Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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rUR KU 1- I " I i
Furnished Rooms la Private. Family.
KEWU furnished front parlor, suitable tor
two; alt mn-iera conveniences; also housekeeping-room.
403 loth.
JCF.ATI. Y furnished room. suitable for fn
tleman; all convenience; reasonable. 250
11th st
Rooms With Boant
TWO lsrge. light, newly furnished rooms,
electric light, furnace heat, use of phone
and bath, home cooklnic. nesr carline. de
sirable neighborhood. 741 Hoyt at.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year:
rooms with board, use of sewing-room
and library; Women's EirhirM. Mrs.
Ella Rswllngs. Supc. SIO Flandsrsst.
ls 10th et., cor. Morrison: fine large
rooms. thorourb.iv- w.esm-heated, lowest
rates; bejvt lUc In the clly for a home.
MS lth St.. cor. Morrison. Fine large
rooms, thoroughly steam heated, lowest
rates, best place In the city lor a h.,me.
IHE I.INUCIU : Market Nicely fur
nished rooms, hum cooking; steam heat,
electrlo lights, baths, phones, 14 weekly
THE UARLTN. Washington anj lTth. wtll
firrnlseed rwni. hot and cold water,
home cocking;, permanent or transient.
THE MORHISOX. 533 Morrison St.. family
tiotaU modern, r.ew management; board op
tional; best table beard: prices moderate.
FOOMS. sins'." in.1 en suite, modern cca 452 Miimsic cor. 13th.
ROOMS ard Mart: hot and oUd water. The
"Ozark." 22T. 11th.
Dsomi With- Board In PH rate Family.
Mix room and hoard, hath attached.
st-trt!y prlvato family: modern ctnven
. nres. suitable f"r to gentlemen; cen
trally located. Vain r?02
LARGE, comfortable n om. suitable f"r
two. i each; furnace, parlor, bath. i
7:h. A -Mid.
vym,Y furnl-hert front room; modern eon-vnl-n.e;
eulaMe for two; wltri or with
out board. Mam 4-':4. 5M Hoyt st.
J4 iTHKKl.T woman wishes child to care
for in h.r own I'o-ne; give a mother
care. Phone E 4n6Q.
NI'F.l.Y iiimts".e1 ro ms. wltfi or without
board; m-ei, rn convet.tcrce-1 de-lrablo loca
tion. reo.e-r.-ab. tt !., Oreoniao.
j-IvE room, with board, for one or two
Itentlemcn. In small family; beautiful
home. "12 N. 11th St.
Room with board, wa'klrt distance, home
rooking modern. e'J East 'h North.
East 722-
LAI:GB f-ort pom. with board for two;
phone, heat: 24 per month. 3.3
C:a. Phone Main 'Inet.
LtRi;K front room. sultahle for 2; modern
onvrnlencfS. ". Mai. .-on. rear Park.
JtieoM for two; breakfast, dinner, plain
washing, home co'n.'or.s; SIS East ltlwl.
HKIV7. APAHTMKM5. 14th and Columbia,
easv walking distance, new. brick build
ings. In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments:
private bath and reception hill, steam
heal, hot water, elevator, free phone.
Tanlror service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnished ready for house
keeping; some unfurnished, rent reaaonable.
THK SHKITIEI.D. 7th and Jefferson sts.;
unfurnished 4-room ct.iirtment. Feb. 15.
with bath: new. modern and fully
equipped, for convenience; rent reasonable;
lo. anon saves warfare. Apply to Janlto,.
Main 2ii.
Washington Ready for occupancy Fcb
ruarv 1; 3 rooms, wail beds and all mod
ern conveniences $23 to $.10. See Janitor
on premises.
FOR KENT t-room apartment, furnished:
rent $14 P'r month; suitable for couple
without children, c F. Pflueer A: Co.
room 14, Mulkey bldg.. Id and Morrison
BT'EI.L, Arartments. Kth nd Salmon; S
room apartment, nicely furnished, private
phone, eievator. etc.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 9 and 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbla-
1-RooM furnished apartment, Ionia Court.
18th and Couch.
37 jo 325 Everett. 5-room, steam-heated
modern. TV. I, More an. 3"2 Falling bldg-
lttR R HVT r.-roorn new modern upper
flat. Ka.t 27th and Clinton; 2 cariines:
rnt i'.i. J. 11. Imlioff. rhone Ea,i
51. id.
For RENT Modern, up-to-date upper flat.
6 rooms and 2 rcoius la attic, fireplace
end furnace. 444', Park It.. J7 iO.
Phone K.t 1431; Tlii.
fIX-RlM fat. all modern: airo furniture
for sale; ga. e.ertrlc IlKlit. furnace; a
map. must sell. all 31 N. lTth st.
Ki'R It K N T - February 1. 7-room lower fist,
rarda.-l floors, location very best. Nob
Hi;;. Main 'Jii.
THE ROOSEVELT r.ejl Kearney, near 21st
.-.-room, steam-heated, rent reasonable.
TV. 1. Mortau. .1: Falling Mdg.
FIVE-ROOM mo-Iem flat. West S'.rle; walking
d!tance. Taxirart. 4lft Chamber of Com
merce, e
l'tt'FH rat. 6 rooms; freplace. furnace.
t-e,-h. yard. N"b Hill. Main 4:2.
N'i:v" 6-room lower flat, nice location, close
In. Inquire fryj Kvctolt.
u i4rh $'J-. rooms. 2 families. Phone
Main 710 ur 7:-2;.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE PEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranees, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry. recepMon-room. all
free; furnished aparimenie $15 per month
tip; sincle house .,- ping rooms $2 ;,0 w-ek
tip: best In citv for money; short dls
tsneo from Inioa lepot Take "S" or
Isih-st cars north, get orf at Marshall st.
Wsshlngton. cor. Jv.rh Nicely fcmlst.el
bousekeepiDg rooms; gne ranges, hot waltr,
free bath, free phobe. te.l a floors, alee
suites from 12 up.
TV KI.I.-ri RM'HEO housekeeplrc rooms.
-ID month; 3 for $12. 1.1; sleeping
rooma tl.2. wk ; west side river. 3B4 N.
2lth. lth-st. car to 2Sth. south half block.
THI MII'KR. 31U Morrison, cor. Tark:
furalehed h rtsekeeplrg apartments: eleva
tor, baths, steam heat, hot and co.d water
In each apartment.
