THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, DECE3IBER 29, 1903. Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today, Tomorrow and Thursday Will Go on Your January Account All Jewelry One-Fourth Off 1 2'2c and 1 5c Flannelettes at 8c Yard Hollow Silverware at One-Fourth Off Bohemian Glassware at One-Third Off Phoenix Mufflers, White and Colors, on Sale at 50c Each Bntterick Patterns "Nemo" Corsets Women's Suits, Coats, Furs, Byenin; allies m 16 The Meier ? Frank Store "Rtimmage SaBe" Offerings i All Garments, Waists, Petticoats, Etc. The Best Bargains in the City Second Floor V - v 7 '-7 V t:li?l 4 tw. jv- u -i1- r f ill f? -H' I M IV V -a In Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store a Great Midwinter Sale of Women's Cloaks, Suits, Coats. Evening Apparel, Skirts Waists, Petticoats and Furs Most wonderful values in all the newest and most fashionable garments A most advantageous sale $1650 Tailored Suits at $ 8.65 $22.50 Tailored Suits at $12.45 $28.00 Tailored Suits at $14.85 A $32.00 Tailored Suits at $16.85 $40.00 Tailored Suits at $22.45 $55.00 Tailored Suits at $27.45 Women's and Misses Tailored Suits on sale at marvelously low prices This season's handsomest garments in all the latest fashions and materials, marked at figures that are of the greatest importance to economical buyers Both fancy and strictly tailored styles The fancy coats are made in Empire, Directoire and vest effects and trimmed with satin, braid and buttons Plain coats are tailor-stitched - Medium and long length coats Skirts plain gore with flare or trimmed with folds Broadcloths, cheviots and serge Navy, black, catawba, taupe, wistaria, green and brown, also a large assortment of fancy stripes and mixtures-All sizes A large and grand assortment to select from Eight immense lots These extraordinary values at the above very low prices Condensed List of Specials $40.00 Opera Coats at $19.85 $25.00 Fancy Dresses at $12.85 Regular $40 Fur Coats at $29.50 Regular $35 Pony Coats $22.50 $7.50 Walking Skirts at $3.55 $8.50 Walking Skirts at $4.85 $45.00 Fancy Costumes at $ 1 9.85 $9.00 Silk Petticoats at $4.85 Women's $16.50 Coats at $ 7.85 Women's $20.00 Coats at $12.85 Women's $30.00 Coats at $16.95 Reg. $40.00 Fur Sets at $33.00 Reg. $1.75 Flannel Kimonos 98c $2 " Heatherbl'm Petticoats $ 1 .38 $1.75Blk.SateenPetticoats$1.08 "Rummage Sale" Bargains m all Depts. Take Advantage Women's $40.00 Coats at $22.65 $8.50 Silkand Wool Waists $3.45 $35 Long Covert Coats $26.25 Reg. $4.50 Bath Robes at $1.98 $2.25 Curtains $ 1.35 $6.50Curtains$4.35 Boys' Suits $4. 1 8 $3NetCurtains$1.69 500 pairs of white id Ecru Nottingham Lace Curtains, plain and figured centers; full 3 yards long; best pat terns ; regular $2.00 and $2.25 values ; buy fi 1 1 C all you want of them at this low price, pr.P Great special lot of French Net Curtains, in white and Arabian color, trimmed in Battenberg, Cluny insertion and edging; values from $5.50 to $6.50 a C A "Jt pair; your choice at this special price, pair. H",s' Ruffled Net Curtains, white and Arabian color, well made and finished; regular $2.a and $3 ffl faQ values, on sale at this special price, pair. V $5.50 Portieres $3.65 Pair nrti a j a i T a. j s iuu pairs 01 iwo-ionea ronieres, rea ana green, orien tal stripes and borders; 3 yds. long; best Cl ( designs, colorings, combinations; $5.50 vals. vJ"J 2000 yards of 36-inch colored Swiss, with 1 1 gfof or without border: creat snecial value, vd. v $2.50 Flannel Gowns $ 1 .49 65c-$3 Aprons 49c Broken lines of women's high-grade Outing Flannel Nightgowns, in white and, fancy stripes; well made and finished ; all the very best styles ; regular C! A Q $2.00 and $2.50 values, on sale at, garment. V Broken lines of women's fine Aprons in various styles, large variety; values from 65c up to $2 each; AXjf buy all you want of them at this low price, ea." Children's Galatea and Gineham Wash Dresses, in red. white and blue and white stripes and checks; ?Qf also plain bines; $1.25 to $2.50 values, each. $2 Waist Nets 59c Yd $1.50 Emb'deries 59c