Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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    t-i w f i i . . - . i , i
. " I 1 I s
Rooms With Board.
Three of the most elc.-antlv furnished
ultes In Portland. just vac:H by parties
going to California for the Winter; very
modem; steam heat, l ath, p-lvate phone.
I rMi to pool and billiard tables. Corner
Grand and Hawthorne ave.
PORTLAND Women' Union. 2Vh year:
rooms with board. use of Bwmx-roora
and library: Women Exchange. Mra
Ella Rawlins. Supt-. BIO Flander.
BUKELT HAL!. 3? Jefferson, between
Bth and .th. pleasant room with first
r:a9 board; running -water, steam heat,
finely loraled for builreM people.
family hotel, has the re.t steam-heated
rooms In Portland; modrn convenience
Cor. Grand Ite. and Haxthorne
rim COLONIAL, cor. 10th ar.d Morrison
bt board In city for price; pleasant
rooms: stsam heat.
THE LTNDE.LL. !' Market Nicely fur
nished rooms, homo cooking: steam heat,
electric lights, baths, phones, i weekly.
THE MAF.LYN. Washington and 17lh. wel!
furalsred looms. ht and eld water,
hoc: cocklr.g. perman.nt or trnnsienc
THE MORRISON. 833 Morrison St.. family
hotel, modern, aew management: board op
tional: best labia board: pricea moderate.
ROOMS, single and n rulte. m;'!"
ventence. 462 Morrison, cor. 13th,
Room With Board) In Private Family.
EXTRA warm. sunny rooms, excellent
board. 8 minutes- walk to P. O.. bath,
phone, home prtTelegee. 20 per month.
442 Jefferson.
THRF7H nicely furoksl-ed rooms with good
board- U bath: walking distance. Mat
carllne. 429 East Parte St.
TWO front rooms, also single rooms, with
board, suitable for man and wife or two
gentlemen. 423 7th. .
UkROB, llrht front room, suitable for two;
bom) privileges: ten cooking; free phone
and beta, phone E 3244.
ROOMS, with board. suitable for two. $20 41 FUa, near Washington, between
20ih and Slat.
ROOM with or without hoard for one or
two persons; walking distance. Phono i.
LARGE furnished front room, suitable for 2.
with board. 470 Taylor St., bot. l:Uh and
14th. Phone A 4416
TWO elegantly furnished room, with board:
fireplaces: both phones; two couples pre
ferred. 664 Flanders.
NICE room, rood board, modern. oentraL,
reasonable, references. Main 32m2.
NICELT furnished room a-1 h ard. suitable
for two; $6.50 a week. 6,'J Washington st.
TURKISH ED rooms and board for two. In
quire 2"1 Tenth, corner Taylor, close In.
fyi Pleasant' rooms for two, $40; $20 single
room. 47o- Main st.
ROOMS with or without board; furnace
heat. 473 Morrison St.
FURNISHED room with board. 815 East
6th st. Phone East 42i'6.
PLEASANT room for two, with board, fine
location. J5I Salmon. Main 8937
FRONT ROOMS with Board. P.S9 Taylor.
.Apart mollis.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Column.
100 feet from Jefferson or 13th-st. carllne;
easy walking distance; new. hanusome
brick building. In 2. 3. 4-room family
iirtmrii; private bath and reception
hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free
phone. Janitor service, maximum of con
venience, eleuam. equipment; completely
furnished, ready 'for housekeeping; some
unfurnished; rent reasonable.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room resilience
apartments. eai-li hav-Ir.g private vesti
bule and bath, eteaa; ro-at. ho: and cold
water, gas refrigerators, wlr.-'ow
iad and s-reen. tb.epnor. ir.i JatviloT Apply Janitor. iV.h and Cout-h.
THE KEARNEY 21-t and Kearney New
(room steam-heated apartment: every
modern convenience, ex.-cil.nt n-ishbor-hood.
See owner. 1122 Falling bltlg.. for
terras, wnich will be made vury reason
able THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and JelTereon st .:
unfurnished 4-r,m apartment. Feb. 1. with
bath: new. mo-tern and fully eiiuit.d for
convenience; rent rea-onnble; location saves
carfare. Apply to Janitor. Main 2.Vti.
WELLINGTON CiMKT, 15th and Everett
sts.. I beautifully furnished 4-room apart
Flankers; 6 rxma. unfurnished; ateam heat
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. S and 4-rooro
modern apartmenta 11th and Columbia.
FOR RENT Modem, up-to-date upper flat.
0 rooms and 2 r.ioms In attic, nreplare
and furnace. 4S Pirk St.. $" 30
Phone taut 1431; Tabor 7 Go
BIX-ROOM flat, all modern:
for sm; & fnap; must sell.
17th at.
so furniture
Call SI N.
FLAT 1H1 McMlllen. three blocks north
of east end of steel bridge. Apply IjjS
McMlllen st.
MODERN 4-room flat, walking distance $13
per month. 831 Mississippi ave. Toie
phone Woodlawii S'l2.
J3LEOANTLT furnished 6-room flat: want
ing '.stance. West Side, for sale or rent
very cheap; eaiy urna Phone A 4?7d.
K1W, modern, upper 8-room fiat. 571 ftth.
near Jackson; wa king distance.
MODERN I room flat. 46 East Burnstde.
eomcr Ith.
NEW Cats. rooms and bath. Til and T31Mj
Hoyt at. Apply 132 C:h st. Mam 627s.
KEW 7-room lower flat 14S S4ta street,
keys at 7l4 Irving.
KEfW modem 6-room fat. walking distance;
reasonable rent. 6M E. Ealmon.
32. PARK ST. 4V-room flat, cl jao In. reasun-
(VROOM new, modem Tat, e24s Esst Stark. 62 EVast Elark.
liOWETR FLAT rooms, flrepla -e. furnace,
porch, yard. Nob 11111. Main 42C.
m Houaekrerilng Kooma.
THE EEAVEIt. 12th and Marshall sts
Newly f-jrniahe.l fiir houseKe";nr.g. ir.
rludir.47 tiai ranees, electric litflus. hit
water, bams, laundry. re.-pption-roo.Ti. a.l
free; furntsned apartmenta SIo rrmontsj
up; slncle ho.;sekepii.g roc'aj f2."'lwrk
up: best in tliy fcr money; sliort dis
tance from Vr.lon Depot. Take ?" or
lotb-at. cars north, get oif at Marshall St.
