TWO fiOOD SOLICITORS for ttsrest mara lin romblnati 'h offer of IV season; Ms weekly and free tran"por;ati n: Al t'fcr-en-- or 1 ond D'-Mary Call after 1. P M. R. H. Maddan. 502 Swet.and 6 nig-. Portland. Or. ' HANKX'S LOUIES- A'.EXCT. 843tj Wnehmgto at., cor. 7t. urs'.airs. Phones Main and A 2'1.2. Help Supplied Free to Fmi'M'yflT YOUNG ladies desiring to tal part In Kstli-cla mu!-al comedy local pr.-due-I on of p'.s-'lure res-ie- tab'i '. t y. ml'lress Madam Cra wford. A ' 41.'.. Oregnni..n. ELDERLY woman for ci r.cral housework: mall wage. "od hem. I'.n'ilre . 11 and 3 Ss:u-hiy. tll Michigan ave. Phone Scllwood ii-ii. IV A N T : ' i A cnTipc'ent girl for genera: housework. I In f anlly. Apply 7S1 Love Joy. Phon Mair. :;7 W. A RELIABLE Nora girl for general home work: mut b good cook. Inqulr at 320 11th at. ( HANSEN'S LAD IKS' AHENTT. 84 Wfclrgton St.. Cor. 7rh. Upstair. Phon Main 20H2. WASTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position Viavl Co. 609 ltotn ehild hl.lg . 4rn and W ashlngton. HELP WANTEH-MALE OR FEMALE. GOOD. FRIGHT. Industrious a!Mmfln and uivomn demonstrators, district mgrs. ; a clean. high-class proposition and a big moDy-makr. which none hut the lntel- lectual can afpreola:; nne but a!.oiute ly th beat need apply. 9oO Marijuam bldg. WANTED Men, women, boys and gir-t to make 125 one day: nothing to sell. Send your nam and eddres at once. K 55o, Oregonlan. WANTED Singer, romedlana. performer and mualrlans. Call Newman Theatrical Circuit. 21.3 Buroalde. Phon Main bi'iS. F76K TEACHERS' AGENCY needy taeher Dow. 6:2 Swetland bidg. lhoa Main 4.S71. rREXCa AND HERMAN In classes, $1 pT month to beginners. 4'2 Morrison. SITUATION' W ANT ED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. JDPO CLERK want position. My registra tion xpired Occr;:!- n In bii.-inas. I am honest, reliable and thoroughly capable: apprentice salary sufficient to tart. N 5ou. OrrKonlax EXPERIENCED office and traveling man with beet itty reference as to integrity and reliability, -warts position: no travel lng. no soliciting. N 3.1. OrcgonUn. WANTED Position la hardware cr general tore; 16 year' ex.perl.-ne aa clfrk and manager: good bookkeeper; r-.untry t-.wn preferred; reference AC O, Oregonlan. ATTORNEY of 14 year" practice In Mid dle East desires position In law collection or real eatale of.ic or will form parlner hlp. H 652. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. tenographer and clerical man: best reference and bond. O 660. Oregonlan. lOl'XO man attending busln eollee. wanr place to work for room and board. X -4.'l0. Oregonlan. Mlseelumeon. 1 POSITION aa chauffeur In prlrat family by young married man. tem;-eral and care ful driver; reference. S JiO. oreoiilan. YOl'NO man attenltng oolleg wlshe p: where he enn work for board- and rm. AL 476. Oregonian. GOOD Japane boy want altuntlon aa cook: haa experlenc ar.d speak English. E biZ, Oregonlan. ENERGETIC yonnc man wlahea position a grooery clerk or aolieltor; experienced: best of reference. li 601, Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese couple wants position, nian tlrat-clnee cook, wife to do housowork. city or out city. C 6i. Oregunian. BRIGHT, lnduetrlous yourg man. ag 21. desire a ..eltlon of s--m alert: can llv city references. O 6M. Oregonlan. IN fattory or In tore, wholeev.e or retail, Jar-anse want altuatlon. Write R. Y.t 41 Stark t. EXPERIENCED foreman and tlmeleeeper wants position any kind; A-l refereQoe. O 61. uregunlan. YOI'NG Japan, gentl and honest boy. wishes position hou work. X Ca, Ore gonlan. GOOD Japan want position, cook Job. 661. Orvgonlan WANTED Situation by Japan boy to do cooking. N f03, Oregonlan. WANTED Position In bakery or hotel! nrst-clas references. QV.O Italelgh Bt. JAPANESE contract any kind of Job. 14 Couch t., city. S. Oiaha. A 435S. 8ITTATTOX W A NT E 1) It- MALE. , Bookkeeper and Stenographer. TAXY tenog-rpher of 10 year experience, In East desire position. H Ore gonlan. Dreaunakrra FIRST-CLASS fressmsking at kwsx price, lira. Acgle 12 3th and Main. FRACTICALi tuna will take entlr car of Infant or Invalid, reasonabla Addreas box WT. Lent, or. Hoaekeexm. MIDDLE AOED lady of good family desires position In prlvat home: good cook; klna disposition, fond of children; wilting to assist In general housework and plain ewlng. A !" 4V Oregv.nlan. WANTED by capable woman, car of Invalid or housekeeper for eUerly person; best references. Address K 6j4. Ongonlan. WANTED A pos tlon ta housekeeper. Mrs. Mary Dean,!. . I.akota. nameitli. CAPABLB woraan will help generally or car for children aleep at home, $1 day. B t'A. Oregonlan. TOUNO Japanese girl wnn housewok. mall ChrUtiau family. 11 S69. Oregoniaf- Iscel hi neon. CAPABLE woman, grown daughter and son. a cook and 1k!p.t in ca.-up or country hotel. J 6..3. .r, KttUn. WANTED AC: ENTS WANTED Flrat-clars man in everv town In Oregon to s.-:i "I1. so;" c'i-i;-t and most pt-rfc.-t tiis;"r:.-:ant kr.o-Au. SS to $10 a flay easily mi.l.'. lioz- I. s.uf t-i-rant Co., i -i Wnaulaictoa St., loniana. or. CAN glv a town or country contract waer by a riiAb.e r;i5r.ian can rim from $:iv) to $2X l-r siek. t'nl.fl Wlrele.- Te.e grpn Co.. 4:0 t'orhett b.,.g. WANTED TO KfcNT. WANTED In mother ar.d e. r. two or three neatly fum.slie.i lioue- ket r--:i-s. wa.ii- lr.r; give ,nu a.-..; l--u. n; . in glvo l-st vf r :rnr. ts. A.l-lr.-.s 2u 7-04, l'rfru4l.iin. WANTEI To rent snai: hoi:s- or InMun f urn iMi-l notn: S. 1c; no c:illiir.-n; atate lowest rat--s n:ij j.artlculars. Ad dress K. i2. Oiei;onia.l. IUMM wan'e.1 by genii nan. or with out board. l. s.-ril-.- ci. fully and Stat terms. c 5.M. or. coiiian. n.iNri.n mix tiaNt.ois. WE I'AT TCP I'lliCEj FOR KV i:rn::::; AXd arythlrg e.- you h.e to e:l. I'oHTUNU Al Cl.ON CO.. Ma n liilX A 4121. WANTED Men' . art -',(T clothlr.g and ehoea: w also b-y roii-h-.d f ur n . .:;gs . h!het prices paid Caii a: lie "K-lr Ldal." IJ td st. North, friwu llaln W-72. rOKD ALCTION CU. "Pa s th pric" It evcocd-haad furol tur. East ! B Mil. WANTED iSpac by ladr enogrpher for public work, hotel preferred. A C 42. Oregonlan. HPOT cash paid for your r irn'ture. prompt attention a. way given phone East lo,7. WE" FU'Y ar.d s-Il diamonds Xrokerac room 12 ilsn. lton blc.g. CLOTH ISO Clothing Prion Main 3491. Highest jrlce Dalii. SJ N". 