TJTJTT THEATER nniljlLj 14tli and Wash. Phone Main 1 and A 1122. TONIGHT AT S IS 0'CICtC Tomorrow and Wednesday Nights soi4a' Price Matinee Wednesday Cohan & Harris" Players In the Delightful Comedy-Urania "Brewster's Millions" Evenings. M 50 to 50c; Matinees. t to SSC CITY MAIL ORDERS Al RECEIVED BEGINNING TOMORROW LAMBARDI ITALIAN GRAND OPERA CO. IIS People 40 Chorus .10 Orchestra. Heilig Theater, February 1,2,3 Monday Night. LI' CI A Tuesday Night. "LA HOHKMK." Wednesday Mating "II- TROVATOBt" XtnrI.T Vlrht. -RIOOt.F.TTO." prices Both Eventnf and J!a:inee Lower F'oor. first lo rows. $2 .50. leat 6 rows. $2. Balcony. $2. $1 50. $1. Gal lery. reserve) 4 roaa, (1; admission Address Letters and Checks W. T. Pangl. Extra! Extra! HEILIG THEATER FEBRUARY 4. 5, 6 E. H IN HIS LATEST M CCES9 RICHARD LOVELACE SEAT SAI.K TIT-SDAV. FEB. BAKER THEATER hnn-i Main 2. A 5300. Orfcon Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. George L. Baker. General Manager. Finn Tlma In Portland Thla Week The Great Western Military Play THE UKITKXANI AM THE WBOY Fironr p!av. Excellent last, liinh Scenic Effects. Bargain Mat. Wnlnndar, 25c any neat. Saturday .Mat. 25c, .K Kvcmnjc prices 50e, 75c. Next Attractions Son Francisco Opera, Co. TMFATDF Kmplre Theater Vo. (Inc.), LesM. Geo. I. Kaitr. U-n. Mana-fi. Tonight, all week. Mutiny Sitturrlay. mus Haker Stork ('impAnv in r--.iI?y Brown"! plendid 4-at 1- ay. Navajo' lw c." The romance of nn educated Indian. A atory of the Sti.frt Kxhtnite. Kvening prices Crc. ."'c ; Marin?. lc. Sext week, "Tha Houe of nouund on die-." STAR Ten Cent Vaudeville HEADED BT 1 Cheater t Cortwtt. Mahony Boy. Jarvis Martin. 8ml I At a Broa. Illuotratrd Song. 8taniroDe. Gladys Van Late of MURRAY X MACK. lUntlne Holiday 15-25-53: KXHI3 THEATER 15-25-50-75C IVirk of jHnoary 55 Helen Grantley. Farrell-Taylnr Co.: Dick 4"rnliu: Mll. KeSflio Siern; Ion T. rtpxe; 1-iphle Pe Wolf; Kacter A Lobder; Orches tra: Pictures. - PANTAGES THEATER Adranred Vaudeville, .tar of All Nation. Marjorie Lake and Her Dancing Girls and Boy3 In a ajM-rtitcular musical extravpaanza. Fixien ponpl in th cafft, with special f.iiry and .auttful leftrlfat efT-n'ts. Matinees laJly. I5r. Two Ntiosi at Mltht, ISr and ZSe. THE GRAND-VaUJev:I!cdcLaxe antht:r big mrx. Baker Troupe WORLD'S GREATEST CYCLISTS Hmrr and AH nrver. Watson Uttle. ! Throdf-L Muftlcal Brandons Fred Bauer. rti n daAcope. Wrestling FK1K KII.KY v. KO OlOSVEll, KXPOSITIO.N RINK. MJST THI KSDAY MliHT. ' Admission. $1: Rp.ierved Seats. 11.60. Tirrtot.i at fadwe-li's and Schiller's. Sk 'tli" SiKPonifl for One Night Only. LOCATION OF STATE FAIR AYritcr Would Kc-n Ijjttor at Salem, Iii.-tcmr of Port land. FORTLAND. Jan. 24 To the Editor.) Noticing a communication In The Orego n;an In atiich claims are made that the proper place for tiie State Fair Is at Port land. I should like to ask on what grounds such claims are. or can be made? It is my understanding that the Oregon State Fair is for the benefit of tee farmers and the farming district in general. That Is. the exhibits are mostly made by the farming clahses of their agricultural, stock, poultry and dairy products, at least from the exhi bition of grains, grasses, vegetables, rattle, sheep, hogs. horses, poultry, butter, etc Now such being the case, where do the ma jority of exhibitors hail" from? Are they from Portland or vl.-inlty? Or geograph ically. Is Portland centrally located 7 Ac cording to the map. It does not ao show up. True, Eastern Mulnomah can "put up" a rretty fine exhibit In this class, but that not signify that all the other districts atiould come to it It wouM be an Injustice to the greatest number of Oregon people and to the farm ers" wives and children In particular, to move the State Fair from Sulem to Port lnd. As It Is. and In Its present location at Salem, the Fair Is located where hun dreds of farmers can go and spend two or three day with their families, and others even camp there for a week. It aJ-111 makes a break in the monotonous farm life of the wives and dauehters. Let the whole state of Oregon act as a unit and work for the State Fair at Salem, and go on with the fine start already made In improvements and enlargements of build ing, during the past two years, f .et It not be torn asunder and Injured by dissejitlon and strife by trying to move It to a quarter if the state that is anything but central and practically local, so far as an agricul tural fair la considered. Let Port'nnd be satlsfld with the fine fair of the Grangers cf Multnomah County at Greaham. and tak liride in It. but let the State Fair remain is here It la at present. A. I. CHRlSTOPrlBR. DAILY MXTEOROLOGICAX. REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. 24. Maximum tempera ture. 42 degrees; minimum, S7. River read ing at 8 A. M-. 194 feet; change in last 24 hours, fall 03 foot. Total rainfall. 8 P. M. to 5 P. M-. 0.02 inch; total since feptember 1. l!it. 21.04 Inches; normal. 24.37 Inches; deficiency. 8.S3 Inches. Total sunshine Jan. uary 2.1. nil; possible. 0 hours 4 minutes, lis-rometi-r (reduced to sea level;, at 5 P. M.. Inches. WEATHER INDICATIONS, s. low-pressure area Is moving slowly In land near the Oregon coast. It Is of wide ' extent but does not appear to be or great energy. Heavy ralna have fallen during the aat 24 hours In California and light ralna , I d MAIN 101 fZS Y Snadaya and Ml RAILWAY TIME CARD Grand Central Station HUtTHKKN PAllrlO. Lravtng Portland Roseburn Passenser ...... Cottage Grove Passenger . California Express fean Franclco Eapresa ... Wes: Sltle Corvalils passenjeer ....... Sheridan paasenaer Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger ... Arriving Portland Oregon txpresa Cot'.age Gruve Passenger . Hoseburg Passenger ...... Portland Express ......... West Side Corva.lls Passenger ...... therldan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger . . . Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger . . . 8:18a. m. 4 :lo p. m. 7:45 p. ra. 1:30 a. m. 7-20 a, m. 4 :10 p. m. 8:.r0 a. m. 1:U0 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:1S a. m. 11:30 a. m. 0:3Op. m. 11:12 p m- 8 20 p m. IV. a. m. 8.U0 a. m. ll .-.O a. m. l-.SI) pn. OKtGON KAJ1.KU AH X NAVIGATION CO. leaving Portland I Pendietun passenger .......I 7:45a.m. Chicago-Portland cpeclal a : 1 5 a. m. Spokane Kljer i i :.W p. ni. Kansas City Chicago Express. I :00 p. m, Arriving Portland I Spokane Klv-r ; fl:3nm.m. Chi.. Kan. City & Portland EX..I 7:20a.m. Chicago-Portland Special I 8:5o p. m. Pendieton Passenger I 5 p. m. NUHriU.KN PACIFIC. Leaving? Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express ... North Coast & Chicago Wmlled Overland Express Arriving 1'ortlwnd N'or:b I oust Limited Portland Express Overlar d' Express 8:30 a, m. 2:uO o. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a, m. 4:16 p. m. H . 31 p. m. ASTOR1.A COLLA1B1A KlVtlt. Leaving 1'ortUnd I Astoria Seaaide i-xpress I Ooa-m. Kainier Local..... J l:lSp..m. Astoria Paasenger I P- m- Rainier Local ill:0p. in. Arriving; Portland I Rainier & Portland Iocal I P:03a. m. Seaside a: Portland passenger. . .112:16 p. m. Halnler and Portland Local I 5:10 p.m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland I C P. K. Short Line, via Spokane I 6 00 p. ra. Via Seattle 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland I C. P. . Short Une. via Spokane.. 10:00 a. m. Via Seattle .. 7:00 a. in. Jefferson-Street Station SOLTHKRN PACIFIC. IaTinc Portlund Dallas passenger .... Lallas Passenger ..... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Paiisenger ..... 7:40 a. m. 4:15 1- to. 10:15 a. m. 5:50 p. m 11th and Hoyt Sts., Passenger Station fci-OlvANt. 1'OKtUMI bLA'rlLK KAlLVt AY. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express .....9:15 A.M. TlirougU trains for Walla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, White Salnioo. Stevenson, Vancouver and interme dlate pointa. N 'rth hank Limited 5:40 P. M. Through train for Spokane. Sprague, Rluvllle. Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles. White Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. Arriving Portland North Uank Limited 7:30 A. M. Throusu train from Spokane. Sprague. Rltxviiie. Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt. Grand dalles. White Salmon. Stevenson and Van couver. Inland Rmplre Express 6:25 P M. Through train from Walla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Interme diate points. TIME CAR1 OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL WAY COMPANY. Leaving- Portland for Salem and Int. Sta tions 8:23. 8:00, 11:00 A. SI.: 2:00. 3:45. 8 20. 8:40 P. M. Limited tor Tualatin and SaTem 0.15 A. M. Local for Wllsonville and Int. btatlons 5 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. Matrons 7:00. 8:55. 10:25 A- at.; 1.30, 4:10, 0:30 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. Stations 8:40, 10:55 A. M-; 1:15. 8:40. 6:00. Si'JO. 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salera and Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Local from Wllson ville and Int. Stations 6 55 A. M. Arrivinx Portland from Forest Gme and Int. Blations S:30. 10 00 A. M; 12:15, 2:50. B OO. 7:20 P. M. . I-ORTLANO BV, LIGHT POWER CO. CARS LfcAVE Ticket Office and WaiUntr-Room, I'li-Mi and Alder Streets. Oregon t Ity I. 6:30 A. M.. and every 80 minutes to and Including U P. M., then 10. 11 P. M. : last car Greshoin and intermediate points 8.P5. 7:43. 43. :43. 10:43 A. M-. 12:43. 2.45. 3 4". 4 4... 5:43. 6:43. 7:45. 11.15 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:53. 7:43. 8:45. 9-43 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45, 5 43! 6:43 P. M- For ancouver. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington streets A. M. :15. 6:30. 7:25. 8:00. 8:85, 9:10, IS11 10:Sl. 11:10. 11:50 p m 12:30. 1:10. 1:JW. 2:30. 8:10. 8:50. 4:3li. 5:10. 5:30. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15, U:25, 1035" I1'43. On Third JIondaT In Every Month tno last Car Leaves at 7:05 P. M Ially except Sunday Daily except Vnnrtav have fallen along the Oregon and Washing ton coasts. In the interior of the North racliic .States the weather continues unset tled but no rain or snow of consequence has occurred. The temperatures in California are decidedly below normal while In Ore gon. Washington and Idaho they are about normal. The Indications are for rain or snow In this district Monday and probably also Tuesday. THE RIVER. The river at Portland at 5 P. M. had fallen to a etage of It feet, and ttie rail Monday and Tuesday win be at tne rate ui nearly two feet a day. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. I Wind n I S f a 2 STATIONS. I E I ?& - STS" o 1 2 3 o 3 : : : J a Paker City Hoie Kamloops North Head.... pocatetlo. ...... Portland ....... Red BiufT Ros'-burg. ...... Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco.. Spokane. ....... Ticoma Walla Walla... n.on 40 o.OO 2f T. I 4l 0.02 2 O.CnV 42 T. I 4 II. SO 4 n.tM SO 0.24 34 0.00 4H 0. W as o.ooi 40 T. I 441. OO' IO SK Jil E 'aim 14 E 12 SE E 10 SE 4 S 12E Calm 14 S 4 SB 4 N ION jt'loudy Cloudy 'Cloudy (Rainy iClear 'cloudy Rainy jpt cloudy Rainy (Clear 'Cloudy 'Cloudy Cloudy iCloudy FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain or snow; east to couth winds. Oregon and Washington Rain or snow; east to south winds becoming moderately high along the coast, and briak In the In terior. Idaho Rain or snow; brisk southeasterly irindi. El'WARD A. PEALS. District Forecaster. AUCTION PALES TODAY. r.v the Portland Auction Company, private house sale at 669Vi Fifth street at 10 A. M. At Wilson's salesrooms, corner Second and Yamhill at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer By the Portland Auction Company at 211 First street. 