Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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Outlook Is Good for Foreign
Shipments of Timber Dur
ing February.
r;nmih Tonnage ov in Sight to
Put Kxport Figure Past the
Twenty Million Mark Coast
wlse Biis.iie Increases.
liimhr export-, foreicn, for tli month
of February will probably break alt rec
nnls for PortlHTitl. Business Is imrea?
1nT daily anl at prent there Is suffi
cient tonriiiK' in stjrht t transport up
uard of S.A" feet. It was reported
yesterday timt the British steamship
Rw'kcnliam hl been lixed for Portland
loading, but the rumor could not t? eon
firmed. There lia.r been several efforts
made during the past week to secure this
learner, bur without r-'-snlif.
In port n X present are t ho steamships
Hovri and KVsa. th British bark ;tr
mantan. the Krenrh bark Km; me Slml
d ar and the srhoner William Bowden.
Tu for F.'bruary lna4ir. are tho steain-
Mp KisTi. te!j;i and Tyrnerit. To" this
ntimbrr will b- aIdeil one or two sailing
craft and possibly two sreamshis. T"iio
demand for oecon timhr-r on tiie West
Cca.t. in Australia and in Buron Is
constantly inT;isin:r. A ship must b
HM-ured to take out tho arc which whs
ls'ined for the itl-fatd Krenrh ship
AH'-. Thl rarsn v as to clear for the
l"ntt.I Kincdom.
vatwise iiimb'T lmsines is improvinc
While January shipments will le heav
ier than usual, thn February list will run
well up. The drplfvl t.'alifornia yards
hi breinii'n? to sto-k up. and for
first time in IS nionths then is a demand
fr 1 11?. Railroad opt-rat ions In the
Southwest i real1 this demand. 1 n addi
tion to the :ew work the recent washouts
w HI nrrcfsftatp a larf amiMint of re
One Male and Two Fnsinrcrs Leave
stcani-hlp at Portland.
Th Portland & Asiatic steamship
Alsia is ready for sea and was scheduled
to av down today, but it Is doubtful
whether she will b able to proceed. Tlie
lip Is short llinv officers. Second Mate
Malesius. who was recently niarried in
Portland, has resigned. The third end
iffr also resigned. The fourth en
gineer became attached to Portland and
the residents of the city and took French
The resignations and desertion among
the officers of the vessel leaves the craft
with only two mates and two engineers
to make the long voyage to the Orient.
To sail with four watch officers would
f.)rc the chief to stand an engine-room
watch and alternate with the first assist
ant. The two mates would also alter
nate. While- it is not an impossible task
to sail short -handed an effort will be
made to secure additional officers for the
Junk Dealer Who Offered StiOO for
Hulk of Alice Disappears.
Joseph Aill'r. n junk dealer, bid RfiO
for the wreck of the KVench Fhlp Alice,
which went ashore on North Reach Jan
uary IS. when that hulk was offered
for sale in Asiorla Monday. When he
learned, however, that nothing remained
hut a portion of the jib-boom he disap
peared and has failed to pay the price
offered. Bids ranged from J5 to $J00.
The craft is nearly buried In the sand.
Members of the crew of the wrecked
vessel, who were quartered in an uptown
hotel, deserted that place yesterday and
went on board one or two of the French
vessels which they found In the harbor.
They notiiied Consul Iabbe of their
chango of address. The men had been
placed in A (Jerman hotel and the cooking
failed to satirfy them. Captain Aubert
and crew will have today for KTance.
Wreck of (.real Admiral Located on
(jueen Cbnrlotte Island..
VICTORIA. I!. C. Jan. K.-The wreck
of the ship Creat Admiral, abandoned off
the Washington Coast over two years
aifo. is reported In n letter from the
sueen Charlotte Islands to have drifted
Into a cove on the west coast of the
islands, where It was recently found by
Indians. All that is left Is a broken hulk
wilh part of the lumber cargo still on
The Great Artnira! was outbound with a
cargo of lumber from Puget 5nnd. when
she ran into a heavy gale and her crew
waa taken off by the British ship Barcore.
steamplpe on T. J. Fotter Hursts
and Causes Delay.
On her trip up from Astoria Sunday
flight a steam pipe on the steamboat T.
