11 HFI.P WAVTKP FEMAtB. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS' for blggeat mag slns combination off.r or the kmot; $18 weekly and free transportation; Alrerer nrx or bond iffMMT Call after 3 p R. H Maddan. 503 Swet.and bids-. Portland. Or. HANBKNS LADIES AOENCT. 8434 Wsftlst'-s St., cor. 7th. upstaira. Phone Main A Help Supplied Free to Em)ioy WANTED Middle-aged womnn for general hnuwwnrk, f.imlly 3 adult.; must five ref-renc. Mr. Robert. 37u Part Main 5945 WANTBD-Eirrlfn1 bon bon dlrr"' r00"1 -e; steady work. Alion Candy Co.. 12th and G.lsaa st. fTTNOORAHiKHS, ir!Hlt-.ll or b"""!"" ner. .houid take the rapid E B. C. drll. for post-loss. t2 H'orcwlur b.ock- WANTED Toun lady with good form to assist gentleman In vaudeville act. a . Oregonlan. IIAS-'VS LAD1FS AOESCT lilu Washln:on St.. Cor. .th. Upstairm. phone Mala 2S2. WANTED-Fiprtfn4 rtrl for foJ'"5; Apply morning, loth and Jackson. Port land H-lrhts. Phone Main 2644. WANTED :irl to do light bounwirt 77 fhon- E 30.-.S HtLP ff AMEI-MALE OB FEMALE. GOOD. BRIGHT. Indu.trrou, sa lesm " ulfiwomn demonstrator. (Iljtrli-! m a clean. h!ch-cl proposition and ab. money-maker, which none but the In cl ctua! can at.-pre.-lat.; nop; but abaolute ly tha beat peed apply- Marquam b.dg. -riKIT TFACITRT Af.EXCT need" teacher ' nVw. : sVel'and bMC. rhoa Main 4171. iprvnl AND HITMAN In rlssse s. I P month to b-K'lm-r. 452 M .rrlson. SITUATION W A NT ED MALK. Bookke and 1erk. EXrF.RIFVED furniture and carpet les rnan warn position; lar-te personal f ! "ng" honrM. sober, reliable: a flrat rl.s man In every r-spert: moderate -alary open for position February X. Ad dress S 673. Cr Koruan. HOTEL clerk desires position In or out of city. Heady. A-l referenda. Addres. E .".74. Oreconian. MALL sets of book V-pt. colTectlora 1. l.T exper!er.-el b. kkeer-T; beat of ref. r-ec-es. G 6.VS. Oregonlan. AMRITIT! young man of good haN's 66 s rs -v-sttl-n: experienced bookkeeper. N 576. Oresronlan. Miscellaneous. JAPN'KPE couple want position; man ex perience.! rook; wife to do housework In family, city or out of city. Addrcaa F 55i. Oregonlan. J A PANES", fit-" cook, wanta position In hotel, restaurant or private houao. 3 North 2d t- ( . HANDY man with machinery or running stationary engine, not afraid to work Phone Sellwood 2-.0. A. J Crockett. FXPERIE-NCED m'llman wants Job aa mill ""-enan or circular sawyer, good reference. Philip Moak. Savier St.. Portland. FIRST-t'I.ASS chlnesa rook, family, hotel, restaurant and boarding-houae. Phone A GEXEItAI. hou-leanmr y day. Job or hour. Thompson. Ma n JAPANESE boy wants p.vf'.on ma plain cook or housework. Main JAPANESE boy winl. aituatlon In private family, jenernl hou'.eaork. 273 Biirnslna. FIRST-CI.SS ment-cutter wants prv.ltlo; niall town proferrtrt. 1 Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants situation as cook In family, city or cuumry. AH r.4'i. Orcgonlan. JAPANESE contrarta any kind of Job. 23 Couch at., city. S. Oraha. A 4r.iS. SITUATIONS WASTED FKM ALE. Bookkeeper and Menoirraphera. riR a rood en..rra;'her. a beginner not afraid of work, phone A M4ft. STENOGRAPHER ovrnln marhlne copies at hnriie. dlctati.-n on request. Phone B 14iS. Housekeepers. IJDr wurtien position, ho-.isekee-rr. city or country. B. S.. Box nil!. Kalama. Will FIHST-CLASS fre.-r.akin at lowest prlcee. Mra Anele. 242 6th and Mam. Nl'IlSE. much experience, sotlclta care aemi- lnvalld. companion to la-lv. lnfunt. Call Monday. A 2-'4. Main Solv Domestics. A WOMAN with children to support la In red of work by the day. Ad-lree Mra. 1... 107U 31 St. RN PEPIENCED yourir woman -anta house work by the day or hour. Phone Kast 1547. JAPANESE Klrl wants position at bouao .work In family. AH :7. Oregonlan. Mlsrellnneoua. THOROVGHTjT competent dresrmnkerwl'l make engagement by day. Main 7ull'.. A :titai POSITION wanted aa cook where second girl Is kept. Woodlawn DAT. week or month work by colored woman; references. Main 3903. A FIRST-CI.ASS laundress and cook wlahea position, t ail for one week Main 6HO. LACE iTHTAINS washed and stretched 40c a pair. A 4-'7. Main IVo-s. LACE curtains washed and sTetched. 40c pair Phone Main .-.Voi. A 4? WANTED ACKNTS WANTED First-class man In every town in Oregon to avll ,Dl..xo;" cheapest and most perfect disinfectant known; to $10 a nay easily made. Dlozo Disinfectant Co., S.3S Waahtnglun at.. Portland. Or. MEN and women to fell our new coupons; something entirely new; essv seiler. Hayes, photographer. 34-4 Was- lngron. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Room and borird by one In pri vate family, near East Side High School. X &4. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants to rent a tract of land near city. G .'.!. Oregonlar WTEI MISTELLAN EOIS. WE PAY TOP PP.ICES FOR FiK,rriKE And anything siss you have to eelL PORTLAND AL'CTIOX CO.. Main A 41SL WANTED To sharpen your knives 2r.c, raaors 31c. and returned the eame dsv. The Keen Edge Co., I'atofflce box 55, I'ortland. WANTED Men'e cast-off clothlr.g and shoes: we also buy houetbold furnlshlcgi; highest prices raiJ. Ca.l at the "F.ilr Deal." 63 id st. Kurtn. Pbcae slain 272. . POT cash paid for your furniture: prompt attention alwaya given, phone East 10U7. CI.OTHINO Clothing. Highest Drlce paid. Phone Main 41. xi n. ad st. W ANTED Hprse. about 1200 lbs. sound. 347 East fcilark. FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTKL Ul'SHMAKK. Washlngtcn and 17ih. Brst-claas furnished rooms, slccle or en suite: all modem con veniences: aJ weekly up. A Zt4.. an as.. PRINCESS HOTEL. 14 East Burnslde St.; only flreprtKf hotel In city; modern In every respect; reasonable prices. East 171. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts purr.l-.hed rooms, best In city for money: gj per week; modern; free baths; no dogs THE ESTE6" Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 gura. corner 6th. Mra Maud J- Cstea. THE NEWPORT. 323 S Washington, newly furnished, hot and cold water, steam heat. THE ELWOOD Newly fumislved. S3 to $i: also transient rooms 343 Ss Morrison. NEW and elegantly furnished parlora, wltn ail convenlencea. 