THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN. MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1909. 10 WISE GIVES PRAISE Says Roosevelt Is Not Rubber Stamp, but Man. DEFENDS SECRET SERVICE roloU Out Work Done in Oregon in Investigating Land Frauds He Takes Sbot at C'roker and Makes Plea for Jews. SEW TORK. Jan. 10. Special Cor respondence.) In a lecture on "Pre judices" at Cooper I'nlon last night. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise warmly defended President Roneevelt and the employment of the Secret Service in ferreting out criminals. He began it by aylnr: "There is a man In Washington Theodore Roose : velf "Only m days more," yelled a man In the audience. "Did you say "only SO days more? or alas, but SO days more?" " asked Dr. "Wise. "I said "Alas." " anenered the ques tioner. "Then I say 'amen' to that." replied Dr. Wise. "President Roosevelt is said to have made a mistake in his se.-ret service mowsage to Congress." continued Dr. Wise. "I'll not accept the Indictment fit a Snate committee, however, until the matter has been more thoroughly threshed out than it liae to date. But I will say that if he has made a mistake It has been the mistake of an honest man. Who is there among his detrac tors who could make the mistake of an honest man? "He is said to have made a mistake in sanctioning the purchase of the Ten nessee Coal & Iron Co. But he did not telephone to brokers in New York to buy or sell any Coal Iron stocks for him, as others have done. There are people at one end of Pennsylvania ave nue who think that the man at the other end ought to be a rubber stamp. I am convinced that Theodore Roosevelt is not a rubber stamp, but a man." Tells of Secret Service in Oregon. Dr. Wise then referred to his own ob servation of tiie workings of the Secret Service when he was in Oregon, of the public outcry that arose there when Government agents were commissioned to investigate the land frauds and as sist Heney in securing evidence. He said that the answer to that clamor was the fact that a Vnited States Senator had died a convicted criminal and that others In public ofilce had been sent to Jail or retirement through the work of the Secret Service. "Not half the Republicans elected to the present Conprress could have been returned." said he. "except for Theo dore Roosevelt. They told their con stituents that they were Roosevelt men. And now they dare to attack a dying lion officially dying I mean. The peo ple of the United States know that Theo dore Roosevelt is an honest man." "But I blamed him," continued the speaker, "because lie has been too toler ant. He would have broken with the Republican Congress years ago and told the people that he could not work with the kind of men that they were sending to Washington. He could have put to rout the oligarchy that has ruled. He ha 1 the power but he compromised." "Wasn't it prejudice, which you are condemning, that caused Mr. Roosevelt to refer to Moyer and Haywood as un desirable citizens?" asked one of the audience. "If he Judged them without knowledge, yrn." answered Dr. Wise. "Why does Dr. Wise stand sponsor for the man In the White House, who has referred to every Individual who dif fered with him by short and ugly word?" asked another auditor. Not Roosevelt's Sponsor. This created a laugh, and Dr. Wise hastened to say that he was not stand ing sponsor for Mr. Roosevelt, and that he had not touched upon the President's 1 apparent predilection for referrlr? to men as prevaricators. In. Wise had re ferred to Edmund Burke's famous state ment that he "did not know how to draw an indictment against a whole na tion." and was asked if Mr. Roosevelt hadn't recently drawn an Indictment against an entire branch of the Govern ment. Dr. Wise took refuge In the state ment that he did not believe that Mr. Roosevelt had indicted the entire Con gress, implying thut only those that the shoe fitted should wear it. Then Rabbi Wise took another shot at Croker In this language: "We all know a man who as leader for 30 years of a political orgiinlzataion debauched the city of New York and made it a hissing and a byword. The fact that no District Attorney was aMe to convict him that no Jury declared him guilty does not make him Innocent of wrong-doing." Whn are we to have ail end to the municipal rottenness of America?" In conclusion tr. Wise referred to Gov ernor Hughes km a "man who doesn't know how to compromise who makes after great ends in a great way." This sentiment was loudly cheered. The great hall at Cooper Union was packed and hundreds had to be turned away. It kept a numlier of policemen busy for an , hour holding the doors against those who sought admittance after the hall was filled. No rreate.r interest has been manifested in any lec ture at the People's Institute in many months. The theme "Prejudices" gave the ero qunt young rabbi an opportunity to dwell with great effect upon te utter stupid ity of racial prejudice that directed aealnst the Jews particularly. He Il luminated his lecture with anecdote and pillared It with logic. His periods were applauded from the opening sentence. MYSTICISM IS DISAVOWED Position Taken by Christian Srlcn tll Is Officially Defined. PORTLAND. Jan. !. (To tho Editor.) Tho statement In lnet Friday's Ore Konian headed "Absent Treatment for Dr. Bull" calls for correction. Inasmuch as an erroneous Impression regarding; the. practice of Christian Science la thereby given. There is nothing; "mystic" about the teaching; or practice of Christian Science. Mysticism does not enter Into Christian fclonce any more than Into the science of mathematics, and It Is as open to in vestigation, reason and demonstration. Impending;, as it does, upon Individual understanding for. demonstration, it must be clear that it does not and cannot op erate by "formula." and Indeed the at tempt to u.o formulas Is forbidden by a by-law of the Christian Science Church. ThotiRh certain methods of so-called mental healing; might lend their support to the actions reported, the prlvileg-e Is requested of d fining; the position of Christian Science In the matter, which precludes) the possibility of any rightful application of this story to this teach ing. The endeavor to give "absent treat ment" to anyone who bos not expressed a desire for the ministrations of Chris- I . . . . 