BEAIT1FULLT located Day-window, nnfar
etsbed S-room suite In centrally located
apartment-bouse, I'.CS Jeflerson. cor. Ata.
ONEONTA. 17 17th. r.ear TamhIII. 2 and
".1-room furnished suites (gas range, hot
ar.d cold wacerl. heat, phones and bath.
441 IAST Morrison, cor. Sth. completely
furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
THE ELMS Furnished 1 and s-room apart
meetts: heat, phone-, bath. ll 14th st.
47 TATIR. near 14th, desirable 2-room
suite, furnace heat, modern conventem-ee-
H'H STK KEPINfl an. I slncl rooms, close
In. The ;ale. 2:M Grand ave.
N U'HI.T furolslied bousekeeplrg rooms 3-
6th St.
Housekeepirrg Rooms In 1'rlrate Family.
li 1.1TH td for two pleasant rooms, com
pletely furnished; bath, phone, rar.;
NFWI.T furnis'ied front housekeeping room:
litfl-t. b?th en. I phone fretu cooking Con
veniences. I X. llth.
I.AR:Ek light, nicely furnished housekeep
ing suite, single nimi e"J up: free phone,
water. Abler.
WFI-L-FURNISH Kl. comfortable room;
modern conveniences: close in 453 Mor
rison st.
N;TA'LV fumihe.i rooms for housekeep
ing: emk. lath, tunning 'wafer In kitchen;
rrivate famli. 4i i 1st. flat K.
TWO bnstness wnirn will share furnished
modern epartment; Wert -'Mc. for board.
Y 2 rrcgonian.
Ifl'IH-CLASS sulre of rooms: kte-en prlvl
;re9; modem r--d-r-e. ;,s Morris M. '
TWO or three furnished housekeeping roome
for rent. No. 7th st.. s.uih.
Ll:H"r well furnished hotisek eeptng rooms,
walking rtlstan-e .-,11'. .;.an s!.
TTVO or thi-ee furnished housekeeping;
r-M,irs. rew and modern. .:2 Park
TMKEF. unfurnil--d ''otisekoeping ; cheap.
I nlon block. M lj Firsl; P.oonl .No. ID.
ENTIRE floor. 3 roens and bsth. nicely fur-
pisoe,. "-'a tirint.
Tivu fuml.sed heusskeepog r'mt, no chil
dren. 113 1 ttn. Our. Tajlug.
1 I t mroxes chancbs. 1 business chances. L .... ..,..,. '
Honsekeeplng Rooms la Prteata Family.
412 10TH 2-room housekeeping sultea lt
and 2d floors. J1S and J-V; all large, out
side rooms; bath on each floor.
TWO rooms snltsble for housekeeping, with
use of basement. &7S Madison, near
Chapman st.; rent f7. Apply 12 1st st.
WHEN TOU MOVE yoa arwsys need BOMB
BUT AT NO-RENT prices; the saT
mg will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half: collect rent on balance.
Grand ave and E. Stark. Phone East 2929.
MODERN S-room residence with furnace,
fireplace, ges and electricity; In perfect or
der and situate No. 742 Kearney et.. be
tween 22d and 2nd sis.; rent 40. F. V.
Andrews c Co.. Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d St.
Tel. Mstn 334!) or A 31I2S.
MODF.RN house of 7 rooms, with lot 50x100
at reasonable rent to a desirable tenant;
location at. 30th, near Hawthorne ave
TMs means good car eervitek' Apply ta J.
Kracmer. U0 Fifth SU
eUIU'RBAN home, 8-room modern house, on
tar. Int.; 113 per month. Including steel
ranno and heater. Broug-Steeie Co.. 110
2d M.
119 RENTS 7-room. modern, nice, well-located,
close-In home on SOxlOO corner,
near 2 , best carlinea Portland Homes
Co., 2l4 Morrison st.
ONLY IS minutes out. an blocks from
Poan Place citation on balem Electric,
nicely furnished house good chicken
range: Jlo Phone Eellwood 1109.
NEW. modern 7-room house on Grant et..
bet. 4lh and Sth. 21S per month. Main
.17.1. Portland Success Realty Co., 120
Board of Trade.
5-ROOM cottage: bath electric lights, etc:
walking distance; $15. Call 433 East 7th
a:. North.
C-KOOM house, bath. gas. 465 E. Flanders,
tju. J. J. oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E.
Ankeny. i
A NEAT, modern S-room cottage: electricity,
furnace gad porcelain bath; large grcunds;
rent S2. Apply room 361. The Dckum.
NEW B room bungalow; all Improvements;
aiso a 7-room house. Inquire 5y4 Rodney
ae. C "of-,.
Gfirp (S-room house with large yard. 644
I'.orthwi-k :.: rent 13. Wakefield. Fries
st Co.. 2-U Stark.
FOR RKN'T-,-room modern cottage to re
spurudhiei party, by Feb. 10. Inquire esO
E. lavls St.
TWO S-room houses remodeled. tT Everett,
bet. 21M and 22d. Sneehy Bros. Main
S-ROOM cottage. $22. gas and bath. Inquire
444 11th st.
T-ROOM house for rent. Inqutre 116 Ablng-
ton bldg.
FEU. 1 Five-room cottage, f 12 50; adulta
lvs East 4."th K. Mt. Tabor car.
NEW house ft rooms and bath. 71 T. 19th at.
North. Apply 1112 th et. Mala 6278.
Furnished Houses.
-roomed house; modem convenience;
w ell furnished ; complete for housekeeping.
1143 Hawthorne. East JSth st Tabor :1;
key at HIS. Plsce for chickens; garden,
strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,
cherrv and plum trees; dry wood In
cement basement for sale. fZS per month.
NICELY furnished B-room home, electrlo
lights, gas. piano. Call between 2 and
5. bi4 E. Ash st.
Fl RNISHED flat, corner, nice location.
West Side; rent reasonable. Phone Main
22 1
M'U'ERN tt-rnom bouse, Irvlngton, com
pleteiv rurnlshed. piano. 2 cariines, $43.
East "lis, mornings.
HOME completely furnished: 10 months'
lea-e. responsible parties. SdO. Taylor. 831
WELL-FURNISHED 4-room fiat; bath, gas,
'electric lights, bay windows; piano. 649 Tay
lor. 5-ROOM, completely furnished house. Call
room 40ft. Dekum.
f-i) Nlcelv furnished 6-room modern cot
"lage; linen, silverware. S4 Michigan ave.
