f THE MORNING OREGON I AX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1909. ' TWO MEN INVOLVED IN THE PITTSBURG GRAFT CASES 'ds9 Woriman & Ki 3 zee RULED MURDERED Offers Wonderful Savings at the r t 1 Testimony in Harriman Suit . Shows Roads Fought 'for Transcontinental Freight. Kang Yu Wei Says Yuan Shi Kai Was Plotter Against " Dead Emperor. afanc EASTERN AGENTS DECLARES CHINESE Oi ng COMPETITION Cie . ySuCiSiV . . ; St TRIAL FOR DISMISSED MAN Reform Movement Greatly Aided by Recent Action, Says Banished Diplomat, and Foreign Inter ference Not Desired. PENANG. Straits Settlement. Jan. 8. In an interview here today Kane Yu Wei. tr.a well-known Chinese reformer who was eipelled from Pekln after the coup d'etat of IS, declared that Yuan Shi Kai lad been dismissed from bis high posi tion s member of the grand council of the Chinese Empire because he was ln otrumcntal in the death of the late Em peror, and that he probably would be placed on trial lor his connection with the matter. The result of this trial will convince foreigners hat Yuan Shi Kai Instituted the murder of the lata Emperor." Karg Yu Wt declared. "His dismissal will work for the good of the constitutional party; the constitution will no longer be delayed. I rppose foreign intervention In favor of Yuan Shal'Kal; that matter Is one for China to settle alone. The regent, Prirce Chul, controls the army and Is Introducing- reforms." Since his expulsion from Pekln ten years afro Kar.g Yu Wei has been in strumental in directing the reform move ment In the Empire from various places outside the country. He Is at present living in concealment In Penang. and very few people are able to see him. It is necessary to be vouched for by friends before access to him can be obtained. It Is Impossible to obtain confirmation of the expectation that Xtn( Yu Wei will now return to Pekln. roWKKS NOT TO INTERFERE No Action by Diplomat Tang Shao YI to Be Recalled. PEKIN. Jan. 8. Tang Shao YL who Is at present in Washington on a special diplomatic mission from the Chinese Gov ernment, has been recalled to Pekin. He will return by Europe, leaving Washing ton immediately. The American and British Ministers here have abandoned their project to unite the various powers In a project against disturbing the present policy of tn Chinese Government. which Is thought to have been initiated In the dis missal from office last week of Yuan Shi Kai. a member of the Grand Coun cil, and this phase of the question Is now regarded at an end. The mission of Tang Shao Yl has been enormously expressive, and In some quarters here his summary recall is regarded as giving color to the reports that charges of extravagance have been lodged against Yuan Shi KaL Tang Shao Yi started on his mission last Kali, under the auspices and with the approval of Yuan Shi KaL Special Ambassador GoinR. WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 Ambassador Tsng has addressed a note to Secretary Root, asking for a farewell audience and stating that he expects to sail for Eu rope in a few days. GPTION LAW CHARGED WIRE Jlanly Says Political Death Will Come to Whoever Touches It. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Jan. 8. "I am aware there, are some who already have advocated the county option laws repeal, but I beg to remind all those who contem plate Its repealing that It Is the llvest wire In the prenent machinery of this com monwealth and is charged with enough electricity to electrocute the party that repeals It." In these words Governor Frank Hanly. In his final message to the Legislature of Indiana, delivered today, closed his appeal lti behalf of temperance, offering figures tending to show that a majority of crime, pauperism, epilepsy and poverty are due to alcohol. FALLS THROUGH SKYLIGHT David Cioldsteln Severely Injured While Shoveling Snow. While shoveling snow from the roof of Cohen Bros.' furniture store. First and Yamhill streets, yesterday afternoon at J: o'clock. David Goldstein, an employe of the firm, made a misstep on an icy surface and fell crashing through a glass skylight. Other employes of the place came to his rescue and found him pain fully cut about the face and iiands. lioldsutn wanted to be taken to Ills home. Grant street, but his friends prevailed ipon him to go to a hospital for treatment. The Red Cross ambu lance was called and he was conveyed to tt. Vincent's Hospital, where It was found that his Injuries will prevent his return to work for many days. BAKER DOUBLES ROAD TAX County to Expend $32,863.18 on Public Highways. . BAKER CITY, Or., Jan. 8. Special.) Nineteen mills tax for Baker County was