1. 1 ,J . , ( I tian ecience m enw unuwwru r.i tallty for any reason whatsoever would no more be indulged In by a cnnsrian ' Scientist than the attempt to enter unin vited the Individual's home In a mis taken effort to readjust his household affairs. Neither do Christian Scientists enter tain "predictions" as to what will hap pen. It is enough to declare the word of God. as It is understood, and leave the result with God, "who Is able to do exceeding abundantly .... accord ing to the power that worketh In us " It must be admitted that no one has a right to doom man. that he has a right to freedom from the thrall of both sin and disease. While the' great majority of those who are now Christian Scien tists have been doomed to hopeless dis ease by "medical diagnosis and prog nosis" and delivered through the under standing of and obedience to the higher law of God. and therefore rejoice to bring the message of hope to those who are without hope, they have no Vain glorious desire to "show" their brethren of the medical fraternity, nor bring dis comfiture to any. They are rather seek ing to let their light so shine before men that they may see their good works and clorify our Father which is1 in heaven. LUTHER P. CUDWORTH. ' For Christian Science Committee on Pub lication for Oregon. 61 OUT TICKETS 'TODAY ESSAY WIXXERS SHOULD CALL AT OREGOXIAX OFFICE. PiMributlon Will Be Made Between S:30 and 6 o'clock Will At tend "Ben Ilnr" Tonight. Distribution of tickets will be made this afternoon to the 300 winners in The Ore gonian "Ben Hur" contest. Pupils whose names appeared in the list of winners published in The Oregonian yesterday will be given tickets this afternoon between 3:30 and 6 o'clock. The tickets will be given out between these hours at the business office of The Oregonian, on the ground floor of the Oregonian building. Sixth-street entrance. This arrangement applies to all win ners who are pupils of the . eighth and ninth grade grammar schools and of the Catholic schools. It does not, however, apply to pupils of the West Side and East Side High Schools. Because of the large number of tickets going to these institu tions they will be sent by The Oregonian to the teachers, who will distribute them to the proper pupils. When the successful essay-writers call at 'The Oregonian office this afternoon for their tickets, they should be ready to prove their identity to the satisfaction of the representative of this paper making the distribution. This may be done by bringing a note from their teacher, by bringing their grade card, or in any other way that will show them to be the ones entitled to the tickets-. Those who apply may also be asked to sign their names to their1 essays as a test of identity. The tickets will call for the best seats in the Heilig Theater for the opening production of "Ben Hur" tonight. The performance will begin at 8 o'clock. Only One "BKOMO QUINLNE" That Is LAXATIVE BROJlO WUINIKE. Look for the signature or K. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. Sic AT THE HOTELS. The Portland J C. Nevlll. Chicago; Geo. H. tieorge. Astoria: A. P. Van Schaick. C'hl rag": R. IeS. Brown. Washington. D. C; 1. Cetchell and wife, J. S. McClure, Minne apolis; W. B. Brown, St. Louis; H. R. Rood and wife. Seattle; J B. Lee. Spokane; V. B. Forrest. H. L Price, clly; L. B. Gann. E. K. Orr, Chicago; D. S. Morgan. New York; J. M. Hayes. Jasper: D. Fink. CI. H. Waterhoust:, Providence; Charles Meyer, New York: A. J Hteinman, San Francisco; V. H. Lavland, Chlcaxo; George H. XJrelier. New York: K. S. Drake. Seattle; R. L. Iavidson. Seattle; Mrs. C. G. Miss Henshaw. Vancouver. B I'.; Florence Burn ham. Marie Jeschka, Chicago; D. A. VVil klna, Chlrngo; George H. Remington. Provi dence; William T. Stanley and wltt. Spo kane; Sol Kraft. Chicago; B. J. Landauor. Louisville; C. F. Byrne. San Francisco; E. J. Hall. Lewtston; L. A. Hudson. Chicago; W. G. Mrdi-n. London. England; Nellie Walters. Chicago: C. S. Cole. Detroit. The Orrson George Fisher, Eugene; H. iV. Bacher. Seatte; J. W. Doane. Dr. T. H. Knox. Forest Grove; J. K- Wlnstanely. city; A. M. I.ra and wife. Bend. Or.; Florence Bumham, M'rle Jeschka. Chicago; NtlKc Wallers. Kansas City; Mrs. A. Saunders. city; Joe Tarlup. Seattle; J. W. E. Geraule. clly; John T. Rouulree, San Francisco; G. E. Austin. Seattle; H. M. Crooks, . Albany; J. D. Loughrey. San Francisco; H. J. ShulU wife and two children. Kansas City. Mo.; Mrs. F. T. Mulllklns. The Dalles: Dr. C. G. Block, Pomeruy: E. P. Smiley. Warrenton; P. C. Wilson, Pendleton; Hi race Walker. j4ndleton: H. . Cameron. While Salmon; R. J. Willis. Goldeadale; Herbert Heigh, Kugene; C. B. Hopkins. Eugene; A. S. Mc l iintock. Cleveland. O. ; G. T. Rlchenhacil. Seartle; G. W. Marshall, city; F. to. Harmon. Tacoma; Josepn 1. 4-etera, i ac saliva, . F. KMlott. Spokane. The l'erkins 1). Richmond and family, R. N. Cordon. Seattle; F. W. Tandy, West port: N. B. Stone, city; George Fisher. Eu gene; B. J. Barker, city; C. E. Ferguson, Seattle; C. Spoon. Moro; Jack Mitchel. A. H. Fullerson. G Walker, city: Nora Waiker. Baker Clly; J. Jacques. Salem: Ml-is May Woods. New York: Mrs. C. Colpltts. Mixs CMptlts. Greeley: K. W. Duckworin. Duncan. A N. A.ihlln. Hoise; it. s. -Manne. u. a. Army; II. M. Parry. Denver: .1. L. Calvert. Grpnts Pass; Jo Wolke. Grants Pass; I Hope, Chicago; Charles J. Wilson, Boston; H S. Rowe and wife. San Franelaco; E. A. Covell. city; It. F. Gray. Hood River; F. P. Currey. George H. Currey. R. I'. Pay. La Grande; J. R. Ruply. Pullman: W. B. Par sons and wife. ilrs. E. J. Hyde, Spokane; H. M. Pany. Denver; Mrs. M. F. Rowley. T. Walsh. J J. Sheelev. Spokane; Jake Goldie. Marshfleld: .1. B. Brown and wife. Mrs. A. Mltehell. city; J. R- Craven and wife, Dallas. The Imperial Mrs. B. Richardson, clly; J. W. Chandler. La Grande; O. II. McDon ald. Coarsrgold; H. A. Bodman. Lakoview; C E. Ferguson. Seattle: J. F. Kelly and wife. M. Kuykendall. John M. Williams. Eugene; R. C Shephard. Salem: C. E. Daco and wife. Tacoma; O. C. Owens. Walvllle: J A. Harhke. Goldendale; C. W. Sheldon and