3d t. tVA-NTr-I SniaU children u board, 2 Knoll St. Furnished Room. 0LEXDOI1A HOTEIi 19th nd Couch, on lr ne mar.agement. nicely furnished rooms, f2 per wiek and up. large parlor, p.ano. poo! and billiard tables free to guests, dining-room In connection, xcl lent mea.s a specialty THE AUDITORIUM. Now open. 2U8 Third St. Ha evry modern Improvement. Thor otich1v renovated and undor new nian- Bu-tnrnt; steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, private oams, elevator and plenty of hot waier day and night; sf.-iiI rat.-s to goort. permanent roomer THH HARTUX. .5th and Alder; new man agement: newly rer.sVated throughout: 70 outslce rooms: steam Leat. electric lights, etc.: room tl ni.nth up; suites with run ning water, 22.oO to 30; elegant publlo pari-r; phor.en and baths free. TUB COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnishci ro.jnis, tl per week up; steam heat, hot and cold va'cr, free baths) enl; nts t . c, 7oc and $1 per dav; o,-en all night: off.c and readlr.g room ground floor. 4SS-4i2 Washington at. THE NEW BCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and P.urnalde; In h heart of th city; everything brand nw; nrest rooms in town; an ideal Winter heme: rates reasonable; frea bus to a.l train THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL Eiiil and Morriet-n; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cid water, baths free; 3 per week up; transient solicited. I'hone A 44-S, Main 4501. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill t. opp. Port land Hotel r'lrep-oof building; ail mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guest. A. 11. Pracht. proprietor. HOTEL Bl'EHMARK. Waahlr.gton and 17lh. Urat-ciaM furnished rooms. alriiTle or en suite; all modern con veniences; $Z weekly up. A 2o47. Main f647. HOTEL KENTON. ISth aad Washington Modern rvorr.s, single ar.d ea ult; also housekeeping : running water, prlvat and fre baths; rates reasvnabi. Pacific 40. THE SHERMAN 123 12th. cor. Wash., on At new management; thoroughly reno vated: rooms, $2M and up; apecial atten tion given to transients: 50c and up. THE ESTES Mood room, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and bath f ree. . 127 uj tetark. corner 6th. Mrs Maud J. Este. THE COZY. 195 7th and Taylor, nlc ifcrg. warm rooms, suitabl for 2 gentlemen, with or without board. FRIVOESS HOTEL, 14 East Burn!d t.; only fireproof hotel In city; modern In every respect; reasonable prlcca. East 171. THI-: HEAVER. 12th and Marshall ts r'urr.lshed rooms, best In City for money: 2 per week; modern; free baths; no dogs. HOTEL MONARCH. 81.1 Stark. Modern Mini. $.1 and up; transients solicited. THE RANDOLPH. 84 and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath: oOc to $1 day. f2 to 14 week. EXCELLENT front room, on Morrison at.; buth, phone, etc.; cheap. 471 Morrison. THE ANGELES. 6th and Jeffron. modern room and apartments; both phone. THE NEWHALL Grand ave. and E Wash.; modern, en suit or single; reasonable. THE ELWOOD Newly furnlslved. II to 15; also transient room. S43Uj Morrison. THE NEWPORT. II34 Washing-ton, pewly furnLshed. hot and cold water, steam heat. Furnished Room In Private Family. ONE beautifully located bay-window front room; nicely furnished, open grate, bath, phone, light; prlc 11. Phon Sellwood 1 WJ. NICELY furnished front room: phono, gas, bath, furnace heat, walking dlatance. &S4 Huyr, bet. lath and lstu. NICFTI.Y furnished, attractive front room; all conveniences; central; gentlemen only. o27 7th St. NICELY furclahed room, family of 2. M East tSth st. N., comer Davl. apartment 2. NICELY- furnished room In private family, M nnd S. Apply 844 Hall at. FTRN'ISHED front room, bath, 13 week. 8J2 N. 24 th st. Room With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Thr of th most elegantly furnished suite In Portland. Just vacated by parties going to California for the Winter; very modern; steam heat, hath, private phone, across to pool and Millard tables. Corner Grand and Hawthorne ave. BLAKELY HALL. R00 Jefferson at., between Sth.and 0th Pleasant room, with first class board, hot and cold water; good heat, dtiilrahl location for permanent or transient guests. PORTLAND Women' Union, 20th year; room with board, us of ewlng-room and library; Women's Exchange. Mia Ella Supu. B10 Flanders si. HOTEL BAKOENT. Family hotel, has the l-e.-vt steam-heated rooms In Portland: modern convanlencea Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. ONE slr.jrl room with first-class board, n.50 per week, also tal.le board $4 per week, good horn cooking. Asser House. 7th and Madison. THH COLONIAL, cor. 10th and Morrison Pej board In city for price: pleasant rooms: sneam heat THE LINDEI.L, 2" Market Nicely fur nished room, home cooking; steam beat, lectrlo light, bams, phones, ti weekly. THE MAl'.LYN. Washington and 17th. well furnlsbed rooms. hot and cold water, horr. cocking, permanent or transient. THE MOp.RISON. 833 Morrlsna t.. family hotel, modern, r.ew management; board op best tabl board; price moderate. ROOMH. alngle and en suit, modem coa vcnlmcea. 4.".2 Morrison, cor. l.'Uh. Rooms With Board In Prtvata Family. NEWLY furnished rooms, open tireplace, lit-st -class home cooklup; swell locality, walking distance; modern and comfortable home. 1; :;d t. N. Phon Main 3483. TWO elegantlv furnished roema. with board; fireplaces: both phono; two couplea pre ferred. 564 Flander. . TWO front rooms, also slngl rooms, with I card. ba'h. furnac- heat, parlor, horn cooKlr.g. 4JJ 7th. LAUilS nice front room, with board, I gen tinmen: close In; horn cooking. Phon Main 4j:J: Nlt'KLY fu-nlshed rooms, horn cooking, 4.4 liurr.sldo. Main r. i;7- Tvo larsp. fror.t rooms, horn privileges, home eo..k::ig. reasonable. East 244. $"1 pleasant. f umae-lvati d room and board: ideal home. 470 M ain St. . R''M and board by week or month. 1C42 Cor tier: st. 1 Apartment. I1KINZ APAItTMFNTS, 14th and ColnmMa. luo feet fr.-m J.