Washington. cor. "th NU-e.y furnlshei
housekeeplnz rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free ph'jne. b.h floors, aire
suites? from $12 up.
WELL-FURNISHED housekoepinc rooms. 2.
S-$10 i for 12. $1.-.: slo-plne
roonia. $1.2.. wk. ; west side river. :ti!4 X.
24:h.. 16th-st. car to 2tith. south half block.
HOI'SEKEEPIN'G rooms 10 suite: sleeping
IS month and up; modern, free telephone
and electric IlK-it; worklncmen preferred.
34 Hawthorne ave. East 6:53.
61'ITE housekwepin c rooms: bath. free
J hones; cheap rent: also one large mud
era housekeeping room. 20i 4th at.
Main 2u3. A 2V24.
BEAUTIFULLY lea:ed bay-window, nnrur
clered ?-r.xm m le In centrally "located
apartment-bouse, li' o'-i Jefteras.n. cor. Sta.
furnished for housekeeping. Wasl. ington
and Trinity, between imh and 2oth.
ONEONTA. 17 17th. near Tamhll!. 2 and
:t-room furnnr-ed suites (gas range, hot
and cold waterl. heat, phones and hath.
i.frO WEEK up. larsf. c.ean furnished
hiueelteeptr.;; rim: parlor, laundry, batb
1S4 Sherman. South l'i.rtland.
4fl EAST Mortiscn. eor. P.ast 9th. complete
ly furnished housekeeping rooms, mudcrn
THE KLMS Furnished 2 a.d 3-room V part
melts: heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
TWO furnished housekeeplrs rooms, no chil
dren. !!." Hth St., cor. T.irlor.
HoiwkerpiDc Rooms In I'rlvale lamlly.
JK3 laTlt at., two complete housekeeping
rooms; batb. gas an l phone: $!.
yiytNIHnD houskeer-lrg roorrs g-ound
roor: gas. hath, piire free y.-! Oak St.
TW'O large rooms and al-oe, e'eot-tc Mht.
teat and plione; reul Jc.Tcrsu.
Housekeeping Koomi in rrtvate Family.
FOR RENT Trro partly furn1.led houre-kc-DirK
rooms. private family. modern
conveniences. 644 F landers.
THREE modern, clean, nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, $17 month. -Front
BEAUTIFt'L bar "window front rooms, large,
airy. ell-furnlshed; good location. 5o4
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, to people employed; also single
room. 4olVe I'ark at.
PI.ESANT. completely furnlahed. housw-ke.-1'lng
u1e; all conveniences: central; ref
erences. o27 7th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason
able. ba:h. gas and phone. 4"3 Clay st.
ENTIRE floor. 3 rooms and batn, nicely fur-"nl.-iied.
22tl Grant. '
PLEASANT furmshed rooms for housekeep
ing; modern: $12.o up. 3oJ 6th St.
COTTAGE with two rooms, $12. W per
month. Call up Main 5S02.
THREE-ROOM, well-furnished housekeeping
s.ilt. olo Salmon, cor loth.
FR'NT pitrt of houe. fitrr.lshed complete
f.T h..u'-kplng. oo3 Hancock St.
N ii tlLY furnished front parlor; also single
rooms, close In. S4 w est Park. i
B-ROOM hours. 741 Hoyt. $JO; -room
house. B2J flltsan, $10: -room hocse. 4.".2
Irrabee, S22 -MV Louis Salomon & Co.,
2:13 Stark St., near 2d.
J1S 3 - room house, modern conveniences,
walking distance from Steel bridsre, cor.
Vancouver and Hroadway. Inquire next
door on Broadway.
B ROOMS, ground floor, concrete basement,
modem plumbing, electric llghta. tt24 Hol
gte at., 1 block from Sellwood car llae;
$12. including water.
7-ItooMS. up stairs, close In, worklngman'a
quartera; rent 112. H. Buetikofer, 16
A NEAT, mouern 8-room cottage: electricity,
fuina-" and pr-eliin bath; large grounds;
rent $20. Apply room am. The Dekum.
8-ROOM house, all modern conveniences,
.! Vaggert, 1 block from Waverly and
Woodstock car.
COTTAGE, s rooms, gas. electricity, large
yard, talking distance. Inquire 174 Meud
MODERN house. 8.11 Union are. Apply 188
McMlllen st-
MODERN house, fl rooms and bath. 773
Irving St. Apply 132 th at. Main 27S.
NEW house, t rooms and bath, 71 El 10th
rt. Apply 132 8th st. Main B273.
FOR RENT 7-room oottage. 70S Everett St.,
$39 per month. Owner. 18 Falling b'.dg.
HOUSE, ror Macadam and Pennojer sts., 5
rooms: bath; $12. oO per month.
MODERN o-room corner house, 840 East
Ash: $22 Key next door.
ON Salem Electric, 5c fare. $10; this month,
(3. Phone Sellwood lln.
MODERN 7-room house,
I.esh. 013 Dekum bldg.
central. W. II.
IUVINGTON Cory, well furnished cottage,
S looms, piano. Phone Main 933.
MODERN B-room house, 102 East 18th at.
1 hone East 2-1J".
MODERN bungrtlow. new, on carllne,
i. 9CT3
Hast Gllrun. $22. East 0. B I4t4
6- ROOM cottage, $22, gas and bath. Inquire
444 11th st.
7- ROOM house for rent. Inquire 113 Ablng;-
ton bldg.
u-KixjM modern house. $17. OO. 608 East
Ash. near two carlines.
HOU51-3 for rent. 6oC Front at.
FOR RENT Flestant modern 8-room house,
within IS minuter walk of business cen
ter; rl'te lawn, furnii.e. reasonable rent.
Tenant may have Immediate possession If
! r.d. 215 M-Mlllen st. or phone East
WflEif fOU MOVE rou always need SOUS
Bl'f AT NO-RENT prtcea; the itv
Ing will exceed cost of raovlng-
cupy one-half: collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and B. Btark. Phone East 2029.
