1909. Till.' Ill IK I l T I lfc. VJi X 11JU npr'r.nvTW MONDAY. JANUARY 18, INLAND EMPIRE BIG FLOOD FE Chinook Melts Snow- Faster Than River Can Carry Off Surplus Water. RAILROADS ARE HARD Hll raloue Brunch of X. P. Cancel AH Trains. Two Mile of Track firing Washed Out at Spangle. City of fpokno Suffers. FPOKANE. WKh.. Jan. lT-ISl"' Floods which will i'"al In point of dam u nd inconvenience the worst In many year., are feared In the Inland Empire. For 4 hours the chlnook has bwn turn ing the hvy fall of snow into water and few beds of streams are deep or wide enouch to carry off th surplus. Not a few householders In Spokane are In dis tress, cellars dripping and In some cases the water ba. klng up. as to the case m Vnloa Park, onto the first floors of houses. Fpokane River, of course. Is always within bounds hero. Kvery railroad connecting with Spo kane is plannin to combat serious wash- outs. fled TV Northern t'aeinc iuua; i.u.i Brangellst Billy Sunday that it would give employment co every v.." the '.Mt homeless Sunday has been hous ing. alKo 7SD more If they are to be found. The trains on the Palouse branch were annulled this afternoon, two miles of track beyond Spansle being washed out. The train from Lewistnn Is also annulled. While- the main lines of the Hill roads are not seriously handicapped today, the morrow will bring washouts east and west, according to best advices to rail road officials. Warm rains are prevalent all over this region. MORE , SNOW IS PRKHICTED Oldtimers at Hood River Not Satis fled With Five-Foot Fall. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) A heavy thaw and rain today Is mak ing some Inroads on the snow and caus ing small freshet In the small streams and Hood River. The ice on the Colum bia shows slims of breaking up.. There Is. however, no apparent rise in the lat ter at this point. n Is rredicted by weather-wise old residents here that more snow will fa.l In a few days and that they do not ex pect the old snow to disappear for sev eral weeks. Reports from the valley are to the effect that no damage has been done to fruit trees and that in many places the snow Is still four to five feet dThe country roads are all open, and many residents of the valley who have been unable to get to town for the past ten days came In yesterday and toda. From James Chitty. of Vnto. who drove here today, it Is learned that John Thomas, the trackwalker at Mitchells Point, on the O. R- & N.. was made a prisoner in his cabin along the track by in Immense slide at that point all day Friday and that it took two rotary nowplow. and a larKe gang of men to release him. Two years ago Thomas had a similar experience, but was rescued by the section nan. Trains have been running from ihr hours late, but have in hour all got through. 6TEADT RISE AT ALBANY Waterfront Basement Flooded and 25-Fcot Iepth Kspected. ALBANY. Or.. Jan. lT.-lBpecial.)-The "vVlllametto River rose three feet here last night and two feet more today, and now stand. 31 feet above -waterJn1a' It continues to rise gradually. Water front basements are flooded but were cleared in plenty of time, so no damage has resulted. . t.v. cw c x rvmnanv-s dock Is covered .-.o. feit deep. The Albany-Corvallis wagon road 1. flooded at the north end of the Albany bridge, cutting off Benton County traffic from this city. A warm heavy rain last night carried off the remainder 'of the snow with a rush, and rains have continued inrm'; tm. Indicates a further rise and "ti e Willamette is expected to .;, r w,t 25 feet here. Heavy winds prevailed this forenoon. SCHOONKR STRIKES THETIS Collision at Port Townsend Due to Severe Southeast Gale. pnoT TOWNSEND. Wash.. Jan. 17. rw.-ial. Uriftlnir on her anchors across r..rt Townsend Bay before a southeast gale that has .wept lower Puget Sound waters for - hours. the American schooner Ethel Zane this morning wa blown into the bow of the United State, p.r.nn futter Thetis, at anchor. The v.n w seriously damaged about the . t .m and cabill dock. The lookout on the Government vessel hrvd the approaching schooner in time to net under way and escape more u.inn. results. The schooner John 1. moored at a local wharf, was extensively damaged. STORI A HAS SEAERE GALE Wind Reaches Velocity of 70 Miles an Hour No Damage. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 17. (Specials Following closely the warnings sent out at P. M. last nleht by the Portland u..rh.r Hnrenu office. Astoria for the rnnd time this week experienced blow from the southwest that at times i . ..ma from every point of the , and which reached a ve!oity of 7 miles an hour. While no particular .no.. Hone. the rainfall was Ti.r the storm has abated, but the ir,.i .till hinn In the southwest, and a light balmy rain Is falling. Thaw Start at The Dalles. THE PALLKS. Or.. Jan. 17. (Spe riHl.) The snow melted rapidly today, leaving the Ftreets slushy. Rain be gan falling this afternoon and more rain and warmer weather is predicted for tomorrow. AlthouKh warning ha. .' been given to people to be careful In prntfllnff the river, on account of the ; thaw, many persons crossed to th ' north si le today. Danger Point at Salem Not Reached SALKM. Or., Jan. 17. Special.) The warm chlnook wind and rain of the past i -1 hours has caused most of the snow ' to disappear. River, and creeks are hish and rising slowly, out uaie oi ) reached the danger point. At 5 o'clock ' this afternoon the Willamette had 1 readied tha 16'.i-fwot .tage. It M not ARS FRENCH SHIP ALICE, ASHORE : 1 ' . I t XfUyVVfCk'i i Lla.W.-'J f; ... - ...,.,.. "er - . TORV KIOOI?fG SHOWS NAHCOTTA. Wash., Jan. 17. (Speclal.)-The French ship Alice, which was driven on the beach here during the heavy gale of Friday morning remains fast in the sands, where she is being pounded hourly by the breakers. The vessel and cargo are valued at 160.000. go much higher at this point unless there are heavy thaws in the mountains. Many Jnckrabblts Killed. ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) Hunters made record killings of coons and Jackrabblts in this county while the snow was on the ground. In the vicinity of Sclo fine coon hunting Is reported, and hundreds of Jackrabblts met death near Albany. Jackrabblts have been very scarce In this part of rhe state until th9 last two years, when they became some what numerous. Ed Truelove. residing near Albany. kUled 18 Jackrabblts while the snow was on the ground, and ome other, bagged almost as many. IleaTy Slides In Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 17. (Special.) All day great quantities of earth kept caving in and sliding off the cliff on Pa cific avenue and several large slides covered the inside track of the street railway company's wharf line. Along the line of the Puget Sound Electric Rail way landslides have been frequent during the past few days, and trains have been compelled to run very slowly. LIGHT FLEET ENDS VOYAGE Completes 14,000 -Mile Trip From ' New York to San Diego. BAN DIBGO. Cal.. Jan. 17. After an uneventful voyage of 118 days, the neet of light vessel, and lighthouse tenaers which left New York last September, cane into port today. The fleet consists of the lightships Columbia River. Swift sure and Relief and the tenders Sequoia, Kukul and Manranilla. Captain Merti is in command. The fleet has made a voyage or 14. miles without a mishap. The vessel, win remain here till Wednesday ana tnen proceed to San Francisco and later be distributed. One lightship will probably be stationed at Astoria and may go to Honolulu, and the third will be placed somewhere along the middle coast. SNOW TOO DEEP FOR COURT Term Adjonrned at Fossil Because Lawyers Can't Reach Town. FOSSIL, Or.. Jan. 17. (Special. )-Judce n V. TJttiefleld yesterday postponed tne Januaxv term of the Circuit Court until April, owing to the fact that many or the attorney, who have cases were un able to be present at the .appointed time. The only apparent Inconvenience is to one Oscar curry wno is unaer muicum-m for stealing horses. The indictment waa returned in the September grand Jury. He has been detained In the county Jan awaiting trial at this term of court. PAPER-BOX FACTORY BURNS snnkane Branch of Fortlana con cern Damaged $6000. SPOKANG Wash.. Jan. 17. (Special.) The hranch paper box factory of F. C. Stettler & Company, or i'ortiana, .ut tered a loss of tetm, fully covered by Insurance, by fire in the Ross block at 2 o'clock this morning. Scores of Inmates" of the lodging-house on uiiper floors ran out in their night Ploeman Barker, of the Are department, is delirious tonight from In haling smoke and may not live. Earth Shakes In Switzerland. BHRNE. Swltxerland, Jan. 17. An earth- nunka of two seconds duration occurred today at Ruitling and in the lower durtrlct of the Slmmenthei. t r " - - .. . m W"' . i y r . r 2 -- 1 . f J ... . 