10 THE PORTLAND MOKKRN RrALRANT COBf ONE MILLIO DOU-AM. a HOTEL OREGON j CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's Kew and Modem HctsL Ratss $1 per Diy and Dp I Ecropean Flan. Free Bos ; . WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props.- 1 'fHf In the heart of the business and shopping district. The IVlU'K. most modern and np-to-daU hotel in the rthwest. -B'r'--IJi t i . lno-.riisne hones in every room. Koomi t. .11 C trmfly Loaatad Ltn Dfataaca 1 i . a ai s J. F. DAVIES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park SL Bet Morrison and Aidar CALUMET HOTEL MODERN THE The House of Gi ll'iiiXZ for i r.n .n,1 nn. .S-'J bus meets all . i i j 15 i ' ; ' .- ' . 3 '5ii?.u..;.a..al..? j t s. - -. ey -'- if , .rl ,i ..'v --i Trv' - -j j I - I A C. W. CORXELTUS, n. ctAitJVE., f AIR EXCURSION. FEB. 20 (cattle to ind Publicity Delo:atron to Portland and IiO Anpelcs. PKATTUX Wash.. Jan. 1 (Special.) rae ot finest trnlns ever aeen on the "oa wl!! leave Seattle. February 20, tearing' tlia Alaska-Yiikon-Paritlo exj cursion to Portland. Ban Francisco and Jxa Anireleti. 'While the excursion la to l irivr. ty the exposulon In lta pub licity cainpaisn. the arranice-menta are In the hands of the Sfattlo and Tacoma Chambers of Commerce. It Is inteml'id to leave Seattle with not lets than six Pullmans, two dminir-cars and an observation car. Stops will be made at a'l the lea.l'.nK cities between rVattl. ar.d Ios Amreles. the triu consum lnr six days down the Coast. The first stop will h jnade at Portland, where tlie comincrrlal bodies will be hosts to the visitors. One day w!ll be npent t'l.re. restimln? the jrrurnev at nlaht. Two days will be spent In San Frnn-cls.-o. the ?i:ei.ts stoppinK at tlio Pt. an--is I'otel. Ore day will be given to Paso Itnbles. After arrival at Ixs Artrel'-s. the train will be abandoned and the return can be made at any time within Srt davs. The trip promises to be a popular one. as many reservations have been made. WILBUR D. WILEY IS DEAD Native of Washinsrton County Mocta Fntal Accident at Kennewick. H1LLSBORO. Or.. Jan. J. (Special.) A tolepram received here tonight an nounced the death of Wilbur P. Wiley, who was crusin.d at Kennewick. Wa-h. No particulars have been forwarded. He was born on the J. 1. Meek donation land claim north of this city February a. Me owned a claim oil the Colum bia River above Triest P-apids, and but jtcentlv left here to visit his place. He was a son of Richard Wiley, a pio KE IKirA RTKK8 FOB lOI KlMS aa COMF.HCLi TUVUXIU. Spec i Ma reads o famJlle and sin gle gentlrmrcl. The maiMxMMat will be placed at U ttmM to show rooms ud rl I prVee. A mod er. Turkish bath ee tabUahmeat In the hotel. H. C. BOWIB3. Mi HOTEL PERKINS TlfHi .nil CTashineton. Sts. -MUSIC r.i.a. R-- D W. -TT .". Waagar. Madam Impra. Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PhU. Mats c & Sana, Pro-s Paenae Rates 51.004130-52.W iw" C O. DAVIS, Sec. and Traaa. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lane nhrlnaee Fhoaea ra F.sery Room. it 'But Meet. All Trains. Rate Atnoiiraa. iS-O psr day ancj p Ratee European. $1.00 per day an. np. Par month, slngl. room and board. $46 to w according o room. For two. $76 to 1113. Board orltbcut room. ....... -ISO par moatb NORTONIA HOTEL IlLEVENTFI, OFF WA3HI.NGTO.X ST. Beautiful Grill Room American 0i"-i"e" aod European Oar Boa Meeta All Tralaa Sample Sultea. with Batba. for Trarella an COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANMOORE Portland's new hotel. aTS Wa.bloatoa. eoraer lata, aaa. li.llla Tbeater. Earopeaa ptaa t0 Up. Bna meets all tralna. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel atoara Clataop Baa eh, let. aide. Or. Oaea all year. ar lalor aaattoa aplr a The Daamoore. CORNELIUS Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. rtland's Bon Ton 'iTansens aowu xieuuijuurien r the traveling public. European plan. Single, Double. $2.00 and up. Our tree omm- trains. Proprietor Manager. neer and sheriff of this county. His mother. Mrs. Wiley Klward, reside at Corvailis. A brother. V. V. Wiley, and three sisters. Mrs. Anna McDonald. N"w berft: Mrs. Virgil Waters. Corvailis: Mrs. VanMead. Grants Pass, nnd Mrs. August Poole, of Portland, survive him. Ho leaves two duUKhters who are attending St. Mary's Academy at Bcaverton. Tha body will be brought to HilLsboro for burial. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Effect November 1. 