wife. B. F. Nye and wife. Pasco: C. M. ttn-ini Walla. Walla: J. W. Woods and wife. Walter Williams. Dallas; W. H. Smith, city: Mr Brown. Carlton; T. F. McNeil. Cald well. The 8t. Carle R. Collier. Minneapolis; Frank Dye. Carlton; A. J. Tucker, city; Jessie Smith. Castlo Rock; Carl E. Tugglr, rltv; George J. Fenlnger. D. B. Elliott. Vaneouver: R. Rowland, Kelso; J. L. Row land. Pendleton; B. F. Sneed, city; J. A. Hills. UUrande; J. R. Wherry. Elsie; C. F. Davidson. North Yakima; William Grcen wold. city: H. Corvale. Skamokawa; L. P. Potter. Oregon City; John Reese. Rashland; P. S. Robinson. M. C. Fregner. city; Arthur F. lv, South Bend; W. Horton and wife. Mrs Hill. F. Cowles. city; C. Spltxnogle and wife, city; p. A. Fairbanks and wife, city; G. E. Forcla. U Center; R. A. Harbison. Salem; Jecse Smith, t'astte Rmk; Monroe Melton, Heppner: P. B. Matherly. Spokane; .M. I.. Noble. Forest throve; Van Delermilth and wife. Oswego; t'harles Taylor. Astoria: J. Miller. Felida. Wash.; Bert Aklns, Sisters; William Nevln. Cape Horn; Mrs. Mry V. Olsen. Miss Hazel Butler. ITnderwood; M. Wood and wife. T. Murphy and wife, city: O. W. Clark. Astoria; John Shetterly. Willa mlna: Miss Mary Borgeston, Mrs. C. Thomp son, city; E. E. Carson, Hoquiam; R. Row land. Kelso; J. H. Crnfworcl. HUlsboro; G. T. Buckirgham. P. Orrln. Salem. The Cornelius Mrs. I Woodard, Seattle; Charles W. Gardner and family. San Fran cisco; George W. ponnell. Grants Pass; F. K. Reed. St. Pan'.; Dr. H. W. Mather, Shepherd Springs; T. c. Johnson. N". T. I'entreatf. TlUamook; G. W. Griffin. Eu gene: 11. C. Marcus, San Francisco; Frank Pavta, P. C Davis, Seattle; H. A. New berg. Tacoma: Mrs. H. H. Jewell. Miss Nora Jewell. San Francisco; B. C. Darling. Spokane. The Dsuanioore R. L. Stokes, city; E. D. Baker, Seattle; Mrs. Ruth Olrsen, Tacoma; T. L. Kerron. na Angeles; H. P. Notton and wife. Seattle: p. J. Mullen, San Fran cisco; M. T. Hannlll. Chicago; Mrs. G. L. Klckey. Denver; J. M. Long. Seattle; Lieu tenant P. H. Weyrauch and wife. V. S. A.; G W. Fell, sweo: T. E. Hume. New York; J. J. Moreland. city; B. J. Brock, Hood River; J. L. Wright. Seattle: Ernest Korby. Seattle; H. I.. Potter. Tacoma; Miss P. I. Turner. Salt Lake; W E Poua laa. Belllngham; C. F. Miller. Boise; Mrs. Ruby P. Nugent, Scappoose, T. J. Jackson, Oakland. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG Evenings at 8 hai MATINEES WEDXES1 SEATS SELLING FOR THE WEEK EVenlngs at S harp; Matinees at 2. ' MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 6 NIGHTS Beginning TONIGHT! KLAW ERI.ANGER'S New and Greater wm mm Out-of-Town Mall Orders Received. Prices, matinee and nlg-ht. 30c. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. i4 T rr 1 X THEATRE 4tt Tonight All "Week Matinee Saturday. Portland's famous Baker Stock Company In the celebrated id ay, "A KOYAL FAMILY.' Tilth all scenic and costume effects com plete. Evening prices, ;J5c, 35c, 50c; mati nees, 15c. Ii5c. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360. Oregon Theater Co. ( Inc. ) Lessee. Georjre L. Baker, General Manager. H. H. Frazee presents the bis;, startling; musirai novity, "TIIE I'lOUtK OF THE RANCH," By Jos. Howard, composer of "Time, place and Ulri. ' rirst timo here, ureal cast, rlnrus and scenic effects. Bargain mat. Wed., 25c; Sat. mat.. 25c. 50c.; evenings, 25c to $1. Next attraction "The Lieutenant and the Cowboy." THE STAR Ph0D- ?!4M Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. For the entire week of January 17, 09. "IN A WOMAN'S POWER" Matinees at 2:30. eery evening at 8:15. NlRht prices 15c, 25e, 35c, 50c; matinees, 15c and 25c. Seats may bo reserved by eiUier phone. . M AIN A I0ZO Matinees ' Ex. Holidays and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75C rl of Jan. 18: The Naked Truth, with Oenrgo W. I.elie; Byron and Ltuigdon; Charles Wayne, with liertrnde Des Kucbe; Oaslon and 4ireen; loniild and Canton; lluhaitay and Megel; Carroll and Baker; Orclieotra,; l'lctures. THE GRAND-VaudevilledeLaxe ANOTHER BIG BILL. HALLIDAY&CURLEY IN The Battle of Too Soon Connolly, Wenrich and Connolly. GirUeller Co. C'hns. V. Williams Margaret Sever ance & Co. Carnn & Herbert I-red Bauer, ijrandascoue. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Thalero's Dog and Pony Circus The only act of Its kind In the world, carry ing their own special circus scenery. Matinees Dally, 15c. Two Shows at Night, 15c and 25c. RAILWAY TIME CARD Grand Central Station SOCTHjEBX FAC11-1C. Leaving Fortlund Rose burg passenger CottHK Grove Passenger California Express San Francisco Kxyress . . West Side Corvallis Pasventrer Sheridan passenger Forest Grove Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger .... Arriving Port laud Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side Corvallis Passenger ....... tSheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger .... 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 7:45 p. ra. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1:00 p. in. 6:40 p. to. 7:15 a. m. 11:30 a. no. 5:30 p. m. 11:15 p m. 6 20 p. ra. 10:30 a. ra. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. ra. 4 :50 p. m. OKEUON KAlUtOAO A NAVIGATION CO. Learing Portland Pendleton Passenger .... Chicago-Portland Special . 7:45 a. ra. 9:15 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:00 p. ra, 10:00 a. ra. 7:20 a. m, 8:50 p. ra. 5:45 p. ra. bpokiine Flyer Kansas City A Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger . NOKTUKRN PACIFIC. Leaving Port land I Tacoma and Seattle Express ...1 8:30 a.m. North Coast & Chicago J-lmAted.j 2:IM p. m. Ovorland Kxpress 111:45 p.m. A rri v in g l'ort la na North Coast Limited 7:00 a. ra. Portland Express 4:15 p.m. Overlar d Express 8:35 p. ra. AbTOKIA COLUMBIA BIVEK. Leaving- Portland Astoria & Seaside Kxpress. . KainitT lorul Astoria Passenger Rainier Lut'al A rri vine Portland Ha inter A: f'orilund Loral . . .i 9:00 a. m, . j 1 : 1 5 p. m. .) 0:00 p. m. .ill:0 p. m. .7 0:".- a. Seaside & Portland passeneer. ..113:15 p. ra. Kainlr and Portland Local 5:10 p.m. Portland Express 110:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACIraCRAlLWAYCO; Lravlns; Portland j C- P. R. Short Line, via Spokane.! 