Bookkeepers ud Clerk. BY Tonne man. p'tlon as salesman for a re-":b.a hous-t, mill furnish A-l reference and fcKr.d. E -iotf. Orfponian. TYANTFTD Pitl-n by ft rattllrtt d a'.esrnan. 'J"2 yari o!fl; rO'J-1 rr-rence; at pr,-s--nt tmpioytd. K 4(.".. Or-toman. rXFFT-CI-APS bookkeeper of middle re st! od r-frrnce want situation. C Crejtontan. M lrelineoii. GOOD apprentice barber: be up tr fiamlua; ion bcfor- Or-(con State Hoard tms April; I ant J-:- In -- sn-p; a-u-trante-- e;etl. AMn-s H &i.. Ore icon! an. ihjne Hast CiO JAP AVERTS cmpTe want p.lM-ms. man flmt riaa cook. .re to do houwcr. -ltT or count rv Car- Japanese M. M's-lon Ma'.n k36I. tride of Wl'.iamotte Va!v. tfeairp a ood in on cbianuion. AD S-'i. Or-gopian JAPANESE cmiple want position, man flret-.-! cook only, w.f c" s5:ond Krl In family. AD Oro:n. yOT'NO Junane boy wants a noaUlon of aboolhov or to a- hou"work , speaks Enrlnh "well, rail Main .: Iff AN wan'- Janitor work by hour or day. Ph -! Ua:n lt-. M .DOLH-AOED man 3-;rs work. Inside work preferred. A C 441. Orrgp r.laa. JAPANESE contract ny kind of Job. 14 Coach at., city. 8. Ozaha. A 4358. poy f I wis.- work at nnr!n an ele vator, or b'i.boy. K 5S'i. On'fon:an. JATANKSK th poti-n 3 hour daily. N. Frank. 40 North 1st st. GEVFRAti neaf leerlne; hr day, Job r- ii r Thorn ;i-. n M ; n 1VV' ! BITTJATiONS WAMED-ITMALE. Bookkeeper and Steooaraphere, W A N'T ED Pwi 'on bookkepl".n. olher clnr-l.-al work, ( n -ra; l:y if required, mod erate rv P- Ho RTKNlRAFMR own rr mache corl- st ken;. di-tailn on rii:si. rh-r B 141. COMPETENT nfnicraph-r Amlrrn position, hrst of reference. P ;.;. (i:cmtnn. EXPERT atenopraphe-. s-eral year" expo nence M iv.-o. r.-cor.:in. FK'VINt br the day: gtrls' dresn-B. boy and pa.nt. '.aiiVs hom-ilriwos and itifts. rv reaiiia. Sunday and ee nirir., phone jJwH 40.Y La rY mhej y.n m wtr:c: will w for tl or do ch:;rea' eew ir.. J f w. O: w for ho- Fl l'ST-CIAS tJfwn-tKir a! hfJt fc,r;ca Idra Ar.n'.A. 142 ft'.h r..1 Main. p TR E s a M A K I V " and plain aewlr by the day. expreienred phone Tabor 4)3. Iozuetlra. rr?.fRi;) wo an Vh rf'r-nc want work tjr cay or nick. Man :'rt. H ae k eepera. 'MAN with 2 r?i!'-!rcn want p"llon e h.n-xM'; wouldn't mind iroinir In the ciin-ry; not too far eofaool. Addre-e O "r-rc-ir tan. ur FITT' ATtOV hy nurse; no objec t; :i to i ; p i t r i5-' .-: ; rT?nna! rtrfer c;rt:r Fih-r. T.iior 1.M7. N!'r- Jaranej (c:rl want pnitio. house work, lu family. A O . r'Sjnn. l WeelUi Deoua, IlETINFT y-urc woman. exoelnt pen-oral arpenrane, ;irt"n rtt'. or ire; i' Tlrrc d la rin gnun ; i'.o.i nc r. a ary; I.vrs at h tr. 1 -m ;! l'uun om iin Ct::L .an Aj-wIa't 'O. PAN' Y laiir.'1-v done a: home, work guar anteed, ilain SI4 n t !."E CVRTAIN3 wphd nnd --trethed. 1 k ft pair. Ph.-ne Main 5S-, A 4;vj. I-'"E I'tT.TAtNd -a.if.hrd and itrtchd to- pair Phone Vain .V.:". A 40:2. i 'iVI FTKNT rok wfVe work where ec- ."i- Jrl i.- k ;T W'".!:nn ' W A N T E I A C. K N T9 WANTED First-oias man In every town !u i.zrrn to i I " fl 'Z ; cheapest and -i t perfect tlisinfectant known; 55 to ; a day e.i:iy made. Iticzo Idsinfectant 'o . i:3;-a Wastiincton at., Portland, Or WANTED TO RENT. yofNd lady attending, business college warf p:c to work for room and board T Oregnian. WANTED Py g-nt'ernan. middle ace. flrst "as toard and room, wtti m.KTn con veniences; refrrences M .'S-i, nrfK-niisn. V'l N'J man. healthy, want open-air sleep trs ronni; give phone number. L 'r-gor.:an WANTED By two vonrg ladle. b-rd and room in privar amr v. rr.t rally located ; atate trma J 5. Orrgori:aa. a.ROOM m '.em h-n.. well lorat. over looking r.ver preVrrd. Il .V-J. Orgr-nlsn. VTA NTEI M ISC K I.I-N EOCS. WE PAY TOP P KICKS FOR Fl'INITI.'KR Ad anythlrg eif you ?o 1L PORTLAD AUCTION CO.. Ms i n fttSa. A m. WANTED To sharpen your knlve ?c, mora o5c. and r-t urnd ti same ! n T.e Keen Edge Co.. 1'ostoflloe box 65, Portland- WANTED Men's cast-rff ciothlnr sad ahoe; we elao buy houst hoi J furs:hings. hfchet price jsiu. Ca.i a: the "Fair Xeai.' AJ ftl ec. North. Pba Main J7X FOPD AUCTION CO. 'Tays the pr: -e" f r cecond-hand furni ture East fc"- U -all. K IOH EST PP.I'ES paid for furniture. Phon East l-ui- Jii Hawthorn ave. UPOT run paid for your furniture; prompt attention aiwa given, phone East lOd. CLOTHING Clothing. Phon Mala 4X. Higheat price oald IS N. 3d at. FOR KENT. Fsxnlftbed Room ft. HANDSOMELY furanhtd suite room, all modTn con enieaot, a:King diat;ui'. Vt aide, giuiicmn oaiy. lnone Main. it'KLY t,inii.:etl front ro-im. all modern nmvilnc,'. le for 1 or i K''"l - ni.n. vnikiiitf distance. U'Mt bid., i'aun. Ma.n bT7 IHE I;l'CKINiHAil. Yamtilil opp Port. i.oU Hotel hirfproof bulidlnc; ail mod rn cudv-hIiii.'CS, specli.l rate, to perma nent fuuu. A- H Pracnu proprietor. hOTEL. KKNTON. letn d Washir.ftoa iJ.i;rn roon.e. ur... ar.J en ,u;t; a: boueekrepir.. ; Kmter. private end fre rale. ijnuUie. PmciQc 44. HOT!0L Bt'SHMABK. Waahlnittrn ii- 17th. Hr-ciM fnralehed rvon--.. ,'.rjc or .n .-ilte; a'l mod-ra cvb .nlnc.; Si wrkT "t. A 2'7. Ma.a So47. HIS DEAVEII, 12th nd :r-hall .t. Kurnl-::ed rooms, b-st in city for mony; S2 per week; moUt-rn; free baths: no dog. THE ESTEsi :.d rtemt. reaaonaoie; re furniture, tel.t-rione acj bath, free. 37. biark. eo-Eer H.h. SI. -a. Maud J- Eetea. NK EI.T furnl-hed. comfortable. IlRht room. 11 tT 5 heat. bath, free phone. No. 2 14t:i at. N.. near Wajhlnstou XICEt-T furn1-!--l rhi r.e an i tat::; ei room,: centml; free rery convenience. 4.7 A.uar t.. trar et. Vf"ST dVslntble furr'.fd roorrfl, a!I oon-ee-mer.r.-. ok In; i. 473 Eaat OaiL phona Eaat 4U3. HC'TEL. JSOSEMOND. 7 H 3d at , cor. Plna. furnl-hed. H. Lvlna. prop. TFB RANDOLPH. 8d and Columbia, roome; heat tath: toe to 81 Car. 8. 84 .. ATTRAI'TIVB room for a'nHomtn In mod ern apar-jnent. central. ,1!i0 Ciay. A SIGHTLY room, heated by furnace; use of bath and phone, tlast looi 4C6 Larrabee. THB ELWOOri Newly furn!aled. : to ti: alao tralefft roorna -4- Mo. rt.oa THE AS'GEI.ES. 8th and Jefferaon. modtra room and apartment; both phouea. . ' r VIV,NCHr . BUSINESS UUtECTOKy. 