press; absolutely new. never been used; Just the thing to take to Seattle Fair and make big money. Write me for price. Rawllngs, Albany. Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments: rentals $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 203 2d st. WOOD Good dry fir cordwood delivered south of Oak st., 3 cords or over. $4.30 per cord. Fhone Main 5G4C. FOR SALE Cheap, complete course of in struction In real estate and commercial law in pamphlet form. N 606. Oregonian. FOR SALF3 Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72 74 1st St., both phones. FOR SALE Pool table, in first-class con dition; equal to mew; price $150. R 604 Oregonian. SISCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 406 Couch bldg. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Pomeranian Spitz puppies. Inquire G 611, Oregonian. WANTED To buy several good horses, all sizes. 380 Front st. TYPEWRITER, A-l. your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonian. 1 MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines. supplies, slides films for rent 165 4th sc. A GOOD hotel steel range for sale. 65 Rus sell st 2 FRESH milch cows; big milkers, rich milk. 1411 Macadam et. Take Fulton car. HELP WANTED MALE. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE wants an A-l painter and finisher for high-class work; a good mechanic can secure per manent position. Apply at once. i YOUNG man of good character, with $300, for profitable business; experience unneces sary; easily learned; good wages. Call 606 Swetland bldg. WAXTED Advertising solicitors for spe cial publication. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. thU mornlr.g. 203 Fenton building (opp. Wells-Fargo bldg.) WANTED A competent stock salesman to market stock In manufacturing proposi tion now in successful operation. Answer luck box 65, Belllngham, Wash. YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre pare for examination soon: about $70 a month to start. Call or write for free par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. WANTED First-class pressors on club work; married man preferred; steady work . and good pay. Write City Dye Works. Spokane, Wash. r REPORTER wanted; reliable yor.g man with experience on country daily: salary $15 to start. Address Times, Mare-hrleld, Or. EXPERIENCED postcard salesman for ex cellent territory. Apply at 707 Rothchiid bldg.. Saturday morning from 10 to 12. CALL at 615 Board of Trade if you want to Invest $100 and work at good pay in Alaska this Summer: free trip. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL OS PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phonea TEAMSTERS, $2.50, $3. out of town, blank ets. Call early, 226fo Morrison. Main 3022. PHYSICIAN and surgeon wanted, good open ing and Inducements to the right man. A 006, Ore--onian. GOOD harness-maker; steady employment to first-rlafs mechupic. Address H. L. Kuck, The Dalles, Or. EXPERIENCED cook. 144 21st St.. near Jackson. Portland Helghta Phone Main 2241. WANTED Helper on cutting table of shirts and overalls that knows something about cutting. D 632, Oregonian. FKAZIER BROS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Situations secured for high-class help, free to employer. Benson bldg., 6th and Morsn. WANTED A men to take charge of insur ance department Apply suite 16, Wash lrgtcn tldg. WAXTED SALES AND CLERICAL MEN. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 407-8-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. LADIES' TAILORS, first-class only. Lon don Tailors, Wells-Fargo bldg. PRINCIPAL at once; $80 per month. 612 Swetiand bldg. WANTED Good pressor. Apply at the Violet, 6th and Yamhill. WNTED Energetic man In pood business. Can make $150 per month. 85 5th. Headquarters cooks, helpers, California Win Depot. P. LoratL 148 4th. Main 5500 OFFICB boy by a large wholesale house, atata age. Adores 0 6u9, Oregonlau. HELP WASTED MALE. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last east men and women to learn barber trade la eight weeks: help to secure poelt.ons; graduates earn from $15 to $2T weekly, expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of College w N. 4th St., Portland, CUV WANTED Aotlvs man with $250 to handle U Interest In Oregon state agency In a household article of great merit; already Introduced: $5000 worth sold In three months; big future; duties easily learned. Particulars 209 Commonwealth blclg., Portland. Or. AUTOMOBLINQ, plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by actual work in shops and buildings: advanced scholars earn wages; catalogue free. Coyne National Trade School. 