10I. ially ar Bandar. Per line. One time I'S" (..me ad two cooaeentlTe time. -o Name ad three eoiuiecullv. time.. 30o bame ad ix or ma consecutive time. ,S(la Six word, count a. one line on en. ad vertisement, and no ad counted for lea than twa linen. hi an advertisement 1 not run codmcuUvo time, the one-time rate ,P,yhatove rate, applr " adTertlmienta on.ier "New Todav" and all other clawinca llon. et-eptl" the (ollowlnc: Mtuatlun. anted, .Male. Sllu.llon. Wanted, remale. Kor Kent. Koomn. Private Famine.. Koom. and Hoard, Private Famulra. llouitekerplna Koom. I-rirate Kainllies. The rate on the above rlainincation Is 7 cent, a line each lnertlot. ttn ch.nte or book aavertlsementa tne ch.rae will b. b.el on the a'tu.l nnmher of line, appearing; In the paper, reaardleM ef the number ol word, in each line. $pace In the "New Toiiay" columns Is flcured by meaaore only 14 llnea to the '"tVxEI'HOXK ADVERTISEMENTS Fur the convenience of p.lron. The Orerronlan .ill a-cept advertisement. (eirejHinn "Sltna Tlon. Wanted" and -Penwnal") for pobll r.tloa in claMllled column, over the tele nhcine. BIU. for such advert Ulna will lie mailed Immediately and payment ia expected SromotlyT re will be taken to prevent Jrror?. but The Oreaoulan will not be re Imiasl .1. for errors In advertisement, taken over the telephone. Telephone.: Main 7030. AT09orT-OF-TOWX PATBOXS-The Ore aonian will receive copy by mall, provided fJfnTlent remittance tor a definite number V iLo.ni la nent. Acknowledgement of nch mlU Jnc? -Til be forwarded, promptly. In w bos oftlce addres. I. re.i.ired. una reiular form riven, and count tin. as part r"ne ad. An.wers to advertisements wHl be forwarded to patron., provided ;lf-ad-dresVed stamped envelope, are furnished. A receipt will be lven for all paid-in-ad-.n.r. dVertl.oc 'rh. Orraonlan win no nndertake to correct error, or relund money unirn this receipt ia returned. THE 3IOK.NLNG RAILWAY TIME CARD Grand Central Station bOLTHKKN 1'ACIFIC. Lea vine Fort land Roseburg Puinger Cottage Grove Fasten.er . California Repress San Fra.nHco Express West Bide Corvailis paapenpr Sheridan paasenger Foreet Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Fas-enger ... ForeM Grove passenger ... Arriving Portland 8:15 a. m. 4:1(1 p. m. 7:4A p m. 1:30 a. m. I 7-20 a. in. 4:10 p. m. 8:.'i0 a. m 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 5:30 p. m. U:15 p m. 610 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:01) a.n. 11:50 a. m. 4:50 p. m. orcffon express ; Co t ia ft e Grove Pa?sener . Roioburg Paesengor ; , Portland Bxpreea West aildo Corvailis Passenger j Phrldan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Pasener ... Torest Grove Passenger . . . OKEtiOX KA1LROAD . NAVIGATION CO. Leavlnf; Portland I Pendleton Passenger . . b 7:45 a m. Chlcaso-Portland Special 9:15 a.m. Spofjue Flyer 5:00 p.m. Kansas City A Chtcaao Exprul. 4:00 p. m Arriving Portland Fpokan. Flyer XlC m- Chi.. Kan. City Sc Portland Ex.. 7:20a.m. Chicago-Portland Special 8:50 p. m. Pendi.ton Passenger 5:4 P- NORT1IERJI PACIFIC. Leaving; Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express North Coast & Chicago Limited. Overland Kxpress Arriving; Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overlaid Expres. 8:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. in. 4:15 p. m. 8:35 p. m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. leaving Portland I Astoria a: Seaside Expreas. . : . . .1 S:00a.m, Astoria Passer ger I 8:00 p. m. Arriving Portland j S.aslue Portland paaaenger. . .112:15 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. CASAD1AX PACIFIC R.ULWAY CO Leaving Portland C. P. H. thort Line, via Epokane. Via Seattle Arrivina Portland 0:00 p. m. 11:46 p. m. C. P. R. Sbori l.lna, via Spokane.. 10:00 a m. 7 :00 a m. via 5eattia Jef!erson-itreet Station SOITUKHN PACIFIC. Ieaia Portland Daiiaa Passenger . . . . DaliHti P a sen -ro r Arriving Portland -Dallas Passenger .. . DaJ.aa Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4:15 P. m. 10:15 a. m. 6:50 p. m 11th and Hoyt Sts., Passenger Station brOlLANK, PORTLAND ii bEATTLE KAIL V Ax. Leaving Portland Inland Kmpirs Expr.ss 1:15 A. U. Through trains tor Walla Walla. Pasco, Ttoosevelt. Uranddalles, Goldendafee. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and interme dial, points. North Buntt Limited 5:40 P. M. Through train for Spokane. Sprague. Rltxvllle. LInd. Pasco, Roosevelt. Grand dalles, Whit. Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. Arriving Portland Noilh Bank Limited 7:30 A. M. Through train from Spokane, Sprague, RltxvllJe, Lind, Pasoo, Roosevelt. Grand dalles. White Salmon, Stevenson and Van couver. ln:snd Empire Express 5:25 P M. Through train from Walla Walla. Pasco. Rousevelt. Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and interme diate pointa. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Leaving; Portland Salem and Intermediate Local...! 4.25 l HilLsboro and forest Grove Local :uu Palem and intermediate Local... 8:00 Hilisboro sad Forest Grove Local S:6a Salem and Tualatin only. Lim ited I :15 Hllljboro and Forest Glove Local;10:aS m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. in. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. Salem and Intermediate Loeai .111:00 Hillaboro and Forest Grove Local 1:30 Sakem and Intermediate Local... Salem and Intermediate Local. . . 2:00 3:45 4:10 5:00 1:30 6:0 3:40 Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local Wllsoavilla and Intermediate Lo cal Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local Salem and Intermeaiabe i.ocai... Salem and intermediate Local... Arriving Portland Wllsonville and Intermediate Lo-. nttl f :1S a. m. 8:U0 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 10:00 a. ni. 10:55 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 1 : 1 ii p. m. 2:50 p. m. ' 3:40 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 6:00 p. in. 6:00 p. m. 7:20 p. m. 8:20 p. m. 10:40 p. m. Hlllsboro and Forest Grov. Local talein and Intermediate Local... Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local Salem and intermediate Local... Klllnboi'O and Forest Grove Local Salem and intermediate Local... I HillsBoro and Forest Orove Local Salem and intermeuiaio a-uch.,... Sal'rn and Tualatin only. Limited Hiliaboro and Forest Grove Local Coin. otiH Intermediate Local... Hlllsboro and Forest Grove Local Salem and iniermeaiat. i-ocm Salem and intermediate Local PORTLAND BY.. LIGHT POWER CO. CARS LEAVE Ticket Office and Waiting-Room, Jlrst and Alder Streets. Oregon City 4. li:i;o A. M-. and every 3(1 mlnulen to and Including 9 P. M., then lO. 11 P. M. : last car mldnlcht (,mlinm and intcrmeilliite points S. 55. 7:40. 8:43. l:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:43. 3.45. 8 4.-. 4:45. 5:45. (1:45. 7:45. 11:13 P. M ialrview and Troaldale 6:55. 7:4:.. 8:45. 0-4.-, 104.-. A. M-. 12:45. 2:45. 3:45, 4:45. 6i4.-.. 6:43 P. M. For Vancouver. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and W..hl.,gni.roe6,..n 7 g oo g 33 9 1) 2-30:,l-:l":i?5n. :. '"). 3:50. 4:Sti. r.:10. 3:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13, :25. 10 '" II "45- On Third Monday In Every Month the last Car leaves at 7:5 P. M. Dally except Sunday "Dally except Monday. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FltOM TUB FOLIOW1.VG ANSWER CH-5CKS AND MAY BR HAD BY PKE SEVTINtJ TOI'R CHECKS AT THE OKE GONIAN OFFICE: a l'i2 SSI. 5r.4. 537. 542. 548. 545 B 5 1 :l, 5SU BSS, 511. T.44. 64fl. 547. M, S1. J?:,i.-,. r.-.'. 5:12. 533. 543. .mh. r.r.4. 17. r- son. 51. 52S, Dal, 333. 533, 53u. 542. 544. ,:'57, 6-'0i 521. 827, 52S. B29, 534. 6.17. Sr!S. R4'l H 103, 518. 524. 52S. 53J, 535, C37, 545. 548. J 501. 503. 521. 631. 53S. 635. 638. 643. 644. 6..0. 852. 5.V K 505. 513. 323. 632. 642. 648. 547. J, C.OO 624. 62ii. 530. 540. 641, 645. 550. 521. 530. 533. 640. 517. 648, 649. 650 652. 5R4. 694. VJ23 632. 633. 534. 67. 647. 6.12. 6'-1. 654. O 30' 613. 515. 62. 527. 628. 629. 5.. 03J. 63. 340. 541. 544. 543. 547. 549. 554. . p jirt fl-vv 520, 634. 540. K 5 '4 5't0. 533. 637. 63S. 6S!. 640. Ml. S .".no.' 4f.O,' 529. 632, 63S. 641. 645. 640. 531, 533 T 1(0. 4P7. 618. V 4!5. 300. W 151. X 130. 511. 820. 634. ArV55 r.l. 52. 627. 528. 619. B3L M9. AC 423. 42R. 517. 520. 524. 526. AD 123, 4B7. 475. 478, 47B. 4S2, 528. AE 41u. 420. 424. If above answers are not called for within six days, same will be destroyed. MEETING NOTICES. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP ewf TK.lt. NO. 14. O. K. S. Sue.-lal meeting this (Saturday) evening, Ma agir s,r.ic Ten.p'.e. West Park and Yani w ijjii. inwtallatloa of olflcen jointly with other city chapters. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. ROFE CITT CHAPTER. NO. 86. O. E. S. Srx'.-ial communication this (Fatnrday) evening at S n'cW-k. lnetallntion or officers by the V. G. Matron. By or.l-r W. M. SAltAH B. GL'ERIN. Sec. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. 34. O. E. a. Special communication this (Saturday) evening. Masonic Temple. 8 o'clo-k. Joint Installation of officers by the W. G. M. By order of W. M. ELIZABETH 6ILKNITTER. F. E. O. ANCIENT ARABIC OR DER NORI.E8 OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE Officers and members of the Arab Patrol will kindly meet at the Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Business pertaining to the coming ceremonial. By order of the potentate. B P. O. ELKS. Member, of Portland Lodge No 142 are requested to meet in our lodgeroom today at 1 P. M sharp', from where the ldge will proceed In a body to attend the funeral of our late brother, w. J Van Schuyver. vismnn mH'" in vited to attend. By order of the exalted ruler. C. M. BILLS, Secretary. MYRTLE- CHAPTER. No. 13. O. E. S. Special meeting this (Saturday) evening In Kew Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Joint installation of officers in connection with th. live city chapters. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. OKEUOMA5, SATTKDAT, AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 14th and Wash t-.v, . -W.I- -I nd A 1122 TWICE TODAY TOMORROW NIGHT Special Trice I I Tonlcht K:15 I Matinee 2:13 I Tomorrow Night I Mr. .lohn cort Pre-ents l-I.OPF.NCE ROBERTS In Hr La-.est Dramatic .Success "THE HOVSE OF BONDAGE Evenings, $1.30 to 30c: Matinee. -51 to B3c. HEILIG THEATER 14th and Wash. ThrtnM Main 1 and A 1122. 3 NIGHTS BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY Special-Price Matinee Wednesday Henry Miller Presents THE GREAT DIVIDE" Excellent Cast Complete Production Eveninns. 31. 30 to 50c; Matinee. 31 to 2.,c IXzJ''i$ 10 THEATEE Matinee and tonight Baker Stock Company In the famous play ZAZA As played by Leslie Carter. Evenings 23c, J.5C, 50c Matinees 15c. 23c. Next week starting tomorrow matinee, "Masters of Men." BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 3360. Or. Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. Geo. L. Baker General Manager. Matinee Today Last Time Tonight. Yale's Ever'.a-iting DEVIL'S AUCTION. Greater then ever. New featurea New bal lets. Grand transformation scenes. Aston ishing vaudeville feats. . Night prices 25c to 31.00: matinees, 250. 50c. Next attraction, starting tomorrow matinee "Eabes in Toyland." THE STAR one. M.ln Ml,. Matlne.s Wednesday. Saturday and Sun day For the entire week of January i. 1909. Rowland & Clifford present JANr, EYRE." Matinees at 2:o0; every evening at 8:15: night prices 15c.. 25c, S5c, 50c. Matinees 15c and 5c Seats may be reserved by either phone. NEXT WEEK "THORNS AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS." . .MAIN A 102 Matinees Holidays. Ex. Boadays and 15-25-53; NIGi(.3 ATEK 15-25-5Q-T5C Week of Jan. 4. Julie Herne: Jewells' Manlkius; Murray sdi-tcnt; Josselin Trio; White Simmons; Joe Cook and Brother; Mr. and Mrs. Allison; Orchestra; Pictures. THE GRAND-Vaudeville deluxe ANOTHER BIG BILL. "CRE0" Joe Demlng; Co. Stephen G ratten Co. (; us Bruno. Sabine V Vera. Fred Bauer. Grnndascoue. EIGHTH WON DER OF THE WORLD PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaude ville, the Great Fiorenz Family, marvelous European Acrobats; the Kohler Grand Opera Trio. Abrahams & Johns, presenting a comedv playlet; Jean Wilson. Illustrated song- Burton & Brooks. In their original comedy skit: Brandon & Wilson, singers and dancers; The Biograph. pre-enting the very latest In motion photographey. Mati nees dally. 15c. Two shows at night. 130 and 25c. PLED. CARLSON At Stanley Addition. Monta villa. Jan. 8, Catherine Eugena Calson, aged 44 years. Funeral notice later. SMITH In this city. January 8, at the family residence, 653 Kirby St.. Ephralm L. Smith, aged 68 years. Funeral notice hereafter. CAVANAVGH In this city. January 8, Helen M. Cavanaugh, aged 73 years, be loved wife of General T. H. Cavanaugh. formerly of Olympia. Wash. - Announce ment of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. VAN SCHUYVER The funeral services of the late William James Van Pchuyver will be heid at 2 P. M. Saturday, Jan. 9. at h:s . late residence, 833 Lovejoy st. Interment later. Friends invited. GOWDY In this city. January 8, at his late residence. OSS Brooklyn at., Leander A Gowdv, aged 78 years and 18 dnys. The funeral services will be held at Fln lev s chapel at 2 P. M. Sunday, January 10". Friends Invited. TOLLISON The funeral services of the late Thomas A. Tollison, atred 52 years, of 3!l Russell St.. will be held at Dunning. Mc Entee & GiibauRh's chapel, cor. 7th and Pine sts., Sunday. January 10, at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. M'GALLIAUD The funeral services of the late Thomas J. McGalliard will be held at Dunninz, McEntea & Gl'.baush's chapel, cor. 7th and Pine sts.. Monday, January 11." at 2 P. M. Friends l esper-tfully in vited to attend. Interment River View Cemetery. CHURCHLEY The funeral services of Ar thur II. Churchley. aged 4 months, will be held from the family residence, 230 North 18th street, at 2 P M., today (Sat urday). Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Dunning, McEntee & Gllbaugh, Funeral Directors. 7th and line. Phone. Main 430. Lady assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO..- Funeral Direct. era, 32 3d at. Lady assistant, phone Al 607. J P. FTNT.EV hO. Si nnd Msdlson, Lady attendant. Phone Mala . A 1599. nXI-ER-BTRNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 371 Russell. ast 108. Lady assistant. P. S, DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East , , . . L ...... MetNTFK-EKlf SON CO. Undertakers; lady assistant. iOV Alder. M C133. NEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition Tts one BEST place In Portland to boy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST PESIKABLJS residence property of the city. S EKING IS BELIEVING BETTER po and see the mmiy CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provement. Bom? or. Hie Crep flea! Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acro sto-k rauch, $10 per acre, all fenced, nil tillable, substantial improve ments, in Jiurlas County; or will ex change f"r Portland property or close In acres.ee. paying; difference. JACKSON DEMISING. Phone -Multi 343. 246 Stark St. Warehouse Quarter Tn district of present activity, Tentli and - Flanders streets. A fine invest ment. Ofered for few days at $32,000. The Shaw Fear Company 2454 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS At Lowest Current Katea. Building Loans, Installment Loans, Wm. MaclYlaster m 302 Worcester Block. 8500.000 ALL. OR PART TO LEND 6 EDWAHD E. ROCDBY, Corbett Building. JANUARY 9, 1909. NEW TftDAY. do you wish to buy a hombt Then see i HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. & Co. M. S349. 33 Hamilton bg. Baker, Alfred A.. 115 Ablnston bjdg. Peck. William G.. 312 Falling bid. Bin-ell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Chapln & Hcrlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 503 Corbctt bldg. Crossley Co... 708-9 Corbett bldg. M. 7S55. Flelda. C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Goddard. H. W.. Main and A 1743.. 