Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Par. States. Home.
Countlni-Room ........ Main 770 A 6-.J5
City Circulation ....... .Main 7"70 A C"l5
Manamnc Blltor Mntn 7OT0 A '&
Funday EMttor Ms.ln 7070 A WS
Compoairs-Koom ...... .M. In 7"70 A "t'S
Cttr Editor MJln 7070 A BOS
Supt. Bulldlrga Main 7070 A BCJO
URII.I'l THEATER (Fourteenth and TVaah
Ir.irton elre-ta Florence Kobarta in "Tha
House or llondaae." Tonight at 613.
Bf.NOALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Hot;
riaon Baker stuck company In "Zaia.'
Tonlcct at li
lAKEt THEATER (Third, near Yamhill)
1 harles H. Yals'a Uavll a Auction " To
night at s:l!l.
OFll'HEtTM THEATER (Morris. m. between
U:h and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville.
Matinee at 3:1ft; ti.nlnlit at 8 18.
PANTAGHS THEATER-iFourth and Etark)
('ontlnuoua vaudeville, 2:30. J SO and 8:30
P. M.
GRAVP Til K TER I Washlrefn. between
seventh and Park Vaudeville da luxe.
2 1, 7:30 and 9 P. li. -
CTAtt THEATER (Waahlrittnn and Park)
"Jane kyre." Tonisht at 8.15.
Wa.xt Portland Warehouses. The
Paciilc Fanners' Union, with representa
tion from the states of Washington and
1'iaho. and whose headquarters Is at
Puflinan. Wash., sent a letter to the
IViamber of Commerce of Portland, re
ceived yesterday. In which It Is said
luat the executive committee of the or-
ftnlzatlou InteniLi to vlplt Portland and
us,"' t Sound cities In the near future in
the Interest of the Farmers' L'nlon of the
Jnland linpire. for the purpoi?e of Inves
tigating tho warehouse situation. The
l-.Uer says that the union desires to
r-nt or lea?e an lnd pendent warehouse
or .levator, and If such cannot be
obtained It would consider the purchaso
cf a favorable building site at a reason
able figure. Debatb. Following; the
Mil'y-G'il.l.-iian and the Mllls-Harnhlll de
but!, another is announced for next Sat
urday iilKht. to be held In the audi
torium of the Y. M. C. A., between
Walter Thomas Mills and his sister.
J.illhin Mills Foritersr, on "The Relative
ilerits of the Political Party and a Iabor
I'ltion In Establishing the Socialist 9ys-t-m
of Society." Mr. Mills Is well known
l.i P'tland as an exponent of political
S Klalljm. while his sister. Mrs. Forbcrp.
Is one of the foremost exponents of In
dustrial unionism In the United States.
Her opinion Is that a concrete labor union
Is all sufficient for the establishment of
Fixlalism. and that a political party Is a
menace to the formation of such a union.
RE':cptio! Postponed. At a meeting
yesterday of the committee In charge of
the .New Year reception to be given by
fcottlah Kite Masons. It was decided to
postpone this entertainment until Friday
night. January Zi. The committee has
arranged for a reception to be held In the
Ubrary, from to 9 o'clock, then a
promenade to the. ballroom. "Five hun
dred" will be played. A musical pro
gramme of exceptional Interest will be
provided. The patronesses for the oc
casion are: Mrs. Albert Eutterrteld, Mrs.
J. K. Locke. Mrs. U. W. Ptapleton. Mrs.
.A. H. Wlllctt. Mrs. D. G. Tomasini, Mrs.
W. T. Jaoobsen. Mrs. J. P. Moffett. Mrs.
J. O. Olds. Mra. R. S. Farrell and Mrs.
V. Watklns.
Operated Ok roR APPENDicrna.
William Sherlock Walter, who resides
at 56 Twenty-first street North, Is a pa
tient In the Good Samaritan Hospital,
recovering from an operation for
appendicitis; which was entirely
successful. "The young man was
taken suddenly 111 at hla home on New
Tear's day. waa taken o the hospital
on January S and waa operated upon
the following day. Mr. Walter's father
was one of the most generous contribu
tors to the fundi which built and estab
lished the Good Samaritan. His family
nre widely known In this city.
Ret. Mr- Aluk Leaves February 2.
T.ev. E. N. Allen, pastor of the Hawthorne
Presbyterian Church. East Twelfth street,
and family, expect to start on their trip
to Eftypt February 2. They sail from
New York ebout February 19, and will be
absent from the city at least four months.