5 " j roit REM ' 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. ?i ' ' . TORRENT. I BKNT. I , Curios. - I . . I ITnnalrfnlnr KOOIH4. I .a - itmunM KMNIU. I - I THE AUDITORIUM. Now Oi-en. 2)SH Third t. H e.ery modern Improvement. Trior ojsly rerovatrd and ui:dr new manage mert; te-im heat; hot and cold water in f.ory room; private bath; elevator; pe rial rate to good. permaJint room era THK LARP.ABEE. 227 -Larrmbee t. At tractive, newiy furnished, thorouffhlj mod ern ray-window rooms, handsome rr bntldln-r. eieotrlrlty. !eam heat, hot and cMd water every room; cail-bella. bath; wa.klng distance; 75c day. 2.o0 woek. up, THE BABTON. -Sth ana Alder; ew ma afmen:; newly renovated throuchout; .0 cuts! tie roon.-: e:eam beat, electric light, etc - roc-.nv $10 month up: uite with run nine Ki'.er. $22 -a to 430; clerant pubilo (axior; ptoae and bath free. THE NEW flCOTT. fpverth. Aokeny and P.urnalde: In the hrart of the city, everything brand new; flrest room in town; an Idaal Wlntaf borne; rat reasonable; free bue to aI trains cheap; Nlce'T furnished, heart of the city; e!eo tric !ght and gaa, at the Martjuam, 6th an1 A.iior. KnmUhrd Koom In prtrate Fftmily NtfKI.Y f'.imlst-M fmnt room; eam heat. Vtr.t pf"n'- wa.kina distance; aultable for one or two. S l-:h t. FURNISHED room for -entleman. wltn bath. e-AO week. 2iS 24tlw t. North. - $!0 Li-ht. well-fnrnlfhed room; gentle-man preferred. Everett t. NICE furnished, clean and new room; rea sonable rent. 432 3-1 at., f at C. NEA'I-Y furnished room, heat nd "hot water. 474 Alder t.. cor. 14th. PLEASANT front room for rent, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Wl Irving. $1 WEEK, nicely furnished room, privst family. 77 Kooaeveit t- Main 8174. n.RNIPHET rooms for rent, prtrate fam- i!v. A 1 N. lUh r. Hir ELY furnished room for rent. 89 Park trrL Fl f'.M.HKD room for rent. 4rJ2 Oar sL Room With Board. TWO larre. liht. nowly furnished rooms, elei-trir Ugh, furruif hrat. use of phone nd b-tth, home cok in e, near carllne, de !ral:f nalchborhood. 741 Hoyt t. PORTLAND Women' Union. 2th year; rooms with board, on of ewing-roorn nd llbrarr; Women' Elfhnr.ce, Mrs Elia Rawllngs. tiupt.. 610 Flanders st. THE fOIXIAU 13 10th at , cor. Morrison. Fin larite rooms, t horoujfhly iieam heated, Iowat rate, beat pla.- In the city for a home. THE MNDEl.U I1 Market Nicely fur-m-thed rooms, bom cooking; I'cim heat, electric Ha-hta, bath, phone. I weekly. THE MAK1.TN, W a h 1 n g to n aa (J 1 7th. wel 1 furnisted rwma. hot and cold water, home cooklr.g. permanent or transient. TH E MORRISON. fiSS Morrlpoil St.. family hotel, modern, new mar.agment; board op ticnal; bt tabl board; i-rlcea moderate. Jn h i.MS. rinle an 1 en suite, modern ooa venlrnres. 4.2 Morrison, cor. 13th. lUrf'VS and board: hot ftd cold watr. The uxark." 2i Jlth. Koom With Hoaxd la private Fmrnlly. RK.'PEfTABhH family would board on or two children; gd home; rate reaaon-atie- i'hone 1 abor 4 J 7. TH E ( LAY, cor. 2l and Clay, nicely fur-ni-hd. douh! and em: rooms. Ith board, oomforlable, homelike. 10.50 wk. S N. 14TH iT. Koom with board, gentle men only Young man wants roommate, $2 week. W N. 14th U ROOM r two; breakfast, dinner, plain ashiiiff. home comfort; $18. Eaat ldyd. piraMnt furr.nce-heated room and board; Meal homo. 4t Main at. Apartment. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Colnmbla, easv talking dl-tance. new. handsome brl.-k building. In 2. 3. 4-roora family upartm-iitb. private batn and reoepiton bail, alexin heat, hot water, elevator, free ph. ne. Janitor ervlce. maximum of con venlenre. coniplotely furrflnhrd. reaIy for h.iisrketping; om unfurnished; rent rea sonable. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th end Jefferson eta; unfurnished 4 -room apartment. Feb. 1".. 1th bat li ; new. modern and fully equipped for convenience; rnt reasonable; location save carfare. Apply to Janlto. Mam aru6. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room reidnce apart menu, each ha vine; private vestibule and bath, steam het. hot and cold water, icns ranse. r frig-ra;ora window snadee ard s--re'fLS. telephone and Janitor swrvlce. Apply Janitor. IMh and Couch. HANOVER APARTMENTS, King t. near Washington Ready for occupancy Feb ruary 1; room, wall beds and all mod - ern conveniences, to $30. See Janitor on premises. Fon I: FIST 3-room apartment, furnished ; rent $14 per month; sidtable for couple v. ithout children, c. F. Pfluper A Crt , room 14. Mulkey bldg , 2d and Morrison street. THE Westminster Apartment elepant four room unfurnified ajvartment. v. Ith private bath, strfim hrat, hot and cold water, free phon? eleator. Janitor service. FOit RFNT Nlrely furnished 4-room apart ment, a.l modem conecnience. five mln utrs wak from town. S fiWl. Oregonlan. Bl'KML Apartments, 14th and Salmon; 8-r-m arartment, nicely furnished; private phone, e.evator, etc. THK LL'X'iK, cor. 13th and Clay; fiirnlied 3-ro-m arartment; private bath, aalklng distance; 2.5uu COLUMBIAN end Victortan. t and e-roo-ra modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. $37 60 ?2 Everett, 5-room, eteam-heated modern. W. L Morgan. 822 Falling bldg. " list. Ft K KENT r.-rwir. new modern upper fat. Fast 27th and Clinton; 2 carlines; ivnt $15. J. H. Imhoff. Phone East . TOR RENT Mod.rn. up-to-dat. upper flat. 6 room mad 2 room. In attic, flrrl nd Jurnmce. 44-1 S Park it.. 37 SO. Phon. Eul 1431; TatjOrTtfl FLAT, room Tr.O llort. 13. V'.M 6 room.. T4i'j Nurthrup. $ M. Flat. . room, ."'vl Xorthrup. I'.I. C. H. K.'IlEbU :.M W ahir.ton. THIinE-ROOM rit. r.Mtly fnrnlshfl. with bath ml i'hone; al.o one 0lnf ,a room, tiu'-, N. ls.h. rear IJuy. EIX-r.C'OM fiat, 'l modern: Uo furnltur. for ai; Ita. ctrlc llgbt. furnace; a nap. mut ell. Call 81 N. 17th t. Fi'R KENT February 1. 7 -room lower fat. hurda.,il fkiora. iocatloa -vary beet. Is'ob lilil. Ham o-'AU PLEASANT, modern. 5 room. 127 Kast 17tn. near Mornaon; adulta; raf.r.ncea. Phone It 2.:-J. THE ROOSEVELT 6S Kearney, near 21.t 8-room. rent reasonable W. L. Morgan. r'allini bids- FOR RENT 5-room. atrlrtly modern flat, r.