J. Potter hurst and Fireman Carl
Claiissen was badly, though not fatally
scalded. The Injured man was brought
to Portland and sent to the marine ward
at (Sr. Vincent's Hospital. It was re
ported at the hospital last night that h!s
hands and face were severely burned,
hut that he Is in a fair way to recover
speedily. Mr. Ciaussen lives with Ills
young wife at 9S4 I'nion avenue and Is
about 3 years of age.
Portland Man Buys Cement and
Hull for $201.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. K (Special.) J. R.
Barnahy. of Seattle, agent of the own
ers, this evening sold the wreck of the
French ship Alice, which stranded re
cently at Ocean Park, to Joseph Adler. of
Portland, for Only three other bids
were received and they w-re $10. $25, and
$."!. respectively. Captain Aubert and
the crew' of the stranded vessel arrived
here this evening and left at once for
New York, enroute to France.
Notice to Mariners.
Captain C. A. Knudsen. of the steamer
Raymond, reports to the Hydrographic
offi.-e that Inside buoys Xos. 4. 5 and lo.
In the channel leading to South Bend.
Wiilapa Bay. Washington, are not in the
positions shown n the chart. That No. 4
la shown too far to the southward. No. 6
too far to the northward and No. 10 too
far to the eastward.
Captain Knudsen slates that the course
f rtrr hur i V. V. E. U tmaenetie)
from the whistling buoy, and that the
lnFt depth at lower low water is now
2S feet. J. C. BURNETT.
Liuet., U. S. X.. In Charge.
Mctabe Cicts Contract.
, ASTORIA, Jan. 2ti. (Special.) The
M -abe Company has taken a contract
for loading the French bark Asnieres.
winch is taking on 1.5"f),") feet of lum
ber at the Hammond Lumber Company
mill for Melbourne, and work was com
menced this morning. The vessel has
been using her own crew to handle cargo
and as a result only about l").0 feet a
day. or approximately ViO.tWO feet in all.
has been placed on board. The mill
company has 8").V) feet of lumber on the
dock ready for the bark, so that tho
loading can now proceed at a rapid rate.
Captain's Log Keturned.
VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 26. Captain Hun
ter, of the steamship Leebro. which
brought the wrecked Bamfleld lifeboat
here, turned over to the United States
Consul this morning the chronometer, sextant-
and compass, log and personal ef
forts of Captain Hennlngsen. of the
wrecked schooner Soquel. as well as a
Kniall watch, brooch and rings which be
longed to Mrs. Henningsen. who, with her
3-year-old child. were victims of the
('apt. Mason Gors to San Francl.-co.
Captain E. W. Mason, formerly master
Dae to Arrive.
N'nma. From. Data.
Alel Honqkong In port
Breakwater. .. Jl'oos Bay In port
Hose City San Francisco In port
TtoanoVe I.oi Anyelea. In port
Nlcomedla H'nkon- In port
Areo Tillamook Jen. So
Alliance ins Hy...Jn. '-
Nome City Pn Francisco .ln. 31
Senator San Francisco Feb. 1
S H. Khnore. . Tillamook. . . t-'b. 2
Geo.. W. KUer.Snn Pedro... Feb.
Arabia B wrkonr. . . . Mar. 1
Numantla Hongkong-
Scheduled la Depart.
Name. For. Data. Jan.
Breakwater. .. Coam Bay.... Jan.
f!oanok- I .os Anpln. .Ian.
Pose City San Franeiaco Jan. 2n
Alliance. Coos Bay (an. "0
Argo Tillamook... Fel.. t
Nome City. .. .S:in Francisco Feb. 4
S H. Elmore. . .Tillamook .. . Feb. 4
Senator San Franrlaco Feb. 5
n w Elder. .Sin I-ertro. . .Feb.
Nlcomedla Hongkong-
Entered Tuesday.
r.rse City. American sle.-imship
(Kldtnn with general cargo, from
San Franriseo.
Stanley Iollar. American steam
ship (Thwlngl with general cargn.
fmm San Francisco. t
Robert H. Hind. American schooner
(Wlkander) with ballast, from San
C leared Tuesday.
Ilohert R. Bind. American schooner with 4t0.0( feet of lum
ber, for San Francisco.
of th steamship Costa Rica, on the Port-hind-San
Francisco run. and who has
been acting as superintendent of steve
dores for the Portland & Asiatic and San
Francisco & Portland steamship compa
nies during the past year, has been or
dered to report to General Manager
Schwerln at San Francisco. Captain Ma
son has not been advised as to what
position Is In store for him.