110 2d St. Jennlnga & Co.. Main 168. 206 Oregonlan. Lee. M. E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Mall A Von Borstel, 104 2d st. 392 E. Bumslde Parr!!. Watklns, & Co., 250 Alder st. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. C'mb bldg. Scfcalk. Geo. D., 2ft4 Stark St. Main or A 392. Sharkey J P. A Co.. 122'4 Sixth St. IwVnsson. A. F7& Co.. 253 Hi Washington St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah et. (Holiaday Addition.) Wafldel. W O.. 9 Lumber Exchange blig. White. B. F.. 227Vi Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and Plant ers in ciregoo. w. tracts on the market. Our Properties are la the walnut country, Yamhill. 6- la tne wainut country, ....... .. --retracts, planted. $100 cash. U5 per month. PHI H HI . . MAI 1 11 U V. 13 110 Second st. A FEW choice home sites In fine locations one $1400. two $1300 and two for J50 each, and many others; also fine list oc homes to choose from; buy where you can make money, that's in Holiaday, Irv ington and John Irving Additions. OfTice ' loth and Halsey sts., Irvington, Broadway cars. Phone E. 896, C 1U03. Dolen & Herdman. OWNER will sell equity of $1600 In 6-rootn new modern dwelling; full corner lot; bearing fruit: east front; small cash pay ment, balance monthly, or may consider $300 lot as first payment. Phone W ood lawn 2020. C. B. Collins. 834 Colonial ave.. Overlook Add. WE BUILD HOMES. We have first-class modern facutles for bu'liling home upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chambtr of Commerce. SOUTH PORTLAND LOT. '4214x110 on Kelly et.; elegant view; can t be shut off; fine place to build a home; $1500. terms. J. W. Gruesl. 2b5 Vi aehing ton, near 3d. room 7. $"5 BUYS another beautiful bungalow. 4 rooms, new and modern, high ground. 1 block from Hawthorne car. close to school. $1925: $223 antra. i.i uioum. T. W. Marshall, 3th and Hawthorne ave. ' RODNEY-AVE. HOUSE. Fine 6-room cottage, walking distance, near San Rafael St.. $29'K): some terms. J. W. Grussi, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington, phone Main 4486, Kinney A Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. S H AVER- ST. HOUSE. $400. Good B-room house, corner lot 6nxlO0. S2!150. $4lX cash. bal. to suit; beats paying rent. J. W. Grass!. 263 Washington, near 3d, room 7. SPLENDID buy on West Side, $2600: lot alone worth that, with 5-room cottage; J5uo cash, balance easy. F. Fuchs, 221 Vi - Morrison st. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE -ji j to 5 acres, all in cultivation, best of land. C. W. Risley, owner; P. O., Mil waukle. Phone Oak Grove, Red 12. BUY NOW choice lots adjoining Swift's townslte of Ken-ton; price cheap, easy terms. For sale by R. B. Carey. Penin sular station. ' NEW 5-room cottage on improved street, with concrete walk, eloee In. on East Side; price $2250: easy terms and monthly pay menta. Call 410 Falling bldg. SUNNYSIDB BARGAIN. 7-room house with furniture, cor. 3-Sth and E Tayior sts.; very easy payments. Phones East J3S(J, A 3332. LOT and brick building In central East Portland. XS250; terms. Call J. Olsen, 330 East Washington st GOOD 3-story brick building with 100x100, good buy for income; line location. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM modern cottage at Clarke Station. 81SO0; $300 cash. Young, 512 Gerlinger l.lds FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bun galow ill Irvington. Call and see It. 4$2 E. 23d St. North. tMi ;ew bungalow, modern, good loca tion; $5O0 cash, balance easy terms, phone East 3. ' LIST your property with us. we have cash buvers. Portland Success Realty Co., 820 Board of Trade bldg. A BARGAIN Warehouse district, lot SOX 100 Upshur St.. near 20th. Inquire of own er, Ahio F. Watt, 740 E. Burneide. CLOSE-IN acreage. Improved and unlm-. proved. 1019 Board of Trade. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. LOGGING CHANCE. SO. 000, 000 feet, mostly yellow fir, 15,000, 000 foet near tidewater, balance on best driving stream tributary to Columbia River, where logs are flooded out with dams every week; 4 Willamette yarders with full equipment of lines and blocks; price $1.0,000; $50,000 cash, balance asy terms. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO., 621-525 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or. . Phone M SiiaO, A S3S0. FOP. SALE CAREFULLY SELECTED FIR. CEDAH AND HEMLOCK TIMBEK LANDS IN TRACTS OF FROM ONE- THOUSAND CRES AND UPWARD: WELL LOCATED. IN STATES OF OREGON AND WASHING TON. NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER. PUGUT BOUND AND IN OTHER LOCALITIES; PRICES REASONABLE; OWNERS WISH TO DEAL DIRECT WITH BUYERS. AD DRESS X 456, OREGON IAN. SAW MILL. Capacity EO.OOO per day: 67.000,000 feet of good quality bastard fir on the N. P. R. R., fine ground for lodging, plenty more timber adjoining for sale; 2 miles R. R., locomotive and cars, one yaider with run equipment, one span horses worth $.,U0; plant In operation; owner's health bad, must sell. Price J100.00U: terms OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO.. 621-.25 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Or. Phone M ibiO, A 5580. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO. Headquarters for logging propositions! timber lands, farm lands and business chances. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. Phone M S550. A 55S0. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. THE OREGON TIMBER & CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast timber, water powers located anti examined, taxes paid for non-residents, timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 317 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main S0G7. EIGHT MILLION feet pine and fir. 10 miles from line of Southern Pacilic: g"0't road, easily logged. Address Lock Box 11 1, Gold' Hlil." Or. 4enonoO FEIiT ccdrr. pine and fir: 25 mils 'Portland; 1 Vi miles good logging river; excellent bargain, next 15 days. Owner, a 553. Oregonlan. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney & Stampher. 631-82 Lumber Exchange o.dg. AN Y part or all of 2240 acres of whiW cedar and fir at a bargain if taken at once. Write or call at 406 Couch. LARGE BODY of yellow fir direct from owner; good sale, cheap price. AE 422, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 20.000,000 oedar. accessible to Columbia River; price right. A. E. Mathews & Co., 209-10 Couch bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. ,7 tvonubaicr. xj-v TWO timber claims In Crook County, Or. John J. Boyd. Gold Held, Nov FOR SALE FARMS. . .. r t A71. LOOK- AT THIS. 4570-acre stock ranch, improved, on th . edge of Willamette Valley. 8 miles from , Brownsville, or.: no better In the state; : all fine fruit land; price $14 per aero , for quick sale: a good colonization prop osition. Inquire of Tears & Pellle. Brownsville. Or. I US-ACRE farm. 43 acres diked tide land. 20 acres bottom land, rest bench land; i-rooni house 2 acres orchard, barn. team. 18 nrad : Jersey stock, separator, (arm implements. , ..-.,. t,' 1 , ' innrovenieil! s. 20 acres of this diked tida land, for $l.,tw. Inquire of owner Geo. Itseve, Toledo. Or. , HOOD RIVER apple orchard in upper val ley 20 acres 5 acres 12 to 14 years old, trees mostly yellow Newtown. Thk. years crop looo boxes, running water un P'ace with 3-room Summer house. XS'lOO. Hair cas.i. F. H. Lind. 11& Union ave. N.. Portland, Or. IRRIGATED lands cheap now at Orland. i.ai.; nigiuy ciwuxvu is.. -r- -bridges. schooii. colleges; rich vaiuy land, all cultivated: sunny, healthful cli mate; farmers' paradisa. W- W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. 2S0 ACRES. 3 miles from city. 200 under cultivation, balance timber; Una fruit or dairy farm, everything goes, stock, nia- cninery. inc.. nvy . ,T particulars address P. O. Box 15S. ialls City. Or. AN SO-aere farm 3 miles from Forest Grove, with house, barn, fruit and running water, for sale cheap or exchango for Portland property. Address Burdette Ship man. Forest Grove, Or SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free Olmsted Land Co.. Salem. Or TO EXCHANGE. HAVE $600 municipal water and light bonds; absolutely worth par, want good residence lot; bonds paying 0 per cent semi-annually. Address AB 624. Orego nlan. i OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buv. sail or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bide- TO EXCHANGE $2400 equity in 160 acres good land, all In wheat, for 6 to S-rooia house: will pay difference, p. O. Box 007. WHAT have you for exchange? H. W. GARLAND CO.. 1D1 4th at. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 301 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Realty Co., 307 Gerlingor bldg. WANTED REAL STATaS. I WILL buy a house and lot and pay $309 cash and $20 per month; must be a bar gain: state location, price and description. D 544, Oregonlan. WE will pay cash for your equity In what ever property you have partly paid for. National Realty &. Trust Co., 326 Vi Wash ington St., room 316 WANTED To list for Eastern connections, city realty, business interest, farm. 1022 Board of Trade. H. F. Abatein. WANTED House or vacant lots for $2500 automobile. B 530, Oregonian. Irrigated Lands. WANTED Water rights for grourd-licor Irrigation projects. P. O. Box 463. Seattle. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL pay two to three thousand for home stead relinquishment in the Siletx. N 531, Oregonlan. WANTED Good homestead relinquishment in Slletz. well timbered; pay cash. AB 521, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. O. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. ACREAGE. FOR SALE 14 acres In Vancouver. Wash., located about 4 60 feet below Steel bridge. 