2 P. M. MEETTNO NOTICES. Ml-T.TVOM til COTTNCII. ROY AL ARCANIM meets at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcome. H. Claussenlus, Jr., secretary. 125 11th St. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A, F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the E. A. and M. M. degree, visitors are cordially Invited. By order of tha W. M. '. M. DE LINN. Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E- S. Stated meet ing this (Monday! evening. East Eighth and Burnside streets. Official visit of the worthy grand matron. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. rat . linn .-ii a - . t . y . wii X 111-, JlUll.ll.'U nivu"i , . f x,-.T ,tT,T. I FOB 6A1E-I AKmI I UXP W.WTE1)-U. DIED. 6TVRT In this city. January 24, at the family residence, 3S9 Lownsdala street, Johanna Stuart, wife of A. B. Stuart, aged 77 years and 29 days. Funeral no tice hereafter. ( SUMMERVILLE I vie Summervllle, 2H9 Pearl street, Eugene, Or., died at 8 P. M. Sunday. January 24. ' CHARBONEAl" In this city January 24. Joseph Cliarboneau. aged 52 years. An nouncement of funeral later. BALDWIN In this city, January 24. at 415 East Pine street, Silas M. Baldwin, aged 43 years. Funeral notice hereafter. FTNERAL NOTICE 8. STEVENS Funeral services of Mrs. Har riott Francs Stevens will be held at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. W iLiam F Woodward. ! Hancock street, corner East Nineteenth, at 10 o'clock this (Mon day) morning. Services at Crematorium private. P(R HELL In this city. January 24, at 713 First street, the residence of his daugn ters lr.. Lillian Karrell Power and Miss Lizrle Karrell, Patrick II. Karrell. ased b4 veurs Services and the interment will I oa in Albauv. Or.. Tuesday. January 20. The remains are at Finley a parlors. BUCHANAN -At the family residence. - 71 3 Ingalls street. Vancouver. Wash., Jan. -J. Adalalne Buchanan, aged 72 years, l-uner-al services will be held at the above resi dence today. January 2., at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment City Cemetery. BOI'XD- The funeral of Maude Rachel Rounds will be held at the family resi dnie on Portland Heights at 3 P. M. Tuesday. January 2fi. Friends Invited. Pt BLIC INITIATION AND DANCE BY Portland Camp. W. O. W'.. In West Side hall Wednesday. January 27, at 8:80 P. M. Admission 25 cents. BANKUS-r-ln this city, January 24. Martin .Fankiis. aged 20 years. The remains are at Finley s parlors. Dunning, McEntee CUbaush, Faneral Directors, 7th and line, phone Main 4S0. Lady assistaut. Offlca of County Coroner. EDWAKIl- HOLM AN CO.. Foneral Direct ors. tiO Sd at. Lady assistant. Phone M osl. f p FINI.EY MN. Sd and Madlsoo. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A ! CCLIXS-ByKNrs CO.. Funeral Dtreot ers. it KussetL East 1086. Lady assistant. F. DOTTING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East M. McF.NTEE-ERJCSON CO. Undertakers j lady assistant. 409 Alder. M 6133. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 10S. ' Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12o Same ail two consecutive times x.e Same ad three consecutive times 30e Same ad six or seven consecutive times Jus rlx words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for leas than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rate lThe''above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other claasillca tinns excepting tiie following: Situations t anlcd. Mule. Situations ) allied. Female. For Kent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate on the above classilicationa is 7 cents a line each insertion. On charge or book advertisements the charge will bo based on the actual number of Hues appearing in tho paper, regardless of the number cf words In each line. Space in the "New Today" columns Is figured by measure only 14 lines to the '"TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons The Oregonlau will accept advertisements (excepting "Sltu: tions V) anted" and "Personal") for publi cation in cla!.sllied columns over the tele phone. Ellis tor such advert'sing will be mailed Immediately and payment is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregooian will not be re sponsible for errors In advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephones: Main 70.0, A 6095. , TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gonlan will receive copy by mail, provided stiflicirnt remittance for a definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. In case box office address is required, nse regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements wil. be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be given for all paid-in-advance advertising. The Oregooian will not undertake to correct errors or refund money unless this receipt is returned. NEW TODAY. Sixth and Burnside Splendid qunrtrr block, ripe for Im provement, which Mill yield hnndaome revenue. Knsy .terms. Price, 8110,000. Pine Street 40x100, nildvvny between nth and Bth ml h., and arts ovrr 3 per cent now, and enn he rendily maile handsomely pro flnctive with proper Improvementa. Price 4.VMK). Thurman Street Willamette Heights Magnificent corner, containing; M'-i lots: an ideal and conspicuous Kite for one or two handsome reaidencea. Price only on easy termau A genuine opportunity to make money, aa the laud has uultriie advantages and la worth considerably more at thla time. Warehouse Property Mix inn. corner- I7th and I'ettyarrove sts.l two eottjiKea and corner vacant, rice nmXM): or the Inside BO feet, with eottase, at 37.V) rent, 824 per month. Linnton Road lOOxl.lO feet, with double frontnarrl 22H. with easy terms Thla property la wllhin 5 minutes' walk of Thurmun ntreet car. ( RUSSELL& BLYTH fOMMOWV KAI.TH Hl'ILIIIXO Warehouse Site Southwest corner Tenth and Flan ders, in district of present activity. A fine investment now offered at $32,000. " THE SHAW-FEAR GOHPAHY 24.V3 Stark Street, Tortland, Oregon. $2 ISO Cash will handle 7-room modern now dwelling, facing east, 50x100. East Seventh, between Broadway and "Weidlcr, Holiday's Addition FRANK B0LLAM 128 Third Street. South Portland Fine comer. 