lOB 8AI.E REM. KSTATE. lo Amy;.-, u m.lc. out on i.in rod. 6 iitm cleared, .mail houe, J '2". ' " ' Sr.ap. lot r."xlMi, ciOJ lo Portland boulevard. $4T" -h. I'orner lot, 5x1m. n-w 7 -room hon. nitr Portland boulevard, 4 blo-m from c.ilin. $:kki. Headquarter for Fenlntu'a property, tTMKf and farm ILL.1!KTTB HEAL, F.STATE TO. I'.ooiu siv, Worc!r JUrli.. or Vlllame'.t Station on 31. Joha Carlln. ORCHARD HOMKS in th. itlorloua laka district of Southern Hrltl.h Columbia pay profit of ?:o per :re up annuaiir. Cit-tnn'.-. scenery. hunting. Ushlns. aoll, vater iipr'lv. transportation, market" un- xteiled; Imitation no: necessary. Maps, proofs, letters from those on srrounu. photos free. V.'rlta tofl v. Kootenay Or chard Association. Limited. .'iin. B. C. AT BIVERDAI.K. WEST SIDK OF RIVER. C-rom bouse and 4 lots iOxlOO. brautl ftil ti)W and Ideal location: la minutes' r!de to center of town, bathroom, srltn n.-w porcelain batliluh. larre verandas; pure mountain water; line orchard of bear l::c trees, larc barn and chicken-house.. I'rlca $2-a, H..0 cash. bsl.incaasy terraa. See owner, 7J Coroett bids. i KK1V choice home s!tes in fine locations, me H'. two Jl.K'ir and to for I'.V.O ea.h. and rnnr others; alo fine list of h"nies to chooe from; buy where you cm make monev, that's In Hil'.aday. Irv Inrton and Jhn Irvine Addltlora Office J.'.ih ard Haisey sts.. I.-vlr.rton. Uroadway cr. Chone i'J'j. C l'J'J. Dolen llerdman. ACKEA''.E FOR PALE. !0 acres on oreiton t'lty earllne. only minutes' ride, near Rlsley statloti; cle.ired, ba!an- second growth fir, at 4." per acre; aasy terms; will cll In 5-acre tracts. rEVT.IX FIRKBArOH. SI i-l 1-12 Snetland Itldg. SNAP, 3 DAYS ONLY. Modrn. up-to-date, p-room btiniraiovr, H block from car, beautifully finished In side and out, luth all In white enamel: price $IS; ;o rah. nalnnca easy; I sruarantee thU as nilvertlsed. SWEET. 2"4 Corbett bl.l(.. Main 6790. TVEST SIDK RESIDENCE. CORNER OF PARK A.l H.M.L ETS. Within easy walking distance: Ifa a beautiful place: strictly niodorn. fine In terior finish, and can be bought upon easy te-me fall at the house. 363 Hall at., cor. of I'ark. bet. 1 and o'clock. SACRIFICE PA I.E. $qnoo On very easy terms for a. ntca corner with excellent-built 10-room resi dence; mlpht take icood lots or smaller house as part pajment; owner coins to Europe. F. FL'CItS. 221 H Morrison St. !(- TOl' WANT A HOME? I have aeveral choir. 4, 6 ard eVroom houses that are rocdern and prlcea very low. terms eajv; also bulMlns; lota In many rartsi of the city, rantlni- In price from .".f up: your own ternia. C. B. L-ucsa. t-i Corbett b!dc. WE RI ILD HOMES. We have nr-n-cie mooern faolltles for bullo:inir homeo upon terms within t he reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date rretUo-Is. THE VETERAN- LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. il.EGANT C-room modern house. Vancou ver ave reception hall. den. fnll cement basement, lot .10x100. strawberries, apple, pear and apricot trees; price, X.i2j0; terms. This Is a barraln. FIDELITY IlEALTY CO.. 307 Cerllngcr Hlds. REAL SNAPS. Near Swift plant. f.17J lot for 1200 It taken at once; 3 lots faclne; Columbia F'ourh. jrtoo down, balance to suit. Na tional Realty Trust Co.. S244 Waao lnjrton. room 511s. JtrXiJALOW fiOO. Fine "-room bunitalow. 1 lots 100x100. rntv fruit and roses. 1 hiock from car. Mt S.-ott line; price SI7.10: 1200 or more cash, balance $--J per month. J. W. Orussl. Jilo Washmicton. near 3d. room 7. A PI J SNAP. Lot 80x100. 7-room house (3 flntshed: for quick sale. 11S0; 60 cash; piano joes with house. ZIMMERMAN. 5:1 Corbett Bids;. I.EST you loritet: $irx0 rash, balnjice easy terms for 7-room dwell'mf. modem, lot 1isxIO. 2.-mlnute ride from business .enter. 014 Couch tld. J'hon Main 2712 22 BUYS another beautiful bunealow. 4 room, new and modern, hlffh ground, 1 block from Hawthorne car. close to s.-hool, $:ii2o: yJS down, $15 a month. T. W. Marshall. .tlth and Hawthorne ave. s Ai'KES :. minutes from city, on electrlo line. 5 Improved: 4'X cash and payments; adtolninr pronerty seillnr; for IJOO per acre more than I ask: It must sell this week. Owner. 201 Gerllnger bldg. LOT E-. 33 1 FT.. J1O0. Fine lot ."mxlOO. ir,0 feet from car. bet. two nice house-, jt-loO. on ensy terms, or :.! ensh. J. W. Orussl, 205 Wsshlngton. near id. room 7. H'CSKS for sale In all parts of the city: a-Teace ciose In and farina In Oregon and WashinKton. Phone Main 4ert, Kinney A stumphtr. o31-H2 Lumoer Exchanice bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottaxe at Montaviila. S1300; cash. $t'-. balance easy; worth mora. FIDKLiTV REALTY CO, 307 Gerllnger llldg. I1ISI.EY TRACT. ORE'iON C1TT CARLINB 2:3 to 6 acres. a!I in cultivation, best of land C. W. Rislev. mine.-; P. O., M!l naukle. Phone Oak Grove. Red 12. Jl NKW It-room, modern house, fractional lot on car'.lne. Willamette Heights. Siijo cash, balance eacv terms. MARTIN J HIC.LET. 13S Third St. V'P.L sU you a lot and build ron a houM to suit: we furnish the plans, "something different. " E.usy linr F. M. Crawford Co.. 420 Swetiacd bidg. SOI TH PORTLAND COTTAGE J11O0. 5-room cottage rented for ?10 per month, a snap. J. W. ;rusal, 2t5 Wash ington, near d. room 7. -ROOM residence, lot 100x100. on carline). to exchange for amall farm, or acreage trib utary to car. Romig as Abbott, lb-lg Lafayette bldg. : A FINE 8-room house and grounds, re duced from floOO to J.lr.OO. will trade for farm; must go. as I leave Uie city. Owner, 201 Gerllnger bldg. ICEVV 6-room cottage on Improved street, with corcrete walk, ci.-we In. on East SUe; price $2lV; easy terms and monthly pay meats. Call 410 Falling bldg. BUY NOW choice lota adjoining Swift's townsite of Kenton; price cheap, easy terms. For sale by R. B. Carey, Penin sular station. TUfO EAST Salmon, near 23d. modern resi dence, furnace, electrlo lights, laundry tubs, only $o."u cash, balance very easy terms. For sale by owner. TWO-ROOM house, and fun lot on M. Scott carltne. only J.-T'DO: will accept SloO cash and Jii per month. Call at once, 013 Chamber Commerce. iAM requested to make quick eale of lot 64x IS 5. cor. Alberta and Commercial. Room for S houses. Only 1200. Wledrlck. 