levied by the County Court today, which 1II raise HS3.r. 33. .to be dis tributed among the difft-ent funds as follows: Courthouse. JT-LlM 36: general f'ind. 1-Tn.KN.lO: roa.U. tK.v3.lS: schools. ti"..i5 state tax. JJS.9K5.2l; library. JSi. The road tax Is almost double that of last year. Pardon for Law-Tester. WASHINGTON. Jan. 8- President Roosevelt today signed a pardon for Wil liam Davis, a bookmaker of New York. lavts arreed to test the bookmaklng laws of the District of Columbia, was arrested at the Bennlrjrs racetrack and was sen tenced to one hour in Jail. Davis applied to the President for a pardon In order that he should not be compelled to forfeit his right to vote and hold office. New Officials Sworn In. MONTESANO. Wash.. Jan. 8. (Spe cial ) The new city officers have been Installed. Thev are: Mayor. George W. Winemire; Citv Clerk. N. D. McKIMp: Treasurer. K. M. French; Attorney. O. M. Nelson: Health Officer. Dr. J. H. Fits; Counrilmen. Ir. F. L. Carr. If. B. Marcy. , Jl W heeler and J. T. Durdle. 'V i it- WILLIAM W. JSAM5SYT . t c w. National Bank, and Joseph C. Wasson. Common Councilman, are two of the men under charges made by the Civic League and -Mayor Guthrie of Pitts burg. The charges are as follows: "That they wickedly and corruptly and unlawfully gave and offered money and other rewards and bribes in order to obtain and Influence the vote'of a number of members of the Select and Com mon Councils to secure passage by the members of the Select mdCom mon Councils certain ordinances and resolutions pending before said bodies, commonly called ordinances nd resolutions, designating the depositories for the funds of the -City of Pittsburg bridge ordinances, bond ordinances for freeing bridges, ordinances for filter beds. . Heberton-street railway ordinance and o'.her resolutions and ordinances." There are six other Councilmen and one other banker Included in the charges. PASTOR IS SUSPECT Reward of $500 Offered for CarmichaePs Capture. BROWNING WAS MURDERED Dentist Identifies Teeth Found In Church Stove, While Pastor's Torn and Broody Clothing Indicates Struggle. PORT HURON. Mich., Jan. 8. The authorities of St. Clair County have of fered a reward of tVH) for the arrest of Rev. John H. Carmlchael. of Adair, pas tor of the church, and the man who was at first supposed to have been killed, dis membered and then burned in the church stove. This action followed soon after . l. l .1 . i .( .... 1 1 , .n r.t the remains found dismembered and charred, on Tuesday. Teeth found in tue stove nave ur positively Identified as belonging to Gid eon Browning by Dr. Charlees W. Bow ber. a dentist of St. Clair. Dr. Bowber says the teeth are a part of a set he made for Browning. If this Identification Is correct, additional strength Is given to . i. - ,ha CI... riff who helieves iiie km "i j ui - -. Rev. J. H. Carmlchael. the Methodist min ister, murdered Browning. Today's developments have led the au thorities to a still more active search for Cannk-liacl. So far. however, neither of the missing men has been found, nor. trace of their movements since Tuesday discovered. It became known tonight tnat Rev. j. H. Carmlchael. the 9t- Clair County minister who has been missing since the night of the Rattle Run Church murder, completed the writing of a novel the day before the tragedy. One chapter deals with two convicts telling freely of the crimes they have committed and knew others to have committed. B EN K ELM AN. Neb.. Jan. 8. Rev. J. H. Carmlchael. who figures in the Adair. Mich., tragedy, was pastor of the Meth odist Church of this place during 1S93 and part of l He was severely criti cised near the close of his pastorate for alleged Indiscretions, and his dismissal followed the bringing of charges against him. He was a member in good stand ing of the A. O. U. W. lodge, of Benkcl man. HOLDS, TWO OFFICES NOW Congressman Liliey Is Also Governor of Connecticut. WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. George L. Lll ley. new Governor of Connecticut, prom ises to be a center of Interest In the con cluding session of the House, because of his failure to resign as Kepresenta-tlve-at-large from tne State of Connecti cut. There has never .been a similar case and there Is understood to be no1 provision of law to prevent his serving In und drawing salary for both positions. It is .pointed out that his retention of membership - In the House, however, makes him liable at any time to be brought to Washington to make a quorum of that body. DOESN'T INTEND TO ItESIGN Was AV11IK to Once, but Resigna tion Was Not Accepted. HARTFORD. Conn.. Jan. 8. Prior to his inauguration as Governor, Congress man IJlley, in an interview, says: "I offered my resignation to Governor Woodruff about the middle of December, but he declined to accept it. . I. therefore, am still Congressman and don't intend to resign." JUDGE SCOLDS -'FRAWLEY Theater Manager Lectured for Em ploying Children Vnder 15. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. . (Special.) T. Daniel Frawley. an actor, well known over the Pacltlc Coast, was severely lec tured by Judge A. W. Frater In the Superior Court today for employing chil dren under 15 who had no permit to re main out of school. Frawley is man ager and leading man of the stock com pany at the Lois Theater. He Is putting "Peter Pan" on this week, and several children are employed. Judge Frater sent one 11-year-old boy to she parental school because his mother had not obeyed the court's order of a week ago to. keep him off the stage. Judge Frater suspended sentence on Frawley. but threatened him with a fine if he ever appeared in court again. Clatsop County's Debt $160,012. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 8. (Special.) The report of County Clerk Clinton for the six months ending on December 31 was sub mitted to the court today and shows the v cS. G.WASSOJY. W. Ramsey, president of the German outstanding warrants to be J162.240.56, with available cash in the hands of. the Treas urer amounting to fc27.76. leaving the net Indebtedness JI6O.012.W. The report calls attention to the fact that in compiling the liabilities and assets, no accounting was made as assets of the taxes due, the two rock cruehers, road machinery or the Courthouse, the latter representing an ex penditure of JJ09.616.35. gr'and jury for SIGNOR Note-Forger Will Be Examined Fur ther by Authorities. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 8. District At torney Donohue said today that he pur posed sending notices to members of the Alameda County grand jury to meet next Tuesday and present to them the evi dence against Frederick B. Signor. who was arrested yesterday and has confessed to forgery of notes aggregating t0.O0O on James A- Murray, the Monterey million aire. At present the authorities are hold ing Signor on the technical charge of forging a note for J40.000. This ia done to prevent him from securing bis release from the custody of the police until the county can act. As the prisoner Is prac tically In control of District Attorney Donohue, to whom Murray made a for mal complaint last night, the police de cline to let any one see the prisoner. The police will neither admit nor deny that' Signor made a confession. It is known, however, that he did confess to the forgeries, but the speculation now is who else has been drawn into the case by his confession. PENDLETON DEBATERS WIN Defeat Team From High School at Ia Grande. PENDLETON. Or., Jan. 8. (Special.) Discussing the subject, "Resolved. That the state should provide by gen eral taxation for a minimum term of six months' school in each district of the state." Pendleton High School's de bating tearq defeated the te.m from the La Grande High School this even ing. La Grande had the affirmative. The decision of the three Judges, all of whom were from the faculty of Whit man College, was In favor of the local team. Harold Warner, Roy Howland and Carl Engdahl composed the local team, while Joe Williamson, Joe King and Henry Zubrick were the visitors. LABORERS HARD TO FIND Oxbow Project and Snake River Railroad Needs Men. BAKER CITY. Or.. Jan. 8 (Special.) There should no longer be any Idle men fn the Northwest, according to General Manager O'Dell, of the Oxbow power project on Snake River, llo "stated to day that he was putting every man to work who came to his camp and has plenty of work for many more. Besides the Oxbow project, which la being built to harness the Snake River for the purpose of generating electricity, the Northwestern Railroad i building rapidly down the river and the I'tah Construction Company, which has the contracts, reports lack of help. EVANS' WIFE IS BUTTERFLY (Continued From First lge.) Naval circles. Only a little while ago, at the launching of the collier Prome theus, at. the Navy-yard, admiring eyes were urned on the hansome Naval con structor and his pretty and attractive wife. .Their little daughter. Dolly, who christened the ship when It glided into the water for the first time, came In for a generous share of the admiring glances and, with the other two little girls, the youngest of whom is 22 months, they made a pretty picture of a happy family. Mr. Evans Is a serious, ambitious man, wrapped up In his profession. He stands in line to be Chief Constructor in the Navy, and those who have watched his work lately say he has been doing the work of alx men. He has had little time and no Inclination for social duties and his wife has 'been left to her amuse ments and her society. Wife-Murderer Gets Life. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. it Judge Bradbury today sentenced Fred Van Meter to life imprisonment for the "mur der of his young wife. Van Meter'a wife died after drinking poisoned coffee His mother-in-law narrowly escaped death. Ten Dry and Eight Wet. WHEELING, W. Va.. Jan. 8. Reports today from 18 municipalities where yes terday elections were held to decide the question of liquor licenses, show that ten went dry and eight wet,. Salem 26; Eugene 16. SALEM. Or., Jan. 8. ( Special.) In an Interscholastic athletic league game to night. Salem High 8chool defeated Eu gene High School at basketball by a score of '26 to 16. Today and Monday .will positively be the last days for discount on West fide gas bills. OTHER LINES ALSO RIVALS Keen Rivalry Between Sunset and Ogden Kotites to Sec Which Could Make Better Showing in Ship ments of Freight From East. NEW Y'ORK. Jan. 8. That prior to 1901 the Southern Paclnc. Union Pacific and Snta Fe Railroads were' In actual competition for California business was testified to by George Smith, of Jersey City, ex-general agent of the Pennsyl- I vania Railroad, at the hearing today of the Government's suit to dissolve the al leged Union Pacific merger. Mr. Smith said also that the Oregon Short Line, the Northern Pacific and the Great North ern competed for freight shipments' into and out of Portland. Or. Shippers at Denver and other Colorado points had been benefited by competition he paid. When asked what other lines in the East have competed for transcontinental busi ness, Mr. Smith said: "The Missouri Pacific, the Denver & Rio Grande, the New York Central, the Erie, the Lehigh Valley, in fact all lines of any importance that connect with Western roads." Former Judge Lovett. of counsel for the railroad, asked whether the Southern Pacific agents were always anxious" to send business over the Ogden route or over the Sunset route, which Southern Pacifip had controlled entirely for' some years. "I never knew a Southern Pacific agent to let go," replied the witness. The fact having been brought out that agencies are maintained by. the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific- In New York. -Boston and Philadelphia, counsel for the Government asked if the compe tition between the two agencies was not solely to obtain the greatest amount of shipments over the respective routes. Mr. Smith replied that that was what he meant by competition between the two agencies. JAPAN TO SEND SQUADRON Three Cruisers Will Visit Coast Dry ing Seattle Fair. VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 8. The steamer Kaga Maru, which was stormbound in the etraft last night, docked soon after noon today, bringing a small complement of passengers and average freight. She brought news that it Is stated by well informed officials at Toklo that the open ing of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi tion at Seattle in June will be made the occasion of a visit of the Japanese train ing squadron, which Includes the cruis ers Soya, formerly the Russian cruiser Varyaga. also formerly Bayan, and prob ably the Tsuruga, formerly Pallada. The squadron will leave Japan in March and It is said that in mapping out the Itinerary, arrangements are being made to Include Seattle and pfobably Esqulmalt. OLD BOARD IS RE-ELECTED Klamath Chamber of Commerce Completes First Tear's Work. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Jan. 8. (Spe cial.) The annual meeting of the Kla math Fulls Chamber of Commerce re sulted in the re-election of the, board of directors as follows: President. W. A. Delzell; vice-president, George T. Bald win; secretary. R. H. Dunbar, who with Alex Martin, Jr., John H. Ellis, W. H. Dolbeer and Frank Ira White compose the board. This terminated the first year under the management of the board and one of activity In public affairs in which the body has gained largely In mem bership and Influence. , WESTERN GOLF MEN WIN Break King Rule In National Or ganization After Fight. NEW YORK, Jan. 8 The United Slates Golf Association at tts meeting tonight voted to amend the constitution so as to permit the placing in the field of in dependent tickets by clubs enrolled in Its membership. The amendment was car ried after violent denunciation of the practice heretofore followed by the ex ecutive of perpetuating In