58x100; 11-roora dwell ing; In rear can be easily remodPled Into flats; plenty room on corner for other flats. Tills is a GOOD INVESTMENT. Price rigrlit for quick sale. I want you to see thla and make mo an offer. Would conniuer part trade for lots, acreage or rooinitiyhouse. HENRY C. PKIDHOMHE, 800 Chain, of Com. insurance & Loans FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre sto'-k ranch. $10 per acre, all fenced, all tillable, substantial improve ments.!! Douglas County; or will ex rhaiifie for Portland property or close in acreac-e, ying difference. JACKSON DEEKING. Phone Main 343. 246 Stark St. DO YOU WISH TO BUT A HOKRT Then see HARTMAN A THOMPSON. hamlr of Commiroa - -- - r-kVT x T VTT UV OX nTV TIIII4 1. I - I . . , BOND INVESTMENTS. WE WILL BUY Oregon Water Power & Railway Co. City & Suburban Railway Co. Portland Gas Co. Portland Home Telephone Co. VK WILL SELL $20,000 Portland Improvement. $10,000 Portland Railway Co. $3,000 Portland Home Telephone Co. with 100 per cent stock. Prices on Application. UONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES, Bought and Sold. j. W. CRCTHEBS CO. Investment Securities. Board of Trade Bids. SHERIFF'S foreclosure sale. February 1. 10 A. M-, elegant Nob Hill residence. No. 160 21st St. N. A snap. Particulars of W. B. Ward, attorney, 210 Allsky bldg., FINE new $73 office rug (large) for sale very cheap. Seo Goddard, 705 Swetland bldg. Bargain for you. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. Co. M. 8349. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablngton bldg. Beck. William O., 312 Falling bldg. Birrell. A. H. Co.. 202-S McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage loans, etc Chapin Herlow. 3.12 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 003 Corbett bldg. Croealey Co.. 708-8 Corbett bldg. M. i633. Fields. C. E. A Co.. Board cf Trade bldg. Goddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d si. Jennlnga ft Co., Main 168. 200 Oregonlan. Lee. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bid. Msll ft Von orstel, 104 2d st. S92 E. Burnside Parrlyh. Watklns ft Co., 250 Alder St. Richardson, A. B.. 121 Com. Club bldg. Schalk Geo. D., 24 Stark st. Main or A 882. Sharkey. J. P. ft Co.. 122'i Sixth st Swensson. A. F. & Co.. 253'i, Washington St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) Waddel. W. O.. St Lumber Exchange bldg. White. F. F., 227ti Washington St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $300 buvs 2-room house. 2 lota 9fx90. Rayburn ave.. XT.-SJ; X.100 cash. bal. $15 per month. Bungalow 5 rooms, modern. 3 blocks from Mt. Scott carlini. on Powell Valley road, $1200 cash $000 bal. $20 per month. 5-room hose and lot. Willamette Heights, $4cO0: cash $1000, bal. terms to suit. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 32CH Washington St. BUYERS. when looking up farms and city realty, call or write H. T. ABSTEIN. Realty, 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. (No. 10 Bargain, uncleared fruit land.) (No. 6 River dairy land, something good) (No. 14 Pick-up equity In city lots). (No. 2, 5-acre home, fruit. Electric). t4BO0 A beautiful new. 7-room modern house and full 50x100 cor. lot on East Flanders st.: furnaco. fireplace, gas and electric. This is a bargain for the money and must be seen to be appreciated, c. F Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. WHY NOT Put the rent-man on the "bum ?' Don t be his meal-ticket any longer. Why not let that rent money get 'busy ? See Butter worth, the ButiRalow-Man quick. WHY NOT? 35 Lafayette Bldg.. Otli and Wash. Bis. WE BUILO HOMES. We have modern faclltlea for building homes upon terms within tha reach of all. Call ' and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. WAREHOUSE SNAP. 100x100. on St.. best location In warehouse district, only :t3.00n: small navmcnt down, balance to suit; for further Information call on Fischer, 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. rhone Main 391 1. BURNSIDE DISTRICT. We have a swell six-room, modern house, up-to-date in eery respect, on corner lot for $rM0. H. P. PALMER, 21S Commercial Club Bldg. $1300A beautiful quarter block, 100x100, betnir the S. E. cor of Ea,st 31st and Clinton sts.. right on W -R. carllne lor a few davs only. C. F. I'fiuger ft o.. room 14. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morflson sts. $1500 ONLY $ir00. Corner lot, SSxlOO. In Irvlngton, on 28t'.i st cement walks and graveled St.; price only $lo0O: splendid location. Call Main 3917. 100x120 Corner, east front, graded street, fruit trees, fair o-room house, $2000. 5-room modern house, very easy terms, $170n. Inquire 1095 Maryland ave. Phone Wood'lawn 60. 6-ItOOM house, one lot. right close to ear. onlv $751 Very small payment down, and .lust a little each month. This Is belter than paying rent. Call 513 Chamber Com merce. TWO fine residence lots. East Portland Heights: refused $S00 2 years ago; if taken at once. $600; well worth $1000. Itenshaw Osliurn Co.. 1009 Belmont st. Phoue Tabor M0. - NEW o-room cottage on Improved street, with concrete walk, close in. on East Bide; orl-e $225"; ta.-y terms and monthly pay ments. Call 410 Falling bldg. I BUY and sell all kinds of real astate and timber lands. List your property with me and get results. Claude E. Hicks. 