1 AT OCEAN PARK, WASH EFFECT OF GALE. MOURNING PERIOD SEVERE CHINESE REGULATIONS I. I'lv KIN MOST STRINGENT. All Keil Chan fired to Blue. No Shaved Heads Allowed, Music and Theaters Taboo. VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 17. (Special.) Advices were brought from tne Orient by the Empress of India that severe punishment had been meted out at Pekln to Chinese wno nave ueeu guilty of infractions of the regulations for mouriii.ig on account of the death of the late Emperor and Empress Dowager, several hundred citizens hav ing been fined and imprisoned for hav ing shaved their foreheads. A store clerk was imprisoned for life for having played a banjo. U Lien Ying. the chief eunuch, has announced that he will shave off his hair and become a priest spending the remainder of his life praying that the soul of the Empress Dowager may speedily transmigrate Into the body of some well-born iniani. The Pekin Tientsin Times of recent date describes the scenes at the Chinese capital during the mourning period as follows: "The Chinese city is filled with, tne sirns of mourning for the deaths in the ImDerlal household. The most part seeins sincere, for the people have a deen and auiainK reverence im mo imnerial srovernment. The signs on shops and names on residences having either red characters or a red back s-round were speedily changed to blue, as also were all red decorations in aenerai. Tne police and students unl forms have the usual colored trimmings covered with white. Official, are go ing about without buttons or plumes on their hats, and with lambskin-llned robes, the white being turned out in stead of Id. as Is the usual custom. Perhaps the most noticeable change is the substitution or blue ror red dui- tons on the caps of the populace. "Proclamations are posted decreeing no music, no tneaters. no snaving, tic. for 100 days. That these are no empty proclamations I. shown by the fact that recently-shaven heads are being accosted aud warned on the streets by the police. Barber shops, ordinarily with half a dozen or more workmen, now have only one. In the west part of the city a shop clerk was arrested and sentenced to hard labor for play ing on a Chinese banjo. For officials the period of mourning is 100 days, while to the common people some re laxation will be permitted after 27 days." Old Express Office to Be Residence. ALBANY, Or., Jan. 17. (Special.) The old building whlchhas served as a Wells-Fargo office at the Southern Pa clflc depot here for many years is to be come a residence. Following the con struction of the new union depot here the Wells-Fargo Company constructed a new building adjoining the new depot, and Vie old building, which has stored of uackaees of express, ha. been purchased by Dr. J. L. Hill, who will move it to a new location and recon struct it for a dwelling. Reduced Rates to Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 17. The com mittee on arrangements of the National tariff committee convention which meet, here February 14 to 18, announces that the railroad, have given a fare and one half for the round trip to the convention. As a result the attendance will be large. COLUMBIA IS FILLED . ..-.-" . - t .f.. - t Lr. "7Z fjy NEAR VANCOTJVEB FERRY SLIP. HEAVY RAIN WILL NOT CAUSE FLOOD Snow Melts Rapidly, But Rise in Willamette Is Not Alarming. . PROBABLY REACH 16 FEET Stage of Water Is Only Eight Feet and Front - Street Merchants Do Not Even Fear Flood- . ing- of Cellars. Heavy rains, with occasional cessations In the downpour, marked the morning hours yesterday, and varying showers continued during the early portion of th afternoon. The snow 1. melting from the foothill, and space, where it nas urn packed solidly, but In the streets consid erable Blush, Ice and packed snow re main. The melting of the drift, has progressed with sufficient rapidity to add considerably to the