Modem 6-roora house, completely fur
nished, $2T per month. 7.M Kelly t.,
S oith Portland J. W. Grussl, 2d5 W'ash
Inrton. near 3d. room 7.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow
It, IrvinKttm Addition: bath. electrlo
lights, nrepiace, yard and laige porch;
reasonable. H 612, Oregontan.
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house, fire
place, furnace, gas. electricity, to re
rponsible tenant. Apply forenoons, 703
living st
6-ROOM cottage, conyenlences: com
plete for housekeeping; neatly, newly and
well furnished. 1143 Hawthorne ave.
COMPLETELY furnished flat, bath, pantry
and cloeets. would like to board with
renter. Main Kea. 2'.'2t$ Clay.
COMPLETELY fuTn1."he4 -room house, nice
yard, ros- o: call between 2 and 6: ref
erences. SoS East Ajrh, near 2a Ih st.
NEW 8-room house, elegantly furnished,
grand plauo. Oriental rug. Main 918.
FURNISHED flat. S or 4 rooms, bath. 614
East 21st at. W. Hear.
6-lloOM. desirable cottage, completely fur
nirhed. Inquire 4(3 Dekum bldg.
Hoaera for Rent Tarnltnra for sisitev
FI-ATS for rent, furnished or unfumlphed. and
furniture of 6 rooms for saie. itentngtoa
Court. 310 Benton St., near Steel bridge.
FINK f-trnlture 8-room flat, suitable for
roomers or boardors. good location,
strictly modem; $do0. Phone Main t;i2d.
Ft.R PAL& Furr.tture 6-room lower flat ot
'will rent 3 roorr.a, rent $30. Main 8064,
2ij :i Cohimbia St.
NEW furniture In 6-room flat, nice location:
will sell 'to first party with $276; rent IS
reasonable. &i 5th St.
FURNITURE of 8-room flat, also flat for
rent, all modem, a snap; must sell. Call
Cl N. Kth.
.N'KW furniture of modem house, aactiflce
sale tomorrow, phone A 671L
FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale.
Phone SelWood 215.
J-STORI brick bulldlni IUxlOO. with base
ment, on Front St., tvt. Yamhill and
Taylor. Apply 183 Madison st.
SPLENDID store, 123 1st St.. near Wash
ington: elegant rotall location. Donaid v.
Woodward, agent. 104 2d St.
STOll with living rooms above. ICS Union
ave. See ITartman & Thompson, C- of C.
gK$15 $20
In Iteurt of busltievei dlstrl.-t. Well lighted
ar.d ventilated: two elevators: all night
service; hjt and cold vvatT. rraa and elec
tric lights; excellent Janitor service: auto-n.atl.-
lire alarm system; low Insurant;
property protected by niitht watch.
rioHk room ?. and up.
fjvj SW'ETLA.ND BLl't;.. 6th and Wnah.
(iHOL'Nll FLOOR dvsk rjom. furnished or
ur.f tiruished, including both telephones:
central location. Sengstalte A Lyman. 6
6th st.
DESIRABLE suites, single offices and dosk
room centrtlly located. Kalelgil bldg.,
323 t Washington, cor. Bth.
OVER f.'.OO square fvt floor space, heated,
directly In front of elevator. Lumber Ex
change bldg.. 2d and Stark ate.
GROUND FLOOR office pace, flrst-clas
and reasonable. 22S stark st.
FOR RENT A few offices m Couch bid.
Apply Room POL
FIRST and second floors, each 2oxl00. new
bri' k. Jobbing diftrU't. N 617, Orcgonian.
Money to Loan.
MONET to loan at and 7 per cent on East
and West side business and residence
vrvptrtj. M.-U Vaa iiurstel. Iu4 2d sL
aloney to Loan.
4C2 Rothchild bldg.. cor. 4th and Waeh.
The recognized bank of the wage-earner.
A clerk, bookkeeper, ma.-hlntnt. engineer
or employe can oDtaln money of us on his
note without eecurlty.
$15 return to us. ......... ....... .$4 a Mo,
$3 return to us $8 Mo.
$S0 return to us $13. 35- a Mo.
Confldentrnl; no unpleasant Inquiries.
Special rates on pianos. furniture, etc.
CONF1D h" N T I A L.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; business ccnndentlal. . ,
Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 return to us $2'J.00 $10.00 $5 00
$.V) return to ue.... 13.33 6.85 8 23
$30 return to u.... 8.C0 4.00 2.00
$15 return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00
2"9 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta.
MONEY advanced salaried people and othere
upon their owa r.ames without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices la
6 principal cltlen; save youiselt -money
fcy getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. S17 Lumber Exchange B.dg.
WE have a splendid little loan to offer;
$S0O for two years. 8 per cent, on im
proved residonce property, worth t least
1S00; owner has good salary and stands
A-l. Starr 4 Campbell, real estate agents,
end of Montavllia carline.
Inetallmeat Icens on planoe, furniture,
wsrehouee recelns. horses. Insurance p-ll-ciee,
ea.arlea and all kinds of securltlea.
4o3 Swetland bldg.
Plenty of money to loan at and T per
cent on real estate security.
Room 8, S66 Washington street. COT. 3d.
ON Improved city property or for building 3 to 8 years" time; liberal repay
ment privilege!; money advanced aa build
ing progresses. Tiie Equitable, 2d and
Stark sts.
MONEY sold on Installment p'.sn: confidential-
no security but your aalary; best sys
tem for railroad, streetcar mployee. me
chanics and others
Buchanan Bldg.. 2Si;'s Washington St.
LOVNS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse
receipts purchase contracts. diamonds
and Jewelery. Pierce, nil Alisky bldg.
MONEY to loan In large and small sums
at tl to 8 per cent on improved real estate.
007 Commercial bldg.
AQ loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for long or short
time. A. M. Delovage, Jweler. 2t
Washington et.
$00 0O0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty,
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck.
312 Falling bldg.
LOANS on real estate and all kinds of per
sonal security. W. A. Hathaway, room
10 Waehli.eton bldg. Main 302.
WE pay the highest cash price for telephone
bonds and Oregon Trust accounts. E. L.
Fraley, 17 Board of Trade bldg.
$HX.0o0 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to
suit, 8 to I per vein uui-w.
M. O. Griffin. 206 Stark, opp. Cbaro. ot C.
WE buy foreign money, gold dust. Title
Guarantee German-American bank ac
counts. Lewis & Co.. 261 Washington at.
jaw rates- w-e loan money on diamonds and
Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d at.