60S Corbett bldg. OV WILLAMETTE. Willamette, 'Willamette River bank, full lot. lovely vlow, comfort able house, best plumbing. $1050. A C 443, Oregonian. KlbLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE 2 to 5 acres, al! in cultivation, best of landr C. W. Risley. owner; P. O.. Mll waukle. phone Oak Grove. Red 12. J3050 choice i block, prospective business property; also corner lot at a bargain, to close an estate. 327 Falling bldg. phona Main 8429. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CAKL1NH 2' to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land. C. W. Klsley, owner: P. O., Mll waukle. Phona Oak Grove. Red 12. MOSIBR orchard land In lots to suit for sale- will exchange for Portland prop erty. Tel. Woodlawn 475 or R 664. Ore gonlan. HOI'HES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486, Kinney ft Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FIRE INSURANCE My Interest ln'flre In surance agency for sale. Good business on books: large company; liberal carrier. For interview, address P 500. Oregonlan. , BUSINESS lot S1250, 28th atreet. Bear Bast s coucn. nail H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. QUARTER Mock and house. N W. cor. 10th and Mill sts. E. H. Hablghorst. 208 Fall ing bldg. Phones Main 2122 and A 2122. FOR BALE By owner, modern 8-room house on East 87th st. K. J. Glnn. 31 Lafayette blds FOR SALE By owner, handsomest bunga low In Irvlngton. Call and see It. 4S2 E. 23d St. North. FOR SALE acres Improved land. S blocks north of Gray's Crossing, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 1431. $300 CASH will handle corner, 9"xl00, with 3-room cottage. 300 Dekum bldg. Main 7C6. FOR SALE 6-room cottage, 60x100 lot: 23d and Lovejoy sts., $6600; look this up. 4MJ Couch bldg. t KBW modern 6-room house, good location E easy terma O. M. Smith. IOCS. A 1 Li aUDLnDA.l IIVJi". 20 minutes' ride from center of city. Good 7-room house; Summer log house; fine barn and fruit dryer; chicken-house and yard; 7i acres land; 2 acres meadow, or garden: 3 acres orchard of apples, pears, prunes and cherries, of -choicest varieties. All In excellent condition. 2 aeros raspberries. blackberries. Logan berries and strawberries. One Jersey cow, 40 rhickens. 2 light wagons. 3 plows, cul tivator and harrow go with the place. This may be had for a short time for $10,000. Terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. ENGLISH WAtNTJTS. We are the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the oniy planted tracts on the market. Our propertiea aro In the valnut countrv, Yamhill, 6-acro tracta. planted, $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO., INC, 110 Second at. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We aro designers and buiMcre of mod ern homes on reasonable terms; archi tectural work and general contracting. MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO.. S24 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. A NO. 1 PROPOSITION. Twenty-four millions fir near Portland: well located, cheap. A small but good buy: 60 acres valuable timber near S. P. Ry. : tVH. OREGON LAND & TIMBER CO.. Room 21 Washington bldg., 270 Wash. St. THE OREGON TIMBER ft CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast timber, water power located and examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trado bldg. Phone Main 8607. IF yon wish to buy or eell timber lands, get 'in touch with us: large or small tracts as you may wish: fir and pine, in all raits of Oregon. Address OREGON LAND ft TIMBER CO.. Room 21 Washington bldg.. 270 !i Wash. St. GOOD BUY Two lots of timber. Eastern Oregon, mostly yellow pine, fir; not large tracts; good locution, good quality; price all right. OREGON LAND & TIMRER CO., Room 21 Washington bldg.. 2Tu'j Wash. st. " OREGON TIMBER ft REALTY CO. Headquarters for legging propositions; timber lands, farm lunds and business chances. 621-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. Phone M 8550. A 65S0. TI.M'.IER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 628 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. $7000 Sawmill, lO.oon feet capacity, and 7.(J0.000 feet fir timber' at this price only short time. Leonard Bros., 334 Chamber of Commerce. 200,000.000 REDWOOD in" Humboldt County, California, best redwood buy on the mar ket; excellent terms. Call today. Room 23 Lafayette bldg., cor. 6th and Washington. FIR, 6pruce and pine bcupht and sold, in large or small tracts. Moon & Thomas, 8 Commercial Club bldg. HAVE some small tracts of Umber for sale cheap. Fir, cedar and pine. A. E. Mat hews, 209 Couch bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Etampher. 531-32 Lumbar Exchange bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. TO EXCHANGE. 8 'A ACRES, well improved, good 8-room house, water piped throughout, 2 good barns, chicken-house, 2 acres of fruit and berries, 2 '4 miles from Portland; only $3500. Wish to exchansa this for modern (i or 7-room houpe in good location; bunga low preferred Would give difference if necessary. This is something good. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 9-ROOM modern house, extra large lot. close to car, and fine location. Well worth . $4000. Has mortgage of $1500. Would exchange equity for small farm, or good timber, or good stock. Tills must go, and will give a big bargain. Call, at once, 613 Charryaer Commerce. FINE 7-room house, with acre of fine land. In good county seat town In Minn. Cheap at $350. Would exchange this for house and lot In Portland and pay $1000 cash difference. Or would trade for farm. Call or write 513 Chamber Commerce. 80 ACRES, particulars under "For Sale Farms." will exchange for house and lot In Portland, or for small acreage with house near carline. Kauffmann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy. sell or trado business or property, follow the crowd to Btuvennon ft Taylor, rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. WILL get you anything you want in trade for anything you have. Phono Main 85S2. write or call 006 Swetland bldg. 160-ACRE farm In Kansas. 