-ffcrson or 13th-st carilne; ei'-y w.i:k!r distance; new, handsome trick i-iiii-ilng. In 2, 3. 4-room family; t-rlvat bath and reception hall, meam hot water, elevator, free pli -in. Janitor service, maximum of con Itil.noo. elepanoo. etiulpinent, completely f urr.lKntd. rtaiiy for housekeeping; som iiulurnuiitd; rent reasonable. IONIAN COURT Elcitant 4-room residence aj each having private vent! by-e and bath. :en. heat, hot and cold w-ter. gas rar-Ke. r:rlgcrators, wlmlow s:.d screens, tele; hone and Janitor servile. App.y Jaaltcr. 1Mb and Couh. THE KEARNEY 21si and Kearney New n-roc.m ateam-heated uparlment; every modern couvenience. ex-elient nelghbor-ho-.d. See owtiT. :122 Faillnir bidg.. for terms, which will be maoe very reason ab.a TUB SHEFFIELD. Th and JefTcreon at.; urfurnls.-el l-rmm apartment. 1'eh. 1. with bath: ne.v, moilern an-1 tUi.y equipi-d for c.irvcr.lence; rent rcsso.nsb.e; location save cartare. Anply to Janitor. Main SiesS. THE MORDAt'NT. S Everett, on choice a; artment f-r rent; steam beat. Janitor serv.c-. waikitg distance. Inqulr of Jar-itcr. Jt-l-'FK.ItSi N1AN 2 and 3-room suites, fur nxied for lioiisekeeplng, atrictly modern. M4 JcfTcison Si. M A III.! iO HOUGH nynrtments. Flanders. .". roms. unfurnished, steam heat In abundance.. COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 8 and 4-room modern apartinenta 11th and Columbia. s7 v '.'z Everett. 3-room. steam-heated modern. W. L. Morgan. o-2 taJliug bidg. Apartment. THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay Furnished and unfurnished t ar.d 4-room apartment; modern throughout; walltlnr; dlBtanra. flat. FOR RENT Modern, up-to-date upper flat, tl rooms and 2 room In attic, nreplac and furnace. 444'j Park st., 37 Ou. Phon East 1431; Tabor 7tKt SIX-ROOM flat, all modern; also furnltura ior sale- 1:15. electric light, furnace; a snap; murt sell. Call 31 N. 17th at. FLAT ll4'i McMlllen. three block north of east end of Steel bride. Apply 1S8 McMlllen st. MODERN 4-rcom flat, walking distance, 12 per month. ;31 Mississippi ave. Teie phor.o Woodlahvn 302. NEW FLATS. 6 rooms and bath. "31 Hoyt st. Apply 132 6th sL Main 0278. 828 l'AI'.il ST. 6-room f,at, close In, reason able. NEW 7-room lower flat. 148 S4th street, keys at 7i4 Irving. DESIRABLE tirper flat, centrally located, for rent. Inquire at 115 Ablngton bldg. 4-HOOM flat, furnished, bath, gas, furnace; very reasonable. 42.4 7th. 6-ROOM new. modem flat, 624 Jj East Stark. Inquire 626 East Stark. LOWER FLAT 6 rooms, fireplace, furnaoa, porch, yard, Xob Hill. Main 4220. House k rev In g Rooms, THE BEAVER. . 12th and Marshall ta. Newly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartment $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms 2.50 week up; best in city lor money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take "S" or loth-L. car north, get off at Marshall st. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631H Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished boueekeeplng room: ga ranges, hot water, free bath, fre phon. both floor. lc aulte from 12 up. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping- room. 2, SS-J10 month; 3 for 12, $15; sleeping room. $1.2." wk. ; west side river. 364 N. 20th, 16th-t. car to 2tith, south half block. BEAUTIFULLY located pay-window, unfur nished 2-roora sun In centrally located apartment-bous. ScSH Jefferson, cor. Ota. ONEONTA. 17 17th. -near Yamhill. 2 and o-room furnished suites (gas range, hot and cold water i, heat, phones and bath. WAYNEWOOD. 109 N. ISth. nicely fur nished housekeeping Kulie. everything convenient. 4ei EAST Morrlscn. cor. r.ast 8th, complete ly furnished housekeeping rooms, modern THE ELMS F"urnlshd 2 and S-room apart ments : heat, phones, bath. Till 14th t. Housekeeping Room In Private Family. TWO room nicely furnished for housekeep ing, $10 per month. 309 Clay t.. near 6th. Phone Main S346. FOR RENT 4 or 5 fnrnle-hed housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 3t6 Larrabte t., near Steel bridae. 250 N 1'Jl'H Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, ail conveniences. Main bai7. TWO furnished housekeeping room, no children. 15 14th t cor. Taylor. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOM In basemont In exchange for light work. 523 Morrlaon st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, cheap. 640 Morrison st. Ib'.l 13TH St.. two complete housekeeping rooms; bath, gas and phone: IltL FOR RENT Elerant modern S-room house, within 13 minutes' walk of business cen ter; nice lawn, furnace, reasonable rent. Tenant may have Immediate possession If 1lred. 243 McMlllen st. or pi.ono East & v2. WHEN YOU MOVE you always ned BOMB furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT price: th lav Ins will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING: oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balanc. M ORG AN-A TCI j LEY FURNPIURE CO., Grand av. and E. Stark. Phone East 2'J29. A NEAT, modern 5-rcom cottage; electricity, furnace ana jHircelain bath; large ground! rent $20. Apply room 301, Th Dekum. T ROOMS., upstairs, close In. worklngman' quarters; rent $12. R Huetlkofer. 205 Salmon. Will rent to colored people. MODERN house. 351 Union ave. Apply 188 McMlllen at. MODERN house. 6 rooms and bath, 773 Irving st. Apply 132 0th t. Main 0278. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, 703 Everett st., $110 per month. Owner, 318 Falling bldg. NEW houso, 5 rooms nnd bath, 71 E. Hith St. North. Apply 132 0th St. Main 6278. ON Salem Electric, 6c fare. $10; this month, $5. Phone bollwood 1105. MODERN 7-room house, central. W. H. Lesh, 613 Dekum bldg. 6-ROOM cottage. $22, gas and bath. Inqulr 444 11th st. 7-ROOM house for rent, Inqulr 113 Ablng ton bldg. Furnished Hotine. 4 OR 5-room furnished modern flat. 301 Holladay ave. Phone East 3!s or Inqulr 2".".3 Hollariay ave. COMPLETELY furnished flat. bath, pantry ar.d cloeots. wouiiL Hire to board with renter. Main t-5-19. 