Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland Lodge Will Attend
Grand Reunion in Golden
State Next July.
31-mbcra of Local Organization
Havo High Hopes of Capturing
Prizes Offered for Best
Drilled Kotly in Parade.
"1 want t be an angel.
And witli the aJUfl utana.
H"rn up'li my fonhral
And jnxe. In. my hand.
With this slogan on their tongues, at
l-it 2i0 memU-rs of Portland Lodge. No.
14i B P. O. B.. will go to Lus Angeles
to attend the Grand Lodee reunion, which
will be h.:ld July 12 to 19. Never in the
history of the local Klka- Lodce have such
elaborate plaiM been made tor entertain-
In? vi-siting brother kiks. as iy
throuKh en route to and from the reunion,
and no organization outside of the Com
mercial Club will do as much to advertise
Portland throucliout the entire country.
Not only are "the best people on earth,
members of old 142. determined to bring
back with them from l.os Anselea many
of the trophies ami prizes that will be
awarded by the Grand Lodge, but they
are going to see to It that the City tl
Portland, its resources and its roses. Is
made known to every Klk visiting the
C!Tlie plans for advert Ising Portland, for
entertaining brother Elks ae they pass
back and forth from ls Anseles. and lor
rapturing prizes at the reunion, were out
lined yesterday afternoon at a meeting
lield In the clubrooms. Some time ago
a committee of a tive workers of the
lodec was appointed for the purpose of
arranging the details and coming plans
for the visit of the SV) members of No. .
to Los Angeles and of boosting Portland.
The general committee to headed by u
llam McMurray. general passenger agent
for the Harrlman lines In Oregon. .
Will Travel In Sljlc.
If you think the Oregon KIks. especially
those from Portland, will not travel In
stvle to the reunion, just learn how they
will make the trip. Chairman McMurray
has whispered It out loud that the special
train to carrv the Portland Elks to Los
Angeles will be the finest special train
ever rolled out of the city. It will be
made up of fine standard coaches and a
diner, and the train crews, from the time
the train starts from the Union Depot at
Portland until it arrives in Los Angeles,
will be made up of men who belong to
the Kike ord-r. The schedule will be ar
ranged so that the trip through Southern
regon. where a number of short stops
will be made, will be In daylight, so that
none of the beauties of the trip will be
missed. Chairman McMurray also wants
It understood that the rate made to the
Portland Elks, of V:. Is the lowest excur
sion rate ever granted by any railroad in
the Northwest. The rate win e nu
for 3 days, with special stopover privi
leges for anv point in Southern Oregon
and- California, and tickets will be good
on anv trains returning.
This is the railroad end of the trip. Now
comes the bis things that the Elks are
going to do. In the first place, there will
lie at least 2M uniformed members of No.
142 In line on the day of the big parade
in Is Angeles. The uniform of purple
and white braid trimmings, is distinctive
ly handsome. These uniforms, with caps
to match, together with a Portland rose
prominently displayed, are so .handsome
that, once they adorn the manly figure of
even the homeliest member of the lodge,
he becomes an Adonis. This hand of Z4
will be thoroughly drilled and Is confi
dent of carrying off the prize fnrthe lodge
making the best showing.
All Klkdoin Is Invited.
The really big piece of good advertising
which the Elks intend for Portland Is not
confined to the showing the lodge will
make at Los Anceles. It Is vastly more
extensive. All together, there are 1129
Klk lodges in good standing, comprising
members. To each of these 113
lodges throughout the country will be
sent from the Portland Lodge a special
invitation to its member to stop over In
Portland, either on their way to Ixis An
geles or on the way home. These letters
will be read at lodge meetings. Already
manv of the lodges have arranged for a
stopover at Portland, and have notified
the members here of their intention. The
first lodge to accept Portland's invitation
Is Brooklyn. The visitors from that city
will spend one whole day here. July 8.
