rrTtn irnnvTvn rTPT?nr-?T v TTTrniV .T A "VTTA T?.V 1 0 JANUARY 1909. m rm i i . unit .1 .111 . , . - m. mjlj " - - - - , Li " " . : i Tir7ir7IT7ZZ i . .m,.,. T.Tt I safarms. T hklp wasted-male. f HFxr w a nt k d fx m a le . GUM CLUB HAS GAME LAW Brownsville SnortsuKMi Will Ask Ivr-Rislature to Kednce Season. FROWXSVILLE. Or., Jan. 18. Special.) The Brownsville Rod and Gun Club, the members of which are deeply Interested In the nrotectlon of wUd game In Oregon. has adopted and will lay before the State Legislature, resolutions asking that the onen season In which deer may re auiea In Linn County be from September 1 to Dec-ember 1- As coi.ffa.rs and other wild animals de- trov much tame, it Is asked tnai bounty be paid by the state and county In which auch animals may oe Kineu, follows: Cougar. tJ; wildcat, i; wolves rf all kinds. U. The club asks further that frame ward ens be apDolntnd by Ue County Courts of the several counties: that the hunting of up-land birds be prohibited for a period of two years: that the limit or aucas ror any one day or week be 23. and feeding and shooting from blinds be promuitea: that the Legislature enact stringent laws for the protection of trout. AM I S EM ." TS. HEILIG Evenings at 8 Shai MATINEES WEDNES1 SEATS SELLING FOR THE WEEK Evenings at 8 Sharp; Matinees at S. MATINEES -WEDNESDAY and SATCRDAT T0CHT!A?&"!'Ni'h, This Week vrt. Ni;ER'S New and Greater : s s tn 1 Out-of-Town Mall Orders Received. Frire. matinee and night. SOe. 11.00. 1 1.60 and si' no. iii Lsxir Vat 317 4KA Tonlrht All Week Matinee Saturday. Portland's famous Baker Stock Company in th re!briitd play. -A KOVAL FAMILY. With all scenic and costume effect! com plete. Even In price. -0c. 35c, 50c: xnatl- . 15c. -Zc. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 6300. Oreson Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee, r.forie L.. Maker. General Mantsar. H. H. K razee presents the big. startllnf muciral novelrv, -THE FLOW Kit OF TIIK RANCH' Py Jos. Howard, composer of -Time. Place end Uiri. ' l-irst time nere. ureal casi. rhf-rui and scenic effects. 13 or rain mat. t Next attraction "The Lieutenant and the Cowbojr." . THE STAR "o.M..n94,. Matinee Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday. For tha entire week of January 17. '09. "IN A WOMAN'S POWER" Vatlnees at 2:H. enr evening t 8:15. NiKht prices 15c. Zoc. 35c, 50c; matinees, 15c ani -jc. Seats may be reserved by either phone. AIX A Matinee SCBdays and! Holidays. 15-25-53: NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75C Wtrk nt J in. 18: Tha aJtrd Troth. wttH nenricc W. Inlie; tiyron and I juirtion ; C'barlc taynr. with irtrwle Itr Kcnri 4,afon and ,reen: Ionalil and Cnrnon: Hathaway and Mrgel; Carroll and Itaker; trt iytn ; l'lrlnrea. THE GRAND-V.aJeTillecIeLtrx ANOTHER BI Hil.l. HALLIDAY&CURLEY IN The Battle of Too Soon I Connolly. Wen rich tnd Connolly, r-lrdellrr to. Cluu.. V. Vtllllama Margaret Keyer- once ex i o. Carmi A Herbert red Baner. rrandacopa. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced VanderlUe. Stars of All Nation. Thalero's Do and Pony Circus . The only art of Its kind In the world, earry- Matlneei IMily. IV. Two bhuwa at Xlsht, le ejid AfCTIOX PAI.ES TODAY. At OHmar.". 411 W'aahlnitton street, dry ynncls. etr.. at 10 o'clock A. M. fl. 1 N. Oil man, auctioneer. At Rahefa Auction Hot!. 112 Park St. Furniture, etc.. from Sin Leeder's realdenco. Fale at 10 o'clock. Baker A Son. auc tioneers. MEETTXa OnCTA nRKW COfNCIU ROTAL AKl'AM M. meet at the Audi torium. 20 Third street, the Brat and thin! Tuesday of each montn at P. M. Visitor cordially wel come. O. O. HAI.T Secretary. Car Honeyman Hardware Co. Ji. AND A. a RITE. Aim- worth i'hapter of Rose Croix No. 1 Regular meeting; la me morial hail. Scottish Kite Ca thedral, this renin at 8 o'clock. By order WISE If ASTER. "POM R AXKS" OP StMNT?R POST. NO. 12. rKPT. OP ORr-V ruS, GRAND AKM"T OF TifQ KKnTLIC, will ajMiiih! at tha parlom of Tr. 8. rvunnlnr. AM anil F. tst Sth at., on Wednesday. Jan. 2 at 3 P. M.. to conduct the ftinrraJ of oar late and e- t'rrsfd comra-ie. Kelix R. N" Sntnt (o. "i," 1st Kfiiment, V. Cn-valry. Will bo piaM to haTe all . A. R. romnftfi at- Burlai Loiio Kir metry. J. V. OOiuiifcit;, Adjutant. GOLDF.V RTLR HIVK. I. O. T. will lnta!l officers, for comlna year. Tuoeday nicht. Jan. 1W- Iadr Maccaoeea tnvitea. DIED. Rr-BT In thfe rTty. Jan. Iff Olta Rrtbiajwn I Ruhr, aced Z2 year, beloved wifa of famuel Ruby. EORS In thtw city. Jn. IT. Adam Zom, atH 67 dr Remains have bn pre pared by EunnJnT. Mbitr A tiilbaujch for hlpmni to hampoe-. Or., wnere in termect will bo held. PKTTY At TroutdaTe. Or., Jan. 17, John L. tty. atred 4 yearn. uerAaaea waa a member of TVeMoot i'aniD. No. 6V W. O. V.. and Portland Union Degree Caino. V, O. W".. axd Prkic fc Stmcturai Iron U ork- r. L.ocai No. IK. Portland. Remains at Ininntr.ar. McCntee A Gllbaug-b'a parlora. Announcement or xunersu iater. TVSYJLA1 XOnCES. JBWFTT At the family noma. Sanvlea Kar.d. Jan. 17. Thomas D. Jowett. aaed 75 yean. 11 months. 16 days. Friend Invited to attend the funeral aerrlces, -whi'-h will be held at Holrnan'o chapel. Third and fflimcn sts.. at 2 1. M. today Tue1a. Jan. 19. Interment Lon Fir I Cemetery. 1SEAL.E At the family rewldsnee. 29 Fan Hurwlde at.. Jan. 1H. Felix Had ham Neaie. beloved hujiband of K ache Hna Neale a red ! 70 years. 11 months, 21 days. Funeral will take Dlare rrom r . o. uunn'ne s rarlors; jtJt Aider and Ebj Sixth sts.. "Wednes day. Jan. 20. at S P. M. FT1a Is rejtpot rui:y lnrtted. Interment Loae Fir Ceme tery. The remain are at F. S. lunnlns's parlors. nunninr, McEntee m Gllbanjrh. Faaerml directors. 