Xew Logging Concern.
ASTORIA. Jan. 2S. (Special.) Articles
of Incorporation of the Mooers Longing
Company were filed In the County Clerk's
office todav. The Incorporators are Fred
Mooers. Frank Tatton and G. C. Fulton
and the capital stock Is J15.000. The com
pany will conduct a logging camp In a
tract of timber near Gearhart Park, to
which a railroad spur is now being built.
Harold Dollar -Clears.
ASTORIA. Jan. 26. (Special.) The
steamer Harold Dollar cleared at the
Customhouse yesterday for San Pedro.
Pho carries a cargo of 6.on.0i1 feet of lum
ber, loaded at IJnnton; 130.000 feet, loaded
at Prcscott. and 113.000 feet, loaded at the
Hammond mill. In this city.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Sue H. Klmore sailed
yesterday for Tillamook.
The. steamship Boveric. from Puget
Sound, arrived up yesterday afternoon.
The steamship Breakwater Is scheduled
to sail for Coos Bay ports this evening.
Barge No. 3 In tow of the tug Goliah
will leave down from Portsmouth this
The- steamship Majestic will leave down
this morning with a cargo of lumber for
San Francisco.
The steamship Roanoke arrived up at
an early hour yesterday morning from
San Pedro and way ports.
The German ship Oregon will leave
down today. She Is laden with wheat
for the United Kingdom.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Jan. I Arrived, schooner
Robert H Hind. from San Francisco;
s:eainship'Homer, from San Francisco: Brit
ish atenmer Boveric. from Puget Sound:
steamship Roanoke, from San Pedro and
way ports: steamship Stanley Dollar, from
Fan Francisco; salied. schooner Endeavor,
for San Francisco: French bark Rocham
heau. f-r the United Kingdom: stecmsh'.p
Ialav Mitchell, for San Francisco; steam
ship' Sua H. Elmore, for Tillamook: ateam
shlp F. S. Toop'. for San Pedro; steamship
Yosemlte. from Rainier, for San Francisco.
Astoria. Jan. CG. Condition of the bar at
S P. M.. smooth; wind southeast 8 mlha;
weuther clear. Arrived down at 8 A. M..
snd sailed at 10 A. M. steamer Cascade; at
10:40. steamer George TV Elder: at 10:4.1
steamer Tamalpais. for San Francisco. Left
up at S:30 A. M.. steamer Homer. Sailed at
1 A. M-. steamer Atlas, for San Francisco.
Salied at 12:40 P. M., schooner Oregon, for
Tlllamcok. Arrived down at 10:10 A. M..
schooner F. J Wood. Arrived at -2:45 and
left up at 4 20 P. M.. steamer Asuncion,
from San Francisco.
Snn Francisco. Jan. 5l. Arrived at 6
A. M-. steamer Senator, from Portland.
Queenstown. Jan. 28. Arrived January
2. British ship Crown of India, from Port
land. San Francisco. Jan. 26. Arrived Pteamer
Senator, from Portland: steamer Norwood,
from Orays Harbor; steamer Alameda, from
Honolulu: steamer Nann Smith, from Coos
Bay; steamer Sea. from ?ravs Harbor;
steamer Buckman. from Seattle. SaMed
Steamer Big Bonanza, for Seattle: shp St.
David, for Taconia: schooner Defender, for
Mahukona; schooner R. C. Slade, for Grays
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High Loir
.V0 A. M s Tfeet11:37 A. M 1.5 feet
6:2S P. M 7 3 feet 11::1H P. M. 1.4 feet
Lee Croft Says He Is One of Speedi
est Men on Mat.
TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 26. ( Special.)
T,ee Croft, who defeated Ed Johnson, of
the Multnomah Club. In two rounds, last
April, In discussing Frank Riley's chances
with O'Connell. said today:
'I have seen several of Riley's matches
and consider him the speediest and best
sclenced grnppler of his weight that I
have ever seen In action. The faster they
come after him the better he seems to
lika it. Any one who- tries rushing tac
tics soon runs up against one of his
Jiu Jitsu combinations and wonders after
ward how It happened. I have yet to see
a bout In which he did not secure at least
one fall by one of those peculiar holds."