A special reception committee will he
appointed to meet the members of visit
ing lodges. The club will keep open house
and manv delightful side trips will be ar
ranged for visitors. It is the Intention of
this committee to arrange with Mayor
I ane for the use of the arch near the
depot. This arch. If it Is allowed to re
main, will be repaired and handsomely
decorated. This committee will also wait
upon the business Wn and urge that the
buildings and stores put on carnival re
galia for the occasion.
Details of Coming Trip.
The committee in charge of what Is
called the "Portland Angels' Club will
Issue weekly bulletins telling of the trip
and what the Elks Intend to do. The
round trip, together with the uniform, cap
and shoes, will cost SCO. A membership
Jn the club costs $10 and efeht monthly
pavmenU of . This is the way the trip
Is "paid for. Already over 60 have signed
the book at the Elks' Temple and Chair
man McMurray especially urges that those
who are going sign up quickly, so he can
t-11 just how many cars will be needed
for the Elks, their families and their
friends. He wants the trip to be an en
joyable one. and If at the last moment
more go than has been arranged for, there
will be no trouble about diners and tin
torn fortable crowding Hotel arrangement
for the local Elks have already been ar
ranged for at Is Angeles, but the Port
land headquarters will be at the Angeles
Hotel, where a suite of rooms has been
provided for.
The entertainment and the programme
during the reunion will be under the aus
pice of Ixs Angeles Lodge. No. . It is
lengthy, and In addition to trips, fire
works, chariot races, bronco-busting, clam
hakes etc.. there will he trips to Lucky
Baldwin s ranch, to Catallna Island and to
the other seaside resorts.
The committees who have.charge of the
P GeneraJ Committee William McMurray,
chairman: B. W. Quimby. S. J. Jones. T.
B. McDevltt, J. H. Dietz.
Publicity-George L. Hutchln, R. D. Can
non. P. R. Kelty.
Ways and Means E. W. Rowe, J. J.
Jennings. Leon Hirsch.
Uniform and Badge Jay H. Upton. A.
K Jenkins. John E. Kelly.
Headquarters-Harry F. McKay. Phil
Metschan. Jr.. Slg Wertheimcr
Auditing-J. P. Moffett, Alex Gavin. C.
DruT'corp Charles E. McDonell. H.
T. Ovlatt. J. B. Hibbaxd, of
The Meier
Offers as
20c Handkerchiefs 7c
Clean-np of women's Handker
chiefs, hemstitched, embroidered
and lace-trimmed effects; values
up to 20c each ; buy all you want
of them at, special, each.. 72
Wash Goods 9c Yd.
Great clean-np of Cotton Suit
ings in all good styles and col
orings; regular 20c and 25c val
ues, to be sold out at the un
usually low price of, yard..9
Eiderdown Comi'ifrs
23 per cent reduction on our
entire "stock of Eiderdown Com
forters, all new patterns, finest
qualities, great special values.
See them, on the Fourth Floor.
$5.00 Shoes at $3,85
Women's tan Russia calf Shoes,
button and lace styles; new
models, welt soles, Cuban heels, ,
all sizes; best $3.00 values, on
sale at this price, pair.. $3.85
60c Ribbons 38c Yard
15.000 vards all-silk Satin Rib
bon, full 6 ins. wide; in purple,
garnet, lavender, gobelin,- brown
and other good shades; best 60c
grade, on sale for, yard. '.38
$2.50410 Sashes V2
Sale extraordinary of beautiful
imported Sashes in silk, satin,
brocade and Dresdens; magnifi
cent styles, $2.50 to $10 values,
on sale at ONE-HALF PRICE
Sale oi Waist Nets
White and cream tucked striped
and Persian Nets for waists and
sleeves; 18 to 40 inches wide:
$1.50 values, the yard 98
$2.60 values, the yard. $1.98
In Cloak Department
Our entire stock of women's,
misses' and children's ready-to-wear
apparel on sale at clear
ance prices. Every garment in
our immense stock is included.