office Eastern men said to belong to a certain coterie. Officers were elected. ' ' . HOBO MAY BE MURDERER Vancouver Officer Picks Vp Tramp as Suspect Wanted in Idaho. VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. &. (Spe cial.) Charles Brown, about 25 years old, was arrested today by Sheriff Sapplngton, near Rldgofield, and is now in the County Jail. He was arrested on suspicion of having murdered Herman Sclilag at Blackfoot, Idaho, December 12, 100S. The Sheriff found him among a crowd of hobos. The Idaho authorities have wired Sheriff Sapplngton to hold Brown until an officer comes for him. Woman Sent to Asylum. ASTORIA. Jan. 8. (Special.) Jennie Crooner, who has been employed here as a domestic, was adjudged insane by the County Board today and was taken to Salem this evening by two attendants from the state Vsylum. Johan Erlckson Teomilla, who lives in a scow at the east ertd of the city, wae arrested last evening on a charge of In sanity, as he had threatened to shoot a number of persons. The man Is being given medical attention, and If he does not improve will be examined by the County Board tomorrow. Marriage Licenses. TI'ONO-OAN Wong Loy, 42. Long Beach. Wash.: Gan Toy. ovr 18, city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. O Smith A Co.. Washington bids.. 4th and Wash. Max M. Smith, florist. 130 Fifth it, opp. Meier ft Frank. M. 721B- FILES CtBED IN tf TO 14 DAYS. Pazo Ointment guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles Id 0 to 14 days or mooey refunded. 50c The way to take the most comfort of this unusually cold weather is to see that you're well supplied with the sort of merchandise that will help you stand the cold. Clearance Sale prices on many things that you need now and quali ties that you know are worth while. Among the goods you'll find at special prices, and that are really indispensable now are Warm Underwear Mens Sweaters Wool Blankets Women's Sweaters Warm Slippers Men's Overcoats - Heavy Shoes Women's Coats Children's Coats Children's Caps Wool Mittens Wool Stockings GOODS REDUCED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. BARGAINS WHERE- EVER YOU LOOM. THE LEADING STORE OF PORTLAND IN QUALITY AND DEPENDABILITY OF MERCHANDISE AND RELIA BILITY OF METHODS. AGENTS FOR ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. Telephone Orders for Cold Weather Goods Will have prompt attention. If you can't come to the store, phone for blankets, underwear, shoes or any of the' cold wave . necessities, and we'll deliver them as promptly as possible. Bear in mind that these goods will take precedence over regular merchandise in our delivery department. STORE OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:30 IS F Von Nieda Accused of Swind ling Poor Women. HIRED TO MAKE APRONS Secured Deposits From Hundreds, but Rejected Nearly AH Goods. Fraud Order Issued and Von Nieda Arrested. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 8. For scheming to defraud poor women throughout the country of Jl each, a fraud order has been ipssued against the Pacific Apron Company, its officers and agents as such and C. K. Von Nieda, manager, of Portland. It Is charged that Von Nieda advertised for women to make high-class aprons, etc., at ti for the first dozen and iZ for each additional dozen, materials fur nished, no cost to get work. Applicants were required to deposit SI as evidence of good faith and were sent 15 cents worth of material to work up intd aprons, subject to approval. Von Nieda admitted that 24 out of every 25 submitted were rejected. He had no market for the goods and the name used by him for his company was sim ply fictitious for the purpose of his scheme. Von Nieda was arrested by the local postal authorities for conducting a scheme to defraud. Through his friends and because his father was a banker at Fargo. N. D., he was not locked up in Jail. His friends came forward and put up a S500 bond for his appearance. Von Nieda had an office in the Marquam building and it was from there that he operated his scheme. When he was ar rested and his mall stopped, several hundred letters had been received at the postofflce for him. The postoffice au thorities here say there are several sacks full of mail addressed to Von Nieda. Young Soldier Arrested. . John B. Dolbeer, a private In "B" Battery of the Sth U. S. Artillery, was arrested last night on the telegraphic request of Captain Fleming, of Vancou ver Barracks, who sent a message to Chief of Polkce Grltzmacher asking for the young soldier's apprehension and stating that he would be found in a room at 82',a North Third street. Dolbeen maintained ignorance of possible charges against him.