-nt $:;0 pr month. M. E. Lee, room 411 C'orhett bld. FIVE-ROOM modem Tat. Weet Slda; wajklni dl-nanc. Ta&tfart, 416 Chamber of Com merce. t MODERN" flat..: walking- dlatancw; West :..-: i room.. 830 and 8-3. U. Q. Wood ward. 104 I'd. MODERN' 5-room Tat; waJkln durtanc. West (-Ma. A S390. LOWER. rooma. modem. 42 Clar -. near lllh. F1VP-ROOM rjit. cloaa In. Inquire 130 Hall atrect. NHW 6-room lower flat, nice location, close In. Inquire 6- Everett. 300 S 14th 2i. 8 rooma, Z famlllea. Phone Main 74S0 or H'JO. lloueekrevlna; Rooma. S FURNISHED houekeepln rooma. com plete; pantry, bath and fr.e phone; no children. 307 North 19th. ONEONTA. 1 S7 17th. near Tarahlll. Z and 3-room furnli-hed anlte. (gas range, hot and cold water!, heat,1 phones and bath. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th, completely furnished housekeeping rooma, reasonable. THE ELMS Furnished and 8-room apart ments; heat, bath. 11 14th srt U-TPrTKEEPINa and slncle rooma, close In. The Gale. 291 a Grand ave. THE MORNING OREGONIAX. MONDAY, JANUARY 2.1, 1009 THE BEAVEK. 12th and Mar.hall U Newly furnl.hed for housekeeping. In cluding a-aa ranrea. electric llchta. hot water, hatha, laundry, reception-room, ail free- furnl-hed apertmenta 815 per month up: .Ingle houekecpln rooma 82 5 week up; beet In city for money; ahort d.s tanc. from Vnlon Depot. Take "8 or ltith-at. car. north, get off at Marshall at. THB HOWUSD APARTMENTS, H Waahlngton. cor. 20th Nlceiy feral, had houeekrcplar rooma: (aa range, not water free, free phone, both floor, alee ultee from 812 pp. ' WELL-FTRVTPHED rioti.elteeplng J-JI0 month; 8 for 812. 81: 'f'"? rooma. J 123 wk.; we.t .Id. rleer. 384 . N. 29th. lflth-.t. car to 26th. south half blocK. THE MILNER. 3504 Morrlswn. cor. Park: furnlehed houwkcfplng apartments; iea tor. batliA et-am heat, hot and cold water In each apartmenL BEAfTIFIILLT located oay-window. untar nished 2-rcom aulie In centrally '"eate? apartment-house, 3tflH Jeffereon. cor, ota. HOl-PEKEEPING rooms, elnit'.e or en suite, reajorable: free phone anj bath; every convenience. 427 Alder et.. near 11th. Housekeeping Roome In Private family. F.R RENT Pulte housekeeping rooma. right In town: reasonaWe: 818 and 8!; these are pnod. Inquire 7u6 Swet;snd bldg. or phone Malr GD44. 412 10TH 2-room housekeeping suites, 1st and 2d floors. 818 and 8: all large, out side rooms; bath on .ach floor. 1S8 13TH 818 for two pleasant rooms, com pletely furnished; bath, phone, range; adults. ' TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms with aJ -ve. gas. bath, phone; iJ. 431 Wee Park. LARGE, llrht. nicely furnished hmisekeep ing suites, single rooms 83. 3te Alder. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooma 212 North st. Main 42:l. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 87 N. 14th. bet. Davis and Kverett. HI-;II-("I.ASS snite of room..; kitchen privi leges; modern reel-levce. as Morria,.n M. TWOloely furnished housekeeping rooms; also sloping-room. la 10TH. corner Salmon, 3 nicely furnished houoekeepine rooms; 2 beda FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sin gle room. Main 7:tl. TWO rooms for housekeeping 810 a month. US 6th St. " TWO furnl-'hed hour-ekeeplng room.; no chil dren. 103 14th. cor. Taylor. 602 FRONT. 8 clean, light furnlehed houee keeplng rooma; modern; 81" month. WHEN TOU MOVB you always nee BOMB tUmi?AT NO-RENT prleea: the eav lng will exceed cost of moving. WK OWN OUR OWN BUILD1NO; OO eupy one-half: collect rent on balance. WORGAN-ATCHLEf FUP.NITUr.K CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone Eaat 292. 6-HUOMKD, well furnished house, modern ct'iivfiilences. at 1143 Hawthorne. Inquire 1HS East asth St.; Tabor 921. Dry wood In stono basemont for sale; raspberries, strawberries. blackberries. cherry and plum trees; roee buehee; place for chtckena and garden; $-8 per mouth. MOUKKN house of 7 rooms, with lot 60x100 at rea-.onablo rent to a deslrabl. tenant; location E. 80th. near Hawthorne av. Thla means good car service. Apply to J. Kraomer. 0 Fifth at HOt SE. 7 rooms. 7M Kearney. $28. Hotue 10 r.KJni. 712 Hoyt, 4i. 11,-uee 7 rooms. 4i Overton. 8. House 7 wins. 174 E.-ut 6th. 8-'0. C. H. KORELL, 211 Wae4ilngton. 818 New. modern, B-room shingled bunga low, electric lights, phadoe. on carllne. Phone A 31sil. Inquire 124 Nebraska St. 6-ROOM cottage: bath, electrlo lights, etc.; walking distance; 8'C Call 435 East 7th at. North. , 6-ROOM house, bath. gaa. 48 E. Flanders, I-J0. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. ' A NEAT, modern B-room cottage; eleutrlclty, furna'-e and porcelain bath; large grounds; rent $20. Apply room 801. The Dkum. GOOD 8-room house with large yard. 844 Horthwl-k et.: rent $18. Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 2-9 Stark. MODERN 6-room cottage In good repair, close In. No. 467 East Everett. Phone A 484 1. NEW 8-room house. No. 012 E. Alder cor. 30th. Key at 285 Waahlngton near 3d. Koom 7. TWO 6 room house, remodeled. 697 Everett, bet. 21t and 22.1. Bheehy Bros. Main FOR RENT 6-room modern house. 606 E. Ash. ,27.30. B-P.OOM house gaa, bath and shadea. 1S6 Meade st. Inquire 1R4. GOOD 8-room house 14th and Overtcn; rent reasonable. Apply 204 V, Fourth street. 6-ROOM cottage, $22. gaa and bath. Inquire 444 11th su T-ROOM house for rent. Inquire 113 Ablng- ton bldg. MODERN 7-room house, Portland Heights, by owner. O. F. Cooke, Main 9.142. NEW house B room, and bath. 71 E. 19th st. North. Apply 1S2 tith at. Main 6278. Furnished Houses. 53 X. 22d et. 8-room furnished, term of month to suit tenant. Cal mornlnga Phone Main 11S. NICELY furnished 8-room home, electrlo lights, gaa piano. Call between 2 and 6. etfl E. Ash st- MODERN 6-room house, Irvlngton, com rl'telv furnished, piano, 2 carllnea, $43. East 21 IS, mornings. BEUTIFUI. 6-room flat, furnUhed; fine furnace, beautifully loo.ited 1 blork from Morrison line. Phone East 6042 evenings. FIVE-RiOM fumlsfced cottage. 4o9 Stark .; rrnt ft5. Ic-iulre Western Saivage Co. Reference required. HOME completely furnished; 10 months' lease, responsible parties. $0. Taylor. 