Reduction sale. Harris Trunk Co.
Tugboat Goes Down When Hit
by Steamer Potter.
Disabled Craft Huns Ashore and
Crew of 13 Lands Steamer Teal
Reported to Have Struck
an Unknown Vessel.
The towboat No Wonder and the river
steamer T. J. Potter came Into collision
yesterday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock
near the mouth of-the Willamette, result
ing in the sinking of the No Wonder.
The No Wonder had in tow a raft of
hoomsticks and upon approaching the Pot
ter. Captain Kred Stimson says, gave two
blasts from the steam whistle, to which
no answer came -from the approaching
steamboat. The weather was thick, there
being considerable fog. and it is believed
by Captain Stinison that the pilot of the
Potter failed to make out the other boat
until too late to avoid a collision.
The boats crashed together, the No
Wonder having her hull crushed In for
ward, and Immediately began to fill. Her
pilot headed for shore and succeeded in
runniiur the nose of the boat up on the
sloping bank, where she stuck fast. The
crew of 13 went ashore, while the after
end of the boat, including the wheel,
sank out of sight.
The Potter tied ii at St. John. and. on
account of the dense fog. was ordered
to remain there until this morning before
undertaking the trip to her dock. The
towboat Ocklahama and the Tillamook
steamer Sue II. KImore also tied up at
thesanie place. The Beaver was held
at the Portland Flour Mill dock last
night, upon learning of the heavy fog
below. ' .
A report came last night from St. John
that' the river steamer J. N. Teal, of the
Open River Transportation Line, had col
lided with an unknown ship near St.
John, and had her pilot-house knocked off.
It was said by Captain Shaver that the
Teal was tied up with some injury, but
to what extent he was not able to say.
John Berandun and wife to E. J.
- Montandon. E. X.t 1-3 feet of lot 11.
block 4. Hansen Tark Add $ 10
Title (luarantee & Trust Co. to Carl
C. Nelson, lot 3. block 17. Ross
mere 550
Charles F. Farinlllo to Florence E.
Holhrook. E. H of lot 7, Newhurst
Park 1
Rush B. Holhrook and wife to Charles
F. Farmlloe. E. 'i of lot 7, New
hurst Park 1
David Cole to Catherine E. SUvey,
lot 3. block 6. West Piedmont 1,000
Balfour-Guthrie Investment Co. to
John Talt. 12.7 acres beginning at
S. E. cor. of Sec. 32. T. 1 3.. R.
1 E l."59
Rosa L. Moudy to W. H. Starr, lot
20. block 3. Stanley; lots 23. 23.
block 6. Stanley No. 2 250
T. S. McDanlel and wife to Mary A.
TranSue. lots 5 to IS. block 112 1,500
South Portland Improvement Co. to
Kudgear-Merle Co.. 50x200 feet ill
Jnmra Terwllllger D. L. C. In- Sec.
13. T. 1 S.. It. 1 E 8.000
W. J. Hofmann and wife to E. E.
Farrlngton et at., lots 4, 5. block
3. Wild Rose Add 3.400
Same to same, lota 1, 2, 3. block 3,
Wild Rose Add 3,400
S. B. Donaugh and wife to Lucy M.
Tlchenor. lot 8. block 13. Miller's
Add. to Sellwood S.650
Egbert F. Ferris and wife to C. A.
Manassa, lot 8. block 285, Couch
Add 9,000
R. 1 Stevens. Sheriff, to H. B. Noble,
lot 24. block 1. Albion Add. to Al
blna 800
Security Savings & Truat Co. to Au
gust Bartich. lot 9, block 28. Belle
Crest 19
Otto Welprecht and wife to H. H.
Kloepplng. lot 4, block 2, East
Portland Heights Add 2.250
John Veasen and wife to France
Theodor Olson, lot B. block 30.
Irvlngton 1.000
Henrv Donahue et al. to Tiliie Jen
kins, lots 18, IB. 20. block 18. Wil
lamette ' 1,300
Evelyn Fisher to Mark Sldwell, lots
S. 9, block 2. Cherlne. Add 10
Armstrong Glover and wife to Orlin
Jenkins et al., lota 35, 34, block s.