- He spent the night in the City Jail and will be sent over to Van couver Barracks today. O. R. & X. Replacing Oil Tanks. BAKER CITY, Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.) Contracts are being awarded by the Standard Oil Company for construction of tanks and warehouses in this city on a plot of ground recently purchased by the company. The old. tanks and build ings used by the Standard were burned by the young Incendiary, Golden Anthony, several weeks ago. ' . Chinese Gamblers Caught. Two' Chinese gamblers were caught last night In a raid made by five police officers on tho gambling den on the first floor of 95 Second street The raiding officers were Detective Ser geant Kay and Detectives Johnson, Anundson, Graves and Hunter. The DECLARED MID victims of the raid gaves the names of Ah Sing and Ah Lum. It was said that a number of pfayers made their escape from the room before the po lice effected entrance. The prisoners were allowed to go on bail of $50 each, as is customary in such cases. ' CONDENSED NEWS BY WIRE Salt Lake City Elaborate arrangements are completed for the entertainment of the visiting hotelmen who are to arrive In this city Monday morning-. The Ratherlng l for the purpose of forming a Western Ho telmen's Association. Hamburg The body of Lieutenant Foertsch, the German aeronaut, who lost his life at sea last October, was picked up In the North Sea two days ago by the fishing steamer Orion. New York Socialists In New York are to extend their fields of activity so as to In clude religion. New York's section of the Socialist warty has already established a Socialist Sunday school in Manhattan. Honolulu Dr. J. T. WaysOn, of the Ter ritorial Board of Health, has made definite announcement that a cure for leprosy has been found and that a patient afflicted with leprosy has been restored to health. San Quentin, Cal. Thomas Fallon, who killed his wife In San Francisco In 11X14. was hanged at the state penitentiary here Friday. The drop fell at 10 o'clock, and physicians pronounced Ufa extinct 15 min utes later. ' Los Angeles Persistent' rumors that the Jeffries Athletic dub will soon go out of business resulted Friday In a statement from one In authority that bids have been asked for the plant and pood will of the club, and that Ave bids have been received, three of which are now being considered. Hothouses for Echo. ECHO, Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.) A five acre tract of land lying Just across the river from Echo, was sold yesterday for SKI50. Hothouses will be placed upon it and an up-to-date market garden es tablished by the purchaser, Mr. Frank Skinner, of Grant County. Today and Monday will positively be tho last days for discount on West Side gas bills. Bcall & Co. have moved to their new brick warehouse at 3u-315 East Yamhill, opposite the John Deere Plow Co. This ad is merely, to the fact is the only means of transporta tion not particularly hampered by existing weather conditions. THINK COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Pierce-Arrow and Cadillac, Babcock Electric. SEVENTH AND COUCH STREETS Women's Furs Children's Furs Warm Yaists Knit Petticoats life WHS III ROMP IIROOKXYN IjAD OUTRUNS ALL OTHERS IN MARATHON RACK. On Soft Truck New Athlete Shows Remarkable Speed, Gaining Lead of Half-Mile. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. T. W. Maloney. of tho Trinity Club, Brooklyn, won the in door Marathon race at Madison Square Garden tonight from 31 other competitors In quite handy fashion. His time was 2:51:15 2-5. Maloney, who had run strongly throuh out the race, ran his competitors into the ground after finishing 20 miles, and won practically by himself. Ho was four laps, or nearly halt a mile ahead of J. Crowley, the New Y'ork Marathon winner. Sydney C. Hatch, of Chicago, finished strongly to night and plucked third place from Sam Miller, the veteran who had set the pace for 15 miles. The track was soft. TOMMY MURPHY WINS BOUT First Boxing Match in Gotham for Years Lasts Ten Rounds. NEW YORK. Jan. S. Before the big gest crowd that has attended a boxing match since the resumption of the sport here Tommy Murphy ouipointed Frank C. Madden, both of New York In a ten round bout at the National Sporting Club of America tonight. The men met at 13K pounds. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clranwt tuid beaulifiei th hair. Promote! loxurunt (rowth. Never Foil to Bestoro Gry Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure icaJp dneasc A hair taking. 40c, and tl." at Pn?ggM call your attention to that the IT OVER