110 2d t. 6NP Jlg'X buys 6-room dwelling, Mllwau kie at., near ar shops; new furniture. In cluded. Wiedrick. llo 2d et. fjtss BL"'S S-room modern house, full lot; Ess 10th North; owner gone east. Wied rtck. Ill) Id st. 1 H WE choice lot 60x100. east front, on East 12th. near Falling at. 1hat 1 will sell cheap Call 417 Board of Tra.ks. LOT and brick building In central East Portland. JSHr.O: terms. Call J. Olsen. 3i0 East WnshlnKtoir-st. A SMALL, strictly modern, cozy home, easy terms. See owner, room 33 Lafavetie I !ilg.. eth and Washington. Mil 4-rvrn cottage. North St. John. !2no. S.'.'O down, balance in monthly payrr.ents. Address X 647. Oregonlan. fc-RCOM house anl lot, 2 blocks from Mount Scott carline. .,,)m down, balance easy. Spencer k Co.. 10; 2d et. T.'.xlKO FEET. Hlhhard et.. Montaviila: mod--rn .'i-roi'm house and f-room cottage. Address owner. F 64v. Oregonian. NKVV MAP (sectlor.nll. 24 mllea around Portland, giir.g latest alterations, .".o cents, 'fl'.e I'r -ssley Co.. To Corbett bldg. LARGE 13-room honse. cor.. BOrlon, on John son et.; sightly location; ll.feX. Call 410 Failing blcg FOR SM.E by owner, the handsomest bun galow in lrvtrgtod. Call and see It. 4S2 E. -2d st- North. ACREA'iE or city property to exchange for weil -on nipped c'.gar and confectionery store. Call 16-1 Laayette bldg. A NICE "-room house In Alblna, 2.')0; eav terms. MARTIN J. HIOI.BY. Third St. A PAH'IVIN Warhotte district, lot Pent loo I'oshtir sr.. near 2oth. Inquire of own sr. 'Ahio F. Uatt. 740 E. Bjrnsl.le. FOR KALE-KEAL ESTATE. ENnr-irTT WAT.vrrs. We are the largest owners ana plant ar, in Oreson. We have the only planted tracts on the market Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill. 6-acre trans planted. SK") cash. 1 1.1 Der month. tULKChlLl.. MATTHhlWS CO., INC.. 110 &vond st. SI'RTTiBAN BAIlflAl.VS. A fine oottaice home, aplendid lot (lfOx lnm. for Hv. JoO ca-sh, balance a month. Sev.-n lots ,v.xlOO. beautiful view; city water; four blocks 'f M.-V. earllne, for or we will build fzA houe Co suit) and will tti"to montl.ly payments for whole business. Jleeiuesi havlne a swell home, tilers la monev in this Ceal. bVArtK Jfc CAJlr-i!EI.L. End of Montaviila carllns. 5oOO Corner lot, house In tine condition, close In. East Side, fine location. I0O) ktixltlO teet on carline. 10 min utes from 3d and Morrison; a bargain. lo acres, ail cieared. near city, only 7."o per acre, a.ljo.nins: land $louO por a-re; see me quick. It -s.ll pay. 1. !. UAV'IiiSoN. K13 Chamber of Commerce. STEEL Wit 1 DUE. Near east end. 'i block, lOOxlon. faclne east, with 2 cottages thoreon earninc per month; must be sold to close an es tate. Conklin Ilroa.. 32 P.othchlld bids;. IDEAL, suburban home. 2S acres at Anabel. flc fare, fine C-room mwierri home; Idoal for chickens; must be sold to close an estate: price fiW), worth $V00; J2OI0 down. Conklin Bros., 302 Kothchlld bldg. f y 0o Full lot, close In, West Side, ad joining new fi-story business structure. I. O. DAVIDSON. SI9 Chamber of Commerce. - CAN'T make payment, must sacrifice new. modern. 6-room homo, fine plumblns. wood lift, shades and fixtures; lot li0xl"O. worth iu0, ;u(K. East 1113. B 1437. A EUY AT J10.0OO. 10-room modern house. West Bide, 14tn St.; tt a view of the city dally. 713 Chamber of Commerce. Jl'.T.O BUSINESS IeOT. On East 2sth st.. near Couch. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldsr. NEW -room house and lot. Sunnyslde; tnodern; good location: $2.'.0; terms on el:too: splendid hoiiic; wo-.tld rent well. CULVER. u23 Chamber of Commerce. jo'.O Nice 7-room house on Willamette Hiver. lots cost J1200. house $1500. plumb ing g'a Plttenger. 245 ' Morrison St. NEW. modern. 6-room bungalow In Vernon, only i2:.".0. Fireplace and corner lot. Iloom 320 Swetlaad bldg. 6WELL lot In Irvlngton. right on corllne. on easy term. Jas. C. Logan, 326 li Wa2h. st. P.oom 415. $1,00 WILL buy choicest half block Port land Helghta. Address M 629. Oregonlan. FIN'S business lot. only 1250; w thla at onoe. Phone Woodlawn 2o43. TO EXCHAXGBw 83-ACRB farm. 20 In cultivation: 6 acres In fine beaverdam; barns and outbulldinga. with very small residence; this Ilea right close to Hut bard. Or. There Is no better land to be found anywhere; will make an Ideal farm; some amall fruit; It Is cheap' at 13500; will accept Portland property; tills la. a fine opportunity for a person who wants a farm of that sire. Call 613 Cham bar Commerce. 7-llOOM house to exchange for farm. Splendid farm to exchange for drug atore. 3 1 - room apartment house to exchange for farm. Confectionery and cigar store to ex change for city lots. FIDELITY I: EALTY CO, 307 Gerllnger Bldg. 12i ACRES. H mile from Hamer 1 Jike; aM rlci. black loam, prairie land. sub-Irrigated, to exchange for suburban small r.iomlng-hoiise or auto: good clear title: must Ijivs $700 In casn; land l worth 13 per acre; If you want a snap come In and aee us. Loom 413 liuchanan blug. S ACRES, all In cultivation. In heart of Ash- iand. good soil and water; new r.-rooin, plastered house, barn and outbuildings; family orchard: $3oo0; will exchange for Portland real eetnte. Kauffman & Jloore, S25 Lumber Exchange. I HAVE a new 5-room modern cottage to exchange for rooming-house, about $1200; I have rooming-houses to trade for loti In clly. Call me up. M. 7673. Youug. ;.13 Gerllnger bldg. 120 ACRES, of fine orchard soil, all cleared; H miles south of Salein on excellent road; orchards all around this farm. Will cut up to suit and exchange for Portland real e.--tnte. bearing Income. Kauffmann & Moore, 32i Lumber Exchange. WK have a large list of property for sale Slid for trad-. Including houses, lets, farms, timber, acreage, businesses of various kinds In Portland. If interee-ted In trading, call 613 Chamber Commerce, t II AVE 2 timber claims that will cruise l.l.iMio.stHD feet, also 2.1 acres, 9 miles of Portland, v.111 exchange for city property. Young. S12 Gerllnger bldg. GROCERY tor on Williams av.. doing $23 per day; rent only SIO: will Invoice about $12oo; would sell for cash, and take balance In real estate. Kauffmann ec Moore, Laimber Exchange. EXCHANGE what you don't want for a e good business. store. house or lot. Trader's Agency trades property. 15 5th, near Burnslde. Main 6377. 320 ACRES timber land In Douclas Tounty, Oregon, rrulse near $.000,010 feet, on driving atrcam, exchange for Portland residence. Dr. Hlgffs, Corbett bldg. WHAT have yon to trade? List It at Trsder'e Agency. They exchange every thing quickly. 15 North nth st.. cor. Burnslde. l'hone Main 6.77. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If yon want to buy. sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson 4 Taylor, rooms S10 and 311 Buchanan bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 41-room apartment-house In I Angeles, bringing 10 per cent on in-ve.-tmcnt. Address T. B., R. 2, No. 1, Lento, Or. TOTRINfj ear or runabout for real estate or dlamonda. Address N 423. Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 301 Buchanan bldg. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Healty Co., 307 Gerlinirer bldg. WANTED KEAt ""SETATK. WANTED Good subdivision or acreage to plat, to hnndie or. sharea or commission basts. Have first-class selling organiza tion in action. N 633. Oregonlan. WE will pay rsh for your equity in what ever propertv you have partly paid for. National Realty & Trust Co.. i28 V4 Wash ington st.. room 510. WHAT have you for S1M down and about $20 per month for house and lot 7 State location anil glv-s phone number. Ad dress M 647. Oregonlan. LOTS IN WEST PIEDMONT. I have some clients that want few lots here for cash. Call and sea me. CHAPMAN, 417 Board of Trade. WANTED To. buy for cash small cottage with full lot or quarter block; West Side preferred, near car; give location. Answer D &.'1S, oregonian. ACREAGE to plat or exclusive sale of sub divisions; have best organized sales force in city; guarantee results; best of refer ences. Address H 54:1. Oregonlau 834 YAMHILL st.. ippo1te Portland Hotel: fine modern rooms, furnished and unfur nished. WANTED To list your Eastern connections; clly realty, business interest, farm. 1022 Board of Trade. H. F. Absteln. Irrigated Lands. WANTED Water rights for ground-floor Irrigation projects. P. O. Box 4C3. Seattle. ACREAGE. FOR SALE 14 acres In Vancouver, Wash., located about 4"0 feet below Steel bridge. 400 feet water front Included. For further Information call on B. C. Mathews, 304 Fenton bldg.. or phone Main 13Pi. FOR SALE 10 acres, very choice: suitable for platting: two blocks east of Mount Scott carlltie. on Section Line road. Cail on B. C. Mathews, 304 Feuton bldg. FOR SALE Acreage on Base Line road, near carline. Smith Everett. 314-.116 Swetland bldg. ACPEVGE 500 acres choicest walnut epple land, ready plow. :t hours from Portland. 717 B ard of Trade. C. F. J. c . J : . ( . ,c.n. x ui. i ...... . Two miles from Oregon City, wost aide of river; about 35 acres cleared: 2 springs of water: fenced; soil adapted to any branch of agriculture; situate in Section 26. township 2 south, ranse 1 east. W. M. A snap for I7SC0; $11800 cash down. asy terms: interest 6 per cent deferred pay menis; no agent. Write at once for full particulars to GH). W. BERRIAN. Moro. Or. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 40 ACRES Jl'JOO. I don't know a farm, not even an Im proved farm, situated as well as this one that can be boucht for the price: only 1 mile from railroad station; all fenced and cross-fence-.: good largo hou. fair barn rt.iii.iiti.-.ina- : acres in cultivation. balance timber and pasture; Ilea well and flue, rlcht soil. ... RALPH ACKLEY. COS Corbett bldg. YAMHILL COI'NTY LAND. In tho famous fruit and walnut belt, where largo tracts ore now being planted to walnuts and put on the market at high prices. See us at once and get In before values double. We have, lands In this section from SCO to JSo per acre In small or large tracts end good terms. Call and let US show you. WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade Eldg. OUT tev go to the Great Judith Basin In Montana, where they raise 40 bushels of Winter wheat per acre every year and without irrigotion; two new railroads; splendid buslms openings; we own large tracts of land and we are selling It at bsrgkln prices. Write us for maps snd facts. Win. 11. Brown Co.. Moore, Fergus County. Montana. US-ACRE farm. 45 acres diked tltie land. 20 acres bottom land, rest bench land; 7-room house, 2 acres orchnrd. barn, team, IS head Jersev stock, s'-varator, farm Implements, for tU.'.oO. or 40 acres, with Improvements, JO acres of this diked tide land, for 1.00. Inquire cf owner Geo. Reeve, Toledo, Or. HOOD RIVER spple orchard In upper val ley. 20 acres. 5 acres 12 to 14 years old, trees mostly yellow Newtown. This year's crop luoO boxes, running water on place, with 8-room Summer house, $&X0, half ra-h. F. H. Llnd, HSd Union ave. N., Portland, Or. IRRIGATED lands cheap now at Orland. Cal. : highly clvlllred region; fine roads, bridges. schools. colleges; rich valley land, all cultivated: sunny, healthful cli mate; farmers' paradise. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. 2S0 ACRES. 3 miles from city, 200 under cultivation, balance timber- fine fruit or dairy farm, everything goes, 3tock, ma chinery, etc.. crop now in. For further particulars address P. O. Box 13S. Falls City. or. I CAN locate you on a fine homestead, close In, fruit or farmlns; reasonable fee; guaranteed as represented or pay all ex penses. Quick action necessary. No agents. Address M 550. care Oregonlan. AN 80-acre farm 5 miles from Forest Grove, with house, barn, fruit and running water, for sale cheap or exchange for Portland property. Address Burdette Ship man. Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE 6 Quarter sections, Sherman County wheat lands, all in cultivation, only 8 miles from R. R. town, price $35 per acre. For further information ad dress J. -D. Winn. Buena Vista, Or. FOR SALE! Skamokawa bottom land ranch H0 acres, some timber. 24 miles from wliarr. skamokawa ranchers are getting rich. Inquire o J. G. Bailey, Cathiamet, Wash. WHITE SALMON fruit land; the best soil, with pure spring water; 10 and 20-acre tracts. Romlg & Abbott, 15-1S Lafayette bids. FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted Land Company, taleni. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. LOGGING CHANCE. 80.000,000 feet, mostly yellow- fir, 15,000. 