4i: Taylo st. THE RANDOLPH. Sd and CoIumMa. rooms: keat. bath: 60c to tl cay. 2 lo 4 week. THF ANGELES. th and JefTerson. modem rooms and apartments; both phones. rOB. RENT. Famished Booms. THE AUDITORIUM. Jtow Open. 29i4 Third St. Has every modern Improvement. Tnor ooghly renovated and under new manage ment; steam heat; hot and cold water In every room: private baths; elevator: spe cial ratee to good, permanent roomers THE LARRAP.EE. 227 V, Larrabee st. At tractive, newly furnished, thoroughly mod ern bay-window rooms, handsome brick building, electricity, steam heat, hot and cold water every room; ca:l-belle. bam, walking distance; 7io day. S2-o" wuCK, up. THE BARTON. -Jth ana Alder; new man agement: newly renovated throughout: . outside rooms: steam beat, eleclrlo lights, etc.; rooms 110 rr.onlh up: suites with run ning water. 22.ao to 30: elegant publlo parlor: phones and baths free. 01 i,rrH ST. Newly furnished, warm " rooms, box and cold watsr and p1;ntr J hot water all the time. all. for $10 per month: nice location and easy wa.klng distance. Call and see lor yourself, JUS lmh st. THE COMMERCIAL. jncely furnished rooms, $2 per week np'; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths nd phono; transients iOc. 75c and II per dav- open all night: office and reading room ground floor. 4SS-4U2. Washington sc THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny end Burnslde: fa the heart of the city; everything brand new; finest rooms In town: an Ideal Winter horns; rates reasonable; free bus ta siJ trstna . THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First sod Morrlann; steam beat, eiectrfe Pglita, hot and coid water, baths free; 33 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 44 8. Main 4661. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st- opp Port land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod ern convenlencea; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht. proprtstor. HOTEL KENTON. 18th sad Washington Modem rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running wstsr, private and free balhs; rates reasonab.s. Psclflo 49. JfEWLT furnished front room, walking dis tance: gaa. bath, furnace heat; suitable for two. Main 4294. 634 Hoyu near Win. Furnished Ksnmi In Frlvais Family. NO frozen water pipes; beautiful, comfort able room, private borne, reasonable. Call or phor.e Sunday evenings. 120 East lth. Kaat ti'tii. NICE llKht. modern room, newly furnished, near town, to Indv rmploved; references. 1'hone C 20J. 321 H Holladay ave. !2 COLI'MRIA Prlcht. well-warmeit rooma; electric light, porcelain bath, tele phone; reasonable.. 44l TAYI.OR. near 12th, desirable, heated, single front room; gentleman; reasonable; modem. 2,"S 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, new bouse, every convenience, gentlemen only. HANDSOME suite of rooms, suitable for two or three; reasonable. 323 Mill. A UK NICELY furnished front room for lady, ref erencea, reasonable. Main C472. V K ! '. Y warm, large, pleasant. well-fiimWied room. PNUl, lHlou. irMnit. . NICELY furnished room for rent, with pri vate family. Phone E 24G0. COMFORTABLE furnished rooms, walking distance. OA 7 Gllxan st. Unfurnished Rooms. SUITRS of 2 unfurnished rooms, with gas pl.ite. only 1.2i per week. 3c3 East Sam hill st. Rooms With Hoard. HOTEL FARGENT. Three of the most elegantly furnished suites In Portland. Just vacated by parties golnc to California for the Winter: very modern; steam heat, bath, private phone, a. cess to pool and billiard tables. Corner Grand and Hawthorne avea. PORTLAND Women Union, JOth year: rooms with board, use of sewing-room and library; Women's Exchange. Mra Ella HawUngs, KupU. 610 Flanders St. THE COLONIAL. 15 10th st.. cor. Morrison. Fins large roxmi, thoroughly sleam heated, lowest rates, boat place in the city for a boms. THE LINDELL. S6 Market Nicely fur nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat,, electric lights, baths, phones, $ weekly. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THE MORRISON. H3S Morrison St.. family hotel, modern, sew management; board op tional: best table board; prices moderate. ROOMS, single and en suit, mortem con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. ROOMS and board in private family. 442 Jefferson st- Room With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold, with or without b.rd: strictly first-class, central l.-atlon. M 11th St., cor. Yamhill. M fcn.x. A 3ieo. ROOM with hoard, suitable for t; borne cook ing, walklnic distance. 41 Ella, between 2oth and 21st, near Washington ONE newly furnished room, suitable for 2: also one simile room, private boarding house. 7115 Hoyt. SPECIAL rates Room and board for gentle men; must be two in room. 423 Tth. A LARGE front room with board, suitable for 3 gentlemen. Phone, Main 6216. LARGE comfortable room and board for 2 gentlemen: 2l each. 422', Jen.-rson. FRONT and side room, with board; horns cooking- 32S Uth St. Phone A 31122. SINGLE room and board. Call at 3S9 Tay lor at. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columrla. 100 feet from Jefferson or 13tb-st. rarllne: eav walking distanca; new, handsome brick building. In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments: private bath and reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Janitor service, maximum of con venience, eleganc. equipment: completely furnished, ready for housekeeping; some unfurnished; rent reasonable. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartments, each having private vesll bulo and bath, steam h-at. hot and cold v.ater. gas ranwe. refrigerators, window thades and screens, telephone and Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 18th and Couch. THE SHEFFIELD. Tih and JefTerson sts.: unfurnished 4-room apartment, Feb. 1, with bath: new, modem and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Apply to Janltur. Main 2AOO. COLUMBIAN and Victorian, a and 4-room modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. $37 60 525 Everett. 