1 MAKE loans, any size, on Improved city
property siq "
ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 to 7 pef
cent interest. 305 Oerllnger bldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts W. H. Nunn. 4-19 Sherlock bldg.
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as, state ngt. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of L.
MONEY to loan, any amount. 8 to 8 per
cent. Frary & Soltx. 132 oth st.
LOANS on real.- personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
MONET to loan, mortgages purchased. E. 1
Devereaux. ilo4-5 Fenton bldg.
Ixtans Wanted,
$S'H ON a modem cottage and lot 100x100
In Montavllia; property worth J'00: -years
8 per cent; interest seml-anually:
excellent party. Starr & Campbell, end of
Montavllia carllne.'
WANTED From private party, a loan ot
$'0 00 at low Interest and long term;
oblect improve business property In fast
growing town. Address K 64S. Oregonlan.
WANTED $3000. real estate security. 3 to
5 "vears. 7 per cent. Smith, 26 Hamilton
CLIENT wants $ IOoO. another $:00. at 7
per cent: also $1000 ot 8 per cent (va
cant). Walling. 243 Stark.
$8000. WILL pay 8 per cent, security $24.-
000. Phone Mnln 8427
LOST Brown Irish water spaniel dog. ans
wers to name of Curley; return to 10'.)o
Williams ave. or telephone Woodlawn 64;
LOST Small book pertaining to Wel'.s-Far-
go business at Bt. John. Will party who
answered ad please call again or call
Main oiS.
LOST Oold band ring Saturday evening
on Killings-worth ave.. betw een Michigan
and Missouri; liberal reward. Sellwood
jt-ound Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, leturned same day. 121 Front.
Main 474. A 1:174. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Monger.
LOST Qnld hracelet, red stone. January 2.
Was Christmas present, greatly prized.
Please return. Reward. M 23111.
IX-tT A gold snake head, set with ame
thyst betwe-n 6th and 1st on Morrison.
Return to office Grand Theater; reward.
LO-jt 1 Jersey heifer. 2 years old. strayed
from Alder-st. dock; reward. Regulator
Line. Main P14.
IST Wednesday. Dec. 23, Key-ring bear
ing set of six or seven keys and a brass
tag numbered ;;u. r-uouw du.. .o.
FOUND Small purse on. Lovejoy at. Inquire
778 Irving st.
LOST Lady's purse. S. car or corner Corbett
and Lane sts.; reward. Phone Main 7H.-..
LOPT a fork of IT goati; reward. Phone
Woodlawn 1511(1. .
MR LENT'S Roomlnc-House Agency
Rooming-houses all sizes and prices. Phone
Main S3'H. A S475. 430 's Washington,
Arnold A Co.. Main 7311 361V, Morrison St.
CAPITAL INVITED $.-.0,000. mere or less,
either ns stockholder or loan, latter pre
ferred. Good Interest- To enlarge well
established wholesale and retail Import
business. Preferred stck now on the
market. 8 per cent Interest guaranteed.
Privilege of withdrawing at the expiration
of 3 years Onlv A-l reputation need ap
ply. AE 406. Orei;onlan.
FOR SALF rare chance for a party with
$1000 or $..o00 to buy a well established
general nvlfie. business In a live, growing
City In Western Washington; low rent, con-t-al
location. Particulars on application.
Heavy discount if taken soon. No trades
considered. Address D 4l!, Orcgonian.
FACTORY, fully equipped, owning IPs own
building nnl ground, manufacturing ex
clusive patented article, will sell control
Inir Interest: purch-isor will have working
interest with good salary: $",0i0 will
handle. Particulars 523 Lumbar Exchange
WNTBD Relinhle man to Join me In
handling Veal estate and business cnanees.
No experience necessary, as I have been
In the business for years and need heip.
Si2 Swetland bldg. .
APE you wanting a good rooming-house,
any size or price ? Call and see us. 272
Stark st.
RESTAURANT Cheap If taken at once;
owner must leave city. 335 1st.
FURNITURE business. b"t lo.-ntlon on
East Slilu. at 537 WilUajux ave.
02O-O27-D23 t-urueil
Main 3517. , A ,V .
Business Investments, Rooming-Houses,
Real Estate and Timber.
Next year will he the largest year In
the history of Portland. The Seattle Fair
will bring thousands of strangers to tne
pacific Northwest. Now is the time to
buy all kinds of business, while the prices
are cheap and low. Don't wait until It
is too late. 1
Investors If you are looking for a
first-class business, we have a number
that will bear the closest Investigation.
Call and see our list of hotels, rooming
houses, general stores, drugstores, butch
er shope. groceries. confectionery ana
cigar stores, wholesale and commission
businesses, bakeries, barber shops, sa
loons and almost anr business yov may
fl2C-C27-fl2 Corbett Bldg.
WHOLESALE and retail lumber company
incorporated, requires the services of par
tics fully competent of filling the follow
ing name-d positions, who are financially
able to Invest capital In amounts of $1000
and up. a gilt-edge investment! book
keeper and accountant, stenographer and
assist, bookkeeper, retail salesman. Bales
manager, yard foreman, mill foreman,
sanver, logging foreman, general super
intendent. K 547. Oregonlan.
Onlv few blocks from this oftice, nice
modern place, with furnace heat, nice
liirlit rooms and extra wll furnished.
You can rent enough rooms to pay all
expenses besides 2 good rooms for your
self. Some one will get a GEUNLNE
SNAP, as this must be sold this week.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
$26 W Washington St,. Rooms 201-10$.
AN Interest In a wholesale and retail lum
ber business for sale. Incorporated, direct
manufacturers and owners of our own
nulls, capacity of mill 80.000 feet per day,
fully modem equipment and retail yards
In a first-class location, plenty of re
sources for timber; a very entertaining
proposition for an Investment, especially
for parties able to fill an executive or me
chanical position. A3 620, Oregonlan.
29 room. 2 blocks from Portland Hotel:
nicely furnished, steam heat, running
water in rooms; 2 years' lease, and mak
ing $2t0 per month above ail expense
Don't fall to eee It; price, $1600.