rise In the Wlllam ... vet the river has taken away fh- '.i.rnlus water without occasioning any alarm, either at the Weather Bureau, oifinp tii riverfront. The staee of the water at 8 o-clock was in et at Salem, and 8 feet at Portland, - nt 1 .1 feet at both points. Albany, .ifh . Btire of 18.2 feet showed the greatest advance in height at the same hour, the rise oeing j.a Report Fall in River. At McMInnville, registering the highest ...tr renorted at the bureau. , . .v, Vinrt been a decrease of .4' feet 'in the Yamhill. Eugene regls - j . ..oii f feet in the Wll- 1 nnH Rstacada a fall of 1. feet in the Clackamas. All these i.h. Hrntvi and rises marked the respective changes in 13 hours of the Willamette and tributary streams. Salem and Albany registered a rise in 34 hours a tt for Salem and 5.8 feet for Albany. Harrlsburg reports the greatest rainfall, not quite an inch, yet there was a decrease in the stage of water in the river at Harrlsburg of 1.9 feet in is nours, nH a ftpt In 24 hours. The Weather Bureau prognostlcators are not looking for heavy floods. There Is likely to be 15 or 16 feet in the W illam Kt iaaiRtant Forecaster Montgomery did 'not see any danger of 16 feet before o unless there was an unuau rainfall ' in addition to what waa ex- . There were a good many calls from the river and along the docks while the rain was coming down its hardest, but these hove fallen away as the storm .t..o Tjiot Summer, on June 20 and 21, .1.- k..Lv... .too. nf water here in the ti-in tt. n.aa 21.2 feet. Accepting Mr. Montgomery's prediction, as correct, this leaves a leeway of say 5 feet to count on as against high-water mark last Sura- m5'i,". ro.otw Bureau predicts an up ward move in the river stage, but its rapidity and extent depend upon the volume of rajnfall here and elsewhere up the valley. Winds have been variable, shifting from south to southeast -and southwest. Very high winds have been reported from North Head, at the mouth of the Columbia River, the gale going as high as 72 miles an hour from the wjutheast, but slowing up to 44 miles, and later to 36 miles an hour yesterday morn ing at 7 o'clock. Present Stages of Water. Tmilrie. alone Front street brought to light that the cellars on the river side were in no danger If the water did not top 19 feet, and here and there an en gineer was found who said there was not the slightest difficulty apprehended by the merchants along that side of Front street. The west side or Front street is of course even more safe from a rise. The river reports at 8 A. M. stood as follows: C1TT. Portland. ... 8a!em Albany HarrisburB. . Eugene Kstacada. .. . Tualatin MMinnvllle. Jefferson .... I R.0'1.3IS.3,S. E. 0.69 0.."i 0.44 i6.o'i.n 4.o;s. E. 18.2 3.2'3.8:8outQ . n.e -1.9 -0.9 Eul -4.6;-6.0 S. W. -1.2.... I 0.70 o.ao . .lo.ol .. 8.T 6.0l1.0!t.4'Heavy 1 8.4i-0.4. 3.0 1- HIGH WATER DELAYS TRAINS Streams Are High and Main Lines Have Water Trouble. Torrents in the mountain streams re sulting from the melting snows have caused delays to the railroads entering Portland. Most of the incoming trains were delayed yesterday, the O. R. fc N. trains especially stffering. Northern Pacific trains were also late, the Southern Pacific trains from the South being only a few minutes behind -i,,ii time in most instances The Astoria Columbia River trains have fr nffered no delay as a result of the floods. Train No. S of the O. R. & N. y WITH FLOATING CAKES OF ICE. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION ByLydiaEPinkham's Vegetable Compound Louisville, Ky. " Lydia, E. PinV fcam's Vegetable Compound has cer- tainly aone uio . 1 world of good and I cannot praise 11, enough. I suffered from irregularities', dizziness, nervous ness, and a severe female trouble. LydlaE-Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has restored me to perfect health ana kept me from the operating table. 