Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 19, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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Statistical Position Warrants
Better Hop Prices.
Only Hair the Qnnnllty Jn United
States Tiirre Was a Year Ago,
but Buyers Are Averse to
Paying More.
Tha statistical portion of the hop market
at the opening of the year la stronirer than It
has be-n for several year past. That prices
ar. not at a higher level can only te as
cribed to the fact that business condition!
are not yet normal and that consumers do
not realize the shortness of available stocks.
There are only half the hops In the country
today that there were a year ago and there
Is reason to believe the production In the
United States, and In Europe as well, will
be smaller In the coming; season than It
was last Fall. This should lead to a hichcr
market. A readjustment of values Is, to br
sure, taklnc place, but It Is very slow.
The following table shows the unsold
tocks of hops of all rrowtha In the Vnlted
Ftls at this date:
Orecon Bales. Bales.
10..-- S',22
190. " 5.012 17.134
1UM 1-2O0
tuoT. 1..VM1
1U.WS 3.300 .200
1 Vs 14.000
io..? mono
j..Mis o.juo 29.Mil)
New Tors: - ' S""0
" Total "
Supplies In first hands one year ago were
as follows:
Oreson Pales. Bales
tm7 ..5:..ono
1Imss'0 67.000
lOOT. .
ios a.yo
jjk;s jo.nno
1'tArts 5.O0O 2.-..nv
ew Tors.
Total 113.00
There Is a (rood general demand at cur
rent prices for Oregon 19uSs, but business is
f small .volume because of the unwilling
ness of holders to sell. L'nless another ad
vance Is made In offered prices there Is not
likely to be much activity. Some contrai'tlna
is being- done on the basis of 0 to 10 cents.
Active trading continues In New York,
according to the Watervllle Times of Jan
nary 12. which says:
We hsve still to report continued activity
In the hop market. Between K.t and -)
bales have be.-n purchased in this vicinity
since Inst Friday. hn we reported that
300 bales had changed hands during the
pant two days. The pi ice paid for them
was from 10 to 10 '4 cents.
There Is decidedly more anxiety to buy
on the part of dcnlers and the h'ps recently
boujrht are all of meJlum grades, as In the
absence of anything better, these sre com
ing to the notice of the dealer. The ma
jority of the Sm bales bouirnt were grown
In the western part of the town of Auitusta
and comprised numerous growths, the larger
ones containing 40 an! :;2 balea While
these hops have been on the market all
the season, heretofore, they offered nothing
In the way of an Inducement to the dealer,
and the fact that growers of this grade are
now offered 10 to 10's cents would Indicate
thst there was a better demand and a
higher value placed on the stocks still In
the hands of growers. There, however. Is a
limit to transaction In this vicinity as
stocks are pretty well bought up and It U
an Interesting question as to what will be
the result when the market are cleared
entirely of the 100S crop.
Bemhard Blng writes wrora Nuremberg
as follows:
Our market was again rather active dur
ing December, as not only home consumer,
but also exporters fr Knglana were in toe
market and took oft large quantities. V'l
estimate that more than 6 bales have
been sold during the last four weeks.
As our producirg centers are sold out,
arrivals on the market are few and stocks,
therefore, show considerable reduction and
buvers of choice qualities have Increased
difficulty to cover their requirements. Be
sides attention Is to be drawn to the fact
that qualities are advancing continually jn
their classment.
Market llaa Not Tet Recovered From the
Hffect of the Storm.
It will be some time yet before normal
conditions are restored In the onion and
potato markets. In the meantime the mar
kets are stronr in tone and holders are sat.
Isfled with the outlook.
There la not likely to be any movement In
onions for a week or ten days, as the frozen
stock must be allowed to thaw slowly be-
I fore It can be 'handled. Prices at the mo-
. . i ... ....... i ... I far . OreenTl
m en l are r 1 1 . 1 1 . . -
shinning stock Is concerned. On Front
street the jobbing: market is firm -with, the
beat stock bringing '- 25.
A few cars of potatoes have gone South
In the last day or two, but buyers are very
cautious about taking on stock until they
can determine Its condition. For fancy po
tatoes, shippers offered 1 cent at country
points and it is reported some business was
done at a higher figure. The fan Francisco
market steadily improves, up to 1.65 hav
ing been paid for fancy Oregon Burbanks.
pi Front street the Jobbing market was
erm at lir.5gl.50. .
Jtaslnraa Is Quiet IWaoae of the Lightness
of SupvUe.
Because of the light supplies, firmness
still prevails m most of the cereal market
The top quotation on blueatem wheat Is still
quoted locally, but California orders la the
market for bhiestem do not reach this
price limit by several cents. Oats continue
Brra with a good demand here and la the
country and but little ottering. The barley
market Is quiet.
Bid and asked prices were posted at the
Koard of Trade as follows:
Bid. Asked.
januarv - H
February vi
janusry 1 H J 7 4
February 1.63 is 1.6
January I "T'i
February 41H
Receipts In cars were retried by the
Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Jan. 1-17 .H 4 11 2 '
Last week IS 5 14 3 23
;ggs Hard to Move at Lowe lMce.
Fwiltry Also Cheaper.
As was announced In The Oregonlan yes
terday, batter prices of some of the city
creameries came down 2 cents to the price
that was quoted before the cold snap. Even
Jower prices were named on Front street.
The egg market was weak with buyers
holding back. Oregon ranch eggs were
quoted at 40-342H cents and Eastern at
06 35 cents.
Poultry was also slow of sale and very
weak. For a Monday receipts were large,
and as corsldarebl stock was carried over
from Saturday, prices were in buyers" favor.
For hens ths usual quotations were 124 ff
13 cents and large Sjirings would bring no
more, though broilers sold up to the pre
vious price.
Fresli Produce Trade Normal.
A carload of mlzed vegetable was the
VjiUy arrival from California. Local cabbage (
is beginning to corn in more freely, several being distributed on the street yester
day. The supply of vegetables on the whole
Is not large and. with a good demand, prices
bo!d up very well. Theie was a fair In
quiry fir oranges, bananas and apples. Trade
In general was about up to normal.
Advance In Provisions.
A new prov4slon list that went Into effect
yesterday morning quoted advances of 'A
cent each in hams and lard.
Bank ( lea rings.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday were as folio s:
I'learlngs. Balances.