2n2r5 Clay. House for Itent Purnltur for Sale. BARGAINS In nice furniture of elegant 3 room, stcHm-heated apartment, close In, rent $112.50: also one 4-room Irving apartment, elegant furnishing at half value. Mrs. Lent. Main Slir.o, A 317.1. FOR SALE Furniture modern 0-room low er flat sacrificed; term If desired, or will rent. Main 0'J."4. 2ii'.H4 Columbia st NICE 8-room house and furniture for aale. E 650. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Carpenter shop. 4"3 East Mor rison, pear Grand ave. Inquire of Paul Zimmerman FOR RENT Four Btore rooms In a three story brick building, corner Grand and Belmont sts. Hartman & Thompson. STOItE with living rooms above. 10S Union ave. See Hartman A Thompson. C. of C. FIRST and eerona floors, each 25x100. new brick. Jobbing district. N 617. Oregonlan. STORE, prominent location on Morrison. Answer soon to II 554, Oregonlan, i Office. DESIRABLE OFFICES $ltl $15 $20 In heart of busine district. Well lighted and ventilated: two elevator: all night service: hut and cold water, gas and elec tric lights; excellent Janitor service; auto matic tire alarm system: low insurance; property protected by nisht watch. Desk r.xim $5 and up. Si3 SWETLAND liLDC... Oth and Wash. GKolND FLOOR dc.-k room, furnished or unfurnished. including botn telephone; central location. S'-ngstak A Lyman, 90 6th St. PRIVATE office. Px.fl t., carpeted, both phones, office attendance, with or without wen -..graphic work, reasonable. 222 Falling bi.iir. DES1KAI1I.E suites, single offices and desk room, centrally located. Raleigh bldg., S23o, Washington, cor. 6th. DESIRABLE desk room for rent In Cham ber of Commerce. Inquire room 4.12. GROUND FLOOR office space, first-class and reaaonable. S!8 Stark at. FOR PENT A few office In Couch bldg. Apply Room BoL ' KOO.MING-HOlE OrPOKTCMTIES. MPS. LENT'S Rooming-House Agency ltoomlng-houses. all sizes and price. Phone Main e".60. A 3475. 411014 Wash. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCES. GREATEST cenernl merchflndls proposi tion In the state now offered for sale. Stock now reduced to about $10,000. in excellent shape. Beit location in best town in the urate. Inquire 212 Third t- RESTAI'R ANT Cheap If taken at one; owner must leave city. 330 1st. GOAL AND WOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE. The best In the state; S teams. 4 wagona. 2 woodsaws, 2000 cords of wood, plenty of srtumpage. plenty of ordera, good con tract with sale: must b sold at once; good reason for selling. Come quick if you want a bargain; part cash. D. S. CAMERON' REALTY CO., 610 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. WHOLESALE and retail lumber company incorporated, requires the sorvlces of par ties fullv competent of filling the follow ing r.ajned petitions, who are financially able tff Invest capital In amounts of $1000 and up. a gilt-edge Investment: book keeper nnd accountant, stenographer and assist, bookkeeper, retail salesman, sales manager, yard foreman. mill foreman, sawyer. logging foreman, general super intendent. K 547. Oregonlan. GREAT BIG SNAP. 80 rooms, ateam heat, runnlnr wa'er In rooms, very i.icely furnished, 2j veinf lease, at very low rent. 1 he very best location In the city. Here I a chance to make $1000 In the next 60 day. If you want a live nap. don't delay, for thla Is certainly one. Price. 8160O; $1000 cash, balance 3 months. D1ETZ-MUELLER CO. 4U7-18 Corbett Building. AN Interest In a wholesale and retail lum ber business for sale. Incorporated, direct manufacturers and owners of our own mills, capacity of mill 60,000 feet per day. fully modern equipment and retail yards In a first-clasa location, plenty of re sources for timber; a very entertaining proposition for an Investment, especially 'or parties able to fill an executive or me chanical position. AB 620, Oregonlan. CAPITAL INVITED $50,000. mere or less, either as stockholder or loan, latter pre ferred. Good Interest To enlarge well established wholesale and retail Import business. Preferred stock now on th market. 8 per cent Interest guaranteed. Privilege of withdrawing at the expiration of 3 years Only A-l reputation need ap ply. AE 406. Oregonlan. HARDWARE, implement and grocery busi ness In llv town 25 mile from Portland, paying gllt-edfte per cent on money In vested, Including store, blacksmith shop and residence; price $4750, above Invoice: iekness forces owner to sell; the owner of a fine hotel property will sell rlirht; town haa fine prospects. Phone M. I53. FOR SALE A rare chance for a party with $400O or $5000 to buy a well etabilshd general mcee. business In a live, growing city in Western Washington; low rent, cen tral location. Particular on application. Heavy discount If taken soon. No trades considered. Address D 646, Oregonlan. JEWELRY dept. In well-known business house; established trade $10,000 each year; will sell at Invoice of otock; money re quired about $4500: long lease at $560 per month. Including show window, etc. Par ticulars National Realty & Trust Co., 82614 Washington st. WANTED Bright, honest, sober young man with small capital aa partner In a good paving cash business; am tired of hired help. AB 622, Oregonlan. , FOR SALE or trade for realty, the beat es tablished ladles' and gents' clothing, boots, shoes and furnishings store In the Willamette Valley doing strictly cash business: $3000 cash or realty will handle It. AC 427. Oregonlan. A GOOD, live man In every town In Ore gon. Washington nd Idaho; $20O to $1000 requlrea; handle own money: no risk; $130 to $:;0O per month: act quickly. Address manager, 218 Commonwealth bldg., Port land. Or. MT. ANGEL wants a general store, hard ware grocery, harness. Jewelry, clothing, r-plendld opening for such; we have 700 people, two big colleges and rich country; full Information at drugstore, Mt. Angel, Or. TOU CAN GET action on all mining and Industrial stock and bonds through head quarter at Catterlln c Co., suite 8, Ohamber of Commerce. We buy. sell or trade. Call or write. FOR EXCHANGE or rent, furnished lunch counter, 312 Burnslde. $300; restaurant, 103 No. 3d St.. $400; 11 rooms, rent $45, . furnished, $300. Owner, 13 6th, near Burnalde. Main 6377. A BARGAIN In advertising space in Bon vllle's Western Monthly; spac that was secured through (ill-year club of 20 pages Write for particulars to 1024 East Main St. R. M. Rayborn. FOR PALE Only drugstore In llva. grow ing town In Southwest Washington; dally cash sales $20: expense $20 month; yearly profits $2000 net; Invoice $3200. Address M 546. Oregoniaii. MANUFACTURING and Jobbing, want an active, reliable man to take one-half In terest; business pays fine Income and Is growing; only $:0 required. 