A. prominent minister from the East has
been Invited to occupy the pulpit during
Mr. Allen"! absence, and hla name will
be announced as soon as he has accepted.
Mr. Allen has been pastor of the Haw
thorne Presbyterian Church six years,
and the church voted him leave of
Absence for hla trip.
Meetings Attract Crowes. Rev.
Ceorge Soltau. the London evangelist,
v. ho Is speaking In the First Unlt-d
brethren Church. Hist Fifteenth and
Hast Morrison afreets. Is attracting large
congregations every night. Dr. Sol.tau
la a plain mnr.tser of speaking and is
r.o way sensutlonal In his methods. A
large chorus choir furnishes music at the
Wiij, Rkad From Poets. Professor Ed
ward Adlcr Thotrpson. of Boston, will
give a reading from the English poets
tonight at 7:15 o'clock, under the auspices
cf the Pante Club, at the artroom of
tiie Public Library. The list will Include
Lowell's "Vision of Sir Launfal." Brown
ing's "Abt Voglcr" and other selections.
Professor Roeixsox Speaks. County
S hool Superintendent F. R. Robinson will
addrfss the Mothers' and Teachers' Club,
at the Arleta school, this afternoon at
Z-.ZO o'clock, on "The Mutual Relations of
tli? Home and School to Each Other." A
programme will be given by the pupils of
th school.
Sate the Discocvt. Send check or pay
at of lice on or before the 10th to save
ti:e discount on January bll's for the
Automatic Telephone. Home phone your
l.-ug-di.-tancs calls to Tacoma. Seattle and
way point. Horn- Telephone Company,
corner of Park and Burusidj streets.
Axsual Postponed. The an
nual meeting of the Eat Side Business
Jfen'.s Tub. which was announced for
last night, was postponed until the eve
i Ing of January a. on account of the
unfavorable weather.
Merchants. Attention! We are sales
agents and Jobbers for the celebrated
ponttac woolen gloves, mitts, socks, coats
and shirt. We carry a complete stock.
Willamette Tent & Awning Company.
The card party to be given In Alumni
lialL corner Clackamas St. and Grand
ave. North, by ladies of Holy Rosary
Church. Is postponed until Friday, Jan
uary 15. at 8:15 P. M.
Merchants. Attention!
We are. Jobbers of woolen laprobes. com
forters and blanket". Our goods and
prices are right. Willamette Tent &
Awning Company.
ExcuANiiC of tickets for reserved seals
for Italian earthtjuuke aufTerers' ben-tlt
can b? made, at Bungalow Theater, on
and aftr Friday. January X.
Cixax Lcxp C o A L, . Thoroughly
screened- weight guaranteed; prompt de
livery. Oregon Fuel Company. 332 Alder
street. Main 65. A 1155. '
This la the weather for "Oro" shoes.
No other leather will resist snow, water
B3 well. Frotzman-Cumpbell Shoe Com
pany, 1 Fifth street.
To Rent. Desirable quarters for retail
millinery business. Inquire ZM Washing
ton street.
For BrjiT.-A few nice offices In The
Oreon!an building. See Superintendent,
room 2ul
Tub Vert Best Resvi.ts from the use
of Collins Hot Mineral Water for rheu
matism. Coij.ij.-s Springs open all year, Xorth
Ear.k Railway stops all trains at house.
Sargests' special dinner at Louvre
Sundays. 6 to S::0.: 1 Best service. Music
Elegant offices, choice location, rent
ery reasonable. Sherman. Clay A Co.
Ou Hack meets all trains, railroad
station Ash. Shlpberds Springs.
OB-raos Assembly No. 1 will install
offloers January 15.
Dr. B- C Corn r has returned.
Depositors to Be Paid Todat. Re
ceiver R. 3. Howard. Jr., of the defunct
Title Guarantee & Trust Company, will
today pay the annual Interest, amounting
to about fJO.000, on outstanding accounts.
Receiver Howard was busy yesterday
signing checks that he will hand over to
creditors this morning. W. M. Ladd will
personally take up claims of depositors
that have been filed and approved, up
to JXO. Of this class there are about UM
claims and they aggregate In the total
about J170.O10. This will be good news to
the many depositors of the closed Institu
tion who will receive their money forth
with. Receiver Howard Is closing up the
affairs of the bank as fast aa possible
and hopes to declare dividends soon that
will tw divided among the banks creditors.