Pon'and l.::"t. :, !.i7.:iirj
.-catt l.l.-.L'IPIO 171.0'."J
Tncoma !t:.-,,72 M..v:2
Spokane 1.344.H4U 101.072
C.raln. Hour. Feed. Etc.
BARLEV Producers' prices: FeejJ, 1270
17. oO rer ton: brewing. 128.
WHEAT Track prions;' Blueatem. 1.05;
club, sue; fife, SJc: red Russian, 90c;
40-fold, 6c; Valley. 5c,
FLOL'R Patents, $5.25 per- barrel;
straights. 4.20; exports. J3.S0; Valley. J5;
sack graham, J4.60; whole wheat, f4 85.
OATS Producers' prices: No. 1 whits,
$33 5) per ton.
yn.l.TUKKS Jfran. 2826 50 per ton;
mlrtdll.igs. 33; shorts, fu'M; cnop. rXU2Z:
rolled barley, f'-K'n !.
HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. I8
per ton; Eastern Oregon. $17 H;
c'"er. Jl'jl3; alfalfa, $14; grain hay, $li
i 13.
Vegetables and rrult.
FP.EfH FRUITS Apples. 75cg$1 box;
pears. $1(11.75 per box; quinces. $191.25
per box; cranberries, $140 3 13 per barrel;
Epanlsh Malaga grapes, $7. DUOS per barrel;
persimmon's, $14? 1. 115.
POTATOES Front street Jobbing price.
$1:5(1 10 Jer hundred; sweet potatoes,
21c per pound.
TK'1I'I .1L FKLIIS irangcs. navi.-. u
i 3 per box; Japanese, 75c per Mi, lemons,
f:incy. $4ti4.&0 per box: clioice. $33.50;
standard, $i.75 box: grapefruit. $4 l!i box;
bananas, fgic per pour.d; pomegranates,
$l.50ii3 box; pineapples. per dozen;
tancorfpes. $1.75 per box.
ON IONS Orecon. selling price, $1.75 9
S " ; p hnt.,lT.e,1
K:KTArtI.F;s Turnips. $I..V)S1.7S
per wk: carrots. $t.2.vrl.S: parsnios, $1.50
CiI.7j; beets, $l.flj.u; norsera'usn, ouivv;
per pour.'!.
VEGETABLES Artic hokes. $1 40 doz ;
beans. ;i,c lb.; cabbage. 2&C lb.: cauli
fli.n tr, $2 .per crate; celery, $4.50 'if 5 per
crure. cui-iiinl ers. 1 . 7 t - 2."i box: ejiKplant.
11.; Ib ; lettuce, $l.:5'Sj 1.50 per box: parslev,
3"C dozen: peas. 2 -r lb.; pepire. 1562O0
per lb. : pumpkins. 1 it 1 V, o per lb.: radishes,
oOo per doz.; spinach, 2- per lb.; sprouts.
10c per lb.: squash. lUlVte per lb.; to
.matocs, $ 1.75 2.
Dairy and Country Prodnce.
BITTER City creamery. extras, 37c;
fancy outside creamery, 36&3c per lb.;
Sl'TC. Is y -'0c.
Er.GS Otv-gon ranch. 40tt42H;:; East
ern. 3''t35c per doz.'n.
I'On.TKV liens. l:S'rl3c lb.: Spring.
larKe. Il't'jIJc: small. 1S'b-": mixed. i:.
l:ic; ducks, 19fcj20c; gse, loiillc; turkeys,
is ''i :oc
t'HEESE Fancy cream twlr.s, 15HtylO(3
per lb.; full cream triplets. 1SV4 ltic; full
cre im. Young America. 1 ii V 17c.
VEAL Extra, loioic per pound; ordl
narv. TiHc; heavy. !.
roitK Fancy. Sisic per lb ; large, t&
Vsc. .
Groceries, Dried Fruits. Etc.
. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 7 be per pound;
pesches, prunes, Italians, 6tf
6 4c: prunes. French. 3i?rc; currants, un
washed, cases. 9Ul-; currents, washed, cases,
lOc; ngs. white, fancy. 50-pound boxes, Oo;
dates. 7 1f71aC.
fOFFEE Mocha. 24W2SC; Java, ordinary,
17t2V; Costa Klca, tanry. 18tf20c: good,
lGrlc; orUinary. i:V1Dc per pound.
KIl'E southern Japan. 4o; head, 50
SALMON Columbia River, t-pound tails.
$2 per dnzen; 2-pound talis. $2.U3: 1-pound
flats. $2 10: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 95c;
r-d. 1-pound talis, $1.4i; sookeyes, l-pound
tails. $-.'.
KI.'RAR Granulated. $3.03; extra C, $5.45;
golden C, $3.3."i; fruit and berry sufar, $5..';
plain bag. $."..73; beet granulated, $3 75;
cubes (.barrels). $0 35; powdered (barrel),
$120. Terms: On remittances within 1J
davs. deduct c per pound; if later than 15
d:i:s and within Z0 days, deduct St per
poun I Map!." sucv. 13i lsc per pound.
NUTS Walnuts. 14ul5c per pound by
sak; iirazll nutJ-, lii'; liltierts. 10c; pecanj,
ltic: almonds, l;;9 Ho: chestnuts. Italian.
lie: ne.muts. raw. SVfflSc: plnenuta, 10W
i:c; hickory nun. luc; cocoanuts, oc per
riALT Granulated. $14. per ton. J per
bale; half ground. 100s, $10 per ton; 50a,
$lti r.o per ton.
PEAMi small wnite. o.joe; large wnne.
4c: Uma, 5?c: pink. 3V4c; bayou, mc;
Mexican red. 4c. j
BACXN Fancy, 21i: per pound: standard,
lsc; cfloice. Uc; English. 15isijl6c; slrlpa
DRT SALT CURED Regular short clears,
dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; short clear
backs, heavy, dry salted, 12c; smoked, 13c;
Ort-gon exports, dry salt, I3c; smoked, 14c
HAMS 10 to 13 lbs., 14Vsc; 14 to 16 lbs.,
14c; is to 20 lbs.. 14c; hams, skinned.
14c; picnics, sc; cottage roll. 11c; shoul
ders. 11c; boi.eii hums, 10',a'ij2oc; boiled
picnics. 17c.
I.AKD hCUli" reniK-'reu: j icrtra, nc.
tubs. 13c; 5os. 13ic; 20s. 13'ic; 10s.