$4 to $7 Gloves $2.98
Great clean-up of fancy Gloves,
cape gauntlets, medallion effects
and novelty gloves; sizes 5 2 to
7; $4 to $7 values, at the mar
velously low price, pair. $2.98
Comforters at $1.63
Great sale of 1000 silkoline
covered Comforters, in the best
patterns and colorings; excep
tional value at, each... $1.63
Let us show you. Fourth Floor.
35c Collars ,16c Each
Women's embroidered starched
Collars, all sizes, 12 to 15; reg
ular 25c-33c values.each..l6r
Broken lines of women's Neck
wear at low clearance prices.
Mrs. C. H. Davenport Believed
Victim of Suicide.
Wife of Commission Merchant
Writes Note to Husband, Leaves
Young Son With lYienct and
Then Disappears.
Since Thursday morning Mrs. C. H.
Davenport. 2 Sin-rman street, has bpn
etranfrely missinfr. and all efforts to rind
a trace of her have been futile. It is
believed the river alone may solve the
mystery surrounding her disappearance.
That Mrs. Davenport was fully deter
mined to end her life is shown In a
letter left for her husband when she de
parted. And that she had carefully ar
ranged the details of her disappearance
Is also shown by the manner In which
phe left.
Soon after her husband left Ms home
Thursday morning. Mrs. Davenport pre
pared herself and 2-year-oUl son to go
down town. She took the boy with her
and left him with her friend. Mrs. Tessie
Smead, Fifth and Main streets. To Mrs.
6mead she said that she was going down
town on a shopping errand and desired
to leave the boy until her return. Mrs.
Smead noticed her guest acted queerly.
but paid little attention to It. At 10
o clock Mrs. Davenport went down town
and nothing Is definitely known of her
subsequent actions.
EftorU to' trace her movements on that
"Nemo" Corsets
Usual the Greatest
$1.00 'Kerchiefs 39c
Women's fine hand-emb'd, lace
trimmed and initialed Handker
chiefs; broken line of initials;
values up to $1.00 each, on sale
at this special price, ea..39
$1.25 laces 25c Yard
3500 yds. imitation Irish Cro
chet and Venise Laces. Edges,
Bands, Appliques and Net Top
Laces; 1 to 5 inches wide; val
ues up to $1.25, at, yard. 25
$6 Blankets $4.85 Pr.
500 pairs of high-grade White
Wool Blankets, with pink and
blue borders, full size; best $6
values, on sale at, pair. $4. So
See them on the Fourth Floor.
Nightgowns Reduced '
Women's fine cambric and nain
sook Nightgowns, in variety of
pretty styles; lace and emb'd'y
trimmed; $3.50 values. .$2.18
$4.00 to $6.00 values at. $2.98
65c Sheets 55c Each
Great special offering of 200
dozen extra heavy Bed Sheets of
superior quality cotton; size 81
by 90 inches; regular 65c val
ues, at the low Drice of, ea.55
$1.00 Ribbons at 43c
Great clean-up of all wide fancy
Ribbons in brocades and Dres
dens; handsome ribbons in great
assortment; values up to $1.00
the yard, on sale at, yd.. 43
15c Pillow Slips at 9c
Sale extraordinary of 300 dozen
good heavy cotton Pillow Cases,
size 42x36 inches ; best 15c val
ues, on sale at this marvelously
low special price, each....9J
$5 Blankets at $3.77
1000 pairs Oregon Wool Blan
kets, odd pairs and sample pairs
some slightly soiled; regular
$5.00 values, on sale at this un
usually low price, pair.JS3.7T
Combination Garm'ts
2-pc. Combinat'n Garments, cor
set cover and drawers, fine nain
sook and cambric, lace and emb.