6-roora, steam-heated modern. W. L Morgan. 322 Falling bldg. Flats. THE ROOSEVELT BBS Kearney, near 21st .'.-room, steam heated, modern. Rent reasonable. W. L. Morgan. Si2 Failing P.ldg. FOR RENT Vroom new modern upper fiat. East 27th and Clinton; 2 carllnes; rent Sli. J. H.' Imhoff. Phone East 5 1 3rt. ' t FOR 'RENT Modem, up-to-date upper flat, 0 rooms and 2 rooms In attic, fireplace and furnace. 444 S Park st.. 137.50. Phone East 1431; Tabor 7U3. 17 Modern 4-room flat, nice yard, base ment, gas. electric Uyrhts; 16 minutes' walk from Steel brlpe. 444 Rodney ave., cor. Tillamook. Kagt 4S66. NEW. modern B-room lower fiat. 16 East Alder- walking distance; reasonable rent. James A J-igghn. 14H 1st. Telephone M 7S42. UPPER 4-room flat for rent. $15 per month. Innulre 628 Williams avft, or (.none C 1CU7. SXX-ROOM flat, all modern: also furniture for sale: gas. electric light, furnace; a snap; must sell. Call 31 N. 17th St. NEW 5-ROOM lower flat, elosa In, nloe lo cation. Inquire 629 Everett. ELEGANT new 7-room flat, poltehed floors. 14S 24th st. N. Keys 7IH Irving st. Ms-re FLATS. 8 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Apply 132 8th St. Main B27S. LOWER 8 rooms, modern. 429 clay st-, ion-l'R FLAT, rooms; fireplace, furnace, porch, yard. Nob Hill. Main 4220. B-ROOM modem flat. 3.-.0 Sherman. E. T. Tag g art, 41S Chamber of Commerce. Tire sroiiNixG oregoxiax, Monday, FOB BENT. Flats. FLATS. v rooms. 18th st.. gas range, gas heater, tew, modem, $40. & rooms, up-to-date, $3B. 4 rooms. KeArney St., 322-50. 6 rooms. Kearney St., $27. .".0. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. B. E. cor. Third and Oak sta. ' House k rev lug Booms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, balhs. laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments 113 per montn up; single housekeeping rooms 12 50 week up; best in city for money; short dis tance from Union Dejot. Take "8 or Itith-st. cars north, get oft at Marshall at. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 63IV4 Washington. cor. 30th Nicely fo',h housekeeping rooms: gas " , : free hath, free phene. both floors, ales suites from $12 up. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms t, H-10 month: 3 for 12. $18: 1Pln rooms. $1.25 wk.; west side river. 384 , N. 20th. ieth-st- car to 20th. south halt block. BEAUTIFVLLT located nay-window, unfar nlshed 2-room suite In centrally eocated apartrosnt-bous. $oay. Jefferson, cor, flts. JEFFERSONIAN inth and Jeffersort. two and three-room suitos. furnished for house keeping; strictly modem: no children. ONEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill. 3 and 3-room furnished suites (gas range hot and cold water), heat, phones and batn. 41 E4.ST Morrison, cor. 8th. completely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. THE ELMS Furnished 3 and B-room apart ments: heat, phones, bath. 191 14tn st. Housekeeping Booms In Private Family. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. gas, electric light, furnace, bath. e?nvle"'; 1 block to L- car, near O. R . N- cr shops. 622 Delay St.. cor. Morns. 3 AND 8-room P"??traf?: running water and electr o lights. Call between Pilin to 1H30 A. M., 2 lo 3 P. M.. 322 4th. near Clay. FURNISHED houeekeeplng rooms en suite or slrgle: also f.irnished rooms; free phone and bath. 427 Alder St. . -1 ALDER Suite two neatly furnished rooms: bath, phone; near bualness; rea sonable. Nil -ELY furnished single housekeeping rooms, furnace, bath, gas and phone. 807 Everett st. LARGE front room, completely furnished for housekeeping, modorn conven encea 5S2 East loth st. Phone Sallwood lii- IIOI'REKFEriNn rooms, furnished com plete.' 149 I3ih St.. near Morrison. TWO large housekeeping rooms, gas. bath. Tabor 1R10. 07 K. YamhllL FURNISHED bousekeeplnrf rooms reason able. West Side; One location. Main 2219. TWO housekeeping rooms, all convenlencea 140 North 18th St. Phone Main 60oi. S MODERN, clean, warm lhl J"?"" v..nm. rooms- $15 month. 892 .Front. TWO clean furnished rooms, gas for coolt . Ing fuel, reasonable. 505 Everett st. 215 10TH. corner Salmon. 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. , LARGE front alcove room for light houee keeping. 450 YamhllL near 12th. FTRNISirED housekeeping rooms for rent. East 107. 427 East Ash. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE! you always need BOMB '"bUY'aT NO-RENT prices; ths sav ing will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BU1LD1NO; OO cupy ono-half: collect rent on balancs. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand av. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. MODERN house of T rooms, with lot 50x100 at reasonable rent to a desirable tenant; location E. 30th. near Hawthorne ave This means good car service. Apply to J. Kraemer. 90 Fifth st. DES I RABIJA home place. Mount Tabor, very sightly location, near cars; large grounds, fruit trees and small fruits; would consider selling. Apply 148 2d st. 7-ROOM house, 4 blocks of Holladay school ; good fireplace, cement wash trays, etc., reasonable to good tenant. Key at 445 East 7th st. North, phone East 2070. A NEAT, modern 5-room cottage; electricity, furnace and porcelain bath; Urge grounds; rent $20. Apply room 301. The Dekum. $10 New. modern 5-room shingled bunga low, electric lights, shades, on carllne. Phone A 31X11. Inquire 124 Nebraska st- B-ROOM house with yard. 200 Hassalo st..- 2 blocks from Steel brldso. Call at room 18. 24Uti Holladay ave. B-ROOM cottage, modem, 2 E. Ash, two blocks from E. Ankeny car. reasonable. East 5452. MODERN 6 -room comer house, nearly new; no children, $22; key next door. 840 E. Ash. GOOD -room house with large yard. 644 Horlhwlrk t.: rent $15. Wakedeld, Fries Sl Co.. 229 Stark. MODERN 6-room cottage In good repair, clofo lri. No. 407 Eaat Everett- Phone A 4041. B-ROOM cottage, bath, electric lights, etc.: walking distance; $15. Call 435 East 7th st. North. 