Mr. Howard has already paid In full all
accounts In the bank of 2 and less.
These accounts numbered KS claims.
Banquet of Willamette Lodge.
Willamette Lodge. No. Z A. F. and A.
M.. Wednesday held Its annual banquet
in the Louvre grille room, platea being
laid for 15 members of the organization.
Wallace McCamant -presided as toast
master and the following toasts were
offered: "The Grand Lodge. to
Kiddle; "The Masonic Heart." D. Soils
Cohen: "Oregon," William C. Bristol:
"The Craft Wherever Dispersed," John
B Cleland; "From I-abor to Refresh
menu" George W. Haxen. Willamette
Lodge wss the second of the Masonic
lodges1 to be organized In the state and
Its annual dinners are events eagerly
looked forward to by the members. Last
night's dinner was one of the most suc
cessful in the history of the organiza
tion and the attendance certified to the
Intense Interest members manifest In
these functions.
Woman's Cu b Meets Todat. The Wo
man's Club will hold Its regular session
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. In Women of
Woodcraft Hall, at Tenth and Taylor
streets. A pleasing feature of the pro
gramme will be the piano numbers to bo
given by Mrs. John Flanders Beaumont,
who hae recently arrived here from Chi
cago, where for 16 years she waa teacher
of piano and harmony In the Gottsvhalk
Conservatory of Music. Prior to that she
was nccon:panst to Mme. Camllle Urso.
In her concert tour. Mrs. Beaumont's
selections to be given this afternoon are:
"Le Papillon" (Lavelie. "Tremolo" I
,.....i,ii,i .ml "Rltroletto" (Verdl-
LUzti. An address on "Forest Trees of
Oregon." will be given by George H.
Himes. which will be Illustrated by 50
stereoptlcan views. Mrs. J. C. Pritchard
la chairman of the day.
Banks to Hold Anni-al Meetino. Na
tional banks of the city are getting ready
to hold their annual meeting, which la re
quired by law to be held on the second
Tuesday of January, or January 12. The
annual election of offlcera will be held
at that time and the business or me
banks during the past year will be re
viewed. Reports of the management of
the different financial Institutions will be
rendered to the directors by the officers.
While the varloua Institutions will not
show as great a proportionate gain In
business during the past year aa In the
preceding year. It Is expected a very
satisfactory business showing will be
made. So far aa Is known now', there
will be no changea In the officials of the
four National banks of this city.
G. A. R. Inptallation. At a meeting
of Uncoln-Garlield Post, No. 3, G. A. R.,
held Tuesday night, January 5, the fol
lowing officers were Installed: Com
mander, D. J. Haynes; senior vice-commander,
Charles Duggan; Junior vice-commander.
W. C. Powers; officer of the
day, T. B. McDevltt; officer of the guard.
D C. McDonald; chaplain, Rev. H. A.
Harden; surgeon. Dr. J. E. Hall; quartern-aster.
H. Sutcllffe; adjutant, R. A.
Wohlfarth; sergeant-major, Otis Brooks;
quartermaster - aergeant and captain,
Joseph Sommers; patriotic Instructor. J.
A. Siaden; Colonel Sutcllffe, past depart
ment commander, acted as Installing offi
cer. Preceding the Installation exercises
a dinner waa served.
Blind Entertainer Comino. From
what cornea In advance of an entertain
ment to be given at Alumni hall, on the
evening of January 11 a Portland audi
ence Is to be congratulated on having Ed
ward Abner Thompson appear on that oc
casion. Mr. Thompson Is a New Eng
land lawyer who lost his eyesight some
years ago by being struck accidentally
with a tennis ball. After the loss of his
sight he trained himself aa a public en
tertainer and from wherever he has ap
peared he has received the strongest let
ters of appreciation. He Is reported to be
an exceptionally brilliant elocutionist and
fin vocalist. His selections are from the
best authors of tragedy, comedy, pathos
and humor.
Officers Elected. A t Us laat regular
meeting Bricklayers' Union No. 1. or
Portland, elected the following offlcera
for the ensuing term: President. Ben L.
Cason; vice-president, A. Garner; record
ing secretary. Adam Stelnback; corres
ponding secretary. Joe Clark; financial
secretary. George Buckler: treasurer,
Theodore Dunn: sargeant at arms, A. u.