5:00 p. m. Via Seattle .....111:45p.m. Arriving Portland I C. P. It. Short Line, via Spokane.. 10:00 a. m. Via Seattle 7:00 a. in. Jefferson-Street Station SOt'THKRN PACIFIC. leaving- Portland Dallas Paswnger . .. Dallas Passenger ..... Arriving Portland D&l las Passenger . . . . . Dallas Passenger 7:40 &- m. 4:15 p. m. 10:15 a. m. fi:50 p. m 11th and Hoyt Sts., Passenger Station bPOKAXiaV. rORTLAN!) bEATTUK KAILVAV; leaving I'ortland 1 Inland Kmpire Kxpress :1S A. M. Through trains for Walla Walla. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Goldendale, Whits Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and Interme diate points. ' North Bank Limited 5:40 P. M. Through train for Spokane, Sprague, RitxvUle, Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt. Grand dalles, White Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 7:80 A.M. K Through train from Spokane, Sprague, ruts vine, xind, fasco, Kooseveit. Grand dalles. White Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. InlatKl Empire Kxpress 3:25 P." M. Through train from Walla Walla. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and interme diate points. TIME CARD OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL WAV. COMPANY. Tmvlnc Portland for Salem and Int. Sta tions 6:25, 8:00. 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00. 3:45, 6:20. S 40 p. M Limited for Tualatin and Salem ft. IT. A. M. Local for Milsonvllle and Int. 8tntionfl 5 P. M Lea vlng l'ort Ian d for Forest G rov e and Int. htatlons 7:00, 8:5u, 10:25 A. M ; 1.30. 4:10. 5::t0 P. M. Arriving: Portland from Salem and Int. Stations 8:40, 10:5S A. M.; 1:15. 3:4(1. G:00. 9:20. 10:40 P- M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin 4:45 P. M Ixcal from WU son-Till,- and Int. Stations 6:55 A M. A rr vlng Portland from 1orest Grove and Int. Mat ion S:o, 10 00 A. M; 12:15, 2:50, 5 00. 7:20 P. M s , PORTLAND BY.. LIGHT POWER CO. CARS LEAVE Ticket Office and Walting-Room, First and Alder Streets. Oregon City . 6:30 A. M.. and every 80 minutes to and including 9 P. M.. then 10, 11 P. M.; last car midnight Gresham and intermediate points 6.55. 7:45. 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. M-, 12:45. 2:45, 3:45. 4:45. 5:45, '6:45. 7:45. 11:15 P. M. Fairview and Troutdnle 6:55. 7:45, 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:45. 3 40. 4:45. 6:45. 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver. Ticket office end waiting-room Second and Washington streets A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7 25. 8:00, 8:35, 9:10. 9:5-0. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50 P. M. 12:30. 1:10, 1:50. 2:30. 8:10. 3:50, 4:30. 5:10. 6:50. 8:30, 7:05, 7:40, 8:15, 9:26, 10:S5. 11:45". On Third Monday In Every Month the last Car leaves at 7:05 P. M. "Daily except Sunday. "Dally except Monday. 3afgnfaflt V U ht t 51 U I IV Wl HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Pta 1 Ausiralicn, Wyoming: and Washington vUoi Coal delivered promptly in any quan tity. Phone us your order. Star Coal Co., 40 2d st. Phones Main 16 IS. A 19S4. Gas Mantles u"i! JJ-fil SK mantle on the market. Barrett. .10 Mof rleon. Both phopes. . 1 Cut FT"owers alwaye fresn from iUrlal our own conservatories. Martin Forbes 847 Washington st. Both phoney ElectricFixtures "uSIi" o" nr!-. rlht All work guaranteed. TVestern Electric "Works. 81 Sixth etreet- Platintr nlves. Forks and all 811er- .are replatea as gooa m uw. Orecoc Mat!n 'Works. 14th and Alder. Mala :i7o, A 2373. . ir; O'Malley Nsubercer. 2T Wsib H llie ington street. Phone Mala -23?. Free delivery. A alion or 10-year-oia ingie- sook Port, fl Kemmerer eoai. the oesi wyo lOul minx coal; gives more heat and les. ash. churchley Bros., uia "uiu - Phones Main B31. A 3031. .a. . Knlft rflrda flrst-clSSS 4-fOOt fir ? OOU wood $5 per cord delivered. Phono Main 4435. Eagle Creek Fuel Com pany. 408 Corbett BJdg. pi Richmond ana wausena ,va independent coal at ice opposite City Library- Both phones. ArCTIOX BALES TODAY. rrr Goods, 411 Washington, by S. L. auctioneer. N At Wilson's salesrooms, cor. 2d and Yam hill, at lO a. m. J. - MEETING JfOTICKS. HARMONY I,ODOE NO. 12. A. V Mr A M. Pneclal coramunica tlon this (Monday) evening at 7:-H o'clock. work: in the A. ae gree. Visitors are cordially In vited. Bv order of the vV . M. W. M. DB UN. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2, A V : A. M. Special communi cation this (Monday) evenine at 7:.10 o'clock P. M. wont in r.. a. dcjrree. Vlsitinir brethren welcome MV. !. WEEKS, (secretary. CAMELIA CHAPTER No. 27. O. E. S. A regular communication this (Monday) evening In Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. By order W. M. urnciai visit of th Grand Worthy Matron. ANNIE E. COOTE. Secretary. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROT AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall. Alder and 11th streets, ths first and third Monday of each month at 8 P. M- Visitors cor diallv welcome. E. J. Hufford, sec retary. First National Bank. FUNERAL NOTICES. KELLY In this city. January 1. Mary Kelly, a native or ireiana. airea 05 ypi a. nr,t nf Huch T .vltch. William H. I.anlus. B. H. McCabe and Mrs. Mary Hart, all of this city Funeral will be held from Dunning, AlcrJntee ac wuoausn s ciiapci. Seventh and Pine streets. Monday. Janu irv is of R:4S A. M.. thence to Cathedral, 3 5th and Davis sts., where services will be held at 9 A. M. Friends respectfully In vlted to attend. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. PLATTS Tho funeral services of the late Joslah Platts will be held at the family residence, 1026 Williams avenue, at 10 A. M. Tuesaay. January au. r rieous in vlted. Interment Oswego Cemetery . Dnnniug, McEntre Gilbaush, Funeral Directors, .in auiu ruic j-uuuc jum u. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. lUIViKU HOL.MAN CO., Funeral Dlreot rs. Z20 ad st. Lad assistant, rbons M 6U3. J P. FTNLEY eiON. sd and Madison. Lsny attendant. Fbona Main , A 1699. KEI.IJEK-BYTtNES CO.. Funeral Direst. rs. t Kussell. East 10SS. Lady asslstaat. jr. B. DtTNNTNO, Undertaker, I Kast Alder. Lady assistant. I'bon. East St. McESTEE-EBlCBOX CO. Cndertakersj lady assistant. 