w-wo noon SOLICITORS for btcrest msrs- sine combination offer of the Munn; $18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer nrfi or bond ne.-csaary. Call after ; P. M. R. II Maddon. 502 Swetlond bldg-. Portland, or. TOUNO man. treasurer, taka tickets, trav. 11ns theatrical ctriipjinr; Al roforence and $2o0 cash; eecurity required; expe rience not necessary, quickly learned; m1 ery $3. per wee.t and tare. Apply 714 Swetiand Max. W A NTF7D A wife, by youar man ovrr So, cabinet-maker; hare snur sum aivM up; would prefer wording g.rl who would ap preciate rood boma. For Interview call up Main 70S5. WANTED Respectable x'.rl or woman dressmaker who can cut ana fit to he.p or l on shares In short; muat give re erence, N 36'i. Oregonlan. HAXfKVS LADIES" A7ENCT, 34 Wsohlngton at-, cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2i2. Help Supplied Frca to Employer WASTED Woman between 8J and BO for general housework: must De i.roii ana excellent plain cook; good h.-raa; Uml: of a adult. K 50. oregonlan. BT magician. ems.ll lady aa pnrtner In lllu. elon work; must Invent $250; etaae perlenre ur.no. -csary. O 3'V.t. Oregonlan HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. I'hone Main 2002. wivTrn-raAm MT.ihii woman for re sponslMe position. Vlavl Co. 609 Roth- cbtld blrig.. eta ana wuniDiiw HELP WANTED MALE OR rEMALB. GOOD. BRIGHT, Industrious salesmen and saleswomen 'demonstrator-, district mars. ; a clean. high-class proposition and a bit" money-maker, which cone but the Intel lectual can appreciate; none but abeolute- ly the beat neea apply. sow Aiwquun diui. nBK TEACHERS' AGENCY need teachers Bow. 812 Swetiand Didg. rnone .uain TRENCH AND OERJSAN tn classes, 1 par month to beginners. 4.. aiorrison. SITUATIONS WASTEnMAlE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, rertence; flrst-ciaae city reference. Phone .Main iiw. AMBITIOUS young man of good habit de sires position; experiencm wvunyw. " b.e. oregonian. Miser lis ne a. POSITION WANTED. Industrious yducr man wants employ ment: have commercial tact to promote. maintain and dv;oj bus.ness results for employer; mercantile, irrigation, land or livestock and meat marKeis; uiwimi referances; do not use Intoxlcanta. Ad dxeaa Thoa. K. Banndera. Ballard, Wash. EXPERIEKCFn you sir Japanese wants posi tion as waiter or general housework: hHS good references, any line. Adcross N 671, Oregon lan. WANTED Position as city salesman for drug, postcard or atatlonery house; ex perienced; commission or salary. K 503, Oregonlan. POSITION as traveling salesman, ex peri -need In retail hardware and general mer- ' rhandlse; good bookkeeper (married). B 503. oregonlan. JAPANESE couple want pesttlons. man flrrt claa cook. wife to do housework; city or country. B 667, Oregonlan. POSITION by dmc-glst. registered In Colo rado; 8 years experience ; ber4t of refer ences; married. K Sort. Oregonlan. TOl'SQ man attending college wishes place where he ran work for board and room, best references. AD 474. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Japne.e crew wants atf mill w jrk or cuttlxc wood. L 607, Oregonl an. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes po sition In family. I) 6o0. Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH by trade, situation for Jon run. Li 60S. Oregonlan. IIP.ST-CIAS meat-cotter wants poaltlow; small town preferred. D 6o, Oregonlan. CARPENTER wants) repair work by J obi work cheap now. X 77, oregonlan. YOl'NO Apanese boy wants situation at any kind of work. M. Naka, Main 9301. JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job. Itf Couch St.. city. S. Oxaha- A 3b. 6ITCATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Senographera. BOOKKKBPER and atenoerapher with sev eral years' experience desires poaltlon: thoroughly competent; beat of references. I &30. Oregonlan. KIPST-CLA53 Ca-essmakir.g at lows Mrs. Angelew. 22 6'.h and Ualn. prloes. Domesttcs. EXCELLENT cook, married woman, beet recommendations New York City, work by day, week or dinners. O 607. Ore gonlan. A W03AX with children to sopport la? tn r.eed cf work by the day. Address Mrs. X)., 107, ad st. NICE, WARM, private room, best e-ara. In valid or elderly la-ly. all modern, vtry -r-eaonbl. I'hone Vol Tabor. COMPtI klNT noTS-e wants care of Infant or sick: prefer to go South. Main 7b4t. House keeper. TWO sisters wish position as houskeepers, rooming-house or tfachelor apartmenLs. btark at. Mlaa Byerley. WOMAN of exparle-nce wlskes position as housekeeper In rooming-house. A L) 497. Oregon, MIDDLE-AGED women wishes position as housekeeper in family of adults. AD 493, Oreg-onlAO. LADY wishes poaltlon. honselreeper, city or country. B. S., Box 812, Kaiams, Hut. Mlscelbuseons. WOT7LD L'ke situation 43 let st-. flat K WAJtTF- AGENT9 WANTED First-class man In every town In Oregon to sell "Dioxo;" cheapest and most perfect dlslnfectnnt known; IS to f 10 a day easily maile. Dtozo Disinfectant Co.. IZlhi Washington St.. Portland. Or. MEN snd women to tell our new coupons; something entirely new; ensy seller. Hayes, phutograpaer, 342 4 Wasult.gton. LIVE agents to sell photo coupons. Apply C. Eimer Grove. S-i2 Washington st. W ANTED TO KENT. RESPONSIBLE Eastern couple without chil dren revtuire furnished house about April J; good nelghhoraood. one year. Would assume care t-siabiisi-rrtent during owner's absence abroad- 11 100. Oreyonian. WANTED Room an1 board In private fam ily on the &a--t blue, within walking rij taur of K. -IK ar.l Flanuera, for !ft..y wlni 4-nvonths-uM baby. AB 642. Oi-e-gonUiil. WANTET On or before January 2-. two or three tieatiy furrlsi.ed hous keeping room; a.klrg A stance. Address M 072, Or.e gon.an. gixtr.g location and terms. WANTED Hn-.all furnished house or apart ment on Portland HelKhts or vicinity; no i hildren; g.iod references. Mrs. Moule, The Nortonia. WANTED Room and board by boy 1": state price and location. A D '4i3. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wnnts to rent a tract of land near city. ti VI. Orcg..nlan. WANTED -Vii-ELLANEOl". WANTED Men's cart-off clothing and shoes; we also buy housrholo furat-hmgs; highest prlcea paid. Call at the "fr'tilr DaL" 3 d st. North, i'hone Main t2;2. FORD AUCTION CO. Pays the price" for second-hand fuml ture. East is!. B 2311. WANTED Seeond-hand roll-top c.lt !n good condition; suite size and price wanted. Ad dress xv iHt. Oregonlan. POT essh paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1047. WANTED Houeeboat: give description, price and present location. N IVlii. urenonlan. CLOTHING Clothing. Phone Mxln I43. Highest price said. S3 N. 3d su 11 TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, JANTJAKY 16, VOV. i ' ' a I .nrera .,.--x-a I nrKINESS CnAiXXaT" I PERSONAL ( BC61XES8 UlSECTOBX. WI PAT TOP PRICEa FOR FX RXIT U It E ABd ar.ythlrg else you have to seX PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6665. A 41. "WANTED To sharpen your knives 25c, rnsors "Hoc, and returned the earns day. The Keen Edge Co.. Poatofflce box 673, Portland. FOB RENT. Farnlabed Booms. THE AUDITORIUM. Now Open. 1WS; Thtrd at. Has every modern Improvement. Thor oughly renovated and under new manage ment; steam heat; hot and cold water in every room: private baths; elevator; spe cial rates to good, permanent roomers. THE LARRABEE. 127 v Larrabee St. At tractive, newly furnished, thoroughly mcd ern bay-window rooms, handsome brick building, electricity, steam heat, hot and cold water every room; catl-belle, bath; waiktng distance; 75o day, fz.&0 weak, up. THB COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms. i2 per week tap; steim heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 6"c, 7oo and SI per day: open all night; cTlce and readtng roum ground floor. SS-4u2 Washington St. 1KB BARTON. .Ith and Alder; sew maa agement: newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms; steam beat, eieclxlo lights, etc.; room 910 month up; suites with run ning water. &0 to TO: elegant publlo parlor; phones and baths free. t!3 10TH BT. Newly furnished, warm rooms, bot and cold water and plenty of hot water all the time, all for $10 per Month; nice location and easy walking distance. Call and sea for yourself, lit) 3 luth st. THB NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslds; rn ths lieart of the c ty; everything brand new: finest rooma In town: an Ideal Winter home; ratea reasonable ; free bus to all train i THE NEW OCCIDENTAl. HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat., electrlo lights, hot snd cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 441 s. Sain 4Dil. THE BUCKINGHAM. Tamhill St. opp Port- IBIil IlUiOl i" II 1 ,J i -JJ 1 LI 1 ...... B , K., II ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Prauht. proprietor. HOTEL KENTON. 18th aad Washington Modem rooms, single and en suite: also housekeeping; running- wster, private end free baths; rates reas-'inabie. Paclfla 49, THB 6HERMAN 123 12tt, cor. Wash,, an der new management; thoroughly reno vated; rooms. S3-" ana up: special atten tion given to transients; 60c and up. HOTEL BUSHM ARK. Washington and 17th. Orst-claas furnished rooms, siagle or en suite; all modem con veniences; 43 weekly up. A 2647. Main 6647. PRINCESS HOTEL. $4 East Bumslde St. I only Orepruof hotel In city; modem In very resesct; reasonable prices. East 171. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts Furnished rooms, best In city tot money; $2 per week; modern; fres baths; no dogs. THE ESTES Uood rooms, reasonabls; new furniture, telephone ana baths tree, s-i Irs etark. corner otb, Mrs. aloud J. Estes. THE NEWPORT, 323 H Washington, newly furnished, bot ana cola water, steam neat. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished. $1 to $s; also transient rooms. 343 ft Morrison. THS RANDOLPH. Id and Columbia, rooms; beat. Lath: Cue to 31 day. n to 4 wees. THE ANGELES. lth and Jefferson, modern .- .1 n.nmanii Ivnih nhnnM FnrnuUied Rooms la Private Family. A NICELY, newly furnished front room. suitable for one or two gentlemen; wen heated: all modern conveniences. I'hone Main 7307. 44S TAYLOR, near 12th. desirable, heated. single front room; gentleman; reasonable; -modern. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, reason able. 1641. r trst. near Morneun. SMALL room II. PO week, also l&rgs front room. Main 1076. 331 14th st. MADISON ST. 2 rooms to Jet, Phone Main 4134. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Three of the most elegantly furnished suites In Portland. Just vacated by parties going to California for the Winter; very modern; steam heat, bath, private phone, access to pool and billiard table corner Grand and Hawthorn avea. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and library; Women's Exchange, Mr Ella Raw lings, SupL. 610 Flanders st. THE COLONIAL. 106 10th St.. cor. Morrlsoa. Fine Jarre rooms, thoroughly steam heated, lowest rates, best place In the city for a home. THE I.INDELL, 16 Market Nlcelr fur nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat, electrlo lights, baths, phones, $6 weekly. THE MARLYN. Washington and 17th. well- furnished rooms. hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. THB MORRISON. 633 Morrison St.. family hotel, modern, new management; board op tional: best table board; price moderate. ROOMS, single and en suite, modem con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. l.uo. Booms With Board In Private Family. D4f JOHNSON, front room with board: walk In; distance: electrlo light, furnace het; suitab.o for couple. Phone A 4tlel. SPECIAL rates on board and room for twv young men, homo cooking. Phone Main 61)47. COMFORTABLE rooms and board: beautiful location. 423 7th; 10 minutes' walk to Washington, BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen, -very reasonable. 725 Hawthorne. B 2207. Apartments. HETNZ APARTMENTS. 14th snd ColnmMa. 