801 Buchanan Bldg., 2Stiii Washington St.
One of the best family groceries on the Side; fine stock and fixtures: old es
tablished place; owner wants to retire; 3
or 6-year lease on store and rosldence:
about $2i00. J. W. Grussl. 265 Washing
ton, near 3d. room 7.
FOR 6ALE A store with about $4000
stock of general merchandise, five miles
west of Centralia. Wash., located on the
railroaifl now building from Centralis, to
Grays Harbor; sales amount to about
$30,000 a year. Call or address Chehalls
River Lbr. Co., Centralia, Wash.
HOTEL and saloonmen. attention! Fur
nished lodging-house. 34 rooms, with bar:
lot 40xl2f; located In good, pormanent
mining camp In Southern Nevada; open
state, low liquor license; $200 to $400
clear por month. This Is worth investi
gating; $7500. terms. A 631. Oregonlan.
OWNER of solid cash business wants part
ner, as he cannot depend on hired help;
will show business: will pay $100 monthly
over and above all expense; $1000 re
quired. For particulars call room 623
Lumber Exchange.
One of the finest In the city, right down
town, fine location, cneap rent, 7-year
lease; $3000 will handle, or $1600 will
handle half Interest. J. W. QrusaU 265
Washington, near 3d, room 7.
TOU CAN GET action on all mining and
Industrial stocks ar.d bonds through head
quarters at Catterlln 4t Co., auite 8,
Chamber ot Commerce. We buy. aell or
trade. Call or write. .
FOR SALE General merchandise store In
small town, business clears $175 per
nienth; postortlce In connection; takes
$3000 to handle etock and property. Ad
dress Box "M." Shelbnra. Or.
FIRST-CLASS apartment-house In flneBt lo
cation In city, lot 60x100, Is paying 11 per
cent on Investment; price $26,000; $16,000
cash: terms on balance. See our agent at
102 2d st
Bargains, business chances, stores, res
taurants lots, etc. Trades all kinds of
business propositions. Trader's Agency.
15 5th. near Burnside. Phone Main 8377.
SNAP In well-located grocery, established
trade in restaurtnt supplies; sales ?40
to $50 dally; a rare opportunity for some
on Never before on the market. b5
6th at
R KT.IABLE man deals In potatoes, apples,
etc., wants partner; guarantees you sal
ary, also profits: $1600 required, secured
Call 248 ft Stark St.
"VOR RENT H fine atore lultable for
Jewelry, cutlery, drugstore or other legiti
mate business. Inquire of Chaa. Riley.
219 Lumber Exchange bide.
ON ACCOUNT of going back East I must
sell my bakorv. Am doing good businoss.
Will sell cheap If taken at once. Write
or call. Henry Oppenlander. Sllverton, Or.
RE VL ESTATE Partner wanted, energetic,
man can make big money; duties easily
learned; little money required. Particu
lars 24514 Stark st.
PARTNER wanted. $200 buys H Interest
in restaurant. 312 Purnside, or 103 Third;
$100 down handles good business.
Trader's Agency, 13 North 5th. Main U377.
WANTED by a responsible party, to take
charge of a rooming house with the privi
lege of buying, city or country. Address,
P 533. Oregonlan.
ROOM I NO-HOUSE We hav a 6-aore tract,
good soil, tributary to 2 carlines. to ex
change for roomlng-houae. 16-16 Lafayette
HALF Interest In manufacturing- company
making a household necessity; an excep
tional opportunity: $2500 required. Spen
cer Co.. 102 2d at.
HALF Interest In electrical supply business
In good location; J1100 required. Spen
cer Ac Co., 102 2d st-
FOR a good location eultable for cigar store,
bootb'.nck stand r barber shop. Inquire
of Chas. Kiley. 219 Lumber Exchange.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
Bold. The Fletcher Co., 125 Ablngton.
PARTNER wnnted. chance for working
man: pay salary, a'so profits; little cash
required. Call 24SH Stark st.
FULL equipped enndv factory; good loca
tion, low rent, on easy terms. Sam 1
Beary, 323 Morrison St. a
DELICATESSEN. groceries, etc.. living
rooms, guarantees livinc and bank $60
month; $S00. Call 24S'-i! Stark at.
PARTNER small boarding and sale stabloj;
small amount money required. C 631,
FOR PALE Good business with good stock,
cheap rent, for Bale cash or real estate.
Call 1H0 3d Bt.
CEMENT buslnesj. partner wanted, guar
antees salary, also profila. Call 24Sii Stark
OFFICE manager for chain of cities, salary
nnd commission; J500 required. O 64(1.
84 ROOMS, newly furnished. In good loca
tion, doing good business. Phone -East
A OOOI) paving lodging-house, clearing $150
per month. $120; balance on time; no
acents. 202'-i Second st.
HOOMIN'Q-HOUSE. 9 rooms, cheap or ex
change for cottage near car; will five
cash difference. H 634. Oregonlan.
TWO splendid buys In grocery stores. You
cannot afford to fall Investigating these.
272 Stark st.
FOR an opening in a real estate office we
have one that Is rarely offered. 272 Stark
20 ROOMS, always full, nice corner, clear
ing ?5 to $75 per month; a bargain at
$1200. terms. 320 2d st.. cor. clay.
GOOD grocery, must be aold at once on ao
count of Illness; best location in town.
L 53S. Oregonlan.
BERBER shop. 2 chairs, 18th and Washing
ton; rent $20: $126 if taken this week. Nob
illll Barber Shop
MACHINERY Partner wanted, $5000; pre
for office man. Call 24S's Stark at.
SALOON for sale, make offer thlg week. 288
Burnside st,
GROCERY Partner wanted, pays big;
small capital. Call 248 Stark at.
GOOD lots to trade for an automobile, or
Bell them on Installments. 272 Stark at.
MERCHANDISE store, good country town,
cheap. Call 24SH Stark et
GROCERY at 3114 3d; good chance; very
vhcap. Coute and soo owner.
27 rooms, only $1250.
42 rooms, brick bldg., steam heat, al
ways full; will take improved property.
Ji'jOOO buys old-established furniture
business. Eastern Oregon; will trade for
improved residence property.
Business Dept., 253 Washington.