14c: is. HSc; 3s. H'sC Standard puie:
Tierces, 12'-jc; tubs. l--c: 0s. ll'c; -os.
1l"tc: 10s. I3c; os. 13-s,c; 3s. 13V-o. Com
pound: Tlerovs. 6c; tubs, $'c; bus, 8bc;
20s. Ssc; Bs, 8TC.
SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each.
70c; dried beef sets, 16c; dried beef out
sldes. 13c: dried beef insldes, ISc; dried
beef knuckles. le.
PICK LED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet.
$13; r. gular tripe. $10: honeycomb tripe,
$l:.': pigs' tnnrues, $l'.l."0.
MJE.-iS MEATS Beef, specials. $11 per
barrel: plate. $14 per barrel: family, $14
per barrel; pork. $21 per barrel; brisket, $J5
per barrel; S. P. beef tongues, $20; pig
snouts. $12.00; pig ears, $12.00.
COAL OIL Pearl and astral oil. cases,
lsc pr gallon; water white. Iron barrels,
llcl eocene and extra star, cases 21 i ; head
light oil. cases, 2vc; Iron barrels, lac; elalne,
ca.t-. 'JSC
GASl'LIXK Union and Red Crown, bar
rels, 15 -c: cases, ;:c; motor, barrels,
ItiUc; ci'tscs. :34c; S6 dci;re.'s. barrels,
30c; cases, 37i?c; engine distillate, .barrels,
9c; enses. 10c.
LINSEED OIL Raw, barrel lots, 62c; in
rases, 6c; boiled, barrel lots, C4c; in cases.
OIL MEAL Ton kite, $37
Hods, Wool. Hides, Elo.
Hops llK'S. choice, " 7V3C per pound;
gKHl prime, 6'-(a7c; fair prime, fiti-oc;
medium. 6't?tlc; 107,. 2i2'.4c; 1906. 13
1 WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best. 10
47 14c per pound, according to shrinkage;
Vallev. lS'UI-c.
MOHAIR Choice. 183 13e per pound.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. lj'olBc pound;
dry kip. No 1. 13314c pound: dry calf
skin. 17S17"io pound; salted hides, heavy,
(i-tlllr; light and cows. S .tSlic; salted calf
skin. 12Q12c pound; green, lc less.
- FURS No. 1 skins:- Angora goat, $1 to
$123; badger. 204 50c; bear. $520: beaver.
$0 5078.50; cat. wild, 6ocfe$l; cougar, per
fect head and claws. $3 j 10: fisher, dark,
ii.OOftll; pale. $4.907; rox, cross. $3
to $5; fox. grav. 60c to SOc; fox. red. $2 23
to $4: fox. silver. $:ir. to $100; iynx. $10i
15: marten. drk. $S't12; mink. 75c'g$4 50;
muskrat. 10 15c; otter, $7; raccoon. 45ctJ
wc: sea otter. $12.50. as to size; skunks,
60 J 75c; civet cat. 10i)13o; wolf, $233;
coyote. 70c(T $11": wojverlue. dark. $35;
wolverine, pale. $'J2 50.
CASt.'ARA BARK Small lots, 414c; car
lots, 5 '.4 o per pound.
Lantern Mining Slocks.
BOSTON. Jan. IS Closing quotations:
Adventure . .$ 9 On iMont c C. .
Alloues ::,vr.u INevnda 18.1
Amalgamated 75 t0 -Old Dominion 83.00
Ariz Com... 3(!2" IFarrot 2V 73
Atlantic l'J 624'Quincy KS.Oti
Butte Coal... 25. 00 Vhannon 1.;.1
,-! . Ariz. ..114 00 ITnmarack ... SO (it)
Cal Hecla.63.0O 1 Trinity 15.50
Centennial .. 3130 U nited Copper 14.00
Cooper Range 77.12H U. 8. Mining. 44 30
Paly West... 10 00 lit . oil 2V30
Franklin 15.50 lUtah 44 00
Greene Can.. II. 2y Victoria -VI
Isle Koyale. . 23 25 'Winona 3.00
Mass Mining. 5 50 fWoiverlne ...150 00
Michigan ... l'J 30 'North Butte.. SO.OO
Mohawk .... 6O.50 I
NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Closing quotations:
Alice 225 il.lttle Chief T
Brunswick Con. 3 1 Mexican 100
Com Tun stock. 23 J.)ntario o0
do bonds 14 !Ophlr ls
CCA 'a P0 'Standard 150
Horn Silver 70 'Yellow Jacket. ..110
Leadvllle Con... 8 t
Wool at St. Louis.
ST LOUIS, Jan. IV Wool, unchanre.l.
Territory and Western mediums. 17rlc;
fine mediums. 15i 17c; fine. 12 a 14c
Elgin Butter Market.-
ELGIN. 111.. Jan. 18. Butter, firm, 82c
Gales, 647,700 pounds lor the weak.
Bank of 'England Likely to
Draw on America.
Xew York Central a Strong: Feature
of the Early Trading, but Its
Influence Is Lost Later.
Copper Shares Weak.
NEW TORK. Jan. IS. Stock speculation
fell into neglect today and failed to hold
the awakened interest that gave promise
Saturday of reviving tho market. Sentiment
was less impressed by the rumors of rail
road deals which were in circulation, but
with less semblance of authority, or,, in
deed, of probability.
New York Central was a strong feature
In the early market and Its advance was of
a sympathetic intluence in sustaining prices
elsewhere. This intluence waned in the dull
market later.
Today's developments also indicate a fur
ther outgo of gold from here. The Bank
of England was obliged to give up gold for
South America again today and as l'aris
secured the arrivals of youth African gold
at London, the advance of last week in the
Bank of Kngland discount rate is tnus
proved futile as a measure to' secure gold
to the bank and a further rise in tho bank
rate Is discussed In London.
The drooping tendency of the copper In
dustrials was a drag on the general market
and was directly due to another reduction
In the price of the metal on the New York
Metal Exchange and to a sharp decline In
Hie price of copper warrants in the London
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $(i.2S4.000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
6al. High. Low. Bid.