000 foet m-ar tidewater, balance on best driving stream tributary to Columbia River, where logs are Hooded out with dams every week; 4 Willamette yardors with full equipment of lines and blocks; prloe lloO.OoO; JOO.uOO cash, balance easy terms. Oregon timber realty co., 621-525 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Or. Phone M !uJu. A E680. FOR SALE CAREFULLY SELECTED FIR. CEDAR AND HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS IN TRACTS OK FROM ON B THOUSAND ACRES AND UPWARD; WELL LOCATED. IN STATES OF OREGON AND WASHING TON. NEAR COLUSIWA RIVER. PL GET BOUND AND l.V OTHER LOCALITIES; PRICKS REASONABLE; OWNERS WISH TO DUAL DIRECT WITH EUXEiiS. AD DRESS X 450, OREGONIAN. SAW MILL. Capacity 50,000 per day: 67.000.000 feet of good quality bastard tir on the N. P. R. R., line ground for lorrting. plenty more timber adjoining for sale; 2 miles R. R., locomotive and cars, ono yarder with full equipment, ono span horses worth $r.00; plant in operation; owner's health bad, must sell. Price flOO.000; terms. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO., blll-525 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or. Thone M tiOO, A 63S0. A SNAP If taken within the next two month A mill and timber for sale; mill In good order. In half mile of R. R. ; 750 to 120O and up acres of limber, easily han dled, accessible to the mill; any further particulars wanted. Address G. L. Farra, Corvallls, Or. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO. Headquarters for losing propositions: timber lands, farm lands and business chances. 621-5-5 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Thcne M 5i0, A 55S0. TIM HER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEI & CO.. Chiaso. New Orieans. Seattle. S29 Chamhcr of Commerce, Portland. THE OREl'.ON TI.MriEl: 4 CRUISING CO. Pacltic Coast timber, water powers located iind examintd, taxes paid for non-resident", timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board cf Trade bldg. Phone Main 8l'.fl7. WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber entcrprisru of all kinds. Kinney 6tampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 30.000,000 oodar. accessiblo to Columbia Kiver; price right. A. E. Mathews Co., 209-10 Couch bldg. 30.000.000 FEET timber, close to Columbia River. Spencer & Co.. 102 2d at. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. .127 WORCESTER BLOCK. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS for Immediate filing In the fruit and wheat district of Eastern Wash ington to 1 miles from North Bank Railroad. Romlg Ai Abbott, 13-18 La fayette bldg. WANTED Good homestead relinquishment In SUetx, well timbered; pay cash. AB 521, Oregonlan. . WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL pay two to three thousand for home stead relinquishment In the Slietz. N 531, Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. O. J. McCrackan, S04 McKay bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT Farm, 7 miles from Portland, on Hlllsboro electric line. Inquire 924 12. Flanders St., phone E 1355 FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck furniture vagcns to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for bus'.nrss purposes, aay, week or month, phones East 72, 3 136U. Hawthorne atabies. 11J il.nuc b.c. $50 FOR mare and top wagon; $20 for 1100 mare good worker; also one cnunky-huilt delivery horse and good top Concord buggy These are all bargains; will take cow or chickens In exchange. SIS East "th st.; 'Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. ONE span we'.I-matched Jet blacks. 6 and U years old. weighing 2300 lbs., sound and true- one 5-year-old driving mare. Phone East 4S01. C 1177. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE A snap, ono black mare weigh ing 1100 lbs. Phone East 4S04. 22tl Rus sell st. HORSES, mares, rifts td sarnewj of all kinds for sale. 2M Montgomery. LIGHT rig for salo cheap. Call 946 Belmont St. Phone. B 2513. FIRST-CLASS mares and horses at Madison fct. stable. lS3Vi. near bridge. A CAPLOAD of mares and horses now on sale at -I'tOo Aibir.a ave. HUBERT & HALL. 3S0 Front. uy, sell, rant coraes, vehicles, low rates on business rigs. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. i BROWN team, horse and more, age 6 end S years, weight pair bay geldings, weight 2in pounds: pair bay chunks, weight 2240. ase ti and 7, both work single; bay mare ago fl. weight l:ll0, good in sin gle or double harness; r.lce young pony, gentle for children; driving horsn. buggy and harness, iheap; several cheap farm and cxproes horses; also one first-class raddio home. These horses will stand a horourrh trial end sold at lowest prices. Rose Clly Sale Stables, 2ft4 11th St.. near Jefferson. Phone Main S3UO. Antomobilee. AUTOMOBILES. 150 and up. for Bale or trade. W. G. Hartman i Co., 48 d st. STEAM runabout to trade for lot. Phone Richmond 821. ' l'ianos. FOR SALE Ono Klmtall piano In perfect condition and nearly new. cost new 400; will sell $200: piano is In golden oak and a beautiful Instrument In every way. Ca.l Home phone C 1070. $CW STANDARD upright piano; rr,c tSS; terms. U7 Touray bldg. Main 3753. Miscellaneous. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture machines: d.ssolv'.ng stereootlcons, cal cium and gas outtlts. new films. 3o00 sub ject: guaranteed no repeaters: largest buvers of new films in United States: slides to order and. stocked. Ws teach you to CteraLAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo bldg., Portland. PACIFIC FILM CO. S03-81T Rothchlld bldg.. will rent you 6 reels. 8 song and record or sneet muslo for 1S per week; now Is the time to speak: only a limited number served: we Install roovlng-plctura theaters. Phone M. 80 83. . WANTED Country shippers that have dressed meats, poultry, butter or eggs to sell write us for cash prices. Braden Adams Meat A Provision Co.. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying: modern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunawlck,-Balke-Collender. 4 8d at. FOR SALE Redroom set, sewing machine library table, desk and chair, chairs all In good condition and very reasonable. S 6:13. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to $60 fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co.. 203 2d st SECOND-HAND 80-H. P. boiler; Andrews moist air dry kiln; 80-Hght dynamo. Pa rellus Mfg. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. FOR SAIJD Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water at. Phone Main 7451. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72- 74 1st st.. both phones. FINE Jersoy cow cheap. 