40u feet water front Included. For further Information call on B. C. Mathews, 304 Fenton bldg., or phone Main 1385. FOR SALE 10 acres, very choice; suitable for platting; two blocks east of Mount Scott carline, on Section Line road. Call on B. C. Mathews, 304 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. TO HORSEMEN ARE YOU THINKING OF HANDLING IMPORTED STALLIONS? I REPRESENT ONE OF THE LARGEST IMPORTING FIRMS IN THE U. S. AND CAN INTEREST YOU. WK FURNISH THE HORSES FREE OF COST. CALL OR ADDRESS B. A. BAKER. AT BRIiS L1N HOTEL, FOR A WEEK. FOR SALE or rent A teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week or month. Phones East 72, B 13ul. Hawthorne stables, 420 Hawthorne ave j-u T4KES 1100 mare worth $50; also good l"50-lb delivery horse cheap; one top wagon and top business buggy cheap. s:is East 2Sth St.; Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. WILL give use of matched young team (2300) for feed to reliable party. 187 17th St. Main 4tl!7, A 47:" I'llll'MHU HTVBLES. 302- Front st.. cut LlterV andAnll kinds cf vehicles for hire; price reasonable WANTED Good strong road bufrgy. Iron tired; must be In good condition. Ad dress C 534. Oienonlar FOR SALE or rent, good cutter. Main HS49. H. F. Lee. FIRST-CLASS cutter. hire "reaJionable." Chus. E- Potta;,-e, 4S'J Commercial. C Wi.i. $"5 FOR 3-vcar-old mine! mare If taken to "day; weight UCO lbs. 220 Seilwood su HORSES, n.ares. r! -r.i same, of all kinds for sale 11)4 Montgomery. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madlson Et. stable, 185 Vs. near bridge. A CARLOAD ot mares and horses now on sals at 305 Alblna ave. HUBERT & HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rant homes, vehicles, low rates on business rigs. Automobiles, AUTOMOBILES. $130 and up. for sale or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d eL Pianos. FOR' SALE One Kimball piano In perfect condition ard nearly new. cost new $400; will sell $200; piano is In golden oak and a beautiful instrument In every way. Call Home phone C lu76. jOn Square grand piano, price $75; $3 down and SI a month payments. 017 Tourney bldg. Main 3733. ; Miscellaneous. PACIFIC FILM CO.. ' S03-317 liothchlid bldg., is still looking for more business: will rent lilms and songs as reasonable as any house on flie Coast, and carries all supplies for moving plcturo theaters. FOR SALE Kighry-is'ven yards new Willon green velvi-t carpet, gas stove and oak prlncew drespf-r. ail very reasonable. Apart ment 14, Harrison Court. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments: rentals $3 per month. Paciflo Stationery at Ptg. Co.. 203 2d st. SBCOVD-HAND 30-H. P. boiler; Andrews moist air dry kiln; 30-light dynamo. Pa reliu. Mfg. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. FOR SALFJ Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Vroter st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging nn(Tholst Ir.g engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72 74 1st st,, both phones. QUANTITY of type In good condition for sale cheap. Address T 464, Oregonlan SI SCO will buy what you have, or sell you what you want. 40d Couch bldg. Fir wood for sale. For particulars apply W. Tietiemann, Eeaverton, Or., Route 1. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent ltt3Vi 4th st. TYPEWRITER, A-l. your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonlan FOR SALE CHEAP One .-.-horsepower In duction motor. Address T 463. Oregonlan. FINE Jersey cow cheap. SIS East 2Sth St.; Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. lirunswicn-Balkc-Coller.der. 4i Sd it. FOR SALE Real burtalo overcoat, in fine shape. i2 Commercial st. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN TO SELL subdivision property; best value on eaiti;; v use auto to show prop-e;-iy; some men whom I starteti in the busi ness 3 months uco are making from $3oQ to $2o00 per month. See L. M. HH'KOK. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 2i.1l Chamber of Commerce. BARBERS' BOARD OF EXAMINERS will be 111 session January 11. 12. and 13. at 167 1st St., this city. All thosa holding permits aro requested to appear for ex amination on the above dntes. Falling lo apr-ear, their permits will ba cancelled. T. M. Leabo, secretury. 10. 010 POSITIONS for graduates last yea men and women to learn barber trade In eitht wetks: help to secure poeltlon; g:aiues earn from $15 to $23 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Collates, 33 N. 4th st., Portland. Or. WANTED Drugtrisl or doctor to take drug store on monthly payment: only drugstore in town or 700 people, with two big col leges; splendid opening for either; owner has other business. Address or call Drug store. Mt. Angel, or. MAN accustomed to putting up orders In grocery or tea and coffee house, used to packing and shipping-room; must bo quiek. accurate and well recomiwindcd : salary $11; chance lo advance. Address J ool, Oregonlan. A HIGH-GRADE salesman, Insurance, bond or real es.ate experience desired, but not absolutely necessary; position permanent; ro money wanted, "Just you." Call at 270 Stark St., bet. 9 and 12 A. M.. ask for Mr. Marthello. AUTOMUBLING. plumbing. electricity, brlckiaylcg and plastering taught by actual work in aaope and buildings; advanced scholars earn wages; catalogue free. Oiyns National Trade School. 