7th and Fine, rbooe Mala 4S. Lady SMiiUot. Offlca of Couaty Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Fnfteral Dtreet an. Sia ftd at. Lady aaalsf at fsvaao M ML J. r. FT V LEY OX. S4 and Mdl-, lAdy aUendaat. Phoao Mala A 140. IELIiR-BrK.XM CO. Funeral Irtrees ara. 3 stoseetl. Kaat ltMlA. Lady asalsiaaa, T. I U4er. . niXMIO. radertaksr. M Ladr iMlinnt. MctMl K-KRirsoN CO. Undertaker! mm ih he-ex mm a( lady assistant. 40 Aider. M. sua. .., , . A Sacrifice! I want to, sell my beautiful home, 1 Jf. E. corner E. Ankeny and t,. loth sts.; house has 10 rooms, 2 bathrooms, inside finely finished; lot 50 by 100; adjoining lot can be had at less than market value. House can be seen be tween 11 A. M. and 4 P. M., or after 6 P. M. Call and see the place, and if it suits you, price will be made to suit. Xo details given over the phone. , W. T. BRANCH, 601 E. Ankeny St $2600 TEEMS BUNGALOW One block from carline; artistically finished. Six rooms, modern iu every respect full lot. One of the many bargains on our lists. SMITH T 'VERETT 314-317 Swetland Building. Close In on the East Side foiiern 7-rnom house, with 3 large bedrooms, nice clothes closeta, large re ception hall, fine porcelain nink and wash bowl, merllrlne chest; large liv-inK-room and dinlnK-room; nice clitna I closets; bullt-ln window seats; line kitchen with pantry: porcelain sinn with back; electric, (tas and combina tion fixtures: eleRant op llKhts: nlci front and rear DorihMs with Ushts cement alers and walks: larne cement basement with Ktationary tubs. etc. Nice terraced lawns and located In a arood neighborhood. Beat car service in the citv. Price 2S00: only $T0u down and balance to suit purcnaser. RAI.I'II ACKLKV, OS Corbett Bide;. FRUIT FARM 110 acres of finest soil, close to ffood town and only H mile to R. K.; 20 acres In pasture, 60 In grain and balance of 40 acres In orchard. Fruit of the best varieties and in excellent condition. Samples of fruit grown on the place can be seen at our office. Oood 9-room house with hot and cold water. Large, new barn and outbuildings al!ln best repair. Price only 12.000 fuu0 casTi; balance ''easy terms. For particulars apply to KAUFFMANN & MOORE 333 Lumber Exchange. BE ONE OF A TDRED ASK ' COLUMBIrV TRUST COM&NY FI'K KIOHT-HOOM HOISB .Vith conservatory filled with choice flowers, heated with hot water; gas and electricity; large living-room with beamed ceiling and fireplace. Every modern convenience. Full corner lot. A rare bargain. rte"fslX-HOOM COTTAGE! IX f OOlUv b HI I, I, DISTRICT Fractional lot. Owner has reduced price and made terms easy for a quick sale. STRONG 8 CO., Financial Agents SOS Concord Handing. ABOVT 4 Block, 9. W. Corner, i.at xuira ana uoucq. Block, N. W. Corner, East Third and Couch. Block, r.ast sine or r.ast inira. oexween East Iavls and East Everett. Dnrlnc Mr Abieirc In California See O'lYrlen Realty Company. In the McKay I Building, Corner of Third and Mark Sts. R. M. WILBI R. MORTGAGE LOANS ' I wmt ratra and ternia to anlt; ape Hal rate and favorable trrma oa laraje loaaa oa bualaeaa proper! Ira. Knads Loaned (or Private lareators. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay 111 tig-. 3d A Stark. $23,500 We have new brick bulldlnfr. SOxlOO. in cer.ter of city, A-l, leased Tor term of years. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. A. J. (iintnrr, 820 Board of Trade llldjr. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-aero sto-k ranch, $10 per acre, all fenced, all tillable, substantial Improve ments. In l)nuRlas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying- difference. JACKSON Jt DEEKI.XG, Phone Main 845. 24H stark St. $200,000 EOk to Lend OO EDWARD E. COUDET, Corbett Bldar. Mortgage Loans Lowest rales of interest. LOUIS SALOMON, 23S Stark Street, near Second. DO TOD WISH TO BUT A HOMKI Then sea HABTMAN A. THOMPSON, Chamber of Commero FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. MODERN ft-room house on Vancouver ave.; lull lot. paneled hall, plete -laa mirror, full bailment. 300: JtSOO cash. MARTIN J. HIOLKT. 182 Third St. A SNAP 6-room residence, cement base ment, near Union and Alberta, only f 1400. J. W. W1EDR1CK. 110 2d. AITOMOBILE to trade for lot In Irvimt tnn. Holladar Addition. Heichta. Phone 8682. "1 Swetlapd bldr 3 LOTS. Portland Helrhts. trade for mod ern bunfalow or house: pay ca?h dif ference. Phone 8582. 714 Eaetland bldg. WE WILL build you a home on your own plan and very eay lerm. aoramaa m Partiidge. Phone Main Ml WE buy and sell all kinds of real estate. tome in and see us nerore Duyinf. ueo, W. Burke ft Co.. !20 Swetland bide. LOT 00x120. Nnb 11111. I.VX. 2500 cash. Owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. $22"0 New 6-room bungalow. East 4th; $100. $JO monthly. ur. Darling. 10 PENINHULA lot, $2b: adjoining iota sell at $350 cash, 249 btara. Andrews, F. V. A Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker. Alfred A.. 115 Ablnftton bid-. Beck. Willlnm G., 312 Falllne bldr. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 20 2-3 McKay bldr. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage loan, etc. Cbapln ft Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce, Cook B. S. ft Co.. 53 Corbett bldg. Croealey Co.. 7o6-8 Corbett blilg. M. 7813. Fields. C. E. ft Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Goddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743. 110 2d St. Jennlnga Co.. Main 168. 20S Oregonlan. Iee, M. E.. room 411 Corbett bldr. Mall ft Von Borate!. 104 2d at. 392 H. BurtMld Parrlah. Watklna ft Co., 230 Alder at. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bid. Srhalk Geo. D.. 2ftl Stark it. Main or A 392. Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122", Sixth t Swenon. A. F. ft Co.. 25ii Washlngtoa St. The Oregon Real Kftate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Holiaday Addition.) Waddel W. O.. 39 Lumber Kxchange bldr. White. 'B. F.. 227-3 Washington t. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH WALVTTTS. We are the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the only planted tract on the market. Our propertlee are In the walnut country. Yamhlil. C-acre tracts, planted. 1100 cah. 515 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. LNC, 110 Second at. $1500 l-ROOM plastered house In good lo cation, $300 cash, balance $15 par month. $1750 O-room modern cottage, in good res idence district. $1000 cash, balance terms. $2000 5-room modern cottage, close to Al berta car. $4O0 cash, balance easy terms. $2200 B-room modern house, close to 2 carlines: a good buy. CIllTriCNDKN & OTTO. 2S Stark St.. Room 17. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 6-room house with every modern conven ience; $i'.50 cash, balance like paying rent. HuiMing site lOuxbtO. corner, only $50O; $ chj1i. balance your own terme. Lots. 60x1 w, close to carline; $275, easy terms. Have houses and buIMing lots In many part of the city at prices and terms to suit all. C. B. LUCAS. 322 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON 3 of the finest lots In this swellest. most exclusive residence section. The improvements are all in and paid -for. Jf cars atop running you can walk borne for supper In 30 minutes. We can tie liver these lots at $1500 each for a few day. Buy one or alL Ail above street grade. J. F. Pfluger ft Co.. room 14, Mulkey bldg,, 2d aud Morrison sis. ORCHARD HOMES in the glorious lake district of Southern Brltlsn l olumDia pay profit of 500 per acre up annually. Cli mate, scenery, hunting. hshing, soil, water supply, transportation, markets un excelled; Irrigation not necessary. Maps, proofs, letters from those on ground, photos free. Write today. Kootenay Or chard Association, Limited. Nelson. B. C. ACREAGE FOR PLATTING. Eight acres, less than 25 minutes out. right on carline; cheapest acreage left, price and location considered. 20 acres on Mt. Hood Railway at Gresh m, close to new townslte. Will sell out quick for home sites. x B. 8. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Bldr. WB RUILD HOMES. We have first-class modern faclltlea for building home upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. , THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. . A SNAP. 100x106, corner Third St., ten minutes' walk from City Hall; 4 houses and room lor another; rents are $05 per month; price $lo,0oo; terms to suit purchaser. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN. SO Fifth at. ALL ABOARD FOR MEXICO. No frost, no snow, where crops grow the year around, no irrigation; only $S 73 per acre; easy terms; excursion Feb. 1st; this Is a grand opportunity. For Informa tion call i07 Commercial blk. NICE 5-acre chicken ranch, 4 blocks from carline; poultry nouse ana yarus, i fenced; 5-room bouse and good welli poultry goes with place; $2000, terms to suit. See salesman of American Trust Co., room 200 chamber of Commerce. MR. OFFICE MAN. ' Why live cooped up when youi can buy an acre for $12."0 on 5-rent line, which Till raise hair your living? Location and soil Al. , B. S. COOK ft CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 6 rooms; hardwood floors, hot-water heat, art windows, fireplace, all beautifully finished; lot bOxloo . ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 OR 20 acres. 6 miles from Vancouver, on good road, close to river ana iNonn jiiuik station, sightly location, choice fruit land; nonresident offers cheap for quick sale. Vanduyn ft Walton. 015 Chamber Com merce. $2(10 CASH and $20 monthly will buy 6- room houso in gooa locamy, oiucfvo north Hawthorne ave. Call at office fo particulars. H. W. GODDARD. 110 Second Street. FROM OWNER. Two choke lots, two blocks from end of Woodstock carline on Woodstock ave., Nos. 1 and 2, block 4. Henry's Fourth Ad dition. $:i25 takes both lots, easy terms If desired. M 372. Oregonlan. looxi no Corner 21st and Jolinson at a bargain for 10 davs onlv, $15,0o0. Other corners not so good fr.-m $20,000 to $25,000; .".0O0 will handle this. Act at once. Young. 512 Gerlinger bids. MODERN. BUNGALOW. K.mAm new jtivell bungalow. In Sunny- nnthins nicer on the market: $1000 cash, babince monthly. J. W. Grussl, 203 Washington, near 3d. Room 7. SIX-ROOM house. blocks from car: lot 40x120; bath, etc.; everything in nrst rlass condition; price, $roo; terms. $130 down, balnnce to suit. tree salesman of American Trust Co., room 200 Chamber of Commerce. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We -are designers and builders of mod ern homes -on leasnnable terms: archi tectural work and general contracting. MORRIS-E.VWRY CONSTRUCTION CO., 824 Chamber cf Commerce. LOOK INTO THIS. 2 acres with new 7-room house on car Tine, cheapest lot $7501 lots of fruit; price $1000. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trada Bldr. IOT ON EAST 3.1 D STREET. SOxloo lot, net. two nice houses; fine lot to build on or a good speculation; $800: part cash; East 3:;d near Clinton. J. V. Grussl. 265 Washington, near 3d. Room 7. jiroO ,',-ROOM cottage, cement basement. including new iuiiuluic, n't o....,., waukle t.. rloso In; owner movlnr to foreign country. J. W. WIEDRICK. 110 2d. AWFUL CHEAP Good small bouse, close in: lots of iruits ana Ilower; price, mi,; terms. $00 down. $13 per month. See pnlesman of American Trust Co., room 200 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP for quick sale. 5-room hard-finished houso and corner lot, i oik caruno, i'r takes It. easy pnyments like rent. Call Lincoln County Investment Company. 301 Macleay bldg. O-ROOM cottages and large tarn. lot innx lfO. corner East Ninth st. south; walking distance; $6000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. NEW B-room cottage on Improved street. with concrete walk, close in, on tast iae; price $2250; easy terms and monthly pay menta. Call 410 Falling bldg. FOR SALE A few of the most sightly lota in Portland, in best rcsmeucw uipimi. cheap and on easy terms If desired. Claude E. Hicks. 