833 East 28th St.; Woodstock cs" to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE Restaurant at once, a bar- gain. 62 North 6th st. FOR SALE CHEAP One 8-horsepower In duction motor. Address T 4B3. Oregonlan. OIL-BORING machln. complete, cheap. Fred Lenhart. box 761, Astoria, Or. FOR SALE 13 White Sewing Machine certificate for $2VG0. C 1222. QUANTITY of tvpe In good condition for sale cheap. Address T 404. Oregonlan MOVINrj-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 V 4th st. TYPEWRITER.' A-l. your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. A GOOD, live man in every town in Ore gon $200 to $1000 required; handle own moriev; no risk. $150 to $300 per month. Act quickly. Addiess manager, 21S Com monwealth bldg. YOUNG MEN for railway mall clerks to prepare for examination soon; about $70 a month to start. Call or write for free particulars. Pacific States School, McKay bldg. - MOTION picture operatora earn $35 weekly. You can learn the business In a short time. Easy work, rhort hours, lessons reasonable, positions secured. Sea New man, 2H3 Burnslde. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office- Men's Department. 26 North Second si. Phones Main and A 1526. Help freo to employers. WANTED Railway mall clerks; commence ment salary SS'iO; Spring examinations; candidates prepared free; write immediate ly for schedule. Franklin Institute. Roch ester. N. Y. WANTED Plrght young man, willing to learn running automobile and business; must come well recommended and have $40 to Invest. Apply 714 Swetland bldg. ALASKA Men for ditch work; good work: good wages, free passage: must have $100; a good investment. Address C 647, Orego nlnn. THE MEIER ft FRANK STORE wants an experienced presser for women's apparel alteration rooms, steady work. Apply at once. WANTED A salesman capable of earning $20 to $35 per week, permanent position, steadv advancement ; call mornings 9 to 12. 50S Lumber Exchange bldg. HIGH-CLASS mnn with ability to promote a proposition in California which will pay him $10.0i) In year: $500 required. Ad dress L 656, Oregonlan. FIRED? Well, cheer up. Go Into business for yourself. $10O down handles choice 77 different onportunitles at Trader'a Atrency. 15 North f.th. Main 6377. 1 w.i.TED Young man for office, must op erate typewriter; state age. sr-lary ex pected and references. Address B 540, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com mission, threo publications: investigate proposition. Benedictine Prss, Goodnough bldg. , WANTED First-class, experienced baker, for tirst-class hotel; must be good on pastry and rolls. Answer, with past ex perkinces, O 645, Oregonian. WANT hustling young partner for Seattle, $11000 a year each; established businessi only requires ?3T) cash, balance out of business. 502 Swetland bldg. PORTLAND LAV. SCHOOL gives 2 years' courso with degree; next term opens Jan uary 4: both beginning and advanced work. O.'IO Worcester block. Phone A 5440. STENOGRAPHER -BOOK KEF. PER Main; onlv efrtlcient. rapid and thoroughly ex perienced tom;h operator need apply. Ad dress box 202. Walla-Walla, Wasn. WANTED SALES AND CLERICAL MEN". COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO., 407-8-11 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, all around office man, wholesale house; give references and phone number. L 550, Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced tailor to do bushellng In clothing store. Address box D. Eugene, Or. STANDARD rPLOTMENT OFFICII. For Men 2hi? Burnslde Street. Phone Main 5C04. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy, good wages when competent; quickly ac quired. Oregon college. S3 5th st. WANTED A first-class Chinese or white cook In family of two. Hood River. In quire 697 Flanders st. WANTED A good solicitor. P.oom 89 Ham ilton bldg. DRUG salesman to visit trade. Call 270 Stark St.. ask for Mr. Judson. 8X. WANTED At once, 10 teams, atesjidy work. Apply at 6th ar.d Gllsan. BOY wanted to learn engraving. Apply 3711.4 Morrison st.. room R. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main S50O WANTED Honest man with small capital to show property. AB 515. Oregonlan. TAILORS and coat-makers wanted. Monarch Tailors, 141 6th St.. cor. Alder. FIRST-CLASS stenographer. Call at once, room 3 Benson bldg. MAN to clear land and accept acreage In payment. Call 409 East 12th st. S. SOLICITOR Salary nd commission. 231 Stark. COLLECTOR nr.d business hustler; future to It; permanent. Call 705 Swetland bldg. MEN TO SELL subdivision property; beet value on earth; we use auto to show prop erty; some men whom I started In the busi ness 3 months ago are making from $500 to $201)0 per month. See L. M. HICKOK. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 200 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Young man on meat market de livery wagon; must be able to cut meat and not flfrala- of work; good wages and steady position. Address O 517. Oregonlan. VrANTED For TJ. S. Army, able-bodied un married men, betwen ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good charac ter anct temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to re cruiting officer, Aiosworth block, 3d aud Oast sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Men to clear land, put In watef mains and lay sidewalk: $2 for 8 hours work: part cash and part appiy on pur chase price of lots; all Winter's job for risht parties; take Ro City lark car to end of line, go S blocks east on Sanoy road to the work. . BARBERS' BOARD OF EXAMINERS will be In session January 11. 12. and 13. at 167-, 1st St., this city. All thoso holding permits are requested to appear for ex amination on the above dates. Falling to aprear, their permits will be cancelled. T. M. Leabo, secretary. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last ear: men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 3d N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. A HIGH-GRADE salesman. Insurance, bond or real estate experience desired, but not absolutely necessary; position permanent; no money wanted, "just you." Call at 270 Stark St.. bet. 9 and 12 A. M.. ask lor Mr. Marthello. ENERGETIC man. 80 to 35, good personal appearance, permanent position: moder ate salary, chance for advancement; state age, experience and references or no at tention will be paid to reply. M 549, Ore gonlan. AUTOMOBLING. plumbing. electrlolty. bricklaying and plastering taught by actual work In shops and buildings; advanced scholars earn wages; catalogue free. Coyne National Trade School. 