6-ROOM cottage. $22. gas and bath. Inquire 444 11th st. FOR RENT 87 E 8th St. North; modem B room cottage. Phone Main 5074. T-ROOM bouae for rent. Inquire 115 Ablng ton bldg MODERN house. 8 rooms and bath. 773 Irving st Apply 132 Bth at. Main 6273. NEW house, 5 rooms and bath, 71 E. Tilth st. North. Apply 132 6th st. Main 8278. FOR RENT 6-room bouse. 410 East Market Furnished Hon FINELY furnished flat on Hawthorne ave.. suitable for young couple, furnace heat Included, $25. 1U00 Hawthorne ' ave. Phone B 253 22D ST. N. Furnished house for terra of months to suit tenant. Call mornings, pfione M. 1098. 8-ROOM modern comfortable home to re sponsible parties. Call 701 E. Burnslde or phone E 3200. FOR RENT New. strictly modem and com pletely furnished residence on East Ride, $35 per month. P'none Main 1177 A2.I35. 6-ROOM modem cottage. $30. Haveretlo 4k Gallagher, S4S4 Washington st. NEWLY furnished four-room apartment. The Mordaunt. cor. ISth -and Everett sts. $05 FOR new 5-room furnished house. Call "at 891 East Pine st.. or phone East 24011 FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights, central. Inquire 273 7th. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. FINE furniture 9-room house, full of room ers and boarders, only $850; swell fur niture 12 housekeeping-rooms, only $950, part cash. Mrs. Koontz, 243 Btark at. HAVE t-?en called East unexpectedly: will sacrifice furniture of 5-room cottage; all new; $175. 665 Commercial St., on R. S. carllne. Alblna. FURNITURE of a 4-room apartment for sale, cheap. Columbian Apartments, 22 11th and Columbia. Call forenoons. FURNITURE of 8-room colonial house; new, elegant and a bargain. A 571L FURNITURE of a five-room flat for sale; flat for rent. 533 Everett at. Stores. FOR RENT Good location for employment agency; moderate rent; large crowds as sured' building under construction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bidg. FOR RENT Excellent location for dealer In Japanese and Chinese goods; rent reasona ble; building under construction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Fine location for laundry office. In building now under construction; mod- ntfly 718 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO-story building 25x100, Front, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. 1S3 Madison. FOR RENT Storeroom. 25x100; 92 First si.. Mann A Beach. Both phones. STORE with living rooms above. 16S Union ave. See Hartman & Thompson. C. of C. t-jH-r and second floors, each 25x100. new brick. Jobbing district. N 517, Orcgonlan. FOB BENT. FOR RENT A-l location for millinery and dressmaking; rent, reasonable; building now under construction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Blag. FOR RENT A-l location' for a dyer and cleaner. In building now under construc tion; reasonable rent. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Four store rooms In a three story brick building, corner 'Grand and Belmont sta Hartman ac Thompson. Office. DESIRABLE OFFICES $10 $15 $20 In heart of business district. Well lighted and ventilated; two elevators; all night service- hot and cold water, gas and elec tric lights; excellent Janitor service; auto matic are alarm system; low Insurance, property protected by night watch. Desk room $5 and up. ' 803 SWETLAND BLDG.. 5th and Wsstt . OFFICES. Nice, light, roomy offices on Washington kJrTLAND1 THVSTCo! OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sta GROUND FLOOR desk room, furnished or unfurnished. Including both jne. central location. Sengstake A Ljmaa. 80. Bth st. DESIRABLE suites single off leys and desk room, centrally located. . Raleigh bldg., 823 Vi Washington, cor. 6th. PRIVATE office. !xl. telephones office at tendant, use of stenographer it desired; rent reasonable. 222 Falling bldg. 8-HOOM flat cheap: central: lovely furni ture; tirmi 225 Market. Main 518. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bldg. Apply Room 601. . 'Miscellaneous FOR RENT Large barn with stalls and ap pliances suitable for eluht or ten horses; also 8-room house; corner East Eighth and Lincoln sts.: rent S33 per month. Apply 1. Gevurts & Sonet, 173-6 lsh st. , ilNAJiflAL. Money to Loan. $ $ $ $ $ 3 3 $ $$ Money loaned quickly and privately on real, personal and chattels, diamonds and iewelry. ad "n a" valuable collateral, lortgagea and contracts bought- EASTERN CAPITAL. This company la oreanlzed for the pur pose of providing ready money at the lowest cost. Our repayment plan will suit you. You can arrange to repay le. monthly or weekly easy paymenta. Ail business strictly confidential. Call or phone Muln 2084. , U. S.-REAL. ESTATE & KROKERAGE CO. Room- 12. Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Third St. $3$$3$3 THE CKBSCENT LOAN AGENCY 402 Kothchl'.d bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the age-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employs can obtain money of u on bis note without security. tl5 return to us JO return to us - $50 return to us ... 13-30, Confidential; no unpleaaant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, turniture. eto. MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTB3 LET US Bill YOUR BANK.U WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES. NO MORTGAGE NO lNDOitbh.H. ABSOLUTELY NO SEOUK11Y OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STATE SECUKITK CO. 704 DEKUM BLDG. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Mosey loaned on salary or chattel mort- gLg; business ooEnatnuiu. Mo. $75 return to us..:.$2').u9 $50 return to us.... 13.35 $30 return to us.... 8.00 Beml-Mo. Wkly. $10.1X1 $5.00 6.85 3.23 4.00 200 IIS return to us.... e-uu io return m us.... m.w 209 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Btark sts. 2.00 LOO MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon tfceir own names without fu.. i cheapest rates, easiest payments; Jflloas 1 in 68 principal cities; save yourself moaey by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Blag. CHATTEL LOANS. ,. - Installment loans on pianos. 