Great special sale of boys' combination Suits, each suit consisting of a double-breasted coat with two pairs of knickerbocker trousers to match ; made of fine wool materials in browns, grays, fancy browns, neat stripes and fancy mixtures. Great assortment to select from. Suits suitable for either school or dress wear.' Ages 7 to 16 years. All are nicely tailored throughout. Suits the exclusive tailor asks $8.50 to $10 for. 1 O Your choice of this lot on sale for, siut.V O M. &.F. Mocha and Java Coffee at 23c Pound Great Towel Sale Great clean-up of 18 and 45-inch Waist Nets in plain, dotted and embroidered effects, for waisting, yokes, etc.; white and cream, splendid assortment; CQ. rptrular values un to ."B2.00 a vanl. on sale for. Mill lengths of fine Embroideries, Edgings and Inser tions, IV2 to 6 inches wide; 4,4-yard strips; handsome patterns in large assortment; regular values CQp up to $i.ou a strip, on sale at, special, uie strip. w 5000 yards of Swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidei-y and Insertion, 1 to 6 inches wide; best pat- 1 ff terno: vnlnes nn to 35c a. vard. on sale at. vard. Imitation Torchon, Maltese and Val. Lace Edges and Insertion, to 3 inches wide; two immense lots; ex traordinary values buy all you want at these prices: Values to. 12c at, yd., 3 Values to 25c, at, yd., 5 Embroid'ry Remnants Lace Remnants at Half Thousands and thousands of remnants of Embroidery, Insertion, Edgings, Flouncing and Allovers, in all styles, all qualities, all lengths. Take your fo PrMpp pick of entire stock of remnants at.. Thousands and thousands of remnants of Laces, Ap pliques, Allovers, Edges and Bands, all new, beautiful laces, in all grades and styles; short lengths; our entire stock of remnants on sale buy all Pfif0 you want at one-half regular prices.. I& Curtice Bros.' Blue Label Catsup on sale at 20c 200 dozen extra heavy Bleached Turkish Bath tT Towels, good size, matchless 35c value, eaoh.'C 300 dozen extra heavy Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, large size; best 25c values, for, each. 200 dozen extra heavy Bleached Turkish Tow- els. good size: best 20c values, on sale for. ea. 1 JC 200 dozen Initialed Turkish Bath Towels, ex- e tra heavy, all initials; regular 25c values, ea. JC 1000 crochet Bedspreads, best patterns; 6? 1 regular $1.50 values, on sale at, special, ea.N? Jv 1000 Crochet Bedspreads in best patterns; J? 1 regular $2.00 values, on sale at, special, ea.N 45c Ribbons 22c $3.50 Neck Ruffs 98c Great Hosiery Value A sale extraordinary of 20,000 pairs of women's fine black Hosiery, medium and heavy weights, in cottons, lisles and. wool; plain black. Every pair absolutely fast color, full fashioned. A direct importation of 20,000 pairs from our Chemnitz, German-, office; just received, all sizes. Every pair guaranteed the best value ever offered for the money. Women's hosiery selling regularly at prices up to 50c a pair. 1 Op Buy all you want of them at this low price. All mail orders will be carefully and promptly filled. 15,000 yards of fine Taffeta Ribbons, Moire Ribbons and Satin Ribbons; every yard in the lot all silk; black, white and a complete line of colors; regular Or 35c and 45c ribbons, on. sale at this price, yard. 500 women's silk and chiffon Neck Ruffs the new Pierrot effects, in all colors; black and white; O values ranging from $1.75 up to $3.50 each, at. NeckRuchings 3 9c 5000 yards of wTide Neck Ruehing, 1 to 2 inches wide, in white, pink, blue and lavender; values up J Q- to 75c a J'ard, on sale at this low price, yard. Women's $4 Shoes $2.95 Misses' Shoes $1.29-$ 1.49 Infants' Shoes at 49c Pair 1000 pairs of Women's high-grade foot wear, including Patent Colt, Cunmetal, Tan, Russia Calf and Brown Kid Blucher, Lace and Button styles -Extension welt soles High cottage and Freak shapes Cuban and Military heels All sizes Ber rt E $4.00 values on sale at only p 10IIU pairs or misses' glazed km and box call Jsluclier Lace Shoes good, strong soles, low heels, patent leather tips; good, standard footwear, at these prices: liy2 to 2, at, pair, $1.49 8U to 11. at, pair, $1.29 1000 pairs of women's Felt Romcos, fur-trimmed; in broken lines of $2.00 and $2.50 values, fl 1 A Q on sale at this unusually low price, pair.S Infants' patent tip, dull top, vici kid, hand-turned but ton and lace Shoes, sizes 2 to 5; exceptional LCir values, on sale at this special low price, pair." 1 .50 Crepe de Chines 59c $2.50 Fancy Cloakings $1 2500 yards of beautiful Dresden aud figured Crepe do Chines; handsome designs, colorings and combinations, suitable for waists, costumes, fancy work, CQ. etc.;. regular $1.50 values, on sale at, the yard.