Steavens: board of directors. Charles
Hoops. H. N. Beatty. Ed Thayer A.
Garner W. H. Blaney: board of arbitra
tion. George Rimer. A. G. Steavens. H.
U. Beatty; deputy. Harry McCollougn.
No Meetino of Deleoation. Owing to
the snow and cold, and the problematical
car -ervice no meeting was held lust
n'ght of the Multnomah L"glslatlve dele
gation, as had been planned. Creation of
two additional Judges of the Circuit
Court for Multnomah County
have ban the subject of discussion. The
delegation may be able to arrange a
meeting for tonight or tomorrow night.
Or scy It was announced last night, no
meeting may be held before the delega
tion arrives at Salem.
Mrs. Roe Awarded Jk'-W.-Mrs. Julia J.
P.oe who brought suit for p-rsonal In
juries received bv being injured by one
of the elevators In the Marquam build
ing was yesterday awarded a verdict for
W Mrs. Roe aued the Oregon Company
for over and the case was bitterly
fought out for several days before Judge
Wolverton. She alleged that as the result
of tha Injury that the had become para
lyzed It Is understood that the Oregon
Company will carry the case Into the
higher courts.
Leaihe Postponv-'' Rallt. Owing to
the norm, the third quarterly rally of
Portland District Epworth League, which
was scheduled to be held In Mount Tabor
Methodist EplFcopal Church tonight, has
been Indefinitely postponed. The meeting
will be held at a data to be designated
by Dr. Fletcher Homan. president of
Willamette University, wiio Is one of the
chief sprnkrrs for the oi-casion.
5tcr ' CAi'sta Postponement. On ac
count of the storm the regular meeting of
ttie educational department of the Wo
man's flub was postponed yesterday until
Januarv 21. when It will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. John MoRobert, IS Six
teenth street.
meeting of tlie Woman's Missionary So
cieties of Taylor-Street Methodist Epis
copal Church, which was to have been
held at the home of Mrs. W. Y. Masters
today, has been postponed until further
notice on account of the storm.
W. O. W. and W. or W. XoncB.-The
Installation of Portland Camp W. O. W..
Arl-t Camp W. O. W.. Arbutus Circle
V.' O. W. and Myrcla Circle W. of W.
Is 'indefinitely postponed on "account of the
REOt LAR monthly meeting of the Fruit
and Flower Mission will bs postponed
until January 14. at 2 o'clock. Miss Mabel
Beck, secretary.
The Irving-ton Tenkis Clvb members'
nlttht dance schedule for tonight (Friday)
h been postponed on account of tne
Portland A.:ademt will be closed on
account of the storm until Monday morn
ing nt 8:45.
Allitw PreparI-torT School closed to
day; will reopen Monday.
Plant Slbson roses. Phone Sellwood Ha
Will Be Heard at Earthquake
Sufferers' Benefit.
Promoters Are Working Hard to
Make Concert Triumph Artistic
ally as Well as Financially.
Society Girls Sell Flowers.
One of the brilliant features of the com
cert to be given under the direction of
Portland's leading society folk at the
Bungalow Theater, Monday night, for the
benefit of the Italian earthquake suffer
ers, will be the appearance of Madame
Norelll. who will sing a grand aria. Ma
dame Norelll has only recently returned
from Europe, where ehe made a great
impression as a dramatic soprano. This
will be her first appearance In Portland
since her successes abroad.
Madame Norelll has been heard In Port
land but once or twice, and although her
ability as a dramatic soprano Is well
known here, the music-lovers of the city
who have followed her triumphs abroad
will be glad of this chance to hear her
a rain.
When those Interested In making the
concert a success, both artistically and
financially, requested Madame NorelU to
aing. she gladly accepted. Like the so
ciety women who are patronesses of the
concert, she was happy to lend her serv
ice to so worthy a cause. This same)
spirit of splendid charity prevails amoni
all who are to take part. In addition to
Madame iorem s appraowiw:,
pheum. Grand and Pantages Theaters will
select the moat pleasing act on their pro
grammes and donate the services of these
high-class actors and actresses.
Colonel David M. Dunne. trea.-urer of
the Messina relief fund, and Frank B.
Riley, both of whom are working with
might and main to make the concert a
huge success, announce that tickets are
on sale at Woodard, Clarke & Co.'a drug
store, Sherman, Clay & Co., botle the.