60S Corbett bldg. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close in ana rarrr.s in uregon ana Washington. Phono Main 44S6. Kinney ft Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. HOUSE and lot, fine location In Sunnyslde, lVj blocks from best car service In city; will sell cheap. Call on owner. 228 Wasn lngtoa St., or 077 East Morrison. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE 2H to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land. C. W. Klsley, owner; P. O.. Mll waukle. Phona Oak Grove, Red 12. a-ROOM hous on corner of East 80th and Sherman; small payment down and bal ance to suit. Inquire for O. F. Hays, elec trician at Oregonlan. TO RETURN BAST Owner will sell 6-room new house and 6 choice lota (corner); well sheltered from cold winds; fruits, frarden. poultry park; will divide grounds ir wanted; S2."y takes all. See Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison at. ACRfi ADJOINING KENTON. "The Swift town.ite"; will sell part easy terms; lots two blocks away sold at $7r) each one year ago now worth $1500; chance to buy ona lot or more at acreage price. AB 640, Oregonlan. FOR SALE New 6-room bouse on East S!th and Oarruthers, small payment down and balance to suit. Inquire for G. F. clays, electrician at Oregonlan. TWO lots for sale In East Portland at a bargain, if taken at once, from owner. W. F. C. P. O. Box 232, Junction City, Or. HOME SITES. S'i.'O Up. homes all prices. Broadway. Irvlngton cars. E S96, C 1933. Dolan & Herdman. BEST buy In Woodlawn, modern 7-room hnui !M-n. 3?0 Hworlnnd Hricr. TO EXCHANGE. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FARM. 20u acres of land near Centra! Point, Or., in the famous Rogue River Valley; 100 acres in cultivation, balance timber, with a little wate land along the river: the river cuts oil about 4t acres of the timber land; a new 6-room house and small barn, some other outbuildings; only two mliea from R. R. and shipping point: the prop erty Is valued at tU.ouo. and will exchange for Portland improved or unimproved prop eitv. Geo. W. Turner, 416-17 Rothchlld bldg. 20 ACHES in Toner Hood River Valley, acres In choice Winter apples. 1000 boxes this year, some clovor, etc.; might trade lor city property. 40 ai res irrigated land near Kennewlck well improved, fine general assortment of fruit, free water; this is a nne income proposition, where crops never fall: price xio.ooo. easy terms, or wouia traue city homo as part payment. VA.VDUYN ft WALTON. 815 Chamber of Commerce. A CLIENT wlshe to exchange alt or part of the following property, for a grocery or general store: Iot, business center of Al blna; lot, 50x100, at Portsmouth; ranch of 40 acres near Hood Rlwer; 40 acres joining good town. Lane County; several real estate mortgages; 480 acres timber, cruis ing about y.000,000' pine timber. The Ames Mercantile. Agency, 40J towetiana oiag. 80 ACRES, of which 10 acres cleared; small Jog house, barn, mllkhouee, chicken-houses and corrals; good well, some iruit, plenty of wood.- IS miles north of Medrora: i;ioo will exchange for small home in Portland or on oc carline. Kaunniann ft Aioore, 325 Lumber Kxchange. 2 RESIDENCES In Buffalo. N. Y.. for Port land property; one house $2500, other $7500; beautiful residence section. Botn well rented and In fine condition; Incum brance $2500. J. W. WIEDRICK. 110 2d. EXCHANGE We have a 6-acre tract, good soil, tributary to carline; alBO 2 timber c'alms (perfect title for each), to ex change for rooming-house in Portland. Komlg ft ADDOtt, 10-10 Laiayette Diag. FOR SALE) or exchange, 2O0 acres of Rogue Klver land; lio tillable; o-room nouse, large barn: 50 acres timber: cheap for cash or will trade for Portland property. 406 Couch bldg. I WILL trade my fine partly Improved 8- acre tract, 25' minutes from center of city, for a 7 or 8-room house; Irvington, Walnut Park or Piedmont preferred. E Hurlbert, 201 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE or trade for Portland or subur ban real estate, all in fine condition. Port. Auto Com. House, 534-30 Aider, cor. 17th. Both phones, A and Main 4455. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy. sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson ft Taylor, rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldr- NEW. modern 8-room house, not quite com. pletcd, will trade for what you have. Call on electrician at TUB oregonlan. GOOD 6-room house, $1600; will trade for fiocery or other small business. ZIMMERMAN', 621 Board of Trade Bldr. WILL trade city lots for timber lands In Oregon or Washington. Mill Land Com- pany. 713 Corbett blug.. Portland, uregon IF you want to buy, sell or exchange any thing, eee Kauffmann & Moore. 325 Lum ber Exchange. WIIL trade for wnat you have. Gus Smith, 301 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Realty Co., 307 Gerlingor bldg. WE will trade for anything of value. 1019 Board of Trade. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL TSTATK. OWNERS. If you have a lot. or house and lot, close In. Holiaday or Irvington preferred, at an attractive price we can make an Immediate cash sale for you: buyer is waiting. Brubaker ft Co., 502 McKay bldg. WE will pay cash for your equity In what ever property you have partly paid for. National Realty ft Trust Co., 326 is Wash ington St., room 516. ONE SPAN let blacks, B and 6 years old, weighing 2;Vih lbs.; one span 6-year-olds, weighing, 2500 lbs. Phone East 4S04. 22U Russell st. HAVE cash customer for Brroom bungalow in good location; must be a bargain. Ross & Murphy. 514 Swetland bldg. WILL pay cash for a corner lot on Golnsr. Wygant and Alberta st. State price and location. G 575. Oregonlan. HAVE customers waiting for property of all kinds. Zimmerman. 