10O feet from Jefferson or 13:h-st. carllne; essy walking distance; new, handsome brick building. In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments; private bath and reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, janitor eervlce. maximum of con venience, eleganue. equipment; completely furnished, ready for housekeeping; some unfurnished; rent reasonable. THE SHEFFIELD. Ith and Jefferson sts.; unfurnished 4-room apartment. Feb. 1. with Lath; new, modern and fully equipped fi-r convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Apply to janitor. Main 20oi. THE ROOSEVELT i8 Kearney, near 21st 3-room. stesra heated, modern. Rent reasonable. W. L. Morgan, 322 Falling Bids. BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon. 4-room apartment, nicely furnished; steam heat, private phone, etc. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 8 and 4-room modern apartment 11th and Columbla- $37 50 523 Everett, 5-room. stesm-heated modern. W. L. Morgan. 322 Foiling bldg. Flat. FOR KENT Vroora new modem upper fiat. East 27th and Clinton; 2 carlines; rent $13. J. H. lmhuff. Phone East 51311. 1 FOR RENT Modern, up-to-date upper flat." 6 rooms and 2 rooms In attic fireplare and furnace. 444 4 Park st.. $37.60. Phone East 1431; Tabor 703 SIX-ROOM flat, all modem: also furniture for sale; gas. electric light, furnace; a snap; must sell. Call 31 N. 17th st. FOR P.ENT 6-room modem flat. 4034 12th st.; rei.t $30. M. E. Lee. room 411 Cor bett bldg. NEW 6-ROOM lower flat, close In. aloe lo cation. Inquire 629 Everett. ELEGANT aew 7-room flat, poiwied floors. US 21th St. N. Keys 794 Irving st. NEW FLATS. 8 rooms and bath. T31 Hoyt st- Apply 132 6th st. Main 27g liOWER 1 rooms, modern. 429 Clay at-, near 11th. ' LOWF.R FLAT. rooms; fireplace furnace, porch, yard. Nob Hill. Main 4220, Housekeeping Boom. ONEONTA, 1ST 17th. near .Yamhill. S and 3-room. furnished suites (gas rang, hot and cold water), heat, phones and bath. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th, completely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments: heat, phonos, bath. 191 14th st. THREE-ROOM well-furnlyhed housekeeping suite. 35 Salmon, cor. 10th. Honeekerpina; Boom. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnlahed for housekeeping. In cluding gas r.inpes, electric Ilthts. hot w-ater, baths. ' laundry, reception-room, all free; furnlcbed aiiarlmenta $13 per month up; single housekeeping rooms f2.T0 week up; best tn city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or luth-t. cars north, get off at Marshall si THE HOWLANO APARTMENTS. 0S1H Washington. cor. Soto Nicely furnished housekecplag rooms: gas ranges, hot watsr. free bath, free phone, both floors; alee suites from $12 op. WELL-FTJP.NISHED housekeeping rooms. 2. H-10 month: 3 for $18 1": sleeping rooms. 11.23 wk.; west side river. 304 N. 2Cth, ldth-st. car to 2tltn. soutn nait dioc. Rrii:TivrTl T.T incmrvA baT-wmdow. unfur nished 2-room suite In centrally located apartment-bouse. St'Stt Jenerson. cor, am. Honsekecplnc Rooms In Private Family. t ami fniir-rnnm furnished housekeep ing suites, $19.0 and $25; modern; close in. pnone A --H4U. rn'rt t .. -..... ei.M.lsTha l AllMskeenln rooms, Clay St., near 6th. Phone Main FURNISHED housekeeping aulte. 4 rooms. ground floor- all mouem convenienuea, $10 a month. 1S7 17th el. near Yamhill. TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms: large yard; walking distance; iu a moniu. Front street, near iiii. "LARGE, handsomely furnished front houwe- xeeping suite, zi tin u TWO hoiu-ekeoplng roorr.s; all conveniences. iu isortn lbtn ih. rno-je juaia SUIT S HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly fur nished. 42 Clay t. t MODERN, clean, warm furnished house keeping rooms; alo month. ou r roni. HOUSBK.EEP1NO-ROOMS. furnished com plete. 149 13th et.. near Morrison. House. WHEN TOO HOVE you always need SOMB furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; ths sav ing will exceed cost or moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; 0 rupy one-half; collect rent on balance. l!ORAN-ATCHLE FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and B. Stark. Phone East 2929, MODERN house of 7 rooms, with lot 60x100 at reasonable rent to desirable tenant; location E. SOth. near Hawthorne ave This means good car service. Apply to J. Kraemer. WO Fifth St. A NEAT, modern 6-room cottage; electricity, furnace and porcelain bath; large grounds; rent $20. Apply room 301, The Dekum. GOOD 6-room bouse with large yard. 644 Borthwlck et ; rent $16. Wakefield. Fries t Co.. 229 Stark. MODERN 6-room cottar In rood repair, close In. No. 467 East Everett. . Phone A 4641, A NEW 7-room house on Grant st., $23 per month. Phone Main 8S10. Portland hue cess Realty Co., h20 Board of Trade bldg. FEB. 1 Modern 8-room house. 102 Lowns- dale st. Apply Macloay Etate Co., 300 concord blag. FIVE-ROOM cottage, five-room flat and . five-room basement, very reasonable. in quire VuO 3d. 6-ROOM cottngn, $23. gas and bath. Inquire 444 11th st. T-ROOM house tor rent. Inquire 116 Ablng- ton bldg. MODERN house. 6 rooms and bath. 773 Irving st. Apply 132 (ith st. Main 0278. NEW house, 6 rooms and bath, 71 E. 19th St. North, Apply 132 6th su Main G278. FOR RENT 87 E. 8th St. North; modem 6 roora cottage. Phone Main 6374, f urnished House 6-ROOMED well furnished house, $28 per month. Tabor 921. East 3Sth st. 1143 Hawthorne ave.; sawed wood in basement, $0 per cord. NEW modern 7-room house, every con venience, nicely furnished. Inside player piano, good location. Phone Main 8470. 6-ROOM well-furnished cottage. near 7th and Jackson sts., rent 320. Parrlan, Wat kin & Co., M Alder t. 6-ROOM modem cottage, $30. Haveretio A La.larher, a.34 vv ashlngton St. Houses for Bent Furniture for Hals, FURNITURE of 8-room colonial .house; new, elegant and a bargain. A 6711. 8-ROOM flat cheap; central; lovely furniture; terms. 223 Market. Main 61a. Stores. FOR RENT A-l location for millinery and dressmaking; rent reasonable; building now under conr-truction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT A-l location for a dyer and cleaner. In building now under construc tion; reasonable rent. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Excellent location for dealer tn Japanese and Chinese goods: rent reasona ble; building under construction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Fine location for laundry office. In bullulns now under construotlon; mod erate rent. Apply 718 Board of Trad Bldg. FOR RENT Four store rooms In a three story brick building, corner Grand and Belmont sts. Hartman & Thompson. FOR RENT Good location for employment agency; moderate rent; large crowd as sured; building under construction. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. STORE with living rooms nbxrve. 108 Union ave. See Hartman 6c Thompson, C. of C. FIRST and second floors, each 25x100. new brick. Jobbing district. N 517, Oregonlan. $15 Store end living rooms; good neighbor hood. Inquire room 2. 207 Oak. Office. DESIRABLE OFFICES $10 $15 $20 In heart of business district. Well lighted aad ventilated; two eievatom; all night service; hot and cold water, gas snd elec tric lights: excellent Janitor service; auto matic fire alurm system; low insurance; property protected by r.tght watch. Desk room $5 aad up. 803 s WETLAND BLDG., 6th and Wash. GROUND FLOOR desk room, furnished or unfurnished. Including both telephones: central location. bengstake A Lyman, 90 6th st. DESIRABLE suites, slnrle offices and desk room, centraily located. Raleigh bid-., 3234 Washington, cor. 6th. . DESIRABLE desk room to let, "with tele phone. 824 Chamber of Commerce. MOST desirable desk room to let with phones. 6o9 Chamber of Com. bldg. FOR RENT A few offices la Couch bldg. Apply Room 601. ; M Iscella neons FOR RENT Lnrco bam with stalls and ap pliances suitable for e'ght or ten horses; also 8-room house; comer Fart KlKhth and Lincoln ets. : rent $." per month. Apply I. Gevurtx fc Pan. 173-5 lfh St. BOOMING-HOrSE OPTKTtTNTTEKS. MRS. LENTS Rooming-house Agency Rooming-houses, all sizes and price Phone Main SortO: A 3475. 4304 Wash Arnold A Co.. ilnln 7311. 3314 Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCES. CAPITAL INVITED $.10,000, mere or less, either aa stockholder or loan, latter pre ferred. Good Interest To enlarge well established wbolesa'e and retail Import . business. Preferred stock now on the market. 8 per cent Interest guaranteed. Privilege of withdrawing at the expiration of 8 years only A-l reputation need ap ply. AE '400. Oregonlun RARE opportunity for a man of high-class executive ability (no other wanted;, with capital or who can interest some in the manufacture of a new product for which there will be an Immense demand; large profits, exclusive control of the United States. Call 221 Commercial Club Hldg FOR SALE: Boarding and sale stable, or will trade for livestock Forced to sell stable on acount of business. Apply 838 East 2Sth SU IF you are looking for a snap In a rot m-lng-house. call at 272 Stark et.. and you can get what you are looking for. 3-t'llAlK barber shop, good location, for nlr. Box Sol. .Rainier. Or. CIOAR and confectioneries; rare bargains for cash; Investigate. 272 Stark su SALOON FOR SALE At Aberdeen. Wash., the city of OPTW'rtmv jtles and pay rolla. Two more railroads heading this way and will be in operation about next Juns. Saloon la Independent of any brewery: central location, In mod ern brick building; finest bar -fixtures In city: 7 elegant rooms upstairs completely furnished, which could be used for Jiving rooms or profitably rented to transients, rent $100 monthly, with 5 years" lease; nriea enmniete. lower and UDDer floors. with plenty of stock, $4700. and less than naif cash required, owner aesirea w re tire. ABERDEEN INVESTMENT COMPANY. LEASE and fumlh1n-rs of the Mitohell Ho tel, Boise. Idaho. 33 bedrooms, office, par lor etc Price. $3500, $2600 cash, balance to be secured; hotel Is opposite O. S. L. depot and does a transient business; rates 60c. 75o and $1.00 per day; bulldltur la new; also furnishings; Is heated wltn hot water and wired for gas aad electricity I Legislature now In session; possession given as soon as sale la made. - Address ii- A. Owen. Mitchell Hotel, Boise. Idaho. WANTED A party willing- to make an In vestment in a water power company where money will be safe and at same time triple their Investment in a year. For Interview address O 570, Oregonlan. PARTY awnlnr verv desirable corner lot. East Forty-nrat and Division, within a block of new schoolhouse. Rlchmoad dis trict, will "build store to suit desirable tenant; exceptional location ana nno oppor tunity of building up Bpleoaia traae; r sonable rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay bidg., 3d and Stark. FOR SALE First-class bakery and lunch parlor in bon ton residence dlstriot, best location In Portland; nothing but first- class trade; elegant Oxtures, line DRKesnop, tAnls anil flrst-oiiLss new oven. 12x14 In side; long- leoee. best of reason lor sell ing. (J otiS, oregonlan. BARGAIN IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE) STORE. Owner going- into law business; will sell t Invoice, about $2300 required; in coun try town, right at R. R. station and boat landing; P. O. in building brings $25 a month. See the man at 801 Macieay bldg.. Portland, for particular LEQITTMATS BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Ageacy (established 1S96) furnishes free Information on oppor tunities In mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or country. THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 408-4-3 Swetiand bldg. $1000 srOT cash buys an established busi ness good to net purchaser $300 per mo., one staple line alone paying over $lf0 per month: Investigate books: see, list of cus tomers, prove this yourself: not open for sale after 20th: better get quick action; no agent. O 505, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for realty, the best es tablished ladies' and gents' clothing, boots, shoes and furnishings store in the Willamette Valley doing strictly cash business: $3000 cosh or realty will handle It. AC 427. Oregonlan. $4000 WEST SIDE, coxy new home, well built 6 large rooms, fireplace, built-in bookcases, all modorn conveniences, block to car; lot 60x100; $2000 cash, balance long time. Jos. C. Logan. 820Vj V. ashlng ton st.. room 415. BEST-PAYING, best-furnished small room ing house In city; new, comer brick, flne- ly located In downtown business center, terms, cash; good lease; no agents want ed. For particulars Address J 624, Ore gunlan. FOR SALE Very cheap, first-class restau rant, doing good business, naa an con veniences and In first-class condition; no cash: rent If desired; particulars 00 N. 8d. Big sacrifice, (i 674. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE business wants a man to show property, etc.; pay salary $18 weekly, besides your share of profits: $0o0 required, which Is fully secured. Particulars 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. TOU CAN GET action on all mining and Industrial stocks and bonds through head quarters at Catterlin A Co.. suite 8. Chamber of Commerce. We buy. sell or trade. Call or write. FOR SALE All or part of 20 sharea Equit able savings ofc jv- " - stock Issued March. 1003. earning V per cent Will take amount paid and 6 per cent Interest. A 603, Oregonlan. FOR SALE First-class Pan Francisco sa loon. Up to date, gOOO. location, oii coou business, price reasonable; five years' lease. Address J. M. Fltxgerald, 1390 O'ForreU su, San Francisco. BARGAIN Cigar, confectionery and notion store; rent, $lo; living-room, a bmihib". I Kimball organ and a few other things, all for $730. M 574. Oregonlan. WANTED Live man to take half Interest in company maouiaci.ui .out.v .... cessity; $2500 required. Spencer A Co., 102 Second st. SOLID cash business wants young man to I .Aln tanM Htn-A tH t 1 hOW UTlvo maKUta turn iij. ...... .lH. cash business of $100 dally: $900 required. Particulars 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANT party able to Invest $.1000 and ca- fiabie to mi ontciai poeiuon w.u- uo lo service corporation; money well secured. Address N 6T2. Oregonlan. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buying be surs and see us. i.inney x Stampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4486. GENERAL merchnnfllss stock for sale In good Valley town; will Invoice about $11,000; good reasons for selling. Box 58, Dayton, Or. WT7LL-EQUIPPED real estate offloe In Swetiand blue, ror sale at actual cost oi the furniture: rent $12 month; owner leaving the city. Main 76S4. A 8417. PARTNER WANTED In city property and business chance of fice; lady preferred. Call 301 Macieay bldg. Small capital required. FOR SALE New, modem steam laundry, fuily equipped; a bargain ana a Dig one. Address Porker Stennlck, trustee. Rainier, Or. CITY drugstore clearing $450 a month; must eell on account or neaitn; goou location ; rood lease and a snap; no agents. B 60S, oregonlan. BEST snap In Portland; Jewelry store, mak ing money; $2500 will canaie; me Desi downtown location In city; small expense; no sacrifice. M 561. Oregonlan. A RELIABLE real estate man Is In need of a, bright, active young man to assist nira In his business; a halt Interest to right party. 272 Stark su ROOMIN'O-HOCSE, nice looatlon, SO rooms, all taken; receipts 145 per month; isvo. Kaufmann A Moore, 825 Lumbar Ex change. EEVEN-passenger Thomas Flyer automobile for sale or win taxe port iraue; nas jusi been thoroughly overhauled; price $22u0; cost $4600. N E78. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT snaps; one of the best small restaurants In the city, down town location, will be sold very cheap if taken soon. 272 Stark su GROCERIES, all sixes and prices and at terms to suit; also one to trade for city lots or residence. 272 Stark st. THIS Is it, 22-room house, rent $65. lease, steam heat, location Is there. A bargain to you. Cell 721 Board of Trade. DANDY boarding-house for sale; party leav ing for England: everything modem; no agents. Apply C 673. Oregonlan. WANTED Partner in nice, clean, profit able business, which is growing fast; $1500 required. Spencer A Co., 102 Second st. SMALL RESTAURANT, tRklng In $20 dally rent $14 month, will sell cheap if sold at once. 273 Salmon st. SALOON for sale cheep If taken at once. In quire at N. P. Brewing Co.. cor. of 18th and Upshur etA. EXCEPTIONAL opening for . man with $1000: business paying and growing. B ftoO. Oregonlan. SIX GOOD placer claims in Southern Ore gon, will sell; hydraulic. For information write W. M. French. Medford, Or. LAUNDRY in good town in Washington, 60 miles from Portland; price $2)00, half cosh; terms. Spencer A Co., 102 Second st. GROCERY store for sale. 641 1st. Phone Main 4S7, A 6490, or address 1571 Mac adam. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. The Fletcher Co.. 123 Ablngton. HOUSEKEEPING- and furnished rooms for sale. $12.10.- by owner. 64 23d su Nortb, RESTAURANT For sale cheap If taken at once. 335 First st. FOR SALF1 Small boarding snd sale stable; best location In city. M 671. Oregonlan. AGENCY for a specialty; requires some can vassing; paya J-'OO month; $400. W. W. Payne, 1J10 Williams ave. 11.NANC1AX, Money to loJl. Money loaned quickly and privately on real, personal and chattels, diamonds ana iewelry, and on all valuable collaterals lortgages and contracts boughu EASTERN CAPITAL. This company Is organized for the pur pose of providing ready money at the lowest oost. Our repayment plan will suit you. You can arrange to repay lrj - monthly or weekly easy payment. All business strictly confidential. Call or phone Main 20S4. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12. Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ "SHE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY, 402 Rothchlld bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash, The recoKalxed bank of the waste-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can ootaln money of us on his Bote without security. J 15 return to us Jjo. .10 return to us $8 a Mo. $50 return to us - $18.85 a Mo. Confidential; no uspleasact Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, eto MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES. NO MORTGAGE NO lNDORt-EB, ABSOLUTELY' NO SECURITY. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAT EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel xnort- ftace; business conndeutloi. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wk.y. J 75 return to l 320.00 $10.00 $S.O0 30 Mliim tn i ... 13 35. 