Eichel and the Schiller cigar etpres, and
at the box office of the Bungalow Thea
ter. Tickets are sold at 21, and are good
for any seat In the houEe, save the boxes
and loges. In case any ticket-holder
Bhould desire box or loge seats reserved,
he can do so at the heater box office.
A very pretty feature of the concert w!ll
be the sale of flowers during the per
formance. A number of young society
women under the direction of Miss Hazel
Dolph will pass throueh the audience and
sell the flowers. Miss Frances Wilson
will direct the young women who pass out
the programmes. The seat sale. of the
loges and boxes le under the care of Mrs.
H. D. Greene, and already ar number of
the loge seats and some of the boxes,
have been sold at handsome prices. Those
who wish to exchange their $1.00 seats for
something better can do so at any time,
after Friday.
Severe Weather Fails to Check Activ
ity of Committee.
The J3000 which Colonel David M.
Dunne, treasurer of the Messina relief
fund, cabled to Minister of Finance
Lacava. yesterday morning, makes a
total of $5000 which the residents of
Portland have contributed to the
earthquake sufferers of Italy. The
sollcl'lni,- committee, headed by Chair
man S. A. Arata, though greatly handi
capped by the severe weather, collect
ed several hundred dollars, but owing
to the late hour at which they made
their returns, no list was made out.
AmoDg the subscriptions to the fund
made yesterday $100 was donated by
the Elks. The matter was brought up
last night at the regular meeting and
It was voted to give the amount named.
At the relief committee headquarters
a great number of letters containing
checks from people outside of the city
was received. In future the names and
addresses ot those who send money to
the committee will be printed. It was
decided yesterday by Chairman Arata
that, in addition to the soliciting: com
mittee, a circular letter will be mailed,
soliciting money from those who can
not be reached by the committee.
To Make Service Permanent.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 7. (Special.)
Mayor Klgglns. who Induced General
Manager Clarke of the North Bank road
to run special trains between the city and
Man '
of Energy
And Ambition
with a sense of responsibility
for the welfare of his family
contrives to put a certain pro
portion of his income in the
Are you doing this?
The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon
Invites vour deposits. S
. (
We pay from two to four
per cent
j Call for our book of
I Dnrthnr! Tmot Pnmnanu
i I uiimiiu nuoi uuuiuuiij i
of Oregon
. BEN J. I. CO HEX President
H. I PTTTOCK Vice-President
BR. A. S. NICHOLS. .2d 'loe-Pres't
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
W. J. GILL Assistant Secretary
C. W. DEGRAFF Cashier
Portland, announced tonight that a dele
gation of Vancouver business men will
visit Manager Clarke next week in an en
deavor to make this survlce permanent.
The schedule, promised over the North
Bank road gives two trains each way.
The train will leave Vancouver at 10 A.
M. and 1 P. M-, and Portland 11 A M.
and 2:40 P. M.
Man Convicted Under IJquor Ordi
nance Takes Appeal.
ALBANV, Or., Jan. 7. (Special.)
The constitutionality of Albany's liquor
ordinance was attacked this afternoon
when a transcript on appeal of the
city case against Al Peacock was filed
in the State Circuit Court. The ordi
nance embodies the provisions of the
local option liquor law and provides
easier methods for the conviction of
liquor sellers. Peacock was fined un
der the terms of this ordinance and In
his appeal has admitted the facts, but
attacks the legality of the ordinance.
With M. J. Walsh Co.
The lighting fixtures are part of the
building and cannot harmonize with It un
less Intelligently bought. If the only pur
pose of fixtures were to give light, as
well take a few electric bulbs and string
them about a room. But artistic light
ing requires an expert. The large, hand
some buildings so rapidly dotting Port
land's streets require fixtures that will
conform to their architectural beauty.
The M. J. Walsh Company offers you the
services of H. H. Bailey, an expert from
the East. Accept this invitation now.
while prices are favorable.
Mr. Robert E. Farrell. formerly of
"The Emporium'- of San Francisco, and
now manager of the new ladies' cloak
tnd suit department of Tull & Glbbs,
which will be opened in the early Spring,
together with the new tearoom, recently
left for New York and other Eastern
cities to purchase stock fer this new
section. Mr. Farrell is well known
throughout the country as one of the
most capable in tflhi, line of merchandis
ing. Thin new rijinn rtment will be one
of the finest. in the West, and It will be
In operation some time between the mid
dle of February and the first of March.
Rock Springs Coal.