-RO'i.M well-furnished cottage for rent.
Call Woodlawn ;7. Uantnbeln.
FCR RENT Furnished house, with water,
phone and piano. .95 Water St.
FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electrlo lights,
central. Inquire 273 '.a 7th.
for Kent Furannre fog nsds.
,ri ri-ma elegantly furnished; rent f20;
onlv 1125."
H-rofin upper Tat; rent 35; line furniture;
snap, 1175. , , .
s-room upper artistically furnished;
9 !l.
!-ro'-m house, full roomers and boarders;
only $75. , . .
14 housekeening roome, well furnished,
$lIo. part caMh.
"4 housekeeping rocons; fine furnlUirs;
only t!2t".
MRS. KOONTZ. 243 Ptark St.
S175 will buy $700 worth of oak and
blrdsoye maple furniture If taken at
once. See my agent. 40 Couch bldg.
6-ROOM furnished flat, bargain. ai or part
of furniture, with 2 permanent boarders.
2.4'i Margin st.
3-ltoOM flat, roilly furnished. $30. or will
s-U very cheap. Sevlllls, Flat A, 225 Mar
ket. W. 51
6-ROOM furnished cottage, SM Clay: close
In: quick sale; bargain Wednesday.
COMPLETE new furnishings of S-room flat
for sale. 330 Columbia, near Park.
FOR PENT Storeroom leg Union ave: 4
storerooms In new 3 story brick building
en llrand avenue, one block south of
Morrison st. For particulars Inquire or
Kartman si Thompson.
FOR RENT Fine location for laundry of
fice in bul-ding now under construction;
moderate rent.
Apply 71S Board of Trade bldg.
FOR KENT Al location for ralllmery and
dreevsmaMns; reut reasoDaoie; building Djs
under construction.
Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR RENT Al location for a dyer and
cleaner. In building now under construc
tion ressonable rent.
Apply Tl Board of Trade bldg.
FOR RENT Fine location for lee cream
and confectionery parlor; building under
Apply 7IS Board of Trade bldg
cVroKK for rent, 1ST First St.. near Jeffer
son st. Inquire Starr Bros, room 42a Wor
cester bldg.
WHOLESALE district. Fifth st.. two floors:
long lease. B 611. Oregonlan. "
BKM'K. building, ins First St., near Wssh
lngton. n-frtr lease. Inquire within.
STOIIE with 4 rooms and hath. Ml Macadam
St.. cn-ner Pennoyer: $12 5o month.
ehol c offices for rent. Will arrange rooms
to suit permsnent tenants. Prospective
tenants are referred to room 201 for In
spection of offices.
DESIRABLE suites, single offices and desk
room, centrally located. F.aleigb bidg..
3J.".ia Washington, cor. 6th.
2 OFFICE suites: best location in city for
demist or real estate, phone Main S924.
Dl'SK ROOM to rent In very desirable of
fice. 717 Smetland bldg.
FOR RENT A few offices la Conch bids.
Apply Room 801.
Pr-upoeala Imlle-d.
THE UNDERSIGNED will- receive sealed
bids for a stock of merchandise located at
t-nwlitg (5 miles east of wlnlock , Lea Is
t'.-uiitv. axhlngion. amounting te
-n,l 02. as follows: Boots and shoe-s
$1274 14; drv goods and notions, $1K10.PS:
leae'ry. $107 2; drugs and medicine,
$ ,0:; sit- stationery. $19. M; queensware and
woodenware. $004.40: hardware and Im
plements. $.71.53: groceries, tobacco, etc.,
I loi store fixtures. $211. SO. up to 1
o'clock r.t.on of Thursday. January 2a.
lono. The right Is reserved to reject any
and all bids and each bid must be ac
companied bv . a certified check for 1
per cent of the amount offered. Inventory
tnav be seen -at my office and goods may
be " inspected on application at Cowlili.
P.. I. Sabtn. 7 First si.. Portlsnd. Or.
AP'inTE'TS. conrractors. engineers, get
raeitile Builder at Engineer. 1022 Board
tU Trade.
Proposals Invited.
bAUrJ Or- wjiitn oo..c.
ealed proposals, for the purchase of all
any part of the Issue of 15.000 of
:er bonds, authorised by ordinance No
or a
too .nd - ...i.i election, will be received
at the office of the Town Clerk of tt...
Town of Wlnlock. Wash., not later than
7 o'clock P. M.. on the 31st day ot March,
lima. .
Proposals must state the amount ot
bonds bid for, the price bid therefor ana
the rate of Interest named, not exceeding
per cent. The town reserves the right to
reject any or all bids, ccrtlhed check for
1100 must accompany each bid.
C. E- LEONARD. Town Clerk.
FICE. Vancouver P-arracks, Wash.. Jan.
2d. 1909 Sealed proposals. In triplicate
will be received at this office until 11
o'clock A. M., Jan. 20, 10, and then
publicly opened, for the construction ot a
Quartermaster's storehouse of concrete or
brick at Vancouver Barracks. Wash. The
United States reserves the right to reject
anv or all bids. Plana, speculations and
full Information will be furnished on ap
plication to this office. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be Indorsed 'Pro
posals for storehouse." and addressed to
Constnrctlng Quartermaster. Vancouver
Barracks, Wash. .
It having been brought to my knowledge
that some person or persons are represent mg
themselves as my agents and collecting;
money In my name for the painting of pic
tures. I haverby state I have no agents
in my emptor whatever.
SltiKID SAU.VOER, Artist.
330V, Morrison SL
WANTED To learn the whereabouts of
Alman Harris, formerly of Wisconsin,
later In V.oodburn, Or. Son desirous of
anv information; reward for valuable
news Adriress either son. F G. Harris,
Osakls. Minn., or Wm. Griffith, Oregon
t n-vt' rtonminir-house Agency
Rooming-houses, all sizes -and prices.
Phone Main S6S0; A SI75. 450, Wash.
P.ooming-house. 1 rooms; nice corner
dwelling, fine neighborhood, south of Mor
rison St.; elegantlv furni.shed; heavy Iron
beds, floss and hair mattresses, quartered
ink furniture and other things to cor
respond: hot waler heat: running hot and
cold water in every room: ciears $.0 a
month. Price $1)00 If sold this week;
worth double.