1 will never be without tnis medicine in the house." Mrs. SABrX Lee, 3523 Fourth St, Louisnue, jwy. Another Operation Avoided. Adrian, Ga. "I suffered untold misery from female troubles, and my doctor said an operation was my only chance, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound completely cured me without an operation." Lena V. Henry, E. F. D. 3. Thirty years of unparalleled suc cess confirms the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The great vol ume of unsolicited testimony constant lv pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which no roanv wompn suffer. terday was two hours late and No. 6 four hours late.. The trains from Seattle were also several hours behind their schedule in arriving, while the Southern Pacific succeeded in keeping within rea sonable proximity to its published tims- CIUp to late last night, railroad officla's .a hun nrtvised of no serious wash outs or causes of delays. They declared I--, .iio-ht that manv minor troubles had already been reported as a result of the floods in the mountain streams, but the washing away of bridges or portions f,.ir hgH been averted. Fears are entertained, however, that such disasters may follow. The snow continued to melt rapidly yesterday, thd soft wind and drizzle that fell at inter vals during the day causing the snow to disappear in many places wh re.it had been several Inches deep. SLIDES DELAY TRAINS EARTH BLOCKS XORTHERS PA. CIFIC TRACKS. Detour Is Made by Ferry to Vancou ver interurban Lines Near Portland Also In Trouble. A landslide occurred on the Northern Pacific railroad near Vancouver, which blockaded traffic and compelled the trans fer of passengers by the ferry Tacoma L-nlsimii to Vancouver. Reports from the officials state that the slide stopped traffic completely and in order that passengers should be delayed as little as possible, the expedient of taking them from Kalama to Vancouver a ie sorted to, and all passengers delayed by the slide will be forwarded to their des itinr, in this manner. The exact extent of the slide, and its precise location, are not known to the dispatchers at available points, but no doubt is expressed that the delay will in the meantime the forrv will continue to be used. Train No. 33 of the delayed trains ar rived at 9 o'clock last night, after a delay .U4.ri hours. Train No. 1 came in at also delayed a number of hours on account of the conditions Trains on the Oregon City fetaeada r-.dero lines of the O. W. P. were delayed yesterday because o landslides between The Oaks and the Inman-Poul- ui. There Is a huge embank ment east of the cartracks between those i. nd the melting snow caused the earth to give way yesterday and tumble down upon the tracks. . until a. late hour yesterday. Oregon -i, nnd other trains on that line w run over the Sellwood tracks to a point beyond The oaks. RAIX AXD COOLER FOR TODAY Totj.1 Kainfall During 24 Hours , Was 1.16 Inches PORTLAND, Jan. 17. Maximum temper- ti, im decrees: minimum, :t7 decrees River reading at 8 A. M.. 8.0 feet; change In lat 24 hours, 3.3 feet Total rainfall i-'v.---'r.t r The Third Week UMM al: Commencing today, the final clean-up of all odds and ends, including also the Furniture and Carpets of the Hotel Lenox. STORE OPENS AT EIGHT OXLOCK TULL & GIBBS COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS ii -Jj (5 P. M. to 6 P. M). l.io '""" fall since BeptemDer l. normal rainfall since September 1, 1008, 23.01 Inches; deficiency, .. Inches. Total .uwthln. January 1. 1W9, none: poslbl. BUDBhlne January -t te. Barometer (reduced to ie leel) at 5 P. II., 23.78 mcnes. PACIFIC COAST WE AT HEX. Observations taken at 5 P. M.. Pacific time. 03 : to STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka. ........ Helena North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff -. Roseburg. ...... Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco. .. Spokane Tacoma Walla Walla Marshfield Blaine Siskiyou Winnemucca . Modena Havre Tonopah 46'0.04!12;SE 2410.00 20iN 5l0.02: 8'B 5810.24lfl,SW 4KI0.0OI 8S 52 0.lo'1!SW Cloudy Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 52 O.OO'lR S 84 0.7B lOvSW 41 S 4iS 8'PW 4 SE 4 W 8S 14!SW 10 S Cloudy Cloudy 68 0.061 66 0.M 6010.02 B2 0.00 60!0.00 iRaln Rain Cloudy Rain 48 0.20 54 0.40 68 0.06 6610.32 Cloudy Rain Cloudy Rain Clear Rain KOl0.34liaiSW 44!0.70 4ISW 6 T. lU-SW 64 0 .001 4jSW 46 0.00 24.SW 5210.00! 4!