The best house coal. Liberty Coal
& Ice Co., agents, 25 North 14th st.
Main 3 62 A 3136.
. ; IT '' . - i
-e r " f- "
i 1
gtlr nimmmmr,nut-nu, 1 ' ''
1 P IT P
.Li I "if
Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Boys'
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats
An opportunity which means much to
the average man, not alone on account
of the bona -fide savings, but the fact
that all our merchandise is up to the
highest standard of -quality and style.
Special Reductions on Men's Sweaters, Knit Gloves and
Winter Underwear.
Just arrived special express shipment of Phoenix Mufflers.
We are exclusive Portland agents for Holeproof
Hosiery for men, women and children; men's
Holeproot Sox are now reduced to $1.50 box of 6
pairs, same guarantee and quality as formerly
sold at $2.00 per box.
If you contemplate opening a new account or changing
your banking relations at' the beginning of the new year,
we shall be pleased to confer with you concerning the
facilities that this bank affords, assuring to you those
courtesies and considerations which your account deserves
Telephone L. Crist at Rowe & Martin's (M. 854), and the reserved
seats will be mailed to you for the concert of the
Portland Symphony Orchestra
(West Park and Yamhill.)
The Great English Pianist.
at Castle Bock Damages
Dwelling and Store.
CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Jan. 7. (Spe
cial.) While attempting to thaw out
the pipes In the second story of Mrs. J.
Drew's building, which is occupied by
her as a store and residence, her son.
John Drew, set fire to the wall paper.
The fire rapidly spread, and soon the
room was a seathlng mass of flames.
The fire department responded prompt
ly and put out the fire, but not before
several hundred dollars' worth of
damage had been done to the building
and goods by fire and water.
J3 White Oregon Wool Blankets. $2.fi5
a pair; J7.60 large White Wool Blankets.
H 75 a pair; 5 large Gray Wool Blankets.
S3 95 a pair; extra large fine White Ore
gon Wool Blankets, regular SS.50 qual
ity $5.63 a pair. All comforters and nod
ding reduced. McAUen-McDonnell, TWrd
and Morrison.
Buy the bet Kock Springs, Welsh
anthracite and other grades of house
coal Independent Coal i Ice Co., 353
stark opposite City Library. Phones
Main '780, A 3780. '
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for ladies, 305 Wash., near Fifth.
Beall & Co. have moved to their new
brick warehouse at 3t-315 East Yamhill,
opposite the John Deere Plow Co.
Hardwood Flooring
Me Make It by tlie Mile and Sell It
By the Fot.
Oregon Planing Mills
Our flooring can be laid over any
choap, ordinary flooring as a founda
tion. The work can be done by any
good carpenter. We furnish full direc
tions wliu every order. Write or phone
us and we'will have our man call and
tell you more about It. Main 1!20, A
Y. & E. FUing Cabinets
Phono and a competent aalesmaa will call
Glass &Prudhomme Co
65-67 Seventh St.
We Are Showing
the Most Com
plete stock of
And General
Office Supplies in
the City
Fit th and Oak Streets
H. SINSKEIMES. 72 Third Street.
tm th watchword for health &nd rigor,
oomf ort and beauty. Mankind Is learn-
big not only the necessity out lae lux
ury of cleanliness. 9APOLIO, whlofc
has wrought such changes In the home,
tnnounoM her aister triumph
'X special soap which energises th
whole body, starts the circulation and
JeaTea an exhilarating; glow. All ssrs
When applying for a poiltlon ai
Will help you more than any other
one qualification. There la no place
where this aubjeot la aa well taught
aa at the
tl ii
Th School that Places You in a Good Position
enables each student to advance In
dependently of all others, and avoids
the embarrassment of class work and
recitations. Our large teaching; force
makes this plan possible. Let us tell
you all about our school the most
complete and best equipped In the
Northwest. Call, telephone or write
for catalogue free for the asking-.
Tht School of Quality,"
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
A. P. Armstrong, LL.B.. Principal.
I .
The Allen Preparatory School
For hoys and trirls. Fits for all col
leges and technical schools. Small
classes. Individual attention given
Fpring term opens February 9.
For catalogues address
Telephone Knmt 4SHO.
11. 04 Foil Be
Teeth. $8 00.
Crome and Brldc
work. S3.0S.
Brom 40ft. Ockum.
Open Jtventaga 'Atii 1.
jgchwab Printing Co.