O. C. R. ELLIS ft CO..
3204 Washington St., Rooms 201-202.
made more money at the St. l.ouls Exposi
tion than anv other kind of pronoeltloii.
and they'll do the name at Seattle this year;
we want several live men right away to place
machines; you can sell or operate them and
take the profits.; we have a proposition for
vou. either way you choose. Adilrci-s Sales
Manager Mills Novelty Co.. 3C Mill.- bldg..
Chicago. " (References. Dun. Rradstreets.)
GROCERY Splendid location. West Side;
large, roomv store. 4 rooms: $1." month:
lease; proved trade $ month; top notch
prices; to gilt-edged monlhly customers;
t-ade easily Increased; I have worked In
th's store, know all about It: pr.ncipais
only, as no com. paid on sale: stock at
Invoice;" fittings valuation $;-"0 wanted;
make appointment for full particulars. Box
E 469. Oregonlan.
The best furnished -rooin rooming
house near the business center of the
cltv; nice dwelling near Washington st.
You ran make more than all your family
expenses. Price $!50. or take vacant lot
of same value or cheaper lot, balance
Cah" O. C. R. ELLIS CO.,
326', Washington St.. Rooms 201--"-. m
I want an Interest in a brokerage or
manufacturers- agenta business: ain an
experienced salesman and willing to put
some money In. This Is a bona tide prop
position and not a business chance broker
trvlng to get a line on your business. All
replies treated confidentially. Y 633. Ore
gonlan. C1PITAL FURNISHED Industrial. manu
facturing mining, oil. ras and railway
euock and fcond Issxies sold direct to In
vestors; commission basis. Samuel Graham
Co.. selling brokers, 43 Sacrament St.,
Montreal. Canada.
CORNER hole!, restaurant end ealooa. Clay
and Water Ms.; 33 rooms; S-year lease,
rent $2 room per month; fine location,
bio. k south Salem depot; $21(00: trade for
house or aits. 13 Fifth. Main 6377.
(.ROOM transient house, best location,
rhean rent, lease, worth $2750: will take
$1K..0 if taken bv 3nth. or exchange for
house and lot In good location. 201) Vi 4m.
Main 2039.
WANTED Partner to take charge and
manage an up-to-date light manufactur
ing business; guarantee salary of $1.)0 pes
month- $7.o cash required. If you mean
business call at once. 3O0 Larrnhee st.
FINE family liquor store with side bar.
well located and doing fine . business,
monthly profits $40o. Call at once. 1019
Board of Trade.
SM ALL manufacturing plant for sale, cheap.
Man with small capital can secure a good
bargain If taken at once. Thos. McCupker.
2l5 Couoh bldg.
WANTED Good man to take half Interest
In good paying business mat win u
Investigation: $609 required.
SPENCER & CO.. 102 2d St.
WE have many flne opportunities for young
men who wish to enter or engage In busi
ness requiring from $100 to 0'oO. call
606 Swetiand bldg.
H VB a flne buy in a cigar and fruit stand:
living rooms In rear: on busy exreet: this Is
worth the money. Call 721 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Moving-picture theater in thriv
ing town near Portland; will sell reaeon
abie: a good proposition for small capital.
Y ,M4. Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT for sale $2"0 will buy neat
restaurant valued at $S'N; owner must go
East at once. .135 First st. -
Wll.l, sell state right on new article: sick
ness reseon: best offer takes It. Y 524.
PARTNER wanted to work In store; pay
energetic man 1125 month; $750 re
quired. Cell Ill's mark st.
ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; 9 roome. 3 suites
housekeeping rooms: must sell at once;
price $250. Call 710 Swetiand bldg.
BUTTER, egg and produce store; part
ner wanted; pay active man $lo month;
1450 required. Call :48H Stark st.
AN exceptional ohance for a good man to
secure an Interest In one of the best real
estate offices in the city. 272 Stark.
PAR1VNKR In nice cash business on good
street: leaving the city; must sell.. Call
417 Board of Trade.
MACHINE repair shop: sickness forces
sacrifice: $00; over $1200 worth work
contracted for now.' Call 141 A Stark at.
RESTAURANTS The best buys In the city:
little money will handle either of the B. 731
Board of Trade.
AGENCY for a specialty; requires some can
vassing; pays J200 month; $400. W. W.
Payne. 1210 Williams ave.
RESTAURANT Partner wanted to be
raahsar: H00 required; secured; pay $5
day. Call 24! Stark St.
MOTION picture show, only - one In the
town; will sell half Interest or all; Investi
gate. 710 Swetiand bldg.
RESTAURANT for sale fr will rent furnished
to right party very re-tsonable; good busi
ness. Inquire 12 N. 2d at.
ROOMING-HOUSE for $350: s rare bargain:
wlil be pold today. 710 Swetiand bldg.
Thone Main 5738.
FOR SALE Bakery and candy store on
East Side for $1500: must sell. See ml'
agent. 40ft Couch bldg.
BAIjOON In good location for sale chesp. In
quire of N. P. Brewing Co., cor. of ISth
and Upshur st. . -
LARGE) returns to person having $10r to JoY
to Invest; safe and . reliable. T 6.35. Ore
gonlan. FCR SALE Hotel with T2 rooms. Call 710
Swetiand bldg.
FOR SALE Saloon, easy terms. Portland
Brewing Co., STith end Upshur sts.
IF you want neat printing office for e275. call
at 73 North Sixth wt. today.
WANTED To lease a good hotel. Address
Box 17. Camas. Wash.
FOR PAt.K A rc-taursnt at a price that
cannot full to milt you. 272 Stark st.
FOR SALE Restaurant; must sell today.
710 Swetiand bldg.
SMALL boarding sale stable for sale, or
would take partner. A K 435. Oregonlan.
GR'ERV store for sale. 611 1st at. rhone
slain, 4ST. A ii'JO. ..
We have for sale the one-fourth In
terest In an old-established cash grocery,
doing a large business, as one of the
partners Is retiring; it Is a good In
vestment and Includes a good salaried
position. -
Oregonlan Bldg.
If you want a first-class rooming-house
In a close-in residence section, only few
blocks from the business center of West
Side, all furnished elegantly; modern,
heated building; receipts $500: total ex
penses. Including- help, $o00. Nothing on
the market to equal this for the price,
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.,
826 'i Washington st.. Rooms 201-2QZ.
bUMLlHl.Vli cwcac i .