6.06 8.23 $30 return to us.... - 8.00 4.00 2.00 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00' 1.00 2o9 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 68 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms firsu ' TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos. furniture, vinhniwA recel TiLtj. horses. Insurance poli cies, salaries and all kinds of securltls. NEW ERA LOAN At 4u3 Swetiand bldg. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 end 7 per cent on real estate security. - EDW. P. MALL. Room , 265 Washington street, cor. 3d. ON Improved city property or for building purposes; 8 to & years' time; liberal repay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing prograts. The Equitable, 2d and Stark sts. MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary; best sys tem for railroad, streetcar employes, a chanlcs and otners. F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 28U4 Washington St, LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and Jewelry. E. Pierce, aid Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan In large and small sums at 0 to e per cent on improveu iem e-wv. PORTER Sc. FRENCH. 607 Commercial bldg. WD loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest-, iw """r't time. A. A M. Delovage, Jeweisrs. 269 Washington eU $20,000 TO loan In sums to suit, on city roperty; no couiiiii-uo n..in. loom, uoo cnamDer ui oumm" oo. LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 802. $100 000 to loan In sums of $100O or more to ,. e . - .,.. t nm Imnrnv.d renltv. M. G. Griffin. 200 Stark, opp. Ctam. of C. WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee, oerman-Ai-iei .cnu un.ua. - counts. Lewis & Co., 2il Washington su WE will buy your Title or Oregon Trust account ana leiepuouo uouu. jj. ley Co., 917 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan at 6 and 1 per cent on East and VVeSt aiUO U'"a auu iwiuciiw property. Mall A Von Borstel, 104 2d su $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a spucialty. building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 812 waning uius. ANY part of $50,000 to loan at R to 7 Pf .... int.rit Ril-l Oerllnrer bids. "feoNEY" loaned on real estate mortgages or . contracts W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg. State funds loaned. 0 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. MONEY to loan, mortKages purchased. E. L. Deveraux, o r eu-.ua. diuk. j m. MONEY TO LOAN AT'6 AND 7 PER CENT. 6TRONU &. CO., OOo OO.M.UKU DllU. I MAKE loans, any size, on Improved city property w j? aumi, ums. MONEY to loan, any nmcunt. 6 to 8 per cent, rrary c bciiz. jo oih LOANS on res' -nal, chattel or collateral eecurlty. C. W. x-..-rf. 804 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx 4 Bloch. 74 3d St. $000 7 per cent, In one. two or three loans. Ward. 210 Allsky b!ig. Main 7328. jLoaaa Wanted. VB HAVU Elvv crt-AJu applications tor wu loans on real e.ttate. first mortgage, at 7 per cent, ranging from $300 to $12o0. OTTO & HAKKSON. 1334 First st. BUSINESS man needs at once $2000 cash for-3 to 6 months; will pay 1 per cent per month and give good security. G 607, Oregonlan. ' WANTED Loan of $4000, 7 per cent; se curity West Side 100x100. Walling. . 243 Stark. WANTED $1000 loan. 8 to 6 years, on Im proved farm, 160 acre, valued $3000. Ad dress C 609, Oreconlan. 12000 ON suburban home worth ebout $.V00; will pay b per cent; no agents. D 654, Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. ADVERTISEMENT for proposals for grad ing power-plant canal. City Recorder's Office, Eugene. Or. Sealed proposals will be received by the city of Eugene. Ore gon, until 8 o'clock P. M.. February 1. 1909, for the work of grading a canal for a power plant on the McKenzle River Tor tho city of Eugene, Oregon. The canal will have a bottom -width of 20 feet, and will be approximately three and throe quarters miles In length. Specifications may be obtained from B. F. Dorrls. City Recorder of Eugene, or from Frank C Kelsey, 415 Corbett building. Portland. Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council. J. D. Matlock, Mayor; B. F. Dorrls, City Recorder. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wood River Zinc Company Is to be held at the office of the company. No. 1117 Hoard of Trade building, in the City of Portland. County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, on Mondav. the first day of February, 11XJ9, et 11 o'clock A. M-, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other .,T.in.ii a mav come before the nieetlne. J. J. Chambreau, secretary of Wood River Zlno Company. MY wife. Josie. having left me, I wlU not be responsible for debts contracted after this date. January 14, 1900. Signed. R. A. Keller. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Pantile Builder A Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade. PERSONAL PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people: circular 10c 2204 1st su MOLES wr ink lee, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Filedner bldg. M. 3473. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 40S4 Morrison. 250 PRINTED business cards $1: 100 visit ing cards. 50c Schmale. 229 1st. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 660 Gllsan St. Main S216. JUST opened, ladles barber shop. 68 4th St.. beu Oak and Pine. Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective: work reasonaole, guaranteed. T 4S1, OregonUum. nnii-wcii KiNITiRTTTV. Diseases of men, women and children treated and cured; maternity cases given special attention; all private and wasting diseases promptly cured, and their effects permanently removed from the system. Raleigh bldg., cor. ath and Washington sts RHEUMATISM, nervous debility, oough, wakefulness, stomach and kidney trou bles, skin and scalp diseases, weakness In young or old men promptly cured without drugs; charges moderate. Dr. T. Pierce. 818 Allsky bldg. DR. A. AUSPLTJND. Just returned from Europe, makes a specialty of surgery and diseases of women. Office rooms 5-6-7 Winchester House, Sd and Burnslde sts. 1 hone Main 4047. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE, reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; nalrdresslng. manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods in ths West at cut prices. Parlors. Grand Leader, 6 th and Aider. .MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex, nervous conditions, skin or eye troubles, acute or chronic? 1 treat by mod ern methods, electricity, massage, osteopa thy, medicine when needed; confidential. Dr. Vose, 8264 Washington st. . SWEDISH trained nurse, Heletngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th su, one door from East Ankeay cor. Phones East 200, Horns B 1803. DR. AXJCH A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, ner Tous and chronic diseases of children specialty; no charge for consultation. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg., Washing ton and Park st. Main 6928, A 6oo7. IADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond brand Pills, l or 26 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchestsrs Diamond Brand Pill are sold by druggists everywhere- . DRESS suits for rent, 1I sixes. $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 30U Stork. DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods. $2 per box or 8 boxes for $3. T. J. Pierce, 810 Allsky bldg., 205 Morrison. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 802 Allsky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Question night Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 2835. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Kctchum, graduate; advice fre , 170 4 3d su Main 8770 Mme. Courtwrlght. skin no scalp treat meats facial deformities corrected, plastls surgery. 225 Fliedser bldg. M. 6042. A 3069. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonlo Tablets, 23o box. Eyesell's Phar macy, 269 Morrison St., UeU 4th and 6th. GERMAN. French. Spsnlsh aad other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A W. Sahmaie Co.. 229 1st sU A PERMANENT cure for plies. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard, Clarke A Co. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A passbook with the Hlbernla Sav ings A Loan Society. San Francisco, In the name of William Michell, No. 8I0&6O; the finder will please return to bank. Unless same Is returned within 5 days a new book will be issued to the appllconu LOST Watch, name of case Bristol Hunting, 10 size 14 k. f. c. No. 7,659.216, Rock ford movement No. 6C9.911. . Rilum to of fice of Btandard OU Co. and receive re word, , WILL the party who picked up purse n front of 000 Dekum St.. Woodlawn. kindly return the same with the contents to tne Oivncr who la a poor working girl with a child to support? O 574, Oregonlan Lorfx purse on .ast Amr noi. w and 12th, containing coin and check. Piease return fb C. Meyer. 89 East 9lh; will receive reward; if not desiring to return purse, please mail check. LOST Masonic ring with the name "C. Minslnyer" engraved on Inside; liberal re ward If returned to Star Sand Co., 201 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. LOST The person who Is harboring blaci spaniel dog will confer a beneiit upon the owner by discontinuing such, practice, Mr. Church. 201 Bd st. LOST Bet. Rlverdale and South Portland Wednesday night gray squirrel stole. Notlfr Dr. W. A. Cummlngs. 728 Mar quam bldg. Reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, loturned some day. 228 Front Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Old-fashioned cameo pin. between Nortonla Hotel, Main and Narttlla sts.; re ward. Phone M. 2219. 52 Main st. LADY'S watch, American W. Co., beU Clay end Market sts.. 2d or 3d. Mrs. B. J. Johnston, 240 Clay. Main 3243. LOST Spectacle case, containing broken spectacles, chain and hairpin. Phone Main S145. or leave at Oregonlan office. LOST Wednesday, a small gold pin with diamond setting; also black lynx fur; re ward. 87 N. 14th, Phone A 4078. LOST Gent's gold watch, Elgin : probably lost near 2Sth and Taggart sts. Finder pleaso phone Tabor 14o4. Reward. LOST On Washington st., tan silk dress pat tern. Phone Main 111)2; reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking Acconntaiite. E. H. COLLIS A CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6507. Assayers and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ist and assayers. 204 4 Washington st. PAUL BAUMEL, nssaycr and analyst. Gold dust bought. iVi Aiuer si. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing worn.. 100 jiuhhuu i. DR. E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years experience, zoo atari, st. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 69S0. Attorneys at Law. H H RIDDELL, atty-at-Iaw, 735 CTiamber of Commerce. Main 4704, A 8531. 6. T JEFFREYS, 208 Fenton bldg., 13 years" practice in Oregon, 8 years Alaska EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to 9011-913 Board of Trade bldg. Bicycle nnd Electrical Repairing. ELAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and electrical repairing. 320 Stork at. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpet: also oolonlal rag rugs woven. Northwest Rug Works, 153 Union ave. East 85S0, B 12S0. SUN SOON HUIE 8TORB removed to 70 6th, beU Oak and Pine. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLT5 and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3o2 Ger'.inger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2a and Alder. Phone Main 1301. MRS W. SCHOLE3, scientific chiropodist; bunions a specialty. 231 Bth SU CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunten. Iris Apartments, 302 3d. M. 7714. Chlropodv and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Filedner bldg. Phone Main 8473. DR NELSON treats my corns; never hurts; prices reasonable. 2304 Alder. M. 7200. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Dancing. PROF. Wal Wilson's Dancing School. Port land's only recognized school. 3S3 4 Washington SU, bet. W. Park and 10th sU Both phones: Main 7637 A 5637. MURLARK HALL Dancing Academy opens Jan. 4. dally 2-8. Prof. Rlngler. instruct or. 23d and Wash. Main 5334. B 1003. RING I.ER Dancing Academies, Rlngler hall, Murlark hall; Instruction dally. B 1003. East 6070. Detective Agencies, THE Thlel Detective Service Co. We are especially equipped with experienced men. 