208 Stark st., suite 32, second floor. IF you want bargains In groceries, res taurants, home bakeries, delicatessens, lunch stands, confectionery. In fact any tlilni. see Young. 612 Gerllngar bldg. IN groceries we have some that cannot b duplicated In prices; one of about $1500 to trade for clear vacant lots or small liouse and lot. 272 Stark st. WANTED by a responsible party, to take charge of a rooming house with the privi lege of buying, city or country. Address, P 533. Oregoulan. RESTAURANT, well stocked with canned goods and fuel, over 60 steady, boarders, for salo cheap; also others that ar bar gains. 272 Stark St. WANTED Enterprising man to take half Interest In company to manufacture a household necessity; $2500 required. Spen cer & Co., 102 2d St. A MONEY-MAKER for sale on easy terms; a complete manufacturing plant all ready to go into active operation. Kinney & Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR RENT 14 fine store suitable for Jewelry, cutlery, drugstore or other legiti mate business. Inquire of Cha. Riley, 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 44S6. FIRST-CLASS apartment-house and lot in line locality, doing good business; price $26,000; $1(1,000 cash, terms on balance. See our agent at 103 2d st. WILL TRADE 160 acres deeded timber, near Corvallis. 4,000,000 to 6,000.000 feet, for stock ranch or good city property. Call 721 Board of Trade. 8 YEARS In Alaska: am ffolng back; res taurant will go at half price; a bargain; call early. 7lil Board of Trade. MUST BE SOLD Hotel of 68 rooms, owner leaving city: long lease; cheap If ol Boon. 623 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE Confectionery store, pool hall and building. Address F. A, Larkln, i-outh Bend, Wash. OFFICE manager for choice cities, salary and commission; $300 required. O 546, Oregonlan. N FOR SALE Moving picture and vaudeville show; price $S0O: terms. Cost $1300; other business. Box 3S1. Cottage Grove. AGENCY for a specialty: require som can vassing: pays $200 month; $400. W. W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave. IF you want to buy or sell rooming-houses or business chance of any kind, s us. H. W. GARLAND CO., 1B1 4th St. FOR a good location suitabl for cigar store, bootblack stand or barber shop. Inqulr of Cha. Riley. 219 Lumber Exchange. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other .bonds bought and sold. Th Fletcher Co.. 125 Ablngton. FOR SALE Good business with good stock, cheap rent, for sale cash or real estate. Call 100 3d St. GOOD grocery, must be sold at once on ac count of Illness; best location In town. L 53S. Oregonlan. A CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, good location, will be sold at right price, 273 Stark st. HALF INTEREST In clean, profitable busi ness, well established, $1500 required. Spencer & Co., 102 2d St. SALOON for sale, make offer this week. 288 Burnslde t- GROCERY at S34 Id; good chance; very cheap. Com and see owner. LADY who has $1000 to loan desires an office position. Address S 459, Oregonlan. FURNITURE business, best location on East Side. Inquire at 537 Williams ave. A (lOOD man to take active interest in an up-to-date real estate office. 272 Stark. ARE YOU looking for a really profitable, safe. Oregon Investment, In which sums of $50 and upwards invested can not be lost, and will pay handsome monthly dtvl denda for life? If so. for particulars and terms, call on or address Geo. Curtis, 311 Couch bldg., Portland. Or. - FINE FACTORY SITE with railroad facil ities. Size of lot 02x233 1-3. Small hous on lot that can be sold. City water, electric lights, etc. Price, $3700; $2000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 200 Chamber of Commerce, LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency iestabllh4 IMS) furnishes free Information on oppor tunities in mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or couatry. THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-6 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market, city; good llxtures. good business, good location, little competition, mostly cash trade, doing over $2000 a month; expenses small; lease; sell lnvol;e price, about $4500; good reasons. M 533, Oregonlan. $2300 Partner to plat 80 acres on Interur ban near Portland. A E 415. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. Money loaned quickly and privately on real, personal and chattels, diamonds and Jewelry, and on all valuable collateral Mortgages and contracts bought. EASTERN CAPITAL. This company Is organized for the pur pose of providing ready money at the lowest cost. Our repayment plan will suit you. You can arrange to repay In monthly or weekly easy payments. All business strictly confidential. Call or phone Main 20S4. TJ. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO Room 12, Hamilton Bids., 131 Third St. $$$$$$$$ $ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Kothchiid bldg.. cor. 4th and Wirt. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or mploy can obtain money of us on his not without security. $15 return to us 4 a Mo. $30 return to u - S a Mo. $30 retura to u . $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. 6peclal rates on pianos, furniture, etc MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES NO MORTGAGE XO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY' NO SECURITY. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO- 704 DEKUM BLDG. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. Mo. Seml-Mo. Wk.y. !7S return to u $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 50 retura to u. ... 