409 Alder. M ei33. NEW TODAY. $2600 TEEMS BUNGALOW One block from carline; artistically finished. Six rooms, modern in every respect; full lot. One of the many bargains on our lists. SMITH cT EVERETT 314-317 Swetland Building. A Sacrifice! I -want to sell my beautiful home, X. E. corner E. Ankeny and E. 18lh sts.; house has 10 rooms, 2 bathrooms, inside finely finished; lot 50 by 100; adjoining lot can be had at less than market value. House can be seen be tween 11 A. M. and 4 P. M., or after 6 P. M. Call and see the place, and if it suits you, price will be made to suit. No details given over the phone. W. T. BRANCH, 661 E. Ankeny St. SOUTH PORTLAND Nicest ' corner on Whittaker street, with gobd il-room residence. Must be SACHIFIcrcO for quick Bale. Make me an. offer. IIUMIY V. Pit I DHOM M E, 306 Cham, of Com. Insurance A Loans DO TOU WISH TO BUY A HOMKT Then see ' HARTMAX & THOMPSON. Cham her of Commeroe. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. &, Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker. "Alfred A., 115 Ablngton bldg. Peck. William O.. 312 KslUm? bid. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bid. Heal estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Chapln & Herlow. 3.12 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 6. & r-o., 5f-3 Corbett bldg. CrosIey Co., 706-9 Corbett bldg. if. 7856. Flelda. C. E. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Goddard, H. W., Main and A 1743. 110 2d it. Jennlnre A Co., Main 168. 206 Oregonian. Lee, M. E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Msll A Von Born t I. 104 2d st. 392 B. Burns Ids Parrish, Watklns A Co., 250 Alder st. ' Richardson, A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk. Geo. 2 Stark st. Main or A 392. Sharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122H Sixth st. Swensson, A. F. & Co., 253& Washington st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) Waddel, W. O., 39 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 227 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS LOT $1250. 28th St., near East Couch, half cash. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE New 8-room house on East 30th and Carruthera, small payment down and balance to suit. Inquire for G. F. Hays, electrician at Oregonian. 100x90. Belmont, corner; Income on inside lot. $45 mo., corner, vacant ; a dandy; $5600. See this. Walling. 243 Stark. TWO lots for sale in East Portland at a bargain. If taken at once, from owner. W. F. C, P. O. Box 232, Junction City, Or. 8-ROOM house. 775 Multnomah St., cor. 24th ; bas all the improvements that a house should have. Phone C 1049. HOME SITES, $650 up, homes all prices. Broadway, Irvington cars. E- 806. C 1993. Dolan & Herdman. FOR KALE 8-room modern home, furnie-hed or unfurnished: snap if bought soon. Own er. W. Hull. Main 6279. C 1140. WEST SIDE cottage; corner; only $2750, terms; good buy. Walling, 243 Stark. FOR SALE A small house. Inquire at 831 East 10th st. South. Take Sell wood car. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH WALNTJTS. We are the largest owners and plant ers in Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country Yamhlil. 5-acra tracts, planted, $100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. LNC. U0 Second st. 4-ROOM house and 75x126 let on one of the beet etret in St. John ; land worth t200; take it all for $1400; $50 caeh and $12.50 per month. "-room house, full basement, bath and toilet; 00x100, corner lot; University Park; $2500, only $250 cash, balance like rent. 2-story brick building, all rented and paying 10 per cent on price asked; will trade for good vacant property or house and lot; pi-ice $40o. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Chamber Commerce. PIKDMOXT HOME AT COST. Beautiful home, strictly modern; large living and dining-room, beamed ceiling, oak floors, built-in bookcases and window seats, brick fireplace, large Dutch kitchen, storeroom and lavatory downstairs; A large bedrooms, hall and bathroom upstairs; best plumbing and elegant fixtures; corner lot 300x100, with 15-foot alley, barn and woodshed; all kinds of liowers and trees; 2 blocks from car; price $600; has to be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3917. WE BUILD HOMES. We have nrst-claus modern facilties for building home upon terms within the reach of ail. Call and examine our Up-to-date metheds. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER 40x65. Broadway, between 6th anfl E. 8th; $2000; also a good corner 5oxl00 feet, W. of Union ave.. S. of Broadway; walking distance by Steel bridge; would sell 30x50 or any other reasonable part said lot. Culver, 623 Chamber of Com merce. A HOME. Neat, comfortable, modern, 6 rooms; Holladav Park section ; If taken now can be finished to suit; $4000; you suggest terms. HARDING & REYNOLDS CO., 313 Chamber of Com. J4000 A beautiful ner, 7-room modern house and full 50x100 cor. lot on East Flanders st. ; furnaco. fireplace, gas and electric. This is a for the money and must be seen to be appreciated. C. F Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d end Morrison sts. A SNAP. 100x106, corner Third st., ten minutes walk from City Hall; 4 houses and room for an o t h e r ; re n ts a re $85 per month; price $10,000; terms to suit purchaser. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN. 90 Fifth st. $1300 a. beautiful quarter block, 100x100, being the S. E. cor. of East Slst and Clinton sts., right on W.-R. carilne. For a few davs only. O. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We are designers and builders of mod ern homes on reasonable terms; archi tectural work and general contracting. MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO., 824 Chamber of Commerce. THREE-QUARTER acre, with good 5-room house; place Is fenced; nice fruit tree, in bearing; 4 or 5 blocks to car; chicken house; all for $1500. $000 cash and eas-y terms; this is a snap. Call 013 Chamber Commerce. SUNNYSIDB COTTAGE. $650. Nice B-room cottage on Eaat 35th" near Belmont. $2250. $050 cash, balance $20 per month. J. W. Grussi. 