Tabasco Add 400
Edw P. Tobln and wife to Sarah E.
McKenale. 42x100 feet, commencing
100 feet S. of a point 8 033 chains
N of center of Sec. 16. T. 1 S.,
R. 2 E 20
Eastern Investment Co., Ltd., to
Steve Przybvlakl, lot 11, block 1,
1'lttengers Add. to Alblna 300
Oregon chair Co. to Rudgear-Merle
Co.. .21 acre In Sees. 15, 16. T. 1
S.. R. 1 E 2.62T
B. M. Lombard and wife to V. .
Vose. lots 35. 3. block 5. Railway
Add .to Montavllla 130
D. B. Domschle. to M. A. Boggess.
lota 5. 6. 7, block 3. Williams Add. I
Henrv W. Fries to Anna -S. Sande,
lots .", 18, block 11, Riverside Add.
to Alblna 300
Fred Llndes to Ernst W. Wehtje. lot .
1. block B," Portsmouth Villa
Ext 600
Kenuood 1-and Co. to John Bingham,
lots 8. 8, 10. 11. block 26, Kenton. 1,000
Toint View Real Estate Co. to C. Z.
Delaet. lot 10. block 3. Point View SJ
Theodore Nlrolal et al. to John Hed
strom et al.. lot 13, block 33, Cen
tral Alblna 600
William Stevenson and wife to T. M.
Chapman, part of lot 1, block 8.
Sunnyslde Add '. 2.300
F. M. Smith and wife to Gall Grant
Sbadinger et al.. S. 50 feet "of lots
1. 2. block 4, Subdivision of Rlver
view Add. to Alblna 625
Lee Tallman to Ruth E. Tallman lot
9. block 12, St. John Park Add. to
St. John 1
Robert E. L. Duvall and wife to An
nie E. Maynard, lot 17, block 7,
Klrland 300
Same to same, lot 6. block 6, Arleta
Park No 2 mo
H. Gerson and wife to Ella Carlisle
Lamond. E. 40 feet of lot 10. block
3. Goldsmith's Add , 8.500
Frank S. Janes and wife to Josaph
E. Field, lot 13. block 2, Florence
Heights 425
T. H. Coffin and wlfs to J. C. Alns-
wonh. lots 7. 8. block 69. Alblna..
Joseph M. Healy et al. to D. J. Sharp,
lot 14. block 20, Waverlelgh Hts... 400
Stephen T. Adams to Myrtle Weeks.
lot 4. block 2. Adams AHO. to et.
John I
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to F. J.
.-'telnmetx. lots 1, 3, 0. block ,
Ijcxinclon Heights 650
Clarence E. Francis et al. to Pearl
I.elghton Mount, lot 10. Belmont
Place 1
Ira Shatfiick and wife to Lucy Shat-
tuck Hansen, lots 2. a. 4. 17. is.
Itt. in blocks St-.'.O. West Portland;
also undivided v, or lots :t to ...
blocks l. 2, Subd. of block "N."
and W. H of block "M," 8. of Pat
ton road in Grovers Add.; also in
terest In other city lots 75
Moore Investment Co. to J. A.
Harbke. lots 10, 11, block 41. Ver
non 1.100
J. J. Shrelner and wife to Jeen
Dykstra et al.. lot 20. Block 8, Wil
lamette 1,600
G. M. Rlnker to Ernest Kern, 9.
of block m.v sellwood ooo
Charles T. King to It. H. Barr. S.
E. H of lot 1, diock 11, James
John's Add. to St. John 800
R. P. Graham and wife to Harry L.
Hamhlet. trustee, :;o acres in Bee.
SO. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E. 1
A. L. Rumsey and wife to Flora
Ethel Thompson, lot 14, block 2.
Rumsey's Add. to Tabor Heights.. 600
W. S. Jeans and wife to John Llnd-
ley et al., lots 5, 6, block 27. Point
View 1
Total $50,503
Room a. Board or Trad bldg
Abstracts a specialty.
Have your abstracts mads by the Tltla 4s
Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commeroa,
House Approves Land Bill.
that th enactment of the bill Is both
"wise and necessary." the House com
mittee on public lands has reported fa
vorably on the bill introduced by Mr.