230 8th .. baa Francisco. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; l weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call alter A P. M. R. H. Maddan. 502 Swetiand bidg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Rollable traveling salesman to carry a first-class liuo of working ana driving gloves as a side line on a com mission basis; furnish references with ap plication Empire Glove Works. 44 Webb ave., Alameda. Cal. MEN Don't accept any kind of werk until you hear from us; make $10 per day sell ing new article; new plan; 120.000 sold In Minneapolis; costs 6c, sells for 2-c; two samples, 6c. Domestic Mfg. Co.. Desk r. Minneapolis, Min. GOOD BRIOHT. Industrious salesmen and saleswomen demonstrators, district mgrs.; ' a clean, high-class proposition and a big monoy-maker. which none but the intel lectual can appreciate; none but absolute ly tha best need apply. 900 Marquam bidg. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office Men's Department. 20 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Kelp free to employers. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $S0O ; March examina tions; candidates prepared free; write im mediately for schedule- Franklin Insti tute. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Man treasurer. take tickets, traveling theatrical company. A-l refer ences and $500 cafh; experience not re quired, easily learned: salary $35 per weeK and fare. Apply 606 Swetiand bldg. COM POTENT stenographer wanted; good chance for advancement Address, statins speed on machine and dictation, school ing etc.; Remington used. Major creea Lumber Co., White Salmon. Wash. WE WANT carriers in every part of the city Have an attractive proposition for the right boys. Must be 10 years or older. Call and see City Circulation Man ager. Oregonian. WANTED About March 1 young' man who Is fairly good telegraph operator anil wishes to improve; have fine opening for the right young man. Address C. G. 1ULW1I11B.. Ji'111'' WANTED A bright, active young man of 39 or 20 years, who rides a wheel, to col lect for Installment house. Apply to AB 575. Oregonian. State experience and references. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require experienced floorwalker of drygoods, man competent to fill position: permaoent position for right man. Apply to Mr. Moyer. STANDARD rPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2ou liurnnide Street. Phone Main 5094. WANTED First-class estimater for contrac tor's office. Aildres D OoS. Oregonlam HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; J18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddan. 002 Swetiand bidg, Portland. Or. WANTED A young lady who can play mandolin nnd sing comic songs to travel in vaudeville. Address E. 11. Knight, Perkins Hotel. Portland. Or. WANTED Ey two young ladles living in sub urb, refined middle-aged lady ns companion in exchange for room and board; references exchanged. E 407, Oregonian. WANTED Sensible girl who will appreciate a good home, for light housekeeping; two in family; wages reasonable. Apply 32 East 22d st. North. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St., eo,-. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2MI2. Help Supplied Free to Empluyorm HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84S14 Washington St.. Cor. "tu. Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington- MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826i4 Washington St.. Room 807. Main 836 or A 32UC. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Ap ply Standard factory No. 2. Grand am. and East Taylor St. GIRLS. 16 years and over, to work in fac tory. Apply at once. Ames, Harris, Neville Co.. 5th and Davis sts. WANTED Good soubrette. sister teams and specialty, acts. Stevens' Moving Picture Exchange, 105 ',5 4th. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Department, 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. GIRL for general housework, good home to right party; inquire mornings bctwoen 9 and 12. 508 Clay. FIVE persons to learn Spanish, preparing for Government positions; reasonable terms. 405 Commonwealth bldg. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. 612 Swetiand bldg. Phone Main 4871. WANTED Mandolin and aultnr players to Join large club. Webber. 4S9M; Wash. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per month to beginners. 4r.2 Morrison. WANTED Girl for general housework fam ily four adults. Call 7S0 Irving st. GOOD, willing Elrl to help with, light house work. Call 450 5th st. GIRL to do cooking and general housework. Apply 251 North 24th St. GIRL to go to Astoria to do general house work. Phone Main 3112. GIRL for general houseworlt In family of three. 215 St. Clair st. MIDDLE-AO ED woman for general house work, family of 5. Coil at 705 Park ave. TA1LORESS, first-class only. London Tailors Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework: ref erence required. Apply 228 loth North. GIRL wanted for Williams, ave. general housework. 855 GIRL for housework and cooking. Apply mornings. 670 Hoyt et. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 1S1 N. 24th St. WANTED Lady barber, no apprentice need apply. Call 68 4th st. WANTED A woman to do general house work. CCS Everett St. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 351 10th St.. cor. Mill. GIRL to assist in housework, no cooking. 549 Sd st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN from the East who is a com petent, experienced bookkeeper and gen eral office man desires clerical position; am thoroughly acquainted with open-leaf ledger: willing to start on moderate sal- ary. Address J. J. Hauser. ganeral do livery, city. POSITION warned hy young man who Is willing to prove his worth; have several years' experience as accountant with lum ber and logging firms; can furnish best of references. O 607, Oregonian. WANTED Position in hardware stc.ro or furniture business: will invest $500 In same- can give very best references for character and ability. Address K 604, Ore gonian. HIGHLY educated business man with ex ecutive ability, long experience in large concerns, also In South America and Europe. Is open for manager's position or as head bookkeeper. AE 683, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED timekeeper and bookkeeper desires position in or out of city. Address O 60S. Oregoniun. WANTED Position by experienced book kpep..r and c "rrespondent : can take charge of office. Address P. O. box 46. WANTED Position by thoroughly experi enced stenographer; good references, mod rata si.i rx. X. 04 Oreeoalaa. SITUATION WANTED MAT.W. Miscellaneous. JOB PRINTER Flrst-olass all around Job printer of unusual ability, good habits and plenty of energy would like Imme diate employment with a live Western concern who will appreciate reliable, con scientious service and strict attention to business; age 82, married: references Write quick or wire F. I Moreiand. Adrian, Mich. JAPANESE boy. gentle and honest, wishes posl'lon as a schoolboy or housework, r. Vama.li, care Hotel West, room 30. 6th st.. city. JAPANESE schoolboy wants situation In small family, do cooking; write to Ma hachl, Japanese Mission. 121 15th St., north. DETECTIVE work. Eastern gentleman em ployed 14 vears by one city; references given. Address box 2005. Station A. city. JAPANESE ocupls want positions, man flrst- i ... .t. uia hin.trnrk r (food fam ily AC 472. Oregonian. WANTED by man with family situation on ranch or farm; can furnish good team, wagon and harness. L 602. Oregonian. HOTEL MEN. ETC. Town or country: If In need of holp. read mother and son's ad In Situations Wanted Female column. MOVIiNU-PIi'TCKB operator at liberty, work reasonable Address A 017, Ore gonian EXPERT auto repair man wants private cars to overhaul. A B 574, Oregonian. DENTIST, registered in Oregon, wants po sition as assistant. B 608, Oregonian. JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job, 14$ Couch St.. city. S. Ozaha. A 4358. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as schoolboy at housework. O 603, Oregonian. GAS or gasoline engines: 8 years' work; au- tos alo. A 620. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WAJTTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Position bookkeeping, other olar ical work, stenography If required; mod erato pay. P. O. Box 2.16. POSITION WANTED Younr woman sten ographer, experienced in real sstats and law work. Address AE 581, Oregonian. YOUNG ladv desires position in doctor office; would expect fair salary. Addraaa AC 473. Oregonian. OFFICE position by young lady; can usa typewriter; moderate salary. El 465, Ore gonian. liKl'liNDAHl.K. conscientious lady book, keeper, cashier, desires change firms, best references. B 005. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER owning machine copies at home, dictation on request. Phone B 1418. POSITION wanted: experienced lady book keeper; best references. J 607. Oregonian. Dreesmaaera. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at Iowa prleea. Mrs. Angeles. 242 6th and Main. Nurses. NURSE wants position In doctor's offle. will assist in obstretrio cases if desired. Ad dress A 610. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as nurseglrl. Phone C 1092. Domestics. YOUNG Indy wishes place as housekeeper for bachelor. 227H Stark St.. room 61. COMPETENT cook wishes work where sec ond girl Is kept. Woodlawn 8S9. Housekeepers. REFINED young lady wishes position as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-housei has good experience and can give good references. AO 544, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. HOTEL MEN. ETC. This or adjoining state, mother and son (32); position to gether; mother energetic, thoroughly experienced, chamherwork: years last place; son helo dining-room, kitchen, of fice, etc; all-round man; best references; very moderate wages in consideration of place together; kindly give particulars, wages, etc. to Box H 606. Oregonlaa FI lisT-CLA SS cook. German, married, wishes to take charge of restaurant or larKe camp; worked last camp 2 years; references. E. Kircher, 428 Stark St. EXPERIENCED colorod girl wants position as chambermaid in rooming-house. N 605, Oregonian. LADY wants position as cook in hotel or short ord-3r place. Address 127 Kith st North. A COMPETENT young lady makes a spe cialty of serving for first-class dinners, parties, etc. l'hone Main 4958. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady cashier wishes position. Y 520, Oregonian. LADY wants work by the day; anything. East 1118. Call today. WAXTED AGENTS WANTED First-class man. In every town In Oregon to sell "Diozop" cheapest and most perfect disinfectant known; $5 to $10 a day easily made. Diozo Disinfectant Co., 32314 Washington St., Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. 4 OR 5-room furnished house, small yard, centrallv located; electricity and gas; West Side; not over $25 per month. Ad dress H. 11.. 34 North 6th t. Phone Main 1915, room 5. WANTED 7 or 8-room modern house with furnace; good-sized lot; ubout 20 minutes' walk or rido from Steel bridge. Address C tlos, Oregonian WANTED To rent unfurnished house on West Sido, 9 or 10 rooms. Will lease for vein-, beginning any time to March 1. Ad dress P. E. B., care Oregonian. WANTED One large and one single room with board. 2 ladies in private family; not over $ot per month each. N 60S, Orego nian. BORl and room wanted by man and two child-en, aged 6 to 10; West Side preferred. E 610. Oregonian. . ROOM and board wanted by gentleman, south of Morrison and west of Uth; give particulars. M (102. Oregonian. WANTED Loft or floor space 60x100 feet or larger. Pacific Art Glass Works. 151 Front st. WANTED Modern 9-room house on West Side In district west of Park st. and south of Northrup. J 00O. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To buy tables and chairs for lunch room; also National Cash Register and Boda fountains; must be in good con dition. Ad lress Snowflake Bakery. Van couver Wash. l'hone Main 408. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE Ana anyining cieo )uu i..- i PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main f655. A WANTED Second-hand two roll-top desks, one etand. and typewriter desk, four chairs- must bo In good condition and a bargain. G 60S, Orugonlan. WANTED To sharpen your knives 25c razors 35c, and returned the same dnv. The Keen Edge Co., Postofflce box 625, Portland. WANTED To buy one steam woodsaw out fit; must be In good running condition: state price and where located Address K 002, Oregonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings: highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 8d st. North. Phone Main 9272. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. WANTED Piano for storage: will give best of care and pay for removal. Address N 607, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand box-ball alley. Ad dress D. T. Gerdes, Houiton, Or. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone East 6204. 8S8 Hawthorne ave. SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given phone East 1007. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE ELWOOIJ Newly furnished. 3 to $5; also tranaien-t rooms 243 Moyrlsasi. THE ANGELES, 6th and Jefferson, modern rooms and apart outs, both, phoney 1 1