13.33 8.63 J.23 30 return to ua 8.00 00 200 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00' 1.00 2o9 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark st. MONEY advanced salaried people and other upon their owa name without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 principal cities; save, yourself moaey by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 81T Lumber Exchange Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment leans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horse, Insurance poli cies, salaries and all kinds of securities, NEW ERA LOAN Sc MTG. CO.. 403 Swetland bldg. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 and 7 P ent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL. Room 6. 265 Washington street, cor. Bd. ON Improved city property or for building purposes: 3 to 8 years' time: liberal repay ment privileges; money advanced as bul.d Ing progresses. Th Equitable. 2d and Stark st. MONEY sold on Installment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary ; best si s tera for railroad, streetcar employes, me chanics and olucrs. F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 2s0tt Washington St. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and jewelry, hi. fierce, oiu ai" o,u. MONEY to loan Ul large and small sums a to 8 per cent on Improved leal aatat. POUTER & FRENCH, . G07 Commercial bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. A M. Delovag. Jeweler. 201) Washington at. TO LOAN $50,000 at low rate of Interest. PORTER : FRENCH. $07 Commercial Bldg. $ '00.O00 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 Falling bldg. LOANS on real estate and all kind of per sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. $100 000 to loan In sum of $1000 or mor to u't 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M G Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantiee, German-American bank ac counts. Lewis 41 Co.. 251 Washington st. WE will buy your Title or Oregon Trust account and telephone bond. E. L. Fra ley Co., 917 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on East and West Side business and resldeno property. Aian or Q" MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER CENT. STRONG & CO., 605 CONCORD BLDG. I MAKE loans, any size, on Improved city property 410 Falling bids. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Frary ; Seltz. 132 6th st. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamond and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d Bt. MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux. 204-6 Fenton bldg. ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 to 7 per cent Interest. 203 Gerllnger bldg. MON14Y loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts W H. Nunn. 440 Sherlock bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. $1500 $2000 to loan on improved property. 7 per cent, n uoi, uictuuiau. Loans Wanted. $SoO ON a modern cottage and lot 100x100 In Montavllla; property worth $18oO; 2 years 8 per cent: Interest seml-anually; excellent party. Starr & Campbell, end of Montavllla carilne. WANTED Money to loan In Yakima Val ley; hlph Interest returns; best security. G. A. Benedict. North Yakima, Wash. $70fio At 6' per cent, on residence worth $15,000; principals only. S 548, Oregonlan. $80-00. WILL pay 8 per cent, security $24.- 0'K. Phone Main 6427. LOST AND FOUND. FIVE strayed heifers, one black, four brown, with bell; about 1 year old; owner can have same by paying for this ad and feed bill. N. A. Pearson, Sellwood, opp. Wlls burg School. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, leturned same day. 22S Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Diamond ring on Salmon St., Tuej dav; $25 reward. W. W. Graves. Phone M. S199. . LOST On 5th st. S. Portland, ladys gold watch, hunting case; liberal reward If re turned 337 Sacramento st. LOST 5old watch and pin. with Initials E M. G., on each. Phone M. 6052. or address 96 N. 11th; reward. LOST 1 Jersey heifer. 2 years old. strayed from Alder-st. dock: reward. Regulator Line. Main 914. FOUND Gray pony, wearing string of bells, on Lincoln road. Call on John Zoller, milk ranch. Main 2493. LOST A tan leather purse containing $85 In gold; liberal reward if returned to Oregonlan ofllce. LOST Old-fashioned cameo pin from Nor tonla to Main and Nartllla; reward. 103 Front st. phone M. 1306. LOST White muff on 14th, between Taylor and Mill. Please return to Oregonlan office. FOUND Gold watch nnd fob, last Tuesday. W. H. Peterson, 76 6th St. IMPONDERO THERAPY CO. A urfi1' medical and electrical Institute where we treat the diseases of men. women ana children; where we have a corps of our own operating surgeons and our on noa pltal. Many operations we eave hi t- e use of electricity, being fully equipped (in mat line; we nave men yoco. the men and women specialists for trie women. Wo treat the diseases of ear. eye, nose and throat. No difference what jour uiavime may oe. can iiiu sultatlon free. Phones Main 77 4 3, A 5 ioj. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM. Diseases of men. women and children treated and cured; maternity cases given special attention; all private and wasting difeases promptly cured, and their effects . permanently removed from the syatem. Raleigh bldg., cor. Oth and Washington sts FIR GROVE SANITARIUM. strictly a woman's hospital where women can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 5oS Mer chants Trust bldg., 320 Washington st. Phones Tabor 800. city office, Main 7743, A 5755. DR. A, AUSPLUND. Just returned from Europe, makes a specialty of surgery and diseases of women. Office rooms 5-6-7 Winchester House, Sd and Burnslde sts. 1 hona Main 4047. AZA HOLMES P.IBBECKE. reliable akin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pita removed; hairdrcsslng, manicur ing and dermatology tauitbl; largest stock of hair goods In the West, at cut prices. Parlors. Grand Leader, Oth and Alder. MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex, nervous conditions, skin or eye troubles, acute or chronic 7 1 treat by mod ern methods, electilclty, massage, osteopa thy, medicine whoa neeacd; confidential. Dr. Vose. 326H Washington St. SWEDISH trained nurte, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing: steam sweat and tub baths: both sexes. 