Mondcll (Wyoming) authorizing the Sec
retary of the Interior to have surveys
or retracement of public lands made
whenever he may deein it essential after
investigation. It was formerly the prac
tice to accept the Fworn statement of
surveyors without first examining the
survey, and the work was often care
lessly done.
More Diseases, but Fewer Deaths
During Her Term, She Says.
PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 26 (To the
Editor.) Two letters, which have appeared
in your columns within as many days re
garding the conduct of the Health De
partment, suggest that a little more light
on the matters they discuss might not be
Tlfcs larger part of Dr. John Maddens
letter Is too puerile for notice, and may
be passed by without comment. His sec
ond paragraph is a complete mis-statement
of fact. He says: "She has disputed tiw
Oregonian'a statement that the low mor
tality of the city during the past year
was due to the splendid climate of Ore
gon, declaring that such credit should be
glan solely to her' department, and thus
two doctors disagree." I can assure the
doctor I will be very glad to see how he
can reconcile this very extraordinary asser
tion with the language of my annual report,
a copy of which was sent to tho various
newspapers of the city some time ago and
which was surely readily to be got at by
anyone desiring to know what It contained.
If he chooses, he can still find therein "The
continuously low d.ath rate In the city
of Portland Is due largely to the pure
water supply, to the mild and fostering
climate, and to the comparative absence
of poverty and overcrowding that so In
creases the mortality of larger and older
cities, supplemented by such auxiliaries as
hospital service, quarantine, vaccination,
antitoxin, disinfection, ambulance service,
and to tha school and market Inspection.
With a proper garbage gathering and in
cinerating system and adequate milk in
spection the death rate might fall still
Dr. Wheeler's contention that a larger
number of communicable diseases are re
ported Is cheerfully admitted. To secure
accurate and complete reports has been
one of the strongest efforts of this de
partment. The history of the office Is. that years
ago deaths only were reported. Later,
severe cases of contagious diseases were
reported although deaths from such dis
eases usually exceeded the number actually
reported prior to death. As the work
broadened snd improved the reports were
more frequently made, the cases quar
antined and the deaths became relatively
fewer. A case that is reported, recorded
and under observation Is a safe case. It is
the contaclous di&.-ase that is not reported,
not recorded and .therefore not quarantined
thet is dangerous. That Dr. Wheeler's In
ferences are incorrect may readily be roen
bv adding the death returns to the com
parative tables lie has submitted covering
the year l!n" during tho first half of which
be was In charge of the Health Depart
ment. These are as follows:
ultra, jji'duv".
First half 11".
Second half 23"
Differ-mce 1--
Scarlct Kevel
First half M
Second half 67
Difference 3
First half 13
.Second half
Typhoid Fever
First half
Second half
Difference 8 J 1
Do not these figures speak for tliem
aelves- ESTHER C. POHL.
What the Pres. Artnta 8y.
Matinee and Night ' Hellia;.
There will be two performances at the
HetllK Theater. Fourteenth and Washing
ton streets, today. A special matinee at 2:15
o'clock and tonight at 8:15. The attraction
will be Cohan & Harris excellent players In
the delightful comedy-drama. "Brewster's
Ml'Hons." This will be your last oppor
tunity to see this brilliant offering.
line Play at Buniralow.
A Navajo's Love." which the Baker
Block Company is presenting this week at
the Bungalow. Is a high-class society play
on the order of "Strongheart," with scenes
laid In the shadows of. Wall street instead
of the college campus. The play will run
all week.
Baker Bargain Matinee Today.
The most popular mid-week event Is the
bargain matinee at the Baker every Wednes
day. It affords everyone an opportunity to
see the bis road attractions at the lowest
" Do you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound ? w
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous .did remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Houston, Texas. "When I first began taking Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck. I bad been
sick for tbree years witb female troubles, chronic dyspepsia,
and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but
nothing did me any good.
"For three years I lived on medicines and thought I would
never get well, when I read an advertisment of L.ydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound, and -was advised to try it.
" My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did
me so much good I continued its use. I am now a well woman
and enjoy the best of health.
"I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't
regret it, for it will surely cure you." Mrs. Bessie L. Hicks,
819 Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks.
A bad back turns every twenty-four
hours into one dull round of pain and
misery you are lame In the morning,
nasged all day by a dull, throbbing
backache, can't rest in the evening or
sleep well at night. It hurts to bend
over, straighten up. get up from a
chair, or lift even a light weight. Any
sudden twist, turn or awkward move
ment sends a tearing twinge of pain
through the weak spot.