'um"r warehouse receipts, horses. I"c ??" ties, salaries and all kinds of securities. "evv ERA LOAN Mil CO.. 403 Swetland bldg. THE Pacific Coast Silica c'aJr Cj2 6 per cent first mortgage. ?.-JSaf ?r. bond. have exceptional merit. Get par tlculara. E. H. Graaty. Jr., 522-25 Corbett bldg. ' TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL, - Room 6, 203 Washington street, cor, sa. ON improved city property orl.rp,1bu"?.,y? purposes; 3 to 8 years" time; liberal repay ment privileges; money advanced u ing progresses. The Lqultabla, 2d and Stark sta MONEY sold on Installment plan: eonflden-til- no security but your salary: best sys tem" for railroad, streetcar .employes, me chanics and others. F. A. NEWTON. -Buchanan Bldg.. 2Stitt Washington St. LOANS mad quickly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and jewelry. E. Pierce. 31d Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan In large and small sums at 6 to 8 per cent on Unproved real estate. PORTER Jk FRENCH. 607 Commercial bldg. WB loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at teasonable Interest for Ion g or abort time. ' A. A M. Delovage, Jewelers, lb Washington oL LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per ona? security. W. aA Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main Wi. $100 000 to loan In sums of $1000 or mors to suit. 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 286 Btark. opp. Cham, of C. WE buy foreign money, gold dust Title Guarantee, Cferman-American bank ac countsT Lewis & Co.. 2U Waahltigton st. WE will buy your Title or Oregon Trust account and telephone bond. L. L. Fra ley Co.. 917 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on East and West Side bualness and residence "operty. Mall A Von Borstel, 104 2d St. TOV3 on approved real estate eecurlty In amount desired. Address O 679. Orego nlan. CASH LOANS Real estate "or collateral se curity business lnvetrtmonts: Insurance. Henry C Prudhomme. 3t0 Cham, of Com. $ oo 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building lbans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck. 312 Falling bldg. ANY Dart of $30,000 to loan at 6 to T par . . . , -i UK nerllneer bids. ceoi MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts W. H. Nunn. 440 Sherlock bldg. (State fund loaned. 0 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E. L. Deveraux. 204-5 Fenton bldg. M 63. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT. STRONG A CO., 605 CONCORD BLDG. t M4.KB loans, any size, on improved city property 410 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Frary A Seltx. 132 9th at- LOANS on real, persosal. chattel or collateral eecurlty. C. W. Paliett. 304 Featon bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx s: Bloch. 74 Sd L 3o00 7 per cent. In one. two or three loans. Ward. 210 Allsky blIg. Main 7328. Loans Wanted. MORTGAGES for sale. $2000. $1200. $1000 and s50 all bearing 7 per cent; a good place for your Idle money. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. WANT from private party a 6 per cent $10 000 loan. 5 years" time preferred, on gllt'-clge Washington-st. property. A 13 505. Oregonlan. WANTED $1000 at 6 per cent on good real estate seourity from private parties. L 568, oreguuiaji. HAVE applications now for good real estate loans which will pay 8 per cent. Address AD 513, Oregonlan. WANTED $7000. 3 or B years, 8 per cent; on East Side business property. N 594, Oregonlan. , WANTED Loan of $2O00 for 3 years at 8 per cent; good timber security. Phono room 646 Oregon Hotel. coost -0.-a VTI--TV f vears. 6 per cent; East Side income property. F 639, Oregonlan. BOOMINO-HOrSE OgPOtgPti.MTIKg. MRS. LENTS Rooming-house Agency-Rooming-houses, all sixes and Pr.lc" Phone Main 8560; A S475. 430 Vs Wash Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 5H Morrison su BUSINESS CHANCES. SALOON FOR'SALB At Aberdeen, Wash., the city of opportun ities and pay rolls. Two more railroads heading this way and will be in operation about next June. Satoon is Independent of any brewery; central location, in mod ern brick building; finest bar fixtures In cltv; 7 elegant rooms upstairs completely furnished, which could be used for living rooms or profitably rented to transients; rent $100 monthly, with 5 years' lease: price complete, lower and upper floors, with plenty of tock, $4700. and leas than half cash required. Owner desires to re tire. ABERDEEN INVESTMENT COMPANY. PARTY owning very desirable corner lot. East Forty-first and Division, within a block of new schoolhouse. Richmond dis trict, will build store to suit desirable tenant; exceptional location and flne oppor tunity of building up splendid trade; rea sonable rent. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Btark. CAPITAL INVITED $50,000. mere or less, either as stockholder or loan, latter pre ferred. Good interest- To enlarge well established wholesale and retail Import business. Preferred stock now on the market. 8 per cent Interest guaranteed. Privilege of withdrawing at the expiration of B years. Only A-l reputation need ap ply. AE 406. Oregonlan. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (established 1895) furnishes free Information on oppor tunities In mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or country . THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-6 Swetland bldg. PARTNER, a man who has an established business that will pay each partner $100 per month: wants a sober, reliable man aa partner: very little money required. Call room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED For customers. stores, hotels, rooming-houses. Wanted customers for . stores, hotels and rooming-house. We also buy and sell stocks and bonds. Amer ican Buslnoss Chance & Investment Co.. 425 and 426 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or trade for realty, the best es tablished ladies' and gents" clothing, boot.s, shoes and furnishings store In the Willamette Valley doing strictly cash business: $3000 cash or realty will handle It. AC 427. Oregonlan. IN"VB3TORS. If you are looking for a first-class busi ness that will stand your closest investiga tion, call and seo our list. W. Lawrence & Co.. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. $500 Bakery and delicatessen, on Wash ington St.: guarantee profits $40 per week; price $H0O, rash $500, balance terms to rult. National Realty & Trust Co.. 826V4 Wash. t. Phone Main 6129. TOU CAN GET action on all mining and Industrial stocks and bonds through head quarters at Cattcriln A Co.. suit 8, Chamber of Commercs. W buy. sell or trade. Call or writ. WANTED Partner to take charge and man age an up-to-date light manufacturing busi ness; guarantee salary of $150 per month; $750 cash required. If you mean business call at once, 300 Larrabee t. yVANTED Investor to put In $5000 to $10. 0O0 In one of the best manufacturing and staple goods lines In the city. Additional capital for new stock urgently needed. V 520, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED For short time we can offer you first-class business proposi tion; $200 to $000 required; duties easy; experience not necessary; Investigate. S26V4 Washington St., room 417. HOTEL A laboring man's hotel that Is olear Ing S200 per month above expenses has 30 rooms and all the people they can take care of. For particulars call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Energetio partner to take half Interest In one of best equipped real estate offices in Portland. Excellent opportunity for good man. A D 602, Oregonlan. POSITIVELY the best paying roomnlg-house In the city, netting hundreds of dollars a month: long lease; also another one at a bargain. 272 Stark st. FOR SALE Controltng interest In planing mill and retail lumber yard; annual busi ness over $100,000; money maker. F 661, Oregonlan. MODERN brick In business center; long lease; fine business location; for sale on account of sickness; no agents. W 4S3, Oregonlan. WNT party able to invest $3000 and ca pable to fill ' official position with pub lic service corporation; money well secured. Address N 572, Oregonlan. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buvlng be sure and see us. Kinney & Ptampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4486. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale In good Vallev town; will Invoice about $11,000; good reasons for selling. Box 58, Dayton, Or. ' CITY drugstore clearing $450 a month; must sell on account of health; good location; g.Kid lease and a snap; no agent. B 688, Oregonlan. WW have what you want In rooming-houses und at low prices; some bargains for little money. Call early Monday. 721 Board of Trade. ' SALOON for sale cheap If taken at once. In nuire at N. P. Brewing Co.. cor. of 18tn and Upshur ftta. EXCEPTIONAL, opening for man with $KAi0; business paying and growing. B 650, Oregonian. EI"V: GOOD placer claims In Southern Ore gon will sell; hydraulic. For Information write W. M. French. Medford. Or. CAN give you a bargain today In a grocery for little money you can't beat It- ualt and see. 721 Board of Trade. WANTED Party with $10,000 and up to- take Interest in lumoer anu ... Portland. F 652, Oregonlan MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. The Fletcher Co.. 125 Abington. SPRING will soon b here, get a snap In a fine confectionery and cigar store and be settled for the trade. 272 Stark st. WANTED To buy, rooming-house; 40 to 00 rooms; well furnished; no agents. S 071, Oregonlan. AGENCY for a specialty; requires ome can vassing; pays S200 month; $400. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. ONE of the best real estate men In the city "want a good man to take part Interest In the bualnesa 272 Stark at. DO you want the best grocery and meat market for the money In the city? Then call at 272 Stark st. TO trade, a new 8-room cottage and some cash for stock of goods. 273 Stark St. RESTAURANT For sale cheap If taken at once. 335 First st. A RESTAURANT going at half price, a rare buy. 272 Stark st- WILL trade lotB for anything you hove. 272 Stark st. - WANTED To trade lot or lots for an auto. 272 Stark st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. ADVERTISEMENT for proposal for grad ing power-plant canal. City Recorder's office Eugene, Or. Scaled proposals will be received by the city of Eugene. Ore gon until 8 o'clock P. M.. February 1. 1909. for the worksof grading a canal for a power plant on the McKenzle River for the city of Eugene. Oregon. The canal, will have a bottom width of 20 feet, and will be approximately three and three quarter miles in length. Specifications may be obtained from B. F. Dorris. City Recorder of Eugene, or from Frank c. Kelsey, 415 Corbctt building. Portland. Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bid. By order of tho City Council. J. D. Matlock, Mayor; B. F. Dorris. City Recorder Miscellaneous. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Paclfilc Builder A Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade. PERSONAL. Mme Courtwrlgh't. sain and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plastlo surgery. 225 Flledaer bldg. M. 6042; A S06S. PERSONAL. COLUMBIA mmiaoiuj. . Diseases of men, women and cB"" treated and cured; maternity cae given special attention; all private and wasting diseases promptly cured, and their n'" permanently removed from the sistem. Raleigh blug.. cor. 6th and Washington sts DR. ALT CTD A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, ner vous and chronic diseases of children apeclalty; no charge for eoneultatlon. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg., Waahtu toa and Park sts. Main 392s, A owl. RHEUMATISM, nervous debility, cough, wakefulness, stomach and kidney trou bles, skin and scalp diseases, weakness In young or old men promptly curea without drugs; charges moderate. Dr. . Pierce. 