7 East 11th st., one door from East Ankeny car. Phone East 260, Homo B 1B03. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond iirand Pills, tor 25 year known s the best, salcst. Reliable. Take no other. Chichester Diamond Brand Fills ar (old by druggists everywhere. DRESS suits ror rent, all sizes. $1.30 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewtd on. rlrs sewed. Prompt calls an de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3UU Stark. DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and 'Cotton Rock Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods. $2 per box or :l boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce. 310 Allsky bldg.. 205 Morrison. COMMERCIAL Detective Agency; experienced male and female assistants; business strict ly conlldential. M. 75US1. It. ID. 3UHH Wash. MRS. SOPHIA is. SE1P. mental scientist. 202 AlWkv bldg-. hours 10 to 8. Question night Wt"dneday, 8 P. M. Main 2.35. LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on Dr. Kotchum, graduate; advice free. 170 hi 3d St. Main 8770. Mme. Courtwrlght, sum and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected, plastic surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. A lotili. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c boj. Eysseirs Phar macy, 2e9 Morrison St., bet. 4th and 6th. GERMAN, French. Spanish and other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A. W. Schmale Co.. 22U 1st st. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely slngl people; circular loc. 229 1st at. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous hair removed. Mr. M. D. Hill. 830 Flledner bldg. M. 847$. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 4u9Vi Morrison. 250 PRINTED business cards $1; 100 visit ing cards, 50c. Schmale. 229 1st. BALM OF FIGS for all femal diseases. 660 Gllsan st. Main 9215. JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 88 4th st,, bet. Oak and Pine. Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective: work reafionaDle, guaranteed. T 4S1, Oregonlan. A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard, Clarke & Co. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. THB undersigned will receive sealed bids until 1 o'clock P. M.. Jan. 11. Iu9, for a stock of jewelry, silverware and china of the Inventory value of $4210 and store fixtures of the Inventory value of $777; a certiiied chock for 10 per cent of the amount bid to accompany the bid; stock may be seen at 14 Fittli st., Portland, Or., and copy of Inventory at II. SI Tuthlll & Co.'s, lol Fifth St. North. Separate bids wlil be received on the Mock and llxtures) The right to reject any and all bids is cx Tiremly reserved. II. S. TU THILL, H. -8. M CL'TCHAN, Trustee. Atty., 3u2 Phoenix bldg SEALED bids will be received until 4 P. M. Thursday, Jan. 14, l'.'OK. by The Port of Portland for the following: 12 dredger sleeves, various machine tools. 1 steel cutter for dredge, 110 pontoons for pipe line repairs to hialn pump Dredge Port land, condenser for Dredge Portland. Iron bands and nipples for pipe line of dredges. Plans and specirications fur all of the above can be had upon application at the offoe. City Hall. The Port of Portland reserves the rijtht to reject any or all bids. John P. Di yle. Cleric of the Board. MLjcellaneons. NOTICE of the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Department Mining & Mill ing company Notice 1 hereby flven time the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Department Mining & Milling Com pany will he held at room 402--10S Failing bids:., Portland. Or., at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M. on Tuesday, tho loth day of January. 1908. The purpose of the meet ing is to elect a board of directors for the ensuing year ana transact sucn iuriu er business as may come before it. C. H Stewart, secretary. Architects, contractors, engineers, got Pacific Builder & rjngmoer. iv noam oi BUSINESS DIRECTOR.'. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O GOULD, 835 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinking. Account-iints. B H COLH3 At CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal.' Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. Worcester iiloek. pnone Main 050.. Assay ers and Analyst. Weil & Proebstei, mining engineer, chem ist and asjayer. 20- Wasaington st- PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold dust buUKUl. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE -".aboratory and ore-testing work. 160 Morrison St. DR. E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years experience. 2u6 Stark t. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 622 Worcester uiog., 3d una oak. M. 6yso. Attorneys At Law. H. H. P.IDDELL. atty-at-law, 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4704. A 3531. S T JEFFREY'S, 2U8 Fenton bldg., 15 years' 'practice In Oregon, 8 years Alaska. EMMONS & EMMONS have r-moved law of fices to 9O0-913 Hoard of Trade L..ig. Architects and Builders. PARTIES wanting figures on all classes of caxpunter work, please phono P. W. Ben nett, Main 6267 MORRIS EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO. lino) architects and builders, houses built on easy terras at casn prices. S24 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 3501. Bicycle and Electrical Kepiiiruig. ELAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and e.ectrloal repairing. 3-d Stark st. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpet; also colonial rat! runs woven. Northwest Rug Woril, 153 Union ave. East 3580. B 12m). Chiropody. WM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors B02 GerilnBer bldg., e. W. cor. 2d and Al der. Phoue Mala 1301. MRS W SCHOLES. scl-entiflo chiropodist; bunions a specialty. 231 6th st, CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunten, Ins Apartments, 362 3d. Main 7714. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bids. I'hone Main 3473. DR NELSON treats my corns; never hurts; prices reaaonable. 