331 Montgomery. FOR RENT FurnJthed flat with heat; mod ern convenlenrea. Apply 105 13th. FOR RENT Furnished house, with water, phone and piano. 10. 695 Water st. 6-HOOM well-furnbvhed cottage for rent. Call Woodlawn 327. 638 Gantenbela. ''EVEN-ROOM furnished house, available till July 1. 654 Irving st. Phone Main 13S3. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electrlo lights, central. Inquire 178 a 7th. - Houses for Rent Furniture for HaH. B-ROOM furnished flat, bargain, all or part of furniture, with 3 permanent boarders. 2'X'i Margin at. S-ROOM flat, cozily furnished, $30. or will sell very cheap, frevlllia, Flat A, 225 Mar ket. M. 51t. NICE furniture of rooms for .ale cheap; owner leaving city. Main 8397. FURNITURE of a 6-room flat for sale; flat for rent. 638 Everett St. BARGAIN 812S takes furniture 6 rooms. Most evil that week. 200 Sheridan. SEVEN-ROOM modern house. 871 Kelly at- Phone Main 4434 or A 44 64. Stores. . FOR RENT Al location for millinery ana drtmHklrg: rnt reasonable; building now under construction. Apply 71 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT Al location for a dyer and cleaner, In building now under construc tion: reasonable rent. Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT Fine. ' large corner store, best location in Kern Park. Ml. Pcott line. In quire at 37 Walnut St., HaielwlNie sta tion, or 268 Burxslde art. FOR RENT Fine location for lee cream and confectionery parlor; building under construction. . . , . Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg 6ECOND floor loft, BoxlOO ft., to rent: 100 feet from Washington at., on Fifth. D. D. Darling. 104 Fifth st. BRICK building. 106 First st., near Wash ington. 8-year lease. Inquire within. fr"TO RE with 4 rooms and bath. 851 Macadam at., corner Pennoyer; 312.50 month. 2-STORY building. 25xK'0. Front, between Yamhill anU 1'a.j lor. 163 Madisoaa FOR RENT Storeroom 108 'Union ave : 4 storerooms la new 3-story brick building on Grand avenue, one block south or Morrison st. For particulars, inquire of Hartman & Thompson. FOR RENT Fine location for laundry of fice In building now under construction; moderate rent. Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg. Offices. THE OREOON7AN BUILDING has a few choice offices for rent. Will arrange rooms to suit permanent tenants. Prospective tenants are referred to room 201 for In spection of offices. - DESIRABLE suites, single offices and desk room, centrally located. Raielgh bldg.. 8231, Washington, cor. 6th. 2 OFFICE suites: best location In city for dentist or real estate. Phone Main S028. DESK ROOM to rent In very desirable of fice. 717 Swetland bldg. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch i bldg. Apply Room 501. ROOMiNG-HOCSE OPPORTUNITIES. MRS. LENTS' Rooming-house Agency Roominit-houses. all sires and prices, Phone Main 8560: A 3475. 430 'j Wash. BCSrNESS CHANCES. LEGITIMATE! BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (established 1SP6) fumlslm free Information on oppor tunities in mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or country. THE AJJES MERCANTILE AGENCT. 403-4-6 Swetland blclg. , WATER-POWER electric plant and flour mill, lighting two growing towns big coal mine Just struck within one mile of plant, towns sure to double In a few years, a great bargain if sold for cash by March 1. 1B0K. Address consolidated Electrlo Co John Day. Or. FOR SALE or trade for realty, the best es tablished ladles' and gents' clothing, boots, shoes and furnishings store in tne Willamette Valley doing strictly cash business; $3000 cash or realty will nandie It. AC 427. Oregonlan FOR Stl.Fl Grocery and meat market In fine suburban loo-atlon. doing a good busi ness, will stand close investigation; nno living rooms In connection. Invoice about 820O0; bst buy In city. L B!8. Orega nlan. CHICKEN RANCH Partner for a chicken ranch; will clear you $1.-0 to $'-0 per month: satisfaction KtiaruiHeed and vrry little money required Call room .115 Lumber Exchango bids. 2d and Stark sts WANTED rartner to take charge and manage an up-to-date light manufactur iiip business; guarantee salary of 810 per month: $750 cash required. If you mean business call at once. JJOO -rjraboejart. HOTEL that will clear you 8-J0O per month, you may stay thore free of charge until you are thoroughly convinced; $1100 re quired, fall room 313 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. ACTIVE mnn every town In Oregon. Wash ington. Idaho. $",23 month; small amount money recjuiroif. fully secured; no rlHK. Address 218 Commonwealth bldg., Port land. Or. T0U CAN GET action on all mining and Industrial stocke and bonds through head quarters at Catterlln Co.. suite 3. Chamber of Commerce. . We buy. aU or trade. Call or write. t torn choice of rooming-houses, ail kinds and price..; 44 rooms, new house, rurnlture and carpets. 8 years' lea.-: a 6-room f tat, worth 8fj0, will go for JCOO. i21 Board of Trade. CORPORATION wants reliable man to take an Interest In the business; will pay a good salarv; money fully secured. Par ticulars room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. CASH BUSINESS cleartn-r $350 per month: will hear closest Investigation; $1500 will handle It; satisfaction guaranteed. Call room 313 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and tit ark stsj WANTED Mllwaukle reeds a doctor and a dentist: no dentist la city: fine opening . for both nebfCMons. Address Record, Mll waukle. Or. FOR AI.E Half Interest grocery and mar ket doing good business, mostly ca-sh; prefer partner Instead hired help; Invoice about $1S00. Address H 5S0. Oregonlan. WE have for sale the best paying rooming house In the city. If you have the cash and want a good thing be aure and see this. 272 Stark St. A BARGAIN Rooming-house, 44 rooms. learlng aoove expenses e m"i'ii, .-v will handle. owner. Aiam cjJi. Harrison. FOR SALE Sawmill, capacity 25.000 feet per day. commanding monopoly of n good local market. Inquire at East 8th and Yamhill sts. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale In good Valley town; will Invoice about $11,000; good reasons for selling. Box 5d, Dayton. Or. AN up-to-date grocery for sale by owner at Invoice price: best location In city, doing 33000 per month; must sell at once. Ad dress K DSD. Oregonlan. 19 ROOMS, centrally located, well furnished, steam heat, up to date, transient house, always full: owner going away offers a bargain. $2000. AB B6j. Oregonlan. WE ran locate you In paying business, be fore buvlng be sure and see us. Kinney ft Stamph'er. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 44S6. WELL-ESTABLISHED general merchandise store in one of the best locations In the rltv; will invoice about $0000; good lease. J 0S6. Oregonlan. A STEVDY sober man with $1250, can buy half Interest 1n good paying confectionery, ice cream parlor and lunch room. D 531, Oregonlan. BEST buy near In; furniture of an eight room hoia-e; a snap; $5fx If taken this wtek. See owner. 2U;a 4th St.; no agents. KESTtURANTS The best buys In city; lit tle money will handle either of the 6: all on bue-v streets. Call Monday, 721 Board of Trade. NINE rooms. West Park and Morrison, cheap today, must go;' what will you give? Snap; might trade; money maker, call 703 f wetland bldg. FOR 8ALE A grocery and meat market paying big profits, about $2000; also a grocery where location and prloa will please you. 272 Stark st CAPITAL. Invest In Valley lands, set to fruit; guaranteed profit, 00 per cent to 300 per cent, on or before 5 years. Mark Holmes. RlckrealL Or., route 1. REAL ESTATE man wants partner to ahow land: can make $150 to $J'0 per month; no experience necessary and very Uttlo cash required. C 43S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery, old-established busi ness, on paying basis, good corner. E 454. Oregonlan. $2000 CASH will buy '4 Interest In cash business paving not less than $400 per month. Address L, 594. Oregonlan. $100 Partner in good paying and fast In creasing business; no office tvork; good Income assured. D 528, oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 125 Ablngton. FOR 6ALE Half interest In profitable cor poration at Lewlston, Idaho, for $8500. Gruber, 824 Board of Trade bldg. A CONFECTIONERY that must be sold soon, as party must go and look afler other holdings. 272 stark st. AN exceptional chance for a good man to secure an Interest in one of the best real estate offices In the city. 72 Stark. ARE you considering entering buslaees? Have excellent openings In various lines. 6-J6 Swetland bldg. AGENCYIfor a specialty; requires some can vassing: pays i200 month; $400. W. W. Payne. 1210 Williams ava RESTAURANT cheap it taken at once. 833 1st St. L 577. Oregonlan. FURNITURE store for sale; best location on East Side. Inquire' B37 Williams ave h'FOR SALE A restaurant at a price that cannot Ian to suit you. zia oiara ot. SMALL boarding eole stable for sale, or would take partner. AE 435, Oregonlan. GROCERY store .for sale. 641 1st at. Phone Main 487. A 6400, WILL sell restaurant, doing paying busi ness; everything O. K. Box 3S, Vale. Or. WILL trade lot or lots for your equity In any thing that has a value. 271 biark sc. THEATRICAL BUSINESS. . We have a first-class theatrical propo sition In a town of 14.000 population, has no competition and has contracts signed for all the leading p'.ays on or visitinj the Coast. For particulars call or write W. Lawrence & Co.. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. v A GOOD- shoe business, also a good furni ture business, these businesses are gooa paying propositions and reasons the same for selling, vix.. to purchase stump lands on which to live nnd start orchards, r or p-rsons wishing established paying busi ness these can t be beat. The Slough In vestment Co., Elgin, Or. CIGAR STORE that will clear you $125 per month above all expenses, good lease and low rent. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldi.. 2d ar.d St:irk sts. I SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. THE UNDERSIGNED will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise located at Cowllts (5 miles east of Wlnlock), Lewis County. Washington, amounting to .U6.02, as follows: Boots and shoes. $1-74 04; dry goods and notions, $1810. U3: jewelry $107.20; druirs and medicine, $",03.20; stationery, $49.50; queensware and woodenwarr. $2'.)4.40; hardware and Im plements, $370.55; groceries, tobacco, etc., $1104 30; store fixtures, J2S1.S0, up to 12 r-elock noon of Thursday. January 28. IHO'J. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and each bid must be ac companied bv a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount ofTered. Inventory may be seen at my office and goods may be Inspected on application at Cowlltx. It. L. Snbln, 7 First St.. Portland. Or. OFFICE of C. Q. M., Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. Jan. 20. 1909. Sealed proposals In triplicate, will be received here or at offices of the respective Post Quartermas ters, until 11 o'clock- A. M., liO meridian T'nie. Mv 1. l;m:. for furnishing fuel at Forts Egbert and Gibbon. Alaska, for fiscal vear commencing July 1, 1909. In formation furnished here or by Quarter master at posts. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: '-Proiosa Is for Flxtl at ." ad dressed to Post Quartermaster, Fort Eg bert or Fort Gibbon. Alaska, or Chief Q. M-. Vancouver Barracks. Wash. Mlsceltaneona. WARNING. It having S?en brought to my knowl edge that some person or persons are ropresetitlng themselves ns my ngents and collecting money in my name for the 1-alntlng of pictures. I hoivby state I have no agents In my employ whatever. SIGUID ALLAN DElt, Artist. 350 V, Morrison St. WANTED To learn the whereshouts of Alrnan Harris, formerly of Wisconsin. Inter in Woo. 11, urn. Or. Son desirous of any Information; reward for valuable news. Addrnrs either son. V O. Harris. Osakla Minn., or Wm. Griffith, Oregon city. . NOTl"E I wilt not be responsible for any debts contracted- by my wife. 8. A. cason. January 23. 1000. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Paclfllc Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $$$$ $ $ Money loaned quickly and privately on real, personal and chattels, diamonds and Jewelry, and on all valuable collateral Mortgages nnd contracts bought EASTERN CAPITAL. This company Is organized for the pur pose of providing re:idy money at the lowest cost. Our rei-ayment plan will suit nu. You can arrange to repay In monthly or weekly eay payments. All business strictly confidential. cail or phono Main 204. U. S HEAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12, Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. $$$$$$$$ MONEY. MONEY. . MONEY. BALAKY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. LET US BE YOUR HANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES. NO MOUTOAGH NO INDOHSER. AliSOLUTELy NO SECURITY. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO 704 LEKUM BLDG. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Kothchlld Dldg.. cor. 4th and Waeh. The recognized o:ink of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machlnurt, engineer or en-.ploye can obtain ttiuliey of us ua his note without security. $15 return to u. $4 a Mo. $30 return to us $tj a Mo. $50 retura to us $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, lurnlture, etc STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; buslseds confidential. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wx.y. $73 return to us....$2o.o0 $10.00 $5.00 $50 return to ue.... 13.35 . 8 23 :-,0 return to ue S.uO 4 00 8 00 $;5 return to u 4.00 2.00 100 2o McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment leans on pianos. furniture, warehouse receipts, torscx. ineurance poli cies, a.arlui and ail kinas of securities. NEW EltA LOAN & MTU. CO.. 403 Swet.and blug. NOTICE to Title Guarantee & Trust Bank claim holder; We pay almost par for ac counts In any amount to 2j,0O0 for a cava Parties liviug out of town can send books or certificates through any bauis Cuhn Bros.. Ib0-ls2 1st St. ON Improved city property or for building purposes; 8 to 8 years' time; liberal repay ment privileges; money advanced as bul.d Ing prog rts. Th. Equitable, 2d and Biark sta . MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary; best sys tem tor railroad, streetcar employee, me chanic and- others. F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg , 2tuV Washington at. MONEY advanced salaried people asd others upon tceir owa names without necurlty; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; save yours'! uioasy by gelling my terms first. TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchasge Bldg. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and Jewelry. E. pierce. 316 Alisky bldg. MONEY to loan In large and email sums al to 8 per cent on Improved real estate. PORTER & FRENCH, 607 Commercial bldg. WB loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest, for long or short tllr,. a. 4. M. Uelovags, Jewelers. 2o W aahlngton t WE BUY ' foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee, Oregon Trust bank accounta Lewis & Co., 251 Washington st. LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per cal security. W. A. Hathaway, rooia 10 Washington bldg. MilnJui 100 000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to suit 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 206 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. 8j0 000 TO LOAN large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. V. G. Beck, 312 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved property. GODDAHD & WIEDH1CK, 110 2d. 12000 TO loan on city real estate at 8 per cent; reasonable brokerage. Parrish, Wat kins & Co., 250 AliWr St. ANY part o $30,000 to loan at 6 to 7 per cent interest. 303 Geriinger bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts W. H. Nunn. 440 Sherlock bldg. 'mate funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as. state agt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E. 12 Deveraux. 204-5 Fenton bldg. M 63. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT. STRONG & CO.. 605 CONCORD BLDG. $'000 $1200. $400, 7 per cent; no commission. "Ward, 210 Alisky. I MAKE loans, any size, on Improved city property 410 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount. 8 to 8" per-cent- Frary & Seita. 132 6th st LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett, 804 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Th. Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. LOANS made on Imprcved city realty. Gruber, 824 Board of Trade bldg. $5000 OR any part thereof at B per oent Fecrera. 835 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WITL buy $500 to $5000 Title Guarantee ac counts; state price. C 452. Oregonlan. I BUY bank accounts, phone bonds, etc Thus. McCutker. 05 Couch bide. TO borrow $10,000, real estate security and collateral Insurance; two years. 8 per cent. Side. AC 450. Oregonlan. PEKSONAX. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM. Diseases of men. women and children treated and cured; maternity casos given special attention; all private and wasting diseases promptly cured, and their effects permanently removed from the system. Raieigh bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington sts DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, ner vous and chronic diseases of children a specialty; no charge for confutation. Room 10 Grand Tneater bldg., Viuahmg toa and 'Park sts. Mala 3926, A fOui. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman of some means with established business on Coast, in good standing, desires acquaintance wltn lady of accomplishments, matrimonially Inclined, with references; out of town pre ferred. S 6DS, Oresoulan. RHEUMATISM, nervous debility, cough, wakefulness, stomach and kidney trou bles, skin and scalp diseases, weakness in young or old men promptly ctired. without urugs; charges moderate. Dr. i. pierce. 316 Alisky bldg. DR. A. AUSPLUND, Just returned from Europe, makes a specialty of surgery ana diseases of women- Otflce rooms o-B-i Winchester House, 3d and Burnslde ta 1 hone Main 4047. AZA HOLMES P.IBBECKB, reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdressing, manicur ing ana dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods In the V est. at cui prices. Panors. Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex, nervous conditions, skla or eye troubles, acute or chronic 7 I treat 'by mod ern methods, electricity, maitoago. osteopa thy, medicine when needed; confidential. Dr. Vose, 826 H Washington St. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles asd nervous Disorders by hand rubbing; steam sweat and tub baths; botn sexes, i East 11th St., one door from Auaesy car. Phones East 2t0, Home B 1803 MADAM A. A. LUCKEY cures chronic dis eases. Fuil line of electric treatment", bal.'is and massage; positive refuils in men tal Healing. 4il Columbia bldg., V . lark and U asiiiliEtoii sts. Main 2vll. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills, rur 26 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Lhiche.ters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by arugtiiists tv ei where. MRS. S. B. 6EIP. Mental Scientist Teaches Psychometry, the Insight and iwwer of the soul, lo A. ii. to 8 P. M. Weunesday open meetings at 8 I'. M., o2 Alisky bidg. DRESS suite for rent, all sixes. $1.60 month kee;,s your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons setved on. ripe sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 800 Stark. DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin ' and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $.. T. J. Pierce. Sltf Alisky bldg., 2'15 Morrison. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Kctchuin, graduate; advlc. tree. 170"4 od st. Main 8770. LOST powers reoiored by Dr. Lorens Nerve Toalo Tablets. 25c box. Eyeselr. Pnar macy. 2S8 Morrison St.. bet 4th and Bth. Mme. Courtwrlght, skis and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, piastla surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. A 2ot. GERMAN. French, Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. W. Bchmaie Co.. 229 1st st- JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 88 4th St.. bet. Oak and Pine. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely slagle people; circular loo. 22914 1st st, MOLES wrinkle, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 830 Flledner bldg. M. SiiX. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 4o9i-j Morrison. 250 PRINTED business cards $1; 100 visit ing cards, 60c. Schmale. 220 1st. Alfalfa Nutrient makes thin people plump and preserves youth. Room 17 Hamilton bg. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 600 Olisan st. Main 9218. Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective: work reasonaole. guaranteed. T 481. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOCNTJ. LOST Chamois pouch containing $220; 1 $100 gold roitilioate, 1 $100 stiver certifi cate. $20 sliver certificate; finder please return to Mrs. Uennis, Room IS, 003 Al der st- Reward. LOijT Scotch collie, about 0 months old, male, sable with white ruff, has on collar with plate but no name, phone Main 3735. 100 N. 21st; reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated teturned same day. C2S Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzgcr. LOST White and black female English setter dog. was struck by a passing car, mav be lame or sick. Phono Main oti.Si or address R- H. Birdeall. 703 Northrup LOST I-ady's gold watch, ribbon fob; in scription "Wave"; also M. on fob; reward. I'hone East 212.'., or "call 102-j Grand vn. 1XST Scotch collie dog, answers to the name of Bruce; return to 255 13th St.; no questions asked. FOUND 2-year-old red heifer, ting In ear. Inquire Jacob Smith. G res ham, Or. Lo.-T Gold locket. Initials J. H,, return to 2ol East 1st North; reward. LOST Check on Seattle bank. Address T 530, Oregonlan. Howard. LOST Top of gold fountain pen; Initials W. Q. IS. ; reward. Phone Main 3407. FOUND Gold clasp pin, miners' emblem. Friday night. Phone Main 1560. LOST On Jan. 11 Sigma Neu fraternity pin. Finder return to Telegram on lee. Reward. BUSINESS DIKLCTOKY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O GOULD. 3"5 Morrifon. cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking Accountants. E H. COLLIS i; CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and .Municipal. Auditing Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. phone Main 0507. Assuyers and Analysts. Wells & proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 H Washington st. PAUL BAUMEL, nssayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder it MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison St. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 500. Attorneys at Law. jj jt-' RIDDELL, atty-at-law. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4704. A 35.11. S T JEFFREYS, 203 Fenton bldg.. 13 years' practice In Oregon. 8 years Alaska JOHN C. MULLEN, removed to 404 Mer chants' Trust bldg., ttth and Washington. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to 9O0-013 Hoard of Trade bldg. Bicycle nnd Electrical Repairing. ELAM-SHAW Bicycle. gasoline. eaglne and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st- Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpet; also colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works, U3 vnlon ave. East 3580. B 12SQ. Chiropody. yyi tlb 1 r.iji.c tmu x- i,,i. ... only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Geriinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d .and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flledner bldg. Phone Main S173. DR NELSON treats my corns; never hurts; prices reasonable. 250 H Alder. M. 7200. CHIROPODY, manicuring and Bcalp. Mrs. Dunton, Iris Apartments. 302 3d. M. 7714. ECONOMY' Foot & Bcalp Remedy Co., 231 tith St. Phone Main 7743 Commission Merchants. TAYLOR YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, cora missloa' merchant Sherlock bldg.. Portias a. It SUN SOON HUIE STOP.E removed to 70 6th. bot. Oak ar.d Pino Low price sale. Dancing. PROF. Wat Wilson s Dancing School, Po land's only recognized school. 