230 8th st.. San Francisco. WANTED Honest young man In real es tate and loan office, good salary; refer ences and some money required. Call or address West Coast Co.. Grand Theater bldg. WANTED Markers and sorters at once. City Laundry Co., 8th and Flanders. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for Biggest maga zine combination offer of the season; 18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after P. M. R. H. Maddan. 002 Swetland bldg., Portland, Or. TRAVELING salesrastn for wire rope and lodging supplies; must be acquainted In camps througnout Washington and Ore gon. Address, stating experience. M 5o2. Oregonlan. j YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and station work, good position guaranteed. Address Telegraph Dept., Hibernia bldg.. Market & Jones St.. San Francisco. Cal. HELP WANTEH FUMALE. WANTED 2 chambermaids, $30 and $33 and room; 6 girls to wait table and do chamber work in boardins-houses, wages $20 to $30. room and board: 4 waitresses for restaurants, $7 to $8 per week; kitchen helpers $20 to $25 per month: 6 girls for general housework, $30 to $30. Large list of new positions dally. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison st. WANTED Young lady for vaudeville sketch team, must do character parts, dramatic and comedy singer preferred; no traveling; state experience and salary; Inclose photo, professional or good ama teur. Address the Arc Studio, Baker City, r- - . WANTED F Irnt-class solicitors for lilph class demonstrated specialty: exclusivo territory; $2o to S40 per week to those of nbUity. Call a;J7 Chamber of Com merce. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for bifesest maga zine combination offer of the season; $18 weekly and free transportation; Al refer ences or bond necessary. Call after 2 P. M. R. H. Maddan, f02 Swetiand bldg., Portland, Or. STENOGRAPHER Bright gtil, with good fundamental education, willing to start at :0 per month ; position permanent; fu ture prospects Kod. Apply between 12 and 1 Tuesday, 231 Lumber Exchange. HANSEN'S LA DISCS' AGENCY, 83 WaecinKton at., cor. 7th. upstatra. Pionea Main and A 2;02. Help Supplied Free to Employer STENOGRAPHERS should Join our night school for special drills, any system; we will place you in position. E. B. U., 62tf "Worcester block. WANTED Girl for general housework, muot be good cook; good wapes to riht party. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Ith and Davis. WANTED Girl to 6o second work and help with baby; good wages. Apply 703 Pros pect drive, Portland Heights. Apply mornings. A RELIABLE Norse girl for general house work' must be good. cook. Inquire at 320 11th st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84SH Washington St., Cor. 7ih, Upstair Phone Alain 2GV2. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavt Co.. 60 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require sales women In ladies' suit dept.; permanent position. Apply to Mr. Levlnson. JIRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. aJ64 Wahinpton St., Rora 307. Mala bbsiG or A fiJUtf. WANTED Conscientious, energetic woman for responsible position ; chance for ad vancement. J Wo, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced laundress, 2 wait resses. 1 housekeeper, call at once. Room 3 Benson bldg. -COVPETENT girl for cooking and house work, small family. 415 East Davis, cor ner East lOtli ct. WANTFD-r-Hlgh School girl to aar!?t with houFowrk for room and board; two In fam ily. Call Lownsdale st. Phone Main iC23. TWO lady solicitors to travel, $B0 per mon tlx. expenses and commission. A 5o7, OreKonian. WANTPD Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; good pay to right purty. 324 Jackson st. GIRL to assist In cooking and general housework. 3 In family. Call In forenoon. 471 Main st. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wonted. Ap ply Standard factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor si. HOTEL housekeeper, Seattle Fair. $75 per month; fare paid, permanent. 220' Mor rison. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Indies' Department. -05 H Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 20G4. WANTED At The Cottage Hair-Dressing parlors a first-class hairdresser. Washington st. GIRL to assist with rreneral housework. Cail forenoon. 747 Gllsan st. GIRL wanted to assist with housework and children. CM Everett st. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Alexandra Court. GIRL wanted to help in dining-room at Winters' Restaurant, 230 First" st. EX P EH I E N CT?D wai t reeses. Pa la ce Restau rant. 121 4th et. WANTED Good girl for general housework in familiy of three. 6o4 Love-Joy. A GIRL to do eeneral housework for a small family. 11C3 Thurman st. TWO women to work on stove blacking samples. Apply 127 Grand ave. WANTED Girl to work In boarding-house. Call at 840 North 18th street. WANTED Woman to assist In tailor re pair work. 2:11 Alder st. EXPERIENCED telephone girl for private exchange. Apply manager, Nortonla HoteL GIRL or woman for general housework be fore noon. 281 Seventh st. GIRL for general housework and assist with cooking. 321 0th st. GOOD, bright. Industrious salesmen and saleswomen demonstrators, district mgrs. ; a clean, hicrh-clasa proposition and a big money maker, which non-s but tho Intel lectual can appreciate; none but absolutely the best need apply. 205 Tilford bldg. WANTED Man and wife to take charge hotel, sawmill town, elope tq Portland: w ;fe m u 91 be good c o-jk and man h a v e fair education and executive ability; both hard worker.; reference required. Ad dress P 5o2, Oregonian. THE E. B. U stands fcr success. We make young people happy. It you wish a Posi tion, se us. 02i Worcester block. OS Third street. WANTED Singers, comedians, performers and musician. Call Newman Theatrical Circuit, 2U3 Burnside. l'hone Main Mob. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. 012 Swetland bldg. .Phone Main 471. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per month to beginners. 4.T.2 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALK. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position In office by flrct-class c-lsrical man of six y tars' experience. Good penman and quick and accurate at figures; salary not less than TO per month. J 547, Oregf-nian. lOUNO man would like positloa with real estate firm to learn, business; can devote several hours both mornings and after noons. Address Box N G4S, Oregonlan. TOUNO man attending business coll ere, wants place to work for room and board. X 430. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accountant; best reference and bond. L 6o2, Oregonlun. Miscellaneous. REGISTERED drug clerk want position, city or country. 15 years' thorough expe rience In the buMness; willing to work; reference. Address S 544. Oregonian. E-XPERI?;NCED young man, medical tit dent wants position as doctor or den tist's assistant and caretaker. J 633, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, 10 years experience In the clothing, gents' furnishings and Bhoe line, desires position as salesman In city or ' country. L 648. Oregonian. SITUATION 4wanted by a reliable colored boy as butler; handy around house; ref erences. M 529. Oregonlan. i JA PA N ES E couple want positions; ma n first-class cook, wife to do housework; city or out city. C 042. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN with five years' experience In groceries knows the city woll, wishes a job lr.slde or out. Phone Tabor 114. LINOTYPE machinist-operator desires situ ation; fast, clean, reliable; union. M Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wants' position In barber shop, two year experience. Address Nunes Asular, 13 11th at. POSITION o work for room and board; boy, 17. go'r.g to High School. Call 227 Wash. Room 27. JAPANESE, nice cook, wants position, ho tel, restaurant or private house. O B4S, Oregonlan. WANTED Situation in real estate office by experienced young man; Is an Al book keeper. L 649, Oregonian. GENERAL housecleaning by Job or hour. Thompson. Main 5509. JANITOR wants situation: experienced with steam heat. P 530, Oresonlan. JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job. 249 Couch st., city. Ozaza. A 4.'15S. JAPANESE laborers want sawmill work or cutting wood. R 523, Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework. O 6-iC, Oregonian. -t YOUNG Japanese boy wants to do housework or waiting. 2G2i Everett st. A JAPANESE boy wants position as school boy. L 540, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED mnn wants Job as watch man. L 547. Oregonian. YOUNG JAPANESE boy wants nltuatlon, any kind of work. M. Naka. Main 9301. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper would like work for half day only. D 547, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED AT ONCE by expert bill eierk; six years' experience. C 543, Oregonian. Ft) Ft a stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone K. B. U.. A M40. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING Shirtwaists. reasonable prices; work promptly done. Phone Main 5432. DRESSMAKER, first-class fitter, fine de signer and fancy gowns, wishes engage ments. 745 Taylor st. Main 1480. FIRST-CLAfP iresmaktng at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles. 242 5'.h and Main. EXPERIENCED dre?smnker wishes work at home. 311 Spencer bt., Montaviila. DRESSMAKING, shirtwaists and ladles' un derwear a specialty. Phone E. H21. LADY wishes sewing by day; children's clothes or plain dressmaking. A 2045. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage ments; $l.5 and fare. Phone Sell wood 252. DRESSMAKING and plain sowing by the day; experienced. Phone Tuber 4S3. EXF ER1ENCED nurse desires nursing In valid or sick. 2o"i 4th. Main 2030. , A 2.S24 PRACTICAL nurse: will do light house work while coring for pitient. Mrs. G. F. Fisher, Y. W C. A. Main 1205. Domestlrs. 6CHOOIOIRL, 14 yearn, wishes to work for room and ' board near WIlliam-ave. school. Call 03U Williams. SCHOOLGIRL, 12 years, will work for room and board. Phone C 15241 or call 532 Will iams ave. YOUNG Swedish girl wants position as cham . bermald with room and board. Call at No. 707 Savler st. tJIRL wants general housework. Main 5154. Apply GENERAL housework or rooking; refer ences, wages $35. O Mf, Oregoninn. GOOD Japanese girl wants position at housework In small family. .Main n.'ii'l. TOUNO Scandinavian girl wants position In private family. II 5 (H, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WOMAN wants work Tuesdays, Wedne51ays and Fridavs ; no half days. Woodlawn 1011. YOUNG Eastern lady. 10, would like po sition in doctor's office or in a music house. Phone Past 45IIS. WANTED Position by business womnn. understanding care of children; also plnin sewing; $30 per month. J 540, Oreironla.n. LADY will take care of Invalid or children for her expenses to Los Angtdoe. D 548, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse- will take entire charge of infant or Invalid; reasonable. Thone Main 4409. WOMAN Cook wants position; can furnish reference. Phone Tabor P01. WOMAN wishes work by day. Phone Home A 2615. LADIES and children, plnin sewing reasonable. l'hone Main S3.M. prices Lva curtains washed and stretched, 40o pair. Main f50S. A 4002. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents a pair. A 43S7. Main 5028. WORK by day or hour by good woman; any kind llrht work. Woodlawn 452. GRAMMAR grade students taught. Main 81S3. WANTKD AGKNTS WONDERFUL. NEW INVENTION Every home buys; millions needed. Mr. Enzie sold 42. first day; profit $25. 20. New field. Low priced 3-Ib. mop; turn crank to wring; clean iam.; last for years. No deport re quired. 150 per cent profit. U. S. Mop Co., 250 Main, LeUsglc, O. AGENTS $25 for every buyer you send us, for business chances, stores, hotels, room ing houses. Trader's Agency, 16 North 6th. Phone Main 377. CAN give a town or country contract where by a capable salesman t n earn from $100 to $200 per week. United Wireless Tele graph Co.. 410 Corbett b!lg. WANTED TO KENT. AM looking fcr a home with a rertnd. cul tivated familv wher.s there are no roomers; distance from lu;.-:ine district HO ,rh-3 Siitlratory refereiu- furnished. M. irt3, Oregonlan. t I LIGHT, nicely furnished room, ht and cold water. West mq, ureniniiin o-nu. ui". Phone A 5140. TWO furnished rooms, with board, in pri vato family by three young l;uiles; Kant Side preferred. C i"4t. WANTED By three young men. bnard and room In Ftrietly private lamiiy. Address P. O. Rox Z'2'J. WANTED Small houen?, tint, or unfurnished rojms. groiTn.i tloor; West Side; close in. D 640, Oregonian. BY 3 adultn. 