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M 038, A 2493. D. L. Clouse, manager. Educational. LAUHTS Preparatory School of Pharnaaajr. 143 3d su, Portland, Or. Feed Stores. HINSHAW & ZIGLER. hay, grain, feed, ce . men", shingle 2U4 Grand ave. si 433. Harness and Baodlery. THE George Lawrenoe Co., wholesale sad dle and harness mnlrs. 80-83 1st. Main 22a. B, M. PRICE HARNESS CO., $31 Ankeny St. Fhoue Main 2412. Juuk, llluss and Pelt. bHANK & Co.. purcliaxis of hides, pelts, wool. .furs, taliow, -old rubbsra, nieiala ai sacks. 812 Front sU Leather and Finding. CH A3. L. MAST1CK A CO., 74 Front, Isather ot every description, taps, mfrs. findings. . J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S&8. 189 Front su Medical. LADIES Insist on having Dr. Mortel's Pills, the standard remedy: besU safeeu most reliable; at all druggists. Send for book, "Kellef for Women"; French Drug Co., 80 W. 32d SU. N. Y. City. Messengers. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. 12S 6th. Mala 6f, A 2u.o3. Johnnie on the apoU Mum! nil. PAUL F. K1SS1NER, violinist and Instruc tor; music furnished for bolls, receptions, etc 218 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison. A GRADUATE in niusio from Europe will give muslo lessons, residence. 803 NortA 13d. phone A 2216. G. BERTRAM. 13 Russel bldg., violin re pairing; Instrument bought and sold. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC; reoltals monthly. 3u Stearns bldg. Mala 8744. EMIL THIELHORN. vlolm teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 4100, Pine 834. Main 8045 M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 432 Saimoa St. Moin 7340. Beginners a specialty. Neurologists. DR. H. W. FREJ3ZE straightens cross syes without operation or pain, fits glasses aad treats nervous diseases. 2-4 Marquain bldg. Opticians. GLASSES fitted to your entire satisfaction and guaranteed. Rose City Optical Ck 25o4 Alder, cor. 3d, upstairs. Osteopathia Physician. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 416-10-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349, res., B. 102. Paints. Oil and Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oil, gloss, sash and door Cor. 2d and Taylor. Pointing and Faperhqnglng. PAINTING, paperhanglng, kalsomlnlng, eto cone on short notice. House Deooratlnt Co., 547 Wash. Main 7896, A 8114. Piano Tuning. PROF. VENEN With highest credentials of any tuner in Portland. Main 1174. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. W1UUHT. domestla nnd foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum, J. J. HIRSHEIMER, pension and patent attorney, rooma 20-31 Lob be bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at Portland, office 4U2-3-4 Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co. street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber Ex. Plumbing. PLUMBING repairs promptly attended to. Phone Sell. 1120. T. Glllard. E iiuth and Holgote sts. PLUMBING Kurth, 684 Water St. Phonl Main 6348, uay or night. FOR burstod pipes don't forget to call Main 1110. 271 FlrsU Publlo Stenographers. MISS IDA CONANT. room 602 Lumber Ex change bldg., d and Stark. Main 4977. DOCIA V. WILLIT3, 608 Swetiand bldg.. 6th and Wash. Phone Main 8148. Booting, Cornices and Skylights. WESTERN SHEET METAL WK3.. 46 N. 6th. P. J. McMahon. E. M. Sharkey. M. 8213. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks snd all office gooda. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stork st. Both phones 1407. THB MOSLER SAFE CO.. I0S 2d St. Safes at factory price Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO., Dlsbold 60 3d su Bargains in 2d-hand safes. Show Cose, Bank and Store I-lxtures. THE LUTKlil MFG. CO., branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyu H. Lutke, Mgr. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, cabinet store and office fixtures. 2$ Couch sU Main 2703. Sign. FOSTER A KLtiSER, SIGNS. The larget sign-makers In the Nortfc wesU 6th and Everett st. Phone Private Exchange 51. Hutue A 1153. Stove. STOVES connected and repaired. Main lllo. 271 1st. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offloe aad cominodiou four-story brick ware house, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. Planus and furalturs moved ana packed for snipping. Main 690, A 199d. OLSEN-ROK TRANSFER. CO. General tionsierrlng aad storage; safe, pianos and lurniture moved and packed for shipment. 2c9 Oak St., bst. Front and 1st, Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. CITY TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. 10$ Front su Pnone Main 02, A 1162. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 id sU Phone A 1984. Main 1018. Turkish Baths. TURKISH baths, 800 Oregonlan bldg.; ladles days, men nights. Main 1938, A 1938. Type writers. WE ARE the exchange for the lorgeat type writer concern on this Coast; investi gate; all mokes, oil prices. The Type writer Exchange, 2874 Washington sU 6PEC1AAL prices; all makes rested, sold, re paired. P. DS C. Co., 231 Stork. Main 1407. Veterinary Surgeons. - - DR. E. W. HAGYARD. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, formerly wUh Marcus Daly's Bitter Root Stock Farm; references. Office 10th aad Wash. Main 107; residence. Main 1224. Veterinary College. Bulletin Son Francisco Veterinary College now ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keaue. 1818 MarkeU Wood and CoaL WESTERN LUMBER A FUEL COMPANY, successor to Portland Fuel Company. Best old-growth cordwood FULL MEASURE, prompt delivery. 267 East Morrison SU phones East 20, B 1020. OREGON ft WASHINGTON LUMBER CO.. slab wood, dry and green. Main 2103, A 4305. . v AUSTRALIAN COAL CO. Full weight prompt delivery. Phone A 2247, Main 547, DRY OAK, alder and fir at Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE? 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOsIZ VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland, Oregon. r i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. - JTo Interest paid cn acoouata, , '' IcTl 103. 2