trim'd; $2.00 values at. $1.22
$3.50 values on sale at. $1.98
$4.00 Collars $1.98
Irish crochet, real lace and Clu
ny effects in jabots, rabats,
stocks and collars; all fine new
novelty neckwear; regular $2.50
to $4.00 values, at, ea. .$1.98
$2.00 Carpets $1.58
2000 yds. Wilton Velvet Carpets
odd rolls, short pieces, enough
for 1 and 2 rooms ; best patterns
and colorings; regular $2.00 val
ues, at low price of, yd. $1.58
Sewed, laid, lined. Third Floor.
day have failed. However, a patrolman,
at Front and Morrison streets, reported
that he saw a woman answering her de
scription board a Brooklyn car. at that
point, at 1 o ciock. iuuiau.j
... i. .. atttA niiAprlv. ha said, so
queerly that he noticed her Intently. Her
movements were noi buuu, imv.:.-,
to cauro him to detain her.
w hnri hMn ill for several
wr. . . k. .
months. She recently underwent an
operation In a hospital ana uaa un
decidedly melancholy since that time. Be
fore, she icrt ner residence u" 11 .-tj
she wrote a note to her husband telling
him not to look for her, that a search
Mra. C. H. Davenport, Who Ha.
would be of no avail and that she had
determined to end It all.
Mr. Davenport Is a commission mer
, . i. . rMst rit the firm .f
cnaiiL uu - -
Davenport Bros. His wife U SI years of
y... .......... """
: ' i ::
" r I i ::
i . r- I t
I V - I t
:: f :
ii u y - r vS fit
by Mrs. A. L. Craig, Expert utter
Frank Store
Basement Bargains
'Regular 35o Salt and Pepper
Shakers, at this low price. 28t
Regular 35c Napkin Rings, on
sale at this low price, ea..28
35c fancy Candlesticks at. 272
$1.00 fancy Candlesticks. .79
40c 8-piece Nut Sets for..31
25c Silver Polish, special. .15
Our entire stock of Stoves and
Ranges on sale at low clearance
sale prices. Take advantage.
Let us show you. In Basement.
Corset Cover Specials
Semi-made dimity jCorset Cov'rs
new styles, $1.75 val.$1.19
Merry Widow Emb'dy for com
binat'n garm'ts, beautiful styles
$4.50 values, pattern. $2.98
$7.00 Shoes at $5.95
Women's imported Russia calf,
with brown suede tops, lace and
button styles, welt soles, Cuban
heels; regular $7.00 values, on
sale at, special, pair.. $5.95
$9.00 Shoes at $5.95
Great clearance of women's Na
poleon Boots in Russia calf and
lustral colt; button style, hand
made; regular $9.00 values, at
this low price, the pair. $5.95
Hosiery at 'A Off
off entire stock Outsize Ho
siery; all styles and grades, me
dium, light, heavy weights; cot
tons, lisles, lace, embroidery and
balbriggan. A complete stock.
$6.50 Shoes at $4.85
Women's full lustral colt Shoes
with tan, tuede or dull kid tops,
button style; high-grade foot
wear, regular $6 and $6.50 val-:
ues, at $4.85 a pair; in all sizes.
Great Umbrella Sale
$1.50 Umbrellas, each.. $1.19
$2.50 Umbrellas, each. .$1.98
$5.00 Umbrellas, each. .$3.98
$7.50-$10 Umbrellas, ea.$4.98
$10-$18.75 Umbrellas... $7.98
$2.50 Neckwear $1.29
Great special values in Rever
Sets, embroidered effects; beau
tiful styles; regular $1.75 to
$2.50 values, to be closed out
at this price, the set.. $1.29
$1.80 Carpets $1.51'
Odd rolls and short pieces Body
Brussels Carpets, suitable for 1
or 2 rooms; best patterns and
colorings; $1.80 val., yd. $1.51
Includes sewing, laying, lining.
Great Sale of Rugs
In the Carpet Department, on
the Third Floor, a great clear
ance sale of room-size Rugs in,
all sizes; Brussels, Arminsters,
Velvets, Wiltons, etc. ; see them.