ARB TOO looking- for a really profitable,
safe. Oregon Investment. In which sums
of $50 and upwards Invested can not be
lost, and will pay handsome monthly divi
dends for life? If so. for particulars and
terms, call on or address Geo. Curtis, 311
Couch bldg.. Portland. Or.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (established
18t5) furniehee. free Information on oppor
tunities In mercantile or manufacturing
lines, city or country.
403-4-6 Swetland bldg. .
HAVE suburban property worth $4000 for
Well-paying modem "Valley hotel, $3000,
ei- Trtrr!nnd nrooertv.
Polk County timber for ranch, or consider
-Poi-tinnd business or rooming-house. 1022
Board of Trada bldg.
A good sawmill proposition, with B.00O.
000 to 10,000,000 feet good saw timber,
mill and equipment. 509-10 Buchanan
bldg.. 2S6H Washington st.
TOotf -RAomlnr-house for sale. 44 rooms.
close in, new and neatly furnished, clear
ing $323 month; bargain: all high-class
roomers, no cneap loaging-nousc; mm.
this, be convinced. Call on owner, 401
Front. Phone Main swia.
sor.nn Nice eotraa-e: t lots, barn, fruit,
team, goose-neck wagon and express busi
ness Tavln x5 Tier dav net: cash pay
ment $1500. I. O. Davidson. 819 Chamber
of Commerce.
IF you want to buy or Bell a business or
want a partner, call and Bee us. We have
clients looking ror gooa invescmeme 11
Portland. Western Land Co., 417 Board
of Trade,
A GOOD live man In every town In Ore
gon; $200 to $1000 required; nnnaie own
money, no risk. $130 to $200 per month.
Act quickly. Address Manager, 21S Com
monwealth bldg.
CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, well lo
cated and doing good business, $S50. A
very good proposition, which will stand
full Investigation. Kauffman & Moore, 825
Lumber Exchange.
RESTAURANT on Morrison St.. cash re
celpts $40 dally; another on N. 3d taking
In $20 to $30 dally; low rent with long
lease; will eeli this A. m. at a oargain.
Call 721 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Only drugstore in liv. grow
ing town in Southwest Washington; dally
cash sales $20; expenses $20 montn; yearly
profits $2000 net; Invoice $3200. Address
M 645, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A snap, dental office, for sale
In Tacoma, modem in every detail. Ad
dross Northwest Dental Supply Co., 227-8-3
Lumber Exchange bldg., Seattle, Wash.
PARTNER In an established real estate
office: little money required: must b
good, sober, honest man. Call 417 Board
of Trade.
A BARGAIN In 8-room house; another In
9 rooms In housekeeping sultea at low
prices; low rent. See us this A. M. 721
Board of Trade.
WE have a straightforward: business propo
sition that will pay 600 per cent on an
Investment of $500. Call at 423 Worcester
FOR SALE A restaurant that Ib a decided
harrnln. well stocked with canned roods.
wood and coal. Do not miss this. 272
Stark et.
PARTNER wanted for wOTklnsrmen's saloon;
$300 required. Call between 7:30 and 9
mornings. The Abbott, room 26, 228H
W aehlngton.
FIRST-CLASS grocery, fresh stock; will in
voice about $3000; average sales ' $50 a
day; owner going away. F. M. Crawford
& Co., 420 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Tounr man familiar with stock
and farm products; pay $20 per week
and profits. Small Investment. 302 Swet
land Diug.
WE can locate you In paying business, be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney ft
Stamplier. 031-31: Lumber .Exchange bldg.
Main 44SO.
ROOMING-HOUSES from $200 to $10,000.
Over 100 on our list, all money-makers.
The Lee-Bowdler Co., 2d floor Pantages
u heater bldg.
RESTAURANT Good location, doing busi
ness $15 dally; nicely ntted up place;
cheap rent, very little money will handle.
Call 023 Lumber ,xcnange blag.
FOR SALE Well furnished rooming-house
8 rooms, all rented, price $650, or will
exchange for unimproved city property.
A. Clark. 819 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE A bakery and confectionery,
low rent. 8 years' lease. Including . living
rooms; doing gooa business; win De sola
below cost. 272 Stark at.
HALF Interest In fish and poultry market,
doing $3000 per month; this will stand
closest investigation, see xoung, biz uer
linger bldg.
l WELL-ESTABLISHED manufacturing
plant; will sell hair Interest, with services,
handling office work, etc. Call 417 Board
of Trade bldg.
WANTING a small tract of land from 1 to
10 acres within walking distance of 80
limit. Call or write 721 Board of Trade.
FEED and grain business; rood opportunity
to right party to buy 1-3 Interest, with
services. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Confectionery store, pool hall
and building. Address F. A. Larkln,
touth Bend. Wash.
A CIGAR store or confectionery and cigars
Till be sold right. Look this up. 272
Stark Bt,
JEWELRY store, best location In city, heart
business district; small cash Investment,
rent $150, lease. L 534, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Half Interest ki good business
proposition as partner; money refunded If
not 'satisfactory. H 547, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Moving picture and vaudeville
Bhow; price $800; terms. Cost $1300;
other business. Box CS1, Cottage Orove.
$400 HANDLES half Interest In saloon; good
location; established 20 years; I have other
business. L 563. Oregonlan.
PARTNER to divide hours in ehootlng gal
lery; paying proposition, $300. L 556. Ore
goniau. X HAVE some good buys In olgar and con
fectionery stores. Call and see me. 417
Board of Trade.
$100 A snap, good paying shoe ehop, well
established, fine location. Inquire of A.
B. Boades, 204 NasU st.
IF you want to buy or sell a rooming
house or hotel, call and see us. West
ern Land Co., 417 Board of Trade.
AGENCY for a specialty; requires some can
vassing; pays $200 month; $400. W. W.
Payne, 1210 Williams ave.
SALOON Partner wanted, rare chance for
steady man. Call 24S14 Stark st.
SNAP It will pay to look up this restau
rant proposition. O o'O. Oregonlan.
GERMAN. French, Spanish and other for
eign textbooks and literature a specialty.
A. W. Schmaie Co.. 229 1st st.
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens Nerve
Tonic Tablets, 25o box. Eyssell's Phar
macy, 2M Morrison St., bet. 4th and 6th.
COMMERCIAL Detective Agency: experienced
male and female assistants; business strict
ly confidential. M. 7599. R. 13, 303H Wash.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist.
302 Alisky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Question
night Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 2835.