Amal Corper .... 47,i; Mi 77;i 78
Am Car ei Foun. 2oO 4S 4t4 4;j
do preferred ... .- ..... lt'-STs
Am l'otton OIL. 8.2O0 4S 4t'i 4rt'i,
Am 11(1 & Lt pf. 2.N) :i8"i Ml 37 t
Am Ice Securl... a,l' 24-I, 2.1 -2:8
Am Linseed Oil.. IfO l.lj, 13"4 13
Am Locomotive.. Sot) 60 OO B.VJj
lo preferred 110
Am 8mc:t Ref. 26, WW M , '
do preferre.i ... boo Hcj'-j W 101
Am .'near Kef.. loo l-'UV 1-tHi l-Va
Am Tobacco pf . . 2o0 W W2'4 l2l
Am Woolen "'-2
Anaconda Min Co 2.2f 47-H 40?4 47-,
Atchison 2.S.K1 loo l) P1"
io preferred ... :i"0 lisH Ksiij Urn',,
Atl Coat Line... 7ti Ki"" Jw'j W,j
Bait & Ohio ll.Bt.ii) ii'ji, illi, lllk
k preferred ... I) M HI 02
Brook Rap Tran. 40.2'i 71 "o", 70
Canallan Pacill.-.. 5t) 177t, 17s 17t,
Central leather.. l,w 31 31 , .'11
do preferr-'d Ii'i4
Central of N J 2::4
Ches & faiilo l.o 61 V, 00 60H
Chi Ot Weitern.. S"-j SI 8
Chicago 4t N W..i 1.4"t) 17 1771-4 177
C. M & St Paul. 7. 1)') HIH4 148'li 14H
C. C, C & St L... l.'ttX) 71.M, 7o-S 71
Colo Fuel Iron. 4.7'H " 40!4
Colo & Southern.. 1.3"0 B7 , 61. t fittS
do lrt preferred. Hi") US 4 "it
do 2d urer.rrtd. 1.20 S2 Sl?i M
Consolliiattd Gas.. 2) 12?i 127 121!,
Corn Products ... 3.4"0 1N' ISii IS
lel & Huim... lto itx lift in'a
1) & R tiranJe... l,o :t'. V4 3 '.4 3-s'-J
do preferred ... MO bo CO 7iij
Iilstlllers' Securl.. ik :)7 tt Bo's
Lrio 4, Ms 31 ' ;f'"s
do 1st preferred. ! 474 44'
do 2d prt ferred lw) a5V-, 30"-i .'t-t Va
General Electric Ii4
lit Northern pf... 4.400 144 14.1 14.1 H
H Northern Ore.. .Too 71'4 .Ui U
Illinois Central .. 1.2"0 145' 144".t 144
Interborough Met. B.titti iti i"' J"
do preferred ... 3, UK) 47 44 4.4
Int Pajier 5ot) 12 '4 12 1-'
do preferred o s
Int Pump 1.7' 4" 304 3'.
Iowa Central B.HO 34 311 3:4
K C Southern.... l.t 1 4L'i...
d preferred ... Ic.&tit) Li1 t-j 1-4
Louis & Nashville t l-5'.s 124' l-4-4
Minn & St L -'"I 6U .in ot
M. St P & S S M. 5o0 H3ti 144lj 144
Missouri Pacitlc. 4.3oO 7oj CIHn 70
Mo. Kan & Texas 10.4O0 4:i!s 41;i 4 s
do preferred 7.'i4
National Iad ... froo 77 Va 77 Vi 77
N Y Centr-tl 30. MO l.'ll 1:M) jao'4
.V Y. Ont & We.t. l.tso 47'4 411'i 4t;
Norfolk & West. 7,tt"t ei SI)
North American.. O'o t4;a i4s
Northern Pacific.. 8, loo 140 13V, 1HV.,
Pacific Mali .i" -"is .ms '"'j
I'ennm-lvanla 20,4"0 13.". s 13.1 133
People's Gas 2o Ka-j, lo.1V,
P. C C St L... 7'it bSS bS'a fs
I'ressed Stoel Car 2(A) 41')s 41 414
rullman Pal Car !
By Steel Spring; '..... 4ti
Iteac.K ou.rMio i... .tt j.w :s
llepu I lc Steel-... loo 'J.-it4 514 i.'.
do preferred ... .i' m.u, ct.-j .",
Rock Island Co.. z.ftoO 24 24T, 24'4
nreforred ... 3.'0 fiM:ii f
St L & S F 2 pf. loO SUb '!
St L Southwestern 23
do preferred ... 1"0 r3'4 634 63
Sloss-Sheffleld .... 3"K) 78 7K 77i
Southern' Pacific. . e.D'O 12" ll'-4 ll',a
do preferred ... .MO 122 121 74 121
Southern Railway. 2,M0 illll 25-1, 2S
do preferred ... LSoO 03 till'i t'2!a
Tenn Copper l.ioo 45 444 44
Texas & Pacific... 2,(tts 3514 34 344
Tol. St L & West. 2.400 52 M4 ol'
do preferred ... 1.4O0 7J-'i 71 4 71 t;
Union Pacific .N 71,!" 17!l, IT'.tki
do preferred ... 2" 4 85
TJ S Rubber 5" 44 34 33
do 1ft prefercrd. 4"t Iv4 104V1 lt4
U S Steel 4"0 f3 62l S2U
do preferred ... 7' H4',4 113 113i
Utah Copper of 45 44 44
Va-Caro Chemical. 4.4iO 4t! 4b"4 4
do preferred ... MO 1144 H4;i 113
Wabash I"1' 1 ' l-s
do preferred ... 4.) 4st 4.SH 4SV4
Weetinshoviae Elec loo !tl M
Western Union ,
Wheel & L Erie. 100 m; 11?, HVj
Wisconsin Central. 4.4oi) 4" 3!1 3ft
Am Tel & Tel l.tmO Lii!, 12B 125
Total sales for the day, 0b7,3O0 shares.
yi'W YORK, Jan. IS. Closinj quotations:
TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.l02-j!N YOU 3VJa.. 04 H
do coupon. .. .103 INorth Pacific 3. 744
TJ. S. 3s reg 100?lNorth Pacltio 4s. 102'
do coupon HM)4!South Pacltio 4s. ni'4
TJ. S. old 4s reg.ll'.)4 Unlon Paciflc 48.102
do coupon. 1204:Viscon Cent 4s.. 04
Atchison adj 4s. 02 Japanese 4s 81
D & R G 4s. ... 8 I
Stocks at London,
LONDON. Jan. 18. Consols for money,
$3 7-10; do for account, 83'.4.