230 8lh at.. Saa Francisco. WANTED Honest young man In real es tate and loan office, good salxry; refer ences and some money required. Call ur address West Coast Co.. Grand Theater bldg. A GOOD, live man in every town In Ore gon. Washington and Idaho; $2o0 to $U0 require!; handle own money; no risk; $15' 'to $., per month; act quickly. Address manager. 218 Commonwealth bldg.. Fort lend. Or. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; IS weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 2 P. M. H. H. Maddan. 302 Swetland bidg . Portland. Or. GOOD, strong, husky man to handks plpu In wholesale house; one who has done this work before preferred; must be good at liguies and sober. Address In own handwriting, stating wages desired. C. 552, Oregonlan. BARBER wanted who can play cornet In band; wages. $12 per week, with good board and room, also 60 per cent over .;; 3-rhalr shop. Address H. J. Ma honey. Oakland. Or. WANTED 10 men to learn the automobile business, driving and repairing, day and evening classes. Portland Automobile Commission House. .V!4 and 336 Aider St. Phones A 4455 and Main 4455. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. WANTED Hallway mall cierks; commence ment salary $800; Spring examination.; candidates prepared free; write Immediate ly for schedule. Franklin Institute, Roch ester. N. Y. j YOUNG MEN for railway mall clerks to prepare lor examination soon; about $.0 a month to start. Call r write for free particulars. Paciflo States School, McKay Wg. MOTION picture operators earn $85 weekly. You an learn the business in a short time. Easy work, thort hours, lessons reasonable. Positions secured. Bee New man. 2'.)3 Burnslde. WANTED Reliable man to assist me in paving cash business; no exnorience nec essary, as I have been in the business fo j years; pays good; need help. 302 Swet land block. - AGENTS, male and female, coin money handling Australian Rubber Cement; make $10 dally. Cull. 4UI',4 Washington Ht., office 1. Particulars and sample, loo. ' P. O. box 189, Portland. HIGH-CLASS man with ability to promote a proposition iu California which will puy him $10,iMK) in year; $500 required. Ad dress L 550, Oregonlan. YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and station work, good position guarantee. Address Telegraph Dept.. lllhernia ulufe. Market & Jones St.. i5iin Francisco, Cel SS1SIS ALASKA Men for ditch work; good w44 good wages, free passage; must have iloo; a good investment. Address C 647, Orogo Tiian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com mission, three publications; Investigate proposition. Benedictine Press. Goodnougn bldg. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER Male; oniv eflllcleut. rapid and thoroughly ex perienced touch operator need apply. Ad dress box 202. Walla Walla. Waen. WANTED Girl to clerk in store; must speak German and English. 739 Union ' ave., cor. Fremont. WAITED A tlrst-elass real estate solici tor; previous experience not necessary. A 1) 47S. Oregonlan. WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy; good aires when romrv'trnt; oul.-kly ac quired. Oregon College. :i 5th St. WANTFD :-M.E-l AND CLERICAL MEN.S COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 407-8-0 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WANTED An experienced tailor to do inishellng In clothing store. Address box li, EuKurie, Or. " BTANOARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2oo Burnslde Street. Pbone Main 56114. WANTED Man for bakery roiite. pays $' w cek ; 1 lock. nian iioviii.ini- FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. WEAVERS want!! at Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. WANTED Second cook, man nnd wife, on .ranch, at one'. Room 3. Benson bldg. HELPER wanted, must have experience in plumbing shop. 271 1st- WANTED First-class ladles' tailor. 6O0 Marquam bldg OAK sewed soles. 50c; rubber heels. 25c. Standard Shoo Factory. 30S Burnslde. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins Depot. P. Loratl. 143 4th. Main 6500 H E f. P W ANTED FEMALE. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 32GV- Washington St.. Room 30i. Main 8S36 or A 8266. W' ANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for" general housework; good pay to right party. 324 Ja.kson St. GIRL for general housework and cooking. 3 in family. 734 Main. bet. King and Ford, phone Main 5319, A 4S36. WANTED Girl for general housework, willing to teach Phone Main 5S43. 332 2:.d st. North. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Ap ply Standard factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor sl PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department. 205 'i Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WANTED Competent qlrl, general house work, small family. Call C07 East Taylor, or phone East 1028. YOUNG g;rl to assist in light housework; two In family; small wages; good home. .Vidros J 554. MIDDLE-AGE woman f-r kitchen helper in log camp. 226 V- Morrison. M. 8022. COMPETENT woman or girl to ai-slst with child and light housework. 733 E. Couch. WANTED Lady cook, out of city, at onoe, itoom 3. Benson bldg. WEAVERS wanted at Oregon City Woolea Mills. Oregon City. WANTED Girl for general housework. K D 471. Oregonlan.