380 -j Washington St., but. W. Park and lOtli st lioth pnoncs: Main 7b37 A 5c37j RINGLER Dancing Academies, Klnglsr hall, Murlurl. hall; instruction dally, il 1003. East 5070. Educational. SHORTHAND, typewriting taught by ex pert, $5 per moiilu. bJ litu. M 36s3. LAUE'S Preparatory Iscnool of Pharmacy. 14s 2d St., Portland. Or. ietectlve Agencies. THE Tfctel Detective Service Co. We are esiieciu.iy equipped wuh experienced men. 2e0 Chamber of Cjmmt rce bldg. M 936. A 2493. D. L. Clouse. n.auaaor. Jpeed fiioree. HINSHAW 4: ZHJLElt, hay. grain, feed, oe meut, shingles. 94 Grand ave. hi 452. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale sad die and harness miifrs. bo-fc8 1st. Main 226. It. id, PRICE UAIlNliiS CO., 831 Ankeny St. I'hone Main 2402. Junk, BUdes and Telta. L. SHANK, ii CO.. purchasers of hides, Delta, wool, furs, taituw, uid ruboers. nistal. aa4 sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and l'lndlnga CHAS. L. MAST1CK &. CO., 74 Front, lea that of every ucsvrliulon. laps, mfra findings. J. A. STROYYiiRlDGE LEATHER. CO. Els" tabllshed looa. lhll Front st. Alefceengers, HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 Oth. klaca 63, A 2153. Johnnie on the soot. PAUL F. KlSSiNiiR, violinist and instruc tor; music f'jrmsned lor balls, recepLlona. etc. 21 Tilford bldg.. Ictn and Morrison. G. BERTRAM, 15 Russel bldg.. violin re pairing; Instruments bought and so.d. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC; recitals monthly. 3es Mams bldg. .Main 8744. E.V1L TlllELHOHN. violin teacher, pupj of Sevclk. A 4 100, Pine 334. Main 3045. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 6a,ma St. Main 7340. Leglnners a specialty. Neurologists. DR. H. W. FREEZE straightens ui cssi syte without or-eiauou. or, ills glasses and treats nervous distaues. 224 Murqlluin bldg. Osteopathia Pny.lcuuis. DR. K. . NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg., Thiid and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 340. res.. E. lots. Paints, Oils and t.lsws. KAS.vfUSsE.N & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor, Futent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT. doiiiesUd and foreign pat eats; lnl'nngcti.ent cabes. ' 004 Dekum. J. J. HIRsllEIMER, pension and patent attorney, rooms -0-21 Labbs bldg. paving-. THE BARBEIt ASPHALT PAVING CO., at Portland, office 4U2-5-4 W orc-ster biock. WAKi:L.N Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks and croswiiigs. 314 Lumber Lx. Fainting auil l'aperlinngbig. PAINTING, paperhanging. kalsomlnlng, etc., dono on short police. Huwse Decorating Co., 047 Waali. alaiu 7boO A U114. l'iano Tuning. PROF. VEN'EN With highest credentials of any tuner in Pol thind. Main 1174. BURSTKI) water pipes repaired. Phone East 5S75. Fun bui-Med pipes don't forget to call Main 1110. 271 First. Public Stenographers. MISS IDA fo.NA.M'. room 602 Lumber Ex- change bldg., 2d and Stark. Main 4077. MISS V. 11. LEITNKR, 420 Swetland bldg., 5tli and Washington, phono Main 1151. DOCIA V. ttlLLITs. 5o(l sn'.IIand bldg.. 6th and Wash. Phono Main 3U.S. Kooliuj, Cornier, and tikyllghts. WEST URN SHEET METAL W KS., 43 N. 8th. Jt. J. McManon. E. M. Sharkey. M. 824a. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks und all office goods. P. D. C. Co., 231 stalk st. Both phuiies 1407. Kales. THh) MOSI.KR SAFE CO.. 10S 2d St. Sates at factory prices. Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE & LUCK CO., Dlebold safes. 66 3d st. l-ai-galna lu 2J-liand H.iles. bbnvr Case, Bonk and Store Fixtures. THE LUTlvE MEG. CO. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Uoyu K. LutUe. Mgr. THE-James I. Marshall Mrg. Co.. showcases, cabinets, store nnd office fixtures. 24 Couch st. Main 27o3. blBS. FOSTER ok KLEISEU, SIGNS. The largeett si K 11-liiaKein In the North west. Oth and Everett sts. i'hone Private Exchange 55. Home A lioj. bloves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 271 lit- Storage and Transfer. C O PICK. Tiansier and Storage Co., office 'asd commodious foul -story brick ware house, teuualo lrca room.i and flreprouf vacits for valuab.ts. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. Pianos ui.d furniture moved aud packed for snipping. Main 5i)0. A 10H6. OLSEN-UUE TRANSFER CO. General trans': errlLg and storage; safes, plan'js and furnuuie moved asd packed for Shipment. 2ol Oak St.. bet. Frout and ls' Te.tptioiie Main 547 or A 2247. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 108 Front st. Phone Main 62. A 1162. VAN HORN TltANSPEP. CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 2d st- PUoi:u A 1 l'S.4, Mala 1018. Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonlan bldg.; la Cays. men. nights. Main 193a. A 19.18. Typewriters. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern ou tills Coast; Investi gate; all makes, all prices. The Type writer Exchange. 27V, Washington st. HVI'ClAAL prices; all makes rented, sold, re palreiT P D. C Co.. 2,11 Stark. Main 14of. Veterinary Surgeons. DR. E. W. HAG YARD. Graduate Ontario Veterinary ' College, formerly with Marcus Daly s Bitter Root Stock Farm; rvle.enccs. Office 19. h and Wa-sh. Main 1077; residence. Main 14. VelerUiary College. Kull-atln San Francisco Veterinary College now ready: mailed. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market. Wood nnd Coal. u i-im ll j i..n i- " .. . . . ....... 1 . O- T. I I. 1 1-IIVllM gj. , (.Villi- IO I "II llcllll . ----- old-growth cord wood FULL MEA-SUKE. Prompt delivery. 2s7oEast Morrison SU l'hones xiii. -i. AUSTRALIAN COAL CO. Full weight, A nrompt aellveryPhone A 2247. Main 517. DRY OAK. alder and fir at Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B V.ii- BANKS. OFRMAN AMERICAN LANK COR BTH AND WASHINGTON "TH. TRANSACTS A GENERAL UAVKINJ Tt -S1NE--3- ISSUES DRAFTS AVAILABLE- IN 'ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OF THB UNITED STATUS AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSlt VAULTS. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $!.500.00. JSo interest paid on acoouaUs, f! TI 109.2