75 acres In wheat, to trade for city pioperty. 311 Commercial bldg. TWO desirable lots, vicinity Swifts, for tele phone bonds or diamond as part payment. R. W. Fisher, 226 Alisky bldu. SOUTH PORTLAND residence property to excluinse. Fine corner; value $05oo. What have you? M 5S7. Oregonian. WILL trade for w-Tiat you have. Gus Smith, 301 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Realty Co., 07 Gerlingar bldg. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonlan. WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING OP VALUE. 1010 BOARD OF TRADE. WANTED TIMBER LAXU3. WE want desirable stumpage In British Columbia. Washington, Oregon or Cali fornia. In tracts of 50,000.000 to ::efl.00(i. Oon fee, piirtii-ularlv a jrood tract or cedar Immediately available and some ' good cUiins that can be hunched for li. vestment. owners that want to sell wiil find It to their advantage to call on or address American Timber Co.. 714 Mar quam bldg.. Portland, or. 80 ACRE.S. 18 miles northwest of Mertford, 14 miles to R R-. on good road, 10 acres cleared, balance onk iasture, very good soil for fruit; goivt log-house with tire place, barn, milk and smokehouse., chick en corrals and houses with SO chickens; small family orchard; good well of sort water; price' $1200, 4O0 cash, balnnr e easy terms; owner in town. Kauttmann ft Moore, 320 Lumber Exchange. WANTED From owners, a few heavily tlm l.creii cti-lms. -a ell Lunched. A. V. Nelson & Co., Lafayette bids. WANT some large tracts of good timber, from owners only; buyer here. Zimmer man. 621 Board of Trade. TIMBER lands wanted. O. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRYING OR FARMING 10 acres culti vation, large outrange, good fences, barns, house: 9 miles from Portland. Apply to 759 East Couch, Portland, after 7:30 P. M. Phone East 13-10. j FARM. 175 acres, 1S cows for sale, team of horses, firm Implements, etc. L. A. Johnson, Holbrook, Or., R. F. D. No. 1, Box 65. WANTED REAL STATK. WANTED Cheap land In tracts of 5000 to 20.O0O acres; no acents. Alnswortti Smith, Buchanan bldg.. Portland. WANT acreage, vacant lota, houses and business properties. . Zimmerman, 621 Board of Trade. Irrigated Lands. WANTED W'ater rights for ground-floor Irrigation projects. P. O. Box 403. Seattle. ACREAGE. ACREAGE SNAPS. 21 acres, 2v In ciitlvatlon. balance partly cleared. Fine apll. adapted to fruit, poultry or gardening; 6 miles from Court house, 4 of a mile from electric car. Surrounding land sold at S325 and $;i50 an acre uncleared. Will sacrifice at $0500. Aiso a 5-acre tract uncleared, same soli and location, $1375. See owner, 5oQ Mc Kay bldg. No agents HOMESTEAD RELINQCTSHMENTS. , y GOOD homestead relinquishment, with good house and part the land cleared and in orchard. Furniture in houBe. A snap, only (400. Address at onoe, D 655. Oregonlan. GET A HOME IN "SUNNY STANISLAUS CALIFORNIA. Alfalfa land In Modesto-Turlock Irriga tion district, the most productive section in California: adapted to alfalfa, fruit, etc; tracts to suit; terms liberal, im proved and unimproved; 3 miles wots of Modesto, county seat, a growing town. 4.oQ inhabitants: 3 hours' ride from San Fran cisco. Correspondence solicited. J. P. Nash, 90 Bacon bldg, Oakland, Cal. 5i-ACRE RANCH, 'i mile from Fellda Store, all fenced and cr-ss-fenced. 6-room house, new barn, 2 chicken-houses, apple house, hoghouse. granary, well and spring on place; all Beeded to clover and vetch. Call or address .1. A Perrine. Fellda, Wash.. R. i. D. No. 3. BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS. Do yon want a farm? If so. we have some of the best buys In Oregon. Come nnd see us before buying. We can .savw you money. Call Lincoln County Invest ment Co.. room 301. 2S0 Washington sc IRRIGATED lands cheap now at Orland. Cal.: highly civilized region; fine roads, bridges, schools, colleges; rich valley land, all cultivated; sunny, healthful cli mate; farmers" paradise. W. W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave - A FARM 193 acres In fine fruit section, near a good, prosperous city; house, barn, fences, etc. : terms. OREGON LAND ft TIMBER CO., Room 21 Washington bldg., 270 Vj Wash. St. . , : v SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ONE span of Set black 6 and 6-year-oln. weighing 2:!O0; one span of 6-year-olds weighing 2,'rfM); one 5-year-old driving mare; one cheap farm team and wapon: one cheap delivery mare. Phone E. 4S04. C 1477. 228 Russell st. FOR SALE or rent S teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposco. day, week or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Hawthorn stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORSES FOR SALE 10 head good work hordes and mares. Freedman Bros.. 4S0 Overton, bet. 13th and 14th. Take "S" tar. WE have a few good horses left from 000 to 1500 lbs., all broke, on sale at Brumscrs Sale Stables. 505 Alhira ave. HORSES, mares, rifts cni narnese o kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. HUBERT ft HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent torses, vehicles, low rates on bueiness rlga WANTED To buy several good horses, all slzts. 3S0 Front el. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madlson ct. stable. 1S5'A. near bridge. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 33o0. WANTED To buy several good horsea, all sizes. 380 Front et. Automobiles. SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. 19o7 model. 