316 Allsky bldn. DR A. ADSPLUND. Just returned from Europe, makes a specialty of surgery and diseases of women. Office rooms 5-6-7 Winchester House. 3d and Burnslde sts. I hone Main 4047. AZA HOLMES RIBBBCKB, reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in the West at cut price. Parlors. Grand Leader, Bth and Alder. MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex. nervous conditions, saiu or oj troubles, acute or chronic? I treat by mod ern methods, electricity, massage, osteopa thy, medicine when needed; confidential. Dr. Vose, 326Vj Washington at. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helsingfor irad" ate, cures rheumatism. stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing: steam sweat and tub baths; both sijxe. 7 East Uth St., one door from Bast Anaaay car. Phones East 280, Home B 1603. MRS. S. B. SKIP. Mental Scientist- Teaches Psychometry, the insight and power of the soul. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Wednes day open meeting 8 P. M. 302 AUsky bldg. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond Brand Pills, tor 25 yoars known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills ar mala by druggists everywhere. DRESS suit for rent, all lxes, $1.50 month keep your clothe cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls aad de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., BOO Stark. GENTLEMAN, teady ltuatlon. fair wages, ome furniture, desires acquaintance of lady between the ages of 27 and 40. Ob ject, matrimony. L 670. oregonlan. DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root rills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for $3. T. J. Pierce. 818 Allsky bldg- 285 Morrison. MRS. DR. WHEATLEY HOWE. Indian root and herb specialist. Indian herbal bath oure all diseases. 406-408 Van couver ave., near Hancock, phone 0 1983- LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr Ketchum, graduate; advlc free. 1704 3d st. Main 8770 LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens Nerva Toaio Tablet, 25o box. EyeseU Phar macy, 289 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 6th. GERMAN, French. Spanish aad other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. W. Sehinale Co.. 229 1st ex. A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard. Clarke A Co. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular 10c 229 Vi 1st .t. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Filedner bldg. M. 8478. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 406 Morrison. 250 PRINTED business cards $1: 100 vlalt rng cards.- 60c Bchmale. 229 1st. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 500 OUsan t. Main B21B. JUST opened, ladles" barber bop. $8 4th St.. bet. Oak and Pine. Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective: work reasonaole. guaranteed. T 481. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Masonic ring with the name C. MinslnKer" engraved on Inside; liberal re ward it returned to Star band Co.. $01 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak t. LOST Ladles" coin purse on William ave nue, between Beach and Ivy, containing $S90. Please leave at 807 Vancouver ave. and get reward. LOST Gents" bunting case watch, mono- gram -R. L M. ; picture w on back; black 100. -au vyuu..u Reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno . vated, leturned same day. 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger LOST A small black purse on Woodstock car. Reward for return to 43 Hamilton bldg. LOST Mink ecarf between 18th and East Ankeny and East 12th and Oak. Reward. East 500. LOS-N-Two theater ticket for Helllg Mon day evening, on Everett, between 21st and Wash-; return 675 Gllsan st. LOST pocketbook In BIJou Theater Sun day evening. . Return to 147 17th st Reward. lost Gent" gold watch, Elgin: probably lost near 2Sth and Targart sts. Finder please phone Tabor 1434. Reward. LOST A Hampton watch Saturday evening. Reward 8:i7 Johnson st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking ' Accountants. B H COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. 'Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. phone Main 6567. Aflsayers and Analysts. . Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and aasayers. 204 hi Washington st. PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 188 Morrison st. DR E O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years' experience. 2116 Stark at. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 59S0. Attorneys at Law. H. H. RIDDELL. atty-at-Iaw. 733 Chamber of commerce. Main 47G4, A 3531. S T JEFFREYS, 208 Fonton bldg., 15 years- practice in Oregon. 8 years Alaska EMMONS EMMONS have removed law offices to 909-B13 Board of Trade bldg. Bicycle and Electric 1 Repairing. t AM-SHAW Bicycle. gasoline, engine and electrical repairing. 328 Stark t. Carpet Weaving. nT-os made from old carpet; also colonial rair rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works, 153 Union ave. East 3580, B 1280. Chiropody. a,-f ETELI- and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. r-HlROPODIST. manicurist, scalp specialist, hv young lady. 8 and 9 Raleigh bldg. W SCHOLES. scientific chiropodist; bunion a specialty. 231 5th t. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mr. Dunten. lri. Apartments, 3G2 3d. M. 7714. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M p. Hill, room 830 Filedner bldg. phone Main 34,3, tyr NELSON treats my corns; never hurts; Vlcef reasonable. 2.-.0H Alder. M. 7266. Commission Merchant. TAYLOR YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, cora mlelon merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portlaad. 1- Curios. SUN SOON HUIE STORE removed to 70 6th, bet. Oak and Pine. PROF. Wal Wilson' Dancing School, f ort land's only recognized school. 