50 rooms, elegantly furnished, comer
brick; private baths, hot and cold running
water, steam heat, telephone, gas and
electricity in every room; eplendld loca
tion; clearing over $.'!0O per month; lease
at only $3o per month; this is the most
modern and best appointed place in the
city; price sto-.uo.
610-511-512 Swetiand Bldg.
Elegant corner brick, entirely modern,
with steam heat: swell location; 2T
rooms, furnished in B.-E. maple, quartered
oak; velvet and Brussels carpets; receipts
from rooms $400; total expenses. Including
help. $2uu; long lease; rent a snap. Price
$4000. half cash.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
S2014 Washington St.. Rooms 201--02.
lOO-room apartment-house, nicely fur
nished and nearly all arranged In house
keeping apartments; absolutely cheapest
rent in Portland; fine location for
rooms; near carline; lease; clearing over
J2O0 per month net; price $S0nn.
510-511-512 Swetiand Bldg.
One of the best in the city; central lo
cation; cheap rent; good lease, accommo
dates 55 head of horses, buggies, car
riages, harnesses, saddles; everything
complete: $3000. $2000 cash; terms. 0-t
Corbelt bldg.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (established
1895) furnishes free Information on. oppor
tunities in mercantile or manufacturln
lines, city or couatry. ..-,,-
403-4-3 swetiand bkig.
WATER-POWER electric plant
mill. lighting two grow- ng towns big
coal mine tuat struck w th In or,. mile of
plant, towns sure to double in a. few J 'A,
a great bara-ain if soid for cash by March
1. llioit. Address Consolidated Electric Co
John Day. Or.
FOR SALE or trade for realty, the bee t es
tablished ladles' and sen"" 'l0.'h'nhgi
boots, shoes and furnishings store In the
Willamette Valley doing strict y cash
business: $3000 cash or realty will handle
It. AC 427. Oregonlan.
Fine location, Washington St.. -. en
trances, gentleman's resort; stJ
fine corner; doing $.".0 per day; $-oOO 5
vears- lease; these are eH-edSB P'P'
"tions. 627 Corbett bldg.
BPLF7NDID opportunity for you If you have
common sense to secure ha f Interest In
esiabliohed profitable real ate cuslr, ess.
exirience not necessary and only re
quired, fully secured. See my broker. 5-6
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Grocery and meat market In
fine suburban location, doing a good busi
ness, -will stand close Investigation; fine
living rooms In connection. Invoice about
$2000; best buy In city. l Orego-
TOU CAN GET action on ail mining and
Industrial stocks and bonds through head
quarters at Catterlln Co. suite S.
Chamber of Commerce We buy. sU or
trade. Call or write.
ACTIVE man every town in Oregon. Wash
ington. Idaho. $123 month; small amount
monev required, fully secured: no rlsa.
Address 218 Commonwealth bldg.. port
land. Or.
REST 4.URANT Half Interest. 13:5. or will
exchange for lot and pay cash difference.
Restaurant good location. 2i.;
one for s00: take cash until satisfied,
terms. Young. 612 Cesrllnger bldg.
FOR sTl.E Saloon or half of it, $1000; am
not there, depend on bartender, not satis
factory: own lease, license, stock and all
fixtures: come. I am liberal; you re deal
Ing with owner. Y 512, Oregonlan.
ARCHITECT with more business than he
can handle alone, will take partner: must
have knowledge of draughting; will par
$4(K monthly; 1.W required. Call 5-3
Lumber Exchange bldg.
17 rooms, good location, with lease;
this la a snap, for $loo cash: nice furni
ture and carpets. Call 417 Board of
Trade bldg.
Established paying business, well lo
cated; will sell one-third tnte-rest or
trade for clly property. Call 417 Board
of Tracks bldg.
WE have for sale the best paying rooming
house In the city: If you have the cash and
want a good thing, be sure and see this.
272 Stark st.
FOR SALE Half Interest grocery and mar
kct doing good business, mostly cash;
nrefer pirtner instead hired help; Invoice
about $1800. Address H.580. Oregonlan.
X BARGAIN Rooming-house, 44 rooms,
clearing above expenses $250 montn; $2000
will handle. Owner. Main 802. Hotel
x SNAP Rooming-house, S2 rooms; good lo
cation; lease; will trade or sell on liberal
'must leave city Saturday. Main
LIGHT manufacturing: partner wanted,
owner guarantees $3 day salary, also
profits; experience unnecessary ; small
capital required. Call 248W stark st.
WFI.I.-EISTAHLISHED real estate nnd land
bune,.; beat location: would tek- right
man as partner; references. G bol, Ore
gonlan. SALOON Partner wanted: must be steady
man; owner tired depending on hired
help pas big: very little cash re
quired: particulars. 24SV, Slark st.
FOR SALE Sawmill, capacity 25. IKK) feet
dav. commanding monopoly of a good
local market. Inquire at East 8th and
Yamhill sts
FOR SALE A grocery and meat market pay
ing big profits: about $2000; also a grocery
where location and price will please you.
272 Stark et.
WE can locate you In paying busln ess. 1 be
fore buying be sure and eee us. Kinney
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bids
Main 4484.
FOR SALft- Motel restaurant doing first
class business, completely fnrnlshed: no
cash: rent If desired; have reason for sell
ing at sacrifice. 9Q North 3d.
IF you have $11500 we can show you hos to
clear up $200 per month In a very clean
bus" esf: particular. 023 Lumber Ex
change bldg. ' .
BEST buy near In: furniture of an eight
room hot-ae: a snap; $550 "taken this
week. See owner, 211'., 4th St.; no
WANTED Partner with $2750 for manu
facturing staple established article; good
references. Y 019, Oregonlaiv
PRODUCE and brokerage business; part
ner wanted; $1500; pays big profits; bank
references. Call 248V, Stark St.
FOR SALE Grocery, old-established busl
ness. on paying basis, good corner. E 454.
Telephone and other bonds bougtit and
old. Fletcher Inv. Co.. i-o -aping ion.
FOR RENT Butcher shop in a grooery
store everything furnished, 15 per
""month. 735 Williams ave.
ARE vou considering entering buslneewT Have
excellent openings in various lines. 6o6
Swetiand bldg
MUST sell mv saloon on account of sick
ness' own mv own fixtures, and good
lease". Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
W NTF1 Rest business that $7000 0T lea
will handle: principals only; give particu
lars. K sol. Oregonlan.