Anaconda ... 9.75 IN. Y. Central. 134.50
Atchison 102.r,2'.4 Norflk & W'es 91. 00
do pref 1O3.00 I do pref 60.00
Bait Ohio. 114. 75 Ont ft West.. 49.00
Can Pacific. .lt)ti.37H Pennsylvania. 68.124
Ches ft Ohio. 02-VT 41 Rand Mines.. 7.8T4
Chi Grt West 8.75 meedlnK 70 75
C. M. & S. P. 153.00 'Southern Ry. . 2 75
De Beers.... 11.25 I do pref 04.50
D A R O 40.00 IFouth Pacific. 123 50
do pref.... tunlon Paciflc. 185. 124
F.rle : 31 S7 4I do pref 119.00
do 1st pf
do 2d pf
3.0 li S steel.... M.Si s
! do pref 110.50
IWabash 10 25
I do pref liO.50
Spanish 4s.... 04 75
tAmal Copper. 81.02 4
flrand Trunk 10.50
111 Central. .. 148.50
I, r N 12S. 00
MO K T. . 44.50
Money Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Prime mercantile
paper 3i "5f per cent.
Merlin exchange steady, with active
business in bankers' bills at $4.849014.85
for 60 days and at $4.S745 for demand.
Commercial bills. $4.84 X W4.S4 .
Bar silver. 52t,c
Mexican dollars. 44c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad
bonds. Irregular.
Money on call. l'j2 per cent; ruling
rate, closing bid and offered at 1 per cent.
Time loans, slightly firmer; SO-day bills.
2lstl24 per cent; 00 days, (3 per
cent; six months. $1ij34 per cent.
LONDON, Jan. 18. Bar silver, 24H1 per
Money. 2V24 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2(5":', per cent; three
months bills, : H - '4 Pr oent.
8AM FRANCISCO. Jan. 18. Silver bars,
Mexlcan dollars, nominal.
Drafts, sight. 74c: telegraph, 10c.
Sterling, 60 days. t SoS; sight, $4.87T4-
Dally Treasury statement.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances In the gea
eral fund shows:
Available cash balance $152,646,600
Gold coin and bullion 21.Otwi.3TiO
Gold cortlOcates - 30,6Oi,5u0
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Jan. IS. The London tin
market was lower, spot closing at 125 Be
and futures at 127. The local market was
dull, with spot quoted at 27.50j27.70c.
Copper had a sharp break in the London
market, with spot at 60 5s and futures at
01 3s 6d. The local market was weak and
lower, w ith Lake quoted at 14.20ii14.3t 4c
electrolytic at- 13.8746'14o and casting at
13.754 13.804c.
Lead was unchanged at 13 8d 6d In Lon
don. The local market was dull at 4.15 4?
Spelter declined to 21 5d In London. The
local market remained dull at 6.1J4S5.1i 4c
Iron was higher In the London market.
with Cleveland warrants quoted at 4Ss oa.
Locally the market was quiet.
rialrv Produce In tbe East.
CHICAGO. Jaan. 18. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady,
Ch-w.pIui ?.9'Ti:iO.- dnlriejt. 2Hifii!5c.
Eggs Easy; at mark, .cases Included, 204
204c: firsts, 804c: prime firsts, 314c.
Cheese Firm at 1415c.
NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Butter Barely
steatiy. Creameries, thirds to specials, 24tt
334c. , ,
Cneese Firm. State full cream specials,
14, fi 15-., o.
L'sgs Easier. Western firsts, 324g33c,
w York ?otton Market.
NRW YORK. Jan. 18. Cotton Spot cloetd
quiet. 10 points higher, .vin-up.anae, a.ouc
do. Gulf. IQ.i.y. Mtlf.-
6"0 brt'f-s.
Eggs Decline Again and Will Be
Still Lower Today, Because
of Larger Receipts.
SBATTLB, Wash.. Jan. 18. (Special.)
The, first activity in club wheat In weeks
was noticeable here today on the grain ex
change. The price was put up to 06 cents
on buyint: by millers. Millers unable to get
blucstem are taking chances on using ciuo.
Five bundred burhele of oats were sold on
tho exchange at $33.50. the highest price of
the season.
Eces dropped again and the average price
on fresh ranch tonlpht is 40 cents. While
receipts today were light, a big increase In
the supply is looked for tomorrow and lower
prices are in sicht. Only 40 cents will be
offered to shippers tomorrow.
Oranget continue to weaken, much good
stock being sold at $2.25.
Prices raid for rrocluee In the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IS. The follow
ing prices were quoted in the produce mar
ket today: ....
MlllhtiitTs Bran. $28.50j80; middlings,
$33 50'(i 35.50.
Vegetables Garlic, eloc: green peas.
67 8c; string beans, lvalue; tomatoes,
xi ft 1.50.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3S4c; creamery
seconds. 33c; fancy dairy, 27c; dairy sec
onds. 31c; pickled, nominal.
Cheese New, 134 H 14c; Young America,
lrii10c; Eastern, 17c.
e'sks Store, 404c; fancy ranch, 47c;
Eastern, 43c.
Poultry Roosters, old, $4fT4.50; young,
$fiw8; broilers, smiili, $3.50''i-4.5: broilers,
larpe. $4V4.50; fryers. 0'i'$t; hens, $5'fl: ti;
ducks, old. $4'43; young. $G't 8.
Wool Sriririj;. Humboldt and Mendocino,
16lllc; Mountain. 4i04c; Nevada, "'(i 14c.
Hav Wheat. $191t 23: wheat and oats,
$1S6i22; alfalfa. $15nlS.M): stock. $134j)
10; straw, per balo, riO'iS5c.
Potatoes Karly Rose. $1.40"!) 1.65; Ore
gon Burbanks, $l.&0ul.C5; sweets, $1.25u
Fruits Apples, choice. $1.25: common.
40c; bananas, 75cff$U; limes. $44r5; lemons,
choice. $3; common, $1: oranges, navels,
$l.L'5i'3: pineapples. $150JJ2 50.
Receipts Flour. 12.13 quarter sacks;
wheat. 30 cent.ils; barley. 3H20 centals;
oats, 22.10 centals; beans, 5417 sacks: pota
toes. fo'.'.tO sacks; bran, 510 sacks: middlings,
3tii sacks: hay, 8S7 tons; wool, 13S bundle;
hides,. 400.
Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
The movement of livestock to this mar
ket Is on the fncroase. There were liberal
receipts yesterday; anil Witli prospects, of
large shipments during the remainder of
the week, prices are not on tho firm basis
tiKiy were last week. There were no
changes in quotations yesterday and the
course of prices In the next few days will
depend on the arrivals. In addition to
30 carloads, mostly cattle, received by
packers, the receipts yesterday included
3S0 cattle and 540 hogs.
Local prices curnont yesterday were as
CATTLE Best steers, $4.75f5; medium.
J4.40fc4.75; common. 1 3.75 fll 4. 25 ; cows, best,
$3.75u4; medium, S.1.50i 3.75; common,
$J.75'-i 3.75: calves, $4.00 1 5.
SHEEP Best wethers, tl.50ff4.75: mixed,
sheep and lambs. $4.50(fj5; ewes, $4fj4.60;
lambs, best trimmed, $5; untrimmed, $4
HOGS Boat. $6.25 Sf 6.50; medium, $6
6.25; feeders not wanted.
Eastern Liveslock Market.
t- 3 .rTV Tit, 1 0 fnttle Ttef-ciots.
r. . i -i.- .... . . .-... . -'- . V
30.000. Market strong. Native cows and heif
ers. $2.0O5i 00; stockers and feeders. $3.40
'05.50; bulls, l3.:.'fl-o.ou: cnives, j..u'"j
8.1:5; Western steers. $4.00S6.40; Western
cows, $3.0U!triuu.
ii d....i,m. ft ftOO -XT-irlcet Re hleh
er. Bulk of sales, $5.75.20: heavy, $. 15
(rS.30; packers and butchers. ?5.4O0.25;
light. $;5.t0i 6.10; pigs. ?4.;0'i 5.."5.
Sheep Kecelpts. iltuti. aiaraei. sit-miy.
range wethers, $i.25ij'6.75; fed ewes, $3.00W
CHICAGO. Jan. 18. Cattle Receipts,
estimated. 2? 0t0. Market, steady. Beeves,
$4 007.25; "Texans, $4.15 5.25; Westerns,
S4.00U 5.G0; stockers and feeders, $3,250
5 00- cows and heifers. $1.75O'5-50; calves,
Hogs Receipts about 4S.OO0. Market 6o to
10c higher. Light. $5 55"i OHO; mixed, $3.80
6 8.40; heavy, $5.85 6.45; rough, $5.b5
4i tt.4-0 : rood to choice heavy. juYOfi '-T'ii.45;
pigs. $4.40S,5.35; bulk of sales. $6.00630.
tjheep Receipts. 22,000. Market strong.
Natives. $5.25'i 5.00; Westerns, $3.25y5 6;
yearlings, $.00J7.40: lambs, native, $3.25
jj 7.90; Westerns, $5.25 7.S0.
OMAHA. Jan. 18. Cattle Receipts. 2000.
Market, steady to stronger. Western steers,
$35r5R0: Texans, f 3.00f'1f 5.00; ransre cows
and heifers, $2.75(5 25; calves. $4.O08.25.
Hogs Kocelpts. asoo. Market, 10c high
er. Heavy. $tl.lO6.30; mixed. $6.0008.10;
light. J5.75Sj0.15; pigs. $3.50ii).5.ri0; bulk of
sales. $6. on r (1.15.
Sheep Receipts, BI0O. Market, steady.
Yearlings. $0 tKl .'" 6.85; wethers. $3.00 p 5. 73;
ewes. $4.056.25; lambs. $6.507.75.
I)ricl l-Vuit at New York.
NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Evaporated apples
are quiet, but holders are maintaining
prices. Fancy, 94c: choice, .74Sc;
prime, 64-?7c; common to fair, ettGUc.
Prunes range from 3"ifii7c for new
crop California fruit up to 40s and 50s
and from 64 3 0c for Oregons, 40-5OS to
Apricots are quiet, with choice at 9 4
9,c; extra choice, P4'U-10c; fancy, 114 'IP
Poaches are unchanged, with choice
quoted at 8470; extra choice, 74faSc;
fancy. 84 10c.
Kalstns continue unsettled: loose musca
tel. eta'Se: choice to fancy seeded, 54
64c: seedless, 454c; London layers, $1.50
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Jan. 18. Coffee closed
steady and 4 points higher to 4 points lower.
Sales were reported of 40,750 bags. Includ
ing January at 5.35c; March. o.DS'U' 6.00c;
May. fl'fl 6.05c; June, 6.D6c; July, 5.85c; Sep
tember, 5.65&5 70c; Iiecember, 5.65. bpot
coffee steady; No. 7 Rio. 7U'r7-c; Santos,
No. 4. 8:Sc. Mild coffee dull; Cordova.
84 c. , ,
hugar Raw, nominal. Fair refining,
8,'Jlc: centrifugal. 96 test, 3.71c; molasses
sugar, a.Ottc. Refined steady; crushed,
5.35c; powdered, 4.75c: granulated, 4.65c
Dying Woman Found la Skiff.
SEATTLE! Wash., Jan. 13. A richly
dressed woman was found, face down. In
a skiff half filled with water, floating in
Elliott Bay this morning:. Captain Henry
Thompson, of the tiiS Mayflower, rescued
the woman and took her to the police
station, where she died eotin after arrival
without regaining consciousness. The only
clew to the Identity of the woman was a
delicately tattooed bracelet on the) left
arm with the word "illlla" In it. .
Wheat Traders Look for Re
duction in Visible.
Earaors In vTilcago Pit That a Big
Shrinkage in Available Stocks
"Will Bo Shown In To- ,
day's Statement.
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Rumors to the effect
that the visible supply statement will show
a big decrease in the available stocks In the
United- States were in circulation through
out the entire session and were largely re
sponsible for the firmness which prevailed
in the wheat pit all day. The official
statement was not given out today.
usual, but it was announced the figures
would be made public tomorrow. The close
was firm with May at $1,06 4 and July at
Corn was Arm all day and closed firm
with prices up 4c to 9sC, com
pared with Saturday's close.
Oats were firm nearly all day. Cash prices
were up to 4 c compared with the
previous session. The close was easy wltil
prices a shade higher to 4c lower, with
May at G14c and July at 45"AC.
Provisions were firm because of a 10 to
15c advance in. the price of live hogs.
Prices at the close were up 7410c to
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High.