386 Vi Washington' t.,beW Park and 10th .t. Both phones: Main 7637 A 6637. MURLARK HALL Dancing Academy open Jan 4. dally 2-8. Prof. Rlngler. Instruct or 2d and Wash. Main 5.i54. B 1003. RINGLER Dancing Academies. Rlngler halt. MurTari; hall; instruction daily. B 1003. East 6670. . BUbINEbS DIRECTORY. THB Thlel Detective Service Co. Wa are especially equipped with experienced mea. 2oo Chamber of Commerce bldg. it 836, A 2493. D. L. Clouse, manager Educational. LAUE'S Preparatory Bohool of Pharmacy. 14S 2d u, Portland, Or. Feed Stores. HINSHAW A ZIGLlilR, hay, grain, fed. Os mast, hinglea 24 Grand ave. lii 43. Harness and riaddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness nmf r. 80-86 1st. Main 228. R, M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny sL Phon Main 24U2. Junk, Hides and Pelt. L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pelt, wool, furs, tallow, oid ruboers. metals aai aacka. 812 Front st. Leather and riiwilnfi;. CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfr. findings. J. A. BTROWBRIDGE LEATHER. CO. titbllshed 1S58. 19 Front su M.essensers. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 128 Bth. Mala 63, A 153. Johnnie on ths spot. Musical. PAUL F. KISS1NER, violinist and Instruc tor; mulc furnished for balls, receptions, eto. 213 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison. A GRADUATE in muato from Europe will give muslo lessons, residence. 30a Norta. 23d. Phone A 2216. G. BERTRAM, 15 Russet bldg., violin re pairing; Instruments bought and sold- ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC; reoltal mouthly. sufj biearna bldg. Main 3744. EMIL THIELHORN, violm teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 41C0, Pine 334. Main 3045. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 463 Bajmoal st. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. Neurologist. DR H. W. FREEZB straightens uilms eyes without operation or pain, tits glasses aad treats nervous diseases. 224 Marquam bide Opticians. GLASSES fitted ta your entire satlsf actios; and guaranteed. Rose City Optical Co 250i4 Alder, cor. 3d, upstairs. Osteopathia Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 415-18-17 Dekum bldg.. 1 Third and Washington st. Phone, office, Main 849, res., 10. 102SL Paints, Oils and Giasa, RASMUSSEN A CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doora Cor. 3d and Taylor, Painting and paperhunglrur. PAINTING, paperhanging, kaleomlnlng, ate, done on short notice. House Deoozatins; Co.. 647 Wash. Main 76, A 1114. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R. C WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 004 Dekum. J. J. H1RSHEIMER, pension and patent attorney, room 20-21 Labb bldg. Fa Vina. THB BARBHrt ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at Portland, office 4L-2-3-4 Worcester blook. WARREN Construction Co. street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber x. I'luuibtng-. PLUMBING repairs promptly attended to. Phone Sell. 1120. T. Glllard. L 39th and Uolnate sis. PLUMBING H. Kurth, r.S4 Water t Phon Main 5348, day or night. FOR bursted pipes don't forget to call Mala 1110. 271 First. ; FOR repairs on water and ateam pipes call Main 5019. Public Stenographers. MiSS IDA CONANT, room 602 Lumber Ex change bldg., 24 and Btark. Main 4977. DOC1A V. W1LL1TS, BOO Swetland bldg.. 6th and Wash. Phone Main 3148. I MJSg F H, leitneK, 420 Swetland bldg.- phone Main 1151. Hoofing, Cornices and bay light. WESTERN SHEET METAL WKS.. 45 N. 6th. p. J. McMahon, E. M. Sharkey. M. 8243. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade chock and all office goods. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Safes. THB MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. Dlebold safes. 66 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safe. Shots Cass, Hank and Store Fixtures. THE LUIKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., Bth and Hoyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, cabinets, store and offlcs fixtures. 34 Couch st. Main 2763. big-a. FOSTER A KLEiSEK, SIGNS. Th largest sign-makers In the North west. 5th and Everett st. phone Private Exchange 65. Home A 1155. Stove STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 1110. 271 1st. Storage aad Transfer. C. O PICK. Transfer and Storage Co.. office aad commodious four-story brick wars house separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d aad pine sts. Pianos aad fumltur moved and packed for shipping. Main 698, A 1996. OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transferring aad torage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak .. bet. Front and 1st, Telephone Main 647 or A 2247 CITY TRANSFER A STORAGE CO, 101 Front st. Phone Main 62. A 1162. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a spedaltsv, 40-42 Sd L Phone A 1984, Main 1618. Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonlan bldg.; la days, men nights. Main 1938, A 19JB. Typewriter, WB ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investi gate; all makes, all prleea The Type writer Exchange, 287 V Washington t- BPEC1AAL pri:es: all makes rested, sold, ro- pluei P D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1401. Veterinary Surgeons. DR. E. W. HAGYARD. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, formerly with Marcus Daly's Hitter Root Stock Farm; re.erences. Office 19th aad Wash. Main 1077; residence. Main 1224. Veterinary College. Ttoiw-tln San Francisco Veterinary College now B ready; mailed. Dr. C. Reane. 1818 Market. Wood and CoaL WFSTEHN LUMBER & FUEL COMPANY, ccfsor to Portland Fuel Company. Best okl-Biowth cord wood- FULL MEASUHE. Prompt delivery. 287 East Morrison SU Phones East 28. B 1026. OREGON A WASHINGTON LUMBER CO.. slabwood? dry and green. Main 2163, A AUSTRALIAN COAL CO. Full weight, prompt delivery. Phone A 2247. Main 547. dry OAK. alder and fir at Standard Wood Co. East 2315, B 1695. BAMsa. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR 6TH AND WASHINGTON STB. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOall TAULT3. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. -1 " CAPITAL AND BTJRPLTJfl $1,500,0001 I Wo Interest paid on accounts.