I HAVE a good opening for an active
voting man In an established real estate
office. Call 417 Board of TraTJe bldg.
TV NTED Partner, established real estate
office: doing good business. Room 16,
Washington bldg.
A CONFECTIONERY that muet be sold
soon, ss party must go and look after
other holdings. 272 Stark st
GOOD business for sale; money maker.
Portland rretxel Bakery, 400 Tillamook
FURNITURE store for sale; best location
ea East tilde. Iaq.uirs 637. .Williams ave,
....r T t T . TC;rl2 CISV
10 rooms, very nicely furnished for
housekeeping: good central location; will
more than pay all running expenses and
free home for the owner besides; rent S40.
price $r.00; $200 cash and balance can be
paid off monthly.
510-511-512 Swetiand Bids.
REAL ESTATE business; partner wanted;
must bo steady, sober man. willing to
show land, etc.: owner will guarantee
active man 1150 month at least; very
little cash required; particulars 24SV
Stark su
TOUR choice In rooming-houses: all kinds
and prices; a 44-room new house, carpets
and furniture. 8 years lease; a 5-room fist
worth 0o0o. goes at $250; a 14 lor $000.
721 Board of Trade.
Well-established, with best of accounts:
will take partner to look after office
work; business pays $000 monthly. Par
ticulars 623 Lumber Exchange bldg.
PARTNER wanted to help manage one of
my branch offices; must have good deliv
ery; It's the man I want, not his money,
Austin, room 3. Raleigh bldg
CASH business, payins $100 daily, will take
partner; full Investigation before buying;
$o00 required. Particulars 623 Lumber
Exchange lldg. '
Money to Loan.
Money loaned quickly and privately on
real: personal and chattels, diamonds and
Jewelry, and on all valuable collateral
x Mortgaaes and contracts bought.
This company is organized tor the pur
pose of providing ready money at the
lowest cost. Our repayment plan will
suit vou. You can arrange to repay IT.
monthly or weekly easy payments. All
business strictly confldentlaL
Call or phone Main 0S4.
Room 12, Hamilton Bldg.. 181 Third St.
704 DEivUM BLDG.
e02 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Waeh.
The recognized bank of the wage-earner.
A cieik. b-jokaeepei. machinist, engineer
or employe can ootain money of us on his
note without security.
$15 return to u. $ a Mo.
$30 return to us $ a Mo.
$50 teturn to us $13.35 a alo.
Confidential; do unpleasant Inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, ete-
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage: busiubss confidential. .
Mo. Eeml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 return to us. .. .$20.00 $10.00 $5.
$30 return to uo 13.SS 6.G3 J r.,
$30 return to ue 8.00 . 4.00 o0
$15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 1.00
206 ScK.AT bide, cor. 3d and Stark sua.
Instsllmeut loans on uianos. furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses, lueuranco poli
cies, saloriea and all kinis of securities.
403 Swetiand bldg,
NOTICE to Title Guarantee & Trust Bank
claim holders: We pay almost par for ac
counts in any amount to $20,000 for a few
tlavi Parties living out ot town can send
books or certificates through any ban.
Colin Bros.. 1S0-1S2 1st St.
ON Improved city property or for buLdlng
purposes; 3 to 8 years' time: liberal repay
ment pilviieses; money advanced as bul.d
lng prcgrtases. The . i.q.ultable. 2d and
Stark sts.
MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden
tial; no security but your salary; best sys
tem for railroad, streetcar employes, me
chanics and others. ,
Buchanan Bldg , 2S0 Vi Washington St.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon tbeir own name without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in
66 principal cities; save yourself woaey
by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. SIT Lumber Exchange Bldg.
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries pianos and furniture, warehouse
receipts, purchase contracts, diamond
and Jewelry. E. Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg.
WANTED One $1500 loan and one $1200;
gill-edge security; 7 per cent
.Washington Bidg., Room 3.
MONEY to loan in large and small sums
at to b per cent on Improved real estate.
607 Commercial bldg.
WB loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest lor long or aport
time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers. 2W
Washington at.
Plenty of money to loan at 6 and 7
ner cent on real estate security.
Room 6. 265 Washington street, cor. 3d.
WANTED Small block Portland Home
telephone stock; state number of shatvs
and lowest cash price: will deal with
owners only. E 60, Orfgulilan,
WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title
Guarantee. Oregon Trust bank accounts.
Lewis as Co., 251 Washington st-
I-WANT 11000 Tacoma and 13000 Omaha
Phone bonds. Thos. McCuskcr. 205 Couch
bldg. (
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per
sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room
10 Washington bldg. Main 302.
1100 000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to
suit 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty.
M b Griltln. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C-
MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums
from $500 up. Tho Dunn-Lawrence Co.,
"4a Alder, st.
I'-oo 0OO TO LOAN, large loans a spoclalty.
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck.
S12 Falling bldg.
PRIVATE party has up to $500 to loan
against first-class security. C 601, Orego
nlan. '
MONEY to loan on Improved property.
110 2d.
ANY parte of $50,000 to loan at 6 to 1 pat
"cent Interest. 805 Gerllnger bldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg-.
State funds loaned. 0 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state agt- Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C.
MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E.
L. Deveraux, 204-5 Fenton blfig. M 63.
$o-,00 TO loan on good Improved city real
estate. Y 521. Oregoniau,
$2000 $12O0. $400, 7 per cent; no commission.
Ward. 210 Alisky. -
I MAKE loans, any size, on Improved city
property 410 Failing bldg.
MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per
cent. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallatt. 804 Fenton bldg.
. LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Lean Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and
Jewelry. Marx at Bloch. 74 3d st-
I WISH to lqan $6000 on mortgage loans.
D 604, Oregonlan.
$1000 TO LOAN on Improved Alhlna or E.
Ankeny real estate. Phone Main S115.
$50uO OR anv part thereof at 6 per o?nt.
Feu-era, 335 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
loans Wanted.
WANTED To borrow $5000 on gilt-edjre se
curity for one year, 8 per cent interest. D
GUI, Oregonlan.
$;'V TET. BONDS paying-5 per cent, with
$2.".0 slock, for sale; send your offer to D
602. Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $"5"0, real estate se
curity. Farrlngton. 41U Commercial Club
bids. .