7-passener Pierce Great Arrow for sale, bv owner; 30 horsepower; fullv equipped, top. side curtains, gns lamps. Boscli magneto, odometer, fine ex tra inner tubes; new tires. Car has just ben thorouulily overhauled and is In perfect shape. A bargain at $2250 cash. Write or call on C. F. Gilbert, Hotel Danmoore. Portland. AUTOMOBILES, $130 and up. (or ale or trade. W. G. Hartman ft Co., 4U 2d SL FOR SALE One Klmbail piano In perfect condition and nearly new, cost new $400; will sell $200; piano Is In golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1070. GEO. STECK pianolo piano, $75 worth music, cost $.100. good as new; will sell for $550. 150 N. Kith St. Miscellaneous. FURNITURE, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware, crockery, glassware, everything to furnish a house throughout. We are the largest dealers in new and nrst-clfiBS second-hand household goods In the Northwest. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 627-635 Washington St., Cor. 20th St. Main 110S, or A 3793. MeGrath ft Girvan, Proprietors. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereopticons. cal cium and gas outtits. new films, 3000 sub jects; guaranteed no repeaters; largest buyers of new films in United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 2U-?1 Wells-Fargo B'.dg., Portland. 4-CYLINDER Stnvens-Durea for sale cheap; high-grade equipment complete. This car is In good shape and an ideal family car; verv quiet running and a car you will not bo ashamed of. If you want a good car cheap and mean business, call at room 29 Hamilton bldg. Phone Mnin 4439. SEWING MACHINE STORAGE SALH. Tha following sewing machines will be sold to pav storage due on them: Finger, White, Standard. Wheeler ft Wilson, al most new; all attachments and fully guaranteed; cheap. White Sewing Ma china store, 420 Washington st. PACIFIC FILM CO.. S03-317 Rothchlld bldg.. Is still looking for more business; will rent lllms and songs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies for moving picture theaters. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap pricea Brunswlck-Balke-Collonder. 40 3d st ONE propeller towboat. 40x7. "New York safety cnglno and water tube boiler; a bargain. Inquire at Supple'a Shipyard, foot of Belmont st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. ful'y guaranteed, easy payments: rentals $3 per mouth. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.. 203 2d St. SECOND-HAN'B 30-H. P. boiler; Andrews moist air dry kiln; 30-llght dynamo. Pa relius Miff. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. FOR FALB Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. 213 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72 74 1st st., both, phones. FOR FALE or hire, lady's riding outfits, horses, hnbits and saddlery; lessons In riding. 503 Alder; phone A 4252. SISCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 400 Couch bldg. TYPEWRITER, A-l, your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonian. IRON' BED. springs, mattress, washstand, bureau, heating srovo. cheap. 340 Ankeny. MOVING -PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 4tn st. HELP WANTED MALE. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2oo Jlurnlde Street. Phone Main 5694. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL, ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. STATION gangs, new K. R. work. 2500 to 9000-yard pieces, free fare. Detail's from C. R. HANSEN, JR.. 20 N 2d st. WANTED Men's laundry; like mother used to do: no chemicals or machinery. Hand Laundry. Main 3073. 202 3d. WANTED Young men for rooms, $1 per week, board and room $3. Webfoot CIud, S N 7th st. WANTED Helper on cutting table that knows something about cutting. D 532, Oregonlan. FRAZIER BROS. EMPLOYMENT AOENCy! Situations secured for high-class help, free to employer. Benson bldg., 6th and Morsn. WANTED Live young man with $200 to take charge of sales office; experience not necessary. 606 Swetland bldg. WANTED Experienced bond solicitors, house-to-house canvass; something new; references required. F 567, Oregonian. WANTED Young man with $HD caoh to show property and learn the business. O 594. Oregonian. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, sten ographers. Room 29, 323 Vi Washington. WANTED 2 experienced salesmen. The Eastern Candy Works, 383 Burnside si. WANTED Photo and portrait agents; swell new offer. Cutberth, Dekum b.dg. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win Depot. P. Loratl, 148 4th. Main 6500. THE LEADING SUBDIVISION SELLERS IN PORTLAND WANT A FEW HU.H CI.ASS SALESMEN FOR THEIR NEW BEACH LOTS. THIS WILL BE lj MOST ATTRACTIVE AND TIIE QtltK EST SELLING BEACH PROPOSITION EVER OFFERED ON THE NORTH PA CIFIC COAST IT IS READY NOW AND IT WILL PAY EVEN THE BEST PAID SALESMEN TO LOOK INFO IT AT "N coLUMr!iA Tr.rsT company, 711 COUCH BLDU. SALESMEN WANTED IN EVERY LARGE TOWN IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON TO SELL SWINTON. ON THE PENIN SULA. HEbT SELLING SI HDIV1SION FHOPEMY ON THE MARKET AND AGENTS ARE THE BEST PAID. CALL. OR WRITE COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 711 COUCH BLDG. WANTED at onre for a first-class hotel. American and European plan, a first-class working euef-stuward; alsg a first-class htiker. Answer, fully stating past expe riences, nationality, age, references and salary expected: no l.ooze-ilghtera wanted. Address All 556. Oregunian. 10.0 POSITIONS for graduates last yeart me,n and women to learn barber trade In elriht weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $1S to $25 weekly: expert instructor; toois free; write for catalogue. Moliier System of Colleges, 3$ N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED For the wholesale lumber busi ness practical office man with some capi tal; applicant must be good correspond ent; lumber experience not essential; state salary expected, references, etc.; alt letters coiuldeiitlal. Address Lumberman, P. O. Box 413, i-a-n Francisco, Cal. YOUNG man, treasurer; take tickets travel ing theatrical company; A 1 references and S-i0 cash; security required; experi ence not necessary; quickly learned; sal ary $?5 per week and fare. Apply 106 Swotland bldg. AUTOMOBLING. plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taugbt by actual work In ehopa and buildings; advanced scholars earn wages; catalogue free. Coyne National Trade School. 