Mme. Courtwrlght. skin ana scalp treat
ments facial deformities corrected, plastic
surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 6042. A 2060.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free.
170', i 3d st. Main 8770.
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely stagls
people: circular 10c 229 V, 1st st.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 680
Gllsan st. Main 9216.
JUST opened, ladles barber shop. 96 4th
st,. bet. Oak and Pins.
Miss Robinson, expert Eastern detective; work
reaeonaDle, guaranteed. T 481, Oregonlan.
HIGHEST price paid for combings and out
hair. Portland Bazaar, 400 H Morrison.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 FUedner bldg. M. 347$.
250 PRINTED business cards $1: 100 Tlslt-
injr cards. 60c K2S is
medical and electrical institute where
we treat the diseases ot men, women and
children; where wo have a corps of our
own operating surgeons and our own hos
pital. Many operations we nave by the
use of electricity, being fully equipped
In that line; we have men specialists for
the men and women specialists for the
women. We treat the diseases of ear.
eye, nose and throat. No difference what
your disease may be. call and see us. Con
sultation free. Phones Main 7743, A 8753.
Diseases of men. women and children
treated and cured; maternity cases given
special attention; all private and wasting
diseases promptly cured, and their effects
permanently removed from the system.
Raleigh bldg.. cor. eth and Washington sis
woman's hospital where women can have
the best care at reasonable rates and
any physician they choose. Office 508 Mer
chants Trust bldg., 826 Washington st.
Phones Tabor 8tf9, city office. Main 7743,
A 6755.
AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
pox pits removed; hairdresslng, manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest stock
of hair goods In the West at cut prices.
Parlors, Grand Leader, 6th and Alder.
MEN ryvhy suffer from diseases peculiar to
your sex, nervous conditions, skin or eye
troubles, acute or chronic? 1 treat by mod
ern methods, electricity, massage, osteopa
thy, medicine when needed; confidential.
Dr. Vose, 32tiA Washington st.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu
ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorders by hand rubbing:
steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7
East 11th st., one door from East Ankeny
car. Phones East 260, Home B 1803.
bldg., announces Its opening lecture Tues
day at 6 o'clock P. M. Lectures through
out the course will be given on the first
and third Tuesdays ot each month at the
above hour. Prospective students invited.
DR. A. ATTSPLUND. Just returned from
Europe, makes a specialty of surgery and
diseases of women. Office rooms 6-6-7
Winchester House. 3d and Burnside sts.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester
Diamond Brand Pills. For 23 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills ars solo
by druggists everywhere.
stranger? Are you lonesome? If so, call
or address 301, 2S8 Wash. t., Portland Or.
They will show you how to get acquainted
and get you a wife or a husband.
DRESS suits for' rent, all sizes. $1.60 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
Bewed on rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark.
A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock
Salve." Woodard. Clarke 41 Co.
Proposals Invited.
The City of Huntington will receive
sealed bids until the 18th day of January.
190!), for steel and Kaiamein water pipe
with Converse and Matherson Joint, to be
furnished and delivered f. o. b. at the
City of Huntington.
The cltv reserves the right to increase
or decrease as they see fit the following
approximate quantities;
2K00 feet ot 6-Inch pipe.
8000 feet of 4-Inch pip.
3 8-lnch gate valves.
T 4-inch gate valves.
15 two way hydrants, 2tt feet, bury
about one ton specials.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all of the bids. Further Information
can be obtained by addressing the under-
"Bned- A. C. DEGEL.
Mayor of the City of Huntington.
FICE. Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Jan.
2d, 1909 Sealed proposals. In triplicate
will be received at this office until 11
o'clock A. M., Jan. 20, 1901), and then
publicly opened, for the construction of a
Quartermaster's storehouse of concrete or
brick at Vancouver Barracks. Wash. The
United States reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. Plans, specifications and
full information will he furnished on ap
plication to this office. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be Indorsed Pro
posals foV Storehouse." and addressed to
Constructing Quartermaster. Vancouver
Barracks, Wash.
SEALED bids will be received until 4 P. M.
Thursday. Jan. 14. 11)09. by The Port of
Portland for the followlnij: 12 dredger
sleeves, various machine tools. 1 steel
cutter for dredge. 80 pontoons for pipe
line repairs to main pump Dredge Port
land, condenser for Drodge Portland. Iron
imnds and nipples for pipe line of dredges
Plans and specifications for all of the
above can he had upon application at the
ofTce, City Hall. The Port ot Portland
reserves the right to reject any or all
bide John P. Di-yle. Clerk of the Board.
SEALED BIDS will be received by the
undersigned until noon January 12. lrtou,
for fuel tor the courthouse and three
ferryboats. Bids will be received for both
wood and oiL Bids for wood should
state the kind and quality, and whether
green or dry. County reserves the right
to reject any and all bids
FRANK 6. FIELDS, County Clerk.
Mis cellan eons.
NOTICE of the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Department Mining & Mill
ing company Notice is hereby given that
the annual meeting ot the stockholders of
the Department Mining & Milling Com
pany will be held at room 402-408 Falling
bldg Portland, Or., at the hour of 10
o'clock A, M. on Tuesday, the lllth day of
January. 11)09. The purpose of the meet
ing is to elect a board of directors for
tne ensuing year ano. i..ov. D..w. --
er business as may come betor it, C. H.
Stewart, secretary.
TO WHOM it may concern: I will not be
responsible for any debt contracted by
mv wife. F. Sledow.
Architects, contractors, engineers, get paclflo
Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trada
Removal Notice.
The original Needlecraft Shop of Port
land, formerly located at 382 Washington
St., now on 6th. near Morrison.
Accordion nulling.
MISS O. GOULD, 833 Morrison, oor. 7th. Ao
cordlon and knife pleating and pinking.
Afternoon liindergarten.
THE MATTINOLY Private afternoon kin
dergarten, primary SCHOOL K9 14th SU
phone Main znni-
' Commercial, County and Municipal.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6667.
Assay era and Anal sts.
w.lls Proebste., mining engineers, chem
ists and absayera 2ofr Wasliln.-ton t.
PVL'L BAUMEL, asaayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder St.
and ore-testing work. 1B0 Morrison su
DR E O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years
experience. 206 Stark st.