Regular $30.00 Rugs, $21.00
Regular $32.00 Rugs, $22.85
Regular $27.00 Rugs, $17.75
Regular $45.00 Rugs, $32.65
Regular $50.00 Rugs, $36.78
Regular $25.00. Rugs, $15.85
All Oriental Rugs are reduced.
age. She Is beUeved to have been de
ranged when she disappeared.
The detectives have also failed to find
a trace of Miss Louisa Rice, who left her
home, 707 Gllsan street, three weeks ago.
She also left a note saying that she had
decided to end her life, and her disap
pearance has completely baffled the
Onlr On. -BKOMO QUEflNB"
for the signature or a. w. onwia.
World ov.r to Cur. a Cold In On. Day
rSSl-it It'i'ab".?.,., tai, dreLd own city .b.ttr.
uttvptj ct -RT1TWTTEN riRST
(See that Smith's name is over the door.)
both sides of
irp Smith's
There are markets on
Beef to Boil 5-6S7
Beef to Stew 5S6tf-7?
Beef to Braise 5M-7
Pig's Hocks g
Pot Roast Beef .-8C
Breasts of Veal 8"1X$
Veal Stew 0 lO
Keeks of Veal 8-10tf
Shoulder Roasts Pig Pork, end
cut 10
Shoulder Roast Veal 1(
Shoulders of Lamb
Shoulders of Mutton 1U
Hamburg Steak lO
Round Steak VffL
Bologna Sausage 1W
Blood Sausage
Liver Sausage
Head Cheese lt
Vals. in
Sale Boys' Overcoats
$8.00 Values at $3.69
Special lot of Auto Coats for
little boys 212 to 6 years of age ;
fancy dark gray mixed cheviots
and tweeds; all-wool materials,
well made; best regular $8 val
ues, on sale at, each. . .$3.69
Sale of Playing Cards
Steamboat Cards, package.. 9
Picquet Cards, package... 13t
liambler Cards, package.. 17
Bicycle Cards, package.. 23
Congress Cards, package... 43 &
Clearance sale bargains in Cut
lery, Scissors, Knives, Razors
and Manicure articles; see them.
$11 Waists for $3.95
200 Silk and Net Waists, plain
tail'd or fancy stj-les, yokes of
lace or silk-emb., plaited fronts
or small tucking, light arfd dark
colors; vals. to $11 for. $3.95
Sale of Boys' Reefers
$5.00 Values at $1.98
Special lot boys' heavy-weight
Reefers, in dark blues and grays
ages 3 to 6 years; regular $4
and $5 values, at, each. $1.98
Great Stationery Sale
An unusual offering of Initial
Stationery, fine linen paper,
beautifully embossed with your
initial; envelopes to match; on
-sale at this price. thebox.39J
Sale of French Vals.
Great clean-up of 1000 dozen
French Val. Edgings and Inser
tions, Y2 to 14 wide; best
patterns in great assortment;
values to $1.50, doz. yds..50
Grocery Department
1500 of the best Eastern Sugar
Cured Hams, regular 18c value,
on sale at, per pound.. 15y2
Figprune Cereal, package . .20
1000 tins of Sliced Pineapple,
regular 20c value, at, tin..l4
All groceries sold here at cut
prices. In Big Basement Store.
Sale Hen's Clothing
Our entire stock of men's Cloth
ing on sale at clearance prices.
Suits, overcoats, raincoats,
trousers, fancy vests, etc., in all
grades, included. Clothing De
partment, on the Second Floor.
$2.00 Carpets $1.55
Great sale of 2000 yds. Bigelow
Axminster Carpets, odd rolls
and short pieces; lengths for 1
or 2 rooms; best patterns and
colorings; regular $2.00 values,
sewed, laid and lined at the un
usually low price of, yd. $1.55
Carpet Department, 3d Floor.
$1.00 Nets 50c Yard
5000 yds. white and ivory Bun
galow Nets and Ivory Linen
fancv col'd madras, etc.
Best curtain materials; values
up to $1, on sale at, yd. .50
Mrs. Eliza Shepherd WanderJ De
mented Through Streets.