Backache is really kidney - ache.
The kidneys are in the small of the
hack, and any pain there Is enough
cause to suspect your kidneys. If the
urine is discolored, contains sandy sedi
ment, or passes too frequently, then
you have double proof.
Keep the k.dneys well and the kid
neys will keep you well. Well kid
neys filter the blood and keep it pure.
Diseased kidneys only partly purify the
blood. Neglect weak kidneys and you
Invite uric acid poisoning, gravel, stone
in the kidney, rheumatism, heart trou
ble, diabetes. Brigh.Cs disease, and a
long list of other serious disorders now
recognized as having their cause in
kidney weakness.
At the first sign of backache or urin
ary disorders, give the kidneys quick
help, not with plasters, liniments, nor
any other outside applications, but
with a special kidney medicine.
The .-implest and most effective
remedy for sick kidneys Is Doan's Kid-
Sold by aJl dealws.
prior1!". This week "Tti Lieutenant and the
Cowboy" Is the attraction.
Dirk C rolius at Orpheum.
Without doubt Dick Orolius has presented
the "slnnic classic" of -vaudeville in his pro
duction of the little playlet, "Shorty," -which
i now on at the, Orpheum. As a race-track
habitue. Shorty certainty- pulls some of the
preatest and moyt ortfrlnai slanp pnrases
ever coined. Briefly. h in one big hit.
Brilliant Feature Art.
Dainty Marjorie l,ake and I fr danrinR
girl and hoys arc scoi'lns heavily at the
Pantatces Theater this week an act of such
magnitude is seldom seen in vaudeville: in
fact the entire programme Is away above
the ordinary. Oet wise; don't overlook the
I'antagcs this week.
Vaudeville at the Star.
All the acts on the new Star bill are above
the average and are more than pleasing
The show is lively and full of life from the
opening act to the moving pictures. Miss
Cladys Van is a very charming soubrette
and the Mahoney Boys are a sure cure for
the blues.
Wizards on Wheels.
The members of the Baker troupe of com
edy cyclists at the (irand this week are
wizards on wheels. There Is no trick pos
sible on a wheel that they cannot perform,
snd their exhibition of riding is not only
funny, but Is s'.rictly sclentinc and daring.
A sensational act is the sharpshooting of
the Carvers.
Thieves Make Away With Clothes
and Rob Larder Shelves.
TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 26. (Special.)
A miscellaneous assortment of wearing
apparel and food was stolen from the
clubhouse of the Country Club at Ameri
can Iake, last Thursday night, and car
ried away in a farm wagon. The goods
belonged to the various members of the
The principal loss will be of golf clothes
and boots, although the larder waa well
cleaned out. The clothing belonged to the
most wealthy members of the club and Is
of extra good quality.
Two Hurt In Runaway.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 26. (Sr3
olnl.)Wbile Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman
gBBlHBIIBIllDBIillurim ttfMiaJlllllllHIl
It is a Warning that
Kidneys are Sick
and Need Help.
Prica 3o cents. Fostui-M.lburn Co., Buffalo.
were driving to their home at Glenwood
their horse became frightened and ran
away. Mrs. Kauffman was thrown out
of the buggy and considerably bruised.
Mr. Kauffman clung to the reins and
was dragged for some distance before
Leslie Rhorcr caught the horse. The
buggy and harness were torn to pieces.
New Timber to Be Cul.
KI.MA. Wash.. Jan. 26. (Special) Lum
ber is being hauled to loiild new camps
No remedy that does not entirely remove the cause of Catarrh from the
blood will ever make a permanent cure of the trouble. Just as long as the
circulation remains contaminated with the impurities and catarrhal matters
which produce the trouble, the mucous membranes or inner linings of the
body will be kept in a state of irritation and disease. Sprays, lotions and
other local applications will sometimes temporarily relieve the tight,, full
feeling in the head, buzzing noises in the ears, uncomfortable, stuffy feeling
of the nostrils, and help to loosen the mucus in the throat; but Catarrh is a
constitutional blood disorder and until it has been entirely driven from the
system there can be no permanent cure. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by removing
the cause from the blood. It attacks the disease at its head and by thor
oughly purif ying and cleansing the circulation, and ridding it of every par
ticle of impurity, and at the same time enriching the blood, allows the
inflamed and irritated membranes to heal, improves the general health, and
stops every disagreeable symptom. S. S. S. reaches down to the very
bottom and leaves no trace of the disease in the system. Book on Catarrh
and any medical advice free to all who write.