250 hi Alttor. Main 7368. Conunlsslon Merchants. TAYLOR YOl'Nij & CO.. ship brokers, com mission' merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Aleleotive Agencies. THE Thiol Detective Service Co. We are especially equipped with experienced men. 2i Chamber of Commerce bldg. M W36, A 2463. D. L. Clause, manager. Dancing. PROF. Wal Wilson s Dancing School, Port land's only recogniix'd school. 888 "ei Washington St., bo't. W. Park and 10th au Both phones: Main 7637 A 503L MURLARK HALL Dancing Academy open Jan. 4. dally 2-S. Prof. Ringler, Instruct or. 23d and Wash. Main :i;4. B 1O03. RINGLER Dancing Academies, Ringler hall. Murlark hall; instruction daily. U 1003. East 6070. Educational. LAUE'S Preparatory Scnool of Pharmacy. 148 2d it., Portland, ur. Fred Store. H1NSHAW t ZIGLER. hay, grain, feed, oe ment, shingles. 214 Grand ave. U 481. Harness and Haddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness ninfri. 80-86 1st. Main 226. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO., 331 Ankeny t. Phon Main 24t2. Junk, Hide and Pelt. L. SHANK & CO.. tuiciiascr of Mdes. pelts, wool, furs, tallow, oid lubber, metals and sacks. 312 front st. JLeatuer and Finding. CHAS. L. MAST1CK i- CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, nifrs. finding. J. A. 6TKOWBKIDC E LEATHER CO. Es tablished lo5S. ltu Front st. Medical. LADIES Insist on having Dr. Martel Piiis, the standard riiiudy; best, sateen, most reliable; at all diujigists. Send for book. "Relief Tor Women" ; French Drug Co.. 30 W. 32d St.. N. V. City. M UHlrnl. PAUL F. KISSINER, violinist and Instruc tor; music furniuned for billis. receptions, etc. 218 Tilford blug., lOlii and Morrisou. A GRADUATE In music from Europe will give music lussotis. residence. 3Q5 Nortn nnd. Phone A lllflu. G. BERTRAM. Room 15 Huasell bldg., vio lin repairing; Instrument bougut and sold. ROV.VL ACADEMY OF MUSIC; recitals monthly. 3UH .skmi-iis bldg. Main 3744. EM IL TlilKLUUKN, vtoiltl teacher, pupil of Seveik. A 4100, pine 334. Main 3o45. t ! HMTIl ... rw I, nlfin.-, A V .l.'m.-iHi ) St. Mala 7:110. 1. thinners a sroclall. Neurologists. DR. FREEZE, rccond floor Marquam bldg., Portland; specialising In chronic eye and nervous troubles; diUKless system of treai ment; glasses lilted' by best methods knowa to science. Main 71,8. Optician. GLASSES fitted to your entire satlsfactloa and guaranteed. Hose City Optical Co., 25'Ji.j Alder, cor. 3d, upstuli. Osteopathic PhyUclana, DR. K. li. NORTH RUP. 41.")-ii-li Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington ots. Phone, office. Main 349. res., E. 1023L Paints, Oii and . lass. RASMUSSEN ti CO.. Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorney. R. C. WRIGHT, domestio and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHBIMER. pension and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at Portland, office 4U2-3- Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving, sidewalks and erodings. 814 Lumber Ex. Plumbing. PLUMBING H. Kurth. US4 Water St. Prions Mm 11 534S. FOR bursted pipes don't forget to call Main 1110. 271 First. Public Stenographers. MISS IDA CON A NT, room 602 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stork. Muln 4077. DOCIA V. W1LL1TS, Boti Swetland bldg.. 6th and Wash. I'hone Main 3148. Koollngi Cornice and bkylight, WESTERN SHEET METAL WKS 45 N. Hth. P. J. McMalion. E. M. Sharkey. M. 8243. Rubber Stamp. ALSO trade checks and all offles goods. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phoues 1407. THB M OS EE It SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. DAVIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Dlebold aaf. 66 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes. Show Case, Bunk and Store Fixture. THE l.UTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Sliuwcaao Co., 0th arid Hoyt. K. Lulke. Mgr. THE James 1. Marshall Mlg. Co.. showcases cablneta. store and office fixtures. 28 Couch st. Main 2763 Blgna. FOSTER & KLL'ISEU, SIGNS. The largt: sign-makers In the North west, 6th and Everett sts. phone Private Exchange 55, Home A 1155. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 271 lt. Storage and Transfer. C O. PICK Ti'iinster and Storage Co.. offlc and commodious four-story brick ware bouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor, 2.1 and Pine sts. Plants and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 500. A 19116. OLSE.N-ROE TRANSFER CO. General trantfieirliig and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for snll nient. 2- 9 Oak St.. bet. Front and Is:. Telephone Mam 54 7 or A 2247. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 10$ Front st. Pnone Main 02. A 1102. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and plana moving a suectalty. 40-42 2d St. Phone A HlSI. Main U118. Turkish Hatha. TURKISH baths, ?.' Oreg-nian bldg.: ladle '.ays. men night. Main 1II.18, A 1038. Tvpenrller. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type-w-'ter concern on this Coast; Investi gate; all makes, all prices. The Type writer Exchange. 287 Vfc Washington st SPEC1AAL prices; all mnhes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. (.'. Co.. 2111 Stark. Miln I4uf. Veterinary Surgeons. DR. E. V. HAG YARD. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, formerly wlta Marcus Daly's Hitter Root stock Farm; relerences. Office llltli aad Wan. Main 1077: residence. Main 14. Veterinary College. Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College now ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keanc. 181S Market. Wood nnd Coal. OREGON & WASHINGTON LUMBER CO., slal.wood. dry and green. Main 2163. A 4S'i5. AUSTRALIAN COAL CO. Full weight, prompt delivery. I'hone A 2247. Main 547. DRY oK. alder and fir at Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1C96. BAJXKS. GERMAN AMERICAN HANK COR. OTH AND WASHINGTON RTft. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS: ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregoa. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. No Interest paid on account.