Believed to havo been temporarily de
ranged, aged Mrs. Eliza Shepherd, of
Castle Bock. Wash., was found by a po
liceman at Fifth end Bumside streeta at
an early hour yesterday morning. She
us on Alder street, but they are not ours.
name is over the door, and then you II
Fresh Leaf Lard 12y2
Dry Salt Pork 12y2
That famous Sausage that everybody
talks about Smith's absolutely
pure, clean and fresh Pig Pork Sau-
sage '2-
Frankfurt Sausage "VZ1
Better cuts of Shoulder Boast
Veal !21 '2?
Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12V '2J
Shoulder Roast Lamb JVzC
Shoulder Roast Mutton 12y2?
Sirloin Steak JStK
Tenderloin Steak ""VM
Pork Chops 12VzC-15C
Roast Pork JS-lf
Porterhouse Steak 12y2-l.o0
Rib Roasts of Pig Pork 15
Loin Roasts of Pig Pork 15?
from me ractu,
Good M
$30 Suits for $14.85
Women's tail'd Suits, long or
medium length; semi, tight-fitting;
plain, fancy tail'd, plain
gored skirts; serges, cheviots,
broadcloths; $30 vals. .$14.85
25c Stationery at 12c
100D boxes of Stationery, cloth
finish paper, plain and fancy
boxes; 25c values, atbox..l2
Great clearance sale of all bro
ken lines of Stationery of all
kinds. Take advantage of sale.
$25 Raincoats $8.85
Women's Rubberized Raincoats
in satin, silk and alpaca; loose,
semi-fitting and empire styles;
come plain and trimmed; best
colors; regular values up to $25,
on sale at the unusually low
price of, the garment. .$8.85
Don't fail to take advantage.
Drug Dep't Specials
Fairbank's Glycerine Tar Soap
on sale at, special, cake...3
Rainier Mineral Soap for..7
Jap Rose Soap for, cake...8
1-lb. bar Castile Soap for.ll
Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soap in
all odors; special at, cake..8
Honey, Glycerine and Elder
ilower Soap at, the cake...4
25c box Soaps, for, box..l9
Large bars pure Glycerine. .8
La Premier Castile, cake... 7'
Great Petticoat Sale
Our entire stock Silk and Satin
Petticoats, every new and pret
ty style in plain and fancy col
orings; values from $5 to $60
ea., at very low clearance prices.
Men's Fine Trousers
, Great special clearance sale of
our entire stock of men's fine
Trousers, custom-made; best
patterns and materials. Great
est values ever offered at the
following very special prices:
Regular $5.00 Trousers S3.89
Regular $6.00 Trousers $4.83
Regular $7.00 Trousers $5.48
Regular $8.00 Trousers, $6.29
Regular $9.00 Trousers, $6.97
Let ns show you the assortment.
Sale of Fine Portieres
Great sale of single Portieres,
one curtain of a kind; suitable
for couch covers or single doors.
Beautiful designs and colorings.
Values to $ 6.50, each, $1.85
Values to $10.00, each, $2.95
Fancy Lamps V2 Price
In the Big Basement Store, a
great clearance of all our fancy
Parlor Oil Lamps; great variety
'to select from; $5 to $22 values,
choice at ONE-HALF PRICE
Challies for 25c Yard
Great special offering 2000 yds.
r-Uoiiiec half wool, hand
some patterns in grand assort
ment: exceptional value at this
very low price, the yard..2o
had been wandering about the city since
9 o'clock Saturday night.
Mrs. Shepherd Is 77 years of age, and
had been visiting ait the Hall house, 414
Fifth street. She suddenly left the place
Saturday evening, and her failure to re
turn caused a report to be made at police
headquarters. Patrolmen were Instructed
to search for the woman, and detectives
were also assigned to the case.
No trace of her was found, however,
until early yesterday morning, when Pa
trolman Galbralta found her at Fifth and
Burnslde streets. She had evidently been
walking about the olty all night.