.97 4
.J1.0C4 $1.064
. .87 .974
. .844 .04
.61 'i
.61 U
.B1H 514
.4 .46Vi
.38 -S9
17.10 .16.924
17.20 17.05
17.274 17.074
.. 9.724
.. 9.924
10.07 4
8.874 8.874 8.874
9.05 9.10 9.02 4
July 9.17 4 3-234 9,17
Cash quotations wefo as follows:
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 2 Spring, $1.074 109 : No. 3,
L429L09: No. 2 red, $1,054 Sfl 06.
Corn No. 2. 58583tc: No. 3 yellow, B9c.
Oiits No. 2 white. 50c; No. 3 white,
49 4 & 51 4 c
Rve No. 2, 75 4 o.
Barley flood feeding, 594 00o; fair to
choice malting, 61 63c.
Timothy, seed Prime, $3.90.
Clover Contract grades, $0.25.
Short ribs Sides, loose. $S.50fTa75.
Mess pork Per barrel. $17.10 17.20.
I.ard Per 100 pounds, $9.7S.
Short clear sides Boxed, $8.75 9.00.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 25.400 13.400
"Wheat, bushels illl.-KH) 2H.B00
Corn, bushels 444.5O0 201.700
Oats, bushels 256..V10 2.15.,'KK)
Rye. bushels 5,000 7.000
Barley, bushels 18,000 22.D00
Grain and Produce at New York.
NRW TORK. Jan. 18. Flour Receipts,
13.800 barrels; exports, 10,150 barrels; quiet,
but steady.
u'h.iii Reeelnts-. 136.S00 bushels: exports.
04.000 biiPhels. Spot. firm. No. 2 red, $1,064
Grl.Oit elevator and $i.ik4 r. o. D. arioat;
No. 2 Northern Duluth. $1.18 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 hard Winter, $1,154 t. o. b. afloat.
It was a quiet day In wheat circles, out the
market-had such good support that price
were well sustained and closed 4c net higher.
May closed at $1,104 and- July at $L044.
Hops Quiet.
Hides, wool and petroleum Steady.
Visible Supply Statement.
NTTW YORK. Jan. 18. The New York
Produce Exchange visible supply of grain
statement will not be Ifsued until tomor
row. Tho visible supply ot grain Saturday.
January 16. without Buffalo, afloat and Chl-
ooga, follows:
ufneis. iiwroase.
Wh-eaf 36,3.)O.O0O 895.0OO
Corn 505,000 18,000'
The visible sunnlv of wheat In Canada
Saturday, January 16, waa 6.340,000 bushels,
a decrease of 325,000 bushela
Grain at San Francisco,
PAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 18. Wheat
Barley Firm.
snot Quotations: Wheat Shipping,
$l.i;2". 1.67 4: , milling. $1,674 1.724
Barley Feeding, $l.-44Kd1.43; brewing.
,,. , . l i no it ist.o in-
white. $1.7091.85; black. $2.25:32.60.
cnii hnnrd sales: Wheat No trading.
Barley May. $1.421.45. Corn Large yel
low, Jl.liBl-W-
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Jan 18. Cargoes, firmer; more
Inquiry. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, at
3is od: California, prompt guipuivui, ai
87s 9d. ....
Knalisn country mantels, oa nearer;
French country markets, quiet.
T.IVF.RPOOI. Jan. 18. Wheat. March. 7
7d; May, 7 64d; July, 7s 6L Weather
Wheat at Tacoma
TACOMA. Jan. IS. Wheat, milling, blue-
stem. $L05; export, blueatem, 05c; club,
90c; red. SSc.
Bank: of Sherwood to M. T. Har
grove. 60 feet of east end of lot 5
and 60 feet ot east end of lot 6,
block 9. Arleta Park No. S t 600
Oregon Real Estate Company to
Oeorpe B. Hovenden, lots 5, 6, biocK
178. Holladay's Addition 4..S3S
James H. Murphy et al to Albert
Johnson, lota 9, 10, II, diock 14,
ilabelville 270
L. P. R. LeCompte and wife to Ma
tilda jreisKe, north loo reel or lot
2, block 24, Tolmon tract..... 423
Albert S. Rape and wife to Max
Aemus et ai, north iuo reet or east
60 feet of west 290 feet In block
N." M. Patton tract 800
Holcomb Realty Company to John C
Sharp, lot 19, .Beaver Acres; also
1 other tract 848
Buford E. Cauthorn et al to G. E.
Welter, lot 8, block L Hawthorne's
First Addition 978
Security Savings & Trust Company to
ftumner Newell, lot 3, block cr
Crest View Villas 10
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
to Theodore conlck et au lots lo,
11. 12, 13, block 6, Menefee Addi
tion 2.500
University Land Company to E. E.
van Alsttne, lots 16, 17. blocK no.
University Park 600
John Preston and wife to S. A. Olson,
lot 11. block 9- Laurclwood Park. . 150
William E. Bralnard and wife to
Henry J. Hancock et al. lot 24.
block 7. Terminus Addition 300
F. A. Finch to C. H. FiBgott, lot 10,
l.lnn Park; lots 17. IB. subdivision
L In M. Patton Tract; lots 20. 2L
block 41. Tremont 100
J. C. Alnsworth and wife to G. H.
F.hmsen, lots 18. 19. block 4, Oak
Hurst 880
L. Layton Wisdom and wife to L. H.
Ostor. lot 2. bock 110. Woodstock:.. w
American Surety Co. of New York
to Fidelity & Deposit Co. or Mary
land, lots 1, 2. 3. block 10. Arbor
Loilee B25
Joseph Mllden to Alio E. Patton et al.
lot . block a, tsemnart ram .... oou
John D. Wilcox to William E. Braln
ard. lots L 2. block 7. Terminus
Addition to Alblna 800
Robert H. Ellis to Edwin F. Keene,
lots 7, 8. block 29. Patton's Sec
ond Addition to Albina L1S0
George L. Campbell and wife to Ru
dolph pautzscn. iota a, o, o. diock
K3. Alblna 12.500
Edwin Lyons and wife to J. R. Capias,
lot 4. block 21ft. lioilaaay Addition z.ovu
Orvllle Luman Francis and wife to
John Thomas Fouikes. soutn 4 reet
of lot 6. block 16, Sunnyslde Ad
dition 8.500
WUliam A. Adams and wife to W.