822 Worcester blug., 3d and Oak. M. 6B80.
S T JEFFREYS, 208 Fenton bldg., 15 years'
practice in Oregon, 8 years Alaska.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law of
fices to 9v9-l13 Board of Trade bldg.
Ulcycle and Klectrlcal Kepuiriiia;.
ELAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and
electrical repairing. 326 Stark SU
Carpet Weaving;.
RUGS made from old carpet; also colonial
ran runs woven. Northwest Rug Works,
163 Union ave. East 8580, B 1280.
WM Estelle end Flossie Deveny. the only
oien'iflc chiropodists In the city. Parlor
S02 Gerilnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Al
der. Phone Main 1801.
MRS W. BCHOLE3, scientific chiropodist;
bunions a specialty. 231 6th st-
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mra
Dunten, lrl Apartments, 862 Jd. Main 7714.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 FUedner bldg. Phone Main 84i3.
DR NELSON treats my corns; never hurts;
price reasonable. 250 '.4 Aldar. Main 7368.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. f'nip brokers, com-
Boas w
Architects and Builders.
PARTIES wanting figures on all classes of
carpenter work, please phone P. . Ben
nett, Main 62S7.
(Inc.), architects and builders, houses
built on easy terms at cash pricea
Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 850L
Harness and haddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale sad
die and harness mnfrs. 80-86 1st. Main 223.
R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankenf
St. Phone Main 2402.
Detective Agencies,
THE- Thlel Detective Service Co. We ars
especially equipped with experienced men.
2v0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M 938, A
24U3. D. L. Clouse. manager
PROF. Wal Wilson's Dancing School. Port
land's only recognlzvtd school. 8SJ4
Washington at., bet. W. Park and 10th si.
Both phones: Main 7037 A 6H37.
MURLARK HALL Dancing Academy opens
Jan. 4. daily 2-8. Prof. Rlngler. lnstruot
or, 23d and Wash. Main 6S34. B 1008.
RINGLKR Dancing Academies, Rlngler hall.
Murlark hall; Instruction dally. B 1003.
East 6070.
DANCING lessons. 25c; Prof. Wal Wilson's
school, 88tH Washington St.; both phones.
LAUBTS Preparatory School of Pharmacy.
148 Id St., Portland, Or.
Feed Stores.
HINSHAW ft ZIGLKR, hay, grain, feed, ea
ment, shingles. 2w4 Grand ave. Jfl 488.
Junk, Hides and Felts.
L SHANK 41 CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, saatala and
saaks. 812 Front st.
Leather and Findinge,
CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, taps, mfrs. findings.
tablished 185$. 189 Front St.
PAUL F. K1SSINER, violinist and lnstroo
tor; muslo furnished for balls, reoeptlona,
eto. 218 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison.
A GRADUATE In muslo from ilurope will
give muslo lessons, residence. 806 North
23d. Phone A 2215.
O. BERTRAM, Room, 16 Russell bldg, vio
lin repairing! instruments bought and
EMIL THIELHORN, vlolm teacher,' pupil
of Sevclk. A 41110, Pin 884. Main 8046.
M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Bajmoa
at. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty.
Motor and Dynamo.
MOTORS and dynamo bought, sold and
exchanged. Sun Mohawk . bids'. Prion
C 2018.
DR. FREEZE, second floor Marquam bldg.,
Portland; specializing In chronlo eye and
nervous troubles; drugleas system of treat
ment; glasses fitted by best methods know
to science. Main 7308.
GLASSES fitted to your entir satlstaotloa
and guaranteed. Rose City Optical Co.,
2504 Alder, cor. 3d, upstairs.
Osteopathia' Physician.
418-19-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sts.
hone. office. Main 849. res., B. 102.
Paints, Oil and las.
RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and Pension Attorney.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign pat
ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum.
J. J. HIRSHEIMER. pension and patent
attorney, room 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Portland, office 402-3- Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co.. street paving,
aldewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex.
l'ubllo Stenographer.
MISS IDA CON A NT, room 1502 Lumber Ex
change bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 4077.
DOCIA V. WILLITS. 508 Swetland bldg..
6th and Wash. Phone Main 3148.
Hooding, C'ornloe and Skylight.
P. J. McMahon, il. M. Sharkey. M. 8243.
Rubber Stamp.
ALSO trad checks and all offic goods. P.
D. C. Co., 231 Stark st. Both phoae 140T.
THB MOSLEK SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Sate
at factory pricea Second-hand aafe.
DAVIS SAFE ss LOCK CO., Dlebold safaa
CS 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes.
Show Case, Bank and Store Fixtures.
THE LUTKE lira. CO. branch Grand
Rupids Showcase Co., 0th and Hoyt, R.
Lutke, Mgr.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 21
Couch st. Main 2763
STOVES connected
1110. 271 1st.
and repaired.
The largest sign-makers in the North
west, 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private
Exchange 55, Home A 1153.
Storage and Trajmfer.
C. O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office
and commodious four-story brick ware
house separate Iron rooms and fireproof
vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and
pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed tor shipping. Main 6911, A 1096.
General transferring and storage; safe,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 209 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st.
Telephone Main 647 or A 2247.
Front st. Phone Main 62. A 1162.
Furniture and piano moving a specialty.
40-42 2d st. Phone A 1084. Main 1618.
CO., storage. 324 Slark. Main 407.
Turkish Baths.
TURKISH baths. 300 Oregonlan bldg.: ladles
davs. men nights; masmses given at your
home. Main 193S, A 1038.
Type writer.
WE ARE the exchange for th largest type
writer concern on this Coast; Investi
gate: all makes, all prices. The Type
writer Exchange. 28714 Washington st.
SPECIAAL prices: all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 14uf.
Veterinary Surgeons.
Graduate Ontario Veterinary College,
formerly with Marcus Daly's Bitter Rool
Stoi-k Farm; references. Office 19th and
Wash. Main 1077; residence. Main 1224.,
Wood nnd Coal.
slabwood, dry and green. Main 2;163, A
DRY OAK. alder arid fir at Standard Wood
Co. East 2316, B lbS.
Wholesale Jobbers..
WADHAMS 4V CO., wholesale grocers, man
ufacturers, commission merchaats. 4th
and Oak.
Portland. Oregoa.
1 Ufa Intsi rM fll lfm" .