Can Be Cured
Varicocele results from parliJl paralysis of
the delicate nerve fibers that have a part In
controlling local circulation of. the blood. The
muscular coatings of the veins, being dep'rlved
of nervous communication and control, become
inactive, weaken and relax. The blood vessels
expand from the pressure within, the circula
tion in the parts becomes sluggish, and fre
quent stagnant pools form In little nooks and
pockets that constantly enlarge as the relaxa
tion continues. The possibility exists that clots
may form In those stagnant pools and then pass
ouUInto the general circulation. Should one find
lodgment In a valve of the heart the result
might he Instant death, or should it he carried
to the hrain. general paralysis would follow.
I guarantee to cure varicocele in one week by
a method that involves no painful processes. No .
other physician employs a line method, and no
thorough Is my work that there need not be
the slightest fear of a relapse into the old condition.
It is Varicocele. Weakness, Hydrocele, a Con
tagious Blood Disease, an Acute or t nronic
Urethral and Prostatic Inflammation or any kindred disease, for I make
those diseases mv specialty.
It is not a question of whether you can he cured, but. whether you
will be cured. I mn't wait until it is too late. .My method for the
treatment of varicocele is perfect ami quick. -The cure is absolutely
certain. I use NO KNIFE, cause no pain, ami you need not bo detained
from vour work for one day. I especially solicit those cases In which the
many "so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted
on .electric belts and other appliances.
I offer not onlv FREE consultation and advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert
opinion about his trouble.
I ilo not cbarfte for advice, rxumlnntiou or dlaltnnnlM. ir you call for
a private talk with me, you will not be urged to lecln treatment. It
Impossible to call, write. Hours It A. M. to P. M.; Sundays, lO to 1.
Weakness or any contracted disease POSITIVELY
CURED by the oldest specialist in Portland.
Consultation at our offices free. Offices are sep
arate from the Museum and strictly private to those
wlsnlng to consult us. and there is not a penny's
cost for consultation or to visit the Museum. We
cure all
Diseases of Men
NEY, bladder and all contracted diseases.
Write for self-examination blank if you cannot
caiL Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P.M. Sundays. 10 to 12.
29iy2 Morrison St., Between Fourth and Fifth, Portland, Or.
ney Tills. If there is weakness, con
gestion, inflammation or soreness.
Doan's Kidney Pills quickly relieve it.
They gently stimulate, tone and
strengthen sick kidneys, drive away
backache, rheumatic pain ami dizzi
ness, clear up and regulate the urine,
and restore a perfect filtering of the
blood. Best of ail. this relief Is per
manent. POHTMMl I'HOIil'.
David Campbell. 170 X. F.ightccnth
St.. Porlland. Or., says: "Five or six
years ago I began to puffer from kid
r.ey trouble. The pains in my hack
became almost unbearable and 1 grew
so lame and sore that to stoop was
torture. 1 tried various remedies and
finally went to a physician, hut could
obtain only temporary relief. 1 did not
knew that the trouble whs caused by
disordered kidneys, but when 1 saw
Doan's Kidney Pills so highly adver
'Ised and recommended for such com
plaints. I decided to civc them a trial.
The first box brought me such great
relief that I continued with Hum until
I had us od about four boxes. At the
end of that time not a trace of back
ache or any oilier kidney disorder re
mained, r.or lias it ever returned up to
this writing. 1 advise the use of
Doan's Kiilnry Pills to any one suffer
ing as I did."
N.Y.. Proprietors.
across the river from Hhna. for the Grays
Harbor Commercial Company, of CoS
mopolls. A largo tract of timber will he
logged immediately and flouted down the
Chchalis River to Grays Harbor.
Army I'rlsoner ttsfupes.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. Ill (.Special.) Cor
poral Abney, who was serving a two
years' sentence for desertion and re-cn-ilstment.
In the at Fort Stev
ens, escaped last nlpht.
by My Methods
The Lending Specialist,