021 Board of Trade. Phone Main 1675. FOR SALE Five-passenger Studebaker hotel bus In good condition. X 645, Ore gonlan. WANT lot to build on: must be In good locality and snap S 579, Oregonlan. WANT the best 6-room cottage that $1700 to $2i00 will buy. L 571. Oregonian. Irrigated Lands. WANTED Water rights for ground-floor Irrigation projects. P. Ot Box 4'33. Seattle. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. OREGON TIMBER REALTY CO. Headquarters for Jogging propositions; timber lands, farm lands and business chances. 21-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. Phone M 8660. A 6580. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY ft CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. THE OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast timber, water powers located and examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 8667. SAWMILL. 10.000.000 feet timber, on Co lumbia River and North Bank Railroad: Al proposition; more timber easily se cured; live town. Address 619 Swetland bldg. ' WE are headquarters for timber and .lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 30,000,000 oedar, accessible to Columbia River; price right. A. E. Mathews ft Co.. 209-10 Couch bldr. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Good homestead relinquishment In Slletz, well timbered; pay casta. AB 521. Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. 804 McKay bldr- . O. J. McCrackn, FOR SALE FARMS. MO ACRES "A mile from town, 60 cleared, 20 Irrigated, balance timber; Ideal farm, all equipped, ready for work. Price, $3M0; terms. For particulars address Box 168, Falls City, Or. SEVERAIA fine farms under cultivation in the great Twin Falls irrigated tract: will trade for timber lands In Oregon or Washington. Falls Farm Company, 713 Corbett bldg., Portland, Oregon. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. 600,000 acres grazing lands on Paciflo Slope, 50 per cent suitable for agriculture; In tracts to suit purchasers. Address P. O. Box 945, San Antonio, Texas. 1 75 ACRES at Orenco, Oregon Electric line, $125 per acre. Fine for cutting up. Puree, 818 Chamber of Commerce. A PINE DAIRY RANCH. 19K rit K0 Afren under cultivation, 65 acres in pasture. 30 acres in brush easilv cleared, aood soil, good family or- pharH. -K?orv 7-room house, dairy, barn and hophouse combined; also small horse barn, all in good condition; personal prop erty; good sef of frm tools, consisting, of mower, ralte. wagon. tiacK, plow, epnus tooth harrow and all small tools used on a f:ii-m. s oows. 1 heirer. 1 gooa team, sets of harness, also hop baler; 7 miles of Forest Grove, 1W miles of store and postofflce; i mile of school and church, on R. F. D., telephone and milk route, on good road. Price $10,500; J4000 cash. balance 6 per cent to Buit purcnaser. CHITTENDEN & OTTO. 2tiS Stark St., Room 17. DAIRY MKN. ATTENTION 100-acre farm In Lincoln County, 4 miles of R. R. sta tion, 150 acres level, sandy loam, most all fenced, 20 in cultivation. 70 in pasture, 2 running streams through place, good or , chard of select fruit. 5 horses. 18 cattle, 25 goats, 24 hogs, 50 hens, hock, wagon, plow, harrow, bay rake ana an lmple inents ao with place, has house of rooms, 2 bams, henhouse and woodshed, all for 5S17.50 per acre. Call Lincoln County Investment Co., 301 Macleay bldg. Portland. WE SELL LAND LOOK AT THIS. 4570-acre stock ranch. Improved, on tlse edce of the Willamette Valley, miles from Brownsville, Or.; no better In the state; all tine fruit land; pricift $14 per acre for quick sale; a good coloniza tion proposition. A-l improved farms at 5:t0 to $75 per acre. Inquire of Fears ft Plrtle. Brownsville, Oregon. WOULD TOU LIKE an all plowable. rich 159-acr farm with good flehlng stream. school, church, R. F. D. mall, electric rail line and on main county road, within 35 milts of Portland, for only 520 per acre, $1000 down, balance easy? See Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. IRRIGATED lands cheap now at Orland. Cal.: highly civilized region: fine roads. bridges, schools. ' colleges; rich valley land, all cultivated: sunny, healtbful oil mate; farmers' paradise. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. f SEND tot our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmsted Land Co., Salem. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent Dy montn year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposeo, day, week or month. Phone East 72. B 13tiV. Haw thorne stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. AT a great bargain. 1250-lb. delivery horse. good lluo-lb. mare, fine pony and a No. 1 ton Concord buegv: will exchange for cows. K3S E. 2Sth ert. Woodstock car to Glad- atone ave. ' WB have a few good horses left, including 1 choice span of Iron gray geldings, 2700 lbs., 1 span 01 arait norees, ius., aaiu a couple of single homes. ouo AiDina ave, Brunzel's Sale Stable. pftMPT.p.TRLT furnished modern 7-room house, nicely located In Irvington, 1 block from car. adults only; rent $40. Parrlsh, Watklns ft Co.. 250 Alder. -I HORSES FOR SALE 10 Head good worlt horses and mares. Freedman Bros.. 4S9 Overton, bet. 13th and 14th. Take "S" car. FOR SALE 3 ponies: gentle for children to ride or drive. Apply J. k. j. stam-w, mo an d lam hi 11. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of kinds for sale. 264 Montgomery. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madlson- tU stable. 1S54. near nriage. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles, 11th and Jefferson. M 83O0. ONE gray mare. 1000 lbs., $35; one bay horse. 900 lbs., $40. 347 East Stark. , A SNAP Black mare, weighing 1150 lbs. East 4804. 226 Russell at. HUBERT ft HALL. 3S0 Front, buy, sell, ront horses, vehicles, lew rates on buelness rigs. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up. for sale or trade. W. U. riartman oc -o., -so u u Pianos. FOR SALE One Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new. cost new will sell $200; piano Is in golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1676. PARTY going East will sell piano and pianola; a bargain. J 608. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MOVING PICTURES; Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereopticons. cal cium and gas outfits, new films, 3000 sub Jects: guaranteed no repe.-iters; largest buvers of new films In United States; slides to order and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg.. Portland. PEOl'LB Have you married, built a house? Just come eee this new furniture or i-room elecant house for $550 by Feb. 1; owner leaving. F. M. CRAWFOPJ3 & CO., 420 Swetland Bldg. , PACIFIC FILM CO.. 803-317 Rothchild bldg., is still looking for more business: will rent films and soncs as reasonable as any house on the Coast, and carries all supplies for moving picture theaters. . FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool taDles: easy payments; wj rem tables with, privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunawlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d t FOR SALE OR TRADE Maltese Angora male cat, IS montns oia ror sie or win trade for typewriter or something I can use; a line cat for breeding purposes from fine Btock. Phone A 2.sr.8. ONE propeller towboat, 40x7,- New York safety engine ana water iuoh uunci ; bargain. Inquire at Supple s Shipyard, foot of Belmont st. TYPEWRITERS, al! makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rental j per month. Pacific Stationery ft Ptg. Co.. 203 2d St. SECOND-HAND 30-H. P. boiler; Andrews moist air dry kiln; ao-llgnt dynamo, ra rellus Mfg. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. FOR SALB Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 414 Water st. Phone Main 745L FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., n 74 1st st., both phones. SECOND-HAND Remington typewriter for sale cheap. Inquire U. S. Attorney, Post office building, city. SISCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 406 Couch bldg. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 166 36 4th sc. TYPEWRITER, A-t, your own price, or will rent. H 403, Oregonlan. HOUSEHOLD furniture, bedroom suite, couch, etc. 763 Thurman st. Main 2515. NEW dress coat, size about 42 133 V. 1st St.. room 46. bargain. 15-H. P. noo-v. motor, cheap, rood order. B 1627, Tabor 30. HELP WANTED MALE. A COMPETENT window-dresser and eard wrlter. one who can wait on furnishing goods trade. J 679, Oregonian. WANTED YounT man as partner, hours and little money required. 414, 3201 Washington st. short Room WANTED A dry goods man and adver tiser, single man preferred. Address Schlossberg's Store, Missoula, Mont. FOR short time only, man to care for cow. horses, furnace, etc. 901 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Photo and portrait agents; swell new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced salesman for candy factory. 3-S;1, Burnaicle Bt. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 6500 WANTED A good solicitor. Room 39 Ham ilton bldg. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers. 323 6 Washington st., room 29. SALESMAN to sell premium., proposition to retail trade; sells Itself. J 57G, Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE salesman wantel; reference required. Answer H 577, Oregonian. WANTED Plumbers and steam fitters; flrst- class men only. 125 11th st. WANTED Starcher "and polisher. Cherry New Laundry. La Grande, Or. BOY wanted In grocery store.. 2U3 1st C WANTED For U. S- Armj, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good charac- ' ter and temperate habits, who can speak. ' read and write English. Apply to re cruiting officer. Alnsworth, block, Sd and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last yean men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System, of Colleges; ii N. 4th st., Portland. Or. WANTED Men to learn real estate busi ness; some who commenced with me four months ago are making from $600 to $2000 per month now. AMUUICAX TRUST COMPANY, 200 Chamber of Commerce. See L. M. Hickok. YOUNG man. treasurer, take tickets, trav eling theatrical company; Al references and $250 cash; security required; expe rience not necessary, quickly learned; sal ary $35 per week and fare. Apply 714 Swetland bldg. AUTOMOBUNO. plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taugbt by actual work in shops and buildings; advanced scholars earn wages; catalogue free. . Coyne National Trade School, 230 8th ot.. baa Francisco. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season: $18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after S P. M. R. H. Maddan. 602 Swetland bldr.. Portland, Or. SALESMAN WANTED The Review of Re views Company wants four good book men on new proposition for downtown territory; proposition very remunerative 'and people are buying fast. Call at 317 Fliedner bldg.. 10 to 3 o'clock SALESMAN on guaranteed hosiery and un derwear; sales direct to wearer only; good opportunity; men with other mills wanted as state managers. International Mills, 303S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $800; March examina tions; candidates prepared free; write im mediately for schedule. Franklin Insti tute. Rochester. N. Y. . WANTED Ambitious young man to travel and learn good-uaying business; one who can leave town immediately; references required. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.. room 1, the Mercedes, 20th and Washington. IF YOU have $100 or $200 to Invest, do not fall to Investigate our safe plan; in dorsed by bankers and business men. Send postal. Chas. J. Barnard, 031 Wor cester bldg. SIGN up for coming" season before Spring rush closes vacancies; pick and shovel work and ditch In Alaska; good pay and passage; $100 required, payable In In stallments. W 482. Oregonlan. WANTED Harness makers on hand work; also two harnessmakers, capable of run ning branch shop. Address with refer ences. Sentinel Butte Saddlery Co, Sen tinel. Butte. N. D. WANTED Experienced organizers to so licit fraternal insurance in Idaho; liberal contracts to right men. Address, wltn references, experience. Charles A. Cairns, Secretary, Boise, Idaho. WANTED Young man to Join experienced broker handling buinees chances and rentals; no money required, only for ex pense; this - will pay $100 month. 302 Swetland. MARRIED man wanted to set up furniture. lay carpets and linoleum, polish and con nect stoves, do all kinds of furniture re pair work; experience required; good wages to right party. K 575. Oregonlan. YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and station work, good position guaranteed. Address Telegraph Dept., Hlberhia bldg.. Market 'ft Jones St.. San Francisco. Cal. LUMBER tallyman, $50 and board: edfrer man $3; cut-off man, $2.50; Burleigh run ner,' $3.20, 8 hours; mill yard laborers, $2. C. R. HANSEN, JR.. 26 N. 2d st. YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre pare for examination soon; about $70 a month to start. Call or write for fnee par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bklg. FRAZIER BROS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Situations secured for nign-ciass neip, tree to employer. Benson bldg.. 5th and Morri son. WANTED Reliable, steady man to take In terest in employment oflice; no experience necessary, as I have been In th business for years. 302 Swetland bldg. SALESMAN wanted to represent us; expe rience unnecessary; $7j to $ino per monm tind expenses or commission. Yale Cigar Co.. Indianapolis, lnd. SIX ladles' tailors, steady work, best wages. Apply London Ladles Tailors, vcus Fargo bldg. COOK as partner to rent furnished restau rant at dl- DUIUOIUO OL. , uv mvin"- Phone Main C377. WANTED Two young men, good character. nice appearance, for omco wont, at once 320 Swetland bldg. WANTED SALES AND CLERICAL MEN. COMMEUIIAL AHblKALT UU, 407-8-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MAN AND WIFE to take charce of small dairy" and poultry farm. Apply is. cor ner 1st and Ankeny streets. WANTED Capable, Industrious man with lime means to lane cnarge ot a iruit ranch. J 575. Oregonian. WANTED Good man to take Interest in patent churn and sell same; man witn rig preferred. 714 Swetland bldg. TWO salesmen to cover Portland and vicin ity; must be large men ana nave Bales record. G 673, Oregonlan. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2Su Burnslde Street. Pbone Main 6604. FIRST-CLASS salesmen, ereat chance to make $50 a day; smart appearance, lie ply 195 10th st. The Lewis. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. WANTED A window dresser, card wrfu-r and decorator. Address facniossDerg s Store, Missoula, Mont. PRIVATE pasty sell cheap course stenogra- phv. Holmes Business college. i-nono A 1725. BOY wanted, 15 or 16 years old, for general office work: no experience required, out must write a fair hand. G 669, Oregonlan. WANTED A butcher. Inquire corner 2. id and Savier sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED First-class chiropodist, hair dresser, manicurist and facial masseus Apply at 1S5 West Park st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for r- sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Wahlngton- MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 32014 Washlngtoa St.. Room 307. Main 8830 or A 8286. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Ap ply Standard factory No. 2. Grand ave, and East Taylor st. GOOD woman to do chamberwork of 11 rooms for board for herself and husband. 251 7th. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department. 2054 Morrlsoa St. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework, small family. $30; references required. 1135 Thurman St. WANTED A conscientious woman to take charge of office and direct employes. S 6ti5, Oregonlan. NURSEMAID willing to help with upstairs work. 211 E. 55th st. Phone Tabor 102S. WANTED A good solicitor. Room 39 Ham ilton bldg. WANTED A good cook and second girl. Inquire 779 Marshall st. WANTED Young lady cashier for shooting gallery; good wages. Apply 42 N. 4th st. WANTED Girl for general hoiisewnft. Ap ply 261 East 3d St. N. Phone East 1140. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington sts. GOOD girl for general housework: small family; good home. 649 E. Ankeny. WANTED A girl for general housework, small family. 580 1st st. EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room work at the Marlyn, 553 Washington. PARTY to rent furnished lunch counter, $50 month. 812 Burnslde st. Main 6377. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest mags zlne combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond neeeBsary. Call after II P. M. R. H. Maddan. 602 Swetland bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Middle-aged lady to asslet ex perienced broker handling rooming-houses; duties to care for inner office: have had years' experience and am opening line of fice: chance to make big money on small investment. 