H. Luce et al., lot 7, block e, Lex
ington Heights Add 162
B. M. Lombard and wife to 8. H.
Xorth, lots 11 and 12, Block 19,
Railway Add. to Montavilla. 165
Bame to Ciarlee L. Wilson, lot 21 ,
Transacts General Banking Business
We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct from contractor
and save broker's commission.
Bought and sold for eanh and en tnanrta.
Private wires Rooms 201 to
'Sk Offer
) and
Largest triple
fcjr' For Dttcriptirt Matter
? Rrnfcoi! 4CS$
8 V.
Bew Tot. Boston, Chleano. MlnneapolH. Philadelphia. St. Louis,
Ssd Francisco, Toronto and Montreal, or Local Agents.
block 5. Railway Add. to Montavllla
L. J. Kelly and wife to Gulaeppe Pa-
lona et al., 15 acres in Sec. 13. T.
1 S.. R. 1 E
Chariee A. Burckhardt and wife to
Hibernla Savings Bank, 10 acres
commencing; at X. E. corner of
Sec. 17. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E
Mary E. Rust to Frank Adams, lots
0 and o. oiock l, mitnsun uina
Co.'s Add.-
Charles Lomerlne et al. to C. H.
Shelhanier, lot 20, block 1, llave
lock Merchants Loan & Trust Co. to Mike
Lapoehinsky, lots 8. a and 10. Diock
1 Ethel Lynn Add
John M. Beckett and wife to W. W.
Ruseell et al.. soutn Yj or lot s,
Glenwood Park
C. H. . Sholes and wife to Star Sard
Co.. lots 3 and 4. block 2. Highland
Kenwood Land Co. to Annie E. O'Uay,
lots 21) and 30, block 20. Kenton...
D. M. Hetrlck and wife to T. W. and
Lillian ti. h.mersan, lots ii ana n,
blocV 5. South Sunnyslde
Edward Gunderson and wife to Didrik
fitrom, lot 5, block 0, Sussex Add.
Boom 6. Board of Trade bldg.
Abstracts a specialty.
Have your abstracts made by the Title A
rust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce
For Sale by
T. S. McGrath
Lumber Exchange
We offer, subject to sale, the following
$25,000 Seattle, Water 5s. -$10,000
Portland Improvement 6a.
$ 6,000 Portland, Water 5s.
$10,000 Portland Home Telephone 5s,
with 100 per cent stock bonus.
Prices on application.
Money to Loan
Investment Securities.
Board of Trade Building.
Phone Main 7596.
204, Coucli EiiMng
Teleptioae &I33&
the unsurpassed in Luxurious
Comfortable Ocean Travel
By its great 20,000 ton tteamcr
CARIt5ANI A" Jan. 21, Mar
CAR0NIA" Feb. 18
- screw turbine in ther "World
and Restrattont apply fo
Loudon Pari Ilnraburs;
Batavla Jan. 'J Kaiscrln A. V... Feb. 6
P'-nnsvlvHiiia. Jan. Mjliruf Waklcrsos Feb. 13
wit1 A fl via Aro .Madeira and
1 1 AJL. 1 liibrultar
S S HAMHl'RO, IFeb. 1G. JMarch 23,
s' . MHLTK.K. S-I-in. iS. !i Apr. 27.
S' S' 11KI TSCHL.1ND, i'iFob. rt.
S' S.' rATRICIA, HApr. 13.
'Calls Azores. JMaduira. "Olbraltar.
5('h1!s Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Malasa.
Alplora G-noa and then continues ORIENT
crui"o. A limited number of rooms available
to IlalJlAMBtR0.AJU.:icAJt LINK,
ICO Powell St., San Francisro and Local
R. R. Affcnts In Portland.
Deliehtful South Sea lours for Kest and
Now Zealand, tile world's -wonderland. Is
now at Us best. Geysers, Hot Lakes and
other thermal wonders. surpassing ins
Yellowstone. The favorite 8. S. Mariposa
sails from San Francisco for Tahiti Feb
ruary , March 1. Aj'ril 10. vie... connecting
with Union Line lor Wellington. New
Tho'aIOnly Passenger Lino 'From United
States to New Zealand.
Only $2t;o lirst-i:lays to AVelllnBton anO
back. To Tahiti and return, first-class. $l2o,
28-day trip. For Itineraries, write Oceanlo
Line. 673 Market street. Kan Francisco.
The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Tort
land every Wednesday at S F. Bl. from
Alnsworth dock, for North Bend, Uarsh
llcld and Coos liay points. Freight received
till 1 P. M- on day of sailing. Passenger
fare, first-class, $lo; second-class, $7, in
cluding berth and meals. Inquire city ticket
office. Third and Washinston streets, ot
Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 2rtS.
North Pacific S.S. Co's. Steamhlp
ioanoke and Geo. W.Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. iL Ticket office 13a Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, &L
1314. H. Young, Agent.
Only direct steamer anil daylight sailings.
From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.:
S. S. Senator, Jan. 22, l'eb. 5.
S. S. ICo-e City, Jnn. Feb. 13.
From Lombard St., an Francisco. 11 A. M.:
ti. S Rose City, Jan 23. Feb. 0.
S S. Senator. Jan. ;S0, Feb. 13.
J. V. Ransom. Dock Apent.
Main 2t8 Ainsworth Dock.
SL J. BOCHJK, City Ticket Acent. 142 3d St.
Phono Main 40::. A H03.
Diseases of Men
Varicocele Hrdrocal.
Js'trvoua Debility. Blood
Folfton. Stricture, Oleet.
Fj-oatatlo trouble ana
a.11 otber private dl
ajes are eucceaafuily
treated and cured by
me. Call and see me
about your caaa It
you want reliable
treatment with prompt
, n.riri antnl rxi n 1 fa
s- .1 invitnd All tranvao-
tlons satisfactory and cohfld'ntla1-,- ? ,
hours A. M t I p. H Sundays 10 " li,
Call on or address
181 First St. Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or
13,500 v. t -
- (j? X'MOLTKE"
600 . w . FROM NEW YORK
1000 tVL Innuary 28, 1909
H $300.22
8,000 V W VW -W ja .
H The efficiency
10 21 PORTS of 80 Year'
OF CALL VV Kiperlepoa
600 ah arranRe- k f-j w
menw aboard Vk V,
wsn and a6hore under M
l.SOO direct maitage- jU v v
meat of Vv VV
800 v ,