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. I HAVE 10 lots loft ; will sell them for $200 each; $10 cash and $5 monthly; poor man, here is your chance, purse, SIS Chamber or "ommerce. KARL STREET SNAP. 100x100 northwest corner East 14th and Karl; a fine speculation at $1200. J. W. Grussi, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. NEW 6-room cottage on Improved strest, with concrete walk, cloee In. on East Side; price $2250; easy terms and monthiy . pay ment, Call 410 Falling Aldg. ' FOR SALE A few of the most sightly lots in Portland, in best residence district, cheap and on easy terms if desired. Claude E- Hicks. 50S Corbett bldg. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 448, Kinney St Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE 2M to 5 acres, all in cultivation, best of land. C, W. Risley, owner; P. O., MI1 waukie. Phone Oak Grove, Red 12. LOT 60x120. Nob Hill, $4500, $2500 cash. Owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. PARK street; corner, opposite Customhouse; best buy on street; $22,500. 243 Stark. $224 New 6-room bungalow. East 44th; $100, $20 monthly. Dr. Darling. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 6-room house with every moiiern conven ience; $650 tash, balance like paying rent. Building site 10oxH0. corner, only $550; $50 cash, balance your own terms. Lots, 50xluo, close to carline; $275, easy terms. Have houses and building lots In many parts of the city at prices and terms to euft all. C. B. LUCAS, 323 Coroett DWff. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100. on 15th at., near Gllsan. for warehouse, with trackage; fully $5000 be low anything In the neighborhood. Small amount cash, balance on time. Call Main 3017. ALL ABOARD FOR MEXICO. No frost, no snow, where crops grow the year around, no Irrigation: only $8 73 pAr anre; easy terms; excursion Feb. 1st; this Is a grand opportunity. For informa tion call 607 Commercial blk. ACRE ADJOINING K EN TON. "The Swift townslte." will sell part In lot size, easy terms; lots two blocks away sold at $7M) each one year ago. now worth $150; chance to buy one lot or moro at acreage price. AB 540. Oresonlan. HAWTHOHNE AVE. Corner of Hawthorn1 and 14th, fsfclng south and eat, for $4750. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. CHEAPEST LOT IN NOB HTT.L, f0xl"0 near 2;id and Overton; a snap at 4250. J. W. Grussi, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7- 8-ROOM houpe on corner of East 30th and fiharmon am n 1 1 ravmCTlf flOH'11 and ba I- ance to suit. Inquire for G. F. Hays, elec trician at Oregonian. WE buy and sell all kinds of real estate. Come in ana see us oioro miyjryj. Lreo. W. Burke & Co.. 220 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. WE SELL LAND LOOK AT THIS. 4570-acre stock ranch, improved, on the edge of the Willamette Valley, 8 miles from Brownsville, Or. ; no better In the state; all fine fruit land; price $14 per acre for quick sale; a good coloniza tion proposition. A-l improved farms at $.10 to $75 per acre. Inquire of Pears & Pirtle, Brownsville. Oregon. IRRIGATED lands cheap now at Orland, Cal. ; highly civilized -region; fine roads, bridges, schools, colleges; rich valley land, all cultivated; sunny, healthful cli mate; farmers paradise. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. lOO ACRES 6 mile from town, 60 cleared, 20 Irrgatfd, balance timber; Ideal farm, alt equioped, ready for work. Price. $.15; terms. For particulars address Box 158, Falls City, Or. SEVERAL fine farms under cultivation In the great Twin Falls Irrigated tract; will trade for timber lands in Oregon of Washington. Falls Farm Company, 713 Corbett bldg , Portland, OreRon. 604O. ACRES of fine land In Harney County, 24 miles north of warm lake; will ll for $H.50 per acre or trade for city property. 721 Board of Trade. Main 451. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmsted Land Co., Falem. Or. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Good homestead relinquishment In Slletz. well timbered; pay cash. AB 521, Oregonian. WILL PAT highest price for spruce and hemlock claims, either large or small tracts. Boggoss, 221 Morrison, room 5. TIMBER lands wanted. . C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS for Immediate filing in the wheat belt of Eastern Oregon ; land is slightly rolling; all can be farmed; good vater to be had. Romig & Abbott, 15 16 Lafayette bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 70 ACRES unimproved land on Sandy Rives at Troutdale for improved city property; can pay $2000 or $.ioo0 cash and would' assume an incumbrance If necessary. Ad dress, with full particulars, AB 64S, Ore gonian. 9-ROOM modern houee, larce lot, fine loca tion right close to car; this place is cheap at $4000; mortgage la $1500; will trade equity for stock or for timber or for small farm. See my agent at 513 Chambtr Com merce. EXCHANGES We have a 5-acre tract, good soil, tributary to carline; also 2 timber c'alms (perfect title for each), to ex change for rooming-house in Portland. Romtg & Abbott, 15-16 Lafayette bldg. WE have farms, houses and lots In Port land; businesses of various kfndn for sale or trade; if you are interested, we can likely get what you want. Call or write 513 Chamber of Commerce. BLOCK of lots on Peninsula; 8-room houe, Htxl00 corner. 5-room cottasje. West Siiie. for timber or farm land. G. E. .Walllns. 243 Stark. FOR SALE or trade for Portiand or subur ban real estate, all In fine condition. Port. Auto Com. Houre. 534-36 Aider, cor. 17th. Both phones. A and Main 4455. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY I If you want to buy. soil or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor. rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. NEW, modern S-room house, not quite com pleted. will trade for what you have. Cal on electrician at The urecoman. WILL trade city lots for t'mber lands In Oregon or Washington. Mill Lmtl Coin pany, 713 Corbett bldg., Portland, Oregon. VTllAi trade for wnat you have. Gus Smith, 801 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Jrteaity jo., au. uernnger Ding WE will trade for anything of value. 1019 iioara oc Trade. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonian FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO. Headquarters for oczts propositions timber lands, farm lands and business chances. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Phone M SouO. A 5580. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. THE OREGON TIMBER Ac CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast, timber, water powers located and examined, taxes naid ior non-res! dents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room .!, Board ot Trado bldg. Phone Main S'mr. SAWMILL. 10,000.000 feet timber, on Co lumbia River ana ortn Bank rtauroau Al Dropoeitlon : more timbec easily ae cured; live town. Address 519 Swetland bldg. 20 MILLION capacity sawmill and tlmbe: for Fale; will take most of pay In lumber. A snap at the terms and pr:ce. Address Lock box 9, Toledo. Washington. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of al! kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange b.dg. IF you are In the market for timber lands any sized tracts, call on C J. McCracken, 504 McKay DWg. FOR SALE 30,000,000 oedar, accessible to Columbia River; price right. A. ti. Mathews & Co., 209-10 Couch bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. WANTED REAL T STATE. we: will nav cash for vour equity in what ever property you have partly paid for. Tsationai rteaity & itubi co., xzt'? vvasa ington st., room 516. OWNER We have call for" lots located in every section of the city: also for acre ace; list your property with us. Purse & Co., 81S Chamber of Commerce. Main 73)& LOT Preferably income, north of Thurman or east of 10th; state location, price and term. P 640. Oregonian. I WISH to buy for cash 7 or 8-room modern houpe. in gooa location, csx aiao or irv ington. At Stisi oregonian. 6 OR 7-room modern house, good loca tlon, -from owner only, for cash. Geo. W. Burke, 220 Swetland bldjr. HAVE customers waiting for property of all kinds. Zimmerman, bi:i Board or xraao. phone Main 1675. WANT lot to build on ; must be In good nra tltv And ti ; n S 579. Oreitonian. WANTED Block of lots or acre or two close in. Main or a ihiQ. 7 OR 8-roora house In Irvington; will pay cash. Owners only. H o.ili. oregonian. Irrigated Lands. WANTED Water rights for ground-floor Irrigation projects, p. o. Hox 4s. Seattle. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE .or rent 3 learns with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month year; we also rent any kind of a rig for fcusinM nuroostu. day. ween or month, Phones East 72, B 13utt. Hawthorne stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. wm have a few irood horses left, including 1 choice ppan of iron gray geldings. 27i0 lh 1 Rtian of draft horees. 30UO lbs., and c.nunle of single lionyes. 65 Aiblna ave. Brunsel's Sale Stable. nR nnn let blacks. i and 6 years old Tvelirhlne I'.lftQ lbs. l one span 6-yeiir-obia, weiKhing 2500 lbs. Phone East 4S04. 220 Russell st. HORSES, mares, kinds for sale. rUs oni narness 2tf4 Montgomery. of all FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madlson- st. stable, 185 ft, near unugo. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles, 11th and Jencraon. n A SNA T Black mare, weighing 1 1 50 lbs. East 4S04. 226 Russell st. ONE gray mare, lOOO lbs., $35; one bay horso. fHK lbs., $4. 34 i iiasx. ihxk. HUBERT & HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rnt horses, vehicles. low rates on Duamejs rigs. Automobile. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up. for sale -or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 48 2d Pianos. FOR RALE One Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new. cost new $400; will eel! $200; pfnno Is In golden oak and a beautiful inti uniT.t in every way. Call Home phone C lb. 6. PARTY going East 'will sell piano and pianola; a bargain, j oo', ui -kcmiim.u. Miscellaneous. ONT3 nrooeller towboat, 40x7, New York safely engine and water tune boiler: a bargain. Inquire at Supple's Shipyard, foot of Belmont st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 2j3 2d st. SECOND-HAND 30-H. P. boiler; Andrews moist air dry kiln; 80-light dynamo. Pa rellus Mfg. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. 3 EXTRA good fresh cows; big milkers. 700 Harold St., Sell wood car. Sell wood 1171. FOR SALE) Best dry 4-fr. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water sC Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72 74 1st st., both phones. TWO freeh cows, good milkers, 7R0 E. 20th, cor. Francis ave. Phone Sell wood 40. Take Woodstock car to Francis ave. SECOND-HAND Remington typewriter for pale cheap. Inquire U. S. Attorney, Poet office building, city. SISCO will buy what you "have, or sell you what you want. 406 Couch bldg. IHTtEB fresh milch cows for sale. Howitt, Gresham, Or. T. R. TUXEDO and full dress suites, sire about 37 ; bargain. M 573, Oregonian. MOVING -PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165W 4th st. TYPEWRITER, A-l, your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonian. 15-H. P. B 1627, BOrt-v motor. Tabor 30. cheap, good order. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. RELIABLE four-burner gas range, $7.50; $63 National steel range, $22.50; heating stoves, $1.5 up to $16; china closet, wea thered finish, $12.50: $50 weathered oak buffot, $25; $25 weathered ok extension table. $15; good kitchen tieasure, $2; kitchen cupboard, $4; dressers. $4.50 up ' $20; sewing machines, $5; folding beds, $15; Princew dresser, whlto mai'le or golden oak. $12.50; $25 mapie chiffonier. $16; $125 black walnut Bedroom uit, $25: carpets, rugs, linoleum, everything to furnish a house throughout. Wo are the largest deal ers in new and first-class second-hand house furnishings in the Northwest. West ern Salvage Co.. 027-15 Ws!imiton cor. Kt. Main Hub or A 37H3. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture) machines; dissolving stereopiicons, cal cium and pas outfits, new films, 3000 sub jects: guaranteed no repeaters; largest buyers cf new films In United States; lidos to order and stocked. We teach, you to operate. LAKMMLE FILM SERVICE. 21 i-210 WeM.-Fargo Bldg., Portland. PACIFIC FILM CO., 303-317 Rothchild bldg.. is still looking for more business; will rent films and songs as reasonable as any house on ths Coast, and carries all supplies for moving picture theaters, FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modera bar fixtures; cheap price. Brunawlck-Balke-CollcLder, 4! 