2 or 3 furnished rooms for housf keeping, close In. L Or-jgonian. YOUNG couple desire room and board In pri vate family. L 551. OregoniarK WANTED to rent furnished farm, large of small; nnotI reference. D 52-5, Oregonian. WA.NItl) MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PR1CE3 FOB anything else you have to sell, PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6055. A 4121. WANTED Men's cart-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal ttl lid st. North. Phcne Mala 0272. WANTED On my ranch new Newerg, 100 goats or less on shares; also want to buy a nood sr-aji of mules. Address Frank An derson, l5 4th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Visible typewriter, second-hand. In good condition; state price and style. Address P 530, Oregonian. SMALL roll-top desk cheap for oash; also X 12 Wheeler & Wilson machine. Phone Miiln 4HS4, 200 Jefferson. FORD AUCTION CO. Pays the price" for second-has 4 furml ture. East libS. E 2311. CLOTHING CLOTHING. Phone M. 1851 S3 N. 3d. Highest price pair; prompt attention. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1007. WANTFJD Largo IMS map of Portland. ' 420 Swetland bklg. CLOTHING Clothing. Phone Main 84M. Highest rice Dald. 83 N. 8d st. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. Now Open. 2u8 Third st, Hns every modern Improvement. Thor oughly renovated and under new man agument; s.eam heat, hot and cold watef in every room, private bath?, elevator and plenty of hot wau-r day and night; bpeoial rates to good, permanent rooinera THE BARTON, Sth and Alder; new man agement: newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms: steam heat, electrlo lights, etc.; rooms $10 niutith up; fuitea with run ning water. $22.50 to $30; elan&nt publlo parlor; phones and baths free. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished riKun-s, 2 per week up; steam he;it, hot and cold w.it'-r, free baths and phono; transients 5"c, Too and $1 ier day; open all night; office nrnl reading room ground floor. 4SS-42 Washington u GLENDORA HOTEL I'Jth and Couch, un der new management. nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week and up. large purior, piano, pool and billiard tables free to quests, dr.lng-room in connection, excel lent meals a specialty. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington Newly f ui nt fiied throughout ; xi w buildings, euiies with bat lis, hot and cold wat.r In every lo.tin. Phone Mala 71D5. Lo:ig-ditiance phones In ail rooms. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankony and Ilurnslde; In th heart of the city; everything brand nwj finest rooms In town; an Ideal Winter home; rut. as reasonable; free bus to all trains. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Viral arid Morrim; ftt.nii heat. iectrlo 1 '-ghts, hot and cold ivuler, baths free; $.T per wek up; transients toli-jlied. Fhonua A 4-K'S, Main 411. 334 YAMHILL ST.. opposite Hotel Portland, fomfort abW Kv.nns, ePan, n!tt. attractive, ru lining water, excellent baths; rooiiu single or en unite. THE Xl UCK INGHAM. Yamhill St. opp Port land Hoiei Fii ..proof building ; all mod em conveniences; wpecia.! rate to perma nent guests. A. H. Piacbt, proprietor. HOTEL P.USHMARK. Washing ten and I7:h, first -claps furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2G-17, Main 5rt4. NJ'ELY furnished, comfortable, light rooms f 1 to f 5 v ef k : heat, bat h, phone. No. 2 14th st. North, near 'u.sh!ngtui!. HOTEL KEN VON. lth and Washington Modern rooi;s. single and en wuite; a .so hoiA.-keopln ; running water. Ttrlv.ite and free bat'uy ; rales rea.jona,bie. Puciilc 4J6. THE tsIlEliM AN 123 12tU cor. Wash., un ir new niaiiiigfitient; thoroughly reno vated; rooms, $2 -5't and up; sp -i.l atten tion given to transients; r0c and up. THE EriTES ;ood rooms, reasonable; rew f urn i ture, telephone and batiks f re. 327 Stark, corner 0:h. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE LEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts Furnished rooms, bc.n in ;- for mony; ?2 per vet--lc; modern; free baths; no dogs. PRINCESS HOTEL. 349 Hnst Burnside St.; only fireproof hoti'l In city; modern In every respect; reasonable prices. . East 171. NH' K L Y f urn 1m he d front room, modern, $3 per week. ISO 17th st. corner Yamhill. HOTEL MONARCH. 3f5 Stark. Modern rooms. $3 ind up; transients solicited. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, roomsr beat, bath; 50c to ?l day. ?2 lo 4 week. THE ANGELES, flth and Jefferson, modern rooms and apartmouts: both phones. THE NE W1IALL Grand ave. and E. Wash. modern, en suite or single; reasonable. THREE furnished rooms, bath, free phones; 75, $2 and $2 50. 1 4th. Tlin ELWOofi Newly furnlsh-ed, f 2 to $R; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. FuniUlied Rooms in Private I'Hinlty. NEWLY furnished rooms with fl rat -class home cookii'g, nwc!l locality; easy walk ing dist-ir.ee ; modern and comfort a hie hi:iiie. Ma In ;:St;o. i;7 N. 22d M. ONE beautifully lorn ted bay-window front room ; nicely fiu nisnn. open gr:-.ie, nar n. phoi.o, light; price u. 1 Phono tiellwood SUITE of rooms. Iiirge and well furnisher!, all inoricrn convcnleures; live bio' k fr- i P'toftl'.e; terms r-asonabie. J mo, Oi u gonian. NICELY furnished rooms for one or two pet-sons ; f r.e ha 1 n elect ric Mpht and phone. 410 Washington, cor. iHh st. NU'ELY furnished, attractive front room; all C'-nveniencvrf; central; g-ntl-Mntn only. 327 7th st. LADY livlnjr alore would r rooms to man and v.if-i or cor. Wnjt lark. ; lovelv bpd College, NEWLY furnished bay-window suite, new, modern 1' it. " remanent business gentle man. Park .-t. Kl KNISHkT) rooms, furnace he.-it. CaTl S4 H 10th sr.. bet. Stark and Burnslde. FOR KENT One front bedroom. $1 50 per week. 4:il GLh. $2.".. pi' asant room: for two. $-!0; 520, sln g ruoi.i 470 Main fct. NIC1-3. newly f urn '.shed ricm, V.ent. tzj, bath, phone, walking uistiince. 5-5 Kct Salmon. Fl'P.NISHEl front room, bath, $2 week. :2 N. 24th t. FI'IINISIIEU rooms, also hf up ekeeplng; . furnace and both ph"iies. 4 5 .StarU. FINE furnished room, modern. lirst-clas taUe. 212 11th Bt. NIOR fumishf-rl room In private family, 41 Main. A 5!Ij7, reference:.. Itoom With Board. NICE front room, al'o smaller rooms, walk in? distance, mou.ii n. phone E jst 7. 8fi East 8th st. North. NICELY furnihd rooms, modern In every respect. Fepnratfi bath and separate lava tory; table 11 rst -class. 64 7 Yamhill.