-SE Rain Cloudy Cloudy pt clouny WEATHER CONDITIONS. ..T"i.1'i 7a"i2? hwYnVaio ?'u,';n "coast during the niKht, LIH3 4 tC7U o velocity of 1 the v asniDBi"" outh being rePr"?.Irm""' Ttoosh Island. Tnllea from T. i. atnrm la HOW central v. urfiuh rolumbia, but the wlnns navo u,- minlshed srreauy T""t in South- Rain naa nm" in soutnern hl.h reoorta fnrnla. but all places iron. -"- ,,h till have lenipei -vr. above the seasonal average The innlca district Hon tions are .., ;. - rthwesterly y .J' , - ..... nrn tares .Qv -with w nas snuiuiB In tne " w.t ot'tl.. Cascade Mountains. THE RIVER, hui been general throughout the WMmetlrf .uYdfrlng the VJ and amounting to about an ou Ke. .which. addedto tne ram,.., 16 were reported at , 'showing the rise and fall during Portland Salem Albany Harrishurr Estacada Tualatin HIcMinnville' ... Jefferson w Wind v 2 - o I o 2 a c 3 . 3 hours: Stage. Feet. , 9.8 " 1fl.S o.i 20.2 - 9.0 jo.o l.:i 7.0 v 0 20.9 '25 , 8.3 Rise. Fall. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain : cooler In the afternoon wind shifting to northwest- Oregon Rain and cooler In west portion, winds shifting to northwesterly. Washington liain; cooler in west portion- winds shifting to northwesterly. Irt'aho Rain; continued warm. Idano turn, FRANi MONTGOMERY. Txical Forecaster. Exhibit Building of Jfatlve Wood. ABSRDKEX, Wash., Jan. 17. (Special.) -The building that will be erected on the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Fair Grounds to represent Chehalis County will be com posed of the woods native to this section. Old People Need VINOL it strengthens and vitalizes Vinol tones up the digestive oreans, aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuvenates every organ in the body. la this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with strength. We are positive It will benefit every old person who will give it trial. 11 it don't we will refund their money. Woodard, Clark Co., Droeslst. FortUad. and Last of the AGE THE WISE BRIDGE TEETH , Without Plaf w Is the safe bridge to take in dentistry. Teeth placed by us in this -way will give perfect satisfaction and look as 5.-11 n.tnml teeth. T,o Suffer- lnK if we remove one or twenty teeth. Absolutely painless. Plate. That II whn vou must nave a niaie. iicj won't work loose or break. Special at tention sriven to elderly people. Out-of-Town People can have their work fin'shed in one day if it is so desired. Dlneased Gmim Are your gums red. sore, bltedine and receding from the teeth? We can cure it for you if you come to us in time, come lpLATKS s5-00 AND IP. PAINLESS EXTRACTING 50 CTS. Free When Other Work la Ordered. DR. W. A. WISE Prealdent and Manager. The Wise DentalCo. (lac.) The Filln; Bldft 3d and Wank. Mb. Office Hoars 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1. Phones A and Main 3029. ALX WORK GUARANTEED. Never has the demand for lace been as great as it is right now. And never has it been so necessary that women realize that the only safe way to wash laces is with Ivory Soap and lukewarm water. Why Ivory Soap? Be cause it contains no "free" alkali; no color ing matter; no adulter ant of any kind. Ivory Soap 99 4ioo Per Cent. Pure. CHRONIC CATARRH OF HEAD AND THROAT ONE OF THE MOST COMMON AND MOST DISAGREEA BLE DISEASES. Always Caused by a Neglected Cold or a Succession of Colds. How to Prevent It. The air passages of the head, throat and lungs are lined with mucous membrane which in health secretes a thin, watery liquid to keep it moist. When a person takes cold this membrane becomes inflamed. The in flammation is at first acute and is easily cured, but when a cold lingers for weeks the inflammation becomes chronic and a thick, offensive mucus is secreted. The disease at this stage is known as chronic catarrh and is seldom, if ever, permanently cured. The time to effect a cure is when the cold is first contracted and the inflammation is in the acute stage. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. Take it and a quick cure is certain. Very often chronio catarrh is contracted in childhood. Parents do not realize the serious consequences that may follow and permit colds contracted by their children to linger for weeks. Asacon iequence the child becomes afflicted with chronic catarrh from which it never wholly recovers. The catarrh may cause no serious !nnnT.niniM while the child is young and J ftreof but becomes s burden wbea older.