W'NTEI Loan of 110O0; security 20.000
shares Fidelity Copper stock. G 604, Ore
gonian. W' ANTED of S2.MKI. another $looo, 7
per cent. West Side, o 603, Oregonian.
;uu I. t . o.-vun...
Buys a 20-room rooming-house on one
floor of business builfling. well-furnished,
mostly housekeeping, rent only $, lease
8s years; rooms always rented to good
class roomers: clears $70 over all expen
ses; price $1500.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
826 Washington St., Rooms 201--0
LOAN of $16,000 wanted for 3 to s5 years,
first-class apartment property: will pay
0 per cent. D. H. Smith i Co.. 6-d
Lumber Exchange bldg. f
WANTED A loan -of $2"00 on Irvlngton
home worth $so00. Starr Bros., 42S W or
cester bldg. t
Diseases ot men, women and children
treated and cured; maternity cases given
special attention; all private and wasting
diseases promptly cured, and their effects
permanently removed from the system.
Raleigh bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts
Diseases of women and children, ner
vous and chronic diseases of children a
specialty : no charge for consultation,
liooin 10 Grand Theater bldg., Washmg
toii and "Park sts. Main i-a, A 6Ai.
i .
R H K t " M A T I S M , nervous debility, cough,
wakefulness, stomach and kidney trou
bles, skin and acalp diseases, weakness
in young or old men promptly cured
without tarugs; charges moderate. lr. l.
Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg.
DR. A. AUSPLUND. Just returned Irom
Europe, makes a specialty o surgery ana
diseases ot women. isillce rooms 0-6-7
Winchester House, 3d and Burnslde sta
1 hone .Main 4041.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECK3, reliable skin
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; hairdresslng, manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest stock
ot hair goods In the West at cut price.
Parlors, Grand Leader, 0th and Aidr.
MEN Why 6Uffer from diseases peculiar to
your sex, nervous . conditions, skin or eye
troubles, acute or chronic? 1 treat by mod
ern methods, . electricity, massage, .osteopa
thy, medicine when needed; confidential.
Dr. Vose, 326j Washington at.
SWEDISH trained nurse. Hclsingfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism. stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing:
eteam sweaL and tub baths; both sexes. I
East 11th et., one door from Eaa: Aiiaeuy
car. phones East 200. Home B 1803.
LADY of Mi desires acquaintance of a re
sponsible, educated, nice appearing, busi
ness man, not over 50; must be honorable
in every respect; object, marriage if suit
ed. 11 604, Oregonian.
MADAM A. A. LUCK'El cures chronic dis
eao Full line of electric treatments,
baths and massage; positive results in mellJ
tal healing. 4ol Columbia bidg., W . Park
and Washington sts. Main 2011.
DESIRABLE ocmpany found for lonely peo
ple, either sex; J00 to select from; paotos
on file; meetings arranged, use of par
lors; niemuership $2; register 10. Port
land Introducing Bureau. 316 Alisky bldg.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters
Diamond Brand Pills, cor 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by orutiglsts everywhere.
MRS. S. B. SEIP. Ml-ntal Scientist. Teaches
Psychometry. the insight and power of the
soul, lo A. M. to 8 P. M. Wednesday open
meetings at 8 P. M., So2 Aito'ky blug.
IF the young man named Fitch, from Min
nesota, understanumg paper business,
will call at Pacific Paper Co.' office it
miuht be to his Interest.
DRESS suits tor rent, all sizes. $1.50 month
keeps jour clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Starke
DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Fills, sure remedy for delayed pe
riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5. T. J.
pierce, 316 Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Kctchum, graduate; advice free.
170 '.4 3d st. Main 877u
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve
Tonic Tablets. 25o box. Eyasell's Phar
macy. 289 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and Bth.
Mme. Courtwrlght, SKin ana scalp treat
ments facial deformities corrected, plaatlo
surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 5042. A 206D.
JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 6 4th
at., bet. Oak and Pine.
PACIFIC Introducing sC1ud for lonely single
people; circular loo. 229H 1st st.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 560
Gllaan st. Main 9218.
Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective; work
reaeionaole. guaranteed. T 481. Oregonlan.
MOLES wrinkle., superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Flledner bldg. M. 47s.
WANTED All men to watch out for lfcctl
citlc: it's coming; no fake.
HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut
hair. Portland Bazaar. 409 Morrison.
Alfalfa Nutrient makes thin people plump
and preserves youth. Room 17 Hamilton bg.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, teturned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
f actory. H. Metzger.
LOST A pearl-handle opera stick Sunday
evening at orpheuin. Finder please return
to Iwls & Stcnger, loth and Morrison;
LOST White and black female English
setter dog. was struck by passing car.
may he lame or .sick. Phone Main 5t-.
or address R. H. Blrdsall, 703 Northrup st.
LOST In Masonic Temple hall on Monday
evening, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles.
Leave at 205 11th at. and receive reward.
LOST Diploma of Dwlght E. Barton, High
land School. Finder plcaeo phone Woodlawn
212. ,
LOST Small brown purse, containing $10
gold, silver change, r, pennies. Residence
438 Ross St. Phone C 1603.
1 osi' Bright gold medal with inscription
"Gonzoya College." Reward. Phone Sell
wood 401. -
T.t'i- Pointer, liver spotted, namo Boy;
reward. Tel. B 1499. A. W. Lambert.
PART of lady'f headdress blond on lttth st.
Phone H. iti26. , '
H.IST Gold locket. Initials J. H., return to
201 East 1st North; reward
Accordion plaiting.
MISS O GOULD. 315 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife pleating and pinking
Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditing Investigating and Systematizing.
824 Worcester Block. phone Main 656T.
Assayera and Analysts.
Wells proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists nnd assayera, 204 V Washington at.
PAUL BA.UMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
and ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison st.
622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 51)80.
Attorneys at Law.
H. H. RIDDELL. atty-at-Iaw, 735 Chamber
of Commerce Main 4764, A 3531.
S T JEFFREYS, 20S Fenton bldg., 13
years' practice in Oregon, S years Alaska
JOHN C MULLEN, removed to 404 Mer
chants' Trust bldg., Uth and Washington.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing;.
E I.AM -SHAW Bicycle. gasoline. eaglne
and electrical repairing. 32a Stark st.
Carpet Weaving;.
RUGS made from old carpet; also colonial
rag rugs woven. Northwest Rtig Works,
153 Union ave. East 3580. B I2SQ.
Carpet Cleaning-.