230 8th at.. Baa Francisco. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly nnd tree transportation; Al refer enccs or bond necessary. Call after a P. M. II. H. Maddan. 502 Swetland bldg., Portland. Or. O R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department. 20 N-.rth Second at. Phones -Main and A 1528. Ileip free to employers. WANTED A first-class dry goods man, must understand the bufine.-s. good trimmer, . salesman, ard one not nfraid to work; good salary to' tho right man; town in on of tiie has- est county seat in the elate. B 689, Oregonian. WNTED Railway mail clerks; com inencemont snlury $SO0; March examina tions; candidates prepared free; write im mediately for schedule. Franklin Insti tute, ilorhester. N. Y. CAPABLE stenographer and bookkeeper who is good coj-n-si'ondent ; state expe rience and with whom; salury command ed; also age, salary desired, etc. E 453, Oregonlan. MN and wlfo to take chnrge and man age small dairy farm with city milk route; none but experienced dairymen need npilv Inquire northcaat corner 1st and Ankeny sts. YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre pare for examination oon: about $70 a month to start. Call or write for free par ticulars. Pacific States School. McKay bldg. MAN of business as manager; permanent business and position; good Income; the man moro than tho money needed. Call 707 Swetland bldg.; your opportunity, Y 1 'NO men wanted to loam telegraphy and ..tatlon work, good position guaranteed. Address Telegraph Dept., Hibernla bldg.. Market ft Jones St.. San Franalsco. CaL GOOD agents wanted to sell our coupons! must b sober and reliable; good propo sition and easy seller; no graft proposi tion. Hayes ft' Hayes, 843H Washington. WANTED SALES AND CLERICAL MBN, COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO., 4078-0 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. WANTED Marcher and polisher. CherTfa New Laundry. La Grande, Or. HELP WANTED FEMAXM. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season I tla weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 3 V. M. K. H. Maddan, 602 Bwetland bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing. Aprly mornings, southejiat corner 20th and Jackson sts., Portland Heights. Phona Main 2044. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCY, 843 Wae.Mngtoa St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2WJ3. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Shirt finishers or lronera. Ap ply Standard Fhlrt Factory No. 2, Orand ave. and Eust Taylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843tj Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstair, phone Main 2092. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. MPS. HOWE'S LADIES' AOENCT. H26 Waslilngton St., Room 807. Main SS30 or A 8208. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Ap ply Standard fa-tory No. 2, Grand ave. aiid East Taylor st. GIHL wanted to assist with light house work; two in family. Call Monday morn ing. 56 Weidler st. WANTED Competent cook, some house. work, second girl kept, small family, llfl N. 220. corner tliisan. WANTED Hn-'iiness woman, mature years, to assist manager: one who could leave city preferred. X 550, Oregonlan. WANTED Maid to do general housework; !t n. hilts: new l-mine; good wages. Apply at 7fv2 Hoyt St. after 10 A. M. LI I'M AN. WOLFE CO. require expe rienced wrappers at once. Apply to Miss Christiansen. GIRL wanted to assist in housework. 1153 Thurnian at., Willamette Heights car. Phona Main 070S. LA DIlOS" fine waists and linens; no ma chinery or chemicals; absolutely by Hand Laundry. Main 5073. 2ii2 3d. WANTED First-class cook. Apply between 4 and 5 P M. Perkins Hotel. Inquire for Otto . Katifmann. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison St. Phonea Main 1002. A 2004. WANTED jlrl for general housework, ll.l.'l Thurman St.; take W. car. Phona Main 070S. CIKL for houseuork and cooking. Apply mornings i;f. 57m Hoyt el. WANTED "Irl for general housework. 8 In, family: good wages. Call 003 Fenton bldg. W'ANTED A cook for a boarding-house. IMS N.. 17th st. Gj'P.L for general housework, email family. 5S0 jst St. WANTED An experienced waitress. The' Colonial, corner luth and Morrison. A MAID to assist in general housework, no cooking. .574 Hoyt st. WANTED Lady stenographer. $0 per week. Address E 45t, Oresonian ; give phone No. A GOOD rellatile girl to assist In general housework. 410 Second st. LADY for cooking and general housework, family of 3. Farrington. 50S Broadway. LADY to cook for 2 men on farm. Box 11. Olex. Or. GIHL for light houeework; good home, small wages. Main K2itli. 624 Water St. COMPETENT cook for general housework; Final! family. 775 Kearney. HELP WAITED MALE OR FEMALE. GOOD. BRIGHT, industrious salesmen and saleswomen demonetratorj. district mgrs. ; a clean, hlgh-clsss proposition and a big money-maker, which none but tiie intel lectual can Appreciate; none but absolute ly the best noed apply. 9oo Marquam bldg. CATHOLIC ladies and gentlemen; light em ployment during spare time, no money required. Benetllctine. Fathers publishers, 603 Goodnough bldg. FIVE persons to learn Spanish, preparing for Government positions- reasonable torms. 405 Commonwealth bldg. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. 612 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4871. I FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 par I month to beginners. 452 Morrison. -4.