302 Swotiand bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework in family of three; must be able to do plain cooking; wages from $15 to $20 per month. Cull at 575 Weidlor st. Tak either Broadway or Irvinton car. WANTED by young lady living In Irving ton, loth and Multnomah, a woman to do her laundry work; must call for and de liver washing. Address V 533, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $434 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Mala, and A 2H92. Help Supplied Free to Employra STENOGRAPHER familiar with real es tate office work and business chances s partner: fine opportunity; state experl- ence. G 676, Oregonian. AN experienced saleswoman who la familiar with notions, ribbons, etc., and can tak charge of stock; references. H 675, Ore gonlan. WANTED Fvzperlenoed bon bon dipper; rood wages; steady work. Aldoa Candy Co., 12th and Glisan sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 4 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstalrsk phone Main 2692. WANTED Young girl work. 30(5 6th st. to assist A 472S. AT ONCE T'en experienced pants flnlshera. Room 42 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALB. GOOD. BRIGHT. Industrious salesmen ana saleswomen demonstrators, district mgrs. ; a clean, high-class proposition and a Uf money-maker, which none but the intel lectual con al-Treclate; none but absolute ly the best need apply. 900 Marquam bldr. SOLICITORS for high-clas demonstrated specialty; exclusive territory. Cau to day. 601-504 Board of Trade. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teacher, now. 012 Swetland bidg. Phone Main 4ST1. LESSONS IN SHORTHAND and tyfaw writing. 2'.l 14th st. Phone Main 8S98. WANTED Eight people, either sex. work, $2.50 a day. Call 125 Russell. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per month to beginners. 452 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. A NORWEGIAN who has gone through bus iness college In Norway and United States, with several years' practice in lumber and sawmill business in the old country, wants position as timekeeper, bookkeeper, etc. X 652. Oregonian. BY an experienced accountant and credit man, capable of taking charge of an office, willing to take a position as clly salesman, or will take small sets of books to keep; best of references. X 647. Ore gonian. HOTEL clerk desires position In or out ot city, steady; A-l references. Address 13 574, Oregonlan. WILL open, close and keep small Bets ot books, ads, written nnd placed, collection handled. Phone A 807S. AMRITIOUS young man of good habit de sires position; experienced bookkeeper. N 676. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE, nice cook, wants position In hotel, restaurant or private house. I North 2d st. JAPANESE couple want situation: man hrst-cliiss cook, wife pecond girl In fam ily. A B 510. Oregonlan. BV yoiing married man, position as man ager for general store In any good town. Address V 532, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants position as schoolboy. Speaks English. V 640, Ore gonlan. JAPANESF3 couple, wants position, man first-class cook, wlfn to do houseworx, city or out city. X 546, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED mlllmnn wunle Job ns mill foreman or circular sawyer, good reference. Philip Moak. h'i'J Savier St., Portland. EXT'ERT ad. writer and solicitor wishes po. sitlon; best references. V. W. Old Bol mont. FIRST-CLASH Chinese cook, family, hotel, restaurant and boarding-house. Phone A 3K56. GENERAL hons-cIcanlng hy day. Job or hour. Thompson. Main 63(19. COMPETENT Japanese. co..k wishes posltlo In family. G'iiii, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants situation in private family, general housework. 273 Burnslde. GOOD Jnpnnc. cook wants position, family or hotel, city or country. K 571, Oregonlan. JAPANESE contracts anv kind of .1ob. 249 Couch St.. city. S. Ozuha. A 4358. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer wants permanent position; best of refer ences: employed, but wishes to change. J 57S, Orecoiilan. STENOGRAPHER owning machine copies st home, dictation on request. Phone B 1418. Dressmaker. SEWING hy the day. Phono Woodlawn 60 Call from 1) to 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, dally ngag ments. Mi.1 Lnr.on. Home phone A 3072. pit ACTICAL nurse wishes more engage ments, maternity preferred; 15 years' ex perience. Main 1076. Housekeeper. LADY wishes position, housekeeper, city or country. B. S., Box 312. Kalama. Wan. FIRST-CLASS cSessmaklng- at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles. 212 6th and Main. Domestics. A WOMAN with children to support I In need nf work by the day. Address Mrs. D., 107 3d frt. TWO girls want cooking and housework in family. 3S3 21st st. N. MiNcelluneous. WANTED Any kind of work by day or half dav. table-waiting or chamber work preferred. Phono B 1766, or address W 4S1. Oreironinn. YOUNG LADY wlrh some experience wishes position In t.tilor shop: will give some time. K 577, OreEonlan. STRONG German girl wants day work, washing or cleaning. I'lione A LAC!-; curtains washed and etrrtched. 40 cents a pair. A 4.1S7. Main 5628. LACF3 curtains washel and etretched, 40o pair. Phono Main 55HS, A 4002 YOUNG woman would like day work. Ap ply 222 North 15(h st. WANTED AGENTS . WANTED First-class man In every town In Oregon to sell "Dlozo;" cheapest and most perfect disinfectant known; $5 to $10 a dav easily made. Dlozo Disinfectant Co 32.1 H Washington St.. Portland, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED List you 'aeant houses with Of for rental: we nave a specuu uepanmeni for that class of business. F. M. CRAWFORD ft CO., 420 Swetland Bloc. WANTED by single gentleman light, clean room in private family; centrally located and with modern conveniences. " L 679. Oregonlan. WANTED Room and board by one In pri vate family, near East Side High School. X 554. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants b near city. G 659. rent a tract of land Or gonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Good second-hand sewlnr ma chine cheap. G 670, Oregonlan. WANTED Horse, abont 1200 lbs.; must be sound. 347 East Stark.