8d at. HELP WANTED MALE. 10.UU0 POSITIONS for graduates last yeart men and women to le; barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write tor catalogue. Mohier System of College, lift N. 4th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Men to learn real estate busi ness; some who commenced with me four months ago are making from (500 to per month now. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 20U Chamber of Commerce. Suu L. M. Htckok. YOUNti man. treasurer, take tickets, trav eling theatrical company; Al references' and $250 cash ; security required ; expe rience not necessary, quickly learned; s: r.r y r week and fat e. Apply 714 Swetland bldg. AUTOMOBLING. plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by actual work In shops and buildings: advance! scholars earn wages; catalogue free. Coyne National Trade School, 230 8th at-. Ban Francisco. WANTED Experienced window trimmer fof department store; knowledge of cardwrit ing essential. Apply in first instance by letter, y taiiiig past experience, wages ex pected, etc.. to ManiiK-T, Hudson Bay Storta, Vancouver, B. C. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the ueason; $13 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 'X p. M. R. H. Maddan. 502 Swoiiund bldg.. Portland. Or. CASHIER WANTED to handle all monejl in an established business while propria etnr is away for health; cash deposit re quired of $i:.o); deposit secured and in terest paid; good salary. V 530, Ore Konian. WANTED 5 men to learn the automobile buslnejs, driving and repairing, day ani evening clafs. Pcrti'nd Automobile Commission, 534 and 530 Alder st. Phones A 44:,5 and Main 4455. 1 C. R. HANSEN, JR.. Employment Office Men's Department, 20 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. WANTED iiailwa mail clerks; com mencement salary $stni; March examina tions; candidates prepared free; write Im mediately for schedule. Franklin Insti tute. Rochester. N. Y. I , SIGN up for coming season before Spring rush closes vacancies ; pick and shovel work and ditch in Alaska; good pay and passage; J1U0 required, payuble In in stallments. W 482. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. Mount Angel Magazine f";ic; 11,000 sub scribers; commission; references required. Henedlctine Fathers, publishers, 603 Goud nough bldg. W A NT ED Harness makers on hand work : a I so two liarnes.; makers, capable of run ning branch shop. Address with refer ences. Sentinel Putte Saddlery Co., tinel. Butte. N. D. Scn- WANTED Experienced organizers to so licit fraternal insurance In Idaho; liberal contracts to right men. Address, with references, experience. , Charles A. Cairns, Secretary, Hoisc, Idaho, WANTED Young man well acquainted with city to learn real estate business. Must be neat in appearance and a good talker. Good pay from start if you will work. A D 501. care Oregonian. YOUNG men wanted to lenrn telegraphy and station work, good position guaranteed. Address Telegraph Dept., Hibernia bldg. Market & Jones st.. San Francisco, Cal. YOUNG men for railway mail clerks to pre pare for examination soon; about $70 a month to start. Call or write for froe par ticulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. FRAZIER PROS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Situations secured for high-claw help, fret to employer. Benson bldg.. 5th and Morri son. WANTED SALES AND CLERTCAL MEN. COMMERCIAL ARSTRACT CO., 407-H-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. BOY WANTED for general office work. No experience required, but must write a fair hand. G 6GD, Oregonian. MAN ND WIFE to take charge of small dairy and poultry farm. Apply N. B. cor ner 1st and Ankeny ptreets. EXPERIENCED real .estate salesmen. 8 per cent commission paid; line proposition to reliable men. A D 500, care Oregonian. WANTED Man to work around apnrtment houe. room, board and salary. The Madl foii Apartments, cor. Park and Madison. "fiTANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2ov Vturnslde, Street. Phone Main 0004. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL OS PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 32 North 2d St. Both Phones. WANTED Young man to learn telegraphy ; good wages when conipel-nt; quickly ac quired. Oregon College. S3 hth st WNTEI A window dreier, card writer and decorator. AnVlrs Fchlnssberg Store, Mlssula, Mont. PRIVATE partv sell cheap course stenogra phv Holmes Business College. Phone A 172. WA NT ED A dry goods man and adver tiser, fdnglo man preferred Address. Schlosshers'K Store, Missoula, Mont. WANTED Photo and portrait agents; awell new offer. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. Headquarters cooks, helpers. cMforn' "J"111 Depot, f. ioraii. TWO CARPENTERS wanted. Call this A. M. 450 E. Oak. Side door FIT.ST-CLASS chocolate dipper, best wagea. Good Roblln Candy Co.. Vancouver. Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WA NT E D Flrst-cla ss rh lpmod 1st. hatr- nresHcr. manicurist aim ..-. Apply at 1S5 West Park st WANTED Refined, capable woman for rs- sponslblA position. w.. vw child bldg.. 4th and Washington. CirtL to assist at housework, good horns and gooa wagew. tii -w. ...v,... ingu. "mRbThOWE'S LADIES' AGENCT. Washington St., Room 80T. Main S830 or A aUOrt. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Ap ply S' h una ru ory . urauu o. and East Taylor st PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Department. J0.H Morrison St. Phones Main 1002. A 2004. W ANTED A conscientious woman to take charge or on ice ana aircci employes, a ouu, Oregonian. YOUNG girl, not under 15. to assist with housework ; goon nome ana wages. xu.i Raleigh, near 20Ui. WANTED A good cook and eecond girl Inquire 7il Marrhall st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 8S7 lay lor st. TWO rcat arm and one tray waitress, cook. A. B. C. Employment. M WANTED An experienced hakress at th Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington sts. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Port land Ft- House. Co., 888 Taylor C