-'' Great special clearance of fancy Cloakings, good, desir able styles, for women's, misses' and cliil- C 1 ff dren s wear; regular $J.o0 values, yard.'' -w "Rummage Sale" Bargains in All Departments O.H.S. Tllli:i AXXCAL COXVKXTIOX OCCl'IlS AT ARMORY. t'Kl Attendance, and Speeches Are Made on Military Subjects All Officers but One Re-elected. Thp third annual convention of the Xa tionnl Giwril Asnxialiun of the Slate of Orejron opened yesterday morning in the Armory with a larKr attendance than liad ever come together before in Port land for this event. Some of the officer were delated by th late train from the south, and the morning meeting was therefore small. In the afternoon fully 7i were in attendance, however. Kach speech was received with interest and applause. The morning was (riven up to routine business, such as the election of officers for the cominff year. President William E. Finzer was re-elected by acclamation, as were the following officers: Colonel James Jackson, first vice-president: Hrig-adier-Oeneral Owen Summers, first hon orary vice-president; Colonel George O. "Voren. second vice-president; Governor Chamberlain, second honorary vice-president; Colonel Charles If Beebe, third honorary vice-president; Colonel C. U. Gantenbein. fourth honorary vice-president; Brigadier-General T. M. Anderson, fifth honorary vice-president: BriRadier General 1. H. Brush, sixth honorary vice president, and Captain L. H. Knapp, sec retary. The only opposition to re-election was In the case of Treasurer R. G. Jubitz. Major T. M. Dunbar was elected treasurer by 45 votes to 5. General Finzer talked of the work of the association during Uie three years It has been in existence. The afternoon was taken up with speeches by Major Harry L. Hawthorne. "Conflt Artillery Reserves-'; Major R. H. Noble. "The Relation of the Organized Militia to the Regular Army"; Colonel James Jackson. "The Future of the Na tional Guard": Colonel George O. Yoren, 'The Test of Time": Major F. B. Hamlin. "The Oregon Rifle Team": Captain Sam uel White. "The Citizen-Soldier, the Na tional Reserve, and It. Relation to the Regular Army": Cartaln Charles A. Mur phy. "Compulsory National Guard Serv ice." and Captain Walter El Carll, "The Oregon Hospital Corps at the San Fran cisco Fire." For Major Hawthorne's address a map showing the movements of the Japanese army in its invasion of the coast of Corea was prepared, as was a map of the coast of Oregon, from the mouth of the Colum bia to California. The speaker told first how the Japanese landed their troops and concentrated them later at one point, and pointed out the weaknesses in the Corean coast from a defensive standpoint. Then he showed the relative differences be tween that coast and Oregon's. The sub stance of his talk was to the efTect that our ports were insufficiently manned, but were otherwise up to date. A plea was made for an attempt to be made to. have four companies of militia to garrison the forts. Colonel James Jackson, who acted as president, spoke on "The Future of the National Guard." and often elicited laugh ter by his dry humor. Major Hamlin, one of Oregon's best sharpshooters, read an interesting paper on the experiences of the Oregon rifle team at the contests In the East. - Today will be the closing day of the com'ention and morning and afternoon sessions will be held. As a finale a Christmas tree is planned for the officers, to be preceded by the quarterly inspec tion of the Third Infantry. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS All black and colored dress goods rem nants at half uiarked price today and to morrow. Sample suits, coats, waists and muslin underwear at wholesale prices. McAllen & McDonnell, Third and Mor Masquerade Xew Year's Eve. The Expo Rink will give one of the greatest mask carnivals, Thursday even ing, known to the roller skating world. Chart Wanted for the "Hold-up Route" Man Who Can't See In the Dark TIrrd r Stunihllim Over Obntaclea on Burnslde ltriilge. PILES CURED IN TO 14 DATS. Pmzo Ointment Is guaranteed to curs any cave of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding Biles la 9 to 14 days or money refunded. 00a 7T CERTAIN grouchy individual who lives at the east end of the muddy (at this season) Willamette wants a chart made of "the hold-up route," as he terms the Burnside bridge. Every night he has to traverse its styglan darkness and he declares he stumbles over something new each trip. He had located the various piles of cordwood and paving blocks, and then he found bags of coal stacked In the western shelter, and last night he found a boxed-in guy wire near the eastern end of the bridge. Also he fell over It, split the toe of his shoe, and jammed his hat over his eyes. "If the city won't put lights on that graceful cobweb of steel," he said, when he picked himself out of the mud, "I wish they'd issue a chart so a regular cruiser like me could get across without breaking his neck. I don't mind being held up, but I would like to see where to put my feet." Then he continued his way and fell over some planks left for a new curbing. Issues Seattle Exposition Folder. The Union Pacific has Issued an at tractive advertising folder on .the Alaska-Tukon-Paciflo Exposition which will be especially valuable to the thou sands who will visit the Pacific North west next year. Among the illustra tions is one of the Oregon building at the Seattle Exposition, pienaia views are also shown of the ainerenc aamm istration buildings, together with a de tailed plan of the Exposition grounds CORSETSALE. Exhibition and sale of advance Spring styles In Warner's rust-proof and Thom son's clove-fitting corsets. See our big Third-street window. McAllen & McDon nell, Third and Morrison. . Olympta Beer. "It the water " Brew ery's own bottling. Phoneu Main 71. A. 67. The first book printed In the United States wno rmletf "The Fr-pmHTV oth." FARMERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS Chickens, etc., alive or dry-picked. W e . . : . 1 . r i-i ,w. W a A - win pay you i "itl1 j" " not charge commission on anything. WE ARE PAYING 9c for dressed veal, good stock, up to 130 pounds: 7c for dressed pork, good quality, any size. NO COMMISSION ON ANYTHING. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust." Portland Oregon. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. SIX MARKETS FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 226 Alder St., between First and Second Sts. 512 Williams Avenue. 791 Mississippi Avenue. Corner Fifth and Main Streets, Oregon City. 12th St., bet. Bond and Commercial, Astoria. 253 Taylor Street (Uniontown) Astoria. Sugar-Cured Hams, any size. Smith's own brand 15c Picnic Hams, fresh, choice stock ". 10 Sirloin Steak lQ-121 ' Best Tenderloin Steaks 12'it ..12'L.r-15 Porterhouse Seak lM-lo? Round Steak 10 Beef for boiling 5?-6 Prime Rib Roast Beef . .10-12'2 Loin Roast Pork 15 Dry Salt Pork 12Y2 Breakfast Bacon 16-17,2 Shoulder Spring Lamb 10 "T"-Hone Steak .. Best Pot Roasts 7-8 Soup Meat 3-5 Shoulder Roast Pork. . ..10-1212 Pickled Pork 12' Fresh Pig's i'eet 5 Smith's pure Lard in 5-lb. pails. Go Legs of Spring Lamb 15c Fresh Eggs 35? ..70 Loin and Rib Lamb Chops 15 Choose from several different brands of Creamery, Butter, per roll. ALL KINDS OF FISH AND POULTRY AT SMITH'S We feel the very best way to fight the Beef Trust is to sell meat cheaper than the Beef Trust markets. You will have to avoid the markets on both sides of us on Alder street (they belong to our opponents) if you want Smith s meats at Smith s prices.