J Hunter A Co., mattresses and feathers ren
ovated, carpets refitted, etc. M. 214. A 4413.
W'M. ESTELT.E and Flossie Deveny, the
only scientific chiropodists in the city,
parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d
and Alder. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room Sl'.O Fliedner bids, rhune Main 3473.
DR. NELSON treats my corns; never hurts;
prlcfs reasonable. 25o1-i Alder. M. 7366.
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs.
Dunton, Iris Apartments. 362 3d. M. 7714.
ECONOMY Foot Scalp Remedy Co., 231
Cth. st. Phone Mala 7748.
TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com
missies tr.erchaata. Sherlock bldg.. Portland.
Contractors and Builders.
P. W BENNETT, carpenter, contractor, shoo
and yard, 470 Williams ave Phone E. 020i
6th, bot. Oak und Pin-. Low price sale.
PROF. Wal Wilson s Dancing School. Port
land's only recognized school. 186
Washington St.. bet. W. Park and 10tt SL,
Both phonos: Main 7637 A 5037.
SHORTHAND, typewriting taught by ex
pert. So per tuoiuli. iisi 14iii. M 3SS4.
LAUE'S Preparatory Scnool ot Pharmacy,
14S 2d St., Portland. Or.
Detective Agencies.
THE Thlel Detective Service Co. We are
especially equipped with experienced men.
i 0 Chanibir of Commerce bldg. M 936. A
24a3. D., L. Cluuse. manager.
leed bio re.
HIN'SHAW & ZIGLER, hay. grain, feed, oe
meat, shingles. -!4 Grand ave. Ill 483.
Harness and Saddlery,
THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad
die and harness mnfrs. 80-66 1st. Main 226.
R. al. PRICK HARNESS CO., $31 Aakenr
St. Phone Main 2-102.
Junk, iliura aud felts.
I SHANK oc CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tnllow. oid rubbers, metals and
sacks. 312 Front st-
Leather ana I'lndings.
C11A5. L. MAST1CK ic CO., 74 Front, leathst
of every description, taps, infra, findings.
tablished lo58. 180 Front su
53. A -io3. Johnnie on the spot.
PAUL F. KISM.XLIK, violinist and instruc
tor; music furnished for balls, receptions,
etc 218 Tiifoid bldg.. lOtli and Morrison.
U. BERTRAM, 15 liussel bldg-. violin re
pairing; instruments bought and soid.
monthly, so; Stearns bldg. Main 3744.
EM1L THIELIIORN, violin teacher. pupU
of Sevclk. A 4100, Pine 334. Main 3045.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 4.12 Sajmos)
St. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty.
DR. H. W. FKEl'ZK straightens cross-eyes
without deration or pain, tils glasses ana
treats nervous diseases. 4 Marquam bidg.
Osteopathic l'hyslciuus.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts.
Phone, ofilce. Mala 310. res.. K. 1021.
DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, 200-0 TUford build
ing. Tenth and .Morrison. Phone A 4163.
Paints, Oils and l-lass.
RASMUSSEN ei CO.. joDberi". paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d aud Taylor.,
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C. WKIGIiT. domestic snd foreign pat
eats; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum.
J. J. HIRSHE1MER, pension and patens
attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Portland, office 4U2-3- Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
Painting; and Puperhunglns.
PAINTING, papcrhanglng, kalsominlng, etc.,
done on short notice. llovvse Decorallnsl
Co., 547 Wash. Main 7006 A U114.
FOR burstcd pipes don't forget to call Maioi
1110. 271 First.
Publiu Stenographers.
MISS IDA CON A NT. room 602 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and stark. Main 4077.
MIKS'F. H. LF.ITNER, 420 Swetiand bldg.,
5th and WaslilnKt.m. Phono Main 1151.
DOC1A V. W 1LL1TS, 5u6 rjwelland bldg.,
6lh and Wash. Phone Main 314a.
Hooflns-, Cornices and bkj lights.
P. J. McJuulion, E. M. Sliatksy. M. 8243.
Kubber btampa.
ALSO trade checks and ail office goods. P,
D. iC. Co.. 231 Slark st. Both phouas 1407.
THB MOSLEK SAFE CO.. 10S 2d St. Sate
at factory prlcea Second-hand safes.
DAVIS SAFE si LOCK CO.. Dlebold safes,
66 3d st. Bargains in 2d-hand safes,
buovf Case, Bank and Store 1 Ixtures.
THE LUTKE MFG. CO. branch Grand
Kapids Showcase Co., ttth and Hoyt. K,
Lutke. lldr.
THK James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,
caulnets. store and olllca fixtures. 2
Couch st. Main 2763-
The largest Biga-makera In the North
west. Cth and hlvereu sts. phone Private
txciiatiga 55, Home A 1155.
STOVES con nee Led and repaired. Mala
1110. 271 1st.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office
'and commodious four-story brick ware
house, -separate iron rooms and fireproof
vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d aa4
pine sts. Piunoa and furniture moved and
packed for snipping. Main 5a6. A 1086.
General tranelerring and storage; safes
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 2u Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st.
Telephone Main 641 or A 2247.
Front st. Phune Main 62, A 1162.
Furniture and piano moving a spedaltya
40-4i id st. Phone A IBM. Main 1618.
Turkish Baths.
TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonlan bldg.; ladled
days, men nights. Main 1938. A lwdg.
WB ARE the exchange for the largest type
writer concern uu tnis Coast; investi
gate; ail makes, all prlcea The Type
writer Kxcnauge, 2!7Vi Washington st-
6PEC1AAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 140f.
Veterinary Surgeons.
Graduate Ontario Veterinary College,
formerly with Marcus Daly's Hitter RooJ
block Farm; releiences. Office lath a Mil
Wash. Main 1077; residence. Main 1224.
Veterinary College.
Kulsatin San Francisco Veterinary College now
ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keane. 1818 Market.
Wood and Coal.
successor to Portland Fuel Company. Bt
old-growth cordwood FULL MEASURE.
Prompt delivery. 2s7 East Morrison st.
Phones East 26, B 1026.
prompt delivery. Phone A 2247, Main 54T.
DRY OAK, alder and fir at Standard Wood
Co. East 2316. B 1695.
Portland. Oregom.
No Interest paid oa acoouats,
" " 1 aaaaaasa-aa-a,
13 1 05.2