JVU.Sioi.rn avi-iiui. , T
m -m-t-fr A TTT11I tTP
SI. ntiX. jsunu wmmii.
"We sell meat far cheaper than they
get in the right place.
Rib Chops of Pig Pork. . . . v . .15
Loin Chops of Pig Pork 15?
Loin Veal 15?
Loin Veal Cutlets 15
Rib Veal Cutlets 15
Legs of Lamb 15
Legs of Mutton 15tf
Loin Lamb Chops 15
Mutton Loin Chops 15
Rib Lamb Chops 15
Rib Mutton Chops 15
Smith's Sugar-Cured Hams 15
Half a Ham, same price 15
Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Ba
con .16 and 17
Smith's Pure Kettle-Rendered
Lard. 5-lb.. pail 6o
Creamery Butter, jer roll 75
Fresh Esrirs. per dozen 45
Dressed Chickens....... .15 and 18
Sale Walking Skirts
Great clearance sale of Walking
Skirts in Panama cloths, serges
ftnd tweeds ; black, navy, brown,
light and medium gtay mixtures,.,
also checks and stripes; all new,
up-to-date styles and great bar
gains at the following special
prices take advantage of sale:
Regular $6.00 values at $2.88
Regular $7.00 values at $3.55
Regular $8.50 values at $4.85
You should see these garments.
Picture Sale, 4th Floor
Entire stock of framed and nn
framed pictures at low clearance
prices; all sizes and subjects;
all prices; on the Fourth Floor.
You should see the assortment.
10c Handkerchiefs 4c
Great odd lot of women's and
children's Handkerchiefs, ini
tialed .and hemstitched; 10c val
ues; buy all you want of them
at this very low price, ea..4
Great Clearance Sale
of Boys' Clothing
Great clearance sale of our en
tire 6tock of boys' and young
men's clothing suits, overcoats,
t o p c o a ts, trousers, raincoats,
rubber capes, waists, blouses,
etc., etc., all on sale at very, low
clearance sale prices. Do not
fail to take advantage of this
splendid offering. Let us show
you. On sale on Second Floor.
Oriental Rugs Reduc'd
Our entire $100,000 stock Orien
tal Rugs ou sale at greatly re
duced prices. Rare specimens in
large and small sizes. Largest
and best showing in the West
to choose from. Third Floor.
Special Sale Drawers
Cambric and nainsook Drawers,
fitted waistbands, wide flounces
and trim'd in lace and emb'd'y.
Regular 75c values, pair 49d
Regular $1.00 values, pair.73
Embroidery Bargains
10,000 yards of Swiss, nainsook
and cambric Embroidery, Edges
and Insertions, 1 to 9 inches
wide, at the following prices:
Regular 22c values, yard, 10
Regular 35c values, yard, 15
Regular 40c values, yard, 19
Wonderful values at low prices.
$3.00 Madras $1 Yard
Beautiful fancy colored Madras,
foreign materials, best style and
quality; 50 patterns; values up
to $3.00, on sale at, yd. .$1.00
Clearance sale of Lace Curtains.
$1.25 Silks 79c Yard
3000 yards fancy Silks, plaids,
stripes, Dresdens, etc.; light and
dark effects in large variety;
regular $1.25 values, on sale at
.this low price, the yard..79
, ..... nrnrilll-a fol-
i' or goou, . -.J.- .
inws fit must arrive In sweet, fresh
Veal, up to 130 pounos, c.
Veal, large, 6o to 8c
Pork, any size, 8c
Chickens, 14c
Turkeys, 22c
Ducks, 20c
Oeese, 12c to 16c
Dive chickens, 12 c
j .. .harim r.nnimls5ion ana
W MWfc
we pay you promptly.
We want all kinds of livestock, cat
tle, calves, sheep, lambs and hogs.
FRANK u. bium i rAi v.j
"Fighting the Beef Trust."
Portland, Oregon.